Why dream of breaking dishes? What does a dream about broken dishes promise? Handling dirty dishes

Dreams about dishes can have completely contradictory interpretations. New, clean kitchen utensils portend peace and harmonious relations between spouses, no conflicts at work, a stable financial situation, successful implementation ideas and projects of the dreamer. For unmarried girls, such dreams promise a successful marriage. Old, dirty dishes with damage indicate that soon a person will have to solve many problems that will take a lot of physical and moral strength. The dreamer should carefully monitor his actions and words. Otherwise, ill-wishers and envious people may have an opportunity to spread false rumors.

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    Appearance of dishes

    A dream symbol is considered to be polished to a shine, clean dishes. This suggests that if the dreamer is not lazy and works hard, then his family for a long time will live in prosperity and need nothing. Also, clean dishes can promise the dreamer the fulfillment of all his even wildest desires and good luck in all endeavors.

    Beautiful, well-maintained kitchen utensils - good sign portending a thaw in relations with relatives.

    If the drawing is erased on the dishes, there are chips - a dream is a dream for big family quarrels and scandals over trifles.

    If you dreamed of new dishes that no one has yet seen and unpacked, this is not auspicious sign portending problems in the dreamer's personal life due to her dismissive and disrespectful attitude towards her young man.

    For an unmarried girl, dirty dishes portend the development of a depressive state. It will be called big amount household chores that the dreamer has to do. To avoid negative consequences for mental health, the girl needs to unwind and take a break from household chores. Another interpretation of sleep according to Freud's dream book is promiscuity in choosing a sexual partner.

    Empty dishes on festive table promises a search new work due to the difficult financial situation. If the dreamer was hungry in a dream, and he dreamed of an empty plate - a sign of the upcoming struggle with bad habits.

    Tableware for women white color is a good symbol. Soon the dreamer's spouse will receive a substantial salary increase or a new position. This will help the family get rid of debts and financial problems.

    If you dream of dishes painted in the Gzhel style, it is a sign that the dreamer is dissatisfied with his abilities. If there was no clear pattern, but there was just a beautiful pattern, this is a symbol of well-being and peace in the family.

    Old mixed-sized kitchen utensils with chipped handles portend the dreamer to poverty and large debts.

    What does a dream about broken dishes promise?

    Seeing a lot of broken dishes in a dream is an unfavorable sign, portending minor conflicts with family members due to household duties. To avoid discord with relatives, household work must be distributed among all who live in the house.

    Dream Interpretation of a Housewife claims that broken household utensils dream of fleeting happiness, which will become inspiration for making new achievements.

    If in a dream plates are constantly falling from the dreamer's hands, then this is a symbol that portends the collapse of hopes and unfulfilled desires. Everything that was developed by a person earlier will go to dust, a streak of bad luck and failures will come. To avoid unpleasant consequences such a situation, you need to control your temper and impulsiveness.

    If broken dishes were dreamed of by a person who was born in the spring, then this promises a big family scandal based on unreasonable jealousy and excessive suspicion of one of the spouses. The best solution in this situation, there will be a frank conversation with your other half.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

    The material from which the dishes are made

    Correct interpretation of sleep kitchen utensils impossible without taking into account the material used in the manufacture of dishes:

    Material The meaning of the dream
    Crystal Soon a person will have to take important decision, on which not only his fate, but also his loved ones will depend
    porcelain Porcelain cups portend a pleasant pastime in the company of good friends. A dreamed porcelain plate promises a scandal with a loved one over a trifle. Drawing on porcelain dishes - to peace and harmony in the family. Broken porcelain promises problems due to the dreamer's rash act
    Silver Soon the dreamer can count on meeting an authoritative and respected person who will help solve many old problems.
    glass Relations between spouses will become harmonious, peace and tranquility will reign in the house
    Tin The dreamer has to make a difficult choice
    enameled To receive unexpected news
    metal good time to start a business or a successful marriage
    Wooden To the deterioration of the financial situation. In the near future, spending on food will have to be significantly reduced
    Clay To big financial losses
    Aluminum For unexpected guests or a camping trip
    plastic To disappointment and deception on the part of a loved one
    Copper To unpleasant conversation and squabbles
    Nickel To a big win or a big inheritance
    Golden To move up the career ladder
    From semi-precious stones To receive outside help in the near future

