Clay molding methods. Modeling a turkey from a whole piece of clay

1. MODELING "TURKEY" (Dymkovo toy)

Other sod.: learn to reflect in modeling characteristics appearance dymkovo turkey; develop the ability to determine the shape and size of the initial forms for modeling different parts toys, use a constructive method when sculpting: sculpt the body with a neck and head from one piece, tail and wings from separate pieces, small details - a comb, a beard - sculpt with molds; teach for decorative ornament turkey use stack and signets.

Material: Dymkovo birds, illustrations with a real image of these birds; initial forms for sculpting a turkey: a thick cylinder, thin cylinders, balls - one larger, two smaller. Children have clay or plasticine of two colors, stacks, seals, planks.

Previous work:

Literature: Shvaiko "Classes in Fine Arts" (prepared by Gr.) p. 71


Etc.: teach children to convey the shape of clothing (dresses), the location of parts and size (long, short, wide, narrow), independently choose paper for decoration elements so that they harmoniously match in color. To consolidate the ability to cut out paper folded in half, paper folded several times. Strengthen the ability to handle scissors. Develop taste, sense of color.

Material: colored blanks 16 * 12 cm in size, colored strips, scissors, glue, brush, oilcloth, rag, tray, stencils (if necessary) viewing albums mod.

Literature: Malysheva "Application in d / s" p.68


Exc.: to learn to reflect windy weather in the picture through the image of branches tilted to one side, through leaves flying in one direction; convey in the drawing the color of a gloomy autumn day through the selection of appropriate colors; draw different types trees: birch, spruce, maple, etc.; place them on a wide strip of land in small groups; learn to mute bright color colors. Cultivate artistic taste, develop the ability to build an artistic concept (outline the content, composition, color of the picture before drawing)

Material: paintings depicting different autumn weather: clear and gloomy, windy; pre-tinted sheets of paper (gray sky, brown earth), gouache paints, soft and hard brushes, a palette for muting bright colors, colored pencils, pieces of paper for selecting colors.

Literature: Shvaiko "Classes in Fine Arts" p. 40


Exc.: to teach children to accurately convey the shape, size and other features of the rowan branch, to peer into nature, to notice its originality; to learn to compare the resulting image in the process of modeling; to form the ability to make out a decorative plate, to attach fashioned parts to the base, to make out the edge of the plate; develop creativity, diligence, the desire to complete the craft to the end.

Material: salty dough, PVA glue, stacks, boards, sample, rowan branch.

Previous work: examining a rowan branch.



Eg.: to teach to transmit different shape brushes and clusters of berries, depict partial obstruction of some berries by others, independently choose the color and shades for cutting currants, mountain ash, grapes and the color of paper for gluing, cut out thin curved stems and petioles; cut leaves of complex shape from grapes and currants along a previously drawn contour.

Material: pictures depicting bunches of red and black currants, bunches of mountain ash and grapes different color;

Sheet thick paper(1/2 sheet) different background, matching in color with the color of berries, strips of colored paper in two shades, wide strips of green paper for cutting leaves, scissors, glue, black pencil.

Literature: Shvaiko "Classes in art in kindergarten" (prepared gr.) p. 21


Exc.: to consolidate the ability to draw using the tombon method, depicting rowan berries, to improve the skills of drawing with the end of the brush, to combine with the use natural material for the image of leaves, develop independence, creativity, artistic taste.

Material: landscape sheet tinted, gouache paints, brushes, dried rowan leaves, jars of water.

Previous work: examining rowan.

Literature: Workshop on Fine Arts "Using non-traditional technique drawing in preschool age»


Exc.: learn to sculpt an owl from a whole piece of plasticine, conveying its characteristic features, proportions, combine images to create a plot, create additional objects (wood, small animals-mice), work collectively in pairs, help each other, compare your craft with the neighbor's craft, correlating them in size. To develop independence, initiative, the ability to create an expressive image.

