To reveal the meaning of Buslaev's statement: “The entire power of judgment is contained in the predicate. Without the predicate there can be no judgment.” (USE in Russian). Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the outstanding linguist F, I, Buslaev: “All the power of judgment

Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous Russian scientist Fyodor Buslaev: "All the power of judgment is contained in the predicate. There can be no judgment without the predicate" And also give two examples from the text of Maxim Gorky 150 words minimum


All the power of judgment is contained in the predicate. There can be no judgment without a predicate, ”said the famous Russian linguist F. I. Buslaev. I fully agree with him. So, for example, in the text above, which consists of two semantic parts, narrative and description, one cannot do without predicates. The predicate is the most important component of the second part of the text - the narrative. Without them, there is no action, and therefore no story. Throughout the text, the author resorts to the help of homogeneous predicates (“jumped”, “began to assure”) or (“do not linger”, “look around”). This helps him accurately convey the sequence of actions. The author also uses a compound verbal predicate and a compound nominal predicate, which carry a large amount of information, for example, “was strong”. This text, due to the abundance of compound verb predicates in it (“decided to raise”, “began to assure”, “ran to inquire”), is full of actions. Therefore, skillfully using predicates, as well as being fluent in Russian, he remarkably conveys to us a picture of events and accurately recreates the sequence of actions taking place in this episode. 19 Like Complain

The well-known philologist and philosopher A.A. Averintsev argued that “the task of the author of the reasoning is to substantiate his point of view as convincingly as possible. To do this, it is necessary to provide as much evidence as possible, placing them in a certain sequence.

This is how I understand this phrase. When making a reasoned argument, in which there should be as much evidence as possible, introductory words come to the aid of the author. They help to build a coherent, logically connected and reasonable reasoning. I will give examples from the text of E.V. Grishkovets.

So, in sentences No. 17-18, the writer uses the introductory words “firstly” and “secondly”, which not only indicate the order of thoughts, but also help him authoritatively substantiate his point of view.

Thus, I can conclude that the statement of A.A. Averintsev is true.

Babel I.E.: "All paragraphs and all punctuation must be done correctly in terms of the greatest the impact of the text on the reader» .

The paragraph explains the compositional-syntactic structure of the text, expressing the dynamics of the development of the plot. It may contain a new thought or new information compared to the previous paragraph. I will prove this with examples from the text.

The division of the text into paragraphs reflects the logical movement of the author's thought. So, in the first paragraph (sentences 1-3) it is said about the boy's fears about the impending snowstorm, in the second (sentences 4-7) that his fears were justified - a snowstorm began, in the third (sentences 8-11) - about saving decision. The presentation of the course of events occurs by moving from one micro-theme to another, which allows the reader to trace the sequence in the development of the narrative.

The last paragraph (sentences 43-47) contains the main idea of ​​the text (the influence of maternal upbringing on the fate of children).

Thus, I.E.Babel was right when he said that "all paragraphs and all punctuation must be done correctly in terms of the greatest impact of the text on the reader."

Russian philologist F.I. Buslaev argued: “Only in the proposal do they get their meaning individual words, their endings and prefixes.

This is how I understand this phrase. The verbal environment helps the reader to establish the meaning in which the word is used, especially the polysemantic or homonym. I will give examples from the text of K.G. Paustovsky.

Firstly, in sentence No. 30 (Then they called a meeting to judge me for hiding the boards.) polysemantic word"judge". In this proposal, it has next value: "To consider someone's case in judicial order as well as in public court.

Secondly, in sentence No. 32 (Not you, but your children will understand the value of these engravings, but someone else’s work must be read.) The homonym “revere” is used in the meaning of “the same as to honor.” If you realize it in the meaning of “spend some time, reading”, then the semantic meaning of the sentence will be violated.

Thus, I can conclude that the assertion of F.I. Buslaev is true.

Buslaev F.I.: "All power of judgment contained in predicate. Without a predicate there can be no judgment".

The statement of the linguist F.I. Buslaev I understand so. There are two organizing centers of a two-part sentence - the subject and the predicate, correlative with each other. The predicate is main member sentences that indicate what is being said about the subject of speech. The main center of the sentence lies precisely in the predicate. I will try to prove this using the text of V.I. Odnoralova.

First, the predicate as the main member of the sentence denotes what is being said about the subject of speech. So, in sentence No. 38 (“Andreika somehow mumbled an apology and thrust it into the hands of the shocked Alka astra”) I find homogeneous predicates"mumbled" and "shove". Without them, we would not have known what was going on in Andreika's soul and how hard this apology was for him.

Secondly, compound predicates with which the text of V.I. Odnoralova (“I’ll have to apologize”, “could have broken”), carry more information and help the author to specify the actions of the subject. Without them, it would be difficult to recreate a complete picture of events, which means that the judgment would be incomplete.

Thus, we can conclude: F.I. was right. Buslaev, arguing that “the whole power of judgment is contained in the predicate. Without a predicate there can be no judgment."

Renowned linguist N.S. Valgina believes that "with the help of a dash, a high emotional load, psychological tension is transmitted." I will try to reveal the meaning of this statement. A dash is a punctuation mark with which you can understand the logic of a sentence, convey intonation, understand the feelings of the characters.

To confirm what has been said, let us turn to the sentences from the text of T.N. Tolstoy No. 13-14 ("This is happiness. This is cinema."), which clearly reveals the feeling of delight that the viewer experiences in anticipation of a film show, like a miracle.

In sentence No. 26 ("Cinema pretends that everything you see is true."), the dash indicates the psychological mood of the viewer, who loves and believes in dreams and miracles, and therefore in cinema. Watching it, he empathizes with the characters and believes in everything that happens on the screen.

Thus, the given examples prove the validity of N.S. Valgina.

Valgina N.S.: "IN syntax connections and relations between concepts, objects, phenomena of the world surrounding a person and the world comprehended by a person are transmitted”.

Statement by N.S. Valgina I understand so. Syntax, including the sentence as its main unit, reflects extralinguistic reality. With the help of judgments and inferences about the world of things, clothed in the form of sentences, the relation to this world external to the language is transmitted. I will show this with examples from the text of I.A. Cleander.

Sentence No. 21 lists phenomena that occur simultaneously: "Mashenka sniffs in an embrace with a doll" and "the clock tirelessly cuts eternity into slices." Changing the sequence of parts of a sentence does not change the meaning, so the relationship between the two simple sentences in the composition of the complex are absolutely equal. IN this case we observe the coexistence of two occurring situations of extralinguistic reality.

On the example of sentence No. 10, we can consider the manifestation of subordinating relations in the syntax. Two phenomena do not just coexist, but are in relation to dependence: the situation “at night, Lena and Sophia began to discuss their new life” is presented as the main one, and the situation “when they new mistress fell asleep”, is its temporary landmark, conveying the attitude to this external world for the language.

