Professions for travelers. Professions related to transport. Regional Sales Representative



You do not like to stay at home, but adore travel and distant countries? Choose a profession that allows you to regularly travel the world.

Do you love to travel the world? Why not turn your hobby into a job?! Moreover, for this it is not at all necessary to become a truck driver or a steward, you may well remain an office worker. Here are just ten professions that allow you to travel regularly on business trips.

Event manager

Representatives of this specialty constantly work for large corporations or work in agencies that conclude one-time contracts. These people help to plan and competently conduct all kinds of corporate events. They know how to properly organize team building or premium holidays for employees, what entertainment to choose, how to get discounts at hotels, buy cheaper air tickets and save the company money. And, of course, they themselves must travel with the organization to the "scene" and control whether everything is going as it should. This work also has disadvantages: you will always be at the customer’s hand, and, therefore, the whole stream of discontent will immediately be poured on you in case of any trouble. In addition, you will have to be present at all receptions, which cannot but affect the waist.

National Tourism Officer

Wealthy countries open their national representative offices or regional tourist offices around the world, and employees are constantly required there. These organizations promote the country among local tour operators and journalists, organize seminars and conferences for them, and accompany them on study tours. To work there, you will need an excellent knowledge of the language of the country you will be advertising, it is also desirable to understand its geography and have some understanding of marketing.

Travel Agency Product Testing Specialist

Large reputable travel agencies have special departments monitoring the quality of the product. Their employees travel the world to all destinations, countries and cities sold by this company, live in the best and not so good hotels, and then report on whether the service meets the declared level. You will have to travel a lot, not staying in each place for a long time, so it is not surprising that no matter how attractive this profession may seem to you at first, you will quickly get tired and ask for another job.

Public Relations Specialist

If you decide to do tourism PR, or you have commissions from companies connected with the tourism industry, you will have to travel quite often to the places that your clients want to promote: you will need to meet partners, accompany groups of journalists on study tours. However, be prepared for the fact that you will be issued the cheapest ticket and settled in the most budgetary room (sometimes you even have to share it with an interpreter or a driver), while your guests will be provided with all the best services. In addition, you will experience constant stress dealing with finicky or overly demanding authors, and you need to ensure that your company or promoted brand is only positively spoken about.

press secretary

Press secretaries of the largest companies travel a lot. Often they accompany the boss on all significant business trips in order to keep abreast of events and be able to respond quickly to them. However, this position is not a sinecure at all: you will have to constantly live like on a volcano, expecting trouble every second, find a way out of any situation and be able to quickly invent a strategy that will cover any unseemly actions of the boss and the most illegal actions of the company.

If you are involved in the creation of commercials for large wealthy customers, you will find location shooting in different parts of the world. As a rule, directors and actors are recruited from the outside, but from the company involved in the creation of commercials (this can be either a separate special organization or a division advertising agency), a representative always goes out to the fields to coordinate the work of the team and make sure that everything is done on time and without exceeding quotas. Please note: this work is very nervous, you will have very little time left for sightseeing!

auditor or accountant

As a rule, auditors have to travel to clients in order to research, analyze and prepare corporate statements on the spot. financial reports, find out if taxes have been paid, detect fraud or mismanagement in time. Moreover, competent specialists are given excellent salaries, they are paid a business class on an airplane, deluxe rooms in hotels. However, to get this position, you must have a solid economic Education. Don't be under the illusion that you will be able to see the world. Arriving at some interesting place, you will have to while away long hours with papers in the office: you will not see the city and return to the hotel so tired that you simply will not have time to use the super services of your super hotel.


A number of companies prefer to hire translators on the spot, but those who seriously care about confidentiality will never trust an unknown person to be present at the negotiations - they will bring their own specialist, reliable and experienced, who thoroughly knows the intricacies of professional vocabulary. Therefore, interpreters working for large companies are constantly on the road. They sometimes manage to see the country where they are brought, but only by accompanying the helpless, non-speaking boss, of course.

Foreign language teacher

Do not be surprised: such a calm profession as a foreign language teacher also allows you to travel a lot. The fact is that various long-term and short-term courses are constantly recruiting teachers to work in different parts of the world. In addition, large companies often organize field courses for their employees, combined with recreation. Such work leaves a lot of free time that you can spend as you please. But in order to be among the lucky ones, you need to stock up on certificates confirming your qualifications and establish yourself well in the market.

