Dark room decoration. Dark wallpaper in the interior - design options and combinations using dark walls (120 photos). Wallpaper for a small living room

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How to choose wallpaper for a small room: 6 golden rules

White expands, a large print steals space, and textured wallpapers are completely unacceptable - forget about these stereotypes. Here are some really good advice, which will tell you how to choose the right wallpaper for a small room and which will add to your room square meters due to the visual effect.

Rule 1: choose the right print

Do you like wallpaper with a large or bright print, but you are afraid that the room will look smaller than shoe box? In vain. The right approach to the selection of a large print in wall decoration, on the contrary, allows you to visually expand the room.

Concerning right approach To choose a pattern, I can recommend the following:

  • The use of a print that almost merges with the background makes the room airy and spacious;

  • The combination of a large print with plain walls allows not only to visually expand the room, but also to make it more comfortable and homely;

  • The combination of wallpaper with a large pattern with a plain drapery visually elevates the ceiling - take this into account if your ceilings are low;

  • The combination of a large print on the walls with a single-color drapery makes the windows larger, and at the same time enlarges the oversized room;
  • A similar effect can be achieved using a set of plain furniture, coupled with a large pattern on the walls;

  • Two zones designed in the same color scheme make each of the two conditional rooms more spacious and functional;

  • Usage designer wallpapers with a retro print allows you to visually move the sofa away from the wall behind which the dressing room is located;

  • The horizontal pattern contributes to the visual expansion of space;

  • Just as a horizontal pattern stretches a room, a vertical pattern stretches a room upward;

The following example shows what better wallpaper do not choose to paste all the walls in small room. The stark contrast between the background and the pattern is very eye-catching, and even the red pillows don't help the situation.

In the photo - a bright print on the wallpaper is too intrusive

Rule 2: looking for the right strip

Are you crazy about stripes, but don't risk using them to decorate the walls in a tiny room? You've probably seen the "wrong" stripe. Depending on the desired effect, striped wallpaper can and should be used in small spaces.

How can a vertical strip help?

In the presence of low ceilings, I recommend decorating the walls with vertical striped wallpaper. And if the drawing and the background do not differ much in color, you will achieve a double effect, because your room will become more spacious. This great option for those who want to choose wallpaper for a small dark room.

A vertical strip can lighten the room, even if the design is dominated by a rather dark and deep color. Due to the gradation of different shades of the dominant color, the interior softens and becomes more elegant.

This effect can be created with purple, turquoise, burgundy, gray and brown wallpapers.

Where there is clearly a lack of a high ceiling, a vertical strip comes to the rescue. Feel free to use this pattern indoors.

What can a horizontal stripe do?

If your goal is to visually expand the room, a horizontal strip will help. The thinner the strip, the more noticeable the effect. Wide stripes will practically not change the proportions of the walls. Take a look at your home and decide which ones are right for you.

You will need a thin horizontal wallpaper if you live in a "Stalin" or in a house with high ceilings.

Important points for gluing

So, how to glue striped wallpaper so that they play in your favor? The instruction is simple:

  1. It is important to choose a drawing with maximum accuracy, so I advise you to buy one roll more than you counted by footage;
  2. Before sticking, take care of perfect flat surface- putty, and then primed the walls;
  3. When the striped cloths fall on smooth walls, only then will the visual effects of striped wallpaper work.

Rule 3: choose the invoice

embossed wallpaper, different shades or plain, designed for small spaces. The fact is that the presence of a texture, even the smallest one, will affect the perception of a room by a person. The more pronounced the relief on the coating, the more tangibly the shadows contrast with the light, and this gives volume.

If you have a question, what kind of wallpaper to glue without first leveling the walls, I definitely advise you textured ones. The presence of the relief lubricates the original plane and creates a new one, with an uneven, and therefore advantageous in this case, coated.

How much do textured wallpapers cost

Interlining has optimal qualities: durability, wear resistance, environmental friendliness. Therefore, the price of such paintings is quite justified.

Rule 4: pay attention to shine

In addition to relief, walls in a small room need surfaces that can reflect light. Glossy, iridescent, shiny canvases are just what you need in such situations.

This technique is effective in various manifestations. You can decorate the entire room with glossy canvases, and you can also decorate one or two walls, enhancing the accent.

What color fabrics to choose? The most advantageous look colors, selected according to the principle of contrast - gold on medium and dark brown, silver on medium and dark gray, gold on turquoise. A golden pattern on a white background looks no less impressive.

