Abstract of the lesson in the senior group. Spring Journey. Synopsis of the GCD in the senior group "Spring Cares"

Final lesson in the senior group "Spring Strada"

class takes place in the music hall

Target: continue to form knowledge about the work of a grain grower, teach how to take care of bread, respect the people who grow it.


  1. Exhibition of books "Where the loaf was born"
  2. Exhibition of bakery products.
  3. A sheaf of wheat and grain processing products (flour, semolina, crushed grain, vermicelli, pasta)

Children enter the hall and are met by a teacher in folk costume. Draws the attention of children to the exhibition of bakery products.

Educator: Guys, today we will talk about bread. What is bread made from? (children's answers).

The main product is flour. Bread is black and white (shows).

How do you get such a different kind of bread? (Answers of children from different flour)

That's right, it is baked from different flours.

White bread from wheat, black - from rye. Where do wheat and rye flour come from?

From wheat and rye. (The teacher shows the children ears of rye and wheat)

He reads the proverb: “If you want to eat kalachi, don’t sit on the stove” - this is how the Russian proverb says. Have you guessed what we are talking about?

That's right, if you want kalachi - work hard!

In the spring, plowing the fields, grain growers - remember this word - they sow them with wheat and rye.

And now I'll tell you a story:

The Sun, Earth and Labor lived. The Earth nourished every blade of grass, the Sun caressed, and Labor protected. But out of nowhere...

It turns out laziness

Oh, I love to mess around, oh I love! Most of all I dislike work.

Labor comes out: (he has grain in his hands)

How small you are, and how much goodness you have.

Sloth pounces, tries to take away the grain

Laziness: Anyway, I will become the mistress of the earth.

Work: Labor will become the ruler of the world!

Laziness: Let's call a man. Let him decide whether he should sweat, or do nothing, lying in the shade..

Work: As you wish. (A child "farmer" appears) Here is a handful of grain for you. Can you grow good harvest- bring joy to everyone.

Farmer: Thank you, father work, I will not let you down.

Laziness: And if you don’t grow up, if you want to take a nap and soak up, then we will become friends with you.

The music "Russian field" sounds, the grain grower sows grain.At each wave of the hand, shoots run out (children senior group) and stand around.

Laziness: Well, you must! Labor is taking over! Oh, it wasn't! I'll call frost, let it freeze the seedlings! Hey, you are fierce frosts here, here!

Frosts fly in (2 teachers in Morozov's costumes, blue and red) and run around the hall, freezing the seedlings.

Farmer: Guys, trouble can happen. We need to help the seedlings.

Frost: I frost blue nose!

I frost red nose!

Let's measure strength!

We will now guess riddles for you if you guess your seedlings, and if you don’t guess ours.


Don't peck me my friend

I will enter the warm earth

I will ascend to the sun,

It has people like me

There will be a whole family.


Small, hunchbacked

Whole field ran around

ran home

Stayed all winter.


Sitting in the sun

And his mustache moves,

Rub it in your palms

Filled with golden grain.


As in a field on a mound

Girls with earrings are standing.


Children solve all riddles. Frost flees.

Laziness: Oh, and loafers these frosts. Well, yes, I still have dry winds in reserve. Winds! Dry winds! Respond, show up!

They run in, two children in wind costumes in the hands of sultans, run around the shoots.

Well, sushi! Well, ruin!

Farmer: Our seedlings need moisture! Their salvation is in the water. There is a lake in the distance!

Game "Don't spill the water". In the middle of the room is a bowl of water. This lake. You need to scoop up water with a spoon and quickly transfer it to a glass that stands at the seedlings, they also make dry winds, only they carry water in reverse side. Which glass has more water in it?

Shoots (children): Thank you guys got us drunk.

Laziness: Woe is me! I'm leaving you! Ugh! What a disgusting tale! And here I did not manage to settle!

Educator: Yes, the guys did not immediately become grains of bread, the fact that people on the table worked long and hard on the ground.

The teacher offers to watch a slide show about the work of a grain grower.

Educator: Many people work to ensure that we always have bread on the table. Who attentively listened to the fairy tale, tell me, what else is needed in order for the bread to grow? (Sun, wind and water). That's how much it takes. Bread was cherished “in honor of it they composed hymns” they were met by dear guests. Many books have been written about bread. (He draws attention to the exhibition of books). What books about bread did your parents and teachers read to you? Let's conclude how to relate to bread?

