Mulberry varieties are ideal candidates for planting. Mulberry varieties with black fruits: cultivation, care, description, characteristics and reviews Canadian black mulberry

In the south, black mulberry has long been grown in gardens for a bountiful harvest of sweet berries, which are especially popular with children. Gardeners appreciate this culture for unpretentiousness to the soil and high drought resistance. In recent decades, mulberries are increasingly being grown not only in the south, but also in central Russia.

Which mulberry has black berries

Many gardeners mistakenly call black mulberry absolutely any mulberry that gives dark-colored fruits. In fact, at least half of the chokeberry varieties (including the well-known varieties Smuglyanka, Black Baroness, Black Prince) belong to a completely different botanical species - white mulberry, which has fruits of very different colors, from pure white to black-violet.

Mulberries are divided into black and white depending on the color of the bark, and not on the shade of the berries.

Table: comparative characteristics of black and white mulberries

signBlack mulberry
fruit coloringViolet-black.White, lilac-pink, violet-black.
Tree bark coloringDark brownish brown.Light brownish grey.
Leaf shape and sizeWide-hearted, very large.Medium-sized, ovate-acuminate or dissected-lobed, often varying in shape on the same tree.
winter hardinessLow (up to -15 ... -20 ° С).Relatively high (up to -30°С).

Real black mulberry has large, wide-heart-shaped leaves.

Mulberry is one of the oldest cultivated plants, originally domesticated for feeding silkworm caterpillars, from whose cocoons natural silk is obtained. In the regions of industrial sericulture, fodder mulberry trees predominate, and not fruit varieties. They are more hardy, so they are often used in windbreaks and urban landscaping.

Mulberry leaves - food for silkworm caterpillars

Mulberry blooms in the south in April-May, in the middle lane - in May-June. Pollinated by wind and insects. In nature, mulberry is a dioecious plant, in which male and female flowers are located on different trees. Among cultivated fruit varieties, monoecious ones predominate, having both types of inflorescences on the same tree. When sowing seeds, the characters are split, and among the seedlings there are many male plants. Therefore, valuable fruit varieties of mulberries are propagated only vegetatively.

Flowering mulberry is pollinated by wind and insects

Mulberry fruits ripen in the south in May-July, in the middle lane - in July-August. The fruiting period is very extended. Ripe fruits easily crumble to the ground. Under normal pollination, mulberry trees bear fruit annually and very abundantly. If the flowering was good, during this period there were no frosts (which can damage not only the flowers, but also the leaves), and there are no or very few berries, then the problem is the lack of pollination. It is necessary to plant a tree of a different variety nearby or graft suitable cuttings into the crown.

Sweet mulberries do not ripen at the same time

Dark-colored mulberries strongly stain hands and clothes, stains are poorly washed.

Ripe berries become soft, juicy, sweet, they easily crumple and do not tolerate storage and transportation at all. Therefore, the crop is processed on the day of harvest. Mulberries can be eaten fresh, dried, made into jam, made into wine.

IN good conditions mulberry bears fruit annually and very abundantly

In the south, the mulberry grows up to 15 m in height, and in favorable conditions lives a couple of hundred years, and sometimes longer. In the north, the young growth freezes almost annually, and the plant often takes on a bushy form. Mulberry tolerates urban conditions well and is not afraid of car exhaust gases.

Large mulberry trees are occasionally found in Moscow, and in the form of a bush it is grown up to the Leningrad region.

Large mulberry trees are occasionally found even in Moscow

Mulberry varieties with black fruits

The word "black" in the name of the variety means only the color of the berries, but not the botanical appearance of the mulberry.

Of the chokeberry varieties, the most frost-resistant are those that belong to the botanical species of white mulberry. This is the Black Baroness, Smuglyanka, Black Prince. They can withstand temperatures down to -30°C. The large-fruited mulberry varieties Black Pearl and Istanbul Black, found in private nurseries in Ukraine and southern Russia, have low winter hardiness and can grow only in southern regions with warm winters.


This is the only variety of the botanical species of black mulberry, currently officially included in State Register selection achievements approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation. The variety was bred at the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev. The tree is large, tall, with a wide spreading crown. The fruits are sweet, weighing 1.5-1.7 g, ripen late. The variety is winter-hardy, drought-resistant and heat-resistant.


Black-fruited variety of white mulberry, bred in the Belgorod region. Medium-sized tree with a pyramidal crown. Berries up to 3.5 cm long, early term maturation, sweet with a slightly noticeable sourness. The variety is monoecious, fruitful and unpretentious. Winter hardiness - up to -30°C.

Black Baroness

Black-fruited variety of white mulberry, bred in the Belgorod region. The crown is spherical, of moderate density. Fruits are 3.5–4 cm long, very sweet. Ripening period - from medium to medium late. Monoecious unpretentious variety with high yield. Winter hardiness - up to -30°С.

Black Prince

Another chokeberry variety of white mulberry. The berries are very large, up to 4-5 cm long, sweet. Maturity is average. Winter hardiness - up to -30 ° C, high drought resistance.

Black Pearl

Large-fruited mid-early variety for the southern regions. The tree is medium. Fruiting extended up to 2 months. The fruits are large, up to 4 cm long, weighing up to 6–9 g. Winter hardiness is average.

Istanbul black

The fruits are very large, up to 5 cm long, ripen late. The tree is tall, with a spherical crown. A very productive variety for the southern regions. Winter hardiness is average.

Photo gallery: mulberry varieties with black fruits

The best mulberry seedlings come from rooted cuttings.

In the south, mulberry is planted in spring or autumn, in the middle lane and to the north - only in spring. For large trees in the south, the planting distance is 7–8 m; for bushy formation in more northern regions, it is enough to leave 3 m between plants.

There are two opposing points of view regarding the preparation of landing pits:

  • dig a hole up to 1 m deep and wide, fertilize abundantly with humus at the rate of 2-3 buckets per plant to provide the seedling with food for the next couple of years. This is how rapid and rapid growth of the aerial part of the seedling is achieved in the first years after planting;
  • dig a small hole to fit the roots in a straightened form. Do not apply fertilizer at all. This method provokes a more active and deep growth of the root system. At the same time, the aerial part grows very slowly, but the plant turns out to be stronger and more resilient, thanks to deep powerful roots it can better withstand frost and drought.

Planting mulberry on poor soil promotes the development of a deeper root system

Mature mulberry trees are very resistant to dry air and soil. Young trees need watering in the 1st or 2nd year after planting, and only in the absence of rain. Dampness at the end of summer and autumn prevents the ripening of shoots and worsens the wintering of plants.

Pruning and wintering

Mulberry tolerates pruning well. In the south, it is usually grown as a tree, and all pruning comes down to removing excess thickening branches and limiting height. The first years after planting, the plant can not be cut at all.

In regions with frosty winters, a multi-stemmed bushy formation is advisable:

  1. In a young seedling, immediately after planting, the top is cut off to cause abundant branching in the lower part of the trunk.
  2. In the first years of a tree's life, it makes sense to pinch the tops of actively growing shoots in mid-August for their best ripening.
  3. In the future, a multi-stemmed bush is formed with branches of different ages extending almost from the soil level. The places where the main skeletal branches originate should be covered with snow in winter so that they do not freeze in severe frosts.
  4. Every year in the spring, all the frozen tops of the branches are cut out, cutting them to a healthy part. Large sections are covered with garden pitch.

