Matrosov's feat. How the famous hero of the Great Patriotic War actually died. Hero of the day. Alexander Matrosov

Alexander Matveevich

Matrosov Alexander Matveevich - submachine gunner of the 2nd separate battalion of the 91st separate Siberian volunteer brigade named after I.V. Stalin of the 6th Stalinist Siberian Volunteer Rifle Corps of the 22nd Army of the Kalinin Front, Red Army soldier. September 8, 1943 by order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR I.V. Stalin, the name of Matrosov was assigned to the 254th Guards Rifle Regiment, and he himself was forever enlisted in the lists of the 1st company of this unit. This was the first order of the NPO of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War about the enrollment of the fallen Hero forever in the lists of the military unit.

Born February 5, 1924 in the city of Yekaterinoslav (now Dnepropetrovsk - the administrative center of the Dnepropetrovsk region of Ukraine). Russian. Member of the Komsomol. He lost his parents early. 5 years was brought up in the Ivanovo regime orphanage(Ulyanovsk region). In 1939 he was sent to a car repair plant in the city of Kuibyshev (now Samara), but soon escaped from there. By the verdict of the people's court of the 3rd section of the Frunzensky district of the city of Saratov dated October 8, 1940, Alexander Matrosov was convicted under article 192 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to two years in prison for violating the passport regime (Judicial Collegium for Criminal Cases of the Supreme Court of the RSFSR on May 5, 1967, this sentence canceled). He served time in the Ufa children's labor colony. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he repeatedly applied with written requests to send him to the front.

He was drafted into the Red Army by the Kirov District Military Commissariat of the city of Ufa, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in September 1942 and sent to the Krasnokholmsky Infantry School (October 1942), but soon most of the cadets were sent to the Kalinin Front.

In the army since November 1942. He served as part of the 2nd separate rifle battalion of the 91st separate Siberian volunteer brigade named after (later the 254th guards rifle regiment of the 56th guards rifle division, Kalinin Front). For some time the brigade was in reserve. Then she was transferred near Pskov to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe Big Lomovaty Bor. Right from the march, the brigade entered the battle.
On February 27, 1943, the 2nd battalion received the task of attacking a stronghold in the area of ​​the village of Pleten, west of the village of Chernushki, Loknyansky district of the Pskov region. As soon as our soldiers passed through the forest and reached the edge of the forest, they came under heavy enemy machine gun fire - three enemy machine guns in bunkers covered the approaches to the village. One machine gun was suppressed by an assault group of machine gunners and armor-piercers. The second bunker was destroyed by another group of armor-piercers. But the machine gun from the third bunker continued to shell the entire hollow in front of the village. Efforts to silence him were unsuccessful. Then the Red Army soldier Alexander Matrosov crawled towards the bunker. He approached the embrasure from the flank and threw two grenades. The gun was silent. But as soon as the fighters went on the attack, the machine gun came to life again. Then Matrosov got up, rushed to the bunker and closed the embrasure with his body. At the cost of his life, he contributed to the combat mission of the unit.

He was buried in the village of Chernushki, Loknyansky district, and in 1948 the ashes of A.M. Matrosov was reburied in the city of Velikiye Luki, Pskov Region, on the left bank of the Lovat River at the intersection of Rosa Luxembourg Street and the Alexander Matrosov Embankment.

A few days later, the name of Alexander Matrosov became known throughout the country. The feat of Matrosov was used by a journalist who happened to be with the unit for a patriotic article. At the same time, the date of the death of the Hero was postponed to February 23, timed to coincide with the birthday of the Red Army. Despite the fact that Alexander Matrosov was not the first to perform such an act of self-sacrifice, it was his name that was used to glorify the heroism of Soviet soldiers. Subsequently, over three hundred people committed a similar heroic deed. The feat of Alexander Matrosov became a symbol of courage and military prowess, fearlessness and love for the Motherland.

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 19, 1943 for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against fascist german invaders and the courage and heroism shown at the same time, the Red Army soldier Matrosov Alexander Matveevich was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Awarded the Order of Lenin (posthumously).

Each generation has its idols and heroes. Today, when movie and pop stars are put on the podium, and scandalous representatives of bohemia are role models, it's time to remember those who really deserve eternal memory in ours. We will talk about Alexander Matrosov, with whose name Soviet soldiers went into the meat grinder of the Great Patriotic War, trying to repeat his heroic deed, sacrificing their lives in the name of the independence of the Fatherland. Over time, the memory erases the small details of events and makes the colors fade, making its own adjustments and explanations of what happened. Only many years later it became possible to reveal some mysterious and unsaid moments in the biography of this young man, who left such a significant mark in the glorious annals of our Motherland.

Anticipating the angry reactions of those who are inclined to leave the facts as they were presented by Soviet means mass media, it is necessary to immediately make a reservation that the studies carried out by historians and memoirists in no way detract from the merits of a person whose name has been borne by the streets of many cities for more than half a century. No one set out to denigrate him, but the Truth requires the establishment of justice and the disclosure of true facts and names, which at one time were distorted or simply ignored.

According to the official version, Alexander was originally from Dnepropetrovsk, having passed through the Ivanovo and Melekessky orphanages Ulyanovsk region and the Ufa labor colony for children. On February 23, 1943, his battalion received the task of destroying the Nazi stronghold near the village of Chernushki, in the Pskov region. However, the approaches to the settlement were covered by three machine-gun crews hidden in bunkers. Special assault groups were sent to suppress them. Two machine guns were destroyed by the combined forces of machine gunners and armor-piercers, but attempts to silence the third were unsuccessful. In the end, privates Pyotr Ogurtsov and Alexander Matrosov crawled towards him. Soon Ogurtsov was seriously wounded, and Matrosov got to the embrasure alone. He threw a couple of grenades, and the machine gun fell silent. But as soon as the Red Guards went on the attack, the shooting rang out again. Saving his comrades, Matrosov ended up at the bunker with one swift throw and closed the embrasure with his body. The received moments were enough for the fighters to be able to come closer and destroy the enemy. The feat of the Soviet soldier was described in newspapers, magazines and films, his name became a phraseological unit in Russian.

After a long search and research work people who studied the biography of Alexander Matrosov, it became obvious that only the date of birth of the future hero of the USSR, as well as the place of his death, deserves trust. All other information was quite contradictory, and therefore deserved closer consideration.

The first questions arose when an official request for the place of birth indicated by the hero himself in the city of Dnepropetrovsk received a clear answer that the birth of a child with that name and surname in 1924 was not registered by any registry office. Further searches in Soviet time Rauf Khayevich Nasyrov, the chief researcher of the life of Matrosov, led to public censure of the writer and accusing him of revisionism of the heroic pages of wartime. Only much later, he was able to continue the investigation, which resulted in a number of interesting discoveries.
Following the barely noticeable “breadcrumbs”, the bibliographer initially assumed, based on eyewitness accounts, and then practically proved that the real name of the hero is Shakiryan, and the real place of his birth is the small village of Kunakbaevo, which is located in the Uchalinsky district of Bashkiria. The study of documents in the Uchalinsky City Council made it possible to find a record of the birth of a certain Mukhamedyanov Shakiryan Yunusovich on the very day indicated by the official biographical version of the life of Alexander Matrosov, February 5, 1924. Such a discrepancy in the data on the place of birth of the famous hero led to the idea of ​​verifying the authenticity of the rest of the biographical data.

None of Shahiryan's close relatives were alive at that time. However, in the course of further searches, childhood photographs of the boy were found, which were miraculously preserved by former fellow villagers. A detailed examination of these photographs and their comparison with later photographs by Alexander Matrosov allowed scientists from the Research Institute of Forensic Examinations in Moscow to make a final conclusion about the identity of the people depicted on them.

Few people know that there is another Alexander Matrosov, the namesake of the main person of the article, who also became a Hero of the Soviet Union. Born on June 22, 1918 in the city of Ivanovo, during the Great Patriotic War, he rose to the rank of senior sergeant, platoon commander of a reconnaissance company. In the summer of 1944, Matrosov, along with other scouts, captured a bridge on the Belarusian Svisloch River, which was a tributary of the Berezina. For more than a day, a small group held it, repelling the attacks of the Nazis, until the main forces of our troops approached. In that memorable battle, Alexander survived, successfully ended the war and died in his native Ivanovo on February 5, 1992 at the age of seventy-three.

During conversations with fellow soldiers of Alexander Matrosov, as well as residents of the village where he was born, and former pupils of orphanages, a picture of the life of this famous person. Shakiryan Mukhamedyanov's father returned from the Civil War disabled and could not find a permanent job. In this regard, his family experienced great financial difficulties. When the boy was only seven years old, his mother died. It became even more difficult to survive, and often the father, along with his little son, begged for alms, wandering through the neighboring yards. Very soon, a stepmother appeared in the house, with whom the young Shahiryan could not get along in character, having run away from home.

Short wanderings ended with the fact that the boy ended up in a reception center for children through the NKVD, and from there he was sent to modern Dimitrovgrad, which was then called Melekess. It was in this orphanage that he first appeared as Alexander Matrosov. But in official documents, under this name, he was recorded when he entered the colony located in the village of Ivanovka on February 7, 1938. In the same place, the boy named a fictitious place of birth and a city in which, in his own words, he had never been. Based on the documents issued to him, all sources later indicated exactly this information about the place and date of birth of the boy.

Why was Shakiryan recorded under that name? His fellow villagers recalled that at the age of fifteen, in the summer of 1939, he came to his small homeland. The teenager was wearing a peakless cap and a striped vest under his shirt. Even then, he called himself Alexander Matrosov. Apparently, he did not want to indicate his real name in the colony because he knew about the general unfriendly attitude towards the nationalists. And with his sympathy for marine symbols, it was not difficult to come up with an appropriate name he liked, as many homeless children did at that time. However, the shelter still remembered that Sasha was called not only Shurik the sailor, but also Shurik-Shakiryan, as well as "Bashkir" - because of the dark skin of a teenager, which again confirms the identity of the two individuals in question.

Both fellow villagers and orphanage residents spoke of Sashka as a lively and cheerful guy who loved to strum the guitar and balalaika, knew how to tap and played “grandmothers” best of all. They even remembered the words of his own mother, who once said that because of his dexterity and excessive activity, he would become either a good fellow or a criminal.

The generally accepted version of the hero's biography says that Matrosov worked for some time as a carpenter at furniture factory in Ufa, but how he ended up in the labor colony, to which this enterprise was attached, is not said anywhere. But this segment of his biography contains colorful references to what an excellent example Alexander was for his peers at the time he became one of the best boxers and skiers in the city, what wonderful poetry he wrote. To create a heightened effect in a fictional story, a lot is said about active work Matrosov as a political informant, and also that the hero's father, being a communist, died from a fist bullet.

An interesting fact related to the fighter who accomplished the feat is the presence of at least two almost identical Komsomol tickets in the name of Alexander Matrosov. Tickets are stored in different museums: one in Moscow, the other in Velikiye Luki. Which of the documents is authentic remains unclear.

In fact, in 1939 Matrosov was sent to work at the Kuibyshev car repair plant. However, he soon fled from there due to unbearable working conditions. Later, Sasha and his friend were arrested for non-compliance with the regime. The next documentary evidence of the guy's life appears almost a year later. According to archival data, on October 8, 1940, Alexander Matrosov was sentenced by the Frunzensky District People's Court to two years in prison under Article 192 of the RSFSR Criminal Code for violating the terms of the subscription that he would leave Saratov within a day. An interesting fact is that on May 5, 1967, the Supreme Court of the USSR returned to the cassation hearing of the Matrosov case and overturned the verdict, apparently so as not to denigrate the name of the hero with the unpleasant details of his life.

Actually, after the court decision, the young man ended up in a labor colony in Ufa, where he completely served his term. Even at the very beginning of the war, seventeen-year-old Alexander, like thousands of his peers, sent a letter to the people's commissar of defense with a request to send him to the front, expressing his passionate desire to defend the Motherland. But he got to the front line only at the end of February 1943, along with other cadets of the Krasnokholmsk school, where Matrosov was enrolled in October 1942 after the colony. In connection with the difficult situation on all fronts, the cadets who had not been fired at full strength were sent as reinforcements to the Kalinin Front.

Here comes a new inconsistency real facts with the officially accepted biography of that person. In accordance with the documents, Alexander Matrosov was enlisted in the rifle battalion, which was part of the 91st separate Siberian volunteer brigade, named after Joseph Stalin, on February 25. But the Soviet press indicates that Alexander Matrosov accomplished his feat on February 23. After reading about this later in the newspapers, Matrosov's brother-soldiers were extremely surprised by this information, because in reality the memorable battle in the Pskov region, not far from the village of Chernushki, which the battalion, in accordance with the order of the command, was supposed to recapture from the Germans, took place on February 27, 1943 .

Why so important date was changed not only in newspapers, but also in many historical documents describing a great feat? Everyone who grew up in the Soviet era is well aware of how the government and many other official bodies liked to time various, even the most insignificant events, with memorable anniversaries and dates. This happened in this case. The approaching anniversary, the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding of the Red Army, required "real confirmation" to inspire and raise the morale of the Soviet soldiers. Obviously, it was decided to coincide with the feat of the fighter Alexander Matrosov on a memorable date.

The details of exactly how events unfolded on that terrible February day, when a courageous nineteen-year-old boy died, are described in detail in many articles and textbooks. Without dwelling on this, it is only worth noting that the feat of Alexander Matrosov in the official interpretation clearly contradicts the laws of physics. Even one bullet fired from a rifle, hitting a person, will surely knock him down. What can we say about the machine-gun fire point-blank. In addition, the human body cannot serve as any serious barrier to machine-gun bullets at all. Even the first notes of front-line newspapers said that Alexander's body was found not on the embrasure, but in front of him in the snow. It is unlikely that Matrosov threw himself at her with his chest, this would be the most absurd way to defeat an enemy bunker. Trying to reconstruct the events of that day, the researchers settled on the following version. Since there were eyewitnesses who saw Matrosov on the roof of the bunker, most likely he tried to shoot or throw grenades at the machine-gun crew through the ventilation window. He was shot, and the body fell on the vent, blocking the possibility of removing powder gases. Dropping the corpse, the Germans hesitated and ceased fire, and Matrosov's comrades got the opportunity to overcome the area under fire. Thus, the feat really took place, at the cost of the life of the Sailors, he ensured the success of the assault on his detachment.

