What and how to wash silicone baking molds? What dishes should not be washed in the dishwasher? Rules Is it possible to put a silicone mold in the dishwasher?

Before you start reading this article, I want to make a small clarification. There is no need to regard this and many other Lifehacker materials as a call to immediate action. This is just someone else's experience, food for thought.

IN in this case Be sure to make sure that heat and moisture won't ruin what you're about to put in the dishwasher. Be sure to put any small items in a special box. Under no circumstances should you wash items in the car that are heavily soiled or contain sand, soil, or pebbles.

Well, first re-read the instructions for your device, and then experiment.

1. Toys

If you have a little one in your house, you need to take care of the cleanliness of his toys. The best way to do this is to put them in the dishwasher.

If toys contain small parts, use a special washing bag.

2. Silicone molds and baking mats

Manually cleaning these items from cooking marks is not so easy. But a dishwasher will easily cope with the task.

3. Car hubcaps

Unexpected, right? But why not wash the wheel caps of your favorite car so that they sparkle like new? Of course, it’s better not to tell your wife about this.

4. Beach slippers and other shoes

Not all shoes can be put into the dishwasher, but simple rubber flip-flops won't do anything wrong. Besides the fact that they will become so pristinely clean and shiny, as if you just brought them from the store.

5. Figurines

Tired of dusting off your collection of porcelain elephants and shepherdesses? Throw them in the dishwasher!

6. Tools

The tools are different. Some tolerate any dirt well, while others require careful attitude and cleanliness. It is for the latter that your dishwasher should become your best friend.

7. Combs and makeup brushes

The question is controversial. Some argue that tools from a cosmetic bag can be damaged by such intense exposure. But there is other evidence. Therefore, it is better to first check on something that is not a pity.

8. Baseball caps and caps

Have you ever done laundry? washing machine? If yes, then you already know that this cannot be done. A dishwasher works completely differently. And this makes it safe for such products.

9. Lampshades and lampshades

These things also rarely receive attention. If you still gather the strength and decide to remove the chandelier, use the dishwasher to completely clean it. The lamp will be as good as new.

10. Pet toys and bowls

And what? Your pets also need cleanliness and care.

11. Sports equipment

Enough common name a huge group of objects used for training. This can be various balls, protective equipment, rackets, rubber expanders, etc.

12. Kitchen sponges and washcloths

13. Grill grate

It is usually very difficult to clean a smoked and grease-filled grate. It’s not a fact that a dishwasher will cope with this task perfectly, but it’s worth a try. What do you have to lose?

14. Dog collar and leash

If your pet likes to climb in ravines and bushes, then sooner or later his things will require deep cleaning.

15. Keys and fobs

These items travel with you everywhere, so it's not surprising that over time they lose their appearance. You can return them to their former freshness in the dishwasher.

16. Fruits and vegetables

It should be placed on the top and bottom shelves strictly in one layer. And of course, no detergents or rinse aids!

17. Hair ties and jewelry

Just remember to check the stability of the coating and place the items in a special box so that they do not get washed away and get lost.

18. Filters for hood, ventilation, humidifier, vacuum cleaner

Every apartment has devices that move air back and forth. And all of them, as a rule, are equipped with filters that require periodic cleaning.

19. Lunch boxes, food storage containers, ice trays

We are surrounded by plastic items that can be washed in the dishwasher. As a rule, she does it faster and better than the most efficient housewife.

20. Refrigerator shelves

They are very inconvenient to wash except in the dishwasher. She will cope with the task effortlessly.

What unusual things have you cleaned in the dishwasher?

Reading time: 1 minute

You buy a dishwasher with the goal of forever transferring a troublesome and annoying responsibility to the device. Many of us are sure that after this we will not spend a second washing dishes. But it is not so. For some items, cleaning with this device is taboo. Let's figure out what dishes cannot be washed in the dishwasher. And also that he tolerates this procedure absolutely normally.

What should not be washed in " dishwasher“is our main question. Let's take a look at the list of dishes that should never be placed in the dishwasher:

  • Antiques, expensive collectibles.
  • Wooden dishes - both clean and covered with patterns and decor.
  • Aluminum products.
  • Having an adhesive base.
  • All cast iron cookware - from plates to frying pans, pots, saucepans.
  • Products from ordinary ( not stainless) become.
  • Utensils made of copper or tin.
  • All items that have decorative mother-of-pearl inserts.
  • Bone dishes or products inlaid with bone decor.
  • Items with burnt food residue.
  • Thermoses.
  • Poured faience.
  • Kitchen knives ( unless the car has a special section for them with minimal exposure to high temperatures).
  • Products with gilding, stickers, rhinestones and other decor that can easily come off.
  • Dishes with mesh inserts.