Thus, N.S. was right. Valgin, arguing that "connections and relations between concepts, objects, phenomena of the world surrounding a person and the world comprehended by a person are transmitted in syntax".

Renowned contemporary linguist N.S. Valgina believes that punctuation "helps the writer to make very subtle semantic highlights, focus on important details, and show their significance."

This is how I understand this phrase. One of the functions of punctuation marks is the selection function. The distinguishing marks are paired commas, dashes, brackets and quotation marks, with the help of which such constructions as separate additions, definitions, applications and circumstances are distinguished; clarifying members of the proposal; introductory words and sentences; appeals and interjections; direct speech and quotations; affirmative, negative and interrogative-exclamatory words. I will give examples from the text of V. Oseeva.

Secondly, in sentence No. 20, such a sign as paired commas is used, with the help of which the author highlights introductory word"seemed", drawing readers' attention to important detail: the girl was so frightened of Yakov that her legs seemed to be rooted to the threshold ...

Valgina N.S.: « ellipsis- a frequent and indispensable sign in the texts of great emotional intensity, intellectual tension ".

One cannot but agree with the statement of the modern linguist N.S. Valgina. Indeed, the ellipsis is an emotionally filled sign, an indicator of psychological stress, deciphering the subtext, helping to hide a thought, not to give it nakedly. It has the ability to convey subtle shades of meaning, moreover, it is precisely this elusiveness that is emphasized by the sign, when it is already difficult to express anything in words. In a word, the ellipsis is an "indispensable sign" in fiction. I will give examples from the text of S.A. Lubenets.

For example, in sentence No. 5 “And Venya is even worse: Venya, tribe, burden, seed ...” this sign conveys the infinity of the enumerated series, which can be continued by picking up other rhyming words for it, for example, “crown”, “time”, "deer".

And in sentence No. 27 “This is a transfer for you ... from the class ...” the ellipsis is used twice. In this situation, it indicates a hidden meaning caused by a large emotional tension.

Thus, we can conclude: N.S. Valgina was right in stating that "ellipsis is a frequent and indispensable sign in texts of great emotional intensity, intellectual tension."

Valgina N.S.: “What in oral speech is achieved with the help of pauses and logical stresses, in writing - with the help of punctuation marks".

The phrase of the modern linguist N.S. Valgina I understand so. In any speech statement, oral or written, there is a certain thought. In oral speech, intonation, pauses, logical stresses are used to identify meaning and emotions, in writing - punctuation marks. Focusing on them, the reader restores and reproduces the intonation of the speaker. I will give examples from the text of S.A. Lubenets.

First, let's pay attention to sentence No. 4 (“But this is only the beginning!”), At the end of which there is an exclamation point. This means that it is pronounced with a special intonation. The presence of an exclamation point at the end of the sentence helps the author to very emotionally express the hope that everything is still ahead of the girl.

Secondly, inside sentence No. 27 I find an ellipsis, which indicates some understatement, a hidden meaning caused by the heroine's great emotional stress. Tanya does not give the name of the person to whom her message is intended, the addressee himself, and we, the readers, must guess about this.

Thus, I can conclude: N.S. was right. Valgina, stating: "What is achieved in oral speech with the help of pauses and logical stresses, in writing - with the help of punctuation marks."

Valgina N.S.: « Punctuation reached such a level of development that it became expressing the subtlest shades of meaning and intonation, rhythm and style» .

The statement of the linguist N.S. Valgina I understand so. We perceive the text according to the punctuation marks placed in it, because these signs carry certain information. The choice of punctuation mark is based on semantic connections, phrasal intonation, emotional orientation of the statement. I will give examples from the text of L. Volkova.

So, in sentence No. 14, the second part of the sentence explains the meaning of what is said in the first part. And the colon warns us about this.

And in sentence No. 6 (“Well, dad, can we play for another half an hour?”) The choice of punctuation marks is also not accidental. Question mark is used because this offer is pronounced with an interrogative intonation, and commas help to highlight the word "dad", which denotes the one to whom the speech is addressed in order to attract his attention.

Thus, we can conclude: N.S. Valgina was right in stating that "punctuation has reached such a level of development that it has become an expression of the finest nuances of meaning and intonation, rhythm and style."

N. S. Valgina says that “modern Russian punctuation is a very complex, but clear system. In the versatile richness of this system, there are great opportunities for the writer. And this turns punctuation ... into a powerful semantic and stylistic tool.

This is how I understand this statement. Modern Russian punctuation is clearly organized. The basis of this system is the syntactic structure of the Russian language: its structural and linguistic patterns, which are closely interconnected. These or those punctuation marks are chosen depending on the structure of the sentence, the emotional or stylistic side of the text. Let us turn to the text of A.A. Likhanov to confirm this idea.

First, sentences 2 to 12 and 21 to 31 are exclamatory. To convey the teacher's attempt to explain to the children all the responsibility that they take upon themselves by using books from the library, the author uses a lot of exclamation marks that are used at the end of a sentence. [b]Here it is, "a powerful semantic ... tool" that helps to understand what is written and read the text with the right intonation.

Secondly, punctuation marks help to understand the emotional direction of the sentence. This can be seen in the example of sentence 32, at the end of which there is a question mark. With this question, the teacher, as it were, sums up the conversation about enrolling in the library, Anna Nikolaevna is already sure that her students understood everything, so the question is asked in a calm voice.

Thus, I can conclude that the statement of N. S. Valgina is true.

V.G. Vetvitsky argued: “A noun is like a conductor of a grammatical orchestra. The orchestra members are vigilantly watching him - dependent words and are likened to him in form, consistent with him.

This is how I understand this phrase. In a sentence, a noun enters into grammatically organized compounds with other words, forming phrases. Acting as the main word, it subordinates dependent words. When agreeing, the forms of the dependent word are likened to the forms of the main word (in gender, number, case). When driving dependent word put in the case required by the main word.

Firstly, in sentence No. 25 (“According to my parents, my grandmother and I acted unreasonably and were wrong people ...”) the noun “people”, acting as the conductor of the “grammar orchestra”, subordinates to itself the dependent word “wrong”, expressed by the adjective , which in everything (in gender, number, case) obeys the main word.

Secondly, in one of the parts of the complex sentence No. 1 (“... they designed factories together ...”) in the phrase when managing the dependent word-orchestrant, expressed by a noun“factories”, is put in the case that the main word requires.

Thus, the expression of V.G. Vetvitsky is correct.

Vinogradov V.V.: “ Words and expressions acquire in the context of the whole work various semantic shades are perceived in a complex and deep figurative perspective.

