I dreamed of stealing things. What does it mean if I dreamed of theft

Very often, people who saw some event or situation in a dream are looking for an explanation for this phenomenon, realizing that in this way the subconscious “speaks” to them, trying to convey important information.

Psychologists believe that this is true, because it is in a dream that a person’s consciousness sleeps, while everything that was perceived by the subconscious during the day is subject to processing and often takes the form of dreams. This division of activity is very reminiscent of the game "Mafia", and this article will consider situations where the "city is sleeping" (consciousness), and the "mafia" (subconscious) wakes up. For example, why dream of stealing, because such an unpleasant event does not happen to a person every day.

General meaning of dreams

Most people are instilled in childhood with the simple truth that it is not good to take someone else's good. Someone presents this to their children as an illustration of the commandment “do not steal”, and someone patiently takes someone else’s toy from the hands of the baby, offering to play with their own.

Apparently, not all parents manage to cope with the task, because theft still exists in the world, scams are improving, as the scale of theft is changing. Be that as it may, but far from every day people have to deal with thieves, but they hear about robberies quite often, which gives “food” for reflection to their subconscious. So why dream of stealing, especially for those who have never been robbed.

Many psychologists attribute this to the fact that subconscious level a person is afraid or does not want to feel like a victim. Rooted fear can "work" both for the good of a person and against him. In the first case, people may consciously not notice any changes in others, omissions or events occurring behind their backs, but the subconscious mind picks up the smallest nuances in the behavior of relatives or colleagues and fixes it. In this case, the question of what the theft is dreaming of disappears by itself. Through this situation, the subconscious warns its owner that he is either already in trouble, or that some intrigues are being prepared against him. By emotional coloring similar dream can be neutral or even upsetting, but generally not depressing.

When fear "plays" against a person, then phobias arise, for example, the fear of being betrayed, deceived or robbed. Dreams in this case have an extremely negative connotation, sometimes even causing depression or paranoia in the dreamer.

Consider and analyze several types of dreams associated with theft.

Place of theft

As a rule, the place in which the crime occurred is of paramount importance to the dreamer. After all, in this way the subconscious mind indicates exactly where the danger awaits it.

For example, why dream of stealing a bag of money at work? There may be several answers:

  • If a person is preparing some kind of project that should bring income to the business, then the dream warns of the cunning of competitors. Perhaps they have learned about the progress of current affairs and are preparing to present a similar project first.
  • If a person has a high position or a big salary, then a dream about stealing a bag of money means that someone is aiming for his place, so you should be careful with your colleagues and not give them a reason to compromise yourself.

Actions: in the first case, the subconscious mind, perhaps, makes it clear that it is impossible to delay the project, as competitors are “stepping on their heels”. In the second - you should better study your surroundings at work.

If you dream that a bag of money was stolen on the street, then there is a chance of being deceived, for example, by a seller. In the event that the stolen was returned, then such a successful outcome indicates that the dreamer will be able to avoid trouble or deceit.

Car theft

Why dream of stealing a car? Such a dream is especially perplexing for those who do not have personal vehicles (unlike the hero A. Mironov in the film “Beware of the Car”). Such visions began to dream of people only with the massive appearance of cars on the streets, so the interpretation of such situations is relatively new.

Most often, such a dream is associated with the business sector. Unfortunately, a dream where a car is stolen does not bode well for the poor fellow. It means that he may have financial losses due to the fault of competitors or his own rash actions. Wake up should consider options for overcoming the crisis.

Another thing is if the car was returned, which means that the intrigues of competitors will be revealed, and the business will be saved.

What does sleep mean when they clean the car itself? Dream Interpretations say that someone can steal your idea or appropriate the fruits of your labors.

Actions: you should check the activities of competitors and find possible options financial investments to save business. Also, you should not disclose your ideas and open developments until they reach a climax, even to very close people.

If burglars dreamed

Why dream of stealing in an apartment? If the dreamer himself did not conceive the scam, then such a dream may be a warning to him that he may become a victim of someone's fraud. Of course, this dream has a lot of interpretation options.

  • For example, if an apartment was robbed, and in it, except for old things, there was nothing of value, the New Family Dream Book guarantees positive changes. Such a vision means getting rid of old life, and if at the same time all things were stolen, then the dreamer expects an unprecedented profit.
  • In the event that valuables were taken out of the apartment, material losses await the “victim”. They can be avoided if you find the stolen in a dream or find out who the culprit is and convict him of the crime.
  • If you dream that you are robbing the apartment of your friends, according to Loff's dream book, this means that you subconsciously envy their greater well-being than yours.