Material: clay (plasticine, salt dough), stacks, planks

Previous Work: looking at illustrations depicting an owl.



Exc.: to exercise children in the image of a bird in the way of cutting and composing a mosaic, continue to teach how to transfer a stencil onto a sheet of paper, develop independence, initiative when choosing additional decorations, and do the work carefully.

Material: landscape sheet, bird stencil, colored paper, a simple pencil, glue, brush, cloth, tray, scissors.

Previous work: talking with children about fabulous birds, examining birds, their body shape, structural features.



Exc.: to form in children a generalized idea of ​​the appearance of a bird, an understanding that all birds, despite differences in color, shape and size of parts, are similar in structure; introduce line drawings of birds; to teach to convey in the drawing the characteristic features of a sparrow: the proportions of his body, the color of plumage, the shape of the beak, tail; develop the ability to apply different pencil drawing techniques when painting over an image: shading and shading, different pressure.

Material: images of birds: sparrows, magpies, crows, tits, etc., hatched images from coloring books, silhouette of a bird, black felt-tip pen; square sheets of paper (12 * 12 cm), pencil and colored pencils.

Previous work: looking at birds in illustrations, bird watching on a walk, modeling, drawing in free activities.

Literature: Shvaiko "Classes in Fine Arts" (preparatory group) p. 46

4. MODELING "PLASTIC STUDIES" (according to the fairy tales of V. Krotov)


Exc.: to learn how to create images according to the idea, independently choose the methods and techniques of modeling, look for the most interesting and good decisions. Master the sculptural method of modeling, modify the basic form different methods(flattening, pulling, pinching, indentation, bending, etc.), decorate, decorate, supplement with small details. Develop imagination, creativity, independence.

Material: fairy tale - baby V. Krotov, plasticine, stacks, sticks.

Literature: Lykova “Sculpt, fantasize, play” pp. 101-102


Exc.: continue to teach children to perform the application in the way of tearing paper, fill the space completely with pieces of paper irregular shape, consolidate the skills of tracing the template with a simple pencil, independently supplement the application with small details. Cultivate creativity and independence. Develop fine motor skills, patience. To fix the rules for handling scissors and glue.

Material: white cardboard (1/2 sheet), chicken template, simple pencil, yellow paper, strip of green paper, red paper for the beak and paws, scissors, PVA glue, glue socket, brush, rag, tray, oilcloth.

Previous work: looking at illustrations of a chicken, drawing in free activity.

Literature: Malysheva "Application in d / s" p. 60


Etc.: to acquaint with pictorial and expressive possibilities various art materials - paraffin wax, watercolors, with non-traditional drawing techniques, develop imagination, creativity, independence

Material: Toys: Queen Tassel, Wax Candle; White paper, candles, watercolors, brushes, music.

Literature: D / in No. 6.97 p. 55

To create forms consisting of several parts (human and animal figures), you can use in several ways: constructive- the item is created from separate parts;plastic- modeling from a whole piece, when all parts are drawn from one piece of clay; combined- uniting modeling from separate parts and a whole piece.

Small details are molded by pulling, pinching clay from the total mass, using relief modeling techniques. In order for the molded work to be durable and the parts not to crumble, you need to fasten them well: press one form tightly against another and cover up the place of fastening or make recesses into which to insert the parts to be attached.

Constructive clay modeling

The object is created from separate parts. Work begins with the main, largest part. For example, when sculpting an animal(horse figurines) first sculpt the torso, then the legs (compare them in size and correspondence to the size of the torso), head, tail, etc.

To sculpt paired parts, you need to prepare identical pieces of clay. Connect all blanks to the base of the figure in series (lubricate), then work out small details. In the same way, in parts Dymkovo toy the lady, the horsemen are molded.

Plastic molding from clay

Modeling from a whole piece when all parts are drawn from one piece of clay. An example of this method of modeling in a Dymkovo toy is a duck - a favorite image in folk art associated with the sun, abundance.

