Paste wallpaper in a small room. How to visually expand the space of a small room. The nuances of decorating rooms

According to the designers, small rooms of small apartments are rightfully considered the most difficult object to repair. It is quite difficult to enter any decor into them without cluttering the room with elements. If the room is large, then everything is much easier with it.

But what about the owners of a small living space? After all, you want to feel cozy and comfortable at home, so that you are surrounded by beautiful things and the interior. In fact, if you properly decorate a small room, it can look more stylish and elegant than a large one. How to successfully choose wallpaper in a teenager's room is shown in the photo:

As everyone knows, the main tone of a room, especially a small one, is set by the wallpaper. There is a rule that almost all designers adhere to when creating an interior in a small room - the wallpaper must be light and without a pattern. As a last resort, it should be a very small ornament located vertically. But what to do if the owners want to fill the room with light and warmth?

This rule significantly limited the design ideas and made the room somewhat boring. Actually you can use different types wallpaper even with large hand-drawn elements. The question is how to choose them correctly.

Secrets when choosing wallpaper

In fact, there are several secrets, or tricks, that you need to know when creating coziness in a small room:

Unusual ideas

A fashionable technique for small rooms will be " different walls". Following it, you should paste over three walls with plain wallpaper in warm light colors, and make one bright, with a large pattern. Main condition - bright wall there must be one. Thus, you will make the space of a small room larger, and bright accent will be present in the interior. Which wall to highlight you need to choose yourself. So you can decorate the wall where the TV is located, the head of the bed or working area. In any case, it will bring a new breath, as in the photo:

"Diagonal wallpaper" - this technique has recently appeared in the vastness of our country, therefore it is quite original, attracting attention. Try to stick wallpaper not the way everyone is used to, but diagonally. Thus, the space will expand, and there will be more space in a small room.

It will look great using wallpaper of different colors on one wall. So, for the bottom you can choose more dark tones, and for the upper part it is correct to use light wallpaper. For separation, you need to choose the thinnest braid that you can find. A wide braid will make the room lower and squat. You can see the stripes in the interior in the photo:

How to combine

Combinations of several colors will look very nice in a small room if you choose them correctly. But you need to choose, guided not only by your own taste, but also by the accepted rules for combining colors in the interior:

  • cream, pastel colors, pale yellow goes well with muted lilac, gray-pink, light green and red;
  • Is the base color light pink? Dilute it with pale shades of salad, lilac, blue;
  • light green is combined with more saturated green, light gray and pale cherry;
  • pale gray looks good with desaturated lilac, cherry and raspberry.

The photo clearly shows how to choose the right wallpaper for a small room:

As is clear from all of the above, it is better not to choose wallpaper with a large bright pattern for a small room. But if you still cannot refuse this idea, you can stick their elements on plain light wallpaper. To do this, buy one roll of wallpaper you like, cut it out decorative elements that you like so much and stick a few on the wall. Remember, there should not be many such elements, they should only dilute the interior, add a little paint. Alternatively, you can decorate only one wall in this way. It will look fashionable and elegant, as seen in the photo.

Another fashion solution- the use of decoretto. You can buy them at any hardware store or order your favorite option via the Internet. They will dilute the somewhat boring interior of the plain wallpaper of a small room, bring fresh breath. For example, bright yellow chrysanthemums on the wall will look just gorgeous when the rest are just beige. But do not forget the main rule - in this way, only one wall should be framed, otherwise the room will seem even smaller than it actually is.

Following such simple advice, you can easily create a cozy and stylish atmosphere even in a small room, while making it more spacious, and visually bigger size. Use interesting design solutions, and your room will become bright and stylish, while at the same time retaining its cosiness and warmth of a small space.

The video shows how you can successfully choose wallpaper in the interior of small rooms:

The choice of finishing materials for the repair of a small room is not such a simple matter, especially if you want to at least visually enlarge the room with wallpaper. And here you can not be guided by any one principle visual expansion walls and raised ceilings. In real life, it is fashionable to achieve the desired effect only when the color ratios and the overall gamut, proportions and lighting work together. Interior designers also use some finds that give an additional spatial effect, which is worth talking about in more detail.

