How to poison grass with vinegar and salt. A good weed killer. Vinegar with salt: instructions, reviews. The best weed killer. Herbicide recipes

There is no garden where weeds do not grow. Dealing with them is quite difficult, and it is a labor-intensive and tedious process. Weeds are ubiquitous and adapt well to any conditions. If you don’t get rid of them in time, they will occupy the entire garden. It is believed that weeding is the most effective method weed control, but this is far from the case. Not only is this hard labour time-consuming, there is still no guarantee that you will get rid of them forever, especially for perennial weeds.

Nevertheless experienced gardeners successfully use unconventional methods to combat these annoying invaders, having long ago abandoned dangerous chemicals.

Vinegar as a herbicide

Vinegar against weeds is one of the effective means, and safe for humans, pets, cultivated plants and soil. It destroys almost anything. By the way, you can also get rid of ants with it. If you dilute 40% vinegar in half with water and spray the places where insects accumulate, the smell will quickly scare them away and they will disappear.

However, you should know that vinegar can destroy not only weeds, but also those that it gets on. Therefore for better effect the methods of its use need to be improved.

Methods of application

It is best to use a pump sprayer or bottle with an aerosol attachment for the vinegar solution. This method is especially good for killing weeds that occupy large area: on paths, areas or that part of the garden where vegetables and herbs grow sparsely.

Vinegar should be used against weeds on a calm, sunny day. The absence of wind will not allow the solution to get onto useful plants, and the sun further activates its action. If you need to selectively apply vinegar to the weeds, it is better to do this with a brush dipped in the solution.

You need to spray the solution generously so that the leaves and stems are soaked in it. A couple of days after this, the result will be visible. Sometimes particularly persistent weeds require re-treatment.

Please note that it is advisable to use vinegar against weeds before seeds begin to form. It's good to do it in early spring when they first appear. Perennial weeds are best treated in the fall. Since at this time, due to the natural cycle of plants, nutrients are absorbed through the leaves, vinegar, once on them, penetrates deep into the weed’s body, reaches the roots and completely destroys them.

Eco-friendly destruction: recipes with vinegar

Even those plants that are not affected chemicals, can be destroyed using vinegar against weeds. The recipe is as follows: a 40% solution is diluted in equal parts with water and the weeds are sprayed with the resulting product.

There are several more recipes that experienced summer residents have long adopted:

  • 5 glasses of vinegar (6%) are diluted in 2 liters of water. This amount is usually enough to process 2 acres. Just try not to get on cultivated plants, otherwise they will be burned.
  • Mix 3 parts table vinegar (9%) and 1 part lemon juice. The resulting mixture is poured into a spray bottle and the weeds are carefully sprayed with it.

When a more pungent mixture is needed, vinegar and salt are used against weeds.

Killer mixture

When more vinegar is added to the solution, the result is a truly explosive mixture that leaves the weeds no chance of survival. With its help, you can permanently get rid of weeds near fences, as well as clear all paths of weeds. Moreover it is very effective way combating perennials that are capable of constantly germinating.

How to use vinegar and salt against weeds? The proportions of the mixture are as follows: water (1 l), (5 tablespoons), salt (2 tablespoons). Bring the water to a boil, then add vinegar and salt, stir well and pour the hot solution onto the weeds. Just do this with extreme caution so that the liquid does not get on neighboring plants.

By the way, salt can be used without vinegar. If you sprinkle it on the garden bed, leaving a little space from the roots of the planted crops, it will not only destroy weeds, but also, after watering, seeping into the upper layers of the soil, it will not allow new ones to sprout.

Herbicidal soap

They need to spray the weeds, covering the useful plants with a screen of thick paper. Moreover, the mixture is more effective on a hot sunny day.

To prepare herbicidal soap, you will need vinegar and salt (they have proven themselves excellent against weeds) and, in fact,

The composition of the mixture is as follows: white vinegar (1 l), table salt (150 g) and one syringe of liquid soap. Salt is poured into a bottle, filled with vinegar and soapy liquid is added. Then the solution is thoroughly shaken and poured onto the weeds, making sure that the composition does not flow under the cultivated plants.

