Complete daily horoscope for Taurus. Zodiac horoscope for Taurus men and women. Health in the Year of the Monkey

A year of big and important changes. You can “reinvent” yourself from scratch if you so choose.

People will see you differently this year, even if you don't change anything. Be adaptable, but firm and persistent.

March and April will bring several new people into your circle and perhaps fluctuations in personal tastes and opinions. Keep what you like and ignore the rest.

Also, in April and May, favorable time to make any changes in your life that you feel are right. Although radical changes may not be necessary. You yourself will understand what is best in your case.

In August and September, emotional ties and karmic connections will keep you in contact with the people you need.

Throughout the year, you will generally do the right thing, just don't be too ambitious and make taking care of your health a top priority. Don't forget, people love you.

2016 seems like it was tailor-made for Taurus. This is a time when you can do things at your own pace and make adjustments to your life to make it more comfortable.

Relationship horoscope for couples

Taurus, newness and excitement will find their way into your love life in 2016. Think of it as romantic fresh air between you and your partner. Nothing super significant should happen, but details and little things Everyday life can become brighter and happier.

You both probably want a little more day-to-day fun in your relationship. Starting in early spring, the stars will be favorable for this. Expect more pleasant surprises, memorable gifts or gestures in the future. And, of course, don’t forget to do them back.

Even if you can't take a big vacation, you'll probably want to spend more quality, romantic time together in August and September. You should go somewhere special to both of you (or stay home and come up with something equally special).

In November and December, your partnership may become even more serious. Because of some joint project or for some other reason important reason, you both may find that you are even more closely connected than before.

Relationship horoscope for those who are on their own

In 2016, Taurus, love is constantly around you, but you need to look for it in places other than usual. Plus, it can expand your social horizons and expand your inner world.

In February or March, you may meet someone interested in a rare and unusual form of art. You will probably be very interested in this person.

A surge of romantic excitement will occur in April. From the end of June you will step on more familiar and solid ground of communication with the opposite sex. However, this does not mean that you will be surrounded by boring people.

Another stormy burst of life and persistent love prospects are likely in September. At this time, an important turn may occur in your destiny. You know how not to miss yours and understand that you deserve to live happily and in comfort.

Everything is calm and comfortable for you in December, so enjoy every day to the fullest. 2016 is a stimulating year!

Finance and career development horoscope

If there were changes in your career last year, now expect a “freezing” of the situation. In any case, 2016 has all the prerequisites to be more stable in terms of work and finances.

Your persistence will attract good luck, it will become noticeable that others are not as reliable as you, and your work will be more often appreciated. In the workplace, you will be the center of attention during 2016. Therefore, do everything as best as you can and be in good mood. Be ready to take on more important work next year and you can count on the growth of your authority and profits.

At home, take care of renovations if necessary, so that you can be proud of your home if you have the opportunity to invite colleagues or other important acquaintances. Most likely, this will happen in the fall, when the stars will provide you with an unprecedented opportunity for this.

An incident at the end of August can set in motion a chain of events, which by December will ultimately lead to the opening of new prospects and opportunities for you.

The astrological forecast for 2016 is intended for people born between April 21 and May 21.

Horoscope for 2016 for Taurus – joy and luck

For you, Taurus, Jupiter moved into Virgo in August 2015, your fifth house love relationship, children, as well as entertainment, sports and creativity. A new relationship can both excite you and intimidate you with its extraordinary brilliance... something you'd like to experience anyway.

Your eldest child may go into law, travel, or get a lucrative sports contract... or his or her destiny will develop in another positive way.

During this period, all attempts made in the field of art will be welcomed. If you are an artist or your work requires a high degree of creative approach to it, you can hope that this year will be full of unexpected surprises for you - moreover, you will never forget it. If you're not a creative person, you'll probably discover that you have a lot of hidden talents. During this period, professions related to children are also in favor - it’s the best time to start a family, unless, of course, you started one earlier. School teachers and people related topics or otherwise with children, may hope for a reward. Concerning public life, you will happily attend various parties, banquets and other gatherings. Relying entirely on your beliefs, you will be ready to take the initiative into your own hands in any situation. However, do not take any rash actions.

Then, on September 9, 2016, Jupiter will move into the sixth house and the focus will shift to your work. Your efforts will be rewarded and you will likely receive a new position or promotion. You can even get a seat with big amount business trips and new perspectives. If you are satisfied with your career, 2016 will be a successful year for you. If the current state of affairs has not arrived, it is the right time to change your profession. Having done right choice, you will get a wonderful job - moreover, there is a possibility of further promotion. In this case, you will be full of enthusiasm, and tedious work will not be a burden to you. Relationships with colleagues and superiors will be extremely harmonious and fruitful. As for your health, don't worry, it will improve. This period is the best time to go on a diet or do fitness. Beware of returning to your old addictions.