There is also an erroneous opinion that the feat of Alexander was the first of its kind. However, it is not. Many documented facts have been preserved, as already in the first years of the war, Soviet soldiers rushed to enemy firing points. The very first of them were Alexander Pankratov, a political instructor of a tank company, who sacrificed himself on August 24, 1941, during the attack of the Kirillov Monastery near Novgorod, and Yakov Paderin, who died on December 27, 1941, near the village of Ryabinikha in the Tver region. And in the “Ballad of Three Communists” by Nikolai Semenovich Tikhonov (the author of the famous phrase: “Nails would be made from these people ...”), the battle near Novgorod on January 29, 1942 is described, in which three fighters immediately rushed to enemy pillboxes - Gerasimenko, Cheremnov and Krasilov.

It also requires mentioning the fact that even before the end of March 1943, at least thirteen people - soldiers of the Red Army, inspired by the example of Alexander Matrosov, carried out such an act. In total, more than four hundred people performed a similar feat during the war years. Many of them were posthumously awarded and received the title of Heroes of the USSR, but their names are familiar only to meticulous historians, as well as lovers of historical wartime articles. Most of the brave heroes remained unknown, and subsequently fell out of the official chronicles altogether. Among them were the dead fighters of the assault groups, who fought on that very day next to Matrosov and managed not only to suppress the enemy’s bunkers, but also, by deploying fascist machine guns, to return fire on the enemy. In this context, it is very important to understand that the image of Alexander, in whose honor monuments are built and streets in cities all over Russia are named, just personifies all the nameless soldiers, our ancestors who gave their lives for the sake of victory.

Initially, the hero was buried where he fell, in the village of Chernushki, but in 1948, his remains were reburied in the cemetery of the city of Velikiye Luki, located on the banks of the Lovat River. The name of Alexander Matrosov was immortalized by Stalin's order of September 8, 1943. In accordance with this document, it was for the first time forever listed in the list of the first company of the 254th Guards Regiment, where Sasha served. Unfortunately, the leadership of the Red Army, creating an epic image of a fighter who scorned death in the name of saving his comrades, pursued another rather unpleasant goal. Neglecting artillery preparation, the authorities urged the Red Army soldiers to make deadly frontal attacks on enemy machine guns, justifying the senseless death of people by the example of a brave soldier.

Even when clarifying real history the hero whom many generations of the inhabitants of our country know as Alexander Matrosov, after clarifying his personality, place of birth, individual pages of his biography and the essence of the most heroic deed, his feat is still undeniable and remains a rare example of unprecedented courage and valor! The feat of a very young boy who spent only three days at the front. To the madness of the brave we sing a song...

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The names of the soldiers who covered the embrasures of enemy pillboxes and bunkers with their bodies are given in alphabetical order. The list was compiled on the basis of documents stored in the Archives of the USSR Ministry of Defense. The list does not include the names of heroes on which there is no exact data. All given data are specified according to the text.