I understand VV Vinogradov's statement as follows. Words in the language designate specific objects and abstract concepts, describe actions, express emotions. But outside the linguistic environment, the word in its meaning is definable approximately. It is the context that makes it possible to accurately establish the meaning of a separately included word or expression. I will prove this with examples from the text of A. Likhanov

In sentence No. 26 I find the phraseological phrase "eyes went to the forehead." Based on the context, I understand that given phrase signifies extreme surprise.

In sentence No. 18, it is the context that suggests the meaning of the word “minted”, which should be understood as follows: the boy made up a clear plan of action for himself.

Thus, V.V. Vinogradov was right when he stated that “words and expressions acquire various semantic shades in the context of the whole work, are perceived in a complex and deep figurative perspective.”

The famous linguist V.V. Vinogradov argued: "All means of language are expressive, you just need to skillfully use them."

How do I understand this statement? Expressive-figurative qualities of speech are communicated to her by lexical, word-forming and grammatical means, tropes and figures of speech, intonation-syntactic organization of sentences. Their skillful use helps the author to convey a complex labyrinth of thoughts and experiences, to create a world of characters' images. I will give examples from the text of A.A. Likhanov.

So, in sentence No. 3 I find a word related to high style, “reverent” (silence). This is an epithet that helps the author most clearly convey the psychological state that the boy experiences while in the library.

And in sentence No. 7, the writer, in order to show how enthusiastically, quickly and accurately the boy read L. Tolstoy's story "Philippok", uses the colloquial word "shparil" (sentence No. 7). The use of a colloquial word gives the text figurativeness, accuracy.

Thus, we can conclude that the statement of V.V. Vinogradov is right.

Vinogradov V.V.: « Mixing or combining expressions belonging to different styles literary language, in the composition artwork must be intrinsically justified or motivated".

The phrase of the linguist V.V. This is how I understand Vinogradov. In the language of fiction, various linguistic means can be used (colloquial and dialectisms, words of a high, poetic style and jargon, professional and business turns of speech and vocabulary of a journalistic style). All of them must obey the aesthetic function and be used "justifiably and motivatedly." I will try to prove this on the basis of the text by A.A. Likhanov.

So, in sentence No. 11 I find the word "drag", which refers to high style, and therefore in a conversation between two boys it would be unnatural if it were not justified by the fact that the guys were fond of Pushkin's poems and, imitating his style, practiced by inserting Pushkin's turns into everyday speech.

And here colloquial word"prikandybal" from sentence No. 14 indicates that Vovka does not understand what style of literary language it refers to. And here the confusion of expressions is justified: it leads to a comic effect.

Thus, V.V. Vinogradov was right when he asserted that "the mixing or combination of expressions belonging to different styles of the literary language in the composition of a work of art must be internally justified or motivated."

Gvozdev A.N.: « Participles... eliminate the monotony in the list of individual actions of the same person ".

The phrase of the linguist A.N. This is how I understand Gvozdev. Indeed, the gerund eliminates monotonous repetition, completes the main action, making speech more accurate and dynamic. I will give examples from the text of S.A. Lubenets.

So, in sentence No. 15 (“Like a London dandy ...” - my mother happily sentenced, looking at Venka) I find the adverbial phrase “looking at Venka”, thanks to which the author managed to create a vivid image of a mother rejoicing at her son’s new clothes, “finish” the nature of her movements.

The surprisingly accurate drawing of the action (“climbed”) performed by Venka helps to create the adverbial turnover “clenching my teeth”, which I find in sentence No. 27. When we read this sentence, we see how reluctantly, without any desire, the boy puts on this jacket.

Thus, A.N. was right. Gvozdev, who argued that "general participles ... eliminate monotony in the list of individual actions of the same person"

Golub I.B.: "For correct use words in speech is not enough to know them exact value, it is also necessary to take into account the features lexical combination of words, that is, their ability to connect with each other ".

The phrase of the linguist I.B. Dove, I understand. Lexical compatibility of words is the ability of linguistic elements to connect with each other in speech. I will try to prove this using the text of Yu.Ya. Yakovlev.

So, words with a direct meaning are combined with other words by a subject-logical connection. For example, the noun "power" (sentence number 39) is freely connected with the word "heavy". They say: heavy power, but not "light power".

The same can be said about the phrase "cruel injustice", which we find in sentence No. 37. Indeed, "injustice" can be "cruel", but it cannot be "kind".

Thus, we can conclude: I.G. was right. Golub, arguing that "for the correct use of words in speech, it is not enough to know their exact meaning, it is also necessary to take into account the features of the lexical compatibility of words, that is, their ability to connect with each other."

Gorshkov A.I.: “The best stylistic possibilities lie in vocabulary (vocabulary) Russian language. The syntax is also rich in them ".

The statement of the famous linguist A.I. This is how I understand Gorshkov. Every functional style represents complex system covering all language levels: pronunciation of words, lexical and phraseological composition of speech, morphological means and syntactic constructions. The variety of stylistic resources can be shown both in lexical and syntactic examples. Let us turn to the text of S.A. Lubenets.

So, in sentence No. 18 I find an interesting lexical unit: the book word “contrasted”, which serves as a means of characterizing the character, helps to understand inner world Nina.

And in sentences Nos. 28-30, the author uses such a syntactic device as default, a stylistic figure, which consists in the fact that the started speech is interrupted based on the guess of the reader, who must mentally finish it. This technique helps to convey the emotionality, excitement of the girl's speech.

Thus, we can conclude: A.I. was right. Gorshkov, arguing that “the best stylistic possibilities are contained in the vocabulary (lexicon) of the Russian language. The syntax is also rich in them.

Renowned linguist L.T. Grigoryan stated: “In non-union complex sentences, different punctuation marks are used because each of them indicates a special semantic relationship between the parts.”

How do I understand this phrase? Non-union complex sentences differ from allied ones in that the semantic relations between simple sentences are less clearly expressed in them, however, punctuation marks are determined by the meaning. I will give examples from the text of K. Shakhnazarov.

First, in sentence No. 5 ("The ladies were located in comfortable soft armchairs; men, having formed groups, talked to each other.") A semicolon is put, because simple sentences with the meaning of enumeration have the meaning of the simultaneity of the actions performed.

Secondly, in the unionless complex sentence No. 39 ("We have guests - here I am with my Nightingale!") A dash is used, since the first part has the meaning of time.

Thus, the statement of L.T. Grigoryan is true.

The statement of the modern Russian philologist O.N. Emelyanova I understand so. The author's speech is not connected with the speech of any character, its bearer in a prose work is the image of the narrator. The originality of his language is determined by the meaning and speech fabric embedded in the work and characterizes the speaker himself. I will give examples from the text of V.I. Odnoralova.

