Dealing with sewer blockages. How to eliminate clogged pipes at home: the best tools and methods for cleaning. Methods for cleaning sewer pipes

Probably, many in their lives faced with such an economic necessity as cleaning sewer pipes. The main reason clogs form in pipes is the accumulation of household waste: hair, soap, grease, etc. There are simple ways to clean sewer pipes yourself using basic tools and materials at hand. At right approach blockages can be removed by hand, without seeking qualified help from plumbers. How to do this, read our article.

How to properly clear blockages

The use of household products

In order for self-cleaning of sewer pipes to be effective and fruitful, you need to act in the following sequence ( recipe number 1):

  1. Clear the drain hole of accumulated debris. You can pour 1 liter of boiling water into it and leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Apply a plunger.
  3. Pour 1 glass of soda into the drain hole and pour it in a ratio of 1: 3 with boiling water.

The described procedure can be repeated several times if necessary. Baking soda forms an alkaline environment in sewer pipes, making it easy to remove blockages. It will not only clean the pipes from the inside, but also disinfect the pipes and the sink.

You can use another method of dealing with blockages ( recipe number 2):

  1. In equal parts (½ cup each), pour baking soda into the pipes and pour distilled vinegar into the table.
  2. As a result of the mixing of substances, chemical reaction accompanied by the formation of a large amount of foam. In view of this, it is recommended to close the drain hole with a stopper and leave for 2 hours.
  3. After the specified time, pull out the plug and pour a little boiling water into the pipes.

With this method, deposits on the inner surface of the pipe are dissolved, powerful cleaning occurs.

Cleaning sewer pipes is also possible when using salt and soda ( recipe number 3):

  1. Pour the ingredients (½ cup each) into the pipes through the hole.
  2. Add boiling water and leave for 8-10 hours. During the specified period of time, do not allow anything to drain into the pipe.

As you know, the disease is better to prevent than to cure. The same goes for sewer blockages: periodic preventive maintenance removes accumulated waste and does not allow them to "grow" into big problem. To prevent the formation of blockages, it is sometimes enough to pour boiling water into the pipes, it dissolves soap and grease.

Or you can refer to this approach ( recipe number 4):

  1. Combine 1 cup salt, 1 cup soda and ¼ cup cream of tartar. After thorough mixing of the components, place the mixture in a tightly closed container.
  2. Periodically pour the mixture into the hole and fill with boiling water.
  3. After 1 minute, rinse the drain with cold water.


In addition to self-prepared mixtures, there are other ways to clean sewer pipes. On the shelves of modern stores you can find many ready-made chemicals helping to deal with blockages in pipes: from the Mole powder, available to everyone, made in Russia, to expensive gels made in Germany. If you are in doubt about how to clean pipes, know that in the fight against fatty blockages, any of these tools will come out the winner. The main thing is to read the instructions on how to clean the pipes with the selected preparation.

On the label of its products, the manufacturer indicates that it is enough to pour the substance into the pipes and wait a while.

Pro tip:

However, in practice it often turns out that this is not enough and the use of a plunger is additionally required. With its help, the blockage dissolved by chemical reagents leaves the pipes into the sewer.

Vantuz in the fight against blockages

The ingenious invention of mankind, the plunger, can be safely called the most effective means of dealing with blockages. Plunger is a manual and most popular plumbing equipment for cleaning sewer pipes. It perfectly frees clogged pipes coming from the sink, bathtub and toilet from blockages. The principle of operation of the device is a double action on the garbage:

  • strong pressure at which the blockage begins to move inside the pipe;
  • destruction of debris.

When the accumulated waste is destroyed, they sometimes come out of the pipes to the outside, due to which they can be easily removed.

A positive result in removing blockages is achieved only if you know how to clean the pipes with a plunger correctly.

