Coconut tablets for seedlings. Small Seed Seedlings: Growing in Coconut Tablets

Coconut briquette is a substrate tightly pressed under strong pressure, which is finely chopped coconut peel fibers. This is a completely natural nutrient material that is used for growing various crops, seedlings and indoor flowers, and other garden plantings. One of modern species safe substrates sold at any gardening store.

The coke substrate is produced in various forms- bags, mats, briquettes of various sizes. Simply put, a coconut briquette is the most compact and very hard package of the same coconut fiber.

Coconut substrate is shredded and pressed coconut fiber

On a note! Coke substrate (or the so-called coco-soil) can also be used as a mulching material.


The coke briquette consists entirely of environmentally friendly natural material. This is a crushed coconut peel and villi that cover it. Raw materials undergo a fermentation process for 14-18 months, and then they are thoroughly dried and pressed under high pressure.

On a note! There are also coconut tablets, they include not only coconut fibers and shavings, but also coconut peat. This small sizes containers in the form of a cylinder.

Properties and advantages

The coconut fiber substrate has a lot of unique physiological properties, which are practically not lost even after the time of use.

  1. The composition of the substrate is completely natural - it is organic in its pure form without the admixture of chemically active artificial substances.

  2. The coke substrate perfectly absorbs large volumes of water and is able to retain it for a long time. Due to this, the frequency of watering can be reduced. The volume of the absorbed liquid exceeds the volume of the soil itself by 8-10 times. When the coco substrate is well hydrated, it changes color to dark brown. When dry, the fiber has a light hazel color.

Thanks to the use of coconut substrate for growing seedlings, due to its unique properties manages to minimize the risks for the future harvest. Also, this material can be mixed with other types of soil, thereby improving their structure, increasing their fertility and turning even loam into a nutritious soil mixture. The efficiency of planting seeds and growing seedlings increases significantly.


Coco coir can be used for a variety of purposes, depending on what you want to achieve. This soil is great for any plants, including ornamental ones. This is confirmed by numerous positive reviews from experienced and novice gardeners.

Table. Ways to use coconut briquette.

How to useDescription

In this case, the coke briquette is soaked, and the resulting loose mass is mixed with ordinary soil in a ratio of 1:1. It can be used in pure form in some cases. Of course, it's easy to find threads on the Internet where coco substrate is compared to lifeless perlite. But the soil obtained from the briquette is still a "living" organic material. They thrive in pure coco substrate. various plants, including orchids and ficuses.

Dry coco substrate can be added to regular cooked or homemade soil. The material improves the quality of the soil, making it more airy.

The briquette is used in the same way as for growing seedlings. It is safe and not a breeding ground small midges, with which flower growers so often encounter. Coconut substrate is ideal for rooting cuttings different colors- fuchsias, violets, begonias, geraniums and others. It is enough to place the shoots in the ground and lightly tamp it around, and then cover the container with the handle with a bag.

The coke substrate from a briquette can also be used when planting plants in open ground. For this, the substrate is brought into the ground in the garden and dug up. In order not to overdo it with the amount, first place it on the surface of the ridge with a layer of about 7 cm.

If you decide to use soil for planting shrubs and trees (which is also very good for them), then place the soil from the earth and coconut substrate in a 1: 1 ratio in the prepared hole and plant the plant in it.

The substrate obtained from a coconut briquette is also excellent for mulching beds. True, this method is not cheap, but it saves time and effort, and the quality of such mulch is excellent.

On a note! Interestingly, coconut fiber can even be used as bedding for pets in terrariums, cages, and aviaries. This material is hygienic and practical, it is also easy to use.

Step by step instructions for use

You can buy coconut briquettes for growing seedlings at any gardening store. However, they are of different production and quality. The main thing is to choose the right one for you. How to use this unusual briquette, which can easily turn into a substrate?

Step 1. Calculate your needs. Remember that when a 1 kg briquette swells, a lot of substrate is obtained - about 7-8 liters. Think about how much coco soil you need right now. Let's say you need all these 7-8 liters, then prepare a container of about 10 liters for soaking the briquette.

Step 2 Unpack the briquette and place it in a container, pour a small amount of warm water. After a while, if necessary, it can be divided into several pieces and placed in different containers.