For example, in sentence No. 11 I meet the phraseological unit "I was ready to fall through the ground." Thanks to sustainable combination the narrator's speech [b] appears to the reader as bright, imaginative, emotional, reveals his character, attracts listeners, makes communication more interesting, lively.

Also in [b] the author’s speech I meet a lot of colloquial words (“blunder”, “flopped”, “trifles”), thanks to which the reader can imagine not only the character of the narrator, but even age. Before us is a teenager, the same boy as those he talks about.

Thus, we can conclude: O.N. was right. Emelyanov, who argued that "the author's speech has not only figurativeness, but also expressiveness and characterizes not only the object of the utterance, but also the speaker himself."

Kuznetsov A.A.: “The presentationin the first person, use colloquial words and phrases give the author the opportunity to influence the consciousness and feelings of the reader.

The phrase of the philologist A.A. Kuznetsov I understand so. In a work of art, the narration can be conducted not “from the author”, but on behalf of the narrator. The image of the narrator is revealed in his point of view of what is happening, in assessments, in the manner of expressing thoughts. This technique allows the writer to use colloquial vocabulary and colloquial forms of syntax, shape the mind of the reader and influence his feelings. I will give examples from the text of V.P. Krapivina.

For example, in sentence No. 9 I come across the phraseological unit “climbed under the arm”, which the narrator uses in his speech instead of the word “interfered”. The use of this combination helps him not only to characterize his friend Lyoshka, but also to give brightness, imagery, emotionality to speech, to make it accessible to peers.

The narrator also uses a lot of colloquial words in his speech (“didn’t bother”, “grunt”, “shoved”, “slid”, “stealed”). They bring a touch of ease, simplicity to his story. It is thanks to the abundance of colloquial words in the speech of the hero that the reader can imagine in more detail not only his character, but even social status and the age of the hero. The narrator appears before us in the form of an energetic, inquisitive boy, a teenager like us, with his own view of the world, interests and dreams.

Thus, we can conclude: A.A. was right. Kuznetsov, who argued that "the presentation" in the first person, the use of words and phrases of a colloquial nature give the author the opportunity to influence the consciousness and feelings of the reader"

Kozhina M.N.: “The reader penetrates the world of images of a work of art through his speech tissue".

Linguist M.N. Kozhina argued that "the reader penetrates the world of images of a work of art through its speech tissue."

This is how I understand this phrase. The work of the reader is to communicate with the writer, in which artistic text becomes clear in all its versatility. The speech fabric of the work helps the reader to understand the complex labyrinth of thoughts, experiences, assessments of the author, to penetrate the world of images of his characters. I will give examples from the text of Y. Shima.

First, in sentence #9, the writer vividly shows how the boy is trying to protect his secret. Phraseologisms “clenching ... teeth”, “glaring frowningly” help the reader understand how he tried to take away the portraits of artists ...

Secondly, in sentence No. 13, through the eyes of Vera, we see Zheka, who is trying to restrain himself, not to betray his excitement. Homogeneous predicates are very successfully inscribed in the speech fabric of the sentence (“fenced off from everyone, closed, locked in a lock”), which help us understand what the boy feels at that moment.

Thus, the statement of the linguist M.N. Kozhina is true.

L.Yu. Maksimov wrote: “With the help of a paragraph indent (or a red line), the most important groups of sentences or individual sentences in the composition of the whole text are highlighted.”

This is how I understand this phrase. The paragraph clarifies the compositional-syntactic structure of the text and performs an expressive-selective function, expressing the dynamics, the rapid change of events. A paragraph can contain the main ideas of the text. I will give examples from the text of A. Aleksin.

So, with sentence number 5, the second paragraph begins, which contains new information compared to the previous one: it explains why all the guests compared the doll with the girl.

The third paragraph begins with sentence No. 17, which performs another function, expressive-excretory. It tells about the appearance of a doll in the heroine, which she immediately disliked, because the toy was taller than her. From this paragraph, the tone of the narration changes, there is a rapid change of events.

Thus, the expression of L.Yu. Maksimov is true.

The famous linguist I.G. Miloslavsky said: “The attitude of the writer to the reported can often be expressed with the help of“ small ”words, which are considered to be service words - particles and unions.”

This is how I understand this phrase. Service words, along with significant ones, help the writer convey his thoughts and attitude to what is being reported. Unions play the role of bonds between syntactic units and help convey various semantic relationships between them. Particles give various additional semantic or emotional shades to words and sentences. I will give examples from the text of N.I. Dubova.

Firstly, in sentence No. 2 (“You can’t reinvent the plane if it was invented a long time ago, or discover new countries if everything has already been covered up and down!”) I find the modal particle “same”, which helps the writer highlight the most important word "Impossible", introduces an additional shade of meaning into the sentence - amplification.

Secondly, the conjunction “but” in sentence No. 31 (“Yes, we could surprise the world, but we didn’t know how yet.”) allows the author to contrast the content of the two parts of the statement, to tell about the desire of the boys, which they could not translate into life.

Based on the foregoing, I can conclude that the statement of I.G. Miloslavsky is true.

Miloslavsky I.G.: « Grammar Russian language is primarily a means of expressing thought.

The phrase of the linguist I.G. Miloslavsky I understand so. Language is a way of thinking. It consists of words denoting various items and processes, as well as from the rules that allow you to build sentences from these words. It is sentences built according to the laws of grammar and written in compliance with punctuation rules that are a means of expressing thought. I will try to prove this using the text of V.Yu. Dragunsky.

For example, sentence number 9 in this text is an exclamation point. It means that it is pronounced with a special intonation, extremely emotionally. So the author, using the possibilities of syntax, conveys the idea that the hero really wants to have punching bag to start exercising.

And sentence No. 11 (“There is nothing to waste money on nonsense, get along somehow without a pear”) is unionless. The first part of it impersonal offer, the second - definitely-personal. The use of these constructions helps the author accurately convey the father's opinion about the son's undertaking, allows him to succinctly and emotionally state his decision. Here is another example of how grammar helps express a thought.

Thus, I.G. was right. Miloslavsky, arguing that "the grammar of the Russian language is primarily a means of expressing thought."

Miloslavsky I.G.: “The main technique expressing the desire of the speaker to introduce into the mind of the listener precisely his own assessment of the situation is the choice words containing an evaluative element» .

I.G. Miloslavsky I understand so. Words can have an expressive coloring if they express the attitude of the speaker to the subject of speech. The palette of emotional and evaluative shades is diverse: contempt, neglect, disapproval, irony; words can contain a playful or affectionate assessment. I will give examples from the text of Yu.Ya. Yakovlev.

So, in sentence No. 34 (“This voice completely seized power over me!”) I find the ambiguous word “captured”, which is used in a figurative sense: “To be very interested, absorb all attention, captivate”. The storyteller uses it for a reason. How much tenderness, love, delight is heard in this exclamation!

