Whitening towels with vegetable. Folk methods for bleaching kitchen towels. Secrets of soaking, bleaching, boiling, washing and using kitchen towels at home: tips

Any hostess always wants the towels in the kitchen to be clean, fresh, and before the arrival of guests they do not have to be hidden or changed. To do this, there are several rules by which they can be whitened at home. Grandmothers and great-grandmothers used these folk methods, and the kitchen always shone with whiteness and cleanliness.

We wash with salt, vinegar, laundry soap

If there are stains from coffee or tomato juice on the towels, then they can be easily removed by dissolving salt in water, using 1 tablespoon per 1 liter cold water. Having made a saline solution, it is enough to soak them for 1 hour, and then lay them in washing machine with ordinary powder and wash. After that, they will be as good as new, without a single speck.

Get rid of greasy spots can be on white and colored towels. To do this, just lightly wet them (to a wet look) and rub with laundry soap with the inscription 72%. It is concentrated enough to remove any grease stains. After all the kitchen towels are rubbed, they are folded into a plastic bag and left overnight. Then just rinse them in warm water, and the result will exceed all expectations.

Grease stains are well washed with a mixture of 9% vinegar (1 tablespoon) per 1 liter warm water. To bleach towels, simply soak them in this solution for 60 minutes before washing, and then wash them in the washing machine.

Original washing methods

Washing towels so that they shine white is always very difficult, so some housewives use enough original way bleach them:

    liquid bleach - 1 tbsp. spoon;

    vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;

    washing powder - 1 cup;

    warm water - 5 liters.

In the first case, all ingredients are added to boiling water, stirred well until completely dissolved, and towels are soaked until completely cooled. In the second case, after everything is mixed with water, make a bookmark for 3 hours. After that, just rinse them in warm water, and they will be absolutely clean and fresh.

Kitchen towels are well bleached with a solution boric acid in soapy water. To do this, laundry soap is passed through a grater in 10 liters of hot water, dissolved, and then 2-3 tablespoons of boric acid powder are added. After 2 hours, the soaked towels are washed in a typewriter.

In some cases, especially when there is rust on the towels, lemon juice can help. To do this, each spot is squeezed out lemon juice, then all the towels are folded into a plastic bag and left there for 3 hours, then the usual wash is done.

We use baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and mustard

At home, you can wash kitchen towels with such common folk remedies as baking soda, mustard, and hydrogen peroxide. In order not to spend a lot of money on expensive bleaches, just remember old grandmother's recipes that wash much better. They practically lack chemical substances that cause allergies, and they are also environmentally friendly. Towels washed in such ways can be seen in the photo.

A good way to bleach fabric is to use regular caustic soda. There are several ways to do this. One of them is baking soda. To do this, mix the grated half of the concentrated 72% laundry soap with caustic soda. This mixture is poured warm water, stir until completely dissolved, lay used towels with stains, put on fire and boil for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse in plain water.

It often happens that no matter how the towels are bleached, they still remain yellowish and no methods can help. To do this, there is an old grandmother's method with hydrogen peroxide, which works almost flawlessly. It is necessary to stir ordinary salt (5 tablespoons) in warm water (5 liters), add washing powder (0.5 cups) and mix everything with hydrogen peroxide (3 tablespoons). Soak yellowed fabrics in this solution for 5-6 hours, and then wash. This method of washing with hydrogen peroxide makes it possible to get rid of the yellowness that appears if you wash towels for a long time and boil them.

A self-respecting hostess keeps the textiles in her kitchen clean. For this, both household chemicals and folk methods are used. A variety of methods and techniques for cleaning stains from towels will help you find your recipe for cleanliness for a particular fabric or level of soiling. At the same time, the components of folk recipes are in the arsenal of every woman who is engaged in maintaining household.

How to wash kitchen towels at home

You can wash kitchen towels at home using household chemicals. For this, a simple dish detergent is used - "Fairy", "AOC", which breaks down edible fats, giving textiles an impeccable appearance. Elimination Gel sewer blockages, for example "Mole", will be a good helper in getting rid of fat, bad smell. Dishwasher tablets are used for machine washing. Laundry soap can be used for hand washing, soaking. Washing powders are also effective for cleaning textiles.