How much will glitter canvases cost?

Wallpaper with glitter, mainly made from textiles. The material looks great and is durable. sunbeams, eco-friendly.

Rule 5: accent wall

One of my favorite techniques that I can recommend to anyone and everyone is an accent wall. The use of an accent wall can not only decorate your home, but also make it more spacious.

What colors to choose for accents? Basically, I advise you to choose a color or print that contrasts with the rest of the surfaces in the room.

When the interior has an unusual ornament or an intense color (except for yellow and red), I recommend choosing a color similar to this color or print.

As an accent, you can use not the whole wall, but only a part. It can be a headboard, a y zone, or any other place that deserves special attention.

The location of the accent wall also depends on the furniture of the room, the location of the openings (windows and doors) and, of course, on your preferences.

Rule 6: Perspective on photo wallpapers

Photowall-paper photowall-paper strife. Therefore, when pasting a wall with macro photography of a flower, think about how visually the parameters of your tiny home will decrease. But an image that carries light and perspective is ideal for decorating a wall in a small room.

A few words about how to glue photo wallpapers beautifully:

  • Remove the old coating, including adhesive residue;
  • Fill all irregularities with putty - for an impeccable result, you need a perfectly flat surface;
  • Apply the primer to the wall, in two coats, to ensure that the two surfaces adhere well;
  • Lay the photo wallpaper on the floor, face down, and carefully mark out;
  • Sticking start from the corner or from the window - this will be the starting point;
  • Avoid drafts when gluing.

Following my advice, you can stick photo wallpaper with your own hands. Even if you've never done it before.


So you got acquainted with how to arrange a small living space. And although this article will not add real footage to your apartment, now you know how to create such an appearance. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments to the material.

October 30, 2016

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Moreover, experts say that dark-colored wallpapers can be used advantageously in absolutely any space.

Beneficial effects

One of the main obstacles to creating interiors with dark wallpaper is the fear that the room will look too gloomy and uncomfortable. The risk of creating just such a design really exists, but, nevertheless, with correct and choice of areas for gluing positive results are also possible.

Particularly with wallpaper. dark colors on the walls you can achieve the following effects:

The use of dark shades on the walls allows to achieve harmony and rigor of design, and thanks to the versatility of such wallpapers, you will not spend much effort to correct selection shades in the interior. Any bright or light tone can be combined with deeper dark shades, observing certain proportions and focusing on the features of the interior.

Variants of dark wallpaper in the interior

The most common dark shades that are allowed to decorate a space are black, brown, blue, green and purple tones.

Black wallpaper is not recommended for all walls in the room. as it may create an overly gloomy and rough atmosphere. However, this shade is great for highlighting. accent walls, and with a pastel palette it will look quite harmonious.

Shade selection rules

Although each interior is individual, and the possibilities color design cannot be called uniform for all cases, compliance with several universal rules will allow you to avoid common mistakes in the process of decorating walls with dark wallpaper:

If you plan to use dark wallpaper with patterns bright colors, pick up other coatings to match such patterns. This approach will allow you to harmoniously fit dark wallpapers with flowers, antique ornaments and even realistic images (if used) into the space.

Features of the use of coatings of dark shades

dark wallpaper most often used to decorate the living room: first, in modern apartments these rooms have the most large sizes, and secondly, due to its versatility, the use of almost any color range is permissible here. The antique living room is decorated with dark wallpaper around the perimeter, modern styles suggest such gluing only in some areas.

The key to a successful design of a hall or living room will be the right combination dark and light shades, as well as sufficient lighting rooms. For example, a wall with a sofa or a fireplace is decorated with dark patterned wallpaper, and the rest of the surfaces are painted in a light tone or decorated with wallpaper coverings that match the style and palette.

Advice: for the hall, dark wallpapers are quite often used to highlight ledges and niches in the interior. This approach will create an emphasis on these features of the layout, as well as divert attention from some of the shortcomings in the room.

Dark-colored wallpaper in the bedroom must be pasted in such a way that gloomy and oppressive shades did not interfere with a relaxing holiday. This is especially true for children's rooms, since the child is susceptible to any irritants in the interior.

Dark wallpapers should only be used in the form of small inserts on light walls or decorate the surface behind the bed. In spacious bedrooms, horizontal dark wallpaper with lighter options is acceptable.