    Dreamer's actions

    The interpretation of a dream about dishes also depends on the dreamer's actions that he performed in a dream:

    Action The meaning of sleep
    Keep in hand Good luck in new endeavors
    Deliberately smash Intentionally breaking dishes in a dream “for good luck” is a sign of great luck and good luck in all areas of life
    Buy To cardinal changes in life, which will affect not only relationships with their other half, but also careers. The dreamer will be offered a new interesting position with more high salary. It is also possible that he will have to move to another city due to a change of sphere. labor activity. For those who dream of creating a strong family, a dream promises a quick wedding. Family long years will live in peace and harmony
    Present Handing dishes as a gift to your boss - to a significant increase in salary, relatives - to improve relationships with loved ones
    Wash Washing kitchen utensils indicates to the dreamer that he has all the signs of severe nervous strain. It is necessary to take a short vacation and relax not only physically, but also mentally. Otherwise, the human psyche may not withstand - then nervous breakdown can't be avoided. Another interpretation of sleep warns that a person may be drawn into some kind of scam or deception. Do not sign important documents with unfamiliar people. According to Freud's dream book, a dream suggests that a person dreams of children
    Clear the table For women similar dream is an unfavorable symbol. He speaks of the increased vulnerability and vulnerability of the dreamer, her mental suffering due to an undeveloped relationship with a young man.
    arrange dishes Good luck in the planned event
    Pour food into it The dreamer will need to organize important information and provide it to his superiors
    Accept as a gift For a happy occasion
    Admire the dishes on the shelves To prosperity in the house and the absence of financial problems. unmarried girl such a dream promises a successful marriage. A worthy and decent young man will become her chosen one. If the shelves for dishes in the store were empty - this is a sign of chaos and confusion in business, the dream speaks of physical and moral exhaustion
  • Spoon - to the appearance of a son or grandson.
  • Taz, a large bowl - to great happiness, an addition to the family.
  • Knife - to losses, quarrels, separation from a loved one.
  • Mug - to cardinal life changes in fate.

Why else dream of kitchen utensils?

Night dishes portend happiness in the house and complete understanding between family members.

To dream of a mountain of unwashed dishes standing in a sink is an unfavorable symbol. He says that it will be difficult for the dreamer to find mutual language with a special person who always understood him perfectly.

To see shards in a dream - to great family happiness and an unexpected turn of fate in better side.

Looking at someone else's dishes in a dream - to betrayal best friend or second half.

To see how the contents of the dishes overflow - to unexpected wealth.

If the dreamer in a dream raised a basin or a bucket whose bottom fell off - an unfavorable sign portending ruin.

2. why dream of breaking dishes? (description by day of the week)
3. why dream of beating her husband?
4. why dream of broken glass?
5. why dream of broken eggs?
6. why dream that a husband beats his wife?
7. why dream of beating a child?
8. joke in Temko.))

  • To see cracked and broken dishes in dreams, as well as in reality, does not bode well. Usually such dreams indicate that changes for the worse will soon come. However, in various interpretations, the meaning of sleep can change dramatically, and if you break the dishes intentionally, then changes in life will be in a good way.
  • In Miller's dream book, which is considered the most complete and correct, accidental breaking of dishes can portend joy and success. However, all these positive events will be fleeting, sliding, like those plates or cups that you dropped from your hands in a dream. An accidentally broken plate can portend impending disaster, so take this warning. If you only want to beat dishes, this indicates your shyness and insecurity. Listen, and then you can count on success in business and family life.
  • In Slavic dream books, breaking dishes in a dream means happiness and prosperity in the house. However, in a modern interpretation, sleep speaks of problems with your health. Pay attention to your emotions and state nervous system, you are on the verge of stress and you can make rash acts. Breaking your favorite dishes in a dream, get ready for the sad news. Usually such a dream comes to warn you of an impending loss that will cause you mental trauma.

