How to clean aluminum from stains. How to clean aluminum cookware - remove dark spots and restore shine

Aluminum pots and pans are still very popular among housewives. The new cookware has a number of obvious advantages - it is very light, wear-resistant enough, and most importantly, heats up quickly and evenly. If soot has formed on it, cleaning the dishes is easy enough.

The secrets of cleaning dishes from this metal

Let's figure out which products can be used for cleaning, and which ones are best kept away from our favorite aluminum pots and pans. After all, unfortunately, over time (and especially from improper processing!) The surface tends to become covered with unaesthetic dark spots and loses its luster. First you need to immediately decide what they do not like this metal. So!

You can start washing dishes by allowing them to cool down a bit. After all, a hot soft alloy, from which this dish is made, can be quite deformed when it comes into contact with water.

  • Forget about using any strong acidic or alkaline cleaners. In the process of processing dishes, these products can seriously damage the surface.
  • Any cleaning powders, especially abrasive ones, can easily scratch soft metal. Ugly scratches are left on the dishes and a variety of hard washcloths and brushes.

You should not even try to pick the utensils, trying to clean it from soot with knives and other sharp objects. Do not rub and sandpaper or sand. After such barbaric treatment, the aluminum frying pan will be suitable only as a flower stand. It's smarter to just use wooden spatulas, incapable of damaging soft metal.

Turns out it's not that easy to find suitable remedy. Indeed, many of the usual means for washing kitchen metal utensils have to be abandoned due to the increased "capriciousness" of light metal.

How to properly clean aluminum cookware from carbon deposits

The answer to the question directly depends on what exactly needs to be cleaned and how much. serious pollution. It's one thing to just wash the pan after the usual rich soup, and it's quite another if this soup has successfully boiled away, leaving soot on the bottom of the pan.

It is possible to wash the soot in the following ways:

Soaking. For starters, you can try this simple one, but enough effective method. Moreover, the soaking process can be slightly accelerated by putting the dishes on fire. In most cases, after heating the water, it is possible to clean the surfaces with a regular sponge and good remedy for dish washing.

For aluminum, cleaners for glass and porcelain are better than for metal steel utensils. It has been observed that funds for glassware not only do a good job of removing dirt, but also help restore shine.

Salt. If the “number” with soaking was not completely successful, and there are still remains of burnt food on the bottom of the pot or pan, you can try to remove them using a regular table salt.

Before you start working with salt, be sure to take care of your hands - wear strong rubber gloves. Otherwise, salt can corrode any small scratch much earlier than it is possible to put the dishes in order.

How to remove dark spots and restore shine

How to clean kitchen appliances already lost their shine? Fortunately, there are several ways varying degrees laboriousness, allowing to return the darkened dishes to their former beauty.

Cream of tartar. This crystalline precipitate, which is formed during the production of wine, cleans well dark spots from aluminum utensils.

The container to be cleaned needs to be filled hot water, and then dissolve 2-4 tablespoons of crystalline powder in it. Let stand for at least an hour (you can put the dishes on the fire and boil the solution for about 10 minutes). Rinse the dishes clean water and wipe dry.

Persistent dark spots and small scratches can be additionally treated with a thick mass of cream of tartar mixed with water.

Vinegar or citric acid. If it is difficult to get a cream of tartar, then you can use more available means- solutions of vinegar or citric acid.

Cucumber pickle and whey. These liquids containing acid are also very good at dealing with dark spots.

Soda with silicate glue. These two substances, dissolved in water, are able to restore devices almost to the state of new in just 20-25 minutes. 100 grams of silicate glue (also known as "liquid glass") and the same amount of soda are diluted in 5 liters of water and brought to a boil. Then the darkened dishes are lowered there. Finish the process with a mandatory thorough rinsing.

If desired, soda ash can be replaced with crushed laundry soap.

We wash spoons, forks and teapots

The problem with spoons and forks made of this material is solved in the same way as troubles with large dishes. It is very convenient to "reanimate" them simultaneously with other aluminum utensils. It is enough to lower them into a pot or pan with a cleaning solution, then rinse and wipe dry with a soft towel.

A light teapot, on the bottom of which a thick layer of scale has formed due to hard water, is well cleaned with a solution of equal parts of vinegar and water. Again, instead of vinegar, you can take citric acid. And lovers of experiments can try to use the well-known Coca-Cola.

An aluminum pan is lightweight, heats up quickly and is relatively inexpensive. But aluminum is a fairly soft metal, so it is prone to corrosion and oxidation. For this reason, such products quickly become covered with soot, scratches and lose their luster. Burnt food in an aluminum pan is also common. It is not necessary to throw away the lost appearance dishes, it is enough to know how to clean them at home.

What methods and means can not be used

  • Scrub the soot with an iron washcloth. As a result of this, the pan will be covered with unsightly scratches, into which dirt will clog.
    Use scouring powder. As in the previous case, scratches cannot be avoided.
  • Clean with concentrated acids and alkalis. Reacting with aluminum, they lead to darkening of dishes. Such substances can be part of ordinary household chemicals, so choose metal cleaners.
  • Wash aluminum utensils in the dishwasher. As a result of such washing, the protective oxide film is destroyed, which leads to darkening and deformation of the product.
  • Soda also destroys the oxide film. Therefore, use it as little as possible and between cleanings carry out the procedure for restoring (calcining) the pan, which is described at the end of the article.

