How to make an old chest of drawers modern with your own hands. Restoration of old furniture: giving new life to a chest of drawers. Covering an old chest of drawers with newspapers

We continue to fill the piggy bank of ideas for updating the chest of drawers so that it becomes spectacular decoration any room in your home. In we showed different variants use of this small object furniture, and also offered 3 thematic plots for updating a chest of drawers that do not suit you in appearance, + about 40 ideas in pictures.

And here we have collected practical guides, thanks to which in just a few simple steps you can update the chest of drawers with your own hands.

According to the materials and techniques used, they can be divided into several parts:

  • methods 1 and 2 can be implemented from the remnants of wallpaper or fabric;
  • for 3 and 4 you will need stickers or stencils;
  • 6, 7, 8 - how to give the chest of drawers an "aged" look and add original handles in the colonial style;
  • method 9 - another small contribution to upgrade options;
  • guide-10 is a solution for lovers of sophisticated style with a budget imitation of luxurious “mirror” facades (plain food foil is used).

You will see each guide in pictures. big photo is the result of creativity. The first of the small ones is the “original view” of the chest of drawers + materials and tools. The rest are incremental steps.

Find among our ideas the one that will allow you to turn your standard (or just old) chest of drawers into a unique designer piece. Enjoy your creativity and excellent results!


how to update a chest of drawers, method number 1: SUMMER MEADOW

This chest of drawers in the style of "summer meadow" will look especially good against the backdrop. smooth wall and next to a vintage armchair.

You will need:

  • leftovers floral wallpaper With large pattern or couple large sheets wrapping paper (not foil!);
  • furniture handles to match - made of glass or acrylic;
  • pencil, ruler, scissors (cutter), transparent or white PVA glue.

Cut out the wallpaper with an allowance of about 5-10 cm, then glue it on the fronts of the drawers, carefully tucking the edges on the inner surface. Smooth the wallpaper with a dry cloth to avoid "wrinkles" and "air bubbles". For practicality, after the glue has completely dried, you can cover the surface with a thin layer of transparent acrylic varnish.

After the facades are ready inside find a hole for the handles and carefully cut through the cover from the outside. If the handles are fundamentally different, drill new holes. This technique can also be used for linen or calico.


how to update a chest of drawers, method number 2: JAPANESE MOTIVES

The Japanese-inspired theme would therefore look great paired with a matching Japanese-themed poster or fan.

The technology is almost identical to the previous one, but it is recommended for a wooden chest of drawers that can be painted. So, in addition to the materials described above, you will also need paint (translucent glaze) for wood to match the main surface of the wallpaper + a flat brush.

All surfaces of the chest of drawers, with the exception of those that are covered with wallpaper, must be painted. After the paint has dried, go through all the steps described in method No. 1.


how to update a chest of drawers, method number 3: CAFE-SHANTAN

The chest of drawers updated in this way will perfectly decorate a laconic interior.

You will need:

  • stencils with letters folded into words, chopped font (in the photo they are made by hand using drawing tools and special paper), light and dark paint for wood and a brush (wide - for painting a chest of drawers and short hard - for drawing) - if the chest of drawers is wooden;
  • stickers from an advertising vinyl film, contrasting with the background - if the chest of drawers is made of MDF or chipboard.

If the chest of drawers needs to be painted, make a “glaze”: mix the paint with a little water and lightly remove the paint from the brush, cover the entire surface of the chest of drawers. You should get a slightly vintage (uneven) effect.

After the main surface of the chest of drawers has completely dried, paint over the letters according to the stencil, dipping the tip of the brush into the paint. Then go over lightly with sandpaper to get a vintage effect.

If the chest of drawers is made of composites, just place stickers on it without removing the “middle” letters from the part. Smooth the stickers with a cloth to avoid "air bubbles". If you manage to purchase special mounting paper with markings, things will go much faster.


how to update a chest of drawers, method number 4: FOLK GLAMOR

This method is similar to the previous one, but a different style is chosen. Gentle "romantic tones" of paints and stickers + a little known share of humor will help to create such original chest of drawers for a nursery or girl's room.


how to update a chest of drawers, method number 5: SPRING GARDEN

A light eco-style story is created by a composition of an updated chest of drawers and a canvas stretched over a frame (similar frames are sold at Ikea).

You will need:

  • cotton fabric with a large pattern in natural tones;
  • very sharp fabric cutter, scissors, glue, acrylic lacquer, hammer, small nails.