(description by day of the week)

If breaking dishes is accompanied by a scandal and a quarrel, then most likely you will be in trouble from loved ones. A more accurate and truthful decoding can be obtained if you remember what day this dream was. Depending on the days of the week, the dream may turn out to be prophetic, or it may simply be inspired by your experiences.

  • Sleep from Sunday to Monday empty and usually means nothing.
  • Dreams for Tuesday can be performed within the next week, so you should pay attention to them. If you dreamed of broken dishes, a quarrel with loved ones awaits you.
  • A dream that occurred on Wednesday night almost always comes true. Pay attention to every little thing.
  • see beaten dishes for Thursday - you do not need to worry and solve dreams, do not take them seriously. Empty experiences await you, so do not worry and pay attention to them.
  • To break dishes in a dream on Friday - get ready for change. The events from the dream come true, but after some time. In order for change to bring you joy and good luck, try to carefully study your surroundings. Perhaps among people close to you there are envious people.
  • To see this dream on Saturday night - expect trouble.
  • Dream on Sunday may be prophetic. Try not to provoke conflict.

3) why dream of beating her husband?

If in a dream you beat another person, then this indicates the imminent fulfillment of desires. However, if you beat your husband, then most likely you are at a crossroads and are not entirely confident in yourself.

If you are married and you had a dream in which you beat your spouse, pay attention to the dishes. If you throw and break plates, a quarrel and a strong conflict in the family await you. If you beat your husband with your hands, then reconciliation awaits you. You will forget grievances and be able to forgive each other.

If you want to beat your husband, but it doesn’t work out for you, this dream will save you from sad thoughts.

If you dreamed ex-husband who you hit, this indicates a new relationship. You will meet a person with whom you will find personal happiness.

When in a dream a woman beats her now deceased husband - to a long life and good health.

The classic interpretation of a dream in which a woman beats her husband usually does not bring joy, but does not speak of a terrible tragedy either. However, this dream can be a harbinger of a nervous breakdown and depression.

Current according modern dream book- You need help and support. If you see someone hitting your husband, someone will support you. The strong scandal that accompanies the fight suggests that an unusual gift awaits you. If in a dream you experienced unpleasant moments and woke up with a bad feeling, a pleasant find awaits you.

4) why dream of broken glass?

Broken glass is an important and serious dream that warns you. In the near future, there is a possibility that you will commit an act that you will regret. Such a dream should serve as a warning that you need to be very careful about the consequences. In some cases, it can be a life change that you will regret for years to come.

In all dream books, broken glass is interpreted as an obstacle on the way to some goal. If you saw broken glass, most likely you will be able to overcome all problems, both personally and in public life. However, do not rush to rejoice, the price can be very high.

If you saw broken glass, changes await you in your personal life. If you yourself break glass, pay attention to the environment - maybe your destiny is walking next to you. For married women breaking glass can mean a quarrel over the infidelity of a spouse, betrayal, betrayal by friends. For married men this dream also does not promise calm family happiness, most likely your half is not sure and doubts his feelings.

If you look through cracked or broken glass - to troubles and losses. Bitter disappointments await you, you can receive sad news. See around you broken glass- some very important information passed by you. Most likely, someone is hiding something very important from you that could affect your career.

Broken glass in dreams can have various interpretations. Sometimes they promise misfortune and trouble, and sometimes they can notify you of a joyful event. It is not necessary to believe all dreams, especially those that warn of troubles and sorrows. Remember that a dream only warns and prepares you for what may happen in your life. Be careful and take note of all interpretations, and this will help you avoid many unpleasant moments.

5) why dream of broken eggs?

Broken eggs portend trouble in family life. Beat eggs - the risk of losing your job and reducing financial flows. You may find yourself out of work because of the envy of colleagues or being at the center of a scandal. The loss of money can be associated with theft and other unforeseen troubles, so take this signal as a warning.