Horoscope for 2016 for Taurus - difficulties and trials

Saturn has been in Sagittarius for about three months now and in your eighth house, Taurus. Before this he was in the seventh house of partnership, so the last five years have been quite stressful. Either you came through this period stronger and braver...or you got divorced and are faced with alimony/child support issues. Rejoice. It's all over now. Life is getting better. Saturn is in Sagittarius and in the eighth house of alimony, child support, and receiving money from other sources. Make the decision to grow up and you will easily overcome all difficulties. Just remember that Saturn won't be too generous unless you ask him to! But if you're remarried, you'll shift your focus to the new relationship and won't want to repeat previous mistakes.

2016 is a time of dramatic changes in life. You will be forced to analyze every habit, custom and manner of behavior that you have acquired throughout your life. The difficulties that arise will force you to radically reduce and reconsider your system of beliefs and values. If you continue to do what you used to do before, you will face serious problems. During this period, there is a huge probability of a crisis and the emergence of certain changes in your sex life. Of course, everyone knows that old habits die hard, but they have to die if you want to solve some of your problems. Among other things, this experience will make you finally understand that you are as mortal as all life on the planet. You may need to seriously reflect on the mysteries of life and the problems of your own soul.

Saturn in conflict with Neptune: real and unreal

It seems that your friends are honest with you, your salary is surprisingly stable - everything is too good to be true, but Saturn passes through the eighth house and money issues dispel illusions. Be careful when using your partner's money or other shared resources.

Taurus horoscope for 2016 – surprises and surprises

When Uranus moved into Aries in March 2011, it moved into your 12th house of the hidden, the behind-the-scenes, the stepparent, partnerships, the subconscious, dreams, visualization, and creativity. This is a good time to carry a voice recorder with you everywhere and write down all the ideas that come to your mind. You're an earth sign, so you can take the ideas Uranus gives you and make them happen. Ideas will come to you out of nowhere with enviable frequency. They are also worth writing down. You may strike a gold mine!

During this period, you may come face to face with your deepest and darkest fears, which you can later overcome. If you are a fairly open-minded and mentally stable person, you will have an excellent opportunity to thoroughly analyze your subconscious desires and aspirations. If you are truly very depressed, you will have a difficult time ahead, since the hidden traits of your character may appear at the most inopportune moment in your life. Don't expect to be able to keep all the secrets to yourself - events will be designed to reveal them. The skeletons in the closet will begin to rattle their chains. Essentially, you will be forced to face your own difficulties, and you will be taught practical lessons on how to be honest with yourself.

Taurus horoscope for 2016 – mysterious and spiritual

Neptune in the 11th house of earnings and paternal money, as well as hopes, ambitions, friends and television. You will be drawn to people who can raise your consciousness and open you up to new perspectives. You, Taurus, tend to have your feet on the ground and can be too practical, so look for people who can open up new aspects of you.

Under the pressure of Neptune's extraordinary energy, your aspirations will change dramatically. You will look at completely new directions where you could show yourself, you will be surprised when you realize how primitive your ambitions have been until now. During this period, you will become a rather idealistic person, caring about other people who are less fortunate in life than you. Moreover, your idealism will go hand in hand with optimism, which will be the main cause of terrible disappointment when you realize that utopia is not so easy to build. It is likely that your friends will begin to behave in a special way, in a manner that is unusual for them. During this period, you must constantly be on guard to avoid situations in which people close to you may deceive you. However, do not despair: maybe you will make new friendships with people who have dedicated their entire lives to art, or simply highly spiritual people.

Horoscope for 2016 for Taurus – major changes

Pluto in Capricorn will bring rewards into your life. This is your ninth house of travel, religion and law. But more importantly, it's another earth sign that also happens to be trine your Sun... the best thing for Pluto. You will see that your business is going like clockwork! You, Taurus, will get many opportunities to assert yourself. You can go on a trip, get higher education, or take part in court case which will be decided in your favor. You can gain the power and wealth that this period brings to Taurus by getting an education or going on a journey to find yourself. This will help you feel ready to move into the tenth house and accept the empowerment that comes with your career, whatever it may be. For some, it will be an elevation to the position of government minister. For others - respect in your team; it all depends on what's important to you... and what fate has in store for you.

During this period of life, you will simply be overcome by the desire to understand the meaning of your existence, moreover, you will be fascinated by philosophical questions of various kinds. If you believe in destiny, then your life will begin a period of intense study, religious fervor, and an equanimous search for ways in which you can appreciate the fullness of the universe. Perhaps you were interested in the occult sciences - now you will develop them into a whole personal teaching. During this period, there is a high probability that you will go on a long journey, during which you will learn a lot. Some foreigner can have a strong influence on you, and therefore on your way of life, or leave an indelible impression on your memory for the rest of your life. Be careful: your faith should not become an obsession.

Eclipse in the 11th house. This is where all your friends will gather to support you. The world can also be a “friend” if you dare to publish one of your creations. It's also the home of older siblings, or your father's children from a previous marriage, so one of those could be on the horizon.

