Blockage in the pipes and its elimination at home. how to clear sewer pipes how to clear sewer clogs

Not every homeowner knows how to clear a sewer pipe at home from blockage. Not everyone knows how to do the specified work quickly and efficiently, especially if you had to face this problem for the first time. Any sewer problems are stressful for the owners, especially persistent congestion, right?

We will help you solve this problem. In the article presented by us, methods for determining the location of the traffic jam and proven ways to get rid of it are described in detail. To help independent plumbers, there are photo and video recommendations for cleaning pipes using improvised means.

If you find that the water is draining badly and appeared bad smell, then the resulting blockage is to blame. The smaller the problem, the easier it is to get rid of it. Therefore, first you need to determine the cause of the garbage plug.

Problem #1 - Accumulated Fat

The fat deposited on the walls of the pipes from the dishes causes the majority (about 70%) of traffic jams. Most often, such a blockage appears in the kitchen: sink, drain from dishwasher- the most problem areas.

Such accumulations are formed slowly: their inner layer is jelly-like, and the outer one, adjacent to the pipes, is more knocked down. They are formed, in addition to fat, food particles, threads, etc.

The most common cause of clogged drains is grease that settles on the walls of pipes after washing dishes. It is enough to shine a flashlight, and you can see the place of blockage

Problem #2 - Heavy Waste

Particles that are heavy in weight provoke the appearance of man-made blockages. From total number reasons, they make up no more than 10% and appear most often in apartment buildings.

Consider heavy: sand, debris from repairs, poorly flushed solutions, animal litter, hygiene products, rags, wet wipes, toilet paper and newspapers that enter the sewer through the toilet.

In addition, a mechanical plug in the pipes can be "organized" by organic waste - vegetable peelings, onion husks, food particles. Often the causes of blockages can be children's toys - Lego elements, beads and any small items that accidentally fell into the sewer.

clogged siphon often a key cause of blockages, both in the kitchen and in the toilet. It needs to be cleaned about once every 2-3 months.

Problem #3 - Hitting Hard Objects

Pipe failures can cause plugging due to solid particles entering the system different sizes. For example, a piece of wood, plastic, which can get stuck somewhere in the middle of the pipe.

There, other debris and grease will layer on this item. It is they who will provoke the growth of a large cork, which is not so easy to break through. In a private house, the cause may be the deformation of a pipe adjacent to the main sewer, or the external pressure of a large object.

Problem #4 - Unprofessional Editing

Unprofessional installation of sewer pipes in an apartment or house can create problems for the owners big problems in the form of frequent blockages.

Folk remedies for quick cleaning

Try pouring 2-3 liters of boiling water into the sink if the only problem is a stuck bar of soap. For quick cleaning of more difficult blockages, but not compressed grease or dirt, you can use different mixtures based on soda. Before using such a mixture, pre-clean the surface of the drain and wipe it dry.

Soda and salt. A dry mixture of salt and soda (1/2 cup each) should be poured into the drain and left for at least 10 hours, and preferably all night.

soda and vinegar. Mix half a cup of vinegar and the same amount of soda, the resulting mixture should be carefully poured into the drain, block it with a cork and leave for at least 40 minutes, for a maximum of several hours.

When you fill in the vinegar - immediately close the cap. If you can not achieve maximum tightness, then the result will be zero. After cleaning in this way, be sure to big amount hot water.

Soda and boiling water. Dilute 1 cup of soda in 3 cups of boiling water and pour the drain hole with this solution.

calcined soda. 150 g of baking soda should be heated for 15 minutes on cast iron pan. Then cool and dilute cold water, pour the resulting mixture into the drain. Rinse with boiling water after 2 hours.

A mixture of soda and vinegar. This is the perfect sparing prophylactic which will not damage the pipes. The only drawback is that to achieve the result you need a lot of consumption and compliance with ideal conditions.

Also, ordinary washing powder copes with small blockages. Pour 2-3 scoops or 1 cup of powder into the drain and run hot water for 5 minutes, or you can just pour 2 buckets of hot water. If all else fails, then use purchased funds.

Fast acting chemicals

If you need a quick result - use. Available on store shelves a large assortment how to clean the sewers in the house . Such preparations can be: acidic and alkaline, dry or in granules, gels and liquids.

Carefully read the instructions before buying, because for different types of pipes and blockages are used different means. Pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations - if this is a remedy for prevention or only against fatty plugs, then do not use it in other cases. Otherwise, you risk damaging or even ruining the sewer or plumbing.

Alkaline products will help get rid of fatty blockages in the kitchen, and acidic substances are more used for garbage plugs in the bathroom. After all, here the cause of a clogged sewer, as a rule, is soap or hair.

Whichever you choose, be sure to take precautions: use gloves, do not lean over the drain when pouring the drug. Never use acidic and alkaline cleaners at the same time.

