Painting glasses with acrylics. Hand-painted glasses for the wedding along the contour, patterns, stencils - how to make exclusive accessories for the newlyweds with your own hands

In anticipation of a wonderful event, which in the life of every person is a wedding, there is a joy. Always want everything to be highest level: from the outfits of the bride and groom to the smallest details.

If you have time before the wedding, you have developed a creative imagination, then why not decorate glasses.

From ordinary, even glass wine glasses, you can make original masterpieces. These will only be yours. And all because you make them with your own hands!

There are several techniques for decorating glasses. It can be both applique, decoupage, and painting with stained glass and acrylic paints.

Application and decoupage of wedding glasses

It will require all sorts of decorative elements: hot melt rhinestones, beads, small flowers, satin ribbons, ready boutonnieres, lace. The most common way to decorate glasses is a small bouquet, which is matched to match the bride's outfit.

Such a boutonniere is attached to the glass at the point where the container passes into the stem. To do this, use silicone glue, glue-moment for glass or even adhesive tape. We cut the stems as much as possible, and attach the remaining ones with ribbons. Thin satin ribbons can be wrapped around the legs and left to hang down, strung on the ends of the beads. The flower itself is straightened so that it lies down around the glass, and for this the lower petals are fixed with glue.

If desired, a string of pearl beads can be added to the composition, which is fixed at the place where the flower is attached. The ends of this thread can be brought to the edge of the glass and secured with glue. If you need to hide the place of attachment, rhinestones are attached from above. Decorate glasses even with fresh flowers!

Original glasses are obtained if the outer part of the bottom of the glass is placed in a flower.

Glass "Rose"

To do this, pick up ready-made roses in a floristry. In color, size and shape, they can be very diverse. You can stay on white and blue flowers, respectively intended for the bride and groom.

Now we disassemble finished flower on the petals. We lay them around the stem of the glass, starting from the inside, fix the petals with glue. Around the base of the petals we wind a thin satin (tulle) ribbon, or a thread of beads. They also need to be fixed with glue, after which the ends can be brought out at your discretion: either hanging down, or fixing them on the walls or edge of the glass.

Decoupage of glasses can be done with lace, rhinestones, beads. A glass decorated with pearls will look beautiful and sophisticated. They are distributed and fixed evenly over the entire outer surface. The same is done with ordinary rhinestones. Such a glass will sparkle not only from splashes of champagne, but also from glare.

One more way. A stencil is attached to the surface masking tape. It can be a heart or wedding rings. Glue is applied around the stencil, and thickly sprinkled with sparkles or tiny beads on top. After the glue dries, the stencil is removed, and the extra sparkles are lightly chipped. This will make a brilliant pattern on the glass.

Decoration of wedding glasses in the style of the bride and groom

Lace is also used to decorate glasses. Patterns are cut out of it, with which glasses are wrapped. The lace is also fixed with glue. It can either be a strip of lace fabric glued to the center of the glass (try not to glue the lace in the place where you will need to touch your lips). Or maybe an openwork skirt, reminiscent of a bride's dress.

Very simple!

Using black and white lace, you can make the glasses look like the bride and groom themselves. He is in a black tailcoat and with a bow tie, she is in a snow-white outfit with a veil. Glasses simply decorated with small flowers look beautiful. You can always pick up a unique combination of small elements: beads, flowers and rhinestones.

Do-it-yourself glass painting on wedding glasses

The use of this technique can be safely combined with the application. To begin with, they paint the glasses at their discretion, and then add ribbons, beads and other accessories to the overall design.

To implement the technique of painting on glass, you will need: paint for painting on glass, contour, paste, spatula, napkin, palette knife, beads, ribbons, mother-of-pearl paste, hot-melt rhinestones.

glass painting

The first step is to degrease the surface of the glasses. Use glass cleaner or alcohol for this. On a thin paper napkin, draw a sketch of a heart. We apply a napkin to the glass and draw a contour around the heart. Then the napkin is removed.

You can attach a sketch in the form of the same heart inside the glass, and draw on it. To make the drawing accurate, it is better to put the glass on a small pillow, and rest your hand on the surface of the table, then it will not tremble.

After the contour dries (about 6 hours), the resulting contour is painted over with stained glass paints. You can leave only one contour, decorating it with rhinestones, golden sand for manicure, and the whole glass with ribbons and beads.