Folk remedies used for washing kitchen napkins more often than household chemicals. At the same time, everything that is at hand is taken - salt, vinegar, ammonia, soda, sunflower oil, even mustard. All this can be applied to any type of fabric and the degree of contamination. For good health folk recipes less harmful - for many, household chemicals can cause allergic reaction.

From fat

Washing kitchen towels with chemicals is carried out as follows:

  • 50 ml of tableware gel must be diluted with warm water. Then soak the dirty textiles with the resulting solution and leave for 30 minutes. Next, use a machine wash with a temperature regime of 50-60 degrees.
  • 250 ml of Mole gel should be mixed with 5 liters of warm water and textiles should be soaked for 24 hours. It is necessary to periodically mix the contents of the container. Then you need to rinse the towel and wash at a temperature of 60 degrees.

Arsenal people's councils consists of the following:

  • Wet the cloth, then rub the greasy places with laundry soap. Put in tight package from cellophane, wrap. Send all this to the microwave for 1-2 minutes. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times with a break of 1 minute.
  • Vinegar will help get rid of fat, the smell of dampness. To do this, you need so much money that it soaked the napkin. After 15 minutes, the textiles are rinsed, then washed with the addition of fabric softener.

Very dirty kitchen towels

A combination of chemicals and improvised means will help wash very dirty kitchen towels. Before processing, textiles should be rolled in washing machine. Then apply one of the following to the fabric:

  • Powder and soda ash - mixed in equal proportions, dissolved in water. Towels should be placed in the solution for a day. After the textile is machine washed.
  • Soap, peroxide, ammonia - a bar of laundry soap should be grated, mixed with 6 tablets of hydrogen peroxide. Next, add 5 drops of ammonia and pour 1 liter of hot water. Towels should lie in the water until it cools. Then they must be washed with any convenient way.
  • Glycerin and ammonia - mixed 4: 1, applied to the fabric, after 30 minutes erased in any way.

How to remove stains

You can get rid of kitchen textiles from stains of any origin in the following ways:

  • Salt - for 5 liters of water 5 tbsp. spoons. Leave contaminated textiles in the solution for an hour. Then wash in the usual way.
  • Shampoo - apply to the stain, rub with a brush. After 10 minutes of impregnation, wash with your hands.
  • Citric acid - problem areas should be rubbed with lemon, leave for 15 minutes. Then wash in the washing machine with powder. You can combine acid with laundry soap;
  • Potassium permanganate - will help get rid of the smell. In a weak solution (barely pink), textiles must be placed for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse with your hands. This method is good for colored products, but not suitable for snow-white.

How to wash kitchen towels

Washing towels can be carried out using powders, bleaches, improvised means. Keeping kitchen textiles clean will help the following basic cleaning steps:

  1. Soaking is necessary for all washing methods.
  2. Bleaching - used for white fabrics.
  3. Boiling - used in the absence of effect in the first 2 stages.
  4. Machine wash or hand wash - necessary to rinse the fabric.
  5. Drying on fresh air– returns brightness to colored napkins.
  6. Ironing - protects the fibers of the fabric from the settling of fat.

What to soak before washing

Washing napkins is preceded by mandatory soaking. It can be done by the following means:

  • 50 g of mustard powder must be dissolved in 0.5 boiling water. Dilute the resulting mixture with 5 liters of hot water, place the products there overnight. Then you need to rinse the textile.
  • Half a bar of laundry soap must be crushed, dissolved in 3 liters of warm water. Place towels with greasy stains in the resulting solution for 5-6 hours. Then wash in a convenient way.

In the washing machine

When machine washing, you must follow some recommendations. These include:

  1. White napkins are loaded separately from colored ones.
  2. For maximum results, it is better to use the prewash mode.
  3. When washing colored cotton and linen fabrics, it is better to add oxygen bleach without chlorine.
  4. White synthetic towels can be washed with baking soda to powder for light laundry.
  5. Temperature regime washing kitchen napkins should be at least 70 degrees.
  6. The use of air conditioning is recommended. Essential oil, citric acid will give a natural smell.

No boiling

Washing towels without boiling is used to remove heavy pollution. In this case, you can use household chemicals - stain removers, powders for white and colored linen, bleaches. From available means, the following are used:

  • Pine turpentine - 3 tbsp. l per 3 liters of warm water. Dirty cloth must be soaked for 8 hours. Then rinse well.
  • Soda with essential oil- 5 tbsp. l must be dissolved in 2 liters of water and add 2-3 drops of aromatic oil. After 3 hours of soaking, textiles should be washed with powder.

