How to make bulletproof glass. Creation of impenetrable protection Invention of bulletproof glass

Bulletproof glass looks completely ordinary, but it does not break on impact, and if you shoot at it, then the bullet will not break through such glass, it will get stuck in it. It is impossible to make bulletproof glass yourself, as it is difficult industrial process, but it is very interesting to learn about how it happens.

Invention of bulletproof glass

The idea that it is possible to strengthen glass, making it bulletproof, came to the French scientist Edouard Benedictus in 1910. He came up with the idea of ​​placing a celluloid film between two sheets of glass, which significantly increased the strength of the resulting product. Today, this method is called "laminating" glass, and Benedictus once called it "Triplex".

The same technology is currently used, but it has since improved significantly, and instead of celluloid, different kinds polymers. Sometimes curved glass is even glued this way. Bend them before joining.

Making bulletproof glass today

Bulletproof glass comes in various thicknesses, and it depends on this whether the glass will eventually stop the bullet. The thickness of such glasses is from 7 mm to 75 mm. Today, most often for the production of bulletproof glass, several layers of ordinary glass are used, between which layers of polycarbonate are poured. Polycarbonate is a clear plastic and is quite rigid, although it is layered. When a bullet penetrates the thickness of such glass, successive layers of polycarbonate absorb its energy, and it stops.

Currently, a special modification of bulletproof glass is being made - one-sided. A special type of plastic is used, the properties of which differ depending on the direction in which it is interacted with. One side of such glass stops bullets, but if you shoot from the other side of the glass, you can hit the enemy. This allows those behind the glass to be able to respond to an attack. At the same time, the glass surface is bent without collapsing.

Glass lamination

Laminating glass (applying a plastic film to it) is a very complex process from a technical point of view. They do it on automated equipment, in several stages. Final stage passes at high temperature, plastic film polymerizes and acquires approximately the same properties as stationery glue. It was at this time that the glasses finally connected.

While bulletproof glass is very strong, no glass is perfectly strong. The impact strength of triplex exceeds the strength of ordinary sheet glass by about 15 times. But even if such a sheet is destroyed, the fragments will remain on the film, and will not scatter in all directions, injuring people.

For production, three-layer bulletproof glass is considered ideal. The reason is that with each new layer, not only the protective properties increase, but also the cost of glass production. Laminated glass is used in extreme cases where there is a serious threat to human life or in museums to protect very expensive exhibits.

Nothing lasts forever, and even more so such a vulnerable part of the car as the windshield. The need to replace it often arises, and the funds for this do not appear with such constancy, therefore convenient way making a windshield is useful to any motorist.

You will need

  • - Plexiglas 1.5 x 1.05 meters (for eight windshields);
  • - paper according to the size of the windshield;
  • - pencil;
  • - scissors;
  • - jigsaw;
  • - basin with a lid;
  • - water;
  • - ropes.


Buy a piece of organic glass at construction market or in a specialized store. Choose a larger area, approximately 1.5 x 1 meter. The area of ​​such glass is enough for 8 windshields. Thus, this single cost will save you about $140 compared to ordering a new windshield for your car.

Take out your original windshield. Take paper and make a pattern that exactly matches the dimensions of the glass. Now transfer the pattern to the purchased plexiglass and cut out the desired piece. With the help of a jigsaw, this is done in 15 minutes per skillful hands.

Put water on the stove to boil in a large basin. Hold the glass by one side and dip into the basin when the water boils in it. To properly make a windshield, soak it in boiling water for a minute. Then make a deflection, as far as the purchased plexiglass will allow. Soak the bent piece in the water for 30 seconds, and then remove, controlling the safety of the deflection. If the desired camber angle is not reached, do not be discouraged, a slightly straight glass gives the impression of "tourist tuning".

Repeat these steps with the entire glass, alternately dipping different parts of the windshield into boiling water. If the water is not heated enough, barely noticeable cracks in the glass may appear. However, given the thickness of the glass and the size of the cracks, you can be sure that this defect will not be noticeable.

Pull the windshield to be made with ropes. This will allow you not to hold it, but to boil it safely in water for 5-6 minutes. For greater effect, close the basin with a lid. Dimensional inaccuracies due to temperature and physical strength fix by sawing the glass around the edges. Pull the elastic over the edge of the windshield. The windshield made is about 4mm thick, brand new and no scratches, no doubt will please your eye and wallet, put it in your car and enjoy the ride.


Make a paper pattern as accurately as possible according to the size of your native windshield, otherwise the result may be worse. If you don't heat the water enough, the glass may develop subtle cracks, which are smoothed out by the thickness of the glass.

