Card file "outdoor ball games". Card file on physical education on the topic: Card file of outdoor games with a ball in kindergarten

For a child, a ball is a favorite subject from the first year of life. It is almost impossible to find a child who does not like to play ball. Ball games develop an eye, coordination, ingenuity, and contribute to general motor activity.

The first ball games are invaluable for children's health. Also, ball games contribute to the development of emotional, physical and intellectual development small child. Throughout preschool childhood, ball games become more complex and, as it were, "grow" with the child, bringing great joy to our little geeks.

Below I offer a selection of outdoor ball games for children.

Playing ball with kids

Throw, catch, roll - these are the main actions that a child under three years of age learns to perform with a ball. You must make sure that your child has balls. different sizes and flowers. Also, do not forget to buy "spiky" balls with various spikes for your child.

There is nothing better for children's sensory and tactile development than playing with little balls. Here I want to digress from outdoor games and remind about dry pools. Babies can be placed in such pools from the moment they start picking up toys while lying on their stomach. For medical reasons, classes in dry pools begin earlier.

So, you go for a walk with your little one and take the ball (or balls). What can you play? The ball can be thrown to each other, rolled down a hill, thrown into various purposes(tree trunk, box, kegs, hoop). Also teach your child to kick the ball with his foot.

The game "My cheerful sonorous ball."

Say the words of the game and hit the ball on the ground. The child at this time can also jump like a ball.

My cheerful ringing ball

Where did you run off to?

Yellow, red, blue -

Don't chase you!

With the last word, the adult rolls the ball forward as far as possible, and the kid must catch up with it and bring it back. If several kids play, then the balls should be according to their number. The option "who will catch up first?" with crumbs will not work. Otherwise, a sea of ​​​​tears is provided to you.

Get in the gate.

You stand in front of the child with your legs wide apart. The task of the baby is to roll the ball between your legs. Then you roll the ball between his legs. Play until the kid gets bored.

Outdoor ball games for preschoolers


This is one of the most popular ball games among children for generations. Personally, I don't like her. I watched the children very often during this game in kindergarten and not infrequently she observed obvious cruelty in the leading child. He wanted to throw the ball harder to hurt another player. Pay attention to this moment if children play dodgeball.

Only a light rubber ball can be used for this game. You will need at least three players. One of them is a driver and two are kickers. The goal of the game is to hit the dribbler (knock him out). Rules of the game:

  • Players draw lines that the bouncers cannot get closer to each other - the greater the distance, the harder it is to kick and the easier it is to dodge the ball.
  • The driver is between the bouncers.
  • The bouncers try to get in and "knock out" him.
  • The one who knocked out the driver takes his place, and the former driver becomes the bouncer.
  • The driver can catch the ball and stay in his place. This technique in the game is called "candle".

If there are many players, then they play according to the following rules:

  • Players are divided into two teams: kickers and drivers.
  • Players agree on the distance between the bouncers and draw lines closer than which they cannot approach each other.
  • Drivers are surrounded by teams of bouncers.
  • With the help of the ball, bouncers try to knock out the drivers.
  • Knocked out players leave the field until all the players of the team are knocked out, while a “candle” can be caught from the hands of the bouncer. The one who caught the "candle" has the opportunity to either take extra life, or return back one of the previously knocked out.
  • When the last driver remains, he must dodge the ball as many times as he full years. If he dodged successfully, then the whole team comes back and starts all over again. Otherwise, the teams are swapped.


This game is usually played by girls. The goal of the game is to hit the ball on the ground using various ways and figures. The first figures are simple and gradually become more complex. If a player makes a mistake, the turn passes to another player.

  1. hit the ball on the ground with both hands 10 times without stopping
  2. hit the ball on the ground with crossed arms 9 times
  3. hit the ball on the ground with your left hand 8 times
  4. hit the ball on the ground right hand 7 times
  5. Hitting the ball with two hands-left-right counts as one hit. You can't catch the ball. Repeat 6 times
  6. Hit the ball hard on the ground, clap your hands once and catch the ball before it hits the ground - 5 times
  7. the same thing, only you need to have time to clap twice - 4 times
  8. hit the ball on the ground from under the right foot and catch it 3 times
  9. the same with the other leg - 2 times
  10. hit the ball hard on the ground, wrap around themselves and have time to catch the ball before it hits the ground 1 time


According to the rules, the players stand in a circle and start throwing the ball to each other.
The player who failed to catch the ball squatted down in the center of the circle and became a potato. The rest start throwing the ball again.

To get out of the potato, you need to catch a flying ball (it was allowed to bounce when the ball flew overhead).

If there are more potatoes than the players, then the potatoes begin to be knocked out. The potato that was hit by the ball again stands in a circle.

I know five names

For this game you will need a large rubber ball and good erudition.

We knock the ball on the asphalt and repeat: “I know five names of boys. Vova - one, Tolya - two, Sasha - three - and so on up to five. If you managed to do this without getting lost or losing the ball, continue: “I know five names of girls” - then five cities, colors, car brands, rivers, etc.

If, nevertheless, the child stumbles, then the right to move passes to another player


The game requires a ball and a group of players.
The children stand in a line, and the leader in turn throws the ball to them.

At the moment of throwing, the presenter pronounces one word, which is the subject for example: pen, milk, glass).
If the word means edible object, the player must catch the ball if inedible, then must push the ball away.

If a player catches him or simply touches the ball with his hands with an inedible object, then he lost and changes with the leading places


This game is similar to edible-inedible, only the host asks questions and throws the ball to the players. If the player would answer yes, then he catches the ball, if no, then he beats. The funnier and more ridiculous the questions, the more fun the game is.


Pioneerball is a ball game that is loved by older preschoolers and adults alike.

To play pioneer ball, a regular volleyball court or any open area where you can stretch the net can be used. The net can be replaced by a rope stretched between trees.

To play pioneer ball, six to sixteen players are needed, which are divided into two teams. Teams in the game are located on both sides of the grid.

