Ancient mystical places. The most mysterious places in the world

No matter how much humanity wants to solve all the mysteries of our planet, this is not always possible. On the vast territory of the Earth there are many mysterious corners that were created both by nature itself and by human hands.

These buildings are different from others created by mankind. They are shrouded in secrets and have a bad reputation among local residents. There are ancient legends associated with them that can scare even the bravest. However, these anomalous zones constantly attract lovers of mysticism and paranormal phenomena!

This collection contains 12 of the most mystical places on the planet, created by human hands!

12 Alcatraz, USA

This prison is famous throughout the world for the fact that it was impossible to escape from it. It was created specifically for criminals who could not be held by ordinary prisons. After the closure there were no mentions of successful escapes, but there is one mystical story, which still interests researchers. In 1972, the Anglin brothers and Frank Morris escaped from prison thanks to an elaborate plan. But neither they nor their bodies could be found. Even the FBI couldn't solve this mystery.

11 Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

Ancient castles are always accompanied by legends about ghosts, but in the case of Edinburgh Castle, their number is simply off the charts. This residence of all Scottish monarchs attracts lovers of the paranormal. Many brutal murders took place here, such as the Black Lunch. During the meal, the Douglas brothers, who were only 16 years old, were captured and beheaded. But these are not all victims of Edinburgh Castle. They say that here you can see the ghost of a bagpiper, a piper, and even the ghost of a sadist in a leather apron.

10 Jewish cemetery in Prague, Czech Republic

This place has a bad reputation among lovers of occult sciences. In the middle of the Czech capital is the old Jewish town - a very colorful area. And its main attraction is the Jewish cemetery, where more than 100 thousand people are buried. Installed on the territory different angles 12 thousand gravestones, all other graves are located on levels. It looks quite creepy, in addition, there are legends that not all the deceased went to another world. Therefore, this place attracts occultists like a magnet.

9 Second metro, Moscow

Was, still is or never existed - this is a mystery many adventure lovers want to solve. For many decades now, there have been rumors about the existence of Metro-2 near Moscow - a secret line of underground transport specifically for the government. The hype around this topic appeared after the report of the US Department of Defense, which even included a diagram of Metro-2. Russian authorities only partially confirmed the existence of the Kremlin metro line.

8 Amityville House, New York

This real story became the plot for a whole series of horror films. The house in Amityville still stands and can be seen with your own eyes. In 1974, a brutal murder took place here - Ronald Defeo shot six members of his family right in their beds. A year later this house bloody history bought by the Latz family, but they could not stay here. They were plagued by paranormal phenomena. After the publicity of this story, the first film on this topic was released.

7 Coral Castle, Florida

The mystery of the construction of this place has not yet been revealed. There are no ghosts here, but the castle itself is one big mystery. It was built by one man, Edward Leedskalnin, between 1920 and 1950. Total weight The castle together with all the sculptures is more than 1100 tons. How a man with a height of 152 cm managed to build this castle from limestone blocks alone is still unknown. Edward built the castle at night and carefully hid his technology from others.

6 Winchester House, USA

The history of this house is directly related to mysticism. It was built over several decades by the widow of the heir to the empire, Sarah. The woman lost her daughter and husband early, which prompted her to think about the curse of the family. After communicating with the medium, she began to build a house with secrets - its doors led to emptiness, and its corridors ended in dead ends. It is believed that the widow built the house to confuse the haunting spirits of the people who died from Oliver Winchester's rifle.

5 Leap Castle, Ireland

This castle is rightfully considered the creepiest place in Ireland. His bloody story makes your blood run cold. Crimes have occurred here since the construction date in 1513, but the most brutal murders occurred during the reign of the O'Carroll clan. They often invited enemies to reconciliation dinners and then killed them right at the table. There was also a room in the castle with a secret floor with a double bottom. It was strewn with stakes on which the unfortunate guests of the clan fell. When renovations were carried out there, the bones of about 150 people were discovered.