With a bushy formation, all the main forks winter under the snow and are less damaged by frost.

In spring, especially in the middle lane and to the north, the mulberry awakens much later than most other trees. Therefore, with the determination of winter damage, you must wait until June. Frozen specimens in most cases are well restored.

Very young trees 1–2 years after planting can be wrapped with agrofiber for the winter, and the soil under them can be insulated with spruce branches. Wrapping mature mulberry trees does not make sense.

Mulberry is usually not affected by diseases and insect pests. The harvest of berries can be significantly damaged by birds (starlings, thrushes, sparrows), to protect against which trees with ripening fruits can be covered with a protective net.

Video: growing mulberries

The deciduous mulberry tree, or mulberry, has a large area in countries with a warm climate. Mulberry varieties include many species (fruit, fodder, ornamental), and the berries are very useful (contain potassium and magnesium, phosphorus and fructose, organic acids).

The birthplace of the mulberry tree is East Asia. An unpretentious tall slender tree with a dense crown with very strong branches. The leaves have a carved oblong shape, juicy dark green in color, in autumn they turn yellow and fall off in the winter.

Black mulberry, like white, actively grows in the city, in parks and on the slopes of ravines, it is frost-resistant. White mulberry is named so not for the color of the berries, but because this type of tree has a light (gray) bark. The fruits can be white, pink, and yellow color. They are incredibly juicy and sweet.

Now let's move on to describing the most famous and popular varieties among the white variety.

Mulberry Black Baroness

When flowering, fluffy light green inflorescences are alternately arranged along a strip, resembling a spikelet. It has black fruits with a mild aroma and a sweet, even cloying taste, completely without sourness.

Berries of the Baroness are quite large - 3.5 cm, have a marketable appearance within 6-12 hours. The ripening period falls on June-July. Frost resistant plant.

White honey mulberry

Refers to early varieties, the ripening period is the beginning of June. There are no special secrets in care. The tree is unpretentious, grows in any soil, gives a rich harvest. After planting, the honey mulberry tree begins to bear fruit after 4-5 years.

White mulberry trees have characteristic features:

  • fast growth;
  • long-liver (lives 200-300 years);
  • easily tolerates drought;
  • grows in almost any soil.

Mulberry pink Smolensk

An early variety with pink and sweet fruits with a slight sourness.

Male individuals of this variety do not produce fruits, while in the spring they have beautiful colour. It is interesting that a large number of white mulberry species of non-fruiting varieties can only be used as ornamentals in the form of planting a hedge or alley.

Variety Shelly

It is famous for the largest fruits, having a length of 5.5 cm. This variety was bred by breeders from Ukraine.

Mulberry Smuglyanka

It has the same black berries as the Baroness, but the difference is in taste. The fruits of the dark-skinned woman are juicy, but not cloying, slightly sour in taste.

black species

The homeland of the black mulberry tree is Iran. People have long appreciated the main and undoubted advantages of purple fruits. The taste of these berries turned out to be richer than white mulberries. In this magical tree of life, as it was called in ancient times, every organ is beautiful:

  • mulberry juice cleanses the blood;
  • a decoction of young twigs helps with rheumatic pains;
  • a decoction of the leaves lowers blood sugar;
  • roots remove phlegm with a strong cough;
  • the bark is an excellent remedy for worms;
  • wood is used in furniture production.

Black mulberry has a dark brown bark, which is the reason for the name.

As you know, fresh berries are stored for several hours. It does not tolerate transportation and long-term storage. From it you can get: juices, compotes, jams, tinctures and even wine. In addition, the fruits have some healing properties: able to normalize metabolism, effective for gastritis and problems with the gastrointestinal tract, useful for heart disease. Juice is recommended for oral ulcers (such as stomatitis, tonsillitis).

Mulberry Black Prince

The Black Prince is a self-fertile winter-hardy black mulberry. This is one of the few varieties that tolerates transportation remarkably and at the same time can be stored for a long time without compromising taste and quality. Its advantages are obvious:

  • It does not require special care;
  • easily tolerates both severe frosts and drought;
  • pleasant honey taste;
  • large and juicy black fruits;
  • stored for a long time.


Another representative that is well preserved and does not deteriorate during transportation. The tree has not only delicious fruits - it is also valued as an ornamental, it can serve as a kind of decoration for a garden plot.

Video "What you need to know about mulberry"

In this video, experts will tell you how to properly care for a mulberry tree.

Decorative varieties

Breeders managed to bring out some varieties as ornamental varieties.

Decorative mulberry varieties are used for landscaping in park areas, in planting alleys, in city squares, in landscape designs. Representatives of decorative varieties are:

  1. Weeping white mulberry. It can grow up to 5 m. Its long thin branches fall to the very ground and this is very reminiscent of willow.
  2. Another very unusual type of white mulberry is large-leaved. The name fully justifies itself, because the leaves of this variety can grow up to 22 cm.
  3. There is a dwarf mulberry remontant. This species was bred by selection. It can be successfully grown in a large pot.
  4. Golden. The shoots of this mulberry are yellow.

Large-fruited varieties

Varieties of large-fruited varieties include the following varieties:

  1. Shelly-150. Differs in the largest fruits and the highest productivity. In addition, it has the largest leaves, up to half a meter in size.
  2. Mulberry black Istanbul. The tree grows quite high - up to 6-7 m tall. Fruits only for 4 years, blooms in late spring (April), frost-resistant. The fruits are large, juicy, black in color.
  3. Mulberry Black Baroness - an early variety, large berries - 3.5 cm in length. More about this variety is described above.
  4. The next representative is white mulberry (or Morus alba) with white-pink berries up to 4 cm long.
  5. The mulberry variety Plodovaya-4 perfectly tolerates transportation, the berries are about 4 cm.
  6. We recommend planting the Hartut variety in summer cottages and household plots outside the city. The tree consistently produces a high yield of very juicy and large berries (up to 5 cm long). The juice is similar in color and taste to Cahors wine.

Tip: Ripe mulberries crumble when you touch them. Before harvesting, lay polyethylene under the crown of the tree big size. Fallen fruits will not lose their attractiveness, and the harvest will be 100% harvested.

Black mulberry belongs to the trees of the Mulberry family, its foliage is simple oval in shape with jagged edges, and the berries are very fleshy, dark in color. The plant is quite common, and you can see it in different territories, ranging from Kuril Islands and ending with European countries. Persia is considered its homeland, from where this tree with sweet and beneficial fruits spread to Asia, America and Europe.

By the way, in Europe, two types of mulberry are most often cultivated: black and white. The latter is grown for silkworm feed.

Black mulberry tree: description of leaves, berries and wood

Black mulberry has coarser leaves than its "relative". The fruits of this tree are indispensable in cooking. Wood is also used, which has high elasticity and strength. It is used in various types of carpentry, as well as for the production of musical instruments.

