How to make a cozy small room with your own hands. How to make a small room cozy. Let's say no to dust!

Comfort in the room

It is no secret to anyone that comfort of the room where you live affects your personality, mood, well-being. Often, we spend 70% of the time in the apartment: we create, work, and relax in it. That is why it is so important that the space in which we live is properly arranged, in accordance with the character and tastes, radiates comfort, gives warmth, joy.

There are a few styles that seem to be polarized by fan-designers, such as "shabby chic". Some absolutely love the simplicity of the vintage décor it brings and the serenity it creates, while others find it too feminine and far from practical. No matter which camp you fall into, there is little doubt that shabby chic has made giant waves in the interior design world over the past two decades. Today, elegant style is more popular than ever before, and homeowners are increasingly gravitating towards its charming appeal.

We want to please you that the answer to the question how to create comfort in a room" is very simple: it does not take a lot of effort and large expenses, you do not need to make major or cosmetic repairs. Often, you can change the interior using ordinary decor tools that you can make yourself or buy in ordinary stores.

The soothing and shabby chic style looks like a match made in decorating heaven. The spirit of this style is all about comfort, the choice of eco-friendly decor and the combination of vintage and antique finds with modern touches. Scroll through these 50 luxury bedrooms we've lined up to find out more.

Vintage and antique finds are life path chic chic, no matter what subtle twist you want to incorporate into the style. There is always an unbeatable finish to be found here, as the décor with a dated, worn look helps to give a sense of authenticity to the bedroom. Of course, this means that a trip to the nearest thrift store or The best way shopping promotions for shabby chic bedroom decor and accessories.


Entering the room, the first thing we pay attention to is, of course, the walls. If you have old, unpleasant wallpaper, you can easily fix this by repainting the walls in any other color. The palette of colors is now very large, so you can choose exactly the shade that you like.

There are times when you will discover an absolute gem in a nearby garage, so keep your eyes open at all times!

Decor made from natural materials, vintage, antique mirrors that sit casually in the corner of the bedroom, crafted from old trunks or creative art pieces that add personality; it's decor that really helps the mod who dreams of posh posh bedrooms. Admittedly, this is not a style for everyone, and you need both an appreciation for "old and familiar" furniture and enough patience to get the look right.

Now, as a rule, modern wall paints are odorless and dry quickly. Also, if the color gets bored quickly, you can always repaint the walls: often they choose pastel shades, as they do not irritate the eyes, give a feeling of comfort. The choice is always yours: do not be afraid, experiment with various paints. Can paint every wall different color- will look very original.

Cleaning in your "kingdom"

There is no strict rule that shabby chic bedrooms should be draped in white and white only. Of course, as you read, you will understand why. white version is great option in most cases, but feel free to delve a little into your own style to customize this bedroom with color. Pastel colors have taken over the world of fashion and design in the past few years, and here's your chance to try them out in your bedroom. Pastels and shabby chic go like a hand in a glove, and it's an approach that never fails.

Empty walls can be decorated with paintings, photos of your friends, relatives or even posters, even travel postcards will do. In a word, do not be afraid to experiment, give free rein to your imagination. Another nuance: if you or one of your friends draw, then you can easily pick up frames, hang art on the wall. It will look very cute, give warmth, comfort. We advise you to purchase photo frames in any art store and paint them yourself in a suitable color

How to make a rug from a mat

Delicate pinks, watery yellows and elegant greens help accent vintage decors and give them a colorful touch. new life.

Those who want to combine a Czech look with a shabby chic style can opt for throw pillows and bed dress V bright colors, while French country or beach chic styles require far less color. Whatever your taste, remember that color is secondary to texture and ends up in a shabby chic bedroom.

At creating comfort in the room I advise you to pay due attention to the floor. You can decorate the floor with a fleecy carpet, rugs or rugs. Soft fluffy carpets will please not only the eyes, but also the feet. You can pick up rugs in the appropriate stores. You will be pleasantly surprised by how rich the palette of colors and patterns is, how wide the choice is.