How to boil kitchen towels

Boiling dirty wipes is considered a drastic measure and is used for heavily soiled textiles. You can boil kitchen towels at home if you apply:

  • Silicate glue - 2 tbsp. l. mix with a crushed piece of laundry soap and 5 liters of water. Textiles should be boiled for no more than 30 minutes, then rinsed thoroughly.
  • Whiteness - suitable only for light fabrics. 2 caps of the product are added when boiling towels. It is important that the dishes for this process are enameled, without chips or cracks.
  • Chloric lime - 100 g per 1 liter of water. Boil the solution, put napkins for 20 minutes. Rinse twice in the machine.

waffle towels

Cotton napkins (waffle) absorb dirt better, they are easier to wash. The following funds will help return the original appearance of textiles:

  • Hydrogen peroxide - 30 ml must be applied to the fabric for 40 minutes or dissolved in water 2-3 tbsp. spoons and soak napkins. Then rinse with hands and wash.
  • Acetic acid - textiles must be washed before processing. Then soak it with vinegar, leave for 20-30 minutes. After rinsing with hands with the addition citric acid or in the machine on a double rinse.

Terry towels

  • When hand washing or soaking, aggressive substances such as alkali and chlorine should be avoided. It is better to use laundry soap or shampoo to remove stains.
  • Washing in the machine will be more effective if you use vinegar to soften the water, and baking soda as a natural bleach. In this case, vinegar must be poured into the powder compartment, and soda can be poured directly into the drum.

How to bleach towels at home

Bleaching kitchen towels is not a complicated process. To get the desired result, you need to know some recommendations and basic whitening methods. The latter include:

  1. Addition of chemical and natural bleaches when soaking.
  2. Whitening in automatic and manual washing.
  3. The use of bleaching agents during boiling.

Giving napkins pristine whiteness requires compliance with certain conditions. These include the following tips:

  • It is advisable to use a container for bleaching not made of plastic, because it absorbs most odors, and the container may become unusable after the first attempt to make the towels snow-white.
  • Cotton and linen napkins do not tolerate the use of chlorine - it quickly destroys the fibers of the fabric.
  • Only light fabrics are subject to bleaching.
  • When in contact with aggressive substances, use protective gloves necessary.

With vegetable oil

Sunflower oil softens old stains on napkins, which contributes to their rapid cleansing. There are several options for bleaching kitchen towels with vegetable oil. The most famous way:

  • a bucket of 10 liters must be put on fire;
  • when the water boils, add 20 ml vegetable oil, the same amount of dry bleach like "Boss", 50 ml of powder and 30 g of soda;
  • put a dirty cloth into the resulting solution. leave until the water cools down completely;
  • Further textile products should be rinsed and ironed.

There are other recipes. In them, vegetable oil is taken as the basis:

  1. For 10 liters of boiling water, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of oil, soda, powder and vinegar. After 8 hours of soaking, the textiles are transferred to the machine, where they are washed at a temperature of 70 degrees with an additional rinse.
  2. Water (60 degrees) is mixed with 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oil, a spoonful of mustard and vinegar. Towels are immersed in the solution for 12 hours. Then they should be rinsed 4 times, alternating cold and hot water.

hydrogen peroxide

The use of hydroperite for bleaching kitchen towels allows not only to improve their color, but also to disinfect. The main method consists of the following items:

  1. Napkins must first be washed by hand with laundry soap.
  2. In a basin with 5 liters of hot water, add 2 tbsp. spoons of peroxide 3%. You can drop a couple of drops of ammonia - this will enhance the effect of peroxide.
  3. Towels should be soaked for at least half an hour.
  4. At the end of the procedure, textiles must be rinsed at least 3 times.


Bleaching with mustard powder is considered the most gentle way to return cotton fabrics to their original whiteness. There are 2 ways to apply:

  1. 2 tbsp. spoons of dry mustard should be poured with warm water until a thick slurry is formed. Dirty places on the fabric are rubbed with the resulting mixture. After an hour, everything should be thoroughly rinsed and washed with powder.
  2. 5 st. tablespoons of mustard are poured with 2 cups of boiling water. The mixture must be infused for 1 hour, then strain and lower the textiles into the resulting solution for 2 hours. After the set time has elapsed, rinse the napkins well and wash at a temperature of 70 degrees using an air conditioner.