According to some external characteristics, black mulberry differs significantly from its “white” counterparts in its description:

  • the color of the bark and young shoots is much darker;
  • foliage is larger and tougher.

The mulberry tree is quite large and can grow up to 15 m in height, but with correct pruning manages to maintain a neat shape or even give it the appearance of a coppice shrub.

In the early years, the development of the plant is active, but gradually slows down.

The color is very small and barely noticeable among the dense foliage of the tree, pollination occurs with the help of wind. The berries of black mulberries, depending on the variety, can be quite large. They are dark, complex in shape, reminiscent of the structure of raspberries or blackberries. The berry is sweet, fleshy and juicy, has very small seeds. Ripening is uneven, so you can harvest from June to August.

Even despite the fact that warm Persia is considered the birthplace of the plant, black mulberry also grows in the Moscow region, where the climate is quite severe. The tree tolerates frost and gives good yields. The plant is able to easily endure prolonged drought, is not too demanding on soils and can develop quickly even in saline soils. Often plantings of these trees can be found in quite severe regional zones of Russia, where winter frosts can reach -30 degrees. Such resistance was acquired by new varieties that were bred by breeders. Therefore, many varieties, including those described below, black mulberries planted in the Moscow region, do not require a specific approach to cultivation and care.

Description of black mulberry varieties and their features

Breeders have bred many varieties of black mulberry. Below are the main characteristics of some of the varieties common in the middle regions that give high yields, with a description of their features.

Plodovaya-4 - this variety is distinguished by its small crown size, but at the same time high yield. The berries are large - up to 4 cm in length, black in color, sweet in taste, but have light refreshing notes. The fruits are quite elastic, so they are resistant to transportation over long distances.

Black mulberry with the name of the variety Black Baroness was obtained as a result of the work of domestic breeders. The berries are distinguished by their large size and sweet taste, when ripe they become almost black. The peak of fruit collection occurs in July, and up to 100 kg of crop can be harvested from one tree. The black baroness endures severe frosts, takes root on any soil.

Shelly is known by many gardeners as one of the most productive and at the same time with good decorative mulberry variety. It bears fruits up to 5.5 cm in length, and the peak of productivity occurs at the end of July. The berry is characterized by a dense texture and retains a fresh appearance for a long time after harvest.

The mulberry tree of the Black Prince variety produces large glossy dark berries, reaching 5 cm in length. It has many advantages, which include both ease of care for it and high yields. Able to withstand prolonged drought, not subject to low temperatures, rarely susceptible to disease. The fruits are quite elastic and can withstand transportation.

Hargut begins to bear fruit in the third year, the berries are very large, reach 5.5 cm in length, fleshy and black. With its taste characteristics, fruit juice resembles Cahors wine. Such black mulberry, based on the description of this variety, is ideal for winemaking. The plant is quite resistant to diseases and adverse growing conditions.

Many varieties of black mulberry are grown specifically for harvesting good berry crops, but there are also those that are used as ornamental plants. These include weeping mulberry, pyramidal, spherical, golden, Tatar, etc.

Look at the black mulberry of decorative varieties in the photo: with the correct formation of the crown, you can get very interesting and unusual trees:

Photo gallery

The choice of variety largely depends on what exactly you want to get from mulberries in your area: aesthetic beauty or a good harvest.

Mulberry care principles

If you decide to plant black mulberry on a plot, the cultivation of which does not require significant investments or knowledge in gardening, then remember the basic simple principles of caring for it:

Even though many varieties of this plant are not very demanding on watering and can withstand long droughts, watering is still necessary, especially in the first half of summer. Timely moistening of the soil from April to July with the addition of mineral and organic dressings will help the tree gain strength, give a good juicy harvest and endure severe frosts.

An adult mulberry tree of some varieties can be very tall and bulky, so in order for the plant to not only give a rich harvest, but also look aesthetically beautiful on your site, it is necessary to carry out sanitary and decorative pruning in early spring. If you want to get a tree no higher than 2 m, then the formation takes place with a trunk of 0.5-1.5 m.

This is the main thing that should be followed when planting black mulberry, and caring for growing trees. Most often, shoots or green cuttings from an adult tree are taken for planting on the site. This method gives a very high survival rate, while maintaining all the indicators of the parent variety.

Mulberry, here, mulberry tree - under such names the mulberry is known among the people. In the Moscow region, it has become popular due to its resistance to weather conditions, tasty fruits and huge health benefits. Prefers a warm temperate climate, therefore, under natural conditions, it grows mainly in East Asia, in the south of Europe, North America, in the northwest of South America.

plant description

The mulberry is a deciduous tree, the height of which can be from 3 to 15 meters. At first, it grows quite quickly, but gradually growth slows down. The leaves are large, wide, with jagged edges, rough to the touch. They are dark green in summer and turn yellow in autumn. On the same tree, you can find leaves of various configurations and sizes. blooming plant small flowers grouped into axillary spikes. Decorative inflorescences are like blackberries and may have different colors. edible fruit, which is 2-3 cm long, consists of drupes and has a rather pleasant smell. The life expectancy of a plant is on average 200 years, but there are also centenarians, whose age is determined at 300 and even 500 years.

There are about 20 species of this crop, but for convenience it is customary to divide it into white, red and black, depending on the color of the bark.

White mulberry is most often found in the gardens of Russia. This tree is up to 16-18 meters high with large leaves that are designed to feed the silkworm. Infructescence white, pink or purple up to 3.5 cm in size. The plant is very resistant to low temperatures, can withstand frosts down to -30 ° C, therefore, white mulberry in the Moscow region is considered one of the best varieties for breeding.

The red mulberry is found in the wild mainly in eastern North America. Its small, up to 3 cm, very fragrant seedlings can be red, purple or black. A robust tree that can withstand arid climates, it can reach a height of up to 20 m.

Black mulberry grows in Southwest Asia, the height of the tree does not exceed 15 meters. Large infructescences (up to 5 cm) of purple or black color are very juicy and tasty. The plant is not adapted to cold climatic conditions, does not tolerate frost.

Mulberry varieties

For the Moscow region, several varieties are considered the most suitable. These are those that tolerate a long and frosty winter well, are not afraid of frost and are unpretentious to the soil. All of them belong to the white mulberry species.

  1. Ukrainian-6. The tree has a spherical crown. The leaves are whole, very large, because they are intended for feeding the silkworm. Fruiting black matte color can reach more than 4 cm in length. The yield of berries is low, but they are very well preserved.
  2. White honey. Monoecious tree with a pyramidal crown, very resistant to frost. Can withstand temperatures down to -30⁰С. Fruit size up to 3 cm has a white color and a sweet honey taste. The aroma is almost non-existent. Berries ripen in June-July.
  3. Black Baroness. The variety is quite unpretentious to the conditions of detention, can easily withstand very severe frosts. The crown of this tree is moderately dense, spherical in shape. Berries, which are black in color, are very sweet in taste, with a mild aroma.

