Secrets of flower bouquets, or Why give white roses? Burgundy, peach, soft pink, red roses - what their colors mean

Sometimes it's hard to talk about feelings out loud. Even the strongest and bravest, falling in love, can tremble, blush and stutter, being face to face with the object of their feelings. And a couple of centuries ago, talking about love was considered completely indecent. The language of flowers was born in the East, where they had no rights and, in order to satisfy their need for communication, they invented a way to symbolically talk about their attitude and mood. After knowledge of flower language were retold in books, it quickly became popular in Europe, especially in England and France. Later on the meanings different colors also appeared in Russia.

The meanings of plants were formed on the basis of myths and legends. Interpretations of shades that exist among one or another people were also mixed with this knowledge. Based on the composition of the bouquet, the number of plants in it, the presence of greenery and the way it was presented, the secret message was guessed.

The language of flowers is not forgotten in the XXI century. Hobbyists deduce new meanings by combining ancient interpretations with the esoteric meanings of plants.

What does the white rose say

White color is associated with innocence and purity of thoughts. This meaning has been preserved for white roses. A young man presenting such a gift to his lady of the heart, thereby emphasizes her outstanding qualities. In such a simple way, he expresses his admiration and willingness to take care of her, because he perceives his beloved girl as some kind of fragile unearthly creature.

A man who gives white roses is most likely conservative. He's not interested in a short-term romance. He is set up for a long-term relationship, fixed by all the rules. A bouquet of snow-white roses hints at sincere and tender feelings, but does not imply passion and physical intimacy, since at this stage of the relationship it may still be inappropriate.

According to legend, the Archangel Gabriel wove a wreath of white roses for her to comfort the Mother of God. Once these flowers meant joy, but since then the meaning has changed.

A bouquet of white roses can also be a completely innocent gift, a relative or colleague, which does not mean love. Only one thing is invariable - the girl who is given such a gift seems clean, pretty and defenseless and causes involuntary admiration and a desire to protect her, which does not mean a desire to translate friendship into love.

A bouquet of flowers is a banal present, every second representative of the fair sex thinks so. Moreover, the male fantasy is usually limited to roses, including white ones. Well, do not be so strict, take a closer look at the gift that the young man presented! Perhaps hidden behind him secret meaning. What do white roses mean? Let's figure it out.

If we look at history, we find that the rose has been admired since ancient times.

This beauty was considered regal and, according to ancient Greek legends, was the first to be born. The goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite, emerged from the depths of the sea, and these unearthly flowers were born from the foam.

But love stories are most often tragic. The white rose from the drops of blood of the beloved Aphrodite Adonis turned scarlet. According to another version, such modifications occurred to her from a kiss.

There is also an opinion that for the first time the mention of a snow-white flower is found in the annals of India and China. Be that as it may, these plants are a symbol of unsullied purity and virgin integrity.

The bride was decorated with white roses Ancient Greece , thereby showing her perfection and innocence before marriage. The path of the victors returning from the battlefields was strewn with petals of noble plants.

People planted gardens with snow-white flowers next to the temples to once again emphasize the inviolability and the divine principle of these places.

White roses are a symbol of unsullied purity and virgin integrity.

Knights presented white buds to their lovers. With one rose they confessed their love, and with two they rejected the girl, telling her in such a way that she was still young and not ready for a serious relationship. In the latter situation, the second rose was an unopened bud.

Biblical motifs can also be found in the meaning of the flower.. There was a legend saying that the Archangel Gabriel wove a wreath of white roses for the Mother of God. So he tried to console her.

In those distant times, these plants meant joy, but now their meaning has changed somewhat.

White roses mean...

White is a symbol of innocence and purity.. This symbolic meaning applies to flowers as well.

A man who presented his beloved with a bouquet of white roses emphasizes her place and significance in his life. He expresses admiration, care, lady of the heart for him - fragile creature which must be cherished and in no case offended.

A man who has chosen white buds as a gift adheres to conservative views. A one-night stand definitely doesn't suit him.

He is a representative of that part of the stronger sex that prefers a serious relationship, formalized in accordance with all the rules and conventions.

Snow-white buds in this case - mean and express sincere and warm feelings, tenderness and awe. There is not even talk of physical intimacy and passion.

Perhaps there is a stage in relations when it is too early to talk about it. But the emerging emotions with a white bouquet can be emphasized.