Surname, name, patronymic, military rank, position Military unit Year and place of birth, nationality, party affiliation The time and place of the accomplishment of the feat. Rewarding.
Abaturov Anfil Ivanovich - Art. sergeant, assistant 1 Platoon leader 787 cn 222 sd 1924, Kama village, Kuibyshev district, Novosibirsk region, Russian, member of the Komsomol March 3, 1945, in the battle for the village of Busch-Vorwerk, Brandenburg Province in Germany
Abyzov Mikhail Petrovich - foreman, party organizer of a rifle company 849 cn 303 sd Altai Territory, member of the CPSU July 19, 1942, near Voronezh. Awarded the Order of the Red Banner
Averyanov Nikolai Filippovich - private, shooter 406 cn 124 sd 1912, Belarusian, candidate member of the CPSU October 5, 1942, 10 km south of the hut. Khavansky, Serafimovichsky district, Volgograd region Awarded the Order of the Red Banner
Avetisyan Unan Mkrtychevich - Art. sergeant, assistant platoon leader 390 cn 89 sd 1914, p. Tsav, Zangezur region, Armenian SSR, Armenian, member of the Komsomol September 16, 1943, near Novorossiysk. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 16, 1944 Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Avramkov Prokofy Ivanovich - sergeant, squad leader 1344 cn 319 sd 1923, p. Rodino, Rodinsky district, Altai Territory, Belarusian, member of the Komsomol January 22, 1944, near the village of Omshary, Novosokolnichesky district, Pskov region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 4 June 1944
Adamenko Ivan Diomidovich - guards. Art. sergeant, assistant platoon leader 309 Guards. sp 109 guards. sd 1923, p. Ilskoye, Kushchevsky district, Krasnodar Territory, Russian, member of the CPSU October 16, 1944, near the village. Vinca near Belgrade (Yugoslavia). Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 24 March 1945
Akifiev Sergey Ivanovich - private, commander of the submachine gunners department 1181 cn 356 sd 1925, p. Gorki, Novo-Petrovsky district, Moscow region, Russian, member of the Komsomol September 22, 1943, in the battle for the village of Tupichev, Chernihiv region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of January 15, 1944
Alekseev Egor Alekseevich - sergeant Der. Izderki, Alikovsky district, Chuvash ASSR, Chuvash, member of the Komsomol January 4, 1944, near Zhytomyr
Ananchenko Daniid Antonovich - Jr. sergeant, scout 28th separate reconnaissance company, 5th division 1924, village of Rassukha, Pogarsky district, Bryansk region, Russian, member of the Komsomol January 23, 1945, in the battle for the city of Ortelsburg in East Prussia. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of April 10, 1945
Asadov Giray Latif-ogly - guards. sergeant, gunner 281 Guards sp 93 guards. sd 1923, p. Shah-Sevan of the Azerbaijan SSR, Azerbaijani, member of the Komsomol October 6, 1944, in the battle for the city of Margat (Romania). Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 24 March 1945
Afanasiev Nikolay Afanasevich - Art. sergeant, assistant platoon leader of a separate battalion 178th Rifle Division of the Kalinin Front Der. Karmaly, Yantikovsky district, Chuvash ASSR, Chuvash, candidate member of the CPSU January 29, 1943, the village of Kondrakovo, Rzhevsky district, Kalinin region.
Babin Ivan Vasilievich - guards. sergeant, gunner 5 Guards Cavalry Regiment 1st Guards kav. divisions 1899, p. Zhelezinka, Urlutyubsky district, Pavlodar region, Kazakh, candidate member of the CPSU September 13, 1944, in the district with. Konty (Poland). Hero of the Soviet Union
Baimagambetov Sultan Birzhanovich - Art. sergeant, machine gun commander 147 sp 43 sd 1920, village of Koyandy-Agash, Semiozerny district, Kustanai region, Kazakh, candidate member of the CPSU July 25, 1943, in the Sinyavinsky Heights near Leningrad. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of February 21, 1944
Bannikov Boris Fedorovich - Private 883 cn 193 sd 1923, village of Taranka, Zuevsky district, Kirov region, Russian, member of the Komsomol October 15, 1943 during the crossing of the Dnieper near the city of Loev, Gomel region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of October 30, 1943
Bannikov Petr Ivanovich - Art. sergeant, squad leader 59 Guards. sd 46th army 1904, Krasny Yar, Astrakhan region, Russian, non-partisan August 20, 1944, in the battle for the village. Talmaz of the Moldavian SSR
Baranov Mikhail Pavlovich - guards. ml. sergeant, machine gunner 239 Guards sp 76 guards. sd 1904, Russian, member of the CPSU January 1944, near Leningrad. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of January 15, 1944
Barbashev Petr Parfenovich - Jr. sergeant, squad leader 34 SMEs of the NKVD troops 1918, village of Bolshoi Syugan, Vengerovsky district, Novosibirsk region, Russian, member of the Komsomol
Barsukov Ivan Mikhailovich - political instructor of the company 1254 cn 378 sd Russian, member of the CPSU August 8, 1942 in the battle for the village of Ostrov, Chudovsky district, Novgorod region.
Batorov Innokenty Nikolaevich - private, party organizer of a motorized rifle battalion 205 tbr 1922, Nukuty village, Alar district, Irkutsk region, Buryat, member of the CPSU August 9, 1945, near the city of Hailar (Manchuria). Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class
Belinsky Efim Semenovich - lieutenant, commander of a fire platoon 133 cn 32 sd 1925, Art. Zaozernaya, Rybinsk District, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Jew, member of the CPSU December 16, 1944, near the village of Buddelkemen (suburb of Klaipeda, Lithuanian SSR). Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 24 March 1945
Beloborodov Valentin Andreevich - lieutenant August 23, 1944, in the battle for the village of Makareshty, Ungheni district, Moldavian SSR. Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War
Belmutov Grigory Tikhonovich - Private 705 cn 121 sd Der. White Stone, Ulyanovsk district, Kaluga region, Russian October 18, 1943, in the Kyiv region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of October 17, 1943 (The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded for previously accomplished feats.)
Belush Mikhail Andreevich - demolition worker of the Oktyabr detachment of the Pervomaisky partisan brigade of the Grodno region. 1928, the village of Ruda Lipichanskaya, Korelichi district, Grodno region, Belarusian, member of the Komsomol June 16, 1944, near the village of Kupinsk, Novogrudok district, Grodno region. Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class
Belyakov Vasily - Private 10 RD troops of the NKVD Russian, member of the Komsomol September 1942, near Stalingrad. Awarded with the Order of Lenin
Blokhin Viktor Alekseevich - sergeant, squad leader 173 cn 90 sd 1922, p. Tyutnyar, Kuznetsk district, Penza region, Russian, member of the CPSU June 14, 1944, in the region of Vyborg. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 21 July 1944
Bobretsov Petr Ivanovich - sailor 614 separate penal company of the 12th Pechenga Red Banner Marine Brigade of the Northern Fleet 1914, village of Chuchepala, Leshukonsky district, Arkhangelsk region, Russian, member of the CPSU October 10, 1944, Musta-Tunturi ridge, Sredny Peninsula, west of Murmansk
Bobrov Nikolai Alekseevich - sergeant, commander of the reconnaissance platoon otd. ski battalion 48 sd im. Kalinin of the 2nd Shock Army 1922, Utkino village, Koverninsky district, Gorky region January 14, 1944, in the battle for the village of Klyuchiki, Lomonosov district, Leningrad region. Awarded the Order of the Red Banner
Bovkun Mikhail Kuzmich - lieutenant, commander of a rifle platoon 796 cn 141 sd 1918, p. Mayachka, Novo-Senzharsky district, Poltava region, Ukrainian, member of the CPSU July 17, 1942, in Voronezh. Awarded the Order of Lenin
Bogdan Yakov Ivanovich - Art. lieutenant, rifle company commander 533 cn 128 sd 1922, p. Ostroluchie, Baryshevsky district, Kyiv region, Ukrainian, candidate member of the CPSU January 12, 1943, in the Leningrad region, Mginsky (now Kirovsky) district, near the village of Lipka
Borisov Leonid Nikolaevich - guards. Art. lieutenant, company commander 228 Guards. sp 78 guards. sd 1915, Sestroretsk, Leningrad Region, Russian, candidate member of the CPSU February 1, 1945, to the west. bank of the river Oder (Poland). Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 27 June 1945
Bulba Vladimir Prokopevich - corporal, shooter 1034 cn 293 sd 1921, pos. Ladan, Pryluky district, Chernihiv region, Ukrainian, member of the Komsomol August 18, 1945, during the assault on the heights of the Hailar fortified area. Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class
Bumagin Iosif Romanovich - lieutenant, commander of a machine-gun platoon 369 cn 135 sd 1907, Vitebsk, Jew, member of the CPSU April 24, 1945, during the assault on the city of Breslau (now Wroclaw). Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 27 June 1945
Burmistrov Ivan Ivanovich - sergeant, sniper 1247 cn 377 sd Der. Lokotok, Novgorodsky district, Novgorod region September 30, 1943, in the Novgorod region.
Buyukly Anton Efimovich - Art. sergeant, machine gun commander 157 cn 79 sd 1915, p. Aleksandrovka, Akimovsky district, Zaporozhye region, Bulgarian, member of the CPSU August 13, 1945, in South Sakhalin. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of May 6, 1965
Vavilov Gennady Sergeevich - Private 796 cn 141 sd 1923, Moscow, Russian, member of the Komsomol July 15, 1942, in Voronezh. Awarded the Order of Lenin
Valiullov Salahutdin Khaliullovich - Art. sergeant, party organizer 2nd company of the 142nd separate rifle battalion of the 255th Marine Brigade of the 18th Army 1903, p. Klyashchevo, Tetyushsky district, Tatar ASSR, Tatar, member of the CPSU September 15, 1943, in Novorossiysk
Varlamov Nikolai Gavrilovich - sergeant, squad leader 239 sp 27 sd 1905, Petrozavodsk, Karelian ASSR, Russian, non-partisan June 25, 1943, in the battle on the east. bank of the river Onda. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 25 September 1943
Vasiliev Alexander Nikolaevich - Private 247 Guards sp 84 guards. sd 1925, Art. Issyk-Kul, Novo-Kazakhsky district, Alma-Ata region, Russian, non-partisan June 23, 1944, in the battle for the village of Kostino, Dubrovno district, Vitebsk region. Awarded the Order of Lenin
Vasilkovsky Vyacheslav Viktorovich - sergeant 1319 cn 185 sd 1915, Moscow, Russian, candidate member of the CPSU December 6, 1941, near the village of Ryabinka, Konakovsky district, Kalinin region. Awarded the Order of Lenin
Vashchenko Alexey Yegorovich - private, machine gunner 272 joint venture of the 10th sd of the NKVD troops 1921, Oskoto village, Gorodok district, Vitebsk region, Belarusian, member of the Komsomol September 5, 1942, near Stalingrad. Awarded the Order of Lenin
Vershinin Ivan Ivanovich - sergeant, party organizer of the reconnaissance company 1918, p. Kalistratikh, Kalmansky district, Altai Territory, Russian, member of the CPSU January 18, 1944, in the battle of the West. Egorovka village, Lyubansky district, Leningrad region Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class
Vilkov Nikolay Alexandrovich - foreman of the 1st class, boatswain mother ship "Sever" of the Petropavlovsk naval base of the Pacific Fleet 1918, village of Ilyinskoye, Navoloksky district, Ivanovo region, Russian, member of the CPSU August 18, 1945, in the battle for the liberation of the Shumshu island of the Kuril chain, height 171. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of September 14, 1945 Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Virko Sergey Vasilyevich - junior. sergeant, machine gunner 252 Guards. sp 83 guards. sd 1926, Rataichitsy village, Brest region, Belarusian, member of the Komsomol February 4, 1945, during the assault on Koenigsberg. Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class
Voilokov Ivan Gavrilovich - guards. sergeant 81 Guards. cn 25 guards. sd 1916, Tula region, Russian, member of the CPSU January 13, 1943, when liberated from. Dovgalevka, Davydovsky district, Voronezh region
Volkov Alexander Ivanovich - guards. ml. lieutenant, platoon leader 131 Guards. cn 45 guards. sd 1916, village of Khotitsy, Pskov district, Pskov region, Russian, member of the CPSU January 15, 1944, near Leningrad. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of October 5, 1944
Gazin Vasily Petrovich - private, shooter 1293 cn 160 sd 1920, p. Shovskoye, Lebedyansky district, Lipetsk region, Russian, non-partisan July 18, 1944, when crossing the river. Pripyat near the village. Birch, Ratnovsky district, Volyn region Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 24 March 1945
Galagan Nikolai Vasilyevich - private, shooter 47 Guards. cn 15 guards. sd 1922, Stavropol, Ukrainian, member of the Komsomol March 7, 1944, near the village. Ingulets-Olshanka, Krivoy Rog district, Dnepropetrovsk region
Ganenko Ivan Grigorievich - sergeant Ukrainian, member of the Komsomol In 1943, near the village. Kosokovka, Nizhneserogozsky district, Kherson region
Gafiyatullin Gazinur Gafiyatlovich - sergeant, deputy. squad leader 20 sp 37 sd 1913, village of Sugushly, Bugulma district, Tatar ASSR, Tatar, candidate member of the CPSU January 14, 1944, in the battle for the village of Ovsischi, Novosokolnichesky district, Pskov region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 4 June 1944
Gerasimenko Ivan Savvich - sergeant, squad leader 299 cn 225 sd 1913, p. Znamenka, Novomoskovsky district, Dnepropetrovsk region, Russian, member of the CPSU
Golovko Stepan Vladimirovich - sergeant, deputy. squad leader 961 sp 273 sd 1922, p. Chernovodsk, Sapransky district, Kazakh SSR, Ukrainian, candidate member of the CPSU October 4, 1943, near the village of Ermaki, Krasnensky district, Smolensk region. Awarded the Order of Lenin.
Golovnya Nikita Semenovich - Art. sergeant, deputy platoon leader 4 SMEs 2 Guards. msd 1913, Makinka village, Enbekshilder district, Kokchetav region, member of the Komsomol August 23, 1942, near the city of Rzhev. Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd class
Golubkov Nikolai Nikolaevich - foreman of the 1st article, commander of an anti-aircraft gun 1915, Abdulino, Orenburg region, Russian, member of the CPSU August 9, 1945, on Far East. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of September 14, 1945
Gorbach Feodosy Rodionovich - guards. ml. sergeant, squad leader 19th Guards fur. brigade 1912, p. Yaduty, Borznyansky district, Chernihiv region, Ukrainian, non-partisan January 29, 1945, in a battle while crossing the river. Warta (Poland). Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of May 31, 1945 Enrolled forever in the lists of the N-th part
Gribanov Nikolai Vasilievich - junior. sergeant, squad leader 423 cn 166 sd 1925, p. Brykovka, Dukhovnitsky district, Saratov region, Russian, member of the Komsomol October 16, 1944, near the village. Vaineda, Liepaja region, Latvian SSR. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 24 March 1945
Grigoriev Georgy Stepanovich - guards. sergeant, scout 94th Guards. separate reconnaissance company 91 guards. sd 1924, Lomki village, Mozhaisk district, Moscow region, Russian, member of the Komsomol January 20, 1944, in the battle near the village of Volchok, Vitebsk district, Vitebsk region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of June 3, 1944
Gubaidullin Mingali Khaibullovich - guards. lieutenant, machine gun platoon leader 309 Guards. sp 109 guards. sd 1923, p. Urshakbash-Karamaly, Mayakinsky district, Bashkir ASSR, Bashkir, member of the Komsomol March 8, 1944, in the battle for the liberation of s. Dudchany, Borislavsky district, Kherson region Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of June 3, 1944
Guzhvin Petr Kuzmich - Jr. lieutenant, platoon leader 276 joint venture of the NKVD troops 1918, p. Pokrovka, Vladimirsky district, Astrakhan region, Russian, candidate member of the CPSU November 21, 1942, in the battle for the city of Alagir, North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of March 31, 1943
Gutchenko Petr Lavrentievich - Deputy. political instructor 95 cn 76 sd 1921, pos. Krasny Lyman, Limansky district, Donetsk region, Ukrainian, member of the Komsomol August 18, 1942, near the village of Kletskaya near Stalingrad. Awarded the Order of Lenin. Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Danilchenko Alexander Ivanovich - sergeant 12th Pechenga Red Banner Marine Brigade Ukrainian, member of the CPSU October 10, 1944, in the battle for the city of Pechenga, Murmansk region.
Deev Vladimir Nikolaevich - Private 743 cn 131 sd 1925, Ulyanovsk, Russian, member of the Komsomol October 29, 1944, on the island of Saaremaa, Estonian SSR. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 24 March 1945
Denisov Grigory Pankratovich - sergeant, pom. platoon leader 727 cn 219 sd of the 2nd Baltic Front 1923, village of Kampishki, Rezekne district, Latvian SSR, Russian, member of the Komsomol December 24, 1944, in the battle for the hut. Rudini, Dobele district, Latvian SSR. Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class
Dernov Petr Sergeevich - Guards. soldier, machine gunner 24th Guards Cavalry Regiment 5th Guards cavalry division 1925, farm. Sambekovsky (now the village of Sambek of the Novoshakhtinsky City Council) of the Rostov Region, Russian, non-partisan January 24, 1945, in East Prussia. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 24 March 1945
Dzigunsky Mikhail Yakovlevich - lieutenant, platoon commander 1372 cn 417 sd 1921, p. Tsybuli, Monastyrshchinsky district, Vinnitsa region, Ukrainian, member of the CPSU May 7, 1944, near Sapun Mountain near Sevastopol. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 24 March 1945
Evseev Alexander Alexandrovich - Art. sergeant, scout 12th Mortar Regiment RGK 1926, p. Nizhnyaya Chernyavka, Saratov region, Russian, member of the Komsomol April 13, 1945, in Germany. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 29 June 1945
Ezhkov Ivan Stepanovich - sergeant, squad leader 563 cn 153 sd 1923, p. Bolshoe Cherevatovo, Diveevsky district, Gorky region, Russian, member of the Komsomol June 26, 1944, in the district of the city of Shklov, Mogilev region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 24 March 1945
Emelianenko Konstantin Viktorovich - private, Komsomol organizer of the company 1923, Kremenchug, Poltava region, Ukrainian, member of the Komsomol November 23, 1943, in the battle for the village. Pavlysh, Kirovograd region
Ermak Vladimir Ivanovich - Private 14th Separate Battalion 86th Rifle Division 1924, Bobruisk, Byelorussian SSR, Russian, member of the Komsomol July 19, 1943, at the Sinyavinsky Heights near Leningrad. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of February 21, 1944
Zhivov Anatoly Pavlovich - private, telephonist 827 cn 302 sd 1925, Kuzmishchevo village, Ferzikovsky district, Kaluga region, Russian, member of the Komsomol April 4, 1944, in Ternopil. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of September 23, 1944