Variety Smuglyanka

This is perhaps the most common mulberry in the Moscow region. Of all the varieties, it is the most suitable for the climatic conditions of this region. Large asymmetrical leaves, with jagged edges, rough on one side and smoother on the other. Infructescences up to 3 cm in size are black, shiny, with a sour taste, very juicy and soft. The plant adapts well to the climatic conditions of the central region of Russia, is undemanding to soils, withstands severe frosts, and in the case when young shoots freeze slightly, it quickly recovers after pruning. Mulberry Smuglyanka in the Moscow region is also popular due to its high yield - up to 500 grams per meter of fruiting branch. The berries begin to ripen as early as June and can be kept fresh for up to 18 hours. They are quite resistant to transportation, perfectly retain their presentation.


Mulberry cultivation in the Moscow region can be carried out in various ways - seeds, sprouts, grafting, cuttings. Planting requires seeds from the current crop. Purified from the pulp, they are sown in fertile soil in February. The temperature in the room should be maintained at 20⁰ C. And after warm days come, young plants are transplanted into beds. Mulberry is transferred to a permanent habitat only the next year. You should be aware that when propagated by seeds, some properties of the variety may not be fully inherited.

Landing and care

When choosing a site for planting, preference should be given to well-lit places with loose loamy or sandy soils, given that mulberry can live up to 300 years. In the Moscow region, seedlings begin to be planted in early spring or late autumn.

A pit measuring 80 x 80 x 60 cm is prepared in advance. Sprinkling some soil from the upper fertile layer into it, you need to add two buckets of humus and 150 g of fertilizer. Mix all the components, place the plant in the center of the pit, gently straightening the roots, and sprinkle with the soil mixture, lightly tamping. Then thoroughly water and mulch the soil around the seedling. During the period of intensive growth of mulberry, it is necessary to feed in the form of diluted slurry (1:5) or bird droppings (1:10). Since July, watering is done only in case of drought.


Despite the fact that mulberry adapts well to weather conditions and is able to withstand frosts down to -30⁰С, the plant often suffers from a lack of heat, and this leads to a decrease in yield. With the onset of spring, frostbitten branches are cut off and over the summer period the plant is completely restored.

Mulberry can grow up to 20 meters or more under good conditions. In the Moscow region, where winters are quite severe, you have to prune the plant, giving it the shape of a bush, so that you can cover it in the cold season when especially severe frosts. The crown is tied with burlap or paper bandages, fastened with twine, to a height of about 2 meters.

In addition to industrial sericulture, this plant is widely used in various fields. The wood is used to make paper, rope and paint. The fruits are used for fresh and dried consumption, as well as for the preparation of various syrups, jams, and vinegar. Almost all parts of this plant have medicinal properties.

Mulberry fruits have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, diuretic effect. Leaf-based medicines are used for diabetes mellitus, beriberi. A decoction of the bark helps with cardiovascular diseases. With peptic ulcer, hypertension, diseases of the throat, mulberry is useful. In the suburbs, this tree is quite easy to grow if you follow all the recommendations for planting and caring for it.

Features of growing mulberry in the Moscow region, including white, varieties for growing in this region

Mulberry (mulberry tree, here, mulberry tree) is valued by gardeners not only for its decorative effect. A person receives undoubted benefits from juicy and pleasant-tasting fruits that look like blackberries. The mulberry tree has many varieties, but not everyone feels equally comfortable in the conditions of the Moscow region. For this region, white mulberry varieties are recommended, which quickly take root and bear fruit abundantly.

Is it possible to grow mulberries in the Moscow region

A mulberry tree in its homeland can reach a height of 15 m, in the climate of the central strip of Russia it does not exceed 2.5–3.5 m. The plates of mulberry leaves are quite large (10–20x10 cm). They feed on the silkworm, bred in southern countries for the production of silk.

Fully ripened fruits can take on white, pink, dark purple, red, black color, reach a length of 2-4 cm. The fruits of the mulberry are not a berry, as they are commonly called. Rather, these are mini-nuts collected in the seed and firmly fused with their pericarp.

Mulberry seedlings resemble blackberries

As evidenced by numerous reviews experienced gardeners, growing mulberries in the Moscow region is quite possible. However, not all so simple. Difficulties arise from cold and long winters and too short summers. The tree can survive short frosts. But it should be borne in mind that neither its root part, nor the above-ground parts are characterized by an increased degree of frost resistance.

The root system, for example, can be adversely affected by the cooling of the soil already in the range of 7–10 ° C. In this regard, the gardener is advised not to neglect such a precautionary measure when planting a crop as a slight deepening of the root neck. In autumn, cover the soil in the area of ​​​​the root system with a mulch layer. The above-ground part for the winter is also recommended to be insulated with various woven materials.

Features of growing mulberries in the Moscow region

The uniqueness of the mulberry tree is that, along with leaf fall, it has shoot fall - a process in which a bush, without any serious consequences, eliminates a little functional section of a branch. At the same time, cork tissue is formed between the immature and mature segments of the shoot.

The thing is that the mulberry has adapted to a short daylight hours in the middle zone, having received two growing seasons - spring and autumn. For other southern cultures, this fact is unacceptable: they will simply die without having time to start the protective mechanism before wintering. The presence of an advantage in mulberry makes it fearless in the face of impending cold weather.

How to plant mulberries in the suburbs

When choosing a place for planting a mulberry tree, a number of conditions should be taken into account:

  • good illumination of the site;
  • the presence of free territory within 6-7 m to the intended landing site, the absence of tall buildings and trees that create shade;
  • loose soil with a predominance of loamy or sandy components.

For planting mulberries choose a free and unshaded place

Mulberry is planted in spring or autumn:

  • planting in the spring is carried out in April until the moment of intensive sap flow in plants;
  • autumn planting is started in early autumn or in the middle of the season, without waiting for stable cold weather and heavy rains.

Mulberry planting:

  1. To embed the root part of the mulberry seedling, a pit of 80x80 cm is prepared.
  2. It is filled with humus or compost (1 bucket). If the earth is heavy, it is diluted with half a wheelbarrow of peat.
  3. The roots of the seedling are straightened and placed inside freely, sprinkling with a soil lump.
  4. If necessary, the seedling is tied to a peg, which is embedded in a hole.

Planting mulberry is also possible through seeds. For this, the seed material is stratified 2 months before sowing. Seeds are planted to a depth of 3-5 cm, be sure to water, mulch.

Stratification - preliminary soaking of seeds in clean water for 3–5 days and treatment with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (0.1–0.25%) to awaken the seeds to life.

How to properly care for mulberry in the suburbs

In the spring, newly planted shoots are examined, the presence of frostbitten branches is detected, and they are eliminated if necessary. If the plant did not suffer much during the winter, in the summer it will be able to compensate for the damage to health. In central Russia, including in the Moscow region, it is preferable to grow mulberry in the form of a bush.

Before the fruits ripen, the mulberry is intensively gaining growth, so this period of time is best suited for the procedure for the formation of skeletal branches. The optimal time for pruning a crop is after the appearance of leaves. However, it should not coincide with the period of sap flow in the plant, since the branches that have given up their juice run the risk of completely drying out. It is best to give the bush a sprawling shape, but not to make it excessively high. In the future, such a measure will protect the crop from birds. In addition, a small bush is always easier to cover in case of winter frosts.