Actions: deprivation of an apartment or things from it in a dream can cause negative emotions that you should listen to. Perhaps some rash actions will entail financial loss or property litigation.

money theft

Financial issues, as scientists have found, most often occupy the minds of people (if they are not in love), it doesn’t matter if they are associated with the loss, increase or saving money. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are present in human dreams from time to time. So how do dream books answer the question of why the theft of money is dreamed of?

  • Miller's dream book warns that this is a bad sign, talking about possible losses and deprivation of well-being. The larger the amount, the greater the financial losses in reality. If a trifle is stolen, then the dreamer will have squabbles with relatives or minor troubles. Paper bills cause health problems or business troubles.
  • The universal dream book warns that if money was stolen from you, then difficult times are not far off. IN this case attention should be paid to emotional coloring sleep. If he caused only annoyance, then everything will end in a petty quarrel, but negative feelings entail serious consequences - from loss of business to serious illness.

Actions: it is necessary to analyze the dream and think about whether carelessness was shown in financial matters or perhaps only a warning seen.

The bag was stolen

Oddly enough, but even a bad, at first glance, dream can turn into a pleasant surprise. So, if you believe Tsvetkov’s dream book, if you were robbed in a dream, then it’s time for the man to prepare for the wedding, and the woman is waiting for a change in her personal life.

Then why dream of stealing a bag? A female dream book, for example, says that such a dream indicates the spinelessness of a lady. In this case, old relationships are meant, which are like a suitcase without a handle: it’s a pity to quit, and it’s hard to drag.

The French, like true optimists, say in their dream book that if the theft was insignificant, then this means that God remembers you, loves and cares.

But why dream of stealing a wallet? Dream Interpretations say that this is a warning, and someone from your environment, whom you unconditionally trust, will let you down, perhaps without even wanting to.

see the thief

If in a dream you had to witness a robbery, then dream books consider several interpretations of such events.

  • Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov interprets that to suffer from robbers in a dream means that soon you should expect an invitation to participate in some kind of event, perhaps even illegal.
  • A thief (according to the same dream book) means deception in the house, and if there are several of them, this is to disappointment.
  • According to Miller's dream book, if in a dream a person is pursued by night robbers, then in reality expect intrigues from your enemies.

Actions: you should not panic after a dream about a thief. Perhaps the subconscious is thus trying to "reach out" to the owner, who misses the obvious signals from the universe.

You are a thief

Why dream of a theft in which the dreamer sees himself as a robber? It turns out that this also happens: fair man, and he suddenly dreams that he is stealing. Dream books have an answer to this question.

  • If the dreamer sees that he is being accused of stealing, in which he was only an eyewitness, but not a participant, then in reality he undeservedly thinks or speaks badly of someone ( Home dream book).
  • When a person sees in a dream that he is committing a theft, it means that in reality the business on which he had high hopes will disappoint him, as he will fail (Home Dream Book).
  • If the dreamer sees that in a dream he is stealing bread or other food, then in reality he is afraid of poverty or ruin (Loff's Dream Interpretation), and the subconscious mind opens his eyes to his fears.

Actions: you should sort out your affairs and work out your fears. It is imperative to do this, since everyone knows that what a person is afraid of attracts to himself.

Phone theft

Do dreams about theft have positive interpretations? In practice, yes. According to Tsvetkova's Dream Interpretation, being robbed in a dream is for a wedding, and being caught is for good luck. Although there are dreams that "hint" that a person needs change.

For example, one of the interpretations of dreaming of stealing a phone is a soft hint that the dreamer is losing some connection with the environment or has difficulty communicating. Sometimes such a dream warns of possible disappointment in a person. In any case, you should think about those who are not around, and call these people in reality, or what steps should be taken to improve communication.


Do not ignore the clues of the subconscious. It is wise and notices much more than a person is consciously able to assimilate. Everything that a person dreams of is a wonderful occasion to understand what is wrong in his life, or to correct mistakes in time.

To understand why the theft is dreaming, you must certainly remember: what the attacker looked like and what exactly he stole. If, upon waking up, you know the name of the cut thief and are able to assess the damage caused to him, then the dream book will give an accurate interpretation of such a criminal vision, which in no case can be ignored!

