Methods of self-regulation of the emotional state. The emotional world of a person - the impact of emotions on life, ways of self-regulation

To restore your peace of mind after stress and conflict, there are special ones that are applicable in all situations.

A person must constantly consciously monitor his level of stress, find and eliminate its causes, reduce it. This is emotional self-regulation. This is especially true for people engaged in stressful professions with a mobile psyche.

In fact, self-regulation is understood as the ability of a person to manage his psycho-emotional state. To do this, he uses the power of words, images, control of breathing and muscles. This results in effects such as:

Activation of the reactivity of the psyche and the physical body;
relaxation, stress relief.

Methods of self-regulation can be very varied. They are usually grouped into:

Psychological (psychotherapy, skill development, meditation, auto-training, etc.).
physiological (dance, sports, exercise, breathing, acupuncture, relaxation, massage, etc.);
biochemical (vitamins, drugs, dietary supplements, aromatherapy, herbal medicine, pharmacology, etc.);
physical (hardening, bath, etc.).

But this is a more scientific point of view. Among the inhabitants there is a more simplified classification system: natural and special methods. So, natural include those that are always available to man:

Humor, smile, laughter;
thoughts and memories of pleasant things;
movement to relax muscles;
contemplation of the landscape;
contemplation of flowers, looking at photographs and various pleasant things;
mental or real bathing in sunshine;
being outdoors;
compliments, praise, etc.

Here we will consider psychological methods of self-regulation. Their main goal is to change the built image of the situation in order to mobilize internal resources for recovery. normal operation psyche.

Self-regulation methods allow:

Learn how to create positive states on your own;
optimize professional activity;
normalize vegetative dysfunctions and sleep;
Reduce conflict, irritability, fear, anxiety and activate thinking and memory.

Man must know various ways emotional self-regulation to be able to find the one that helps him the most. To do this, you need to try all the methods of self-regulation several times.

Emotional self-regulation can be classified in this way:

Positive self-hypnosis;
work with beliefs;
recreating positive images and states;
control of the physical body;
switching attention to other objects, actions, images;
the ability to find comfort in various social situations, manage time, set goals.

In today's realities self-regulation methods must meet the following requirements:

Do not require special premises or equipment;
the ability to use them for personal problems;
do not require a lot of time to complete;
have no contraindications;
the ability to use them anywhere;
be understandable and accessible to everyone;
easily digestible.

The most popular ways of emotional self-regulation are NLP methods, self-hypnosis, visualization, and relaxation. The choice of a specific method depends on the requests, the skills of the trainer, personal preferences, training conditions. Today, the most popular are self-regulation methods that can be used in the workplace.

The following methods of switching attention are offered:

Alternating relaxation and tension;
stress-relieving toys;
coffee breaks.

Also emotional self-regulation can be achieved in the following ways:

Look at the problem from a distance - there are many other problems in the world;
remember something funny and irrelevant;
strongly squeeze and sharply unclench the toes, imagining how the stress goes away.

At the end of the working day:

Knock out the results, praise yourself for each result, for the efforts aimed at where the result was not achieved;
forget about work after you cross the threshold of the office (I don't office worker I'm a gym goer). Even if you do not manage to switch from one role to another for a long time, a short break will already give its results. At this time, it is important to control your mind and not let it switch back to work. Try listening to music for sports, imagining how you do it, making some subtle movements, etc.

Emotional self-regulation can be carried out in a training setting or during individual work. In any case, the program includes various self-help methods. Conventionally, they can be divided into the following groups:

For use in the post-stress period. They are longer. Usually they include meditation, relaxation, and so on;
for instant use in a stressful situation;
to reduce the level of prelaunch excitement when a person is in anticipation of stress.

It is always important for any leader to detect in himself the first signs of approaching stress. Then timely picked up and launched ways of emotional self-regulation help prevent stress and conflict.

The main goal is to learn to consciously create an optimal “inner atmosphere” in yourself.

Using images

Those who have a penchant for artistic thinking are well helped by a technique based on the game. For example, doing some hard and stressful work, you can imagine yourself in the image of a movie or literary hero. The ability to vividly recreate a role model in one’s thoughts, to “get into the role” helps, over time, to acquire one’s own style of behavior.

Purposeful presentation of situations

The ability to tune in or relieve nervous tension is helped by the use of imagination. Each person has in his memory situations in which he experienced peace, peace, relaxation. For some, this is a beach, a pleasant feeling of relaxing on warm sand after swimming, for others - mountains, clean fresh air, blue skies, snowy peaks. From such situations, it is necessary to choose the most significant, really capable of causing emotional experiences.

Ways of distraction

There may be states where active methods hard to come by. Often this is associated with severe fatigue. In such cases, you can remove the load of mental stress using the disconnect method. A tool can be a book that you re-read many times without losing interest in it, your favorite music, a movie, and so on.

Breath control

The process of breathing is important for the regulation of mental processes. The ability to breathe properly is necessary basis for success. Even the most elementary breathing techniques can give a noticeable positive result when you need to quickly calm down or, conversely, increase the overall tone. First of all, the rhythm of breathing is important.

The soothing rhythm is such that each exhalation is twice as long as the inhalation. In some cases, you can take a deep breath and then hold your breath for 20-30 seconds. Subsequent expiration and deep compensatory inspiration are exerted on nervous system stabilizing effect.

Getting rid of unwanted emotions: Dissociation.

This method is intended for people who are hindered in life by excessive impressionability and emotionality. In these cases, it is useful to develop the skill of detachment from emotions - dissociation. This skill is based on the separation of a person's awareness of physiological changes in their own body, caused by emotions, from awareness of their internal, psychological state. For this, it is necessary to learn to distinguish and separate emotions imposed from the outside from the activity of one's own "I".

Exercise "Puppet".

It is advisable to repeat this exercise "in the midst of life" - in various life situations, especially when you are in an environment that causes you negative emotions.

Try to imagine that your own "I", which controls thoughts, movements and emotions, is ... outside the body. At the same time, the body lives and moves purely mechanically, in the mode of an automaton controlled from the outside. Can you imagine that your "I" is watching own body as if from the side (usually from above). Invisible threads coming from this center control your movements, invisible "buttons" control your emotions. at the same time, both bodily and spiritual movements become detached from your "I", are experienced as something artificial, as if this is happening not with you, but with someone else. Remember this state in which you can feel the physical manifestations of emotions, not weighed down by their psychological integral part, separated from experiences, in order to use it in the future. Live in this state for a few minutes, then "return" to your own body to feel the fullness of the experience again.

Subsequently, you can use the acquired skills in order to quickly calm down in an atmosphere of "heated" emotions with the help of dissociation of awareness of your body and awareness of your own "I".

Getting rid of unwanted emotions: transition to a neutral state.

Unlike the previous one, this method of "neutralizing" emotions is much easier to master, and it is available to absolutely everyone. It does not require acting talent, because getting rid of an unpleasant emotion is achieved not by a figurative representation of another emotion that displaces the original one, but by a transition to a neutral state - peace, rest, relaxation, in which there is no negative emotions There is no place. Observing the internal sensations associated with an emotion allows us to separate from it, observing our own emotion from the outside, and then remove the unpleasant emotion by influencing these sensations. Feelings can be dealt with by relying on the “three pillars”:

directed attention;

Muscle relaxation;

Calming breath.

Development of self-observation skills.

Why do you need to learn the skill of self-observation, because it is so natural, it is so easy to feel your own body, to catch the changes taking place in it associated with emotions ... The fact is that the scope of our attention is very limited. At every moment of time, we receive a lot of information both from outside and from within our own organism, which we simply do not pay attention to. A person often literally simply does not notice that he lives in his own body. Sensations associated with eating, inhaling tobacco smoke... and even if somewhere, something hurts, if the body reminds of itself - that's the whole poor list of familiar sensations. The cave ancestor of modern man was much more attentive to his inner feelings. He relied on them, on his "sixth sense", in the harsh struggle for survival. A modern person needs to re-learn to be aware of himself, his own body. To do this, we recommend that you perform a series of exercises, the purpose of which is to focus on what you have long been accustomed to, with the same curiosity as in early childhood, when you were just getting to know your own body, its internal language - the language of not words, but sensations, when, for example, to pull in the mouth thumb right leg, lying in a wheelchair, was not only pleasant, but also an exciting experience. According to C. Brooks (1997), in order for a person to be able to get in touch with his own feelings, he needs to regain the natural, natural fullness of experiences that is characteristic of a small child.

Growing up, a person not only gains life experience, but also loses something useful - naturalness, spontaneity, openness, sociability, intuition and fantasy, clearly manifested in the ability to play, and, finally, the ability to enjoy life without getting stuck on insults and troubles. It is important that at the same time he can still “return to childhood” for a short time, both psychologically and physiologically, and it is this ability that underlies self-regulation. In fact, self-regulation is the ability to be “here and now”, the importance of which can be illustrated by a well-known Buddhist parable. When a student asked the Zen Master what the meaning of the great Tao was, the master replied:

In simple common sense. When I'm hungry I eat, when I'm tired I sleep.

But doesn't everyone do the same? the student asked.

To which the teacher replied:

No. Most people are not present in what they do.

Exercise “Getting to know yourself”.

The exercise is designed to train the ability to observe your feelings. This is the simplest skill of self-observation, observation of one's own physiological processes. As an object of observation, we use, of course, our body - the right hand (for left-handers - vice versa).

To warm up, do a series of very simple movements that prepare the material for subsequent work, providing a lot of physiological sensations that simply cannot be ignored.

1. Connect the fingertips of both hands, press them against each other with force, leaning against each other. Perform 15-20 oncoming movements with your palms with force, as if squeezing an imaginary rubber bulb located between your palms, simulating the operation of a pump.

2. Vigorously rub your palms together until you feel an intense warmth.

3. Strongly and quickly clench and unclench your fist at least 10 times, achieving a feeling of fatigue in the muscles of the hand.

4. Shake the passively hanging hand.

Now - attention and again attention! Place your palms symmetrically on your knees. Direct your attention to your inner sensations. Everything external at the same time, as it were, ceases to exist for you. Concentrate on right palm. Listen to your feelings. First of all, pay attention to the following sensations:

1. Feeling of weight. Do you feel the heaviness or lightness of the brush?

2. Sense of temperature. Do you feel cold or warm in your hand?

3. Additional sensations (not necessarily present, but still very often):

Dryness and humidity;



Feeling the passage of an electric current;

Feeling of "goosebumps", "frost on the skin";

Numbness (usually in the fingertips);


Muscle tremor.

Maybe you will feel that the palm, as it were, radiates some “energy”. Try to remember this useful feeling, which will be useful to you in the future.

Maybe you will feel a movement emerging in the fingers, in the hand or in the hand as a whole - release it into the wild ... watch it as if from the side. Imagine that your body seems to come to life and moves of its own accord, regardless of your desire. Continue to observe the sensations without breaking away, as if plunging into this process, mentally shutting yourself off from everything around you, from everything external. Try to catch the most subtle changes in sensations, it is important to hold, to concentrate attention on them for this. Watch how sensations change, now intensifying, now weakening, how they change their localization, gradually moving from one point to another, and finally, how one sensation gives way to another. Continue to perform this exercise for a long time - at least 8-10 minutes, and if you have enough patience, then even longer.


In tense emotional states, each person's facial expressions change, the tone of skeletal muscles increases, the rate of speech increases, fussiness appears, leading to errors in orientation, breathing, pulse, complexion change, tears may appear.

Emotional stress can subside if a person's attention switches from the cause of anger, sadness or joy to their external manifestations - facial expressions, tears or laughter, etc. This suggests that the emotional and physical states of a person are interconnected and mutually influence each other. on a friend. Therefore, apparently, the statements: “We laugh because we have fun” and “We have fun because we laugh” are equally legitimate.

The simplest, but quite effective way of emotional self-regulation is the relaxation of mimic muscles. By learning to relax the facial muscles, as well as voluntarily and consciously control their condition, one can learn to control the corresponding emotions. The earlier (according to the time when emotions arise) conscious control is activated, the more effective it is. So, in anger, teeth are clenched, facial expression changes. It occurs automatically, reflexively. However, it is worth “launching” self-control questions (“Are your teeth clenched?”, “What does my face look like”), and the facial muscles begin to relax. However, preliminary training is necessary in relaxing certain muscle groups on the basis of verbal self-orders.

It is especially important for a future teacher to master the skills of relaxing facial muscles. Exercises for relaxing facial muscles include tasks for relaxing one or a group of facial muscles (forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, lips, chin). Their essence is the alternation of tension and relaxation of various muscles, so that it is easier to remember the feeling of relaxation in contrast to tension. During exercise, attention should be actively directed to the alternation of phases of tension and relaxation. This can be achieved with the help of verbal self-orders, self-hypnosis. As a result of repeated repetitions of these exercises, the image of one's face gradually appears in the mind in the form of a mask, as free as possible from muscle tension. After such a training, you can easily, by mental order, in the right one; moment to relax all the muscles of the face.

