How to work with peat tablets. Peat tablets for seedlings: how to use, step by step instructions, advantages and disadvantages. Pros and cons of peat tablets

Growing seedlings using peat tablets today is not only the most common, but also the most effective way. Such a device is excellent for breeding a variety of crops, creating all the conditions for optimal seed germination and ideal rooting of cuttings. And now more about

Peat tablets - how to use for planting seeds

Varieties of peat tablets

There are many types of seedling tablets on sale. Each contains the main component - compacted fine-fiber peat, to which manufacturers add various necessary components.

The most common are humus and peat tablets, to which are added:

  • mixture to stimulate growth;
  • antibacterial drugs;
  • solutions to reduce stress during transplantation.

Such an environment promotes maximum seed germination and rooting of cuttings of various plants. The mesh coating of the finished tablet allows it to be transported without any damage.

Improving the characteristics of the material for seedlings, manufacturers use peat of various qualities, adding a variety of impurities. Produced tablets also differ in shape and volume. In most cases, the height of the product does not reach eight millimeters, and the dimensions in diameter are from two to seven centimeters.

The best became peat tablets with special coating from paper or mesh, additionally treated with fungicides to protect the first shoots from fungal infections.

When buying a product, you should always pay attention to the acidity level indicated on the label, which is selected according to the needs of a particular plant.

For the best germination of crops, it is best to choose proven expensive brands of tablets, the structure of which includes high-quality peat and all impurities appropriate for favorable conditions.

Preparing for landing

Having decided on the size of the mixture of peat, you should choose the appropriate container. It can be, like a separate container for each tablet, or a capacious pallet.

When laying out peat tablets, it is necessary to leave gaps for the free growth of the root system of an individual plant.

Special recesses for seeds, provided by the manufacturer, must be on top.

Prepared material is poured warm water, which should completely cover the tablet. After fifteen minutes, the peat mixture will swell and become much higher, while maintaining the original diameter dimensions.

Excess liquid should be drained from the already completely formed substrate.

Planting seeds in peat tablets

Seeds are planted both dry and pre-sprouted. Landing takes place in a few simple steps:

  1. A couple of seeds are placed in the prepared recesses and sprinkled with prepared humus or a composition taken a little from the tablet itself.
  1. The planting container is covered with a transparent coating, which is usually polyethylene or glass.
  1. The sown container is placed in a warm place.
  1. A prepared small greenhouse is often ventilated.
  1. Periodic watering is carried out by spraying on the surface of the water.

Before the first shoots, it is imperative to monitor the temperature and humidity. After wetting, it is advisable to leave the soil to dry a little.

When sprouts appear, the cover is removed, and the container is placed in a sufficiently lit place, but slightly cooler than the previous one. Watering is done by the capillary method - adding liquid from the bottom of the pan, because water, if it gets on the stems, can cause plant disease.

For planting in the ground, the roots do not open, but are transplanted along with the tablet. Peat composition, enriched necessary components, and further used as a fertilizer in already open soil.

If several seeds were sown in one place, then before moving to the ground, the sprouts are carefully separated, and the peat is evenly distributed.

Can be planted in peat tablets various plants. The material is well suited for sprouts with delicate thin shoots and for crops that are difficult to dive.

The peat product has proven itself perfectly for the ideal development of the root system of deciduous and stem seedlings.

In ready-made tablets, gardeners have the opportunity to grow all types of vegetables, and flower growers can breed even the most difficult and rare plants.

The benefits of peat tablets

With the advent of peat preparations, cassettes and various plastic pots filled with soil have been pushed into the background. The predominant advantages of seedling tablets are:

Disadvantages of using peat tablets

With a lot of advantages, peat material still has some negative aspects:

  • the price of a quality product is quite high, which is especially noticeable with quantitative plantings;
  • constant moisture control, since peat tends to dry out;
  • the need to use additional containers and other suitable containers.

When purchasing peat tablets, it should be noted not only reliable manufacturers, but also the expiration date and storage conditions of products, which is important for effective subsequent use.

For correct application peat soil, several points should be noted:

  1. Peat tablets are used only once.
  1. Some seeds are left without sprinkling - otherwise delicate thin plants may not germinate.
  1. The seeded substrate should not be placed near a heater or radiator.
  1. Cells for tablets are selected with a slightly larger diameter.
  1. Several seeds of only those plants are laid out in one recess, the roots of which tolerate separation well.
  1. It is important not to miss the moment of seed germination and remove the transparent cover in time to avoid deformation of the seedlings.
  1. To grow seedlings, it is necessary to increase the volume of the recess intended for seeds.
  1. It is advisable to cut and carefully remove the interlocking mesh before planting the sprouted crop, since it does not always dissolve in the soil.

