Where is the largest lake on earth located? The largest lakes in the world

Lakes are different. Some are quiet, romantic with water lilies and picturesque shores. Others are cloudy and cold, frightening with their coldness. And the third ... and the third to call lakes and the tongue does not turn - ships float on the surface of these reservoirs, waves rage on the lakes no worse than in the ocean. Here we will talk about them, the largest lakes in the world.

So meet - the largest lake in the world- Caspian Sea. Yes, by its size it can rightfully be called the sea. The area of ​​the Caspian is 371,000 km2. The Caspian Sea is located at the junction of Asia and Europe. But despite the salt water and large area, The Caspian is a drainless lake.

In second place is Lake Superior - the largest lake in the world from freshwater lakes, and the deepest, largest and coldest of the Great Lakes. The lake is located in Canada and the United States. Its area is 82,100 km2.

In third place is Lake Victorya. It is located in East Africa, on the territory of three states at once - Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya. It is the largest lake in Africa, with an area of ​​69,500 km2.

It was the three largest lakes in the world. Let's move on to the rest of the top ten.

The fourth place is occupied by Lake Huron, located on the territory of Canada and the United States. Like Great Lake, it belongs to the Great Lakes. The area of ​​Lake Huron is 59,600 km2.

In fifth place is the neighbor of Lake Huron, Lake Michigan. Its area is 57,750 km2. Lake Michigan is the third largest among the Great Lakes, and the only one among them that lies entirely within the United States.

The sixth line of our rating is occupied by the Aral Sea. For now. Because the Aral dries up very quickly, and, according to scientists, it is almost impossible to stop this process. So, even if you stop taking water from the rivers flowing into the lake, it will take more than 200 years to restore it. Therefore, the Aral Sea, quite possibly, will disappear by 2020. But once the Aral took the fourth place among the largest lakes in the world.

In seventh place is one of the most ancient lakes in the world - Lake Tanganyika. It is located in Central Africa and covers an area of ​​32,900 km2. The lake is remarkable big amount endemic fish species - there are about 200 of them. In addition, the water in the lake has different temperature V different layers that do not mix with each other. And the lowest layer of water is saturated with hydrogen sulfide, so there is no life there.

The eighth place is occupied by Lake Baikal. This is not only one of the largest lakes in the world, but also the deepest and cleanest lake in the world. Baikal is a unique lake in a unique area. Only here you can find such a variety of flora and fauna, so many rare species animals, birds and plants.

The ninth line of our rating is occupied by the Great Bear Lake, which is located in Canada and covers an area of ​​31,128 km 2. The lake is picturesque in itself, as are its shores. And here you can watch the northern lights reflected in the water surface. This beauty cannot be expressed in words.

And in last place is Lake Nyasa, which is located on the territory of several states: Africa, Mozambique, Malawi and Tanzania. The lake covers an area of ​​30,800 km2. It is rich in living creatures, and some scientists call it the birthplace of aquarium fish.

There are an insane number of lakes in the world. They are found in every corner of the planet, even in Antarctica. Not everyone knows that they are used to calling the sea the largest and widest lake in the world. And not metaphorically at all.

What is the name of the largest lake

The list of the largest lakes is headed by the Caspian Sea. The TSB says that the reservoir is recognized as the largest lake in the world, but this is not entirely clear.

Sea or lake

  • The TSB could not accurately identify the Caspian as a lake and attributed it to the seas due to:
  • type of deep processes;
  • big size;
  • salinity percentage;
  • history of development (type of the earth's crust under the Caspian Sea, oceanic).

After all, even under the largest lakes (Victoria, Baikal, etc.) Earth's crust not oceanic, but tectonic type!
It is wrong to consider the Caspian as a sea, since the reservoir has no access to the ocean, which indicates that the Caspian Sea is a lake. Its water is not salty enough compared to other seas ( comparison table below).
Name/Salinity ppm (depending on water layers)

Red/Approx 41

It can be seen that the salinity of the Caspian Sea only in some areas reaches similar values Baltic and Seas of Azov, but it is usually much lower. Many centuries ago, the Caspian Sea had direct communication with the ocean through the lowlands of Ciscaucasia, which is why salt is present at the bottom of the reservoir, but today the main food of the lake is fresh rivers. There are many salt domes and solonchaks around the Caspian Sea, but they cannot provide the required level of salinity of the water.
As for the size of the Caspian Sea, they largely depend on the Volga, although about 130 streams and rivers flow into it (Emba, Artek, Terek, Ural, Gorgan, Kura, etc.). It is the Volga that is the main "supplier of water" for the Caspian, and this river is gradually becoming shallower. Perhaps, in many, many years, the Caspian Sea will turn into the smallest lake in the world, as the inflowing rivers dry up.

