All ways to create a wardrobe-bed. Modern beds in the wall - convenience and practicality in one product Do-it-yourself folding bed built into the closet

One of the most stylish and ergonomic solutions for unusual bedrooms in private houses and apartments is the purchase of furniture such as a wardrobe bed. In its appearance, it is no different from an ordinary bed, but its main feature is hidden inside. The design of the wardrobe-bed has a mechanism that attaches it to the wall. Thus, in the absence of free space can be easily folded sleeping area, fixing it in vertical position, and thereby significantly expand the free area. In the evening, the construction is easily translated into horizontal position, and thanks to a special reclining mechanism, absolutely any housewife can cope with it.

In the closet, has exactly the same appearance as in the photo.

As you can see, the design is quite unusual.

How to make a wardrobe bed with your own hands? About design

First, let's look at the configuration of this type of furniture. And it consists of only a few parts:

  1. Foundations (sleeping place).
  2. Steel frame (frame), which is fixed to the wall.

In this case, the base is attached to the bottom of the frame. This configuration in the furniture industry is also called a "compartment bed". It can be attached to the frame of one of the short sides. In this case, the furniture in the folded state will look like a cabinet. If the base of the structure is connected by a long end, then the product in this state can be used as a cabinet. However, no matter what kind of wardrobe-bed it has, the main thing is that it is firmly fixed on the wall and does not “slide” into a horizontal position.

About the drawing

As we can see, the wardrobe-bed (a photo of the scheme of this furniture can be seen below) has a very primitive design. However, if you decide to make this product with your own hands, do not abandon the drawing. Draw a diagram of the location of all manufacturers and mechanisms, calculate the distances, all dimensions and make a calculation. In this way, you will not only reduce the risks of creating a curved structure (as happens in the case of creating a product according to a “from the head” drawing), but also significantly reduce the cost of materials, since you will already know the exact amount metal corners and wood boards. When buying the latter, you should pay Special attention their quality, since it is on them that the correct location of the mattress and your comfort during sleep in general will depend.

On the boards, it should lie tightly. But at the same time, the mattress should be placed so that, if necessary, it can be easily removed.

Do-it-yourself wardrobe-bed - the process of assembling the frame structure

The frame is the base of the entire bed, which must withstand enormous loads and not bend when mechanical damage. In our case, it will consist of 3 sides of the same height and sides that hold the boards and the mattress. One of the sides will be equipped with a lifting mechanism, respectively, it must be as strong and reliable as possible. Its height may be equal to all other sides, or it may be slightly lower - there is no difference in this. Which one to choose with your own hands made, can be supplied with both a gas elevator and furniture hinges. The latter option can be considered if the budget for the manufacture of this design is very limited.

But before you make a wardrobe-bed with your own hands, remember that all the parts that will form the frame must be connected into a complete structure with wood pins. They must first be smeared with special glue. Also, before installation, you need to drill holes for them. The pins should not be round, but rectangular shape, that is, each corner in them has a slope of 90 degrees. Of course, it is impossible to guarantee a reliable connection of all parts with glue alone, so when it dries, screw a few additional screws into the structure. This way you can finally secure all sides of the bed.


After screwing in the screws, you need to install special mattress stops on the wardrobe-bed with your own hands. Also, one should not forget about additional stiffeners, which will give the device greater strength. A rail with a section of 100x50 millimeters should be fixed around the entire perimeter. It will serve as a limiter for the mattress. Here we attach the longitudinal crossbar. After that, you need to install the cross planks. The mattress itself will lie on the latter. Boards are installed at an equal distance from each other. The optimal distance is 50 centimeters.

Place of attachment

How to make a wardrobe bed with your own hands after assembling the frame? Here you need to think about exactly where it will be installed against the wall. It is best to use self-tapping screws, connecting the cabinet to the base.

You can also use special steel fasteners that are attached to the sides of the device and then mounted to the wall.