Here are some of the most purchased drugs to combat different types traffic jams:

  • Mole and its variations - turbo or professional, gel or proshock. Universal remedy, which is perfect for both prevention and elimination of blockages that have appeared. You can pour or fall asleep all night, leaving the window open.
  • Tiret Turbo- according to customer reviews, it is best to cope with fatty traffic jams in the kitchen. Has a pungent odor.
  • Domestos- this "universal soldier" is familiar to every housewife. It can be left on all night. Suitable for all pipes and sinks, in addition to plugs, kills germs and plaque.
  • Mister Muscle- a universal preparation, copes with any traffic jams. Its active substances act quickly enough - about 1-2 hours, although experts recommend pouring it all night. No odor or dangerous fumes.
  • Bagi Pothan- a powerful chemical agent that will cope even with old traffic jams. It must be used as carefully as possible due to the active reaction and pungent odor: pour it on an outstretched hand in a glove, turn your head away, put on a mask. If you have an allergy, then it is better not to use this drug.

When using any of the described means, be sure to arm yourself with rubber gloves and, if possible, a protective mask. Also, do not overexpose the drug beyond the specified time, because this will only harm the pipes.

After working with any chemicals, be sure to ventilate the room. If after using such drugs the water still does not come off, then use the sanit technical means.

Overview of technical methods

If neither folk methods nor chemical agents helped to cope with traffic jams in the sewer, then it remains to test technical methods. These tools include plumbing tools that will help to cope with blockages of any complexity.

Method number 1 - use a plunger

This simple device consists of a rubber bowl and wooden handle. If two sinks are installed, then two plungers must be used simultaneously. When there is no second plunger, close the other drain tightly with a damp cloth.

To clean, install the plunger so that it completely covers the drain, pour some water into the sink. Then you should vigorously move the handle up / down, at least 10-15 times. After that, the water should completely merge with a characteristic sound. If this does not happen, then repeat your steps.

The plunger cannot be used on wall-hung washbasins - they will not withstand pressure, in addition, the device will not break through a long-standing compressed blockage. You will learn how to remove it from our recommended article.

The plunger is suitable for cleaning the toilet from fecal plugs, as well as for cleaning pipes in the bathroom, but in cases with old plugs it is ineffective

Please note that after such cleaning, the pipes must be cleaned with a cable or chemicals and rinsed with plenty of warm water.

Method number 2 - clean the siphon

A standard bottle siphon has a diameter of 30-45 mm - the smaller it is, the faster it clogs. The removable part, which is shaped like a bowl, is easy to unscrew.

Before cleaning the siphon, place a basin of water under the sink, put on gloves. Then carefully unscrew it, remove all unnecessary with a special cable or wire. Wash the siphon, dry it and screw it back into place. Check your work: you should pour water into the sink and if it quickly leaves, then there is no more blockage.

By cleaning the siphon, you should begin the fight against blockages in the kitchen. If after this the cork remains, then use other additional methods.

If you have a different type of siphon installed, such as pipe, corrugated or triple, then proceed to the next method.

Method number 3 - take a plumbing cable

If you have plastic pipes installed, then any should be used as carefully as possible.

In other cases, follow these instructions:

  1. Place a basin or bucket under the sink.
  2. Separately draw water into any container - to clean the cable.
  3. Then unwind the siphon. Rinse and clean it.
  4. Grasp the cable handle, if it is not there, then make it from a bent ring.
  5. Insert the end of the device into the pipe. Then start to slowly rotate it, sticking it inward - for this you should rotate the handle. Do this as carefully as possible so as not to damage the pipe.
  6. With a certain frequency, take it out and clean it from contaminants in a previously prepared container. If you stumble upon a seal, then this is a congestion.
  7. Screw in a clean and dry siphon. Check all details.
  8. Rinse the pipeline with boiling water.

Such simple repeated actions will help to cope even with compressed blockages.

If there is no cable, then as an alternative, you can use a thick wire, forming a hook at its end.

With help plumbing cable any obstruction can be cleared. The main thing is to act carefully and not to break through the dirt further down the pipe, but to get it out and throw it in the trash

Sometimes a cable can be constructed from metal hanger: using a tool, for example, wire cutters, you need to cut its ends so that you get a hook to remove dirt.

Method number 4 - resorting to hydrodynamics

This is the most effective way for "hard" cases. It is used only by professionals. For example, for working with solid plugs in the middle of a pipe, for cleaning sewers in private homes or main sewers. A hydrodynamic professional device is used to clean pipes with a diameter of 5 to 150 mm.

Cleaning is carried out thanks to a tube with several types of nozzles for spraying water under high pressure - up to 200 atmospheres. Both hot water and cold water are used.

Hydrodynamic cleaning should be entrusted to professionals. With its help, the main sewer is cleaned, old cast iron pipes and sewerage in a private cottage

Which of the technical methods of dealing with sewer debris to use is up to you. If the blockage is old or the pipes are very old, then use the all-in-1 method.

Method number 5 - we solve the problem radically

A universal or prefabricated method will help in the fight against even the most “harmful” blockage. The method consists of several steps.