In the suburbs, the mulberry tree is formed in the form of a low bush

Mulberries are fertilized as they grow. As additives, a solution of chicken manure (1:10) or manure (1:5) is used. From the second half of summer, watering is resorted to only in very dry weather. Mulberry is attractive to birds during fruit ripening. Therefore, the crown during this period is protected with a specially stretched mesh.

What kind of mulberry is more appropriate to choose for the Moscow region

The mulberry tree has about 17 species. For simplicity, breeders subdivide mulberry into black, red and white. However, with such a classification, it is not the shade of the fruit that is taken into account, but the color of the bark. Naturally, in black mulberry it is much darker.

Black mulberry

Varieties of black mulberry with high yields are perceived negatively in cold climate conditions; at temperatures below -25 ° C, they do not survive. For this reason, it is not recommended to purchase them for landing in the Moscow region. It is advised to pay attention to naturally created semi-wild varieties.

The fruits of the black mulberry are more valued in cooking than the white mulberry. It is they that are taken as the basis for cooking compotes, jams, preserves, and making wine.

white mulberry

White mulberry is more common in temperate climate middle lane. The branches and trunk of plants have a light beige or yellowish tint. In winter, they can survive frosts down to -30 ° C. A distinctive feature of white mulberry bushes is wind-pollination, dioeciousness, drought resistance, and relative frost resistance. In severe winters, they survive, while some of their branches freeze. With the beginning of the growing season, the culture is capable of self-healing.

Because of their penchant for pruning, these plants are planted for green hedges. Unpretentiousness to the soil composition is the reason for the placement of white mulberry in uncultivated areas. However, the latter do not include wetlands that are poorly tolerated by culture.

Any variety of white mulberry in the Moscow region shows good results

The most popular varieties for the Moscow region

However, you can try to grow both white and black mulberries in the Moscow region.

  1. White Staromoskovskaya. This tree is distinguished by a spherical crown that fits on a trunk up to 10 m high. The color of the fruit is dark purple, the taste indicators are excellent. The advantages of the variety are self-fertility, stress resistance to frost.
  2. Red Vladimirskaya. The plant reaches a height of 6 m. The crown is wide with the active formation of lower side shoots. The fruits are sweet, have a bright purple color. Moderate frost resistance and self-pollination are the main trump cards of the Red Vladimir mulberry.
  3. White honey. This is a partially self-fertile variety, in which the bushes form a fairly wide crown. The fruits are tasty, but they do not accept transportation, they keep freshness for 6 hours. The advantages of the variety include excellent frost resistance, productivity, unpretentiousness to the soil composition, ease of care.
  4. Royal. The variety is distinguished by excellent taste characteristics of fruits, abundant fruit formation. Royal mulberry does not need excessive watering, quickly takes root on different types soils. The fruits are black. The bush is pruned with giving it a spherical shape. It does not need additional protection for the winter, as it tolerates cold well. The variety is partially self-fertile, so it is recommended to plant pollinating plants nearby. The advantages of the Royal mulberry are a good percentage of yield, fruit transportability.
  5. Black Prince. Plants of the variety are characterized by medium growth, an extensive crown. Large black seedlings reach a length of 5 cm. The culture is not self-fertile, but undemanding to soils, drought- and cold-resistant, gives good yields.
  6. Darkie. This is a widely used mulberry variety in the Moscow region. It is considered a priority for the region. Seed fruit is distinguished by a sweet-sour taste, black color, juiciness and softness. The plant is unpretentious to the composition of the soil, winters well. When freezing young shoots, it can quickly rehabilitate itself after pruning.

Mulberry fruits Black Prince reach 5 cm in length

Video: features of growing mulberry

Reviews of gardeners about planting mulberries

Mulberry tree can be grown in central Russia. It shows good survival and growth rate. If the seedlings have taken root and survived two winters in a new place, then they can easily endure future wintering. With proper care for a mulberry tree, it can be inherited by descendants, because its life expectancy is more than a dozen years.

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Growing and caring for mulberries in the Moscow region: useful tips

Mulberry is a fairly tall deciduous tree. It grows in height from 3 to 15 meters. It traditionally has large and broad leaves that are rough to the touch with obligatory serrations along the edges. The foliage is green in summer. It is interesting that on the same tree it is realistic to see leaves that differ in size and configuration. During the flowering period, small flowers appear on the culture, which are collected in axillary ears. The fruit of the mulberry is endowed pleasant aroma and reaches a length of up to 3 cm. The average duration of a shrub is 200 years. But there are cases when plants lived 300, and individual specimens even 500 years.

Scientists have counted about two dozen varieties of culture. To make it more convenient, it was divided into white, red and black. This classification is due to the color of the bark. Most often in the gardens of our country you can see white mulberry. It is a tree up to 18 meters high. big leaves are the favorite delicacy of the silkworm. Seed fruit are pink, purple and white color, have a length of no more than 3.5 cm. This variety is quite frost-resistant.

The red mulberry is native to eastern North America. Its infructescences are no more than 3 cm in size and are usually painted in a purple, red or black color characteristic of this species. The height of the tree is about 20 meters. Its feature is the ability to resist drought.

Black mulberry is found in Southwest Asia. It has large seedlings up to 5 cm in size. They are painted in a pleasant purple or black color. The height of the culture is normally about 15 meters. The disadvantage is the low degree of frost resistance.

Video "Description"

From the video you will learn the description of the mulberry tree.

Variety selection

This culture grows in various regions of our country, mulberry is also found in the Moscow region, cultivation, of course, has its own characteristics. Since the climate of the area is not particularly suitable for such a southern plant. Although the tree has received from nature the ability to endure frosts up to -30 degrees, but for the full growth and development of the root system, indicators in the range of -7 - 10 degrees are already detrimental. Therefore, when carrying out the correct landing, it is still advised to deepen the root collars. And cover the entire system for the winter with an additional layer of mulch that is reliable in terms of frost resistance.

There is another problem - a short daylight hours. The culture is characterized by two growing seasons - spring and autumn. The advantage is that the culture will not be able to suffer from excessive frostbite of young branches, since it tends to reject unviable shoots. In the process of planting, seedlings are advised to be placed on such a site that there is no tall trees, since they can create a shadow. There are varieties of mulberries that are adapted in the selection process for normal cultivation in the Moscow region. It is about them that we want to talk in more detail below. So that each gardener can choose a suitable variety of his favorite crop for his site.

Red mulberry Vladimirskaya is a tree that grows over 6 meters. It has a wide crown. Actively gives from below side shoots. It pleases the owner with sweet fruits of a dark purple color, having a length of about 3 cm. Self-pollination and frost resistance can be called the advantages of the species.

White Staromoskovskaya is a tree with an interesting spherical crown, the height of the trunk of which normally reaches 10 meters. The berries are naturally endowed with a dark purple color, have a size of up to 3 cm and excellent taste. The advantages of the variety include winter hardiness and self-fertility.