Roll a lump of clay into a ball, grab it with your fingers on one side and stretch it slightly - you get a head, smooth the transition from head to body. Slightly stretch the beak on the head. On the other side of the figurine, pull out some clay and form a tail. In this way, the figures are molded the most simple in silhouette. Such figurines are molded from one piece of clay.

Combined clay modeling

This method combines modeling from a whole piece and individual parts. For example, the figurine of a Dymkovo turkey is molded from a whole piece, and the head and tail are separate, or the Filimonov cockerel is molded from the original shape of an egg or a wide cylinder, the ends of which are bent by pulling up - for the neck - higher, for the tail - lower, the shape of the head is rounded, the beak is extended, pinching or sculpting separately the beard and scallop.

The combined sculpting method is used to create compositional work.

Relief modeling from clay

This is drawing a pattern on a rolled layer of clay with a thickness of at least 0.8 cm, and the surface is smooth and even. Raw clay before work needs to be dried a little.

First way. The drawing can be done with a stack, a toothpick, the tip of a knife.

Second way. The method consists of applying balls, flagella, stripes, etc. to the clay layer.

Third way. This is the selection of clay. To do this, take a layer of clay with a thickness of at least 3 cm and apply a pattern in a stack. Then, the same layer of clay is removed from the surface of the formation from all sides of the pattern. Thus, the figure is convex.

crockery are made using other molding methods:

Clay plucking technique

molding from a ball, by circular molding. So, when sculpting from a ball, they are pressed into the middle of the workpiece thumb to deepen and expand the walls of the cup, the thickness of which should be the same.

The walls are shaped with index fingers, moving them towards each other from the inside and outside. With circular molding, the walls of the vessel are thicker, therefore, larger forms can be made.

Separately, the base is prepared, on which the notch indicates the place of attachment of the first strip. It is advisable to use pieces (strips) of the same size, lay moistened sequentially, smoothing the internal seams with a wooden stack using slip, gradually turning the shape.

Each subsequent piece of clay is applied to the strip by pressing a large and index finger with pulling up the walls, preventing deformation, and so on in a circle in several rows. The same technique can be used in mold molding.

Form (bowl) is covered with inside cotton cloth and the bottom is laid out in it with balls or pieces, then the walls in a spiral. On the inside, everything lines up.

Spiral technique (from bundles) of clay modeling

Beforehand, it is better to make a sketch of the intended shape of the rope vessel. Further work will consist in winding the harnesses on an imaginary model. The tourniquet is made from prepared balls of the same size, it should be as long and even as possible. The size of the tourniquet in diameter depends on the thickness of the walls of the vessel.

For the base of the vessel a spiral of their bundles is folded (you can use a base cut out of the layer) and smoothed with a stack on the inside from the outer edge to the center, then its edge and that side of the bundle that will become the first layer of the vessel are wetted (for stronger adhesion, you can make a notch on that side harness that attaches to the base).

The tip of the bundle is cut diagonally so that the connection area is larger, and the second layer lies on the first without a break. circle diameter, formed first layer of bundles, should be slightly larger than the diameter of the base. Each next tourniquet is smeared with slip (an additional notch can be made, it will give a tighter connection) and lies on the outer edge of the previous one.

With the help of a stack (potters use a cow rib or a synthetic rib, stones of a smoothed shape, i.e. a tool given by nature to level the surface of the products and smooth the elements to be joined), the junctions of the bundle and the base are slightly squeezed so as not to damage the shape.

It is desirable that the connections of the bundles are not on top of each other (it is better to lengthen the strip) in order to exclude the possibility of cracking during the drying process. You can use slip to connect the joints on the inside.

Changing the diameter of the next layer, the shape of the product is created (it can be from symmetrical to fantastic, i.e. more complex - with wall bends, a change in the angle of inclination, etc.). Work with large vessels can be phased so that the next layers do not crush the previous ones. After applying several rows, the product is dried. Ready product should dry upside down. This technique allows you to make a vessel of any shape and complexity - vases, bottles, flasks, etc.