An important reserve in stabilizing one's emotional state is the improvement of breathing. Oddly enough, not all people know how to breathe properly. Unfortunately, this also extends to the teacher, whose breathing must be more perfect than anyone else. Not being able to breathe properly contributes to rapid fatigue. The student must know that a poorly delivered voice, insufficiently developed diction and tempo of speech, plus superficial, non-rhythmic breathing are the causes of a number of teacher's professional ailments, and with them a drop in his emotional tone.

Focusing your attention, it is not difficult to notice how a person's breathing changes in different situations: sleeping, working, angry, amused, sad or frightened breathe differently. As can be seen, respiratory failure depends on internal state of a person, it means that arbitrarily ordered breathing should have the opposite effect on this state. By learning to influence your breathing, you can acquire another way of emotional self-regulation.

The basics of breathing exercises are borrowed from the yoga system. Their meaning is to consciously control the rhythm, frequency, depth of breathing. different types rhythmic
breaths include holding the breath of different durations and varying inhalation and exhalation.

All over Airways richly supplied with endings of the autonomic nervous system. It has been established that the inhalation phase excites the endings of the sympathetic nerve, which activates the activity of internal organs, and the exhalation phase excites the vagus nerve, which, as a rule, has an inhibitory effect. In respiratory gymnastics, this property is used in the form of the so-called "evening" - soothing or "morning" - mobilizing breathing. The soothing type of breathing is characterized by a gradual lengthening of the exhalation to the duration of a double inhalation. In the future, the inhalations are already lengthened until they are equal to the exhalations. Then all phases of the respiratory cycle are shortened again.

Mobilizing breathing is, as it were, a mirror reflection of calming breathing: it is not exhalations that change, but inhalations, the breath is held not after exhalation, but after inhalation.

Breathing exercises can be successfully used in the educational process. It is useful to use soothing breathing to extinguish excessive excitement and nervous tension, for example, at the beginning control work, colloquium, test, exam, before public speaking, at a student conference. This type of breathing can neutralize the neuropsychic effects of the conflict, remove the “pre-launch” excitement and help you relax before going to bed. It is a simple but effective remedy for insomnia.

Mobilizing breathing helps to overcome lethargy and drowsiness during fatigue, promotes a quick and painless transition from sleep to wakefulness, and mobilizes attention. In the educational process, this type of breathing makes it possible to relieve drowsiness and lethargy in students engaged in the first shift, and "delay" the development of fatigue by the end of the school day. Breathing exercises are especially useful for stimulation learning activities evening students who come to class after a tiring day at work. Therefore, it is advisable to “arm” with breathing exercises as a true and accessible means management of the emotional state of not only students, but also teachers. In addition to calming and mobilizing, there are four main types of breathing that are important in learning voluntary regulation of breathing: clavicular, thoracic, diaphragmatic and full.

Clavicular breathing is the shortest and shallowest. It can be defined as a slight raising of the collarbones upward along with a slight expansion of the chest on inhalation.

Thoracic breathing is deeper in the sense that more air is inhaled. It begins with the contraction of the intercostal muscles, which expand the chest in an upward and outward direction. In the chest type of breathing, there is a greater expansion of the chest, followed by raising the clavicles on inspiration. Thoracic breathing is the most common.

Diaphragmatic (abdominal) breathing is the deepest of all types of breathing. This type of breathing is typical for men. With such breathing, the lower sections of the lungs are filled with air: the diaphragm lowers, and the stomach swells. The movement of the diaphragm is the main cause of deep inspiration. During inhalation, the muscles relax, the dome of the diaphragm becomes flat, and the lower sections of the lungs, sucking in air, stretch. Depending on the inhalation or exhalation, intra-abdominal pressure changes, and thus, correct diaphragmatic breathing has a massaging effect on the abdominal organs.

And finally, full (deep) breathing includes the three described types of breathing, combining them into one. It starts with abdominal (lower) and ends with clavicular (upper) breathing. In the process of such combined breathing, not a single part of the lungs remains unfilled with air. Deep breathing is used to quickly relax and calm down in an unexpected or difficult situation.

The effectiveness of the influence of breathing exercises on the emotional state increases if they are used in combination with other methods of emotional self-regulation.

One of these methods is conscious concentration of attention. Concentration is the concentration of consciousness on a certain object of its activity. You can focus on your visual, sound, bodily and other sensations, on emotions and moods, feelings and experiences, on the flow of your thoughts, on the images that arise in the mind.

At the heart of concentration is the management of attention. Focus is based on:

  • the ability to focus on a certain

  • on the development of voluntary attention, arising under the influence of a consciously set goal and requiring volitional concentration;

  • on a fairly wide scope of attention - it allows you to simultaneously focus on different internal processes; on sensations in the body, on visual and auditory images, on mental operations, etc.;

  • on the ability to switch attention from external objects to inner world personality, from one sensation, feeling, thought to another;

  • the ability to focus on one object.

Effective emotional self-regulation is also facilitated by the use of imagination or visualization techniques. Visualization is the creation of internal images in the human mind, i.e., the activation of the imagination with the help of auditory, visual, gustatory, olfactory, tactile sensations, as well as their combinations. Visualization helps a person to activate his emotional memory, to recreate the sensations that he once experienced. Having reproduced in your mind the images of the outside world, you can quickly escape from a tense situation, restore emotional balance.

A variation of visualization is the “plot imagination” exercises, which are based on the deliberate use of color and spatial representations of human consciousness.

Conscious representations are painted in the desired color, corresponding to the simulated emotional state. Color has a powerful emotional effect on the nervous system. Red, orange, yellow are the colors of activity; blue, blue, violet - the colors of peace; green - neutral. Color (temperature, sound, tactile) sensations are best supplemented with spatial representations. If you need to calm down, relax, you should imagine a wide, open space (sea horizon, spacious sky, a wide square, a vast theater hall, etc.). To mobilize the body to perform a responsible task, representations of close, narrow spaces with a limited horizon (narrow street with tall houses, gorge, cramped room). Using these techniques allows you to cause the necessary emotional state at the right time (calm - a spacious seashore, a winter landscape in lilac twilight; invigorating - a summer beach on a bright sunny day, blinding sun, bright yellow sand). You should get used to the presented picture, feel it and fix it in your mind. Gradually, a state of relaxation and peace will arise, or, conversely, activity, mobilization.

The action of sensory reproduction is wide, and with the help of each of the sense organs, any mood can be simulated. You just need to be able to direct your emotional imagination along the right path. This is facilitated by "inspiration" exercises. Their originality lies in the fact that they are determined in each individual case by an extremely specific everyday situation and are not so much training as preparatory and corrective. Their common goal is to neutralize fear, fear of any responsible action (in a very wide range - from an exam or a sports competition to an intimate date).

When emergencies, they cause stress long before they collide. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for them. The first step to success in any undertaking is a psychological attitude to success, an absolute

Confidence that the goal will be achieved. It is necessary to accustom yourself to success, luck, make it self-evident, habitual. For example, when the hostess carries a mountain of dishes from the kitchen, if she says: “Careful, do not drop!”, She will definitely drop her burden. “Keeping negative ideas in your memory is tantamount to slow suicide,” writes X. Lindeman, a well-known autogenic training expert.

"Inspiration" exercises consist in "rehearsing" a tense situation, necessarily in conditions of success, using color and spatial representations. The technical conditions for performing such exercises are as follows:

  • they are performed most often in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon, but neither
    when at night;

  • the attention of the trainee is rigidly concentrated from
    a large and medium circle of attention (wide, spacious rooms) and calm color representations (blue, blue, purple tones) to a small circle of attention
    (narrow, cramped spaces) and invigorating color tones
    (red, yellow, orange colors) or, in some cases, to the inner;

  • exercise is accompanied by musical
    reinforcement: at the beginning of the exercise, calm, smooth music is used, then gradually the musical tempo speeds up.
Examples of "inspiration" exercises are extremely diverse (depending on the "rehearsed" tense situation), but the scheme for their implementation is always the same.

Purposeful use of the proposed methods and techniques of self-regulation of the emotional state in the educational process will have a significant impact on the development of emotional stability of the future teacher.

^ Breathing exercises

Instructions for execution:

These exercises can be performed in any position. Only one condition is obligatory: the spine must certainly be in a strictly vertical or horizontal position. This makes it possible to breathe naturally, freely, without tension, to fully stretch the muscles of the chest and abdomen. If the back is straight, then the respiratory muscles (mainly the diaphragm) can function easily and naturally. See for yourself how deep a breath a straight back allows you to take. Try to take a deep breath, first hunched over and lowering your shoulders, then straightening up and straightening your shoulders, and you yourself will feel a tremendous difference.

The correct position of the head is also very important: it should sit straight and loose on the neck. A relaxed, upright sitting head stretches the chest and other parts of the body upwards to a certain extent. Attention: in no case should the neck be convulsively tense! You have to see for yourself that she is really relaxed. Make it easy. While you are looking for which muscle is tense, relax your neck and try to keep it relaxed during breathing exercises. If everything is in order and the muscles are relaxed, then immediately begin to practice free breathing, constantly controlling it. This way of breathing should gradually be brought to automatism, become natural for you.

The method of performing breathing exercises

1. Sit on a chair (sideways to the back), straighten your back, relax
neck muscles.

2. Place your hands freely on your knees and close your eyes, which
so that no visual information prevents you from concentrating. Focus only on your breathing.

  1. When performing the breathing exercise, breathe through your nose with your lips slightly closed (but by no means clenched).

  2. For a few minutes, just control your
    breath. Please note that it is light and free. Feel that the air you breathe in is colder than the air you breathe out. Just make sure that your breathing is rhythmic.
Now pay attention to the fact that during inhalation and exhalation the auxiliary respiratory muscles do not turn on - especially so that the shoulders do not straighten when inhaling. The shoulders should be relaxed, lowered and slightly laid back. After inhalation, naturally, exhalation should follow. However, try to extend the breath. You will succeed if, while continuing to inhale, you keep the muscles of the chest from tension as long as possible. Think about the fact that now you have a long exhalation. Repeat a deep breath and then a long exhalation several times.

Now control the rhythm of your breathing. After all, it is rhythmic breathing that calms the nerves and has an anti-stress effect. Take a slow breath, while managing to count at an average pace from one to six. Then pause. Practice rhythmic breathing for about 2-3 minutes. The duration of individual phases of respiration in this case not so important - the right rhythm is much more important. You can remember and repeat this simple way of rhythmic breathing at any time. Next, you should perform an exercise on any of the types of breathing described below.

Breathing exercise options

^ Exercise 1. "Clavicular (upper) breathing"

Starting position - sitting (standing, lying) straighten up (head, neck, back should be on the same line). Before you inhale, you should exhale the air and lungs. After exhaling, take a slow breath through the nose, raising the collarbones and shoulders and filling the uppermost sections of the lungs with air. When exhaling, the shoulders slowly fall down.

^ Exercise 2. "Chest (middle) breathing"

In order to more easily master the technique of medium breathing, you can put your palms on both sides of the chest and monitor its lowering and expansion. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Exhale through the nose, while lowering the ribs, then - a full and long breath, expanding the chest. The shoulders and abdomen should remain motionless when inhaling (avoid protrusion of the abdomen). Then exhale again and inhale again.

^ Exercise 3. "Abdominal (lower) breathing"

For a more complete assimilation of this exercise, it is recommended to place your palms on your stomach in order to monitor the rise and fall of the abdominal wall.

The starting position is the same. Make a full exhalation, while the stomach is pulled inward (the diaphragm rises up). Then slowly inhale air through the nose, sticking out the stomach (the diaphragm goes down), without moving the chest and arms. The lower part of the lungs fills with air. Exhale the air again - the stomach goes deep inside (the air is exhaled from the lower lobes of the lungs).

^ Exercise 4. "Deep (full) breathing"

The starting position is the same, but it is preferable to lie on your back, since in this position of the body the muscles of the abdominal wall relax better.

Stage 1. Take a comfortable position. Place your left hand (palm down) on your stomach, or rather, on your navel. Now place your right hand in a comfortable position on your left. The eyes may remain open. However, with your eyes closed, it will be easier to perform the second stage of the exercise.

Stage 2. Imagine an empty bottle or bag inside you, where your hands are. As you inhale, imagine that the air enters through the nose, goes down and "fills this inner bag. As the bag fills with air, your hands will rise. As you continue to inhale, imagine that the bag is completely filled with air. The wave-like movement that began in the abdomen will continue in the middle and upper parts of the chest.The total duration of the breath should be 2 seconds, then, as the skill improves, it can be increased to 2.5-3 seconds.

Stage 3. Hold your breath. Keep air inside the bag. Repeat to yourself the phrase: "My body is calm." This step should not last more than 2 seconds.