Such a product simply will not clean in the dishwasher. You might just ruin the thermos
Cast iron is also worth pitying
The wood will just crack Can't be washed aluminum cookware dishwasher - it will oxidize

Why can't it be washed?

Let's look at why certain items cannot be washed in the dishwasher:

  • All wooden items ( cutting boards, spoons, spatulas, etc.) are afraid of high temperatures - they begin to crack and warp.
  • Products with glued parts: everything is simple here - in hot water the glue softens, and the dishes lose some of their elements.
  • Manual art painting does not hold as firmly as the factory one. Therefore, by sending exclusive dishes to “ dishwasher", you risk ruining it. The price is too high.
  • Thermos flasks and thermos mugs with a glass flask and a foam insulating layer are, in principle, not intended for washing in dishwashers. This is fraught with water getting between the layers, which leads to the appearance of musty smell, mold formation. And also such washing simply destroys the thermal insulation properties.
  • Kitchen knives are not recommended to be placed in the dishwasher because high temperatures cause them to become dull. The knives from the meat grinder turn black from such cleaning. In addition, sharp blades can damage internal parts of the machine and can injure you.

  • But after washing the cast iron in the device, it will constantly be covered with a whitish coating. Frequent such procedures can lead to it starting to rust. Cannot be used even for manual cleaning detergents, and the cleansing itself should be done only in warm water. Heavy soiling rubbed with salt.
  • Aluminum also turns white from such washing and then oxidizes. This leads to the destruction of the metal and the appearance of holes in it.
  • Copper darkens from the high temperatures of the water in the machine, and unsightly stains appear on it.
  • Washing multicooker bowls in the dishwasher is detrimental to the coating of the latter. These dishes are hand washed only.

  • Baking trays, especially those covered with a thick layer of fat, are soaked with dishwashing gel and then cleaned by hand. The fact is that grease clogs the machine filter.
  • Various graters, strainers, garlic presses, colanders are not intended for washing in " dishwasher" The machine does not help wash out small stuck pieces of food from them. And if these dishes are metal, then they will rust from such washing.
  • Products with gold plating are suitable for hand washing only. Otherwise, the decor fades and gets washed away.
  • Products with stickers, stickers, labels. Many people specifically load this into “ dishwasher", so as not to bother with removing the tightly glued piece of paper. But in vain. Of course, it will separate from the dishes, but the paper may clog internal elements cars, which is no longer good.

Many housewives believe that “ dishwasher» can also perform the functions washing machine, which is why they place dirty people in it kitchen towels, napkins, rags, potholders. This should not be done under any circumstances if you do not want your machine to fail soon.

Advice! Full list what your dishwasher is not designed for is contained in the instructions for the device.

What can you trust a car?

Now we know not to put it in the dishwasher. But when buying this device, you must be sure that it is 100% safe to place the following in it:

  • Heat-resistant plastic items.
  • Glass products.
  • Porcelain and faience ( but only without applied, sprayed decor).
  • Cutlery made of cupronickel and steel.
  • Ceramics, with or without a pattern. The products do not crack and the decor does not come off. The main thing is that they do not touch each other while washing.
  • Silicone baking dishes.
  • Heat-resistant plastic cutting boards.
  • Crystal, especially Soviet", tolerates such washing perfectly.
  • Thermos. But only not painted, with a stainless steel flask.
  • All items made from " stainless steel»: knives, spoons, forks, bowls, cups.

It's possible, but be careful

There are also items for which it is impossible to say for sure whether they can be washed in " dishwasher" or not. Since washing them will be safe only if certain conditions are met.


Contrary to some warnings, glassware can be cleaned in the dishwasher if the material is of high quality and durable. However, you need to remember the following:

  • Take care of the correct placement - place the dishes so that they do not move closer together when the device vibrates. Close location glass objects is fraught with their impacts against each other, which leads to the appearance of cracks and chips.
  • How to clean thin glass? The instructions will help here - it contains information about delicate washing programs for such products.

Advice! Many dishwashers have special devices for fixing dishes, which protect them from moving, falling, or hitting ( on the picture). Don't ignore these useful levers and clips.