Regional Sales Representative

The larger the company you are going to work for, the greater the coverage of the territory in which you will have to travel. That is, if among your clients there are only a few firms in Novosibirsk region Of course, you are unlikely to leave its borders: most of your time will be spent in small towns and cheap hotels. But a sales representative of a large firm will have a much larger coverage area, for example, the whole of Europe. You will be able to constantly move around the countries, accompany customers to expensive restaurants, entertaining and treating them in a big way.

If you dream of traveling, but your busy schedule does not allow you to realize your desire, it is not at all necessary to quit your job. Today there are many interesting specialties that help to combine work and pleasure.

Travel professions are diverse and multifaceted. They are perfect for both women and men, they allow you to visit different parts of our planet, receive rather big financial profit and moral satisfaction.

What are the best professions involving travel and travel?

flight attendant

The flight attendant is one of the most romantic professions, which is directly related to traveling around the world. It is ideal for girls and young people who lead an active lifestyle and do not like to sit in one place. And although it is not easy to work as a flight attendant, this profession has a nice bonus - you travel to the most different cities and countries quickly and comfortably, while making a successful career.


The work of a journalist, which also involves travel, is not as simple as it seems at first glance. It requires serious training and education. There are three main specializations in journalism:

  • photojournalists;
  • print journalists;
  • media correspondents mass media.

And although each of the specializations has its own characteristics, both photojournalists and print journalists travel the world. They make reports in various parts of our planet. And not always their texts, pictures and videos are related to tourism topics. These can be reviews of world events, articles about animals, military conflicts or sporting achievements.


A tour guide, or guide, as it is now customary to say in the field of tourism, is a person who shows and tells people about the sights of the city, whether it is a resort, a capital or a metropolis.

Fifty years ago this role was performed by enthusiastic volunteers, but today this specialty is deservedly considered one of the most popular, interesting and highly paid. It allows you to communicate a lot with people, travel to different countries and cities, see world-famous architectural monuments, visit the best museums, galleries and exhibitions. But, despite a number of advantages, working as a guide is not always comfortable conditions work and accommodation, a stable schedule and good earnings, which very often depends on the season (in autumn and winter, the flow of tourists decreases).

Cruise ship worker

A cruise ship worker is every traveler's dream. This is one of the most that allows you to travel (or rather swim!) Around the world, enjoy the sea breeze and the beauty of the ocean. And although this specialty comes with some risks, it has several obvious advantages.

  • Firstly, there are jobs on a cruise ship for people with different backgrounds – cooks, bartenders, actors, waiters.
  • Secondly, each employee of the cruise liner receives a nice bonus - free accommodation and meals.
  • Thirdly, the trip usually includes a stop at the most picturesque places on land that you can see during your weekend.


If you are good at languages, you can always try yourself as a translator. For example, popular English language has long been considered international, so you can work in many countries, communicate with representatives of different nationalities and study their culture.

The translator is one of the most prestigious, sought-after and. She finds wide application in areas such as:

  • tourism;
  • diplomacy;
  • policy;
  • journalism;
  • management.

However, on the other hand, it requires special education, knowledge and experience, high communication skills and the ability to negotiate.


Another profession that allows you to combine travel around the world and the opportunity to earn good money is working on board an aircraft as an air pilot. Of course, this specialty will help you to visit the most interesting places oh and see various cities and country, but it requires a long preparation and education. In addition, every pilot must have a healthy heart and lungs, good vestibular apparatus and normal arterial pressure, because during the flight it is he who is responsible for all passengers on board the aircraft.


If you have been fond of history since childhood, like to read books and watch films about adventures, then archeology may become your vocation. The profession provides for constant expeditions to the most mysterious places on our planet. It allows you to get acquainted with the history and culture of ancient civilizations, to study their way of life, customs and beliefs from the preserved remains of life.

Of course, not everyone will be able to work on excavations, since this profession requires special skills and academic education, however, according to experienced archaeologists, one touch of ancient relics will allow each person to fall in love with the mysterious and mysterious world ancient history.