4 Overtoun Bridge, Scotland

This Scottish bridge has attracted media attention due to a number of accidents. True, they were very strange - dogs were thrown from the bridge. The first case was recorded in 1951, and since then about once a month one dog throws itself down from there. Even those who survived return to the bridge and jump again. Mysticism lovers explain this by the ghost of a boy who was thrown from a bridge by his father many years ago. Allegedly, the boy calls the dogs to play with him.

3 Poveglia Island, Italy

This place can give you heartache if you don’t know what’s inside. The Church of St. George, located in the village of Lukova in the Czech Republic, has one peculiarity. This abandoned building, after a series of fires, was turned into a cultural monument by the young artist Yakov Khadrava. He decorated the church with creepy plaster figures of monks. These ghost sculptures attract tourists who love to titillate their nerves.

1 Castle Tower, UK

Of course, Great Britain also has its own castle with a bloody history. This fortress is responsible for the execution of many victims, often innocent ones. It is not surprising that ghosts of one kind or another are constantly seen here. historical figures. Anne Boleyn, Bishop Thomas Becket, Margaret Paul, Lady Jane Gray, and Catherine Howard were executed in the Tower. The king began the series of executions Henry VIII, and his descendants continued. Also in the Tower, Edward V and his brother Richard disappeared without a trace.

These places are a real find for those who like to tickle their nerves. Every year they are visited by thousands of paranormal lovers who want to see something unusual with their own eyes.

My home is my castle. This is what the famous saying goes, and this is how most people perceive their home. But there are exceptions to any rule, and they are so strange that it is impossible not to talk about them. What do the most dangerous houses in the world look like? Let's try to make a top ten "horror" films.

Under the gun of lightning

The village of Kifuka, located on the territory of the Republic of Congo, is no different from the rest settlements countries. But this is only at first glance. If you take a good look at its local residents, you will notice that no one uses them mobile phones, tablets and other modern gadgets. And the point here is not at all a matter of poverty, although the village certainly cannot be called prosperous.

The secret of such technical “illiteracy” lies in the natural anomaly of the area, which attracts lightning to itself according to the principle of a magnet. Scientists have come up with interesting statistics - it turns out that up to 150 lightning strikes fall per square kilometer of an unfortunate settlement per year. It is not surprising that, for safety reasons, people prefer to remain separated from civilization, but alive, rather than dying under the discharges of heavenly “electricity”.

Chernobyl aborigines

More than 30 years have passed since the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, but the echoes of the tragedy still resonate to this day. The once noisy and energetically developing city of Pripyat with a population of more than 100 thousand people has turned into a deserted “ghost”, frightening with its silence and desolation. During the evacuation, local residents suddenly left their homes, leaving behind their property, pets, and personal vehicles. They didn’t know then that there would never be a way back.

Although some desperate extreme sports enthusiasts still went against all the prohibitions and after some time returned to their native lands. They are called self-settlers. In total, about 80 such people live within the 30-kilometer exclusion zone. These are mostly pensioners who live from subsistence farming and gardening.

IN last years Excursions to Chernobyl have begun to be organized, so those who want to tickle their nerves have a chance not only to see the destroyed power plant with their own eyes, but also to communicate with the local population.

Lake with a “surprise”

Lake Kivu in Central Africa impresses with its beauty and picturesqueness. In his clear waters There are many exotic fish, and the coastal landscapes are worthy of an artist's brush. The area around the lake is far from deserted; on the contrary, a total of about 2 million people live on its shores. And everything would be fine if not for the huge reserves of methane and carbon dioxide, which can explode at any moment and cause a powerful earthquake.

The further course of events is not difficult to predict. Anyone who does not die under the tsunami will be poisoned by poisonous gases. The saddest thing is that no one can say how long this freshwater time bomb will remain silent - everyone hopes for the best and lives one day at a time. In 1948, a small underwater eruption was recorded, as a result of which the fish in the lake were simply boiled. When the next “X-hour” will come is unknown.

