Beautiful curtains for the living room. Fashionable curtains in the living room. Design solutions for curtains made of lightweight fabrics

In any dwelling, whether it is a country house, cottage or apartment place of honor occupies the living room. The whole family gathers in it on solemn dates, guests are received in it. It is no coincidence that the hostess pays special attention to the design of this room.

Designing a living room is a rather complicated task that requires an integrated approach. One of the necessary components of this multifaceted work is the selection of curtains that could become a real decoration of the room. To successfully cope with this task, you need to know both the basic rules for window drapery and modern popular design solutions within various stylistic trends.

Design Features

Experts advise those who have begun to decorate the living room, first of all, to determine what specific tasks are planned to be solved with the help of curtains.

The fact is that the fabric decoration of the window, in addition to a purely aesthetic function, also performs a number of others. TO they include the following:

  • providing a scattering light effect;
  • protection from sunlight;
  • draft protection;
  • soundproofing;
  • protection of privacy from prying eyes.

To scatter the sunlight penetrating into the room, if it is, for example, a hall, a single-layer curtain may also be quite sufficient. If there is a need to take care of the upholstery of upholstered furniture (for example, if the windows face south side), it is better to opt for heavy curtains with a lining.

If drafts interfere with your comfort in the room, you will need thick curtains: velvet and tweed, as well as lightweight fabrics with thermal padding, are well suited for this purpose.

In an apartment building, curtains help solve the problem of soundproofing. To do this, you should select a dense fabric that can absorb sounds and soften penetrating extraneous noise.

When it comes to protecting your privacy from prying eyes, everyone has a wide choice of fabrics. An undoubted assistant in this case will be heavy night curtains, which will not only provide the necessary window decoration, but also create an atmosphere of comfort and coziness in the room. Meanwhile, even air curtain or a weightless curtain, included as an integral element in a small room, is able to reliably isolate it from the outside world.

As you know, at present, many homeowners combine a living room with a kitchen, thus combining several zones with diverse functions in one room. Developing a design for such a functionally heterogeneous room is a rather difficult task, since for its competent solution it is necessary to ensure the correct distribution of all available functional segments, select the most ergonomic version of furniture in accordance with the layout of the room, and also find a common organic stylistic solution.

Thus, designers recommend giving preference to light colors that will not lose their relevance over the years and will provide an opportunity to experiment without any damage to color schemes.

In this case, the only immutable condition is the introduction of a certain number of accented elements into the living-dining room. In this capacity, pieces of furniture, lamps, paintings and photographs, living plants, vases and, of course, window drapes should act.

There are no special restrictions for the window drapery of the living-dining room.. The choice of material is determined by the size of the room, the number of windows and their configuration. It is perfectly acceptable to limit yourself to translucent curtains or combine them with curtains. If you are not satisfied with the configuration of the windows, you can drape the entire wall with a cloth. You will get the most effective solution when using a plain translucent veil for this purpose.

What are in fashion now?

Every year, stylists celebrate the introduction of new motifs into the design of curtains intended for decoration. modern hall. Given the rapidly changing fashion, the task of buying curtains dictates the need for a preliminary acquaintance with current trends in design.

The fashion trends of the current year are due to the desire of a person to provide environmentally friendly environment. In accordance with this, for decorating a home, it is increasingly recommended to choose natural materials, that is, natural fabrics, such as cotton, linen, jute, silk.

However stylish curtains for the living room can also be made of artificial fabric. An original style solution can be provided by heavy curtains made of materials such as taffeta and velvet containing synthetic fibers.

If you prefer light curtains that accentuate the effect of airy weightlessness, you should choose from transparent fabrics - veils, chiffon, tulle. Such curtains made of thin fabrics are widely used in the Loft style, which is currently gaining more and more popularity. It is no coincidence that this year the most fashionable in terms of combining the weightlessness of the material itself and its color solution beautiful white curtains are considered.

Despite this, experts do not seek to limit the color palette of curtains. It traditionally includes, along with bright and catchy natural colors, muted pastel shades.

Among the newfangled trends characteristic of the print, it should be noted a large catchy pattern for curtains. Naturally, this print is suitable for spacious rooms, in a small room, it will create only annoying variegation. As for the most popular patterns on the print, they today include abstract, geometric and floral compositions.

One of the modern bold solutions for decorating a living room is the use of black or dark gray curtains. Because the dark shades in any case, they make the interior of the room heavier, such curtains will look spectacular only in a spacious and very bright living room, in color palette dominated by impeccable whiteness.


New in the field of living room design projects is now mainly based on a variety of combinatorics of popular style solutions. So, stylists offer to combine classic curtain models with models that the consumer does not yet perceive as familiar. The latter include Roman and roller blinds or blinds.

Currently at the peak of popularity are rolled bamboo curtains, which are complemented by classic straight canvases. This kind of tandem of domestic traditions and original borrowing from Eastern culture has attractive features: the naturalness of the materials used, the versatility and practicality of the kit, as well as its design conciseness.

A new fashionable trend in the design of curtains for the living room is the use of eyelets - metal or plastic rings, with which the curtains can be fixed on the eaves. This design allows the curtains to fall under their own weight, forming spectacular deep folds and visually increasing the height of the living room.

Eyelets are also good because they are able to perform the function of a decorative element: to create for plain canvases the contrast necessary for the overall color palette of the room or add another shade of the prevailing tonality to it.

The use of a variety of ensembles of curtains is becoming increasingly common for decorating living room windows, which ensures the harmony of design both in color and in the texture of its elements. For this purpose, multifaceted solutions are offered today by introducing various accessories for curtains into such ensembles: tassels, ties, lambrequins, etc.