Zhuikov Nikolai Petrovich - lieutenant 1922, p. Elovskoe, Yarsky district, Udmurt ASSR, Russian, member of the CPSU March 1, 1944, near the village of Mormal, Zhlobin district, Gomel region. Awarded the Order of Lenin
Zaburov Ivan Sergeevich - lieutenant, commander of a rifle company 103 Guards. sp 34 guards. sd 1920, village of Sermino, Gavrilo-Yamsky district, Yaroslavl region, Russian, member of the Komsomol Autumn 1942, Kalmykia, near the village. Khulhuta
Zaitsev Ivan Stepanovich - sergeant, squad leader 1050 cn 301 sd 1926, village of Chenki, Gomel region, Belarusian, member of the Komsomol April 16, 1945, near the city of Kustrin (Germany). Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 31 May 1945
Zaitsev Pavel Mikhailovich - Art. sergeant, squad leader 359 cn 50 sd 1923, Bacharovka village, Vygonichsky district, Orel region, Russian, candidate member of the CPSU January 29, 1945, near Wroclaw (Poland). Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of February 26, 1945
Zaripov Khafiz Zaripovich - guards. sergeant, machine gun commander 10th Guards separate machine-gun and artillery battalion of the 1st Guards. Nikolaev fortified area of ​​the 3rd Ukrainian Front 1906, Kazan, Tatar, member of the CPSU August 22, 1944, when crossing the Dniester estuary of the Odessa region. Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class
Zverev Anatoly Mikhailovich - Private 973 cn 270 sd 1925, Bakhtemir village, Ikryaninsky district, Astrakhan region, Russian, member of the Komsomol June 26, 1944, in the area of ​​the village of Erashovo, Beshenkovichi district, Vitebsk region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 24 March 1945
Zubkov Petr - Art. lieutenant, platoon leader 1st Separate Special Ski Regiment of the Baltic Fleet Russian, member of the Komsomol February 11, 1942, on the Leningrad front
Zyulkov Petr Markovich - lieutenant, battery control platoon commander 544th Mortar Regiment RGK 1924, village of Konovka, Kirovsky district, Kaluga region, Russian, member of the CPSU June 27, 1944, in the battle for the city of Shurgast on the western bank of the Oder. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of April 10, 1945
Ivanov Alexander Ivanovich - ml. lieutenant, Komsomol leader of the battalion 811 cn 229 sd 1923, village of Tarshino, Toropetsky district, Kalinin region, Russian, member of the CPSU February 3, 1945, near the village of Trilesino, Shklovsky district, Mogilev region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of August 2, 1944
Ivchenko Mikhail Lavrentievich - guards. corporal, sniper 28 Guards. cn 10 guards. sd 1916, p. Timonino, Achinsk district, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russian, member of the CPSU October 8, 1944, near the Maly Karikvayvish mountain near the city of Pechenga. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of November 2, 1944 Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Ilyichev Petr Ivanovich - sailor, steering boat "sea hunter" 6th Division of Patrol Ships of the Petropavlovsk Naval Base of the Pacific Fleet 1927 Pugachevo, Nizhne-Omsk district, Omsk region, Russian, member of the Komsomol August 18, 1945, in a battle with the Japanese on the island of Shumshu (Shimushu) of the Kuril chain. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of September 1, 1958 Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Ilchenko Ivan Abramovich - guards. lieutenant, platoon leader 95 Guards. sp 31 guards. sd Ukrainian, member of the Komsomol June 23, 1944, in the Orsha district of the Vitebsk region. Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Isaev Alexey Petrovich - sergeant, commander of the submachine gunners department 42 cn 180 sd 1906, village Malaya, Verkhne-Uslonsky district, Tatar ASSR, Russian, member of the CPSU January 22, 1945, near Budapest. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of April 28, 1945 Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Iskaliyev Sundutkali - Private 556 cn 169 sd 1924, pos. state farm "Almazovsky", Chingirlau district, Kazakh SSR, Kazakh, member of the Komsomol June 24, 1944, in the area of ​​the village of Ludchitsa, Bykhov district, Mogilev region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 24 March 1945
Kaverin Ivan Antonovich - Private 256 sd Russian, member of the Komsomol February 1943, in the area of ​​the Sinyavin Heights near Leningrad
Kavtaradze Adam Katsilovich - private, submachine gunner 181 cn 291 sd 1920, p. Sakere, Dusheti district, Georgian SSR, Georgian, non-partisan January 20, 1944, in the district of Krasnoe Selo, Leningrad Region. Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class
Kalinin Alexey Nikolaevich - Art. sergeant, assistant platoon leader 764 cn 232 sd 1922, p. Novozyrianovsk, Sorokinsky district, Altai Territory, Russian, member of the Komsomol August 9, 1943, in the district of Hut. Volkovka, Voronezh region Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of January 10, 1944
Kalinin Vladimir Pavlovich - lieutenant, platoon commander 1164 cn 346 sd 1924, p. Selyukhino, Solnechnogorsk district, Moscow region, Russian, member of the Komsomol April 19, 1944, in the region of Lake Aigulskoye in the Crimea. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of January 15, 1944
Kalinkin Mikhail Gerasimovich - captain, commander 175th separate company of the 121st Guards. sd 1916, Podolnoye village, Mozhaisk district, Moscow region, Russian, member of the CPSU November 22, 1943, in the battle for the village of Studenets, Kormyansky district, Gomel region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of January 15, 1944
Kaloev Alexander Alexandrovich - private, submachine gunner guards mechanized corps 1924, Stavropol Territory, Ossetian, member of the Komsomol November 3, 1943, in the Crimea. Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class
Karakulov Juman - Guards. Private 327 Guards. gsp 128 guards. GSD 1921, Karakalpak ASSR, Kazakh, member of the CPSU October 18, 1944, in the battle for the liberation of the village. Zboy in Czechoslovakia. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 24 March 1945
Karelin Petr Grigorievich - guards. lieutenant, rifle company commander 9th Guards cn 3 guards. sd 1922, Sretensk, Chita region, Russian, candidate member of the CPSU April 9, 1944, in the district of the city of Armyansk, Crimean region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 16 May 1944
Karpeshin Vasily Fedorovich - Private 68th mechanized brigade 1925, Moscow, member of the Komsomol November 30, 1943, in the battle for the village. Bandurovka, Alexandrovsky district, Kirov region
Kartashov Arseniy Maksimovich - private, submachine gunner 208 Guards sp 69 guards. sd 1925, p. Alsheevo, Buinsky district, Tatar ASSR, Chuvash, member of the Komsomol In October 1943, in the battle for the hut. Old Lipovo on the Dnieper
Karkhanin Ivan Mikhailovich - private platoon of mounted reconnaissance 434 cn 169 sd 1918, p. Lokhovka, Buzuluksky district, Orenburg region, Russian, member of the Komsomol November 8, 1942, southwest of the village. Solyanka, Svetloyarsky district, Volgograd region Awarded the Order of the Red Star
Kashirin Alexey Ivanovich - Jr. sergeant, squad leader 1372 cn 417 sd 1926, Nasurovo village, Mervinsky district, Ryazan region, Russian, member of the Komsomol January 23, 1945, in the battle for the liberation of the city of Skoudas of the Lithuanian SSR. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of June 29, 1945 Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Kirichenko Alexander Polikarpovich - guards. political instructor, deputy company commander for political affairs 256 guards sp 55 guards. sd 1892, farm. Sinyavka, Neklinovsky district, Rostov region, Russian, member of the CPSU November 9, 1942, in the battle for height 249.6 near the city of Tuapse Krasnodar Territory. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 17 April 1943
Kirov Alexander Danilovich - junior. sergeant, squad leader 523 cn 188 sd 1925, p. Maloye Gridino, Yegoryevsky district, Moscow region, member of the Komsomol October 25, 1943, in a battle near the village of Veseli Terny, Krivoy Rog district, Dnepropetrovsk region.
Klepach Alexey Ivanovich - sailor, submachine gunner 12th Marine Brigade of the Northern Fleet 1924, Nefedovsky district, Kharkov region, Ukrainian, candidate member of the CPSU October 10, 1944, near Murmansk. Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd class
Klyuev Ivan Vasilievich - foreman, party organizer of a company of a rifle battalion 1072 cn 313 sd Russian, member of the CPSU June 26, 1944, in the battle for the village of Kumsa-2, Medvezhyegorsk district, Karelian ASSR
Kovalenko Sergey Anisimovich - private, shooter 299 cn 225 sd 1921, p. Ulyanovichi, Senno district, Vitebsk region, Belarusian, member of the Komsomol February 1, 1945, in the battle for the city of Shurgast in the west. bank of the Oder (Poland). Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of April 10, 1945
Kolesnik Vasily Stepanovich - corporal, sapper 75th separate machine-gun battalion of the 112th fortified area 1923, p. Borovoye, Izyumsky district, Kharkov region, Ukrainian, member of the Komsomol August 10, 1945, in combat with the Japanese in China. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of September 8, 1945
Kolozyan Gevork Agabekovich - partisan 23rd Assault Brigade "Guido Boscaglia" Garibaldi in Italy 1917, the city of Kamo (now the city of Gavar) of the Armenian SSR, Armenian, non-partisan June 25, 1944, in the district of Gerfalcole-Carlin (Italy). Awarded with the Bronze Medal "For Military Valor" by the Government of Italy
Kolomiets Alexey Semenovich - Jr. Lieutenant, Infantry Platoon Leader 1270 cn 385 sd 1911, p. Tereshki, Skvirsky district, Kyiv region, Ukrainian, member of the CPSU August 15, 1943, in the battle for the village of Annovka, Kirovsky district, Kaluga region. Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War 1st class
Kolyuzhny Nikolai Alexandrovich - Jr. lieutenant, platoon leader 828 cn 197 sd 1918, p. Zhivotilovka, Novomoskovsky district, Dnepropetrovsk region, Ukrainian, member of the CPSU February 20, 1945, in the battle for the village of Kutsdorf (Germany). Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 27 June 1945
Komar Anatoly Grigorievich - Private 332nd separate reconnaissance company 252th division 1928, Slavyansk, Donetsk region, Ukrainian, member of the Komsomol November 24, 1943, in the battle near the village of Onufrievka, Kirovograd region. Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class
Komarov Viktor Petrovich - Private 1925, Kuibyshev region, Russian, member of the Komsomol September 23, 1943, in the Smolensk region.
Kondratiev Leonty Vasilyevich - foreman, pom. platoon leader 723 cn 395 sd 1892, Artemovsk, Donetsk region, Russian, non-partisan October 30, 1942, in the battle for height 403.3 north of the city of Tuapse, Krasnodar Territory. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of March 31, 1943
Kondrakshin Sergey Petrovich - sergeant 1908, Ulyanovsk region, Russian, member of the CPSU January 1944, in the Arctic
Konoptsev Alexey Petrovich - private, shooter 1073 cn 316 sd 1926, Pletenovka village, Kaluga district, Kaluga region, Russian, member of the Komsomol December 12, 1944, in the battle for the settlement of Malaya Yerda near Budapest. Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class
Korobchuk Alexander Kondratievich - guards. Art. sergeant, squad leader 262 Guards sp 87 guards. sd 1918, p. Ruzha, Kamenetz-Podolsky district, Khmelnytsky region, Ukrainian, member. CPSU April 12, 1944, in the Chatyrlyk district, Perekop district, Crimean region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 16 May 1944
Korovin Ilya Semenovich - sergeant, squad leader 286 cn 90 sd 1923, Vichuga, Ivanovo region, Russian, member of the Komsomol March 17, 1944, in the battle for the village of Zhidilov Bor, Pskov region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 24 March 1945
Korovin Sergey Artemovich - private, scout 90th separate guards. reconnaissance 87 guards. sd 1921, p. Upper Shaitan, Visimsky district, Sverdlovsk region, Russian, member of the Komsomol March 1, 1945, in the region of Koenigsberg (East Prussia). Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class
Kostenko Pavel Ivanovich - Ch. foreman, assistant platoon commander (company party organizer) 142nd Separate Marine Battalion, 255th Separate Marine Rifle Brigade 1917, p. New Krivoy Rog, Krivoy Rog district, Dnepropetrovsk region, Ukrainian, member of the CPSU January 11, 1944, in the region of Cape Tarkhan north-east. Kerch - during the assault on a height of 125.6. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 16 May 1944
Kostyuchek Petr Vasilyevich - Private 218 Guards. sp 77 guards. sd 1923, village of Rybtsy, Pukhovichi district, Minsk region, Belarusian, member of the Komsomol January 14, 1945, near the village of Nova near Warsaw. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 24 March 1945
Kochnev Stepan Ivanovich - Jr. lieutenant, platoon leader 61 sd of the 28th army Until 1966 he lived in Chelyabinsk November 1943, near the village. Yekaterinovka, Bolshelepetikhsky district, Kherson region He was badly wounded, but survived.
Kravtsov Nikolai Nikitovich - lieutenant of the medical service, paramedic of the control battery 42nd separate anti-tank brigade of the RGK 1921, p. Kulakovo, Chuguevsky district, Kharkov region, Russian, non-partisan October 15, 1944, in Belgrade (Yugoslavia). Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 24 March 1945
Kravchenko Leonty Gavrilovich - private, machine gunner 105th separate machine-gun and artillery battalion of the 109th fortified area 1925, Russian, member of the Komsomol August 11, 1945, during the assault on the Lesnaya height in the Japanese fortified area Hutou in Manchuria
Krasilov Alexander Semenovich - Private 299 cn 225 sd 1902, p. Staraya Taraba, Kytmanovsky district, Altai Territory, Russian, member of the CPSU January 29, 1942, in the battle near Novgorod. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of February 21, 1944
Krasnoyarov Klavdy Karpovich - private, shooter 1181 cn 356 sd 1907, Isakovka village, Gorky district, Omsk region, Russian, non-partisan September 23, 1943, in the battle for the village of Bolshaya Listven near Kiev. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of January 15, 1944
Krivenkov Kuzma Petrovich - Private 1904, Kaluga region, Russian December 1941, near Moscow
Kryzhanovsky Dmitry Evdokimovich - Art. sergeant, squad leader 284th reconnaissance company 295th division 1925, pos. Krasnoselye, Alexandria district, Kirovograd region, Ukrainian, candidate member of the CPSU July 1944, in the battle for the village. Sherasni of the Moldavian SSR
Kuznetsov Mikhail Mikhailovich - guards. Art. sergeant, squad leader 996 cn 286 sd 1923, Russian, member of the Komsomol January 1944, near Leningrad. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of April 10, 1945
Kuznetsov Dmitry Arkadievich - junior. lieutenant, commander 23rd separate assault battalion 61 sk 1922, p. Gagino, Lukyanovsky district, Gorky region, Russian, member of the CPSU January 14, 1945, in the battle for the town of Logow (Poland). Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of April 6, 1945
Kuzub Pavel Stepanovich - guards. sergeant, scout 106th separate guards. reconnaissance 110 guards. sd 1924, Petrovskaya village, Slavyansky district, Krasnodar Territory, Russian, member of the Komsomol October 9, 1943, when crossing the Dnieper. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of February 22, 1944
Kukunin Sergey Alexandrovich - guards. private, machine gunner 40 Guards cn 11 guards. sd 1899, Vysokovo village, Molokovsky district, Kalinin region, Russian, member of the CPSU July 12, 1943, in the battle for the liberation of the village of Staritsa, Ulyanovsk district, Oryol region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 4 June 1944
Kulikov Alexey Alexandrovich - corporal, deputy. PTR squad leader 69 cn 97 sd 1917, p. Vyezdnoe, Arzamas district, Gorky region, Russian, member of the Komsomol September 22, 1943, in the battle for the village of Soloshino, Kasplyansky district, Smolensk region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 4 June 1944
Kulikov Ivan Nikolaevich - guards. soldier, shooter 191 guards sp 64 guards. sd 1925, Leningrad, Russian, member of the Komsomol January 16, 1944, in the battle for with. Koyrovo near the Black River, Leningrad Region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of October 5, 1944
Kulikov Stepan Ustinovich - company commander 41st Rifle Brigade Gor. Volgograd, Russian, member of the CPSU December 20, 1941 Was seriously wounded, but survived
Kunavin Grigory Pavlovich - corporal, pom. platoon commander, company party organizer 1021 cn 307 sd 1903, p. Bainy, Kamensk-Uralsky district, Sverdlovsk region, Russian, member of the CPSU July 26, 1944, in the battle for the liberation of the village of Gerasimovichi, Dombrovsky district, Bialystok Voivodeship (Poland). Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 24 March 1945
Kunder Yakob Martinovich - lieutenant, company commander
300 bn 7th Estonian Rifle Division 1921, Läänemaa farm (Varbla parish), Pärnu district, Estonian SSR, Estonian, member of the Komsomol March 18, 1945, in the battle for the liberation of Art. Blidene, Latvian SSR. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 15 May 1946
Kupriyanov Petr Ivanovich - corporal, intelligence officer 3rd motorized rifle battalion of the 53rd motorized rifle brigade 1926, pos. Zhodino, Minsk region, Belarusian, member of the CPSU November 2, 1944, in the battle for a height of 107.7 near the village of Nikpotse, Kyldigsky district, Latvian SSR. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of March 24, 1945 Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Kurochkin Timofey Petrovich - guards. Art. sergeant, assistant platoon leader 33rd Guards. cavalry regiment of the 8th Guards. cavalry division 1909, p. Kolychevo, Sharlyksky district, Orenburg region, Russian, non-partisan January 21, 1943 in the battle for the village. Volokonovka, Belgorod region Hero
Soviet Union. Decree of January 10, 1944 Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Kutrukhin Konstantin Prokofievich - guards. sergeant, squad leader 156 guards sp 51 guards. sd 1916, village of Specific Shumets, Gornomariysky district, Mari ASSR, Russian, member of the CPSU June 27, 1944, during the capture of a bridgehead on the banks of the Western Dvina near the village of Khodakovo, Ushachsky district, Vitebsk
region Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 24 March 1945
Kukharenko Grigory Kuzmich - Art. sergeant, medical instructor 395 brigade of the Northern Group of Forces of the Transcaucasian Front Ukrainian, candidate member of the CPSU November 10, 1942, in the North Caucasus