Rainy village

The Indian mountain village of Mavsilam is recognized as the most... damp place on the planet, and officially with the entry of data into the Guinness Book of Records. Every spring and summer it is attacked by monsoons coming from the Bay of Bengal. The air can be twisted out like bed sheets rinsed in the river. Local residents have long been accustomed to such vagaries of nature and stock up on large bamboo umbrellas in advance, under which they can completely shelter from the rain.

Due to high humidity Agriculture the village is not developed. All vegetables and fruits are imported, so peasants do not have to work hard in their gardens. Oddly enough, frequent showers also bring tangible benefits. They contribute to the formation of waterfalls, decorating the already gorgeous flora.

Water knocks out entire caves with ornate labyrinths in soft limestone rock and creates underground lakes. Natural beauty attracts numerous tourists, and those, in turn, attract money.

And there is life in permafrost

The Yakut village of Oymyakon is, although not the most terrible place, but definitely on the list of mysterious settlements on the planet. It is difficult to imagine how people can live in such harsh climatic conditions. In winter, the thermometer may drop below 60 degrees. The maximum limit was recorded at -77 degrees, and this despite the fact that in summer the heat reaches +30-35 degrees. How “trained” must the body be to withstand temperature changes of 100 °C?

In total, about one hundred people live in the village. They live the old fashioned way - in simple wooden houses heated by stoves. It is simply impossible to provide centralized water supply and sewerage here. The soil freezes so deeply that laying pipes is technically impossible. However, people are accustomed to natural anomalies, and even school classes are canceled only if the temperature drops below 50 degrees.

At the top of the Andes

The city of La Rinconada in Peru, lost in the mountain peaks of the Andes, is another unique place where life glimmers. It is located at an altitude of 5 thousand meters above sea level, and to get there you need to be a real extreme sports enthusiast. Not only will you have to climb the rocky slopes of the mountains, testing your body's endurance, but you will also have to breathe rarefied air. In such conditions, even one hundred meters can become a long road, which will take several hours to overcome.

But such prospects are not at all frightening to reckless adventurers. Most of them are attracted not by the beauty of the Andes or even the romanticism of travel, but by gold mines and the opportunity to get rich. True, you will have to work in Spartan conditions - hard, long and exhausting. The city has no sewerage system, running water, garbage disposal or any infrastructure at all. But even the stench and dirt does not push gold miners away from their goal. Proof of this - constant growth population, which has doubled over the past ten years.

Today, about 50 thousand people live and work in La Rinconada.

Life on a volcano

Indonesia is not only a popular tourist destination, but also one of the most dangerous places on the planet. Being located in a seismically active zone, it simply “drowns” in earthquakes. Due to frequent tremors, lowland areas often suffer from strong hurricanes and tornadoes. The local population lives like powder keg- you never know where trouble will come from first: from the mountains or the ocean.

About 50 million people live on the island of Sumatra, and one can only guess how they manage to adapt to such unstable conditions. climatic conditions. The island of Java is no less famous for its pranks. Volcano Merapi keeps everyone in constant tension, and strives to release tons of fiery lava onto the earth again. It even has its own “schedule” of eruptions - about once every 7 years it erupts in a major way, and small earthquakes occur on the island about twice a year.

Dragon Island

Komodo Island, part of Indonesia, can be called one of the most exotic places on the planet. And it's not about chic sandy beaches, transparent warm water and palm landscapes, but unusual local “residents”. An unprepared tourist may feel like he has stepped into the filming of a Jurassic Park movie, or at least into a strange zoo. Everywhere you look, giant monitor lizards are walking around - scary, clumsy, but very agile reptiles.