But in sentence No. 25 (“What an inattentive you are,” she said), in the answer of the girl Naili, disapproval is heard. The word "inattentive" gets a negative expressive connotation due to the fact that it helps the speaker convey his dissatisfaction with the fact that the boy did not pay attention to her.

Thus, the statement of I.G. Miloslavsky that "the main technique expressing the speaker's desire to instill his own assessment of the situation into the mind of the listener is the choice of words containing an evaluative element" is right.

Novikov L.A.: “The word in speech has the ability to generalize and at the same time designate individually unique” .

Statement by L.A. This is how I understand Novikov. The concept in a word is always one, but there can be several meanings. Also, a subjective assessment or expressive-emotional coloring can be added to the value. I will prove this with examples from the text of A. Aleksin.

In sentence No. 17, the word "bow" in the grandmother's mouth is not just an accessory to a stringed instrument, for her it is a symbol of her grandson's future musical career.

In sentence number 3 I find the word "decided". In this context, it means that the grandmother made a conclusion for herself about Oleg's remarkable abilities, and did not solve, for example, an equation or a problem.

Thus, L.A. is right. Novikov, arguing that "the word in speech has the ability to generalize and at the same time designate individually unique".

Ozhegov S.I.: "A high culture of speech lies in the ability to find not only the exact means for expressing one's thoughts, but also the most intelligible (that is, the most expressive) and the most appropriate (that is, the most suitable for a given case)" .

The linguist S. I. Ozhegov argued that “a high culture of speech lies in the ability to find not only the exact means for expressing one’s thoughts, but also the most intelligible (that is, the most expressive) and the most appropriate (that is, the most suitable for a given case).”

This is how I understand this phrase. The culture of speech is one of the indicators of the general culture of a person and consists in the possession literary language, its rules and regulations. TO distinctive properties cultural speech includes accuracy, expressiveness, appropriateness of the language means used. I will give examples from the text of A. Aleksin.

First, in sentence No. 19 (“Lucy highly honored this master.”) the author uses the bookish word “honored”, the use of which is motivated: it, giving the whole phrase a special expressiveness, shows Lucy’s deep respect for the artist.

Secondly, in sentence No. 32 (“Well, merci, dear Lucy! - Olenka joked in rhyme.”) The use of the French word “merci” is very appropriate: it not only contributes to the rhyming of words, but also gives the girl’s phrase an ironic connotation.

Thus, I can conclude that the statement of S.I. Ozhegov is right.

Paustovsky K.G.: “Pushkin also spoke about punctuation marks. They exist to highlight the thought, to bring the words into the right ratio and to give the phrase lightness and the right sound. Punctuation marks are like musical notation. They firmly hold the text and do not allow it to crumble.

K.G. Paustovsky owns the statement: “Pushkin also spoke about punctuation marks. They exist to highlight the thought, to bring the words into the right ratio and to give the phrase lightness and the right sound. Punctuation marks are like musical notation. They firmly hold the text and do not allow it to crumble.

This is how I understand this phrase. Punctuation marks help the writer to accurately and clearly express thoughts and feelings, and the reader to understand them. The purpose of punctuation marks is to indicate the semantic division of speech, as well as to help identify its syntactic structure. I will give examples from the text of M.L. Moskvina.

Firstly, at the end of sentence No. 8 (“I have a dachshund, my name is Kit ...”) there is an ellipsis indicating the semantic articulation of speech. This sign in this case means understatement, the possibility of continuing the text.

Secondly, in sentence No. 24, ending with the words “even if you crack,” there is an exclamation mark, which is used to express a feeling of dissatisfaction, the hero’s grief about the fact that he was not allowed to audition with a dog at the House of Culture.

Thus, the statement of K.G. Paustovsky is true.

Peshkovsky A.M.: "Each part of speech has its own merits" .

Linguist A.M. Peshkovsky said that "each part of speech has its own merits."

This is how I understand this phrase. Parts of speech are groups of words over which the words of a language are distributed based on general meaning, morphological and syntactic features. I will give examples from the text of A.G. Alexina.

Firstly, in sentence No. 2 (“Masha knew how to do everything: draw, sing, walk on her hands”), the author of the text uses the verbs: “draw”, “sing”, “walk”, the “dignity” of which is that they denote the action of the subject, are in the initial form of the verb, are the predicate in the sentence. With the help of this part of speech, the diversity of the girl's abilities is emphasized.

Secondly, in sentences No. 19 (“Masha was promised the rank of academician, Lyalya - the conqueror of the stronger sex and the creator of a happy family ...”) I find adjectives: “strong”, “happy”, the “dignity” of which lies in the fact that they denote a sign subject, change in cases and numbers, and in singular- by birth, may have full and short form, in this sentence are definitions. Adjectives give the text expressiveness, emotionality.

Based on the foregoing, I can conclude that the statement of A.M. Peshkovsky is right.

Reformatsky A.A.: “The pronoun is a convenient link in the structure of the language; pronouns allow you to avoid boring repetitions of speech, save time and space in the statement.

The famous linguist A.A. Reformatsky argued that “the pronoun is a convenient link in the structure of the language; pronouns allow you to avoid boring repetitions of speech, save time and space in the statement.

I understand this phrase. Pronouns can be used in speech instead of nouns, adjectives, numerals, that is, they can be substitutes for a name. They point to objects and their attributes (properties, qualities, quantity) and replace in speech the direct designations of concepts that are obvious from the context of the statement. I will give examples from the text of Anton Ivanovich Denikin, a Russian military leader.

First, in sentence #3, instead of the noun “child,” the author uses the pronoun “me,” thereby avoiding tedious repetition of speech.

Secondly, in sentence No. 2 (“What I touch first, that will predetermine my fate”), the pronoun “what” replaces several nouns in speech at once, denoting “objects”, helping to avoid tautology, saving “place in the statement”.

Thus, the statement of the linguist A.A. Reformed is fair.

Reformatsky A.A.: “Pronouns stand out in a special class of substitute words, which, assubstitutes” ... enter the field when forcedfree the game "significant words".

I understand the phrase of the Russian linguist A. Reformatsky as follows. Along with words denoting certain objects or their properties, quality, quantity, there are words that only indicate these objects or their attributes. Such words are called pronominal (pronouns). Their main function is to be substitutes for a name, that is, to replace in speech the direct designations of a concept that is obvious from the context of the statement. Pronouns help to combine sentences into a coherent text, to avoid repetition of the same words. I will give examples based on the text of Y. Trifonov.

So, in sentence No. 10, the use of the personal pronoun "he" avoids the repetition of the noun "Glebov". In addition, the pronoun serves as a means of communication between sentences in the text.