It is done like this:

  1. If there is an overflow hole in the pipeline, close it tightly (with a lid, a rag, etc.) to prevent pressure drop on the blockage.
  2. Place the plunger over the drain hole and press the rubber part firmly against it. When working on a blockage with a plunger, make sure that the water level in the sink (bath) is above the rubber valve.
  3. Make rhythmic translational movements with a plunger without tearing off the rubber element from the drain of the sink (bath, toilet bowl).
  4. Pull the plunger sharply away from the hole.

Cleaning sewer pipes with a rope

Rope for cleaning

It happens that a blockage has formed in the depths of the sewer, and you do not know how to clean the sewer pipes. Then specialized equipment will come to the rescue.

The most common and affordable type of such a plumbing tool is a flexible shaft, or a cable for cleaning sewer pipes. It is made of steel wire and is an elastic, but well-bending long spring. At one end of the flexible shaft there is a metal handle for ease of use, at the opposite end there is a spiral that serves to secure various interchangeable nozzles (scraper, ruff, hook, etc.).

Operating instructions for plumbing cable

  • visual inspection of the tool - allows you to identify a violation of integrity;
  • checking the reliability of the handle fastening;
  • if necessary, lubrication of the bushings that make up the handle;
  • quality control of the installation of replaceable nozzles (if any).

If you are convinced that the hose is in good condition, proceed to cleaning the pipes:

  1. Taking the handle in your hands, direct the other end of the cable into the sewer pipe. At the same time, the siphon can be removed from the sink, this will improve the quality of pipe cleaning.
  2. Make rotational movements with the cable, trying to push the shaft as far as possible. Translational movements allow the tool to quickly and without interference overcome the bends and elbows in the sewer pipeline. However, excessive pressure on the cable may cause it to break or damage the inner part pipes.

Pro tip:

When you need to give the plumbing cable a lot of torque, turn the handle strictly clockwise. Otherwise, the flexible shaft may break - bloom.

  1. If you find a blockage, increase the speed of rotation of the cable: this will push through the debris. If the flex shaft is equipped with a hook attachment, hook on the debris and pull it out.
  2. As soon as the water begins to drain into the sewer, turn on the hot water. Flush the pipes with a weak stream of water, gradually increasing the pressure.
  3. Evaluate the result: if a funnel forms when draining the water, the sewer is cleaned correctly.

Pro tip:

It happens that plumbing cable stuck in a sewer pipe. In this case, slowly rotate it to the left or right until you overcome the obstacle.

Most often, at least one of the methods described allows you to cope with household garbage clogged in pipes. However, if all cleaning methods have been tried, but the blockage is still not removed, seek help from specialists. Plumbers tend to have more powerful ways cleaning sewer pipes, capable of flushing pipes under high pressure and removing the most difficult blockage. In addition, the masters have specific skills and know which manipulations are best applied.

Sewerage, as well as other plumbing systems, sometimes tend to present "surprises" to their owners. This time we will talk about the causes of blockages in sewer systems, about how how to clean a sewer pipe , methods of dealing with blockages and ways to help avoid problems in the future.

There are several objective reasons, as well as those that depend on correct operation sewer systems. First of all, it is worth noting the reasons beyond the control of the owners:

  • the material of the pipes from which the drain system is made. Usually, cast iron pipes most prone to clogging. This is due to the rough inner surface of cast iron pipes. First, they retain dirt and grease on their walls, and then the blockage begins to grow according to the snowball principle.
  • improperly mounted sewer system, with large angles of rotation and incorrectly calculated hydrodynamic characteristics and slopes - the second at least common cause blockages.
  • in private homes, a shallow drain pipe may freeze during the cold season or move under the action of ground pressure.

No less often the cause of blockage is a low culture when using sewers. Particles of food, garbage, rags - all this can quickly disable any drain system. If you do not want to deal with the often unpleasant procedure of cleaning drain pipes, teach your family how to properly use the drain system.

The pipe material has the most direct influence on the frequency of blockages.

Methods for cleaning sewer pipes

Before deciding on a method for removing debris from a drain pipe, you need to find out in which area the blockage occurred. To do this, you need to check the entire drain, starting from the drain hole installed equipment. The most frequently contaminated areas are:

  • kitchen sink drain;
  • sewerage section from the kitchen to the bathroom;
  • toilet flush;
  • section of the connection of the toilet pipes and the sewer riser.