You are a witness

When in a dream you noticed that someone encroached on someone else's property, but did not intervene, did not prevent the crime, then upon awakening you will behave extremely passively. Then be surprised at your compliance, softness, because such behavior will cause a lot of problems and unfortunate blunders.

Did you dream that a stranger was accused of stealing? Then do not rush to draw conclusions in reality - it may happen that you make the wrong verdict to a certain character who is not guilty of anything.

According to the Modern Dream Book, a serious theft suggests that the sleeper is worried about his financial well-being, afraid of going bankrupt, going broke.

When interpreting a dream in which an apartment was robbed, two main nuances must be taken into account. On the one hand, the dwelling symbolizes a person who has a dream. Robbery of an apartment in this case would mean an attempt at excessive control from the outside or a violation of personal space.

On the other hand, the meaning of a dream can be interpreted in the opposite sense. A crime in a dream will not portend anything bad in real life. In order to find out what the robbery of an apartment is about, you need to turn to several sources.

dream interpretation

Different people may pay attention to both the psychological and the symbolic aspect of the dream. Some sources consider the robbery of an apartment a sign indicating vital sphere where maximum vigilance must be exercised.

Compilers of other dream books give the robbed apartment exclusively positive value, foreshadowing good luck and the dreamer. To clarify the maximum complete interpretation, it is necessary to study the explanations of several sources.

If you were involved in a crime?

Participation in the robbery of an apartment must be interpreted with psychological point vision. The commission of this crime indicates the strong character traits of the dreamer. Most likely, this person goes ahead to his goal and does not always do it ethically.

When compiling the meaning of sleep, it is important to consider what role was assigned to you.- whether you were an organizer, a member of a criminal group, or committed an illegal act on your own. Each situation has a special meaning.

Nuances of values:

  • If the dreamer was the organizer of the crime, then in order to achieve the goal, you will have to perform an act that does not meet moral standards or abandon some of their principles.
  • Be a member of a group who commits a crime and dutifully follow the organizer's commands means that in real life there are material difficulties and get easy money.
  • Participation in the robbery of an apartment for a person whose professional activity associated with trade, is a good sign. The business will flourish, new partners will appear, and financial problems will be ruled out in the near future.
  • If you took part in the robbery of a friend's apartment, then in the near future from him to receive news. The news can be happy or sad.
  • Some dream books associate participation in a robbery with mistakes from the past.. Perhaps you offended someone, not attaching importance to your actions, your character caused a deterioration in reputation, you should try to correct the mistakes you made.
  • If you tried to enter the apartment in order to rob it, but it did not work out, then in real life you are distinguished by excessive secrecy and isolation. Such character traits cause difficulties in communicating with other people.

What are your feelings in a dream?

When interpreting an apartment robbery, it is important to consider not only who committed the crime, whether the dreamer was involved in it, but also one's own feelings. Some states may persist for a long time after waking up, for example, fear, panic, or even joy, excitement. It is these nuances that can change the meaning of the situation seen. They should be interpreted separately.

Meaning of own feelings:

  • If after waking up remained a feeling of fright or panic, then the decision that will have to be made in the near future will be painfully experienced by you. Making a choice will be extremely difficult.
  • Fear of reprisal against yourself in a dream means too powerful psychological pressure from relatives. Someone from your environment is trying to control all your actions.
  • Enjoy when participating in a robbery, it means that the dreamer has excessive cunning. To achieve the goal, you are ready for any tricks.
  • Bravely try to stop the thieves and drive them out of the apartment means the presence strong character and victory over enemies. You don't need outside help to achieve your goal.
  • Suffer in a dream when robbing an apartment, regardless of who committed the crime, means the mental anguish that torments the dreamer due to excessive control by someone from his environment.

Of particular importance is, in which the robbery of the apartment was not successful, for example, robbers dream who did not find valuables or changed their minds to complete the act they had begun. Such a dream indicates the presence in your environment of a large number of envious and ill-wishers.

If they are detected in time and vigilant, then problems can be avoided. A dream is considered a sign of warning, and its interpretation according to different dream books is not different.

In dreams, various events and phenomena can appear to a person. Old relatives and old friends may dream. Every dream is unique.

Why dream of stealing? Worth sorting out.

Why dream of theft - the main interpretation

Theft in a dream warns against hasty conclusions and unflattering words. It is important to interpret the dream as a whole and not to miss a single detail. What should you pay special attention to?