If the first one did not help, then proceed to the next one, and so on, until there is no trace of the cork:

  • preparation - drain the water, remove food and debris, dry the drain;
  • pour soda with boiling water into a dry drain;
  • use the plunger, then the cable;
  • fill overnight with a chemical agent, for example, Mister Muscle or Mole;
  • pour a large amount of boiling water into the drain, about 1 bucket, or open the tap for a few minutes.

This method will almost certainly save you from a boring problem.

How to protect the sewerage from blockages?

Below are some tips that will help you avoid garbage jams in the future:

  1. Once every 2-3 months, do a light pipe cleaning with folk remedies or daily at the end of the day, let boiling water through the pipes.
  2. Before washing dishes, remove food residues from plates, wipe excess fat and throw it in the trash.
  3. Do not throw hygiene products, wet and paper napkins into the toilet, cat litter, sand, inorganic waste.
  4. Never clean your shoes in the sink. Try to remove the dirt above the bin as much as possible.
  5. After washing floors and very dirty surfaces, pour water into the toilet, but not into the sink.
  6. In the toilet, put a bucket for paper, do not save water for flushing, do not throw technical and construction debris into the toilet - glue, sand, cement, as well as large organic waste. To clean the toilet, use special means from the flight.

Pay attention to the technical means that will protect the pipes from garbage plugs.

Garbage grinder or waste shredder - expensive modern device, which will extend the life of pipes and save you time. In addition, it will relieve you of the problem of blockages.

Special nets should be installed on each drain: kitchen sink, shower, bath. They will retain organic waste, partly grease, hair, sand, thread and other small items.

To prevent the formation of fatty deposits, use a special device: . The device is produced for industrial and domestic use and consists of two sections. Principle of operation: drains passing through the filter system in the first container are cleaned of large debris. In the second, special filters clean the water from fat.

For grinding organic waste installed under the sink. It is mounted under the sink, connected to the sewer and connected to the network. The device can work instead of a siphon. It is recommended to place the socket not under the sink to insure it from getting wet.

A compact garbage grinder will cope with all waste, ranging from vegetable scraps, bones, ending with poultry and fish bones. Do not throw hair, pieces of cloth, wool into it, otherwise the device will simply break.

All described technical devices - nets, grease trap, garbage grinder, after use should be thoroughly washed and kept clean.

A clogged sewer system is an annoying but unfortunately common problem. It will be superfluous to remind you that it requires an immediate solution. Today on the site beton-area we will cover in detail the question: how to clean sewer pipes at home? Consider the methods of mechanical and chemical cleaning. From the many options offered, you can easily find the one that suits your situation.

Causes of clogged sewer pipes

No effort to protect the drain system in the house from clogging is guaranteed to be 100% successful. Even the finest mesh on the drain hole and permanent use hot water is not a guarantee of clean pipes. What is the reason for weed plugs in the drain system?

The main blockages in drain pipes:

Signs of a clogged drain

It is very easy to understand that the sewer system is clogged. There are two main signs of this:

  • stagnation of water in the sink, bathroom or toilet;
  • an unpleasant (putrid) odor emitted from the drain pipe.

Clogged drain pipes need to be dealt with immediately.

List of effective methods for cleaning the sewer system

Experts advise in case of clogging of the drain system to resort to one of the following methods:

  • mechanical cleaning;
  • dry cleaning;
  • manual cleaning.

  • place of contamination
  • the nature of the blockage
  • pipe material.

Between cleaning the sewer in an apartment and a private house does not exist fundamental difference. IN own house, however, there is a possibility of exposure to the part of the drain system that extends beyond the living quarters.

Mechanical cleaning of pipes of the drain system

Implementation mechanical cleaning sewage without calling a specialist is possible only if there is necessary equipment. The most primitive tool that is easy to use at home is a plunger.

Cleaning the sewer with a plunger

Almost every housewife has this simple device. If you think that your home does not need a plunger, you should know that most of the "fresh" blockages are easily removed with this simple tool. To quickly remove the blockage from the pipe, you need to draw some water into the sink or bathroom, press the plunger against the hole and press and pull the handle with force several times. Under air pressure, water, together with the formed accumulation of dirt, will rise to the top. This action must be done several times until it becomes obvious that the pipe has been cleaned.

Cleaning a pipe with a plumbing cable

This device usually saves in situations in which the plunger did not help. These are usually cases with an old plug or large debris stuck in the pipe. It is rare that someone keeps a plumbing cable in an apartment or house just in case, but representatives of the organization servicing the house definitely have it.

Algorithm for cleaning pipes with a plumbing cable:

  • We remove the siphon.
  • We insert the cable into the clogged pipe.
  • We rotate the handle of the device to push its end to the blockage.
  • We take out and clean the cable and repeat the previous steps.
  • Pour several liters of very hot water into the pipe.

Plumbing cable for cleaning the sewer system

Chemical way to deal with sewer plugs

Specially issued funds for chemical basis corrode the formed mud plug. The range of such drugs pleasantly surprises those who are faced with a problem. clogged sewer. But how to choose? Behind long years checks, consumers were able to allocate the most effective funds for modern market cleaning products. The first two places of honor in terms of the number of positive ratings were taken by:

  • "Mole",
  • "Tired".