Educational tasks:

1. Contribute to the deepening and generalization of children's knowledge about wild animals, birds, trees, fish.

2. Expand ideas about the forest and its inhabitants.

3. Continue to introduce characteristic features spring.

4. Introduce the properties of ice and water.

5. Continue to learn to understand and use words denoting the ratio of objects in size.

Development tasks:

1. To develop in children a cognitive interest in the life of the forest and its inhabitants.

2. Develop memory, coherent speech, the ability to analyze.

Educational tasks:

1. Raise children's interest in the life of the forest, the ability to behave and behave in the forest.

2. Cultivate love, careful attitude to nature.

3. Show care and attention to all living things.

4. Form goodwill.

Preliminary work:

1. Consideration of illustrations depicting wild animals, trees, birds.

2. Reviewing the album "Seasons".

3. Conversations about spring.

4. Reading poems about spring.

5. Guessing riddles about birds, animals.

6. Reading fairy tales about animals.

7. Didactic games "Wild animals", "Birds".


1. Track (from cords).

2. River (blue canvas).

3. Birch branch.

4. Forest laboratory (2 tables covered with linen).

5. Trays.

6. Cloth napkins.

7. Tape recorder.

8. Red cardboard.


Educator:Guys, do you want to go to spring forest?

Children: Yes, we do.

Educator:Tell me what season is it?

Children: Spring.

Educator:How did you know it was spring?

Children:It is warm outside, the snow is melting, the sun is shining and warming, buds are swelling on the trees, people have taken off their warm jackets and put on light jackets.

Educator:Well done boys. To get into the forest, we need to go along the path. (shows an impromptu track). What is she?

Children:Wide (children walk in pairs along the road).

Educator:Here we are on the path. Where did she take us?

Children: To the river.

Educator:That's right, we went to the river. In spring, the ice on the river is thin and brittle, it begins to melt and break. Who is under the ice?

Children: Fish.

Educator:In the spring, ice melts and turns into water, the fish begins to swim. Do you think fish are cold under ice?

Children: Cold.

Educator:If the fish swims, then it is not cold. Now let's go further

To get into the forest, we need to cross the river along this beautiful bridge. What is he?

Children: Narrow.

Educator:Well done. In order not to fall into the river, let's grab the railing with one hand and cross the bridge to the other side. (Children walk one after another along the bridge)

Guys, we came to the forest. See how beautiful the spring forest is.

March is on its heels

Chasing the winter away

During the day the snow melts a little.

Freezes the night.

On a clear day, icicles cry -

The sun melts their sides

At night they hide dark tears -

Spring sadness.

(N. Radivilina)

Guys, what animals living in the forest do you know?

Children:Bear, hare, fox, squirrel, wolf.

Educator:What are the names of the animals that live in the forest?

Children:— Wild.

Educator: - And what birds living in the forest in spring do you know?

Children: - Tit, woodpecker, owl.

(The sound of a drop is heard and Spring enters)

Spring: Hello guys!

You recognized me?

Children: Hello!



The guys will be quiet. Spring is red, and the guys and I did not come to the forest empty-handed. We brought birdhouses. They were made by children with their fathers and mothers for starlings.

Children give Spring birdhouses.


Well done, thank you guys. What beautiful birdhouses you made with dads and moms. I will hang birdhouses on trees and starlings will settle in them. And I want to tell you about the rules of behavior in the forest.

If you came to the forest for a walk,

Breathe fresh air

Run, jump and play

Just, mind you, don't forget

That you can't make noise in the forest,

Even sing very loudly.

Animals get scared

Run away from the forest edge.

Do not break oak branches

Never forget.

There is no need to catch everyone here,

Stomp, clap, beat with a stick.

You are just a guest in the forest.

Here the owner is oak and elk.

Save their peace

After all, they are not our enemies!


Thank you, Spring, the guys and I will definitely remember these rules.


See how many trees are around you. This forest is called mixed because here they grow together. different trees. What are the trees?

Children:Low and high.

Teacher: Do you know the names of the trees?

Children: We know.

Teacher: What is the name of this tree?

Children: Birch.

Educator: What does a birch have?