A “killer” mixture is obtained if you use 15-20% vinegar.

Soda - summer resident's assistant

Any housewife knows how useful soda is in everyday life. But few people know that soda is also necessary in the garden. Vinegar has already proven its effectiveness against weeds. Let's now talk about

To get rid of small weeds that grow between the tiles of the paths, just water them with a strong soda solution.

But sodium bicarbonate is effective for more than just killing weeds. Every summer resident is familiar with such a plant disease as powdery mildew. For those who have tried various chemical treatments, you will be pleased to know that soda copes well with this scourge. Here are two tried and tested recipes:

  • Take 5 liters of water, dilute 2 tbsp. spoons of soda and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of liquid soap. The resulting solution should be sprayed on the plants before flowering, and after it, observing a weekly interval, treat 3 more times.
  • Pour the following mixture into the sprayer: water (1 l) and taken 1 tbsp. spoon soda, vegetable oil And liquid soap. After shaking well, spray the plants with this mixture once a week, trying to do this in dry, cloudy weather.

Weeds can be found in absolutely any area, and if in the garden you don’t have to make any serious efforts to fight them, then summer residents annually spend a lot of effort and energy on eliminating weeds in the garden. Except traditional way Weed control by weeding methods also exists chemical methods, using herbicides. However, not all garden bed owners are ready to spray their gardens with chemicals. To reduce labor costs for eliminating weeds and not use chemical methods, you can use folk remedies against weeds.

The most effective substances at hand that can quickly kill weeds are salt and vinegar. These products can be found in any kitchen, but few people know how to properly use them against weeds. The main secrets of using salt and vinegar in cleaning beds from weeds will be described in this article.

Salt and vinegar for weeds

The harm from weeds in garden beds is obvious: they deprive cultivated plants of moisture and nutrients, contained in the ground, large specimens shade young shoots, and in some cases weeds can be a source of diseases or pests. In the past, weeds were controlled primarily by mechanical means, but now summer residents have a wide selection of tools to make work in the garden easier.

Note: There is now a wide variety of herbicides on the market that are considered relatively safe for humans and environment. But still, these substances are chemicals and cannot be called completely harmless.

Fortunately, there is a so-called intermediate option. Every housewife has salt and vinegar in her kitchen, and if you are tired of constantly weeding out weeds, but do not want to fight it with chemicals, you can easily use them to eliminate vegetation.

In its composition and mechanism of action, vinegar is in many ways similar to herbicides:

  1. Getting on the leaves and stems of plants, vinegar burns the cell membranes, causing them to dry out and gradually die.
  2. Vinegar can stop cell division and photosynthesis processes. Thus, the growth of the grass immediately stops and it quickly dies.
  3. The substance penetrates not only into the above-ground parts, but also into root system. This provides a comprehensive effect and prevents the formation of young growth.

In addition, vinegar can quickly stop all metabolic processes in plant cells. This leads to cellular depletion of the weed and it begins to dry out quickly.

In some cases, vinegar is mixed with salt to increase efficiency. To understand the mechanism of action of such a mixture, its effectiveness and possible consequences, it is worth considering the features of the use of each substance separately.

Vinegar contains acids that cause plant cells to burn when they come into contact with leaves and stems. It is this property of the product that summer residents began to use to their advantage in the fight against weeds (Figure 1).

It is important that acetic acid is absolutely safe not only for humans and animals, but also for the soil and the environment. In addition, the harvest harvested from beds treated with vinegar will be completely organic.

Figure 1. Using vinegar to control weeds

According to the mechanism of action, vinegar can be compared to continuous action herbicides. The fact is that it is capable of destroying the cells of any plants, including cultivated ones. Therefore, to control weeds using this method, the substance must be poured not into a sprayer, but into a small spray bottle and spot spray the weeds. In addition, experienced gardeners recommend processing during the active growth phase of weeds, although in some cases later processing is allowed. The main thing is to have time to spray the weeds before the seed pods begin to form, since vinegar does not affect the seeds.