Do not forget to cover the resulting drawing with a palette knife. This will make it resistant to water. Thus, it is possible not only to decorate the glass with hearts,

Painting wedding glasses using a stencil

Another technique for painting glasses is that a stencil in the form of a heart is glued onto the glass and a border in the place where the lips will touch. Next, the paint is applied with a sponge.

Ordinary glass goblets are very boring even for those who prefer minimalism to the smallest detail. To make wine glasses more beautiful and attractive, they can be painted. The glass painting technique can be both simple and complex - it all depends on what result you want to get in the end.

There are methods that, in fact, even Small child possessing perseverance and accuracy.

In a word, if you want to somehow diversify appearance your dishes, try decorating them yourself!

To do this, you will need cotton swabs, brushes and paints - for example, acrylic. In some cases, you can even use regular nail polish.

Painting glasses with your own hands is an interesting and exciting activity, which, moreover, has certain benefits. For example, if you do this on own wedding, you can significantly save on the services of a designer. In addition, you will surely remain proud of yourself due to the fact that the main decor on the table of the newlyweds will be made by your own hands.

You can paint wine glasses with acrylic or stained glass paints.

In the drawing technique, use your imagination - give it free rein and follow your imagination. But don't forget to be careful.

So, how to make the painting of glasses original?

Point technique

The easiest way to paint wine glasses is the dot technique. Even the person who is far from needlework and decor can handle it. Perseverance and caution in one's actions are the only conditions for obtaining good result. The result of the spot painting of glasses for the wedding is “smart”, beautiful and elegant wine glasses.

The bubbles that we will draw can look like colorful confetti or champagne bubbles. The easiest way to paint in one color, and for this it is better to choose metallic shades - silver, gold or bronze. The last two colors of paint for painting will make your dishes especially luxurious.

The level of complexity of the spot painting of glasses is low - even an amateur in art and design practice can handle it. Stencil for painting glasses in this case not required - all work is done purely by hand, without special preliminary preparation.

In order to decorate wine glasses using the confetti technique, you will need:

  1. Acrylic paint, preferably metallic shades (contour paints or even simple nail polish are also suitable, but nevertheless, acrylic from the above is considered the most stable);
  2. Cotton swabs (an ordinary slate pencil with an eraser on the back end, or a thin brush with stiff bristles, is also suitable);
  3. Surface degreasing liquid ( ethanol, acetone-containing nail polish remover, thinner).

Before you get started, you will need glasses. To do this, you need to carefully treat them with the solutions listed in the third paragraph (more precisely, one of them, to choose from). Soak a cotton pad liberally in the solution or liquid of your choice and thoroughly rub the dishes with it, paying attention to Special attention the places where the drawing will be applied.

When finished, make sure that there are no lint left on the treated areas from cotton wool or a cotton pad. This manipulation is mandatory for all types and techniques of painting, as well as for any paint that is used. If you start applying pigment on a greasy surface, you are unlikely to be able to enjoy the result for a long time, because the paint will soon peel off and come off.

Bitmap Drawing Instructions:

  • After you have washed the glass and degreased its surface, squeeze some paint into a flat dish (if you feel sorry for the dishes, use a regular paper file);
  • Place the glass upside down;
  • Dip the tip of a cotton swab or brush into varnish or paint;
  • Start applying points from top to bottom, that is, from the bottom of the glass to its neck;
  • In the process of applying circles, make sure that there is enough paint on a cotton swab or brush, and the drawing does not have bald spots and streaks;
  • If you use the famous "point to point" technique, you can form a variety of floral or geometric ornaments from small dots, or improvised chaotic patterns;
  • If you want to limit yourself to only a dotted uniform pattern, put wider and larger dots at the base, and thinner and smaller dots at the bottom.

Large dots are best done with a pencil eraser, and small dots with the tip of a cotton swab (you can use one with a pointed end).

If your paint is toxic (or you are not sure that it is not toxic), try to retreat at least two centimeters from the neck when painting glasses with acrylic paint. And preferably even more so as to avoid negative consequences. Stained glass painting, which usually covers the entire glass, is done purely for the purpose of decoration - such glasses are not used for their intended purpose, they are designed to serve only as decoration. Be sure to leave the neck clean if drinking from this dish is still provided.

