Educational and methodological material on the topic: Artificial snow from shaving foam and soda. How to make artificial snow. DIY snow

On the eve of the new year, we are all preoccupied with preparing for this holiday. You need to have time to prepare gifts and decorate the house. And if you have small children, then you can also make all sorts of New Year’s-themed crafts with them.

When you start doing all this, you come to the conclusion that without artificial snow there's simply no way around it. Of course, you can buy it now; the choice of this kind of product is huge. But you will need quite a lot of it, and finding it before the New Year is quite difficult. And why waste money and time searching, when it’s quite possible to make artificial snow yourself with your own hands and decorate it with whatever you want.

The question arises: "How to make artificial snow at home?". Everything is very simple, you can make absolutely any artificial snow. It can be dry and insoluble, wet and cold, sticky or crumbly, edible and decorative. In general, you can implement any ideas where you need to use artificial snow.

2. The most popular way to make artificial snow


Baby diapers.

As everyone knows, baby diapers absorb moisture very well, they do this due to a substance called sodium polyacrylate. But few people imagine what it looks like, and in its swollen state it looks very much like artificial snow. First you need to cut the diaper and remove the cotton-like substance from it. Then it needs to be crushed and placed in a deep container. Now, little by little, you can start adding water and kneading the whole thing with your hands. The result will be a mass that looks like real snow. It is best to use it in transparent containers, depicting snowdrifts.

Fig.1 Artificial snow from diaper


White paraffin candles.

Powder without additives.

We take a hard white candle, for this you can cool it, and rub it on a fine grater. Then you can add glitter to the resulting mass, this way you will get the most spectacular look. Such artificial snow does not dissolve in liquid or upon contact with it. It also leaves no traces. Therefore, it is best used for crafts. Such snow looks very natural in snow globes that you can do yourself. Read more in this article. You can also sprinkle the Christmas tree with this snow, but in this case it is better to add a little talcum powder. Then it will seem like there is real snow on your Christmas tree. Now you know, how to make artificial snow at home, but it’s up to you to decide how exactly to use it.

Fig.2 Artificial snow made from candles


White toothpaste.

It's best to use an inexpensive one toothpaste white. Squeeze a little paste into a shallow container and add water. The resulting mass should be similar to sour cream in consistency. Then everything is simply elementary. Take an old toothbrush, dip it into the resulting mixture and point it at the object. Then we run our finger along the stubble, towards ourselves. The splashes should fly towards the object. That's the whole trick.

This method is best used for windows and mirrors. Usually you choose your favorite stencil or protrusion. The selected instrument is dipped into water. Then glue it on Right place, blot it with a napkin and spray the resulting mixture onto it. You need to spray very carefully, otherwise the spray will fly in all directions. So you know how to make artificial snow from toothpaste, but how to use it is up to you.

Fig. 3 Artificial snow made from toothpaste

It's very easy to make. You can crumble an ordinary piece of polystyrene foam, but it won’t turn out very natural. It is better to find some foamed polyethylene; it is usually placed in equipment and dishes so that it does not get damaged during transportation. Next you need to grate it, only finely. Add some silver glitter to the resulting mixture. This kind of snow looks best on fluffy artificial trees, and you can learn how to make them the most fluffy. Apply a little PVA glue to the tips of the branches and sprinkle the resulting artificial snow.

If you don’t have foamed polyethylene on hand, you can use white shells from boiled eggs. It needs to be crushed in a coffee grinder or masher in a mortar. The result is a white powder that can be mixed with glitter and used as Christmas decoration Houses.

Fig.4 Artificial snow made of foam

6. Edible artificial snow

You can also decorate it very nicely New Year's table edible snow. To do this you just need to show ingenuity and imagination. On sweet dishes in the role artificial snow powdered sugar may appear. You can decorate slices and salads with boiled egg white, grated on a fine grater. Whipped cream is also very similar to snow and can decorate the New Year's table, for example, on fruit salads.

Fig.5 Edible snow made from powdered sugar

7. Artificial frost

With the help of a simple trick, you can very beautifully decorate any room in the style of a frozen room. For this you will need beautiful branches different sizes and coarse salt.