Even the most modern kitchen it will not be comfortable if you remove all potholders, napkins, aprons and towels from there. There will be nothing to wipe off splashes of fat or sauce, remove the pan from the heat. And just dry your hands after washing. Fortunately, no one encroaches on our kitchen textiles. But the issues of its washing and bleaching remain relevant. Many use household chemicals for this, but you can get by with other means. For example, even our grandmothers knew how to bleach kitchen towels with vegetable oil. This method works just as well today. You can also use soda, vinegar or other ingredients available in everyday life. It makes sense to try different variants to ensure their simplicity and convenience.

The tips don't really cover how to bleach kitchen towels or how to wash them. But the hostess will have less worries in this part if only four simple rules. And things will not get dull and decrepit for a long time.

  • You need to have several towel sets (one for use and several spare, replaceable ones).
  • It is advised to send the kit to the wash after 2, maximum - 3 days of use (even while visual pollution is not visible). If such a frequency seems superfluous, it is still advisable to change the set at least once a week.
  • Ironing should not be neglected - ironing not only gives neatness to products, but also contributes to a longer preservation of cleanliness.
  • To wipe the contaminated surface of the stove or table, it is better to use rags or napkins, which then do not have to be washed thoroughly.

Kitchen textiles must be clean and tidy

Terry cloths are considered a poor choice for the kitchen. Harmful microflora develops faster in them due to the slow drying of absorbed moisture. More preferred products are linen or waffle cotton. However, folk wisdom will help to cope with home bleaching of terry things. If you apply vegetable fats, the dirt from the pile is washed off.

It is much more difficult to get rid of old stains than fresh ones. Therefore, it is recommended to wash kitchen textiles frequently. It is better to separate such things from other laundry, especially if there are greasy stains. Although, if the towels are practically clean, separation is not necessary (do not forget about sorting by color).

When performing work in the kitchen, it is recommended to use disposable paper napkins. After wiping hands or dishes, they are simply thrown away. Not always paper can fully replace linen or cotton fabric. But it is convenient to at least wipe off grease and basic dirt with such a napkin. And wet the moisture from clean, soapy palms with a woven product. Then the likelihood of untidy stains will be significantly reduced.

Terry fabrics take a long time to dry and wash out worse

How to bleach kitchen towels at home

This method of getting rid of stains may seem very unusual. After all, when fats get on the fabric, it is most difficult for it to restore purity. Apparently, the action of the remedy is based on the principle of fighting like with like. The fatty component of the solution removes dirt from the threads. ongoing chemical reactions we are not so important. The main thing is whether washing kitchen towels with vegetable oil is effective, and the reviews of many housewives confirm this. The method is praised, because it helps not only to cope with stains, but for a long time to keep bright colors. This is difficult to achieve simply by using store-bought bleach products. Especially if you choose inexpensive ones based on chlorine.

  • First option

First you need to make a mixture of the following components:

  1. hot water(after boiling) - 5 liters;
  2. vegetable oil (refined) - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  3. washing powder - 0.5 cups;
  4. bleach, preferably dry - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Sunflower oil softens old fats embedded in fibers

You can choose any bleach, even the most inexpensive one. There are also no special requirements for washing powder. Water needs to be very hot, after boiling. Everything mixes well, and in the resulting composition, the towels are soaked for a couple of hours. Then they are washed (it is possible on a fast mode) and rinsed out.

Processing eliminates even stubborn old stains. This is a great method to bleach kitchen towels at home without boiling. If some traces of dirt do not disappear completely the first time, then they will definitely go away after 1-2 repeated washes in the same way.

Important: the laundry placed in the liquid must be initially dry m.

  • Second option

In this case, the components are somewhat different. Steep boiling water is used. The calculation is made for a larger volume of liquid, which will cool down longer, and soaking will last longer. The rest of the procedures are similar. You will need:

  1. boiling water - 15 liters;
  2. vinegar essence - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  3. washing powder (any) - 2/3 faceted glass;
  4. bleach (preferably powdered) - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  5. vegetable oil (refined) - 3 tbsp. spoons.

The basic set of ingredients is similar for most laundry recipes with vegetable oil.