In total, there are about 1,700 of them on the island, despite the fact that the local population is about the same - about 2,000 people. It is unknown how prehistoric lizards got to Komodo, and most importantly, how they managed to adapt to modern life.

But the fact remains that monitor lizards feel like full-fledged masters of the island. They feed mainly on small and medium-sized game; they do not attack people, but cases of aggression still occur.

The sands are advancing

There is one village in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug called Shoina. Every resident's morning begins with digging out sand from their house. It sounds strange, but for the local population this has already become a familiar daily routine. Only about 200 people live in this godforsaken village today, but once upon a time fishing flourished here.

Stormy and irresponsible human activity ultimately led to a sad outcome. The waters of the White Sea, once rich in fish, have exhausted their reserves; moreover, fishermen, through the use of heavy trawls, have completely destroyed the bottom vegetation. The tundra was also damaged, as a result of which the sands began to attack the village. Sand dunes have swallowed up roads and streets, swept away coastal houses and state farm buildings. And only through the efforts of the remaining residents, together with the only tractor in the village, is it possible to keep Shoina on the map of Russia for now.

Away from people - closer to God

The Hanging Monastery of Xuankun-si, founded 1500 thousand years ago, has preserved its architecture almost unchanged. As if glued to a sheer cliff, from a distance it resembles a house of cards. To cross the stormy Hun River, now blocked by a dam, pilgrims had to cross a plank bridge swinging over the abyss. Today this bridge is closed to prevent reckless tourists from tempting their fate.

The temple includes a complex of buildings connected by tunnels and stairs carved directly into the rock. Until now, modern architects are at a loss as to how Buddhist monks were able to build such a wonder of the world without the appropriate equipment and working tools.

The most mysterious places in the world

5 (100%) 1 voted

There is nothing more intriguing than a forbidden place. The fact that you cannot go somewhere makes you crave to go there. Because there is nothing more interesting than the unknown.

North Sentinel Island, India

It is home to one of the few tribes in the world that refuses to have any contact with modern world. They do not allow strangers into their domain. In 2006, the tribe killed two fishermen who accidentally trespassed on their territory, but the Indian government made no attempt to punish the killers. Now it is strictly forbidden to approach this island.

World Seed Vault, Norway

"Storage" doomsday"is located on the island of Spitsbergen and is designed to save the seeds of all agricultural plants existing in the world. If, as a result of wars or natural disasters, some plants disappear from the face of the Earth, they can be restored with the help of seeds stored here.

Gate of Pluto in Hierapolis, Türkiye

“The Gates of Hell”, “deadly cave” - this place was once dedicated to the Roman god of death Pluto. During excavations of the temple of Pluto, a small cave was discovered from which carbon dioxide escapes from a crack in the rock. Scientists have proven that this place is extremely dangerous: birds that are unlucky enough to fly too close to the fumes suffocate and fall dead. In some cases, gas concentrations can pose a threat to larger animals, including humans.

Poveglia Island, Italy

This island was a cemetery for plague victims during the Roman Empire and later, during the Middle Ages, when the plague returned, the island again became home to thousands of terminally ill people. They say that the soil here is 50% human ashes. Then in 1922 a psychiatric hospital was opened here. It's safe to say that this did not have a positive effect on the patients, as the island already had a truly eerie atmosphere. Now this island and the buildings on it are abandoned, it is guarded, and it is closed to the public.

Lascaux Cave, France

The Lascaux Cave is a complex of caves near the village of Montignac. The ceilings and walls of the cave are covered with paintings, among which images of large animals predominate. The drawings have no precise dating: they are believed to be approximately 17,000 years old. Back in 1940, the cave was discovered by 18-year-old Marcel Ravidat, and since then many have wondered about its origin and significance. Anthropologists believe that these drawings may symbolize the mystical rituals of hunters. Opening the cave to the public changed its climate. 1200 visitors per day, changes in air circulation and electric lighting caused the gradual destruction of the images, which led to the closure of these caves in 1963.