Find a pelvis larger size in order to make it as convenient as possible to dip the glass.

It's hard to believe, but the live statistics are impressive: about 85% of those who seek help, with problems of various levels of complexity and scale, are convinced that they have foreign negative programs, in the common people referred to as "damage", "curse", "evil eye", etc. I also devoted a lot of attention to this issue, for example,

All people who “discovered” certain symptoms in themselves negative impact from the outside, they are asked to supply them strong protection, despite the fact that I, like a parrot, tirelessly repeat that the most reliable and trouble-free method of self-defense will be: to live in harmony with yourself, not to conflict with people and not wish them harm. Be clean in thoughts, emotions, perceptions and behavioral patterns.

But since this postulate is absorbed human consciousness, apparently, not soon), I can offer a few tried and effective methods protection:

Using light as an impenetrable psychic shield

Yes, the theme “Love your enemy” will probably not work - I know, but creating an impenetrable aura for yourself from the energy of the Holy Spirit (Light and Love) is simple, easy and one hundred percent effective.

Our Creator gave us free will. And many, alas, direct their free will to settling scores and self-affirmation at the expense of power tricks. This is not the will of God, it is the will of man. The attack on you can be physical or mental. As they say, “there is no reception against scrap”, but you can deal with the mental-energy impact. As a rule, with such an impact, the weapon of the attacker is thought forms saturated with hatred and malice, curses or witchcraft spells. The light then acts as a barrier, keeping them out of your consciousness.

Light is energy and power. Consciousness is able to create light around you - it works by the power of images. And it is able to block all shadows and evil thoughts, protecting you like an impenetrable shield. Here's what to do if you feel someone is out to hurt you.

Action Plan for creating a light shield

1. Choose a time when no one can interfere with you.

2. Relax and imagine that your body is surrounded by bright blinding white light. Light comes from under your feet and covers you completely, completely enclosing you. All parts of your body are protected by this extraordinary light.

3. Mentally turn to the light and send it your request for protection and protection from all sorts of dangers associated with the influence of evil forces. This white light is the protection of your soul.

4. Imagine how the room you are in is also gradually illuminated by this light.

5. Create an imaginary rheostat with which you can make the light even brighter.

6. Now you are in a room in which a dazzling white light shines. You feel it as a protective layer of love around you.

7. When you feel more secure than ever before, turn the rheostat back.

8. End the session in the usual way.

Invoking and turning to the light should become your daily ritual. Every day you will become stronger and soon you will feel that you have become less receptive to the influence and impact that came from outside. Strengthening your protective aura is not as difficult an action as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is your confidence that you can handle it.

Curses and witchcraft spells are born by the consciousness of mankind. Your mind and your consciousness can protect you from any curses, corruption and mental arrows flying at you. Since you've climbed over high level consciousness, even members of your family, not to mention neighbors, colleagues and competitors, begin to see you as a certain threat. I'm not kidding!

Jealousy, envy and anger act like a curse. Without even knowing how curses or corruption are sent, people who harbor feelings of jealousy, envy and anger towards you unconsciously bring these curses on your head. These negative emotions accompanied by destructive mental images. These destructive mental images tend to manifest just like any of our mental images.

You know when it happens. Your inner instinct tells you that you are disliked by certain person. You must protect yourself from his envy, otherwise you will not be able to do your job with maximum efficiency. The flow of your creative energy will be reduced or blocked.

It takes no more than one or two minutes to establish such protection. It is built in your imagination when you imagine that you are surrounded by a plastic shell. Everything can pass through this artificial protection, except for negative thoughts.

Negative thoughts hit on protective covering and bounce back to where they came from. Soon they begin to harass the owner of these negative thoughts. And for you, they stop.

Plan of Action to return the curse to the one who sent it

1. Relax.

2. Set the imagination, imagining that you are well protected from possible enemies.

3. Imagine that a plastic protective shell has formed around you.

4. Watch as the poison arrows flying at you hit the plastic and bounce back to the one who sent them.

5. End the session in the usual way, knowing that only good things will penetrate your protective shell to you.

6. On another day, when you feel that no one else is attacking you, during a session of guided imagination, remove this protective shell from yourself.

The curse is expressed in the desire to harm a specific person.

Any person can turn a curse on another, even unwittingly, without knowing it, but it is believed that the more power a person has, the more powerful and dangerous a curse he can create.