You need to cut out the elements of the pattern from a piece of fabric and stick them on the chest of drawers. From above, the drawing is varnished for practical reasons. Stretch a large piece of the same fabric over the frame and attach with carnations.


how to update a chest of drawers, method number 6: SPANISH CLASSIC

Another composition of several items. This time - large-scale and luxurious. The "trio" includes a wooden chest of drawers, a chair and a mirror in a wooden frame.

Details - in the special issue "" (master class No. 2)


how to update a chest of drawers, method number 7: SEA WOLF

Sometimes you want something completely different. This chest of drawers in a colonial style will look especially impressive surrounded by "trophies" from long-distance (or just sea) travels. We use a wooden chest of drawers, even a very old one.

You will need:

  • white and light gray paint for wood,
  • brushes, wire mesh, sandpaper;
  • a piece of real thick rope (2-3 cm in diameter);
  • natural wax for finishing.

Get a wood paint that doesn't dry too quickly, and coat every piece of furniture. Alternate strokes of white and gray paint, then create more uneven appearance surface by sanding it with a twisted wire mesh.

After complete drying, go over all surfaces with transparent wax or first with mother-of-pearl glaze, and then with wax.

Remove from old wooden handles varnish and paint with the same paint as the chest of drawers. Tie the rope with a "nautical" knot and thread the handle through it so as to hide it almost completely. Return the updated handle to its original place. Top coat with natural wax.


how to update a chest of drawers, method number 8: FRENCH BOUDOIR

This is a variation on technique #7, but the chest of drawers becomes a bathroom cabinet in vintage style. In addition to the chest of drawers, a mirror and a bowl of an overhead sink are involved in the creation of this item.

See more in the special issue "" (master class No. 3)


1. Floral print

2. Add fabric to the sides of the drawers

Read detailed instructions.

3. Decorate drawers with wallpaper

You will also be interested - 45 Ways to Update Your Closet with Wallpaper.

4. Use lace

Read detailed instructions.

5. Applying paint to a lacquered chest of drawers

30+ Ways to Use Leftover Paint Wisely.

6. Memorable dates on the chest of drawers

Read detailed instructions.

7. Or your favorite songs

Read detailed instructions.

8. Or favorite cities (streets)

Read detailed instructions.

9. Trailer from a chest of drawers

Read detailed instructions.

10. Use file cabinet drawer handles

Read detailed instructions.

11. Striped accent

Read detailed instructions.

12. Use painted toys as pens.

Read detailed instructions. You will also be interested - How to make your own handles for doors or furniture. TOP 17.

13. Or their halves

14. Blue milk

Read detailed instructions.

15. Paint a chest of drawers with metallic paint

Read detailed instructions.

16. Bold Ombre Style

Read detailed instructions. You will also be interested - 33 Examples of Ombre Walls + Master Class.

17. Use a stencil to create an original pattern

Read detailed instructions.

18. Another option using stencils

Read detailed instructions.

19. Add a Geometric Pattern to the Top of the Dresser

Read detailed instructions.

20. Use wood planks to line drawers

Read detailed instructions.

21. Replace drawers with baskets

22. Cover the boxes with maps from around the world

Read detailed instructions.

23. Or Both

24. Dresser ombre style

Read detailed instructions.

25. Ombre...

Read detailed instructions.

26. Another ombre option...

27. Use magnetic paint

Read detailed instructions.

28. Use different shades of polish

Read detailed instructions.

29. Strictly and tastefully

Read detailed instructions.

30. Run multi-colored stripes along the entire chest of drawers

Read detailed instructions.

31. Solar accent

You will also be interested - how to make a simple plywood cabinet.

32. Paste the chest of drawers with newspapers. Why not?

33. Scallops

34. Charming patterns on drawers

Read detailed instructions.

35. Update your chest of drawers with gift wrapping

Read detailed instructions.

36. Use old rope for handles

Read detailed instructions.

37. Funny mustachioed dressers

38. Optical illusion

Read detailed instructions.

39. Bright circles on the dresser

40. Or triangles

41. Use Headed Nails

Read detailed instructions.

42. Cross stitch effect

Read detailed instructions.

43. Ombre...

44. For lovers of navigation

Read detailed instructions.

45. Stylized chest of drawers

Read detailed instructions.

46. ​​Cover the chest of drawers with fabric

Read detailed instructions.

47. Cover with foil

Read detailed instructions.

48. Don't be afraid to use bright colors

49. Ombre...

50. That case when scribbles look organic

51. Add Brass Staples and Handles

Read detailed instructions.

52. Create a colorful texture on the drawers

Read detailed instructions.

53. Sea chest of drawers

54. Experimenting...

55. Use House Numbers as Pens

Read detailed instructions.

56. Add miniature wheels

Read detailed instructions.