Among the worthy rivals are brands well known to our consumers: Domestos, Mister Muskul, Antizasor, Titan.

There are products available to eliminate blockages in the drain system in dry, liquid or gel form, but this in no way affects their effectiveness. To remove the plug from the pipe, you just need to follow the instructions glued to the package. Usually you need to put a certain amount of product into the pipe, and after a strictly defined time, flush the drain system with water.

Before buying a drug, you need to make sure that it is designed to work with pipes in your home. Also, do not use more than the indicated amount of the product at one time and do not increase the exposure time at your own discretion.

"Pipe Cleaner Mole"

"Mole" is produced in Russia and has a mass positive feedback from users. Powder or liquid for cleaning sewer pipes is easy to use and can deal with almost all blockages. The product corrodes grease and other contaminants in pipes due to its aggressive effect. Because of this property, the material from which the drain system is made must be taken into account.

Superbly cleaning pipes, the Mole can harm the human body if no action is taken. Protect your hands and respiratory organs without fail. Several varieties of pipe cleaner called "Mole" differ in the degree of impact.


The gel product comes to our markets from Germany. Over the years of import, Russian housewives were convinced of the effectiveness of this drug in the destruction of mud plugs in pipes. "Tiret" is recommended to be used not only in the fight against pollution in the sewer, but also for the prevention of such problems.

A small amount of gel is enough to dissolve a tight plug in a sewer pipe. The agent quickly spreads through the drain system, dissolving deposits on the walls of the drain channel. At the same time, "Tiret" is considered a gentle drug, so it is absolutely suitable for any pipes.

Removing blockages in the drain system with improvised means

There are several ways to clean the drain system without special tools and chemicals, we will consider the most popular due to efficiency. It can be attributed to chemical way cleaning, as it was based on the reaction of two substances: vinegar and soda. This option for dealing with blockages in pipes is chosen by fierce opponents of toxic chemicals or those who simply did not have them at hand. It does not matter for what reason you were attracted to this method, in any case, it will prove its effectiveness.

So, what is required to destroy a mud plug in a pipe? Half a pack of baking soda and half a bottle of warm table vinegar. At the end - boiling water. For confident success, actions should be performed in strict sequence:

  1. Pour soda into the drain hole.
  2. Pour vinegar into the pipe.
  3. Cover the drain with a cloth and leave for 30-60 minutes.
  4. Pour at least 3 liters of boiling water into the drain.

What's happening? Vinegar meets baking soda and a violent chemical reaction takes place, during which the mud plug dissolves. Actions inside the pipe will be similar to a volcanic eruption - that's why it is better to cover the hole with a rag. At the end, the liquid mud is washed off with boiling water and comes out naturally. The normal flow of water will be restored, putrid smell propagating from the pipe will disappear.

Combined method of dealing with blockage in the pipe

For an absolute victory over a plug in a drain pipe, many owners and housewives use several cleaning methods at once. One common combination includes:

  1. Flushing pipes with hot water.
  2. After 10 minutes use the plunger.
  3. Falling asleep soda and pouring three times more boiling water.

It is possible to eliminate clogged pipes at home without a specialist!

All these techniques in combination will leave the pipes completely clean, having established a drain in the house. Such disinfection will eliminate unpleasant odors coming from the pipe. Experts advise regularly cleaning pipes, regardless of whether they are clogged or not. Prevention can help you avoid serious problems with plum.

If the water began to stagnate in the sink or bath, this may indicate a blockage in the sewer pipe. This brings discomfort to all the people living in the house. Therefore, the solution of the problem must be immediate. Many decide not to resort to the help of professional craftsmen. However, do-it-yourself cleaning must be carried out in accordance with certain rules. Failure to comply with the technology can lead to failure of communications. The blockage may also not be cleared if the home plumber does not do the right thing. Therefore, before carrying out such work, you should familiarize yourself with the advice of specialists in the field of sewage and plumbing.

Place of blockage

To do it yourself, you must first determine its location. Most often they are found in the riser of the bathroom or in the kitchen. A plug may form in the pipe that is connected to the washing machine.

There are common blockages, which are not even in the apartment, but in the riser of the supply of communications outside it. If this a private house, the cause of the general blockage should be sought on the street, where the local sewer is connected to the city.

Do-it-yourself cleaning of sewer pipes begins with determining the type of blockage. After collecting water in the kitchen sink, bathroom, flushing the water in the toilet, you should see where the water will drain and where it will stagnate. If the sewer is clogged in only one place, the cause of the blockage is eliminated by self-cleaning the sewer pipes by one of several possible methods.

If the blockage is general high-rise building, you can put a check valve in front of the sink. It will not allow water to rise from the sewer into the sink.

Types of blockages

There are several types of blockages. In order for cleaning sewer pipes using household recipes to be effective, it is necessary to determine what caused this situation.