Porcelain dishes are excellent at washing in the dishwasher. However, remember this:

  • If the product is decorated with gilding or other decor, then it is best to wash it on a delicate cycle in warm, but not hot, water.
  • If the design is applied over the glaze, then it is possible that too frequent washing in the device will harm it by fading. If the decor is under glaze, it will withstand any frequency of cleaning.

Here is a small instruction table for cleaning porcelain.

Advice! Porcelain manufacturers usually put a stamp on their products indicating the possibility or prohibition of washing in " dishwasher».


If you are planning to load plastic dishes into the dishwasher, then take note of these tips:

  • Only heat-resistant plastic is suitable for this type of washing!
  • The material itself is quite light, so there is a high probability that such dishes will begin to “walk” inside the machine, catching on the rest. Therefore, be sure to secure it with clamps.


Is it possible to wash crystal in the dishwasher, what is the best way to do it? This is a rather controversial material - especially thin products from foreign manufacturers can't stand it at all" dishwashers", becoming covered with cracks. Some models can withstand thermal influences up to +50 degrees. Powder detergents are destructive to the material.

The machine is especially harmful for surprisingly beautiful variety– baccarat. Such a product will fade and crack if washed and dried in a machine.

Hence our advice to you: send to " dishwasher» crystal if the device has a program for washing it. This is either a delicate or quick wash with water heating to 30-40 degrees. If it is exceeded, capricious crystal can easily lose its natural shine.


Let's talk a little about the features of washing spoons and forks:

  • As we said, steel and cupronickel products can be easily cleaned in the dishwasher if they do not have glued or wooden inserts.
  • Washing silverware is controversial. It can quickly become cloudy and covered with dark spots from cleaning in " dishwasher" Certainly, hand wash would be more appropriate here. However, in the machine for such products, you can set the delicate mode, and after the washing cycle, dry them immediately.
  • Items made of steel and silver should never be loaded together! Due to galvanic reactions, silver items may become stained.
  • Knives are installed only with the handles up, so that you forget and do not get hurt when taking them out.
  • Wash cutlery only in the container intended for it. Otherwise, during the cycle they will scatter throughout the space, get stuck in the rods, and damage fragile dishes.
  • To prevent forks from sticking together, they are washed in a container mixed with spoons.

Non-traditional products

You can often find life hacks online for washing items in a machine that have nothing to do with dishes. How to deal with this?

  • Anything that has an adhesive base cannot be cleaned in the car.
  • It is also harmful to place non-heat-resistant plastic products in “ dishwasher».
  • All metal objects, not covered with an anti-corrosion protective layer are not intended for such washing.
  • It is forbidden to clean objects in the device that are soiled with bitumen, resin, ash, paints and lubricants.
  • Under no circumstances should you place anything in the car that is thoroughly wet with water. First of all, it is fabric.

We have discussed in detail what cannot be washed in the dishwasher and why. You also know what is not afraid of such cleaning, and the rules for special washing of products made from certain materials.

For modern housewives, many accessories have been created that greatly facilitate the cooking process.

One of these includes silicone molds for baking products. They are convenient to use, and these containers take up little space.

It’s safe to cook food in them, but how to wash them? silicone mold for baking right?

To know how to clean a silicone mold after baking, you need to understand what kind of containers they are and what kind of care they require.

After each use kitchenware must be thoroughly processed to remove food residues. The longer dirt remains on the product, the deeper it eats into its structure.

The silicone surface is considered a delicate material, requiring care when cleaning and correct selection detergents.

It is prohibited to clean the silicone surface with chemical and abrasive components; hard scourers and sponges will damage the molds.

If the surface becomes porous and rough, then food eats into the walls even more, which not only complicates cleaning the container, but also poisons the human body.

How to clean silicone baking molds? When cleaning silicone cookware, use a soft sponge and a safe type of detergent: liquid soap, fine natural abrasive, citric acid or vinegar.

Treatment with citric acid

How to clean silicone molds? The product can be processed citric acid. This method is intended for stubborn dirt: burnt baked goods, juice from fresh berries.

According to the following scheme:

  1. Take a deep basin. Add one spoon of lemon powder.
  2. Pour three liters of hot water.
  3. Place in the resulting solution dirty dishes. It should be completely immersed in the liquid. Wait 15-20 minutes.
  4. Wash with detergent and rinse.

To prevent mold from forming, dry thoroughly.