Step 3 Fill the container with pieces of briquettes with water completely. If you do not need to divide it, you can immediately pour a full 10-liter container of water. The “brick” will soften completely in 15-30 minutes.

On a note! Rinse coke primer thoroughly with water before use. The fact is that it can contain an excess sea ​​salt(it is used in technological process during production), which will adversely affect the condition of plants. But these salts are easily washed out with water. To do this, the swollen substrate can be placed in a colander and rinsed.

Step 4 After washing the soil, put it to dry. This process takes approximately 2-3 weeks. During drying, periodically loosen the substrate. However, even at the end of the drying procedure, the soil will be slightly wet - this is normal and is due to its moisture capacity.

The result is a pleasant loose air structure, reminiscent of the color of high-moor peat. And it can already be used in accordance with your needs and wishes. Remember that seedlings can be planted both in a clean substrate, and in its mixture with garden or purchased land.

After the seedlings have been grown and planted in the ground, your coco substrate may be free, but do not rush to throw it away, because it can be reused. To do this, first place it in a container and fill it with an aqueous solution of an EM preparation that prevents the development of various harmful fungi (they could get into the substrate during use). Periodically moisturizing, let the substrate brew for about a month, after this disinfecting procedure, you can again use the coconut fiber obtained from the briquette.

It is also believed that on the basis of the substrate obtained from coconut briquettes, excellent soil can be prepared. To get 100 liters of soil mixture, you will need a briquette of coconut fiber weighing 5 kg, 1 liter of liquid vermicompost and 25 liters of dry, as well as 23 liters plain water. Liquid biohumus is mixed into clean water, then a coconut briquette is laid there, which it is desirable to press down with something to the bottom. The swelling soil is transferred to a clean container and then mixed with dry biohumus.

The resulting soil mixture can be used for seedlings or any horticultural needs associated with growing, transplanting plants. It will be very crumbly and airy, as well as enriched. nutrients and substances, the stock of which is enough for several years in a row (about 5-6). If the excess soil is packed in bags and compressed, then it can be stored for a very long time.

How to choose a coco substrate?

The coke substrate can be sold both in briquettes and seedling cubes, mats, bags. When choosing the one that is right for you, focus on the purpose of the acquisition, brand awareness, the final amount of substrate, and other parameters.

For example, there are not only briquettes, which, when swollen, will give a large amount of substrate, but also small briquettes, packed and acting like. They are plates or cubes that, when moisture is added, swell and fill the mesh bag in which they are located. At the same time, they do not crumble, and seedlings and plants can be planted directly in them in special holes in the package.

Seedlings in coconut tablets

Over the years of use, the coconut fiber substrate has earned positive reviews amateur and professional growers. He is known as effective remedy for germination of seeds of vegetable, berry, flower and fruit crops. What are coconut tablets and briquettes made of, how are they produced, where did they come from? What is the advantage of sowing seeds on coco and how to use it correctly? Through this article, you will learn the answers to these topical issues and learn how to grow wonderful seedlings, which means you will get the opportunity to improve the future harvest.

Soil for seedlings

In early spring, the main concern of gardeners is. The forces expended at this stage are directly proportional to the excellent harvest. Young plants require care and certain conditions for development, and the main one is the soil, which has the following characteristics:

  • it is desirable that the level of oxygen in the soil is about 20%;
  • the soil should be air-intensive and moisture-intensive. The more large pores free of water in it, the higher these characteristics;
  • the acid-base reaction of the soil for seedlings is only neutral.

The modern market offers various means capable of providing young, fragile seedlings with everything they need. IN last years more and more popular is coconut substrate or coconut tablets. They are trying to replace the substrate own cooking, and quite famous peat tablets.

100% environmentally friendly

in the tropics coconut palm known as the "tree of a thousand uses". Without its fruits, there would be no buns sprinkled with the most delicate shavings, and other delicious inventions. Food Industry. Coconut is known in the medical field, and palm wood is actively used in construction. Recently, mattresses have been made on the basis of coconut fiber. And for crop production, this 100% environmentally friendly, natural substance is simply irreplaceable.

The composition of the coco substrate is 30% coconut flakes and 70% coconut fiber

Coconut plant substrate is made up of 30% coconut flakes and 70% coconut fibre. The process of its manufacture is quite lengthy. Coconut skins are crushed, fermented for 14-18 months, dried and pressed under pressure. Two types of substrate are known, in the form of tablets or small briquettes.