The components are well mixed in water until the powders are completely dissolved. In the resulting liquid, dry things are soaked overnight. Then they are lightly wrung out and washed by hand or in a typewriter.

Effective remedy relieves tissues not only from traces of fat, but also from tea, coffee or wine. Some housewives prefer to replace vinegar essence with baking soda in this recipe. This composition is also effective, but the solution can foam a lot. You have to be more careful with it.

This is important: it is better to dissolve the powder and bleach in a small volume of liquid before pouring the fat additive into it.

  • Third option

In terms of ingredients, this recipe resembles the first two. But the calculation is done on a 12-liter bucket. Required:

  1. water - 10 liters;
  2. dry bleach - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  3. washing powder - an incomplete glass;
  4. vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.

A bucket of water should boil on the stove. The remaining components are poured in and poured in, the solution is mixed. Washed dry items are placed in the resulting liquid, after which the fire is turned off. It is desirable to cover the container tightly. Everything remains in this form until the soaked things cool. Then they just need to be rinsed.

Laundry soap

A long-standing and well-known method for bleaching kitchen towels at home. Great for color and white. All you need is warm water, a plastic bag and good laundry soap - dry, dark brown, with the inscription "72%".

Further actions will not cause problems. Things must be wetted, lathered abundantly and thoroughly. Then fold into a plastic bag, expel the air from there and close tightly. It is necessary that the soapy linen does not dry out. In this state, leave it for a day. Then it remains only to pull everything out of the bag and rinse.

After processing, complex stains, dirt and yellowness should go away. If towel products are boiled, according to many recipes, shavings of laundry soap are also added.

Potassium permanganate

So in our everyday life it is customary to call pharmacy potassium permanganate. The substance has the appearance of small crystals of a deep purple-black color. When dissolved in water, it gives it a pinkish to dark crimson color, depending on the concentration. Serves as a strong oxidizing agent, with which its bleaching power is associated. Provides additional chemical disinfection.

Simple composition, but powerful whitening action

To process linen you will need:

  1. a solution of potassium permanganate is bright pink (not raspberry);
  2. 72% laundry soap - 100 g;
  3. steep boiling water - 10 liters.

Shavings are made from soap, which are dissolved in a 10-liter bucket of boiling water. Separately in glass jar potassium permanganate is diluted and poured into soapy water. The color of the solution should become a dirty brown. Pre-washed items are placed in the resulting liquid. The container with the contents is tightly closed and left for 6 or more hours. Then bleached towels should be rinsed well.

As a variation of this recipe, it is proposed to use any washing powder (1 cup) instead of soap. Otherwise, everything is done in the same way. Processing with potassium permanganate deserved a lot good reviews. The method is also suitable for terry products.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

Another effective recipe how to bleach towels at home. Great for more delicate items too. With such processing, the fabrics are almost not damaged, they do not deteriorate for a long time. You need the following components:

  1. hot water (about 70 ° C) - 6 liters;
  2. 3% hydrogen peroxide - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  3. ammonia - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Items to be bleached must be pre-washed. Chemical components are added to highly heated water. Linen is placed in the resulting solution. After 20 minutes, everything must be removed and rinsed several times.

How to soak towels with different additives

Sodium chloride is good at removing yellowness and dirt.

These are proven tips for bleaching towels at home during the soaking stage.

Water is drawn into the basin, preferably cool. added common salt(1 tablespoon per liter of liquid). Things are left in the solution from 1 hour to 7-8, depending on the contamination. Then it remains only to wash them.

  • mustard powder

The solution will require approximately 15 g of mustard for each liter of water. The powder is thoroughly mixed in boiling water so that there are no lumps and a rich color is obtained. Then you should wait until the suspended particles fall into the sediment. Received almost clear liquid merges. It immediately soaks things that need to be cleaned and bleached. The exposure time is about 3 hours.

  • dish detergent

Soda not only alkalizes the water, but also gently cleanses the fibers.

Any dish detergent is diluted in water (about 20 g per 10 liters). Visible greasy stains are best rubbed with a concentrated product. Textiles are soaked for ten minutes (you can leave longer). After that, a normal wash is carried out.

  • Soda and ammonia

Processing is suitable for white fabrics. A soaking solution is prepared from 5 liters of warm water, 10 tablespoons of soda and 5 ammonia. The exposure time is at least 3-4 hours. Then the clothes will need to be rinsed and in the usual way wash.