Salt is also considered a powerful weed control agent. Moreover, its effect is so pronounced that even if you just sprinkle salt specific area and you do not take any additional actions, plants will not grow in this place for several years (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Destruction of vegetation with salt

This pronounced effect of salt does not allow its use in garden beds, so it is most often used to remove unwanted vegetation in the garden, along the fence or on garden paths.

How to dilute salt and vinegar

The combination of salt and vinegar can be called a truly killer mixture for weeds. These two substances have a pronounced effect individually, but together they become a very powerful tool that will help you quickly get rid of unwanted vegetation.

Note: It should be remembered that treating the area with a mixture of salt and vinegar will lead to the fact that nothing will grow in this place for several years. Therefore, it is better to use liquid to treat areas near the fence or garden paths.

Salt mixed with vinegar has shown high effectiveness even in the fight against cereal perennials, which are difficult to eliminate not only by weeding, but also by herbicides. The fact is that the mixture penetrates into all cells of the plant, including the root system, and remains in the soil for a long time, destroying even small particles of roots.

To prepare a vinegar-salt solution, you need to prepare a liter of water, 5 tablespoons of vinegar and 2 tablespoons of salt. The water must be brought to a boil, salt and vinegar added to it, carefully moved and poured hot onto the weeds. In this case, you need to be extremely careful so that the liquid does not get on neighboring crops, trees or shrubs.

There are other traditional methods of weed control. We will describe the most effective of them in more detail so that you can choose the appropriate method.

Water solutions with soap

A solution of salt, vinegar and soap is popularly called herbicidal soap. This name is fully justified, since the solution really has the ability to quickly destroy unwanted vegetation on the site (Figure 3).

It's quite simple to prepare. You need to take a liter of white vinegar, 150 grams of ordinary rock salt and one large syringe of liquid soap. Salt should be poured into big bottle or a jar, fill it with vinegar and add soap. Next, close the container tightly and shake the mixture until smooth.

Figure 3. Preparation of a solution of vinegar and soap

The prepared solution can be watered or sprayed on weeds. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the mixture does not fall on cultivated plants and does not spread throughout the garden, but is concentrated only near unwanted vegetation. It should also be taken into account that the usual table vinegar, which is part of this product, is only suitable for treating ordinary annual weeds. To eliminate tenacious perennials, it is better to add 15-20% vinegar to the mixture.

Sprinkling with salt

Sprinkling salt over an area has been used in ancient times to control weeds. It is important to take into account that it is strictly prohibited to cover the entire garden with salt, and in general it is advisable to use this method not on the beds, but in those areas where any vegetation is undesirable. The fact is that salt accumulates and remains in the soil for several years, and not only weeds, but also no other vegetation will grow in such areas (Figure 4).

There are several options for using salt against weeds:

  1. The product is simply scattered dry over the desired area and wait until the salt is absorbed into the soil. As a rule, this happens during the rains, but if you don't want to wait, you can pour water on the salt on purpose.
  2. You can first water the plants generously and, while they are wet, sprinkle them with dry salt. They need to be left for several hours and then watered again. This procedure will not only destroy already grown weeds, but also prevent its appearance in the future, since in the process not only the above-ground parts will be destroyed, but also the roots.
  3. You can also prepare a special saline solution. To do this, dissolve 150 grams of salt in 2 liters warm water. The mixture must be thoroughly mixed so that all salt crystals are completely dissolved. The resulting liquid can be sprayed with any in a convenient way. The main thing is to ensure that the substance does not get on crop plants.

Figure 4. Destruction of weeds with table salt

This substance is considered especially effective in the fight against such harmful weeds as field bindweed, wheatgrass, thistle and horsetail.

Watering with boiling water

Hot, or rather boiling water, also has a detrimental effect on the condition of plants, as well as mixtures of vinegar and salt. This feature can also be used in the fight against weeds on the site (Figure 5).