Children:Trunk and branches, and leaves will appear soon.

Teacher: What kind of tree is this?

Children: Christmas tree.

Spring: What does the Christmas tree have?

Children:Trunk, branches, needles.

Educator: Well done, everything is correct. For this I invite you to the forest laboratory.

(There are two trays in front of the children, with snow and ice)

Look and touch the snow. What is he?

Children:— Cold, wet, white.

Educator: Right. And now, under a lump of snow and under a piece of ice, I will put a sheet of red paper. What did you see through the snowball?

Children: Nothing.

Educator: So the snow is not transparent. What did you see through the piece of ice?

Children: Red paper.

Educator: Right. So the ice is transparent. So we learned about the properties of ice and snow. Ice is transparent, but snow is not.

Thank you, Spring. We learned a lot of new and interesting things. Only our children are a little cold. It's time for us to return home.


So that you do not freeze, I will help you quickly return to kindergarten. Wind, wind, help my friends get home as soon as possible! See you soon, kids!

Children:Goodbye Spring!

(Spring is leaving, the children sit on the chairs)


It's good to be back in kindergarten. Now let's remember. Where did we go?

Children: In the forest.

Teacher: Where did we go?

Children:We walked along wide road and over a narrow bridge.

Educator: Who did we meet in the forest?

Children: Spring.

Educator: What did we learn about snow and ice?

Children:Ice is transparent, but snow is opaque.

Educator: Well done! Now you can play with your favorite toys.

Summary of classes for older children preschool age"Visiting Spring"

Target: to educate the basics of ecological culture, the culture of communication of children of senior preschool age.

educational: consolidate children's knowledge about spring, its signs, features, be able to understand the signs of spring, consolidate the ability to work in different unconventional technique drawing, be able to select the appropriate color scheme and arrange objects in space on a sheet of paper.

Educational: to develop figurative thinking, perception, fantasy in children, to form a sense of color, creativity.

Educational: cultivate love for nature, interest in the occupation, continue to teach how to work collectively.

ICT (presentation about spring, audio recording of "Voices of Nature"), gouache, brushes, hard brushes, water-tights, cotton buds, cotton wool, wax pencils, napkins, paste.

Children enter the group to calm music, stand around the teacher.
Educator: listen.

Who came so quietly-quietly? Well, of course, not an elephant,
And, of course, the hippo could not pass quietly like that.
And none of you heard how the leaf came out of the kidney,
And you could not hear, like green blades of grass,
Taking off their green shoes, they quietly left the ground.
And the snowdrop quietly left. And there is silence everywhere.
This means, this means: the quietest spring has come!

Today we have an extraordinary meeting. We are going to visit Spring. And what do you think, on what you and I can fly, swim, ride? (children's answers).

Let's fly on a magic carpet. We sit on the carpet-airplane and go flying. (Children sit on a magic carpet, music sounds). On the magical flying carpet, everyone closes their eyes and takes flight. We fly with you to a magical land. What is happening there, I will tell you, but your eyes must be closed, otherwise you will not hear anything (sounds of nature, birds singing).

The sun shines brightly. The buds on the trees swelled, snowdrops timidly appeared in the forest clearings. Birds flew in and the bells sang their cheerful songs. Slowly, our flying carpet descended into the clearing, we open our eyes and stand up.

Educator: Guys, look around, what time of year did you arrive? So spring has come to us. You know that every word has relatives. Choose related words for the word "spring" (spring, freckle, spring ....). Now come up with definitions for the word "spring", what is it like? (warm, early, beautiful, kind ...). How can you affectionately call the sun? (Sun). Goodies! Here are some good ones beautiful words we remembered!

I suggest you play a little: the game "Sun"
Sunshine, sunshine
golden bottom,
Burn, burn bright
To not go out.
A stream ran in the garden.
A hundred rooks flew in.
And the snowdrifts are melting, melting,
And the flowers are growing.

And now let's sit down on our magic stumps and remember the riddles about spring ... ..
1. The snow is melting, the meadow has come to life, the day is coming, when does it happen? (spring).
2. Housewarming at the starling, he rejoices endlessly, so that we have a mockingbird, we made ... (birdhouse).
3. Spring nature is dear to us. Cold snow flows in streams. And the first to appear in the thaw ... (snowdrop).
4. It grows upside down. It does not grow in summer, but in winter. But the sun will bake it, it will melt and flow (icicle).
5. The snow has melted and from the fields, a nimble one is running ... (stream).