Video: whitening with vegetable oil

So far, we have no way to do without fussing with dirty textiles in the kitchen. It makes no sense to take such a trifle to the dry cleaners. Professional laundry services are rarely used for daily items. But there are folk methods on how to bleach towels, kitchen tablecloths and napkins. This work can be done quickly and efficiently. Application natural remedies beneficial to the health of all family members. This approach will help save a little home budget. Perfect cleanliness in the kitchen will be ensured, and a minimum of time and effort will be required.

No housewife can do without towels in the kitchen. Without them, even an ultra-modern kitchen will not be comfortable. But after a while, the previously beautiful and bright towels turn into nondescript rags of an incomprehensible color, covered with various stains. What to do? How to bleach kitchen towels at home without boiling, so that they return to their original appearance? Of course, you can use household chemicals, but there are other ways to quickly and effectively bleach kitchen towels at home. Their advantage is that they do not harm the fabric, can be used frequently and without harm to health, and there are components for such whitening in almost any kitchen.

Kitchen towels are made from different fabrics. The most popular are linen and waffle towels. And in order not to look for those suitable for the design of your kitchen and not spend money on it, you can easily follow our master classes.

Important! Terry fabrics are not the best the best choice for the kitchen, as they dry for a long time, and harmful microflora develops in them faster.

  • Old stains are harder to get rid of than fresh ones. Therefore, change towels in a timely manner, wash them more often.
  • Use alternately several sets.
  • If you are cooking something in the kitchen, then along with towels, use napkins, paper towels which can be thrown away after use.
  • Do not use towels to wipe a dirty table, grease or other dirt.
  • To make towels less dirty, iron them after washing.
  • White towels made from natural fabrics can be boiled. Only before boiling it is desirable to wash them.
  • Colored towels with patterns cannot be boiled - they are washed at a temperature of 40 degrees, and special products are used to remove stains, for example, oxygen bleaches.
  • Hang kitchen towels away from stoves, ovens, and other household appliances. This will help protect kitchen textiles from the appearance of stubborn stains.
  • Try to use dishes with tight-fitting lids in the kitchen. Then greasy stains will not be splashed all over the kitchen, and there is less chance that your towels will get dirty. And in order to take hot dishes, not towels are used, but special potholders. On our website there is a separate publication in which you will find many interesting ideas, to .

Ways to bleach towels

Skillful use of some of the tools that are in every kitchen can give the most unexpected results. It turns out that you can bleach towels with vegetable oil. There are several ways to use oil when bleaching kitchen textiles, let's take a closer look.

vegetable oil for bleaching

The oil tends to soften dried stains, respectively - they are then easier to wash off. That is why it is added during bleaching:

  • Pour 10 liters of water into a bucket and put on fire. As the water boils, pour 20 ml of oil there (sunflower oil is best), pour 20 grams of dry bleach, 50 grams of washing powder and 30 grams of soda. You can take any bleach, for example, “Boss” or “Swan”. Put towels in the prepared solution, turn off the fire, leave it all to cool. Then the towels need to be rinsed and hung to dry.

Important! Bleach can be replaced with half a glass of vinegar.

  • Three tablespoons of oil, washing powder, bleach and soda are added to boiling water. Towels are placed in the solution and left overnight. In the morning, you can start the usual washing machine.

Important! It is advisable to set the re-rinse mode in order to rinse the product well.

  • The third method came to us from Japan. Water is poured into the bucket - its temperature should be about 60 degrees. 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil, 1 tablespoon of mustard powder, 1 tablespoon of vinegar are added to the water. We put towels in this solution, close the bucket with a lid. After 12 hours, you need to remove the products and rinse four times, alternately in hot and cold water.

Laundry soap

This method, proven over the years, allows you to deal with yellowness, greasy stains and unpleasant odors:

  1. Wet contaminated products, lather them well with laundry soap.
  2. Then put them in a plastic bag so that air does not penetrate inside.
  3. Leave for a day.
  4. Then the product only needs to be rinsed.

Potassium permanganate

The well-known potassium permanganate, which is called potassium permanganate in everyday life, will help to effectively whiten kitchen towels at home. It is a strong oxidizing agent, so it bleaches things well.

To process linen, you need to make the following mixture:

  • Grate 100 grams of laundry soap.
  • Dilute potassium permanganate in a jar to a bright pink color.
  • Dilute soap in 10 liters of boiling water and pour potassium permanganate into it. You should end up with a muddy brown solution.