Stage 4. Slowly begin to exhale - empty the bag. As you do this, repeat to yourself the phrase, "My body is calm." As you exhale, feel the belly, which was raised earlier, fall and rib cage. The duration of this stage should not be less than the two previous stages. Repeat this four step exercise 3-5 times in a row. If you get dizzy, stop. If dizziness reappears on subsequent sessions, simply reduce the duration of the inhalation and/or the number of consecutive four-stage cycles performed.

Do this exercise 10-20 times daily. Turn it into your morning, afternoon and evening ritual and also use it in stressful situations. Since this relaxation option is in the nature of a skill, it is important to practice it at least 10-20 times a day. At first, you may not notice any immediate relaxation. However, after 1-2 weeks of regular practice, you will be able to relax “instantly” for a while. Remember that if you want to master this skill, you must practice it systematically. Regular, consistent practice of these daily exercises will eventually give you a more relaxed and gentle attitude towards everything, a kind of anti-stress attitude, and when you have stress episodes, they will be much less intense.

Breathing exercises with a tonic effect

^ Exercise 1. "Mobilizing breath"

Starting position - standing, sitting (back straight). Exhale air from the lungs, then inhale, hold your breath for 2 seconds, exhale - the same duration as inhalation. Then gradually increase the inspiratory phase. Below is a digital record of a possible implementation this exercise. The first digit indicates the duration of the inhalation, the pause (holding the breath) is enclosed in brackets, then the exhalation phase:

4 (2) 4, 5 (2) 4; 6 (3)4; 7 (3)4; 8 (4) 4;

8 (4) 4, 8 (4) 5; 8 (4) 6; 8 (4) 7; 8 (4) 8;

8 (4) 8; 8 (4) 7; 7 (3) 6; 6 (3) 5; 5 (2) 4.

Breathing is regulated by the account of the teacher conducting the classes, even better with the help of a metronome, and at home - by the mental account of the student himself. Each account approx. equal to a second, while walking, it is convenient to equate it with the speed of steps.

^ Exercise 2. "Ha-breathing"

Starting position - standing, feet shoulder width apart, arms 1 along the body. Take a deep breath, raise your arms through the sides up above your head. Retention of breath. Exhalation - the body sharply leans forward, hands are thrown down in front of you, there is a sharp release of air with the sound "ha".

^ Exercise 3. "Castle"

Starting position - sitting, body straightened, hands on knees, in the “lock” position. Inhale as you raise your arms above your head, palms forward. Hold your breath (2 seconds), exhale sharply through your mouth, hands fall to your knees.

Relaxing breathing exercises ^ Exercise 1. "Rest"

Starting position - standing, straighten up, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a breath. As you exhale, bend over, relaxing your neck and shoulders so that your head and arms hang freely to the floor. Breathe deeply, watch your breath. Stay in this position for 1-2 minutes. Then slowly straighten up.

^ Exercise 2. "Respite"

Usually, when we are upset, we begin to hold our breath. Breath release is one way

Relaxation. Breathe slowly, calmly and deeply for 3 minutes. You can even close your eyes. Enjoy this deep slow breathing, imagine that all your troubles disappear.

^ Exercise 3. "Calming breath"

Starting position - sitting, lying down. Slowly take a deep breath through your nose, at the peak of inhalation - hold your breath, then exhale slowly through your nose. Then again inhale, hold the breath, exhale - longer by 1-2 seconds. During the exercise, the expiratory phase increases each time. Taking more time to exhale creates a gentle, calming effect. Imagine that with each exhalation you get rid of stressful tension.

Below is a digital recording of a possible implementation of this exercise. The first digit indicates the conditional duration of inhalation, the second - exhalation. The brackets include the duration of the pause - breath holding: 4-4 (2); 4-5 (2); 4-6(2); 4-7 (2); 4-8 (2); 4-8 (2); 5-8 (2); 6-8(3); 7-8 (3); 8-8(4); 8-8(4); 7-8 (3); 6-7(3); 5-6 (2), 4-5 (2).

The exercise is regulated by counting (out loud or to yourself).

^ Alekseev A.A. Modern psychotherapy. Course of lectures: Humanist. agency "Academies, project". SPb., 1997.

Gabdreeva G.Sh. Self-management of the mental state: Proc. allowance. Kazan, 1981.

Stress of life: Collection. SPb., 1994.

Exercises for self-regulation of the emotional state through external manifestations of emotions


"Self-control of external expression of emotions"

At the moment of action of stressful factors, with the growth of emotional stress, it is necessary to ask yourself questions of self-control:

What does my face look like?

Am I not bound?

Are my teeth clenched?

How do I sit?

How do I breathe?

If signs of tension are detected, it is necessary:

1. Arbitrarily relax the muscles. To relax mi
muscle muscles use the following formulas:

The muscles of the face are relaxed.

Eyebrows are loosely parted.

The forehead is smoothed.

Relaxed jaw muscles.

Relaxed mouth muscles.

The tongue is relaxed, the wings of the nose are relaxed.

The whole face is calm and relaxed.

  1. It is convenient to sit down, become.

  2. Take 2-3 deep breaths and exhale to “knock down” the learning
    puppy breath.

  3. Establish a calm breathing rhythm.
Exercise "Mirror"

A person knows how his face changes depending on the internal state; within certain limits, he can give the person an expression appropriate to the situation. It is worth looking at yourself in the mirror in a normal situation slowly and carefully, and then by willful way to give it the expression of a person in a balanced state, as according to the scheme feedback the mechanism of stabilization of the psyche may work.

Force yourself to smile in a difficult moment. Keeping a smile on the face improves mood, as there is a deep connection between mimic, bodily reactions and experienced emotions.

^ Marishchuk V.L., Platonov K.K., Pletnitsky E.A. Tension in flight. M., 1969. Psychology business communication/Aut.-Stat. Yu.A. Fomin. Minsk, 1999.

Exercises to relax the muscles of the face

Execution Method

Performing these exercises, one must strive to ensure that the muscles that are not being exercised at the moment are relaxed. Breathe evenly and calmly through your nose. Attention should be focused on the state of the exercised muscles. At the same time, it is important to achieve vivid ideas and sensations with relaxation and tension of various muscle groups. Gradually, the image of a face-mask, completely free from muscle tension, appears in the mind.

After some training in relaxing and fixing the corresponding conditioned reflex connections with verbal formulations, it is easy to relax all the facial muscles by "mental order".

  1. "Mask of Surprise" Close eyes. With a slow breath, raise your eyebrows as high as possible, say to yourself: "The muscles of the forehead are tense." Hold your breath for a second and
    lower your eyebrows with an exhale. Pause 15 seconds. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

  2. eye exercise "Zhmurki". With a slow exhalation, gently lower the eyelids, gradually increase the tension in the muscles of the eyes and, finally, close them as if shampoo had got into them, squint as much as possible. Say to yourself: "The eyelids are tense." Then a second breath holding and muscle relaxation, breathing is free. Leaving the eyelids down, say to yourself: "The eyelids are relaxed." Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

  3. Nose exercise "Disturbance". Round the wings of the nose and tighten them, as if you are very much indignant at something, inhale and exhale. Say to yourself: "The wings of the nose are tense." Inhale, as you exhale, relax the wings of the nose. Say to yourself: "The wings of the nose are relaxed." Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

  4. "Kissing Mask" Simultaneously with inhalation, gradually compress your lips, as if for a kiss, bring this effort to the limit and fix it, repeating: "The muscles of the mouth are tense." Hold your breath for a second, relax your muscles with a free exhalation. Say: "The muscles of the mouth are relaxed." Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

  1. "Mask of Laughter" Squint your eyes slightly, with an inhalation gradually smile as widely as possible. With an exhalation, relax the tense muscles of the face. Repeat the exercise several times.

  2. "Mask of Discontent". With inhalation, gradually clench your teeth, close your lips tightly, tighten your chin muscles and lower the corners of your mouth - make a mask of discontent, fix the tension. Say to yourself: "The jaws are compressed, the lips are tense." With an exhalation, relax the muscles of the face - open the teeth. Say to yourself: "The muscles of the face are relaxed." Repeat the exercise several times.

Chernikova OA, Dashkevich OV Active self-regulation of an athlete's emotional states. M., 1971.

^ Focusing exercises

Methodology for performing concentration exercises:

The room in which it is supposed to be practiced must be isolated from strong sounds. Sit on a chair in a comfortable position to the back, so as not to lean on it (the chair must be with a hard seat, otherwise the effectiveness of the exercise will decrease). Put your hands freely on your knees, close your eyes (they should be closed until the end of the exercise so that attention is not distracted by foreign objects). Breathe through your nose calmly, not tensely. Try to focus only on the fact that the inhaled air is colder than the exhaled air.

It is necessary to perform relaxation-concentration exercises for several minutes. Time is not limited: you can exercise as long as it gives pleasure. After doing the exercises, run your palms over your eyelids, slowly open your eyes and stretch. Concentration exercise options Exercise 1. "Concentration on the account"

^ Teacher's instruction:

Mentally count slowly from 1 to 10 and focus on this slow count. If, at some point, your thoughts begin to dissipate and you become unable to concentrate on the count, start counting from the beginning. Repeat the count for several minutes.

^ Exercise 2. "Concentration on the word"

Teacher's instruction:

Choose a short (two-syllable is best) word that evokes positive emotions in you or is associated with Nice memories. Let it be the name of a loved one, or an affectionate nickname that your parents called you in childhood, or the name of your favorite dish ... If the word is two-syllable, then mentally pronounce the first syllable on the inhale, the second on the exhale. Focus on "your" word, which from now on will become your personal slogan with concentration.

^ Exercise 3. "Focusing on the subject"

Teacher's instruction:

Attention! There is a spotlight in your head. Its beam can illuminate anything with immense brightness. This spotlight is your attention. We control his beam! Within 2-3 minutes, we “illuminate with a spotlight” any object. Everything else goes into darkness. We look only at this subject. You can blink, but the gaze must remain within the subject. We return to it again and again, look at it, find all the new lines and shades ...

^ Exercise 4. "Focus on the sound"

Teacher's instruction:

And now we focused our attention on the sounds outside the window (wall) of the office. Let's listen to them. To better concentrate, you can close your eyes. Select one of the sounds. We listen to it, we listen, we hold it.

^ Exercise 5

Teacher's instruction:

Focus on your bodily sensations. Direct the beam of your attention to the foot of your right foot. Feel the toes, the sole. Feel the contact of the feet with the floor, the sensations that arise from this contact.

Focus on right hand. Feel the fingers, the palm, the surface of the hand, the whole hand. Feel your forearm, elbow; feel the contact of the armrest of the chair with your hand and the sensation it causes. Feel the left hand in the same way.

Feel the lower back, back, contact with the chair.

Focus on the face - nose, eyelids, forehead, cheekbones, lips, chin. Feel the touch of air on your face.

^ Exercise 6. "Focusing on emotions and mood"

Teacher's instruction:

Focus on inner speech.

Stop inner speech.

Now focus on your emotions, try to imagine yourself in a joyful, cheerful emotional state. Recall the joyful events of your life.

We come out of a state of relaxation.

Reflection on your emotional state.

^ Exercise 7. "Focusing on feelings"

Teacher's instruction:

Close your eyes. Focus on inner feelings. Mentally choose one of those present here - it can be your neighbor, friend or any other person from the group.

What feelings do you have towards him? Are you happy with him, do you like him, you can't stand him, is he indifferent to you?

Understand your feelings, acknowledge them.

^ Exercise 8. "Concentration on a neutral subject"

Concentrate your attention on some neutral object for a few minutes. Below are four possibilities:

  • Write down 10 names of objects, things, events that give pleasure.

  • Slowly count objects that are not emotionally colored in any way: leaves on a branch, letters on a printed page, etc.

  • Train your memory by remembering 20 actions performed yesterday.

  • Within two minutes: remember the qualities that you like most about yourself, and give examples of each of them.
Reflection of sensations:

  • Have you managed to focus your attention on one object for a long time?

  • What is easier to focus on: an object or a sound?

  • What does it depend on?

  • What properties of attention are necessary for concentration?
Gadzhieva N.M., Nikitina N.N., Kislinskaya KV. Fundamentals of self-improvement. Self awareness training. Ekaterinburg, 1998. Psychology of business communication /Author-comp. Yu.A. Fomin. Minsk, 1999. Stress of life: Collection. SPb., 1994.

Visualization exercises

Exercise 1

Teacher's instruction:

Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Focus on your breathing. Breathe in and out mentally and deeply. WITH

With each inhalation and exhalation, you become more and more calm and focused on your sensations. Breathe easily and freely. The body relaxes more and more. You are warm, comfortable and calm. You breathe in fresh, cool air. You calm down and tune in to perform new work. We begin to master the methods of forming figurative representations. I will pronounce individual words, and you must pronounce them to yourself, focusing on their content. After that, you aim to imagine images of the words you heard.

Let's start with visual images:

  1. orange 6) light

  2. sea ​​7) play

  3. glade 8) gentle

  4. flowers 9) build

  5. bird 10) weave
Exercise 2

Teacher's instruction:

Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Relax. We take a deep breath and exhale. Let's focus on our feelings. And now let's try to recreate in our imagination a complete picture, a complete image.