White and red together - what does this mean?

As for the beauties of a red hue, they symbolize love and passion. Presenting a bright red bouquet as a gift, men talk not only about their burning feelings, but also about great sympathy and affection.

Red buds were, are and remain the most popular. And what will mean a bouquet in which red and white flowers are combined?

This combination of shades is an expression of harmony and unity in love. Bundling buds different colors- the plexus of both souls and bodies of two people in love. The real connection of their destinies.

A man with a composition in white and red tones tells the lady of the heart that together they are one indivisible whole.

Currently, there are a lot of varieties of flowers. You can find white buds with a red border. Their meaning will be identical to a bouquet composed of two shades.

There are many reasons

There are many reasons to present a flower present.. Do not limit the purpose of white flowers. They can be presented as a sign of friendship, as well as respect and admiration for the girl with whom you are not in love.

But what about the birthday or World Women's Day, but what about the professional holidays of doctors, teachers, accountants? Give white flowers to friends, colleagues, relatives or just acquaintances. Believe me, they will appreciate these delicate and beautiful buds.

The fair sex, who received a snow-white bouquet as a gift, seems sweet, defenseless and touching to the giver. And this is by no means a hint of a transition. friendship into love.

This desire to express your delight. And just to please. After all, flowers can be given without a reason. There would be a desire.

But in the case when the feelings are huge, like the ocean, and they just cover them with their heads, will white beauties be suitable as a gift? And how!

They can be reinforced with the words “Beloved, dear, the joy of my soul, you are the most beautiful, unique and tender, like these snow-white flowers.” But this addition is already in case the lady of the heart does not know their symbolic meaning ...

A person is characterized by symbolism - endowing the objects around him with a special, hidden meaning. This fate also befell flowers - bouquets presented on special occasions could tell a lot about the donor, the recipient and the relationship between them. One of the most controversial flowers is yellow roses, the meaning of which has changed over time.

yellow rose meaning

Descended from the common prickly wild rose, the rose is considered the most prestigious and common gift. Refined aroma, simplicity and grace of lines, a variety of colors make this proud beauty a welcome gift for many girls and women. You can not love the rose, but you can not help but admire it.

The generally accepted meaning of roses received as a gift is a love story. Since the dawn of time, an ardent young man who wants to win the heart of a young and fresh, like this flower itself, girl, gave an inflorescence in the hope of reciprocity. They were presented to crowned persons and influential people - this emphasized their status in society. Warriors leaving the walls hometown, carried a pink wreath on their heads: this symbolized firmness of spirit and confidence in victory. Gloomy glory did not bypass them either - several cases were recorded in history when poisoners soaked the petals with poison and sent a deadly gift to an objectionable person.

Rose color meaning

According to the canonical rules for composing a bouquet, great importance has the color of the petals, the degree of maturity of the buds and the rest of the flowers of the composition.

The complexly composed bouquet was akin to a letter, speaking the language of secret passions and affections.

Knowing the meaning of the color of roses, you can understand what your fan means or make your own bouquet for the solemn moment.

Purity and purity, admiration for perfection and sincerity of feelings.
Red roses Classic love symbol. A frenzy of feelings and a whirlpool of passion, a clear and vivid attachment to your soul mate.
burgundy roses Magnetism that turns your head. Charm, love and admiration.
pink roses Sophistication, tenderness, the birth of feelings. Sincere sympathy and innocence.
yellow roses Reconciliation after a quarrel, care, happiness from the joint path traveled, success, radiance. fixed, with light hand Catherine II, behind the yellow roses, the meaning of separation and betrayal does not correspond to reality - modern tendencies have not followed this archaism for a long time.
orange buds The color of energy, activity and purposefulness. Emotions completely consumed. Pride in your life partner.
peach roses Modesty, sophistication and elegance. Appreciation and gratitude.
green roses Don't talk about love - they mean jealousy. Second meaning: generosity, success, a wish for abundance and prosperity.
black roses Contradictory: the long-standing symbol of mourning and grief acquired a new interpretation over time. Such a bold choice testifies to the strength of mind and the wish of good luck in difficult endeavors.
blue roses Mystery and mystery. Admiration for the object of passion, recognition of its uniqueness and freedom of choice.