The rules of the pioneerball game are very simple and resemble the game of volleyball. The only thing O The difference between pioneer ball and volleyball is that when serving and catching the ball, you do not need to hit it, the ball in pioneer ball must be caught in your hands.


Girls especially like this game. To play frog with a ball, you need a ball and a vertical wall. The frog players agree on the turn of the players. A line is drawn on the wall with chalk. You cannot throw the ball below the selected line. Children stand one after another, and the first of them throws the ball not below the line mentioned above. The ball hits the wall, falls to the ground, and at the moment the ball hits the ground, the girl needs to jump over it.

Then the ball falls into the hands of the second frog player and everything repeats. The jumper leaves and stands at the end of the line. Which of the players could not jump over the ball, he receives as a punishment one letter from the word "frog". First the letter "l", then "I", etc. loses in this ball game the child who is the first to collect the word "frog".

Salki with a ball

Players run around the court, fleeing from the driver, who seeks to knock them down, and pass (or throw) the ball to each other. The player with the ball cannot be kicked.

The task of the players is to pass the ball to the pursued before it is knocked down by the driver, and also to protect the ball from the driver.

The driver can knock the ball in the hands of the player. The player in this case becomes the driver.

Hunters and ducks

This is a kind of dodgeball game. The game will require at least 4-5 players and a large open area with trees (eg park). Players stipulate in advance the territory beyond which it is impossible to run away.

With the help of a rhyme, a leader is chosen - he will be a hunter, he has a ball. As with dodgeball, the ball should be light. All other players are ducks. at a signal, the ducks scatter around the site. The task of the hunter is to catch up and knock out the ducks with the ball. Ducks can hide behind trees and then they are in the house, you cannot kill them. The player who is hit by the ball is considered killed and squats down. The last duck that could not be knocked out becomes a hunter.

Well, it seems I remembered all the most popular games with a ball with children on the street. Well, almost everything.

Wish you fun games and good luck!!!

Ball games for children from 5 years old. Every man for himself


This game is mainly played by boys.

for the game you need: at least two people (each plays for himself), a blank wall of the building and a soccer (or regular) ball.

players stand in a column one after another in front of the wall. the first player kicks the ball against the wall with his foot, his task is to hit the ball above a certain level. to indicate this level, a line is drawn at a distance of approximately 30 cm from the ground. the player who threw the ball stands at the end of the line, now the next player throws the ball against the wall.
the one who hits the wall with the ball below the line is assigned the letter "k", the next time - "o", etc.

the one who first collects the entire word "goat" is out of the game.

the last player left in the game wins.

Now modern children, in order to prolong the pleasure of the game, sometimes collect "".

instead of a line, you can draw a circle or a gate on a wall of a certain size, outside of which you cannot hit the ball.


this game is also called "frog", and it is played mainly by girls.

for the game you need: a blank wall, at least 2 players, a ball.

The players line up one behind the other. the first child throws the ball against the wall with his hands at his level or slightly above himself. when the ball flies back and hits the ground, it must be jumped over without hitting it with either hand or foot. the player standing behind him catches the ball and does the same. after the jump, the player becomes at the end of the queue.

if the player did not jump over the ball or hit it, then the letter “k” is assigned to him, then “o”, etc., until the word “queen” (or “frog”) is typed in full.
the one who types the whole word is out of the game. the last player left in the game wins.


The children line up one after the other. the first player throws the ball against the wall above him and runs back to the end of the column. the player behind him must have time to catch the ball. and throw it for the next player in the same way. a player who does not have time to catch the ball is out of the game.

edible - inedible

all children stand in a line or sit on a long bench. opposite them is the leader. he throws the ball to all the players in turn and calls various items: "soup", "crane", "apple", etc. if the named object is edible, the player catches the ball and pretends to eat it, if it is inedible, he hits the ball back to the driver.

"I know five names..."

this game can be played when a small number of girls gather (boys don't really like this game).

the first player takes the ball, hits it on the ground, beating it with his palm and says (for each hit you need to say one word): “I know five names of boys: Vanya - one, Lyosha - two ...”, and so on up to “five” (repeat it is forbidden). then the next player pronounces his five names in the same way, etc.
on the next "steps" the names of girls, the names of flowers, birds, trees, fish, insects, cities, countries, car brands are listed (this is if the boys suddenly want to play).

if the player lost (missed the ball or did not remember the right name), then he remains on the same “step”, i.e. the next time it is his turn, he will again list the names of items from the category on which he lost. as a result, the players, as it were, are “stretched” in a string along the “steps”. the winner is the one who first reached the last "step".


this game is very good to play when a few people are walking, from three to six people. more is possible, but then especially impatient participants may get tired of waiting for their turn. This game has many varieties.

we play like this:

everyone stands in a circle. the driver with the ball in one hand becomes the center of the circle, closes his eyes and pulls forward free hand. the rest of the participants go around him. at some point, the driver says: “stop!” and opens his eyes.

the one whom his hand points to runs after the ball, which the driver throws somewhere with all his might. when he takes the ball in his hands, he needs to shout: “shtander-stop!”. the driver at this time had already fled far in the other direction.

the one with the ball must estimate the distance to the driver and say how many giant (huge) steps are before him, midget (small steps, when the heel of one foot is placed immediately in front of the toe of the other), human (ordinary), "umbrellas" (turn on one leg around you), “frogs” (jumping), “camels” (you need to spit and stand in the place where you spit).

you can name several types of steps, for example: “up to Yegor - 15“ giants ”, 3“ umbrellas ”and 2“ camels ”.

after that, the player with the ball performs all the named steps, approaching the driver.
when he approached the driver, having taken as many steps as he called, the driver clasps his hands in front of him with a ring, and the player with the ball must hit this ring with the ball. if he hits, then he becomes the leader. if not, the driver remains the same.


number of players from three people but the more participants, the more interesting.