Peat tablets are the most suitable material for various vegetable and flower crops. Their rich composition provides the seeds with all the necessary components for growing strong and resistant seedlings with a powerful root system.

For best result you just need to choose the right peat tablet for a particular plant and follow the instructions.

I wish you a rich and healthy harvest.

In the last article, I tried to briefly talk about peat tablets, why they are needed, how to choose them and what are their advantages. And in this article I want to talk about how to grow seedlings in peat tablets.

Which plant seeds can be grown in peat pellets?

There is an opinion that seeds of certain crops can be grown in peat tablets, for example, with a long germination period or only heat-loving ones. Actually it is not. In peat tablets, you can grow any seedlings. It is especially convenient to grow seedlings vegetable crops for cottages, gardens or personal plot. This is due to the fact that later, during transplantation, the plants will not need to be pulled out of the soil, which means that the likelihood of damage root system absent. In addition, plants from peat tablets do not get sick during transplantation and they do not need time to “take root” in a new place.

Preparation of peat tablets for planting seeds

Preparing the tablets for planting is easy. First of all, we need water, but simple tap water is undesirable. It is believed that it is better to take filtered, melted or rain water. But also plain water from the tap is also suitable, the only thing is that before pouring the tablets with it, this water must be allowed to stand for a day. While our water is settling, we prepare a deep tray or cups for peat tablets. If the tablets are without a special mesh shell, then the pallet cannot be used, cups will be needed, since the peat will not keep its shape on its own, and we put the cups (with holes for watering on the bottom) in a deep pan.

We put the tablets on a pallet or in cups. Attention! Always place the tablets upside down! Now we are completing the preparation of water: add a few crystals of potassium permanganate to it for disinfection, until a light pink solution is obtained (manganese is still quietly sold in some pharmacies!), Fill it with warm (about 28-30 degrees) water. Now we wait until the tablets are saturated with water and take a normal cylindrical shape. This may take several hours. Periodically check the tablets and add water to the pan if necessary. For tablets in cups, watering is also done through the pan! After the tablets are saturated with moisture, you can start planting seeds.

Planting in peat tablets

We take the seeds and carefully place them in a special recess. Can be 1 piece, can be 2 pieces. Small seeds do not need to be sprinkled with anything, just put them in the recess and that's it. But the large ones are lightly sprinkled with peat. After planting the seeds, it is not necessary to water the tablet, as it is already saturated with moisture and this moisture will last for a long time. Important! Do not over-irrigate peat tablets, use drip irrigation only! Firstly, peat is well saturated with moisture, and secondly, peat will not take excess moisture, and this is very good for our seeds-plants.

If there is a need (coolness, dry air), then cover the tray with tablets with a film until germination occurs. It will not be necessary to water at this time, since moisture is well preserved under the film. If we do not cover with a film, we pour it (add water to the pan) as needed, that is, when the peat dries.

seedling care

In principle, caring for seedlings grown in peat tablets is very simple: watering, airing, hardening. last operation We do as it gets warmer outside.

By the way, a little more about watering. If the sprouts are quite large, strong and well rooted, then, in addition to watering through the pan, they can be watered by spraying water from a spray bottle. But this must be done carefully.
And the last - about top dressing.

I want to draw your special attention to the fact that peat tablets initially contain all the necessary supply of nutrients for proper growth our seedlings. In no case, do not carry out additional feeding, this can lead not only to stunting, yellowing of the leaves, but also to the complete death of our seedlings.
I wish you all good seedlings and a great harvest!

alternative traditional cultivation seedlings in wooden boxes with the ground was the use of peat washers. They greatly simplify the sowing of seeds, watering and planting seedlings in open ground. This is a real find for inexperienced gardeners who need the subtleties of care (picking, proper watering etc.) behind the delicate sprouts in the boxes it is difficult to comprehend "with a swoop". To achieve the desired result, you only need to know how to use peat seedling tablets correctly.

Externally, the tablet is nothing remarkable. Peat - its main component - is pressed into a small washer with a recess for the seed in the middle and wrapped in a thin, decomposable material from natural fibers. Peat can be riding or mixed.