All sewer cleaning methods can be divided into mechanical methods, thermal and chemical methods cleaning, and hydrodynamic cleaning plum. When choosing a cleaning method, be guided by the strength of the blockage, the place of contamination, as well as the material of the pipes from which your drain system is made.

Plastic pipes are less likely to clog, however, when they become clogged with dirt, it is not always possible to use all available cleaning methods. Yes, some types plastic pipes do not allow increased heating during thermal cleaning. Others, thin-walled, are afraid of cleaning with metal fixtures. by the most good decision problems with this type of runoff is the use of chemical methods of purification.

The simplest devices for cleaning drains in the kitchen and in the bathroom

Learning to clean the sewer by mechanical methods

If we are dealing with a rather shallow blockage, you can use a plunger or a brush. In this case, the plunger bowl should cover the drain hole with a margin. To carry out work using a plunger, it is necessary that the water layer is at least 3 centimeters. It is necessary to install the sole of the device on the drain and release air from under it. Pressing the plunger should be carried out sharply, but not very often, after waiting for the complete restoration of its shape. The pressure of the water under the cup of the plunger tears off the layers of grease and dirt from the walls of the pipes, thus cleaning them. After removing the contamination, flush the drain hot water.

Plumbing cable

For deeper blockages, a plumbing cable or long wire is used. A large number of sewer cleaning cables are available, short and longer. Most top scores can be expected from a plumbing cable with a brush at the end. In order to properly clean the clogged area, the edge of the cable is passed into the pipe. Pushing the cable in depth with one hand, make its rotational movements with the other. Rotation will allow the cable to pass through bends and dirty areas. When pushing the plumbing cable with great effort, rotate it only clockwise, otherwise the wire coils will begin to unwind and the cable will become unusable.

Tip: when passing bends inside pipes, rotate the cable in the direction of the turn, i.e. if the pipe turns to the right, it is necessary to rotate the device clockwise, and if it turns to the left, vice versa.

When pushing the cable deep into the pipe, do not forget to add hot water there. This will further soften the debris layers, and promote the glide of the device. After cleaning, open the water, and, while pulling the cable, rotate it in opposite side, wiping as needed with a rag. Wash the device after work warm water With detergent and dry well.

Chemistry in the fight against sewer blockages

A huge number of chemicals have been developed for chemical cleaning of the inner surface of pipes. These are all kinds of powders, gels, granules, liquids, etc. To use these drugs, you should use the instructions for their use. In some cases, it is enough to pour the agent into a clogged pipe, in others it is necessary to dilute it in a certain amount of hot water. Then the drain is washed abundantly big amount water.

When using chemicals, remember to take precautions, wear gloves and avoid getting toxic substances on open areas skin and eyes.

Important: never mix chemicals, which include alkali with acidic substances. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

Thermal method and other folk methods

The way to eliminate blockage using boiling water is one of the simplest, however, very effective in the fight against body fat. It consists in the gradual pouring of boiling water into the drain hole of the sink. When the boiling water starts to leave, add an even larger volume of hot liquid. This will help warm up the fatty layers well and remove them from the walls of the pipes. In this case, you can use a plunger, which will create the necessary pressure.

Caution: When using boiling water as a clog cleaner, make sure that the pipes that make up your drain system are heat resistant. Be aware that some types of plastic can be damaged high temperature.

Before pouring the sewage system with boiling water, you can use another folk method. To do this, dissolve one pack of soda in a liter warm water and pour into the sink. Then add 100 ml of vinegar there. Inside the blockage, a reaction will occur with the release of a large amount of foam. This chemical reaction well corrodes fatty deposits on the walls of pipes. After all the soda has been “quenched” with acid, additionally spill the drain with boiling water. This will most likely get your drain system back in full working order.

Hydrodynamic cleaning of the sewerage system

Hydrodynamic methods for removing blockages in sewer systems are the most effective, but their implementation is impossible without special equipment. All methods of this type are based on the supply of water under high pressure to the place of contamination. Professional utility equipment is based on this principle.