57. Experimenting...

58. Add Vinyl Letters

Read detailed instructions.

59. Bright and colorful chest of drawers

Read detailed instructions.

60. Bright geometric patterns

61. Create whimsical shapes

Read detailed instructions.

62. Get rid of the drawers

63. Another version of geometric patterns

64. colorful chests of drawers

Read detailed instructions.

65. Leopard notes

Read detailed instructions.

66. Do not forget about the decor of the inner surface of the drawers

67. Color contrast

68. Mix prints

69. Experimenting...

70. Use colored pencils as liner

Read detailed instructions.

71. Marine shades

72. Use leather instead of banal pens

Read detailed instructions.

73. landscape chest of drawers

74. Mirror chest of drawers

Read detailed instructions.

75. For UK fans

Read detailed instructions.

76. Family photo

Read detailed instructions.

77. Contrasting stripes

78. New legs for an old chest of drawers

Read detailed instructions.

The owner of this chest of drawers once saved it when the neighbors were carrying it to the trash, and she saw such a disgrace in time, and since she loves all sorts of old gizmos, she asked me to give it away for a couple of bottles.

He looked terrible, probably all his long life was painted with floor paint. Ugh! She came up with the idea to restore it and bring it back to life from a closet in spacious room rest, where the hostess was going to receive her guests. Then she turned to me. I, in turn, could not refuse such a gift! All my life I dreamed of transforming old furniture.

The photo of his initial has not been preserved, here are the first works on him - a little sanded, but in some places there is this terrible floor paint.

After we removed a huge layer of old paint, a surprise awaited us! Almost the entire chest of drawers was eaten away by a bark beetle ... The photo shows how much the beetle has eaten away the tree.

Sadly … It was decided to replace everything that is possible. The legs, for example, generally crumbled into dust and only paint held them for many years.
Then we sanded it very carefully, probably 4 days, to remove all signs of paint from the tree. The photo shows how severe the damage was.

After everything was carefully sanded, using generally all possible materials - from a grinder to handmade small skins.

Oh yeah! I almost forgot - we definitely process the entire chest of drawers both outside and inside with some kind of "beetle" because we don’t want such a beautiful chest of drawers to collapse further!

Since the damage was almost everywhere, we decided not to keep the texture of the wood. Then it was easy to putty the whole chest of drawers.

In this photo, lockers are puttied, we do the same with the chest of drawers itself.

The photo shows a rough putty and replaced thresholds and legs. Then we dry, skin, putty again, dry again. Until we are satisfied with the result and Smooth surface, we puttyed and sanded three times.

Here is a photo where the chest of drawers is in the process of grinding.
The ends of the chest of drawers were made of plywood, it was decided not to change them, it has already become a couple of kg heavier with us. but it would not be lifting at all.
The most difficult and time-consuming is the patterned columns along the edges of the chest of drawers! The main thing is not to be lazy and do everything carefully, otherwise all the imperfections will definitely come out on the painting!!!

More skinning cabinets.
All now the result suits us and we proceed to painting. But what about adventures! We bought the paint on the lid in black and white, it was written “dark brown”, but when we opened the jar, we saw something incomprehensible and very similar to the floor paint that we cleaned off so carefully ... We thought that it was so damp and darkened after painting. But it was not there!

But we are artists and we should not despair! I took the usual color scheme and mixed in the color that the chest of drawers should be painted.

We apply layers until there are no gaps left! In total, I got three layers.
Now decor, the most difficult and interesting! Of course, it would be easier to unhook all the parts that we are going to paint in light, but we were going to experiment with shebb chic and therefore a lot of jewelry work appeared in the future! But we are not looking for easy ways!!!

It can be seen that it is not neat, but it does not matter! Acrylic dries quickly and is easy to touch up after drying. dark color on which they accidentally climbed with light paint, for this purpose, of course, we use a thin brush (no more than 4 numbers.)

I mixed the shade myself (white acrylic and color). I was looking for a color close to pistachio, but warmer, that's what happened (unless, of course, the photo conveys everything ...)

Where necessary, they waxed with a candle (protrusions, corners, etc., just don’t overdo it, everything is very easy and a little bit :)), and then they applied a layer of light paint - again, three layers at least. The photo shows the protruding wax - in this place we overdid it a little and then a lot of stealing came off, but we were not upset - it was intended

On the boxes, a painting was conceived, which also took more than one day, there are no photos in stages, but there is a result.

Now we dry everything for the night, and in the morning we varnish it - it can be anything, depending on what goals are pursued. We needed lacquered and shiny, but there are those who do not like such furniture. Then it is possible to apply matte acrylic varnish. Lacquer also needs three layers - that's for sure!