The largest lake in facts and figures

The area of ​​​​the largest lake on the planet is 371 thousand square meters. km, depth - 1025 m, length - 1.2 thousand km, and width - 435 km. The coastline has a length of a little more than 6.5 thousand km. From the satellite, it resembles the letter "s", but even with such an uneven shape, it remains the widest lake in the world.
The reservoir actually stretches on the territory of 5 states: the Russian Federation, Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. There are many cities on its banks: Derbent, Kaspiysk, Baku, Makhachkala, etc. The name of the largest lake in the world comes from the ancient times of the Caspians, who lived in the Caucasus. Also this lake had other names due to other tribes:

  • Hyrcanian;
  • Khvalynskoye;
  • Khazar.

Ecology of the Caspian: is it possible to swim in it

Swimming season in the Caspian Sea: from May to October. In autumn and spring, the water is not very warm, its temperature is about 18 degrees, but in the summer months it is 25-28 degrees.
But the very possibility of swimming remains in question due to the closure health services many local beaches. Annual control measurements show heavy pollution water. Industrial waste and oil are regularly dumped into the Caspian.

And scientists from coastal states are sounding the alarm, because. with each release, there are less and less local marine life: seals and sturgeons.

TOP 10 largest lakes in the world

In addition to the Caspian Sea, there are many large lakes, which, of course, cannot be compared with the champion in size, but are uniquely characterized due to the processes taking place in them and the history of formation.
List of the largest lakes in the world without the Caspian Sea based on the area they occupy:

  1. Upper
  2. Victoria
  3. Huron
  4. Michigan
  5. Tanganyika
  6. Baikal
  7. big bearish
  8. Nyasa
  9. Great Slave

Verkhnee is the leader after the Caspian

Lake Superior in the United States is the largest freshwater lake in the world by land area (though not by volume of fresh water). It is one of the Great Lakes and lies on the border between Canada and the United States. The area of ​​the reservoir is 82.4 thousand square meters. km, which is 4.5 times less area Caspian Sea. The depth of the lake is 406 m, the length is 560 km, and the width is 260 km.
The largest freshwater lake in terms of area is unsuitable for swimming even in the summer months: the highest water temperature reaches 12 degrees. The water level here depends on the time of year: it is the lowest in April and March, and the highest in the summer, because. just at this time they go there heavy rains. It is the Upper Lake that is known for its mini-tsunamis or seiches: on the surface of the water rise high waves, which with force fall on the shore.

Victoria is Africa's largest lake

The largest lake on the African continent is Lake Victoria, which belongs to Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda. The Africans call this lake Nyanza or Ukerewe. Victoria is an alpine reservoir located above sea level at an altitude of 1134 m. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bNyanza is 68.8 thousand square meters. km, depth - 40 m, and length - 337 m.
It is dangerous to swim in this reservoir: it is simply teeming with dangerous crocodiles. In addition to crocodiles, there is a protopter in Victoria - unique look, which is a transitional link between animals and fish. It can breathe with lungs and gills. But Africans tend to catch common tilapia, while tourists try to catch Nile perch, a fish that can weigh up to 200 kg. Remarkably, this is completely legal. There are no restrictions on the weight of the fish, or on the number, or on the method of fishing (even with dynamite): there are no fines.

The largest freshwater lakes in the world: Huron and Michigan

Huron and Michigan are two more bodies of water from the Great Lakes system. America generally holds the record for the number of huge reservoirs, although it loses in terms of their number: the largest number of lakes (albeit not the most significant) is observed on the Eurasian continent.
Huron and Michigan are connected to each other by the Strait of Mackinac, due to which, in terms of hydrography, they can be considered unified system although they are geographically separated. Huron is not much larger: its area is 59.6 thousand square meters. km, and the area of ​​​​Michigan is 58 thousand square meters. km. But at the same time, Michigan is longer: its length is 494 km against 332 km at Huron.

