Khor and Kalinich - comparison. Kalinich is depicted here without such comparisons, but this is a character, “paired” by Horyu, opposite

The essay "Khor and Kalinich" is a real decoration of Turgenev's collection of stories and essays "Notes of a Hunter". He absorbed both the personal observations of the writer and his views on social structure Russian "outback". This story is profoundly true, as evidenced by its summary. "Khor and Kalinych" - a real image folk life for a wide readership.

Problems of the work

This essay was relevant and timely. The fact is that in the time of Turgenev there was no unity in society in understanding the problem of “proximity to the people”. It was interpreted differently by the Slavophiles (who claim that the peasants are committed to the "old times" and are in opposition to the reforms) and bourgeois ideologists (who claim that the relationship between the landowner fathers and the peasant children is harmonious). The characterization of Khor and Kalinich clearly refutes these views.

Prototypes of the heroes of the essay

As is known from the plot of the story, a certain landowner of the Kaluga province, Mr. Polutykin, met the author of the story on the basis of a mutual passion for hunting. The heroes of the story "Khor and Kalinich" are real. In fact, the hospitable owner of the hunting grounds was called Nikolai Alexandrovich Golofeev. Ivan Sergeevich really got to know him on a hunt and stayed with him for several days. Moreover, after reading Turgenev's story and recognizing himself in it, Mr. Golofeev took offense at Ivan Sergeevich.

The image of a prosperous serf Khor, a strong owner, an educated person, is real to the smallest detail. The current village of Khorevka, Ulyanovsk District, Kaluga Region, grew out of the former Khorya farm. Years later, Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet visited Khor, noting the cordiality and "herculean constitution" of the eighty-year-old host, who "doesn't care about years." The owner of the farm always proudly showed Turgenev's work to the guests. He, of course, knew by heart its summary. "Khor i Kalinych" thus reflects real people and real facts.

Friendship of Horya and Kalinich

Khor - calm, reasonable family man. But he has no servants. A large friendly family of Khorya: six sons, as powerful as his father, build high spacious huts, run the household, help each other. Once the landowner Polutykin allowed him to leave the rural community, setting a dues of 50 rubles. Khor, who founded his farm, developed his economic activity in such a way that he considered it fair to pay the landowner 100 rubles. If desired, he could pay off and become free, but he does not want this. For what? His element is land and labor, and so it is always with him. He is by nature a rationalist, a business executive. Khor is well oriented in society and legally.

This strong owner, ironically, has Kalinich, oddly enough, completely opposite to him. The latter lives as a bean. Kalinich does not know how to run a household, earn and save money. However, it has other advantages. He understands animals, knows how to handle bees, which he uses for treatment. Completely different people Khor and Kalinich. The summary of the story, however, testifies to their close friendship. Thanks to Kalinych, the practical and sensible Khor receives assistance in handling pets, treatment if necessary. folk medicine, and Kalinich - support from Khor on everyday issues, where he is a layman. Moreover, both of them interesting interlocutors. Turgenev wrote in the story that he left their company with great reluctance.

Khor's views on Russian society

The educated worker Khor refutes the views of the "experts of the people" Slavophiles, who extol pre-Petrine Rus' arguing about the patriarchal nature of the Russian peasantry. A competent farm owner enters into a debate with them. He believes that Peter I in his reforms did exactly what a real Russian peasant should have done. The essay included this lively popular view, as evidenced by the summary. “Khor i Kalinich”, through the lips of this real “owner of the land”, says that if a peasant needs to change something, he, having seen practical benefits from this, is not afraid to make changes.

On the other hand, the philosopher Khor in his development, views and spiritual world has long felt superior to the landowner Polutykin. He feels that he thinks deeper and runs the household more confidently. However, thanks to the natural mind, he is always respectful with his "master", although at his leisure he is not averse to making fun of him. Comprehending the relationship between Polutykin and Khory, it must be admitted that the state of affairs, to put it mildly, does not fit in with the bourgeois views on the landlord fathers.