Vatican Secret Archives

Documents related to catholic church, starting from the 8th century. The endless series of shelves in this archive stretches for 85 kilometers, and entry here is strictly prohibited for everyone except researchers with a special pass. The archive contains documents such as information about the excommunication of Martin Luther and a letter from Michelangelo to Pope Julius II.

North Brother Island, USA

The island covers an area of ​​just over 5 hectares and is located on the East River near Manhattan, New York. Once upon a time, a passenger ship sank off the coast of the island, killing more than 1,000 people in the water. Later, a hospital was opened here to treat infectious diseases. The most famous patient was Mary Mallon, better known as Typhoid Mary. She was the first person in the United States to be recognized as a healthy carrier of typhoid fever. They say she infected more than 50 people, 3 of whom died. Mary herself categorically denied having the disease and refused to stop working in the food industry. In the 1950s, a drug rehabilitation center was opened on the island. The island is now a bird sanctuary for herons and other wading birds. It is abandoned and closed to the public.

Ise Grand Shrine, Japan

A sacred place where Amaterasu, the goddess of the sun and the universe in Shintoism, is worshiped. The temple was built without a single nail, but the most interesting thing is that the temple is rebuilt every 20 years, observing the Shinto concept of death and rebirth. Despite the beauty and sanctity of the temple, only priests and representatives of the imperial family can enter the territory. The only chance to look at this incredible place is through wooden fences. You are not allowed to take photographs here.

Morgan Island (Monkey Island), South Carolina

The island got its nickname because of the colony of rhesus monkeys living there, numbering about 4,000 individuals. The monkeys were brought here from La Parguera, Puerto Rico. These monkeys are infected with the herpes virus. No one is allowed on the island for their own safety (and the safety of the monkeys). Unless the scientists who work at the National Institute of Allergy and infectious diseases, have access here.

Catacombs, Paris

This is one of the most mysterious and scary places in the world. The site was originally a network of tunnels that connected the stone mines of Paris, but at the end of the 18th century it became a repository for 6 million dead bodies. A very small part of these tunnels is open to the public, and you can see thousands of bones and skulls stacked together here. You won’t see 99% of the 274-kilometer-long labyrinth; entry is prohibited because you can easily get lost in the tunnels. However, this does not stop desperate people and members secret societies wander around here, causing problems for the police officers who guard the catacombs.

Snake Island, Atlantic Ocean

"Island of Golden Snakes" is located off the coast of Brazil. This is the only place where a very poisonous snake, the island bothrops, has been preserved. The island is closed to the public to protect this snake population from extinction, and also to protect visitors, as it is estimated that every square meter There is only one snake on the island.

Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, China

The tomb of Emperor Qin Shihuang is located in Lintong District, Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province. Despite the fact that it was discovered back in 1974, when excavations of the Terracotta Army were carried out, the tomb was not opened. Opponents of opening the grave believe that the tomb and its contents could be damaged during excavations, so access to it is prohibited.

Area 51, USA

The most closed military facility is located 134 kilometers north of Las Vegas. Considered one of the most mysterious places in the world, the US government denied its existence until 2013. Such secrecy has become a breeding ground for the emergence of a wide variety of “conspiracy theories.” Due to its remote location, the area is primarily used by the CIA and the US Air Force as testing ground. Despite the fact that this is a military base, many believe that it was here that an alien ship crashed, and scientists had the opportunity to examine the bodies of space aliens. Many conspiracy theorists visit the area surrounding Area 51, but entry is strictly prohibited.

Surtsey, Island in Iceland

A unique island that appeared in 1963 after an underwater volcanic eruption that lasted 3 years. Now it is only used for scientific research. The goal of scientists is to understand how an ecosystem forms without any human intervention. Only a few scientists are allowed onto the island, making it one of the most forbidden places on earth. Scientists are not allowed to bring any seeds with them, so that nothing affects the natural process of life development. But one day a tomato grew on the island, which really puzzled scientists. As it turned out, one of them ignored the rules of being on the island and... went to the toilet on the frozen lava. Once scientists realized where the plant came from, they immediately got rid of it.