everyone gets up in big circle, a “dog” is selected (if there are a lot of people, you can choose 2-3 “dogs”), which should stand in the center of the circle. players toss the ball to each other random order. the task of the "dog" is to intercept the ball or at least touch it when the ball is in the air, on the ground or in the hands of the players.

from whom the ball was intercepted, he takes the place of the "dog".


children stand in a circle the same distance from each other and begin to throw the ball to each other. the one who did not catch the ball or dropped it squats in the center: he is the “potato”.

so you can get a lot of "potatoes". in order for the “potatoes” to enter the game again, one of them needs to contrive, jump up without getting up from his haunches, and intercept the flying ball. then all the “potatoes” stand in a circle with other players, and the one from whom the ball was caught becomes a “potato”.

potatoes - 2, or eleven

Children stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other. the first one to throw the ball says "one!" the rest of the throws, the players calculate to themselves: "two, three, four ...".

the one who did not catch the ball sits in a circle: he is a “potato”, and the count starts again. the one to whom the eleventh ball flies must say: “eleven”, - and, without catching, hit it with your hands so that it hits the ground in the center of the circle or one of the players (if there are already any in the center). then all the "potatoes" cease to be "potatoes" and stand in a circle. if the one who hit the eleventh ball forgot to say: “eleven”, or didn’t hit anyone, then he joins the “potatoes”.

crippled, disabled, or sick

Children stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other in random order. if someone did not catch the ball, then the one who threw it “takes away” some part of the body or face from him.

for example, a leg - then the player needs to stand on one leg, or a hand - then you need to catch the ball with one hand, an eye - play with one eye closed, a mouth - be silent, if the second leg is taken away - you need to kneel. if a “disabled person” threw a ball to someone, but he did not catch it, then the “disabled person” can return the missing part of the body or face instead of “taking it away”.

the one who can no longer catch the ball (“no” two arms, two eyes, two legs) is out of the game.

any other player can help out a disabled person if he throws a “first aid kit” to him. if the disabled person catches this ball, then he can regain one missing part of the body or face.
whoever is the healthiest at the end of the game wins.

cheerful family

this game has many names - "himself", "sajo", "sabzhe".

the children line up, the driver throws the ball to each of them in turn. First, the names of all participants are determined. the driver throws the ball to the first player and says: “your name is a light bulb” (or any other word). the one to whom the ball was intended can catch it - then its name is "light bulb" - or throws it away. then the driver again throws the ball to him with a new name. and so on until that person catches the ball.

sometimes the driver can throw the ball and say: “family” (or “himself”). if the player has caught the ball, he is given the right to choose his own name. (as a rule, children choose their real name). the rest of the players are named in the same way.
on the second round, they begin to pick up a surname, on the third - a patronymic. then they select: the name of the “husband”, his last name, profession, etc.

sometimes funny combinations turn out: fox sapogovna utkina, her husband is clown Fedorovich pancakes, they have 100 children, etc. you can play, as you know, indefinitely, until you get bored.

tens or tithes

for the game you need: a high blank wall, at least two players and a ball. each player has to go through 10 "steps", each "step" is a specific task that must be completed. moreover, the rest can interfere with the player who is currently completing the task: make him laugh, ask something, pretend that the ball will be taken away, etc.

assignments can be as follows:

1. toss and hit the ball with a straight palm against the wall once.

2. hit the ball twice against the wall with fists folded together (you can clasp your hands like this: with the palm of one hand, clasp the clenched fist of the other hand).

3. hit the ball against the wall three times, folding the palms of the boat.

4. throw the ball against the wall so that it bounces off it to the ground, catch the ball from the bounce off the ground and throw it against the wall again. do this 4 times.

5. standing with your back to the wall, throw the ball between your legs, quickly turn around and catch it in your hands after hitting the wall. do this 5 times.

6. standing facing the wall, throw the ball from behind between the legs on the ground so that it bounces against the wall, hits the wall, and then catch it in your hands. do this 6 times.

7. standing facing the wall, throw the ball from under the left foot so that it hits the wall, catch the ball with your hands from the rebound from the wall. do this 7 times.

8. standing facing the wall, throw the ball from under the right foot so that it hits the wall, catch the ball with your hands from the rebound from the wall. do this 8 times.

9. throw the ball against the wall nine times, hitting it with the palms from below.

10. hit the ball against the wall ten times in a row, hitting it like in volleyball.

All tasks must be completed in order.

The player who completes the task moves on to the next "step". as soon as a player drops the ball, makes a mistake, laughs or says something, the turn passes to the next player, and then he will have to start from the stage where he left off.
the winner is the one who completes all the “steps” the fastest.

burned out

all stand in a row with their backs to a blank wall. the driver is at some distance from other players (as in bouncers), he must kick the ball with his foot and hit someone. players can dodge. the driver is replaced by the one who was hit by the ball.


this game is played in exactly the same way as "burned out". the only difference is that the ball must be thrown with your hands (as in dodgeball), and not kicked with your foot.

four squares

This game needs to be played by four people. a square with a side of about 5-6 steps is drawn on the asphalt with chalk, which is divided into four cells. Each cell contains one player. You can't go outside your cage.

at the beginning of the game, the ball is played: it is tossed up, on whose territory it falls - that's where it starts. that player must kick to any other square. there the ball is received and immediately sent to someone else.

if the player did not have time to receive the ball - the ball, having bounced off his cell, flew out of it, then one point is counted to him.

if the one who passed the ball missed, and the ball flew away immediately outside the common square, then this is already his oversight and he is awarded 1 point. the one who scores 20 points first loses. and the one with the fewest points wins.

Material for the lesson.

Is it worth talking about the benefits of outdoor games? They have a positive effect on the physical, intellectual, emotional development child. In addition, they are a good "workshop" for the formation of social skills. Majority outdoor games have ancient roots: they have a deep moral meaning. Their educational value cannot be underestimated.