But relative pronouns perform the function of communication between parts complex sentence and are members of the proposal. For example, the pronoun “which” in sentence No. 18 is a “substitute” for the word “pugach”, it plays the role of a subject in a subordinate clause.

Thus, A.A. was right. Reformatsky, arguing that "pronouns stand out in a special class of substitute words, which, like "reserve players" ... enter the field when significant words are forced to" release the game ".

Reformatsky A.A.: “What in the language allows it to fulfill its main role - the function of communication? Syntax".

The famous linguist A. A. Reformatsky wrote: “What in the language allows it to fulfill its main role - the function of communication? It's the syntax."

I understand this phrase as follows: the function of communication is the mutual exchange of statements of members of the language community. The utterance as a unit of the message has semantic integrity and is built in accordance with syntactic norms. I will give examples from the text of V. Droganov.

So, in the replica of the dialogue of sentence No. 6 (“Sanya, thanks for the book!”) I find an appeal that helps in the process of communication to identify the person to whom the speech is addressed.

And in sentence No. 10, the author uses the introductory word “of course”, with the help of which the speaker expresses his attitude to what he reports. In this sentence, the introductory word helps the narrator express his confidence in what he is saying.

Thus, the statement of A.A. Reformed is right: it is the syntax that allows the language to perform communicative.

Swift J.: “Just as a person can be recognized by the society in which he moves, so can he be judged by the language in which he is expressed.”

J. Swift wrote that "just as a person can be recognized by the society in which he moves, so can he be judged by the language in which he is expressed." In a person's speech, his individual life experience, his culture, his psychology finds expression. The manner of speech, individual words and expressions help to understand the character of the speaker. Let's try to find confirmation of this in the text of V. Tokareva.

First, in sentence No. 11 we find the colloquial word "retruhi". So Oksana called the jacket in the style of "retro". Such slang is most often used in their speech by teenagers, which we observe in the text we read: Oksana was 16 years old!

Secondly, in sentence No. 18 there is a colloquial word "blurt out." Using it in communication tells us about teenage self-expression, about the result of her emotional attitude to the subject of conversation.

Thus, I can say that J. Swift was right.

Solganik G.Ya.: “Just as a sentence is built according to certain syntactic patterns, so too sentences in the text connected according to certain rules.

The phrase of the philologist G.Ya. Solganika I understand so. Indeed, any text is a combination of sentences according to certain rules. At the same time, a chain and parallel connection are distinguished: with a parallel connection, sentences are compared, with a chain - they are linked various means(lexical, morphological and syntactic). I will give examples from the text of I. Seliverstova.

Thus, the coherence of sentences No. 1 - 2 is achieved with the help of a chain type of connection, which reflects the consistent development of thought. The interphrasal connection of these sentences in the text is carried out by the union "but" and the personal pronoun "they".

And sentences No. 26-29 are connected using a parallel type of connection. The sentences in the text, starting with the twenty-seventh and ending with the twenty-ninth, are both semantically and grammatically related to the twenty-sixth. They develop, concretize its meaning.

Thus, G.Ya. was right. Solganik, arguing that "sentences in the text are combined according to certain rules."

Soloukhin V.A.: "Epithets are the clothes of words" .

V. A. Soloukhin argued: “Epithets are the clothes of words.” With the help of epithets, the author, as it were, “dresses” the word, revealing its meaning more fully, clearly and accurately emphasizing the main features of objects. Let us turn to the text of E. Yu. Shim to confirm this idea.

First, in sentence 5, the epithet "golden" is used, with the help of which the author describes the girl's look much more expressively, creating an accurate and unique portrait of Vera.

Secondly, in sentence 75 I find whole line evaluative epithets: "quiet", "shy", "fearful", from these definitions describing the character of Grisha, we can conclude what a feat the boy performed on himself by throwing himself on a rocket.

Thus, using examples from the text, we were convinced of the correctness of the statement of V. A. Soloukhin.

Shansky N.M.: “Using the example of a complex sentence, one can trace how a person expresses the relationship between the world and his own point of view.”

N.M. Shansky said that "on the example of a complex sentence, one can trace how a person expresses the relationship between the world and his own point of view."

I understand this phrase as follows: in the main part of the complex sentence, the main meaning of the phrase is laid, and in the subordinate clause - the point of view of the author of the words on what is happening around. I will give examples from the text of A. G. Aleksin.

First, let's pay attention to sentence No. 26 ("Even at home, Tolya decided that he would never sit at a desk with a girl."). The main part of the complex sentence says what the boy was thinking about, and in the subordinate clause, without explaining the course of his thought (in the lower grades, sitting with a girl is considered shameful), a categorical decision is given.

Secondly, in the complex sentence No. 41 ("But he could not shout, because it is not supposed to shout at the lesson.") The clause of the reason explains that the boy cannot violate the school rules, although he really wants to do it.

Thus, I can conclude that the statement of N.M. Shansky is right.

Shansky N.M.: “In a monologue speech, a complete thought sometimes does not fit within one sentence, and its expression requires whole group grammatically and semantically related sentences.

The famous philologist N.M. Shansky said: “In a monologue speech, a complete thought sometimes does not fit within one sentence, and its expression requires a whole group of sentences that are interconnected in meaning and grammatically.”

This is how I understand this phrase. In an effort to broadly cover the topic, the speaker uses such a form of speech as a monologue. Monologue speech is characterized by its unfolding and the presence of common constructions that are related in meaning and grammatically. I will give examples from the text of V.P. Krapivin.

Firstly, in sentences No. 11-13, which are monologue in form, telling that the hero made wonderful birds out of paper and let them out of the balcony to the children, all three sentences are connected in meaning and represent a complete thought.

Secondly, in sentences No. 2-3, the grammatical connection between the sentences of the monologue is clearly manifested, which are connected using the personal pronoun "he" used in the third sentence instead of the word "yard".

Thus, the statement of N.M. Shansky is true.

Shcherba L.V.: « Paragraph, or the red line, which should also be considered a kind of punctuation mark, deepens the previous point and opens up a completely different train of thought ".

The phrase of the linguist L.V. That's the way I understand it. The paragraph serves to highlight the main micro-theme and to move from one micro-theme to another. Each new paragraph reflects new stage in the development of action salient feature in the description of an object or person, a new idea in reasoning or proof. I will give examples from the text of Yu.Ya. Yakovlev.

So, in the first paragraph (sentence No. 1), which consists of only one sentence, it is said that an urban person does not know what land is, since it is hidden from his eyes by asphalt. In the second paragraph (sentences No. 2-5), the author continues the idea of ​​the previous paragraph, deepening it with a story about his discovery of the earth.

And from the fifth paragraph (sentences No. 13-16) a new semantic passage begins, in which a different thought develops: the author talks about his love for his mother.