For the design of the windows of the living room, the lambrequin is of particular importance.. On the one hand, completing the window composition, it performs a purely decorative function, giving solemnity to the appearance of the living room. On the other hand, the lambrequin reliably hides the imperfections of both the wall decoration and the errors made during the installation of window blocks.

More and more attention in the curtain market today is paid to Japanese fabric panels. Being sliding fabric canvases stretched over rectangular shape, they are usually perceived as a fabric screen that fits seamlessly into any minimalist design. Among the numerous models of Japanese curtains, you can choose, along with common monochromatic variations, models with a muted print, which traditionally depicts floral or abstract compositions.


Competent style design of the living room with the help of curtains, of course, will require you to be well-versed in the world of those styles that are considered super fashionable this year. These now include the following:

  • Classicism;
  • Neoclassicism;
  • Pop Art;
  • Art Deco;
  • Eco style;
  • Minimalism;
  • Eclecticism.


The classical style lives its own life outside of time: it is always in demand, and over the years the army of its fans does not decrease. The classic approach to curtain design involves the choice of straight fabrics that go down to the floor, which are usually combined with airy tulle. Such drapery of windows and window openings is not only beautiful, but also multifunctional.


At the same time, the neoclassical direction is gaining more and more attention. Neoclassicism is distinguished by the fact that it organically fits a combination of classic designs with fresh ideas. The originality of this style can be emphasized with voluminous, weighted drapery curtains or through Roman blinds in combination with simple, unassuming curtains.

Pop Art

The design of the living room in the style of Pop Art involves the use of neutral colors as the main background. bright hues. For this purpose, white is most often chosen. Since the function of accents within the framework of Pop Art is performed by various decor elements, the curtains also take on this task due to the brightness and contrast of the colors of the prints.

If you are attracted by the glamor of the elite Art Deco style, which is based on the unexpected combination of simplicity and fluidity of forms with amazing chic, you will have to finish the living room in light colors.

At the same time, the contrast necessary for the interior is usually provided by the dark tone of the furniture set, the solid solidity of which should be emphasized by the curtains. It is interesting to note that according to the color code adopted in Art Deco, both plain curtains and curtains with original geometric patterns are welcome.

Eco style

As a return to nature has now become the slogan modern man, Eco-style is very popular, according to which natural materials play a leading role both in finishing and decorating a living space.

Eco-style requirements are fully met by curtains made of cotton, linen, silk and other natural materials. In this case, preference should be given to natural colors, in which such colors as white, gray, yellow, beige, blue, green prevail. It is not forbidden to use patterns and prints that evoke associations with typical natural paintings. It is in this vein that fashionable photo-curtains for the current season are made, which depict exotic flowers, plants, birds and animals.


​Adherence to Minimalism requires the rejection of excessive decorativeness in the interior and the use of concise solutions in the color palette - overlay bright accents on a light background. When applied to curtains, the minimalist requirement means choosing unpretentious light curtains in light colors for the hall. In this case, many experts ideal solution consider white curtains as a symbol of the standard of the minimalist trend.

A variety of minimalist solutions in the arrangement of the living room can give the use of Roman blinds. Recently, more and more stylists for decorating a living room decorated in this style recommend curtains that are not yet quite familiar to the Russian audience - Japanese ones.


According to experts, now at the peak of popularity is eclecticism, based on a combination of incompatible components. At the same time, it must be remembered that professional eclecticism does not at all imply an arbitrary combination of elements related to different styles. The secret of a stylistically competent eclectic solution is that the combination of heterogeneous style elements is perceived as absolutely natural and optimal for achieving the planned effect.

Color solutions

The task of harmoniously introducing curtains into the overall color scheme of the living room is not among the simple ones. To find a competent solution for it, first of all, you need to clearly define what task you assign to the curtains: they will play the role of a central or background element in the design. It is the functional load of curtains that ultimately determines the choice of a particular color for them and, accordingly, accessories.

Stylists note that often a neutral color scheme is a universal solution for living room curtains. It helps to neutralize the undesirable effect of the limited area of ​​​​the room, the lack of light in it, contributes to the creation of its light airy image.

Color combinations that organically fit into almost any living room style are such color schemes for curtains as white in all its shades, light tones of sand, beige and coffee.

Gray is also considered universal with its many shades. Its characteristic wide range of compatibility removes any restrictions when choosing a color scheme during furniture upholstery replacement, carpet or wallpaper. The undoubted practicality of gray explains its many years of leadership among fashionable color schemes for living room interiors.

Today, the fashion for natural fabric determines the fashion trends in the color palette recommended for curtains. The modern range of trendy natural tones consists of sand, mustard, pistachio, olive, various shades of blue (blue-green, blue with a lilac tint, blue-silver, blue-violet).

Chocolate, with its various tint variations, is still a win-win color base for choosing a spectacular material for curtains.


Currently, a huge variety of fabrics for curtains is presented on the textile market. Depending on the functional purpose, the characteristics of the room for which they are intended, one or another material is selected from the specifics of the design project.

Of course, it is impossible to arbitrarily change light curtains for heavy drapery material without compromising the design of your living room. The texture of the material and its color scheme are also of paramount importance.

When choosing fabric for curtains, you need to rely on the overall design project of the living room and in no case buy just the fabric you like.