How to remove burnt food

Ordinary aluminum cookware has no non-stick coating and has thin walls. Therefore, the food in it often burns, and it can be difficult to wipe off burns. What to do if the pan is burnt:

  • Pour water with dishwashing detergent into the bottom of the dish.
  • Boil for 10-20 minutes.
  • Leave for 2-3 hours.
  • Rub softened dirt with a sponge.

There are several other effective folk ways how to clean a burnt pan inside:

Salt. Prepare a concentrated saline solution and boil it until the carbon starts to come off. If the jam is burnt, cover the bottom of the container with salt for 2-3 hours, and then remove the burn with a sponge. Repeat if necessary. The rest of the jam should come off without the use of abrasives.

Citric acid. Dissolve 2 tbsp. l. powder in enough water to cover the soot. Boil for 10-15 minutes, rub with a sponge.

Vinegar. If necessary, use instead of lemons in the same way. For 1 liter of water, take a glass of 9% vinegar.

Activated carbon Helps to get rid of burnt milk and dairy products. Pour crushed tablets into the bottom of the pan and leave for half an hour. Then pour cold water and hold for another 40 minutes.

Salt, soda and ammonia. This composition helps well with fresh pollution. Pour the ingredients into the pan in equal parts, pour water above the burnt level and boil for 20 minutes with the lid closed.

Laundry soap and ammonia. Mix soap shavings and ammonia in equal parts, 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water. Fill a saucepan with the solution, boil for 15-20 minutes, rub with a sponge if necessary.

How to remove soot and darkening

Adhering particles of food, fat and dirt, when heated, form an ugly black coating (soot). Moreover, this happens especially often with aluminum utensils due to the properties of the metal. If carbon deposits are not removed in time, a thick layer will accumulate.

In addition, during the oxidation of aluminum, the surface tarnishes and darkens. The dishes will turn black even faster if you boil water without salt in it, boil potatoes in their uniforms, cook sour dishes, for example, cabbage soup, compotes.

Folk remedies will help to clear the aluminum pan from burning and soot, to lighten the walls outside and inside.

Salt, vinegar and mustard. Mix the ingredients in equal parts and rub the walls with the resulting slurry, leave for 15 minutes and rinse with water. This composition will perfectly wash off the stubborn fat.

You can clean the pan to a shine table vinegar. Apply acid to a rag and rub the stained areas. Rinse thoroughly under running water after 10 minutes.

From the soot accumulated outside, you can get rid of with salt. Apply it on a sponge, moisten with water and rub the problem areas.

Silicate glue or PVA

From strong burning And chronic fat help get rid of this old proven method. If you need to get rid of dirt inside, take 2 tbsp. l. glue and 2 tbsp. l. grated laundry soap. Dilute these ingredients in 2 liters of water. Boil for 30-40 minutes with the lid closed, after which the remaining soot can be easily removed with a sponge.

If you want to clean the outside of pots from blackness, choose a suitable large container. Pour 1 bottle of silicate glue or half a glass of PVA glue into it, 1 piece of grated laundry soap. Fill with water and put on fire. While stirring gradually, wait for the soap to dissolve and place the dishes to be cleaned in the solution. Boil for an hour, covering the container with a lid. Then remove the aluminum products and finish cleaning with a sponge.

You can get rid of dark deposits and darkening on aluminum surfaces with the help of food acids. They will not harm the metal, but will significantly lighten the dishes:

Apple. Take a sour fruit, cut it in half and wipe the darkened areas with a cut.
Lemon juice. Wipe dark spots with half a lemon, rinse with cold water.
Sorrel. Boil a bunch of sorrel in a bowl for half an hour.
Kefir, whey or yogurt. Just pour the existing product into the pan and leave overnight. You can also take cucumber pickle.

How to remove scale

Aluminum cookware is often used to boil water. To remove the scale that has formed, use the same effective home remedies.

Lemon acid. Boil water with 2 tbsp. l. lemons for 15 minutes. Remove from the stove, after cooling, rinse with a sponge.

Soda. Wipe the gruel from the soda areas with scale. When rinsing, add ammonia to the water.

Kefir, brine or whey. Pour the liquid in the house for 3 hours, then drain and rinse with running water.

Onion. It also helps to get rid of scale and soot. Peel the onion from the husk, chop and add right amount water. Boil in a saucepan for 20-30 minutes.

Dentifrice. Mix it with a teaspoon of dishwashing detergent, apply to the bottom and walls and leave for 24 hours.

Advice! Folk methods are effective with a small layer of scale. If lime deposits are old, you will have to use household chemicals. Read the instructions carefully so as not to damage the product.

How to care for aluminum cookware

If you have purchased a new pan, it must be prepared for use. First of all, wash it with a soapy sponge to get rid of technical lubricants.

Next, you need to ignite the pan to restore the oxide film. It protects the dishes from oxidation and destruction, and also prevents harmful impurities from entering the food. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • Pour vegetable oil into the bottom of a dry, clean saucepan.
  • Add 1 tbsp. l. salt.
  • Heat the pan, tilting it as you go so that the oil spreads along the sides as well.
  • If a burning smell appears, remove from heat and wait for it to cool.
  • Wash with sponge and detergent.

Advice! It is advisable to do this procedure between cleanings, as protective film broken when exposed to acids and alkalis.