Operational blockage appears gradually. The water is getting worse and worse down the drain. The sooner it happens with your own hands, the better for the sewer. These blockages appear due to the gradual entry into the system of small accumulations of fat that stick to the walls and accumulate there over time. This is how bottlenecks form.

Another type is mechanical blockage. If foreign objects enter the system, an obstacle is formed in the way of the water flow. Most often this happens due to the pranks of young children or the irresponsible attitude of adults to sewer communications.

A siphon (a device located under a sink or bathtub that does not let an unpleasant smell into the apartment) can also get clogged. Therefore, before cleaning the sewer pipe yourself, you should determine the cleanliness of this device.

Man-made blockage

There are blockages that appear due to improper design of communications. It stands out from the usual sewer problems. Do-it-yourself cleaning of sewer pipes in this case is effective for only 2-3 weeks. And then the problem comes back.

This phenomenon occurs due to incorrect system design. If the pipe is not properly rotated, dirt and debris begin to accumulate at its bend angle. This happens much faster than with conventional blockages. In such cases, only redevelopment of communication systems will help.

You will have to correct the wrong angle not only in one place, but also along the entire length of the pipe. It will have to be shifted, perhaps more than a dozen meters. A properly designed system has a slope of 2 cm for every 2 m of pipe. No more and no less. If this rule is not observed, in the case of a small inclination, the water will pass too slowly and subsequently dirt will accumulate on the walls. With a larger slope, the water will flow too quickly, not having time to take solid particles with it.

Cleaning methods

There are several do-it-yourself methods. They can be conditionally divided into three types:

  • folk remedies;
  • chemicals;
  • mechanical means.

Each of them is an effective way to clean sewer pipes when various types blockages. The earlier the owners paid attention to problems with the sewer, the easier it will be to fix the problem.

Folk remedies include methods such as cleaning pipes with soda and boiling water, vinegar or salt.

Chemicals are presented in a wide range by manufacturers of household chemicals and are also quite often used when polluting the sewerage systems of a house or apartment.

TO mechanical means include a plunger, a cable and special machines for cleaning pipes.

Boiling water and soda

Do-it-yourself cleaning of sewer pipes with soda is widely used in folk recipes for eliminating such problems.

With the help of soda in combination with boiling water, you can clean small and medium blockages of communications. You must act in accordance with certain instructions. This will allow you to most effectively clean the sewer pipes with your own hands using soda.

First, all debris must be manually removed from the drain hole. Then a liter of boiling water is poured into the hole and left for several minutes. You can try to get the blockage soaked with boiling water with a plunger.

Next, 1 cup of soda is poured into the drain hole. It is poured with a small amount of boiling water. You may have to do this more than once. Soda will create an alkaline environment, which will help disinfect and eliminate unpleasant odors.

soda and vinegar

Another popular remedy for getting rid of a medium blockage is a soda-vinegar cleaning of sewer pipes. Household recipes use Chemical properties these two substances and their reactions when interacting.

To get rid of blockages and clean sewer pipes, half a glass of soda is poured into the drain hole. Then half a glass of vinegar is poured there. Leave the mixture for a couple of hours. It will act on blockage with the help of chemical reaction. A foam is formed that eliminates blockage.

So that dirt and debris do not get into the sink from the pipe, it is better to close the drain hole with a stopper after pouring the product into the sewer.

After processing, the pipes are filled with boiling water for flushing. Using this method, you can also disinfect pipes and clean grease from sewers.

soda and salt

Another simple way is to clean the drains with salt and soda. They are found in every home. This is a fairly simple cleaning of sewer pipes. How to get rid of blockage with the help of such means, a special instruction will tell you.

Soda and salt are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio and poured into the drain hole. A small amount of boiling water is also poured there. The mixture remains in the tube for 8 to 10 hours. During this time, boiling water is periodically poured into the hole.

The presented tool creates a strong alkaline environment that can dissolve the blockage. Dirt and grease will simply corrode such a mixture. Boiling water in this case enhances the effect.

There are other ways to get rid of the problem of stagnant water in the sink or bathroom.


Today, the chemical industry offers many products for cleaning sewer systems at home. There are both very inexpensive domestic products, for example, "Mole", and expensive imported gels. The principle of action for such substances is identical. If the cause of the problem is a fatty plug in the pipe, then any remedy will be effective, regardless of its price category.

Chemicals make it easy to perform such an action as cleaning the sewer from grease. Methods and means should be used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. In this case, the process will be efficient.

Plunger application

Plunger has long been known to mankind as a simple and widely available means of dealing with blockages. He creates high blood pressure inside the pipe and allows you to push through the blockage, breaking it into smaller particles. Sometimes, if the blockage is close to the drain hole, the plunger can get it out.

The correct use of such a tool involves following the following technology. The hole for draining water is closed when overflowing. Then the plunger is pressed tightly against the drain hole. The bathtub or sink is filled with water above the level of the instrument's rubber. Further, frequent rhythmic up and down movements are made, without lifting the plunger from the surface.

After some time, the plunger is sharply torn off from the drain and the result is checked. If the water still does not come off, the procedure is repeated again.


