Perennial lisantus or eustoma: planting and care photos, growing from seeds in the Urals, lisantus root propagation. Eustoma perennial: features of planting and care, propagation by root and seeds

Japanese rose, French, Irish, Chinese - as soon as this wonderful plant is not called. In Mexico, it is called the "prairie bell" and can be found in Texas, Nebraska, Colorado, and South America. These flowers of extraordinary beauty simply do not allow you to pass by yourself. People fell in love with this wild flower so much that they decided to adapt it to home conditions.

There are several varieties of indoor plants called Japanese rose. But the representatives of the species are united by an unusual coloring and elegance of shapes and colors. The most popular and refined varieties are "Camellia" and "".

The Japanese rose "Camellia", belonging to the tea family, is distinguished by its special decorative effect and delicate delicate flowers. Japan is considered the birthplace of the plant, and in nature, camellia grows in China, on the islands of Java and the Philippines. An evergreen shrub plant with dense glossy foliage and beautiful bright roses fits favorably into any interior.

The plant is not picky and with minimal care pleases its admirers with the elegance of flowering.

The leaves of the camellia are dark green in color, have an oval shape. Flowers are simple and double. The color of camellia flowers is the most diverse: white, pink, red and even yellow. Petals can be decorated with stripes, spots and stains. different forms and colours. In their form, camellia flowers can resemble a rose, peony, anemone or carnation.

Camellia is a photophilous plant, but still it does not accept direct sunlight, in summer time requires shading. For the correct formation of the crown, the flower pot must periodically be turned to the light with the side that needs the growth of branches.

During the flowering period, the rose should not be disturbed, it can shed the already formed buds.

The flower requires regular watering with soft water, but only after the top of the soil has completely dried. It is better to drain excess water, since waterlogging is undesirable and can lead to rotting of the root system.

In the process of caring for a plant, it is very important to create in the room the most suitable temperature regime individually for each season:

  • in summer the temperature should not be higher than 22-25 degrees above zero
  • in spring and during the flowering period it is better to maintain the temperature within + 15-17C
  • V winter time temperature regime should be + 10-15C

Transplanted rose in the usual way: drainage at the bottom, oxidized soil on top, necessarily diluted with humus. If it is not diluted, the leaves will turn yellow and may fall off. The container must match the plant: for small plant the pot should also be small.

It is best to propagate Camellia by cutting semi-lignified shoots of the plant in spring time of the year. After two years, the camellia will delight you with lush flowering.
It is necessary to transplant and process the flower with gloves, as it is poisonous.

A home-grown plant can also get sick, the reason for this is not proper care. Rosa often gets sick:

  1. cucumber mosaic (leaf veins turn yellow), treat this disease with insecticides
  2. fungal diseases (spots gray color on the foliage), they are eliminated
  3. oidium (gray spots throughout the plant) - the leaves are treated with soapy water

If any signs of plant disease are found, there is no need to despair. By choosing the right method of treatment, you can save house rose from any ailment without much effort.

Indoor Japanese rose, lisianthus or large-flowered eustoma belongs to the flowering plants of the gentian family. In nature, it grows both in lowlands and on river slopes, its homeland is the southern United States, but it is often found in Mexico and the Isthmus of Panama. Plant height stretches up to 90 cm, on its branched stem are located large leaves green and purple flowers. One bush can bloom with 20 buds, which will bloom in turn and give the impression of a constantly blooming rose.

Modern Japanese breeders many new varieties of eustoma are being developed. Now, in addition to natural purple flowers are pink, white, yellow, apricot and even light green. Varieties differ not only in color, but also in the shape of the flower.

Eustoma is a pearl among all types of Japanese rose.

She has thick leaves and large flowers that can reach 8 cm in diameter. Flowers come in incredibly beautiful colors: purple, white with edges of various shades, pale pink, yellow and greenish. They can be simple and velvety, and one thick branch of the plant, which can reach a height of 80 cm, looks like a whole bouquet, because it has up to 30 flowers.

In a half-opened form, the flower has the shape of a full unusually tender rose, and after opening it looks more like a poppy. A cut eustoma flower retains its marketable appearance for a long time, so flower growers in many countries of the world are breeding roses and consider it the best flower for cutting. The rose is so popular that there are more and more varieties of this unusual flower. If earlier plant seeds were available only to professional flower growers, now they can be easily purchased by a simple flower lover.

With a huge variety of roses, plant varieties are divided into two types: tall and short. The first group is used for growing in gardens and greenhouses for commercial purposes, the second - for keeping on windowsills. Flowers can be simple and double, various forms and colors - there is a rose for every taste.

The Japanese rose reproduces with the help of seeds, since the division of the bush can lead to a violation of the integrity of the root and subsequently to the death of the entire plant. Eustoma cuttings are contraindicated, since the cut part of the plant dies without taking root.

As for seeds, they can be purchased at flower shops or extracted from their already faded buds.

Seeds are collected from November to February. The rose blooms after about 20 weeks of germination, which means that a plant planted in spring will please the owners with its flowering the next year.

Seeds can be planted in small plastic cups filled with moist peat soil, sand and a small amount of perlite. 4 seeds are not deeply pressed into each cup, lightly sprinkled and covered with a plastic bag or jar. A month and a half later, the plant.

Conditions for growing seedlings:

  • (bright, diffused)
  • (only in dry ground)
  • (after 1-1.5 months)
  • (if necessary)

Under these conditions, the seedlings will sprout and be healthy.

Plant in a pot indoor rose needed at the beginning of March. It is planted in pre-prepared containers, that is, pots whose diameter does not exceed 8 cm. Eustoma transplanted into big pot, will give all his strength to the strengthening and growth of the root, and to flowering. The pot for transplanting the crop should be filled with drainage and a special soil for this flower (not acidic).

Seeds are collected from a flower in the last months of autumn, when the rose finally fades and seed pods form in place of the flowers. Plants of the first and second generation are suitable for collecting seeds, it is not worth taking from the third. Unfortunately, not all Japanese rose seeds have a high germination rate. To guarantee the quality, it is better to choose hybrid varieties(marking F1).