Techniques that create the effect of increasing space

In modern city apartments, it seems to tenants that there is not enough space in a particular room. Traditionally, most of all "deprived" of free square meters:

  • hallway;
  • bedroom;
  • children's;
  • kitchen;
  • bathroom.

But even in a large apartment or country house there is always a room that it is desirable to make more at least visually. Redevelopment is not always effective, especially by combining a room with a narrow balcony - additional meters cluttered with furniture and large plants just clutter up this place. When there is too much furniture and small items in the house, even wallpapers that visually enlarge the room will not help. Yes, and mirrors, traditionally expanding the space, will only increase chaos and disorder in any room.

Tip: Use glass shelves and folding furniture, and small items should be sorted and organized, placed on racks and shelves.

In a house cluttered with cabinet furniture, it always seems that there is not enough space and even air is not enough, and in a half-empty and well-cleaned room, one can even breathe easily. In part, this is not only a feeling, and oxygen is absorbed by the microflora that lives and actively reproduces in old things. So getting rid of old things is useful not only for the sake of visual magnification space.

When updating a room, even before making repairs, it is advisable not only to take out the old bulky furniture, but also to replace it with a new, lighter one. But when buying new interior items in a small room, it is important to consider:

  • the general style of the apartment;
  • the functionality of the room and its lighting;
  • the age of the people living in the room;
  • the overall color scheme and shade of wallpaper that increase the space of the room;
  • number of family members, their interests and preferences.

Often, the expansion of space is solved in the most obvious way - the removal of a wall or partition between adjoining rooms. They are also recommended to be replaced. glass doors, folding stained-glass windows or a transparent wall.

Curtains play an important role - voluminous multi-layer curtains with draperies cut off part of the space. But the transparent tulle, as it were, dissolves in the air and lets in a lot of light and air. And it is also noted that big window expands rooms with any wallpaper.

How is wallpaper used to visually expand a room?

When choosing wallpaper for a small room, it is important to focus not only on the type of wallpaper, but also on the features of the room itself. Usually, the narrowest wall most of all needs to increase the area, but it can be “doubled” with mirrors on the adjacent plane, and the room can be pasted over with light wallpaper of warm colors.

Blue ceiling wallpaper, increasing the space of the room, as if opening the sky above your head. In this case, ceiling chandeliers are not used. But this technique is not suitable for people with a fear of open space. But such a ceiling looks very picturesque with sprigs of cherry blossoms or hanging needles on photo wallpapers. Then not only the effect of expanding space and open sky is obtained, but also a feeling of closeness with nature is created. The effect of the starry sky on the ceiling is also appropriate in the bedroom.

In a small room big role plays and the arrangement of colors from the bottom up. The floors are preferably darker, plain or with a pattern of natural wood. Dark ceilings always visually hang, as it were, and light floors there is a feeling of "reversal". It's special design technique, which is appropriate in an avant-garde interior or for solving some other artistic tasks. Sometimes in a small square room striped wallpaper is glued diagonally on the shelf, and this is also special creativity as if expanding the room.

The combination of wallpapers of similar shades or the same color, but differing in texture, looks original. However, only professional designer interiors can predict the final result. So it's not worth experimenting, especially when you don't know which wallpaper will visually enlarge the room. But even if there is a desire to try your creative inclinations, it is better to use classical tricks. For example, dark shades should be in the lower plane or the first third of the walls.

Dark large drawing on light background wallpaper often looks spectacular only in rolls, and in a small room it is too full of and creates unnecessary ripples. But the rare large flowers on the wallpaper are very effective only on one wall, the others should be light, and the background of all rolls is of a common shade. Then a large drawing, as it were, pushes this plane further, for example, when large lilies or poppies are drawn behind the head of the bed in the bedroom.

