Which saints help travelers and sailors? Christian traditions of the Russian fleet

According to folk tradition, December 6 in Nikulden and in the poorest Bulgarian house on the festive table should be stuffed carp. By this tradition, the people express their respect to the brave protector and patron of sailors and fishermen - Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Nickulden- This vernacular name a holiday dedicated to St. Nicholas, whose baptismal name Myrliki means victorious. Celestial lightning is subject to St. Elijah, underground light to St. Archangel Michael, underwater light to St. Nicholas. How patron of the waters, he protects people from the flood and protects them from drowning. The Holy Church calls him “an example of meekness, a teacher of temperance”.

According to one of Christian stories when the Saints gathered to divide the world, then St.

Nicholas fell to be the master of the seas and all water elements. And so "Nikulden" is considered sailors' holiday, and the Orthodox Church allows eating fish during fasting as an obligatory dish.

According to tradition, only those fish are taken that have scales and a cross-shaped bone in the head. For a festive dinner, they also serve a special bread called “bogovitsa”, lean sarmi with rice, lentils, boiled corn or wheat.

The eldest woman in the family consecrates festive table, and the “goddess” is broken by the owner of the house.

When the turn of the fish comes, the cruciate bone is separated and preserved. It is used in traditional medicine for treatment various diseases. The rest of the bones are burned the next day, buried or lowered into the river. It is believed that in this way fertility and family well-being will increase.

According to legend, the Saint secretly helped the poor with money and saved them from dishonor. There is a legend according to which St. Nicholas gave money to three girls so that they could marry honestly and with dignity.

These girls were the daughters of a ruined merchant and the Saint saved them from disgrace. Therefore, St. Nicholas is especially revered by young girls who want to get married as soon as possible. They turn to him with a special prayer for a happy marriage.

Tradition says that once, returning by sea from the tomb of the Lord, St. Nicholas was shipwrecked. Then the Saint with fervent prayer subdued the sea storm and saved those who had fallen into the sea from death. And during the transfer of his holy relics from the city of Mir to the city of Bari in 1099, there is evidence of the salvation of a drowning child.

Historically, St. Nicholas lived in the second half of the 3rd and the first half of the 4th century. From a young age, he became acquainted with the truths of the Christian faith. Brought up in piety under the guidance of an uncle in hometown Patara, who was in the region of Lycia, in Asia Minor.

Ordained a presbyter, St. Nicholas faithfully helped the faithful. He lived to a ripe old age, died on December 6, 342. The relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker are still kept in the city of Bari.

Nowadays, residents of coastal cities arrange a festive outing to the sea, throwing wreaths of flowers into the water. All this is accompanied by music, dancing, food and wine.

Christian traditions say that Saint Nicholas lived in the first half of the 4th century. Most likely, he was born in Patara (a city in the Roman province of Lycia in Asia Minor) in a Christian family. From childhood, the saint strove for asceticism and solitude. Very young, he became a priest, and after some time - an assistant to the bishop. Having made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, Saint Nicholas decided to devote himself to God, serving in the Zion monastery. And soon the saint became an archbishop in the city of Myra, the capital of Lycia. According to legend, the Lord called St. Nicholas to leave the monastery and go into the world to help people. These were the times of the reign of Emperor Diocletian, who was extremely disloyal to Christians. Saint Nicholas ended up in a dungeon where he was tortured. But soon Diocletian died and Constantine ascended the throne. And Nicholas was released. It is to this period that the legends about how Nicholas stood up for those who were unjustly condemned, helped the needy and saved sailors from death belong to this period. The saint performed many miracles while traveling by ship to Palestine, where he went with the aim of bowing to the Holy Sepulcher. On the ship, St. Nicholas predicted a violent storm. We did not have to wait long: a storm broke out, throwing the ship into different sides, and the sky was covered with lead clouds. Panic began among the sailors, but Nikolai was able to calm everyone down and turned to God. His prayers were heard: the elements calmed down, and the sailors were saved.