Eustoma growing indoors are less susceptible to disease, only when overflowing can they be affected by gray rot. For garden plants thrips and whiteflies are dangerous. They should be controlled with insecticides and fungicides.

More information can be found in the video:

Indoor eustoma pinch the top when it is still a seedling. A biennial plant is cut to two between nodules before storage. There is no need to be afraid to cut eustoma flowers for a bouquet, it can be produced after opening several flowers, it will definitely bloom several more times in 4-5 weeks. Pruning even stimulates the meager flowering of garden roses.

Plant and grow Japanese rose. Of course, it will require your attention and take a little time, but it's worth it. The unusual beauty and grace of a flower is so mesmerizing that you want to constantly look at it and admire it. For your care, the flower will thank you and your loved ones with beautiful delicate roses.

For many gardeners, landscaping land plot is a top priority. Harvesting is, of course, good, but beauty should be pleasing to the eye. There are many ornamental plants that will decorate the garden. These include eustoma, or lisianthus. The description of this flower contains the best epithets. This charming plant can be grown both in pots and outdoors.

Eustoma - what is it?

Eustoma is a perennial ornamental plant. Its homeland is Central America. Eustoma belongs to the gentian family. To date, this plant has many varieties and hybrids. (second name) have a wide variety of colors. They are large and resemble the inflorescence of a rose. Thanks to its external data, eustoma, planting, reproduction and care of which require certain skills, has become the most popular decorative flower gardeners and florists.


Which in cold climates can be annual, has large flowers various shades- from white to multi-colored. They resemble half-blown, however, the stalks of eustoma do not have thorns. They reach a height of no more than 50 centimeters. However, due to the strong branching, one branch can look like a bouquet. Lisianthus leaves are matte with a bluish tinge and a waxy texture. For planting in pots and growing in room conditions use dwarf varieties which have a height of no more than 30 centimeters. One plant bush can have up to 35 buds.

Varieties and hybrids

Eustoma perennial, planting the root of which is considered in most cases ineffective, has a sufficient number of varieties and hybrids. This capricious plant which prefers warmth and humidity. However, thanks to breeders, varieties and hybrids were bred that are more adapted to modern weather conditions. Today, seeds and seedlings of this plant are available not only to professional florists, but also to simple amateur gardeners.

A large number of varieties and colors have made eustoma very popular. So, for example, the terry series "Kyoto" and "Echo", as well as non-terry types "Twinkie" and "Mermaid" found a good response from florists.

Features of eustoma

Eustoma blooms, the care of which has its own characteristics, from early July to October. One plant can produce flower stalks throughout this period if it is not cut. After cutting the bush at the root, new shoots appear, but they bloom again only in warm regions. Undersized varieties more suitable for balconies and window sills. Tall species of eustoma are used to decorate household plots and for cutting. Florists love this flower for its portability. Even after cutting, it remains beautiful and fresh for a long time.

Reproduction methods

Perennial eustoma, planting by the root of which is possible only from seedlings grown from seeds, has its own reproduction characteristics. The vegetative method of breeding eustoma is not considered correct. This plant has a very delicate root system. Therefore, careless actions when dividing a bush can lead to its death.

The efficiency of such operations is very low. Plant cuttings do not take root well, so this method is also not suitable. Most best option- this is seed material or ready-made seedlings. They can be purchased in specialized stores. This method is more troublesome, but also effective. Planting and caring for a eustoma flower will pay off when it pleases with its magnificent view.

The soil

To grow a beautiful, healthy plant, you must comply with everything that requires planting eustoma (soil, sowing dates). You can simplify the process and buy ready-made soil mixture in the shop. It should be identical to that intended for violets or saintpaulias. For greater efficiency, you can add sand to it. The soil for eustoma should be light with good air access and a neutral reaction. The second option is to prepare the soil yourself. To do this, you need to take two parts of a good garden soil, one part of sand, four parts of peat and 1-2 tablespoons of ash for each liter of the mixture.

The prepared soil must be disinfected by any means and method. It can be hot potassium permanganate or steaming. If planting is done in pots, then they must also be disinfected. It is better to choose wide, spacious containers with good drainage holes. Planting seeds can be carried out in peat tablets, which can then be easily transferred to the main place. The container for tablets must also be disinfected.


Eustoma is perennial, planting by the root of which is carried out in the form of already formed seedlings, in most cases it still propagates by seeds. To get a good seed, you need to carry out a simple process of pollination. To do this, you only need a soft brush. With its help, pollen is transferred from one plant to another. After a while, a box with seeds ripens. They are very small, but they are distinguished by increased germination. From one box you can get up to 15 thousand seeds. Once ripe, they will be ready for sowing.


Eustoma (lisianthus), planting and caring for which require special conditions, is very capricious. We plant seeds in prepared containers with soil and cover the pots with foil on top, creating the effect of a greenhouse. Optimum temperature for this stage is 25 degrees.

After two weeks, you can already observe the first shoots, which develop very slowly, which is the norm for this plant. Gradually, young shoots of a plant such as eustoma (lisianthus) must be accustomed to room temperature conditions. soil selection - all this is very important and requires a certain patience and diligence. The plant is very thermophilic, so adaptation to natural environment necessary. This period will take about two months.


Seedlings should be planted in separate pots. small size, since from one seed it can grow up to 5-6 shoots. After picking, we place the seedlings in a shady place where the temperature should be about 18 degrees. As they grow, another transplant into larger containers will be required. Perennial eustoma, planting by the root of which must be carried out very carefully, has a delicate root system that is easy to damage.

Planting seedlings in the garden

Seedlings can be grown indoors on a windowsill or outdoors. How is planting and caring for eustoma in the garden? To grow a beautiful plant, you need to create the right environment for it. Landing in open ground is carried out in May-June. At this time, the earth will already warm up enough, and the threat of frost will disappear. Eustoma is a heat-loving plant, and therefore it must be planted in sunny areas. But at first, the seedlings need to be provided with a shadow so that they can adapt faster. The soil must be cultivated and nutritious. It is better to decontaminate it before planting. Then they dig a hole that will correspond to the root system.