Also adhere to the following rules:

  • Try not to cook sour and dairy dishes in aluminum cookware.
  • Stir frequently during cooking to prevent burning. To do this, use wooden or silicone spatulas so as not to leave scratches.
  • After cooking, immediately transfer it to another container. Don't leave it in the pot, otherwise the food will spoil quickly and acquire an unpleasant metallic taste.
  • It is impossible to salt and ferment food in aluminum dishes: when salt and acid come into contact with aluminum, compounds that are harmful to health are formed.
  • Once a week, carry out preventive cleaning of soot from the outside with soda and a sponge.

Many people have aluminum pans in their kitchens. They are favorably distinguished from utensils made of other materials by their lightness and ability to rapid heating. In order for them to serve for a long time, it is necessary to follow certain rules of care and operation. If the dishes turn black or become burnt, do not despair. You can clean aluminum pans at home.

Why can an aluminum pan darken?

Like any kitchen utensil, an aluminum pan is not immune to burnt food and soot. Carelessness and ignorance of the rules for handling such dishes can lead them to a very unsightly appearance.

Soot and grease on the outer surface of the pan

In addition to the usual contaminants, such as burnt food, soot or grease on the outside, the inside of an aluminum pan can turn black for various reasons:

  • prolonged boiling of water in it without salt;
  • cooking unpeeled potatoes;
  • cooking sour foods, such as sauerkraut soup.

The inner walls of the pan are darkened as a result of improper use.

It is not recommended to clean the pan with abrasive materials, especially if its surface is polished. It is better to use a soft sponge and a simple detergent without aggressive components (acids and alkalis).

The use of baking soda in the washing process aluminum pan forbidden. The alkali contained in it destroys the surface of the dishes.

How to remove pollution outside and inside: homemade recipes

You can clean an aluminum pan from blackness or soot and remove carbon deposits with home remedies. They are almost always at hand for any hostess:

  • salt;
  • Activated carbon;
  • vinegar;
  • milk serum;
  • lemon acid;
  • apples;
  • soap;
  • ammonia.

How to clean a mild burn

If the plaque on the bottom and walls has appeared recently, do not use aggressive cleaning agents. Try to return the pan to its original appearance with the help of improvised means.

To immediately remove fresh soot, fill the pan with whey, leave for a day and rinse with a soft sponge. The remains of burnt food or milk will disappear.

Whey helps to remove traces of soot from the bottom of the pan

Sour apples help to remove minor dirt inside and outside the pan. Cut them into pieces and rub the problem areas hard, the blackness will disappear.

Sour apples help remove mild soot

Another remedy is laundry soap. Grate it, add it to water and boil for 20 minutes.

Laundry soap will wash the burnt bottom of an aluminum pan

After cooling, rinse the inside of the pan with a sponge.

All these tools are only suitable for removing weak burns. To remove stubborn dirt, use salt, vinegar or ammonia.

We remove strong plaque from burnt food and darkening on the inner walls

You can remove the remnants of burnt food from the bottom of an aluminum pan with ordinary salt.

  1. Fill the pot with cold water, leave for 10 minutes.
  2. Drain the water, cover the burnt bottom with salt.
  3. Leave for 2-3 hours.
  4. Remove carbon deposits with a soft kitchen sponge with normal detergent.

Salt helps remove carbon deposits from burnt food and restores the dishes to their original appearance.

A solution of salt and water copes with darkening on the inner walls:

  1. Mix water and salt in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to the cleaning sponge.
  3. Wipe dark places on the saucepan.

How to wash the remains of burnt milk

Activated charcoal helps to remove burnt milk from the bottom of the dish.

Activated charcoal helps to cope with soot from burnt milk

If you have such a trouble, use a simple recipe:

  1. Grind 3-4 activated charcoal tablets.
  2. Pour the bottom of the pan and leave for half an hour.
  3. Without removing the powder, fill the pan with cold water for another 30 minutes.
  4. Wash off the dirt with a sponge and detergent.

We remove fat and dark soot with table vinegar

Stubborn traces of fat and soot inside the pan are removed by table 9% vinegar.

  1. Fill the pan with water with vinegar (a glass of vinegar per 1 liter of water).
  2. Bring to a boil.
  3. Cool and wash with a sponge and soap.

When boiling this solution, ventilate the room. Vinegar fumes are hazardous to health.

How can you remove limescale from the bottom and walls

With daily use, lime deposits form on the bottom and walls of aluminum pans. You can remove it with citric acid.

Citric acid will cope with burnt food and remove limescale


  1. Fill a saucepan with a burnt bottom with water.
  2. Bring it to a boil.
  3. Add 2 tbsp. l. citric acid.
  4. Boil for another 15 minutes.
  5. Cool until room temperature.
  6. Wash with soap and sponge.

Recipe for removing severe burn or soot

To remove old traces of soot or soot, you will need laundry soap and ammonia.

Ammonia in combination with laundry soap copes with old traces of fat and soot, returns the pan to its former shine

Cleansing mix recipe:

  1. Grate half a bar of laundry soap.
  2. Dissolve it in water.
  3. Add 1 tbsp. l. ammonia.
  4. Bring to a boil.
  5. Boil 15 min.
  6. Cool and rinse the pot.

When using this recipe, ensure access fresh air to the kitchen. In the process of boiling the mixture, caustic fumes of ammonia are released, which can be hazardous to health.