Metro-2, line D-6, Russia

During Stalin's reign, a secret government metro system known as Metro 2 was built. This mysterious metro system supposedly connects administrative institutions such as the Kremlin, Vnukovo-2 airport and the General Staff Academy. It is reported that the tunnels contain furnished rooms and technical rooms. Since the system is inaccessible to outsiders, it is believed that it was intended to house high-ranking officials in the tunnels during times of war. The Moscow metro administration denies the existence of these tunnels, but back in 1994, a group of diggers claimed to have discovered the entrance to this underground system. Now the existence of only one of the 4 branches has been confirmed, and this is line D-6. You can only get here with a special pass.

Bohemian Grove, USA

This is the name of an elite men's club in Monte Rio, California. Every year, since 1872, about 2,500 of the most influential people world, including high-ranking politicians, laureates Nobel Prize, senior military personnel, and presidents of elite universities such as Harvard or Yale. They say the club has its own rituals and traditions. The Club's motto, “Web-spiders have no place here,” implies that all problems and commercial transactions must be left outside. The club is strictly for men; women can only appear here as servants.
Journalist Jon Ronson criticized the club: “It seems that in front of me are immature youths: imitating Elvis, performing terrible rituals, drinking. These people may have reached the top of their professions, but their emotions remained at the level of college students."

There are places in the world that have attracted people for many decades. They are accompanied by mysticism, crimes remain unsolved, disappearances of people are not explained in any way, frightening natural phenomena and creepy stories Witnesses appear constantly. Stories are passed down from generation to generation. Sometimes it is very difficult to find out the truth about such a mysterious place. In the age of science, the inability to explain everything rationally can lead to madness. Especially when there is no way to get an answer at all. Even leading scientists regularly encounter mysteries so complex that they simply cannot figure them out. In a world that is well explored, it is always unusual to learn about places that hide surprises. If you love mysticism and think you can solve the mysteries of these places, get to know them. You may come to the conclusion that some things are better left unknowing.

Overton Bridge, Scotland

Fifty dogs have jumped off the bridge in the last fifty years. Animals die on sharp stones tens of meters under the bridge. The record number was five dogs in six months. All tragic incidents occurred in the same place, according to right side between the last two parapets. The Scottish SPCA recognized the problem as a mystery. All this has caused a lot of discussion on the Internet about the reasons why animals commit suicide. Locals try not to walk their dogs in the vicinity of the bridge. Many believe the bridge is haunted after a man threw his child off it. He believed that the newborn was the embodiment of the devil. After that, he tried to kill himself, but it didn’t work out, and when he was asked why he decided to do this, the man replied that the bridge forced him.

Humberstone and La Noria, Chile

In 1872, these two towns in the Chilean desert were crowded with salt mine workers. During the Great Depression, manufacturing collapsed and cities were abandoned. In the sixties of the twentieth century, no one lived here anymore. Local residents refuse to walk the streets of abandoned towns. There are rumors that they roam there in the night souls of the dead. There is a legend that the inhabitants never really left their houses. You can ignore the rumors about ghosts, but there is something more frightening - most of the graves have been excavated and skeletons are visible. People are sure that the dead walk at night because grave robbers have disturbed their rest. Even in daylight, some people hear voices and children's laughter here.

Lake Anjikuni, Canada

How can an entire village with all its inhabitants simply disappear without a trace? In 1930, hunter Joe LaBelle went to an Indian village near Lake Anjikuni. When he got there, he saw that the place was completely deserted - people had left food, weapons and clothes. All thirty residents have disappeared! Labelle reported this to the police, but the Indians were never found. The strangest part of what happened is that the dogs that lived in this village were found frozen to death, they were hungry, but there was plenty of food around. To this day there is no clear explanation for what happened. Unless, of course, you believe in aliens - some believe that they abducted the Indians.