Installation of the lifting mechanism

As we noted above, this furniture is equipped with either gas lifts or furniture hinges. In the first case, you will need to buy 2 lifts and for each of them make a corresponding base on one side of the frame.

In the case of loops, you will also need 2 such devices. Please note that the cabinet bed with a gas lift type lifting mechanism is designed so that it takes on most of the load and weight of the tool. Therefore, even a one-and-a-half-sleeping sofa can be raised with just one hand.


After that, it is necessary to purchase and install in the facades - planks that are attached to the long side of the device frame. In part, these parts can serve as a side. They are mounted to the base using special hinges, which are usually included in the set of these products.

If in work as boards and other wooden parts if you used products from a fresh forest (natural pine, for example), then it is best to treat it with additional varnish.

Paint is optional. It is enough to buy a jar with a transparent or translucent varnish (the label will say “for wood”) and brush all areas of the surface with a brush wooden products. It is also worth noting that before varnishing, this product should be carefully treated with stain.

Film finish

There is one more Alternative option- pasting wood with a special film. It can be painted in chrome, wood of any ornament or plastic. Thus, you will not only protect the bed from moisture, but also make its design as harmonious as possible with the interior of the bedroom. By the way, even a chipboard panel pasted over with such a film can look like natural oak or cedar (of course, if you choose the appropriate sticker design).

Additionally, this bed can be used as a wardrobe when folded. To do this, you just need to provide its frame with additional shelves and This design does not harm the interior of the room at all, and also significantly saves free space in the house.

At this stage, it can be finally attached to the wall and used as a full-fledged sleeping place for 1 or 2 people (depending on which frame dimensions you have chosen).



Making a wardrobe bed with your own hands is quite simple, if you correctly approach this issue, pick up good drawings and furnish the bedroom modern, multifunctional furniture. And how exactly to do this, we'll talk in our material.

Structurally, the wardrobe bed transformer can be divided into two types:

  • Horizontal;
  • Vertical.

Each wardrobe bed has its own characteristics and advantages, so be guided by your own wishes and requirements. Plus, do not forget whether this or that design of the transformer will fit advantageously in your bedroom.

Regardless of the location, each transformer bed, combined with a wardrobe, includes three elements:

  • Cabinet box. It is quite possible to do it yourself;
  • Bed. Sleeping area. The bed can be double, one and a half or single. Many prefer to buy a stock;
  • Bed lift. The system that is responsible for raising and lowering the bed in the cabinet. Here it is better not to invent, but to buy a ready-made, high-quality and efficient mechanism.


Can be used for box wooden planks or quality chipboard. Based on the drawings, you can easily make a full-fledged bed-wardrobe transformer into your own bedroom.

  1. Choose a wall where the bed closet is located, at least 2 bricks thick.
  2. If the material is chipboard, the plates are not very light, so be sure to strengthen vertical walls on which the movable part of the bed will be held.
  3. The box is the main, bearing component of the entire transformer, so you should not save on the reliability and strength of the materials used.
  4. Having assembled a frame of three walls, you can proceed to the choice of a bed and a lifting mechanism.

Lifting mechanisms

The transformer will require the presence of lifting mechanisms that will greatly simplify the process of turning the cabinet into a bed and vice versa.

Today, the range of lifts is represented by a wide selection, where you can find:

  • The simplest garage curtains;
  • solid axes;
  • Pins with bearings;
  • Hydraulic drives;
  • Electrical devices, etc.

In order for the double bed to rise and fall easily enough, sometimes you just need to fix the lifts. But here you should be guided by the fact that the rise and fixation of the berth are carried out effortlessly. For these purposes, experts advise using:

  • Counterweights;
  • Gas shock absorbers;
  • Blocks of twisted springs.

Among all the options presented, gas shock absorbers are the most versatile, reliable and modern. Plus, they simplify the process of transforming furniture as much as possible, since they take on the main load.