Laar Joseph Iosifovich - guards. ml. sergeant, gunner 15 Guards. cn 2 guards sd 1905, p. Podgornoye, Kursavsky district, Stavropol Territory, Estonian, candidate member of the CPSU August 7, 1943, c. fight for hut. Leninsky, Crimean district, Krasnodar region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of October 25, 1943 Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Labutin Petr Ivanovich - private, sapper 366th separate sapper battalion 189th division 1904, Yazykovo village, Kashinsky district, Kalinin region, Russian, member of the CPSU September 13, 1942, in the battle on the Pulkovo Heights near Leningrad. Awarded the Order of the Red Banner
Lebedev Alexey Fedorovich - junior. lieutenant, platoon leader 677 cn 409 sd 1924, p. Aleksandrovskoye, Tomsk region, Russian, member of the Komsomol January 6, 1945, during the liberation of the village of Bela (Czechoslovakia). Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of April 28, 1945
Lebedev Boris Alekseevich - guards. ml. lieutenant, platoon leader 14th Guards cn 7 guards. sd 1925, Serednevo village, Galichsky district, Kostroma region, Russian, member of the Komsomol September 15, 1944, in the battle for the village. Jaunpils, Cesis region, Latvian SSR. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 24 March 1945
Levakov Vladimir Ivanovich - junior. lieutenant, platoon leader 1006 cn 266 sd 1925, p. Khrenovka, Liskinsky district, Voronezh region, Russian, member of the Komsomol January 20, 1945, in the battle for the city of Kolo, Poznan Voivodeship (Poland). Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of March 24, 1945 Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Levin Abram Isaakovich - Private 879 cn 158 sd 1918, Kiev, Jew, member of the Komsomol February 22, 1942, in the battle for with. Kholmets, Nelidovsky district, Kalinin region
Lipatov Nikolai Dmitrievich - Private, Art. battery operator 973 cn 160 sd 1916, Timoshkino village, Vysokogorsky district, Tatar ASSR, Russian, member of the CPSU August 13, 1944, in the district of the village of Grabow (Poland). Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of October 26, 1944 Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Lomakin Alexey Maksimovich - guards. soldier, shooter 215 Guards. sp 77 guards. sd 1897, 2nd Dyakonovo, Leninsky district, Kursk region, Russian, member of the CPSU July 12, 1943, when crossing the Oka in the area of ​​the village of Sivkovo, Oryol region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of January 15, 1944 Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Loskutov Vasily Pavlovich - Art. sergeant, squad leader 1258 cn 378 sd 1918, village of Gileva, Cherdynsky district, Perm region, Russian, candidate member of the CPSU November 21, 1944, in the battle for the hut. Zirian of the Latvian SSR. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 24 March 1945
Mazilin Philip Nikolaevich - Art. sergeant 13th separate machine-gun artillery battalion 1894, Kozlovka village, Aksubaevsky district, Tatar ASSR, Russian, non-partisan March 1, 1944 near the village of Mormal, Zhlobin district, Gomel region. When the fascist machine gunner threw the body of Zhuikov N.P. from the embrasure, Mazilin F.N. covered the machine gun with his body
Mayborsky Vladimir Petrovich - guards. private, machine gunner 1911, p. Zinki, Belogorsky district, Khmelnytsky region, Ukrainian, non-partisan July 13, 1944, in the battle for the village of Cheremkhuv, Kolomyia district, Ivano-Frankivsk region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of March 24, 1945. He was seriously wounded, but survived
Maiboroda Ivan Ivanovich - private, shooter 5th Guards motorized rifle brigade 1924, Krasny Liman, Donetsk region, Ukrainian, member of the Komsomol September 7, 1943, near Kramatorsk, Donetsk region.
Maisuradze Georgy Vasilyevich - private, shooter 519 cn 81 sd 1908, p. Kvedi, Onsky district, Georgian SSR, Georgian, non-partisan October 9, 1943, in the battle for the village of Glushets, Loevsky district, Gomel region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of January 15, 1944. He was seriously wounded, but survived.
Manita Arkhip Samoylovich - guards. sergeant, squad leader 270 cn 89 sd 1922, p. Lozovata, Ulyanovsk district, Kirovograd region, Ukrainian, member of the Komsomol April 23, 1945, in Berlin. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 31 May 1945
Matrosov Alexander Matveevich - private, submachine gunner 254 Guards sp 56 guards. sd 1924, Dnepropetrovsk, Russian, member of the Komsomol February 23, 1943, in the battle for the village of Chernushki, Velikoluksky district, Pskov region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of June 19, 1943 Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Mezhov Mikhail Vasilyevich - Private 349 cn 26 sd 1902, village Nikulino, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russian, non-partisan July 17, 1942, near the village of Yazva, Starorussky district, Novgorod region.
Melnikov Semyon Alekseevich - sergeant 17th artillery division Russian, member of the Komsomol 1943, near Kursk
Merkulov Ivan Danilovich - Jr. sergeant, machine gunner 312 cn 26 sd 1924, p. Staraya Veduga, Semiluksky district, Voronezh region, Russian, member of the Komsomol February 22, 1944, in the battle for the city of Kholm, Novgorod region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 15 May 1946
Miroshnik Nikolai Vladimirovich - guards. corporal, shooter 118 Guards. sp 37 guards. sd 1925, p. Debtor of the Kharkiv region, Ukrainian, member of the Komsomol July 15, 1944, in a battle in the district of the city of Slonim, Grodno region. Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class
Miroshnichenko Petr Afanasyevich - lieutenant, reconnaissance platoon commander 717 cn 170 sd 1922, p. Zapselye, Miropolsky district, Sumy region, Ukrainian, candidate member of the CPSU January 1, 1944, in the battle for the liberation of s. Pechishchi, Parichi district, Gomel region Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of June 3, 1944
Mikhailov P. S. - sergeant, squad leader rifle division of General M. S. Shumilov Russian, member of the Komsomol 1943, near Kharkov
Moldagaliev Zhangas - guards. lieutenant, company commander 120 Guards sp 39 guards. sd 1917, p. Karaul, Abai district, Semipalatinsk region, Kazakh, candidate member of the CPSU October 31, 1943, in the battle for the liberation of the village of Chernoparovka, Solonyansky district, Dnepropetrovsk region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of March 19, 1944
Molev Nikolai Georgievich - private, submachine gunner 1st separate motor reconnaissance company of the reconnaissance department of the headquarters of the 3rd Belorussian Front 1925, Sokolovo village, Struninsky district, Vladimir region, Russian, non-partisan March 1, 1945, near the village of Freiburg on the river. Bause in Germany. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 29 June 1945
Molodtsov Dmitry Semenovich - guards. soldier, shooter
270 guards sp 63 guards. sd 1908, Pleshki village, Rzhevsky district, Kalinin region, Russian, non-partisan January 13, 1943, in the area of ​​the workers' settlement No. 1 - during the breakthrough of the blockade of Leningrad. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of February 10, 1943 Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Musaev Saadul Isaevich - sergeant, company clerk 16th Separate Battalion, 83rd Marine Brigade 1919, p. Rugudzha, Gunibsky district, Dagestan ASSR, Avar, non-partisan November 23, 1943, during the assault on height 71.3 near the village. Glazovka, Leninsky district, Crimean region Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 16 May 1944
Musteykis Leonid Ivanovich - foreman, electric projector 348th separate machine-gun battalion of the Marine Corps of the Northern Fleet 1911, Udomlya village, Vetrinsky district, Vitebsk region, Russian, member of the CPSU October 10, 1944, in the Murmansk region. Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd class
Myasnikov Alexander - sailor, Komsomol organizer of the battalion 4th Marine Brigade of the Baltic Fleet Priluki village, Uglich district, Yaroslavl region, Russian, member of the Komsomol September 22, 1941, near Leningrad
Nedvizhai Ivan Makarovich - Jr. sergeant, reconnaissance squad leader 897th mountain rifle regiment of the 242nd mountain rifle division 1925, Ordzhonikidze, Russian, member of the Komsomol September 19, 1944, during the attack on the village. Gurny, 6 km (height 576) from the border of Czechoslovakia. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 24 March 1945
Novitsky Nikolai Mikhailovich - guards. Art. sergeant, squad leader 82 Guards. sp 32 guards. sd 1919, Velizh, Smolensk region, Russian, non-partisan October 10, 1942, in the battle for height 501.1 near Tuapse. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of March 31, 1943 Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Nosulya Nikolai Vasilyevich - sergeant, squad leader 1006 cn 266 sd 1926, p. Alekseevka, Konstantinovsky district, Donetsk region, Ukrainian, member of the CPSU January 20, 1945, near the city of Kolo, Poznan Voivodeship (Poland). Hero of the Soviet Union, Decree of March 24, 1945. Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Ovchinnikov Grigory Semenovich - private, party organizer of a separate rifle battalion 81st Marine Brigade 1896, Birsk, Bashkir ASSR, Russian, member of the CPSU July 25, 1943, in the battle for the height of 352.1 north-east. Novorossiysk. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 16 May 1944
Ovchinnikov Petr Ivanovich - Jr. sergeant, border guard 3rd outpost of the Khasan border detachment 1918, p. Novoslavyanka, Izhmorsky district, Novosibirsk region, Russian, candidate member of the CPSU August 9, 1945, during the assault on the Japanese border post "Kontsurika" in the Far East
Okorokov Dmitry - sergeant, machine gun commander 371 cn 130 sd Gor. Moscow, Russian, member of the CPSU February 23, 1942, in the battle for the village of Pavlovo, Demyansk district, Novgorod region. Awarded the Order of Lenin
Olshevsky Mikhail - guards. private, machine gunner 2nd Ukrainian Front Gor. Vinnitsa, Ukrainian, member of the Komsomol September 1944, while crossing the Danube in the Turku Severin region in Romania
Omarov Omar Kadir-ogly - Private Iokchay village of Azerbaijan SSR, Azerbaijani November 28, 1943, in the district of Hut. Soloshki, Kherson region
Orazalinov Sabalak - Corporal 482 cn 131 sd 1925, p. Kok-Sala, Ayaguz district, Semipalatinsk region, Kazakh, member of the Komsomol November 18, 1944, in a battle near the village of Kaimrina on the island of Saaremaa in Estonia. He was badly wounded but survived
Oreshkov Sergey Nikolaevich - guards. ml. lieutenant, platoon leader 124 Guards. sp 41 guards. sd 1916, Chuprino village, Sokolsky district, Vologda region, Russian, candidate member of the CPSU August 16, 1943, in the battle for the village. Vasishchevo near Kharkov. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of December 20, 1943
Oshchepkov Andrey Ivanovich - guards. Art. sergeant, squad leader 2nd Motorized Rifle Battalion, 10th Guards mechanized brigades 1922, p. Barsukovo, Pavlovsky district, Altai Territory, Russian, member of the Komsomol August 22, 1943, in the suburbs of Kharkov. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of March 10, 1944 Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Paderin Yakov Nikolaevich - private, shooter 1186 cn 355 sd 1911, Paderino village, Kaisky district, Kirov region, Russian, member of the CPSU December 27, 1941, in the area of ​​the village of Ryabinikha, Torzhoksky district, Kalinin region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 5 May 1942
Pankratov Alexander Konstantinovich - junior. political instructor, political instructor of a tank company 125th tank regiment of the 28th tank division 1917, p. Abakshino, Vologda district, Vologda region, Russian, member of the CPSU August 24, 1941, in the battle for the village of Spass-Nereditsa near Novgorod. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 16 March 1942
Parshin Mikhail Artamovich - private, telephonist 1849th anti-tank artillery regiment of the 31st anti-tank artillery brigade 1925, p. Karpovo, Soloneshensky district, Altai Territory, Russian, non-partisan September 18, 1944, in the area of ​​​​the village of Paulisu Nou in Romania. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 24 May 1945
Patrashkov Mikhail Yakovlevich - Jr. sergeant, gunner 254 cn 39 sd 1925, Bolkashino village, Svishchevsky district, Penza region, Russian, candidate member of the CPSU August 14, 1945, in the battle with the Japanese for the Lishuchjiang station
Pachulia Vladimir Digvovich - private, scout 867 cn 271 sd 1924, p. Pokveshi, Ochamchira district, Abkhaz ASSR, Abkhaz, member of the Komsomol May 25, 1944, in the battle for the village. Rakivchik, Kolomyia district, Ivano-Frankivsk region Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class
Penkov Grigory Ivanovich - guards. Private 50 Guards cn 15 guards. sd 1922, p. Voroponovo, Olkhovsky district, Volgograd region, Russian, member of the Komsomol January 14, 1943, near Stalingrad
Petriashvili Vasily Petrovich - Jr. lieutenant, platoon leader 696 cn 383 sd 1915, p. Tsiteli Sopel, Bolnisi district, Georgian SSR, Georgian, member of the Komsomol January 28, 1943, in the battle for the height near the village of Krymskaya, Krasnodar Territory. Awarded the Order of the Red Banner
Petukhov Nikolai Evgenievich - junior. sergeant motorized rifle battalion of the 51st Guards. tank brigade 1924, Vologda region, Russian, member of the Komsomol August 1943, on the Dnieper
Pecherskikh Alexander Mikhailovich - Art. sergeant, squad leader 207 cn 76 sd 1914, village Grachev, Verkh. Livensky district, Oryol region, Russian, non-partisan October 10, 1942, at the farm. Karazhensky North-West. village Kletskaya, Volgograd region Awarded the Order of the Red Banner
Peshekhonov Vasily Ivanovich - guards. ml. sergeant, deputy squad leader PTR company of the 13th Guards. tank brigade 1925, p. Alamasovo, Voznesensky district, Gorky region, Russian, member of the Komsomol January 20, 1945, in the battle for the village of Bolentsyn, Krakow Voivodeship (Poland). Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of April 10, 1945 Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Pivovarov Vladimir Tikhonovich - sergeant, pom. platoon leader 1087 cn 322 sd 1923, Kursk, Russian, member of the Komsomol October 1, 1943, in the battle for with. Cherevichi, Chernobyl district, Kyiv region Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War
Pigarev Nikolai Grigorievich - guards. soldier, machine gunner 3rd separate reconnaissance company of the 20th Guards. mechanized brigades 1925, Kursk, Russian, member of the Komsomol March 21, 1944, in the battle for the village of Romanovka, Ternopil region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of April 26, 1944 Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Pogadaev Stepan Borisovich - Art. sergeant, squad leader 997 cn 263 sd 1905, village of Garmenka, Bratsk district, Irkutsk region, Russian, member of the CPSU May 9, 1944, in a battle in the region of height 178, 2 near Sevastopol. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 24 March 1945
Pokalchuk Alexander Antonovich - junior. lieutenant, platoon leader 95 cn 76 sd 1923, p. Velyka Fosnya, Ovruch district, Zhytomyr region, Ukrainian, member of the Komsomol August 18, 1942, in the district of the village of Kletskaya, Volgograd region. Awarded the Order of Lenin. Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Polin Alexey Vladimirovich - private, scout 714 cn 395 sd 1911, p. Artemovka, Mordovskiy district, Tambov region, Russian, non-partisan February 26, 1944, in the battle for with. Cherries Vinnytsia region Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 25 August 1944
Polin Alexander Semenovich - guards. Sergeant, Gun Commander 130th Guards. artillery regiment 58 guards. sd 1917, p. Bakhmachevka, Ryazan region, Russian, member of the Komsomol August 25, 1942, Hero of the Soviet Union Decree of December 20, 1943
Popov Vasily Grigorievich - sergeant, pom. platoon leader 349th Separate Machine Gun Battalion of the Northern Defensive Region of the Northern Fleet 1924, village of Korkovo, Pavinsky district, Kostroma region, Russian, member of the CPSU October 13, 1944, in the battle to capture the port of Liinakhamari, Murmansk region. Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War
Popov Georgy Evdokimovich - private, submachine gunner 98th separate machine-gun battalion of the 106th fortified area of ​​the 25th Army 1900, p. Settlement, Bondarsky district, Tambov region, Russian, non-partisan August 9, 1945, in the battle for the Kolpak height in Manchuria. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of September 8, 1945 Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Postolnikov Grigory Nikolaevich - Guards. soldier, scout 15th separate guards. reconnaissance of the 8th Guards. sd 1923, Tashkent, Russian, member of the Komsomol January 23, 1944, in the battle for the village of Melehovo near Novgorod. Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class
Prystupa Ivan Stepanovich - private, shooter 270 cn 136 sd Ukrainian, member of the Komsomol September 4, 1942, in a battle in the district of the village. Ivanovka, Leningrad region
Prokatov Vasily Nikolaevich - sergeant, squad leader 1180 cn 350 sd 1923, village of Kuzovlevo, Kharovsky district, Vologda region, Russian, member of the Komsomol December 16, 1942, in the battle for the village of Derezovka, Novokalitvensky district, Voronezh region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of March 31, 1943
Prokopchuk Alexey Grigorievich - partisan partisan division. Shchorsa in Ukraine 1924, p. Sukhovolie, Novograd-Volynsky district, Zhytomyr region, Ukrainian, member of the Komsomol January 14, 1944, in the battle for the city of Kostopol, Rivne region. Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Protanov Vasily - sergeant, squad leader 555 cn 127 sd Russian, member of the Komsomol December 26, 1942, in the battle for the Melovaya height near Novaya Kalitva, Voronezh region.
Prokhorov Zinon Filippovich - guards. lieutenant, platoon leader 235 Guards. sp 81 guards. sd 1909, village of Bolshiye Olyk-Yaly, Volzhsky district, Mari ASSR, Mari, non-partisan September 19, 1944, in the battle for the Bezymyannaya height near the village. On the move in Transylvania. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 24 March 1945
Prokhorov Ivan Ivanovich - guards. Private 56th Guards cavalry regiment of the 14th Guards. cavalry division 1925, Babaevsky district, Vologda region, Russian, member of the Komsomol February 12, 1945, on the river. Oder in Poland. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of February 27, 1945