Usually eggs symbolize dreams or plans that will not come true if you break them. If you set a goal, but you meet an obstacle along the way, this dream may indicate that you should not take risks, because you will not achieve it anyway.

If you yourself break an egg, your dreams will be destroyed due to the anger and envy of close friends, but you yourself make the decision. Pay attention to your surroundings if broken eggs turn out to be spoiled. When an egg breaks on its own or someone close to you beats it, you should not rely on the support of loved ones.

Young girls who saw broken eggs in a dream should be careful about their health. Such a dream can warn of problems with reproductive function, a miscarriage is possible or unwanted pregnancy. If the broken shell from the egg is empty, most likely you are waiting for new stage in life.

6) why dream that a husband beats his wife?

If a young woman dreams that her husband is beating her, then most likely many unpleasant moments await in family life. Do not hope that the dream has nothing to do with reality. Be prepared for the fact that serious obstacles will arise in the way of your family happiness. Take this dream as a warning that changes in your personal life may not be for the better.

When a man has such a dream, it can speak of victory over enemies, success in some difficult business, career growth. However, if you had a dream in the middle of the week, this could be a signal that your family life is in jeopardy. An opponent may appear on the horizon and treason is not ruled out. If in your dream you saw a scandal and a fight of strangers to you, when a strange husband beats his wife, this should serve as a warning. Do not go on a trip in an unfamiliar company, avoid crowded places.

If you dreamed of a fight in which you beat your wife very hard, tirelessly, then great joy awaits you, most likely it will be a promotion or unexpected profit. To beat with fists - to wealth, to beat in the face - a quarrel in the family. The most popular interpretation of this dream promises a long and happy life. family life. When in real life peace and tranquility reign in the family, this dream promises an unexpected arrival of guests. If there are turmoil and quarrels in the family, the dream may speak of reconciliation.

7) why dream of beating a child?

Despite love and upbringing, every parent at least once in his life had a dream in which he punished his child. Even a small offense can cause corporal punishment to await a child in a dream. Beating your child is a failure in matters that you yourself will be responsible for. If your work is related to finances, beating your child in a dream promises a lucrative contract in reality.

If you see from the outside how a stranger beats a child you do not know, this suggests that pleasant surprises await you. However, you will receive some gift or praise that was not meant for you. If you hit small child who is not to blame, most likely a scandal or quarrel is brewing in your family. Women who beat children in their sleep will receive a valuable gift. Also, this dream can talk about a successful marriage and an improvement in financial condition.

Some dream books interpret this dream as a warning about problems with their own children. Sometimes such a dream is a warning that your family lacks sincerity and love. Pay attention to your children, even if they have grown up. Most likely they lack your attention and care.

Beat the boy with a belt on the pope - luck and success await you. At work, new opportunities await you that will help you achieve a promotion. In real life, this dream predicts the opportunity to finish unfinished business and receive an unexpected gift. A pleasant meeting awaits men, and for women this dream promises a new romantic relationship.

Beating someone else's child - serious problems await you. Reconsider your relationship with friends, most likely a conflict is brewing in your environment.

8) an anecdote in Temko.))

Conversation between two friends:

Oksan, do you know the difference between a women's hostel and a men's hostel?

Yes, Verochka in women's clothes is washed after eating, and in men's before eating.

What is the dream of dishes

Miller's dream book

Seeing clean dishes in a dream means the onset of a period of true prosperity: finally, the time will come when you will be able to appreciate the favor of fate towards you.

Dirty dishes are a harbinger of a disappointing future.

If in a dream you pick up a plate, then in reality luck will certainly visit you; if the plates fall and break, then the time of successful events will be short.

If you dream that you are admiring your shelves with sparkling dishes - a dream portends you prosperity in the house and a well-established life.

If a young woman enters a beautiful glassware shop and admires the merchandise, happy marriage with a decent person.