What should be noted after reading this summary? “Khor and Kalinich” is a story written on time and to the point. It caused a great public outcry and controversy. Belinsky, Herzen, Annenkov were delighted with the work. However, the story was not accepted by the Slavophiles, the Aksakov brothers. But the reaction of the censor E. Volkov, who saw a “harmful idea for the peasantry”, is especially indicative, arguing that in freedom he can be better than even a landowner.

"- Turgenev gave a psychological parallel, depicting two completely opposite natures in types from the common people: in Khora he brought out a practical realist, a positivist in worldview, in Kalinich - an idealist-dreamer, a poet in his soul; the first lives primarily by mind and will, the second by feeling.

Chori and in hard times serfdom is able to arrange safely its earthly existence. He achieves this thanks to the fact that he has a critical and practical mind, knows life, knows how to adapt to it, and, thanks to endurance and sobriety of mind, knows how to get out of a difficult situation. life's struggle. He "sees through" his master, does not idealize people; Armed with distrust of them, he is careful in dealing with them, strong in language and, richly gifted with experience and calculation, knows how to understand them. He always weighs in cold blood the advantages and disadvantages of his position and lives "wisely" without making mistakes in life. He settles in the forest, in the swamp, with his family - in order to be "away from the master's court"; he is rich, but does not want to pay off his will, because he reasoned that in freedom he would be deprived of the protection of his master, and then every official would be “greater” for him.

Khor and Kalinich. audiobook

As a worker, he is hardworking, energetic and homely. Such is his large family, working cheerfully and amicably. The old man himself and his sons, the Ferrets, are an example of a prosperous peasant family for whom work is the meaning of all life. In family terms, Khor is also curious: living under the same roof with his married sons, he managed with his firm hand to keep several families in obedience, establishing a strictly patriarchal way of life: younger to older, - a life well-fed and homely, moderately despotic, allowing family relationships not only fear and respect, but also love (his relationship to his youngest son Fedya) - that was the way of life that Khorem supported in his family. But he borrowed not only good, bright things from antiquity - from there he inherited both the traditional contempt for a woman, and the view of her as a dumb slave (“a woman is a servant to a peasant”), and faith in omens, and a tendency to superstition .. .

But, with the exception of these characteristic old testamentary features, Khor can in no way be called a “conservative” - he reasonably and critically looks at all sorts of “innovations”, but does not stand blindly for the old days; everything useful, even in the new and alien, is on his part full approval. Turgenev tells how interested this uneducated, but man of sense stories about the state life of Western European states; how, trying on Russian life different features political life foreign countries, he confidently approved of one thing, rejected the other, saying that the first “would have worked for you”, and the second “would not have worked”! jokingly Khorya was his landowner, Turgenev involuntarily remembered, in his words, Peter the Great, who also knew how to understand someone else's, knew how to take what his homeland needed, since "he was predominantly a Russian person, Russian precisely in his transformations ..." “The Russian man,” continues Turgenev, “is so confident in his strength and strength that he is not averse to breaking himself: what is good is what you give him, but where it comes from he doesn’t care.” So, the image of Khory makes Turgenev remember Peter the Great and talk about the foundations of the Russian soul. Obviously, the image of Khor is "meaningful" in the historical sense.

However, the harsh, somewhat harsh image of Khory, practice, crafty and prudent, is softened by some traits of good nature, even sentimentalism - it turns out that in a minute free from work, he loves to sing sensitive folk songs, - and with touching cordiality refers to his favorite son - Fedya and his friend Kalinich.

/ / / Comparative characteristics Horya and Kalinych (according to Turgenev's story "Khor and Kalinych")

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev in his story showed the reader images of two opposite types of peasants who, despite the difference in character and views on the world treated each other with friendly warmth.

Depicted as a practical and intelligent person, he realized that it was necessary to live away from the master, and it was better to pay dues than to work for the owner. Many years ago he lived in the village, but after his house burned down, he asked the master to settle in the forest near the swamp, agreeing that he would pay dues.