If you are painting with contour paints that come in tubes with applicators, we strongly recommend that you practice on a sheet of paper first. You should put the same points, approximately the same distance from each other, with the same pressure.

After the decorating process is completed, you need to let the glass dry. To do this, read the firing instructions, if any, inside the pigment package. Usually markers and contour paints dry on their own in a day and do not need to be fired.

If the painting of the glasses was made with stained glass paints or acrylic, you probably need to fix the ornament in warmth. To do this, put the wine glasses in an oven preheated to 150 or 170 degrees and leave there for about half an hour. After that, the oven should be turned off, but do not remove the glasses from it, but let them dry inside naturally. This manipulation is necessary in order for the glasses to retain their pattern for a long time. Baking is especially important for those who use the dishwasher and plan to use the dishes all the time.

Nail polish dries very quickly but is not permanent. Therefore, it is undesirable to use it for a gift set. But for painting on the eve of theme parties, as they say, "at once", you simply cannot find a better dye.

Drawings on wine glasses

If the dot technique does not suit you, and you feel more artistic potential in yourself, you can work on real full-fledged drawings on the dishes. To do this, you need multi-colored acrylic paints and brushes of various sizes. Stencils will not be superfluous in this case.

It is best to draw a semblance of a flower on wine glasses, because they themselves resemble flowers in their shape. On the leg, you can imitate the stem, and on the glass itself - a blossoming bud. This technique will help you make truly luxurious, exquisite dishes.

To complete this kind of decor, you need to follow a simple instruction:

  • Degrease the surface of the glass (pre-wash it with detergent, let dry, and then wipe with the selected solution);
  • Stir the paints on the palette until you get the desired shades. To obtain pastel shades, we recommend that you mix the accent pigment with white;
  • Draw petals with a wide brush. Taking the color a little darker, and the brush a little thinner, you can draw peculiar streaks on them;
  • Next you need to draw the stamens. This will require dark shade paints and all the same cotton swabs. The stamens are drawn right at the base of the glass, where the bottom goes into the stem;
  • If desired, you can additionally decorate the resulting flower with glitters or stained glass paints to give it even more charm, luxury, and of course, originality.
  • The firing of glasses is carried out in the same way as in the first case. If you followed the technology correctly, you should get a very beautiful and bright decor.

Such wine glasses can be used not only at weddings or themed parties, but also at any occasion, up to the standard reception of guests. You do not have to think about the original serving, because "maximum program" already completed, and in your arsenal there are hand-made crafts.

Painted glasses are rarely used in wedding ceremonies, but thanks to this they are now gaining popularity, because paints can create any pattern.

After exclusivity, the main advantage is that such decor cannot be accidentally disturbed, as happens with lace, rhinestones or ribbons. It does not deteriorate, does not fall off the glass, so wine glasses have a long service life.

Depending on the technique of execution, certain paints are used, which differ for each case. When the drawing is done in a mixed style, several types of materials are used.

The main types of paints used in the decoration of the glass:

  1. Acrylic (stained glass) paints on water based when solidified, they acquire a muted glossy sheen, and in undiluted form they give slightly convex pattern. The picture on the glass dries for a long time, firing may be required to fix the result, but this method is dangerous for thin-walled wine glasses.
  2. Solvent, also related to stained glass paints, are based on lacquer compositions, which is why they are more fluid and quickly harden. Therefore, a special solution is required to increase transparency. Pictures look good on glass, especially if the picture does not involve a ribbed surface.
  3. Contour paints are a thick mass placed in a tube with a sharp nose, made specifically for drawing thin lines. To make the drawing convex, the manufacturers created a fairly dense texture. After all, it is used to draw details or contours.

Techniques in which wedding glasses are painted:

  1. Dot or confetti. The selected colors are applied with matches, toothpicks or cotton swabs, depending on the required diameter. At the same time, acrylic paints are used to create a pattern.
  2. Decoration. Depict with the help of brushes thematic motifs. Most often, buds or other plant patterns bloom on glass. This technique of execution will require some experience in drawing and working with glass.
  3. Picture in stained glass style. This design creates a certain pattern with the help of stained glass paints, after drying which a contour is applied depicting lead or gilded bindings. To make the glass look like real cathedral glass, the base paint should be slightly translucent, showing the passage of light rays through the picture. This creates the feeling of a mosaic.