In the case of a more serious blockage located in the depth of the pipe, more effective ways sewer pipe cleaning. For this purpose, a cable is used. Its end should be inserted into the drain hole. This should be done as deep as possible and try to come across a blockage.

In order to push the plug, translational movements of the cable in the pipe should be made. This should be done until a free drain of water appears. Then the pipes are cleaned with boiling water and running water. In order not to damage the pipes, the cable should be used without much effort.

Having become acquainted with existing methods, capable of eliminating the problem of blockage, cleaning sewer pipes with your own hands will allow you to quickly and efficiently solve this issue. Depending on the severity of contamination, one of the proposed methods is used. However, if all the methods have been tried, and the desired result has not been achieved, it is worth seeking the help of professionals who, with the help of special equipment, can eliminate the problem of draining water.

Sewer pipes can become clogged in almost every home. Sometimes getting rid of such a nuisance is not difficult. But there are times when the problem is global in nature and requires a more complex approach to its solution.

Most often, blockage occurs suddenly, but its appearance has several characteristic features, for example, the speed of draining water has sharply decreased or an unpleasant odor comes from the pipe.

Constantly call plumbers for cleaning sewer system quite expensive, because everyone should know how to remove blockages in pipes at home. This will be discussed later in the article.

The main tasks in detecting a blockage are to quickly determine the place of its occurrence and subsequent elimination.

First you need to find out if there is a drain in other similar nodes associated with the sewer. It can be:

  • toilet;
  • sink;
  • bath.

If the collected water does not go away, it will be quite difficult to solve such a problem, since it is associated with a clogged riser located on the ground floor apartment building.

To eliminate such a nuisance, you need to urgently call a housing office employee or try to cope with this on your own according to the technology, which will be described below.

When draining is not possible in only one node, cleaning is carried out locally.

Mechanical methods for removing blockage

To get rid of the garbage plug, sometimes it is enough to use the available means. If they do not help, you need to seek help from specialists.


Almost every home has this simple plumbing tool, which is a rubber bowl mounted on a wooden handle.

Sewer cleaning using this device is carried out according to the following scheme:

If there is a slight overflow, the hole must be closed with a stopper. Otherwise, the system will not be able to create the desired pressure.

Plumbing cable

When a clogged pipe is caused by large household waste or a grease plug, the plunger may not be able to handle the problem. More in an efficient way is the use of a plumbing cable designed specifically for such work.

This device is made of flexible steel wire with a cross section of 3-4 mm. A handle is attached to the end of the cable. Today, such a device can be purchased at any specialized store that sells such equipment.

Application technique

  1. Open sewer access by removing the siphon.
  2. Insert the end of the fixture into the pipe.
  3. Start rotating the handle of the tool, slowly pushing the wire itself into the cylindrical product.
  4. Periodically remove the cable, cleaning off adhering dirt and debris from it.
  5. The procedure is repeated several times.

After removing the blockage, the sewage system must be flushed with plenty of boiling water.

Chemical cleaning

Today, the chemical industry offers a wide range of various means designed to clear sewer blockages. Many formulations have already managed to prove their effectiveness, including:

The industry produces chemicals in the form of:

  • powders;
  • gels;
  • liquid formulations.

All of them have approximately the same action aimed at dissolving deposits or debris that has appeared. It is very convenient to use such chemicals: just pour the powder or pour the gel into the sewer pipe, wait a while, then rinse the cylindrical product with hot water.

Before using this composition, be sure to read the instructions. Some chemicals are not designed for all sewer pipes. Their aggressive properties can destroy the coating of products, especially plastic ones.

Hydrodynamic cleaning

Hydrodynamic impact is a powerful method of removing blockage. To do this, a hose is inserted into the system, having a metal tip and several nozzles. Through them, under high pressure, a pressure of water is supplied, hitting the walls of the pipe.

To carry out such work, it is necessary to have a pump capable of creating a pressure of 190 MPa.

The nozzle begins to move under the influence of jet thrust created by jets directed directly into opposite side. The clogged sewer breaks through with the help of a nozzle. Thanks to the powerful flow of water, all deposits are removed.

The use of the hydrodynamic method is absolutely safe. They can clean any pipes, and the result is always only positive.

For such hydrodynamic method cleaning sewer pipes from blockage that has arisen, it is necessary to have a special device. Such equipment is available in the following several modifications, which differ in their dimensions:

  1. Manual. They work similarly to a household pump equipped with a hose.
  2. Petrol. These are powerful installations that remove blockages in sewer pipes of large diameters.
  3. Drum. They can only work from the mains, they are used to clean any system designed to remove waste.

Home technique

The main cause of clogging of sewer pipes is considered to be a large accumulation of fat remaining on the walls of the product. Boiling water copes well with such deposits. Before using more stringent measures, it is recommended to simply flush the system with hot water.

In addition, you can try to cope with fat with the help of one folk remedy. To do this, you need vinegar and soda. Before you start cleaning the sewer with a similar composition, you need to make a special felt plug to close the drain.