Outdoor ball games

Outdoor games with a ball appeared about 3500 thousand years BC. e. in Egypt. Previously, by the way, the ball was considered an attribute of luxury. For many ancient peoples, it symbolized the Sun or the Moon and was a sacred object. It is probably no coincidence that children all over the world love ball games. Not only because it is a dynamic toy. After all, the ball looks like a small Sun, which, as you know, is loved by all children without exception.

"INTERCEPTION THE BALL". For this game you will need: a large ball, a safe space (all ball games are best played outside), a company of children and adults (three people is already a group). Participants of the game stand in a circle at a distance of two steps from each other. With the help of a rhyme, one player is selected who remains in the center of the circle. Participants throw the ball to each other (in any direction), the task of the driver is to intercept the ball. You need to follow some rules: those standing in the circle should remain in their places and try to throw the ball directly into the hands of other players, and the interceptor should not come closer than 3-4 steps from the throwers. If the interceptor succeeded in taking possession of the ball, he takes the place of the one who made the unsuccessful throw.

"CATCH THE BUNNY". To play this game, you will need an unlimited number of players and a small ball that can be held in one hand. This will be the "bunny". All participants stand in a circle, hands are hidden behind their backs. One of the players remains in the circle, his task is to intercept the ball, that is, to catch the "bunny". At the command of the host (adult), the children begin to pass the ball from hand to hand behind their backs. The driver may demand to show his hands, and if he notices someone has a ball (or a “bunny” was accidentally dropped), the players change roles. The game may have an interesting development. Explain to participants additional rules. If someone becomes in a circle and becomes a leader due to their own inattention, they can “tarnish” him, that is, touch him with a ball (touch only his back). The driver must quickly grab the ball and, in response, touch the one who “stained” it. If he succeeds, the participants switch roles again. This game develops mindfulness and dexterity. Finish it when you feel fatigue among the masses. You can also change, simplify the game, using the very idea - "catch the bunny".

"I KNOW FIVE NAMES...". This is a favorite game of many generations. It is passed on to us by inheritance from grandmothers and mothers. You will need a large and heavy ball (it is easier to stuff). For each hit of the ball, you need to say the name of the girl. For example: "I know five names of girls: Ira - one, Katya - two, Masha - three ... etc." Whoever cannot name all the names or drops the ball, he passes it to another participant. The winner is the one who copes with all the tasks. If it is still difficult for the child to hold the ball for a long time, simplify the game and say three names. You can call the names of boys, the names of cities, animals, flowers, trees, clothes, household items - anything. In this game, the child gets acquainted with new words, the concepts of counting and classifying objects according to various criteria. In addition, it perfectly develops attention and concentration on the subject.

"HUNTING FOR DUCKS". All participants in the game are divided into two teams: one is the “hunters”, the other is the “ducks”. A large circle is drawn. In the circle are "ducks", beyond its line - "hunters". The task of the "hunters" is to knock out all the "ducks", the task of the "ducks" is to dodge the ball. Players change places when there are no "ducks" left in the circle. For this game, you will need a light, medium-sized ball. Warn the players not to throw the ball from great strength so as not to injure the poor "ducks". After all, it's just a game!

What skills do ball games develop?

Ball games develop general motor activity, small and gross motor skills, skills of throwing, grasping, throwing, as well as an eye, coordination of movements, ingenuity. ball games for real captivate and captivate the children of the most different ages. They give a good charge of positive energy, fill communication with emotions (sometimes too violent).

Folk outdoor games

Most modern outdoor games for children come from the distant past. Their "ancestors" are ancient outdoor games different peoples peace. With time folk fun assimilated, adapted to different cultures, moving from one country to another, like the plots of fairy tales. Therefore, in many nations one can find similar games if not in form, then in content.

UKRAINIAN GAME "LAME DUCK". First you need to choose a space for the game and designate its boundaries. The "lame duck" is chosen by lot. The child should jump on one leg and try to touch the rest of the participants in the game. In order to make it more convenient to jump, you need to grab your leg with your hand and keep it in a bent position all the time. If someone got under hot hand"lame duck", then goes into the category of "lame" and helps to catch the remaining participants by jumping on one leg. The game continues until there is one uncaught player left. He becomes the new lame duck. The game starts over. If the player ran out of the boundaries of the designated space or stood with two feet on the ground, he is considered "tagged".


"Herd". To conduct this game, children and adults should stand in a circle (facing the center), holding hands tightly. This part of the participants will depict "horses". Inside the circle is a small group of children - these are small, unintelligent "colts". A “stallion” walks around the circle, which guards the herd from two or three “wolves”. They are prowling around and want to steal the "colts". "Wolves" can break the chain from the hands and take the "foal" to their lair (pre-designated place). If the "stallion" taunted the "wolf", he is out of the game. The game continues until all the "wolves" are tagged. The distribution of roles in the game takes place by lot or a counting rhyme.

"The wolf and the lambs". All participants in the game get their roles: one will be the “wolf”, the other will be the “mom-sheep”, and all the rest will be “lambs”. "Lambs" walk in single file and hold on to each other, hiding behind the back of the "sheep". They move around the playground and meet the "wolf". The "sheep" asks the "wolf": "What are you doing here?" He replies: "I'm waiting for you!" "Why are you waiting for us?" "To eat you all!" After these words, the "wolf" attacks the "lambs" and tries to drag them to his lair. The task of the "sheep" is to protect their children. This game has a number important rules:

➣ all the “lambs”, running away from the “wolf”, must hold on to each other and move like a “snake”, evading the enemy;

➣ the direction of movement is set by the “sheep”;

➣ "wolf" only grabs the last "lamb" in the chain;

➣ The "wolf" should not repel the "sheep".


"Stork and Frogs".

On the pavement with colored crayons, draw a large swamp with banks, many islands and capes. Among the participants in the game, select one "stork", all the rest will be "frogs". "Stork" walks along the "shore", "islands" and "capes", and "frogs" live only in water. The task of the "stork" is to catch all the frogs without going into the "water".