Here is the result - a handsome man with screwed handles, and at the request of the hostess, we attached skids to the drawers as in modern chests of drawers, so that it is not only beautiful, but also functional!

IN modern times The furniture market pleases with its diversity. You can buy absolutely any piece of furniture, referring to your taste. But what about old furniture? Will it no longer be of any use? Many people are still looking for and buying antiques in order to breathe new life into it, make restoration and give their homes elements of antiquity. Even the most ordinary old chest of drawers Do-it-yourself restoration according to the master class is very simple, while it will be the finishing touch to the interior.

  • grinding machine;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Hammer;
  • Hacksaw;
  • File;
  • Putty knife;
  • Ruler and pencil;
  • Roller and several brushes for painting;
  • MDF tiles;
  • Nails;
  • Paints for wood;
  • Self-tapping screws.

As soon as all the tools are prepared, the restoration of the chest of drawers itself begins, which is carried out according to a specific plan.

A step-by-step master class for beginners on updating an old chest of drawers at home

Step 1.
The working area and the chest of drawers are being prepared for restoration. All the boxes are taken from it, the handles are unscrewed. With the help of sandpaper, the old coating is removed from the chest of drawers - it can be paint and varnish. The surface of the chest of drawers is very carefully polished.

The chest of drawers is checked for the strength of the connection of parts. Poorly screwed screws are removed, and if the details of the chest of drawers were attached with glue, then it is carefully removed again with sandpaper and a polished machine. In order for the glue to separate well from the surface of the furniture, it is necessary to heat it. This can be done with the famous folk way: boil the kettle to such a state that steam comes out of the spout, and the spout of the kettle itself is sent to the junction with the glue. The steam softens the adhesive and makes it easier to remove.

All joints of the old chest of drawers are smeared with a new layer of PVA and tightened with self-tapping screws. For greater strength, you can use metal corners.

At this stage, the chest of drawers is inspected for any scratches or defects. If there are, then they must be putty.

After the putty has dried, a layer of paint must be applied to the surface of the chest of drawers (the color that was originally chosen). After the paint has dried, you can think about how to decorate the resulting new chest of drawers.

As you can see, doing the restoration of an old chest of drawers with your own hands according to this master class is very simple. But to achieve the perfect result, watch the video:

In order to update old, but functional furniture, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money and contact a specialist. You can paint the chest of drawers yourself at home.

First of all, you should decide what kind of design you want to see in the end. Based on this, it will be clear what tools will be needed. Standard set includes:

  • dresser;
  • Sander;
  • coarse and fine sandpaper;
  • paint or varnish;
  • brush or roller;
  • stain;
  • screwdriver and pliers.

Foundation preparation

You can remove the old cover from the chest of drawers different ways: using washing liquids or a building hair dryer. Both options are quite effective.

Use of flushing fluids

To remove the old coating from the wooden surface of the dresser, it is convenient to use washes. This may be the well-known drug Antikras-Universal. Optimum temperature for work with composition from 8 to 25⁰C.

To remove grease, it is necessary to treat the surface with a solvent, and to free from dirt, it is enough to rinse thoroughly with water. After cleaning the surface from contamination, treat it with a remover, then leave for 5-15 minutes.

When the paint begins to bubble and crack, you can begin to remove it. To do this, you need a metal spatula. Take off old paint need within 2.5 hours. Otherwise, the wash will dry out, making it difficult to remove.

After the paint is completely removed, re-treat working area solvent.

Many substances are highly toxic or have an unpleasant odor. Don't forget to use personal protection and well ventilate the room.

Using a building hair dryer

In order to get rid of paint with a building hair dryer, it is necessary to heat the paintwork layer, moving from bottom to top. Due to the hot air, the temperature of the paint will rise and it can be easily removed with a spatula. This must be done after the hair dryer until the surface has cooled down.


After you have cleaned the chest of drawers from old paintwork, it's time to start puttying. Wooden furniture often contains cracks, loose knots, chips and other damage. Such defects must be puttied, otherwise, after painting the chest of drawers, they will come out. Acrylic putties are best suited, and they can be applied with a rubber or steel spatula.


After puttying, the surface will have various kinds of irregularities and roughness. For this reason, grinding is necessary, which will remove visible imperfections. Sandpaper No. 160-200 is suitable for this. If possible, wear it on grinder, and if there is none, then level the surface manually.

The purpose of the chest of drawers and its color

When choosing a design for a chest of drawers, it is important to consider in which part of the house you will put it: bedroom, living room, nursery or dining room.