Using all the above methods to create artificial snow, you can turn your home into a real snow kingdom. Children and guests will appreciate the atmosphere of everyone's favorite holiday created by you.

Kyiv decided that spring had begun. I even found fluffy cats on the willow, can you imagine! And Ksyusha has been yearning for snow since summer. She remembers it so much that the baby waits for new snow all year. Well, no, that means you need to do it yourself. In my search for the perfect homemade snow, I came across many interesting recipes, each of which promises to be super-duper. Okay, we'll try everything. During the day's walk, Seraphim and I visited all the necessary nearby shops and collected a bunch of ingredients.


From all this wealth, I prepared 4 types of artificial snow and wrote them down for you short video an overview that shows what each snow mixture looks like: is it moldable, how free-flowing and smooth is each of them:

Recipe one: “Cold homemade snow”

Shaving foam snow


  • Shaving foam

I mixed the ingredients without adhering to any proportions, although the recipe says that you need to take 1 can of foam per 1 pack of soda. I decided to save the foam for two more experiments, so I didn’t make artificial snow from the entire can.

This snow turned out to be wet, cold and fragrant (we smell of menthol and something else). It's easy to make snowmen from it.

Recipe two: “Fragrant delicate snowball”

Snow made from baby oil


  • 2 cups of flour
  • 1/4 cup baby massage oil


The original recipe called for 1 cup baby oil per 8 cups flour. I thought this portion was too big, so I reduced it by 4 times. You need to knead it thoroughly; you can use an egg whisk for this purpose.

This recipe made the most delicate homemade snow with pleasant aroma. Suitable for children with very sensitive skin. You can make snowballs and figures from it, just like the real thing.

Recipe three: “Very white and crispy snow”

Corn starch snow


  • 3 cups cornstarch
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil

Important: the presence of oil in the recipe makes it difficult to clean up after playing!

Mix the ingredients very thoroughly, you can also use a whisk. The result is super crispy, pleasant to the touch, living snow that is a bit like kinetic sand. By the way, this recipe is, surprisingly, the most economical :) And one more significant plus for mothers of one-year-olds: This snow can be eaten and it is safe!

Recipe four: “Do-it-yourself kinetic snow”

Snow made from soda, starch and flour


  • 1 cup soda
  • 1/2 cup cornmeal
  • 3/4 cup water
  • 1/2 cup cornstarch

I prepared this snow like this: I mixed baking soda with cornmeal, added water, then added required quantity starch (about 1/2 cup). The snow turned out to be very interesting to the touch, somewhat fluid. Corn starch adds this sensation to it.

How to play with homemade snow?

  • You can add glitter, snowflakes, food coloring or other little things to each snow.
  • For games, it is worth preparing different tools for (rolling pin, plastic knife, spoons, spatulas, molds, stamps, etc.), children's dishes or bottles with liquid paint and spray.
  • You can also invite different characters to the game: animals, Santa Claus, and others.


It looks neater on a tray with sides

I don’t like to build a children’s game according to a certain scenario, so I don’t come up with any fairy tales in advance. I simply create conditions that promote exciting game. The only thing is that before each game I voice some rules, for example: “Don’t scatter snow around you, don’t walk around the house with a box, use tools in turns, and the like.” Of course, these rules often go unnoticed by my girls :) But I think they still need to be said...

Simochka pours snow into a mini ice cream bowl with a spoon

We associate winter with the New Year, gifts and, of course, snow. New Year It will definitely come, we will buy gifts ourselves, but what to do with the snow? After all, it doesn’t go as ordered, and even if it falls out, it happens that it immediately melts. Don’t be sad, because there is always a way out of any situation. It may seem strange, but you can make your own fake snow and it only requires two ingredients. If you want to please yourself and your loved ones with white and fluffy snow, then don’t miss this easiest way to make artificial snow!

This simple method will help you make fluffy, not cold, snow-white artificial snow, which also will not melt. The only caveat is to not taste it, as you probably won't like it!