Saint Nicholas calms the storm

On the same ship, the saint performed another miracle. - resurrected a man. One sailor slipped and fell to his death. The sailors called for help from St. Nicholas. And a miracle! After his prayers, the sailor came to life.

In its journey, the ship often came ashore. Saint Nicholas healed everyone who turned to him: he healed some of physical illnesses, cast out evil spirits from others, and consoled someone in sorrow and sorrow. So, St. Nicholas is rightfully considered the patron saint of healers. Nicolin's day is considered the most favorable for the treatment of serious illnesses.

Saint Nicholas died in Mir in 350.

In 1087 the relics of the saint were transferred to the city of Bari (Italy), where they are kept to this day.

Traditional procession with the statue of Saint Nicholas in Bari (Apulia, Italy)

Saint Nicholas became popular in Rus' with the adoption of Christianity. For many centuries, he occupied the most important place in the minds of the Russian people. Saint Nicholas became a national saint, the patron of the people and the protector of the common people. People addressed him as a "holy intercessor and quick helper." They prayed to Nikolai Ugodnik "in all needs." Before a long journey, travelers said: “God is on the road, Nikola is on the way”, “Mikola is with us!”, And going to war, the soldiers believed in his protection. In the 17th-18th centuries, these ideas about Nicholas the Wonderworker found an interesting reflection in the funeral rite, when a “letter to Nicholas” with a request for forgiveness of sins was put into the hands of the deceased. Often the groom before the wedding was blessed with the image of Nicholas instead of the image of Christ. The girl before the wedding also asked for blessings from this saint.

Saint Nicholas on the fresco of Dionysius

Like Elijah the Prophet, Saint Nicholas was considered the patron of the seas, rivers and lakes. In addition, he was considered the patron saint of forests. The peasants believed that it was Nicholas the Wonderworker who helped to survive cold winter. On the day of St. Nicholas the Winter in the North of Rus', a mikoltsy bull was slaughtered, which the whole village fattened for three years. The best piece of meat was “given” to the saint, that is, it was taken to the temple, and the rest was eaten by the villagers during the holiday. Many monasteries and churches throughout Russia had thrones consecrated in honor of St. Nicholas.

In Europe, Nicholas the Wonderworker gave rise to such a character as Santa Claus. Originally on December 6, the day of St. Nicholas church calendar, in European countries it was customary to give gifts to children on behalf of this saint. This tradition still exists in many European countries.

Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of children in Spain

In the Netherlands, where St. Nicholas was also especially revered, his name is pronounced as Sinterklaas, kids receive gifts on his behalf both on December 6 and at Christmas. TO XIX century V folk beliefs he became Santa Claus. As you can see, this tradition lives on today.

By the way, in Kaliningrad in the Museum of the World Ocean until January 14, the exhibition "Patrons of navigators, heavenly and earthly" is open. This the most expensive exhibition project in the history of the region. At the exhibition you can see more than 100 interesting items that tell about the history of the Russian fleet, as well as exhibits related to St. Nicholas.

Monument to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Kaliningrad on the embankment near the Museum of the World Ocean


(by profession).

Everyone has problems at work from time to time. But sometimes it will press so hard that you don’t know who to pray to, who to ask for help. We hope that our tips will help you out in difficult times.


All who are engaged in trade, sellers, commercial directors and sales managers can ask for help Archbishop Nicholas of Myra.

(Nicholas the Wonderworker)

And that's why.

When a great famine came in Lycia, Archbishop Nicholas, in order to save the starving, performed a miracle - he sent a merchant who had loaded a lot of bread, a strange dream. The merchant saw in a dream an old man who ordered him to deliver bread to Lycia, for he buys all the cargo from him and gives him three gold coins as a deposit. Waking up, the merchant found three gold coins in his hand and realized that it was a command from above. He brought bread to Lycia, and the hungry were saved. When the merchant told the townspeople about the elder he saw in a dream, they recognized him as their archbishop from the description.