Bedroom furniture should have many drawers different sizes, such models are presented in abundance on the Ikea website. As a rule, the upper compartments are small, designed to store accessories and linen. The lower ones are more impressive, they can be placed bed dress. If you attach a mirror to the tabletop, you will be able to combine the chest of drawers with the dressing table.

The color of this piece of furniture for the bedroom is better to choose calm pastel colors. It can be colors: beige, pale pink, white, milky, cream.

Living room chests of drawers carry more decorative function. Such furniture is decorated with beautiful carvings or all kinds of inserts made of leather, rattan and even precious metals. Color palette should fit the overall design of the room.

If the chest of drawers is designed for the kitchen, then models with opening doors are best suited, as well as drawers. The color should be in harmony with the rest of the furniture in the room and the tone of the walls.

For a nursery, a chest of drawers with large boxes, in which it will be possible to put toys, books, pencils and all accessories necessary for the child. This time you can experiment with the palette.

How to choose the right paints and varnishes

The modern market offers the consumer a wide variety coatings. How to understand the characteristics of a simple layman?

So that the painting of the chest of drawers is successful, and the result pleases the owner for a long time, you need to choose resistant to abrasion and mechanical damage dyes. These qualities are possessed by oil or enamel coatings, which are not suitable for restoring a chest of drawers. But, the best option there will be acrylic compositions.

They have characteristics such as:

  • no pungent odor;
  • harmlessness;
  • optimal price;
  • ease of use;
  • the ability to change the color with the help of color;
  • can be diluted with water.

Painting products made of chipboard and plastic

Not always restored furniture is made of wood. It can be made of chipboard or plastic.

To paint furniture made of chipboard, the same steps are carried out as with wood:

  • removal of old paint;
  • putty;
  • grinding.

You will have to apply paint on a chipboard surface in several layers to get aesthetic appearance subject.

Plastic products are best coated acrylic paints or other dyes water based. Brushes to choose good quality. It is better to overpay and achieve the desired result than save money and end up with damaged furniture, the surface of which will be covered with brush hairs.

Painting furniture with acrylics

If you decide to repaint the chest of drawers with acrylic paints, then you need to choose suitable tool. You can paint furniture with both a roller and a brush designed to work with such paints. It all depends on personal preference.

When going to the store for a tool, you should remember a few rules:

  • choose only high-quality tools;
  • for a thorough painting of furniture parts, brushes of various widths may be needed.
  • even if you decide to work with a roller, fine details are best handled with a brush.

Before starting the process, the surface must be coated with a primer. The compositions are best suited for acrylic base. When choosing a material, you need to pay attention to three points: drying time, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe treated surface and the color, which must match the tone of the paint.

Apply the primer in a small layer and be sure to let it dry. After that, you can start applying acrylic paint.

Furniture varnishing

If the dresser was made from solid wood, then its surface can be treated with varnish, in several layers. Coverage should be chosen responsibly, the result of the work will depend on it.

There are special varnishes designed to work with furniture. You should not take ship varnish or the one that is intended for the floor. These compounds can damage appearance interior item.

There are two types of varnishes: water-based and solvent-based. It is better to choose the first option, since it does not have bad smell. This makes it possible to work without personal protective equipment. In addition, these compositions dry quickly.

Unusual ways

Having shown ingenuity, imagination and creativity, you can decorate a chest of drawers beautifully, unusually, individually. The result of your efforts will be an author's thing that has no analogues.

Idea #1: Flower meadow

This design will fit perfectly into the bedroom or the interior of a country house.

For work you will need:

  • wallpaper with a large floral print;
  • furniture handles made of glass or acrylic;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • scissors or stationery knife;
  • transparent PVA glue.

From a sheet of wallpaper, you need to cut out a part with an allowance of 10 cm. Glue it on the facade of the chest of drawers, turning the edges inward. To avoid swelling of the wallpaper and the formation of wrinkles, the sheet must be carefully smoothed with a dry cloth or a special spatula. When the surface is dry, cover with clear acrylic varnish.

After waiting for complete drying from the inside, carefully make a hole for the handle. In the same way, you can stick on wooden surface linen or cotton fabric.

Idea #2: Stencil Lettering

This chest of drawers is suitable for laconic interiors and children's rooms.

For work you will need:

  • stencils with letters;
  • light paint for wood;
  • brushes.

After painting the chest of drawers, it is worth waiting for the color to dry completely. Then attach the stencils to the surface, draw the letters and words in a contrasting color. To fix the effect, cover with a transparent varnish on top.

To turn an old chest of drawers into interesting element Do-it-yourself interior design does not require special skills. The main thing in this business is patience and creativity.

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