How to restore the shine of an aluminum pan - video

A newly purchased aluminum pan requires pre-training before use. First of all, it is necessary to clean it from industrial lubricants. To do this, simply wash it with a sponge and soap and rinse thoroughly. Next, you need to ignite the pan. After this procedure, a film of aluminum oxide salts is created on the inner surface. It is a protection against further oxidation of the walls and a barrier to harmful compounds that can get into food.

The calcination process consists of several stages:

  1. Rinse and dry the pot thoroughly.
  2. Pour sunflower oil into the bottom.
  3. Pour in 1 tbsp. l. table salt.
  4. Ignite on the stove for 3-5 minutes until the smell of hot oil appears.
  5. Wait until the pan has cooled down and wash with a sponge and soap.

Preparing an aluminum pan for use - video

The appearance and service life of aluminum cookware depends on daily care. Wash it properly:

  1. The pan should cool to room temperature, only after that it can be washed.
  2. Soak burnt food on the bottom immediately in warm water with detergent for more than an hour, after which it is easier to wash off.
  3. Wash the pot with your hands without using dishwasher. Impact hot water may cause deformation of the dishes.
  4. Use a soft sponge to wash.
  5. Rinse off the detergent thoroughly.

How to care for aluminum cookware daily - video

Basic rules for the operation of aluminum pans

Compliance simple rules helps to preserve the appearance and functional qualities of aluminum cookware for a longer time.

  1. Before the first use, the pan must be ignited.
  2. Do not cook in aluminum cookware every day, especially dairy dishes and sour soups.
  3. Transfer the prepared dishes to another container. From contact with food, dark spots appear on the surface of the pan. The food itself acquires an unpleasant metallic taste.
  4. Such dishes are not suitable for pickles and sourdough. As a result of the interaction of aluminum and acids, substances harmful to health are formed.
  5. Carry out the cooking process on low heat to prevent scale formation.
  6. Use wooden, plastic or silicone spatulas that do not scratch the inside.
  7. Stir food more frequently during cooking to prevent burning.
  8. Share with friends!

But how to wash dishes in the absence of a dishwasher, or if it is made of materials suitable only for hand washing? Below are recipes for do-it-yourself dishwashing detergents made without the use of chemical additives.

How and how to clean aluminum cookware at home

Almost every housewife has aluminum cookware. It is lightweight and easy to use. Such dishes are well washed, the food in it practically does not burn.

Its only drawback is that due to the oxidation of aluminum and its interaction with alkaline and acidic environments, it cannot be stored in it. finished products and meals. In addition, aluminum is a soft metal and is easily deformed. How to wash aluminum dishes so that they do not get scratched? After all, only utensils with smooth surface, without any damage.

Over time, aluminum cookware may darken. In addition, various spots and soot often appear on it. Using home remedies, it can be easily put in order quickly.

Do not use metal graters, knives or abrasive products to clean aluminum utensils. They can break the oxide film and scratch the metal. It is recommended to wash dishes made of aluminum warm water.

Check out below for recipes on how to clean aluminum utensils using folk remedies.

Recipe number 1.

You will need: 2 tbsp. l. table vinegar.

Cooking method. Before cleaning aluminum cookware, mix table vinegar with 50 ml of water.

Application. Soak a cloth with the resulting solution. Wipe the sides of the dishes, then rinse with clean water and dry.

This method helps to get rid of the formation of dark spots on aluminum utensils.

How to clean aluminum cookware: detergent recipes

Another, effective remedy how to wash aluminum dishes without chemicals.

Recipe number 2.

You will need: 5 st. l. salt, 1 head onion.

Cooking method. Chop onion, mix with salt.

Application. To remove the remnants of burnt food, pour the resulting mixture on the bottom of an aluminum dish, pour water and boil for 15 minutes.

Recipe number 3.

You will need: 20 g chalk, 20 g clay.

Cooking method. Before cleaning aluminum dishes, you need to grind the chalk, mix it with clay.

Application. To clean the aluminum surface, wipe the walls of the dishes with the resulting mixture, adding a little water. Then rinse with clean water and dry.

Recipes for cleaning aluminum cookware

How else to clean aluminum cookware at home?

Recipe number 4.

You will need: 2 tbsp. l. table vinegar.

Cooking method. Pour water into an aluminum bowl, add table vinegar.

Application. Boil for 15 minutes. Then drain the solution, rinse the dishes with clean water. This tool helps with the blackening of pots from the inside.

Recipe number 5.

You will need: 10 ml of ammonia.

Cooking method. Mix ammonia with 50 ml of water.

Application. Soak a cloth with the resulting solution. Wipe the sides of the dishes, then rinse thoroughly with clean water and dry. In this way, you can achieve the shine of aluminum dishes.

How to clean aluminum cookware

Recipe number 6.

You will need: 100 g laundry soap, 1 tbsp. l. silicate adhesive.

Cooking method. Before cleaning the dishes at home, you need to cut the laundry soap with a knife or grater, pour 5 liters of water into the tank, add laundry soap shavings and silicate glue, mix.

Application. Aluminum dishes must be immersed in a tank with the resulting solution and boiled for 1-2 hours.

A great recipe for washing dishes is a mixture of apple peel and onions.

Recipe number 7.

You will need: 100 g apple peel, 1 onion.

Cooking method. Chop onion, mix with apple peels.