Note: The advantage of this method is that it is completely environmentally friendly and requires virtually no preparation.

To remove one or more large weeds, simply boil water in a kettle and pour it onto the top of the plants. Small specimens die the first time, but large ones may require repeating the procedure. At the same time, make sure that hot water does not fall on neighboring beneficial plants, since boiling water is just as destructive for them as it is for weeds.

Figure 5. Using boiling water to control weeds

There is one more folk method weed control using hot water. To water weeds, you need to use not just boiling water, but water in which eggs have just been boiled. This unusual way is indeed effective, but the liquid must be poured out hot and immediately after the eggs have been removed from it.

Killing weeds with vinegar and salt by spraying

Any mixture given above has a pronounced effect and is similar in its weed control mechanism to continuous action herbicides. This means that not only weeds, but also useful plants can die from such liquid. To prevent this from happening, you need to properly spray the solution on the beds (Figure 6).

Among the main nuances that should be taken into account during processing are:

  1. It is better to use a special sprayer with the function of regulating the spray width. This way you will be sure that the liquid gets only onto the weeds, without affecting the cultivated plants.
  2. The weather on the day of treatment also plays an important role. It is advisable to spray in warm and sunny weather, at a temperature of at least +20 degrees. In such conditions, liquid falling on the weed leaves will quickly burn them. If it is raining outside or the weather forecast predicts precipitation, it is better to postpone spraying until a more appropriate moment.
  3. The sprayer jet must be controlled very carefully, and the solution should be applied only to those plants that are to be destroyed.

Figure 6. Solution spray technology

If you need to spray in beds with densely planted cultivated plants, and you are afraid that the destructive mixture may get on them, it is better to cover the crops with some dense material that does not allow moisture to pass through during treatment.

Interestingly, the effect of such treatment will be noticeable on the same day. For example, if you spray in the morning, then in the evening the weeds will begin to turn yellow and dry out. When they are completely wilted, they must be collected by hand and removed from the beds.

Precautions when working with mixtures

Despite the fact that the use of salt and vinegar in the fight against weeds is considered popular, and therefore safe method struggle, do not forget about some precautions.

First of all, it should be borne in mind that vinegar is still chemical with volatile properties and even in a diluted state can cause irritation to the skin and mucous membranes. Moreover, the higher the concentration of vinegar, the stronger the irritation may be. To avoid causing skin burns or respiratory tract, when preparing and using the working solution, you must wear a mask and gloves. All ingredients of the mixture must be introduced very carefully so that they do not splash. If some of the mixture does get on your skin, it should be washed off immediately. clean water. It is for this reason that vinegar is most often diluted with water to the required concentration.

The author of the video will tell you how to properly prepare and use an effective and absolutely safe weed killer.

Weeds in the garden have been a nuisance all season, striking with their unprecedented growth rate and their ability to multiply quickly. If only we grew up like this horticultural crops!

But even when fighting pesky weeds, most gardeners do not want to use any chemicals on their property.

In this case, they often resort to traditional herbicides– weed-removing preparations that can be prepared using improvised means. The most effective of them is considered to be salt and vinegar against weeds.

Why are these particular ingredients so destructive to plants?

Vinegar, or more precisely, the acetic acid it contains, burns out the cells on which it comes in contact. At the same time, vinegar against weeds is absolutely safe means for humans and animals.

Treating the area with vinegar is especially effective in the spring or early summer, when the weeds have not yet had time to form seed pods.

Salt will not only destroy the plants, but will also prevent them from growing in the treated area for several years. Therefore, its use as a herbicide is preferable on overgrown paths, places near fences or at a certain distance from the trunks of perennials in order to protect them from the appearance of weeds.

You can simply sprinkle table salt on required area and wait until it rains into the ground, or spill it with an aqueous solution of salt - the desired effect will be achieved in both cases.

Thus, even vinegar and table salt taken separately are capable of ridding the earth of any plants.

No less effective, and even more deadly, is an aqueous solution prepared on their basis.