"Blind Bear". Of all the players, a "blind bear" is chosen. He is blindfolded with a handkerchief. He must catch the rest of the participants in the game, who randomly move in a limited space. All participants in the game have sticks in their hands, with which they knock on each other. By making a sound, the players help the "bear" to find itself. You can not peep and go beyond the boundaries of the site in this game. If the “bear” fails to catch someone for a long time, another player is chosen in his place.

"Get your hat". This is a relay game. To conduct it, you will need two teams of players and hats (their number depends on the number of participants in the game). Teams are placed on one side of the court, hats are on the other. Players move towards the hats in pairs. In a pair, the winner is the one who quickly got to the caps and captured one. There is one funny rule in this game: each pair moves in some special way. Some jump on one leg, others walk on toes, others on their heels, others jump sideways, etc. The team with the most hats wins.

Akhbukhanova Rezida Fagimovna.

Educator MDOU kindergarten "Ryabinushka",

s.Sabakaevo, Ulyanovsk region

"Mobile ball games"

"roll the ball" Purpose: to develop endurance, attention, dexterity. Practice rolling the ball. Description of the game: the players form a circle, kneel and sit on their heels. The teacher rolls the ball to one of the children. He pushes away from himself with his hand, preventing the other player from touching the legs. If the ball touches the feet, the child takes a step out of the circle. Sitting outside the circle, the loser takes part in the game if he pushes off the ball accidentally sent to him. The duration of the game is 4 - 5 minutes.

"Traps with a ball" Purpose: to develop the ability to perform movements according to the word. Practice throwing at a moving target and dodging. Description of the game: the court is limited by lines. In the center of the court, the players form a circle, standing apart from each other at a distance of arms extended to the sides. One child becomes the center (leader). At his feet are 2 small balls. The driver makes a series of movements, the players repeat. At the signal of the teacher: “Run from the circle”, the children scatter, and the driver tries to hit one of the children with the ball. At the signal “one, two, three in a circle, run,” the children again form a circle. The leader is changing. Duration 5-7 minutes.

"Relay with balls" Purpose: to develop in children coordination of movements, the ability to act on a signal. Practice dexterity. Description of the game: the players are divided into two columns. The first in the column is given a ball. To the teacher's signal: "Up!" children raise their hands and standing first passes the ball over the head to the one standing behind, etc. The column that brings the ball first will win. The duration of the game is 6 - 8 minutes.

"Pass the ball" Purpose: to develop the ability to perform movements rhythmically, in coordination with words, as well as on a signal. Exercise in passing the ball, in turning the body to the right and left, in throwing at a moving target. Description of the game: players stand in a circle. The teacher gives one of the players a ball (D = 6-8 cm). At the word “start,” the children pass the ball to each other in one direction. All players say: One, two, three! Get the ball now!

Four five six! Here he is, here he is!

Seven, eight, nine! Throw it who can? I!

The one who has a ball on the word “I” goes with it to the middle and says: “One, two, three - run.” After these words, all the children scatter, and the one standing, without moving, throws the ball at the fleeing ones. The one hit by the ball is out of the game. At the signal “one, two, three in a circle, run,” the children again form a circle. The game is repeated 6-8 times.

"Throw and Catch". Purpose: to develop in children coordination of movement, orientation in space. Exercise in throwing and catching, fast running.

Description of the game: a rope is fixed on two posts or racks for jumping at the height of a child with a raised arm. Children throw the ball through the rope, then run after it and catch it. Duration 5-7 minutes.

"Candles"(Russian folk game). All children stand in a circle, and the driver becomes the center of the circle and throws the ball up with the words: “Candle!” While the ball is in the air, all the children scatter, trying to run as far as possible from the center of the circle. The driver catches the ball and shouts: “Stop!” The children must stop, and the driver tries to hit the player closest to him with the ball. If he succeeded, then this player becomes the driver.

1. The driver must make a “candle” by throwing the ball as high as possible.

2. The driver can catch the ball not only in the air, but also from one rebound from the ground.

"Lord of the Hole"(Kabardian folk game). If the game is played on the street, then a hole is dug in the center of the area with a radius of approximately 15 m, into which the ball is placed. If the game is played in a gym, then you can place the ball in the middle of the outlined center of the field. "Lord of the Hole" retreats to the edge of the playing field. The rest of the players are located around the ball at a distance of 2-4 m from it (the complexity of the game depends on the size of this distance). The “Lord of the Hole” loudly calls out the name of any player who runs to the ball and tries to catch up with the players who scatter across the court. The driver must necessarily hit the ball in one of the players. Then that player is out of the game. And in case of a miss, the driver himself drops out. The rest of the players again stand around the hole with the ball, and the “master of the hole” calls out the name of the next driver. The last player remaining in the game is declared the "master of the hole".

1. Only a direct hit of the ball counts.

2. The driver can throw the ball only once in the game.

3. You can not run out of the area, the player who did this is out of the game.

"In the knot" (Tatar folk game)

For this game, you can use a medium-sized ball, but it is better to play it the way it was played in the old days: with a handkerchief or a scarf tied in a knot.

The driver must move a few steps away from the rest of the children who are standing or sitting in a circle. The distance between children should be approximately 1.5-2 m.

The players throw the knot (or ball) in a circle, to their neighbors on the left or right, and the driver runs around the circle and tries to catch it. If he manages to at least touch the knot on the fly or in the hands of one of the players, then the player who failed to protect the knot becomes the leader. Game continues.

1. The driver can only be outside the circle and from there try to catch the ball.

2. You can’t hide the bundle from the driver, you need to throw it to your neighbor as soon as possible.

3. You can not throw the bundle not to the neighbors, but, for example, to the child opposite, if this was not specifically discussed before the start of the game.