The tablet is obtained by pressing and sintering the surface

The acidity of washers can vary from 5.2 to 6.4 pH. This allows you to choose a substrate for a particular horticultural crop and create optimal conditions for its growth. However, it is not uncommon for sellers to be unable to answer the acidity question by selling washers in bulk. And if pH is important to you, do not be too lazy to contact other stores.

The tablet also contains additional substances that ensure the healthy development of plants:

  • mineral supplements;
  • growth stimulants that prevent the reproduction of harmful microorganisms;
  • fungicides.

The size of a peat washer is determined by its diameter, which ranges from 2-8 cm. In this case, the height can be 0.6-3 cm.

Increase in size after swelling

On sale, you can often find seedling tablets based on coconut fiber. This is an eco-friendly product designed for the same purposes as peat washers. But unlike them, coconut analogues retain moisture a little better and provide greater saturation of the substrate with oxygen. Their acidity is close to neutral.

Features of the use and advantages of peat tablets

If you are not familiar with this novelty in the field of gardening, the question of how to use peat tablets is quite natural. But there is nothing complicated here.

How to use peat washers

First, prepare a container in which you will grow seedlings. The number of options is quite large. It can be:

  • unnecessary cups, deep tray and the like;
  • boxes made of wood or plastic;
  • special cassettes with individual sections.

The cake lid can also serve as a container for peat washers.

The latter option is particularly convenient in placing the molded substrate and minimizing the risks of intertwining root systems in plants that have grown in the neighborhood. You can choose between several types of cassettes:

  1. Disposable. They are made from a thin polymer that resembles something between plastic and film, or compressed cardboard. Such cassettes are short-lived and inexpensive, so you can part with them after planting plants without much pity.
  2. For reusable. This form is made of hard plastic, which allows it to be used for several years.
  3. With lid. Such cassettes are convenient in that a lid correctly fitted to the base form allows you to create the greenhouse effect necessary for the start of growth.
  4. With heating. Even better models. They are widely used for germinating seeds that require bottom heating.

Cassettes for growing seedlings

Container for peat washers with a lid

Have you chosen? Then place the tablets in a container and fill them with water - 2-3 tablespoons are enough for each cell of the cassette. If the container does not imply their presence, then simply fill the container with water to completely cover the washers.

Note! Don't be afraid to overdo it with water. After 15 minutes, usually allotted for swelling of peat cups, all its excess merges. If necessary, you can even lightly press the substrate.

The next step is planting seeds. Just place them in the desired amount in the recesses in the center of the tablets and lightly sprinkle with peat. If seeds need light to germinate, leave them open.

Manual planting of seeds in peat cups

When the time comes to plant a plant in open ground, you can do this by simply deepening a peat cup with a root system into it.

Seedlings in peat tablets are strong and healthy

Advantages and disadvantages of peat tablets

Replacing boxes with soil for seedlings familiar to several generations, peat tablets have the following advantages:

  • Ease of sowing seeds, no need to calculate the distance between them.
  • Suitable for growing the most whimsical seedlings with a delicate root system.
  • They can be successfully used for growing not only horticultural crops but also flowers.
  • They allow rooting not only seeds, but also cuttings.
  • Due to the composition, the possibility of infection of plants with fungal diseases is greatly reduced.
  • No need for picking (thinning) of germinated seeds. This is especially important, as it allows you to keep intact the fragile roots and the aerial part of the plants.
  • Differ in the porous, moisture and air-permeable structure allowing roots to grow easily in a nutritious substratum.
  • Provide fast and "clean" planting of plants in an open ground.
  • Save space. It is far from always possible to find a place for boxes with seedlings, but it is much easier to arrange cups with peat tablets one by one.
  • Facilitate watering and its adjustment. It is enough just to spray the resulting peat cups from a spray bottle.

No picking - each seedling has its own glass

However, even with such an impressive list of advantages, peat washers have disadvantages.

  1. First, it is their price. When buying at retail, it can reach 8-12 rubles apiece (depending on size). Do you have plans for large scale cultivation? Then look for better wholesale prices. In this case, the packaging of tablets comes from 100 pieces.
  2. Secondly, beginners will have to adapt a little to the watering regimen. Peat tends to dry out quickly.

When choosing the right tablet for you, take into account the characteristics of the root system of the selected plants and the fact that the washer increases in height, while changing slightly in diameter.