In such conditions, perennial eustoma will take root better. Root planting in spring is preferable, as the plant will be able to take root well during the warm period. The seedling must be carefully, without damaging the earthen ball with the root system, removed from the pot and placed in the prepared hole. Then free space covered with earth. Strongly press and compact the soil should not be, so as not to damage the roots and leave room for oxygen to enter.

Eustoma is moisture-loving plant. Therefore, care, first of all, consists in regular watering. The soil should not be allowed to dry out, but waterlogging will also not be beneficial. Loosening the soil around the flower is carried out with extreme caution. You can limit yourself to pulling weeds. Only the right care loves perennial eustoma. Root planting in the fall is more troublesome. The plant may not have time to take root before the first frost. This method is appropriate only in regions with a warm climate or for growing in rooms and greenhouses. Eustoma loves humidity, light and warmth. Therefore, in room conditions she needs to find a bright place with enough heat and spray regularly.

Breeding eustoma is a creative and painstaking process. Many varieties that are undoubtedly pleasing to the eye, allow you to decorate the garden and make it bright. Eustoma goes well with other plants, shrubs and flowers. It can be used to create compositions and decorate flower beds. This flower looks amazing in bouquets. That's why florists love it so much. And given the wonderful property of eustoma for a long time stay fresh even when cut, it can be called simply universal flower. Lisianthus care is difficult due to its capriciousness, but the result of the work will be amazing.

Large-flowered eustoma (Eustoma grandiflorum) or lisianthus is a perennial plant, but in our climate it is grown as an annual plant.

Eustoma perennial begins to gradually win our hearts and gardens. Eustoma grandiflora flowers are the most different colors- white, pink, lilac, violet, white with colored edging, which in their beauty and grace resemble half-blown rosebuds.

Eustoma stems are strong, low, only up to 50 cm in height, approximately in the middle they begin to branch strongly. Because of this strong branching, one eustoma plant looks like a whole bunch of flowers. Moreover, the stems of eustoma are not prickly, not like those of a rose. Do you think eustoma will be able to push the rose in our gardens?

It is necessary to sow seeds of perennial eustoma in late February - March, in order to get flowering in July-August. The seeds of eustoma are very small, they are sold mostly pelleted, only five pieces. The technology for germinating eustoma is the same as that of petunia, carnation grass, lobelia. The surface of the substrate needs to be leveled and slightly, quite a bit, compacted. This is done so that when watering, the seeds of eustoma are not washed off the surface, because they germinate only in the light. Then moisten the surface of the substrate from the sprayer, and spread the seeds of eustoma on the damp surface of the soil, cover the crops with glass, or wrap the container with eustoma crops in plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect. Eustoma crops must be constantly ventilated, the resulting condensate removed, moistened if necessary from the sprayer.

At a temperature of +21 +24 0 С, eustoma shoots appear in 10-12 days. They are very small and take a lot of time and patience to get stronger. Gradually, eustoma seedlings, with the advent of the second true leaf, need to begin to harden. To avoid black leg disease, perennial eustoma seedlings should be periodically sprayed with a phytosporin solution. In order for the seedlings to develop well, spraying with epin or zircon can be applied. These drugs should not be neglected. They increase the germination of seeds, at the slightest lodging of seedlings, spraying with zircon also prevents the appearance of a black leg. Seedlings become strong and grow quickly. Eustoma seedlings dive at the stage of 2-3 true leaves in separate pots.

Eustoma can be planted in the ground when the threat of frost has passed., for central Russia not earlier than the end of May - the beginning of June. At first, eustoma seedlings need to be shaded so that it can adapt.

Eustoma prefers sunny places, where it fully reveals its beauty, cultivated soil filled with humus, fertilizing with mineral fertilizer containing an NPK complex with trace elements, watering and spraying. Eustoma is becoming so popular and in great demand that it is even grown in industrial greenhouses.

From one eustoma, a real bouquet is obtained, which can be used as a gift at any celebration. Eustoma grandiflora looks great in a flower garden in group landing, and as a soloist, as well as a pot culture for balconies and terraces.

In autumn, perennial eustoma can be transplanted into a pot and grown as indoor plant by placing it in a cool bright room or winter Garden. Do not forget to spray eustoma more often, and it will delight you with its charming flowers for a long time. And in the spring you can plant eustoma in open ground again.

Image copyright, Nana* , beautifulcataya, Bibi015, HEN-Magonza, ? Gra?a Vargas?,fine_settimana (On & off...), sachan?,AlexEdg, kirschbrunnen

Among flower growers, this plant has several names ("Eustoma", "Irish Rose", "Lisianthus"), and the resemblance to a rose is striking. The flower belongs to the gentian family, you can grow eustoma in the garden and at home. The flowers have many colors, the leaves are elliptical in shape. Depending on the variety, it can grow up to 70cm. Potted varieties (up to 30 cm) are suitable for home conditions.

Breeders from all over the world worked to create new hybrids and varieties of eustoma, and as a result, they managed to develop various varietal series with a variety of flower colors.

Among them:
"Kyoto" F1 - non-double series ("White", "Picot Wine Red", "Blue", "Pink"), "Twinkie" F1 - white, pink, yellow, light purple. "Mermaid" F1 (white, pale pink, lilac pink, blue, purple). "Sapphire" F1 ("Blue Chip"), ( terry variety"Double White").

"Echo" F1 - terry series (salmon-pink variety "Champagne", "Pink Pikoti", "Blue", "White", "Yellow", "Pink with a rim", "Lavender", "Blue"). "Cinderella" F1.

Eustoma will decorate your garden

Eustoma is a very attractive plant with bluish, as if covered with wax, leaves and large funnel-shaped simple or double flowers delicate shades. Flowers in eustoma grandiflora reach 7-8 cm in diameter. They come in a wide variety of colors - white, pink, purple, purple, white with a colored border, etc. Half-blown flowers look like rosebuds, and when they open completely, they look like large poppies. The stems of the eustoma are strong, 80-90 cm in height, branching strongly from about the middle, so that one plant looks like a whole bunch. On one plant, I once counted 35 buds. All varieties of tall eustoma produce long peduncles and are suitable for cutting. And cut flowers last a long time in a vase.