Archbishop Nicholas of Myra patronizes sailors. Once a ship sailing from Egypt to Lycia was caught in a violent storm. The sails were torn off on it, the masts were broken, the waves were ready to swallow the ship, doomed to inevitable death and no forces could prevent it. The dying sailors began to pray fervently, and Saint Nicholas appeared at the stern at the helm, began to steer the ship, and safely brought it to the harbor.



Their patron is Archangel Gabriel- a heavenly messenger whom God sends to tell people about his plans. So, the archangel Gabriel appeared righteous Anna, long years suffering from infertility, and said that her prayers were heard by God, and soon she would give birth to a blessed daughter, Mary, through whom the world would receive salvation.

He told the Virgin Mary that she would be the mother of the son of God. Later, God's representative explained to the angry Joseph that the conception of the Son of God came from the Holy Spirit, and his beloved Mary remained innocent. Why not a diplomat...




... took under his wing Apostle John the Evangelist beloved disciple of Christ. John created his version of the Gospel, and at the same time the Apocalypse. And he performed many miracles: he raised two hundred people from the dead, drove a demon out of a pagan castle, turned salty sea ​​water into drinking water. He was such an amazing person that even the dust from his grave was fragrant and healed the sick for a whole year.

And they also patronize Saint Luke.


Evangelista Luca ask when studying icon painting, St. Luke in Orthodoxy is considered the first icon painter and is the Heavenly patron of icon painters, painters; doctors and farmers also receive special assistance from him.



Reverend Roman, nicknamed " sweet singer”, was a Greek by birth and diligently helped during worship, although he did not differ in either voice or hearing. At one of the pre-Christmas services, ill-wishers pushed Roman to the pulpit of the church and forced him to sing. In the presence of the emperor and the court retinue, embarrassed and frightened, he publicly disgraced himself with his trembling voice and inarticulate singing. Arriving home completely depressed, Saint Roman prayed long and intensely before the icon at night. Mother of God pouring out your grief. The Mother of God appeared to him, gave him a paper scroll and ordered him to eat it. And then a miracle happened: Roman received a beautiful, melodic voice and at the same time a poetic gift.

The next day, Saint Roman came to church for the Vespers on the eve of the Nativity of Christ. He insisted on being allowed to sing on the pulpit again, and this time he sang the hymn he composed, “The Virgin Today,” so beautifully that he aroused universal delight. The emperor and the patriarch thanked Saint Roman, and the people called him the Sweet Singer. Since then, Saint Roman has adorned divine services with his wondrous singing and inspired prayers.

Beloved by all, Saint Romanus became a teacher of singing in Constantinople and raised his splendor high. Orthodox services. For his poetic gift, he took place of honor among church hymnographers. More than a thousand prayers and hymns are attributed to him for various holidays. Especially famous is the akathist to the Annunciation of the Mother of God, which is sung on the fifth Saturday of Great Lent. Other akathists were compiled according to his model. Saint Roman died in 556.


those associated with dance and choreography are protected Holy Martyr Vitus. (Boy 7-12 years old).

According to legend, he went to Rome, where he cast out demons from the emperor Diocletian. But when Vit refused to pray to the Roman gods, he was arrested again and thrown to the lions, who did not touch the righteous man. Then Vita was thrown into a cauldron of boiling oil.

For unknown reasons, there was a belief in Germany in the 16th century that one could gain health by dancing in front of a statue of St. Vitus on his name day.


honored as their assistant Saint Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow, on whose initiative the first stone buildings of the Kremlin were built.


Patrons of Realtors Saints Alexander Kushtsky and Euthymius Syanzhemsky.