Oh, guys, look at this clearing, how sad it is. It must have been her winter bewitched. Let's disenchant it and, like real artists, paint a picture of spring.
- What would you draw in this picture? (Trees, flowers, sun, clouds, birds).
- Flowers can be painted with a hard semi-dry brush. (Showing drawing with a hard semi-dry brush).
- We will draw trees with wax pencils, and buds and leaves can be drawn with a poke with a cotton swab. (Show drawing).
- We will draw the sun with gouache, and we will make clouds from cotton wool. (Production display).

But before you get to work, I suggest you play the game "Merry Rain".

Now think and choose what you will do. Choose your material and colors. (Children choose a job at will).

Creative work of children. Calm music sounds.

Guys, look what a beautiful picture we got. The sun is shining brightly, the first leaves appeared on the trees, the first flowers bloomed, the birds flew in, the animals woke up after hibernation. Well done guys, you did your best and painted a spring picture. What is this painting called? You take this picture with you and show it to your loved ones, and spring will admire the picture from the window.

It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Get on the train and let's go! Here we come to your kindergarten. And spring gave me its magical spring flowers for you, and the flowers are not simple, they are with a surprise.

Job completed, thank you very much!
Photo from class

Presentation on the topic: Welcome to Spring!

Hello, spring first grass! How did it dissolve? Are you happy with the warmth? I know you have fun and crush there, They work together in every corner. Throw out a leaf or a blue flower Each young root is in a hurry Before the willow from tender buds The first one will show a green leaf. Sergei Gorodetsky

The role of nature in the spiritual life of society is great. The more we recognize the beauty of our land, the more we begin to love it. Familiarizing children with nature is a means of education and the accumulation of knowledge about the world around them based on sensory experience. This project is aimed at developing the horizons of children, the formation of their cognitive activity, moral values. We believe that the direction of the project will allow children to learn the material through joint activities, thereby making the cognitive process interesting and motivational. The work on the project is complex.

1. develop project activities of all types (research, creative, normative); 2. to teach the child to pay attention to the analysis of the effectiveness of information sources; 3. promote project activities individual and group nature; 4. help children symbolize the situation, live it and express it in figurative form; 5. develop a system of productive interaction between participants educational process(children involve parents in the project, communicate with each other and with the teacher); 6. expand and systematize children's knowledge about spring; 7. develop and enrich lexicon on the topic of the project, monologue and dialogic speech; 8. cultivate love and respect for nature; 9. develop the cognitive activity of children through didactic games; 10. develop children's creativity through productive, theatrical activities; 11. support manifestations of children's initiative in independent observations.

What is the most effective way to build work in this direction? Forms of work Integration of narrow specialists and educators Introduction of new technologies, methods and techniques in productive activity children Integration of educational areas Creation of a subject-developing environment Interaction with the family Interaction with other social institutions

To select and draw up notes in all areas of psychological and pedagogical work with children. Search for information in the media, the Internet (cooperation with parents). Replenish the subject-developing environment with manuals, attributes, etc. Watch for natural changes. Pick up books about spring. View presentations on the topic. Select teaching aids.

1. In the immediate educational activities(summaries): " spring phenomena", "Spring, spring on the street" "Examining the painting by Y. Levitan "Spring. Big water" (communication); "Journey to the spring forest" - (knowledge - mathematics); "Spring is coming! Spring is the way" ( artistic creativity- drawing); "Diary of observations" ( artistic reading, artistic creativity); "Larks arrive, Spring - bring red!" (Artistic creativity - modeling); "Birds of Spring", "Day of the Spring Equinox" "Spring Has Come - Meet the Kids"

Spring, spring all around lives and breathes, Spring, spring is noisy from all sides! A rooster flew up to the very crest of the roof, Yes, it sings so that the whole area hears. The windows are open. A warm wind is blowing, And light steam swirls by the river, And children rejoice noisily at the sun, And old people think about life.