Cleaning silicone cookware in one minute

This type of treatment is suitable for any contamination, and at the same time it is considered safe. To quickly get rid of carbon deposits, prepare baking soda and vinegar.

Pour two liters into a deep container warm water. Add a spoonful of vinegar and the same amount of soda. A reaction will occur between the components. As soon as bubbles appear, pour the mixture into the baking dish. Wait one minute.

Then pour out the mixture and treat the walls of the dishes with water and dishwashing gel.

Removing stubborn stains

How to clean a mold if food has been burnt on it for a long time:

  1. Take a large saucepan.
  2. Put two spoons in it baking soda, three spoons of dishwashing gel. And then fill with two liters of water.
  3. Mix the composition. Dip the molds into the liquid. Place the saucepan on the stove.
  4. Bring to a boil.
  5. Boil for 5-7 minutes.
  6. Remove the pan from the stove and let cool for 20-30 minutes. At the same time, close the container.

As soon as due time will pass, remove the molds and rinse under cool water. Dry and put away.

Cleaning from carbon deposits

How to wash a silicone mold if there is carbon residue on it? If you can’t remove the dirt with gel and a sponge, then use this method.

To begin, place the container in hot water and wait 10 minutes. Meanwhile, make a cleaning paste. To do this, squeeze the juice from the lemon and mix with two tablespoons of soda. At this moment a reaction will occur.

Apply the resulting mixture to the stained area and wait about 15-20 minutes. To remove paste with carbon deposits, wash the mold under running water.

Elimination of greasy marks

When preparing baked goods, the housewife always uses vegetable oil so that the food does not burn, but after this fat remains on the dishes.

We wash the silicone mold from greasy deposits using a warm solution from laundry soap and mustard powder. Natural components act on fat molecules, destroying them from the inside; this product is absolutely safe for the surface of the container.

Dishwasher safe

Many housewives are concerned about the question of whether silicone molds can be washed. Almost all modern containers have a symbol indicating that the product is dishwasher safe.

But remember a few important tips:

  1. Once the baked goods are ready, fill the container with water. This will help the food pieces get wet and move away from the surface more easily.
  2. Always clean your dishes first. And only after that put it in the car.

During washing, powerful detergents are used that do not harm the silicone, but disinfect the surface well.

New product processing

If the mold has just been purchased and has never been used, then it is washed in a warm solution and rinsed under running water. This is necessary in order to wash away all accumulated dust.

After washing, wipe the surface dry and lubricate with oil. Produce this procedure Only needed once before first use.

Remember, silicone attracts any dust. Therefore, the product should be washed under water every time.

Preventive measures

Even if there are no stains left on the containers and they seem clean, they need to be processed periodically, as dust settles on the walls of the molds.

Each time, dirt penetrates more and more into the internal structures of the surface - the mold becomes a breeding ground for harmful bacteria, and in the absence of preventive cleaning, it becomes covered with mold.

You can wash the baking dish using any liquid soap or dishwashing gel. Apply the product to a soft sponge, lather and thoroughly work the walls on both sides.

If there is stubborn dirt, soak the mold in warm soap solution. After washing, rinse the product under running water and dry.

The silicone form is easy to use. But in order not to damage the surface, follow all the instructions in the instructions.

Automatic dishwashers are magical kitchen aids, but they can damage items and some are quite expensive to repair or buy new ones. It’s better to play it safe once again and wash the dishes by hand.

If you've washed it all in the dishwasher before, be prepared to admit and correct your mistakes!

Wooden spoons, bowls and cutting boards

The harshness of dishwasher detergents can remove the natural oils found in wooden products, and they will dry out. Once these oils are completely washed away, the wood will begin to split.

Wooden items should be quickly washed by hand using mild detergents and warm water. Do not allow them to absorb moisture because this may cause cracking. If you feel the need to sanitize your wooden utensils, use a mild solution of chlorine bleach and warm water (1/4 cup bleach and 1/2 cup water).

Kitchen knives

These items may damage your dishwasher. Firstly, the blades can damage the coating on the racks and baskets, and as a result, rust can form. Secondly, sharp edges are dangerous when unloading the dishwasher, especially when you have children helping you.

Finally, detergent for this equipment can ruin them, and wooden handles will crack and fall apart. It is best to wash knives by hand.

Graters and sieves

Any kitchen tool with sharp edges should not be placed in the dishwasher. Grids and sieves can damage plastic covering on the racks, rust will begin to appear.

And if you put items with small holes in the dishwasher, then know that such items are almost impossible to thoroughly wash. Again, it is better to tidy up the graters by hand.