Tanganyika is the longest freshwater lake

Tanganyika is the longest lake of the largest freshwater lakes in the world. The length of Tanganyika is 676 km. The reservoir is located in Central Africa on the territory of 4 countries at once: Congo, Zambia, Burundi and Tanzania. Tanganyika is a very deep body of water: its depth is 1470 m.
Uniquely, this lake has never dried up, thanks to which it has preserved unusual flora and fauna. More than 97% of all cichlids on the planet are present here, several species of crabs, clams and shrimps. This lake has fresh water, but its inhabitants are similar to representatives of the marine fauna.

Baikal - the largest lake in Siberia

Baikal is the deepest lake in the world. In fact, the explored depth is 1637 m. That is why it is considered the largest freshwater reservoir, the volume of which is more than 23 thousand cubic meters. km. In fact, this is the largest of all 5 Great Lakes in America. Due to its low mineralization, the water in Baikal resembles distilled water in its properties. The lake is amazingly clear.
The area of ​​the lake is 31.5 thousand square meters. km, length - 636 km, and width - 81 km. Many rivers and streams flow into this lake (Snezhnaya, Kichera, Selenga, etc.), and only one flows out - the Angara. Many mysteries and legends are connected with Baikal. For example, when a body of water is covered with ice, huge dark rings form on its surface, which can only be seen from a height. Scientists attribute their appearance to methane emissions, although the randomness of the formation of rings is still incomprehensible.
Baikal is a real place of power. This lake is fraught with many mysteries and secrets that are difficult to explain based only on scientific data. The mysteries of Baikal include:

  • cliff "White Rock" - a mountain on the shore of the lake, in the depths of which, according to legend, countless treasures are hidden (found only in legends, in reality it was never found);
  • "Black Funnel" - a place in the very center of Baikal, in its deepest part, in which a couple of times a year the water begins to rotate by itself, forming a real funnel;
  • mirages on the surface due to strong currents warm air above cold water;
  • strong glow of water;
  • Cape Ryty - a place on Baikal where the radiation background goes off scale;
  • the presence of insect larvae (mosquitoes) at the bottom of the lake.

Local residents often saw UFOs over Lake Baikal, although, of course, there is no documentary evidence of this.

What is the largest subglacial lake in the world

A subglacial lake is a body of water located under a glacier. It is always under the ice layer and does not thaw even in summer. In Antarctica, there are about 380 known subglacial lakes, which in their structure resemble lakes on some cosmic bodies (Jupiter, Saturn, etc.). One of the largest subglacial lakes in the world is Lake Vostok, covered with 4 kilometers of ice. This reservoir got its name thanks to the station "Vostok", standing not far from it. The estimated depth of the lake reaches 1200 m, but this is inaccurate. His study continues. Moreover, traces of the DNA of some organisms have already been found in this sub-ice water, which is already fantastic in itself.


The largest lakes and rivers are significant natural monuments of any state. They amaze with their volumes, but in reality you can feel their greatness only from a bird's eye view. But even the largest freshwater lakes in the world can become sources drinking water.

Despite the fact that the word "lake" is associated with a small and quiet body of water, this is not always the case. If you've ever wondered, "What the deepest lake in the world, or what is the largest lake in the world”, then you have come to the right place. Indeed, today we will consider the most grandiose lakes of our planet, and we will figure out which of them is worthy of the title - “the largest”.

The Caspian Sea is the largest lake in the world

Strange but the largest lake in the world is the Caspian Sea. But it is called the sea only because of its huge size, because its area reaches up to 371,000 km2, the water level reaches 26.75 meters, the volume of water is 78648 km3 (44% of the world lake water reserve).

The salinity of the lake varies from 0.05% to 13%, depending on the location. The lowest salinity is observed at the place where the Volga River flows into the lake, the highest in the south. In the shape of latin letter"S", the sea extends from north to south for 1200 km, from west to east from 195 to 435 km. Conventionally, the sea is divided into three parts - the northern, middle and southern parts. The coastline of the Caspian Sea reaches 7000 km. In most places it is low-lying and smooth, with the exception of the north, where it is indented by the Volga delta.

Lake Superior and Victoria, which is the largest lake?

Next on the list is Lake Superior. In addition to the fact that this reservoir is the largest, coldest and deepest among the Great Lakes (USA / Canada, North America). It is included in the list - largest freshwater lakes in the world”, and not only enters, but takes second place in it. The northern border of this lake is the Canadian province of Ontario, the western border is the American state of Minnesota, and the southern border is the states of Wisconsin and Michigan. The lake appeared during the melting and retreat of the ice sheet.