Having met in the dense forest, the monks rejoiced at each other and, for the sake of even greater silence, decided to exchange deserts: Euthymius remained on the banks of the Syanzhema River, in Alexander's cell, and Alexander went to Kushta, settling in the monastery of Euthymius. Both saints were distinguished by amazing patience and humility - qualities necessary for any city dweller who started to solve the housing problem.


They are patronized Holy Great Martyr Barbara of Iliopol. Her father, the pagan Dioscorus, having learned that his daughter had become a Christian, fell into an indescribable rage. He drew his sword and chased after the girl, intending to kill the disobedient. But the mountain blocked their way, which parted and hid the saint in a cleft, on the other side of which there was an exit upward.


Bankers, accountants, financiers, workers tax inspections and treasuries may consider their patron holy apostle Matthew, who is usually depicted with bills or a pouch of gold. By profession, Matthew was a tax collector, but when he heard the voice of Christ: “Follow Me,” he threw the collected taxes into the dust and went lightly after the Savior.

FOR MOTORISTS, DRIVERS AND everyone whose activities are related to carrying heavy loads ,

patronizes Saint Christopher. This name was given to the hermit Oferro, who lived at the river crossing. Once he happened to carry in his arms across the river little boy who turned out to be Jesus himself. In gratitude, Jesus baptized Oferro, giving him the name Christopher, which means "bearer of Christ."


Your patron saints - Cyril and Methodius. Saint Cyril, having received a brilliant education, perfectly comprehended all the sciences of his time and many languages. With the help of his brother Methodius and his students, he compiled Slavic alphabet and translated to Slavic Gospel and Psalter.


Your patron - Reverend Sergius Radonezh. He is prayed for help in difficult teaching. Sergius at the age of seven was sent to study literacy, but science was not given to him, and the boy suffered terribly because of this. One day he met a monk in a field. He approached him and told him about his trouble. After listening to the boy, the elder gave him part of the prosphora and ordered him to eat it. At that very moment, grace descended on the boy. The Lord gave him memory and understanding, and he began to easily assimilate book wisdom.

Martyr Tatiana considered the patroness due to historical coincidence. It was on January 25 (Tatiana's Day) that Empress Elizabeth approved the project of Moscow University. And the Great Martyr Tatyana was named his patroness.


Physicians have not one, but four patron saints. Healer Panteleimon, who devoted his life to the suffering, sick and wretched, free of charge treated all who turned to him. Soon the rumor about the gracious doctor spread everywhere. Leaving other doctors, people began to turn only to St. Panteleimon.

Saint Luke

Evangelist Luke- a Christian saint, revered as the author of one of the four Gospels and the Acts of the Holy Apostles. He was a doctor, possibly a ship's doctor, he is asked to heal eye diseases.

Ipatiy Tselebnik

He also devoted himself to serving the sick, and for this he received from God the gift of healing people by the simple laying on of hands.

Brothers Kosma and Damian

could heal any disease, even the most terrible. The blind, the lame, the demon-possessed went to the miracle-workers in crowds, and they did not refuse to help anyone. On the contrary, in order to be more accessible to the sick, they themselves looked for them, moving from city to city. And they did it absolutely free of charge, for which the people called them unmercenaries.


Not only people were healed Cosmas and Damian, but also our smaller brothers. Grateful animals knew their benefactors, and therefore sometimes followed them on their heels.


In general, all military people are under reliable protection Saint George, who is called the Victorious for his courage and for his spiritual victory over the tormentors, who could not force him to renounce Christianity. George the Victorious He became famous for his miraculous help to people in mortal danger.

As well as military, armed forces under the tutelage of the Reverend

Ilya Muromets Pechersky.

Patron saints of types of troops:

Internal Troops (MVD)

Vladimir, Prince Equal to the Apostles.


Apostle Andrew the First-Called,

Holy Righteous Theodore Ushakov.

Airborne Troops

Elijah the prophet.

Special Forces

Alexander Nevskiy.