A very large wallpaper pattern requires sufficient space, otherwise it will narrow the walls or, as it were, break the room into fragments. Light large pattern on dark background looks elegant and noble. A very effective combination of a golden pattern on a burgundy background or white and golden curls on blue was often used in palace interiors. Betting on contrast must be done very carefully.

Good examples of which wallpaper enlarges the room - photo:

look good and plain wallpaper with a jacquard effect, that is, a glossy pattern on a matte background or vice versa. Perceived as 2 different colors, while the space is not overloaded with patterns. Thanks to the glare and the high light reflectance, a dark color in a glossy finish is always perceived as lighter, even when the wallpaper is black. This technique is widely used in classical and historical style.

It is traditionally believed that striped wallpapers visually lengthen the room, that is, they raise the ceilings and increase the length of the walls. But this does not always work out, it all depends on the width of the stripes, on the frequency and pattern. Large stripes break up the space, while small stripes often create an unpleasant ripple in a small room, especially if this is not justified stylistically. Sometimes the expanding effect has an alternation of segments striped wallpaper with monochromatic.

An interesting effect can be achieved if you use murals with a 3D effect, when a distant perspective on one wall leads to nature, and on the other hand imitates a door. True, you get the feeling of a passage room, but it will seem much larger than it actually is. Even more impressive are the artistic wallpaper collages and visual illusions, where the three-dimensional image seems to be moving all the time. However, suspicious and shy people, as well as individuals with mental disabilities, such wallpapers are contraindicated.

Choice of wallpaper colors

If you are interested in how to enlarge a room with wallpaper, pay attention to the properties of color. The perception of shades is individual for everyone, but there is general principles. For example, the cold part of the spectrum expands the space, the warm part narrows it a little. But this does not apply to very light shades, which are always perceived as giving space, light and a lot of clean air.

Very cozy and friendly look pale and light shades of yellow, peach, caramel, milk and beige colour. They elevate mood, stimulate the digestive tract and stimulate appetite. And pale green, gray, light blue and metallic silver, on the contrary, suppress appetite, relax, plunge into drowsiness and apathy. They are not recommended for people prone to depression and mood swings. Although bright colors help fight depression and chronic fatigue, they sometimes overload the nervous system.

Light pastel and transitional colors - perfect solution to increase space, especially when there is no need to focus on the pronounced "cold" or "warm" part of the spectrum. The greatest effect can be achieved when all the objects in the room are of the same color, and there is a minimum of furniture in the room. For this, the following shades are perfect:

  • color of natural sheep wool;
  • light sand;
  • milk or cream;
  • ivory;
  • pale yellow;
  • soft peach;
  • pale orange;
  • beige light;
  • light pink;
  • shades of light wood, etc.

Light cold shades not only visually expand the space, but also give a feeling of emptiness, sometimes even perceived unfriendly. Therefore, when choosing wallpaper, you should listen to the advice of the family and inner circle and not just rely on personal preference. For example, lilac or pale purple and blue "aqua" are not pleasant for everyone in terms of atmosphere. But it is visually easier to enlarge the room with just such wallpaper.

Tip: Don't overdo it golden color- an excess of "gilding" often looks vulgar and vulgar, as if emphasizing the mercantile interests of the owners of the house.

When choosing the color of the walls, they also focus on where the windows of the room go. If a room with south side then use matte wallpaper in cold scale. Accordingly, when the windows of the room face north, it is better to choose light warm shades with glossy effect.

Take into account the fact that the color of the wallpaper will be different in daylight and artificial lighting. For example, pink wallpaper With lilac shade will seem warmer and darker during the day, and the room will be slightly smaller than the actual dimensions. But in the evening they will be more beautiful and cold, with a blue tint, but such a room looks a little more spacious.

How does wallpaper texture affect spatial perception?