Application. To remove carbon deposits from the walls aluminum frying pan, it is necessary to put the prepared mixture into it, pour water and boil. Then rinse the pan with clean water.

What is the best way to wash glassware

Glassware is diverse and has become increasingly popular in recent years.

In every house you can find not only vases, glasses or carafes made of this material, but also plates, teapots and even baking dishes. Over time, glassware loses its attractive appearance, it tarnishes, and sometimes becomes covered limescale. To restore her former beauty, various means that every housewife has in the kitchen will help her. How to wash glassware without the help of chemicals?

Recipe number 8.

You will need: 1 tsp baking soda, 3 activated charcoal tablets, 1 tsp. table vinegar.

Cooking method. Grind activated charcoal tablets, mix with baking soda.

Application. In order to wash glassware from residues, it is necessary to pour warm water into it, add the resulting mixture and table vinegar, rub the walls thoroughly. Then rinse the dishes with clean water using a sponge.

How to clean glassware without chemicals

Another effective recipe how to clean glassware with folk remedies.

Recipe number 9.

You will need: 100 g potato peel, 2 sheets of printer paper.

Cooking method. Before cleaning glassware, you need to finely chop the paper, mix with chopped potato peels.

Application. In order to get rid of sediment at the bottom of bottles and carafes, it is necessary to pour the resulting mixture into a bowl, pour water.

The dishes should be washed with a brush, vigorously shaking for some time. Then the contents must be poured out, and the dishes should be rinsed from the inside with clean water.

Recipe for cleaning glassware

And how to wash glassware from the inside if it has a narrow neck?

Recipe number 10.

You will need: 1 tsp coarse salt, 50 g fine sand, 1 tsp table vinegar.

Cooking method. Before washing glassware with a narrow neck, you need to mix table salt and sand.

Application. In order to wash glass bottles and carafes from the inside, it is recommended to pour the prepared mixture into them, pour water, add table vinegar. Shake vigorously for several minutes. Then the contents should be poured out, and the inside of the dishes should be thoroughly rinsed with clean water.

How and how to wash glassware to shine

Here you will learn how to wash glassware to make it shine.

Recipe number 11.

You will need: 1.5 tsp table salt, 1 tsp. table vinegar.

Cooking method. Before washing the dishes so that they shine, you need to add table salt and table vinegar to 1 liter of water, mix.

Application. To add shine to glass wine glasses and glasses, it is recommended to rinse them with water with the addition of table vinegar and table salt. The washed dishes must be placed upside down to drain the water, and then wiped with a dry towel.

How and how to wash glassware from grease

The best remedy than washing dishes from grease is to use ground coffee and mustard powder.

Recipe number 12.

You will need: 1 tsp ground coffee, 1 tsp. mustard powder.

Cooking method. Mix ground coffee and mustard powder.

Application. To remove fat from deep glassware, pour the resulting mixture with warm water. Then shake the dishes vigorously several times, empty and rinse with clean water using a sponge.

Care of stainless steel dishes: how to clean burnt dishes

Stainless steel cookware is durable, safe, durable, beautiful appearance. When caring for dishes of stainless steel you can use not only the usual cleaning products, but also natural substances that can quickly clean and extend the life of the dishes. Here are some recipes for how to clean stainless steel dishes at home.

Recipe number 13.

You will need: 1 lemon, 1 tbsp. l. baking soda.

Cooking method. Squeeze out the juice of a lemon, after grating the zest. Add lemon juice and baking soda to 1 liter of water.

Application. In order to remove the remnants of burnt food, it is recommended to first fill the dishes with the resulting solution, leave for 2 hours. Then drain the water, rub the contaminated places with lemon zest (in difficult cases, you can add baking soda). Then rinse thoroughly with clean water and dry with a towel.

The best way to clean burnt stainless steel dishes is activated charcoal.

Recipe number 14.

You will need: 4-5 activated charcoal tablets.

Cooking method. Before cleaning stainless utensils, crush activated charcoal tablets.

Application. To remove burnt milk, it is necessary to fall asleep activated carbon contaminated areas, leave for 15 minutes. After that, the burnt milk can be easily cleaned with a sponge. Then you need to rinse the dishes with clean water and dry with a towel.

How to clean stainless steel dishes: detergent recipes

Below are a few more recipes for cleaning stainless dishes using folk remedies.

Recipe number 15.

You will need: 2 tbsp. l. table vinegar.

Cooking method. Add table vinegar to 1 liter of water.

Application. To remove the white precipitate, it is necessary to pour the resulting solution into the dishes, cover with a lid and boil for several minutes. Then rinse with clean water and dry with a towel.

Recipe number 16.

You will need: 1 tsp Boers.

Cooking method. Add borax to 50 ml of water, mix.


How to clean stainless steel cookware without chemicals

Here are a few more recipes for cleaning stainless dishes without the use of chemicals.

Recipe number 17.

You will need: 1 tsp potato starch, 1 tbsp. l. table salt.

Cooking method. Mix potato starch and salt.

Application. Apply the resulting mixture to a damp sponge, wipe the dishes and rinse thoroughly with hot water. After that, rinse the dishes with cold water and dry with a soft towel.

Recipe number 18.

You will need: 50 g of laundry soap.

Cooking method. Cut laundry soap with a knife or grater.

Application. To remove burnt food residues, pour a little water into a stainless steel dish, add soap, mix thoroughly, boil for 10 minutes. After that, the remaining dirt can be easily washed off with a sponge. Then rinse the dishes with clean water and dry with a towel.