How to make artificial snow

To make artificial snow you only need 2 ingredients:

  • Baking soda;
  • Hair conditioner

Step #1.

Pour three glasses of soda into a deep container. This is a “trial” option. The resulting snow will be enough to decorate a Christmas tree or sculpt a miniature snowman. But what large quantity baking soda (and conditioner accordingly) you use, the higher your snowy mountains will be.

Step #2.

Any hair conditioner will work for artificial snow. But yours ideal candidate– with an organic composition and a pleasant smell. For three glasses of soda you will need half a glass of the product.

Step #3.

Now comes the fun part of this easy way to make fake snow: beat the mixture with your hands until flakes form. Don't be alarmed: they are very pleasant to the touch and don't stick to your hands at all, like fresh morning snow. And if the mixture gets sticky, just add more baking soda.

Step #4.

Your artificial snow is ready! Pour it onto a convenient surface and start getting creative or just carefree fooling around.

As you can see, thanks to this very simple way, you can make wonderful artificial snow with your own hands and please yourself and your loved ones!

Watch also the video on how to make artificial snow!

The wonderful winter season has been dear to each of us since school. Who doesn't have wonderful memories when, as children, we played funny games? winter Games and enjoyed the airy snowflakes flying from the sky! However, as the climate changes, winter does not please us so often, but the soul still requires a holiday! How to create a festive snowy atmosphere for yourself? How to make snow with your own hands?

There is a surefire way to prepare snow by simply using a kettle of boiling water. However, this will require a “real” severe winter outside the window. At least 25 degrees below zero. Then you can go outside with a kettle of boiling water and turn it into a pile of snow in a matter of seconds. To do this, you need to carefully throw out all the water from the kettle and, lo and behold, water no longer pours out of it, but snowflakes fly out!

This method is good when it's really cold outside. But how to prepare snow if it’s warm there or just slightly frosty?

In fact, making artificial snowflakes at home is not that difficult. There are several methods that are suitable for this matter. You can make snowflakes from seven different materials:

  • baby diapers;
  • salt;
  • Styrofoam;
  • soap and toilet paper;
  • soap and water;
  • cotton wool;
  • sugar and water.

Now in more detail about each method of making snow mass.

Making snow out of diapers

You can prepare snow happiness in three stages:

  1. We buy this same diaper in the store. As a rule, its main component is special granules made of sodium polyacrylate. This element is not sold in its pure form. But from one diaper big size you can get a few handfuls of snow;
  2. Now you need to gut the diaper, carefully cutting along the seam. Powder will spill out from under the outer soft coating, which must be carefully collected in a large bowl. There should be at least half as much powder as there is free space in the bowl;
  3. Now you can add water to the container. The quantity should be slightly larger than the powder itself. Now the amazing part begins. The wet powder will begin to quickly increase in size! The picture is reminiscent of a fairy tale about a magic porridge that crawled out of a pot.

Our snow is almost ready! If needed colorful material, then you can add any dye to the water. Thus, you will get a multi-colored snowball, from which you can make any compositions or gifts.

This method takes a little time, and the result is almost real crumbly dry snowflakes that do not stick to your hands and do not freeze your fingers. It turns out that making snow at home is actually quick and easy.

However, if there are children in the house, then it is important to ensure that the child does not eat such a “snowflake”. No matter how hypoallergenic the diapers may seem, sodium polyacrylate is chemical element. If used incorrectly, it can cause serious harm to the body.

Making snow from salt

With the help of salt, you can make not so much a handful of snow, but a delicate cover of frost. It is interesting to do this activity with your child. For him it will be an exciting activity, and at the same time there will be a chance to get some basic knowledge in the field of natural sciences.

You can make frost from salt in five steps:

  1. buy rock salt at the store;
  2. prepare a solution. One kilogram of salt will require two liters of water. Stir until completely dissolved. This will not be easy, but it is an important step in the entire process;
  3. to obtain frost with any color tint, you need to add dye or ink to the solution;
  4. Now comes the fun part. Take a twig (spruce, flower, string of beads) and dip it in the saline solution. Leave in this container until the solution cools completely;
  5. Now you can remove your item from the saline solution and leave it to dry.