Attention! For correct calculation the amount of coconut substrate for seedlings, keep in mind that from a briquette weighing 1 kg. it turns out 7 liters. soil.

Coconut Substrate Properties

Coconut substrate received wide use because of its versatility:

  1. Absolutely organic product.
  2. It has the ability to absorb, retain and easily release liquid up to 8 times its weight. When minerals are dissolved in water, they are firmly held inside the substrate, and then, gradually, they are absorbed by the roots of vegetables. This means that it will not work to “fill in” the seedlings.
  3. Perfectly retains oxygen, which the roots of sprouts breathe.
  4. Due to the porous structure of the substrate, it does not decrease in volume.
  5. soil fungi on top layer coconut tablets do not develop, because it remains dry. The absence of weeds and all kinds of pathogens was also noticed.
  6. The acidity of the substrate is 5.5 - 6.5. So, it is great for most plants.
  7. Potassium and phosphorus, which are part of the coconut mixture, are perfectly absorbed by young shoots. In addition, pressed coconut is impregnated with specially selected fertilizers.
  8. The substrate has excellent thermal conductivity properties.
  9. Coconut fiber breaks down slowly, so it can be used repeatedly, from 3 to 5 years. And the tablets are useful as a loosening agent in various mixtures for seedlings.
  10. The pressed walnut is completely recycled and disposed of.

Soil preparation based on coconut mixture

Before starting work, carefully read the instructions on the briquette or coconut fiber tablets. We will give an example based on a 1 kg coconut block.

  • you need to unpack the package;
  • put the block in a 10 liter bucket. Pour warm water in the amount of 5 liters. The mixture will absorb water like a sponge and begin to swell rapidly. It is not necessary to interfere and loosen it;
  • after 10 - 15 minutes the volume of the substrate will increase significantly. It is better to cover the bucket with a film or a bag and leave it for a while. If other soil mixtures recommend steaming, then the coconut composition does not need this. Pathogenic organisms will not start there. A few hours - and the mixture is completely ready, you can start sowing seeds!

Advice. When preparing coconut substrate, it is better to pour water gradually. First - 1.5 liters, and after a while, when the composition is saturated with liquid, add another 3.5 liters.

Tablets are usually filled with 40 ml. warm water for 1 pc. and are used to germinate seeds.

Soaking Coconut Substrate Before Planting Seedlings

Coconut substrate is eco-friendly, efficient and easy to use. It's popular and convenient way as well as most flowers and crops. A mixture of coconut fibers allows you to achieve one hundred percent germination and absolutely healthy plants with developed for transplantation.

Coconut substrate for seedlings: photo

Coconut seedling substrate: video

Coconut seedling tablets are a modern and convenient way to grow most crops and flowers at home, allowing you to achieve 100% seed germination and High Quality plants for transplanting.

Healthy, strong seedlings are the key to success and guarantee good harvest autumn. Therefore, most gardeners approach its cultivation with great responsibility. Moreover, today in specialized stores there are a lot of tools that allow you to achieve excellent results at a lower cost. For example, peat and coconut seedling tablets.

Description of Coconut Seedling Pills

The composition of the tablets for seedlings

"Coconut tablets" are small containers without a bottom, cylindrical shape, 70% filled with coco peat, fiber and coconut flakes(thirty %). Impregnated with a special nutritional composition with trace elements and minerals. They are an ideal substrate for crops that have an increased need for oxygen.

A substrate is made from crushed coconut peel after fermentation for 14-18 months, dried and pressed under conditions high blood pressure. When wet, "coco-ground" acquires a characteristic dark brown color, and when dry, its color changes to a lighter side. The coconut fiber from which it is produced is the purest organic matter without chemical impurities. Due to the peculiarities of the growth of the nut, the fruits of which are located high above the ground, it is not affected by either pest larvae or pathogens living on the ground.

Benefits of coconut tablets

The composition of coconut tablets includes an antibacterial component that protects plants from the penetration of infections, fungi in the process of development. In addition, to their positive qualities relate:

  • High breathability;
  • Good thermal conductivity properties;
  • The ability to retain and retain moisture. Coconut fiber has an amazing ability to absorb water, 8-10 times its own volume. At the same time, the liquid, along with the minerals and nutrients dissolved in it, is securely held inside the coconut substrate and, as necessary, goes to the roots of the plants. It turns out that it is simply impossible to “fill in” seedlings grown in coconut tablets;
  • Resistant to decomposition and long service life. Thanks to this, mini "nurseries" made of coconut are used for several cycles. In addition, after application, they are used as an additional loosening material in seedling mixtures.