Tank forces

Name: Nicholas the Wonderworker (Nicholas of Myra)

Date of Birth: 270

Age: 75 years old

Date of death: 345

Height: 168

Activity: archbishop, orthodox saint

Family status: not married

Nicholas the Wonderworker: biography

The most revered saint in Orthodoxy, a miracle worker, patron of sailors, travelers, orphans and prisoners. From the day of veneration of Nicholas the Wonderworker in December, new year holidays. Children expect Christmas gifts from him, because the saint became the prototype of Santa Claus and Santa Claus. According to the life of the saint, he was born in the year 270 in the Lycian town of Patara, at that time a Greek colony. Today it is the territory of the Turkish provinces of Antalya and Mugla, and the vicinity of the village of Gelemish is called the location of Patara.

The biography-life of Nicholas the Wonderworker says that his parents were wealthy Christians who gave their son an education befitting the 3rd century. The family of Nicholas of Myra (another name of the saint) was a believer, his uncle, the Bishop of Patara, noticed the religiosity of his nephew and made him a reader at a public service.

Young Nicholas spent his days in the monastery, and devoted his nights to the study of the Holy Scriptures and prayers. The boy was distinguished by amazing responsiveness and realized early on that he would devote his life to service. Uncle, seeing the zeal of his nephew, took the teenager as an assistant. Soon Nicholas received a priesthood, and the bishop entrusted him to instruct the believing laity.

Monument to Nicholas the Wonderworker in Yeysk

The young priest, after asking for blessings from his uncle, the bishop, went to the Holy Land. On the way to Jerusalem, Nicholas had a vision: the devil, who went out on the ship. The priest predicted a storm and a shipwreck. At the request of the ship's crew, Nicholas the Wonderworker pacified the rebellious sea. Rising to Golgotha, the Lycian offered thanksgiving entreaties to the Savior.

On a pilgrimage, bypassing the holy places, he ascended Mount Zion. The open doors of the temple, closed for the night, turned out to be a sign of the mercy of the Lord. Filled with gratitude, Nicholas decided to retire to the desert, but a voice from heaven stopped the young priest, telling him to return home.

In Lycia, Nicholas joined the brotherhood of Saint Sion in order to lead a silent life. But the Most High appeared to him with the Mother of God and handed him the Gospel and an omophorion. According to legend, the Lycian bishops received a sign, after which they decided at the council to make the young layman Nicholas the bishop of Myra (the city of the Lycian confederation). Historians and religious scholars argue that for the 4th century, the appointment was possible.

After the death of his parents, Nicholas entered into inheritance rights and distributed the wealth due to him to the poor. The ministry of the Bishop of Myra of Lycia fell on difficult times of persecution. The Roman emperors Diocletian and Maximian persecuted Christians, but in May 305, after the imperial abdication, Constantius, who took the throne, stopped the persecution in the western part of the empire. In the east, they continued until 311 by the Roman emperor Galerius. After a period of persecution, Christianity in the Lycian World, where Nicholas was bishop, developed rapidly. He is credited with the destruction of pagan temples and the temple of Artemis in the World.

Researchers of the life of Nicholas the Wonderworker speak of a conciliar court at which he was subjected to trial. The Greek Metropolitan of Nafpaktos, in his book Treasure, claims that the future saint was tried for slapping Arius during the Council of Nicaea. But researchers tend to consider the slap as slander. They say that Nicholas called the heretic "a mad blasphemer", for which he became the object of a cathedral court. The slandered resort to the help of the Wonderworker Nicholas, since it is believed that the saint will save them from a sad fate.


Travelers and sailors caught in a storm turn to St. Nicholas for help. The biographies of the saint speak of the repeated rescue of seafarers. During a trip to Alexandria to study, Nikolai's ship was covered by a storm wave. The sailor fell off the lines and died. The miracle worker Nicholas, then still a young man, resurrected the deceased.

