Template technological map of the lesson on fgos sample. Technological map of the lesson as a modern form of planning the pedagogical interaction between the teacher and students


Routing How effective remedy quality improvement

education in the context of the implementation of the GEF IEO


Protasova A.V., teacher primary school

Technological map as an effective means of improving the quality of education in the context of the implementation of the GEF IEO.: Methodological guide / 2014

The methodological manual is intended for primary school teachers working according to the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO, which will help to effectively conduct lessons in primary school as part of a system-activity approach

1. Introduction

2. What is a "technological map"

3. Technology of using the technological map in the lesson

4. Stages of drawing up a technological map of the lesson

5. The structure of the technological map

6. The purpose of the technological map in the work of the teacher

7. References


1. Regulations on the technological map

2. Forms of technological cards


When the GEF NOU was introduced.

The essence of federal state educational standards(Primary ) general education in their activity character. the main task what? - development of the student's personalitythrough their activities. Traditional representations of learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills and abilities are outdated. GEF determine real views activities.

The requirement of the federal state standard: the formation of universal educational activities of students. To organize a lesson in accordance with this requirement, a lesson flow chart can help.

What is a "tech map"?

The term "technological map" came to pedagogy from technical, precision industries.

Routing- a form of technological documentation that describes the entire process of processing the product, indicates the operations and their components, materials, production equipment, tools, technological modes, the time required to manufacture the product, the qualifications of workers, etc.

Technological map of the lessonmodern form planning pedagogical interaction between the teacher and students.

Routing- This the new kind methodological products that provide effective and high-quality teaching training courses in elementary school and the possibility of achieving the planned results of mastering the basic educational programs at the level of primary education in accordance with the second generation GEF.

The technological map is intended for designing the educational process by topic.

Based on the definition of “technological map”, we can single out those positions that can and should be relied upon when constructing a lesson’s technological map:

It should describe the entire process of activity;

Operations and their constituent parts must be indicated.

The need to implement system-activity and personality-oriented approaches in the educational process requires from the teacher not only a detailed operational-activity structuring of the lesson, but also a clear fixation of the subject-subject forms of interaction between its participants.

The essence of project pedagogical activity using a technological map is to use innovative technology work with information, description of tasks for the student to master the topic, registration of the expected educational results. The technological map is distinguished by: interactivity, structuredness, algorithmicity, manufacturability and generalization of information.

What gives the use of a technological map

Modeling and conducting a lesson using a technological map allows you to organize an effective educational process, ensure the implementation of subject, meta-subject and personal skills (universal learning activities) in accordance with the requirements of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standards, significantly reduce the time to prepare a teacher for a lesson. Advanced teachers have been involved in drawing up technological maps of the lesson for a long time.

The task of the technological map, as you know, is to reflect the so-called “activity approach” in teaching.

At each stage of the lesson, we track our activities and the expected actions of students.

The lesson flow chart can be viewed as a product of the teacher's brainstorming session. And for him, the visual image of the lesson is important.

The technological map of the lesson allows the teacher to:

See the educational material holistically and systematically and design the educational process for mastering the topic, taking into account the purpose of the mathematics course;

Fully reflect the sequence of all ongoing actions and operations, with more careful planning of all stages of the lesson, leading to the intended result;

Correct, vary and synchronize the actions of all subjects of pedagogical activity;

Coordination between teacher and student;

Organize independent activities of schoolchildren in the learning process.

The technological map of the lesson will allow the teacher to:

Implement the planned results of GEF;

To form UUD in students in the process of studying the topic, section, the entire training course;

Design your activities for a quarter (trimester), half a year, a year;

Design a sequence of work on mastering the topic from the goal to the final result;

Perform a diagnosis of the achievements of the planned results by students at each stage of mastering the topic;

Correlate the result with the purpose of training;

Ensure the improvement of the quality of education.

The technological map will allow the school administration to:monitor the implementation of the program and the achievement of the planned results, as well as provide the necessary methodological assistance.

When self-analyzing a lesson, the teacher often simply retells its course and finds it difficult to justify the choice of content, methods used and organizational forms of teaching. In the traditional plan, the content side of the lesson is painted, which does not allow for its systematic pedagogical analysis. The form of recording a lesson in the form of a technological map makes it possible to detail it as much as possible even at the preparation stage, to assess the rationality and potential effectiveness of the selected content, methods, means and types learning activities at every stage of the lesson. The next step is the assessment of each stage, the correctness of the selection of content, the adequacy of the methods and forms of work used in their totality.