Eustoma is gradually conquering our hearts and gardens. Its high decorative qualities, long-term preservation of cut flowers contribute to the fact that eustoma quickly became popular in Europe. For example, in the Netherlands, among the flowers intended for cutting, it occupies a place in the top ten. And in Poland, at summer flower shows, eustoma is valued quite expensively.

Modern varieties and hybrids

Every year more and more seeds appear on sale. different varieties and eustoma hybrids. Seeds have now become available not only for professionals, but also for amateur flower growers. When buying eustoma seeds, you need to know that it can be tall and short (dwarf). Tall eustoma is grown in gardens, as well as for cutting, and undersized is intended for planting in balcony boxes and growing as a room crop.

The second thing you need to pay attention to: on a bag of eustoma seeds, “annual” or “biennial” is indicated. Of course, choose an annual one, since only professional gardeners with greenhouses can grow a two-year-old eustoma. It will not suit an amateur florist, unless it is undersized to grow it in an apartment.

Eustoma flowers can be simple and double. Eustoma with double flowers, of course, is more beautiful than with simple ones. As for the coloring, you can take any: they are all very beautiful.

The seeds of eustoma are small, therefore they are sold mainly in coated form. So they are clearly visible and easy to sow.

I really like the ABC F1 terry series: Misty Pink, Misty Blue, Purple, Blue Rome and the Echo F1 terry series: Champagne, Deep Blue, Rose Pikoti and others. The eustoma of these series is different early flowering, strong shoots 80-90 cm high, on which beautiful large double flowers seem to be planted.

Growing seedlings of eustoma at home


Unfortunately, eustoma does not reproduce by dividing the bush - this, as a rule, ends in failure. Since the adult lisianthus does not tolerate the violation of the root system, all resulting divisions may die. Cut eustoma cuttings do not take root either. Therefore, the main and most reliable way to propagate this beautifully flowering plant is by seeds.

It is believed that growing eustoma from seeds is not easy, and in culture it requires special skills and knowledge. But it is not so. On personal experience I was convinced that it is easy to grow eustoma, it is difficult only for the first two months, when it is necessary to create certain conditions for seedlings

Sowing dates

Amateur flower growers begin sowing eustoma seeds in winter (December - January). This is due to the fact that eustoma blooms on the 15th-20th week after germination, therefore, when spring sowing it just won't bloom. I sow eustoma seeds from the end of November until the first days of February. It makes no sense to sow later, I was convinced of this when my first eustoma with buds was covered with snow. So I didn't get to see them bloom.
More about sowing

I sow eustoma seeds in disposable cups (50 g) with light, moist peat soil, to which I add sand or perlite to make it more loose and breathable. Suitable from purchased substrates ready ground for Saintpaulia. I sow the seeds superficially and slightly press them into the soil, I put 3-5 seeds in each cup, because in a month and a half I still have to pick. After sowing, I put plastic bags on the cups to create a greenhouse effect and wait for the emergence of seedlings.
Lighting and temperature

The first two months after sowing, eustoma seedlings need bright diffused lighting so that they grow compactly and do not stretch. Such lighting can only be created using fluorescent lamps. Since I grow different indoor flowers at home on racks with artificial lighting, then my eustoma seedlings grow on the shelves for the first two months. And at the end of February, I put them on the sunniest window sill in the house, because sunlight for eustoma is still better than artificial. As soon as the sun begins to warm, the eustoma grows faster.

If you don't have shelving, no problem. Buy a fluorescent lamp and hang it over some shelf - that's the corner for growing eustoma seedlings.

The optimum temperature for germination of eustoma seeds is 20-25°C, small seedlings appear after 10-15 days, they develop slowly for the first two months.
Watering seedlings

For the first two months, I practically do not water the seedlings, because immediately after sowing I put plastic bags on the cups, and the humidity remains under the bags for a long time. Once every one and a half weeks I take off the bags, turn them on the other side and put them on again. This procedure is necessary to remove the resulting condensate, and at the same time check whether the seedlings need to be watered. If watering is necessary, I water moderately along the edge of the cup, and then put the bag back on for one and a half to two weeks. As experience shows, eustoma seedlings growing in such greenhouse conditions need watering only once every 2-3 weeks, and even then not plentiful.
Seedling disease prevention

For the first two months, I water (if necessary) eustoma with foundationazole (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water). Fundazol prevents eustoma seedlings from getting sick, and it grows healthy. In order for the seedlings to develop well, you can spray them at least once with epin or zircon. Seedlings after this becomes strong and quickly grows. These drugs also prevent blackleg.
Picking seedlings

Small seedlings of eustoma a month and a half after germination must be dived into separate cups. This procedure is jewelry and I don’t really like it, but what can you do, it is necessary for better and faster growth of eustoma. Therefore, I take a thin awl, put a tiny plant on it and easily take it out of the peat soil.

In a separate cup, I make a recess with a pencil or pen and insert the seedling there up to the very leaves, slightly pressing the previously moderately moistened soil on the sides. After transplanting, I put a plastic bag on the cup and leave the plant alone for one and a half to two weeks.

It should be noted that only I don’t like this procedure (every time I worry so as not to damage thin roots), but eustoma really “likes” it, because tiny seedlings take root perfectly (which cannot be said about adult plants). A week after the pick, the seedlings double in size, grow "right before our eyes."

In late February - early March, I transplant the already grown young plants by transshipment, without destroying the earthen coma, into pots with a diameter of 8 cm. I always pour a thin layer of drainage from expanded clay, zeolite or just finely crumbled foam onto the bottom of the pots. I put the transplanted plants on a windowsill well-lit by the sun and gradually, removing the packages and accustoming to the sun, I adapt the seedlings to a film-free content. So eustoma grows in these pots until the seedlings are planted in the garden.

Growing in the garden

In mid-May, I plant seedlings in a flower bed. Eustoma is ready for transplanting when it has 4-8 true leaves. This year, my seedlings were much smaller than last year, but still bloomed earlier. I noticed that as soon as you plant eustoma in open ground, it immediately starts growing. So in a month it is no longer recognizable.