"White ball"(Kalmyk folk game)

This game once had a ceremonial character. At the beginning of summer, when the large cattle, collected white wool, from which a small white ball was made. Now any ball can be used for this game. The game can be played on a large field, on the playground. Before the start of the game, all players are divided into two teams. One player runs away from all the others for a considerable distance and throws the ball as far as possible. As soon as the player returns, all the children rush in the direction where the ball fell, and everyone strives to be the first to grab the ball. The one who first found the ball lets out a triumphant exclamation and rushes back to the starting line. Players on the opposing team try to take the ball away from him, while players from his own team help him. A player may throw the ball to any player on his team if he is unable to defend the ball or run away from his pursuers. The winning team is the one that managed to deliver the ball to the line and hand it to the player who threw the ball at the beginning of the game.

1. Power moves are allowed when taking the ball away, but without steps and pushes.

2. If the game is played multiple times, then the winning team will be awarded one point, and the winner will be the team whose players managed to score more points.

"Hare"(Russian folk game). Children become a circle, in the center of the circle is a “hare”. Players begin to throw the ball to each other so that it hits the "hare". "Hare" is trying to dodge the ball. The player who managed to hit the bunny with the ball takes his place, and the game continues.

1. When throwing, you must not go beyond the boundaries of the circle and approach the bunny.

2. It is necessary to name the player who will catch the ball.

3. The ball must not be held in the hands, it must be thrown to another player as quickly as possible.

"Bouncers"(Russian folk game). Before the start of the game, two “bouncers” are determined by lot. They stand at opposite ends of the platform. The rest of the children line up in a row in the middle of the playground, facing the “bouncer” who has the ball. The "bouncer" throws the ball with a swing, trying to hit any of the players in the middle of the field. If he succeeded, then such a player is considered out of the game: he must move beyond the boundaries of the site, The ball that slipped past the players must catch another “bouncer”: now it is his turn to throw.

1. If the “bouncer” did not throw the ball hard enough, then any player can catch it: he will receive an additional point and can return the previously eliminated player to the game or “save a life” in case of a direct hit of the ball.

2. A player who tried to catch the ball, but failed to keep it in his hands, is considered out.

3. The last two players themselves become "bouncers", and the game is repeated again.

4. Sometimes it is agreed that players can only catch the ball from the rebound.

"Ball against a narrow wall"(Mordovian folk game). The name of this game was given by a narrow board dug vertically into the ground (about 30 cm wide) 2 m long. If children play, then the height of the board may be less, it is necessary to strengthen it behind another wooden board or a stake to give stability.

At the beginning of the game, such a board - a "narrow wall" - is installed on the first line, parallel to which a second line is drawn on the ground at a distance of 10-15 m. On the first line, about 1 m from the "narrow wall", the driver chosen by lot becomes, the rest of the players are located behind the second line.

In the hands of the driver is a small rubber ball and a “bat” - a wooden stick or a narrow plank (dimensions 10x60 cm), hewn at one end in the form of a handle. The driver throws the ball low in the air and knocks out the second horse with a “bat” blow. Other players are trying to catch him on the fly. If any player succeeded, he stands on the second line and tries to hit the ball into the "narrow wall". If he succeeded, he replaces the driver, if not, then the game continues with the old "ball thrower".

1. Before the start of the game, it is necessary to agree on how many attempts the driver has, if he could not hit the ball the first time with a “bat” or throw it over the line of the second horse. After that, he will have to pass the "bat" to another player (he is also determined by lot).

2. Throwing the ball into the "narrow wall" is possible only because of the second line, without stepping over it.

3. The distance between the lines can be changed depending on the age of the players (the younger the children, the smaller the distance).

4. You can play points: one point is awarded to the player who hit the "narrow wall" or the driver if no player could hit it. At the end of the game, the winner is determined by the number of points scored.

Lapta(Russian folk game). Name of this ancient game came from the name of the wooden stick with which the ball was scored: it looks like a shovel and is called a “bast shoe”. The players are divided into two teams, in each team they choose their driver, he will serve the ball first. The game is played outside. On one side of the playing field there is a “city”, and on the other, at a distance of 10-20 m, a horse line is drawn. The players of the "city" are located on its territory, the players of the field are randomly located in the "field". The driver first tosses the ball and, with the help of a bast shoe, directs it to the “field”, quickly runs to the line of the horse, and then also quickly returns to the “city”. The field players catch the ball in the air or pick it up where it fell, and from this place they can "stain" the running opponent if he is still in the "field".

1. Each player of the "city" in turn scores the ball with a "bast shoe".

2. We must try to throw the ball where there are fewer opponents, or as far as possible.

3. A player who could not score the ball with his "bass" is allowed to throw it with his hand.

4. The city team loses and moves to the playing field if

all players hit the ball, but no one ran over the line,

all players ran across the horse line, but did not return to the city,

during the run of the player, the "cities" were tarnished.

"Ural ball"(Bashkir folk game). Now this game is played with a small rubber ball, and earlier it was played with a ball rolled from wool. Three parallel lines are drawn on the playing court at a distance of about 10 m from each other: the first line is the line of throwing the ball, the second is the middle line, the third is the bypass line. Players are divided into two teams: "shepherds" and "throwers" of the ball. The first "thrower" stands behind the throwing line, throws the ball over him and hits it with his hand with force so that he flies off the third line. Then he must immediately run behind this line himself and quickly return back to the throwing line. The ball knocked out by him is caught by the "shepherds". If they manage to catch the ball and return it over the throw line before the thrower has returned there, then that player must stop at the place to which he managed to reach when the ball was returned over the throw line. If the player managed to get ahead of the "shepherds", he gets the right to additionally knock out the ball in the field. Then the next player from the team of "throwers" hits the ball.

If all the "throwers" were stopped in the field, then they are built on a special line, which is called the "bridge of one hair": this dashed line is drawn in the middle between the bypass line and the middle line.

The most accurate "shepherd" (this is determined by the players of his team) stands with the ball on the throwing line and invites any of the "throwers" of their choice to run in any direction. "Shepherd" will have to hit the running ball. If he succeeds, then all the "shepherds" become "throwers", in case of a miss, the game is repeated again.