Also, strong curses can be created by people such as priests, priests, shamans, persons with magical and witchcraft skills - witches, sorcerers and magicians, persons who have no other way to justice - as a rule, women, poor people, the destitute, as well as people dying. It is those who are already dying who are able to create the most powerful curses, putting all their remaining life energy into them.

As you know, energy can be directed by impulse. The goal for this impulse can be any: an object, a person, space, etc. You use such impulses to give love and light. Dark entities use impulses to cause some kind of harm to others. This is called a mental-energy attack. Such attacks can be directed to various parts and systems of your body and cause quite significant harm, such as lowering the energy potential and vibrations or creating connections with the infernal world.

How to protect yourself from the curse

Sometimes rituals of exorcism or protection are performed, talismans, amulets, magic oils and other methods are used.

There is a proven folk method protection, which is applied at night. Two onions, cut into two equal parts, should be laid out in the four corners of the room where you sleep. During the night, they will not only absorb all the bad and harmful energy that came from outside, but will not allow new negative forces to penetrate you. In the morning, gather the onion halves together. But remember that you can not touch them with your hands.The collected parts of the bulbs should be buried, but it is better to burn them in order to finally destroy the evil directed at you.

There is another simple way to protect yourself from the penetration of otherworldly forces into your aura..

To do this, take fresh egg, wash it under cold water. Water must be flowing. Wipe it off with a clean cloth or rag. On a clean egg, carefully so as not to break it, write your name with a soft graphite pencil and place it at the head of the bed on which you sleep. The egg should be placed at the same level as your head. You can place it on bedside table, chair or table. The main thing is to be on the same level with your head during sleep. In this place, the egg should lie for one week. After seven days, take the egg in which the negative energy invested in your head has accumulated, take it to the toilet, break it there and pour it into the toilet, not forgetting to flush the water. If it happens that the egg breaks or cracks earlier, you will need to repeat the entire cleaning procedure from the beginning. The egg has a unique ability to intercept, absorb and extinguish negative energy directed at you by ill-wishers.

Main by-effect when breaking a curse is that when it is broken, the released energy can be transferred to the one who broke this curse if that person did not take proper precautions. That's why knowledgeable people they advise not to deal with removing the curse on your own, but to contact a priest or those who are engaged in spiritual practice.

And the last thing… I don’t remember what source this method was taken from (all practices were collected over the course of several years and worked out by me personally), but the principle is as follows: connecting to the Egregore of Protection, created by a group of mystic practitioners. Egregor has exclusively protective functions and can neither take away nor give energy to anyone or anything. Egregor receives energy from the Galactic Space, carrying out the functions of coordinating the work of the defenses included in it.

Connection to Egregore

So, you have decided to connect to our protective Egregor, what needs to be done for this?

A prerequisite for connection is the fact that you have taken the Oath to the Creator. At the same time, you must do this not just in your mind, replacing half of the phrases with your own, but clearly reading the text that the Creator gave us through Leonid Ivanovich Maslov (Dictation of 07/31/2012) and do it in public. If this is not possible, then at least read the text aloud to one, turning your craft to the Creator. The fact of taking the Oath will protect the person himself, since the energies that Egregor includes, and in particular the defenses themselves, are very powerful, and they can harm a person who does not know how to manage them. Having taken the Oath, a person falls under the protection of the Creator, and assistance in managing these energies will be provided to him without restrictions, as long as he follows the path of LIGHT. Naturally, this does not mean that the Oath must be taken in order to receive benefits in the form of connection to protection, this impulse must come from the heart.

1. Promise to cleanse yourself:
“I invoke my power and the power of I AM THAT I AM! I perform a complete deep cleansing of my body from all its negative qualities and properties of all its bodies with a complete restoration of all its functions. AMEN!"

2. A request to install the necessary software package (note that a ban has been established on copying these programs by all entities that have not taken the Oath to the First Creator, and without them it will not work to connect to Egregor, this is done to protect Egregor from the introduction of Dark entities and people unprepared for this )
“I install all the protections and programs from the “Warrior of LIGHT” package on myself while maintaining the maximum level of performance due to the energy of the Galactic Space.”

3. Send to connect to Egregor:
"Attention! Perform a full synchronization of the defense programs installed on me with the defense programs installed on Anatoly Belyaev, Danil Dergachev, Lyubov Frolova in order to use the energy of their defenses to strengthen mine, at the time of the attack on me, with the effect of completely restoring all my defenses to the maximum possible level, using energy of the galactic space. Om."

How to stop bullets, walk on glass, sleep on pins and needles without any damage? It is possible to develop a superbody and other superpowers, the main thing is to know how!

To begin with, it should be said that without prior many years of preparation- it is life-threatening.