Stained glass paints are often used to create drawings, especially in authentic style. And contour drawings are used to draw sketchy pictures, or individual small details that should protrude above the surface.

How to decorate wedding glasses with your own hands: dot painting on glass

by the most in a simple way, is a point decoration. To create it, you do not need the ability to draw, and it does not take a lot of time and resources.


  • acrylic paints;
  • cotton swabs, matches;
  • disposable container, from 2-3 cm in diameter (can be made from foil);
  • cotton pads or tissue paper;
  • alcohol or acetone.

To begin with, the glasses are washed and allowed to dry. After that, the surface is additionally cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. When everything is done, the glass is turned upside down.

This method of preparation will remove all impurities that could violate the future decoration.

Pour the paint of the selected color into a disposable container. Having dipped a cotton swab in the paint, they begin to make dots from the very bottom of the bowl. The distance between them is made approximately the same so that the decoration looks uniform.

After completing the first row, the next one begins, while the pressing force of the stick decreases - this method will give smaller mugs. When this ceases to act, they switch to painting with matches. The higher the dots rise in the glass, the less often they occur.

At the same time, they are placed in a random order. Sometimes curls or pyramids are made from them.

Points stop putting down 1.5-2 cm to the edge of the glass. This is done to prevent paint particles from entering the mouth.

The leg and stand are most often left clean. But sometimes they make inscriptions on the stand with contour paints of the same shade.

When newlyweds want more variety, glass decorations are made from several colors.

This style of performance can look rough, just like the same mugs, so you need to follow the moderation in.

How to paint wedding glasses with a contour on glass - a master class

Painting glasses for a wedding with a contour on glass is a fairly easy technique. But at the same time, you must try to create points and lines on paper so as not to spoil the workpiece.

For painting you will need:

  • contour paints;
  • masking tape;
  • cotton pads and alcohol;
  • stencil.

Glasses are cleaned and degreased with alcohol or acetone. After preparation, with thin strips of adhesive tape, glue the stencil onto the bowl.

They take a tube with paint of the main color and begin to apply dots along the contour of the stencil. When the figure is completed, the adhesive tape is removed, and the place of gluing is degreased with a cotton swab.

After the glass has dried from alcohol, the border is closed and proceed to the next stage. Sometimes there is a more complex way of execution - drawing a solid line.

When the main figure is completed, they begin to apply dots on the sides of the glass. At the same time, they try to different colors and the size of the circles were randomly distributed.

The dots gradually become smaller, and large gaps are left between them. At the same time, a clean strip the size of the main pattern is kept at the back. This is done to make the glass look lighter and lighter.

Do-it-yourself painting of wedding glasses with acrylic paints - tips and ideas

Painting is the most difficult way to create a pattern on glasses. This technique is only suitable for people with an acquired skill in drawing.


  • 2 plastic plates;
  • 1 plastic cup(for washing);
  • brushes;
  • cotton buds;
  • acrylic paints of the desired colors;
  • cotton pads and degreaser.

Glasses are prepared for drawing and turned upside down. After that, water is poured into a glass, and paints are squeezed onto one of the plates. The second bowl will serve as a stand for wet brushes.

To draw the stamens, cotton swabs are dipped in paint and randomly dotted along the bottom of the glass. In this case, the colors and size of the circles should be slightly different. When the stamens are completed, they are left to dry for 2-3 hours.

Sometimes it is advised to bake paints to finish the job faster, but wedding glasses are fragile and can crack from high temperatures. Therefore, it is better to let the paint dry naturally.

After drying, draw the petals of the plant. They are made with a thick brush, and then the veins and details are drawn. When all small items completed, the glass is again given time to harden.

The last step is to decorate the stem of the glass. It is covered with green paint depicting the stem of a plant.

This is the easiest way to create an original glass. But if a person has a lot of experience in drawing, he can make more complex plant drawings on the bowl.

How to make painted glasses for a wedding yourself: templates, stencils with patterns

In this video you will learn more about painting a wedding glass:

When there is a desire to create a complex pattern on wedding glasses, but there is no skill in working with paints and glass, ready-made sketches and stencils will help. After all, the principle of creating decor is to print and cut out the pattern, then attach it to the glass and paint over the voids.