Spectacular examples in the interior

For the modern design of the living room, a lot is offered today. original ideas. One of them is the production of curtains in the “colorblock” style solution. The secret of this stylistic approach to the design of window drapes lies in the fact that the curtain fabric is made up of a combination of horizontal pieces of fabric. different colors. This technique makes it possible not only to emphasize the original contrasting components of the interior, but also to emphasize the harmony of its color spectrum.

Another spectacular example of the use of combinatorics in the manufacture of curtains is a vertical connection. various types material. It is most effective to hang such curtains in a living room with a bay window, since with this configuration of the room it will be necessary to arrange several curtains that create a certain composition.

The essence of vertical combinatorics in the design of window drapes is as follows. The main canvas of a classic curtain in a neutral tone is framed by a narrow edging made of bright or printed material. This solution, which is based on the method of highlighting a color spot, moves the canvas into a color focus, visually increasing the height of the living room. As a result, you get a balanced and stylish design solution for the living room.

It should be emphasized that the importance of textiles for decorating a living room should not be underestimated even if you are completely confident in your ability to change its interior without much damage to yourself, or if you are an adherent of strict minimalism. Experts say that window drapery, regardless of capricious fashion trends, will remain in demand for premises of various functional orientations, and, first of all, for living rooms. This is due to the fact that any owner cannot but take care of its functionality, comfort and ability to satisfy its aesthetic needs.

The hall or living room is the main room in the house. Beautifully and fashionably dressed windows are the “visiting card” of a caring, tasteful hostess.

There are many types of design and processing models, from dense and airy fabrics, with and without prints, textured and smooth, with dust and water-repellent impregnations, anti-reflective, etc.

Common styles:

Tailoring can be long to the floor, short to the windowsill or slightly lower, short in the window opening.

There is also a choice of fastening methods: wall-mounted metal, plastic and wooden ones, ceiling-mounted ones are plastic and aluminum, a string, a “cafe” cornice.

Draperies and tulle

The curtain is a thin fabric with and without texture, matte or shiny, transparent or with a thick weave, which one to choose depends on the chosen design.

For the main canvas fit:

The word curtain comes from the French "porte" - a door, since initially doorways were decorated with textiles. Draperies in the interior are not only a decorative role and have a direct purpose - night curtains.

It is important to know: the curtains are typed 2-3 times the length of the guide, the curtains are at least 1.5 times, and preferably 2 times. For sewing on eyelets 2-2.5 times.

Curtains on grommets

Models on grommets have become popular, they are conveniently removed and put on the ledge, they move easily and look beautiful.
eyelets perfect solution window design in modern style.

The manufacture of such a kit will require 2-2.5 times more fabric than the length of the cornice. Sewn using adhesive tape, which is placed under the eyelets to keep the shape.
Two-tone curtains in the interior of the living room.

This model allows you to combine textiles with each other, in two or more colors, plain with patterned.

Set of curtains with lambrequin

When decorating a window or windows in the living room, bandeau curtains look relevant, if this does not contradict the design of the room.

A set of curtains with a lambrequin in the hall, a stylish solution for a room in a classic style.
The set of curtains and lambrequin are made of the same fabric. Beautiful lambrequin for the hall, made in a complex technique, with carved elements. A set of openwork lambrequin and velvet curtains for the living room. Lambrequins for the living room, decorated with fringe, with an unusual fastening on the tiebacks. Hall in white, with lambrequins looks very elegant.
Beautiful lambrequin for the modern style living room. A beautiful set of curtains with a lambrequin for the living room. Bandeau with swags for the living room, decorated with cord and fringe, will perfectly fit into the classic style.

Lambrequin, translated from French as an ornament, appeared for the first time in France in the Louvre in the 18th century. They are made mainly from the same material as curtains with the addition of tassels, fringe, glass beads, lace, and cord.

The styles of lambrequins are soft, consisting of folds, ties, de frills, swags, etc. or rigid - the material is glued to a rigid base doubler and framed with a cord or tassels, openwork ornate monograms are cut out laser equipment. A novelty in the design industry of bandeau windows made of cord on a wire frame.

New this year, cord lambrequins. A decorative cord element in the center enlivens a set of simple curtains. Cord pelmet as an independent element of decoration over curtains. Pelmet of two types of cord for the living room looks chic.

All these styles are appropriate when decorating a room in the classical direction, baroque, empire, many of them are acceptable in modern.


Rimki confidently gained popularity in modern interiors. Invented a very long time ago, it has come down to our time with virtually no changes.

Simple, comfortable, functional, goes with any interior design.

Rimka made of fabric with a pattern as an independent window decoration in the hall. Roman blinds in the interior of the hall, simple and stylish. Rimki with a contrasting pattern in the color of the wallpaper. Romans in the living room in the style of minimalism.

A straight canvas, hanging evenly, is folded in even folds. Usually made of any material, dense for protection from the sun or thin for decoration.

Mounted on a Roman cornice with Velcro control, guides are stretched horizontally, a weighting agent is below.

Modifications of Roman curtains and the material from which they are sewn vary depending on the purpose. The rim is attached both to the window or sash, and above the opening.

Austrian curtains

This is an interesting combination of two models in one: French and Roman.

The Austrian curtain is a canvas that can be initially draped from below or forms folds as the mechanism rises. So incompatible things intertwined in one model - the simplicity and conciseness of the Roman and the splendor of the classics from the French.

The Austrian curtain is framed along the lower edge with lace, tassels, fringe.

Textiles for this style are suitable for light, easily draped pastel colors. The Austrian looks spectacular from materials with a shiny surface: satin, organza, micro-veil or delicate cambric.

Soft materials create crisp, deep folds for an elegant look.