Imagine a beach by the sea. Hot day. The sun is burning. You are in a bathing suit. With pleasure we stretch out on the sand ... We look at the sea. You can see the heads of the swimmers... Let's take a closer look at the horizon line. What appeared there? We peer carefully ... And what is happening around, on the shore? ..

The sun is beating down hard, you have to turn from side to side. I want to swim... We enter the water... We feel its touch... What is it like?..

The images are gone. Focus your attention on your body. They clenched their hands. They opened their eyes.

^ Exercise 3. "Shelter"

Teacher's instruction:

Imagine that you have a comfortable safe haven where you can hide whenever you want. Imagine a cabin in the mountains or a forested valley, a personal ship, a garden, a mysterious castle... Mentally describe this safe and comfortable place. When you go to bed, imagine that you are heading there. You can relax there, listen to music or talk with a friend. After doing this a few times, you can fantasize like this throughout the day. Close your eyes for a few minutes and enter your personal retreat.


  • Did you manage to see the whole picture, to evoke the corresponding bodily sensations?

  • What images emerged?
Exercise 4. "Formation of visual representations of abstract concepts"

Teacher's instruction:

Focus on your feelings, activate your emotional memory. I will name abstract concepts, try to see the images that are associated with them:

happiness bondage

freedom dignity

Submission dream

Reflection of sensations, emerging images.

^ Exercise 5

Teacher's instruction:

Recall and describe the most wonderful experiences of your life; the happiest moments - delight, joy, happiness. Imagine that this situation has repeated and you are now in this state of happiness, joy. Imagine what images - visual, auditory, kinesthetic - accompanied this state. “Make” the same face: the same smile, the same sparkle in the eyes, the same blush, the same rapid pulse, etc. Feel this state with your whole body: with an energetic posture, beautiful posture, confident gait, expressive gestures, etc. e. Try to retain and remember these physical manifestations of joy and happiness, so that you can then reproduce them at your own will.

It is very useful to start each lesson (and in general every day) like this: remember something pleasant that causes a smile, tune in to good relationships with colleagues, children, loved ones.


  • What images were easier for you to recreate?

  • What helped you to recreate figurative representations, what

  • What role does visualization play in self-regulation of the emotional state?

Gadzhieva N.M., Nikitina N.N., Kislinskaya N.V. Fundamentals of self-improvement. Self awareness training. - Yekaterinburg, 1998.

Mitina L.M. The teacher as a person and a professional (psychological problems). M., 1994.

Psychology of business communication / Ed.-comp. Yu. A. Fomin. Minsk, 1999.

Story Imagination Exercises

^ The purpose of the exercises: train deliberate modeling of various emotional states, learn to balance the processes of excitation and inhibition.

^ Exercise "Visual Images"

It is proposed to choose any object that is brightly colored certain color, better without shades. The color is chosen according to the state that is being modeled: red, orange, yellow - activity colors; blue, blue, violet - the colors of peace; green - neutral.

It is necessary to say to yourself several times the name of a color. In the imagination, the outlines and color of this object will arise. Gradually, a state of relaxation and peace will arise, or, conversely, activity, mobilization.

^ Exercise "Park" (to create a mood of peace, inner comfort, deep rest)


“Green-green greenery. Green-green foliage. Green leaves are rustling.

Imagine yourself in the park on a warm and sunny summer day: sun glare interspersed with shadows from the foliage; the body is warm, but not hot, the foliage is fresh, bright; spacious clearings and alleys stretching into the distance, leaves rustling in a gentle breeze, distant and vague voices of people; the smell of fresh foliage (temperature image, color, spatial, sound, tactile, olfactory).

^ Exercise "Siren"


“A booming, booming rumble.

A booming, booming siren.

The booming siren is moving away."

Imagine the booming sound of a steamship siren over a night raid.

The wall of the pier in the port at night, a brightly lit steamer preparing to depart, the navigation lights of ships gliding along the dark roadstead. Further development of the plot - the steamer leaves for a voyage, the gangway is removed, the strip of black oily water between the side and the quay wall becomes wider, the voices of those seeing off and sailing away; the steamer is already far away, you can't make out the faces; his luminous silhouette moves; the receding siren sounds again, the running lights seem to glide through the air. The water smells of algae, resin and the sea (olfactory image); evening coolness (temperature image).

The exercise is accompanied by musical accompaniment (calm, melodic music). The way out of autogenic immersion is natural sleep, since attention in this case is not concentrated, but dispersed, goes from a small circle to a medium and large one.

^ Exercise "Carpet"

(to create a feeling of coziness and comfort)

The main sensory representations are tactile (tactile).


“Fluffy, fluffy fluff. Fluffy fluffy carpet. The fluffy carpet is undead."

Imagine the touch of bare feet on a fluffy carpet, large and warm, in a large cozy room. The room must be necessarily large, not crowded with furniture (spatial image); lighting - in warm yellow-orange tones (color image).

^ Exercise "Lemon"

(to create an atmosphere of friendly, friendly communication and good mood)

The main sensory representations are taste.


“Acid-acidic acid. Sour-sour lemon. Sour lemon in a glass of tea.

Imagine the taste of tea or coffee with lemon sourness. Visual image (color and spatial) - a bright but limited circle of light above the table, the rest of the room loses
Xia in the twilight, The table is laid, but already in disarray. At the table are friends. The conversation is a little noisy, a little rambling, but interesting. The memory of the taste of lemon evokes, apart from
among other things, salivation, which in turn stimulates appetite.

^ Exercise "inspiration" "Responsible exam"

The condition to be corrected is fear, fear of failure, uncertainty in one's knowledge.

The time of the "rehearsal" training is morning or afternoon (but not the evening before the exam!).

During the exercise, you must first achieve muscle and psychological relaxation, extinguishing fear and anxiety. From the moment the "transitions" from the spacious rooms of the lobby and corridors to the tighter ones (audiences, office) begin, mobilization takes place. Narrows and focuses attention.

Musical reinforcement - calm smooth music. Represented colors - blue, blue.

^ Teacher's instruction:

Imagine a spacious hall or lobby of an institute. You walk calmly, with a confident gait, without a hint of fussiness. You do not think about the upcoming exam, do not allow yourself any questions or conversations related to it, and only answer the greetings of acquaintances with a smile. In a word, you "hold on".

You move from the vestibule to the corridor, from the corridor to the auditorium adjacent to the professor's office, that is, from spacious rooms to tighter ones. As you do this, your step, without speeding up, becomes more and more precise, your gait more and more confident, your posture straight. In front of the examiner's door, you willfully “cross out” all memories of the material that you think you have forgotten or have not learned enough. You do not think in this brief moment about anything that relates to the upcoming subject, in your brain there is a chaotic rush of thoughts. Of course, you are excited, and this is quite natural. It is not the excitement before the exam that is dangerous, but the excessive excitement that causes confusion and fussiness. Some emotion is needed - it mobilizes.

But here you are called and you are in front of the examiner's table. You don't choose a ticket, you take the first one that comes along. For you, all tickets are equal, educational material You know. And, indeed, the questions of the ticket that you got are exactly what you need. You, in fact, could answer without preparation, but you should not behave arrogantly - it is better to sit down and put your thoughts in order. And as soon as you begin to do this, the chaotic train of thoughts is replaced by their smooth and even flow - the knowledge you have accumulated emerges in your mind in a harmonious order, and you are ready to state them in the same order ...

^ Belyaev G.S., Lobzin B.C., Kopylova I.A. Psychohygienic self-regulation. L., 1977.

Ways of situational self-regulation while being in a tense situation

It is necessary to equip students with methods of direct self-regulation of the emotional state during the action of stressful factors. For these purposes can be used:

  • Self-persuasion, self-orders that cause a calm state, self-hypnosis of calmness and endurance are necessary for the mood to work: “Today I do not pay attention to trifles”, “I am completely calm”, etc.

  • Self-control of the emotional state by external expressions of emotions: facial expressions, pantomime, somatics, the nature of speech, the presence of muscle tension, increased respiratory rate. You can control the external expression of emotions by "launching" questions
    self-control: “What does my face look like?”, “Am I constrained?”, “Are my teeth clenched?”, “How do I sit (stand)?”, “How do I breathe?”. If signs of tension are detected, it is necessary to arbitrarily relax the muscles, sit down (become) comfortable, establish a calm breathing rhythm: take 2-3 deep breaths and exhale to bring down rapid breathing.

  • Breathing exercises of a calming orientation (calming breathing, deep breathing). You can use the following breathing exercise: do
    take a deep breath, directing the air flow into the lower abdomen, hold your breath for a couple of seconds, and then slowly release the air through your mouth in an even stream. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times. Thus, the tension of the body and brain is removed, a balanced state is created.

  • The use of images of concentration and visualization - focusing attention and imagination on a specific object (visual, sound, bodily and other sensations).

  • Count to 10 before taking action.
Activation of a sense of humor - try to see the comic even in a difficult, serious situation: mentally imagine an aggressive partner in a comic situation (how he would look in this state on the beach, in a zoo cage, in a baby hat, etc.), forgive his partner
mistake, incompetence, emotionality Distraction - try as brightly as possible to imagine a situation in which you usually feel most calm and comfortable, put yourself in this situation.

^ Elkanov SB. Fundamentals of professional self-education of the future teacher. M., 1989.

Marishuk V.L., Platonov K.K., Pletnitsky E.A. Tension in flight. M., 1969..

Chernikova O.A., Dashkevich O.V. Active self-regulation of the athlete's emotional states. M., 1971.

First aid after stress factors

There is a system of methods of emotional self-regulation, which must be used immediately after the action of stress factors on the human body. It includes the following methods:

  • Take every chance to wet the forehead, temples and arteries on the hands cold water.

  • Slowly look around, even if the room is familiar. Looking from one object to another, mentally describe them appearance. Mentally say to yourself: “Brown desk, white curtains. Focus on each individual subject
    can be distracted from internal stressful tension, switch attention to a rational perception of the environment.

  • Look out the window at the sky. Focus on what you see.

  • Having collected water in a glass, slowly, as if with concentration, drink it. Concentrate on the sensations when the water flows down the throat.

  • Imagine yourself in a pleasant environment - in the garden, on the beach, on a swing, in the shower.

  • Apply calming formulas "Today I do not pay attention to trifles."

  • There are many physiological mechanisms of discharge that have a restorative effect on a person.
Outwardly, they manifest themselves in the form of crying, laughter, the desire to hit, speak out, etc. There is no need to block them (restrain):

  • the emerging feeling of irritation, aggression can be removed with the help of physical relaxation: kick an imaginary object several times, box a pillow, “let off steam”;

  • defuse emotions - speak out to the end to someone. When a person speaks out, his excitement decreases, he can realize his mistakes and make the right decision;

  • in order to quickly normalize the state after troubles, it is necessary to give yourself increased physical activity (20 - 30 squats, running in place, climb on foot to the 3rd-5th floor);

  • find a place where you can speak out loud, shout something that outrages, offends, cry. Let it be an empty room. As these actions are performed, irritation, anger, resentment will go away;

  • another way is "empty chair". Imagine that a person who offended you is sitting on it, pour out feelings. Now he can say whatever he wants.

  • Switch to an interesting activity, a favorite pastime is to create a new dominant. When overexcited, a dominant focus of excitation is formed in the cerebral cortex, which has the ability to inhibit all other foci, subjugates all the activity of the body, all the actions and thoughts of a person. This means that in order to calm down, it is necessary to eliminate, defuse this dominant, or create a new, competing one. The more exciting the business, the easier it is to create a competitive dominant.

  • Recall pleasant events from your own life. Imagine that this situation has repeated and you are in this state of joy. Make the same face, smile, feel this state with your whole body: posture, posture, gestures, gait.

  • Use logic tricks. The inclusion of rational activity in the perception and process of responding to an external stimulus significantly changes a person's behavior and corrects emotional reactions.

  • It must be remembered that with strong emotional arousal, a person inadequately assesses the situation. In an acute emotional situation, you should not take any
    what decisions. Calm down, and then think it over according to the principle: "I'll think about it tomorrow."

  • To make a general reassessment of the significance of the situation according to the type: “I didn’t really want to” or to be able to extract something positive even from failure, using the “but” technique.
Apply the soothing method according to the “green grapes” principle. Say to yourself: “What I just unsuccessfully aspired to is not as good as it seemed.”

Calmly analyze the situation, try to clearly

Recognize the possible negative consequences and come to terms with the worst of them. Having realized the worst outcome and reconciled with it, calmly consider the solution to the situation.

^ Prevention methods

adverse emotional states

To prevent adverse emotional states, you can use the following methods:

Efficiently spend your emotional and energy resources. The power of the mind is able to neutralize the negative impact of many events and facts. Be an optimist. Ignore the dark side of life, evaluate events and situations positively.

^ For this you should:

  • To live under the motto "In general, everything is fine, but what is done is done for the better."

  • Accept unsatisfactory life circumstances as temporary and try to change them for the better.