I try to plant eustoma in the evening. I carefully remove each plant with a clod of earth from the pot and lower it into a well-watered hole, fill the cavities with earth. It is necessary to plant eustoma no deeper than it grew in a pot. After planting, I cover each plant with half a plastic bottle. Such a shelter protects against night frosts and does not allow moisture to evaporate quickly, which is simply necessary for young plants in the first three weeks. Then I remove the bottles.
Location, soil type

Eustoma prefers sunny places where she fully reveals her beauty, so I plant her in the sunniest place in the garden. As for the soil, it grows very well on our black soil. I have no information about other soils.

Eustoma requires moderate watering as the soil dries. This season, I hardly watered it. For the first two weeks it was under a bottle shelter, where moisture is retained for a long time, and then it was watered with rains, which at times were too plentiful. To protect against diseases, I had to spray the plants with foundationazole a couple of times.

Feeding eustoma should begin after good rooting seedlings, about a month after planting. To do this, you can use high-quality mineral fertilizers for flowering plants which are completely soluble in water. For example, a series of fertilizers "Plantafol". First (in June) I take "Plantafol Growth" with a high nitrogen content, and then (in July, August) - "Plantafol Budding" with a lower nitrogen content and a high phosphorus content. Top dressing with fertilizers for flowering plants contributes to more lush and long flowering. If you do not find Plantafol, then it is quite possible to use the Kemira or Kemira Lux fertilizer, it dissolves well in water and is suitable for watering at the root. However, whatever fertilizer you choose, apply it in a lower concentration than indicated on packaging.

Eustoma flowering begins in mid-July and ends in October. First, the eustoma stem, approximately in the middle, begins to branch strongly, then many buds form - 20-35 on one branch, such a stem-bouquet with beautiful flowers opening one after another, which you can admire for quite a long time. One eustoma can bloom for two months if you do not cut it and put it in a vase. And if you cut it, it will begin to grow again from the root and bloom again. Unfortunately, in our area it is not always possible to wait for the re-blooming of eustoma, it all depends on how warm the autumn will be. But in the Crimea, this will not be a problem.
Seed collection

Eustoma is easily pollinated and over time, boxes are formed with many small seeds with high germination. It is quite possible to collect seeds if you are growing an F1 hybrid eustoma. The second generation of eustoma is basically similar to the parent plants, but individual features. The third generation will have stronger splitting. Therefore, I try not to grow third-generation seedlings - I collect seeds only from F1 queen cells.
Diseases and pests

To protect eustoma from diseases during the growing process, it is necessary to periodically carry out preventive spraying with fungicides. If the summer is rainy, spray the eustoma with fundazol (or Ridomil Gold). This good prevention and treatment for gray mold, powdery mildew and fusarium wilt, which are especially dangerous for eustoma. You can spray 2-3 times with different preparations.

The main pests of eustoma are aphids, greenhouse whitefly, slugs. Against them, I use the drugs Confidor, Aktara, Fitoverm, Aktellik.
Wintering eustoma

I read that eustoma can be transplanted into a pot in the fall and placed in a cool (10 ° C) and bright room, and again planted in open ground in the spring. Such information interested me, although it is not known how effective this method is, it needs to be checked.

Growing eustoma at home is a painstaking and time-consuming task. However, for those who master this process, it can become very profitable business, as eustoma becomes more and more popular and how garden flower, and as a pot culture. This section will discuss how to grow eustoma from seeds, and the main difficulty in this process is that eustoma seeds are too small: there are 23,000 of them in one gram! Purchased seeds undergo a special treatment to increase germination, therefore, out of a hundred of these seeds, about sixty sprout.

If eustoma from seeds is grown for planting in the garden, then it should be sown in February or March, then it will bloom in July-August. The substrate is needed, as for flower plants: sterilized, with low content nitrogen, pH 6-7. After scattering the seeds, do not cover them with soil, just press lightly and cover the container with film or glass, leaving gaps for air circulation and arranging additional illumination with fluorescent lamps for 10-12 hours a day. The temperature for seed germination should be at least +20ºС during the day and at least +14ºС at night. Instead of watering, spray the seeds from time to time, although for the first two months you are unlikely to have to do this: there will be an excess of evaporated moisture. If all conditions are met, seedlings should appear no later than two weeks later, and as soon as this has happened, you need to remove the cover and periodically spray the seedlings with a phytosporin solution. As soon as the seedlings have several pairs of leaves (this will happen in about a month and a half), dive them into pots with a diameter of 4-5 cm. After three months, the plant, together with an earthen clod, is planted in the ground.

If you want to decorate an apartment with blooming eustoma in winter, sow from July to September. Fill a small container with a wet substrate of sand and peat (1:1) and scatter the seeds over it. Place the container covered with film or glass in a warm (19-22ºС) and bright place, spray the seeds if necessary, and in two to three weeks you will wait for shoots.

As soon as the seedlings have the first pair of leaves, the amount of moisture is reduced, allowing the topsoil to dry out between waterings. In the future, moisturize only in the morning, so that, in order to avoid the “black leg” disease, the leaves are already dry in the evening and at night. When the sprouts have two pairs of leaves, you can dive them into separate pots and wait for flowering, which should come in January-February.

Growing eustoma in pots is not easy, because it is in dire need of fresh air and bright diffused light. The best way out is a western or eastern window in the room with the ability to maintain the optimum temperature for the plant at 19-22ºС with regular ventilation. In addition, caring for eustoma involves moderate watering with settled soft water as the topsoil dries up. Try to avoid both waterlogging the soil and its drying out. It is not necessary to spray the plant, as this can lead to leaf diseases. During the period of intensive growth and during the formation of buds, eustoma should be fed with liquid complex fertilizers in the consistency of 10-15 ml per 10 liters of water. And, of course, wilted flowers must be removed in time. Try to comply with these conditions, and your eustoma will delight you with its flowering again in 90-100 days.

Eustoma in the garden - planting and care

How to grow eustoma.