Depending on the volume of the pattern on the stencil, choose different colors. For large ones, stained glass is used, and for small parts, a contour is used.

Self-painted wedding glasses delight during the holiday and from photographs, and with the right application of colors, they can be placed as decoration in the future home. Sometimes the technique is so perfect that they are used on every wedding anniversary without losing their beauty.

If you want to paint wine glasses for yourself or as a gift, for a wedding or a themed party, you can be sure that you will get great pleasure from creativity - because it is done easily, quickly and inexpensively. Before proceeding to step by step master class for painting glasses with your own hands, you need to decide on the future design of your wine glasses, so we suggest you get inspired and draw original ideas"glass" decor in the next chapter.

The painting of glasses and wine glasses can be different in terms of drawing technique, in terms of complexity, use of materials and, of course, in terms of subject matter.

Master class number 1: Glasses in the style of confetti

Glasses decorated with small peas look very festive and can be as elegant as in the photo below, or cheerful multi-colored. Circles are associated with champagne bubbles or bright confetti.

What you need: acrylic or contour paints on glass and ceramics, regular nail polish (but acrylic paints are much more stable) or a special marker for painting dishes will also work. To degrease wine glasses, prepare nail polish remover, degreaser or alcohol, for drawing - cotton buds, a pencil with an eraser on the end or a small hard synthetic brush, and for correcting the picture - cotton pads and sticks.

Painting technique:

  1. Thoroughly wash and degrease the glass with alcohol or other means using cotton pads or a napkin.
  2. Now you can start drawing circles. Squeeze some paint into a small container or just onto foil (paper, file).

Turn the glass over and start dotting from top to bottom, keeping the same interval between them. You can draw dots as in this master class, that is, starting from large to small, gradually increasing the distance between them. Otherwise, the dots can be the same size, different in color, and they can also form a pattern or pattern (point to point or peak technique), as well as slightly overlap each other.

Advice: It is convenient to put large dots with a pencil eraser, and small dots with a brush or a cotton swab with a pointed end as in the photo below (scroll).

It is better to maintain a distance of about 2 cm from the edge of the glass to the picture, especially if the paint is toxic.

If you draw with contours, then first you need to practice on paper to put small, medium and large dots on the same distance from each other and with the same degree of pressure on the tube.

  1. Now you need to let the paint dry. Drying methods largely depend on the paint, usually the manufacturer indicates the drying time and firing instructions.

As a rule, painting with acrylic paints or outlines requires firing if you want to use the glasses often and wash them in the dishwasher. To do this, put the glasses in the oven at a temperature of 150-170 degrees for 30 minutes, and then turn off the oven, and without removing the glasses from it, let them cool naturally;

Markers dry in 24 hours and do not need to be fired;

Nail polish dries quickly, but the design will not last long, so for decorating gift or wedding glasses that you want to keep as a keepsake, this option is not suitable. But for themed parties better paint can not found.

And here are other ideas for painting glasses with colorful polka dots that will decorate any table setting at a fun party.

Polka dots of gold, silver, white flowers more suitable for decorating wedding glasses.

By the way, circles can be not only drawn, but also glued. You can buy self-adhesive vinyl paper of the desired color and cut circles out of it using a hole punch or special scissors, and then carefully stick them onto the glass. The photo below shows glasses decorated in this way.

Master class number 2: Artistic painting of glasses

In this master class, we will turn glasses into flowers, because its stem looks so much like a stem, and the bowl looks like a bud.

What you need: any degreaser, cotton pads and cotton swabs for degreasing and pattern correction. And for drawing, prepare artistic synthetic brushes different sizes, a plastic plate or palette for mixing paints, as well as acrylic paints for glass and ceramics. If you wish, you can supplement the drawing with contour and stained glass paints, markers and glitter.

Drawing technique:

  1. Degrease the surface;
  2. We mix paints on a plate or palette, achieving the desired shades. In order to make the color pastel and delicate, colored paint is mixed with white;
  3. Now we need to draw the stamens: we put dots with a narrow small brush or a cotton swab with a pointed end. The color of the pollen can be black, yellow or orange. In our master class, we use yellow for drawing the stamens of a lilac Italian aster and black for sunflowers.