Remember! Dark wallpaper in the bedroom is not recommended to be combined with bright colors, since such a palette will have the effect of a double irritant, interfere with proper rest and thus contradict the purpose of the interior.

Modern and vintage bedrooms are often decorated with striped wallpaper: balanced use of dark and light shades in this case, it will help maintain a comfortable atmosphere in the room, as well as emphasize the dynamism of the design. In addition, such an effect in the design of the bedroom with dark wallpaper allows you to expand the space and raise the ceilings.

In the kitchen, dark wallpapers are designed to fulfill zoning function, therefore, they are used exclusively for decorating a dining or working area.

It is desirable to ensure the presence of light elements in kitchen interior: it can be furniture, curtains, tablecloths, dishes and other paraphernalia.

If your kitchen set also has a dark shade - choose dark wallpaper with large patterns light colors.

It is undesirable to use dark wallpapers in the hallway: such rooms are usually very small, and the effect of tightness is inevitable. But with the help of dark coatings, you can protect the bottom of the walls: horizontal stretch space and underline stylish design. In spacious hallways and corridors, it is permissible to use dark wallpaper, but only in correct proportions with light coatings and pieces of furniture.

To highlight the individual style, it is not necessary to contact designers: the use of beautiful dark wallpaper for walls in the interior will become main feature your room, and the accents created in this way will attract the attention of guests and family members. Comfortable and harmonious environment with beautiful wallpaper in dark colors is possible - and you can see this in illustrative examples.

Often people do not even consider the idea of ​​making a room beautiful and elegant with the help of dark walls. What if they make the room seem stuffy and gloomy? At the same time, dark tones can give any home a chic and sophisticated look. Today Dekorin will tell you how to use dark wallpaper for walls in the interior and what is the best way to combine them, as well as provide ideas for inspiration in 37 photos.

Dark walls in the interior: choose a color

Do you want to know how you can beat dark wallpapers in interior design? Then you should consider not only black wall coverings, but also wallpapers made in dark shades blue, grey, green and brown tones. Below you can appreciate their view in 25 photos of beautiful small and spacious rooms.

Interiors with black wallpaper - 8 photos

Black is an excellent background color that can highlight every detail of a setting. However, in small rooms it is recommended to use it only on one of the walls or “break” black wallpaper with paintings, mirrors, light window frames, wall lamps, white cornices and skirting boards. It is preferable to fill the interior with black walls with light or bright furniture, as well as green plants that will bring natural freshness, youth and tranquility to it. In addition, parquet will look great on a black background, wooden furniture and other wood products.

What is combined with dark blue wallpaper in the interior

Dark wallpapers in blue tones are best combined with brown, orange and yellow colors, as well as various wooden elements and metallic shades (bronze, brass, gold and copper). A similar combination between cool and warm tones will give the interior a bold and chic look. An interesting note in the design of the room with dark blue walls will bring details of white, light blue, beige and wine red tones.

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Fashion trend - dark gray wallpaper for walls

Dark brown wallpaper for walls in the interior

Dark brown is the color of wealth, elegance and chic. At the same time, it is neutral, which means that the interior with dark brown walls it will well accept furniture and decor of almost any tones: white, beige, cream, blue, red, green, gray, black, etc. We can say that it is difficult to spoil it with anything. Note that light brown and wooden pieces of furniture can only emphasize the stylish chocolate shade of the walls.

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Dark wallpaper of green shades - 6 photo rooms

Various warm shades brown and yellow will fit perfectly into the interior with dark green wallpaper, as you can see for yourself by looking at the photo below. Complement them with snow-white details for a fresh, natural vibe.

Probably many people are facing the same problem. correct design interior in a dark room. Some rooms in our apartments or houses become dark for various reasons:

  • this may be due to the fact that there is little sun on this side of the house;
  • due to closely spaced trees or neighboring houses;
  • as a result of the redevelopment of the apartment, if the illumination of the room was not taken into account.

But with the right selection of wallpaper, you can adjust all this and visually brighten the room.

Ways to solve the problem

Of course, the problem can be solved with lighting, but you won’t keep the lights on all day and night, it’s expensive and not necessary. Can pick up color palette wallpaper for the walls of a small dark room. First of all, the wallpaper should be light colors: peach or golden. It is not necessary that they dominate in the colors of the wallpaper, interspersed with these colors are enough. When choosing wallpaper, it is necessary to take into account that, mixing various shades and colors, you can achieve the feeling bright room, but everything needs a measure: if you overdo it, it will turn out colorful, the room will become even darker, so you will achieve the opposite effect. We don't need strong contrast.