Japanese fabric panels

The spirit of the East makes it possible to apply non-standard, unexpected ideas in the interior. Japanese panels are a sophisticated decor for lovers of minimalism.

Japanese panels in the living room with a bay window. Beautiful japanese curtains in black and white. Japanese panels in the living room made of light and dense fabric. Chic Japanese panels for the hall with a bright print. Japanese curtain fabric panels for zoning in the living room. A very stylish combination in contrast, Japanese panels for the hall. The role of tulle and curtains is performed by Japanese panels.

To attach Japanese panels, you will need multi-level cornices attached to the ceiling. It can be equipped with an electric drive for convenience or sliding manually from the center or to one of the sides. The panels in it move like a screen, they always hang evenly, which is achieved with the help of guides from the bottom and top of the canvas.

Japanese panels are made of both dense and lightweight textiles. Depends on the functional load and design intent. They are made both from plain materials, with a minimum amount of pattern, textured and with a bright print, stylized print.

The panels are widely used in interiors in the design of minimalism, high-tech. It is appropriate to use this style in the living room, kitchen, nursery.


An indispensable option if you need protection from the sun or prying eyes.

Rolls are made from specialized textiles, with varying degrees protection from the sun, impregnated with dust and moisture-repellent composition. Resistant to fading in the sun.

Roller blinds are mounted on a mechanism that allows you to twist the canvas when it is rolled up.

Common types of rolls are solid canvas, "zebra" - alternating fabric with mesh, pleated.

The mechanism is attached to the sash individually or solid above the opening. They are used both independently and in combination with other options.

Collections of materials have a wide range of both textures, colors and different qualities. Recently, there has been more demand for natural textiles or textures that imitate them: bamboo, linen, matting.


Comfortable, practical, not requiring special care-kisei. Stylish invention of textile production. They are used to decorate windows, doors, openings, perform the role of zoning the room. Processed in various ways: an assembly tape, on eyelets, a pocket on a pipe.

Kiseya is presented not only in different shades, but also in different weaving of threads: with lurex, sequins, with glass beads, spirals, rain, combined from several colors, including a rainbow.
original solution for the living room and not only from filament curtains.

Apply to a window with a balcony door. Kisei can be like independent product or in combination with other types of curtains or curtains.

Important to know: before washing, the curtains-threads are tied in several places in height, washed in a laundry bag to avoid tangling of the threads!

The choice of curtain design for the hall

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of window decoration in the hall, because the living room is the main room for receiving guests and relaxing.

Individuality, a relaxing atmosphere of comfort, this is what will give your room a thoughtful window design.

Designers divide decorative design in the hall into three main areas:

1) Classic.

2) Ethnic.


The style of the window should be in harmony with the rest of the decor in the room, combined with upholstered furniture, wall color. You need to find out if you need operating night curtains or enough curtains for decoration. After answering all the questions, you will find out which design for the hall you choose.


Fashion changes, but classics are timeless. classic direction most in demand when choosing a living room design.

A carefully thought-out project, a combination of light and heavy fabrics, echoing the color scheme of the entire interior of the living room, creates the impression of a complete, complemented by a well-created design.

As a curtain for the hall, light fabrics such as voile, oil, organza or chiffon are used. The main requirement for tulle is a soft, flowing fabric.

The main canvas is processed on a wide belt or laid in deep warehouses. The edge of the tulle is processed with a weighting agent, scalloped or framed with a fringe.

We choose curtains for the hall more densely: velvet, silk, velor, satin.

As a decor in the classics, brushes, fringe, cords in the form of pickups, holders for brushes are used (they can be made of metal, wood, plastic)

Lambrequin in the design is not required, but is often used. In a large room with high ceilings, it may be appropriate.

A set of curtains with a lambrequin, sewn from several fabrics, of different colors, textures combined with each other, laid in thick folds consisting of flip-flops, swags, ties, looks solemn, emphasizes the overall style of the room.

Traditionally, the height of the details of the lambrequin should not exceed 1/5 of the height of the room.

It is better to take fabrics for sewing such a set with a margin; pillows on the sofa are sewn from the remnants.

Modern style

Modern style-distinctive features: functionality and simplicity.

The color combination can be bright, but a calm palette is still more acceptable.

Modern style is a combination of hi-tech, modern, Japanese minimalism, so simple, uncomplicated models are most often preferred.

In the center there is a plain canvas, on the sides there are two curtains hanging evenly or matched to tiebacks. Textiles both plain and with a large pattern.

The principle of fastening depends on the idea of ​​the designer and the chosen model. Looks stylish and appropriate modern design, which does not tolerate layering and an abundance of bright and catchy accents.

When choosing a set for a small room, opt for a set of Roman curtains as tulle and curtains on the sides for decor in light shades. A small living room will look visually larger, and if accents are required, add a couple of bright sofa cushions and a cover.


The design of the window in the Art Nouveau style is diverse, it is both straight smooth lines of the canvas hanging evenly and asymmetric lines and shapes with flips, draperies.

In general, an unusual composition without observing strict geometry, repeating smooth outlines and natural lines.

For tailoring in the Art Nouveau style, they take textiles with the image of butterflies, birds, ornaments, floral prints in bright and contrasting combinations.

Tailoring is made on loops from the main fabric or on eyelets. For tulle in milky, creamy shades, soft and flowing.

The colors inherent in Art Nouveau: lilac, purple, dark green, burgundy, purple, in soothing shades - sand, bronze, gray metallic. Models of lambrequins with ornate patterns, openwork.