Thus, I can conclude: L.V. Shcherba was right in stating that "a paragraph, or a red line, which should also be considered a kind of punctuation mark, deepens the previous point and opens up a completely different train of thought."

Writer L.S. Sukhorukov argued: "Our speech is the most important part not only of our behavior, but also of our personality, our soul, mind." Let's try to understand the meaning of this statement.
We often hear people say: “He has a rich speech” or “He has a clear speech”. But we rarely think about what it is - speech, and how it is connected with us. Speech is a process of communication, language in action. The speech reflects the mental warehouse of a person, his character and his world. The text of A.G. will help us to confirm these arguments. Alexina.
First, in sentences 18 - 21, which are part of the dialogue, we see one of the most basic distinctive features speech - its focus on achieving the goal. By constant approval, praise, the father seeks to raise his son worthy person. In the text, the author achieves this with reusable exclamatory sentences.
Secondly, in sentences 36 and 37: “So, love and care did not make you an egoist,” Mom concluded. “We are very happy,” the writer concludes about the unity of the requirements of the parents, about the healthy moral climate of the family. Using simple sentences with a minimum number minor members, says that mom is a “person of action”.
Based on what has been said above, I cannot but agree with the author of the statement. Indeed, speech is variable, individual and its possibilities are very wide.

Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist I. G. Miloslavsky: “Any repetition, double or multiple, draws upon itself Special attention reading" .
I understand this expression of I. G. Miloslavsky as follows: by repeating a word in the text, a key concept is highlighted, which the reader will definitely pay attention to. I will give examples from the text of V. Oseeva, in which I find about ten lexical repetitions.

Firstly, in sentences 4-5, the author uses the lexical repetition of the word “will not”, which deepens the content of the statement, sharpens the idea that nothing will happen again in the relationship between Dina and her childhood friend.
Secondly, in sentence 14, V. Oseeva uses the repetition of the adverb ("many ... many"). He has a strong emotional impact on the reader, reflecting Dinky's moral torments.
Thus, I can conclude that the well-known linguist I. G. Miloslavsky was right when he asserted that “any repetition, double or multiple, attracts the special attention of the reader.”

15.1 Write an essay-reasoning, revealing the meaning of the statement of the famous linguist F.I. Buslaev:“All the power of judgment is contained in the predicate. Without a predicate there can be no judgment." Arguing your answer, give 2 (two) examples from the read text.

When giving examples, indicate the numbers of the required sentences or use citations. You can write a paper in scientific or journalistic style, revealing the topic on the linguistic material. You can start the essay with the words of F.I. Buslaev. The essay must be at least 70 words.

A work written without relying on the text read (not on given text), Not Evaluated. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite original text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

I can explain the statement of the famous linguist F.I. Buslaev as follows: from the subject and the predicate, i.e. from the main members of the sentence, a predicate is distinguished, which carries the main semantic load. It is in the predicate that information about what is happening is contained. I can confirm this idea with examples from Yu. Yakovlev's text.

With the help of the predicate (sentence 41), the author conveys his excitement, as well as the sequence of actions. If you remove the predicate, then judgments lose their meaning. In sentence 58, there are predicates that help the reader understand how much courage the little man has.

Thus, it is through the predicate that actions are revealed, and without them, there would be no story itself. The examples given confirm the idea of ​​the great importance of the predicate in the text and the impossibility of constructing a judgment without it.


(I) I met him after the rain on the pavement. (2) He walked limping, and on his knee he had an abrasion, caked like a wax seal. (3) In his hand he held a rope to which a gray rag was tied. (4) The rag dragged along the wet asphalt, and it was impossible to guess what it was intended for.
(5) - What kind of rag do you have? I asked, walking beside the boy.
(6) - This is not a rag, - responded low voice. (7) - This is a parachute.
(8)- Parachute?
(9) Now I saw that the gray rag was a small dome, and the rope turned out to be slings twisted with a tourniquet.
(10) - Did you throw him off the roof? - and I nodded at the mud-splattered wet parachute.
(11) - No, from the window.
(12) - And what was the cargo?
(13) - Cargo? He looked at me in bewilderment. (14) - I myself ... jumped.
(15) - The parachute is too small for you.
(16) - Where can I get a big one? Now he looked at me mockingly, as if I were a fool. (17) - They will pour it on the first number for the sheet, they poured it on me for the pillowcase ...
(18) I noticed that the parachute was indeed made from a pillowcase. (19) The boy caught my critical eye.
(20) - You can jump with a small one ... if the sky, - he said in defense of his parachute.
(21) - If the sky? I asked.
(22) - I jumped from the first floor, there is no sky there, - the boy explained.
(23) - Is there a sky on the fifth floor?
(24) - I haven't jumped from the fifth floor... yet.
(25) I looked sideways at my knee with a scarlet wax seal and felt an eerie chill that happens when you stand at the edge of an abyss or at the railing of a high bridge.
(26) - Have you ever skydived? he asked me as an equal.
(27) - No, - I answered as an equal and felt something like shame in front of a small companion.
(28) For some time we walked in silence. (29) I felt the superiority of the little skydiver and tried to understand where it comes from. (Z0) Maybe the strength of this baby is that he is free from many fears that come to adults over the years?
(31) Because of the rare, exhausted clouds, the sun came out.
(32) - What do you think to do? - I nodded at the parachute.
(33) - I'll jump again, but only it doesn't work without the sky.
(34) - And where does the sky begin?
(35) He did not answer, lifted his head and looked up: the sky was deep and blue. (Z6) The boy looked through the rare clouds, and his eyes slid over the tops of tall pines, over the ridges of the roofs. (37) The gaze fell lower and lower, stopped on a small parachute, and it seemed to me that the boy had long known the answer to this question.
(38) He bent down and picked up a mud-splattered dome from the ground, threw it over his shoulder. (39) This gesture meant that not everything was lost, that a parachute made from a pillowcase could still come in handy.
(40) - Bye, - he said and quickly walked back.
(41) He had such a determined look that, of course, I was worried if he would climb onto the high roof and jump down to once again test the parachute, which only works in the bottomless sky?
(42) - Wait! I shouted.
(43) He reluctantly stopped.
(44) - Where are you?
(45) He caught the anxiety in my voice, but continued to keep himself independent:
(46) - Once upon a time for me. (47) Igor is waiting for me.
(48) - But you won’t jump ... from the roof?
(49) - The parachute is wet.
(50) 0n felt that I was afraid. (51) It didn’t occur to him that I was afraid for him. (52) He decided that I was just afraid. (53) By itself. (54) 3 crustaceans derisively narrowed and shone more strongly.
(55) I suddenly felt where the sky begins. (56) Not on the crest of the roof and not in the blue jets along which the clouds float. (57) It originates very close to the ground - on the ground floor or at shoulder level. (58) It begins in a fearless heart and extends to a cloud or to the stars, depending on where the heart raises it.
(59) - Igor is waiting. (60) I'll go, okay?
(61) He impatiently scratched his knee.
(62) I nodded my head. (63) He quickly walked on the asphalt. (64) I silently followed him in order to better remember where the sky begins.
(According to Yu. Yakovlev)

The statement of the linguist F.I. Buslaev I understand so. There are two organizing centers of a two-part sentence - the subject and the predicate, correlative with each other. The predicate is the main member of the sentence, which denotes what is said about the subject of speech and answers the questions: what does the subject do? What is he? What is he? In the absence of a predicate in the sentence, the subject of speech is reported, and there is no reflection on what is said about it or what it does. It turns out that in the absence of the predicate "there is no judgment."