For home use good equipment is produced German company"Kercher". The installation of this manufacturer is equipped with a long sleeve, which is inserted into the pipe. Water is supplied through the sleeve under pressure up to 150 atmospheres. Under the influence of such a powerful water flow, particles of debris are gradually washed out and the cork is destroyed.

To insert the sleeve, it is not even necessary to make significant efforts; it easily passes into the pipe due to the reverse outflow of water.

The package of such a system includes additional nozzles that combine the hydrodynamic cleaning method with the mechanical one. The cost of this type of equipment is quite high, however, if you periodically use it for preventive purposes, then you can say with confidence that the system will never clog.

In order for the sewerage system to work without failures and never annoy with problems, it is necessary to adhere to the simplest rules during its operation.

First, make sure that there are fine meshes on the drain holes of sinks and sinks to mechanically filter the drained water. Secondly, do not throw greasy waste, leftover food, rags and other garbage into the drain. That's what the trash can is for. Try to make it a rule to rinse the drains of sinks and sinks with boiling water during cleaning. At least a couple of times a season, use special chemical methods cleaning to prevent blockages in the future.

You can call the emergency service to deal with a clogged sewer by calling +7 495-645-77-22. To eliminate such a problem as a clogged sewer, the company's professionals use effective methods:

  • Hydrodynamic, in which cleaning is carried out using a jet of water under pressure.
  • Mechanical, which uses various settings– drilling, pneumatic, root cutting, as well as other equipment.
  • Thermal, which consists in flushing the sewerage system with a jet of hot water, the temperature of which can be one hundred and twenty degrees.
  • Chemical, which consists in the use of special preparations that dissolve growths and various deposits due to chemical reactions.

The greatest efficiency is provided by the combination of these methods, which are perfectly mastered by the specialists of the Clean-Tubes.rf company. Depending on the specifics of the problem, experts will determine the most effective methods, qualitatively and quickly eliminating blockages of any complexity.

Such familiar benefits of civilization as a water supply and sewerage system are perceived as an integral part of comfort. And if the Roman Empire went down in history as progressive in part because it was there that sewage was built in the 7th-6th centuries, then today such achievements are perceived with a condescending smile. Spoiled by all sorts of technical innovations, users of all sorts of benefits do not think about the fact that it is simple things that serve as the basis of daily comfort.

by the most good example Of such significance are the problems that arise in the work of engineering communications: a banal clogged sewer can disrupt the usual rhythm of life. Required in urgently look for competent executors, agree on the timing of the application, understand technical nuances. Not to mention the fact that in the most critical cases, in emergency situations that can lead to property damage, you will need unscheduled repairs in your own apartment or compensation for damage to affected neighbors.

It is in such cases that it becomes obvious how important it is to maintain the efficient operation of sewer systems, their timely maintenance and cleaning. Experts recommend taking immediate action initial signs the formation of sewer blockages, which come down to high-quality cleaning of pipes. In some cases, these measures can be carried out independently, but most often the help of professionals who have experience and special equipment may be required.

Residents apartment buildings, owners of private cottages or co-owners manufacturing enterprises who have had occasion to evaluate the effectiveness of the work of specialized emergency services, cooperate with such firms on contractual terms. This allows you to enlist the support of experienced professionals who will provide a full range of services around the clock: scheduled maintenance of water supply and sewerage systems, prompt elimination of any problems with utilities, including sewer blockages.

Elimination of blockages in the sewer systems of enterprises.

Sewer systems according to their purpose are industrial, designed to dump waste from enterprises, industrial Wastewater and industrial waste, and household, intended for draining wastewater from household sanitary devices (kitchen sinks, bathtubs, toilet bowls, washbasins). All of them need cleaning, which is best done on a scheduled basis to avoid serious problems in the form of accidents. Sewer clogging is much easier to prevent than to put a lot of time and effort into eliminating it, urgently look for specialists and incur financial losses by overpaying incompetent performers.