Iridescent and shiny wallpapers always give more light and, as it were, push the walls apart. It has been noticed that walls with a pearl effect have such an effect, Venetian plaster or silk-screened wallpaper. The effect can be enhanced with stretch glossy or mirrored ceilings. But this only works with light walls, and there should not be many small details in the room, otherwise they will “double”.

Textured wallpaper with a small pattern is preferred for small room, and smooth with small pattern more suitable for large rooms. Beautiful relief patterns in themselves distract attention from the volumes of the room, as visual analyzers seem to glide along intricate lines. At the same time, the ceiling must necessarily be a tone lighter than the wallpaper with a pattern that visually enlarges the room.

When the design of the room is built on contrasts, in which it is supposed to combine different wallpapers, the uneven lighting is also taken into account. So, for example, the wall farthest from the window looks darker, and in order to balance the proportions, it is better to make it lighter, with an interesting texture. The combination of different wallpaper textures in one shade always looks more noble than smooth rolls of different colors.

Tip: If several rolls of wallpaper are sorely lacking during repairs, and it is not possible to buy them in addition, use the effect described above, or make an unusual collage of different wallpapers.

You can, for example, cut out large silhouettes of a male and female face from different wallpapers, as if striving for a kiss. Such a romantic plot will look like an art object - without a hint of a lack of finishing materials. And such a drawing will also subconsciously distract from the real volumes of space.

Do not re-paste the entire room or hide the lack of wallpaper behind bulky furniture or obsolete carpets on the wall. It is better to make an original panel of wallpaper on the central solid wall without a window or hang a large picture with a perspective, as on the canvases of Levitan or Shishkin. This will expand the space better than the other accept. And in a room where it is appropriate marine theme, it is recommended to hang a large picture with an endless expanse of water against the background of blue or blue wallpaper blurry shades. This will also visually expand a small room.

1. If it was possible to use at least some of these tips, but there is no desired effect, you should reconsider your preferences for the style of the premises. Some styles look somehow empty, for example, minimalism. It also suggests a light space with large windows and a minimum of furniture, and this is the best way to "expand" the room.

2. Use secret cabinets, sliding screens and partitions, behind which it is easy to hide all the small things that literally “absorb” the space. Although it seems impractical to "cut off" whole piece already missing square meters, they will help to visually expand the space cleared of trash. Complement a small room with large or long and narrow mirrors - the effect is guaranteed.

3. Appropriate in a small room multifunctional furniture type transformers or samples with folding planes. If necessary, it will be possible to remove the countertop, fold the sofa to the most compact state, or put the chairs one-on-one.

4. Wall mural is a popular way to increase the volume of a room, but it all depends on the pattern itself and its location.

IN small apartments and even in spacious houses there are always rooms, the smallest in size, which are suitable for living, but extremely uncomfortable because of their size. Naturally, in order to expand the space of the room, it will take a lot of work. For example, develop a special project, take into account the preferences of those who use the room, as well as the basic rules for creating an interior. At the moment, there are a huge number of ways to visually expand the area, and one of the most popular is the choice of a certain type of wallpaper.

The color of the wallpaper is the most important when choosing this finishing material. To be more precise, you can enlarge the room by choosing colors and shades.

A competent approach to the choice of color provides an opportunity to create a cozy and comfortable interior.

Warm shades are usually used for the living room and hall, as they help to relax. Juicy and bright help to cope with depression, fatigue and replenish energy.

What wallpaper enlarges the room: style solutions

Visually increases the space in the interior of a small room, not only the color of the wallpaper, but also their appearance and ornament. Designers allow the use of pastel shades in such rooms and the presence of a small pattern, since the image of a large view is not allowed.

Color palette: wallpaper for a small room

Wallpaper expanding narrow room picking up is not so easy, since you need to take into account many features, as well as details in the form of furniture and accessories.

Making your choice is not easy, but possible, and you can make a room with the smallest dimensions voluminous and at the same time stylish.

Live in a cozy and comfortable room much more pleasant than experiencing the discomfort of being in it.