For growing large garden crops (tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers), purchase products with a diameter of at least 4 cm and a thickness of 2 cm. For small seedlings, tablets with a diameter of 2.4-3 cm are quite suitable.

Rotate the peat washer in your hands. It is desirable that there are no gaps on the grid, which will increase noticeably when the peat swells. This will complicate and make your job of sowing seeds more difficult.

Planting seedlings in tablets in the ground

The purchased tablet, if you do not plan to use it immediately, is recommended to be stored in a cool and dry room! In this case, the shelf life can be practically unlimited.

Thus, peat tablets are real helpers in difficult task seedling cultivation. They will save time and effort not only for a beginner, but also for an experienced gardener.

Every spring, any gardener is an amateur self-cultivation seedlings, is faced with a choice - what to plant seeds in? Someone uses kefir bags, someone uses cups baby food, and someone builds these cups from old newspapers. We want to tell you about a relatively new way of growing home seedlings- in peat tablets. Anyone who has tried them at least once in business cannot do without them now. They are gradually replacing peat pots so popular in the recent past.

Peat tablets are almost ready-made humus, which includes decayed mosses and other marsh plants with a full composition of natural fertilizers. Various nutritional, mineral and antibacterial additives, growth stimulants and fungicides are also added there. The pressed washer is placed in a special mesh, which prevents the peat ball from falling apart when growing seedlings and prevents many plant diseases, as it is impregnated with a fungicide.

A peat puck is very similar to a large tablet - hence its name. The acidity of peat in a tablet is ideal for most plants and is indicated on the package (pH from 5.4 to 6.2). Dry tablets do not have an expiration date. Release them different diameters- from 2.5 to 9 cm. The thickness ranges from 8 mm to 3 cm. Peat tablets 4 cm in size are most often used - the most convenient size for cutting seedlings and for germinating seeds. It is better to germinate small seeds in tablets of small diameter, 2-3 cm, but to get strong healthy seedlings of vegetable crops better fit larger tablet, up to 7 cm in diameter. Because the larger the pill, the more stock nutrients it contains.

Use of peat tablets

First, prepare the containers, preferably with a lid, in which we will germinate the seeds. Salad trays or plastic cake boxes will do. Now on sale you can find special containers for growing seedlings in peat tablets. More than 20 medium peat tablets will fit in a container measuring 20 cm by 30 cm.

container with lid

We will place our peat washers in the prepared container. Determine where they have the top - there should be a small indentation. Place the peat moss closer to each other - when swelling, the cylinders do not increase in diameter, they grow in height. Pour a small amount of warm water into the bottom of the tablet container so that our dry tablets do not float, and wait a bit. Literally before our eyes, the tablets will begin to swell and grow. If there is not enough water to completely impregnate the entire cylinder, add it. Tablets should increase from the original height by 7 times. The mesh fixes the shape and size of the cylinders and prevents them from falling apart.

Sometimes on sale there are peat tablets without a grid - such peat must be placed immediately in the appropriate size cups, individually.

In less than half an hour, our tablets are ready for use. Excess water must be drained. We will see that a small depression has formed in the center of the tablet - this is the place to place the seed. If you want to root cuttings in a tablet, you need to expand the recesses a little yourself.

Planting seeds

Small seeds are placed in the center of the tablet with a match or toothpick. Seeds are planted dry or germinated, then using the same toothpick, the hole in the center of the tablet must be deepened, and the root sprinkled with the same peat. Seeds purchased in the form of a dragee, after moistening and softening the shell, should be carefully smeared along the bottom of the recess for better germination. The looseness and lightness of the peat substrate will provide the roots with good water permeability and air exchange.

The container, with seeds planted in tablets, is closed with a transparent lid and placed on a light windowsill. It is necessary to ensure that the container supports optimal humidity so that the substrate does not dry out, add water to the bottom as necessary room temperature. Containers are aired from time to time. If the sprouts are not yet visible, you can use a spray bottle.

When shoots appear, the cover is gradually removed completely. When the seedlings grow enough, so that the roots of the plant begin to grow through the mesh of the tablet, it must either be planted in open ground or in a new, more spacious container.

Roots break through the mesh

If your seedlings have fragile root systems, they may have a hard time growing through the mesh. It is better if you help her - gently tear the mesh before transplanting.