Pudovkin Pavel Grigorievich - Art. sergeant, assistant platoon leader 905 cn 248 sd 1904, farm. Marchuki, Volgograd region, Russian, member of the CPSU August 17, 1943, in the battle for the Black Raven height in the Matveevo-Kurgan district of the Rostov region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of March 19, 1944
Rise Tovye Khaimovich - guards. sergeant, squad leader, Komsomol leader 45 Guards. cn 17 guards. sd 1920, Kremenets, Trenopol region, Jew, member of the Komsomol October 17, 1944, in the area of ​​the city of Gumbinnen (now the city of Gusev, Kaliningrad region). He was badly wounded, but survived. Awarded the Order of Glory 3rd class
Rigachin Nikolai Ivanovich - guards. soldier, scout 287 Guards sp 95 guards. sd 1919, Zadnaya village, Zaonezhsky district, Karelian ASSR, Russian, non-partisan January 21, 1945, in the city of Klyuchbork, Opole Voivodeship, Poland. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of April 10, 1945
Roman Sergey Demyanovich - guards. soldier, shooter 168 Guards sp 55 guards. sd 1917, Yeysk, Krasnodar Territory, Russian, member of the Komsomol June 24, 1944, in the battle for the village of Pruzhinishche, Oktyabrsky district, Gomel region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of March 24, 1945 Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Rostomyan Apoven Vasilyevich - guards. sergeant, squad leader 44 Guards. cn 15 guards. sd 1905, Armenian, non-partisan January 18, 1945, in the battle for the city of Zharki (Poland). Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of April 10, 1945
Rustemov Tashtemir - Private 1083 cn 312 sd 1906, p. Karabulak, Sairam district, Chimkent region, Uzbek, non-partisan August 12, 1943, in the battle for the village of Borisovka, Dorogobuzh district, Smolensk region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of June 3, 1944 Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Rytikov Leonid Ivanovich - sergeant, squad leader 1159 cn 351 sd 1915, Ryazan, Russian, non-partisan February 14, 1945, in the battle for the village of Khybe (Poland). Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 29 June 1945
Savchenko Vasily Prokofievich - guards. Private 36th Guards cavalry regiment of the 4th Guards. cavalry corps 1921, Kustanai region, Ukrainian March 28, 1945, in the battle for the village. Fedimes (Czechoslovakia)
Salimov Abdulla - private, machine gunner 902 cn 248 sd 1917, Kazakh SSR, Tatar, member of the Komsomol August 19, 1943, in the battle for the village. Petropole, Matveyevo-Kurgan district, Rostov region Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class
Samoylenko Petr Ivanovich - Art. lieutenant, company commander 26 joint ventures of the NKVD troops 1921, p. Zagrebelie, Chernukhinsky district, Poltava region, Ukrainian, member of the CPSU November 17, 1942, in the Kuban. Awarded the Order of the Red Banner
Sannikov Mikhail Semenovich - Art. sergeant, squad leader 127th separate company of the 46th army 1921, Smolensk, Russian, non-partisan September 20, 1944, in the battle for height 182.3 near the village. Talmaz of the Moldavian SSR. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of March 23, 1945
Sarkisov Armans Asaturovich - guards. corporal, machine gunner 158 guards sp 51 guards. sd 1922, Azerbaijan SSR, Azerbaijani, member of the Komsomol August 1943, on the Don. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of July 22, 1944
Sakhnov Andrey - Komsomol organizer of the company 884 cn 196 sd 1924, Leningrad region, Russian, member of the CPSU January 1944, near the village of Pedlino near Gatchina, Leningrad Region.
Seleznev Mikhail Grigorievich - sergeant, squad leader 1348 cn 399 sd 1915, village of Malaya Kivara, Votkinsk district, Udmurt ASSR, Russian, candidate member of the CPSU June 30, 1944, in the battle for the village of Sychkovo, Bobruisk district, Mogilev region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 24 March 1945
Serdyukov Nikolai Filippovich - guards. ml. sergeant, squad leader 44 Guards. cn 15 guards. sd 1924 p. Goncharovka, Gorodishchensky district, Volgograd region, Russian, member of the Komsomol January 13, 1943, in the battle for the hut. Old Rogachik, Kalachevsky district, Volgograd region Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of April 17, 1943 Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Sinev Yakov Mikhailovich - guards. soldier, machine gunner separate battalion of submachine gunners of the 9th Guards. rifle brigade 1912, p. Shumilovka, Inzhavinsky district, Tambov region, Russian, member of the CPSU April 17, 1943, in the battle for height 145 near the village of Krymskaya, Krasnodar Territory. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of October 25, 1943 Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Skoryatin Fedor Nikolaevich - Art. sergeant, platoon leader 12th Assault Engineer Brigade 1917, Kursk, Russian, member of the CPSU April 28, 1944, during the assault on Sapun Mountain near Sevastopol. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 24 March 1945
Skuridin Ivan Kupriyanovich - Art. sergeant, assistant platoon leader 4 sp 98 sd 1914, p. Otradnoye, Makinsky district, Tselinograd region, Russian, candidate member of the CPSU January 16, 1944, in the battle for the village of Sokuli, Gatchina district, Leningrad region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of February 13, 1944 Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Smirnov Vladimir Efimovich - guards. Art. sergeant, squad leader ski battalion of the 9th guards. sd 1924, Barnaul, Altai Territory, Russian, member of the CPSU November 14, 1943, in the battle for the heights near the village of Shumshino, Liozno district, Vitebsk region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 4 June 1944
Smirnov Vyacheslav Vasilievich - guards. sergeant 153 Guards. sp 52 guards. sd 1925, Vladimir region, Russian, member of the Komsomol November 11, 1943, near Nevel. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 4 June 1944
Snigirev Ivan Alexandrovich - sergeant, machine gunner 66th mechanized brigade of the 8th mechanized corps 1922, Akilenki village, Falensky district, Kirov region, Russian December 6, 1943, in the battle for the village of Matorino, Kirovograd region. Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd class
Solovyov Vasily Ivanovich - guards. soldier, shooter 31 Guards cn 9 guards. sd 1924, village of Maly Karamas, Sernursky district, Mari ASSR, Mari, member of the CPSU August 28, 1943, in the battle for the village of Zhukovo, Dukhovshchinsky district, Smolensk region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 4 June 1944
Soltys Ivan Sidorovich - private, machine gunner 548 cn 116 sd 1923, p. Kuzmin, Rybnitsa district, Moldavian SSR, Moldavian, member of the Komsomol February 11, 1945, in the battle for the village of Luisenthal on the river. Beaver in Germany. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of April 10, 1945
Sosnovsky Nikolai Danilovich - private, shooter 312 cn 26 sd 1922, Chelyabinsk, Russian, member of the Komsomol September 24, 1941, near the villages of Kamennaya Gora and Luzhno, Valdai district, Novgorod region. Awarded the Order of Lenin
Stefanov Dmitry Nikitovich - guards. ml. lieutenant, platoon leader 83 Guards. sp 27 guards. sd 1911, Tolkachevo village, Medynsky district, Kaluga region, Russian, candidate member of the CPSU October 14, 1943, in the battle for the village. Zeleny Yar (suburb of Zaporozhye). Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of February 22, 1944
Strokov Alexander Danilovich - guards. private, machine gunner 81 Guards. cn 25 guards. sd 1920, Russian, member of the Komsomol January 13, 1943, in the battle for with. Dovgalevka, Liskinsky district, Voronezh region
Surkov Vasily Ivanovich - private, submachine gunner 975 cn 270 sd 1925, p. Vladimirovka, Khvorostyansky district, Kuibyshev region, Russian, member of the Komsomol September 13, 1943, in the battle for the heights in the Smolensk region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of June 4, 1944 Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Sukhambaev Agadil - private, squad leader 77 Guards. sp 26 guards. sd 1920, now collective farm "Karasu", Sverdlovsk district, Dzhambul region, Kazakh, non-partisan July 31, 1944, in the region of Grodno. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 24 March 1945
Sukhanov Ivan Kuzmich - private, scout 462 cn 168 sd 1916, p. N. Babino, Oboyansky district, Kursk region, Russian, candidate member of the CPSU August 27, 1942, near Yam-Izhora, Kuibyshev district, Leningrad region. Awarded the Order of the Red Banner
Suyunov Kudrat - sergeant, squad leader 109 cn 74 sd 1922, Samarkand, Uzbek, member of the Komsomol September 16, 1943, near Kiev. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of October 16, 1943
Sytnik Vladimir Mikhailovich - private, sapper 58th separate engineer-sapper battalion of the 12th assault engineer-sapper brigade 1925, pos. Luganka, Artyomovsky district, Donetsk region, Ukrainian, non-partisan January 27, 1945, in Budapest. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of April 28, 1945 Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Talalushkin Nikolai Stepanovich - private, shooter 862 cn 197 sd 1922, p. Kuzminka, Gorky region, Russian, member of the Komsomol July 27, 1943, in the battle for the village of Mokrye Verhi, Bolkhovsky district, Oryol (now Kaluga) region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 4 June 1944
Tarasov Petr Mikhailovich - Guards. captain, deputy battalion commander 340 guards sp 121 guards. sd 1921, village of Kamennye Ozerki, Rasskazovsky district, Tambov region, Russian, member of the CPSU March 2, 1944, in the battle for the village of Milushi near the city of Lukka, Volyn region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 25 August 1944
Tatarsky Mikhail Borisovich - private, Komsomol organizer of the mortar company 1923, Moscow, member of the CPSU February 24, 1942, near the village of Pavlovo near Novaya Russa, Novgorod region.
Tipanov Alexander Fedorovich - guards. private, machine gunner 191 guards sp 64 guards. sd 1924, p. Ustye, Sasovsky district, Ryazan region, Russian, member of the Komsomol January 17, 1944, in the battle for Hill 112 near Krasnoye Selo, Leningrad Region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of February 13, 1944 Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Tkachenko Grigory Tikhonovich - corporal, cadet 8th Army Reserve Rifle Regiment of the 38th Army 1923, p. Krasnaya Yaruga, Rakityansky district, Belgorod region, Russian, member of the Komsomol January 18, 1944, in the battle for with. Popovka, Lipovetsky district, Vinnitsa region Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 25 August 1944
Tuleberdiev Cholponbay - private, shooter 273 Guards. sp 89 guards. sd 1922, Talas village, Kirovsky district, Kirghiz SSR, member of the Komsomol August 6, 1942, in the battle for the Lysaya Gora height near the village. Selyavnoe, Liskinsky district, Voronezh region Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 4 February 1943
Udodov Alexander Abramovich - private, machine gunner 997 cn 263 sd 1917, pos. Staro-Mikhailovskoe, Maryinsky district, Donetsk region, Russian, non-partisan May 9, 1944, during the assault on height 178, 2 on the outskirts of Sevastopol. He was badly wounded, but survived. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 24 March 1945
Street Nikolai Ivanovich - Private 404 cn 176 sd Russian, member of the Komsomol 1943, in the district of the village of Krymskaya, Krasnodar Territory. Awarded the Order of the Red Banner
Ushkov Dmitry Konstantinovich - corporal, shooter, Komsomol organizer of the company 98 sp 10 sd 1922, Panteleevo village (now Ushkovo), Galichsky district, Kostroma region, Russian, candidate member of the CPSU June 13, 1944, in the battle for the village of Mustolovo near the city of Priozersk, Leningrad Region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 21 July 1944
Firsov Alexander Yakovlevich - junior. sergeant, machine gunner 567 cn 384 sd 1925, p. Poles, Putyatinsky district, Ryazan region, Russian, member of the CPSU August 11, 1945, in a battle with the Japanese for the height of the Horseshoe. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of September 8, 1945
Fonyagin Alexander Ivanovich - private, shooter 1217 cn 367 sd 1921, Kolomna, Moscow region, Russian, member of the Komsomol June 30, 1943, in the battle for the city of Medvezhyegorsk, Karelian ASSR. Awarded the Order of the Red Banner
Khadnevich Stanislav Dmitrievich - corporal, scout 503rd Artillery Regiment, 297th Rifle Division 1926, p. Sokolino, Tolochin district, Vitebsk region, Belarusian, member of the Komsomol January 16, 1945, in Budapest. Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 3rd class
Khalin Anatoly Evgenievich - Jr. lieutenant, company commander 3rd Communist Division militia Moscow 1913, Moscow, Russian, member of the CPSU February 22, 1942, near the city of Novaya Russa, Novgorod region.
Kharchenko Semyon Andreevich - guards. lieutenant, platoon leader 147 Guards. sp 49 guards. sd 1915, p. Aleksandrovsk, Olginsky district, Donetsk region, Ukrainian, non-partisan March 12, 1944, in the battle for with. Sadovoye, Mykolaiv region Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of June 3, 1944
Kholod Mikhail Methodievich - private, submachine gunner of the motorized battalion 101st tank brigade 1923, p. M. Burluk, Bolshe-Burluksky district, Kharkov region, Ukrainian, member of the Komsomol August 16, 1944, in a battle near the village of Mediniai, Birzhai district, Lithuanian SSR. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 24 March 1945
Cheremko Petr - Guards. Private 10 Guards cn 6 guards. sd Member of the Komsomol 16 April 1945 in Germany
Cheremnov Leonty Arsentievich - private, shooter 299 cn 225 sd 1913, p. Staraya Taraba, Kytmanovsky district, Altai Territory, Russian, candidate member of the CPSU January 29, 1942, in the battle near Novgorod. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of February 21, 1944
Tsuyukov Boris Ivanovich - guards. Art. sergeant, Komsomol leader 119 Guards. sp 40 guards. sd 1925, Russian, member of the Komsomol November 13, 1944, in the battle for the city of Scholt in Hungary
Shavaliev Bary Ganievich - guards. ml. sergeant, squad leader 95 Guards. sp 31 guards. sd 1925, Nizhny Temerlek village, Rybnoslobodsky district, Tatar ASSR, Tatar, member of the Komsomol June 23, 1944, in the Orsha district of the Vitebsk region. Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 2nd class
Shapkin Nikolai Pavlovich - private, cadet of a separate training rifle company 163 sd 1926, pos. Muchkapsky, Tambov region, Russian, non-partisan December 18, 1944, near Budapest. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 29 June 1942
Shevlyakov Nikolai Stepanovich - Jr. lieutenant, platoon leader 1174 cn 348 sd 1913, p. Kozlovka, Ternovsky district, Voronezh region, Russian, member of the CPSU December 25, 1941, in the Novo-Kobelevo district of the Kalinin region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 5 May 1942
Shevchenko Alexander Evseevich - sergeant, commander of the rifle squad 21 sp 180 sd 1924, p. Molchanovka, Rakytnyansky district, Kyiv region, Ukrainian, member of the Komsomol August 20, 1944, in the battle for st. Movileni. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of March 24, 1945 Enlisted forever in the lists of the N-th part
Shelenosov Alexey - Private 1921, Chita region, Russian, member of the Komsomol August 1945, in combat with the Japanese in the Far East
Shemigon Alexey Rodionovich - lieutenant, company commander 468 cn 111 sd 1916, p. Vilovka, Zmievsky district, Kharkov region, Ukrainian, member of the CPSU August 20, 1944, in the battle for the liberation of the city of Iasi in Romania. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 24 March 1945
Shershneva Rimma Vasilievna - scout partisan detachment. Gastello 1925, Dobrush, Gomel region, Russian, member of the Komsomol November 24, 1942, during the defeat of the Nazi garrison in the village of Lomovichi, Oktyabrsky (now Svetlogorsk) district, Gomel region. Awarded with the Order of the Red Banner
Shomin Alexander Konstantinovich - Art. sergeant, assistant platoon leader 1090 cn 323 sd 1906, village of Maloanikino, Irbitsky district, Sverdlovsk region, Russian, member of the CPSU June 26, 1944, in a battle near the village of Staroe Zalitvinye, Kirovsky district, Mogilev region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 24 March 1945
Shushin Ivan Fedorovich - guards. private, machine gunner 192 Guards sp 63 guards. sd 1924, p. Settlement, Gavrilo-Posadsky district, Ivanovo region, Russian, member of the Komsomol July 24, 1943, at the station. Mga Leningrad region Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of February 21, 1944
Erdzhigitov Tuychi - private, submachine gunner 1064 cn 281 sd 1921, village of Bulak-Asht district of the Tajik SSR, Uzbek, member of the Komsomol October 5, 1943, northwest Smerdynia village, Tosnensky district, Leningrad region Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of February 21, 1944
Yuzhakov Maxim Platonovich - Private 30th Guards rifle corps 1923, Leninogorsk, Altai Territory, Russian, member of the Komsomol January 19, 1944 during the liberation of the city of Krasnoe Selo, Leningrad Region. Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class
Yurkin Sergey Fedorovich - guards. soldier, shooter 1st Guards motorized rifle regiment of the 1st Guards. motorized rifle division 1924, Moscow, Russian, member of the Komsomol September 4, 1942, on the banks of the river. Sand southwest. village Smetskie Vyselki, Ulyanovsk district, Kaluga region Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class
Yusupov Saifulla Gaifulovich - private, scout 143rd Separate Marine Battalion 1912, p. Salikhovo, Chishminsky district, Bashkir ASSR, Tatar, candidate member of the CPSU August 7, 1943, near Mount Dolgaya near Novorossiysk. Awarded the Order of the Patriotic War
Yushkov Mikhail Afanasyevich - guards. soldier, scout 11th Guards Cavalry Regiment 4th Guards. cavalry division 1922, Koryakovo village, Daursky district, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russian, non-partisan March 1, 1945, in the district of Linde in Germany. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 31 May 1945
Yakovlev Vasily Artamonovich - guards. soldier, sniper 220 Guards sp 79 guards. sd 1920, p. Chernyavka, Troitsky district, Voroshilovgrad region, Russian, member of the Komsomol January 14, 1945, in the district of the village of Lipska Buda on the west. banks of the Oder in Poland
Yastrebtsov Viktor Ivanovich - sergeant, pom. platoon leader 1178 cn 350 sd 1919, p. Mityakovo, Semenovsky district, Ivanovo region, Russian, non-partisan February 22, 1944, in the region of the city of Korsun-Shevchenkovsky, Cherkasy region. Hero of the Soviet Union. Decree of 23 February September 1944