The second eclipse is in the sixth house of work, health, service and pets. The focus will be workplace, you will be able to see some perspectives of the future if you have not seen them before. If you have pets, they can focus your attention on themselves.

Horoscope for 2016 for Taurus men

  • Born in the first decade (20.04-30.04). February will be the time active work, the beginning of the year is favorable for all types of trips, the end of summer is ideal for getting married. At the end of 2016, it is better to refrain from risky decisions.
  • For those born in the second decade (1.05-10.05), 2016 will be a difficult year, February, March and April will be especially difficult. To overcome personal crisis You will need considerable fortitude. Important events will happen in November.
  • Those born in the third decade (11.05-20.05) need to take care of their spiritual development. May and June 2016 will be a time of high mental and physical activity, and the last three months of 2016 will bring happiness in love.

Horoscope for 2016 for Taurus woman

  • For those born in the first decade (April 20-30), summer 2016 will be best time for romantic trips. At the end warm season It is worth paying attention to your family; in December you need to be careful not to undermine the trust of your children.
  • Those born in the second decade (1.05-10.05) need to rely on their instincts throughout 2016 - they may come across a dishonest person in life. There will be new friends in March, and adoption is coming in May. important decision. November is the time to fulfill an old dream.
  • Those born in the third decade (11.02-20.05) in June will have a chance to improve their financial situation. In summer, a marriage proposal may come, and winter will require the manifestation of intuition. Caution in communication will help avoid gossip.

Horoscope for 2016 for each month for the sign Taurus

  • In January 2016, Taurus should show all the correctness that you are capable of in your relationships with partners and colleagues. New projects and sudden discoveries await you. Overall, the month promises to be stable.
  • To achieve their goals in February 2016, Taurus will have to show all their charm. In a love relationship, you will have to fight boredom and routine. Financial affairs will not go well.

For fussy and hardworking Taurus, the horoscope of 2016 promises a decrease in the crazy rhythm of life, from which many are incredibly tired. Although you will still have to work a lot, you will be busy doing what you love and doing things that bring you pleasure.

In winter, you should pay attention to your health and play sports. Also this beautiful time for home and family, and therefore take care of arranging home comfort and spend more time with your family and friends.

From the beginning of spring you will have to put all your energy into work, this will soon help you achieve good results in your career, and if you have worked hard, you can safely count on an increase in position or salary. This will improve your financial situation, which in 2015 was not always particularly encouraging. In April, you will be able to have a good rest and even go on vacation, a business trip to another city or country, which will also bring many positive moments. It is on one of these trips that lonely Taurus will be lucky enough to meet an interesting person and even fall in love

According to the astrological forecast for 2016, it is extremely undesirable for Taurus to make large purchases or lend money. Since in cases with a purchase, it may disappoint and turn out to be a dummy, and in cases with a debtor, the debt will not be returned.

In the summer, the forecast for Taurus for 2016 promises a new addition to the family. That’s why some couples plunge into the world of motherhood and fatherhood. For those who are already happy parents, it is worth devoting more time to their children and helping them solve their problems. In addition, in June there will be a new takeoff in the professional field, and you should not be afraid to take risks, luck will definitely smile on you. In August, feel free to make big purchases, especially those related to real estate. This month, misunderstandings and tensions may arise in relationships with your significant other.


According to the 2016 horoscope, the Red Monkey will completely change the structure of the Taurus man, and not only those around him, but he himself will be shocked by what is happening and his actions. But from the middle of the year, absent-mindedness will go away, and prudence will come to replace it, which will allow you to significantly succeed at work. Also, 2016 will be a great time for learning and self-development. New knowledge will help you find more high paying job. You will also be able to make useful contacts that will be very useful in the future.


The beginning of 2016, far from the best good period for a woman of this sign. It will be very difficult at work, some may even lose their jobs, but for those who can cope with difficulties, things will become easier at the end of spring, and everything will get better. In love and family relationships, it is important to learn to find a compromise and give in. This will help avoid serious quarrels. It will be the year of the monkey perfect time for the development of creative potential, and even those who have never noticed any talents in themselves will be able to easily find them.

Taurus love, career, finance and health in 2016

The main advice for representatives of this sign is to learn to compromise, be calm and reasonable, and then they will be able to cope with any difficulties.


As for married and established couples, love horoscope Taurus 2016 advises you to rethink your behavior and learn to give in and put yourself in the position of your partner. This is what will allow us to find mutual understanding, and for some even maintain the relationship. But the love forecast for Taurus 2016 for single representatives of the sign will most likely have luck and an acquaintance will occur that will develop into serious relationship and as a result into marriage. In principle, you won’t have to complain about the lack of attention from the opposite sex. This will be a very romantic and stormy period of life. For those who are already sealed by family ties, it’s time to think about the baby. For the gentle and loving Taurus 2016, the love horoscope promises harmony and tenderness in relationships.