First, a glass of soda is poured into the sink hole, then the same amount of vinegar is added. After that, the drain is closed with a stopper. A violent reaction begins in the pipes, the fat deposits on the walls are split.

The same effect has lemon acid excellent substitute for vinegar. This substance also actively interacts with soda and breaks down accumulated fat. After cleaning, the sewer is washed with hot water.

Additional methods using soda

Half a cup of salt is mixed with half a glass of soda. The solution is poured into the sink hole and left there for 10 hours. This method is recommended to be used at night to prevent the water from draining.

Boiling water is poured into the sink hole with the addition of soda in a ratio of 3: 1. Cleaning sewer products at home involves the use of a plunger.

Removing blockages in cast iron and plastic pipes

It is known that sewers made of plastic are rarely clogged. The inner surface of the products is made absolutely smooth, therefore fat is almost never deposited on their walls. The only drawback of the plastic system is the presence of bends and turns.

You can clean such a sewer with the help of modern chemicals presented in stores in a wide range.

Mechanical cleaning requires the worker to be very careful not to accidentally damage the pipeline.

Get rid of blockages that have appeared in the cast-iron sewer with modern chemicals not worth it as they may cause leaks at the connections. Better take advantage mechanically, for example, a cable, a plunger or a spiral.

It's important to know that it's not just fat that can cause blockages. They are also formed due to solid particles that have settled on the walls of the pipeline for a long time. The accumulation of waste is observed mainly due to improper laying of sewer cylindrical structures, when the appropriate slope is not maintained.

It is impossible to get rid of solid residues by chemical means. To do this, you need a mechanical cable or a special spiral machine.

Types of blockages and their differences


Only fat is to blame for the appearance of this type of garbage plug. It is he who closes the smooth inner surface of the pipe. A fatty film is formed, which attracts to itself any waste that accidentally enters the cylindrical product through the drain.


In most cases, the owner of the apartment becomes the culprit of such a blockage. The most common example is toilet paper, which does not always have time to decompose. Over time, it starts to form a blockage. You can get rid of it only with the help of special substances that actively corrode paper.

Siphon obstruction

This device is a kind of filter that does not allow unpleasant odors coming from sewer pipes into the room. Over time, such an element becomes clogged with fat and is completely closed by it.

Cleaning the siphon should not cause much difficulty. It must be carefully unscrewed and rinsed with hot water. For greater effect, you can add to the liquid detergent, for example, "Fairy". As a result, the dirt accumulated in the siphon will be completely removed.


If in new apartment there is a constant problem with draining water, and all the methods you use do not give a positive result, in this case we are talking about man-made pollution. It cannot be eliminated, since the cause of such a phenomenon is considered to be an error made when creating a sewer system project. Today this problem is quite common.


To avoid blockages, the following precautions must be observed:

  1. Avoid getting foreign objects into the drain hole that could block free movement water flow.
  2. Do not neglect the periodic cleaning of the siphon.
  3. close drain holes special grease traps. These devices block grease and other particles from entering the sewer system.
  4. Periodically clean the drain hole with boiling water with the addition of a small amount of soda.
  5. If possible, install plastic sewerage. Blockages will appear much less frequently, and their removal will not be difficult.

Work should begin with the simplest method, and only when it is impossible to solve the problem, you can use more powerful tools.

Partial or complete clogging of sewer pipes can happen in every home. Usually this happens suddenly, being a complete surprise for the owners of an apartment or house. However, this phenomenon may be preceded by some signs. For example, a decrease in the speed of draining water, the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the pipes. In order not to call plumbers every time, each person must imagine how to clean sewer pipes at home if they are clogged. Moreover, there are always at hand available funds or cleaning items.

Determining the blockage that has arisen is easy. Water stops going down the drain, or goes too slowly. If the drain grate of the plumbing fixture is not clogged with anything, then there is a blockage.

Drain pipes are often clogged with food debris, objects, hair, threads that accidentally fall into the drain. Also, a large object, such as a rag or sponge, can get into the pipe, around which a cork of small particles will gradually grow.

Another reason for the formation of blockages is the gradual decrease in the cross section of drain pipes. On the walls of drain pipes, usually cast iron, a layer of fat is gradually deposited, which leads to a decrease in the drain rate, up to its termination. Plastic pipes are much less likely to suffer from such deposits. In any case, you need to know how to clean the sewer at home. There are several ways to deal with such a nuisance. You can use any of them, whichever is more to your liking and capabilities.

Determining the location of the blockage

Before you clean your clogged sewer pipes with your own hands, you need to determine the location of the blockage. This will make it easier to eliminate it. Blockages often form at the bends of drain pipes. In particular, in the siphon itself, at the outlet of the kitchen or bathroom siphon. These are places in the areas between the plumbing fixtures and the drain riser. Sometimes internal risers are also clogged, although much less often. If the common riser of an apartment building is clogged, then you can’t do it on your own and by methods.