An untidy china shop with empty shelves - promises confusion in business and discouragement.

What is the dream of dishes

Freud's dream book

Crockery, like a set of containers, symbolizes the feminine, the female genital organs.

Clean, sparkling dishes - speaks of the dreamer's health, his (her) sexual attractiveness and good sexual shape.

Washing dishes - symbolizes the desire to have children.

Dirty - symbolizes promiscuity in the choice of numerous sexual partners.

Broken or broken - symbolizes the presence serious problems in the sexual sphere, possibly about a disease of the genital organs.

What is the dream of dishes

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Empty dishes - flaws, grief; see - domestic dispute; metal - good conditions, or a rich marriage; broken - to lose a friend; night dishes - happiness in the house.

What is the dream of dishes

Family dream book

Seeing clean dishes in a dream means the onset of a period of true prosperity.

Dirty dishes are a harbinger of a gloomy future.

If in a dream you picked up a plate, luck will visit you in reality.

Fallen and broken plates - portend that the time of successful events will be short.

A young woman who dreams of a store with beautiful dishes is waiting for a happy marriage with a decent person.

Empty tableware store - promises confusion in business and decline mental strength.

What is the dream of dishes

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Crockery - symbolizes everyday affairs and worries. The better it looks in your dream, the better condition your daily activities.

Dirty dishes - means unresolved problems in your home, which can lead to a deterioration in relationships.

Different items of kitchen utensils - symbolize various affairs and problems. So, pots - mean your ideas and plans for the future, and cups - home well-being and comfort!

What is the dream of dishes

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Dishes - for household chores that will not be appreciated by your loved ones.

Enamelware - you have been waiting for this message for a long time.

What is the dream of dishes

Spring dream book

Nickel-plated bed - A nickel-plated bed dreams of a strong and good union.

Nickel-plated dishes - To a meeting with brilliant high-ranking persons, to their visit to you, or vice versa.

Nickel - Honor and respect; nickel dishes - a big win.

What is the dream of dishes

Summer dream book

Nickel-plated things - Acquiring nickel-plated things in your household in a dream means that you will try to embellish your life.

Ceramic dishes - Seeing a lot of ceramic dishes in a dream - to the collapse of a financial career.

What is the dream of dishes

Autumn dream book

Ceramic dishes - Seeing a large number of ceramic dishes, half of which is broken - to contention between spouses.

Nickel-plated things - To see nickel-plated things in a dream - to exaggerate your capabilities.

What is the dream of dishes

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Eat in a dream from ordinary dishes - portends disagreements in the family, from wood - you will have to switch to saving mode and become a vegetarian, from silver - improve your material conditions, from a service - you are in danger of being deceived.

Glassware- portends happiness in the house, porcelain - the loss of a friend, metal - good relations with superiors, enameled - you will find success in an almost hopeless business.

Empty dishes - you will have to urgently repay a debt, filled with something - get a lot of money.

Dirty dishes piled high in the sink means that you won’t be able to find a common language with those who usually understood you perfectly. Washing dishes means that you are being misled, wishful thinking.

Clean dishes - personifies order in the house and harmony in family relationships, broken - a sign of short-term happiness.

Cooking food in dishes - wait for the guests to visit, wash in it - to be spring-cleaning. Salt or pickle in a bowl - to sadness in joy and nostalgic memories of the past.

Buying dishes in a dream is a change for the better. Use different-caliber old crockery, in gaps, cracks, with chipped handles - a sign of poverty and vegetation without permanent job and bird rights. Give dishes - good views to improve prosperity in the family, to receive as a gift - you will not refuse a request to help out friends.

What is the dream of dishes

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Dishes - Empty - lack and grief - to see - a domestic dispute - metal - good conditions or a rich marriage - broken - to lose a friend; to lose money given on credit - night dishes - happiness in the house

Nickel - Honor and respect - nickel-plated dishes - a big win

What is the dream of dishes

Esoteric dream book

To see dishes - to small squabbles with friends and relatives. Pay attention to the state of your nerves.