Pros and cons of growing seedlings in peat tablets

  1. There are no restrictions on their use
  2. They are simply indispensable for germination. small seeds such as petunia, lobelia. The nutritional composition of the tablets guarantees high percent germination and healthy development of the plant.
  3. Expensive and rare granulated seeds flower plants to fully guarantee their germination, it is better to germinate in peat, in addition, they will provide them with complete complex nutrition and protection from diseases.
  4. For crops that do not tolerate picking and transplanting (for example, perennial poppies, gypsophila or escholcia), growing in tablets will guarantee one hundred percent further rooting in the garden.
  5. Cuttings of stem and leaf crops root well in tablets. For example, a violet leaf. The stalk in the tablet is placed in a suitable glass under the film for 2-3 weeks, until the appearance of the root system.
  6. When transshipping seedlings in open ground, the roots are not damaged, which means that there will be no delay in the development of the plant.
  7. Containers with seedlings take up little space on the windowsill, although they can hold many tablets at once.
  8. The work on harvesting and preparing the pre-planting soil is reduced to a minimum, which is especially important in an apartment.
  9. Seedlings do not need to be fed while it is in a tablet - that's all nutrients there in abundance.
  10. The roots of the plant do not rot, because the moistening of the peat cylinder is controlled in a natural way - it does not absorb excess water. The plant is not threatened by such a disease as a black leg.
  11. Peat tablets do not have an expiration date. The ones you didn't use this year will come in handy next year.

  1. It is necessary to constantly monitor the humidity in the container. Peat tablets dry out quickly, it is necessary to add warm or room water.
  2. Tablets are not cheap. On a large scale, their use is not economically viable.

As can be seen from the above, there are much more advantages in growing seedlings in peat tablets than disadvantages. And the benefits are enormous. The peat tablet was created to simplify the work of a person as much as possible, to make it less laborious, but fruitful.

Growing seedlings is a laborious process, but gardeners are happy to give it their time and energy. To get strong healthy plants, use peat-based soil mixtures. Relatively recently, pressed peat tablets are excellent helpers in gardening endeavors. The article tells how to plant seeds in peat tablets and how to choose them correctly.

Instructions for use of peat tablets for seedlings

Using tablets (sometimes called washers) for seedlings is convenient for several reasons.

Features of peat tablets

The main feature of peat washers is that a small lump contains a complete set useful substances needed by tiny sprouts for full development. This is convenient for the gardener, since there is no need to mix the soil, disinfect it, add additives to it - nutrients and protective substances. They pass air well, are sterile, overflow of seedlings is excluded, because. excess water quickly drains into the pan.

Benefits for seedlings

The practice of using peat washers has shown that almost all seeds germinate in them, eventually forming healthy seedlings. The main advantages of peat tablets:

  1. Seedlings do not need top dressing and treatment of the substrate against diseases.
  2. Ideal for growing seedlings of plants with a fragile root system, for which picking is undesirable: gourds, cucumbers, sweet peppers.
  3. Facilitates the germination of very small or hard-to-grow seeds.
  4. Watering seedlings through the pan makes it easier to care for seedlings with fragile stems prone to black leg disease.
  5. Facilitate planting and germination of exotic expensive seeds requiring special germination conditions.
  6. Unlimited shelf life when stored in a dry place.

The use of pills only makes them difficult high price, which is not beneficial for large volumes of landings. Resourceful summer residents make briquettes with their own hands. A considerable number of videos have been posted on the network, as with the help of simple devices summer residents are preparing peat tablets for future crops.

Commercially available tablets vary in size and substrate characteristics. The diameter of peat tablets from 20 to 90 mm includes:

  • sowing small seeds - 20-36 mm;
  • sowing seeds of medium size - 40-50mm;
  • sowing large seeds - from 60 mm and above.

The composition of the tablets, in addition to peat, usually includes:

  • humus, creating a nutrient medium;
  • antibacterial additives that prevent the development of diseases;
  • minerals.

Tablets have different acidity - from 5.2 to 6.4, i.e. you can choose the optimal environment for each type of plant.

On a note! Instructions on the composition of peat briquettes and the pH value are given on the packaging. Often they are sold in bulk, but if the seller is not able to accurately tell about their parameters, it is better to make a purchase at another outlet.