Garden eustoma can be grown from seed, sown in December or January to bloom in June or July. Fifty-milliliter cups are filled with soil mixture for violets and 3-5 seeds are laid out on top, slightly pressing them into the ground, and covered with a film so that the eustoma grows like in a greenhouse. The film will have to be lifted every 10 days to remove condensate from it and allow the seedlings to breathe a little. The optimum temperature for germination in two weeks is 20-25ºС. The first couple of months, the seedlings also need additional illumination, but even with all these necessary conditions seedlings will grow very slowly. At the end of February, seedlings are placed on a sunny windowsill.

Selection and processing of material
As a preventive measure, spray seedlings with a solution of foundationol at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water, and for faster growth - with zircon or epin. A month and a half after the emergence of seedlings, when they already have a couple of leaves, dive the seedlings into pots of 3-5 pieces, immersing them in the ground along lower leaves. Don't forget to water and cover each pot with a plastic bag for a greenhouse effect. In a week, the seedlings will double in size. In late February or early March, transplant the seedlings into larger pots (diameter 8 cm) along with an earthen clod by transshipment, after placing a drainage layer in the pots. Now they will grow up, waiting for landing in the ground.

In mid-May, when the risk of frost is over, the seedlings are planted in open ground. A place for eustoma is chosen protected from drafts, with good drainage, light, but the light should be diffused. Landing is carried out in the evening or in cloudy weather. A seedling is immersed in a well-moistened hole along with a clod of earth in which it grew in a pot. Eustoma grows in a bush, so it should be planted at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other. After planting, cover seedlings for the first 2-3 weeks glass jars or circumcised plastic bottles, and at this time you can not water it. We have already written about watering, we will only clarify once again: eustoma is harmed by both increased soil moisture and lack of moisture.

When 6-8 leaves are formed on the stalk, pinch the top so that the plant branches better. About a month after planting, when the seedlings are already well rooted, they need to be fed with soluble mineral fertilizers. Plantafol is suitable for this purpose. In June, spray the eustoma with the Plantafol Growth preparation with a high nitrogen content, and in July and August with the Plantafol Budding solution. You can use the drug "Kemira", it is dissolved in water and the plants are watered under the root. Just try to use drugs in a slightly lower concentration than the manufacturers suggest.
Selection and processing of material
The start of flowering of eustoma depends on when you sowed the seeds. If the sowing took place at the end of November or the beginning of December, then the eustoma will begin to bloom in the beginning or middle of July - it also depends on what kind of spring it will be. If you sowed the seeds in mid-January, then flowering will most likely begin in August. After the beginning of flowering, this process does not stop until the end of October: some buds fade, others bloom, and so on. Blooming eustoma and early frosts do not frighten, and only with a frost of -10ºС and snowfall can eustoma bloom stop. If your eustoma has faded early, cut off the wilted flowers, and, quite possibly, the eustoma will bloom again in six weeks.

Among the pests of eustoma, aphids, slugs, whiteflies and spider mite. To protect against insects, actara, fitoverm, actellik or confidor should be used. Affects eustoma powdery mildew, fusarium or gray rot, from which it can be saved by preventive spraying with foundationazole or the use of the drug "Ridomir Gold".

In a faded potted eustoma, the stems are cut so that 2-3 internodes remain on them, and they are transferred to storage in a room with a temperature of + 10-15ºС. Watering during the dormant period is rare, it is not necessary to feed the plant. In the spring, when you see new shoots, transplant it carefully, along with an earthy clod, into a new soil and resume watering and regular care.

Selection and processing of material
You can extend the flowering time of your garden eustoma by transplanting it, along with garden soil, into a pot and moving it to a balcony or windowsill. In the house, for some time, with normal care, she will delight you with flowering. But a dormant period occurs in all plants. After the flowers wither and the leaves turn yellow, the garden eustoma is treated in the same way as with the room one: the stem is cut at a height of 2-3 internodes and transferred to a cool, well-ventilated room, almost stopping watering. There she will wait for spring.
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One of the most unusual beautiful plants considered eustoma or as it is also called lisianthus. It originates from Central America, is also found in countries with humid climate, in Mexico and South America. Belongs to the gentian family.

Florists, when composing flower arrangements, repeatedly use the Irish rose, because it not only makes bouquets more beautiful, but also stays in a vase for about three weeks. Particularly popular are half-blown flowers resembling roses. P donkey full opening buds they are similar to poppies. A flower similar to a rose eustoma can be either perennial or annual.

Perennial lisanthus description

perennial eustoma pink

It is an ornamental plant with funnel-shaped terry and non-double numerous flowers, as well as gray leaves with a velvet down.

Shrubs have similarities with roses, but differ from them in that they do not have characteristic thorns on the shoots, which is why they got the “name” - a rose without thorns.

A strong stem, starting from the middle, branches into many shoots decorated with several buds. Thanks to this, only one small branch looks like a full-fledged and original bouquet.

Depending on the variety, an unusual bush can grow up to 90 cm. From July to October, you can enjoy its flowering. In their circumference, the flowers reach up to 8, and sometimes up to ten cm. And when there are also a lot of them on the peduncle, then just imagine what a beauty it is!

The main advantage of Lisianthus is its long-lasting freshness when cut. Basically, all tall varieties are grown for cutting into bouquets.

Species and varieties

Eustoma perennial can be of a wide variety of shades. So you can enjoy purple, yellow, snow-white, pink, blue, coral, as well as two-tone flowers. Depending on the variety you choose, the size of the shrub, the shade and diameter of the flowers will come from. Can be planted in greenhouses and home gardens, and dwarf species in pots.

  1. Annual specimens do not require care and reproduce without much difficulty. Even the most inexperienced amateur gardener can grow them.
  2. If you decide to grow a perennial type of Irish rose, then you need to work hard. By doing everything right, you can enjoy a longer and lush bloom. Often it is grown in pots on windowsills or in greenhouse conditions.
  3. Indoor variety is undersized flowers, not exceeding 30 cm in height. As a rule, they are well grown in well-lit rooms.

Varieties of Irish rose

Russell's large-flowered lisanthus

It is considered the most beautiful and spectacular view. Found in Central America. It is characterized by a straight stem, on which rather large flowers are located, fixed on long peduncles. The variety has similarities with poppy. No matter what flowers will decorate your shrub, you will be able to enjoy its beautiful flowering. There is a slight wax coating on the gray-green leaves.