Source: "Immortal feats" / Comp.: A.P. Kovalenko, A.A. Sgibnev. - M.: Military Publishing House, 1980. pp. 81 - 110

Additions to the list:

1. Guests of the site (guest book for 01.08.03) indicated a resource on the Internet, the information of which we provide below:

[From materials prepared by a veteran of the 80th Luban Order of Kutuzov, II degree, rifle division (1st guards division of the people's militia in Leningrad) A.M. Lead.]

In the regional book of memory of the city of Kemerovo, we came across the familiar surname of our brother-soldier without indicating the place of death and indicating the military rank - private - this is Ketov Vasily Petrovich, who on December 7, 1942 accomplished an immortal feat - he closed the embrasure of the enemy bunker with his body.

On December 7, 1942, according to the order of the commander of the 8th Army, General F.N. Starikov four groups of scouts of the 80th rifle division. (two - from the 153rd regiment, one - from the 218th regiment, and one - from the 100th separate divisional reconnaissance company) in the Gaitolovo - Tortolovo strip conducted reconnaissance in force with the task of capturing at any cost the control prisoners from the outposts 1st Infantry Division (presumably) of the enemy.

After a 35-minute artillery preparation and a volley of Katyushas, ​​our groups moved forward. Here is what the divisional newspaper "In the Battle for the Motherland" No. 306 of 12/11/42 wrote under the heading "A sense of duty is stronger than death":

“when heroes die on the battlefield, people say, the winged glory flies off the military banner and invisibly stands on guard of honor at the head of the dead ... During one of the recent battles with the enemy, a group of fighters crept up to the wire fences in a plastun way and rose not knowing fear, the Soviet soldiers had already gone part of the way when a machine gun from an enemy bunker forced them to lie down.

Corporal Ketov was ahead. He threw several grenades, but the enemy machine gun continued to work. Then the brave corporal rushed to the bunker and closed the embrasure with his body. The stragglers pulled themselves up. "Forward, for the Motherland!" shouted junior lieutenant Zholnin and, despite being mortally wounded, rushed forward, dragging the fighters along.

And when the slain hero fell, his place was taken by ml. Komsomol sergeant Comrade Lyutikov. So the brave sons of the Motherland died, our dear, beloved brothers in arms - corporal Ketov and ml. Lieutenant Zholnin. Only a few tens of meters they went forward. But, like true heroes, knights of the country, they gave their lives, as 28 Panfilov heroes gave it, like the Soviet pilot Gastello, like the partisan Liza Chaikina.

Corporal Ketov and ml. Lieutenant Zholnin knew what they were going to fight for. They saw death before them, but did not flinch before its cold breath. They loved life, but were not afraid of death, despised it. Love for the Motherland and hatred for the vile enemy conquered death. Forever go down in history immortal deeds heroes! Children and grandchildren will be proud of them, the country will honor their memory! Soviet soldiers do not weep over the lifeless bodies of even their dearest brothers. With the image of heroes before their eyes, they go into battle for the cause for which the best people gave their lives.

Forward - to the enemy, Soviet warrior! With you in battle 28 heroes - Panfilov, with you pilot Gastello, with you mother, father, your beloved, with you the immortal corporal Ketov and ml. Lieutenant Zholnin!"

The body of Ketov V.P. left on the battlefield. Corporal Ketov V.P. Posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War. Ketov Vasily Petrovich, born in Kemerovo, born in 1921, drafted on March 25, 1942 by the Kemerovo RVC, arrived in the unit on 10/15/42 (TsAMO, f.1228, op. 76611 C, d. 4, l. 5 ).

Later, in the divisional newspaper of the 80th SD "In the battle for the Motherland" No. 39 of February 23, 1943, a poem was placed by the poetess Vera Lyutova from the city of Yaroslavl about the hero - scout, which she sent to the newspaper of the unit.

"Ket Scout"

Fell like a burning rocket
Above the earth is a star at the midnight hour.
That night, the Kets went to reconnaissance,
Fulfilling a combat order.

Creeped up to the enemy trenches
In the dark, the daredevils are inaudible.
The silence was suddenly broken
Shout German arrows.

By fighters at enemy pickets
He fired a German machine gun,
And the Ket scout jumped up from the ground
And with a grenade rushed forward.

The death of his comrades threatened ...
Suddenly a rushing stream of lead
As if someone's strength was cut off,
And the German machine gun fell silent.

At this moment, the Ket scout's body
The embrasure of the bunker was covered ...
The scout was selflessly brave,
More life He loved his homeland.

The Ket scout will live forever
In memory of my comrades,
And in the battles for the Motherland of the Soviets
He walks invisibly among them.

Vera Lyutova

The place of the feat and death of Ketov V.P. - 2nd kilometer north of the 60th kilometer mark railway Mga - Volkhovstroy and 1.5 km north of the former village of Tortolovo, Mginsky (now Kirovsky) district of the Leningrad region - a forest.

Alexander Matveevich Matrosov (Shakiryan Yunusovich Mukhamedyanov)(February 5, 1924, Yekaterinoslav - February 27, 1943, the village of Chernushki, now the Pskov region) - Hero of the Soviet Union (06/19/1943), Red Army soldier, submachine gunner of the 2nd separate battalion of the 91st separate Siberian volunteer brigade named after I.V. Stalin of the 6th Stalinist Siberian Volunteer Rifle Corps of the 22nd Army of the Kalinin Front, member of the Komsomol. Known for his self-sacrificing feat, when he covered the embrasure of the German bunker with his chest. His feat was widely covered in newspapers, magazines, literature, cinema and became a stable expression in the Russian language.


According to the official version, Alexander Matveevich Matrosov was born on February 5, 1924 in the city of Yekaterinoslav (now Dnepropetrovsk), was brought up in Ivanovsky (Maryinsky district) and Melekessky orphanages in the Ulyanovsk region and in the Ufa children's labor colony. After graduating from the 7th grade, he worked in the same colony as an assistant teacher.

According to another version, Matrosov's real name is Shakiryan Yunusovich Mukhamedyanov, and he was born in the village of Kunakbaevo in the Tamyan-Katai canton of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (now the Uchalinsky district of Bashkortostan). According to this version, he took the surname Matrosov when he was a homeless child (after he ran away from home after his father's new marriage) and signed up under it when he was assigned to an orphanage. At the same time, Matrosov himself called himself Matrosov.

After the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Matrosov repeatedly applied with written requests to send him to the front. In September 1942, he was drafted into the army and began his studies at the Krasnokholmsky Infantry School (near Orenburg), but already in January 1943, together with the cadets of the school, he volunteered as part of a marching company to the Kalinin Front. From February 25, 1943, he served at the front as part of the 2nd separate rifle battalion of the 91st separate Siberian volunteer brigade named after I.V. Stalin (later the 254th guards rifle regiment of the 56th guards rifle division, Kalinin Front).