Event manager

An event manager is a specialist who professionally organizes business and entertainment events (business meetings, weddings, anniversaries, etc.). His responsibilities include planning, preparing and hosting parties. And it doesn't matter what kind of event it is - an exotic wedding in Bali or a business meeting in the best restaurant in London.

Working as an Event Manager is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, because this craft is suitable only for active, cheerful and liberated people who love and can solve non-standard tasks.

International humanitarian worker

Another profession associated with regular travel is work in one of the international humanitarian organizations. True, the journey this case More of a necessity than a distraction.

Of all the listed professions that are associated with travel, this one is one of the most difficult and responsible. And although people of different specialties (doctors, teachers, psychologists, engineers) can work in such a field, not every person is able to become a member of a humanitarian mission.

The work involves risky trips far from the most picturesque places, but, on the contrary, to cities destroyed by the elements, engulfed by epidemics and famine. It is very difficult and difficult. However, in this case, all the risks are justified by the noble goal - to help people with food products, medicines, kind word and maybe make the world a little kinder.

All described professions related to travel are good in their own way. They will allow you to see the whole world, become better or bring good earnings. However, when choosing one or another specialty, it is very important to be guided not only by financial motives, but also by listening to your own heart. It will always tell you what profession will become your true calling. Whether it will be related to travel or not is not so important if you are doing what you love!

Who among us does not dream of traveling, traveling around the world, seeing all its wonders and beauties, and at the same time earning, not spending? Today we see real examples, mainly thanks to the internet, how people visit different countries, try national cuisines, climb the mountains and raft along mountain rivers and call it their profession. What miracle work allows them to spend their lives so brightly? And is this life always as carefree as it seems from the photo on the net? So, travel-related professions - what are they?

Professions related to transport

Traveling around the world is directly related to transport, so the first on our list will be pilots, stewardesses, stewards, sailors, conductors, machinists, drivers and other similar specialties. Working on transport plying around the country and abroad, you can visit many places.

A significant disadvantage of such professions is that a detailed look new town or country rarely succeeds. There is usually little time between flights "there" and "back".

Professions related to foreign languages

Knowledge foreign languages will also help you realize your travel dreams. You can work as an English teacher, which is in demand in many countries.

Of course, one must be fluent in the language and have an appropriate pedagogical education. It is also worth considering that working as a teacher in the poorest countries is more like volunteering - you will be provided with only housing and food in return.

Another profession related to travel and foreign languages ​​is a translator. Working in international company, you can accompany a manager in negotiations or a group of clients in training, and in free time, if available - to see the sights.

A tour guide is a profession that is simultaneously associated with tourism and requires knowledge of a foreign, ideally English, language. It is worth considering that almost everywhere where Russian tourists like to relax, Russian-speaking guides are required to work.

Professions related to tourism

To sell tours, you need to know a lot about them. In large companies, specialists often test new tours, in which all travel and sightseeing expenses are paid by the employer.

Professions related to the media

Representatives of the media also often travel to other countries. Photojournalists, correspondents, video operators are sent to different parts of the world to cover the events taking place there.

Professions related to art and creativity

Art, as you know, has no boundaries. Artists, photographers, fashion designers, writers, and designers travel the world in search of inspiration. They bring their works to exhibitions, attend various events within the framework of commercial projects. Top models participate in fashion shows and photo shoots at international level.

Speaking of creativity, one cannot but mention the touring professions - these are theater, circus, ballet, stage artists. Singers, musicians, actors, circus performers of international level often visit different countries, and such trips are an integral part of their work. They also include producers and directors, dancers and DJs, organizers of holidays abroad and event managers, animators and showmen.

Professions related to science

A separate block is professions related to travel for scientific purposes. These are geologists, biologists, oceanologists, archaeologists and other researchers traveling to the subject of their research, as well as taking part in various conferences.

Remote Access Professions

If you work remotely and make good money at the same time, you may well dedicate your life to traveling. After all, all you need is the internet. What difference does it make whether you write an essay for your column in your native provincial town or on a balcony overlooking the Eiffel Tower?

to professions with remote access include copywriters, bloggers, internet coaches, infobusinessmen, web administrators, web programmers, web designers, coaches. All those who can fulfill their labor obligations remotely using the internet.