Minimalism in curtains, as well as in the interior, a minimum of decor and finishes, restraint of colors. Creating coziness in minimalism is important to keep the color scheme in harmony with the rest of the interior.

Simple curtains that are not conspicuous are often short tailoring to the window sill or a little lower, or a plain canvas finished along the edges and hanging in the window opening.

Decor in minimalism does not litter the space, gives lightness and comfort. Inconspicuous, monochrome, preference is given to fabrics with a matte texture. The pattern is acceptable in the form of lines, diamonds or simple geometric patterns.

Common patterns for sewing are Japanese panels, Romans, decorative screens or rolls.


Light pastel palette, natural antique furniture, light fabrics with floral patterns create a romantic Provence atmosphere.

The living room in Provence is cozy, bright, calm. Characteristic features of Provence:

Lambrequins in Provence, like curtains, are sewn from natural fabrics, ribbons, bows, lace and frills are used as decoration.

Cornices made of natural materials: metal, wood.

A separate topic is lace curtains imitating manual work, or real, handmade.

High tech

One of the areas of minimalism is high-tech.

Restraint in everything, strictness and clarity of lines, lack of decor and practicality. For this style, materials with metallized fiber, impregnated with polyvinyl chloride, Teflon, dust and moisture-repellent are suitable. Black out and anti-reflective textiles fit into a high-tech living room.

The color scheme is no less restrained: shades of gray and blue flowers, metallic tones, cold gold, copper, bronze, steel. A combination of contrasting black / white is acceptable.

Let's say the decor is made of eyelets, tie-down rings.

The combination of a roll in addition to a curtain made of thick fabric on the control is a classic version of a high-tech model.

Kisei is used as a tulle if it is threads containing silver lurex or threads with gray glass beads. Pleated curtains or Japanese panels made of thin fabric of metallic shades look harmonious in such an interior.

Photo of new curtains for the hall

The photo gallery contains the best ideas for decorating a living room, the latest innovations in the textile and curtain industry.

Curtains for the hall in a modern style. Tailoring on eyelets, fabrics are combined. Velvet curtains with Austrian tulle, a beautiful set for the hall.
Curtains for the hall from velor, tailoring on decorative braid. Curtains made of two fabrics, sewn in height. Window decoration in the hall in a modern style.
Embroidered pelmet for the hall. Nice window decoration. Decor corner window in the living room, curtains in a modern style. Openwork lambrequin for the hall made in Art Nouveau style. The solution for the hall in a modern style. Beautiful curtains for the hall in the style of minimalism. Plain curtains and tulle in a modern style. Guipure tulle with plain curtains, a window in the hall in a modern style. Rimka with curtains in the design of the window in the living room. Minimalism in a bright room, living room decoration. Classics in the modern interior of the hall. Very beautiful color scheme for the hall in a modern style. Decoration of two windows in the living room in a modern style. Two windows in the hall are decorated in a minimalist style. Stylish interior living room with turquoise curtains in a modern style. Light curtains for high-tech style in the living room. Modern style in the design of the windows of the living room. Minimalist style in the design of the window in the hall. Rolls with decorative curtains on the sides decoration of the hall in the style of minimalism. Modern classic window decoration in the living room. gray curtains in the style of minimalism in the hall.

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Today, the role of curtains in the hall is not only the protection of the room from the bright sun and prying eyes. In addition, curtains are a significant component of the design solution of the room. They link all the interior details, which are sometimes designed in different styles, to each other. In addition, it is the curtains that create a comfortable and cozy atmosphere in the living room to a greater extent.

How to choose the right curtains depending on the style direction

The final moment in the arrangement of any living room is the choice of curtains. Properly selected curtains should be in harmony with the style of the room, giving it an atmosphere of comfort and warmth.

For each style decision, its own kind of curtains is appropriate. It is necessary to understand this well so that the design of the window frame for the living room does not stand out from the general design of the hall.

Below we consider curtains in a setting of various styles.

Modern design

This direction combines elements of hi-tech, minimalism and eclecticism. This is a way to express yourself, your originality, show your preferences and understanding of comfort. The characteristics of such a style are ease of perception, a muted palette, and ease of operation.

Curtains in modern style are usually straight. Fastening occurs with the help of loops or eyelets. The colors can be combined with other shades of the decor, but must be light colors: sand, cappuccino, alabaster. Contrasting colors will also be acceptable, for example, red, purple, cornflower blue, green.

Speaking about the material for curtains, it can be very different: natural, artificial, textured, etc. Both a plain fabric and a fabric with a geometric pattern will be appropriate.

Classic trend in design

Classic is out of fashion. She will always be popular. Classic curtains for the windows in the living room are usually represented by a combination of heavy, opaque material and light tulle. Their hallmark is multifunctionality: opaque curtains protect the room from sunlight and prying eyes, and airy organza does not prevent light from penetrating inside.

In the classical style, it is appropriate to use a variety of types of material for curtains. The texture and print can also be different. Such decorative details as lambrequins, braid, laces are acceptable.

In the classics, the main thing is that the color of the curtains and their texture do not stand out from the color scheme of the situation as a whole. Otherwise, the room will look extremely unattractive, because it is on the curtains that the main emphasis is placed in the classic interior.

High tech

This is a reflection of modern existence in the era of industrial development. High-tech furnishings are characterized by minimalism, conciseness, and the absence of unnecessary details. Today, this direction is increasingly used for the design of living rooms, although it was originally created for the office.

Window framing must be functional and practical, no decorative frills. Usually curtains are represented by strict translucent canvases of simple cut with a metallic sheen.