Purpose of coconut pills

Tablets for seedlings based on coconut have different diameters and for convenience are placed in a fine mesh that prevents the substrate from spilling. They are also produced in the form of mats, with dimensions of 15x100x3 cm in dry form, and when filled with water, they increase in height up to 12 cm.

Small containers with a diameter of 25 mm are well suited for rooting and sprouting flower plants, such as petunias, as well as strawberries and other crops with small seeds.

In larger containers (35 and 50 mm) you can plant eggplants, tomatoes, peppers and other plants. Thanks to this, subsequently, it will not be necessary to additionally transplant seedlings into large containers. (Yulia Petrichenko, expert)

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Beneficial effect of coconut fiber on the growth and development of seedlings

The best confirmation of how useful coconut seedling pills are is the testimonials of people who have "tried them in action." Their advantages:

  • The optimal level of acidity is 5-6.5 units. For this reason, coco-based soil is well suited for growing any plant, including rather "capricious" crops that have poor germination, such as conifers and many flowers;
  • High oxygen content for optimal air exchange and free penetration of moisture and nutrients to plant roots. The air capacity of coconut tablets is 15% higher than that of soil. Therefore, water and air are in the optimal ratio. As a result, seedlings grow and develop at a faster rate;
  • Favorable environment for germination and rooting of plants. Using this method allows you to significantly increase the germination of seeds and grow quality seedlings with healthy, strong roots;
  • Ease of use. Unlike similar devices made from peat, coconut tablets do not sag, do not turn into a slurry with excessive waterlogging, and do not crust when dried. In addition, seedlings growing in coconut tablets are very easy to transplant. To do this, it does not need to be removed from the substrate - they simply transfer the seedling to a new "place of residence" along with the container in which it is rooted. This provides plants with 100% survival rate.

In addition to seed germination, coconut tablets are suitable for rooting cuttings of geranium, rose, fuchsia, begonia leaf and violets. To do this, they are slightly soaked. Make a recess in the center of the container, place the cuttings there. After that, the earth around the plant is lightly tamped, covered from above plastic bag or a cut plastic bottle to keep the substrate moist.

How to use coconut tablets

Instructions for use

For optimal results, it is important to follow the instructions for using coconut seedling tablets:

  1. Place the tablets in a pot or cassette intended for growing seedlings. Other convenient containers are suitable for these purposes. Keep in mind that their height should be 10-15 centimeters higher than the height of the tablet itself, taking into account its swelling after soaking.
  2. Wash them clean running water to remove residues of sea salt, which is used in the production of compressed fiber from coconut.
  3. Pour a little warm, but not hot water proportional to the size of the tablet. It turns out about 30-40 ml for each little thing.
  4. A small indentation is made in the upper part of the coconut "cup". The seeds (1-2 things) are carefully lowered into it and covered with coconut fiber, humus or peat, which in this case will serve as an additional source of nutrition for seedlings. After that, the containers are covered with a layer of film to maintain a favorable microclimate for future shoots.
  5. When the plants get stronger, reaching the desired size, they are transplanted into pre-prepared holes, without removing the packing net, watered and lightly sprinkled with earth. As a result, the roots will be less stressed and will better survive the "painful procedure" of transplanting.

How to use coconut tablets in mini greenhouses

Coconut seedling tablets are sold separately and complete with mini-greenhouses, the design of which is thought out in such a way that they set the ideal mode of ventilation and humidity. They are compact in size and easy to use. To apply them, you must:

  1. Fill the tray rising into the greenhouse structure with water.
  2. Wait until the tablets swell.
  3. Plant seeds or plant cuttings in them, cover the tray with a special transparent lid.

Such practical and functional devices are suitable for growing flower seedling, as well as vegetable crops: peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. They can be used an unlimited number of times, from time to time buying a new portion to fill.

When growing agricultural and flower crops in this way, it is allowed to use mineral fertilizers various kinds. When applied, the effect of the coconut substrate will be even more pronounced and persistent.