With the help of a technological map, it is possible to carry out not only a systemic, but also an aspect analysis of the lesson (tracing the map vertically).

For example:

implementation of the objectives of the lesson by the teacher;

use of developmental methods, methods of activation cognitive activity students;

Implementation of evaluation and control.
Experience shows that at first the teacher

it is difficult to create a technological map of the lesson (it can be considered as a mini-project of the teacher). The greatest difficulties are caused by the decomposition of the objectives of the lesson into the tasks of the stages, the specification of the content of the stages of their activity and the activities of students at each stage.

Technological map features:

Careful planning of each stage of activity;

The most complete reflection of the sequence of all ongoing actions and operations leading to the intended result;

Coordination and synchronization of actions of all subjects of pedagogical activity;

The introduction of student self-assessment at each stage of the lesson.

Self-assessment is one of the components of activity. Self-assessment is not related to grading, but is related to the procedure for evaluating oneself. The benefit of self-assessment is that it allows the student to see their own strengths and weaknesses.

Stages of work on the technological map

The parameters of the map can be the stages of the lesson, its goals, content educational material, methods and techniques for organizing the educational activities of students, the activities of the teacher and the activities of students.

1. Determining the place of the lesson in the topic under study and its type.

2. Formulation of the purpose of the lesson (educational, developing, upbringing).

3. Designation of the stages of the lesson in accordance with its type.

4. Formulation of the goal of each stage of the lesson.

5. Determination of the results of each stage (formed UUD, product).

6. The choice of forms of work in the lesson.

7. Development of characteristics of the activities of the teacher and student.

This material can be used by teachers elementary school working on different teaching materials.

After analyzing (on the basis of open electronic sources of information) a fairly large number of technological maps of the lesson developed by practicing teachers, we came to the conclusion that a unified, well-established form of such a map does not yet exist.

The structure of the technological map

Learning using a technological map allows you to organize an effective educational process, ensure the implementation of subject, meta-subject and personal skills (universal learning activities (hereinafter referred to as UUD)) in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, and significantly reduce the time to prepare a teacher for a lesson.


The name of the topic with an indication of the hours allotted for its study;

Planned results (subject, personal, meta-subject);

Interdisciplinary connections and features of the organization of space (forms of work and resources);

Stages of studying the topic (at each stage of the work, the goal and the predicted result are determined, practical tasks are given to work out the material and diagnostic tasks to check its understanding and assimilation);

Control task to check the achievement of the planned results.

Technological maps are developed on the basis of the technology for the development of information and intellectual competence (TRIIK), which reveals the general didactic principles and algorithms for organizing the educational process, providing conditions for mastering educational information and the formation of personal, meta-subject and subject skills of schoolchildren that meet the requirements of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standards for the results of education.


At the first stage "Self-determination in activity"Stimulation of students' interest in studying a particular topic is organized through a situational task, identifying missing knowledge and skills for its implementation in the context of the topic being studied. The result of this stage is the self-determination of the student, based on the desire to master educational material, on the awareness of the need to study it and set it up personally. meaningful purpose activities.

At the second stage "Educational and cognitive activity"the development of the content of the educational topic necessary to complete the situational task is organized. This stage has content blocks, each of which includes a certain amount of educational information and is only part of the content of the entire topic. The number of blocks is determined by the teacher, taking into account the principles of necessity and sufficiency for the realization of the set goal when studying a particular topic.

Each block represents a cycle step-by-step execution learning tasks for the development of specific content and includes:

at the 1st step - organizing the activities of students in mastering educational information at the level of "knowledge" - mastering individual terms, concepts, statements;

at the 2nd step - organizing the activities of students to master the same educational information at the level of "understanding";

at the 3rd step - organizing the activities of students to master the same educational information at the level of "skill";

at the 4th step - organizing the activities of students upon presentation of the result of mastering the same educational information of this block.

The diagnostic task by its nature corresponds to the “skill” task, but its purpose is to establish the degree of mastering the content block.