Clay tape method

In this way it is possible to make flower pots, barrels, caskets and other interior items.

First, a layer is rolled out, which is cut into strips. To make a layer, a piece of cotton fabric is first laid on the table, on it from both sides wooden slats, which serve as ruler and limiters.

The inner surface between them is laid with bundles with a diameter of 2 cm, then they are pressed against each other with their thumbs and the resulting rectangle of the laid bundles is rolled out with a rolling pin. The height of the finished layer is 8 mm. Strips are cut along a ruler with a length equal to the circumference of the base.

The first strip is laid on the base with a notch, and not along its diameter, and its upper side does not look inside the form, but opens to the outside, if we do not make a cylinder, but a vase, a flower pot, a tetrapezoidal shape. A second one is joined to the ends of the laid strip at the butt, at the joints a notch is made from the inside. Then, at the junction with the base, a thin flagellum is laid on the inside and the seam is smeared until the surface is leveled.

All subsequent lanes in height they are also laid in a joint with a notch along the diameter and at the joints, but the joint should not be visible either from the outside or from the inside (the surface is smoothed with a tool). With this method, it is also important to prevent the harness connections from being on top of each other. If the vase closes at the top, then the stripes from the point of narrowing of the form are stacked accordingly.


The plaster mold is filled with clay by hand. It is better to do this by pinching and pressing in small pieces so that the bottom layer and side layers do not have voids, irregularities, then it is leveled upper layer and after drying, the product is easily removed from the mold (gypsum quickly absorbs water, the product decreases in size and a gap forms between the walls of the mold), further drying of the product is carried out in the usual manner.

Galina Lyubimova
Modeling a turkey on a Dymkovo toy in the preparatory group

Target: learn to sculpt dymkovo turkey in a constructive way, using in decoration stick toys.

Tasks: "Rooster" (Turkey) - Learn to transfer children to sculpting the image of the Dymkovo rooster(turkey) . exercise in modeling basic shapes from a whole piece using previously learned techniques modeling. Develop aesthetic perception, creativity, fantasy and fine motor skills of the fingers.

Cultivate interest in folk clay toy

Material: plasticine, stacks, boards, Dymkovo toys samples.

M i p: Consideration, assessment.

preliminary work: Introduction to Dymkovo industry, viewing Dymkovo toys, bird modeling.

Children, do you want to go to the exhibition toys?

What are these called toys(Dymkovo)

Find the prettiest toy


Here smart turkey,

He's all so good

Big turkey

All painted sides.

Surprised everyone with the outfit

Wings importantly spread.

Look, fluffy tail

He is not at all simple

Exactly sunny flower.

And the high comb

Paint bright grief,

Like a king's crown.

The turkey is fabulously beautiful,

He is pompous, proud.

Looks down around

An important bird turkey.

Do you also want to become Dymkovo masters and arrange an exhibition for their parents.

Puts in front of children dymkovo turkey on a turntable or plank.

What must be done before fashioning such turkey? (View from all angles.)

Do you want to become Dymkovo craftsmen and fashion the same dymkovo turkey?

What parts does it consist of turkey? (body, head, tail, wings, crown)

- Turkey - bird, so its body is the same shape as other birds.

What is it? (Oval shape.)

Look at the head and neck turkey.

What head and neck?

Children: His head is small, imperceptibly passes into the neck.

What neck? (Long, flexible, slightly widening near the body.) What did you notice interesting on the head and neck turkey? (A tall, round comb like a crown, fan-shaped, and a long beard like a bunch of round berries.)

What shape are the wings and tail? (round)

(Wavy wings and tail edges)

Can you see the body turkey? (No, it is covered with large wings to the very ground.)

While looking at turkey the teacher slowly turns the sample so that the children see it from all sides. He draws their attention to the thick legs and the stand at the back near the tail for the stability of the figure.

And now I invite you to the workshop and fashion exactly the same turkey.