How to choose high-quality material in the store

Today, several varieties of coconut briquettes and tablets are on sale, which can be with or without a mesh shell. The latter option is not very successful, since in the process of swelling such a substrate turns into a shapeless mixture, which is very inconvenient to use.

When buying, pay attention to the quality of the products and the manufacturer, as a poor-quality substrate often contains larvae of quarantine pests, or is intended for completely different purposes. So, it is unlikely that it will be possible to get high-quality, healthy seedlings from it.

It can be noted that coconut fiber tablets are really a good and practical find for any gardener who is engaged in self-cultivation seedlings.

In recent years, peat tablets have become less and less popular, as coconut analogues are increasingly being used instead. The latter are compressed coconut fibers, made in the form of tablets and enriched with special fertilizers. It's comfortable and enough modern method growing flowers or most agricultural plants at home, which allows you to achieve 100% germination and excellent quality sprouts for transplanting.

Such tablets are cylindrical containers, which are 70% coconut peat, 30% coconut chips and fibers. Tablets are impregnated with a special nutrient solution containing all necessary for plants trace elements and nutrients. This is the best substrate for those crops that need large amounts of oxygen.

For the manufacture of the product, crushed coconut peel is used, which has undergone fermentation (it takes from 14 to 18 months), dried and compacted under high pressure. In moisture, "coco-primer" (as the tablets are also called) becomes dark brown, while in dry it looks lighter. In addition, the fibers that are used in the manufacture are a pure natural substance that does not contain chemical additives. Due to the specifics of their growth, coconuts (and they are located at a fairly large distance from the ground) are not affected by pathogenic bacteria and pests that live on the ground.

Basic properties

The described tablets are used for growing seeds, primarily because they provide faster rooting and planting of crops. Moreover, it is thanks to coconut tablets that planted plants have more developed roots. The first harvest of fruits can be started somewhere 7-14 days earlier, when compared with those plants for which mineral wool or peat was used.

Note! Also, many gardeners in their reviews say that the chemical and biological properties of the soil are further improved.

In addition, the coco substrate is an excellent conductor of heat, it is resistant to decomposition, perfectly retains moisture, and prevents the appearance of pathogenic bacteria and weeds. For cooking fertile soil you will need about 40 ml of warm water, which must be poured onto a tablet. Then you need to wait a bit for the moisture to be absorbed.

Sometimes people buy mineral wool for the same purposes, but it is impossible to compare it in terms of effectiveness with coconut tablets, because only the latter can be recycled. Moreover, they, having a porous structure, are also saturated with air, therefore, unlike peat, they do not sag, absorb moisture much faster, and a crust does not form on the surface.

An increased oxygen content is extremely important for the soil, since the viability of the grown crops depends on this. With oxygen deficiency, toxic compounds can appear that worsen physical characteristics soil and negatively affect the amount of nutrients. Simply put, all this leads to a significant slowdown in plant development. Thanks to the use of coconut substrate, the required oxygen content is maintained - about 20%.

Benefits of coconut tablets

Let us briefly consider the main advantages of the product.

  1. The tablets have a sufficiently high air permeability and excellent heat-conducting characteristics.
  2. The composition contains a special antibacterial substance that protects seedlings from fungal and infectious diseases in the course of development.
  3. Coconut fiber perfectly retains moisture, it is able to absorb it ten times its own volume. Characteristically, the liquid, enriched with useful substances and minerals, is securely stored inside the container and supplied to the root system as needed. In other words, it is simply impossible to “fill in” a plant that is grown in a substrate.
  4. Finally, pills for a long time do not decompose, due to which they can be used several times. At the end of the service life, the remains of the substrate are used as a baking powder for seedling mixtures.

Product varieties

The diameter of coconut-based tablets can be different; for greater convenience, they are placed in special fine-mesh nets that prevent the substrate from spilling. So, small containers with a diameter of 2.5 cm are suitable for germinating flowers (for example, petunias), strawberries and other crops that have small seeds. Larger tablets (3.5 cm and 5 cm) can be used for planting eggplants, peppers, tomatoes, etc. This allows in the future not to transplant sprouts into large containers.

The substrate is also produced in the form of dry mats (for example, with dimensions of 3x100x15 cm - the height of such products after contact with water increases to 12 cm).