Place pre-washed items in this solution, close the container tightly and leave for at least 6 hours. Then the product must be rinsed.

Important! Instead of soap, you can use a glass of washing powder.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

Another effective method how to remove stains from kitchen towels at home.

Important! Also suitable for delicate items, as the fabrics are not damaged.

We prepare the solution and apply it:

  1. For 6 liters of water heated to 70 degrees, there are 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tablespoon of ammonia.
  2. We place in ready solution pre-washed linen, leave for 20 minutes.
  3. Then the towels should be thoroughly rinsed.

Important! ammonia you can remove almost any stains from different clothes. Click on the link to a special publication where we have collected the most effective proven ones.

mustard powder

Here's another tried-and-tested recipe - wash kitchen towels with mustard.

Important! Dry mustard is an excellent bleach, does not damage fabric fibers.

How to apply:

  • You need to pour a little powder into hot water.
  • For 1 liter of water is 15 grams of mustard.
  • This mixture should stand for some time.

Important! For bleaching, we need not a powder residue, but a cloudy liquid that has formed on the surface of the mixture. It contains active ingredients that bleach the fabric and also degrease it.

  • It is necessary to leave the towels soaked in this liquid for several hours, then rinse thoroughly.
  • Washing with this method is not required.

Important! The abundance of modern household chemicals in the kitchen is not always good for health. Mustard powder can make an excellent alternative to dishwashing.


  1. Plain water is added to cool water. salt- 1 tablespoon goes to 1 liter.
  2. In this solution, things are left for some time - depending on the degree of contamination, you can leave from 1 to 8 hours.
  3. Then wash the towels as usual.

Dish detergent:

  1. In 10 liters of water, dilute 20 grams of any detergent for dishes.
  2. If there are large greasy stains, they can be rubbed with a product undiluted in water.
  3. Leave for 10-20 minutes, then wash.

Soda and ammonia

This method will perfectly whiten white products:

  1. For 5 liters of water there are 10 tablespoons of soda and 5 tablespoons of ammonia.
  2. Things are soaked in the solution for 3-4 hours.
  3. Then you can wash it normally.

Important! It is advisable to rinse the product before washing.

Stains on kitchen towels are a problem that any hostess has encountered. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort to get rid of them. Tables, dishes, hands, stoves, etc. are wiped with kitchen towels. They get dirty daily. Therefore, any housewife should know how to wash kitchen towels. There are many ways. Each of us will be able to choose from all the information offered the most suitable option.

Stain removers

How to wash towels and return them to their original appearance? In resolving this issue, bleach, stain remover, laundry soap, edible salt can help. And you will also need hydrogen peroxide, acetic acid, washing powder, vegetable oil. The choice of means and method depends on the contamination of the towel and on the preference of the hostess herself.

How to remove light stains

The task is simple. Light dirt on a towel can be removed with laundry soap, the concentration of which is at least 72%. This indicator will be indicated on the bar itself.

Apply soap to the stain. Leave the item for a while. Then you will have to rub the towel a little and rinse it in warm water. If the spots have not disappeared, then you can get rid of them in any of the following ways. After all, there is no place for dirty things in the kitchen.


Boiling kitchen towels is the most radical method of getting rid of stains. This method is considered one of the most effective. But boiling is applicable only to snow-white towels. Colored specimens will lose their original appearance and will surely shed. Before boiling the towel, it is necessary to apply on pollution special agent- stain remover. Next, it is recommended to soak the thing for a couple of hours. Then, adding the powder, you can proceed directly to boiling, while adding oxygen bleach to the water. After carrying out all this procedure, we rinse and dry our things.

So, we looked at a simple method on how to bleach kitchen towels. The boiling method has been especially popular among housewives for more than a dozen years because of its simplicity and efficiency. However, with the advent of modern household chemicals, it fades into the background.

Folk remedies for stain removal

Today, many people strive to minimize their skin contact with household chemicals. This is due to the increase in allergy sufferers in our society. Therefore, many of us are increasingly turning to folk wisdom.

Helps clean kitchen towels table vinegar, which copes with pollution better than a stain remover. It is necessary to pour six liters of warm water into the container. Add two hundred grams of vinegar to it and place towels there for a couple of hours. After that, things can be washed in the machine.