The first four months of 2016 will not be very encouraging with your financial condition. But then the situation will change thanks to new ideas. In the summer, the financial situation will return to normal, and profits will be very good, but this is not a reason to throw money away and make unnecessary purchases. The end of the year will present good opportunities to further improve your financial condition. You will be offered a good position or a very interesting and profitable project. Therefore, do not miss your chance and do not refuse lucrative offers.


The first months of 2016 will be difficult and will require complete dedication to achieve the desired result. And if your bosses notice your efforts, then you will definitely be rewarded with a salary or a new position. In the summer, work activity will decrease, so it’s better to devote yourself to your family. Don't be intrusive and don't break into a closed door, it won't do any good. It's best to take on a new project. There will be a high probability that you will have a patron who will help you in every possible way with your work and promotion. career ladder, but be careful that they don’t ask you for anything in return in the future.


There are no signs of any health problems. And here Bad mood and even depression will make itself felt. Therefore, it is worth drinking herbal sedatives. In addition, it is important to spend more time on fresh air, have a good rest, get enough sleep and do light sports. Pay attention to your diet, include more vegetables and fruits in your diet, but it is better to avoid fatty and smoked foods, the same applies to alcohol. Be sure to monitor your kidneys and liver, and consult a doctor at the first warning signs. At the end of the year, it’s good to cleanse your body.

Take the test

Starting from January 2016, a completely favorable situation in the professional sphere will develop for almost all Taurus. Many will be immersed in the business situation and will be especially enthusiastic about achieving high success. The stars do not advise you to stop there, because it is thanks to such perseverance that you can get much more, and rapid career growth will be a wonderful bonus.

The professional activities of Taurus will slow down slightly in the second half of 2016. However, you should not immediately succumb to panic attacks, because this year the stars do not predict any unpleasant turns. That’s why it’s worth calming down, thinking everything through, collecting your thoughts and gradually getting out of a difficult situation, because with just a little effort, Taurus will be able to see progress professional activity on the way to the top.

By the end of the year, you will feel that you will be able to solve all problems and ultimately achieve your goals. It is this optimistic attitude that will contribute to success and achieving the desired result.

Taurus financial horoscope for 2016

In 2016, material well-being will not be in last place. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that representatives of this zodiac sign are able to benefit themselves from almost any business.
It is in the financial sphere that Taurus always stands firmly on their feet, because they are not used to retreating from difficulties and are ready to do anything to achieve their goal. Taurus will feel calm in 2016, provided that they have not only a stable material income, but also a small supply of finances, which will come in handy in difficult times.

Almost every Taurus knows methods to increase this money. A well-developed intuition, which has repeatedly helped out before, will help you cope with this. In 2016, the stars advise Taurus to refrain from making large and unnecessary expenses. However, this does not mean that this year you will not be able to afford anything at all.

Throughout the year, representatives of this zodiac sign will be provided with a wonderful mood, thanks to which they will not despair even in the most difficult situations. However, sooner or later, a simply irresistible desire will appear to acquire some completely unnecessary thing. You should refuse such a purchase, because very soon you will have to make an investment Money into a business that will bring decent profits.

Already in April, Taurus will have their complete material well-being restored. It is during this period of time that they will have unexpected and original ideas who can help with this. However, even despite such crazy luck, throughout 2016 it stands with special attention treat your own spending, because there is still a risk of finding yourself in a difficult financial situation.

Towards the end of the year, Taurus will not have the easiest and most painstaking work. It is worth remembering that now is precisely the period when you can quite successfully achieve your own material well-being. Now you are full of strength and can easily overcome all obstacles that come your way. However, everything will have to be done at a fairly fast pace and every action, which should be well thought out, brings you one step closer to your goal. As a result, you will be able to feel a truly fruitful result.

All the works of Taurus will be appreciated by their superiors, which will have a positive impact not only on salary, but also on career growth. But in order to achieve such a result, you will have to act more actively and very soon both your financial and professional situation will begin to grow rapidly.

Taurus health horoscope for 2016

Taurus needs to pay special attention to their health, but at the beginning of the year they will not be exposed to a large number of serious illnesses. However, there is a risk of developing severe depression, which will be accompanied by increased nervousness and irritability; some Taurus will begin to suffer from insomnia.

The appearance of such symptoms is directly related to high workload, as well as misunderstandings and stressful situations in the family. That is why the stars advise taking time for proper rest; you may need to drink sedatives for a while, but only as prescribed by a doctor. Self-treatment is not recommended.

The horoscope advises to rest as much as possible and not take everything to heart minor troubles. There is a risk of exacerbation of old chronic diseases at the beginning of the year. That is why it is worth paying special attention to own diet– It is better to avoid fatty and smoked foods. If you do not want to face serious complications, monitor your health.

There is a risk of certain problems arising with internal organs in Taurus, it is the liver and kidneys that need special attention. This situation may unsettle some representatives of this sign, but you should not abuse alcohol, otherwise you will only aggravate an already difficult situation, because, as you know, alcohol has a negative effect on the liver and you risk completely destroying it, as a result of which you will face more serious diseases. Now you need to determine exactly what is more important - a vibrant and cheerful life or your own health.