Cast iron cookware

Cast iron pots and pans are quite practical cookware; they can serve you for many years, provided you take proper care of them. To prevent cast iron from rusting and food from sticking to the surface, it must be lubricated with oil. It penetrates the iron and leaves a nearly perfect cooking surface.

When cast iron is placed in the dishwasher, the detergent and water will separate the oil and ruin the utensil. Even if you have something stuck to your pot or pan and you are sure that an automatic technique is an easy way to clean the utensils, think twice. Hand washing is a better option.

Aluminum pots and utensils

If you've ever put shiny aluminum cookware in the machine, you've seen what happens to it. It becomes dull and dark.

The same thing can happen to yours aluminum pans and baking dishes. Moreover, detergent can cause pitting and rust.

Copper pots and mugs

These kitchen utensils need to be washed by hand to keep them shiny and bright. Don't make your life harder - don't put this in the dishwasher. Hard water and detergents will ruin everything, and only pleasant memories will remain of beautiful dishes.


While the pressure cooker pan itself can go through the entire washing cycle quite well, then never throw the lid of this device in there.

It contains valves that control and guarantee the quality of the pressure cooker. As the dishwasher operates, small particles of food may get into the valves and ventilation holes, cause the entire device to malfunction. Harsh chemicals can also damage the rubber or silicone seals on the lid.

Non-stick frying pans

While many of these accessories state that they are dishwasher safe, chemicals and excessively high drying temperatures can damage non-stick coating. If you do decide to wash your pans in your machine, skip the drying cycle.

Scratches on dishes are the first sign that it’s time to change them. When a surface is damaged, it can release dangerous toxins into the food.

Acrylic or melamine tableware

Such lightweight and unbreakable kitchen utensils are very popular due to bright colors and patterns. Unfortunately, high water temperatures, drying and dishwasher detergents can ruin all this beauty. After several such washes, especially for cheaper sets, cracks appear on them, the color and design deteriorate.

If you love your dishes and want them to serve you for a long time, try to wash them by hand.

Insulated cups, glasses and thermal containers

Plastic and metal insulated cups, glasses and containers are great for storing hot and cold foods. Most are made of a two-layer material with an air space that provides insulation.

Although some containers indicate that they are dishwasher safe, many are not designed to be dishwasher safe. It is best to wash such dishes by hand. If you decide to put it in the machine, select the gentle setting and skip the drying cycle.

Hand painted glassware

Commercial printing methods glassware improved, but it easily deteriorates in the dishwasher. Detergent and strong water pressure can remove paint in just one or two washes. And what's the use of a glass measuring cup without lines?

Dishes with hand painted Even if they are made of super strong glass, they should never be placed in the dishwasher.

Thin plastic containers

If you don't feel sorry for your plastic container, in which you pour lunch every time, wash it in the dishwasher. High temperatures will ruin it instantly. And you'll have to buy a new lunch box.

Containers and jars with paper stickers

Every good housewife keeps beautiful jars for preservation. There are no complaints about the jars; you can safely wash them in the dishwasher, but first remove all the labels. If you don't do this, the paper and glue may come off and clog the drain system. You will ruin the machine.

Gold cutlery and Chinese porcelain

While sterling silver cutlery can be safely washed in the dishwasher, all gold cutlery will immediately deteriorate and become dull and lose its original color.

Porcelain is completely safe to wash in the dishwasher, but only if there is no metal finish or patterns.

Antique Chinese sets, crystal and refurbished items

It is best to thoroughly wash any antique glass or porcelain sets by hand. This is especially important if the dishes have been recently restored. Forget about the dishwasher, this utensil is not for it.

Silver knives

Sterling silver withstands the entire wash cycle just as well as dishes made from of stainless steel. But there is one exception: many sterling silver knives have a hollow handle, and the heat of the dishwasher can break down the glue that holds the blade to the handle, ruining the knife. This will happen regardless of whether the blade in question is made of stainless steel or sterling silver. All knives should be washed by hand only.

Milk glass

Milk glassware, especially antique items, may turn yellow after several washes in the dishwasher due to high temperature and harsh detergents. Remember once and for all: milk glass must be washed by hand!

For modern housewives, many accessories have been created that greatly facilitate the cooking process.

One of these includes silicone molds for baking products. They are convenient to use, and these containers take up little space.

It’s safe to cook food in them, but how to clean a silicone baking dish correctly?