What should be done after reviewing turkey?

(Divide the plasticine into parts and make them the original forms for modeling.)

From dividing the plasticine into a large piece, for the body, and a smaller one, for the wings and scallop.

How will we sculpt a bird?

Children: First, an oval torso is molded, then we make one end thinner to bend up, pull the head with the neck. Flatten the thick end on the other side to attach the tail to it. Then we divide the other part of the plasticine into 3 parts (two small balls for the wings and one large ball for the tail).

How are we going to make wings? (we sculpt the balls and flatten them between the palms. Then we make a depression along the edge with our finger to make wavy edges). Then we sculpt a fan-shaped scallop and a long beard.

Which part turkey the richest pattern? (on tail)

Everyone can decorate the tail and wings in their own way, using ridiculous stacks for this.

In the course of work, the teacher encourages them to look at the sample more often in order to achieve greater similarity with it. Turns from time to time toy different sides to children. Reminds you to stick your wings well to your back turkey. Draws children's attention to posture birds: the neck is straight, slightly thrown back, which gives turkey importance. The tail is slightly curved forward.

Guys, look at your smart turkeys. How beautiful they are. And you like your work. Which turkey do you think is the most similar? Tell me what you liked about the job. What elements are decorated turkey? (Answers 2-3 children).

Well done boys. Today in class we met again with Dymkovo toys, visited Dymkovo masters and you did a very good job with this!

Children: U turkey wavy wings, long, flexible neck, fan-shaped comb, wings importantly fluffed, elegant tail and wings, long beard similar to a bunch or brush of berries, magnificent colorful tail.

Svetlana Kozhevnikova

Master class with photo.

Description: work can be done with children from six years of age. The material may be useful for educators preschool institutions senior preschool groups, teachers additional education, teachers.

Purpose: the work will serve as an excellent interior design and children's art exhibitions.

Target: creation of a three-dimensional image of a Dymkovo turkey made of clay, followed by painting of the product.

Tasks:- continue to introduce children to the technique of modeling and painting on clay;

To teach how to make voluminous toys based on the Dymkovo craft from clay;

Develop fine motor skills, eye; - develop imagination and creativity, the ability to independently create the image of a turkey, based on previously studied material;

Cultivate diligence, perseverance, the desire for best result creative activity

Materials and tools:

For modeling: clay, a modeling board, a plate of water to moisten the clay, stacks, a rag.

To paint a product: gouache, brushes No. 5.2, a jar of water, a napkin.

Here is a smart turkey, he is all right,

The big turkey has all painted sides.

He surprised everyone with his outfit, spread his wings importantly.

Look, his magnificent tail is not at all simple -

Like a sunny flower, but a tall scallop,

Red paint grief, like a king's crown.

The turkey is fabulously beautiful, he is pompous, proud,

Looks down around, an important bird - a turkey! I. V. Kadukhina

Master class progress:

We take clay of a spherical shape and divide it in half with a stack.

From the first half of the oval shape, we form the torso, neck, legs by pulling parts from the whole. We use the plastic molding method. When working with clay, we wet our hands with water, this allows you to smooth out all the bumps and roughness of the craft.

The second part of the clay is divided in half. We use a constructive and combined method of modeling.

From one part we make the tail. To do this, roll out a ball from a lump of clay. Flatten it into a cake, about 1 cm thick, and pinch the edges.

Lubricate the tail - a cake to the body.

The rest is divided into two equal parts.

From two oval cakes we make wings. We also pinch the edges of the wings.

Carefully lubricate them to the body, first from below, then from above.

We sculpt the details from an additional piece of clay: a beard from “droplets” of clay, starting from the bottom row, gradually approaching the beak.

We sculpt a comb - we connect three drops of clay on the head, carefully smear them with a stack.

Let the work dry for 3-4 days and cover with white gouache.

After drying, we begin painting the turkey. The drawing can be pre-applied with a simple pencil.

Dymkovo turkey is good.