Already at the end of 2016, Taurus will be able to feel much better, and both their physical and mental state will return to normal. You will be able to feel filled with vital energy, just a huge amount of strength will appear. However, the stars do not advise rushing into battle right away, because your body needs quality and complete rest.

The horoscope advises spending more time outdoors, being less nervous and not getting into stressful situations, and watching your diet. If you stick to these simple principles, Taurus is guaranteed good health throughout 2016.

Taurus love horoscope for 2016

At the beginning of 2016, Taurus will have to experience not the happiest moments in their relationship with their loved one. For some, life will seem simple, but for others you will have to work hard. But, in any case, the achieved result promises to be quite successful.

If right now you decide to sort out your relationship with your loved one and get answers to all your questions, then you will be able to achieve the desired result, and your significant other will not be able to avoid answering again.

However, not everything goes as smoothly as we would like it to, and some Taurus will have to go through not the easiest moments of separation. This year, Taurus will be greatly influenced by the planet Uranus, so you will be more demanding of your loved one. You should be prepared for the fact that not everyone is able to withstand such intense pressure, and as a result, there will be a risk of breaking the relationship. That is why the stars advise representatives of this zodiac sign to reconsider their actions regarding their chosen one, of course, if your plans do not include separation. To maintain a relationship, you should moderate your ardor a little.

The horoscope predicts many opportunities for single Taurus to meet their soulmate in 2016. You will be literally overwhelmed with a bright feeling of sincere and mutual love. Many representatives of this sign will understand that their loved one is very important to them and will decide to get married.

A lot of love adventures await in summer time year - the soul will be filled with bright and colorful impressions of love. And for many, the summer of 2016 will be really hot. But at the same time, an irresistible desire will appear to be not only loved, but also accepted, along with all your shortcomings. You will be able to see that today there are open people who are capable of giving sincere feelings, but they will demand the same from you.

For those Taurus who have been married for a long time, the second half of the year will show that they made the right choice. During this period of time, the relationship with your lover will be able to reach the very peaks, and you will understand what the words “family harmony” mean.

Single Taurus will have a strong desire to find their chosen one and a new romantic adventure. The whole of 2016 promises to be quite bright and full of interesting events for all representatives of this zodiac sign.

And in the future, Taurus will remember 2016 with a pleasant shudder, because right now they will be able to enjoy the sweetness of love relationships and romantic encounters. Some Taurus will be happy to learn that a pleasant addition to the family will soon occur - the birth of a long-awaited baby. The stars advise making every effort to maintain a relationship with your loved one, because this is a very subtle feeling that can be destroyed by even a minor quarrel or a thoughtlessly spoken word.

Horoscope for Taurus men for 2016

The stars do not advise Taurus men to begin any important cooperation at the beginning of 2016, especially with foreign partners. It is in winter that quite big problems, both students and researchers.

During the period from January to February, you should avoid concluding important business agreements, purchasing expensive items, and long and long trips. In March, your leadership will show friendly feelings, thanks to which there will be a great opportunity to realize your own ambitious desires.

Through interaction with partners, professional self-expression is possible. Most current topic financial stability will be in the middle of summer. From the first days of autumn, your loved one, more than ever, will need pleasant surprises and attention from you.

Taurus woman horoscope for 2016

During the first half of 2016, thanks to the influence of Jupiter, Taurus women will receive from fate a simply huge number of not only pleasant, but also truly useful meetings.

In January and February you can meet foreigners who will quickly become fast friends. At the beginning of spring, problems in relationships with your loved one will be of greatest importance.

The stars advise in April to start adjusting your leadership positions, and also learn to show your best side, show your talents in such a way as not to harm others at this time.

You should pay special attention to your desires in May, thanks to which you can avoid a big mistake when choosing tactics of behavior or field of activity.

In June, thanks to your sociability, attractiveness and initiative, new opportunities will appear in life for excellent business development, creativity, and partnerships. Due to increased emotionality and your own touchiness, you can disrupt the harmony in your own life. Therefore, you can fix everything yourself.

Taurus horoscope 2016 by year of birth

Taurus - Rat
(born 1936, 1948,1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

You have long been accustomed to working tirelessly, but in 2016 work will only bring pleasure, because all overtime hours will be rewarded with a bonus. Many Taurus will feel that they have become simply indispensable at work. The stars advise you to be more attentive to the funds you earn. Therefore, before making any major purchase, you need to think carefully about everything. It may be worth saving a little now to make an important investment soon.

Taurus - Ox
(born 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

For Taurus born in the year of the Ox, almost the entire 2016 will pass under the sign of growth, which can relate to making a profit at work, career growth or adding to the family. The stars advise you to start honing your sociability skills, because it will soon come in very handy.