To know how to clean a silicone mold after baking, you need to understand what kind of containers they are and what kind of care they require.

After each use, kitchen utensils must be thoroughly cleaned to remove food residues. The longer dirt remains on the product, the deeper it eats into its structure.

The silicone surface is considered a delicate material that requires care during care and the correct selection of detergents.

It is prohibited to clean the silicone surface with chemical and abrasive components; hard scourers and sponges will damage the molds.

If the surface becomes porous and rough, then food eats into the walls even more, which not only complicates cleaning the container, but also poisons the human body.

How to clean silicone baking molds? When cleaning silicone cookware, use a soft sponge and a safe type of detergent: liquid soap, fine natural abrasive, citric acid or vinegar.

Treatment with citric acid

How to clean silicone molds? The product can be treated with citric acid. This method is intended for stubborn dirt: burnt baked goods, juice from fresh berries.

According to the following scheme:

  1. Take a deep basin. Add one spoon of lemon powder.
  2. Pour three liters of hot water.
  3. Place dirty dishes into the resulting solution. It should be completely immersed in the liquid. Wait 15-20 minutes.
  4. Wash with detergent and rinse.

To prevent mold from forming, dry thoroughly.

Cleaning silicone cookware in one minute

This type of treatment is suitable for any contamination, and at the same time it is considered safe. To quickly get rid of carbon deposits, prepare baking soda and vinegar.

Pour two liters of warm water into a deep container. Add a spoonful of vinegar and the same amount of soda. A reaction will occur between the components. As soon as bubbles appear, pour the mixture into the baking dish. Wait one minute.

Then pour out the mixture and treat the walls of the dishes with water and dishwashing gel.

Removing stubborn stains

How to clean a mold if food has been burnt on it for a long time:

  1. Take a large saucepan.
  2. Put two spoons of baking soda and three spoons of dishwashing gel into it. And then fill with two liters of water.
  3. Mix the composition. Dip the molds into the liquid. Place the saucepan on the stove.
  4. Bring to a boil.
  5. Boil for 5-7 minutes.
  6. Remove the pan from the stove and let cool for 20-30 minutes. At the same time, close the container.

Once the allotted time has passed, remove the molds and rinse under cool water. Dry and put away.

Cleaning from carbon deposits

How to wash a silicone mold if there is carbon residue on it? If you can’t remove the dirt with gel and a sponge, then use this method.

To begin, place the container in hot water and wait 10 minutes. Meanwhile, make a cleaning paste. To do this, squeeze the juice from the lemon and mix with two tablespoons of soda. At this moment a reaction will occur.

Apply the resulting mixture to the stained area and wait about 15-20 minutes. To remove paste with residue, wash the mold under running water.

Elimination of greasy marks

When preparing baked goods, the housewife always uses vegetable oil so that the food does not burn, but after this fat remains on the dishes.

We wash the silicone mold from greasy deposits using a warm solution of laundry soap and mustard powder. Natural components act on fat molecules, destroying them from the inside; this product is absolutely safe for the surface of the container.

Dishwasher safe

Many housewives are concerned about the question of whether silicone molds can be washed. Almost all modern containers have a symbol indicating that the product is dishwasher safe.

But remember a few important tips:

  1. Once the baked goods are ready, fill the container with water. This will help the food pieces get wet and move away from the surface more easily.
  2. Always clean your dishes first. And only after that put it in the car.

During washing, powerful detergents are used that do not harm the silicone, but disinfect the surface well.

New product processing

If the mold has just been purchased and has never been used, then it is washed in a warm solution and rinsed under running water. This is necessary in order to wash away all accumulated dust.

After washing, wipe the surface dry and lubricate with oil. This procedure only needs to be done once before first use.

Remember, silicone attracts any dust. Therefore, the product should be washed under water every time.

Preventive measures

Even if there are no stains left on the containers and they seem clean, they need to be processed periodically, as dust settles on the walls of the molds.

Each time, dirt penetrates more and more into the internal structures of the surface - the mold becomes a breeding ground for harmful bacteria, and in the absence of preventive cleaning, it becomes covered with mold.

You can wash the baking dish with any liquid soap or dishwashing gel. Apply the product to a soft sponge, lather and thoroughly work the walls on both sides.

If there is stubborn dirt, soak the mold in warm soapy water. After washing, rinse the product under running water and dry.

The silicone form is easy to use. But in order not to damage the surface, follow all the instructions in the instructions.

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