After final drying, the immersed object will acquire white coating, which according to appearance It will very much remind you of winter frost. Now you can use this twig to make bouquets or compositions.

Preparing snow mass from polystyrene foam

To make this snow, you just need a piece of foam left over from your purchase. household appliances or insulating the house. You need to take a fine grater and rub a piece of foam on it. The result is a pile of snow suitable for use in crafts or decorations.

The advantage of polystyrene foam is its harmlessness. This environmentally friendly product does not emit any odors or fumes. Therefore, even allergy sufferers can make snow from polystyrene foam. Moreover, this is one of the most budget options, as it does not require any additional costs.

Using this snow you can make snow-covered branches. To do this, it will be enough to grease the twig with glue and then sprinkle it with prepared snowflakes.

How to make snow from soap and toilet paper?

The process of making snow from soap and toilet paper somewhat unusual, but you can easily sculpt crafts from such a snow mass. For example, you can make snowballs or even a whole snowman.

To prepare snow, you need to prepare several rolls of toilet paper and a bar of white soap. The paper needs to be torn into small pieces. Place a piece of soap at the bottom of a large glass dish and cover it with torn paper. This dish needs to be placed in the microwave at one hundred degrees.

The mixture should “bake” for about a minute, but every fifteen seconds it should be stirred, as if fluffing it. Do not allow the soap to completely dissolve. It should just become soft.

The resulting mixture should be poured with a glass of water, stir well and add another half glass. Our snow is ready. From the resulting mass you can sculpt any figures that your imagination can handle.

How to make snow from soap and water?

Such snow will not last long, but it will be an interesting activity for both the parent and the baby. To prepare it, it is enough:

  1. grate one piece of white baby soap on a coarse grater;
  2. add a quarter cup of boiling water;
  3. Using a mixer, beat the solution until it becomes thick sour cream.

Knowing how to make snow using this method, you can prepare it in advance before bathing your child. This will give him a lot of pleasure, and will allow his parents to bathe him calmly.

Making snow from cotton wool

The advantage of this method of making snow is that after using it, the house will not need spring-cleaning. All ready-made snowflakes will be easy to place anywhere in the house, and also easy to remove. Here's the preparation itself:

  1. roll a large number of rolls from cotton wool;
  2. dip an ordinary thread in PVA glue;
  3. string cotton balls onto a thread dampened by glue;
  4. the thicker we string it, the more impressive the snow garland will be;
  5. let it dry;
  6. We decorate our home with the resulting snow garlands.

Preparing a sweet snowball

An unforgettable event for the whole family will be the preparation of sweet snow that can be eaten. For him, made in the shape of snowflakes and stars.

A pinch of sugar and an egg yolk are whipped with a mixer until very thick foam. The resulting foam can be used to decorate all the cookies and sprinkle with powdered sugar on top. Everything should be baked in the oven over low heat. As a result, you will be able to make a lot of snow, which will be fabulously tasty and beautiful!

You can also use sugar to frame the edges of glasses. After pre-wetting the glasses, you can dip them in sugar and let them dry. The sugar will securely attach to the glasses, creating an unusually beautiful decor.

Can artificial snow be used on ski slopes?

Interestingly, at the moment, some world-famous ski resorts use artificial snow for their slopes. Snow for the ski slope, of course, is not prepared by any of the above methods. For this purpose, special pumps or snow cannons are installed, which dispense snow quickly and automatically. Although in nature snow forms only at temperatures below zero, artificial snow is produced at higher temperatures under the influence of special proteins.

However, some experts believe that although this can replace real snow, it is still harmful to environment cannot be completely avoided. The movement of large volumes of water from one place to another often leads to a sharp decrease in the water level in fresh rivers, and they, in turn, play a key role in supplying local residents with drinking water.

In any case, making artificial snow at home is a fun activity. It will bring happiness to children and adults, and will be remembered for a long time as a colorful and memorable event!