Taurus - Tiger
(born 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

Such individuals are accustomed to taking risks, and, more often than not, hoping for chance. In 2016, the stars advise you to completely abandon risky and rash actions, because as a result they can lead to serious losses, which concerns not only your financial situation, but also the loss of your previous reputation. You need to try to be nearby throughout the year close person, who will not only provide timely support, but will also prevent you from doing anything stupid. At the same time, Taurus will be required to show sincerity and trust.

Taurus - Cat
(born 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987,1999, 2011)

This is a great opportunity to find out exactly what a conflict between your personal life and work means - your loved one and your boss will literally start tearing you apart. You can survive only if you learn to make the right schedule and find compromise solutions. The most important thing is to always keep your promises, so you can avoid many troubles.

Taurus - Dragon
(born 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

The biggest mistake you can make in 2016 is to put your interests much higher than the interests of other people who are not just for a long time were nearby, but also always provided necessary support. This will apply not only to work matters, but also to personal life. Now we need to find a compromise, determine what plays an important role in life. Don’t forget that your loved ones will also need your support.

Taurus - Snake
(born 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

2016 is an ideal period during which you will be able to show all your hidden talents. If you have an irresistible desire to devote yourself to creativity, you should not refuse such pleasure. There is a high probability that you will be able to become a recognized star, and with fame will come material well-being.

Taurus - Horse
(born 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002)

Starting in January 2016, you can completely erase from your life everything that used to weigh on you so much. Debtors will be able to pay off their obligations. Someone will be able to change their place of work to a more profitable one with a higher wages or put an end to a relationship that has completely exhausted itself. Don’t be afraid to start life from scratch, because thanks to this you can feel the long-awaited freedom and begin confidently moving forward.

Taurus - Goat
(born 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003)

In 2016, you need to try to find harmony with yourself - you should rest as often as possible, spend time with family and friends, start going to gym or swimming pool. At the same time, you need to make every effort to give up all bad habits; it will be useful to undergo a full medical examination. Taking care of your own health and self-respect will help you become not only a happy, but also a successful person in 2016.

Taurus - Monkey
(born 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)

Taurus born in the year of the Monkey are distinguished by their love of risk, they always want to try something new and unusual, and are ready to go all-in at any moment. In 2016, you should not be afraid of change, moving to a new place of residence or changing your field of activity. As a result, all the risks and determination will be fully paid off with good profits and advantageous offers. But, most importantly, do not put off until later solving issues that you can do today.

Taurus - Rooster
(born 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

Over the past few years, you have been able to create favorable conditions for yourself not only in the workplace, but also in your relationship with your loved one. The most important thing is to try not to change it throughout 2016, even if a person appears who promises to give you mountains of gold. Now the most important thing is to stick with people you can completely trust - daily stability is best, and not fabulous prospects, which you may not be able to achieve. Thanks to this, you can easily avoid unnecessary stress, and of course, accumulate strength for future achievements.

Taurus - Dog
(born 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

Throughout 2016, you will find a huge number of different surprises prepared by fate. Single individuals will be able to meet their soulmate, the person with whom they want to spend the rest of their lives. Those Dogs who give preference to a career over their personal life will be able to make a breakthrough in their professional activities. Pleasant meetings await ahead, receiving unexpected profits from sources that were not even suspected before. At the same time, many will have an excellent opportunity to show their best qualities.

Taurus - Pig
(born 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

In 2016, the stars advise Pigs to approach decisions with special attention. family problems and strengthening relationships. Single people should actively search for their soulmate. Thanks to increased care and attention to loved ones, there will be a great opportunity to build a strong family fortress. In addition, this year is simply ideal for those individuals who have long wanted to engage in own business– great success awaits you on this path.

January 2016 for Taurus will begin with the task of strengthening the rear - both physically and mentally. in a spiritual sense. Those Taurus who, having celebrated New Year 2016, will immediately run to the gym and work out proper nutrition, health will not be disturbed all year. And so that the same harmony reigns, give your relatives “spiritual exercise”: hug, kiss more often, talk more openly and do not waste time on quarrels.

In February-March 2016, having strengthened your home, focus on your career and put all your energy into work (or learning something new): there is a chance to improve your financial situation, which was shaken in 2015. Well, you will be able to take a break from the labors of the righteous in April: during this time, the stars promise you trips, business trips and trips, many of which you can share with your family. Single Taurus on one of these voyages will meet an interesting person who, if not a match for you, will at least fill your life with pleasant romantic experiences.

The harmony of business and personal life will continue in May 2016. with the exception of one point: at the end of spring, astrologers strongly do not recommend that you lend money to someone or make large purchases - there is a risk that you will not see the money from the debtor, and the purchase will turn out to be an expensive “dummy”.

In June, the younger generation will be in the foreground in your life. Some of the Taurus will find out that they will soon become a dad/mom, and will plunge headlong into creating a nursery, choosing a name... Someone will go on vacation with their children, and someone will have to help in a serious matter, if not their own children, then to younger relatives. The same happy Taurus will be those who plan to “build a nest” in June - large-scale repairs, construction or moving to a new living space. These worries will fill your life deep meaning and will charge you with truly childish mischievous energy.