  • Notice your achievements, successes and praise yourself for them, rejoice at the goals achieved.

  • Do not “chew” in your mind the conflicts that have occurred and the mistakes made. Understand their cause, draw conclusions and find a way out.

  • If there is a problem, a conflict, resolve them in a timely and deliberate manner.

  • Make it a rule to communicate longer and more often with pleasant people. With those who are unpleasant, gently and imperceptibly limit communication. If interaction with an unpleasant person is unavoidable, convince yourself that what is happening is not worth reacting emotionally.

  • Recognize for any person the right to free expression of his individuality. Everyone shows his individuality in the way that suits him, and not the way you do it or how you would like it. It is necessary to be more flexible in the assessments of other people, not to try to remake the partner, to fit him to yourself.
Exercise "This is me"

This method demonstrates spiritual kinship with other people, helps to develop humanity in oneself. When observing another person, pay attention Special attention on those traits of his character in which you are similar to him. When someone does something you don't like, remind yourself that you do things like that sometimes too. By constantly reminding yourself that other people's mistakes are nothing special, you can quickly and effectively release tension.

Develop the dynamism of installations. A person with a large set of flexible attitudes and a fairly large number of different goals, who has the ability to replace them in case of failure, is better protected from negative stress than someone who is focused on achieving a single, main specific result.

Boyko VV Energy of emotions in communication: a look at oneself and others. M., 1996.

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Ways of self-regulation of the emotional state

1. Ways of self-regulation in case of emotional stress

self-regulation psychological exercise

In tense emotional states, each person's facial expressions change, the tone of skeletal muscles increases, the rate of speech increases, fussiness appears, leading to errors in orientation, breathing, pulse, complexion change, tears may appear.

Emotional stress can subside if a person's attention switches from the cause of anger, sadness or joy to their external manifestations - facial expressions, tears or laughter, etc. This suggests that the emotional and physical states of a person are interconnected and mutually influence Each other. Therefore, apparently, the statements: “We laugh because we have fun” and “We have fun because we laugh” are equally legitimate.

The simplest, but quite effective way of emotional self-regulation is the relaxation of mimic muscles. By learning to relax the facial muscles, as well as voluntarily and consciously control their condition, one can learn to control the corresponding emotions. The earlier (according to the time when emotions arise) conscious control is activated, the more effective it is. So, in anger, teeth are clenched, facial expression changes. It occurs automatically, reflexively. However, it is worth “launching” self-control questions (“Are your teeth clenched?”, “What does my face look like”), and the facial muscles begin to relax. However, preliminary training is necessary in relaxing certain muscle groups on the basis of verbal self-orders.

It is especially important for a future teacher to master the skills of relaxing facial muscles. Exercises for relaxing facial muscles include tasks for relaxing one or a group of facial muscles (forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, lips, chin). Their essence is the alternation of tension and relaxation of various muscles, so that it is easier to remember the feeling of relaxation in contrast to tension. During exercise, attention should be actively directed to the alternation of phases of tension and relaxation. This can be achieved with the help of verbal self-orders, self-hypnosis. As a result of repeated repetitions of these exercises, the image of one's face gradually appears in the mind in the form of a mask, as free as possible from muscle tension. After such a training, you can easily, by mental order, in the right one; moment to relax all the muscles of the face.

An important reserve in stabilizing one's emotional state is the improvement of breathing. Oddly enough, not all people know how to breathe properly. Unfortunately, this also extends to the teacher, whose breathing must be more perfect than anyone else. Not being able to breathe properly contributes to rapid fatigue. The student should know that a poorly delivered voice, insufficiently developed diction and tempo of speech, plus superficial, non-rhythmic breathing are the causes of a number of teacher's professional ailments, and with them a drop in his emotional tone.

Focusing your attention, it is easy to notice how a person's breathing changes in different situations: sleeping, working, angry, amused, sad or frightened breathe differently. As you can see, respiratory disorders depend on the internal state of a person, which means that arbitrarily ordered breathing should have an opposite effect on this state. By learning to influence your breathing, you can acquire another way of emotional self-regulation.

The basics of breathing exercises are borrowed from the yoga system. Their meaning is to consciously control the rhythm, frequency, depth of breathing. Different types of rhythmic breathing include breath holdings of different durations and varying inhalation and exhalation.

Throughout the airways are abundantly supplied with endings of the autonomic nervous system. It has been established that the inhalation phase excites the endings of the sympathetic nerve, which activates the activity of internal organs, and the exhalation phase excites the vagus nerve, which, as a rule, has an inhibitory effect. In respiratory gymnastics, this property is used in the form of the so-called "evening" - calming or "morning" - mobilizing breathing. The soothing type of breathing is characterized by a gradual lengthening of the exhalation to the duration of a double inhalation. In the future, the inhalations are already lengthened until they are equal to the exhalations. Then all phases of the respiratory cycle are shortened again.

Mobilizing breathing is, as it were, a mirror image of calming breathing: it is not exhalations that change, but inhalations, the breath is held not after exhalation, but after inhalation.

Breathing exercises can be successfully used in the educational process. It is useful to use calming breathing to extinguish excessive excitement and nervous tension, for example, at the beginning of a test, colloquium, test, exam, before public speaking, at a student conference. This type of breathing can neutralize the neuropsychic effects of the conflict, remove the “pre-launch” excitement and help you relax before going to bed. It is a simple but effective remedy for insomnia.

Mobilizing breathing helps to overcome lethargy and drowsiness during fatigue, promotes a quick and painless transition from sleep to wakefulness, and mobilizes attention. In the educational process, this type of breathing makes it possible to relieve drowsiness and lethargy in students engaged in the first shift, and "delay" the development of fatigue by the end of the school day. Breathing exercises are especially useful for stimulating the educational activities of evening students who come to classes after a tiring day at work. Therefore, it is advisable to “arm” with breathing exercises as a true and affordable means of controlling the emotional state of not only students, but also teachers. In addition to calming and mobilizing, there are four main types of breathing that are important in learning voluntary regulation of breathing: clavicular, thoracic, diaphragmatic and full.

Clavicular breathing is the shortest and shallowest. It can be defined as a slight raising of the collarbones upward along with a slight expansion of the chest on inhalation.

Thoracic breathing is deeper in the sense that more air is inhaled. It begins with the contraction of the intercostal muscles, which expand the chest in an upward and outward direction. In the chest type of breathing, there is a greater expansion of the chest, followed by raising the clavicles on inspiration. Thoracic breathing is the most common.

Diaphragmatic (abdominal) breathing is the deepest of all types of breathing. This type of breathing is typical for men. With such breathing, the lower sections of the lungs are filled with air: the diaphragm lowers, and the stomach swells. The movement of the diaphragm is the main cause of deep inspiration. During inhalation, the muscles relax, the dome of the diaphragm becomes flat, and the lower sections of the lungs, sucking in air, stretch. Depending on the inhalation or exhalation, intra-abdominal pressure changes, and thus, correct diaphragmatic breathing has a massaging effect on the abdominal organs.

And finally, full (deep) breathing includes the three described types of breathing, combining them into one. It starts with abdominal (lower) and ends with clavicular (upper) breathing. In the process of such combined breathing, not a single part of the lungs remains unfilled with air. Deep breathing is used to quickly relax and calm down in an unexpected or difficult situation.

The effectiveness of the influence of breathing exercises on the emotional state increases if they are used in combination with other methods of emotional self-regulation.

One of these methods is conscious concentration of attention. Concentration is the concentration of consciousness on a certain object of its activity. You can focus on your visual, sound, bodily and other sensations, on emotions and moods, feelings and experiences, on the flow of your thoughts, on the images that arise in the mind.

At the heart of concentration is the management of attention. Focus is based on:

on the ability to focus one's attention on a particular object;

on the development of voluntary attention, arising under the influence of a consciously set goal and requiring volitional concentration;

on a sufficiently wide scope of attention - it allows you to simultaneously focus on different internal processes; on sensations in the body, on visual and auditory images, on mental operations, etc.;

on the ability to switch attention from external objects to the inner world of a person, from one sensation, feeling, thought to another;

The ability to focus attention on one object.

Effective emotional self-regulation is also facilitated by the use of imagination or visualization techniques. Visualization is the creation of internal images in the human mind, i.e., the activation of the imagination with the help of auditory, visual, gustatory, olfactory, tactile sensations, as well as their combinations. Visualization helps a person to activate his emotional memory, to recreate the sensations that he once experienced. Having reproduced in your mind the images of the outside world, you can quickly escape from a tense situation, restore emotional balance. A variation of visualization is the “plot imagination” exercises, which are based on the deliberate use of color and spatial representations of human consciousness.

Conscious representations are painted in the desired color, corresponding to the simulated emotional state. Color has a powerful emotional effect on the nervous system. Red, orange, yellow are the colors of activity; blue, blue, violet - the colors of peace; green is neutral. Color (temperature, sound, tactile) sensations are best supplemented with spatial representations. If you need to calm down, relax, you should imagine a wide, open space (sea horizon, spacious sky, a wide square, a vast theater hall, etc.). To mobilize the body to perform a responsible task, representations of cramped, narrow spaces with a limited horizon (a narrow street with tall houses, a gorge, a cramped room) help. Using these techniques allows you to cause the necessary emotional state at the right time (calm - a spacious seashore, a winter landscape in lilac twilight; invigorating - a summer beach on a bright sunny day, blinding sun, bright yellow sand). You should get used to the presented picture, feel it and fix it in your mind. Gradually, a state of relaxation and peace will arise, or, conversely, activity, mobilization. The action of sensory reproduction is wide, and with the help of each of the sense organs, any mood can be simulated. You just need to be able to direct your emotional imagination along the right path. This is facilitated by "inspiration" exercises. Their originality lies in the fact that they are determined in each individual case by an extremely specific everyday situation and are not so much training as preparatory and corrective. Their common goal is to neutralize fear, fear of any responsible action (in a very wide range - from an exam or a sports competition to an intimate date).

When emergencies arise, they create tension long before they are encountered. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for them. The first step to success in any undertaking is the psychological setting for success, the absolute certainty that the goal will be achieved. It is necessary to accustom yourself to success, luck, make it self-evident, habitual. For example, when the hostess carries a mountain of dishes from the kitchen, if she says: “Careful, do not drop!”, She will definitely drop her burden. “Keeping negative ideas in your memory is tantamount to slow suicide,” writes H. Lindemann, a well-known specialist in autogenic training. "Inspiration" exercises consist in "rehearsing" a tense situation, necessarily in conditions of success, using color and spatial representations. The technical conditions for performing such exercises are as follows:

They are performed most often in the morning, sometimes in the afternoon, but never at night;

The attention of the trainee is rigidly concentrated from the large and medium circle of attention (wide, spacious rooms) and calm color representations (blue, blue, purple tones) to the small circle of attention (narrow, cramped rooms) and invigorating color tones (red, yellow, orange colors) or, in some cases, to the internal;

The exercise is accompanied by musical reinforcement: at the beginning of the exercise, calm, smooth music is used, then gradually the musical tempo speeds up.

Examples of "inspiration" exercises are extremely diverse (depending on the "rehearsed" tense situation), but the scheme for their implementation is always the same. Purposeful use of the proposed methods and techniques of self-regulation of the emotional state in the educational process will have a significant impact on the development of emotional stability of the future teacher.

2. Sets of exercises for self-regulation

Breathing exercises

Instructions for execution:

These exercises can be performed in any position. Only one condition is obligatory: the spine must certainly be in a strictly vertical or horizontal position. This makes it possible to breathe naturally, freely, without tension, to fully stretch the muscles of the chest and abdomen. If the back is straight, then the respiratory muscles (mainly the diaphragm) can function easily and naturally. See for yourself how deep a breath a straight back allows you to take. Try to take a deep breath, first hunched over and lowering your shoulders, then straightening up and straightening your shoulders - and you yourself will feel a tremendous difference.

The correct position of the head is also very important: it should sit straight and loose on the neck. A relaxed, upright sitting head stretches the chest and other parts of the body upwards to a certain extent. Attention: in no case should the neck be convulsively tense! You have to see for yourself that she is really relaxed. Make it easy. While you are looking for which muscle is tense, relax your neck and try to keep it relaxed during breathing exercises. If everything is in order and the muscles are relaxed, then immediately begin to practice free breathing, constantly controlling it. This way of breathing should gradually be brought to automatism, become natural for you.

The method of performing breathing exercises

1. Sit on a chair (sideways to the back), straighten your back, relax your neck muscles.

2. Place your hands loosely on your knees and close your eyes so that no visual information interferes with your concentration. Focus only on your breathing.

When performing the breathing exercise, breathe through your nose with your lips slightly closed (but by no means clenched).

For a few minutes, just control your breathing. Please note that it is light and free. Feel that the air you breathe in is colder than the air you breathe out. Just make sure that your breathing is rhythmic.