When assembling a transformer in the form of a bed with a wardrobe, special attention should be paid to the bed. We noted that the bed can be purchased ready-made, thereby avoiding a rather laborious process for its manufacture.

But if you want to make furniture in the bedroom completely with your own hands, developed drawings and chose a photo as an example of the end goal, then try to build a bed yourself.

Many make a bed for a transformer based on factory-type frames with orthopedic properties. To do this, manufacturers use metal profiles, curved tarpaulin slats and an orthopedic mattress.

What kind of transformer bed can you make?

  1. The frame of a bed or bed is constructed from boards, wooden blocks, based on prepared drawings. The skeleton will determine the dimensions of the future bed, its dimensions. Please note that it must fit inside the cabinet, otherwise it will no longer be a transformer.
  2. Buy a ready-made mattress, orthopedic. Moreover, a mattress is first purchased, and on its basis, calculations are made of the dimensions of the future bed-wardrobe. No other way. Otherwise, you may simply not guess, then everything will have to be redone again.
  3. Instead of curved slats, boards fixed flat across the width of the bed with a gap of about 1 centimeter between them are suitable. Or you can install several boards on the ribs, and fix a sheet of chipboard or plywood of sufficient thickness on top. Both design options will be approximately the same weight and strength level.
  4. A wall can act as a headboard, that is, you will sleep with your head as if inside a closet. If the bed is installed horizontally, then you can come up with something individually for yourself, so that there is something to lean on with the back of your head.

A finished bed will cost at least 20 thousand rubles, and the price of a homemade bed can be about 5 thousand. The choice is yours.


In addition to the fact that the bed will be hidden in the closet, it can be used for its intended purpose. This is especially true for horizontal beds, where the top of the closet will be completely free to place shelves, hangers, drawers there.

If you prefer the vertical arrangement, where the bed is laid up, then the transformer cabinet can be made into two sections or more, where:

  • The first will be completely dedicated to the bed;
  • The second will be able to play the role of a closet directly, justifying its name - a wardrobe-bed.

It remains to assemble all the components together and your transformer is ready. There is nothing particularly difficult in its manufacture. But the result exceeds the expectations of many. The main task is to correctly calculate the dimensions so that the drawing is fully consistent real opportunities and dimensions of the transformer elements. And the rest is a matter of technology.

The bed with the folding mechanism is a transformable design. The product, if necessary, is modified into a cabinet, furniture wall helping to save space in small apartments Oh. The design is convenient to use, compact, technologically advanced, provides quality rest. Folding bed with your own hands - a budget option. Self-assembly reduces the cost of the product, allows you to develop author's design, add details (shelves, mirrors, etc.).

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Types of folding beds

Designs with a folding mechanism are multifunctional, because. combine several pieces of furniture. Manufacturers produce beds combined with a wardrobe, with a sofa or a shelving unit. There are designs that transform into a cabinet.

A bed with a folding mechanism, built into the closet, allows you to accommodate a single bed or a double euro-format bed. Options have been developed that hide 2 separate beds. The doors of the simulated cabinet can swing open or slide apart.

Models of beds combined with a wardrobe and a sofa are ergonomic and allow you to equip a place for daytime relaxation. The design is roomy, so only double format models are produced. A bed with a sofa is more expensive than other transformers.

The design with the folding mechanism can be modified in a curbstone. In the disassembled state, the product is a sleeping bed, and during the day it makes room for a study. The model is budgetary, because does not require a powerful lifting device.

Placing a folding bed on the balcony is an ergonomic solution for small studios. But to organize a place of rest, you will need to insulate the room.

Folding beds can be with one or more tiers. More common products are single. Designs with 2 tiers are used in the arrangement of rooms for children and adolescents.

According to the method of opening, the models are divided into 2 groups: transverse-folding (horizontal) and longitudinally-folding (vertical).

The vertical rise bed is popular in small apartments. The sleeping bed is fixed perpendicular to the wall surface. The model is not limited in length and width. The size range is represented by single, one and a half and double products. The designs are massive and not intended for children's rooms.