Learning tasks for "knowledge", "understanding", "skill" are formulated taking into account the requirements of logical and informational correctness. Consistent implementation of educational tasks creates conditions for mastering the content of the topic, the formation of skills to work with information that correspond to meta-subject (cognitive) skills. Successful completion of tasks serves as the basis for the transition to the development of the next content block. The result of this stage is the acquired knowledge and skills necessary to solve the situational task indicated at the first stage.

At the third stage"Intellectual and transformative activity"to complete a situational task, students choose the level of performance (informative, improvisational, heuristic), the mode of activity (individual or collective) and self-organize to complete the situational task. Self-organization includes: planning, implementation and presentation of a solution. The result of this stage is the execution and presentation of a situational task.

At the fourth stage"Reflexive activity"the result obtained is correlated with the set goal and self-analysis and self-assessment of one's own activities in fulfilling a situational task within the framework of the topic under study is carried out. The result is the ability to analyze and evaluate the success of their activities.

Thus, the presented technology not only provides conditions for the formation of personal, meta-subject (cognitive, regulatory, communicative), but also the development of information and intellectual competence of younger students.


Technological map of the lesson- this is a way of graphic designing a lesson, a table that allows you to structure the lesson according to the parameters chosen by the teacher. Such parameters can be the stages of the lesson, its goals, the content of the educational material, methods and techniques for organizing the educational activities of students, the activities of the teacher and the activities of students.

It is very important, in our opinion, to carefully develop the characteristics of the activities of the teacher and students and the results of each stage. The new standard for the first time obliged to introduce an activity approach to the organization of the educational process. The teacher is now required to organize the lessons with the help of modern educational technologies such educational activity, which will ensure the achievement of new educational results, will allow students to develop their abilities. At the same time, the student does not listen so attentively to the teacher, but rather acquires knowledge and skills in the process of activity. Therefore, in the development of each topic, it is important to understand what kind of student activity you specifically organize, and what result you expect to get.


Kopoteva, G.L. Designing a technological map of the lesson in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard / G.L. Kopoteva / / Primary school management. - 2011. - No. 12. - p. 13-18.

Bezrukova, V.S. Advantages and disadvantages of the modern lesson / V. Bezrukova / / Director of the school. -2004. - No. 2. - p. 33-37.

Lavrentiev, V.V. Requirements for the lesson as the main form of organization of the educational process in the context of student-centered learning: guidelines / V.V. Lavrentiev / / Head teacher for school administration. - 2005. - No. 1. - p. 83- 88.

Source: Designing a technological map of the lesson: a scientific and methodological manual. - Vitebsk: UO "VOG IPK and PRR and SO", 2006.

Application No. 1

I approve:

School Principal ______________ /full name

"______" ____________________20 _____

Decision of the teachers' council, protocol No. _______

From "______" ______________ 20 ____

Order No. ____ dated "____" __________ 20 __ g


about the technological map of the lesson


  1. General provisions
  1. This Regulation has been developed in accordance with the Federal Law

dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in Russian Federation» (Article 48.1.5.)

  1. Technological map of the lesson - a document regulating the activities of the teacher in planning and organizing educational process in the classroom in accordance with the requirements of federal state standards primary general, basic general and secondary general education.
  2. Technological map of the lesson - a method of graphic design of the lesson, a table that allows you to structure the lesson according to the parameters chosen by the teacher. Such parameters can be the stages of the lesson, its goals, the content of the educational material, methods and techniques for organizing the educational activities of students. The technological map of the lesson is a generalized graphical expression of the lesson scenario, the basis for its design, a means of representing the individual methods of work of a teacher of a general education institution (hereinafter - OU).
  3. The technological map of the lesson is compiled by the teacher in accordance with work program training course, subject, discipline (module).
  4. The technological map of the lesson can be compiled in the form of a summary or a table in which the key blocks are fixed.
  5. The presence of a technological map of the lesson is mandatory for the work of the educational institution.
  6. The technological map of the lesson refers to local acts OU.
  7. The main purpose of the technological map:

1.7.1. determining the place of the lesson in the topic, section, course being studied;

1.7.2. determining the purpose of the lesson and fixing the planned results at the personal, subject and meta-subject levels in accordance with the requirements of the federal state standards of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education;

1.7.3. setting the objectives of the lesson and grouping the content of the educational material selected by the teacher, determining the sequence of its study;

1.7.4. the choice of forms and methods of organizing the activities of students in the classroom in order to enhance the cognitive interest of students and create optimal conditions for mastering universal learning activities by students.