Should travel-related professions for girls be singled out as a separate block?

Today, the gender affiliation of a particular profession often loses its meaning. Unless there is a job where it will be physically or psychologically difficult for a girl - for example, driving a multi-ton truck along the highway or shooting a photo report in a hot spot.

Having a job related to traveling the world is the dream of many people. This is a certain freedom, a constant change of impressions, diversity. The main thing here is not to get tired of endless trips, when even the upcoming trip is not a joy, but you have to go. And it is even more pleasant to travel when it is waiting for you. cozy house where you can take a break from incredible experiences and enjoy the usual routine and simple life.

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Almost everyone dreams of traveling and visiting every corner of the earth. But what's stopping us? That's right - money. You can’t just quit a boring job, pack a suitcase and go to conquer the world. Or is it possible?

website tells about 11 reliable ways that will help you provide yourself in full travel.

1. English teacher

English teachers are in high demand, especially in Asia, Africa and Latin America. At the same time, in order to teach English at school, it is not necessary to have an education as a teacher or be a native speaker.

But in some serious schools, you may be required to show a certificate of passing an international TESOL, TEFL or CELTA. But at the same time, the salary will be appropriate: for example, about a year in Japan and a year in the United Arab Emirates.

2. Work on a cruise ship

Working on a private yacht or cruise ship - good way see different countries and visit exotic places. At the same time, the ship will provide you with free accommodation, food, insurance and a hotel in case of a stopover in another country. And on many large liners for crew members there are separate shops, Internet cafes, GYM's and recreation areas with billiards.

There are many types of work: chef, stewardess, tour manager, photographer, engineer and many other vacancies. For some professions, it is not even necessary to know an additional language.

To get on the liner, you need to conclude a contract with one of the companies and prepare Required documents. As a rule, all documents are paid by the employee himself, and the contract is concluded for at least 6 months.

3. Blogger

How much can you earn: in different ways, depending on the number of subscribers, topics and type of blog.

Where can you find a job: popular platforms Instagram, YouTube, Facebook or your own separate blog site.

4. Work in a hostel

Many hostels and small hotels are ready to hire foreigners for various jobs: cleaning the territory, preparing the room, settling guests or meeting visitors at the airport. At the same time, in addition to wages, workers are provided with free housing, and sometimes 3 meals a day and insurance.

Of course, this is not a dream job, and the salary in such hostels is small, but you are provided with new acquaintances and the opportunity to touch the culture of a particular country and visit many interesting places.

5. Flight attendant

Working on board an aircraft allows you to visit many countries, make new acquaintances, and at the same time gives you a discount of up to 90% on air tickets, hotels and rent for yourself and your family. The advantage is a very good salary, which averages from $45,000 to $100,000 per year.

Sounds great. But there are also difficulties here. Such work usually takes about 80 hours per month. In addition, in order to get a position, you will have to go through a rather tough selection process.

6. Buying things in different countries

To recoup the costs of the trip, you can first agree with a small shop (or with an individual) that you will bring some item from another country. In this case, the store will receive a rare product, and you will receive a good bonus for delivery.

Some people buy things that are known for their quality and origin: Italian leather, Turkish ceramics, Chinese tea, etc. Then they simply sell this product on an ad or negotiate with sellers.

How much can you earn: depends on the type and quantity of goods.

Where can you find a job: negotiate with a store, a person, or sell through classifieds sites.

7. International courier

Many large online stores, in order to deliver goods in a matter of days, entrust delivery to tourists who are just returning home from a trip or, conversely, flying to rest.

  • A tourist who is going to fly home must leave information about himself and his flight on a special delivery website or on the store’s website, and store employees will pick up the right package (usually gadgets or clothes). Upon arrival, the tourist is met by a service employee, the money for the goods and the bonus for delivery are returned to the PayPal account or to the card.

In the event that you travel by car, you can earn extra money as a car courier. If there is free space in the car, then you can grab the cargo and transfer it to a neighboring city, thereby recouping some of the costs.

8. Bartender

Many clubs and restaurants employ staff all over the world. Therefore, by acquiring the skills of a bartender, you get excellent opportunity visit new countries, exotic places, expensive parties and make many new friends. In addition, as a rule, staff are provided with free accommodation, food and all sorts of bonuses.