Further, the drawing of the flower will be layered, so you need to wait until the drawn stamens dry. You can dry them naturally by leaving them for 2 hours, or bake them in the oven at 150-170 degrees for 15 minutes.

  1. Once the painted pollen dries, you need to draw the petals as shown in the photo below. If desired, draw the details - streaks and color nuances. Then you need to let the paint dry (see point 3).

  1. The last step - draw a pedicel and a stalk in green and again we bake our glass flower, but now for 30 minutes - and then the paint from the glass will not “peel off” for a very long time.

Well, that's all, the decor of wedding, gift or holiday glasses is finished.

See the photo below for more interesting ideas paintings with floral and plant motifs.

And here are examples of painting on glass with peacock feathers.

The theme of flora and fauna is also very popular.

Glasses for festive serving theme parties can be decorated brightly and funny.

Glasses as a gift or for a wedding can be additionally decorated with rhinestones, feathers, pearls, sparkles, ribbons and other decor.

Other methods and secrets of painting on glass: how to dry a glass with a stained stem and use a stencil or sketch

If you want to completely paint over the base of the wine glass, that is, paint over its bottom from below, then you need to dry it in a suspended state or carefully place it on homemade design from paper and four buttons as in the photo below.

Glass painting is easier to do with the help of a sketch-substrate, drawn by yourself or printed in right size on the printer. You can also use the pattern on the napkin. The paper with the image must be laid on the bottom of the wine glass, aligned and glued with adhesive tape as shown in the photo.

Stencils will also help in painting on glass with your own hands. For this you need:

  1. Draw them yourself or print a picture from the Internet, and then cut it out with a clerical knife;

  1. Buy ready-made stencils in a craft store, which are very easy to stick and peel off;

  1. You can draw stripes, geometric abstractions and simple stencil drawings using ordinary or masking tape;

  1. You can get the effect of an openwork pattern if you use lace as a stencil.

Advice: inscriptions or images can be applied through a stencil with special matting paint on glass with the effect of frost or frost, which is sold in art or online stores. An example of such a decor is in the photo below.

Master class number 3: Stained glass painting

Stained glass painting on glass is a slightly more complicated drawing technique, since stained glass paints, unlike acrylic, are much more fluid, and therefore difficult to apply a picture. In addition, they are less wear-resistant, and it will be very difficult to mix colors, since the paints dry very quickly on the palette. But they are more transparent and unusual, and in combination with stained glass contours, you can create the effect of real stained glass.

Advice: this type of paint is different, for painting glasses it is better to use baked paints on a water basis, and not on a toxic solvent.

We invite you to watch the following visual master class on stained glass painting on glass:

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Wedding glasses are a very important part of the ceremony, they can become a real family heirloom. Break glasses from which young people will drink champagne for the first time festive table already in a new capacity - as a husband and wife - it is impossible. In order to observe this rite, they usually buy another pair, simpler. And the glasses that will decorate the table of the newlyweds should be bright and unusual in order to be kept in the family. long years. Of course you can buy original model in the store, but really highly valued handmade. How to paint wedding glasses with your own hands, we will tell in this material.

The first kiss of the newlyweds at the wedding feast should be special. Traditionally, one of the family members, usually the father of the bride or groom, makes the first toast. After that, everyone clinks glasses of champagne and drinks. The newlyweds should also drink champagne from wedding glasses tied with a beautiful ribbon. Not just a drink, of course, but a brotherhood drink, and then a passionate kiss while the guests consider how long the kiss will last.

Wedding glasses can be decorated in different ways, there are many interesting techniques. At the same time, the painting of wedding glasses is at the same time an original technology that allows you to make a really beautiful and unique thing with your own hands, and quite simple, so that anyone can master it if they wish. In addition, the materials are quite cheap, they are easy to find in the store.

To work, you will need round brushes, number 1 or 2, a sponge, as well as paints. Colors may be different, it is best to choose special paints for glass painting: wedding glasses will need to be washed, so alcohol-based waterproof paint is ideal. Glasses decorated in this way can be washed in hot water including detergent. However, it is better not to put them in the dishwasher. However, water-based acrylic paints can also be very durable. Marabu DecorGlas paints are known for their durability: the glasses painted with them can be washed in dishwasher at a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees.