Eustoma cut Meidzh mixture

  • Madge Deep rose with delicate pink inflorescences similar to small roses
  • Blue rim with exquisite blue flowers
  • Madge Red with catchy red-scarlet, large peduncles flying over the green foliage
  • Mage Yellow boasts vibrant golden yellow giant-sized poppy flowers.

Terry or non-double flowers can be painted in blue, beige, purple, rose-lilac, snow-white. You can also decorate the garden with bicolor flowers that include these unforgettable colors.

Variety Matador mix - Matador mix

Height undersized shrub does not exceed 25 cm. The diameter of the flowers is about 6 cm. It is a variety of Japanese selection with double flowers. All flowers are fixed above the deciduous part of the plant.

Endowed with a good root system. Looks great in flower beds, but looks much more effective when planted in pots. Will stay in bouquets for a long time.

It has different varieties:

  • White buds similar to roses of snow-white color
  • Matador Blue sky blue petals
  • rose pink color pink glow


It belongs to early flowering varieties, the height of which varies from 0.9 to 1.2 meters. The shoots are decorated with double flowers of heavenly, pink and snowy white color. The Irish Aurora Rose can be grown indoors or in greenhouses during the winter.

Flamenco - Flamenco

Due to the long strong stem, reaching up to 1.2 meters, the variety is grown for cutting into bouquets. In their circumference, flowers can reach 8 cm. You can find snow-white, red, deep blue and two-tone flowers.


It is most popular among flower growers growing Lisianthus for cutting. Spreading branches reach up to 70 cm and are strewn with large buds. They start blooming early, opening their flowers for several weeks. There are about 11 different monophonic and two-tone shades.

Types and varieties of eustoma video review:

Florida Pink - Florida Pink

Indoor eustoma, which is grown indoors and is famous for its abundant flowering. The most beautiful flowers bloom on 90 cm shoots, which can be of various colors from the most delicate pink to bright crimson. There are about 15 shades.


Herbal rose will feel great in a pot. It grows no higher than 15 cm. On a branched shoot, 5 cm flowers are located. You can enjoy the flowering of purple, white, blue and pink lisianthus petals.

Little Bell Little Bell

Refers to dwarf plants, reaching up to 25 cm in height. The bush is decorated with bell-shaped flowers. Most suitable for growing in a house or apartment.


The bush is completely strewn with small snow-white flowers. It grows about 20 cm. It is often used in home indoor floriculture.

When compared with other colors, then eustoma perennial planting and home care does not require much effort.

How to propagate

Since it is difficult to divide the shrub, the use of the vegetative method is not welcome. Also, the delicate root system is not easy to separate without damaging it.

The French rose, as a rule, propagates by seeds. There were times when it was almost impossible to find eustoma seeds. Nowadays, you can easily buy the most suitable plant species for you.

After you acquire the seedlings, you should not waste precious time, but start sowing as soon as possible. After all, the acquired material must be planted on time.

Once your flowers have grown, you can collect the seeds yourself.

Seed planting and care

Having become the owner of a beautiful flowering shrub, you need to prepare it for planting in the soil. Remember that the soil must be sterilized by steaming it or using hot potassium permanganate for this purpose. You can also use peat tablets, which will be no less effective.

It is worth abandoning the calcination of the earth in the oven, which some of the gardeners like to use. Because of this method nutrients contained in it will be lost, and the thornless French rose eustoma is too sensitive and may die in such a soil.

From now on, you should wait until the first shoots appear. As a rule, seedlings are sown in the first days of February or March.

In the event that you decide to sow them later, you are unlikely to see them bloom. At the time of germination, be sure to observe the temperature, which should correspond to 20-25 degrees.

How to care for seedlings

Eustoma growing from seed, when the time comes to plant, needs some care.

  1. The first thing you need to do regularly is to air the germinated seeds at least once a week. Due to this, the condensate will evaporate.
  2. In addition, airing will allow you to find out in time the seedlings need watering or not. If you notice that the soil is a little dry, it is worth moistening it with a thin stream of water, which is poured along the edge of the glass.
  3. When all necessary procedures will be held, be sure to cover the young plants.

Eustoma flowers growing from seeds at home, you already know how and when to sow. Now it's time to learn how to properly care for seedlings.

  1. From the first days of planting, you need to carefully monitor future bushes.
  2. If you grow them at home, then lack of lighting can lead to seedlings stretching. To avoid this, it is necessary to provide them with diffused light.
  3. IN recent weeks February, be sure to transfer the container with seedlings to the southern windowsill. As soon as the sun's rays warm the lisanthus, it will begin to grow more actively.
  4. After about 3 weeks, sprouts will begin to sprout.
  5. After they reach 2 cm, you need to do a pick. But remember that this procedure is carried out with extreme caution, since the Irish rose is very delicate and can easily be damaged.

Growing in peat tablets

This method is quite popular, because thanks to such tablets, Lisianthus germinates much better. In addition, it will be much easier for you to transplant the plant into open ground. Eustoma or Irish Rose will thrive in 5cm peat tablets placed in containers.

  • To get started, you need slightly moisten the tablet, not allowing it to swell. Never leave water in it.
  • Using tweezers, place the seedlings into the tablets and press lightly.
  • Moisten the seedlings with a spray bottle.
  • As soon as a few leaves appear, you need to send the tablets to a special container.
  • It is very important to ensure that root system neighboring seedlings are not intertwined.

Seedling picking

A few months later, after the seedlings have been planted, it can be dived into personal containers. But this procedure should be carried out carefully so as not to harm the sprouts.

Transplant rules

  1. In order not to harm the Lisianthus, it is customary to use a thin awl for transplantation. With its help, thin young plants are pulled up and transferred to separate cups.
  2. But do not forget to prepare the soil in advance in a container and make holes in it using a pencil. Deepen the flowers to the very leaves.
  3. Before transplanting, water the soil, and after it is completed, it is worth covering the young plants for several weeks, which will allow them to take root.

Seedlings easily cope with the transplant, so after a few days it actively begins to grow.