  1. Development of a technological map

2.1. In the technological map of the lesson, the teacher needs to fix the key blocks:

2.1.1. goal setting (what needs to be done, implemented);

2.1.2. instrumental (by what means it needs to be done, implemented);

2.1.3. organizational and activity (what actions and operations should be done, implemented).

2.2. The main components of the goal-setting block are the topic of the lesson, the purpose of the lesson and the planned results of the lesson.

The theme of the lesson is a problem determined by the working program of the training course, subject, discipline (module), the material to be transformed in the process of cognitive activity of students in the lesson, which should turn into a result technological process into the essential characteristics of the student, the content of his competencies, the vector of personal development.

The teacher defines the purpose of the lesson as the solution of a triune task - educational, developmental, educational. In addition, in this section it is necessary to reflect the formation of universal educational actions: personal, regulatory, communicative and cognitive.

The planned results of the lesson, in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standards for primary general, basic general and secondary general education, must be reflected as personal, subject and meta-subject (regulatory, communicative and cognitive universal learning activities).

  1. The main components of the instrumental block, fixed in the technological map of the lesson, are: the tasks of the lesson, the type of lesson and the educational and methodological complex of the lesson.
  1. Lesson objectives are a series of actions that structure the activities of students in the lesson that need to be solved. The formulated list of lesson tasks allows you to build their hierarchical sequence as a program of students' activities in the lesson.
  2. The type of lesson plays a service role and is determined by the teacher independently in accordance with the logic of his essential goals and objectives.
  3. The educational and methodological complex of the lesson should reflect the following sections: sources of information, equipment, didactic support, materials for the cognitive activity of students.
  1. The main components of the organizational and activity block, fixed in the technological map of the lesson, are: basic concepts, organization of space, intersubject communications, students' actions, diagnostics of results, homework.
  1. Basic concepts - key definitions, names, rules, algorithms, which, as a result of studying the educational material, should be learned by students.
  2. The organization of space is determined by the teacher independently and reflects those forms of student activity that maximize the effective assimilation of educational material, the formation and development of universal learning activities of students.
  3. Intersubject communications are reflected in the technological map, if any. The teacher needs to indicate the subject area, the discipline that will be integrated with the subject being studied.
  4. The actions of students as a section of the technological map reflects the activities of students in the lesson - the actions and operations performed by them in individual, pair or group work. In addition, the teacher can display tasks and exercises that are aimed at the formation and development of UUD.
  5. Diagnostics of the results displays in the technological map of the lesson a variety of methods of control and self-control of students, summing up the lesson and designing independent work at home.
  6. Homework is indicated in the technological map, if any, and should be determined by the purpose of the lesson, its planned results, and be of an individual nature.
  1. Lesson planning steps:
  1. determining the type of lesson, developing its structure;
  2. selection of the optimal content of the educational material of the lesson;
  3. highlighting the main supporting educational material in general content lesson;
  4. the choice of technologies, methods, means, teaching methods in accordance with the type of lesson;
  5. the choice of organizational forms of students' activity in the lesson and the optimal amount of their independent work;
  6. determining the form and volume of homework;
  7. determination of the forms of summing up the results of the lesson, reflection;
  8. design of the technological map of the lesson.
  1. Compliance with the rules that ensure the successful conduct of the planned lesson:
  1. taking into account individual age and psychological characteristics students of the class, the level of their knowledge, as well as the characteristics of the entire class team as a whole;
  2. selection of various educational tasks and situations that contribute to the actualization of the cognitive activity of students in the classroom and the development of UUD;
  3. differentiation of educational tasks.
  1. Making a technological map of the lesson

3.1 . The technological map of the lesson is drawn up in the form of a summary or a table in which the teacher records the necessary information.

3.2. The teacher will independently determine the volume of the content of the technological map of the lesson and its design.

  1. The order of storing the technological map of the lesson

4.1. The technological map of the lesson is kept until the end of the school year.

Application №2

Types of technological maps

Technological map of lesson No. 1

FULL NAME. teachers:

Class: .

Date of: .

Subject: Russian.

Scheduled lesson number: .