The life of the saint describes the case of saving the honor of three sisters from a poor family, whom the father, in order to avoid hunger, intended to give to fornication. An unenviable fate awaited the girls, but Nikolai, under the cover of night, threw bags of gold into the house, providing the girls with a dowry. According to Catholic tradition, bags of gold fell into stockings that were drying in front of a fireplace. Since then, there has been a tradition of leaving gifts "from Santa Claus" to children in colorful Christmas stockings (socks). The miracle worker Nikolai reconciles the warring and protects the innocently condemned. Prayers addressed to him save from sudden death. Worship of the saint became widespread after his death.

Christmas stockings symbolize the gift of Nicholas the Wonderworker

Another mention of the miracle performed by the Wonderworker Nicholas is associated with the salvation of Prince Mstislav Vladimirovich of Novgorod. The ill nobleman dreamed that he would be saved by the icon of the saint from the Kyiv St. Sophia Cathedral. But the envoys did not reach Kyiv because of a storm that broke out on the Msta River. When the waves subsided, next to the ship, on the water, the messengers saw a round icon depicting the Wonderworker Nicholas. The sick prince, touching the face of the saint, recovered.

Believing Christians call the akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker a miracle. They are sure that this prayer can change fate for the better if it is read for 40 days in a row. Believers claim that the saint hears all prayers for help in work and for health. A prayer service to the holy saint Nicholas helps the girls to get married safely, the hungry to get enough, and the suffering to get rid of everyday problems. Prayers in the church note that Nicholas the Wonderworker immediately responds to a sincere prayer said at his icon with lit candles.

After death

The exact date of Nicholas's death is unknown. They call the year 345. After leaving for another world, the body of the saint became myrrh-streaming and became an object of pilgrimage. In the 4th century, a basilica appeared over the tomb of Nicholas the Wonderworker, and in the 9th century, a church was erected in Turkish Demre, formerly known as Mira, the doors of which are open in the 21st century. Until 1087, the remains of the saint rested in Demre. But in May, merchants from Italy stole 80% of the relics, leaving some of them in a hurry in the grave. The stolen treasure was transported to the city of Bari, the capital of the Italian region of Apulia.

Nine years later, Venetian merchants stole the relics of the Wonderworker Nicholas, which had remained in Demre, and transported them to Venice. Today, 65% of the relics of the saint are in Bari. They were placed under the altar of the Catholic Basilica of St. Nicholas. One fifth of the sacred remains rest on the Venetian island of Lido, above the throne of the temple. In the Bari basilica, a hole was made in the tomb of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Every year on May 9 (the day when the ship with the relics moored to the shore, the day of the city of Bari), myrrh is taken out of the coffin, which is credited with miraculous properties, healing from deadly diseases.

Two examinations conducted in the mid and late 1990s confirmed that the relics stored in two cities in Italy belong to one person. Anthropologists from Britain in 2005 reconstructed the appearance of the saint from the skull. If you believe the recreated appearance, then Nicholas the Wonderworker was 1.68 meters tall, had a high forehead, dark skin, Brown eyes and sharply defined cheekbones and chin.


The news of the transfer of the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker to Italy spread throughout Europe, but at first only the Barians celebrated the feast of the transfer of the holy relics. The Greeks, like the Christians of East and West, received the news of the transfer of the remains with sadness. In Russia, the veneration of St. Nicholas spread in the 11th century. After 1087 (according to other sources, 1091) the Orthodox Church established May 9 (22 according to the Julian calendar) as the day of celebration of the transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker from the World of Lycia to Bari.

As widely as in Russia, the holiday is celebrated by the Orthodox in Bulgaria and Serbia. Catholics (except Bari) do not celebrate May 9th. The Russian Orthodox Menologion names three dates for the holidays dedicated to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. December 19 is the day of his death, May 22 is the arrival of the holy relics in Bari, and August 11 is the birth of the saint. IN Orthodox churches Nicholas the Wonderworker is commemorated with hymns every Thursday.