Who committed theft in a dream;

Who was accused of stealing;

What exactly was stolen;

Who appeared in a dream;

Your emotional condition After sleep.

It is important to remember all the details and moments of the dream. If you miss even one little thing, you will not be able to accurately interpret the dream. If you dream that you have witnessed a theft, you will in reality become a witness to someone's collapse, disappointment, loss.

It is also important to remember who exactly turned out to be the thief. If this is one of your acquaintances, you should not be frank with this person, he will most likely become your enemy on for a long time. Everything will happen unexpectedly, you will only then realize that it is not your fault in what is happening.

Try not to waste money thoughtlessly if you dream that you witnessed a robbery of a jewelry store. Such a dream indicates to you that you will spend money on all sorts of little things and, as a result, you will miss a significant amount. In order to avoid such a situation, it is better for you to plan all your expenses in advance.

If in a dream you witnessed a theft in a grocery store, in life you will not have enough endurance and arguments to defend your point of view. You will be confused in thoughts and desires. The dream book warns you against major purchases in the near future. Most likely they will fail. Try to weigh all your decisions, and avoid impulsive spending.

If you witnessed a bank robbery, try not to spend money that you have been saving for a long time. Even if it seems to you that the time has come to acquire the desired thing, it’s worth waiting for now. The dream interpretation indicates that after waiting for time, you will get a more profitable option for investing capital.

If you saw the theft of a child in a dream, remember your emotions. If fear arises in you, you will be afraid to continue your race. The thought of childbearing will cause negative repulsive emotions in you. If you rejoice at this dream and think that such an act is fair, in reality you will receive the welcome news of pregnancy.

Seeing the theft of an animal in a dream - you will begin to strive for something unreal, illusory. The dream book advises comparing your dreams and reality, otherwise you will be immersed in thoughts about an unrealistic future. This is dangerous for you because you will no longer perceive reality as it is. You can begin to attribute unnecessary honors to yourself and demand special attention.

If in a dream you steal a child, you really want care and warmth, but those around you do not give them. You give more than you take. The dream book advises to balance this process and try not to waste time on those who only require attention from you. Spend your energy and attention on those people who sincerely want to be with you and be useful to you.

Try not to succumb to fleeting hobbies and not to trust strangers after such a dream. A ridiculous accusation of stealing you in a dream is a sure sign of deception in reality. The deception will be financial in nature, you may even go bankrupt.

If your lover commits theft in your dream, he will become too harsh in his statements. He will try more to figure out relationships than to build them. The whole reason for this behavior will lie in the fact that he recently saw how his friends or acquaintances treat each other and began to consider your relationship imperfect.

The dream book advises you first of all to think and make decisions about whether you need a partner. Then take action. If you see in a dream the theft of diamonds - such a dream can mean your fair amount of passion for some rather dangerous business. You may have been drawn into some kind of adventure. The dream interpretation advises you not to take risks and try to perform all actions within the framework of the law.

If you dream that someone stole all the property from your home safe, someone will emotionally devastate you. Do not succumb to provocations and requests for help from unfamiliar people. All this will only add to your troubles, but will in no way allow you to prove yourself as a benefactor.

A dream in which theft is committed in public institution- warns you against problems with the law. After such a dream, you should not try to help someone close to you to solve his problems with the law. It is better to temporarily take up your life, put things in order in it.

Why dream of theft according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that if a girl dreams of a theft, she is subconsciously ready to fail in a relationship. She even subconsciously wants to stop them, because she is not ready to defend her feelings and fight for a partner. The dream interpretation advises to carefully understand the reasons for such emotions.

Maybe the girl has weak force will and character, perhaps this is her character, with which she cannot cope on her own. In any case, do not jump to conclusions. To dream about how someone steals your handbag - in reality, become a target for gossip and discussion. The dream book advises you to spread less in front of others about your victories and merits. Don't waste time on empty talk. Try to spend more time for yourself and your loved one.

Theft of clothes in a dream is a very disturbing symbol. If you stole clothes in a dream, you will begin to try on other people's roles, someone else's life. If in a dream your clothes were stolen, your personal life will become a target for another woman. The dream book does not advise panicking. In the near future, it is worth making only informed decisions dictated by common sense.