Lake Victoria got its name from the name of the British Queen. Africa is the largest body of water on the continent. It is located on the territory of several countries - Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. The largest lakethe world has a large number of islands. The Nile flows out of the lake. The maximum depth of the lake is 80 m, due to which the lake is classified as deep.The area of ​​the lake is about 68,000 km2. Width and length - 275 by 320 km. Also, Victoria is located in the tectonic trough of the East African platform at an altitude of 1134 m, by the way, it has almost With biggest waterfall in the world .

The largest freshwater lakes in the world, other options

Other large lakes can be considered (in descending order) - Huron (59,600 km2), Michigan (57,750 km2), Aral Sea (constantly decreasing due to water withdrawal from the lake for irrigation), Tanganyika (34,000 km2), Baikal (the deepest lake planets, 31,722 km2), Big Bear Lake and Nyasa.

In the view of a simple layman, the lake is the place where, sitting in the reeds with a fishing rod, you can go fishing in silence, away from the noise of civilization. In a certain sense, it is true, there are countless small nameless lakes on the planet. But there are other lakes that are more like seas, because their dimensions are truly grandiose. The largest lakes in the world are huge navigable reservoirs, on the surface of which real storms occur and huge waves rise. These giant lakes are both fresh and salty.

The largest lake on earth

The answer to the question of what is the largest lake is not at all unambiguous. After all, you can compare lakes by depth, by area, by volume of water. Surprisingly, it turns out that the Caspian Sea, which everyone rightfully considers a sea, is actually a huge lake! He is the winner in this category. After all, the area of ​​​​the largest lake is 371 thousand square kilometers with a maximum depth of 1025 meters. At the beginning of the last century, its area was 422 thousand square kilometers and last century faded considerably.

Although the Caspian is a lake, the water in it is salty, but not to the same extent as in the seas. The largest salt lake is located where Europe and Asia meet. From north to south, along the entire length of the lake, the climate also changes from subtropical to temperate continental. In addition to the deposits of the world famous Caspian oil, the lake is rich in fish. There are especially many sturgeons here, and, accordingly, black caviar.

The largest fresh lake in the world

The largest fresh water lake is Baikal. Its area is 31479 square kilometers. Baikal is also the deepest in the world - 1637 meters. This mountain lake, located in the frame of mountain ranges, is fed by more than three hundred rivers and streams. The largest is Selenga, it replenishes half of the annual water supply in the lake. But only one river flows out of Baikal - the Angara.

The world's largest fresh water lake is also the deepest and cleanest on the planet. And the beauty of the surrounding area is simply beyond description. The shape of Baikal resembles a crescent moon. In the spring, when the ice drifts, the transparency of the water reaches forty meters in depth. These pure depths are inhabited by a huge number of freshwater fish species - from common carp and perch to valuable salmon and sturgeon.

In addition to fish, a marine mammal adapted to fresh water lives in Baikal - the Baikal seal or seal, and the shores are inhabited by various birds. It is interesting that the waters of the largest lake are inhabited by some species of fish and plants that are not found anywhere except here in other water bodies. In recent years

Just two months ago I returned from Lake Baikal. The beauty and endless expanse of clean, fresh water conquers with its scope. I always thought that Baikal is the largest lake, but it turns out it's not. There is a lake in North America that is twice the size of Lake Baikal.

The largest freshwater lake in terms of area is the Upper Lake. It is located on the border of Canada and is part of the Great Lakes system.

The dimensions of the Upper are simply amazing:

  • The area of ​​​​the reservoir is 82.7 thousand square kilometers, which makes it the largest in area.
  • The amount of water that the lake is filled with is 11.6 thousand cubic kilometers. It ranks third in terms of water volume.
  • The maximum depth of the Upper - 406 meters.
  • The lake stretched for 560 kilometers.
  • The maximum width of the lake reaches 260 kilometers.

The lake is considered very dangerous. The weather on the lake is changeable, with strong gusts of wind. A real storm can break out, raising waves up to six meters. Hundreds of sunken ships found their rest at the bottom of the lake.

The water temperature at depth practically does not change, it is equal to four degrees Celsius. In winter, the shores are covered with a crust of ice, and the middle part of the lake does not freeze. The wealth of the Upper is a large number of fish. More than eighty species of fish are found here, among which there are especially valuable ones: trout, whitefish, salmon, sturgeon. Some species are specially bred in the lake.

The lake has become a favorite place for summer recreation and tourism. Hundreds of equipped campsites are located along the shores, there is a park with the same name, which includes several bays. Lake Superior is a beautiful creation of nature, created 4 thousand years ago.

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