You can identify the approximate location of the blockage yourself. To do this, you need to check how the drain from different points works. Suppose, in the kitchen and in the toilet, the water drains normally, but it does not leave the bath. Therefore, the cause must be sought in the area between the bathroom and the riser. If the water does not leave different devices, then the reason is a common riser.

Pipe cleaning methods

Consider how to clean the sewer pipes in a house or apartment. It is recommended that you first check the siphons under the sink or bathtub. To do this, they have to be carefully disassembled, and then rinsed with water. In most cases, blockages are located precisely on the bends of the siphons. If the siphon is clean and the water still does not come off, you should use one of the methods listed in this article.

thermal method

Pour 1-2 liters of boiling water into the drain hole. It is able to dissolve fatty deposits, as a result of which the drain passage will be released. This method cannot be applied if there is water in the sink or other plumbing fixture.

mechanical method

For cleaning, you can use the following tools:

Tip: For a plastic pipeline, a metal cable must be used with caution, as it can, due to its rigidity, damage the pipe walls.

Chemical method

Consider how to clean the pipes with one of the chemicals. There are special liquids and powders on sale, with which you can dissolve fat deposits inside the drain. These are Mole, Flup, Mister Muscle, MELLERUD, Tiret Turbo, Sanfor. The liquid is immediately ready for use. It is poured into the drain hole of the plumbing fixture, and then left for a while. The powder must be poured into the drain, and then pour the specified amount of water. After maintaining the specified time, the drain system is washed with water.

All chemicals are divided into 2 groups:

  • Acid. They perfectly dissolve hair and cope with soapy plaque. Such preparations are more suitable for bathrooms;
  • alkaline. Their purpose is to dissolve fats that accumulate on the inner pipe walls. Such tools have proven themselves better in the kitchen.

Important: The simultaneous use of alkali-based products and acid preparations is prohibited.

Household solvents

How to clear a blockage in sewer pipes if there are no purchased chemicals available? You can use all known folk remedies:

1. Baking soda . It can be used in several ways:

  • Half a pack of soda should be poured into the drain, and then pour the same amount of vinegar into it. Such a mixture effectively dissolves any fatty deposits on the walls of the pipes. It is recommended to close the drain with a stopper. After application, you need to wait about 2 hours without opening the drain. After a time when the reaction stops, the drain must be washed with running water;
  • Soda is poured into the drain hole, after which boiling water is poured there. The reaction of soda to boiling water is gas formation with the release of carbon dioxide. This helps keep the pipes clean.

2. Salt mixed with baking soda. Ingredients in equal proportions are poured into the drain at night, and everything is washed off with water only in the morning.

How to clean the sewer with baking soda and vinegar is shown in the video.

Hydrodynamic method

To use this cleaning method, a special hydrodynamic machine is required, capable of supplying water under high pressure. With the help of such a device, pipes with a diameter of 5-30 cm are cleaned.

Note: It is problematic to use such a machine in an apartment, but it can be used for a private house.

A flexible hose with a special nozzle at the end is inserted into a clogged pipe. High pressure water is supplied to the hose. Water exits through the nozzles of the nozzle and knocks all deposits from the walls of the pipe. Thanks to the emerging jet thrust, the hose moves further along the pipe, destroying blockages with the nozzle body. Water contributes to the removal of all debris outside the pipe. If you have a blockage in a wide pipe, then better way how to clean sewer pipes, you can not find. After such a major cleaning, the inside of the pipe will not become clogged for a long time.

Cleaning plastic pipes

Plastic pipes are much less at risk of clogging, as their walls are smoother. Deposits are practically not formed on them. Blockages inside such pipelines can occur only at bends, as well as in the presence of standing water. Sand deposits can also form in the lower parts of the pipelines. Often the siphon itself becomes clogged. How to clean plastic sewer pipes if they are still clogged?

If disassembling and flushing the siphon did not bring results, then the following cleaning methods can be applied:

  • plunger;
  • soda with boiling water or vinegar;
  • soft flexible cable (neat manual cleaning);
  • chemicals designed specifically for such pipes.

Tip: When buying chemical agent read its instructions carefully. Some tools cannot be used inside plastic system because they lead to its destruction.

Mechanical cleaning with a rigid metal cable on plastic pipes Not recommended.


To prevent blockages inside the drain pipes from being a regular occurrence, you need to take preventive measures:

  • You don't have to throw it in the drain foreign objects, which can block the flow of water;
  • Use special grease traps installed on the drain holes. They are able to retain most of the fat;
  • Protect the drain hole in the bathtub with a grate that can trap hair. It is the hair that is the main cause of the clogging of the bathroom siphon;
  • Periodically clean the siphon from deposits and objects that have fallen into it;
  • Spill the drain with boiling water regularly. It would be even better to combine this action with pouring a certain amount of soda into the drain;
  • If possible, replace old metal pipes with PVC or polypropylene pipes. Blockages will occur much less frequently, and will be eliminated faster.

Using the methods listed above, you can independently cope with even the most unpleasant blockages in sewer pipes. Start the fight against trouble with the simplest ways. And only if the problem cannot be fixed, use more effective means.

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