Thus, we can conclude: F.I. was right. Buslaev, arguing that “the whole power of judgment is contained in the predicate. Without a predicate there can be no judgment."

The well-known philologist and philosopher A.A. Averintsev argued that “the task of the author of the reasoning is to substantiate his point of view as convincingly as possible. To do this, it is necessary to provide as much evidence as possible, placing them in a certain sequence.

This is how I understand this phrase. When making a reasoned reasoning, there must be a thesis, which is proved by bringing examples-arguments. Then a conclusion is made about the correctness of the statement (thesis), that is, there is a certain structure in the design of the reasoning. When proving in the argument, introductory words can be used. They help to build a consistent, logically connected and reasonable reasoning). I will give examples from the proposed text.

So, in sentences No. 17-18, the writer uses the introductory words “firstly” and “secondly”, which not only indicate the order of thoughts, but also help him authoritatively substantiate his point of view.

Thus, I can conclude that the statement of A.A. Averintsev is true.

4. Valgina N.S.: “With the help of dash a high emotional load, psychological tension is transmitted.

The famous linguist N.S. Valgina believes that "with the help of a dash, high emotional load, psychological tension. "I will try to reveal the meaning of this statement. A dash is a punctuation mark with which you can understand the logic of a sentence, convey intonation, and understand the feelings of the characters.

To confirm what has been said, let us turn to the sentences from the text of T.N. Tolstoy No. 13-14 ("This is happiness. This is cinema."), which clearly reveals the feeling of delight that the viewer experiences in anticipation of a film show, like a miracle.

In sentence No. 26 ("Cinema pretends that everything you see is true."), the dash indicates the psychological mood of the viewer, who loves and believes in dreams and miracles, and therefore in cinema.

Option 2 for an explanation of the thesis.

Human speech is inconceivable without emotions. In oral speech, we express them with short or long pauses, raising or lowering intonation. How to express emotions writing? Of course, with the help of punctuation marks. Thus, the dash plays an important and significant role in punctuation. According to the linguist N. S. Valgina, “with the help of a dash, a high emotional load, mental tension is transmitted.”

Yes this is true. A dash is a very important punctuation mark that expresses the opinion and feelings of the author and is used to decorate our speech, give it emotionality Without a dash in writing, our speech would become uninteresting and dull. I will give examples from the proposed text.

5. Valgina N.S.: “In syntax connections and relations between concepts, objects, phenomena of the world surrounding a person and the world comprehended by a person are transmitted.

Statement by N.S. Valgina I understand so. Syntax, including the sentence as its main unit, reflects extralinguistic reality. With the help of judgments and inferences about the world of things, clothed in the form of sentences, the relation to this world external to the language is transmitted.

Sentence No. 21 lists phenomena that occur simultaneously: "Mashenka sniffs in an embrace with a doll" and "the clock tirelessly cuts eternity into slices." Changing the sequence of parts of a sentence does not change the meaning, so the relationship between two simple sentences in a complex one is absolutely equal. In this case, we observe the coexistence of two ongoing situations of extralinguistic reality.

On the example of sentence No. 10, we can consider the manifestation of subordinating relations in the syntax. Two phenomena do not just coexist, but are in relation to dependence: the situation “at night Lena and Sophia began to discuss their new life” is presented as the main one, and the situation “when their new mistress fell asleep” is her temporary landmark, conveying the attitude to this external for language of the world.

Thus, N.S. was right. Valgin, arguing that "connections and relations between concepts, objects, phenomena of the world surrounding a person and the world comprehended by a person are transmitted in syntax".

6. Valgina N.S. believes that punctuation marks“help the writer to make very thin semantic highlights, draw attention on important details, show them significance ».

The famous modern linguist N.S. Valgina believes that punctuation "helps the writer to make very subtle semantic highlights, focus on important details, and show their significance."

This is how I understand this phrase. One of the functions of punctuation marks is the selection function. Selective characters are paired commas, dashes, brackets and quotation marks, with the help of which such constructions as separate additions, definitions, applications and circumstances are distinguished; clarifying members of the proposal; introductory words and sentences; appeals and interjections; direct speech and quotations. These highlighting punctuation marks help the reader to pay special attention to the idea highlighted by the author, to understand it. I will illustrate this explanation with examples from the proposed text.

Secondly, in sentence No. 20, such a sign as paired commas is used, with the help of which the author highlights the introductory word “seemed”, drawing the attention of readers to an important detail: the girl was so frightened of Yakov that her legs seemed to have rooted to the threshold ...

Thus, the statement of N.S. Valgina is true.

7. Valgina N.S.: " ellipsis- a frequent and indispensable sign in the texts of great emotional intensity, intellectual tension.

One cannot but agree with the statement of the modern linguist N.S. Valgina. Indeed, the ellipsis is an emotionally filled sign, an indicator of psychological stress, deciphering the subtext, helping to hide the author's thought. It has the ability to convey subtle shades of meaning, moreover, it is precisely this elusiveness that is emphasized by the sign, when it is already difficult to express anything in words. In a word, the ellipsis is an "indispensable sign" in fiction. I will give examples from the text of S.A. Lubenets.

8. Valgina N.S.: “What is achieved in oral speech with the help of pauses and logical stresses, in writing - with the help of punctuation marks".

The statement of the linguist N.S. Valgina I understand so. We perceive the text according to the punctuation marks placed in it, because these signs carry certain information. The choice of punctuation mark is based on semantic connections, phrasal intonation, emotional orientation of the statement. I will give examples from the text of L. Volkova.

So, in sentence No. 14, the second part of the sentence explains the meaning of what is said in the first part. And the colon warns us about this.

And in sentence No. 6 (“Well, dad, can we play for another half an hour?”) The choice of punctuation marks is also not accidental. The question mark is used because the sentence is pronounced with an interrogative intonation, and the commas help to distinguish the word "dad", which denotes the one to whom the speech is addressed in order to attract his attention.

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