The second group of holidays associated with the memory of the most revered saint in Rus' is associated with miraculous icons with his face. March 1, 2009 in Bari in the possession of the Russian Orthodox Church handed over the temple of 1913 and the Patriarchal Compound. The President of Russia accepted the keys to them.

In Russia, the number of painted icons and built temples of Nicholas the Wonderworker is the second after the Virgin. Until the beginning of the twentieth century, the name Nikolai was one of the most popular in the country. In the 19th-20th centuries, the Wonderworker was revered in such a way that there was an opinion about the entry of St. Nicholas into the Holy Trinity. According to Slavic beliefs (the legend of the Belarusian Polesye has been preserved), Nicholas will replace God on the throne as the “eldest” of the saints.

Western and East Slavs they attribute to Nicholas the Wonderworker the possession of the keys to heaven and the function of "transporting" souls to another world. The southern Slavs call the saint "head of paradise", "wolf shepherd" and "slayer of snakes." They say that Nikolai Ugodnik is the patron saint of agriculture and beekeeping.

Orthodox Christians distinguish in the iconography "St. Nicholas of the Winter" and "St. Nicholas of the Spring". The image on the icons is different: the “winter” Wonderworker is depicted wearing a bishop’s miter, while the “spring” one’s head is uncovered. It is noteworthy that Kalmyks and Buryats who profess Buddhism revere Nicholas the Wonderworker. The Kalmyks call the saint "Mikola-Burkhan". He patronizes fishermen and is considered the master of the Caspian Sea. The Buryats identify Nicholas with the White Elder, the god of longevity.

Nicholas the Wonderworker is the prototype of Santa Claus, on whose behalf children are given gifts. Before the Reformation, the saint was venerated on December 6, but then the celebration was moved to December 24, so he is associated with Christmas. In 17th-century Britain, Nicholas was the impersonal "father of Christmas", but in Holland his name is Sinterklaas, which translates as Saint Nicholas.

The Dutch who founded the city brought to New York the tradition of celebrating Christmas with Sinterklaas, who soon became Santa Claus. From the church prototype, the hero has only a name left, otherwise the image has undergone thorough commercialization. In France, Christmas Grandfather comes to children, Joulupukki comes to Finnish kids, but in Russia and the countries of the post-Soviet space New Year impossible without Santa Claus, the prototype of which is the saint beloved in Russia.

Relics in Russia

In February 2016, a meeting took place between Patriarch Kirill and Pope Francis, at which an agreement was reached on the transfer of part of the relics of the saint from Bari to Russia. On May 21, 2017, the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker (left rib) were placed in an ark and taken to the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior, where they were met by the Russian Patriarch. Those who wish could bow to the relics from May 22 to July 12. On May 24, the president of Russia visited the church. On July 13, the ark was transported to St. Petersburg, to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. The relics were opened until July 28, 2017.

Long queues of pilgrims lined up at the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker in Moscow and St. Petersburg, which is why they introduced a special regime of access to temples. People wrote notes to the saint, asking for help in healing. The organizers of access to the holy relics asked not to do this, recalling that the Orthodox have other forms of addressing the saints - reading akathists, prayers and hymns. Particles of the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker are kept in the churches of dozens of churches of the Russian diocese, in the monasteries of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg.

Christian Archbishop of Myra Saint Nicholas(Nikolai Ugodnik, Nikolai the Wonderworker, years of life around 270 - 345) is revered as a miracle worker, patron of sailors, merchants and children. In the folklore of Western Christians - the prototype of Santa Claus.

Saint Nicholas was born in Asia Minor (Lycia) in the Greek colony of Patara, located near the densely populated valley of the Xanthos River, where the city of Myra was located. The seaport of Patara was the largest in Lycia, which was part of the Roman Empire, and was of great strategic and commercial importance.