Now pay attention to the fact that during inhalation and exhalation the auxiliary respiratory muscles do not turn on - especially so that the shoulders do not straighten when inhaling. The shoulders should be relaxed, lowered and slightly laid back. After inhalation, naturally, exhalation should follow. However, try to extend the breath. You will succeed if, while continuing to inhale, you keep the muscles of the chest from tension as long as possible. Think about the fact that now you have a long exhalation. Repeat a deep breath and then a long exhalation several times.

Now control the rhythm of your breathing. After all, it is rhythmic breathing that calms the nerves and has an anti-stress effect. Take a slow breath, while managing to count at an average pace from one to six. Then pause. Practice rhythmic breathing for about 2-3 minutes. The duration of the individual phases of breathing in this case is not so important - the correct rhythm is much more important. You can remember and repeat this simple way of rhythmic breathing at any time. Next, you should perform an exercise on any of the types of breathing described below.

Breathing exercise options

Exercise 1. "Clavicular (upper) breathing"

Starting position - sitting (standing, lying) straighten up (head, neck, back should be on the same line). Before you inhale, you should exhale the air and lungs. After exhaling, take a slow breath through the nose, raising the collarbones and shoulders and filling the uppermost sections of the lungs with air. When exhaling, the shoulders slowly fall down.

Exercise 2. "Chest (middle) breathing"

In order to more easily master the technique of medium breathing, you can put your palms on both sides of the chest and monitor its lowering and expansion. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. Exhale through the nose, while lowering the ribs, then a full and long breath, expanding the chest. The shoulders and abdomen should remain motionless when inhaling (avoid protrusion of the abdomen). Then exhale again and inhale again.

Exercise 3. "Abdominal (lower) breathing"

For a more complete assimilation of this exercise, it is recommended to place your palms on your stomach in order to monitor the rise and fall of the abdominal wall.

The starting position is the same. Make a full exhalation, while the stomach is pulled inward (the diaphragm rises up). Then slowly inhale air through the nose, sticking out the stomach (the diaphragm goes down), without moving the chest and arms. The lower part of the lungs fills with air. Exhale the air again - the stomach goes deep inside (the air is exhaled from the lower lobes of the lungs).

Exercise 4. "Deep (full) breathing"

The starting position is the same, but it is preferable to lie on your back, since in this position of the body the muscles of the abdominal wall relax better.

Stage 1. Take a comfortable position. Place your left hand (palm down) on your stomach, or rather on your navel. Now place your right hand in a comfortable position on your left. The eyes may remain open. However, with your eyes closed, it will be easier to perform the second stage of the exercise.

Step 2: Imagine an empty bottle or bag inside you, where your hands are. As you inhale, imagine that the air enters through the nose, goes down and "fills this inner bag. As the bag fills with air, your hands will rise. As you continue to inhale, imagine that the bag is completely filled with air. The wave-like movement that began in the abdomen will continue in the middle and upper parts of the chest.The total duration of inspiration should be 2 seconds, then, as the skill improves, it can be increased to 2.5--3 seconds.

Step 3: Hold your breath. Keep air inside the bag. Repeat to yourself the phrase: "My body is calm." This step should not last more than 2 seconds.

Stage 4. Slowly begin to exhale - empty the bag. As you do this, repeat to yourself the phrase, "My body is calm." As you exhale, feel the previously raised belly and chest descend. The duration of this stage should not be less than the two previous stages. Repeat this four step exercise 3-5 times in a row. If you get dizzy, stop. If dizziness reappears on subsequent sessions, simply reduce the duration of the inhalation and/or the number of consecutive four-stage cycles performed.

Do this exercise daily 10-20 times. Turn it into your morning, afternoon and evening ritual and also use it in stressful situations. Since this relaxation option is in the nature of a skill, it is important to practice it at least 10-20 times a day. At first, you may not notice any immediate relaxation. However, after 1-2 weeks of regular exercise, you will be able to relax "instantly" for a while. Remember that if you want to master this skill, you must practice it systematically. Regular, consistent practice of these daily exercises will eventually give you a more relaxed and gentle attitude towards everything, a kind of anti-stress attitude, and when you have stress episodes, they will be much less intense.

Breathing exercises with a tonic effect

Exercise 1. "Mobilizing breath"

Starting position - standing, sitting (back straight). Exhale the air from the lungs, then inhale, hold the breath for 2 seconds, exhale for the same duration as the inhale. Then gradually increase the inspiratory phase. Below is a digital recording of a possible implementation of this exercise. The first digit indicates the duration of the inhalation, the pause (holding the breath) is enclosed in brackets, then the exhalation phase:

4 (2) 4, 5 (2) 4; 6 (3)4; 7 (3)4; 8 (4) 4;

8 (4) 4, 8 (4) 5; 8 (4) 6; 8 (4) 7; 8 (4) 8;

8 (4) 8; 8 (4) 7; 7 (3) 6; 6 (3) 5; 5 (2) 4.

Breathing is regulated by the account of the teacher conducting the classes, even better with the help of a metronome, and at home - by the mental account of the student himself. Each count is approximately equal to a second, while walking it is convenient to equate it to the speed of steps.

Exercise 2. "Ha-breathing"

Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms 1 along the body. Take a deep breath, raise your arms through the sides up above your head. Retention of breath. Exhalation - the body sharply leans forward, hands are thrown down in front of you, there is a sharp release of air with the sound "ha".

Exercise 3. "Castle"

Starting position - sitting, body straightened, hands on knees, in the "lock" position. Inhale as you raise your arms above your head, palms forward. Hold your breath (2 seconds), exhale sharply through your mouth, hands fall to your knees.

Breathing exercises with a calming effect Exercise 1. "Rest"

Starting position - standing, straighten up, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Take a breath. As you exhale, bend over, relaxing your neck and shoulders so that your head and arms hang freely to the floor. Breathe deeply, watch your breath. Stay in this position for 1-2 minutes. Then slowly straighten up.

Exercise 2. "Respite"

Usually, when we are upset, we begin to hold our breath. Breath release is one way

relaxation. Breathe slowly, calmly and deeply for 3 minutes. You can even close your eyes. Enjoy this deep slow breathing, imagine that all your troubles disappear.

Exercise 3. "Calming breath"

Starting position - sitting, lying down. Slowly take a deep breath through your nose, at the peak of inhalation, hold your breath, then exhale slowly through your nose. Then again inhale, hold the breath, exhale - longer by 1-2 seconds. During the exercise, the expiratory phase increases each time. Taking more time to exhale creates a gentle, calming effect. Imagine that with each exhalation you get rid of stressful tension.

Below is a digital recording of a possible implementation of this exercise. The first digit indicates the conditional duration of inhalation, the second - exhalation. In parentheses are the duration of the pause -- breath holding: 4-4 (2); 4-5 (2); 4-6(2); 4-7 (2); 4-8 (2); 4-8 (2); 5-8 (2); 6-8(3); 7-8 (3); 8-8(4); 8-8(4); 7-8 (3); 6-7(3); 5-6 (2), 4-5 (2).

The exercise is regulated by counting (out loud or to yourself).

Exercises for self-regulation of the emotional state through external manifestations of emotions


"Self-control of external expression of emotions"

At the moment of action of stressful factors, with the growth of emotional stress, it is necessary to ask yourself questions of self-control:

What does my face look like?

Am I not bound?

Are my teeth clenched?

How do I sit?

How do I breathe?

If signs of tension are detected, it is necessary:

1. Arbitrarily relax the muscles. To relax facial muscles, use the following formulas:

The muscles of the face are relaxed.

Eyebrows are loosely parted.

The forehead is smoothed.

Relaxed jaw muscles.

Relaxed mouth muscles.

The tongue is relaxed, the wings of the nose are relaxed.

The whole face is calm and relaxed.

It is convenient to sit down, become.

Take 2-3 deep breaths and exhale to “knock down” rapid breathing.

Establish a calm breathing rhythm.

Exercise "Mirror"

A person knows how his face changes depending on the internal state; within certain limits, he can give the person an expression appropriate to the situation. It is worth looking at yourself in the mirror slowly and carefully in a normal situation, and then giving it the expression of a person in a balanced state by will, as a mechanism for stabilizing the psyche can work according to the feedback scheme.

Force yourself to smile in a difficult moment. Keeping a smile on the face improves mood, as there is a deep connection between mimic, bodily reactions and experienced emotions.

Exercises to relax the muscles of the face

Execution Method

Performing these exercises, one must strive to ensure that the muscles that are not being exercised at the moment are relaxed. Breathe evenly and calmly through your nose. Attention should be focused on the state of the exercised muscles. At the same time, it is important to achieve vivid ideas and sensations with relaxation and tension of various muscle groups. Gradually, the image of a face-mask, completely free from muscle tension, appears in the mind.

After some training in relaxing and fixing the corresponding conditioned reflex connections with verbal formulations, it is easy to relax all the facial muscles by "mental order".

"Mask of Surprise" Close eyes. With a slow breath, raise your eyebrows as high as possible, say to yourself: "The muscles of the forehead are tense." Hold your breath for a second and lower your eyebrows with an exhalation. Pause 15 seconds. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

Exercise for the eyes "Blind Man's Buff". With a slow exhalation, gently lower the eyelids, gradually increase the tension in the muscles of the eyes and, finally, close them as if shampoo had got into them, squint as much as possible. Say to yourself: "The eyelids are tense." Then a second breath holding and muscle relaxation, breathing is free. Leaving the eyelids down, say to yourself: "The eyelids are relaxed." Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

Nose exercise "Indignation". Round the wings of the nose and tighten them, as if you are very much indignant at something, inhale and exhale. Say to yourself: "The wings of the nose are tense." Inhale, as you exhale, relax the wings of the nose. Say to yourself: "The wings of the nose are relaxed." Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

"Kissing Mask" Simultaneously with inhalation, gradually compress your lips, as if for a kiss, bring this effort to the limit and fix it, repeating: "The muscles of the mouth are tense." Hold your breath for a second, relax your muscles with a free exhalation. Say: "The muscles of the mouth are relaxed." Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

"Mask of Laughter" Squint your eyes slightly, with an inhalation gradually smile as widely as possible. With an exhalation, relax the tense muscles of the face. Repeat the exercise several times.

"Mask of Discontent". With inhalation, gradually clench your teeth, close your lips tightly, tighten your chin muscles and lower the corners of your mouth - make a mask of discontent, fix the tension. Say to yourself: "The jaws are compressed, the lips are tense." With an exhalation, relax the muscles of the face - open the teeth. Say to yourself: "The muscles of the face are relaxed." Repeat the exercise several times.

Focusing exercises

Methodology for performing concentration exercises:

The room in which it is supposed to be practiced must be isolated from strong sounds. Sit on a chair in a comfortable position to the back, so as not to lean on it (the chair must be with a hard seat, otherwise the effectiveness of the exercise will decrease). Put your hands freely on your knees, close your eyes (they should be closed until the end of the exercise so that attention is not distracted by foreign objects). Breathe through your nose calmly, not tensely. Try to focus only on the fact that the inhaled air is colder than the exhaled air.

It is necessary to perform relaxation-concentration exercises for several minutes. Time is not limited: you can exercise as long as it gives pleasure. After doing the exercises, run your palms over your eyelids, slowly open your eyes and stretch. Variants of concentration exercises Exercise 1. "Concentration on the account"

Teacher's instruction:

Mentally count slowly from 1 to 10 and focus on this slow count. If, at some point, your thoughts begin to dissipate and you become unable to concentrate on the count, start counting from the beginning. Repeat the count for several minutes.

Exercise 2. "Concentration on the word"

Teacher's instruction:

Choose a short (two-syllable is best) word that evokes positive emotions in you or that brings back fond memories. Let it be the name of a loved one, or an affectionate nickname that your parents called you in childhood, or the name of your favorite dish ... If the word is two-syllable, then mentally pronounce the first syllable on the inhale, the second on the exhale. Focus on "your" word, which from now on will become your personal slogan with concentration.

Exercise 3. "Focusing on the subject"

Teacher's instruction:

Attention! There is a spotlight in your head. Its beam can illuminate anything with immense brightness. This spotlight is your attention. We control his beam! Within 2-3 minutes, we “illuminate with a spotlight” any object. Everything else goes into darkness. We look only at this subject. You can blink, but the gaze must remain within the subject. We return to it again and again, look at it, find all the new lines and shades ...

Exercise 4. "Focus on the sound"

Teacher's instruction:

And now we focused our attention on the sounds outside the window (wall) of the office. Let's listen to them. To better concentrate, you can close your eyes. Select one of the sounds. We listen to it, we listen, we hold it.

Exercise 5

Teacher's instruction:

Focus on your bodily sensations. Direct the beam of your attention to the foot of your right foot. Feel the toes, the sole. Feel the contact of the feet with the floor, the sensations that arise from this contact.

Focus on your right hand. Feel the fingers, the palm, the surface of the hand, the whole hand. Feel your forearm, elbow; feel the contact of the armrest of the chair with your hand and the sensation it causes. Feel the left hand in the same way.

Feel the lower back, back, contact with the chair.