An occasion to give a yellow rose

The yellow rose is a unique flower. It can be given for almost any occasion, because one of the meanings of this color is a wish for success, wealth and prosperity, recognition of merit and talent. It suits both men and women.

Often such bouquets are given to popular people: movie stars, theater stars, performers and artists. creative energy combined with the spirit of a flower - such a gift means a wish for fame and an increase in popularity.

In business bouquets, yellow flowers speak of recognition of merit. You can give them to a leader and a subordinate: this will indicate that you are proud and admire their talents.

In the family circle, donated yellow roses will help cheer you up. Their strength and warmth will help to distract from problems and remind you that after cloudy days there always comes a sunny time.

You can give flowers without a reason. For this, the main mood and desire to make something pleasant - in this case, it does not matter what color your bouquet is. If your gift comes from the heart, loved ones will understand everything that you want to say without words.

The tradition of giving flowers was formed in antiquity and existed among all peoples. They decorated shrines and presented them as a gift to the gods. Not a single magnificent celebration was complete without flowers. At all times, people have been especially fond of the rose - the queen of flowers, personifying sincere feelings and respect. To give a bouquet means to express the warmest wishes. Particular attention was paid not only to human preferences. Some donors were interested in the symbolic meaning of the color of roses.

The tradition of giving roses in an odd number

The tradition of giving roses in odd numbers also came from antiquity. As it is now, it was once very important. Previously, it was considered unacceptable to give an even number of flowers in a bouquet, since, according to popular beliefs, this could bring trouble to a person. Such a bouquet carried negative energy, could indicate the ignorance of the donor and was considered a sign of bad taste.

Let's see what an odd number of roses in a bouquet means:

  • one rose is given to signal their attention;
  • three roses mean respect;
  • five roses symbolize recognition of passionate feelings;
  • seven roses speak of love;
  • nine flowers are given as a sign of truce and renewed cooperation;
  • a bouquet of eleven flowers is presented to friends and business partners, despite the meaning of the color of the rose;
  • thirteen flowers can be given as a sign of a break in any relationship;
  • Fifteen roses will speak of deep and devoted love in the best possible way.

Roses in Ancient Greece

According to historians, the rose cultivated plant grown over the past five thousand years. Initially color palette these amazing colors was not so varied. It was possible to meet only roses of white, red and pink color. The first mention of roses dates back to the third century BC.

For the inhabitants of Greece, the rosebud has always been a symbol of infinity, and the color of roses and their meaning were not so important. The round outlines of the inflorescence seemed to hint to them about the absence of beginning and end in the spiritual world. The petals of the bud are twisted so tightly that they are not so easy to unfold. After the rose has opened, showing itself in all its glory and wrapping everything around with an excellent aroma, its petals begin to gradually fade and lose their original beauty.

The inhabitants of Ancient Greece noticed that the captivating, unique, fleeting existence of a rose is as short as a person's life. The Greeks considered the rose a divine gift. The ancient Greek poetess Sappho first called the rose the queen of flowers. This happened around 600 BC. e., but the rose continues to be the leader among other representatives of the flora today.

Roses in Rome

In Rome, the rose was considered the flower of Venus and a symbol of morality. Warriors before the battle, of course, given the significance of the color of roses when donating, they put on fragrant wreaths instead of a helmet, believing that in this way fearlessness and faith in victory are poured into their hearts. At one time all the streets and outskirts ancient city were planted with rose bushes. Their scent was so strong that many locals fainted.

Rose in biblical legends

According to one Christian legend, the original rose had no thorns. The flower symbolized unconditional and mutual love at first sight. He was considered the best decoration Garden of Eden until the fall of Adam and Eve. After the first people were expelled by God from paradise for disobedience, sharp thorns grew on the rose. Now these thorns should remind people of sin and its consequences for the human soul.

The wonderful world of roses - fragrant and colorful - and in our times continues to delight the eye and amaze with its diversity. Lush bouquets roses are given by self-confident people who are distinguished from others by reliability and stability. They stand firmly on their feet and value comfort in everything. It should be noted that when choosing a bouquet, it is necessary to take into account the color of roses and their meaning.

With time appearance rose has undergone quite a big change. Not surprisingly, due to the wide variety, there was a need to find out the meaning of the color of roses, the photos of which are presented here. The intensity of the pleasant sensual aroma of flowers directly depends on the variety. An intoxicating plume of amazing smell can turn anyone's head.