Activity and vigor will be very useful in July - the most successful month of 2016 for Taurus: you will be given a heap of work (highly paid or extremely promising), as well as successful contracts and extremely tempting business offers. Don’t be afraid to take risks and act according to the dictates of your heart, not your mind: in July, the Monkey stands guard over your interests and will not allow you to do anything stupid. True, this applies only to the business and financial sphere. In the personal area, you should be careful: a sudden, passionate, but short-term romance with a partner who wants to use you to his advantage is likely.

In August, a powerful aggravation of intuition is expected: to succeed, act as your inner voice tells you. Construction started now or the purchase of real estate will also be extremely successful. But misunderstanding in the family can darken life a little. Try to rethink or refresh your “mothballed” relationship, consult with a psychologist, have a heart-to-heart talk... Whatever the situation turns out to be - a new honeymoon or rewriting the marriage contract - in a couple of years you will say: “I did everything right.”

Your autumn will be associated with worries about loved ones - children, parents... Try to pay more attention to them and help them solve problems (even small ones). This is what will bring you joy and a sense of satisfaction in life. You will meet December surrounded by people who love you. This is what happiness is.

Love horoscope for 2016 Taurus

Feel free to go on trips and business trips, even in the rhythm of work you will be able to meet your soul mate.

Taurus 1st decade of the sign (21.04-1.05). This year, Taurus of the first decade needs to limit as much as possible the influence of strangers on the development of their relationships - this will not bring anything good. Focus only on your own intuition. Filter the advice of friends, girlfriends, relatives and even parents. You build your relationships yourself. There is a danger of losing sexuality and femininity by the end of the year, so try not to “burn out” at work, but leave time to develop relationships.

Taurus 2nd decade of the sign (2.05-11.05). This year you realize what you want from a relationship and what kind of partner you need to create strong family. At the beginning of the year, single Taurus will face the prospect of relationships based on common hobbies and acquaintances. And representatives of the sign, who have already found a couple, will be able to achieve absolute mutual understanding with their soulmate in terms of spirituality and faith, which will help them get even closer.

Taurus 3rd decade of the sign (12.05-21.05). Think about all actions within a relationship, avoid impulsiveness. You shouldn’t quickly move in together (let alone formalize the relationship) or break up. In June and July these issues will be resolved by the will of fate. This year, long-distance trips, joint vacations, social evenings, etc. will contribute to strengthening relationships. But for single representatives of the sign, such events will help them find their soulmate, especially in July, when their femininity, attractiveness and charm will reach their maximum.

Business horoscope for Taurus for 2016

This year you will have the opportunity to find a good job and increase your income.

Taurus of the first decade does not foresee any problems at work or in business this year. Starting around August, professional growth will provide an opportunity to increase income and promote your own projects. Long-distance trips and business trips are also possible, which will bring additional income and profitable acquaintances. It is favorable to invest in real estate or renovation.

This year, there is a high probability of incurring significant losses due to negligence, especially in the period from April to early September. It will be easier and more possible to earn more in the first half of the year, but in the second half you will have to work much harder and harder. That's why large investments best done at the beginning of the year. You may feel tension in the second half of the year - at this time, your family and friends will provide you with help and support.

Taurus people of the third decade this year risk losing their jobs as a result of serious disagreements with their superiors. Therefore, either avoid conflict situations if you want to stay, or start looking for a job that will meet your requirements and capabilities. In addition, there is a possibility that you will want to change jobs solely because at will to change your field of activity or improve your income level. You will find a new place without difficulty.

Family horoscope for Taurus for 2016

You will experience a deceptive feeling of loneliness in the family.

Taurus 1st decade (21.04-1.05). If this year you feel discomfort, misunderstanding and even irritation due to current family relations, do not rush to burn bridges and dissolve the union, do not look for support and new experiences in extramarital relationships - this will become a source of problems for many years to come.

Taurus 2 decades (2.05-11.05). This year, relatives, loved ones, and especially children will surprise you with unexpected pleasant surprises. Adult children can please Taurus born in this decade with grandchildren. Beware office romances And sexual relations outside of marriage - they will be fleeting and lead nowhere, and the revealed deception will deprive Taurus the traitor of the support and respect of loved ones forever.

Taurus 3rd decade (12.05-21.05). This year, Taurus of the third decade will experience strengthening and harmonization of family relationships. Mutual understanding with your spouse will improve, warmth and calm will reign in the relationship. In addition, mutual understanding between children and parents will improve. Parents of adult children will have the opportunity to go on vacation together, which will significantly strengthen their relationship.

Health Horoscope for 2016 Taurus

The energies of this year are favorable for the treatment of chronic diseases.