Horizontal lift beds are suitable for narrow spaces with low ceilings. Designs are optimal for attics and children's rooms, because. take up minimal space even when unfolded. Products can be disguised as bookcases and shelves.

Types of fasteners

3 types of folding mechanisms for transforming beds have been developed: manual, spring, gas.

IN handheld device there are no elements that facilitate the lifting of the bed, so physical effort is required during operation. Fixing structure simple, reliable and cost effective. However, the mechanism is not suitable for children's bedrooms.

The design on springs is universal, with affordable price. Twisted spirals are used in the lifting mechanism. The manufacturer issues a guarantee for the system from 3 to 5 years. During the operation of the bed, it is required to inspect and control the condition of the springs.

The gas mechanism is the most functional, reliable, durable. The device does not require physical effort during operation, because. the bed is raised by gas lifts. The power of the mechanism is selected depending on the dimensions of the structure, the weight of the mattress. The manufacturer's warranty on the devices is 10 years. The cost of the mechanism is high.

Fasteners are selected taking into account the dimensions of the bed. The configuration of the room and the availability of free space affect the choice of horizontal or vertical view lift.

The power of the gas mechanism is selected taking into account operating conditions. Some devices have a limit permissible load, therefore, it is necessary to take into account the weight of the bed and mattress when choosing a wall attachment system. Complete with mechanisms, amplifiers and blockers are implemented to protect against arbitrary operation of the device.

Folding bed drawings

In the production of a folding bed with your own hands according to the drawings, you can use diagrams with standard parameters. Custom design is also possible. You can design furniture according to drawings designed for dimensions, room configuration and required functionality. The product can be supplemented with a chest of drawers, drawers, shelves, including them in the drawing.

Typical design should be built using the parameters of the bed base, cabinet frame, lifting mechanism, decor elements. It is required to fix the box to the wall, based on the dimensions displayed on the dimensional and assembly drawings. It is important to accurately carry out the mounting scheme of the power element, taking into account the thickness of the mechanism, the height and width of the bed, the thickness of the sides, etc. You want to display main fastening lines in drawings.

Self-assembly of the structure

Before you make a folding bed, you need to prepare a set of tools, raw materials, elements and installation schemes. Will be required wooden beam under the frame edged boards for crossbeams, and for sidewalls and headboard - furniture boards. The kit includes plywood sheets, loops for attaching the structure to the wall, bars for the legs. The set of tools includes a tape measure, a level and a square, an electric jigsaw, a set of screwdrivers and screwdrivers, a drill, and a grinder.

Assembly work is carried out on smooth surface. At each stage, it is required to check the perpendicularity of the corners using a square. A typical design involves the assembly of an internal mechanism, a sleeping surface, facade walls, handles, straps for fixing bedding and mattress.

Do-it-yourself vertical bed

The vertical lift design includes a box, a sleeping surface, lifting device. For the type of fastening, the strength of the walls is important, concrete or brick panels are preferred.

Work begins with the assembly of the frame, the dimensions of which are affected by the value sleeping bed. The main components of the box: vertical and horizontal walls, rear panel, thrust shelf and plinth. The depth of the frame is determined taking into account the thickness of the mattress, 32 cm is added to the indicator. For a furniture box, the width of the mattress is important, to which 16 cm is added. The details of the box are fastened with self-tapping screws, the elements located on the facade are glued.

Then they assemble a place to sleep, which consists of sidewalls, a headboard, a slatted base. The mattress is attached to the loops of belts. The box and bed are connected by a lifting mechanism to self-tapping screws. Completed the installation of parts. Shelves are mounted on the sides of the box, cabinets for linen are installed below.

What do you do with old furniture?

Multifunctional folding furniture is an excellent option for an apartment small sizes. Often, all the same room can be used for various functions, moreover, changing the room from one state to another is brought quickly enough, which is precisely why the use of folding furniture is very useful.

Sliding wardrobe drawing

How does a folding bed work?