Red roses

Red roses in a bouquet mean beauty, affection and sincere love. It is customary to present a bouquet of this color as a sign of deep admiration and respect. Scarlet roses in a bouquet will also speak of violent passion. It is their loving men, who understand the meaning of the color of roses, that are traditionally presented as a gift to their chosen ones on Valentine's Day - February 14, to remind them of their passionate feelings.

White Rose

White roses represent purity of thoughts and harmony. This color of the bouquet will speak of unanimity and good relations between the donor and the recipient. If a person wants to say that he is one with the hero of the occasion, then he is recommended to turn Special attention on the meaning of the color of roses. White flowers must be combined with red in one bouquet.

White is the color in both Western and Eastern cultures considered to be universal. White flowers can be used for absolutely any occasion. They will easily fit into even the most unusual flower arrangement, carefully diluting it and placing accents. It is white roses that are most often used in wedding decor as a symbol happy life and creating a new family.

Pink roses

Pink roses are usually given at the very beginning. love relationships. Romantic natures often they try to find out in advance the meaning of the color of a rose - on the first date it is so pleasant to surprise your chosen one with delicate pink fragrant flowers! These representatives of the flower world are the best hint about the emerging feeling and affection, which in the future can turn into a burning, sweeping passion.

Noble, eloquent flowers, especially with unopened buds, will speak instead of you about sympathy. Their pleasant color is associated with admiration and tenderness. Florists believe that people who choose pink roses are usually polite, considerate, amiable and courteous.

burgundy roses

A burgundy bouquet of roses differs from others in its unique splendor. However, unlike red roses, these flowers do not speak of a strong and strong enough love affection. The true meaning of the color of roses is love at first sight. Bordeaux roses exist in many shades.

To avoid the gloom of the bouquet, it is recommended to dilute the maroon color with lighter shades of roses - scarlet or peach. It is also believed that burgundy roses will become the best gift for the charming half of humanity of the Balzac age. A deep wine shade symbolizes fading beauty. These flowers can also tell about the outgoing passion. Sometimes they are chosen to express condolences.

Yellow roses

Despite the fact that the people yellow considered to be a symbol of separation, betrayal, betrayal and jealousy, a bouquet of yellow roses has nothing to do with these characteristics. Yellow roses mean exceptionally good manifestations of feelings: friendship, care, joy and happiness. So, spouses who are tied long years family life, give these flowers as a sign of a measured life and established relationships. A woman, knowing the meaning of the color of roses, in a bouquet of yellow flowers won't see anything wrong.

Often, bouquets of these roses adorn various festive events, meaning the freedom-loving nature and active lifestyle of the hero of the occasion. Some experts point out that yellow roses mean reconciliation. A bouquet of this color reinforces the intention of a person to take a step towards the world, leaving behind past misunderstandings, disagreements and resentments.

orange roses

An orange bouquet of roses speaks of the best and sincere wishes. They are given by enthusiasts who are characterized by ardent feelings and outbursts of emotions. Often these flowers are given by men who are intoxicated by the heady feeling of timid love, and therefore pay attention to the meaning of the color of roses. Coral and peach shades they will talk about the modesty of the donor.

Also orange roses It is customary to give as a sign of the successful completion of affairs, expressing respect and gratitude. These flowers will be a delightful accent to any solemn event.

Blue and blue roses

The blue shades of roses, according to experts, are mysterious and hint at the reality of achieving impossible goals. An unconventional color for roses was obtained by selectors by crossing different varieties. These unusual and mysterious flowers presented to people who are extraordinary. These roses are recommended to give when you want to amaze and charm. Flowers are so original that the meaning of rose flowers by color in this case does not matter. By the unusual shade of a wonderful flower, one can judge the creative nature of a person.

green roses

Green roses appeared in flower shops not so long ago. They speak of the abundance and generosity of the giver. Also, a bouquet of these flowers is a symbol of prosperity and fertility. Such roses are most popular among successful, prosperous people. Despite positive value The colors of roses do not express love with these colors, as they can hint at a feeling of jealousy.

black roses

In fact, black roses are deep dark red roses. It so happened historically that a bouquet of black roses primarily means sadness. This meaning of the color of roses, the signs associated with it, make many people avoid dark bouquets. Meanwhile, not many people know that roses of this color are used not only to express condolences, but also to denote successful undertakings and new profitable deals. As a rule, the addressee of such flowers is a strong-willed person.