Most often, weed control with salt and vinegar is carried out with perennial weeds that have a deep root system, which cannot be completely removed mechanically.

For comparison, dandelions and plantains are considered easy to eradicate. These “difficult to remove by hand” weeds include:

  • Budyak, the root core of which not only goes 4 meters deep, but also produces lateral shoots. But its terrifying ability is that it produces a new plant from a fragment of root in any part of it;
  • wheatgrass, although it has a shallow root system (up to 12 cm), is highly branched;
  • horsetail, whose roots go deep to 1 m;
  • field bindweed. In addition to the fact that this plant reproduces by seeds, it also produces new plants from its roots. The main root rod goes into the ground as much as 2 meters.

Below are several of the most popular folk remedies for getting rid of weeds on the site using vinegar and salt, the effectiveness of which has been tested by more than one Russian gardener.

How to prepare a water solution of salt and vinegar

A solution of vinegar with salt and liquid soap

To prepare the herbicide solution you will need:

  • vinegar 9% – 4 l;
  • table salt – ½ cup;
  • liquid soap (you can use any other liquid detergent) – 1 tsp.

How to dilute vinegar for weeds? You need to pour it into a bucket, add salt and soap and stir everything well. Liquid soap in in this case It is an adhesive base with which the solution will be fixed to the weed.

Pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle, and you can begin treating the area with a homemade herbicide.

Solution with laundry soap

There is another very similar recipe using soap, but only solid laundry soap.

In this case, the ingredients (salt, vinegar and grated soap) need to be taken in equal parts and mixed.

Watering weeds with boiling water

You can make a solution based on vinegar and table salt, which is suitable for mass destruction of weeds without the use of a spray gun.

Here we mean pouring boiling water (1 liter) from a bucket with the addition of 5 tbsp. vinegar and 2 tbsp. salt.

How to spray the solution correctly

When using the resulting solution directly, you must understand that it has a destructive effect on all plants that it hits, and not just on weeds, that is, a solution of salt and vinegar is a continuous herbicide that destroys all vegetation.

Therefore, it is important to follow several rules for its application, so as not to regret later the lost cultural plantings.

The main factor influencing the quality of spraying can be considered weather suitable for processing - sunny, in which the temperature in the area is above +200C.

The scorching sun will allow drops of the product to quickly attach to unwanted plants and burn them.

Absence of wind is a must, especially if garden crops grow nearby. It is clear that in rainy weather the treatment will not make much sense at all.

To kill weeds using vinegar and salt, it is necessary to direct the stream released by the spray gun precisely to the target if there are cultural plantings near the treated area.

If you are not sure that the sprayed solution will not get on them, then it is recommended to protect the crops in some way, for example, briefly fence them off with newspapers.

It will be impossible to plant anything in an area treated with such a herbicide for several years to come, so this fact cannot be ignored when spraying it.

Killing weeds with vinegar and salt is great for areas of paths, borders, fences, as well as permanent areas. perennial plantings, where there are no plans to change or add anything in the coming years.

The effectiveness of the treatment with a solution of salt and vinegar can be seen on the same day - if the spraying was carried out in the morning, then in the evening the weeds that received the prepared mixture will become lethargic and stunted. Eventually they will die, and if desired, they can be collected from the site or left in the ground.

Thus, a mixture of salt and vinegar will help eliminate weeds for a long time. garden plot. The main advantages of using this tool are its low cost (compared to the prices of chemical herbicides), safety for humans and animals, immediate effect on plants and ease of preparation.

On the other hand, nothing can be planted on the treated area for several years, and this fact must also be taken into account before using the mixture.

The dominance of weeds pushes gardeners to use chemicals. But the majority do without them, using drugs that are harmless to the environment. Weed control using vinegar and salt is considered safe and effective. This work requires persistence, patience and some knowledge.

Let's figure out how to get rid of annoying weeds using vinegar and salt, and why these ingredients have a detrimental effect on them. So, we have two tools available.

It contains acid, which, when it enters the plant cells, burns and destroys them, without causing any harm to people and all living things. Therefore, you must know how to dilute this substance.