Focus on the face -- nose, eyelids, forehead, cheekbones, lips, chin. Feel the touch of air on your face.

Exercise 6. "Focusing on emotions and mood"

Teacher's instruction:

Focus on inner speech.

Stop inner speech.

Now focus on your emotions, try to imagine yourself in a joyful, cheerful emotional state. Recall the joyful events of your life.

We come out of a state of relaxation.

Reflection on your emotional state.

Exercise 7. "Focusing on feelings"

Teacher's instruction:

Close your eyes. Focus on inner feelings. Mentally choose one of those present here - it can be your neighbor, friend or any other person from the group.

What feelings do you have towards him? Are you happy with him, do you like him, you can't stand him, is he indifferent to you?

Understand your feelings, acknowledge them.

Exercise 8. "Concentration on a neutral subject"

Concentrate your attention on some neutral object for a few minutes. Below are four possibilities:

Write down 10 names of objects, things, events that give pleasure.

Train your memory by remembering 20 actions performed yesterday.

Within two minutes: remember the qualities that you like most about yourself, and give examples of each of them.

Reflection of sensations:

Have you managed to focus your attention on one object for a long time?

What is easier to focus on: an object or a sound?

What does it depend on?

What properties of attention are necessary for concentration?

Visualization exercises

Exercise 1

Teacher's instruction:

Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Focus on your breathing. Breathe in and out mentally and deeply. WITH

With each inhalation and exhalation, you become more and more calm and focused on your sensations. Breathe easily and freely. The body relaxes more and more. You are warm, comfortable and calm. You breathe in fresh, cool air. You calm down and tune in to the new work. We begin to master the methods of forming figurative representations. I will pronounce individual words, and you must pronounce them to yourself, focusing on their content. After that, you aim to imagine images of the words you heard.

Let's start with the visuals:

orange 6) light

sea ​​7) play

glade 8) gentle

flowers 9) build

bird 10) weave

Exercise 2

Teacher's instruction:

Sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Relax. We take a deep breath and exhale. Let's focus on our feelings. And now let's try to recreate in our imagination a complete picture, a complete image.

Imagine a beach by the sea. Hot day. The sun is burning. You are in a bathing suit. With pleasure we stretch out on the sand ... We look at the sea. You can see the heads of the swimmers... Let's take a closer look at the horizon line. What appeared there? We peer carefully ... And what is happening around, on the shore? ..

The sun is beating down hard, you have to turn from side to side. I want to swim... We enter the water... We feel its touch... What is it like?..

The images are gone. Focus your attention on your body. They clenched their hands. They opened their eyes.

Exercise 3. "Shelter"

Teacher's instruction:

Imagine that you have a comfortable safe haven where you can hide whenever you want. Imagine a cabin in the mountains or a forested valley, a personal ship, a garden, a mysterious castle... Mentally describe this safe and comfortable place. When you go to bed, imagine that you are heading there. You can relax there, listen to music or talk with a friend. After doing this a few times, you can fantasize like this throughout the day. Close your eyes for a few minutes and enter your personal retreat.


Did you manage to see the whole picture, to evoke the corresponding bodily sensations?

What images emerged?

Exercise 4. "Formation of visual representations of abstract concepts"

Teacher's instruction:

Focus on your feelings, activate your emotional memory. I will name abstract concepts, try to see the images that are associated with them:

happiness bondage

freedom dignity

obedience dream

Reflection of sensations, emerging images.

Exercise 5

Teacher's instruction:

Recall and describe the most wonderful experiences of your life; the happiest moments - delight, joy, happiness. Imagine that this situation has repeated and you are now in this state of happiness, joy. Imagine what images - visual, auditory, kinesthetic - accompanied this state. “Make” the same face: the same smile, the same sparkle in the eyes, the same blush, the same rapid pulse, etc. Feel this state with your whole body: with an energetic posture, beautiful posture, confident gait, expressive gestures, etc. e. Try to retain and remember these physical manifestations of joy and happiness, so that you can then reproduce them at your own will.

It is very useful to start each lesson (and in general every day) like this: remember something pleasant that causes a smile, tune in to good relationships with colleagues, children, loved ones.


What images were easier for you to recreate?

What helped you to recreate figurative representations, what hindered you?

What role does visualization play in self-regulation of the emotional state?

Story Imagination Exercises

The purpose of the exercises: to train deliberate modeling of various emotional states, to learn how to balance the processes of excitation and inhibition.

Exercise "Visual Images"

It is proposed to choose an object that is brightly colored with a certain color, preferably without shades. The color is chosen according to the state that is being modeled: red, orange, yellow - activity colors; blue, blue, violet - the colors of peace; green is neutral.

It is necessary to say to yourself several times the name of a color. In the imagination, the outlines and color of this object will arise. Gradually, a state of relaxation and peace will arise, or, conversely, activity, mobilization.

Exercise "Park" (to create a mood of peace, inner comfort, deep relaxation)


“Green-green greenery. Green-green foliage. Green leaves are rustling.

Imagine yourself in the park on a warm and sunny summer day: sun glare interspersed with shadows from the foliage; the body is warm, but not hot, the foliage is fresh, bright; spacious clearings and alleys stretching into the distance, leaves rustling in a gentle breeze, distant and vague voices of people; the smell of fresh foliage (temperature image, color, spatial, sound, tactile, olfactory).


“A booming, booming rumble.

A booming, booming siren.

The booming siren is moving away."

Imagine the booming sound of a steamship siren over a night raid.

The wall of the pier in the port at night, a brightly lit steamer preparing to depart, the navigation lights of ships gliding along the dark roadstead. Further development of the plot - the steamer leaves for a voyage, the gangway is removed, the strip of black oily water between the side and the quay wall becomes wider, the voices of those seeing off and sailing away; the steamer is already far away, you can't make out the faces; his luminous silhouette moves; the receding siren sounds again, the running lights seem to glide through the air. The water smells of algae, resin and the sea (olfactory image); evening coolness (temperature image).

The exercise is accompanied by musical accompaniment (calm, melodic music). The way out of autogenic immersion is natural sleep, since attention in this case is not concentrated, but dispersed, goes from a small circle to a medium and large one.

Exercise "Carpet"

(to create a feeling of coziness and comfort)

The main sensory representations are tactile (tactile).


“Fluffy, fluffy fluff. Fluffy fluffy carpet. The fluffy carpet is undead."

Imagine the touch of bare feet on a fluffy carpet, large and warm, in a large cozy room. The room must be necessarily large, not crowded with furniture (spatial image); lighting - in warm yellow-orange tones (color image).

Exercise "Lemon"

(to create an atmosphere of friendly, friendly communication and good mood)

The main sensory representations are taste.


“Acid-acidic acid. Sour-sour lemon. Sour lemon in a glass of tea.

Imagine the taste of tea or coffee with lemon sourness. The visual image (color and spatial) is a bright but limited circle of light above the table, the rest of the room is lost in twilight, the table is set, but already in disarray. At the table are friends. The conversation is a little noisy, a little rambling, but interesting. The memory of the taste of lemon causes, among other things, salivation, which in turn stimulates appetite.

Exercise "inspiration" "Responsible exam"

The condition to be corrected is fear, fear of failure, uncertainty in one's knowledge.

The time of the "rehearsal" training is morning or afternoon (but not the evening before the exam!).

During the exercise, you must first achieve muscle and psychological relaxation, extinguishing fear and anxiety. From the moment the "transitions" from the spacious rooms of the lobby and corridors to the tighter ones (audiences, office) begin, mobilization takes place. Narrows and focuses attention.

Musical reinforcement - calm smooth music. Represented colors - blue, blue.

Teacher's instruction:

Imagine a spacious hall or lobby of an institute. You walk calmly, with a confident gait, without a hint of fussiness. You do not think about the upcoming exam, do not allow yourself any questions or conversations related to it, and only answer the greetings of acquaintances with a smile. In a word, you "hold on".

You move from the vestibule to the corridor, from the corridor to the auditorium adjacent to the professor's office, that is, from spacious rooms to tighter ones. As you do this, your step, without speeding up, becomes more and more precise, your gait more and more confident, your posture straight. In front of the examiner's door, you willfully “cross out” all memories of the material that you think you have forgotten or have not learned enough. You do not think in this brief moment about anything that relates to the forthcoming subject, in your brain there is a chaotic rush of thoughts. Of course, you are excited, and this is quite natural. It is not the excitement before the exam that is dangerous, but the excessive excitement that causes confusion and fussiness. Some excitement is needed -- it mobilizes.

But here you are called and you are in front of the examiner's table. You don't choose a ticket, you take the first one that comes along. For you, all tickets are equivalent, you know the educational material. And, indeed, the questions of the ticket that you got are exactly what you need. You, in fact, could answer without preparation, but you should not behave arrogantly - it is better to sit down and put your thoughts in order. And as soon as you begin to do this, the chaotic train of thoughts is replaced by their smooth and even flow - the knowledge you have accumulated emerges in your mind in a harmonious order, and you are ready to state them in the same order ...

Ways of situational self-regulation while being in a tense situation

It is necessary to equip students with methods of direct self-regulation of the emotional state during the action of stressful factors. For these purposes can be used:

Self-persuasion, self-orders that cause a calm state, self-hypnosis of calmness and endurance are necessary for the mood to work: “Today I do not pay attention to trifles”, “I am completely calm”, etc.

Self-control of the emotional state by external expressions of emotions: facial expressions, pantomime, somatics, the nature of speech, the presence of muscle tension, increased respiratory rate. You can control the external expression of emotions by “launching” self-control questions: “What does my face look like?”, “Am I constrained?”, “Are my teeth clenched?”, “How do I sit (stand)?”, “How do I breathe?" If signs of tension are detected, it is necessary to arbitrarily relax the muscles, sit down (become) comfortable, establish a calm breathing rhythm: take 2-3 deep breaths and exhale to bring down rapid breathing.

Calming breathing exercises (soothing breathing, deep breathing). You can use the following breathing exercise: take a deep breath, directing the air flow into the lower abdomen, hold your breath for a couple of seconds, and then slowly release the air through your mouth in an even stream. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times. Thus, the tension of the body and brain is removed, a balanced state is created.

The use of images of concentration and visualization - focusing attention and imagination on a specific object (visual, sound, bodily and other sensations).

Count to 10 before taking action.

Activation of a sense of humor - try to see the comic even in a difficult, serious situation: mentally imagine an aggressive partner in a comic situation (how he would look in this state on the beach, in a zoo cage, in a baby hat, etc.), forgive his partner for his mistake , slow-wittedness, emotionality Distraction - try to imagine as vividly as possible the situation in which you usually feel most calm and comfortable, put yourself in this situation.

First aid after stress factors

There is a system of methods of emotional self-regulation, which must be used immediately after the action of stress factors on the human body. It includes the following methods:

Take every chance to wet your forehead, temples and arteries on your hands with cold water.

Slowly look around, even if the room is familiar. Looking from one object to another, mentally describe their appearance. Mentally say to yourself: "Brown desk, white curtains." Focusing on each individual subject will help to distract from internal stressful tension, switch attention to a rational perception of the environment.

Look out the window at the sky. Focus on what you see.

Having collected water in a glass, slowly, as if with concentration, drink it. Concentrate on the sensations when the water flows down the throat.

Imagine yourself in a pleasant environment - in the garden, on the beach, on a swing, in the shower.

Apply calming formulas "Today I do not pay attention to trifles."

There are many physiological mechanisms of discharge that have a restorative effect on a person.

Outwardly, they manifest themselves in the form of crying, laughter, the desire to hit, speak out, etc. There is no need to block them (restrain):

the emerging feeling of irritation, aggression can be removed with the help of physical relaxation: kick an imaginary object several times, box a pillow, “let off steam”;

defuse emotions - speak out to the end to someone. When a person speaks out, his excitement decreases, he can realize his mistakes and make the right decision;

in order to quickly normalize the state after troubles, you need to give yourself enhanced physical activity(20 - 30 squats, running in place, walk up to the 3rd - 5th floor);

find a place where you can speak out loud, shout something that outrages, offends, cry. Let it be an empty room. As these actions are performed, irritation, anger, resentment will go away;

another way is "empty chair". Imagine that a person who offended you is sitting on it, pour out feelings. Now he can say whatever he wants.

Switch to an interesting activity, a favorite pastime - to create a new dominant. When overexcited, a dominant focus of excitation is formed in the cerebral cortex, which has the ability to inhibit all other foci, subjugates all the activity of the body, all the actions and thoughts of a person. This means that in order to calm down, it is necessary to eliminate, defuse this dominant, or create a new, competing one. The more exciting the business, the easier it is to create a competitive dominant.

Recall pleasant events from your own life. Imagine that this situation has repeated and you are in this state of joy. Make the same face, smile, feel this state with your whole body: posture, posture, gestures, gait.

Use logic tricks. The inclusion of rational activity in the perception and process of responding to an external stimulus significantly changes a person's behavior and corrects emotional reactions.