Of course, for such work, it is important to know at least basic English or be able to take an order in the language of the country where you are going to work.

How much can you earn: from $500 to $2,000 per month.

Where can you find a job: on domestic or international job sites for the query "bartending".

9. Remote work

If you have a laptop, the Internet and certain skills, then you can earn money while being anywhere. Many companies prefer to work with employees remotely. Designers, programmers, managers, writers and SMM specialists are in special demand. For some specialties, distance learning is even provided free of charge.

You can also agree on your current work that you will perform your duties remotely. But in this case, as a rule, in order to be met halfway, you must be really a good specialist and indispensable collaborator.

10. Working as an Au Pair

Au Pair (from French "on an equal footing") is an international cultural exchange program that allows you to live in a host family, learn new language, learn the culture and the country as a whole.

The peculiarity is that the participant comes and lives in the host family as a family member, like an older brother or sister. At the same time, all the expenses for the program, as well as food and salary for the visitor, are provided by the family itself.

From the one who arrived, it is required to fulfill various jobs around the house: pick up children from school, help with the housework, go to the store and perform various simple tasks.

11. Travel on interest

One of the most radical ways for those who decide to leave is to sell everything they have acquired through overwork and give the money to the bank. There are tens of thousands of people who did just that - they sold apartments, cars and left to live in another country.

For example, if you sell an apartment in Moscow and put money in a bank, then you can live quite comfortably in Bali or even Turkey on the interest from the deposit. But even here you should be careful and deposit money in several reliable banks at once.

How much can you earn: depends on the interest on the deposit and the amount in the account. It is necessary to calculate in advance a comfortable amount for living in any country.

Where can you find a job: may not work.

These days you don't need anything special to travel, it's quite simple. There are no problems with transport, you can get almost anywhere in the world. However, for this you will need to spend a lot of money. True, there is a way out. You can travel the world at the expense of the employer, to do this you just need to choose a profession related to travel.

Who can work today. The list of specialties that are associated with the ability to travel, see the world with my own eyes and get acquainted with another culture is quite large. There are over a hundred of them. These are sailors, cruise ship employees, truck drivers, foreign language teachers and translators. In a word, all types of activities that involve making trips can be listed for quite a long time.


tourist destination

This is one of the most interesting for current graduates and in-demand options for professions that are associated with travel to fulfill their duties.

We offer a list of specialties:

  1. Guide
  2. Tourism Representative.
  3. Service or product tester.
  4. Event manager.

A guide who speaks Russian is quite in demand in many countries, as our tourists travel all over the world, they can be found everywhere.

Many of them go not only to sunbathe on the beach, but also to get acquainted with the customs and culture of the local people. Consider working at a museum, a park, or on bus tours.

In almost every country there are regional tourist offices or national representations. The task of these firms is to promote, popularize their country among organizations that hold conferences and seminars. The job of a tourism representative requires an excellent knowledge of the advertised country, its language, as well as the basics of marketing.

Each travel agency that provides a high level of services has a department that monitors the quality of service provided to customers. A specially trained employee travels to all destinations that his company sells and studies the service provided. In a word, he lives both in expensive hotels and in the economy class.

Then the tester reports on the compliance of the quality of service and the level of the hotel with the declared one. This specialization requires good health and nerves from a person, since you will have to travel a lot, without delays. for a long time in the desired place.

The duties of an event manager include clear planning and competent conduct of various cooperatives. It is important to be able to choose the appropriate entertainment, know the intricacies of organizing a premium holiday, where and how to buy air tickets at the lowest price, and get discounts. In a word, to organize an event on highest level and save money at the same time. Such a manager must himself be at the “scene” and control the process of holding events, so you will often have to travel.

Useful video: 10 ideal professions for travelers

Humanitarian workers

International volunteers are people who risk their lives to save others. As a rule, these specialists are sent to where the city was destroyed due to war, natural disaster or famine. It can be doctors, teachers, agronomists, engineers. Their work can be related to travel, to see the world, and also to make the heart a little kinder.


A specialty that is closely related to nature and travel. The profession is ideal for those who are eager to reveal the secrets of our ancestors. To work, you need to graduate from a special higher educational institution.