A dream in which a car is stolen from you - hopes for an early marriage and joint life with a man will not be justified. The reason for this will be your frivolity. The dream book advises to go harder towards the goal and not stop there.

The dream in which you had a robbery of your house indicates that you are afraid for your relationship. If thieves rummaged through the whole house and did not find anything in it, your fears are empty. If they found a lot of valuables and took them out of the house, such a dream warns you against betrayal and betrayal. They can come into your life unnoticed and leave an indelible mark.

Why dream of stealing according to the Esoteric dream book

IN Esoteric dream book it is said why the theft is dreamed of - such a dream often portends you interference from an evil and unfair person. If in a dream some personal thing was stolen from you, the negative will be directed precisely at your relationship.

If you stole something in a dream, such a dream means that you yourself will bring trouble on yourself. Try not to enter into conflicts in the near future, not to sort things out. You must stick to your point of view, but do not insist on it categorically. The dream in which you steal the keys to the apartment means that you are possessed by envy and resentment. They blinded you. Therefore, try to balance your emotions and find the root of rationality in everything that happens in your life.

If in a dream you steal the keys to your apartment, you have been uncomfortable in it for a long time. The dream book advises not to look for joy on the side, but to try to establish mutual understanding with the household, to find a life partner. This is a kind of impetus to action, which should stimulate further creative actions.

Why dream of theft in other dream books

IN Women's dream book it is said that theft is a dream as a symbol of your weak character, suppressed willpower. If you want to continue to live a full life, you better train your strong-willed qualities. To be accused of stealing in a dream - sad misunderstandings await you in an important matter for you. The dream interpretation advises to wait out the unfavorable period and not be upset.

In Loff's dream book it is said why the theft is dreamed of - to the fact that a person is very concerned about the material side of his life and has practically forgotten about the spiritual side. The dream book advises balancing these two aspects of life. If you accuse your lover of stealing, you do not trust him in reality. Although you may not show it. Doubt gnaws at you all the time. If you do not work through them, do not remove distrust, the relationship will end. Don't let this happen.

Dreams about money are natural for a person. They can be interpreted as meaningless, empty, since we use paper bills and coins every day. And yet, dreaming about money is an important warning. Depending on the circumstances of sleep, it can be positive or negative.

Why dream that they stole money, according to the family dream book

If in a dream some stranger wanted to steal the dreamer's money, betrayal should be expected. loved one. Such an event can permanently deprive peace of mind and cause depression.

Why dream that they stole money or something very valuable? Sleep means the onset of a period of worries, sorrows, poverty and failures. In addition, you need to try to avoid open confrontation, public hearings, scandals. Such a dream, dreamed by a person in love, can warn of the imminent loss of a loved one.

Theft of banknotes or coins is a sign of serious danger. The dreamer must be careful and not commit rash, hasty actions. If he quite easily managed to convince and escape with the stolen money, then losses await ahead. They will not be fatal, and soon the normal situation in reality will be restored.

Why dream that they stole money, according to Freud's dream book

According to Freud, sexuality is the main motive for human behavioral reactions. Trauma experienced in childhood affects throughout life. Dreams become conductors of unconscious desires, hidden from others or suppressed by the person himself.

Why dream that they stole money, according to Freud's dream book? A dream means a breakdown, energy exhaustion. You need to find energy in real life, changing the quality of your life. If there was a lot of stolen money, then the male dreamer may temporarily lose potency. It will take a long time to restore libido.

If the dreamer himself steals money or sees in a dream a lot of money stolen by someone, in real life unexpected sex awaits him. The more vivid the impression of the dream, the more vivid will be the sudden intimacy.

Why dream that they stole money, according to Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book interprets the plot unfavorably. If the dreamer was robbed, and it was the money that was stolen, then in reality he should prepare for a period of hardship, trouble and financial loss. How long it will be depends on the size of the stolen amount.

If a little money is stolen, then in reality everything will work out. Minor quarrels, ridiculous skirmishes with others are possible. Large sum the money that the dreamer lost portends crisis situation. For a businessman, it is fraught with hard times. In some cases, ruin is possible.

Why dream that they stole money along with a bag or wallet? Possible dismissal, ruin, severe and long illness. After such a dream, you should be more attentive to your words, not to commit rash and hasty acts.

You can interpret the dream and the quality of money. Stolen coins - to quarrels, omissions, disappointments and petty annoyances. Stolen paper money - failure in business, at work, illness. Possible cheating business partners, disruption of the intended transaction. If there are any incomprehensible symptoms, you should not delay visiting a therapist.