Lesson topic:

The place and role of the lesson in the topic under study:

The objectives of the lesson (educational, developing, educational):

Characteristics of the stages of the lesson

FOUD - a form of organization of educational activities of students (F - frontal, I - individual, P - steam room, G - group).

Technological map of lesson No. 2




Methodological substructure of the lesson










techniques and their






Technological map No. 3

Academic subject


Lesson type

Lesson construction technology

Lesson topic

The purpose of the lesson

Basic terms, concepts

Technological map of lesson No. 4


Lesson topic:

lesson type:

Presentation of the results:




The purpose of the lesson :


Technological map of lesson No. 5

Lesson topic _________________________________________________

Goals for the student

Goals for the teacher




Lesson type

Lesson Form

Basic concepts, terms

New concepts

Forms of control


Technological map of lesson No. 6

Lesson topic
Lesson type

Planned results:

During the classes

Teacher activity

Student activities




Actions taken

Actions taken

Formed ways of activity

Actions taken

Formed ways of activity

Stage 1 - Organizational stage

Stage 2 - Updating knowledge

Stage 3 - Learning new knowledge and ways of doing things

Stage 4 - Primary check of understanding of the studied

Stage 5 - Homework

Stage 6 - Consolidation of the studied

Stage 7 - Generalization and systematization

Stage 8 - Summing up the session

Stage 9 - Reflection


Teacher activity

Student activities

Technological map No. 8

Full name of the teacher: ..................................
Item: ..............................................
Class: ................................................ ..
Lesson Type: ...............................................

Technological map with didactic lesson structure

Didactic structure lesson*

Student activities

Teacher activity

Tasks for students, the implementation of which will lead to the achievement of the planned results

Planned results



Organizing time

Checking homework

Learning new material

Fixing new material



The introduction of the latest standards in the education system has led not only to an adjustment of the curriculum, a new list of recommended teaching methods and techniques, but also significantly affected the amount of necessary documentation that teachers are required to prepare. One of these innovations has become the obligatory technological map of the GEF lesson, the preparation and use of which helps the teacher to conduct the lesson as efficiently as possible, while spending a minimum of effort.

New outline view

Technological map - a graphical version of the traditional outline plan. The main impetus for the use of the new format was the adoption of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standard. Authors educational standard They believe that the use of technological maps helps to work out all the stages of the lesson as detailed as possible, which makes it easier to check and evaluate the knowledge of children at the end of the lesson.

Map structure

Teachers know that any abstract, regardless of the subject, has a single structure. The same principle underlies the graphic version. So, the technological map of the biology lesson of the Federal State Educational Standard has the same structure as for any other lesson in the humanities or the exact direction.

Any technological map begins with a heading, which is similar to the heading of an outline plan.

It is followed by a table that lists the main elements of the content, broken down into stages. After the table, you can also place Additional materials- tests, problem solving, diagrams or tables used in the lesson.

Main stages

In the technological maps, it is necessary to describe in detail the following stages of the lesson:

  1. Class organization.
  2. Checking homework.
  3. Knowledge update.
  4. Introduction to new material.
  5. Primary check of the studied.
  6. Consolidation.
  7. Application of the knowledge gained during the lesson in practice.
  8. Generalization and systematization.
  9. Homework.
  10. Summarizing.

Note that it is permissible to combine several stages into one to save time and increase work efficiency. In some cases, it is completely acceptable to omit some items. For example, the Federal State Educational Standard may not contain such stages as consolidating the material covered, checking what has been studied, etc. (especially if the lesson is devoted to the study of poetry or the teacher planned to devote all 45 minutes of time to watching the screen version of the novel or story).

At the same time, do not forget that, regardless of the type, the mandatory steps remain:

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Preparing to study new material.
  3. Main stage.
  4. Summarizing.
  5. Reflection.

The technological map helps to determine in advance the form of organization of educational activities, that is, to plan which tasks will be performed by students individually, and which will be processed in pairs or small groups.

How to make a map?

When compiling a technological map, it is necessary:

  1. List all operations and their components.
  2. Describe in detail the activities of students and teachers.

Such a detailed study of the lesson will help to identify in advance tasks and exercises that are ineffective or too difficult for children, it will help to accurately calculate and distribute the material for each stage of the lesson. Thanks to this, the teacher may not worry that the students will not have time to complete any task or, conversely, not think about what to do if they complete the tasks much earlier than the bell rings from the lesson.