Every day, it enters the sewer through the drain dirty water, small particles of organic matter, grease and household waste that does not linger on the drain grates. As a result, a layer of deposits accumulates on the walls of the pipes, which eventually closes the gap in the sewer pipe and eventually completely clogs it.

The first sign of a violation of the normal functioning of sewer systems is an unpleasant smell from the drain holes. kitchen sink or sink, tub or washbasin. This indicates that a large amount of fat and protein deposits have accumulated in the siphon or on the walls of the pipes, which need to be removed. The second sign is a slow leak of water into the drain of the bathtub, sink or sink. If you ignore these alarm signals, a third sign will appear - a complete blockage of the sewer pipe, when all its contents will pour out.

That is why timely cleaning of sewer systems will avoid serious problems, relieving stress and material damage. The company "Clean-pipes.rf" provides quality services aimed at efficient work engineering systems, including the removal of sewer blockages of any complexity, round-the-clock emergency services and comprehensive services. The presence of many years of experience and material and technical base allows us to provide qualified assistance to owners of apartments and private houses, industrial enterprises, office and shopping complexes.

Compliance simple rules operation of sewerage and water supply systems will avoid various force majeure. Periodic cleaning of pipes will ensure uninterrupted and efficient operation, and at the first sign of sewer blockage, urgent measures should be taken to eliminate it. It should be noted that any problems in the operation of engineering systems are easier to prevent than to subsequently eliminate the blockage, however, even the most far-sighted people are characterized by a certain carelessness, so knowledge simple ways removing blockages comes in very handy. In any case, if the situation is not very critical and the resulting blockage is not too complicated.

To determine the severity of the problem, the nature of the problem should be identified. If the water has stopped draining in all sewer units - in the sink, bathtub, toilet bowl, then on their own not enough here. IN high-rise buildings the riser on the first floors is often clogged, the water stops passing and begins to rise up. In this case, it is necessary to call in specialists who will provide high-quality cleaning with the help of special equipment and effective methods.

Types of sewer blockages:

  • operational blockage resulting from the deposition of fat on the walls of pipes, to which various wastes begin to stick - hair, small particles that enter the sink through the drain.
  • mechanical blockage, often due to the fault of the tenant, who does not follow the basic rules for the operation of engineering systems. For example, the cause of a clogged toilet may be toilet paper, which is flushed down the toilet every day and is not corroded by water, as a result of which it accumulates and leads to obstruction of the pipes. This blockage can be cleared with special means, which corrode paper and other accumulated debris.
  • obstruction in the siphon - a device designed to serve as a kind of barrier, filter, protecting against unpleasant odors from the sewer. Over time, fat deposits accumulate in the siphon, on which debris adheres, which ultimately leads to the formation of sewer blockage. Used to clean the siphon hot water with the addition of dishwashing liquid: this breaks down fat and removes dirt accumulated on the walls.
  • technogenic blockage is the result of errors in the design of sewer systems. Such a blockage cannot be eliminated on its own, it requires special equipment, and in the most critical cases, serious design changes.

Eliminate sewer blockage accessible ways, among which:

  • hot water with baking soda, with which you can decompose the fat accumulated on the walls of the pipes and get rid of the blockage;
  • chemicals that have a caustic composition that breaks down fat and solid particles;
  • plunger, thanks to which it is possible to organize movement in the pipe and budge the resulting blockage.
  • steel plumbing cable, which should be advanced to the blockage with scrolling movements. This device helps to cope with the problem in 90% of cases, although its use requires some skill so as not to damage the pipe or break the cable, which will be difficult to remove on your own.

Turning to the specialists of "Clean-pipes.rf" will provide whole line advantages:

  • efficiency and high quality;
  • comfortable payment system - the order is paid after the fact, so that the company's customers are confident in the integrity and responsibility of specialists;
  • reliability - all types of work are guaranteed;
  • high level of competence of specialists;
  • affordable prices;
  • promising conditions for cooperation on an ongoing basis;
  • impeccable service.