Fantasy or real abilities?

Remember Neo from The Matrix, Clark Kent from Smallville or Bulletproof Monk... Yes, it's fantastic, but a person's abilities can really be limitless if you develop them!

Many are known real examples such extraordinary possibilities. There are people who walk on hot coals, somersaults on a pile broken glass, pierce the body with a knife (needles, sword, etc.), catch bullets fired from firearms ... At the same time, they do not experience pain and do not bleed, they receive absolutely no damage.

How to develop a superbody and the capabilities of a superman?

Firstly, it is necessary to perform daily exercises to relieve the fear of pain, to inspire¹ oneself with confidence that there will be no pain.

Secondly, you need to start the processes of the biochemical mechanism when the body begins to produce endorphins² in a certain state of consciousness (gamma state). In this state, a person is during the excitation of the nervous system. Our brain waves are most active in this state.

Thirdly, you need to learn how to enter a special state of the psyche - a state of trance³.

Fourth, you need to do various exercises to improve the mind and body every day. It can be:

  • martial arts;
  • exercises for;
  • exercises to develop self-confidence;
  • meditation;
  • breathing exercises.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

² Endorphins - a group of polypeptide chemical compounds, similar in mode of action to opiates (morphine-like compounds), which are naturally produced in the neurons of the brain and have the ability to reduce pain and affect the emotional state (

Only when we realize that we are building our own destiny and there is no person on planet Earth, even the closest and dearest, who can make him turn away from him. But how to become such an impenetrable person who is guided only by his own own will? And is it possible to do this in a world where everyone is tied to each other by hundreds of connections and obligations? Our answer is yes. In your life you can become invulnerable.

Be a Creator

But, dear friend, reality, you know, is just a Rorschach inkblot.
– Robert Anton Wilson –

The quantum physics showed that we understand little of our world. Not only are many human concepts relative, but the universe itself is relative. And here, it would seem, one should think about the fact that everything is meaningless, because one cannot compete with chaos itself. But it's not. On the contrary, you now have very, very many opportunities for - a whole infinity. But in order to use them, you need to become the creator of your own reality, and you can do it.

Without fear

The moment you stop worrying about what other people think of you, you will understand what freedom is. The more you achieve, the more haters, enemies, ill-wishers you have. This is how the world works, and if you fall under the pressure of criticism and angry outbursts in your direction, then you lose. Detractors always play life on a primitive level. They cannot create anything, so they try to destroy what others create. Your task is to forget that the reaction to your actions should be purely positive. Someone will always be unhappy.

Be crazy and different

Your theory is crazy, but not crazy enough to be true.
– Niels Bohr –

It just takes an enormous amount of courage to be slightly touched, considering different ideas sometimes opposite to each other. But, nevertheless, the people who move this world forward are crazy. No, they don't have schizophrenia, they don't talk to God (although who knows for sure?), but they do something that others would never do, and their motives may be completely absurd. The main thing is that they do all this honestly.

Leave your mark on the universe

The best of the best always dream of something more than just a beautiful wife, a sports car. They want to leave behind "a dent in the universe," as the Steve Jobs. And this applies to everyone: great businessmen, talented artists, cunning politicians, gifted writers. Everyone wants to be something more than just successful person. In fact, if you have the highest goal in life, then why settle for anything less?


Change your thoughts and you will change your world.
– Norman Vincent Peel –

Visualization is about creating a positive agenda that stays with you throughout your life. If you stick to this agenda, then you become strong on the most important level - psychological. As a result, nervous system begins to obey your will, sending positive energy already on physical level. Memory improves, overall well-being improves, mood improves.

Exercise and the brain

Connection between exercise and intelligence has long been known. For example, aerobic exercise perfectly restores the “magic” substance BDNF, which, in turn, is necessary to strengthen the bonds between nerve cells. If you know English, you can read Dr. John Wright's book on this topic “Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain. We hope that someday it will be published in Russia, but for now, just know that aerobic exercises make our intellect stronger.

7. Press to the end

The question is not who will allow me, but who will stop me.
– Ayn Rand –

Suppose you have taken on a project that will take a certain amount of time, energy, effort, resources. It’s impossible to calculate exactly, but multiply the expected numbers by ten, and then you will understand that you are in “safety”, because time does not drive you, and there is so much work ahead. So your stop has come - you can forget about the goal. Instead of such a train of thought that negatively affects the “doing” process, get into the habit of accelerating the working pace at the very beginning of the journey so as not to drag out the process and not allow ridiculous circumstances (or yourself) to stop you.


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