The type of material plays an important role here. Matter must be of high quality and manufactured according to the latest modern technologies, a metal thread and a laser cut are appropriate. The color of the curtains is predominantly metallic.

Provence style

This style brings people closer to nature. We can say that Provence is a country with a French flavor. No wonder it got its name from the province of the same name in the south of France. This style is a reflection of rural life. His characteristic features are modesty and unpretentiousness.

Only allowed in the environment natural materials. Curtains should be simple cut for the entire window. By the way, the classics of Provence suggests window hole from floor to ceiling.

Curtain fabric can have an unpretentious pattern in the form of flowers and bouquets of the most sizes and shades, white-red or white-blue checks, stripes. As for the material, linen, chintz and even openwork curtains will be appropriate.

When choosing curtains in the Provence style, you need to take into account that the situation, designed in this style, contains blue-blue tones, so the window decoration must be in harmony with this shade.

Minimalistic design

Curtains in this design carry an exclusively functional load. Absence decorative elements, clarity of lines, simplicity - these are the features of this style. Therefore, the choice of material for modern curtains in the style of minimalism in the living room requires a serious approach. Matter must be a muted color of one tone and well pass the sun's rays.

Eastern style direction

Beautiful curtains in oriental (Japanese) style will fit perfectly into any room. Their advantages are lightness, compatibility with many modern design trends, the ability to zone and visually enlarge the space.

Japanese curtains are several canvases. These are one-of-a-kind curtains that allow you to systematically change the living room environment - they can be moved and positioned in different ways. The fabric and print can be used in a variety of ways - it all depends on the imagination of the designer.


This design implies a combination of incongruous. It is chosen by creative individuals seeking to show their individual characteristics. There are no prohibitions regarding the material, color, ornament for curtains of this style.

The photo of the curtains in the living room shows that ribbons, feathers, glass beads, small stones, dry flowers, lace can act as decorations for them.


For sewing curtains, brocade, silk, satin, velvet fabrics are suitable. A good option would be tulle curtains with gold embroidery. The main rule is that the curtain fabric must be heavy and flow beautifully.

Let's say a pattern of printed, tapestry or jacquard type. As decorative elements, you can use fringe, ribbons, tassels.

It is important to remember that the more colorful the curtains, the less decor is needed. Multilayer curtains made of fabrics that are different in texture and light transmission will be appropriate.

New curtains in the living room in 2017 are:

  • Curtains that combine mismatched fabrics.
  • Minimalistic models in terms of colors, decorative details and patterns.
  • Curtains decorated with threads of beads, pebbles, beads.
  • Panels in Japanese style.
  • Products decorated with embroidery, ornaments, appliqué.
  • Cotton, linen curtains.

When choosing window decoration, do not forget that the curtains must meet your preferences and be functional. Only then will you feel comfortable being in your living room.

Photo of curtains in the living room

All photos In the photo: New 2018-2019. Light turquoise curtains in the Art Deco living room

In a bright art deco living-dining room, mint-colored pelmets and curtains serve to decorate the interior, along with gilded columns and semi-columns, as well as bevelled mirrors.

21. Thick curtains in the TV area of ​​​​the living room with a round bay window

All photos In the photo: Blackout curtains in the TV area of ​​the Art Deco living room

Panoramic windows in a round bay window with a TV area where the sun's rays penetrate under different angles, can be effectively draped only with thick dark curtains. The design of the drapery with an additional layer of cream-colored light curtains, effectively contrasting with the dark base, will avoid gloom. A wide ceiling cornice with a gilded pattern around the perimeter of the room and a multi-level white ceiling with lighting will visually increase the height of the room.

24. Dark curtains and light curtains with tiebacks in the drapery of panoramic windows

All photos In the photo: Multilayer curtains with tiebacks in the living-dining room

Panoramic windows in the studio space of the living-dining room are draped with multilayer curtains with tiebacks. Dark sliding curtains will protect against too bright light on a summer afternoon.

25. Hourglass curtains that emphasize the enfilade of the room

All photos In the photo: Curtains - "hourglass" in the design of the living room

The interior of the living room in the art deco style is decorated with a repeating element - curtains in the shape of " hourglass". Such a "refrain" sets a certain rhythm and emphasizes the enfilade of the interior of the first floor of a modern country house.

26. Partitions with curtains for space zoning

All photos In the photo: Curtains for the visual distinction between the living room and the bedroom

To separate the living room space with a fireplace from the bedroom in the interior of a small apartment on Michurinsky Prospekt, glass partitions and a curtain are used. A curtain made of dense fabric helps to visually divide a room with elements of art deco and classics into functional areas if necessary.

27. A curtain instead of an interior door in a narrow opening

All photos In the photo: Art Nouveau curtain design for a doorway

To elegantly decorate a narrow doorway leading to a corridor or other room of the apartment, it is enough to choose a curtain that is suitable in style and color. A curtain of a deep pink hue adorned the interior of the kitchen-living-dining room in the Art Nouveau style.

28. Symmetry in the classic interior of the living-dining room

All photos In the photo: Symmetry and order in a classic living-dining room

In the classic interior of the dining area in the living room in beige colors everything is subject to strict symmetry. This orderliness is also supported by the color scheme: an almost monochrome beige-brown range creates an unusually peaceful and calm atmosphere.

29. Combining primary interior colors

All photos In the photo: Design of pink curtains for classic interior living room

In this ladies' boudoir-inspired living room, silver hues create a subtle shimmering effect enhanced by wide bevelled mirrors above the classic-style white fireplace portal. And shades of bright pink, bordering on fuchsia, in the textile design of the room, play the role of bright accents. The function of curtains in the design of the living room is, first of all, to combine the main colors of the interior in one drapery. Such a design technique always allows you to "put the interior together."