Only in this case it will be possible to obtain archaeological supervision over a particular historical object or other leadership position in this direction.

In addition to education, good physical data and excellent health will be required. Both girls and boys can be archaeologists. The main thing for the owners of this profession is emotional calmness and balance. You can work both individually and in a team. A specialty related to nature, traveling around the world, allows you to be always in the fresh air.

Translators and teachers of foreign languages

Professions that are related to languages ​​and travel are in demand at all times. It is no secret that English is considered an international language. However, in any country you can meet someone who wants to learn colloquial English from a person who is fluent in Russian. Yes, you can work as a translator. True, for this it is important to have the appropriate education, knowledge and qualifications. Only in this case, the specialty can be in demand.

Foreign language teaching

Creative specialties

Here it is important to know the language of the country in which you plan to work! In this direction, professions that are related to travel have a rather large list.

Among them:

  • animators;
  • musical performers;
  • DJs;
  • photographers and videographers;
  • dancers and others.

Vacancies are often available at the most prestigious resorts. Moreover, you can do without higher education. The main thing is to finish a choreographic or music school, take the appropriate courses. In addition, you need to have the ability to stay in public, a sense of humor, be charming and sociable.



Professions associated with traveling in this direction are very interesting. Among the most demanded, it is worth highlighting: PR specialists, press secretaries, cameramen, journalists.

PR Specialist in various areas. Usually, we are talking about the tourism industry. The duties of such an employee include traveling around the world, or rather, to places where his customer intends to promote his product. Direct duties are to meet with partners, accompany journalists and draw up reports to their superiors. It is possible that such travelers sometimes fly in economy class and live in cheap rooms.

press secretary big company, as a rule, always has a packed suitcase in the house. Quite often, he accompanies his boss on business trips, he needs to be aware of all events and have time to respond to a particular situation in a timely manner. This job is very stressful and involves a lot of work. conflict situations, so the main criteria are strong nervous system and the ability to "smooth corners", no matter the circumstances.

Video operators include creators of commercials and bloggers. Their work is related to travel, and there are many such vacancies. Their work can be in demand in any corner, subject to high professionalism. Therefore, without special knowledge, perseverance and continuous improvement is indispensable.

They can also be travelers. Among them are correspondents and reporters. Their duties include writing beautiful texts or video filming. It is very important to have competent speech and have a good knowledge of the grammar of the language in which the events will be told in written or video format. There is absolutely no need to shoot on a tourist theme. After all, journalists write on any topic and talk about what is happening in the world.

Pilots and flight attendants

Among the professions for girls related to travel, one can single out. Here the main requirements are the presence of excellent health: of cardio-vascular system, lungs, as well as blood pressure and vestibular apparatus should be normal. Pilots and flight attendants during training, work regularly undergo a medical examination. If any health problem is identified, you can forget about a career.

It is worth noting that you can become a pilot after piloting courses in specialized flying clubs. It provides a step-by-step education system and a large amount of practice.


As a rule, romantics and those who love the sea like this profession. Such an employee must also have good health and a considerable store of knowledge. Today sailors are more protected. However, natural disasters and pirates still exist today. This is not the whole list of professions related to travel.

Important! All of the above professions require, in addition to special knowledge, good command of languages ​​and excellent health.

Advantages and disadvantages

Quite often, people do not understand what could be the disadvantages of a profession that allows you to constantly travel: discover new countries, get acquainted with another culture. However, be that as it may, there are some drawbacks to traveling. The main one is isolation from home and family. This fact is important for those who value personal relationships and have small children. After all, during constant trips it is difficult to pay maximum attention to your family and friends. True, this drawback is just the only one, and the advantages of professions related to travel are much greater, and they are obvious.

In short, among the endless possibilities, it is worth highlighting;

  • acquaintance with culture, interesting places, people;
  • the opportunity to expand your horizons;
  • obtaining new knowledge and experience.

Useful video: TOP professions that allow you to travel the world


If travel is your vocation, and it is with this profession and field of activity that you would like to connect your life, then it remains to decide on the direction and get an education. To do this, we recommend that you first familiarize yourself with the universities where you can get the appropriate profession. There you also need to find out the conditions for admission and subtleties educational process. Remember that the comfort of your future life depends on your choice, the desire to go on a trip.

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