It is better to treat the area with vinegar before the seed pods begin to form.


It will destroy weeds and rid you of their presence on the treated area for 2-3 years. Therefore, it is preferable to use it in the yard, along hedges, on paths, and in other abandoned places where only grass grows. Shrubs and perennials should be kept at a safe distance from this area. This product is used to control weeds in a variety of ways.

Dry salt

  1. It is sprinkled on the ground in the right place and wait for penetration deep along with the liquid. This will happen during rain or special watering.
  2. First, generously moisten the weed; while it is wet, generously sprinkle it with dry salt. After some time (2-3 hours), water again. This will help kill growing weeds and prevent young ones from growing. Large specimens are sprinkled with an additional portion.
  3. Another piece of land is filled with saline solution. To do this, take: salt 150 g, warm water 2 liters. Mix everything thoroughly so that the crystals dissolve well. After this, we begin treating the weeds. It is convenient to do this using a watering can with a spray. All options are effective.

From the above it is clear that each of these means can destroy any weed. An aqueous solution based on salt and vinegar also has a lethal effect.. They complement each other, doubling their strength. As a result of this mixing, a natural herbicide is obtained that has a strong effect.

What plants to fight with this method

Vinegar and salt against weeds are used to destroy unwanted perennials with a powerful, deep root system (when a mechanical solution to the problem is difficult or impossible).

These include:

  • field bindweed;
  • wheatgrass;
  • horsetail;
  • thistle

Let's look briefly at each.


Its root goes 2 m deep. The weed reproduces by seeds and root suckers.


Its roots do not lie deep (about 12 cm), but are highly branched, which makes life difficult for gardeners.


Its roots lie in the ground at a level of a meter.


The plant penetrates even deeper into the soil (about 4 m), producing lateral shoots. Even from any of its fragments a new copy is obtained.

Easy to get rid of:

  • dandelion;
  • plantain.

There are many ways to combat unwanted vegetation. Let's give a few effective recipes, with the help of which it is not difficult to fight weeds. They have been tested in practice and have proven themselves well. Check them out and use the ones that suit you best.

To get rid of weeds in a harmless way, several solutions are prepared from variations of salt and vinegar that destroy unnecessary vegetation with the addition of:

Preparing solutions


To prepare such a mixture (the second name is herbicidal) you need:

  • vinegar 9% - 4 liters;
  • salt – ½ faceted glass;
  • liquid soap - 1 teaspoon.

When all the components are assembled, we begin the process. Pour vinegar into a bucket, add salt, a spoonful of liquid soap, and combine everything thoroughly. Detergent used to create an adhesive film that helps secure everything to the weeds.

Pour the resulting substance into a sprayer and treat the area. A solution prepared by yourself is as effective as commercial herbicides.


Here the components from the previous recipe are used, but liquid soap is replaced with solid (laundry) soap, which is crushed using a grater. Everything is combined in equal proportions, diluted to a homogeneous mass and mixed.


This weed killer is made from salt and vinegar. It is used for mass removal of weeds. In this case, a sprayer is not used, since it is more convenient to water from a bucket.

To prepare it we take:

  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 5 tbsp. l. vinegar;
  • 1 liter of boiling water to dilute.

Combine the ingredients according to the recipe and knead. After this, the liquid is ready for use.


To get this drug, place it in a container:

  • 1 l. vinegar;
  • 10 ml soap.

We strictly observe the dosage, making deviations from the specified recipe proportionally in the direction of increase or decrease.

This mixture is more convenient to use than using vinegar in its pure form against weeds, since it is better attached to the leaves, so it works for sure.


Squeeze a tablespoon of lemon juice. It should be diluted in a liter of vinegar. This recipe is more aggressive than the previous one, so one acid enhances the effect of another and their power doubles.



  • ½ liter of vinegar;
  • 3 l. lemon juice;
  • 2 tsp. liquid soap;
  • 3 tbsp. l. alcohol

To treat small weeds, the mixture is diluted with water by half, and this concentration will be enough to defeat them.