How to make artificial snow at home

11. Snow from a baby diaper


Baby diaper.

To get snow you need:

1. cut the diaper and remove the sodium polyacrylate from it, and then tear it into small pieces.

2. Place the resulting mass in a container and fill it with water. Pour gradually, in small portions, until the pieces of polyacrylate begin to resemble snow. Just don't overdo it or it will end up too wet;

3. To make the snow look more realistic, place the container in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer.

12. Frost from salt


  • salt (preferably coarsely ground);
  • water.

Prepare a concentrated salt solution. To do this, fill the pan with a small amount of water and place it on low heat. Add salt until it stops dissolving. Dip the branches of spruce, pine or any other plant into the hot solution and leave for a while. The process of crystal formation is much faster in warm water! Let the water drain and leave the plants to dry for 4-5 hours. Sparkling frost is guaranteed! If you add brilliant green, food coloring or ink to a salty solution, the frost will turn out colored!

13. Artificial snow for a “snow globe”


Paraffin candle

It must be grated on a fine grater. This “snow” is great for making toys “a la snowball"when glycerin and artificial snow flakes are added to the water. The container is hermetically sealed and when shaken, the snowball smoothly sinks to the bottom.

You can really go more in a simple way- and add regular sparkles to such a ball. It will turn out no less impressive.

14. Snow made of PVA and flock

Flock is a very finely chopped pile. And if you're lucky enough to find a package of white flock on sale, rejoice. After all, now you will have “snow” for any craft in a matter of minutes. It is enough to generously coat the surface with glue and sprinkle flock on top (you can use a strainer).

15. Snow made from PVA and starch


  • 2 tablespoons starch
  • 2 tablespoons PVA
  • 2 tablespoons silver paint

Mix (grind) the ingredients thoroughly.

This kind of snow is suitable when you need to decorate the surface of a product with a voluminous white mass.

16. Mass imitating snow


  • fine quartz sand or semolina or foam chips
  • white acrylic
  • thick PVA
  • glitter

1. Pour a small amount of your chosen material into a bowl. Approximately 1 faceted glass.

2. We begin to gradually add white to this bulk material. acrylic paint. Based on experience, it is better to buy it at a hardware store for facade works. We add until such a state that our loose particles stick together, but do not float in the liquid.

3. Then add PVA, preferably thick. We also add very little so that the mixture is elastic and viscous.

4. Well, and some silver sparkles. Mix everything and... that's it!!!

Recipes for edible “snow”

17. Sugar snow


Dip the edges of the glass (glass) into water or syrup and then into sugar.

18. “Snow-covered” plants


  • gum arabic;
  • egg white.

Using these components, you can candiate plants (non-poisonous and non-bitter). Flowers of pear, apple, cherry, rose, violet, primrose, lemon, begonia, chrysanthemum, gladioli have good taste, pansies. Candied leaves of mint, lemon balm, and geranium turn out beautiful and very fragrant.

Dissolve 12g of gum arabic in ¼ cup with constant stirring hot water(in a water bath). Cool the solution. Prepare sugar syrup: 100g sugar per ¼ glass of water. Cool too. Apply gum arabic solution first to the plants with a brush, and then sugar syrup. Sprinkle with fine granulated sugar(but not powder). Dry on parchment or tracing paper. Such “snow-covered” beauty will not deteriorate for several months. These flowers can be used to decorate a birthday cake or your favorite small sweet pastries.

19. “Snow-covered” plants - option 2


  • egg white;
  • sugar.

Beat egg white and sugar until foamy. Apply with a brush to the petals of the plant and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Place the plants prepared in this way on parchment and place in the oven over low heat. In two hours you can admire the beauty!

20. Salty « snow » for meat


  • a pinch of salt;
  • egg white.

Beat the egg white and a pinch of salt into a stiff foam using a mixer. Place this improvised snow on the meat and send it to the oven! Miracles: a chicken in a snowdrift!

Now you know how to make artificial snow at home, and we hope that from these 20 artificial snow recipes you have chosen the right option for yourself.

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