Another effective way how to wash kitchen towels is based on the use of a saline solution. He surprises everyone with his efficiency. It is necessary to dissolve five tablespoons of rock salt in five liters of water. Soak towels in the solution and leave for the whole day. After which they are advised to wash in the machine.

From greasy stains, abrasive substances or, in other words, dishwashing detergents, will help. The substance must be applied to the dirt, rubbed and left for at least half an hour. Then wash your towels.

Thirty milliliters of hydrogen peroxide will help get rid of stains. The solution must be applied to contaminated areas. Leave everything for eight hours. After that, immediately wash the towels in the machine. To avoid destruction of the fabric, it is forbidden to increase the period of exposure of the reagent to the item.

How to wash kitchen towels with vegetable oil? Not every hostess knows the answer. This method is little known, but very effective. You need to put a bucket of water on the fire and bring to a boil. Further knowledgeable people it is advised to add sunflower oil (two tablespoons), the same amount of dry bleach and half a glass of powder to the container. The resulting composition must be mixed well, and then sent to the towel solution. Then you need to remove the bucket from the stove, wait for it to cool, take out the already clean things and rinse them.

A situation may arise when mold has appeared on the towel. Do not be afraid and immediately throw them away. Let's do some manipulations. These things will serve us for a long time. Moldy towels are machine washable. In the compartment in which we add the rinse, you need to place a small amount of hydrogen peroxide or vinegar. Try not to overdo it. If you add no more than three tablespoons of liquid, then neither vinegar nor peroxide will affect the color saturation of the towels and the structure of the fabric.

Remedy for old stains

Many housewives, not knowing how to wash towels from old stains, throw them away. They simply do not want to deal with pollution, believing that it will be too laborious. Removing these stains is easy. To do this, it is enough to dissolve a mixture of bleach, vegetable oil, baking soda and washing powder in three liters of water. Each of the ingredients take three tablespoons. In the resulting solution, you need to soak towels for twelve hours, then wash them with a typewriter.

How to wash terry towels

Terry kitchen towels should not be boiled. Stains on such things are recommended to be removed by soaking in washing powder. For this tool, take a little more than the recommended rate by the manufacturer. Then you need to leave the towels in the solution overnight, then wash them in the machine. The disadvantage of terry towels is that they are the least suitable for the kitchen, as the dirt on them is the most difficult to remove. They dry for a long time and are a good breeding ground for various bacteria and microbes.

How to wash waffle towels

Natural cotton waffle towels are the easiest to wash. They dry quickly and are lint free. Therefore, for the kitchen this is the most suitable option. Such things are easy to use and do not require special procedures for their purification. Kitchen waffle towels lend themselves to all types of washing, are not afraid of bleaching and boiling. Each hostess herself chooses the method of removing stains as they get dirty.

How to choose the right kitchen towel

To simplify the process of removing annoying stains on kitchen towels, you need to choose them correctly. In the future, this will save time, increase the service life of the accessories in question. It is recommended to choose towels for the kitchen based on our advice. They must be made of cotton fabric, with a waffle surface, white color. These characteristics will make it easier to care for a thing. It is with white towels that any type of washing is applicable. You need to buy several sets, so that in case of pollution there is another copy instead.

Cloth kitchen towels, which can take a lot of time, effort and money to wash, can be replaced with disposable paper personal hygiene products. Many housewives combine these two types.

If nothing helps

Sometimes it happens. If none of the stain removal methods helps and it’s not at all clear how to wash kitchen towels that you don’t want to throw away, you can turn to dry cleaning services. This institution has a whole arsenal of professional and expensive means to remove all types of pollution. Only now you need to decide: is it worth paying for dry cleaning services or is it easier to buy a new towel?

There are a few rules, following which, you can just keep things clean. It is recommended to wash towels every day to prevent stubborn and old stains. And if they are white, then this will help to avoid the question of how to bleach kitchen towels. If you clean them daily, the risk of old and stubborn stains becomes minimal. It is recommended to iron towels after washing and drying. This will help them get less dirty.

It is advisable to change towels daily or every two days. Therefore, there should be several copies for the kitchen.

Towels with greasy dirt must not be washed together with other linen, so as not to spoil it. The temperature for washing white copies should be the highest. If the towels are colored, then forty degrees is enough.

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