On February 27, 1943 (although the date February 23 was entered in the order to assign the 254th Guards Rifle Regiment named after Alexander Matrosov), he died heroically in battle near the village of Chernushki. He was buried there in the village, and in 1948 his ashes were reburied in the city of Velikiye Luki, Pskov Region.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 19, 1943, for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the struggle against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism shown at the same time, the Red Army soldier Matrosov Alexander Matveevich was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

In the order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR I. V. Stalin dated September 8, 1943, it is written: "The great feat of Comrade Matrosov should serve as an example of military prowess and heroism for all soldiers of the Red Army." By the same order, the name of A. M. Matrosov was assigned to the 254th Guards Rifle Regiment, and he himself was forever enrolled in the lists of the 1st company of this regiment.

Alexander Matrosov became the first Soviet soldier enlisted forever in the lists of the unit.


Official version

Soviet wartime postage stamp (No. 924, July 1944), dedicated to the feat of Alexander Matrosov (drawing by I. Dubasov).

On February 27, 1943, the 2nd battalion received the task of attacking a stronghold near the village of Chernushki (Loknyansky district of the Pskov region). As soon as the Soviet soldiers passed the forest and reached the edge, they came under heavy enemy fire - three machine guns in bunkers covered the approaches to the village. Two-man assault groups were sent to suppress the firing points.

One machine gun was suppressed by an assault group of machine gunners and armor-piercers; the second bunker was destroyed by another group of armor-piercers, but the machine gun from the third bunker continued to shoot through the entire hollow in front of the village. Efforts to silence him were unsuccessful. Then Private Pyotr Ogurtsov and Private Alexander Matrosov crawled towards the bunker. On the outskirts of the bunker, Ogurtsov was seriously wounded and Matrosov decided to complete the operation alone. He approached the embrasure from the flank and threw two grenades. The machine gun fell silent. But as soon as the fighters went on the attack, the machine gun came to life again. Then Matrosov got up, rushed to the bunker and closed the embrasure with his body. At the cost of his life, he contributed to the combat mission of the unit.

Alternative versions

In the post-Soviet period, other versions of the event began to be considered. This was facilitated by distrust of Soviet propaganda, the availability of alternative means of struggle, and some design features bunkers: a flat vertical front wall, which is difficult to grasp, and a wide, located relatively high above the ground or reinforced by a slope of the embrasure, which would help roll the body out of the line of fire.

According to one version, Matrosov was killed on the roof of the bunker when he tried to throw grenades at him. Falling down, he closed air vent to remove powder gases, which gave the fighters of his platoon a break for a throw while the enemy dumped his body.

In a number of publications, an assertion was made about the unintentional feat of Alexander Matrosov. According to one of these versions, Matrosov really made his way to the machine-gun nest and tried to shoot the machine gunner, or at least interfere with his shooting, but for some reason fell on the embrasure (stumbled or was wounded), thereby temporarily blocking the machine gunner's view. Taking advantage of this hitch, the battalion was able to continue the offensive.

In other versions, the problem of the rationality of trying to close the embrasure with your body was discussed in the presence of other ways to suppress enemy fire. According to the former reconnaissance company commander Lazar Lazarev, human body could not serve as any serious obstacle to the bullets of a German machine gun. He also puts forward the version that Matrosov was hit by a machine-gun burst at the moment when he got up to throw a grenade, which for the soldiers behind him looked like an attempt to cover them from fire with his own body.

In all these cases, only the feat of Alexander Matrosov was discussed and other similar cases were not mentioned.

propaganda value

In Soviet propaganda, the feat of Matrosov became a symbol of courage and military prowess, fearlessness and love for the Motherland. For ideological reasons, the date of the feat was postponed to February 23 and timed to coincide with the Day of the Red Army and Navy, although in the nominal list of irretrievable losses of the 2nd separate rifle battalion, Alexander Matrosov was recorded on February 27, 1943, along with five more Red Army soldiers and two junior sergeants, and Matrosov got to the front only on February 25th.

More than 400 people performed similar feats during the war years.


  • Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously) - awarded June 19, 1943
  • The order of Lenin


  • He was buried in the city of Velikiye Luki.
  • Matrosov's name was given to the 254th Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment, he himself is forever enlisted in the lists of the 1st company of this unit.
  • A memorial complex was erected at the site of the death of Alexander Matrosov
  • Monuments to Alexander Matrosov are installed in the following cities:
    • Velikiye Luki
    • Dnepropetrovsk
    • Dyurtyuli
    • Ishimbay - in the central city park of culture and recreation. A. Matrosova (1974), sculptor G. Levitskaya.
    • Koryazhma
    • Krasnoyarsk
    • Kurgan - near the former cinema them. Matrosov (now the Toyota technical center), a monument (1987, sculptor G.P. Levitskaya) .
    • Salavat - bust of Matrosov (1961), sculptor Eidlin L. Yu.
    • St. Petersburg (in the Moscow Victory Park and on Alexander Matrosov Street).
    • Tolyatti
    • Ulyanovsk
    • Ufa - a monument to Matrosov (1951, sculptor Eidlin L. Yu.) on the territory of the school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and a memorial to A. Matrosov and M. Gubaidullin in Victory Park (1980)
    • Kharkiv
    • settlement Bekshi, Rezekne District, Latvian SSR (K/Z named after Matrosov), bust.
    • Halle (Saxony-Anhalt) - GDR (1971), re-tide of the monument to Matrosov (Ufa).
  • A number of streets and parks in many cities of Russia and the CIS countries are named after Alexander Matrosov.


  • "Private Alexander Matrosov" (USSR, 1947)
  • "Alexander Matrosov. The truth about the feat "(Russia, 2008)


How the famous hero of the Great Patriotic War actually died

Exactly 75 years ago, in February 1943, one of the most famous feats of the Great Patriotic War was committed near the village of Chernushki near the city of Velikiye Luki. Private Alexander Matrosov, a soldier of the Sixth Volunteer Corps named after Stalin, closed the embrasure of the enemy bunker with his chest, thereby extinguishing the deadly machine-gun fire.

The hero died, but the unit where Matrosov served completed the combat mission of breaking through the enemy defenses. For this feat, Matrosov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union ...

There are legends about Matrosov, a movie was made, his act was set as an example for more than one generation of Soviet soldiers. However, it still remains a mystery who exactly Matrosov was and, most importantly, how real the feat he accomplished was.

Where is his street, where is his house

Natalia Mikhailova, a journalist from Ulyanovsk, writes in her article “The Secret of Alexander Matrosov”:

“A lot of controversy arose about the place of his birth. The official Soviet biography indicated the city of Yekaterinoslav, aka Dnepropetrovsk, Dnieper, in Ukraine. It also notes that the orphaned Sasha in the 1930s was brought up in the Melekessky orphanage and the Ivanovo regime orphanage in the Mainsky district, where he ended up after he was convicted of theft. All this is within the current Ulyanovsk, and then Kuibyshev region.

Another version of the description of the life of Alexander Matrosov says that the hero's name was Shakiryan Yunusovich Mukhamedyanov, he was born in the Bashkir village of Kunakbaevo, lost his mother early, ran away from home after his father's second marriage, was homeless, wandered until he ended up in an orphanage in Melekesse, where he invented himself a given name and surname of Russian origin and a Ukrainian city as the place of birth. From the Bashkir capital, the city of Ufa, or rather from the Ufa children's labor colony No. 2 under the NKVD of the USSR, Alexander Matrosov went to the front.

Natalya Mikhailova herself adheres to the version set forth by the Ulyanovsk writer and researcher Nina Dubovik, who dedicated the book “Anyway, I will be a man” to the hero. According to her version, Alexander was from the Volga region:

"Born in the village of Vysoky Kolok, Stavropol district, Samara province (now it is the Novomalyklinsky district of the Ulyanovsk region) in peasant family Matrosov Matvey Ivanovich, born in 1889 and Anna Nikolaevna, born in 1899. He was the only child in the family. M.I. Matrosov went through the First World War and civil war, the consequences of which brought him to the grave. He died before the birth of his son. At the very beginning of 1930, consumption took the life of Anna Matrosova. Shortly before her death, she asked to take the five-year-old Sasha to the Melekessky orphanage.

In general, the origin of Matrosov is still a mystery. It is only known that immediately after the start of the Great Patriotic War, Sasha repeatedly applied with written requests to send him to the front. In September 1942, he was drafted by the Kirov District Military Commissariat of the city of Ufa into the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army and began his studies at the Krasnokholmsky Infantry School (Chkalov, now the Orenburg Region). In November 1942 he joined the Komsomol. On January 18, 1943, together with the cadets of the school, as a volunteer as part of a marching company, he went to the Kalinin Front, where in February he accomplished his feat.

Couldn't this just be?

It is curious, but real front-line soldiers (not those who hung around the whole war with high headquarters, but those who fought on the front line) always very reservedly assessed the feat of Matrosov. They had good reasons for that...

Retired captain Lazar Lazarev, who commanded a reconnaissance company during the war years, says:

“In the summer of forty-three, when after the decree on conferring the title of Hero of the Soviet Union to Alexander Matrosov, a propaganda campaign was in full swing to glorify his feat as an example to follow, we somehow discussed this story among ourselves. We, who saw what a machine-gun burst does to a person at close range, it was clear that it was impossible to close the embrasure with our body. What a person looks like after that - I don’t even want to remember ... Even a rifle bullet knocks a person down. And a machine-gun burst at point-blank range will drop any heaviest body from the embrasure ... ".

And here is the opinion of Vyacheslav Kondratiev, a well-known Russian writer who during the war years commanded penal units and fought in the same places as Matrosov:

“During the war, we were perplexed: why rush to the embrasure when you got so close to the enemy’s firing point? After all, you can throw a grenade into the wide bell of the bunker, you can open heavy automatic fire on it and thereby silence the enemy machine gun ... ".

In general, it turns out that the feat of Matrosov looks somewhat fantastic and almost unbelievable ...

So what really happened on that February tragic day in 1943?

Alas, it is very difficult to judge this today. The legend of the feat was compiled on the basis of a short report by the agitator of the political department of the Sixth Volunteer Corps, Senior Lieutenant Volkov. After the battle for the village of Chernushki, he wrote the following message:

“Komsomolets Matrosov, born in 1924, committed a heroic deed - he closed the embrasure of the pillbox with his body, which ensured the advancement of our shooters forward. Blackies are taken. The attack continues. I'll let you know the details when I get back."

But the senior lieutenant did not have time to give details. On the evening of the same day, he was killed. And in the political department of the corps, they seized on the report and the paper, already embellished with poetic details, went to higher authorities, like this: "The machine gun choked on the blood of the hero and fell silent." In the summer of 1943, Stalin himself learned about the feat, visiting the troops of the Kalinin Front. In September, he gave the following order:

"The great feat of Comrade Matrosov should serve as an example of military prowess and heroism for all soldiers of the Red Army."

After that, the propaganda machine to glorify Matrosov began to work with might and main.

And yet he was a true hero.

Only one testimony of a man who participated in the battle for the village of Chernushki has survived. This is the commander of the platoon where the hero served, Lieutenant Leonid Korolev. He published his story in a front-line newspaper. But we must remember that a propaganda campaign was already unfolding with might and main, and therefore the lieutenant, talking about what he saw, was under the strict control of military censors and political workers. From the text of his story it is clear that, setting out the details of the battle, Korolev is constantly confused. In one place, he talks about how Matrosov covered a machine gun with his body. And in another, he claims that after the battle, the body of the hero was found a few meters from the bunker ...

An attempt to reconstruct the feat was made only a few decades after the war. Here is Lazar Lazarev's version:

“On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Victory, I heard a radio broadcast about a hero who repeated the feat of Matrosov and was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. This hero turned out to be alive and lived in one of the rural regions of Ukraine. He is very simple, I would say, in an everyday way, and therefore absolutely reliably told how the matter actually happened.

He was ahead of the attackers. He stood up to throw a grenade, and at that time a machine-gun burst lashed at him - it passed along a tangent, only injuring the hero. And those who were behind, it seemed that he closed the embrasure of the bunker. Nevertheless, the enemy machine gun was destroyed by him. In the unit where he served, he was considered killed, but he survived, although he became disabled and had no idea for fifty years that he was introduced to high award... Probably, something similar was done by Matrosov.

The writer Kondratiev has a slightly different vision of events:

“Sasha Matrosov, apparently, ran out of grenades and cartridges. And he was forced to act differently: bypassing the bunker, he climbed onto it and tried to press the barrel of the machine gun from above, but the German soldiers, grabbing his hands, dragged him down and killed him. This hitch was used by the company, which broke through the enemy defenses. This is a reasonable, skillful feat, and it’s not Matrosov’s fault that he didn’t have enough physical strength: at the front, we were all terribly malnourished ... ".

... In a word, Alexander Matrosov really did a heroic deed, beyond doubt. By the way, during the entire war, a feat like this was accomplished by hundreds of our soldiers. And Matrosov was not the first. So, back in the summer of 1941, political instructor Alexander Pankratov sacrificed his life by personally destroying an enemy bunker in the battle near Novgorod.

Apparently, Matrosov was simply “lucky” that Stalin himself drew attention to his act. However, the feat was still there - albeit as poetic as it was painted by army propagandists ...


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Thus, if you are struggling with the question “what is the difference between sushi and rolls?”, We answer - nothing. A few words about what rolls are. Rolls are not necessarily Japanese cuisine. The recipe for rolls in one form or another is present in many Asian cuisines.
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The solution of environmental problems, and, consequently, the prospects for the sustainable development of civilization are largely associated with the competent use of renewable resources and various functions of ecosystems, and their management. This direction is the most important way to get
Minimum wage (minimum wage)
The minimum wage is the minimum wage (SMIC), which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation annually on the basis of the Federal Law "On the Minimum Wage". The minimum wage is calculated for the fully completed monthly work rate.