How to clean enamelware at home

Enamelware has an attractive appearance. She happens various colors and most often has a pattern, so it requires special care. Enamel darkens when cooked. Also, food often burns in enameled dishes, and over time, dark spots appear on it. In order not to damage the enamel, the dishes should not be cleaned with metal graters or a knife, or subjected to sudden temperature changes, but you can get rid of dark deposits and stains.

Thanks to proper care behind enamelware, you can preserve its appearance and extend its service life.

Recipe number 19.

You will need:

Cooking method.

Application. Apply the resulting mixture to a damp sponge, wipe the dishes and rinse thoroughly with hot water. After that, rinse the dishes with cold water and dry with a towel.

This tool is suitable for removing dried food residues and fat.

Recipe number 20.

You will need: 50 ml coffee grounds, 1 tsp. mustard powder.

Cooking method. Add mustard powder to coffee grounds and stir.

Application. In order to clean the enameled dishes from burnt milk, it is necessary to apply the resulting mixture on a cotton pad and rub the contaminated places. Then rinse thoroughly.

Do-it-yourself recipes for washing enameled dishes

Recipe number 21.

You will need: 1 st. l. table vinegar.

Cooking method.

Application. To remove stains from enameled dishes, soak a cotton pad with the resulting solution and rub the problem areas. Enamel is easy to clean. Then rinse the dishes with running water.

Recipe number 22.

You will need: 50 g laundry soap, 1 tsp. table vinegar.

Cooking method. Cut the laundry soap with a knife or grater, pour 2 liters of hot water, add table vinegar.

Application. To wash off burnt food residues, it is necessary to pour the resulting solution into an enamel bowl and leave for 2-3 hours.

Then drain it, and thoroughly rinse the dishes with clean water using a sponge.

Recipe number 23.

You will need: 100 g apple peels, 100 g pear peels, 50 g mint leaves.

Cooking method. Mix apple, pear peels and mint leaves.

Application. To bring back whiteness enamel pots, you need to put in them a mixture of cleanings and mint leaves, pour water and cook for 2 hours. Then drain all the contents and rinse the dishes with clean water.

Now that you know how to clean enamelware, your kitchen utensils will always be like new!

Washing plastic dishes at home

Reusable plastic utensils are convenient to use. It is light, airtight and comes in a variety of colors. Washing plastic dishes requires soft and safe means, That's why ideal option are the most common substances that are at hand for any housewife and do not contain any chemical additives.

Here best recipes than washing plastic dishes at home.

Recipe number 24.

You will need: 1 st. l. glycerin, 1 tbsp. l. table vinegar, 5 drops essential oil lemon.

Cooking method.

Application. To remove grease and dried food residues, apply the resulting mixture to a damp sponge and rub the dishes from the inside, then rinse with clean water.

Recipe number 25.

You will need:½ cup liquid castile soap (natural soap made with 90% olive oil), 1 tsp. lemon juice, 1 tbsp. l. table vinegar, 3 drops of tea tree essential oil.

Cooking method. Mix all the ingredients, add 100 ml of water, mix thoroughly again.

Application. It is necessary to apply the resulting mixture to a damp sponge, rub plastic dishes, then rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Such a tool is effective even for removing dried-on grease stains.

How and how to wash plastic dishes

Check out a couple more recipes on how to wash plastic dishes from dirt and grease.

Recipe number 26.

You will need: 30 g laundry soap, 1 tsp. glycerin, 1 tsp lemon juice, 1 tsp. alcohol.

Cooking method. Mix all the ingredients, add 100 ml of hot water, mix thoroughly again.

Application. To remove the remnants of dried food, apply the resulting mixture to a damp sponge, rub plastic dishes, then rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Recipe number 27.

You will need: 30 g laundry soap, 1 tsp. baking soda, 10 drops of rose essential oil.

Cooking method , Cut the laundry soap with a knife or grater, add baking soda and rose essential oil. Pour all 100 ml of hot water, mix thoroughly.

Application. To remove dirt on plastic dishes, apply the resulting mixture to a damp sponge, rub problem areas, then rinse thoroughly with clean water.

Caring for ceramic dishes at home

The popularity of ceramic tableware is explained by its attractive appearance, environmental friendliness, versatility and practicality. It can cook a variety of dishes, including baking in the oven.

Modern ceramic products, designed for the kitchen, look very stylish, often have a wide variety of colors, so dishes cooked in them can be served on festive table without transferring to another bowl.

Recipe number 28.

You will need: 3 art. l. lemon juice, 50 ml whey.

Cooking method. Before cleaning ceramic dishes, you need to mix lemon juice with whey.

Application. Apply the resulting mixture to a damp cloth and wipe the contaminated walls of ceramic dishes. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water. Instead of lemon juice, you can use citric acid.

Recipe number 29.

You will need: 1 tsp baking soda, 1 tsp. mustard powder.

Cooking method. Mix baking soda and mustard powder.

Application. Apply the resulting mixture to a damp cloth, wipe the dishes. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water using a sponge.

Another effective way to clean ceramic dishes is a mixture of soap and coffee.

Recipe number 30.

You will need: 50 g laundry soap, 1 tsp. ground coffee.

Cooking method. Cut the laundry soap with a knife or grater, mix with ground coffee.