The groundless accusation of the dreamer of theft means that in reality he will be a participant in some unpleasant incident, misunderstanding, but in the end he will come out of the situation with honor.

Why dream that they stole money, according to Loff's dream book

Money in a dream is a reflection of the real situation in which a person lives in reality. Dreams reflect only the dreamer's attitude to money, emotions associated with financial problems. Money symbolizes success, the ability to control the actions of people and situations, or, conversely, dependence on circumstances.

Why dream that they stole money, according to Loff's dream book? To the inability of a person to control either others or himself. Lack of control affects not only the financial sphere, but also other aspects of life.

If the dreamer dreams that he himself is stealing money, then in reality he has very few resources. You should reconsider your attitude to life, find support, including material support, try to change the situation for the better. The dream also means that the dreamer sees the injustice associated with the distribution of money, but does nothing to change it.

Why dream that they stole money, according to Hasse's dream book

According to the dream book, if money was stolen from the dreamer, then in reality large expenses should be expected. They can be both unexpected and planned.

If the dreamer himself becomes a thief in a dream, he will be in trouble at work. It is necessary to refuse ambiguous sentences and behave very carefully with superiors, colleagues and subordinates. Perhaps there is an unfriendly person nearby.

Why dream that they stole money, according to Vanga's dream book

According to the dream book of the Bulgarian fortuneteller, the theft of any amount of money in a dream is a reason to be wary. This is a warning from higher powers: in reality, someone wants to deceive a person.

If the dreamer himself steals the money, he is in serious danger. It is necessary to abandon adventures, to behave reasonably, prudently.

A dream in which the dreamer prevented the theft of a large amount portends the receipt big money, arrived. Unexpected wealth can fall on your head.

Why dream that they stole money, according to a modern dream book

Dreams about stealing money are internal self-doubt, resentment, a feeling of underestimation by others. The dreamer may not even see in himself positive qualities does not appreciate them. Another interpretation is the loss of something significant in the spiritual sense, the depreciation of one's abilities, desires, personal qualities.

In reality, a person who has such a dream is afraid of losing social significance, respect from others, his high position in society. This will happen if the dreamer fails to avoid participating in some kind of scandal or committing an unseemly act.

Why dream that they stole money along with a wallet in a store or in the market? To betrayal, humiliation, depression, gossip. The dreamer needs to abandon bad connections, not violate the norms of behavior. Evil tongues can cause a lot of trouble. Gossip and backbiting will damage your reputation.

A wallet stolen in a dream can predict a break love relationships with a partner, as well as real monetary losses. In addition, the dreamer is waiting for the loss of a good name, which will affect the position in society. It is very bad if gypsies became participants in the plot about the theft of money. Communication with dissolute, dishonorable people in reality threatens that loved ones will turn away from you, and the authorities will initiate dismissal.

If a little money is stolen, and the circumstances of the theft are vaguely remembered, then in reality one should expect domestic troubles, petty quarrels, unnecessary fuss. If the dreamer himself steals money from someone, then his risk will not be justified. It is necessary to abandon a risky project in order to avoid trouble.

The location of the theft great importance. Why dream that they stole money in the dreamer's house? Someone in the household may be in trouble. An unfamiliar place of theft warns of unpleasant news from work.

Why dream that they stole money, according to the universal dream book

The dream of stealing money is a harbinger of a difficult, unpleasant period. If the emotions in the dream were very strong, the troubles will be big. It could be a business failure, a serious illness. If, after awakening, an unpleasant aftertaste simply remains in the soul, you will find minor conflicts or senseless spending. Waking up, you should control the actions of others and pay attention to your health.

A dream about stealing money warns: you must not lose vigilance. It is very important during this period to maintain presence of mind, to avoid clashes, not to inflate conflicts and, if possible, not to participate in them. It is important to watch the language: a word spoken at the wrong time can complicate the situation.

If the dreamer himself steals money, he may be in dangerous situation. Most likely, a person has unfulfilled desires, but with their achievement it is necessary to wait a little, wait for a more favorable moment.

To dream of thieves stealing your money is a disappointment. Someone is trying to thwart the dreamer's plans, to harm him. The dream warns that in reality a person behaves very carelessly, too trusting. Driving away the robbers is a good omen. This good dream which promises to receive good news and change the situation for the better.

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