What wallpaper is suitable for enlarging a room? The most diverse, if combined correctly, in accordance with the rules of design. In such rooms, only wallpaper can be used. light color, and without drawings, but in extreme cases, vertical stripes and a not too large print are allowed.

Such rules can not only upset, but also limit the choice of materials for finishing the room. What if you want to connect your imagination and decorate the room in a stylish and modern way? You need to pay attention to such wallpapers, in which there is a combination of contrasting shades, images different size and even their appearance, for example, vertical or horizontal.

You may also find it useful: right choice kitchen wallpaper colors

Basic rules in the selection of shades

  1. Not very dark shades are best suited for a small room, as they hide up to 45% of the lighting.
  2. Optimum colors are pink, peach, green, bluish and cream.
  3. Good choice for finishing small room there will be a choice of textured wallpapers, on which there is a slight relief. Exactly embossed wallpaper help create differences, overflowing shades and colors.
  4. If there is glitter on the wallpaper, this is one of the better ways expand the space.
  5. It is necessary to take into account the lighting of the room, and to be more precise, its appearance. You should not choose fluorescent lamps with a cold tone, as this will only aggravate the situation.

In addition to the color of the wallpaper and light, attention should be paid to the choice of furniture colors, since it is the so-called main accent of the room.

Decor rules: types of wallpaper for a small room

Naturally, each person has their own preferences regarding shades, colors, as well as the type of wallpaper.

But, despite the wishes, there are rules for decorating the room:

  1. If in too small a room to stick dark wallpaper, then it is quite possible that soon the beloved dark blue color or bright scarlet can become not loved, but aggressive and annoying. That is why, when choosing a material, you need to be guided not by your own wishes, but by the recommendations of designers.
  2. No need to choose purely light walls or only those wallpapers in which the same pattern is present.
  3. It is much better to combine with moldings, which will ensure the creation perfect interior able to expand the room, increase the height of the walls, and also make it attractive.

In small rooms, the main thing is not to forget about the installation additional lighting in the form of spotlights, sconces, as well as floor lamps, but choosing a too large and massive chandelier will only lower the height and narrow the area.

Wall mural in a small room: expanding the space competently

For those who are faced with the problem of increasing space, there is an excellent modern solution- and this is wallpaper. Such modern products allow you to create an optical illusion, a visual expansion of space, as well as its significant increase.

At the moment photo wallpaper huge selection by colors, finishes and varieties, and most importantly, they are different in size and you can pick up a picture with open window to a meadow where a pony is grazing, or a picture in the form underwater world. The choice of wallpaper directly depends on the owner of the room or on the designer.

To enhance the effect of visual expansion, it is worth placing only low pieces of furniture in the room that will not clutter up the room, but rather make it more airy and unusual.

In addition, photo wallpapers are original way Decorate the room as you can choose the most unimaginable patterns as you wish. Among the assortment there is an opportunity to choose a print for children, for adults, as well as three-dimensional pictures that will become an elegant addition to the interior.

Wallpaper that expands the space in the interior

Being engaged in a combination of wallpaper, materials and their colors, you need to make a choice as carefully as possible, because a little negligence and all the work will go in vain. If you confuse a large drawing with a small one and make a large one too much, and not use a small one at all, then the room will narrow and go down.

Some people think that if you paint a room in one tone, it will be larger, but this is far from the case, because monotony is a symbol of boredom and routine, as well as a narrowing of space.

Precisely because, most the best option to choose a wallpaper that expands the space is to buy a material on which patterns, tones, colors and even various shapes are already combined.

How to equip a small room (video)

In conclusion, let us add that dark rooms, which are located on the poorly lit side of the house, it is advisable to glue the wallpaper with vegetation, for example, with a bamboo print or with palm trees, and also add Spotlights around the perimeter. Thus, you can expand the room, make it more lively and bright, which is required initially.