How coconut fiber affects seedling growth

Tablets have several useful properties Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Table. Effect of coconut pills

NameShort description
Maintaining an optimal level of acidity (from 5 to 6.5 units)Thanks to this, any plants can be grown in tablets, including the most “capricious” of crops that are characterized by poor germination (this includes conifers and some flowers).
Providing favorable conditions for the growth and rooting of cropsThe use of this method significantly increases germination and allows you to get high-quality seedlings with healthy and strong roots.
Providing enough oxygenThis creates optimal air exchange, as well as free access useful substances and liquid to the roots. It should be noted that the air capacity of the substrate is 15% higher than that of the soil. In this regard, optimal proportions of moisture and oxygen are provided, which means that seedlings develop much faster.

We also add that coconut containers are very easy to operate. They do not sag when waterlogged, like peat containers, and do not become crusty when dry. Transplanting is quite easy: the seedling does not need to be removed from the substrate - it is transplanted along with the container. This ensures 100% survival of seedlings.

Coconut seedling tablets: how to use

To get the best result, you must strictly follow the instructions below. The algorithm of actions should look like this.

Step 1. First, the tablet is placed in a special cassette, which is intended for germinating seedlings, a pot or any other suitable container. In this case, the height of the container should exceed the thickness of the tablet (taking into account swelling after moistening) by about 15 cm.

Step 2. The tablet is washed clean water to remove any remaining sea salt used in the manufacture of pressed coconut fibre.

Step 3 Then the container is poured with a small amount of warm water (it is important that it is not hot) in accordance with its - container - dimensions. On average, each tablet requires approximately 35-40 ml of water.

Video - Coconut tablet swelling

Step 4. When the container swells, a small depression is made in its upper part, where the seeds (one or more) are carefully placed. Further, the recess is closed with coconut fiber or peat - this will serve as a kind of additional source of nutrition for plants.

Step 5 At the end, the container is covered with a piece polyethylene film in order to maintain favorable conditions for future seedlings.

Step 6 Strengthened plants that have reached the required size are transplanted into pre-made holes (the packing net does not need to be removed), watered and covered with a small amount of earth. So root system will be less stressed and will tolerate the transplant more easily.

Note! More tablets can be used to root cuttings of violets, roses or geraniums. To this end, the container is slightly soaked, a recess is made in the center, into which the cutting is placed. Then the soil around the plant is compacted, covered with cut plastic bottle or polyethylene to retain moisture.

Application of products in mini-greenhouses

The described tablets can be sold not only separately, but also together with miniature greenhouses. The design of greenhouses is designed in such a way that they provide an ideal mode of humidity and ventilation. Devices differ in compact dimensions and simplicity in operation.

The use of such greenhouses is not difficult and consists of only a few steps.

Step 1. The pallet, which is included in the design of the greenhouse, is filled with water.

Step 2 Then you need to wait a while for the tablets to swell.

Step 3 Cuttings or seeds are planted in the tablets, after which the pan is covered with a lid.

These mini greenhouses are ideal for vegetable seedlings (cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.) and flower crops. The number of uses is unlimited, you only need to periodically buy a new substrate to fill.

Note! This growing method allows the use of various types of mineral fertilizers, which will provide even more effect from coconut tablets.

As a conclusion. Features of choice

On modern market There are several types of tablets that come in both reticulated and non-reticulated. A product without a shell can hardly be considered successful, since after swelling the substrate becomes a viscous, shapeless mixture, which is inconvenient to use.

Also when choosing Special attention you should contact the manufacturer and product quality, because low-quality substrate may contain quarantine pests (or, alternatively, the agent may be intended for other purposes). As it were, healthy seedlings most likely won't work.

As a result, we add that coconut tablets are a true find for every owner. suburban area, independently engaged in seedlings.

Video - Comparison of peat and coconut tablets

Probably all gardeners and summer residents know about peat tablets. But the rating for them is currently falling, and coconut pills are coming to replace them in the life of a summer resident. What do they represent? These are pressed coconut fibers, in the form of flattened cylinders - tablets - and impregnated with useful substances. These tools are convenient and are a novelty of our time. Coconut tablets are suitable for growing crops and allow you to achieve good germination and get excellent sprouts for a future transplant.