30. Change of scenery. Trendy colors of the year in the interior

All photos In the photo: Turquoise curtains in the Art Deco living room. Project 2018-2019

Luxurious turquoise curtains with a complex lambrequin, consisting of swags with "sagging" and tassels, have become a fashionable color accent in the beige interior of the living room, smoothly turning into an art deco kitchen-dining room. Pearl gray color formed a harmonious duet with turquoise. In the event that changeable fashion next year chooses a new color as its favorite, it will be possible to refresh the interior with a slight movement of the hand by replacing the curtains and decorative covers on pillows.

31. Crystal curtains for zoning the kitchen-living room

All photos In the photo: Crystal curtains for zoning the kitchen-living room in the Art Deco style

When considering various types of curtains for the living room, we could not help but mention the crystal curtains that are popular today, designed not only to decorate, but also to elegantly zone the interior.

Curtains are an indispensable element of room design, which will not only give completeness and integrity to the living room environment, but can also significantly change the perception of the interior, bring new notes and set accents.

The well-known interior designer Anzhelika Prudnikova pays attention to every detail of the interior, and in the design of curtains, as part of the development of the project, she puts not only professionalism and a sense of style, but also a rich imagination, not being afraid to experiment and find new, unique solutions.

Few will argue with the fact that the living room is one of the most important and significant rooms, both in a city apartment and in a country private house. It is guided by this fact that one should think over the interior design of the guest room most carefully, paying attention to everything, even seemingly completely insignificant details.

It is difficult to imagine a living room without textiles.

Curtains - this is a very important element of modern decor, just the same, which is an "insignificant" detail at first glance. But in fact, this is far from the case, and window decoration with curtains is an integral part of the living room interior design project.

The right design of curtains for the living room refreshes the room and attracts attention.

Modern curtains for the hall or living room must respond to whole line requirements: meet the latest fashion trends, be inexpensive, but at the same time very stylish and beautiful, tailoring of curtains should be made from high-quality, natural and hypoallergenic fabric, the canvas should not act as a dust collector, be functional and practical.

Curtains in the interior emphasize the dignity of the room, complement it.

As you can already understand, the acquisition of curtains should be taken as seriously as possible, because just one such detail can spoil the whole appearance of the room space and its interior. Just imagine, one step towards another material can visually narrow the space, make it too dark or, conversely, pretentiously light.

There are not as many requirements for living room curtains as there are for kitchen ones, but they must be resistant to fading if the room is located on the sunny side.

It is very easy to make a mistake, but to prevent this from happening, you need to be aware of the latest trends in the world of interior design fashion, understand different types of curtains, be aware of the world of various fabrics and decor. In order to expand your horizons, we suggest considering the best and most modern options for curtains for decorating windows in the living room and hall.

Modern style in the living room: which curtains to choose. Photo selection

  • Without lambrequin.

Curtains on the windows in the living room create their own atmosphere, protect from sunlight and prying eyes.

  • With lambrequin.

While they have the same functionality, they are very different and correct selection suitable for the interior of the living room of different styles.

  • For two windows.

Modern style living room curtains are usually straight in a light shade of beige and white.

  • For one window.

The fabric of modern curtains for the living room can be both natural and made using modernized technologies.

  • Under the ceiling cornice.

Curtains for the living room in a classic style combine light tulle and heavy thick curtains.

  • Under the stretch ceiling.

On the one hand, weightless organza lets in daylight, and on the other hand, opaque curtains decorate the wall and protect from prying eyes in the evenings.

How to choose the right curtains for a living room in a modern style: basic tips and tricks from designers

Agree that it is simply impossible to look away from a correctly and stylishly designed window opening. If the window is decorated with taste, and the curtains on it perfectly complement the overall design of the room, then the window will become a real gem, a crown framing the living room and the hall.

This is very practical solution, therefore, many owners with the same good taste turn to the design of curtains for the living room in a classic style.

The modern textile curtain market is presented in such a huge assortment that it will be difficult to make a choice not only for an ordinary man in the street who, for the first time in his life, has encountered his own design project, but also for a novice, or even practicing, modern interior designer.

Any fabric material and texture is acceptable here.

In this paragraph of the article, we tried to take into account and analyze in detail all the problems that arise and possible nuances that may arise and the consumer at the time of choice.

We select curtains for the hall with and without a balcony

In most urban living rooms, initially, when planning the apartment, access to a balcony or loggia was provided. On the one hand, the presence of a balcony door cannot be attributed to the tangible shortcomings of the premises, but if you look at the situation from a different angle, it becomes clear that such a layout of the apartment space is not the most best solution, as it creates a large number of problems associated with the design of the window opening in the living room in a modern style.

Colors should be fresh and juicy, but not bright.

When planning a design project for window decoration and a balcony glass door, two main criteria and factors should be taken into account.

  • Sufficient illumination and dispersion of sunlight to a level that is comfortable for the eyes. I think that it will not come as a revelation to you that the amount of light entering the room will depend not only on the location of the room in relation to the sun. Even if the window openings in your apartment face the sunny, south side, then a glazed loggia, or even an ordinary balcony with a canopy, can easily take away a large amount of precious sunlight from you. In this case, it makes no sense to choose only dark, dense materials from which the curtains will be made or already sewn. Give preference to light, flowing fabrics and, in extreme cases, in order to hide from the annoying glances of people passing by, purchase thick curtains in addition to tulle. The same combination is ideal for the owners of those city apartments, the windows of which either face the north, non-sunny side, or are obscured by another high-rise building.