For example, you need to teach a math lesson. The technological map of the Federal State Educational Standard, compiled by you, will help you select the most interesting and really necessary tasks, select the form of organization of educational activities in advance, and determine the type of verification at the end of the lesson.

To make a really useful map, you need to follow a few steps:

  1. Determine the topic, its place among other topics in this section.
  2. Determine the type of lesson.
  3. Formulate a triune goal.
  4. Highlight the main stages of the lesson, based on the type and type of lesson.
  5. State the purpose of each step.
  6. Determine the expected results of each of the stages.
  7. Choose the most suitable form of work for the implementation.
  8. Select the required material.
  9. Select for each stage the main type of work for students and teachers.

To draw up a lesson map, you need to prepare a template in advance, think about how the lesson flow chart will look like. We will present a sample of the Federal State Educational Standard a little lower.

Teacher activity according to the map

The main feature of the map is that the teacher must calculate in advance and indicate in it what exactly the teacher will do at one stage or another of the lesson. It doesn't matter what subject you teach. lesson of the history of the Federal State Educational Standard and the map of the lesson of geography will be compiled according to one universal model.

You can describe the teacher's activity with the help of the following phrases:

  1. Checking student readiness.
  2. Statement of theme and purpose.
  3. Promotion of the problem.
  4. Creating an emotional state.
  5. Task formulation.
  6. Work performance control.
  7. Distribution of tasks.
  8. Organization of self-examination.
  9. Maintaining a conversation.
  10. Evaluation.
  11. Conducting a dictation.
  12. Story.
  13. Lead students to conclusions.

Student activities in the classroom

You can plan the activities of students using the following formulations:

  1. Work with a notebook.

Bibliographic description:

Nesterova I.A. How to make a technological map of the lesson [Electronic resource] // Educational encyclopedia website

In modern Russian pedagogical universities, there is a gradual transition from the outline to the technological map of the lesson. This is due to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation. In addition, skills in drawing up a technological map of the lesson are required for teachers to pass certification.

The process of drawing up a technological map of the lesson is very responsible and complex. A high-quality and multifunctional technological map can be developed if available high level knowledge in the subject and pedagogical sphere.

Each student of a pedagogical university is faced with the need to write several, which are necessary to obtain a diploma in teacher education.

Recently, in addition to the plan-outline, they began to demand from a student-probationer also technological map of the lesson. However, there is a lack of a sufficient methodological base in universities for this issue.

It is important to remember that in addition to perseverance and patience, a student needs a certain amount of knowledge and skills. Hence, the very common low level of drawing up a technological map of the lesson by students.

Technological map of the GEF lesson

It has taken a strong place in modern pedagogical literature. GEF of the new generation highlights it as one of the key innovations in pedagogical process. According to the norms of the new Federal State Educational Standard, the technological map of the lesson is one of the progressive forms of planning the interaction between the teacher and students in the framework of pedagogical activity.

Technological map of the GEF lesson- this is a generalized graphical expression of the lesson scenario, the basis for its design, a means of representing individual methods of work.

The definition of the technological map contains key aspects that are necessary when constructing the technological map of the lesson:

  1. The whole process of activity and its components must be described in detail;
  2. Specifying operations and their constituent parts Necessarily.

basis technological map of the lesson is the development of a lesson aimed at developing general (meta-subject) and special skills and abilities.

In modern methodological literature, under metasubject skills imply universal learning activities (UUD). Concerning subject skills, then they are formed in students only in the process of teaching a given specific academic subject and are used mainly in this subject and partly in related subjects.

Meta-subject or general educational skills and abilities provide planning, organization, control, regulation and analysis of students' own learning activities.

The key role of the technological map of the lesson is due to the fact that it is aimed at revealing the general didactic principles and algorithms for organizing the educational process, which provide optimal conditions for mastering the subject and developing various skills and abilities of students. Only awareness of the importance of creating a technological map will allow a young teacher to master its features.

The structure of the technological map of the lesson is clearly regulated and is a system of components that form the lesson as an integral organism.

Similar to the lesson plan structure, but contains more elements of forecasting and planning. In addition, a well-compiled flow chart greatly simplifies the lesson self-analysis procedure, since it initially contains and systematizes the elements that require analysis.