Poets at all times sang the rose as a symbol of constancy, femininity, romance and beauty. This excellent flower continues to inspire creative people and delight lovers, even despite the meaning of the color of the rose. Thanks to the work of modern breeders, we have been able to be content with various varieties roses. Bright and unusual, they tirelessly delight the eye, bringing beauty even to a gray and ordinary environment. Just one rose flower can say more than a thousand words.

The color of the rose speaks of love

In the language of flowers, a rose is a symbol of love. However, depending on its color and shape of the bud, shades of this feeling are distinguished: from expressing gratitude to sympathy, from recognition of the origin of attraction to ardent passion.

In the XVIII-XIX centuries, when the language of flowers was the main means of love correspondence, roses played the role of Cupid's arrows or silent recognition of what they were embarrassed to say when they met.

Of course, the chaste lovers of past centuries had to exercise great caution and restraint. Therefore, flower messages came to their aid, which often became the only threads connecting feelings and reinforcing hope.

Having received a bouquet white roses in unopened buds, the girl understood that she was loved, but her hero was stopped by the too young age of the beauty. This bouquet told her: “You are as beautiful as these flowers that were born from the foam of Aphrodite. But I dare not break unopened bud which in the future will bloom with unearthly beauty.

White Rose- a symbol of innocence and chastity, as well as White dress brides, have become the most popular colors wedding bouquet. In the hands of a newlywed, they speak of sublime and eternal feelings that can overcome years and distances. This flower is a symbol of the Virgin Mary, which in Christian literature is called the Rose of Paradise.

Red roses in the language of love, they mean strong passion and a willingness to move on to love intimacy. Such a bouquet says: “I can no longer languish in love with you. We need to meet in private."

Meaning burgundy roses like the tongue of red roses. It also contains the burning flame of desire. And it is this flower that is considered the most suitable as a bouquet for loved ones on Valentine's Day.

Like ice and flame, united in one bouquet, white and red roses erase extremes and paint a picture of harmonious love, built on fidelity, mutual understanding and striving for one goal. Such a bouquet contains the desire to see in your soul mate not only a lover, but also a true friend.

Bouquet pink rosesthis is the best way talk about your sympathy for the person. Usually these flowers symbolize a feeling that has not yet been born, but is already smoldering in the depths of the heart and, perhaps, will soon flare up in the fire of love. They contain a sign that there are still doubts, but rather “Yes” than “No”.

In addition to expressing sympathy for the opposite sex, pink roses are the most refined way to express gratitude and respect for another person. However, in order to be recognized love feelings pastel shades of this color of roses are closest, and for expressing gratitude - hot pink.

orange rosesThis great way to recharge your energy loved one how to tell him: “Everything will be okay! Do not give up!"

Yellow roses contrary to popular belief, they are by no means heralds of betrayal and separation. On the contrary, they carry an invitation to friendship, wishes of happiness and joy radiate from them. These flowers will help revive long-term relationships, show your respect for your partner and recognition of his merits. With a long feud, a bouquet of yellow roses can become a bridge to the resumption of old friendships and a spark to kindle cooled love feelings.

Peach roses can become a symbol of the completion of significant events and deeds, as well as an excellent decoration holiday table, behind which people gathered, sharing the joint joy of accomplishments.

In addition to the above, according to etiquette roses of any light colors you can give to friends and colleagues without any subtext, just as a sign of a warm attitude towards them.

green roses in the language of love harbor the sting of jealousy: “I doubt your devotion. I need proof of your love." However, they are also a symbol of well-being and abundance, recognition of the achievement of the goal and well-deserved success.

Blue (blue) roses hide in themselves a certain secret and a desire for unattainable heights.

Black roses - it is not only a “symbol of sadness” and death, but also a sign of great people, owners of an unyielding spirit. For them these dark flowers carry a call to conquer new paths and accomplish great things.

Now, armed with knowledge of the language of roses, you can give bouquets with meaning, thinking through your feelings for loved ones and reflecting them in a flower arrangement. And such a gift will be of great value, first of all, for you, as it will help you understand yourself, stop and think about “What do I want? What I feel?". Listen to your heart's desire and choose your love!

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