Having built himself a hut with courtyard buildings, he managed to get rich by trading in “butter and tar”. He could have paid off the master, but he did not want to, since it was more profitable to live behind the master.

Hor started a large family, living separately from other peasants. He had many sons, but he teaches only one to read and write, because he knows that the master could take literate people to himself, and he did not want his family to break up. All his married sons with their wives lived in the Khorya estate. They worked humbly and unanimously, increasing the wealth of the entire large family, of which Khor was the head. He considered women to be stupid people, but hard-working, helpful to the peasant.

Khor knows how to get along with the authorities and with the master. He had a fairly extensive knowledge, despite the fact that he did not know the letters. When talking about abroad with master Polutykin and other gentlemen, he was interested in state affairs, both of his homeland and abroad.

Khor's character was businesslike and firm. He always speaks thoughtfully and little. He is friends with Kalinich, although sometimes he chuckles at his impracticality, but pays tribute to his talents.

Turgenev shows Khor Kalinich's friend as a romantic and an idealist. He has an enthusiastic and dreamy personality. He loves nature forest, field.

Kalinich lived in an apiary, deep in the forest. His hut was clean, hung with bunches of dry medicinal and pleasantly smelling herbs, the household was in good order, but without proper maintenance. He pays little attention to his appearance, wears old bast shoes. He was once married, but was afraid of his wife. Kalinich has no children. Knows grammar. He pays little attention to his hut, since this is not his calling. Yes, and he has little time to restore order.

Every day he accompanies his master Polutykin to hunt. For Polutykin he was indispensable assistant: and carry a bag, and make a fire, and find water, and collect strawberries. Kalinich took care of the master like a child, without servility.

Kalinich had no family, he was about forty years old, he was thin, tall, walked with his head slightly bent back. With a meek expression, with clear blue eyes. He walked slowly, leaning on a thin stick.

The master did not appreciate Kalinich's disinterested affection and care, he answered the author's question that Kalinich is a responsible and diligent person, keeps the household in good order, goes hunting with him. The landowner Polutykin valued the serfs by the way they were engaged in farming and how much income they brought to the master.

Showing in the story "Khor and Kalinich" images ordinary people Turgenev conveys to the reader the idea that all people, whether they are rich or poor, have the right to a normal existence. The serfs had a clear mind, and devotion, and practicality. They loved nature, knew how to make friends and appreciated friendly relations. Khor and Kalinich are different in character and even in worldview, but they are the same in terms of moral standards.

Average rating: 3.9

Khor and Kalinich is the first story in the Hunter's Notes series. I.S. Tugrenev in this story gives a description of the customs, life, people and way of life of one of the provincial corners of Russia. In this story, I.S. Turgenev refutes the prevailing opinion about the peasants that they are not capable of friendship, cannot rationally manage their household, do not notice the beauty of the world around them. The author uses a method of comparison well known in the literature. Tender friendship binds two completely different people- Horya and Kalinich.
The first, Khor, is a strong master, he knows how to set things up in such a way that it brings joy and profit. He has a large family, where harmony and prosperity reign. Turgenev compares his hero with Socrates, with Peter the Great, emphasizing the remarkable mind and amazing ingenuity of the peasant: "Peter the Great was predominantly a Russian person, Russian precisely in his transformations." Khor is a person who feels his dignity, a rationalist. He is closer to people, to society.
Kalinich, the second character, is completely different. He is a dreamer, a poetic nature, a man of a cheerful disposition. He is closer to nature, often goes hunting with his master. An idealist and romantic, Kalinich does not like to reason and believes everything blindly.
So different, friends harmoniously complement each other. There are no conflicts between them, they respect the views and principles of each other. I. S. Turgenev observes their meeting: “Kalinych entered the hut with a bunch of wild strawberries in his hands, which he had picked for his friend, Khorya. The old man greeted him cordially. Independence, desire for freedom, softness and poetry of Kalinych complement and continue the pragmatism, rationality and settled way of life of Khory. The song that they sing together at the end of the story reveals the souls of ordinary peasants, something that binds them tightly to each other. Khor and Kalinich are the embodiment of the wealth of the soul, the giftedness of Russia, the hope for the future.