Application. Pour the resulting mixture into the dishes, pour warm water and leave for 6 hours, then drain the contents and rinse with clean water using a sponge.

Washing earthenware dishes

Dishes made of earthenware are distinguished by a wide variety of types. It can be plates, cups, saucers, salad bowls, gravy boats and much more.

Faience has White color and is characterized by porosity, so dishes from it are always covered with a layer of glaze. If there are no chips on the surface, then it for a long time will keep a good appearance. All dirt and stains can be easily removed using natural detergents.

Check out the recipes for washing dishes made of faience.

Recipe number 31.

You will need: 1 tsp table salt, 1 tsp. table vinegar.

Cooking method. Mix table salt and table vinegar, add 50 ml of water.

Application. To remove dark marks from tea and coffee from earthenware, it is necessary to moisten a cotton pad in the resulting solution, thoroughly wipe the contaminated places with it, then rinse with clean water.

Recipe number 32.

You will need: 1 st. l. borax, 1 tbsp. l. baking soda.

Cooking method. Mix borax and baking soda.

Application. To easily wash dirt on faience dishes, you need to apply the resulting mixture to a damp sponge, rub the problem areas on the dishes, then rinse them with warm clean water.

What else is safe to wash faience dishes is ammonia.

Recipe number 33.

You will need: 5 ml of ammonia.

Cooking method. Add ammonia to 50 ml of water.

Application. To remove stains from faience dishes, it is necessary to moisten a cotton pad in the resulting solution, carefully wipe the contaminated places with it, then rinse with clean water using a sponge.

An excellent recipe for dishwashing detergent is a mixture of potato broth and soda.

Recipe number 34.

You will need: 500 ml potato broth, 2 tbsp. l. soda.

Cooking method. Add soda to hot potato broth, mix.

Application. To remove dried food residues, pour the resulting solution into earthenware dishes, leave for 2 hours. Then drain it, rinse the dishes with clean water using a sponge.

Recipe number 35.

You will need: 1 st. l. table salt, 1 tbsp. l. potato starch.

Cooking method. Mix salt and potato starch.

Application. In order to easily wash off many impurities on faience products, it is necessary to apply the resulting mixture to a damp sponge, rub the problem areas on the dishes, then rinse them with warm clean water.

Recipe number 36.

You will need: 1 st. l. table vinegar.

Cooking method. Add table vinegar to 50 ml of water.

Application. To remove hardened sediment from earthenware saucers and plates, it is necessary to immerse them for 1 hour in the prepared solution. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water using a sponge.

How to Safely Clean Porcelain Dinnerware

Porcelain tableware is distinguished by elegance, heat resistance and durability. On a chip it is snow-white. Porcelain, unlike earthenware, makes a ringing sound when lightly tapped. To care for such dishes, it is recommended to use only natural detergents.

How to clean porcelain dishes at home?

Recipe number 37.

You will need: 1 st. l. mustard powder.

Cooking method. In 500 ml warm water add mustard powder, mix.

Application. To remove dried-on food residues, it is recommended to pour the resulting solution into porcelain dishes, leave for 2 hours. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water using a sponge.

Recipe number 38.

You will need: 2 tbsp. l. baking soda.

Cooking method. Add baking soda to 500 ml of warm water, mix.

Application. For removing brown plaque formed on the walls of a porcelain teapot, it is necessary to pour the resulting solution into it, leave for 6 hours. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water using a sponge.

How to clean chinaware without chemicals

Below are a few more recipes on how to wash porcelain dishes without the use of chemicals.

Recipe number 38.

You will need: 3 art. l. table salt.

Cooking method. In 1 liter of warm water, add table salt, mix.


Recipe number 40.

You will need: 2 tbsp. l. wine vinegar.

Cooking method. In 1 liter of warm water, add wine vinegar, mix.

Application. Use the resulting solution to wash porcelain dishes, then rinse with clean water.

Washing Teflon dishes

Teflon cookware received wide use all over the world due to its non-stick properties.

Teflon also has good thermal insulation properties, so the food in such dishes does not cool for a long time. But it also has a number of significant shortcomings. To use Teflon utensils, you must have in the kitchen wooden spoons and shoulder blades. Teflon is soft material, which is sensitive to mechanical stress. Ordinary forks and spoons can leave scratches on the surface of such dishes, through which food will penetrate to the metal base of the dish. Such damage causes the Teflon to peel off.

Violation of the Teflon layer can lead to the release of substances hazardous to human health, therefore, it is necessary to clean such dishes with a soft sponge using liquid products. What is the best way to wash dishes so as not to damage its surface?

Recipe number 41.

You will need: 2 tbsp. l. table salt, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice.

Cooking method. Add salt and lemon juice to 500 ml of water, mix thoroughly.

Application. Pour the resulting solution into a contaminated Teflon dish, leave for 1 hour, then wash with a soft sponge in the same water. After that, rinse the dishes with clean running water.

Recipe number 42.

You will need: 50 g of laundry soap.

Cooking method. In 500 ml of warm water, add laundry soap, which must first be cut with a knife or grater, mix thoroughly.

Application. To remove fat and food debris, it is necessary to pour the resulting solution into a Teflon dish, leave for 2 hours. After that, the remaining dirt can be easily washed off with a soft sponge. Then rinse the dishes with clean water and dry with a towel.

Great Recipe detergent for dishes - use a mixture of glycerin, soda, lemon juice and essential oil.