Mulberry Royal is a medium-sized culture, which can be really spherical during the pruning process. The berries are painted in a characteristic black color and have a length of up to 3 cm. It has a high degree of fruiting, grows quickly on soil with any structure, does not need abundant watering and special care. The variety is partially self-fertile, so pollinating plants should be planted in the immediate vicinity of such a shrub. Its many advantages include a high degree of frost resistance, abundant yields, good transportability, immunity to diseases and pests. The berries and bark of the culture are commonly used for medicinal purposes.

White honey is a tree endowed with a fairly wide crown. The variety is partially self-fertile, the berries are sweet, they do not tolerate transportation, and fresh they are able to maintain their original appearance for no more than 6 hours. The advantages of the variety are a high degree of frost resistance, productivity, the ability to grow normally on any soil, unpretentiousness in terms of care.

Variety Black Prince is a medium-sized tree, endowed with a wide crown. The berries are painted black, grow up to 5 cm. They are high in vitamins and minerals. The plant is not self-fertile. The advantages include high productivity and winter hardiness.

Mulberry Black Baroness is a tree with a crown in the shape of a ball. It is able to grow on the ground having any structure. It has black and juicy fruits, having a size of about 4 cm. The berries are normally stored for no more than 12 hours. They don't like to travel long distances. The culture is partially self-fertile. The obvious advantages of the variety are a high degree of frost resistance and productivity.

Mulberry Ukrainian is a large tree on which a small number of fruits ripen. However, they are incredibly sweet. Found their use in folk medicine as an excellent remedy for constipation, bronchitis, asthma. The advantages of the variety are its high frost resistance, undemanding to the soil, the beneficial qualities of berries, and decorativeness.

Landing and care

When choosing a site, it should be remembered that mulberry in the Moscow region, the cultivation and care of which you will carry out on your own, prefers normally lit places. The soil should ideally be sandy or loamy. It is customary to start planting seedlings in early spring, when it is already a little warmer outside, or with the onset of late autumn. It is necessary to prepare a hole measuring 80 by 80 by 60 cm. It should be filled with earth from the top layer, a couple of buckets of humus and about 150 grams of fertilizer. All components are mixed well, the plant is placed in the center, its root system is straightened. Next, the bush is sprinkled with soil mixture and tamped a little.

Careful watering and the creation of mulch around the tree is required. When the mulberry begins to grow intensively, you need to fertilize. The following composition has proven itself excellently. Diluted slurry at the rate of 1:5 or bird droppings taken at a ratio of 1:10. Starting in July, watering will be required for the tree only if there are particularly dry days.

As for wintering, we recall that the culture normally withstands temperatures up to -30 degrees. But it inevitably experiences a shortage of heat, resulting in a decrease in the degree of productivity. When spring comes, you need to inspect the crop in your area and, if necessary, remove frostbitten branches. Then over the summer the plant will be able to recover normally. In the Moscow region, when caring for mulberry, the plant is pruned in order to give it the shape of a bush. Then, in case of severe frosts, it is possible to cover it in the winter. For this, it is customary to tie the crown with paper bandages or burlap. Fasteners are carried out using twine. This is done at a height of about a few meters.


It is possible to obtain mulberry seedlings in several ways - using seeds or cuttings.

When sown with seeds, the plants are more resistant to weather conditions that are typical for the area. In the case of planting black mulberry, it will be necessary to keep the growths on the site for a long time. Since before flowering it is not possible to determine whether it is male or female. Seeds are recommended to be sown immediately after separation from the fruit. When they germinate, the seedlings dive and plant on the site, maintaining a distance of up to 30 cm. It is permissible to transplant them to permanent places only in the second year. For fruiting, seedlings obtained from seeds become ready for 5 years from the moment of germination.

Reproduction can also be carried out by cuttings. This method provides an excellent opportunity to preserve all the best properties of the mother culture. Intensive growth of shoots falls on June - July.

It was during this period that it is customary to propagate mulberries through green cuttings. For this purpose, cutting of the shoots of the current year is carried out. Next, they need to be divided into cuttings having a length of 15 to 20 cm. Burying into the ground is carried out by a third of the entire length and maintaining an angle of 45 degrees. A couple of leaves should be left on each shoot, while the leaf plate should be cut in half. Rooting is usually carried out in a greenhouse. It is there that there is a sufficient level of humidity. In autumn, the plants already have normally developed roots. But it is customary to plant them in the spring, with the advent of heat. In order to reliably protect seedlings from exposure to low temperatures, they are advised to cover them with straw.

Video "Features of cultivation"

From the video you will learn how to grow mulberry.

Features of growing and caring for mulberries in the Moscow region

Mulberry (mulberry) is one of the unique plants that combines nutritious and medicinal properties fruits. The plant has valuable wood, and the leaves serve as food for the silkworm, which creates natural silk. Deciduous plant, reaching up to 15 m in height, is distributed throughout the world. The plant grows in the subtropical zone of Asia, Africa, North America. And in this article we will talk about the features of growing and caring for mulberries in the Moscow region.

Mulberry attracts gardeners with a healthy sweet crop. The fruits of the plant are seedlings of small nuts with fused pericarp. The berries are white, pinkish and purple shades. With special care, the mulberry tree begins to produce a crop for 3 years after planting. A larger crop is harvested for 4-5 years.

Red mulberry Black mulberry White mulberry

The mulberry plant is cultivated in the southern regions of the country - in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, Astrakhan, Rostov, Volgograd and Nizhny Novgorod regions. Moving north, recently, mulberry has become popular in the Moscow region, Siberia, the Urals and other areas of the middle lane.

Since the duration of daylight hours in the Moscow region is short, the growing season is carried out only in spring and autumn. However, due to the unique ability to recover quickly, the mulberry plant is able to withstand Russian winters with temperatures up to -30 degrees. However, this only applies to a few species.

Having decided to plant and propagate such an outlandish plant on your site, first of all, you should select the mulberry varieties that are cultivated in your region.

The mulberry plant has 17 species. Every year, breeders develop new varieties of plants, which include more than 200 subspecies. The most common types include red, black and white mulberries. In the temperate zone, white mulberry is grown.

White and black mulberries differ not in the color of the berries, but in the shades of the bark of the plant. The trunk and branches of the white mulberry are light beige or light yellow. Black mulberry has more dark shades bark.

Equally important is the choice of plant shape. Given the cold winters, mulberry is formed as a low-growing tree or shrub. Mulberry green plant often used in landscaping a site in the form of hedges, alleys or singly.

How to choose the right seedling, propagation methods

Reproduction of the mulberry tree is carried out in several ways: by seeds, cuttings, layering, grafting and young shoots.

The seed method of cultivation is mainly used by breeders in order to obtain a stock of varietal seedlings. The method is not difficult, but takes a very long time. Seeds are stratified two months before planting. And landing in open ground is carried out after two years.

Seeds are sown in April in fertile soil to a depth of 1 centimeter, plantings need regular watering.

Seedlings with a good root system come out of the cuttings. However, under normal conditions, this method is difficult to implement. Gardeners often resort to the layering method.

The easiest method of acquiring a mulberry plant is seedlings. When buying mulberry seedlings, you should find out in what area they grew. For example, seeds or seedlings brought from the south in the middle lane will not take root because of the frosty winter. Seedlings grown in your region are more adapted to the local climate.