Wash - if you do not calm your nerves, then you will bring yourself and others to illness and an unequal breakdown.

To beat - everything will go to dust, and family, and prosperity, and work, if you do not pull yourself together.

What is the dream of dishes

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Clean dishes in a dream - portends the onset of a period of prosperity and peace: finally, you can appreciate the favor of your fate.

Dirty dishes are a harbinger of a disappointing future.

If in a dream you pick up a plate - good luck will certainly return to you.

If the plates fall and break, this wonderful period will be short.

If in a dream you admire shelves with sparkling dishes, you will find prosperity and a well-established life in the house.

What is the dream of dishes

Modern dream book

If you dream that you have a lot of clean beautiful dishes, you will be a neat and economical owner.

Being in a china shop means: for a merchant, an attentive attitude to the little things in business, and as a result, a big profit. A girl has such a dream - predicts that she will marry a strong and straightforward person.

A sloppy utensil store with empty utensil shelves portends losses.

A dream in which you see pewter utensils portends that you will find yourself in cramped circumstances.

What is the dream of dishes

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

See different dishes; if old or with something - good.

The new one is a nuisance.

Empty - the need for something.

Dishes specially to beat - fortunately.

Accidentally beat - through caution you can avoid misfortune.

Seeing shards is a favorable twist of fate.

Wash, wipe dishes - harmony in love and marriage.

Buy - changes in your environment.

Seeing someone else is false friends.

What is the dream of dishes

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Crockery as a whole - reflects the home atmosphere, financial situation in the family and the state of relationships.

The old one is a favorable sign; new or dirty - quarrels; beat - fortunately; wash - to friendship and harmony; empty - a need for something, a lack; someone else's - false helpers.

Wooden utensils - shaky, unstable, conflicting family relationships.

What is the dream of dishes

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

What does it mean in a dream Dishes - Whole - to wealth and prosperity. Broken - at a loss. Imagine that all your dishes are whole and new. You have a lot. Dishes that are broken or cracked should be thrown out immediately.

What is the dream of dishes

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

Dough kneading utensils, especially wooden ones - To wealth.

What is the dream of dishes

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

Crockery - The contents of the cauldron overflow. - portends great wealth. Utensils and utensils made of semi-precious stones. - He talks about help from outside. Copper frying pan. - portends a verbal quarrel, a squabble. Breaks, breaks the iron cauldron. - portends mourning. Breaks, breaks a frying pan, a bowl. - portends trouble. porcelain cups. - Foreshadow drinks and snacks. Porcelain plates. - Foretell a squabble. Spoon. - Heralds the appearance of a son or grandson. Veins, strings. - Heralds the appearance of a servant, a worker in country house. Basin, big bowl. - portends the addition of stocks, great happiness. You raise the basin, the bucket, and the bottom falls off. - Portends ruin. Brazier, ceramic dishes. - portends wealth and nobility. Basin for washing the face, sink. - Heralds the appearance of a beautiful concubine. Basins and bowls different sizes. - It portends the joy of communicating with the family, as the interpreter reports about the essence of the dream that you are dreaming of.

What is the dream of dishes

Dream interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of Dishes - you see in a dream clean dishes arranged on shelves - after such a dream you can count on success in all enterprises; your business will prosper - and you along with it. You dream of dirty dishes, "composed into a sink - a bleak future awaits you; you will knock on all doors, but they will not open you; it's a shame - to feel strength in yourself, but not to see prospects for yourself.

It’s like you are washing the dishes - your work will not be in vain. It was as if you had broken something from the dishes - small successes, small successes, small joys. In a dream you admire your dishes - in reality you are satisfied with your position, your family, your life; everything in your life is arranged rationally. A young woman dreams that she is buying new dishes - this woman will soon marry a decent, reliable person.

What is the dream of dishes

Phoebe's big dream book

What does Crockery mean in a dream - to profit, unexpected wealth. Imagine a counter with the finest chinaware. There are very beautiful expensive sets for every taste. You choose the one you like best and buy it. Bring home, rinse every item clean water, wipe with a clean towel and put in the most prominent place behind the glass in a cupboard or sideboard. Admire how beautiful and rich it looks.