Recipe number 43.

You will need: 1 st. l. glycerin, 1 tbsp. l. baking soda, 1 tsp. lemon juice, 5 drops of lemon essential oil.

Cooking method. Mix all the ingredients, add 200 ml of water, mix thoroughly again.

Application. To remove grease and dried food residues, apply the resulting mixture to a damp soft sponge and rub the contaminated places on the dishes, then rinse with clean water.

Recipe number 44.

You will need: 1 st. l. Boers.

Cooking method. Add borax to 100 ml of warm water, mix.

Application. Apply the resulting mixture to a damp sponge, rub the contaminated places on the dishes, then rinse with clean water.

Almost every kitchen has aluminum cookware. Despite its not very presentable appearance, it is very convenient and easy to use. Food in it rarely burns, and after use it is easy to clean.

The disadvantages of aluminum utensils can be considered that it is not recommended to store finished products or dishes in it, and it also quickly loses its luster and can darken over time and “acquire” soot and spots of various kinds. In addition, the utensils made of this metal are quite soft and easily deformed, so scratches may appear on them if they are cleaned incorrectly or roughly.

Should knowb! Aluminum is active chemical metals, therefore, due to its oxidation and interaction with an acidic and alkaline environment, it is impossible to leave ready-to-eat products for storage in aluminum dishes.

Basic rules for washing aluminum dishes

You can quickly wash aluminum dishes and easily clean the surface from dirt by following simple rules:

  1. Before you start cleaning and washing dishes, you must wait until it has completely cooled down. If it comes into contact with a hot surface cold water, it can be deformed and cannot be restored.
  2. Before washing dishes, it is better to pre-soak them in soapy water. This will get rid of particles of burnt food and plaque that did not have time to eat into the metal surface. However, it is not recommended to leave the dishes in water for a long time, as stains may appear on the metal.
  3. In order to clean the surface of dishes from complex contaminants, it can be boiled using various means, for example, soda or silicate glue.
  4. Aluminum cookware should be cleaned with a sponge or soft cloth. Under no circumstances should a metal rosary be used for washing dishes. After washing, aluminum cutlery and utensils should be rinsed very well under running water.
  5. After washing aluminum utensils, it is not recommended to leave it to dry naturally. Each appliance or product should be wiped dry with a soft and clean cloth.

Important! When cleaning such dishes, do not use abrasive products, knives or metal brushes. Because they can scratch metal surface and destroy the oxide film.

How to clean aluminum cookware

Since the use of active chemicals for cleaning aluminum dishes is not recommended, then you should turn to folk methods:

  • As a dishwashing agent made of aluminum, those intended for washing glassware and porcelain are well suited for use. In addition to cleaning the surface well, they will help to add shine to the dishes.
  • At heavy pollution You can clean the surface with fine table salt. Gloves must be worn when handling salt. This is necessary to protect the skin of the hands from possible irritation of micro-cuts or cracks.
  • You can get rid of the remnants of food that is burnt and rubbed poorly, using a mixture of chopped onions and 5 tablespoons of table salt. This mixture is poured to the bottom of the dishes, water is poured there and put on the stove to boil for about 15 minutes.
  • In a similar way, you can clean the walls of an aluminum pan from soot. Only instead of table salt for 1 head of chopped onion, you need to take 100 g of apple peel. A mixture of onion and apple peel is placed in a pan, poured with water and put on the stove to boil.

  • You can restore the appearance of aluminum dishes with soda and silicate glue. In 5 liters of water, 100 g of silicate glue is diluted. The resulting mixture is brought to a boil. Then 1 tablespoon of baking soda or grated laundry soap is added there and the dishes are immersed. Everything is boiled for 15-30 minutes (depending on the degree of contamination). After that, the dishes should be rinsed in running water and wipe dry.
  • You can add shine to aluminum dishes with a solution of water and vinegar. A solution consisting of 50 ml of water and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of table vinegar must be applied to a cloth and wipe the darkened surface of the dish. After that, the pan must be rinsed in clean water and wipe.

Instead of vinegar for the solution, ammonia can also be used. The solution in this case is made as follows: for 50 ml of water, you need to take 10 ml of ammonia and mix everything. The surface is treated in the same way.

You can return the aluminum pan using a paste consisting of white clay and chalk:

  • First, crushed chalk and clay are mixed in equal parts. Then a little water is added to make a slurry of medium density. The resulting paste with a soft cloth polishes the surface of the walls of the pan. After that, the aluminum utensils must be rinsed in clean water and wiped dry.

To clean the pan from blackening from the inside, it is necessary to boil a solution of water and 2 tbsp. l. table vinegar for 15 minutes. Then the pan must be rinsed in clean water.

Whey will also help to cope with the blackening of dishes. To do this, moisten a flannel cloth in the serum and wipe the dark spots on the surface.

Advice! In order to descale an aluminum kettle, some people use Coca-Cola. The drink is a good substitute for a solution of vinegar or citric acid.

How to clean aluminum cutlery

Small aluminum items such as spoons or forks are cleaned in the same way as other utensils. Cutlery is convenient to clean all together. For example, put spoons and forks into a saucepan and boil. After that, wait until the devices cool down and rinse them in running water and wipe dry with a soft towel.

Despite the large number modern means for washing and cleaning dishes, you can always use the old proven methods and give new life to their old aluminum saucepans.

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