Skeleton Lake, India

In 1942, a frightening discovery was made in India - Lake Roopkund was found in the mountains, in which more than two hundred skeletons were discovered. The bones have been dated to 850 AD. Scientists have never been able to explain their appearance. Some believe that people died during the storm, while others say it was suicide.

Bigelow Ranch, USA

The last owners of the house were Terry and Gwen Sherman. He encountered so many paranormal events that he simply ran away from the ranch. For example, ten cows simply disappeared without a trace, large shining spheres were seen above the house, doors appeared in the air, three dogs disappeared, and in the place where they were last seen, a huge spot was noticed, as if from a fire. Surprisingly, all the dead animals found near the ranch did not shed a drop of blood - the skeletons were removed from the corpses, but there was no trace on the ground.

Disney Discovery Island, USA

The island has been closed to visitors for almost twenty years. Some are sure that the reason is mysticism. The abandoned island still has electricity. Why? In addition, creepy vultures live there. The atmosphere there is truly scary!

Yonaguni Monument, Japan

In 1986, a diver discovered mysterious underwater structures near south coast Japan. Twenty-five meters underwater is the largest pyramid in the world. There is a road around it, it is absolutely clear that the entire structure is created by human hands. Scientists have studied the structure and are sure that it is five thousand years old. But why is it there? The debate continues further.

Hotel del Salto, Colombia

The hotel is located thirty kilometers from the capital, and was once very popular. Now it is closed - a whole chain of suicides has occurred there. Locals are sure that the place is cursed.

Kapustin Yar, Russia

This place is one of the most mysterious in Russia. Here the space program was developed and tested nuclear weapon. It is not possible to explore this place - it is closed to outsiders.

Aokigahara Forest, Japan

At the foot of Mount Fuji is the Aokigahara forest, where an incredible number of suicides have been committed. According to legend, demons and spirits live in the forest. Anyone who comes there sad falls under the power of evil forces and kills himself. More than fifty corpses are found here every year!

Chateau Miranda, Belgium

The former owners of the castle abandoned it during the French Revolution. Then a shelter was opened there, but it soon moved. The building stands abandoned and is accompanied by an atmosphere of mystery. Why does everyone leave him without regrets?

Devil's Triangle, Pacific Ocean

People are mysteriously disappearing in this part of the ocean. Mysterious situations are associated with plane crashes and magnetic anomalies. Researchers tried to explain the nature of what was happening, but failed to cope with the task.

Lighthouse at Cape Aniva, Russia

The lighthouse was built in 1939 near Sakhalin. It is believed to be radioactive, so entering the building is prohibited. Some believe that the building is a government shelter where political criminals are interrogated. Others believe that the lighthouse is haunted.

Helltown, USA

Strange things are happening on this piece of land in Ohio. Satanists gather here, it is believed that the souls of people who burned alive in their houses still live here, and someone claims that a chemical disaster occurred here, from which some residents mutated.

San Luis Valley, USA

Aliens have been seen here many times. Disks and spheres appear in the sky, which have been repeatedly recorded on film and photographed by local residents. The mystery remains: why is everything happening in this particular valley?

Pine Gap, Australia

This is a closed piece of land that is controlled by the government and is secret. It is believed that from here researchers are trying to contact other galaxies. However, everything is classified, so it is unlikely that it will be possible to find out the truth.

Paris Mines, France

Everyone knows the catacombs in Paris, but the mines are closed to visitors. They are so secret that even the most enthusiastic researchers cannot get there. In September 2004, the police found an underground cinema in the mines, but the next day there was no trace of it!

Riddle House, USA

Many tragedies happened in this house. For example, one of the employees committed suicide. Residents heard strange voices and sounds. The house was abandoned. When the workers returned again, they noticed strange occurrences—windows opening on their own and tools turning on for no reason.