  • A - the bed can be easily removed from the cabinet niche;
  • B - unfolded bed.

A folding bed (folding bed) is one of the most popular types of multifunctional space creation.

What are folding beds

  1. Folding bed. Incredibly great option, it makes it possible to significantly save room space, since the structure can be completely removed. You can make a bed of this type with your own hands, you just need to take an ordinary spring mattress, put it in a wooden frame and attach the system with hinges to a bar that is nailed to the wall.
  2. Secretary-bed. This variant of a folding bed consists of 2 bearing racks, a folding bed is fixed to these racks. outer wall in such a case, when folded, it will act as a desktop cover.
  3. Folding bed. A long-standing option since the time of the union. Today's folding beds are much more comfortable and small, they fold very easily, they can be stored in lockers and special bedside tables.

Distinctive characteristics of the folding type design

Scheme of the device of a folding bed made of wood

Folding systems can be both vertical and horizontal. If for example in question about a sleeping place for a baby, then very often they choose the horizontal option, his baby is fully able to fold it on his own. As for the load on the bed that reclines, it can be any, which is why it is perfect for everyone and it does not depend on weight. Solid wood or chipboard is used as the main material, and necessary component is considered a mechanism for lifting as gas lifts or specialized springs. It is wiser to use gas lifts, their service life is longer than that of springs, they also do not need additional adjustment. It is also necessary to take into account a similar moment, like fastening a bed, it can only be, for example, if you have thick concrete walls.

A folding bed is a versatile piece of furniture. Additional shelves above it and on its sides, racks, lockers, you can make a specialized compartment where you can put bed sheets. If, for example, your bed folds easily into a closet, then another similar closet where you can store things will look good next to it. The folding system can fit into virtually any design, it does not depend at all on the size of the room, as well as its purpose. The most important thing is to carefully work on the design of the style of the room and choose the right furniture items.

The size must meet generally accepted standards: the width of a single bed is 80 cm, a double bed should be 160 cm, and a length of at least two meters. In accordance with the size, a mattress is chosen, its filling can be very, very different, it all depends on your own desires.

If you decide to make a bed with my own hands, you will need boards, chipboard or plywood, fiberboard, fastening, lifting mechanism, hinges, belts, mattress. The first step is to create a plan for the bedroom area, where all dimensions will be accurately shown. The ideal option would be a transforming bed that can be folded into a closet. Therefore, its length and width should be slightly less height and cabinet width. Then we will proceed to the production of the frame of the future bed from planks and chipboard.

We must not forget that the system must be, on the one hand, strong, and on the other, not heavy. The front legs of the bed can be made as a solid wall, which are hinged.

Much attention must be paid to the installation of the lifting mechanism. As mentioned earlier, it is best to use gas elevators as a lift, the power of which is selected in accordance with the weight of the bed.

The gas lift is placed in a similar way: the parts must be fixed over the sides of the sidewall and cabinet bed.

The second step is the installation of shock absorbers, first of all from below, and then from above. If you want to make a single bed with a light bed, you can get by with hinged hinges, without installing an additional mechanism for lifting. After installing and constructing the bed frame and mounting the lifting mechanism, all you have to do is lay the mattress and attach it using specialized straps.

The final touch will be the installation of cabinet doors and the adjustment of fittings. Now the folding bed can be tested, that is, lie down on it.

Each rollaway bed is an excellent designer move for both a small room and an open space. During the day, the room can be used for work, classes, recreation, and at night spend your rest on a comfortable bed. By making a folding bed with your own hands, you will make a unique and unusual interior, saving a lot of money plus.

Another option for a folding bed with your own hands - video

In any home there is a piece of furniture that takes up the most space, of course, this is the bed. It is especially difficult for owners of small apartments, so many of them prefer folding sofas. But, in fact, no sofa is able to fully replace a comfortable spacious bed. It is for such cases that they were developed folding mechanisms. Today we will talk about how to make a folding bed with your own hands.