In a container (preferably a bottle) we combine:

  • 1 l. vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp. l. any essential oil, mix, whisking thoroughly.

The effect of the components will be enhanced if you use a hot solution. It is prepared like this:

  • 1 l. water;
  • 5 tbsp. l. vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Combine the salts, mix thoroughly, let the resulting mixture boil, and pour it over the weeds.

To prepare solutions, it is better to use high-strength vinegar (at least 18%), since a weak mixture will not give the desired effect, and one treatment will not do the job.


When using vinegar against weeds, as well as other non-chemical products, remember that such solutions can kill not only unwanted vegetation, but also other beneficial vegetation that they come into contact with. Therefore, killing weeds with vinegar and salt is equivalent in strength to continuous action herbicides, which kill neighboring grasses. To prevent this from happening, follow some spraying and application rules when working with solutions.

Factors influencing the quality of weed treatment:

  1. Weather and ambient temperature are of great importance. The days should be sunny and warm (at least +20 degrees C). In the sun, droplets of the solution will stick to the weeds and burn them.
  2. We choose a quiet, windless day for processing (provided that there are cultural plantings in the neighborhood).
  3. If the weather is rainy, the procedure should be cancelled.
  4. Using vinegar and salt to kill weeds, the stream of solution from the sprayer is carefully controlled, precisely hitting the selected plants, trying not to damage neighboring crops.
  5. They are covered with improvised material. This protects against accidental ingress of solution.

The fruits of the treatment with salt and vinegar mixtures are visible on the same day. If you do this in the morning, then by evening the weeds will begin to wither, wither and soon die. Dried plants must be promptly removed from the area.

Take 400 milliliters of white alcohol vinegar. Vinegar contains acetic acid, which effectively kills weeds. It should be understood that vinegar does not act selectively and can damage any plants it touches. You can use just white vinegar or add additional ingredients to create a more effective solution.

  • Do not use vinegar near your lawn as it may kill the grass.
  • Vinegar increases the acidity of the soil. Before planting, you need to check and adjust the pH level of the soil.
  • Use garden vinegar with 20% acetic acid for high effectiveness between paving slabs or on decks. The additional acidity will affect the pH balance in the soil and other plants.

Add 2 to 3 tablespoons (30 to 45 milliliters) concentrated lemon juice. Lemon juice contains high level citric acid, which will increase the effectiveness of vinegar. Just mix lemon juice and 400 milliliters of white alcohol vinegar.

Add 1 to 2 teaspoons (7 to 14 milliliters) of dish liquid to kill specific weeds. Dishwashing liquid is a useful addition when you need to get rid of weeds that have a waxy layer or are covered with “hairs” like dandelions and crabgrass. The fleecy layer prevents the vinegar from being absorbed, but dishwashing liquid penetrates the layer and helps the solution reach the surface of the leaves.

  • Dishwashing liquid or liquid or powder dishwasher detergent will work.
  • Dish liquid can be used in combination with a lemon-vinegar solution, but the solution will be effective without lemon juice.
  • Add 30 milliliters of rubbing alcohol to white vinegar. Isopropyl alcohol is extremely effective when combined with white vinegar or on its own. Inexpensive gin will also work. Just add alcohol or alcoholic drink into white vinegar and stir thoroughly.

    • You can even mix alcohol, vinegar and lemon juice, but this solution may be too concentrated and damage the soil.
  • Dilute vinegar with water in equal proportions. Vinegar does not need to be diluted if the problem is significant, but usually this solution is too strong. Dilute vinegar half-and-half with water to effectively control weeds without harming the soil.

  • Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray over the weeds. Use a funnel to pour the solution, then install the spray head. Spray the solution over the weeds and check the result after a day. You can re-treat the weeds, but this is usually not necessary.

    • Set the sprayer to "Stream" rather than "Splash" if the weeds are near other plants.
    • Remember - weed control is not selective and can kill any plant, so be careful!
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