1. "Throwers" throw the ball in turn, without stepping foot over the line of throwing.

2. Shepherds may catch the ball or pick it up from the ground.

3. To get the ball back over the throw line faster, “shepherds can pass it to each other.

"Holes"(Russian folk game)

Players dig several shallow holes - holes on the site along a straight line. In parallel, another line is drawn at a distance of 2-3 m: from it it will be necessary to roll or throw a small rubber ball alternately into each hole - this is determined before the start of the game. The first player throws the ball into the holes until he misses. Then each child tries to get into the holes. If no child manages to hit all the holes without a miss the first time, then the game is repeated, with each player throwing the ball into the hole where he missed. The winner is the player who first manages to accurately hit the ball into all the holes in turn.

1. Usually the game is played with a small number of "holes", in any case they should not be more than 10.

2. The number of participants must also be limited to a few children, otherwise the game will drag on for a very long time.

"Balloon"("Kotel") (Russian folk game)

This is a very popular old Russian game, which also has other names, for example, Kubar, Clubs, Holes, Mazly. It can be played using modern hockey sticks.

Before the start of the game in the center playground dig a hole with a diameter of 20-50 cm, which is called a "boiler". Around the "boiler" in a circle with a radius of 1.5-2 m, all players, except for the driver, dig holes of such a size that the end of one stick can freely fit in them.

The players each stand at their own hole, lowering the end of the stick into it, and the driver takes a wooden ball (or a heavy rubber ball) about 10 cm in diameter and moves aside a few meters away. He tries to use his stick to hit the ball in the center of the “cauldron”, while it does not matter whether the ball rolls from hitting it or flies low above the ground. The rest of the players try to hit the ball with their clubs. If they did not succeed and the ball still hit the center of the "cauldron", then the players must change their holes. At this time, the driver can take one of the holes with his stick. Then the player left without a hole becomes the driver.

1. The ball hit by the players on the fly, the driver may try to re-roll the stick into the "cauldron". The rest of the players can hit the ball with their clubs, trying not to miss it in the "cauldron".

2. You can not prevent the movement of the ball to the "cauldron" with your foot or hand, the player who violated this rule becomes the driver.

3. If during the game the children are too far away from their holes, the driver can leave the ball and try to run to the free hole and occupy it with his club.

4. A child left without a hole should not try to free it by force.

"Earth - water - sky" ("Beast - fish - bird")(Russian folk game)

In order to successfully participate in this game, you need to know many names of animals, birds and fish. Each child needs to prepare forfeits in advance, which can be taken away from him in case of an incorrect answer.

All players sit on the mat or stand in a circle, facing the center. The leader comes to the center with the ball, he says one of the three key words and immediately throws the ball into the hands of any player. The player must catch the ball and immediately name the appropriate animal, fish or bird. Then you need to throw the ball again to the leader. If the player made a mistake (failed to catch the ball or called the wrong word), then he gives his phantom.

The leader at a fast pace throws the ball to more and more new players, trying to include everyone in the game.

At the end of the game, you can invite the children who lost the forfeits to complete some fun collective task: sing, dance all together to get their forfeits back.

1. The leader can throw the ball only after saying keyword.

2. It is necessary to throw the ball directly into the hands so as not to distract the player to catch it.

You cannot re-name an animal, bird, or fish already named by someone - this is considered an incorrect answer, and the player is penalized for a phantom.

"Stop!"(Udmurt folk game)

The leader is chosen, the rest of the children stand around him. They begin to throw the ball to each other over the driver, but not very high. The driver tries to intercept the ball on the fly or in the hands of any player. If he succeeded, then the player who last held the ball in his hands before the driver touched it takes the place of the driver.

If during the game the ball falls, then all players quickly scatter in different sides until the driver had time to grab the ball from the ground. As soon as the ball is in the hands of the driver, he shouts: “Stop!” Everyone freezes in their places. The driver throws the ball from the place where he picked it up at any player. If he hits his "target", then this player becomes the driver. If the driver misses, all the players again become around him, and the ball-tossing game continues.

1. The ball in this game is thrown only while standing still in place, but you can catch it while moving.

2. If after shouting: “Stop!” the player at whom the ball was thrown moves, he becomes the driver, even if the ball did not hit him.

"The ball to the driver" (throwing). The players line up in columns. In front of each column stands the driver with the ball. On a signal, the driver throws the ball to the first in the column, and he returns the ball back and runs to the end of his columns. As soon as the first one is again in front of the column, he raises the ball over his head.

"Kick the ball into your house." ball rolling inside feet in drawn circles.

Hunters and Hares (throwing) On one side of the site, a place for hunters is outlined. On the other side are houses for hares. In each house there are 2-3 hares. The hunter walks around the site, pretending to be looking for traces of hares, and then returns to his place. On a signal, the hares run out of their houses into the clearing and jump on two legs, moving forward. According to the teacher "Hunter!" hares run to the houses, and a child, representing a hunter, throws a ball at them. A hare hit by a ball is considered to have been hit. The hunter takes him to him. The game is repeated several times, after which another hunter is chosen. Directions. The hunter may have several balls in his hands. Shooting at hares in the houses is not allowed.

managed to hide behind the pebbles, and takes them to his house. The game is played 2-3 times, after which the number of carp caught by pike is counted. Then another player is assigned to the role of the pike. The game is repeated 3-4 times. Directions. When the game is repeated, when a new pike is chosen, the children depicting crucians and pebbles change roles.

Hit the ball! Children sit on one side of the playground. There are big balls on the bench on the other side. Children go to the line (at a distance of 1-2 m from the bench), where small balls lie opposite the large ones. To the teacher's signal: "Ready!" children raise the balls, at the signal "one!" throw them at big balls, trying to knock them down. The child who hits the ball with his right and left hand wins.

Knock down the pin. (throwing) The players stand behind the line 2-3 m from which pins are placed in front of each. The children have balls in their hands. On a signal, the players roll the balls towards the pins, trying to knock them down. At the next signal, the children go after the balls and pick up the fallen pins. The game is repeated. Each player remembers how many times the pin was knocked down by him.
Directions. It is necessary to diversify the game task: roll the balls with the right, left and two hands, foot.