What is the dream of dishes

Old Russian dream book

Utensils - Seeing church utensils is a sign of great prosperity and God's mercy.

Different dishes - Seeing different dishes, if old or with something - good. The new one is a nuisance. A flock is a need for something. Especially the dishes to beat - fortunately. Accident - through caution you can avoid misfortune. Seeing shards is a favorable turn of fate. Wash, wipe the dishes - harmony in love and marriage. Buy - change. To see someone else in a dream - living friends.

What is the dream of dishes

Home dream book

You dreamed of Crockery - well-being. Admire the shelves with sparkling dishes - prosperity in the house and a well-established life; untidy china shop with empty shelves - financial problems; dirty dishes - anxiety about your future.

What is the dream of dishes

Jewish dream book

What does Dishes mean in a dream - Remove dirty dishes from the table. For a woman - A dream that occurred on Monday night - to boredom, longing, loss of faith; seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, this dream means the need to do a tedious and unpleasant business; on the night of Saturday or Sunday, it means an encounter with something unpleasant. For a man - A dream that occurred on Monday night - to get rid of some burdensome duties; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to put things in order; dreamed on the night of Saturday or Sunday, it means liberation from fears and unfounded suspicions.

Wash the dishes. For a woman - A dream that occurred on Monday night - to the resumption of acquaintance or employment in some business; on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to a quiet life; and on the night of Saturday or Sunday - to a tedious and tedious task. For a man - A dream that occurred on Monday night means the danger of spoilage; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to the news; seen on the night of Saturday or Sunday, this dream means that you will be treated with disdain.

What is the dream of dishes

Women's dream book

Seeing a dream about Dishes - Clean dishes in a dream portends the onset of a period of prosperity and peace: finally, you can appreciate the favor of your fate. Dirty dishes are a harbinger of a disappointing future. If in a dream you pick up a plate - good luck will certainly return to you. If the plates fall and break, this wonderful period will be short. If in a dream you admire shelves with sparkling dishes, you will find prosperity and a well-established life in the house.

What is the dream of dishes

Magic dream book

You dreamed of Dishes - a good sign if the dishes are not empty, but filled with something - water, food, fruits, etc. Empty dishes are shortcomings in the family. Wooden utensils - to savings. Nickel cookware is a win. Silver utensils - a secure life.

What is the dream of dishes

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

What does the Potter making dishes mean in a dream - the desire for perfection.

What is the dream of dishes

Dream interpretation of catchphrases

WARE - “where is my big spoon?” (need for satiety; satiety); “Knocking with spoons” - hunger, lack; "Fork (or pitchfork) in the side" - unexpected and painful attacks, aggression; “beat the dishes” - scandal, quarrel; “on a silver platter” - it is easy to get what you want; "The pot is cooking" - a good mind; “a teaspoon per hour” - very slowly, little. See add. knife, plate.

What is the dream of dishes

Dream Interpretation of the Pechora Healer

Dishes for kneading dough, especially wooden ones - to wealth.

What is the dream of dishes

Idiomatic dream book

"Where's my big spoon?" - the need for saturation, satiety; “Knocking with spoons” - hunger, lack; "Fork (or pitchfork) in the side" - unexpected and painful attacks, aggression; “beat the dishes” - scandal, quarrel; “on a silver platter” - it is easy to get what you want; "The pot is cooking" - a good mind; “a teaspoon per hour” - very slowly, little.

What is the dream of dishes

Dream interpretation horoscope

To beat the dishes in a dream - refuse the offer, it is not so tempting.

Arrange the dishes - to the appearance of unexpected guests.

What is the dream of dishes

Online dream book

Why dream of dishes? This plot indicates that you are prone to saving and saving.

We bought it - it means that important events are not far off.

They saw it dirty - a hint that your former like-minded people will leave you.