What have we purchased? Ability to independently organize project activities of all types (research, creative, normative). Find and analyze the effectiveness of the use of information sources. Creativity to project activities of an individual and group nature. The ability to symbolically display the situation, live its main meanings and express them in a figurative form. Interaction skills between participants in the educational process (involving parents in the project, communication with each other and with the teacher). Developed such qualities as: love for nature, animals. We expanded our understanding of spring through the search engine, research activities. Knowledge about spring, signs of spring, animal life in spring.

What are we sure of? The fact that: the skills, abilities and knowledge acquired by children will be actively implemented throughout their lives; our children will take care of plants, animals in spring period; they will read poems about spring, observe nature.

Spring is coming In the morning it was sunny And quite warm. A wide lake flowed through the yard. At noon it froze, Winter came again, The lake dragged on with a crust of glass. I shattered the thin ringing glass, The wide lake flowed again. Passers-by say: - Spring is coming! - And this is me working, Breaking the ice. Agniya Barto

GCD for NGO " cognitive development» Child and the world. with older children.

Subject "Spring suffering"

Form of organization: journey.

Target : Expand your understanding of the features of agricultural work in the spring.


Continue to expand children's ideas about the features of agricultural work in the spring.

Develop curiosity and initiative. Activate vocabulary (spring harvest, harvester, agronomist, etc.)

Cultivate a respectful attitude towards people involved in agriculture.

Equipment: projector, laptop, presentation "Spring Harvest"

Stages of work

Actions of the teacher

(methods and techniques)

Materials and equipment

Motivation of children to activities

Dunno and Znayka come to visit the children. They are arguing about something.

Educator "What are you arguing about?". Guys, let's guys say hello to our guests together.

Dunno . Adults say that the spring season has begun. Why do people start to suffer in the spring? Spring is the time to enjoy the sun!

Educator. That's the problem! Guys, do you know what spring suffering is? Spring harvest is hard work in the spring to prepare the sowing campaign. In early spring the main work is the spring plowing of the land.

Znayka. I saw the tractor working in the field!

Dunno. I want to watch too!

Goal setting for kids

How can we help the Dunno?

Working together with children to find means of activity

IN:- Guys, we will all see how tractors work in the fields together. And our guests and you guys will find out how the spring suffering goes.

Viewing a presentation.

Independent work of children on approbation of methods of activity

Dunno. How interesting! What kind of seeds fall into the ground?

Educator. This is how cereals and legumes are sown. Cereals are plants that produce grain - wheat, rye, rice, millet, barley, etc. Cereals are beans, peas, soybeans, etc.

Agronomists-specialists Agriculture-know when and what agricultural work to do. The success of the whole year depends on how the spring field campaign goes. After all, it is not for nothing that the old peasant wisdom says: spring day feeds the year. Let's look at the grain under a magnifying glass.

Educator. What does it take for a seed to germinate in the ground? From such a grain, a small sprout will first grow, then a spikelet, then these spikelets will be harvested on the field by combines and taken to the flour mill. Bakers will make dough and bake buns, bread, rolls. Do you know why bread happens different color? Wheat flour is made from wheat, and rye flour is made from rye. Baked from wheat flour White bread, buns, loaves, and from rye-black bread and rye gingerbread.

The teacher shows the seeds of wheat and rye. Asks children how to treat bread? What does it mean to keep it?

Listen to proverbs about bread.

Bread is the head of everything.

Bread on the road is not a burden.

Bread is good everywhere, both here and overseas.

Bread and water is a heroic food.

Whoever works tirelessly does not exist without bread.

Work until you sweat, eat bread on the hunt.

Brings children to understand that many people have worked hard to be able to eat delicious bread.

Summing up

Watching the cartoon "Easy Bread".

Tractor harrows the earth with iron teeth of a harrow

When the land is ready for sowing, a seeder is attached to the tractor. From the seeder, the seeds fall evenly to the ground in the furrows

This is how crops are treated. Top dressing for better growth As well as protection against pests and diseases

An agronomist - a specialist in agriculture - knows when and what agricultural work needs to be carried out. The success of the entire year depends on how the spring field campaign goes.

Cereal crops are plants that produce grain - wheat, rye, rice, millet, barley, etc.

Leguminous crops are beans, peas, soybeans, beans.

Bread is the head of everything Bread is good everywhere - both here and abroad. Bread and water are heroic food. Whoever works tirelessly does not exist without bread. Work until you sweat, eat bread on the hunt. Proverbs about bread

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