You won't find better in the world!

Red, blue, gold -

That's all painted!

Try to make the same Dymkovo turkey with your children.

Related publications:

Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the senior group "We make clay toys" Objectives: to activate children's knowledge about the properties of sand and clay, to help compare how they differ; consolidate modeling skills; develop small.

Integration of educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development; speech development; social communication development. Methodical.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 2 "Fairy Tale" in Kholmsk municipality"Kholmsky.

Master class "Painting a Dymkovo toy" (work with parents) Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 3 "Petushok" of the Strezhevoy urban district.

Dymkovo toy is one of the oldest Russian folk clay art crafts, more than four hundred years old. Appeared in the river.

Summary of GCD on collective clay modeling in the senior group "The Magical World of Animals" Methodological goal: dissemination of pedagogical experience among educators of the education center. Conclusions and recommendations: the feedback is positive.

Class 4

Kinds children's activities: playful, productive, communicative, cognitive research, musical and artistic, perception of fiction.

Goals : learn to convey the characteristic structure of the figure, independently decide how to sculpt a bird from a whole piece, which parts can be attached; to consolidate the ability to use the stack, to smooth the surface of the figure; introduce the content of I. Leshkevich's poem "Traffic Light"; repeat the rules traffic.

Planned results : expresses positive emotions (joy, admiration) when reading literary work I. Leshkevich "Traffic Light"; solves riddles with interest; uses literary sources that contribute to the outdoor game; works with plasticine according to the model and his own plan (modeling a turkey from a whole piece of clay).

Materials and equipment: pictures of a turkey; Dymkovo toys, clay, stacks, water for smoothing the surface of products.

organized activities of children

1. Introduction of the game moment.

Guess the riddle:

Though he insists that he is a master,

I got into trouble more than once,

He's just a big nerd

And his name is...(Dunno) .

Dunno does not know how to cross the road for him without violating the rules of the road. Let's repeat these rules with Dunno.

2. Reading the work of I. Leshkevich "Traffic Light".

Where can't you play?(On the roadway.)

How do we cross the street?(Using traffic lights, footpath, underground passage.)

At what traffic signal can you cross the road?(On green for pedestrian.)

Listen to I. Leshkevich's poem "Traffic Light":

Jump across the road

You are always on the street

And advise and help

Talking colors.

The red color will tell you "No!"

Restrained and strict.

Yellow gives advice

Wait a little.

A green color lit -

"Come in!" speaks.

Red, yellow, green game.

If I show a red traffic light, sit down, if it’s yellow, you can get up, and if it’s green, we walk in place.

3. Mobile game "Take a seat."

One of the participants in the game is chosen as the leader, and the rest of the players, forming a circle, walk holding hands. The driver goes around the circle opposite side and says:

Like a magpie chirping

I won't let anyone into the house.

I cackle like a goose

I'll pat you on the shoulder


Having said “run”, the leader touches the back of one of the players, the circle stops, and the one who was hit rushes from his place in a circle towards the driver. The one who runs around the circle takes an empty seat earlier, and the one who lags behind becomes the leader.

Rules of the game. The circle should immediately stop at the word "run". It is allowed to run only in a circle, without crossing it. While running, you can not touch those standing in a circle.

4. Modeling a turkey from a whole piece of clay.

Dunno asks you to make a toy in memory of the lesson. Let's make such a souvenir - a toy "Turkey". Consider the Dymkovo turkey. Tell about possible ways his sculptures.

Describe the sequence of modeling the Dymkovo turkey.

1. We form an oval from a piece of clay.

2. We draw out the tail, head, beak, crest, "beard".

3. We make wings from two oval cakes, carefully glue them to the body, first from below, then from above.

4. Pinching the edges of the wings and tail with your fingers, decorate the toy with frills.

5. Reflection.

Browse clay crafts at our exhibition and choose the most expressive ones. What toy is the most elegant, big, small, etc.?

The stranger thanks you for your help.

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