The composition of the tablets

In this article, we are talking about which coconut or peat tablets are best for seedlings. In the beginning, it is worth finding out what composition these tablets have. The shape, as we have already indicated, is cylindrical. The composition itself is a mixture of 70% coco peat and about 30% shavings and coconut fibers. Peat, in turn, is shredded coconut skin. It is dried, subjected high pressure. Also in the tablets there are useful substances necessary for plants. Note that we use natural material without adding any chemical impurities.


Pills for seedlings are very much in demand today. The reason for the popularity of tablets is:

  • rapid rooting of seedling growth,
  • good and strong roots,
  • comfortable fit.

For comparison: it is already possible to start harvesting fruits a week and a half earlier than if you used ordinary peat. In addition, the soil itself is enriched, its properties become better.

On a note! Memorize the recipe useful soil. One tablet - 40 ml of tepid water. Wait for the water to soak in.

Of course, for such purposes, you can use mineral wool. But coconut pills are preferable because they have three important benefits:

  • First, they are recycled.
  • Secondly, they don't sag.
  • Thirdly, crust formation is not observed.

On a note! And the tablets are saturated with air.

Experienced gardeners and horticulturalists know that it is important to maintain a certain level of oxygen in the soil, otherwise the plants will find it difficult to grow. The lack of this important chemical element leads to the appearance of toxic substances that worsen the quality characteristics of the soil and the level of nutrients. But let's look at the benefits in more detail.

Properties of coconut tablets:

  • excellent heat transfer;
  • resistance to decomposition;
  • water retention (liquid in tablets is securely stored and enters the root system as needed);
  • can maintain an optimal level of acidity (this makes it possible to grow absolutely any crops);
  • prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria.
  • good air permeability (favorable air exchange is created, unhindered access of nutrients and liquid to the root system);
  • the presence of antibacterial substances;
  • long-term - they can be used several times in a row;
  • allows you to get seedlings of high quality;
  • ease of use;
  • do not sag in case of waterlogging;
  • ease of transfer.

Product types

In this article, it is worth deciding what is better to use - peat or coconut tablets. On the market you can see different incarnations of the coconut mixture: there are also in the form of tablets, there are also in the form of mats (3x100x15 cm). The size depends on what crops you want to plant. For example, for plants with small seeds, use tablets with a diameter of about 25 mm, and under 35 mm or more - eggplant, pepper and others. This will give you the opportunity not to transplant sprouts into large containers.

On the shelves it is possible to see tablets with small greenhouses. We'll talk about everything in more detail later.

Usage Methods

In this section of the article, it is worth talking about how to use seedling tablets. Of course, in this case, you should definitely use the recommendations below.

  1. Prepare a container in which you are going to grow seedlings. It is necessary that the height be greater than the height of the tablet (taking into account moisture, of course. This is about 15 cm;
  2. Rinse the tablets. It is necessary to get rid of the sea salt that is used in their manufacture;
  3. Then pour warm water over the container (not hot!). Approximately one tablet should account for about 35-40 ml. The contents of the container should swell after a while;
  4. Next, make a small indentation in its upper part and place the required amount of seeds there. Cover it with coconut fiber or peat;
  5. Cover the container with a sheet of polyethylene film to maintain favorable conditions;
  6. The resulting seedlings are transplanted into the holes, while the packing net is not removed. Water and fill the holes with a little soil to help the plants adapt.

On a note! For rooting growth, for example, cuttings of violets, roses, you need to follow a slightly different pattern. Wet the container a little, make a hole in the center, place the cutting there. Tamp the soil, cover with some material (film, for example) to maintain moisture.

Tablets with greenhouses

Wondering what can be grown in coconut tablets? Then you can grow completely different vegetable crops. In this part of the article it is worth talking about pills with greenhouses. Greenhouses are designed in such a way that they provide optimal conditions for plants. Consider the use of such greenhouses. Don't be afraid - there is nothing complicated here.

  1. Fill the tray with water;
  2. Wait for the tablets to swell;
  3. Plant cuttings or seeds;
  4. Cover the tray with a lid.
  5. Such designs are suitable for seedlings of both vegetables and flowers.

On a note! This method of cultivation allows the use of different fertilizers.


We hope you have enjoyed reading this publication. Summing up, we note the following: choose better pills in a mesh shell, because when swelled, the product becomes shapeless such plasticine, which is not so convenient to use.

Also look at who made the product and how well it was made. Sometimes low-quality products may contain quarantine pests, which will lead to bad consequences for future seedlings.

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