How to properly water seedlings

Eustoma long-term planting and care photo, showing the simplicity of this procedure, requires gardeners some nuances when watering seedlings.

Important! The first thing that beginner gardeners should remember is that you should be very careful when moistening the soil. Only young sprouts that have appeared should be watered only in the morning, which will avoid such a disease as a black leg that affects young shoots. Why? Yes, just in a day, the soil has time to dry out and excess moisture does not accumulate, which provokes a black leg.

Also, do not forget to get rid of infected sprouts, because you cannot cure them. Also, if you leave them near healthy plants then they can become infected. Covering each glass with a separate bag will help to avoid infection.

Since Lisianthus is very tender and constantly in moist soil, the risk of contracting a disease is too great for him. Do not forget to take into account the fact that the first shoots are very sensitive to changes in air temperature and drafts. That is why, when installing the container in a certain place, make sure that nothing will threaten it.

Root planting

When purchasing roots, be careful, as they have many elements. similarities to phlox and hostas, and many sellers may sell you these instead of lisanthus.

Eustoma perennial root planting in autumn is sometimes carried out. Pretty tender roots, very easy to damage, so if you do not want the plants to die, spend this procedure with extreme caution. Eustoma propagation by cuttings and dividing the bushes is also not welcome due to the tenderness of the roots, which can be damaged during transplantation.

How to plant in open ground

Before planting in the garden, choose a well-lit place where there will be no drafts and cold wind in the future. The bushes should be transplanted on cloudy days, observing the intervals between young sprouts of about 20 cm.

  • Crossing the earthen clod of each bush, it is necessary to move them to previously prepared holes.
  • As soon as the procedure is completed, cover the bush with a plastic transparent bottle cut into two parts.
  • Thanks to such peculiar greenhouses, you can protect the eustoma from recurrent frosts, direct sunlight, and also prevent moisture from evaporating.
  • When you are sure that the frosts have passed and will not return, get rid of the shelter.
  • After 4 weeks, the plants will take root and at this point you need to start feeding them.

Important! Remember that the Irish rose eustoma prefers universal fertilizers used for flowering plants. But at the same time, the concentration of the solution should be reduced by 25% than indicated on the package. For this purpose, it is recommended to use Plantafol, Kemira, Kemira Lux.

Based on the time at which the shift was sown, the time comes when the first flowers on the plant begin to bloom. Around July, the seedlings take root in the areas where they were planted. After a while, flowers begin to bloom. Flowering lasts until the first frost.

Reproduction by cuttings

Remember that eustoma does not tolerate cuttings, so you should not use this method for propagation. Be sure to spray your seedlings so that they are not attacked by such a disease as a black leg. If you do not do this, then the bush will surely die.

To enjoy lush Lisianthus blooms, be sure to prune off the shoots after the first wave of flowering is over.

Perennial eustoma after flowering, what to do

If you decide to cut the flowers, then you should not worry, as the bush feels great during this process. In addition, due to the fact that the stems are cut, new shoots will begin to actively form. The inflorescence includes about 30 flowers, which can stand in a vase for about a month, and sometimes for several months. Even though it is not easy to grow a shrub, the fact that it blooms profusely makes Lisianthus in demand among flower growers.

Eustomia flowers photo, which shows all its beauty, after flowering hibernates. During this period, all metabolic processes slow down, and the plant practically does not grow. From now on, stop fertilizing the flower, reduce its watering and lower the temperature in the room a little. If you want it to please you again with lush flowering a year later, be sure to cut off all the shoots, leaving no more than 3 special points.

Irish rose, what to do in winter?

Lisianthus is afraid of frosty days, so you need to carefully prepare it for the winter. Be sure to move the shrub into a container and transfer it to the loggia. When is eustoma used? cultivation in the Urals or Siberia, then many gardeners, in order not to engage in a constant transplant, initially put it in a pot and, with the onset of summer, bury it on the street, and with the advent of autumn they transfer it back to the room. This method is most popular for these cold regions.

When you choose to grow eustoma in a greenhouse for cutting in Siberia, this is even better. This method helps to get flowering shrubs much earlier than when breeding it in the usual way. Be sure to provide the plant with light. If there is a lack of natural light, create and add artificial. Daylight bulbs work great for this. Thanks to this, you will be able to grow a healthy perennial specimen that will delight you with lush flowering.

How to grow a houseplant at home

If you have grown eustoma in the garden, growing and caring for the apartment will not be difficult. It will effectively look on the windowsill and decorate any room.

  • For planting in pots, only dwarf specimens are used.
  • It is better to install the container on a western or eastern window, where bright diffused lighting will prevail. If you choose to place the pot on a south-facing windowsill, be sure to shade the window pane.
  • It is worth abandoning the cultivation of a bush on north side buildings, because the absence or lack of sunlight will lead to a slowdown in development and growth.
  • If you have purchased an adult plant, then it must be accustomed to the sun's rays gradually, as they can harm its foliage.

How to prevent disease

  • Seedlings, both before planting and after, are best watered with foundation.
  • Spray the sprouts with epin or zircon. Thanks to this procedure, you will be able to provide your shrub healthy growth and also don't let it depend on negative phenomena environment.
  • Eustoma home perennial planting and care photo showing all the procedures that need to be carried out requires periodic spraying with Ridomil Gold. With this remedy, you will not let your thornless rose wither due to Fusarium. This problem is also quite common when growing a flower.

Important! But! It is still better not to spray young seedlings, as this may affect their growth. In order for her to feel good after the procedure, wait until at least 4 leaves appear on the sprouts.


Eustoma is loved not only by lovers of decorating their garden in an unusual way, but also by venerable professionals. With its help, you can create a beautiful unforgettable household plot, which is completely filled with lush bright flowering. In addition, you can decorate apartments with an Irish multi-colored rose.

It will not be difficult to breed it, the main thing is to follow all the necessary rules. In addition, you should remember that eustoma does not welcome propagation by cuttings, so opt for the seedling option. Follow the rules, do not forget to water and fertilize the bushes and soon you will be able to enjoy the most beautiful flowers unusual lisianthus.

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