The headboard is one of those features in the bedroom that has a big impact and can often determine the wording of the style in the rest of the room. The choice of headboard for a shabby chic bedroom is truly varied and often reclaimed. wood paneling or old door shutter or shed that seems to do the job! Adding a similar unique headboard to your own house quite easy if you can find one of these antique doors, and by simply removing the existing layers of paint and painting it in White color, you will get a headboard that is exquisite and shabby chic.


When outside the window is frost, snow, rain or mud - the house becomes a real fortress, in which you feel warmth, comfort, security. Consider a couple of ideas for creating comfort with your own hands, and not with the hands of, for example, someone else's master. To do this, you will need warm blankets and knitted blankets. If you cover a bed, sofa or armchairs with a soft pastel-colored blanket, then casually scatter a small number of pillows, you will be pleasantly surprised how much your home will change, how much more comfortable and warm it will become. You can also find plush toys that were once played with as a child and put them on the bed. Do not be afraid of feelings of nostalgia, remember the wonderful days of childhood, when you could not sleep without your little bear.

If you love white, want a bedroom with a touch of femininity, and want to eschew glossy contemporary alternatives, then shabby chic is really the way forward. White is the preferred choice in the most shabby chic bedrooms as it creates a relaxing backdrop that allows you to decorate vintage finds and antique accessories. Usage various shades white also minimizes visual fragmentation in a room, and is a color that works great with French country, chic cottage chic, or just cottage chic. chic options style.


Lighting plays an important role in creating comfort in the home: dark room very hard to call beautiful. original desk lamp, floor lamps, sconces will give the home a feeling of comfort and warmth. A special zest can be given by a fluorescent lamp, which can be turned on at night. With this color, the home will look very unusual, very cosmic, especially if you have a lot of white things.

As a general rule, when in doubt, turn to white in a shabby chic bedroom!

Most people tend to forget that the bed is really the centerpiece of the bedroom and tends to focus too much on everything else in the room. A vintage wrought iron bed that's cleverly repainted or a classic bed with a European flair seems to be the way to go in the most shabby chic bedrooms. Obviously the choice of bed is also determined by the size of the room and the décor around it, as you don't want to fit an overly large and indulgent bed in a small space.

Don't forget about the main source of light - the window. If the view from the window is a bit sad, don't be sad, transform it yourself. You can always decorate the window stained glass paints and hang cute curtains.


Living plants will not only fill the house with oxygen, but also contribute to the interior. It does not matter at all which flower will grow: it can be a palm tree, a rose or even a hyacinth.

Plush bedding is the next step up as it is a style that encourages cozy comfort. safe way to start - first select the bed and then go around it by entering the appropriate side tables, lamps and accessories. While there are certain places that are so giggeligt you just want to curl up and settle down for a while, let's face it, this budget motel of your boss makes you want to stay, and the average place you have to sit in to avoid going there even know the meaning of the word.

Take matters into your own hands with these 10 handy items that will bring a sense of hygiene to even the most intractable conditions. They make me feel less displaced and more rooted. There's something about a sweatshirt there - zipping it up, pulling the hood up to your head, and sticking your hands in your pockets is so satisfying, especially when you're stuck for hours on end in a narrow seat.

The presence of living plants improves mood, raises the level of oxygen in your home. Take Special attention choice of pots. There is a huge variety of shapes, colors and materials from which pots are made. Don't be afraid to experiment. For example, try painting a ceramic pot yourself, maybe it will become a new hobby. If you have a busy work schedule or are simply forgetful, we advise you to purchase flowers that do not require special care: sansevieria, hoya, crassula oval (it Money Tree), chlorophytum, Kalanchoe.

The American giant raised the bar with delightfully colored hoods in thick, heavy cotton. The hoods are double lined to keep out the rough air of the aircraft and the elbows are reinforced to withstand armrest spores. Plus, the tailored fit makes you feel confident when you step out of your element.

We remove all unnecessary

For the first time, you can pour coffee on your road trips thanks to additional paper filtration. This game changer brings the idea of ​​"coffee to go" to a completely new level. Some of the hotel's beds offer a different duvet that a million other people haven't used yet.