Mulberry is a dioecious plant with female and male shoots. It is impossible to know the sex before fruiting. Only 3-5 years after planting, fruits appear on female shoots. Male shoots do not bear fruit. They are used as decoration and landscaping of the garden. Therefore, it is worth stopping the choice only on three-year-old seedlings that have already borne fruit.

Choosing a place for planting a mulberry tree

Mulberry loves sunny, windless places. The best option serves to accommodate the mulberry tree South side. Near the fence or wall of the house, the plant will be protected from drafts and wind.

Mulberry loves sheltered from the wind and well-lit places.

It is important soil composition lands. Suitable for planting loose loamy soils with deep groundwater. However, the plant is able to take root in saline soils. When planting a mulberry tree in empty sandy lands, it is worth additionally creating drainage from a layer of broken bricks. Mineral fertilizers are applied to enrich the soil.

Waterlogged soils, lowlands are detrimental to the mulberry tree. In damp, waterlogged or compacted soil, the plant withers or dies.

Depending on the shape of the mulberry tree, it is worthwhile to determine in advance the area of ​​\u200b\u200bits planting. For bushy mulberries, the distance between seedlings should be 3 m, and for standard form- 5 m.

Rules and planting technology in spring and autumn

Mulberry seedlings are planted in spring and autumn periods. In the spring, mainly in April, planting is done before the start of sap flow. In order for the plant to take root in the fall, it is planted before the onset of the season of heavy rains and frosts.

It is desirable to plant mulberries in the middle lane in the spring. During summer season young shoots will grow bark and will not die in the first winter.

Seedlings are planted in pre-prepared pits with a depth of half a meter, 80 * 80 cm in size. A bucket of compost or humus is placed on the bottom. The straightened, freely lying roots of seedlings are lowered, falling asleep with earth. Filled soil, to improve rooting, is mixed with 150 grams of minerals. Watered and tamped. The sowing of mulberries is completed with mulching, which protects the seedlings from freezing in winter time.

When buying a mulberry seedling, preference should be given to planting material grown in your region

Plant a plant and seed way. At the end of autumn, the seeds are treated with a special solution or stratified in the spring two months before planting. Such preparation is necessary for better seed germination. The seeds are placed in the soil with a depth of 3-5 cm. Watered and laid mulch from freezing.

  • planting a plant, root collar needs to be deepened a bit. The deepening of the roots of the mulberry, unlike the apple tree or pear, does not lead to a warming of the bark;
  • Pits for planting are prepared in advance, allowing them to stand;
  • Dig pits of such dimensions that the roots can freely accommodate;
  • Don't overdo the fertilization. Due to the overabundance, more shoots will appear;
  • The thin stem of the plant is tied to a peg or board placed in a hole in advance;
  • If the soil is heavy, add half a wheelbarrow of peat to the soil.

Observing all the rules of planting, the plant easily takes root and quickly grows.

Caring for a newly planted seedling

In care, mulberry is unpretentious. If planting was carried out in the spring, in the first half of summer, mineral or organic fertilizers are applied in a small amount and watered abundantly. After July, seedlings cannot be fertilized. Also in the second half of summer, watering is carried out as needed, without waterlogging the soil.

Newly planted mulberry seedling

During the summer season trunk circle seedlings are weeded and loosened the ground. Old dried branches are pruned.

IN summer time young shoots grow rapidly. During this period, the plant can be propagated. Cutting off the shoot, divide it into small cuttings 15-20 cm and plant in the ground in a greenhouse at an angle of 45 degrees. By autumn, the cuttings will have roots, and they can be planted in the garden next spring.

To save mulberries from strong winds and frosts, in autumn the side shoots are tilted to the ground and covered with spunbond. The edges of the spunbond are pressed with stones or bricks, protecting the plant from rodents. Additionally, mulch from needles, straw or fallen leaves is added to the near-trunk circle. During the winter, part of the shoots will freeze. However, the mulberry quickly adapts to spring and will produce new shoots.

Subsequent care of the seedling, how to cut and shape the crown

Water the plant with the onset of dry weather. Top dressing is applied once a season. Fertilize the soil with manure wood ash, nitrogenous and potash fertilizers. In the fight against diseases and pests, insecticides, fungicides and urea 7% are used. Fertilizers are applied during the dormant period - in spring or autumn.

For the winter, the mulberry tree is mulched and covered with flooring. In the spring, the flooring is removed and the branches that are weak and damaged during the winter are cut.

weeping mulberry

The mulberry tree develops rapidly for the first few years before fruiting. During this period, the formation of the skeleton of the plant is carried out. In April - May, before the onset of sap flow and bud break, formative and rejuvenating pruning is performed. Weeping mulberries thin out the crown and shorten the branches. For standard mulberry, it is necessary to form a crown. Young shoots are removed, leaving one bare trunk with a lush spherical or cascading crown. On summer cottages and household plots, plants are formed low up to 1.5 - 2 m, cutting off upper shoots.

The regular yield of mulberries occurs at 4-5 years. They accelerate the appearance of fruits with the help of vaccinations, after which the plant bears fruit in the third year. The berries ripen in July - August. Ripe fruits often fall off. To improve the collection, a spunbond is laid under the bush.

Mulberry is increasingly being used on summer cottages. The mulberry plant is resistant to the climate of middle latitudes, quickly takes root and grows intensively. In case of freezing, the plant quickly adapts and gives new shoots. If during the first two years the seedlings took root in a new place, then in the future they will tolerate winters well. With care, mulberries can be passed on to the next generations. The age of the plant can reach up to 200 years. And sweet mulberries will benefit the body. After all, the mulberry tree is one of the most useful plants in the world.

Among the usual garden crops in many areas you can find black mulberry - useful plant with tasty and juicy fruits. It is this type of plant that enjoys well-deserved popularity among gardeners, since the tree has high decorative qualities, and the berries stand out for their sweetness and unique chemical composition.

Varieties and their description

As for the classification of the Mulberry genus, to which mulberry belongs, at the moment there are more than two hundred types of culture, but about 17 varieties, including black mulberry, are more popular in terms of cultivation in private gardens. And this plant has several dozen varieties that are grown around the world. Iran is considered the birthplace of black mulberry, where the fruits of the tree were actively eaten.

The berries are notable for their high taste characteristics, which, as practice shows, are several times superior to the similar qualities of white mulberry fruits. Since the south is considered the birthplace of mulberry, the plant belongs to heat-loving crops, however, among the rich selection of varieties there are a lot of frost-resistant ones.

As for the transportability of the crop, not all fruits of the plant have a very good keeping quality, in light of which they cannot withstand transportation over long distances.

Among the most popular varieties of black berries, such crops should be distinguished.