One of the best literary works I.S. Turgenev is a cycle of stories or essays (specialists have not decided on the genre of the works included in it) "Notes of a Hunter". In them, the writer touches important questions relating to the life of peasants and serfdom. Ivan Sergeevich was known for his liberal views, so it is not surprising that he decided to make the common people the main character of his works. Below is an analysis of "Khor and Kalinich".

Publication history

The analysis of the story "Khor and Kalinich" should begin with the fact that it is he who is the most famous of the entire cycle. This story opens "Notes of a hunter", it was published in 1847 in the magazine "Contemporary". "Khor i Kalinych" was placed on the page with advertisements for the sale of agricultural items.

The writer compared the life of the peasants of the Oryol and Kaluga provinces. The author paid great attention not only to how ordinary people live, but it was precisely the personality of these people that interested him. The favorable attitude of the writer towards the peasants, a detailed examination of their habits, life convictions - all this was new to the reader.

In the analysis of Khor and Kalinych, it should be noted that Turgenev's decision to make peasants the central characters was perceived by readers as a progressive outlook on life, as a new direction in literature. Therefore, the story became the most famous in the "Notes of a Hunter" cycle.

Main characters

The analysis of "Khor and Kalinych" should be continued brief description story characters.

  1. Hunter - from his face the story is being told. He loves not only hunting, but also studying the habits and way of life of other people. Sympathetic to the common people.
  2. Khor is a wealthy peasant. A practical and rational person, hardworking.
  3. Kalinich is a peasant, literate. Idealist, romantic. He loves nature, animals, responds to everything beautiful.
  4. Mr. Polutykin is the owner of Khory and Kalinich. Good man, but an idle lifestyle spoils him.

Description of the peasants

In the analysis of "Khor and Kalinich" it is necessary to describe the main characters in more detail. The hunter informs the reader that he noticed that the standard of living of the peasants in the Kaluga province is higher than that of the Orlov ones. And as an example, the author cites two peasant friends, Khory and Kalinich. Despite the difference in characters and their outlook on life, they are friendly.

Khor is a wealthy peasant. Thanks to his pragmatic and rational mindset, he was able to separate himself from all the other peasants, to live apart from them. He could become free, but deliberately does not do this, so he pays a large quitrent to his master on time. During conversations, he avoids answering the hunter's questions, so he decides that Khor is a man of his own mind.

Kalinich is the exact opposite of his friend. He pays much more attention than Khor to his master. Because of this, he does not have time for other things. Even in the appearance of Kalinich there is some slovenliness, he wears bast shoes all year round even on holidays. He is simple and fair man, subtly feeling human nature and the beauty of nature.


In the analysis of "Khor and Kalinich" Turgenev I.S. it is necessary to note briefly the conclusions drawn by the protagonist from his observations of the two peasants. During a conversation about what the hunter has seen, Kalinich is interested in details related to the description of nature, the customs of other people. Khorya is more interested in questions of a practical nature: how the life of people works, the features of the state system.

Khor has a large family, but only one child is literate. Kalinich is alone, but he is literate. And this helps him to better perceive some life phenomena and expand his horizons. Before us are people who do not have such rights and freedoms as Mr. Polutykin. However, they are closer to the world around them, they understand simple things more deeply. And an idle lifestyle is the cause of Polutykin's quirks. Work allows a person to train not only the body, but also the mind.

In the analysis of the work "Khor and Kalinich" it is worth noting that in the story there is a place and a certain amount of romanticization of the common people. But this does not contradict the real image of the peasants. Author I.S. Turgenev for the first time made serfs the central characters, showing that they feel and perceive the world in the same way as rich people. Labor and closeness to nature helped them better and more subtly understand the world around them and the nature of man.

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