Death Valley, USA

This valley is famous for the stones that move across the ground without apparent reason. Scientists have not been able to explain why this might happen. Each stone weighs hundreds of kilograms and moves! This is a real mystery.

Door to Hell, Turkmenistan

When Soviet scientists were looking for a source here natural gas, it turned out to be a huge crater from which flames burst out - the fire has not gone out for almost fifty years. No wonder tourists come here. It is simply impossible to close the crater, and how much gas there is still in it is unknown.

Planet Earth is unique in its nature.

There are many beautiful and enchanting places in the world that many people want to visit. But there are mysterious, unusual and mystical places.

While scientists are trying to unravel the mystery of their uniqueness, they arouse keen interest among tourists.

So, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the TOP 5 most mystical places on planet Earth.

5th place - Roopkund Lake, India

The glacial lake is located at an altitude of 5029 meters in the Himalayas. The alpine reservoir is called “skeleton lake” for the many skeletons and skulls on its shores.

Rumors about it have circulated since the late 19th century, but it is believed that it was discovered by a local forester in 1942. Many believed that these remains belonged to Japanese soldiers, but numerous examinations showed that the age of the remains was more than 800 years.

In 2004, an expedition of scientists found that human remains had been lying around since 850 AD. DNA analysis revealed that the bones are divided into two parts: belonging to people vertically challenged and people of normal height.

The cause of their death was hail. It is suggested that, most likely, these were pilgrims to sacred place Homkund.

4th place - Arkaim, Russia

In 1987, archaeologists discovered this mysterious city in the Chelyabinsk region. Previously, it belonged to the ancient arches, which unexpectedly abandoned it and finally set it on fire.

Arkaim is well preserved and practically not destroyed. Inexplicable things are happening in this place.

There are legends that people are healed here and illnesses go away forever. The city consists of two circles with four entrances, according to the cardinal directions.

This place is popular among tourists. It is even possible to spend the night in an open-air tent on the territory of this mystical place.

3rd place - Loch Ness, Scotland

This place gained popularity after the appearance of a mysterious animal. The huge monster was first seen in the 20th century by a Mackay couple who had a hotel nearby.

Many eyewitnesses describe it as a huge dinosaur with an elongated neck.

An English pilot even made a film confirming its existence. Scientists have found a long cave at the bottom of this lake.

Scientists are still studying this lake, but for now a huge flow of tourists visit it every year.

2nd place - Heizhu Valley, China

Black Bamboo Dell is located in the southern region of China. The fame of this place lies in the fact that people die and disappear here repeatedly, and accidents occur.

In 1950, there was a plane crash here, although no faults had previously been discovered. One day, an expedition team disappeared in the valley.

The leader of the squad fell a little behind the rest of the participants and saw how a thick fog appeared around him. He was terribly scared and when the fog cleared he discovered that the rest of the group had disappeared.

It is believed that this anomalous zone is located on the border of the transition to a parallel world. It is worth noting that the evaporation of the roots of rotting plants, which are located in the hollow, can affect the psyche of people.

1st place - Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

The most dangerous and mystical zone on Earth. In the Devil's Triangle, planes, ships and people disappear without a trace.

The anomalous zone got its name because it looks like a triangle, where the vertices are Bermuda, Puerto Rico and the southern cape of Florida.

Vincent Gladdis dedicated an article to this place in 1964 and became the author of this phrase. Many films have been made and many books written about the Bermuda Triangle.

Skeptics argue that in this place there are no less cataclysms than in others. It is believed that the triangle is a transition to a parallel world.

But there are also scientific points of view on the incidents in this anomalous zone and several books have been written where the authors debunk myths about the danger zone.

In any case, while skeptics and scientists argue, this place rightfully takes first place in the ranking of the most mystical places on Earth.

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