The company's specialists are ready to go to the site within ten minutes after the client's call, providing professional assistance, innovative equipment and effective methods to solve any problems related to the functioning of utilities.

Analysis is a necessary thing in our time, it is an indispensable part of the life of every family and every person. Sewerage is used so intensively and often without observing the elementary rules of operation that in many cases, sooner or later, it fails. Such stories happen, first of all, with sewer pipes, and most often it is a blockage of pipes. It is best when this issue is resolved by a qualified specialist, but if such a solution is not suitable for some reason, then you can clean the pipes yourself.

Blockage removal

To fix this problem, you need to clean the blockage directly and completely flush the sewer. For this, technological and chemical means are used. Thus, repairs are carried out much faster, and in compliance with all hygiene standards. This problem is quite easy to prevent, it is only necessary to occasionally prevent blockages. This is called scheduled pipe cleaning. It is much more convenient and safer than solving an already existing blockage problem.

Also, by cleaning for preventive purposes, you can not only avoid problems with mechanical problems, but also eliminate bad odor from sewer pipes. Many enterprises or individuals offer their services in the field of sewer installation and cleaning of structures, washing channels, pipes, they can remove mud and grease deposits. This is much better than climbing an inexperienced person into the sewer yourself.

Sewerage clogged often and quite unexpectedly

Sewerage clogs often and quite unexpectedly. sewer cleaning may take a different period of time, since the blockage can also be different, mostly they are minor or deep. Very often, the problem of clogging can be solved by surface cleaning of the sump or pipe. This can be done with your own hands, if you have experience in such matters, repeatedly encountering them in everyday life. For an experienced specialist, this problem is insignificant, he is able to deal with it quickly and efficiently.

    Sometimes, in order to clear the pipes of clogging, you need to partially disassemble them, which can cause some difficulties. This is a dirty and unpleasant job, but this problem needs to be solved in shortest time, since blockages cause not only problems in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdraining water, but also because of this, pipes are further destroyed, colonies of bacteria multiply, and unpleasant odors in the house and insects in the house.

    You can also clean sewer channels with a simple thermally- Spill the sewer with boiling water. It is effective against deposits of fresh fat - this type of contamination can simply be dissolved by coming into contact with heat. If your sewage system consists of cast iron pipes, you need to use at least 10 liters of boiling water, since cast iron pipes absorb heat while cooling the water.

    It is possible to clean pipes chemically only if a small amount of debris is deposited, since in other cases it is ineffective and even harmful. It is best to use this method in order to prevent the formation of blockage. Most often, these funds are special powders and liquids, when the case is particularly difficult, hydrochloric acid is used. But you should not use acid if you have old cast-iron pipes - it can corrode the pipe walls, and then you will get a new, much more unpleasant problem.

    The most effective is mechanical way cleaning the sewer pipe, as it is quite possible to do with my own hands. To do this, you need a plunger or a flexible cable. A manual or mechanical plunger creates a vacuum in the system, thus, it can “stir up” deposits of debris, and they will calmly pass without creating congestion. If the plunger did not solve the problem, you can try the option with a flexible cable. Only a few people are needed to push the cable into the pipe and thus, rotating the cable in different sides, break the congestion. In order not to cut your hands with a cable, you need to put gloves on them, or make handles at the ends of the cables. These are the simplest options that you can apply yourself.

The plumber is aware of the arrangement of sewer systems

Do not forget that the plumber is best aware of the arrangement of sewer systems. He can solve a blockage of any complexity, since this problem happens very often. A professional plumber will fix the problem qualitatively and guarantee you no further leaks or pipe breaks. Self-cleaning the pipe can cause a number of problems, since a common person, who does not understand these matters, will not be able to determine whether some rubber gaskets and seals, as well as evaluate corrosion and deterioration of pipes, thus, can bring the situation to a critical limit.