The main thing when choosing a paint is to carefully read the instructions and conditions of use. Some paints only last well after kilning and are certainly not suitable for painting wedding glasses. Others will take three days to dry, so do not decorate glasses on the eve of the celebration.

When choosing a paint, you also need to consider that they are both transparent and opaque - these are called covering. The choice depends on how you plan to decorate the glass. However, transparent colors are more suitable for champagne glasses - it's always nice to watch the bubbles in the glass.

You can buy a package of simple wine glasses, it will cost from 300 to 600 rubles, depending on the shape of the glasses and the manufacturer. In such a package, there are usually 6 glasses: two for painting, two in reserve - in case you don’t manage to do everything perfectly right away. And a couple more should be sacrificed to the gods of happiness: these glasses can be broken after the completion of the marriage ceremony, at the exit from the registry office.

Before starting work, the glass must be degreased: you can either wipe the wine glasses with alcohol, or wash them thoroughly with soap and water. If you do not do this, then the colors will lie unevenly.

Do-it-yourself painting of wedding glasses using a stencil is suitable for those who have never been able to draw well. You can download ready-made stencils - butterflies, flowers, doves, lace patterns and others - on the Internet. It can also be the silhouettes of the newlyweds, which are easy to make in a photo editor based on one of the finished shots.

There are special spray paints for glass painting: in this case, you don’t even have to bother with water and brushes. It is enough to print a stencil on the printer, cut it out and fix it on the glass with masking tape. It is also better to seal the rest of the glass surface with masking tape so as not to inadvertently stain it. You can choose silver or gold paint - then the pattern will look even brighter.

The painting of wedding glasses (below in the photo) was made using a stencil. Additional decor - gold drops - are applied using a special acrylic contour. With the help of the contour, you can also make an inscription - a wish, the names of the newlyweds, the date of the wedding, and so on.

As a non-trivial stencil, you can choose lace. Any piece of fabric with a textured, openwork and beautiful pattern will do. It is necessary to fix the fabric at the edge of the glass. The drawing is applied with a sponge dipped in paint. When you remove the lace, a beautiful pattern will remain at the top of the wedding glass. From the remaining lace, it will be possible to make a decoration for wedding champagne - then both wedding accessories will be in perfect harmony.

The second option for those who do not have the ability to draw, but boast good taste and a creative streak, is to transfer the finished drawing onto glass using carbon paper. To do this, you need to select a picture, put it on carbon paper and fix it with adhesive tape on a glass. Circle the drawing with strong pressure - the contour you need will remain on the glass. It is best to outline the lines with an acrylic outline. suitable color, or transparent, and only then colorize. The contour can dry up to 24 hours, so you have to be patient: you can not start painting the drawing until it is completely dry.

If you have a steady hand, you can make it easier. Roll the paper with the pattern into a tube and put it in a glass, pressing the workpiece against the glass. The next step is to outline the outline.

In order for the pattern to last longer, you can cover the finished glasses with a special acrylic varnish - this will give them an extra shine. Ready-made glasses can also be decorated with ribbons (tie a bow on the leg), or with rhinestones or decor from polymer clay- hearts, flowers and so on.

A master class on painting wedding glasses is shown in the video below.

Another one interesting technology painting with sparkles - bright and festive - is shown in this video.

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Pasta with tuna in creamy sauce Pasta with fresh tuna in creamy sauce
Pasta with tuna in a creamy sauce is a dish from which anyone will swallow their tongue, of course, not just for fun, but because it is insanely delicious. Tuna and pasta are in perfect harmony with each other. Of course, perhaps someone will not like this dish.
Spring rolls with vegetables Vegetable rolls at home
Thus, if you are struggling with the question “what is the difference between sushi and rolls?”, We answer - nothing. A few words about what rolls are. Rolls are not necessarily Japanese cuisine. The recipe for rolls in one form or another is present in many Asian cuisines.
Protection of flora and fauna in international treaties AND human health
The solution of environmental problems, and, consequently, the prospects for the sustainable development of civilization are largely associated with the competent use of renewable resources and various functions of ecosystems, and their management. This direction is the most important way to get
Minimum wage (minimum wage)
The minimum wage is the minimum wage (SMIC), which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation annually on the basis of the Federal Law "On the Minimum Wage". The minimum wage is calculated for the fully completed monthly work rate.