  • "Black Prince". The plant is self-fertile and resistant to frost, in addition, the berries of this variety stand out from the rest of the representatives with a satisfactory keeping quality, which makes it possible to transport useful black mulberry for subsequent sale in other regions. The culture is quite unpretentious in terms of care, drought-resistant, ripe berries have a honey aftertaste.
  • "Ukrainka-6". The harvested crop of this variety of black mulberry can also be transported. This plant is valued by gardeners not only for the taste of berries, but also due to the decorative features of the culture.
  • Mulberry "Istanbul". This variety belongs to large-fruited species, in addition, the tree itself in adulthood can reach a height of 5-7 meters. The culture acquires the ability to bear fruit only 3-4 years after planting, the mulberry tolerates temperature drops well, so the variety is often cultivated in the Moscow region.
  • "Black Baroness" The culture is distinguished by early fruiting and large berries, the size of the fruit can reach 4 centimeters, outwardly the berries are very similar to blackberries. The plant is undemanding in terms of care and tolerates drought well.

"Black Prince"

"Black Baroness"

  • "Hartut". A popular variety of black mulberry used for suburban garden plantings. Ripe berries can grow up to 5 centimeters in length. The harvest is often used for processing into juices.
  • "Shelly No. 150". The culture was bred by a Ukrainian breeder, the berries of such a plant are very large and tasty. In addition, plants of this variety are distinguished by a fairly high yield. In some cases, a leaf from Shelley No. 150 mulberry can grow up to half a meter.
  • "Plodovaya-4". The plant bears fruit with berries, the size of which is about 4-5 centimeters, the tree itself, as a rule, grows up to a five-meter mark. Mulberry tolerates negative air temperatures, is very often used for industrial cultivation even in the regions of Siberia.
  • "Galicia-1". Culture is the result of the work of Ukrainian breeders. The popularity of the variety is due to the very large berries with which the tree bears fruit, usually their size is about 7-8 centimeters. In addition, there is an amazing berry freshness in the taste of the fruit.
  • "Ostryakovskaya". It bears fruit with large berries, the variety belongs to winter-hardy crops, the yield is stable, the fruits have a minimal sour taste. The plant reaches 6 meters in height.

"Shelly No. 150"


Difference from white

Despite the fact that white and black mulberries belong to the same family, the cultures have a number of fundamental differences.

  • First of all, this concerns external differences, which relate to the color of the bark and shoots of the tree. In the black species, the color of the trunk and branches will be much richer and darker.
  • The foliage of the black variety is larger and stiffer.
  • Adult cultures can reach a height of fifteen meters.
  • It is noteworthy that black mulberry tends to develop rapidly in the first years after rooting, however, growth stops over time.
  • Dark mulberry blooms with inconspicuous inflorescences, which are barely visible in a dense green mass.
  • The ripening of black berries is quite extended in time, so the harvest continues from June to August.
  • Black berries have found application not only in the food industry, but also as a natural dye. Vinegar and sugar are obtained from the fruits.
  • Mulberries can be used to make non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages, unlike white berries, the fruits give the drink a very beautiful color.

Useful properties and harm

The main advantage of mulberry is its chemical composition, especially the presence of a large amount of potassium is considered outstanding, which is important in case of deficiency of this microelement. As for the presence of vitamins, black mulberry contains:

Among the available microelements, manganese, iron and zinc can be noted, as well as a group of macroelements where calcium, sodium and phosphorus are released, which is important when there is a deficiency of important substances in the body. By the rich chemical composition berries are considered to be medicinal, so their use is indicated for diseases gastrointestinal tract. Unripe fruits, which have astringent properties, will help get rid of heartburn, and ripe mulberries act as a natural antioxidant and mild diuretic. Ripe berries are used in folk medicine as a laxative.

Black mulberry is indicated for use during the recovery period after undergoing surgical interventions or great physical exertion. Due to the presence of B vitamins in the complex, the berry is shown to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, which has a positive effect on the quality of sleep and the ability to withstand stressful situations. Micro and macro elements normalize the work of hematopoiesis, and also increase hemoglobin levels.

Due to the low-calorie composition, mulberries are recommended for inclusion in the diet menu - one hundred grams of a fresh product contains no more than 52 kcal.

It has been established that regular consumption of mulberry helps to reduce swelling and normalize the functioning of the heart muscle and kidneys. Black mulberry bark is used in folk medicine as an anthelmintic, and a decoction from the root of the culture is indicated in the treatment of wet cough.

The juice of fresh fruits of the plant is used to treat gastritis and peptic ulcers of the oral cavity, for example, stomatitis. In addition, complex compositions based on mulberry bark are used for compresses in the treatment of skin ailments, as well as burns and ulcers. However, the benefits of berries can in some cases have a completely opposite effect on the human body. This applies to the moments when low-quality fruits that were grown in an unfavorable ecological environment are used for food.

It is also worth refraining from the joint use of mulberry juice with other berry drinks, since such a composition can cause fermentation processes in the digestive tract. Unfortunately, in some cases, the fruits can cause allergic reactions, so familiarity with the berries should be gradual. There are a number of restrictions regarding the use of mulberries in hot weather by people who suffer from hypertension, since the fruits can cause an increase in pressure. Due to the presence of sugars, which are about 20% in the ripe mulberry, this berry is contraindicated for diabetics.


Since most mulberry varieties are dioecious plants, rooting berry tree in the garden, it should be done in pairs so that trees with female and male flowers are present on the territory. But among the available varieties of black mulberry, there are also self-fertile species that are perfectly pollinated naturally.

The plant quickly adapts to the landing site, in addition, several varieties of berries can be grown on one tree at once. In nature, there are trees whose height reaches 30-35 meters, but in conditions of private planting, such crops will hardly be appropriate, so crown formation is required. The tree usually lives for about two to three hundred years, and begins to bear fruit 3-5 years after rooting.

Planting mulberries to obtain a stable and tasty crop should be carried out in the appropriate soil. For such a culture, loose loam or sandy loam soil is preferable. In sandy soil, mulberry will form additional roots for more reliable anchorage; culture develops well in saline soil. Experienced gardeners recommend planting young seedlings in early spring or autumn. At the beginning of the year, it is better to root the trees in April, if the plant is planted in the fall, then it is better to schedule work for the end of September or October.

Before planting a mulberry tree, it is necessary to properly prepare holes for rooting, it is more correct to carry out this work in advance so that the earth can stand. The optimal depth of the hole will be 70-80 centimeters, however, in terms of size, you should rely on the size of the root system of the seedling. The bottom of the hole must be fertilized with a complex mineral composition, which will increase the likelihood of a quick adaptation of the plant in the garden. The technology of planting mulberry does not differ from similar work with other horticultural crops - the seedling is located in the middle of the pit, straightens root system, after which the plant is covered with earth.

However, the young culture needs additional reinforcement, so a peg must be placed in the hole for the subsequent garter. To cultivate mulberries in your own garden, planting material can be grown with your own hands or purchased from a specialized nursery. Reproduction of a mulberry tree is possible in two ways - cuttings or seed method. The latter option is rather lengthy in time, since the primary task of the gardener is the passage of mandatory stratification by the planting material. After that, sowing of hardened seeds is carried out in a greenhouse with the advent of spring. Rooting in open ground is possible only after a few years.

Cuttings take root in only 15-20% of cases, fifteen-centimeter shoots are selected to obtain material, after which all foliage is removed from them, and the branches themselves are kept for about 10 hours in water. The next step is deepening planting material in a special soil mixture, with a constant maintenance of 95% humidity and temperature in the range of +23 +30 C.

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