Instructions for planting seeds

In addition to the technological advantages of peat briquettes, summer residents appreciate them for their ease of use. The method of planting seeds in washers is elementary:

  • Prepare a mini-greenhouse or pick up a container with a transparent lid. Great option there will be a disposable package of cakes, salads, previously thoroughly washed and treated with potassium permanganate. Sizes are chosen to fit right amount tablets. Height with lid should be equal to 8 times the thickness of the peat tablet plus a margin for seedling growth.
  • Tablets are released from the original packaging, laid out in a mini-greenhouse. Recesses for seeds (they are clearly visible) look up. The mesh or organic paper that covers the tablets is not removed; without the mesh, they will fall apart without having time to swell.

  • The distance between the washers is minimal; swollen, they will support each other "in shape", they will not fall, they will not roll over.
  • If the greenhouse is not completely filled with washers, clean sand is poured onto the bottom to maintain stability.
  • To swell at the bottom of the mini-greenhouse, a little is poured warm water adding as it is absorbed. The usual swelling time is about 30 minutes. Excess is removed with a sponge.
  • Seeds are laid out in holes. The number of seeds per tablet depends on their size, quantity and degree of value.
  • The mini-greenhouse is closed, placed on a warm, well-lit window sill, unless otherwise provided by the agricultural germination technique.

When sowing seeds of some crops, their natural features are taken into account.

How to sow petunias

Peat washers make growing much easier quality seedlings petunias, creating the most favorable environment for seed development, increasing germination and simplifying the care of seedlings. One grain is placed in the recess of the prepared tablet; it is not necessary to press or cover it with a substrate. The coated petunia seeds are immediately sprinkled with water, after a few minutes the shell is smeared with a toothpick. Similarly, lobelia seeds are sown in peat tablets. It is permissible to place several seeds in one washer.

Sowing strawberries in peat tablets

Growing strawberries from seeds gives gardeners a lot of trouble. The use of peat tablets greatly simplifies the matter. The hatched seeds prepared according to the usual technology are laid out on a prepared tablet, 1 pc.

Advice! The recommended diameter of tablets for sowing strawberries is 24-36 mm.

Features of growing seedlings of cucumbers in peat tablets

Cucumber seedlings are easy to grow using peat tablets with a neutral reaction, the size is at least 40 mm. Cucumber seeds are laid out in swollen tablets. To prepare the seeds before planting or not, everyone decides for himself. With a match or a toothpick, the seeds are deepened to the limits indicated on the package. If there is no information about the depth of embedding, they use standard numbers - 1.5-2 cm. There is no need to cover the seeds.

Sowing peppers, eggplant and tomatoes

Suitable tablet diameter is 30-40 mm. Seeds are prepared in the same way as during normal sowing for seedlings, laid out according to prepared tablets, deepening them with a match to the desired depth. Experienced summer residents sow 2 things for safety net. In this case, the strongest of the two shoots is left, the weakest is removed.

Important! Extra seedlings are not pulled out so as not to damage the roots of neighbors, but simply cut off at the root.

The sown seeds are covered with a small amount of substrate - flush with the surface of the tablet.

Interesting! Small seeds of tomatoes and eggplant germinate well and give strong seedlings even when they are laid out in dry tablets and then moistened. Swelling, the substrate covers the seed.

Rules for transplanting seedlings to a permanent place

The procedure for planting seedlings grown using peat tablets is simple and time-consuming.

  1. The grown seedlings are hardened off.
  2. Prepare the beds for planting according to the rules of agricultural technology of each crop.
  3. Tablets with seedlings are placed in the planting holes without removing the shell.

Microorganisms living in the soil will recycle the mesh or paper, giving additional nutrition to the plants. At the same time, the rules provided for planting seedlings of each crop are observed.

Rules for watering peat tablets

The degree of moisture content of peat tablets is monitored strictly: a dry substrate destroys the still weak root system of seedlings in short time. Watering "tablet" seedlings is a delicate process. Overhead watering is undesirable, as it can lead to diseases. Water strictly by adding water to the tray (container) where the tablets are placed. Particular difficulties arise when they stand in dense rows. Experts recommend using a syringe for watering: its thin nose easily penetrates to the bottom. It is also convenient to remove the remaining water after watering.

On a note! At high humidity in mini-greenhouses, mold may appear on the barrels of tablets. It is easy to remove with a cotton swab moistened with a disinfectant solution.

Cleanliness when working with seedlings, high speed planting a large number of seeds, no need to pick seedlings, excellent seedling health - these are the additional bonuses of using peat tablets. In addition, it is possible individual approach to each sprout - it is easy to place a slowly developing seedling in special conditions. Peat tablets - perfect solution saving time and energy.

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