We washed it in a dream - be careful, someone is trying with might and main to start leading you by the nose.

Clean and beautiful dishes are a reflection of the fact that you live in harmony.

Broken - says that you are waiting for misfortune.

Rock crystal glassware in a dream - warns of a sudden deterioration in your affairs, you can lose everything you have in one moment, so be careful and protect yourself as much as possible from various force majeure situations.

If it is also new, it promises you enrichment, grandiose purchases or an increase in the number of your relatives.

Washed dishes to a shine, according to the dream book, is a good sign that promises you long-awaited happiness, which will replace numerous trials.

If in a dream you saw broken dishes, most likely some family troubles await you, there will be a conflict with the household, or one of them will cause you great unrest.

The dream in which you wash the dishes warns that a period of misunderstanding and mutual reproaches will begin in your family, but for those around you you will still remain an ideal couple.

If it is dirty, this is a warning that your situation may deteriorate rapidly, and the coming days are preparing you only disappointments, so try to prevent your misfortunes now.

According to the dream book, glassware promises family well-being, joy that will fill every corner of your home.

What is the dream of dishes

Dream Interpretation of Health

Seeing empty or broken dishes - to unpleasant events and stress associated with them; steel or wooden utensils - to good health; aluminum, copper, clay - to a possible illness.

What is the dream of dishes

Dream Interpretation of Symbols

Crockery - symbolizes home life, guests, reception, homework(for woman), festive feast(if expensive dishes and beautiful serving).

Dishes are well-being and relationships in the family.

The dishes are clean or dirty - is related to the state of the female soul (subsequently in reality).

What is the dream of dishes

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

A dream in which a girl dreams that she enters a china shop and admires the goods - portends her happy marriage With a good man.

What is the dream of dishes

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

The dishes are clean - damage.

What is the dream of dishes

Russian dream book

Dishes - change of residence; wash - material disadvantage; complete - all dreams will come true; empty - not to be what you hope for; iron - beware of edged weapons.

Depending on how and what kind of dishes you break in your dream, the vision may have different meaning. If you beat her on purpose, then the dream promises you happiness in reality. If you see already broken shards of cups and plates, fate is preparing a pleasant surprise or good change for you. Also considered good is a dream in which you accidentally broke the dishes. So, in reality, you will be careful enough to avoid trouble and misfortune. The plates are the same, which suddenly and without apparent reason fell and crashed, they promise good period, which, however, will not last long.

An unpleasant sign is a dream in which a cast-iron boiler or pan breaks and breaks. This means that in your adjusted life comes black line. Troubles can happen and loved ones get sick. Such a dream almost always brings stress with it. Also, if you break dishes in a dream, this may reflect your insecurity in own forces in real. This can lead to a loss of trust among loved ones, as well as a negative impact on income and career success. Depending on what kind of dishes you are breaking, your negative emotions in reality they can spoil a lot.

Eating in a dream from ordinary dishes portends disagreements in the family, from wood - you will have to switch to saving mode and become a vegetarian, from silver - improve your material conditions, from a service - you are in danger of being deceived. Glassware portends happiness in the house, porcelain - the loss of a friend, metal - good relations with superiors, enameled - you will find success in an almost hopeless business. Empty dishes - you will have to urgently repay a debt, filled with something - get a lot of money. Dirty dishes piled high in the sink means that you won’t be able to find a common language with those who usually understood you perfectly. Washing dishes means that you are being misled by wishful thinking.

Clean dishes represent order in the house and harmony in family relationships, broken - a sign of short-term happiness. To cook food in dishes - wait for the guests to visit, to wash in it - there will be a general cleaning. Salt or marinate in a bowl - to sadness in joy and nostalgic memories of the past.

Buying dishes in a dream is a change for the better. To use old dishes of various sizes, in crevices, cracks, with chipped handles, is a sign of poverty and vegetation without constant work and on bird's rights. Giving dishes - good prospects for improving prosperity in the family, receiving as a gift - do not refuse a request to help out friends.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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