Examples of wallpaper for a small room (photo)

For many residents former USSR the question of at least a visual increase in living space is very acute, because after the era of communism, we inherited a lot of houses with standard small apartments. To visually enlarge the space and create the illusion of spaciousness, simple tricks that are accessible to everyone will help.

Enlarge space with mirrors

A mirror placed close to the floor will help add volume to the room, interesting effect can be achieved by using mirrors instead of a curb. Perfectly able to cope with the increase in space and mirror ceiling. And today it is not necessary to use a mirror for this. The desired effect can be created stretch ceiling. In order to expand the space, they can occupy both almost the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling, and only a small part of it.

Wallpaper - is it possible to visually enlarge the room

Most used finishing material for residential premises - this is wallpaper. In interior design, they play an important role. This or that pattern of wallpaper can significantly change the look of the room, including visually reduce or expand the space of the room.

To make the room seem larger, it is recommended to choose wallpaper in light colors. If there is a drawing on them, it should be borne in mind that large images significantly narrow the space. For small rooms, a small or small ornament is more suitable, it visually removes the surface, as a result, the room seems larger. A good effect can be achieved by combining wallpaper.

To begin with, let's figure out how a drawing can change the optics of space.

Large drawing(image 1) brings the surfaces closer, and, consequently, visually reduces the room, if it is located only on the back wall - the room is shortened.

fine drawing(image 2), especially in light colors, it seems to push the space apart, thanks to which it enlarges the room.

transverse stripes(image 3) pushing the walls apart, as a result the room seems to be lower. If they are located only on the back wall, the room is shortened.

vertical stripes(picture 4) lengthen the wall, thanks to this the room seems higher, and the wider the stripes are, the more noticeable the effect will be.

Cross stripes on the floor(image 5) visually the room is made shorter and wider.

Longitudinal stripes on the floor(image 6) lengthen the room, and the more pronounced their color and the wider they are, the stronger the effect.

Ways to expand space with wallpaper:

  • To level a long and narrow room, you can use wallpaper that has a horizontal pattern, or bring the far wall closer with wallpaper in a warm dark shade.
  • Wallpaper with vertical stripes visually increase the height, but reduce the volume of the room. To avoid this effect, the walls can be decorated with contrasting narrow stripes.
  • Wide and overly bright stripes will make the room look "squat", so try to use discreet colors. Bright drawings are recommended to be included only in places, for example, to highlight zones.
  • To enlarge the room with wallpaper, you can decorate smaller walls with a large pattern, and large ones with a small one. large patterns also well suited for zoning a room, highlighting any part of it.
  • Wallpaper without a pattern (monochrome) or with a barely noticeable image creates a depth of perception, thanks to which it well emphasizes interior items. Such wallpapers (but only in light colors) will not only increase the space, but also create an ideal basis for further decorating the walls with photographs, paintings, etc.
  • To enlarge small rooms with low ceilings and poor lighting, you can decorate their lower part with darker tones, the upper with light ones, and make a horizontal strip at the junction.
  • To make the ceiling seem higher, glue the wallpaper only close to it. Wide borders on the walls, having the color of the ceiling, make the room lower, so it is better to refuse them. Only very thin borders are allowed.
  • You can visually distance the ceiling by adding length to the walls. In this case, they should "go" a little to the ceiling. Just paste the wallpaper starting from the ceiling, or paint the ceiling near the walls the same color as the walls. As a result, a strip with the same color, texture and pattern as the walls should form along the perimeter of the ceiling. The size of such a strip should not exceed thirty centimeters; for small rooms, five centimeters will be enough.
  • You can raise the ceiling with the help of photo wallpaper. If you decorate one of the walls with such wallpaper, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room will visually increase. But remember, murals that increase space should only be with a perspective pattern, that is, they should not depict, for example, Brick wall, A water surface, a field, a road stretching into the distance, mountain peaks, etc.

Expanding space with color

Scientists have long proven that color can affect a person in the most amazing way. Some shades soothe and give peace of mind, others, on the contrary, irritate or even make a person aggressive, others increase appetite, etc. Color can also affect the visual perception of space.