It must be remembered that with strong emotional arousal, a person inadequately assesses the situation. In an acute emotional situation, no decisions should be made. Calm down, and then think it over according to the principle: "I'll think about it tomorrow."

To make a general reassessment of the significance of the situation according to the type: “I didn’t really want to” or to be able to extract something positive even from failure, using the “but” technique.

* Apply the soothing method according to the “green grapes” principle. Say to yourself: “What I just unsuccessfully aspired to is not as good as it seemed.”

* Calmly analyze the situation, try to clearly understand the possible negative consequences and come to terms with the worst of them. Having realized the worst outcome and reconciled with it, calmly consider the solution to the situation.

Ways to prevent adverse emotional states

To prevent adverse emotional states, you can use the following methods:

* Efficiently spend your emotional and energy resources. The power of the mind can neutralize bad influence many events and facts. Be an optimist. Ignore the dark side of life, evaluate events and situations positively.

For this you should:

· Live under the motto "In general, everything is fine, but what is done is done for the better."

· To perceive unsatisfactory circumstances of life as temporary and try to change them for the better.

Notice your achievements, successes and praise yourself for them, rejoice at the goals achieved.

Do not "chew" in the mind the conflicts that have occurred and the mistakes made. Understand their cause, draw conclusions and find a way out.

· If there is a problem, conflict, solve them in a timely manner and thoughtfully.

· Make it a rule to communicate longer and more often with pleasant people. With those who are unpleasant, gently and imperceptibly limit communication. If interaction with an unpleasant person is unavoidable, convince yourself that what is happening is not worth reacting emotionally.

* Recognize for any person the right to free expression of his individuality. Everyone shows his individuality in the way that suits him, and not the way you do it or how you would like it. It is necessary to be more flexible in the assessments of other people, not to try to remake the partner, to fit him to yourself.

Exercise "This is me"

This method demonstrates spiritual kinship with other people, helps to develop humanity in oneself. When observing another person, pay special attention to those traits of his character in which you are similar to him. When someone does something you don't like, remind yourself that you do things like that sometimes too. By constantly reminding yourself that other people's mistakes are nothing special, you can quickly and effectively release tension.

Develop the dynamism of installations. A person with a large set of flexible attitudes and a fairly large number of different goals, who has the ability to replace them in case of failure, is better protected from negative stress than someone who is focused on achieving a single, main specific result.

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Methods of mental self-regulation have their advantages over other methods of psychological correction for the following reasons.

Firstly, the use of methods of manipulative psychotherapeutic technologies, the most commonly used at the present time, can increase a person's dependence on psychotherapists and reduce his adaptive capabilities. Knowledge of the basic methods of mental self-regulation allows each person to independently cope with emerging problems and, thus, more fully self-actualize.

Secondly, the organism itself is an autonomous self-regulating system capable of maintaining its functioning. The methods of psychic self-regulation make it possible to eliminate the factors that disturb its homeostatic balance and lead to self-destruction.

Thirdly, the conditions modern life and especially the living conditions of a soldier require great physical and mental stress, often leading to stagnation, not abolished in the intervals of natural rest. The high pace of life does not always allow using the services of classical psychotherapists extended over time. The use of mental self-regulation techniques allows you to quickly eliminate negative mental states prone to delay on your own.

When teaching the Techniques of mental self-regulation, it is necessary to take into account some important points.

    Mental self-regulation is not a sport. Therefore, when teaching its techniques, excessive zeal and passion are absolutely contraindicated.

    At self-study methods of mental self-regulation, it is important to take into account the basic rules for optimizing this process and safety recommendations. They are given at the beginning of the section "Static relaxation methods".

    These techniques are most effectively learned when you are in a balanced mental state. If you are in a state personality crisis or a mental disorder, then they must be trained under the supervision of a medical psychologist or psychotherapist. It is also necessary to know that for some disorders the use of these methods will be ineffective, for a number of other disorders they can only be used with concomitant psychotherapeutic and drug treatment and only under medical supervision.

What is mental self-regulation

The proposed complex of psychotechniques is based on the concepts of self-regulation of biological systems, including the human body, accepted in biology. Self-regulation is a property of biological systems to automatically establish and maintain their physiological parameters at a certain relatively constant level. In a biological system, the controlling factors are not located outside the body, but are formed in it itself. The body has an adaptive or self-adjusting system of self-regulation. Adaptation is a set of features of the organism, providing the possibility of its existence in changing environmental conditions.

When “reconfiguring” the body when adapting to new conditions, it experiences stress, which G. Selye called stress. At the same time, he pointed out that stress can have both a positive effect on the body and a negative one. At a very high intensity of stress, arising from both emotional and physical factors, as well as at a stress of low intensity, but occurring for a long period, it turns into distress and becomes pathogenic and can cause somatic disorders. From the standpoint of homeostasis theory, this is seen as the inability of self-regulatory mechanisms to return to the original stationary state or form another stationary state.

The personality structure of a person, just like the body, is a systemic formation and has homeostasis, according to the mechanism of which it either maintains its constancy against the background of changing external conditions, or passes from its primary stationary state to another using the mechanism of self-regulation.

Behavioral and mental reactions to it are important for the nature of the consequences (positive or negative) of stress on the body. This value is especially important in the formation of a person's reaction to emotional stress. In this regard, each person has the opportunity by his behavior to either avoid it, or change his reaction to the action of stressors that cause it. The inability to properly organize one's mental life, to manage one's emotional states often leads to somatic diseases or mental disorders.

For example, observations of sick people show that in most cases at the time of a hypertensive crisis or myocardial infarction, contrary to generally accepted opinion, they did not show any painful symptoms, the disease most often began against the background of complete external well-being. However, it turns out that they experienced mental stress earlier, some a week ago, some a month ago, and some years have passed since then. But this person, it turns out, thought about them all the time, again and again mentally recreated these events and experienced them anew.

The human body is designed in such a way that it reacts in the same way both to the real circumstances of life and to their mental representation. With these experiences presented in the imagination, arterial pressure, the rhythm of breathing and the heart change in it, metabolic processes are rebuilt. Thus, a person, with his unorganized consciousness, maintains the body in a state of constant tension, which corresponds to the occurrence of distress by the stress mechanism of low intensity, but for a long period, which after some time can lead to a breakdown of some functional system.

Normally, after the cessation of stress factors, the functioning of the body returns to its original state of homeostatic equilibrium within 15-30 minutes. However, it is known that in the case of psycho-emotional stress, and especially when reacting with negative emotions to critical life circumstances, we cannot always recover in these 15-30 minutes, because. mentally we relive this situation again and again. In such cases, there is a prolongation or stretching of it in time of the state of stress and an overstrain of all physiological systems. In this state, the body's self-regulatory mechanisms cannot bring it into a state of initial homeostatic equilibrium. It should also be noted that the images, initially arbitrarily returned by the individual in the field of his inner picture of the world, according to the mechanism of learning, can become painfully intrusive and already without his desire to be present in his own mind.

Incorrectly organizing his mental life, a person is able to lead his body to a psychosomatic illness. Constant deepening into the world of one's own experiences, mental replaying those situations that have already happened, or those that can happen, but which currently do not exist and never will, impoverish a person's life and make him live in constant tension. Negative representations, according to our observations, have three varieties: 1) an unpleasant real situation is remembered; 2) a dispute or showdown with an imaginary adversary; 3) suspicious people often represent future negative events.

Thus, we can conclude about the role of the psychological factor in maintaining a stressful state and turning it into distress. It is expressed in maintaining the vegetative systems of the body in constant tension by mental representations of negative events, which can lead to a functional painful restructuring. In addition, the rigidity of the emotional state, according to body-oriented theories of psychology, causes rigidity of certain muscle groups, especially pronounced hypertonicity of the trapezius and occipital muscles, on which, as a rule, negative emotions are projected. In persons with a long "experience" of a monotonous emotional response, their hypertrophy is observed, which even over time leads to a change in the bodily constitution.

The revealed regularities made it possible to select and improve the methods of mental self-regulation both for the prevention of problems of personal development and somatic diseases, and for their non-directive psychotherapy.

Methods of mental self-regulation are based on the process of their natural recovery, i.e. mechanism of homeostasis. In fact, self-regulation methods only help to eliminate those mental and bodily obstacles that interfere with the normal functioning of the body.

Work experience with various methods showed that the most convenient way selection in the field of perception of those specific objects to which mental self-regulation will be directed, is the approach of F. Perls, who singled out three zones of awareness: outer, inner and middle.

In outer zone of awareness(1) images of the outside world are presented. They are formed according to the mechanisms of sensations and perception through five analyzers: visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory and gustatory.

Through inner zone of awareness(2) a person feels his body and its individual parts. The mechanism of these sensations is also objective and is provided by ascending nerve pathways coming from interoreceptors. In the external and internal zones of awareness, there is, although informationally transformed, but still an objective reality that an individual is dealing with at a given moment in time, i.e. "here and now".

IN middle zone of awareness (3), unlike those described earlier, there are images, sensations of experiences that are created not by reflecting objective reality, but by synthesizing images of the internal picture of the world from elements extracted from memory. These synthesized images are created by fantasizing, dreaming, thinking, remembering according to the mechanism of thinking, representation and imagination, i.e. the middle zone of awareness reflects the world that exists "there and then."

The ability to apply the methods of mental self-regulation is associated with the selection and accurate perception of those objects in the inner mental space of a person, to which their corrective action will be directed.

At the next stage, the task is to identify images, fantasies, ideas from the middle zone of awareness that are associated with anxiety and mental stress and learn how to correct them. This approach is called mind control method.

Subsequently, the perception of the inner zone of awareness and the skill of arbitrary correction of those physiological states of the body through which emotions manifest themselves are worked out. This self-regulation is called body control method.

Among the methods of mental self-regulation based on the knowledge of psychotechnics, the following are considered:

    thought control methods(correction of states of the middle zone of awareness);

    methods of controlling body functions(correction of the inner zone of awareness);

    methods of regulation through a state of trance(combination of methods of work in the inner and middle zones of awareness) .

Among the methods of controlling body functions, in turn, there are two directions: a) techniques regulation of breathing and b) methods of regulation of muscle tone, subdivided into static and dynamic relaxation methods. Among the dynamic methods of self-regulation, one can also distinguish gymnastic techniques And techniques for the formation of posture and coordination of movements.

Thus, the classification of psychotechnics focused on self-regulation of emotional states can be graphically expressed as follows.

Psychotechnics of self-regulation of emotional states

Breath control methods Muscle tone control methods

Static Methods Dynamic Methods

Gymnastic techniques Techniques for the formation of posture and coordination of movements

Thought Control Methods are basic for all other self-regulatory techniques. They consist either in controlling the quality of the picture of events that the individual considers in the imagination, or in stopping mental representations.

Formation body functions control methods is based on the fact that emotional states are necessarily manifested in a change in the functioning of physiological systems. Therefore, many historically established systems of mental self-regulation are based on the regulation of two body functions - respiration and muscle tone, which each person is able to control arbitrarily.

Basis of use breathing regulation methods- a change in the psycho-emotional state depending on its depth, and the ratio of the duration of inhalation and exhalation.

In receptions static muscle relaxation we have identified some contraindications or restrictions on the use of certain approaches adopted in auto-training based on the I. Schultz method. Many researchers have pointed out the occurrence of various kinds of psychological and physiological problems during its use. The main contraindications, at least for certain groups of people, are: a) the "coachman's position", b) the use of "feeling of heaviness" to stimulate relaxation, c) the concentration of attention on the activity of internal organs. From our point of view, it is superfluous to receive autosuggestion against the background of a half-asleep state with verbal accompaniment of relaxation. On the other hand, in contrast to the "sanatorium-resort" options for auto-training, emphasis was placed on maintaining clarity of consciousness and control of reality, as is customary in classical meditation techniques. All these aspects required the compilation of a large list of "safety precautions" when conducting relaxation.

Since conducting static muscle relaxation is difficult for many, this manual proposes its dynamic options: gymnastics for stretching various muscle groups and articular ligaments, as well as the ability to relax the body in motion. These techniques are well developed with indications of their indications and contraindications in physical therapy, sports, yoga, qigong, Russian health techniques, in the methods of Reich, Lowen, Feldenkrais, Alexander and others.

Methods of regulation through the state of trance are the most difficult to present in popular publications. They are intended for self-modeling of deep mental processes, which is carried out through special or altered states of consciousness.

The methods presented are to psychotechnical methods, which are based on willpower aimed at eliminating the factors that lead the human psyche and body to tension, and towards bringing them to a homeostatic balance. In addition to special psychotechnics, in this direction can work natural methods self-regulation (selection or creation of an external environment conducive to the return of the body to homeostatic balance) ; methods based on the use of stress states(in a state of stress, according to the mechanism of aversive learning, the acquisition of the necessary skill quickly occurs); methods based on education and self-education(with the proper development of the personality, emotional reactions to stressful influences are regulated by its value orientations and in this case, psychotechnics may not be needed).

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