Nice desktop

Desktop -by right takes place of honor indoors, which is why it is so important to transform it. Consider a couple of ideas for creating unusual interior. Try experimenting with color and color your workplace in the color you like. You can also change the color with colored tape or stickers. Be sure to put on the table photos of loved ones or things that remind you of them. Put your pens and other writing utensils in pretty cups that you can make yourself. Try decorating glass jars with stained glass paints or painting with regular paint in a solid color.

Toothbrush set Isola Reflections

Available in half a dozen pretty patterns, they add a homely touch to even the barest hotel room. Keep it in your carrier so you can also use it in a cold flight. Isola Reflections Toothbrush Set - photo courtesy of Isola.

Replace the generic plastic toothbrush you usually carry with one of these Isola beauties. Made from sustainable bamboo, the handles have a pleasant, natural texture that brings a sense of warmth to a sterile bathroom. Best of all, in the two minutes you take in the morning and before bed, you are reminded to slow down and "reflect" one of the four great words: "Contemplate, Meditate, Concentrate, Rumit." Pack the one that will motivate you the most.


Not the last place in the design of your room are shelves and cabinets, it is very important to put things in their places and tastefully. Books, frames with photos of your friends and relatives, jewelry boxes, flowers, ceramic figurines will help to fill empty shelves.

If you really want to radically change something in the room, try rearranging the furniture. Soon you will be pleasantly surprised by the change in the interior. Try to put your bed and work desk closer to the window so that you can wake up, work and create in the sunlight.


The last, but one of the most important changes in an apartment or house when creating comfort should be the smell. Your room is your temple, where everything should be perfect. Do not be lazy, go to an Indian shop, buy scented candles, aroma sticks or aroma oils with a smell that will suit you and delight your sense of smell. There are hundreds of smells of aroma sticks, oils from fruity to the smell of cakes and sweets, be sure that you will find the perfect scent for your home: a beautiful aroma lamp with candles looks very cozy and romantic when the lights are off. In addition, guests will definitely have Nice memories about the house, if it has its own unique smell.

A pet

Nothing will add coziness to your room like a pet, get a small cat, dog or even a fish. Just imagine how you are sitting in the room in the evening, holding a small fluffy purring lump in your arms and reading a book. These little living creatures will give you as much warmth, goodness and joy as no other thing can give you, even if it is very beautiful and cozy. Remember: only you yourself know how to create coziness in a room, this activity requires full dedication, great effort, so do not be afraid to experiment and try something new.

How to make a small room cozy? With desire and a creative campaign, this is quite real. You need to follow a few tips for decorating small rooms, according to. Make an analysis, pick up furniture, details for decorating a room. And a few more important recommendations in order to make the interior of a small room cozy, read the article.
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Small room interior

The following sequence of actions is proposed. Think through each stage carefully and draw up a plan of action. So let's start.

We evaluate the advantages and disadvantages

A problematic place can be an inconveniently located Entrance door, the window is not centered on the wall or the window is not beautiful view out.

Now select the focal point of the room. It can be a window with a beautiful view, a fireplace, or just a large solid wall.

We remove all unnecessary

Get out of the room as much as possible more furniture, if not all. The more furniture in the room, the cramped and smaller it seems. If this is a living room, limit yourself to a seating area and, possibly, a TV, but you need to do without tables, a sideboard and cabinets. The bedroom has enough bed and a couple of bedside tables.

If the room was covered with wallpaper, with any pattern, remove them and paint the walls in one color. The patterns on the walls visually narrow the room, so its size visually looks even smaller than it actually is.

Strategically place furniture

Place large pieces of furniture (bed, chest of drawers or sofa) in the corner, but not just like that, but at an angle to the walls. Corner placement of furniture creates a feeling of "moving walls". Don't let the "wasted" space behind furniture fool you. It can be used to store things that you don't use every day. If the room has a window with not the most pleasant view of the outside, close it or a chest of drawers.

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