When choosing the color of the curtains, it is necessary to build on the size of the room, the amount of light in it, the layout and the height of the ceiling.

  • The second criterion that you should pay attention to is the ease of movement, the availability of access to the balcony. A loggia or balcony is a very convenient and necessary room, which serves as an additional storage place for seasonal items, transport (bicycles, scooters), jars of pickles. And someone even remodels the balcony and turns it into a real room! And, of course, it is important in these situations to have easy access from the living room to the balcony and from the balcony to the living room. But how to achieve such a result if you need to install curtains? The output will be rolled, Japanese curtains. Or ribbon cuts of tulle, which will look especially impressive and stylish. French curtains will also be the way out, the length of which is adjustable, opening up space to the door handles. Is your living room decorated in a minimalist style? Blinds can be the way out. Just install some on the space near the windows, and others directly on the door leading to the balcony or loggia.

A win-win option would be to choose a neutral beige, sand and coffee color of any tone.

On eyelets or rings

Curtains on grommets or rings look incredibly beautiful and stylish! And all thanks to the incredible beauty of the folds formed using a special method of fastening. But not only the impeccable appearance and unique design is one of the most important factors in favor of grommets. In addition, they are also incredibly firmly attached to the eaves. If you have small children in your house who love to run around in the hall and play hide and seek behind the curtains, always tearing the canvas off the curtains, then this option is definitely for you! Another significant advantage of such curtains is the ease of installation and a variety of designs!

This design will muffle the white walls and create coziness.

Other Rules and Tips

  • Pay close attention to the overall style of the room in which you are going to install curtains.
  • Also pay attention to the newfangled photocurtains.
  • Carefully check the fabric for static properties. If the fabric accumulates a large amount of dust and wool in its folds, this can lead to allergies in your family members.

The color can match the color of the furniture or the largest object in the interior.

What fabric is best for curtains

We hope that for each person the truth has now become clear that curtains create a particularly cozy and friendly atmosphere in the living room, they perfectly emphasize the stylistic direction in which the room is decorated, and, in general, act as a very functional and necessary thing in every home. The choice of material from which the curtains are made or will be made is very responsible and important step in thinking about and implementing the entire design project of a living room or hall in a modern style.

Making curtains and pillows with one fabric will create a unity of style.

That is why the choice of material should be approached competently, in detail and deeply understanding this issue. Moreover, the modern textile industry with all the new technologies provides us with huge selection materials. These are both synthetic and natural fibers, fabrics with a fancy pattern and plain dense fabrics.

Cold colors are suitable for rooms on the sunny side, and warm colors will fill the interior of the living room with light.

In order not to make the right choice when choosing required material, you definitely need to know what the room is intended for, in which the window is located, just the same for which you select the curtains. It is also important to take into account the stylistic direction of the room, the color scheme and palette of the interior, the height of the ceilings in the room, the shape and size of the window openings.

Lush curtains with an unusual finish are suitable for the living room.

It is also very important and necessary to determine functional purpose blinds. After all, they must perform a rather impressive list of functional tasks. For example: protect against harsh sunlight, diffuse sunlight, keep warm in winter, good breathability in summer period years, expanding the space at the visual level, creating coziness and a comfortable atmosphere in the living room.

Blue curtains dilute the classic bright living room.

But besides these important factors, it is also important to consider the following parameters when choosing fabrics for curtains and curtains in a modern living room or hall.

You can always find among them a beautiful, practical and appropriate model for the interior.

  • The ability to absorb odors from air masses. Of course, it is very important that the fabric does not absorb odors from the environment. After all, the living room is the room in which the whole family gathers every day, and sometimes friends and relatives. Behind festive table you eat, someone allows you to smoke a cigarette or a hookah. And it is very important that the fabric does not absorb odors.
  • combustibility of the material. Curtains should never be lit. In the living room, a TV, floor lamps, chandeliers, and lamps are often installed. It would seem that this is so? But in fact, the abundance of wires, coupled with pets, small children, or high humidity can lead to a short circuit, which is often the cause of fires. Curtains can help spread the flames.

Colors should be saturated and muted, reminiscent of thick gouache paints.

Important! Choose curtains from a material that, when exposed to high temperatures smoldering, not burning.

  • Durability and practicality. Curtains should be made of durable and strong material that is easy to iron and will not “creep” after the first wash. Also, if the material has been dyed, then it is worth making sure that it does not fade in the sun and after washing in hot water.

Today it is important to combine diverse curtains on one window: tulle and blinds, porters and Roman curtains, roller blinds and curtains.

New ideas for 2019 and trendy combinations. Photo selection

There is an opinion that the catchphrase that following fashion is funny, and not following is stupid, is only suitable for trends in human clothing. But in fact, this is a big misconception, reinforced by modern media, TV shows and shows that are shown on TV in prime time. In fact, this expression refers to the entire fashion world, which includes trendy clothes for young girls and boys. There is also a fashion for the design of your Instagram profile, for the food you eat for breakfast, even for sports and, of course, for interior design. Now we invite you to look at the most trendy novelties and ideas of 2019 in the design of a window opening with the help of curtains and curtains.

Curtains for the hall and living room can be of any model, the main thing is that they are in harmony with the rest of the situation.

Take a close look at the proposed photo examples and be inspired by your own unique living room designs in a modern style!

VIDEO: Luxurious curtains in a modern style.

50 options for curtains in the living room in a modern style:

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