Consider how paints can optically change space:

dark floor(image 1) in conjunction with light walls and ceiling, pushes the room up and to the sides. The room will seem especially large if the walls and ceiling are the same.

Darkened floor and ceiling(image 2) will make the room wider and lower, its area will be perceived as larger than in reality.

Darkened back wall and floor(image 3), in this case, the floor will be emphasized even more, this will push the room apart.

Darkened back wall and ceiling(image 4) will make the room visually shorter, but at the same time expand to the sides.

Darkened walls and floor(image 5). In this version, the floor connects the walls and seems to pull them together, because of this, the room becomes smaller and lengthens.

Darkened back wall(image 6) deepens the room, and is also a good backdrop for furniture and interior items that need to be highlighted.

Darkened side walls(image 7) make the room narrower, it moves apart towards the back wall, floor and ceiling.

Darkened rear and side walls(image 8) expand the room up and down, but at the same time make it closed.

Darkened side walls and ceiling(image 9) the room expands towards the back wall, it seems narrower and longer. At the same time, the light floor does not give a feeling of reliable support.

Colored back and side walls(image 10) make the room closed, but at the same time it seems higher.

Neutral floor and colored other surfaces(image 11) make the room cramped and look like a cave.

Colored all surfaces(image 12) greatly narrow the room, make it gloomy.

Consider a few designer tips on how to visually enlarge a room with color:

  • It is best to expand the space with light pastel colors.
  • Making the room bigger will help the design of the ceiling and walls in one color. Also, the top can be made the same as the walls, but only a couple of tones lighter.
  • If the style of the room allows, you can visually raise the ceiling, and therefore increase the space, using the beams located on it. At the same time, it is recommended to make them white, and the ceiling itself smoky, slightly darkened.
  • If you want to increase the space with color, and significantly - use blue tones, but keep in mind that such shades are not conducive to a long stay in the room. An alternative to blue can be any light cold colors.
  • On the farthest wall of the room, place some bright decor item, so you can create a perspective effect and the room will be perceived as spacious.
  • Try to paint low ceilings only in bright hues, best in white.
  • In order to lengthen the room, arrange opposite wall a lighter cold shade.
  • To increase the space, you can use the following technique - make the floor and decorative elements in the same color, and decorate the walls in a calmer tone.
  • Try to choose the overall furniture that you plan to put along the walls in a color close to the walls, so the room will visually smooth out.
  • You can move the walls apart if you paint the shelves to match them and choose the same color curtains. All these elements will merge and create more air space.

Starting renovations, we want to not only update the interior of the house, but also adapt the space for ourselves, so that small rooms seem larger, lighter, and ceilings higher.

For large rooms, the opposite task is how to make the room not look like a ballet hall.

Everyone wants to have big apartment, and it is cozy and spacious rooms, but not everyone is available and possible. To expand the space, you can break the partitions, but why start a big renovation when you visually expand the area of ​​​​a small room, some simple design solutions will help.

To the question of how to visually increase the space in a small room, the answer is simple, use the available tricks of optical illusion (optical illusions). These visualization techniques are powerful and very important in design, and are often used by architects, interior designers, and fashion designers.

Visually enlarging a room, even a very cramped one, can be achieved by combining techniques such as the play of light, the harmonica of color and its shades, the right choice wallpaper, an increase in reflective mirrors in the room, the use of frescoes and photo wallpapers. This should include the correct layout and selection of furniture, interior items, the location of cornices and correctly matched tulle, curtains and curtains, as well as the use of textiles in the room, creating an atmosphere of freshness, softness and lightness.

First, let's remember the basic principles that guide designers:

  • Light colors increase space dark colors reduce space
  • Every time you draw a line it breaks space apart
  • Every time you use a contrast spot, it visually reduces the space.
  • Any large object small space reduces it even more
  • How fewer items in the room, the more it looks
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