Do you need such furniture?

Lack of living space is a problem for many modern families. IN small rooms it is necessary to place the entire set of furniture, without which in ordinary life not enough. A folding bed with your own hands, made at home, will help save living space and improve the quality of sleep. Of course, it is easier to visit the nearest furniture showroom and buy it there, but why spend extra money, because you can do everything yourself? The work process does not involve any particular difficulties, it is enough to be able to handle a certain tool, and the necessary components and accessories can be purchased on the market or in a specialized store. Like any other piece of furniture, such a bed has its pros and cons.


  • Saving time, effort of the hostess and free space. Upholstery in assembled form does not accumulate dust.
  • Aesthetics. A large berth is perfectly disguised as a chest of drawers or wardrobe when assembled.


  • Difficulty in transporting to another place.
  • You will have to spend your own on production free time and strength.

What are folding beds?

Basically, such furniture is placed in cabinets, because it is intended to save free space. Before we look at how a folding bed is made with our own hands, drawings and diagrams, we should understand what such designs are like:

  1. Vertical beds. As a rule, they are placed in special niches in the wall. If desired, the furniture can be hidden with colorful original photo wallpapers. Such models are suitable for everyone, regardless of weight, height, age. They can be single or double.
  2. horizontal models. This design assumes that near the wall, instead of a headboard, there will be a left or Right side beds.

Important! More often, such options are used in children's rooms, because kids do not need too much space to sleep. This model is much easier to open than the vertical one.

What materials are needed for work?

Before you make a folding bed with your own hands, buy everything necessary materials. Below we provide an indicative list, which you can change depending on the situation.

You will need:

  • For the manufacture of the frame, a wooden beam with a section of 40 by 40.
  • Edged boards for crossbeams.
  • For the manufacture of sidewalls and backs furniture boards.
  • Plywood sheets.
  • Legs.
  • For attaching the bed to the wall of the loop.
  • Mattress.
  • Folding mechanism.

Main components

A special role is played by a do-it-yourself folding bed mechanism, as well as a mattress. In fact, such a piece of furniture is able to accept almost any type of mattress, but it is better, of course, to purchase an orthopedic model. The mechanism for raising and lowering the structure, of course, is its most important component. The quality of this part determines how easy and easy it will be for you to hide the bed in a niche.

Important! If you give preference to a high option, then it will almost independently occupy its original position.

At the moment, there are three options for folding mechanisms:

  • Mechanical.
  • On gas shock absorbers.
  • On springs.

Self-assembly of a folding bed

If you have planned a folding bed with your own hands, then, subject to its rational placement, you can save a lot of space in daytime, because it will practically not take up space.

For assembly you will need a frame, lifting mechanism, bed. Make the bed according to this step-by-step scheme:

  • We start with the frame. It can be made in the form of a cabinet or any other piece of furniture that matches design premises.

Important! When choosing the material for the box, remember that you will have to lift it after the main structure. And the wall to which you decide to attach the product must be concrete, capable of withstanding such a huge load.

  • Attach the box to the wall using the repeat axes and the top horizontal of the structure. The thickness of the walls located vertically should be 2.5 cm, and those that are horizontal - 1.5-2.5 cm.
  • The frame will consist of a plinth and a persistent shelf. The back wall can be omitted. If you think that in your case it is necessary, then use chipboard plates.
  • Attach all the parts with self-tapping screws, and they should be located at a distance of 25 cm from each other. move back wall to the box until it is fixed. It must be installed on a level floor.
  • Calculate the dimensions of the case, taking into account the dimensions of the mattress, the bed itself, the thickness of the back.
  • Take two side boards, a headboard and two backboards to make a bed. Secure the mattress to the bed with strong straps. Other parts can be mounted with mounting brackets.
  • Connect the bed to the box using the lifting mechanism.

Important! It is better to give preference to the factory-made gas spring version so that you can fix the bed in the wall with your own hands in any position.

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