Blockage problems

Small blockages can provoke further global problems with sewerage. The first sign of a blockage may be problems with the flow of water from the toilet or sink. Therefore, if the pipe is cleared of blockage in a timely manner, you can not worry about a further major blockage in the sewer, as well as flooding a house or other premises. Thus, cleaning sewer pipes from small blockages is a household necessity, along with general cleaning or repair.

Sewer clogs are a common problem for homeowners. different type housing. And in most cases, you can get rid of this trouble yourself, without calling specialists at home. Knowing some ways to get rid of blockages in the pipes of the toilet, sink in the kitchen or bathroom will help quickly and without extra costs eliminate trouble.

How to clear a blockage in the toilet

In the sewer pipe, blockages occur in most cases due to the deposition of fecal masses on the walls of the pipe. This happens despite the constant draining of water. Anyway, part of the plaque constantly settles on the pipe and reduces its clearance over time. There are several ways to clean the sewer pipe:

  1. Using a special cable.
  2. Filling the pipe with chemicals.
  3. The use of pipe cleaning machines.

Rope work relevant when it is necessary to remove contaminants from the walls of the pipe and get rid of the blockage itself. The cable is a cord with a special nozzle. It is introduced into the pipe in a circular motion, otherwise you can leave some contaminated areas unattended. When the cord encounters a blockage, it is necessary to do one of the following: either push the sewer blockage further, to a larger diameter, or pull it out.

Rope is not an effective tool for cleaning mineral deposits on pipe walls, so this procedure must be repeated several times. When working with plastic pipes, you need to be careful, as they can be easily damaged.

Use of chemicals It also helps clear blockages easily. From improvised means, soda and vinegar are often used, which are taken in the ratio: half a pack per glass. First, water is drained from the pipe, then half a pack of soda is poured and a glass of vinegar is poured there. These substances are good because they remove any type of deposits. Take care yourself when doing this, because the gas is dangerous for the respiratory system.

The mixture should be in the pipe for about an hour and a half. Then everything should be washed well with water. If necessary, the operation is repeated. There are also ready mixes, which also effectively eliminate clogged sewers. For example, the tool "Mole", "Tiret" and others. They are available in the form of a powder, gel or liquid, which are poured into the pipe. The exposure time is about 2 hours, after which everything is well washed with water.

For a long time, funds should not be left in the pipes, as this may violate their integrity.

Cleaning pipes in the kitchen

Improvised tools that are in every home will help eliminate blockages in the kitchen. It can form due to the accumulation of grease from washing dishes, food residues and hair. All of them form a lump through which water does not pass well. To eliminate blockages in kitchen pipes are used:

  1. Chemical means.
  2. Plunger.
  3. Vinegar soda.

Troubleshooting with chemicals gives a good result. Now you can choose any of them, manufacturers offer a wide range effective means. You can even use Domestos by pouring a few caps into the drain. After waiting a bit, you need to spill the pipe with water. Sometimes it helps to pour hot water without the use of chemicals. This is possible in case of a small blockage.

Using a plunger- This is a mechanical effect on blockages. A plunger is a device with a nozzle and a handle. Everyone probably has one in their house. The nozzle is attached to drain hole, and the handle is made several movements. In this case, an air flow is created in the pipe, which pushes the pollution.

Vinegar Soda applied in case of serious problems. Actions with these substances are carried out in the same way as in the case of combating pollution of the toilet pipe.

Other causes and remedies for blockages

There are times when poor passage of water through pipes is not associated with the accumulation of various formations in them. There are also specific living conditions for people in regions with a cold climate. When installing an outdoor sewer system usually taken into account the depth of freezing of the soil. IN different regions she is different.

If a mistake was made during installation, then when low temperatures air, water can simply freeze in the pipes. This is bad for the condition of the pipes themselves.

How to deal with this phenomenon? It is necessary to run a cable into the pipe. When you feel icing, you approximately measure this distance from the wall of the house. So you can find a place where you need to warm up. Heating can be done in several ways:

  • just spill pipes with boiling water;
  • if it does not help, then cover the discovered place with rags from the outside and pour boiling water on them;
  • if the sewer material allows, then you can use blowtorch for warming up.
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