"Find your home." Several children with sticks in hoops. On a signal, they run out of the hoops and drive the balls around the court. On the command home, everyone dribbles the ball to their home.

Passed - sit down (throwing) Children are divided into two teams and line up in columns one parallel to the other. Each team chooses a captain who stands opposite his team at a distance of 3-4 m. The captains each have the ball in their hands. On a signal from the leader, the captain throws the ball (any or in advance established way- from the chest, from the shoulder, from below, with two hands from behind the head, etc.) to the first player in his team. He catches, returns to the captain and immediately crouches. Then the captain exchanges passes with the second, third and other players of the team. Each player, returning the ball to the captain, crouches. When the last player in the column gives the ball to the captain, he lifts it up, and the whole team quickly gets up.
Whose team will quickly and accurately complete the transfer of the ball from the captain to the players and vice versa, that team is considered the winner.

"Who will throw further?"(throwing) A start line is drawn on one side of the site. At 5 m from it, 3–4 lines are drawn in parallel with an interval of 4 m between them. The players are divided into several teams, and each line up in a column one at a time behind the start line. Each player has a bag of peas. Players taking turns in their teams throw bags of peas as far as possible beyond the drawn lines and stand at the end of their column. The team in which the players managed to throw more bags over the far line wins.

The ball is the favorite toy of most children. We offer you 10 ball games that allow children to make a lot of noise and have fun, and at the same time promote the development of motor skills during the game. Another advantage of the ball: not all games necessarily need partners.

Ball games contribute to the development of children

Educational ability of ball games for children preschool age very varied. A rolling object forces them to be in in constant motion, and this trains the heart and improves blood circulation. Interaction with the ball allows you to develop motor skills: a sense of balance, coordination of movements, reaction and concentration.

On the other hand, ball games also support social adaptation. Group games always mean that partners must interact, reckon with each other, share the ball with others. In addition, during a group game, rules are usually drawn up that all participants must adhere to.

Discover the ball

Give your child time to play with the ball alone. He will kick the ball, step on it and throw it against the wall, and then catch it again. Football fans are ready to play with any ball that gets under their feet. Since the ball is one of the most unpredictable play objects that seems to have a life of its own, it will take a lot of time for children to master the many different movements that can be performed with the ball. All you need is enough space and a small baby ball.

10 ball games for preschoolers

1. Hit the target

Throwing the ball at some target is boring, especially if you can’t hit it in any way. You can revive the game by choosing unusual targets or original balls.

  • Put in your apartment, for example, near front door pot, bowl, bucket, wastebasket, laundry basket, or large toy trailer truck. Who will be able to throw the ball into the basket? After a while, you can gradually increase the distance.
  • Put empty bottles cans or, for example, books. Who will be able to roll the ball from a three-meter distance so that it causes objects to fall?
  • Who can hit a street sign with a snowball?
  • Place several vases next to each other. Who can throw a small ball or table tennis ball into a vase? If you want, you can stick labels with glasses on the vases, depending on their size. Whoever gets the most points wins this competition.
  • Hang the bell on a branch in the yard. Who will hit the bell?
  • Crumpled newspapers or socks twisted into a knot can become very original projectiles.

2. Relay with the ball

There are a great many options for relay races with the ball.

  • Stand in a row or circle with legs apart. Children must pass the ball between their legs to each other.
  • Stand in a row or circle again with your feet shoulder-width apart. Roll the ball through the "tunnel" of legs wide apart.
  • Children stand in a row or in a circle and pass the ball over their heads to each other.
  • The family sits in a wide circle, legs pointing towards the center of the circle. And now everyone must pass the ball to each other with their feet.

3. Ball on the stairs

For this game, children will need a ladder. They throw the ball on the first step and catch it. Go down one step and repeat the action. The one who makes a mistake and misses the ball starts over.

4. Ball and towel

For this game you will need a towel and at least two players. Both players grab the towel by the ends, the ball is placed on the stretched towel. They must toss the ball into the air with the towel and then catch it back. If the game goes well, you can ask two pairs of kids to throw the ball to each other.

5. Deception

Children stand in a circle, hands behind their backs. One child with the ball becomes the center of the circle. He throws the ball to one of those who are standing, and he must stretch his arms forward to catch the ball. However, the host can make a deceptive attack. And the one who stretches his hands forward changes places with him.

6. Miracles of catching balls

One or more children stand next to each other on the starting line. The target, depending on the wishes, may be several meters behind them. The leader stands in front of the children, who throws the ball to them in turn. The one who catches the ball and throws it back to the leader may take a step back. The one who drops the ball remains standing in the same place. The leader does not change his position, respectively, the distance between him and the children is constantly increasing. The one who reaches the goal first becomes the leader.

7. Long throw

The child stands right in front of the wall of the house. He throws the ball and catches it. Then he takes a step back and throws again. The action must be repeated until the ball can be caught. It would be nice to complicate the game and ask the child to clap his hands before catching the ball.

8. Hit the ball on target

In front of the wall of the house, draw circles on the ground with chalk. They should be at a distance of about three meters from the wall of the house. The child throws the ball at the wall so that it hits one of the circles when it lands.

9. Free ball

Children stand in a circle, feet shoulder-width apart so that the feet are in contact with the feet of a neighbor. The leader stands in the center of the circle and tries to throw the ball between legs wide apart. Children must by any means, helping themselves with their hands and feet, not allow the ball to roll out of the circle. The one who misses the ball becomes the leader.

10. Hotball

Children sit on the floor in a wide circle and roll the ball to each other. A child sits in the center of the circle and dodges the ball because it is "hot". But he is only allowed to crawl. If the child who is in the center is hit by a ball, he sits in a circle next to the other guys, and the next one goes to the center. You can also play seated football in this position.

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