Wealthy parents of Nicholas were Christians, they had no children for a long time and they made a vow that if they had a son, he would devote himself to the service of God. Prayers were answered, which is not always the case. The Lord gave a son, who received the name Nicholas at baptism (in Greek, “the conquering people”). As a young man he led a pious life and stood out among the youth for his virtues. His own uncle (local bishop) drew attention to this and prophetically predicted a great future for his nephew: “Blessed is the flock that is worthy to have such a shepherd!”

According to legend, Nicholas went to study in Alexandria and, during a storm at sea, resurrected a sailor who fell off the mast to his death. In those days, this was enough for St. Nicholas to become the patron saint of sailors.; He also helped three girls from a poor family to avoid the fate of fallen women. He tossed his donations up the chimney of their shack and the money ended up in his youngest daughter's sock. This legend gave birth to a fairy tale about Christmas Santa Claus and his gift in a sock.

During his lifetime, Saint Nicholas became famous as the appeaser of the warring, the defender of the innocently condemned.

Saint Nicholas died at a ripe old age and was buried in a small cathedral church of Mira in a marble sarcophagus. Miracles also happened at his tomb, and pilgrims were healed after long prayers.

But there came a time when there was no time for miracles. First, the Arabs, and then the Turks in the 11th century devastated the possessions of Byzantium in Asia Minor. To prevent the "barbarians" from desecrating the Christian shrine, Venetian (Bariysk) merchants went to Antioch and tried to buy the saint's relics from the local monks for gold coins. The monks turned out to be incorruptible and the relics were corny stolen and in May 1087 taken to the Italian city of Bari.

The relics of St. Nicholas were solemnly transferred to the Church of St. Stephen, where new miracles of healing of pilgrims continued. Soon a temple was built in the name of St. Nicholas, consecrated by the Pope.

The Venetians in a hurry stole only part of the relics of St. Nicholas, and the rest in the grave "confiscated" during the first crusade and delivered to Venice, where a church of St. Nicholas was erected especially for the relics. In modern times, the authenticity of the relics in Bari and Venice has been scientifically proven.

In Rus', the veneration of the saint and the great saint of God spread quite quickly and everywhere.

The Church of St. Nicholas in the Ancient World is not only a monument of the Byzantine era, but primarily a holy place for Christian pilgrims.

The temple was built in 343 AD. on the ruins of the temple of the goddess Artemis, destroyed by an earthquake in the 2nd century AD.

And in the future, the Temple was repeatedly destroyed and revived to life. It was plundered during the Arab raids in 1034. The ruins of the church with the relics of the saint in the sarcophagus located there were abandoned, although they were preserved by local monks. In the 11th century, with Byzantine emperor Constantine IX, the church was restored, decorated with frescoes and floor mosaic. Due to the strongest earthquakes in the 13th century, the church was flooded with water and covered with silts of the Miros River, which changed its course.

During Crimean War In 1853, Princess Anna Golitsyna received a special permit from the Turkish authorities and bought a piece of land around the temple in order to found a Russian settlement and a monastery in honor of St. Nicholas here. But due to the protests of the local Muslim population, the permit was withdrawn.

The temple was finally excavated by 1989. To date, the floor of the church is 7 meters below ground level.

The modern building of the temple was built approximately in the 8th century and outwardly represents a basilica in the form of a cross with one room, in the middle covered with a dome with two halls on the sides. The floor is partially covered with mosaics with geometric patterns, and medieval frescoes can still be seen on the walls. The roof of the church was originally crowned with a dome, and during the restoration it was replaced by a vault.

At this throne there were church services. Mosaic floor from the Byzantine Empire.

Mosaic wall painting

Sarcophagus of Saint Nicholas Myrlikisky Nicholas is located in the south nave of the church and is located between two columns in the arch. The front front wall of the sarcophagus is knocked out. Probably the "civilized" Venetian pirate merchants were in a hurry.

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