Taurus 1st decade (21.04-1.05). This year, pay attention to general state your health. Periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases are not expected only if you take care of yourself. Refrain from drinking alcohol - its effect on the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys will be especially strong this year.

Taurus 2 decades (2.05-11.05). Representatives of this decade need to improve their joint health. Avoid hypothermia in January. In addition, do not forget about the correct balanced diet in order to avoid exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases (gastritis, pancreatitis, etc.) closer to autumn.

Taurus 3rd decade (12.05-21.05). Choose carefully cosmetical tools- there is danger this year allergic reactions for usual care products and decorative cosmetics. Spend enough time on your appearance: attend massage sessions, sauna and bathhouse. Do not neglect the help of specialists: this will help you maintain youth and beauty. Visit a psychologist regularly to avoid frustration.

Horoscope for Taurus for 2016 by year of birth

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus - Rat

You are no stranger to hard work, but in 2016 you will do it with pleasure: after all, work difficulties and overtime will be fully paid off both financially and by the pleasant feeling “I’m in the right place, there’s no way to be here without me.” The stars recommend being more careful with what you earn and, before making any major purchase, sit down and think: do you really need it? And very soon, instead of wasting money, you will save money for an important investment.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus - Tiger

You, who are accustomed to living riskily and hoping for chance, are warned by the Fire Monkey: in its year you should give up rash actions, since as a result they can lead to losses - both financial and reputational. Therefore, here is some advice for you: try to have a loved one next to you who can support you and keep you from doing stupid things. You, in turn, will need trust and sincerity.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus - Dragon

The main mistake you can make in 2016 is to put your interests above the interests of people who have been with you for a long time, providing support and showing love. This applies to both work and personal relationships. Try to find a compromise between what is important to you and what your loved ones expect - the Monkey will reward you with success and happiness for your ability to run along a narrow ridge.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus - Horse

Already at the beginning of the year, you will be able to say goodbye to what was previously a burden: perhaps an opportunity will arise to repay debts, or change your job to something more profitable and interesting, or put an end to an outdated relationship... Don’t be afraid to start from scratch - This is your chance, having gained freedom, to feel the wings behind your back and confidently move forward. Monkey's advice: try to remain friends with those you break up with.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus - Monkey

You - big fan try something new, go all-in, take risks, and the Red Monkey will support you in every possible way.
Don't be afraid of change, relocation and the need to do something unknown - in the end, your risk-taking and determination will pay off in buckets of champagne! But the Monkey does not recommend delaying and postponing “until Monday”: this will slow down the flow of your vital energy.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus - Dog

2016 Year of the Red Fire Monkey eastern calendar I have prepared a lot of pleasant surprises for you. Single dogs have a real chance to finally meet that same person. next to which you will want to build a family hearth. Careerist dogs will have the opportunity to make a sharp leap upward professionally. Everyone else is promised pleasant meetings, unexpected financial gains and a chance to show themselves in the best light. Use it!

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus - Ox

2016 will be a year of growth for you. This could be anything: an increase in salary or profits at work; career growth; or even an addition to the family, and not necessarily related to the arrival of a stork - perhaps relatives will come to stay with you and stay for a couple of months, or you will decide to have four-legged friend. In any case, hone your sociability - it will come in handy.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus - Rabbit (Cat)

You have a chance to find out what a conflict between work and personal life is: your bosses and your “other half” will literally snatch you away from each other. To survive, you will have to learn to live according to a clear schedule and maneuver between lights, finding compromises for everyone: “I’ll work - and we’ll go on a romantic trip!” or “I’ll rest - and how I’ll redo everything in one day!” The main thing is to keep your promises.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus - Snake

This is an ideal period for you to develop and manifest your existing and hidden talents. If you are drawn to create, do not restrain yourself, give in to the impulse: with a high probability it will make you a star in the work team, on the Internet, in the family, in one particular country, and even in the world community. And after recognition will come financial success.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus - Goat (Sheep)

The Red Monkey calls: “Love yourself!” Relax more often and spend time with your loved ones, sign up for a swimming pool and a cosmetologist, try to give up bad habits, undergo a medical examination and don’t close your eyes to “oh, something stung”... It is respect and care for yourself and your loved one that will be the key to your vigor, feeling of happiness and overall success in 2016.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus - Rooster

In past years, you have created a fairly cozy place for yourself at work and in relationships, and in the year of the Fire Red Monkey it is better not to change it - even if someone promises you mountains of gold. Stick with people who have already proven they can be trusted; for work that promises not only prospects, but also daily stability. This is what will allow you to avoid unnecessary stress and accumulate strength for future changes.

Horoscope for 2016 Taurus - Pig

The Red Fire Monkey recommends that you take special zeal to strengthen your family (or search for a candidate for the role of a spouse) - attention and care towards loved ones will allow you to build a real family fortress, which will become a reliable rear for career and financial achievements. And 2016 is simply ideal for those Boars who have long dreamed of starting their own business - success on this path is almost inevitable.

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