To achieve the desired effect, you can not use wallpaper with large drawings, this worsens the visual image of the room, it will appear smaller and darker. small pattern, small relief and discreet color is the most appropriate. If you decide to use wallpaper without a pattern, then get plain wallpaper in pastel colors.

To increase the illumination of the room, use this method: paste over the wall opposite the window with wallpaper with small pattern and light tone. And cover the remaining three walls with wallpaper that has more dark tone to match the color of the light wall. You will get the visual effect of increasing light. The thing is that the weak light from the street, reflecting on light wall, creates the feeling of two light walls.

Color combination selection

A dark living room can be brightened up by choosing and combining colors so that it turns out original. But do not rely on the contrast of colors, this will only worsen the situation. Apply the same scheme as above, just decorate the room with bright and light elements, for example, decorations or pictures, but do not overdo it, because our task is to make the room not colorful, but light. Two or three bright colors are enough to bring a touch of holiday and comfort.

Matte wallpapers absorb sunlight so they don't work for us. We need the opposite: glossy wallpaper reflecting light and illuminating the room. It would be nice if there are sparkles in the wallpaper. Creative personalities we can advise you to paint the wallpaper yourself, enjoying the play of colors and admiring the effect made by yourself. This type of wallpaper, like liquid wallpaper, may well suit you. Bright hues, especially yellow, will turn the room into a clearing lit sunlight. After all, liquid wallpaper contains reflective glosses.

In rooms with windows facing north, it is preferable to use cream-colored wallpaper. White color will be similar to a gray tone and will create an unpleasant impression of being in such a room. Adding yellow to one of the walls will give the impression of a sunny day.

Don't be afraid to experiment! If you are not sure about your choice, take a few pieces of wallpaper for a sample (ask the seller) and see how they look in different lighting conditions: in bright sunshine, in cloudy weather, with the lights on. Such a fitting will accurately show whether the colors you have chosen are combined.

The influence of different tones on a person's mood

If you're having trouble choosing color options to lighten up a dark room, knowing how colors affect a person's mood can come in handy. Here is the description psychological impact colors on people:

  • Wallpaper peach color great for the bedroom, they make the room bigger and brighter. This color is uplifting in gloomy rainy weather.
  • Beige wallpapers create a calm and peaceful atmosphere, they are also suitable for bedrooms or a living room. Combined with white, creating light warm colors, when combined with other, somewhat darker tones, create a feeling of calm.
  • Wallpaper golden colors stand out from the usual colors. They add a little solemnity, warmth, tenderness. An overabundance of this color will spoil the impression of the room, use it as small additions to beige or light brown wallpaper.
  • Cheerful yellow goes well with almost any other color, creating the effect of a sunny day in the room, great for brightening up dark rooms.
  • on impression with yellow. Color contributes to the working mood, raises the tone, attracts to communication. It is undesirable to use such wallpaper in the bedroom, it is best to glue them where your whole family often gathers.
  • Brown wallpapers can make a person sad, but when combined with light shades, they can make the room look more noble and austere. But they demand more artificial lighting as they darken the room.
  • Pink color is typical for romance, sensuality. Light pink shade evokes calmness, bright colors excite. These wallpapers are quite suitable for brightening up a girl's bedroom or bathroom.
  • Aggressive red should be used in places where splendor and festivity are appropriate. This color stimulates the appetite, so it should be used in the dining room or in the kitchen.
  • Wallpaper purple create a sense of space in small rooms. It would seem that this is a dark tone, but it does an excellent job with visual extension rooms.
  • Blue color, on the contrary, narrows the space. This cold soothing color reduces activity and causes drowsiness.
  • Blue color is the color of romantic people, it gives a feeling of comfort, reduces excitability. In some companies, blue rooms are used to resolve conflicts and disputes. Suitable for small rooms, allowing you to expand the space, suitable for children's rooms.
  • Green is compared with life, confidence, visually pushes the walls. In such a room it is easier to cope with anger, irritability, negativity.
  • Striped wallpapers affect a person not so much with color as with a geometric pattern. Vertical stripes visually increase the height of the room. Horizontal stripes give the impression of increased width. Bright colorful stripes create good mood, playfulness. Classic - strict style.

As you can see from this article, color scheme can be selected to increase light and space. For this there are certain colors which can affect a person in different ways. You just need to decide what you want to achieve from a particular room.

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