When compiling a technological map, the lesson is structured according to the following parameters:

  1. The name of the lesson.
  2. Objectives of the lesson.
  3. Stage content.
  4. The activities of the teacher.
  5. Student activities.
  6. Work forms.
  7. Result.

In the process of developing a technological map of the lesson, it is necessary to take into account the strict adherence to certain stages. So, among the stages included in the structure of the technological map of the lesson include:

  1. Determining the place of the lesson in the topic under study and its type.
  2. Formulation of the purpose of the lesson.
  3. Designation of the stages of the lesson in accordance with its type.
  4. Formulate the purpose of each stage of the lesson.
  5. Determination of the results of each stage.
  6. The choice of the form of work in the lesson

Having studied the structure of the technological lesson map, it can be argued that it provides conditions for improving the quality of education at school. The proof of this is the following:

  1. the educational process is designed from the goal to the result;
  2. the technological map specifies the use of the maximum effective methods work with information;
  3. the lesson organizes independent educational, intellectual-cognitive and reflective activities of schoolchildren;
  4. conditions are provided for the application of knowledge and skills in practice.

As mentioned earlier, lesson flow charts are directly related to the quality of lesson introspection. In the process, young teachers simply retell its course. They find it difficult to justify the choice of content, methods used and organizational forms of training. The technological map of the lesson presents the lesson in more depth and detail with all its stages, problematic aspects, etc. Thus, laying the foundation for introspection. As for the traditional outline plan, it mainly describes the content of the lesson, which does not allow for its systematic pedagogical analysis.

A properly drawn up technological map of the lesson makes it possible to:

  1. detail the lesson at the preparation stage;
  2. evaluate the rationality and potential effectiveness of the selected teaching methods, means and types of learning activities at each stage of the lesson;
  3. evaluate each stage, the correctness of the selection of content, the adequacy of the methods and forms of work used in their totality.

Purpose: to study the issue of compiling a "technological map".

The technological map is a new type of methodological product that provides effective and high-quality teaching of training courses in primary school and the possibility of achieving the planned results of mastering basic educational programs at the level of primary education in accordance with the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Learning using a technological map allows you to organize an effective educational process, ensure the implementation of subject, meta-subject and personal skills (universal learning activities), in accordance with the requirements of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standards, significantly reduce the time to prepare a teacher for a lesson .

The term "technological map" came to pedagogy from technical, precision industries.

Technological map - a form of technological documentation that describes the entire process of processing a product, indicates operations and their components, materials, production equipment, tools, technological modes, time required to manufacture a product, qualifications of workers, etc.

The technological map is intended for designing the educational process.

Behind recent decades fundamental changes have taken place in society in the idea of ​​the goals of education and the ways of their implementation. aim education becomes the general cultural, personal and cognitive development of students, providing such a key competence, how to learn.

In a broad sense, the term universal learning activities” means ability to learn, i.e. the ability of the subject to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. In a narrower (actually psychological) sense, this term can be defined as a set of student actions (as well as related learning skills) that provide independent assimilation of new knowledge, the formation of skills, including the organization of this process.

Therefore, teachers need to look for and use new approaches in working with students to achieve modern educational goals.

Today it is necessary to understand how to form universal learning activities for students in the classroom.

Application . slide 2 What does using...

Modeling and conducting a lesson using technological map allows you to organize an effective educational process, ensure the implementation of subject, meta-subject and personal skills (universal learning activities) in accordance with the requirements of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standards, significantly reduce the time for preparing a teacher for a lesson. Advanced teachers have been involved in drawing up technological maps of the lesson for a long time.

The task of the technological map, as you know, is to reflect the so-called “activity approach” in teaching.

At each stage of the lesson, we track our activities and the expected actions of students.

The lesson flow chart can be viewed as a product of the teacher's brainstorming session. And for him, the visual image of the lesson is important.

slide 3– map parameters.

Such parameters can be the stages of the lesson, its goals, the content of the educational material, methods and techniques for organizing the educational activities of students, the activities of the teacher and the activities of students.

When self-analyzing a lesson, the teacher often simply retells its course and finds it difficult to justify the choice of content, methods used and organizational forms of teaching. In the traditional plan, the content side of the lesson is painted, which does not allow for its systematic pedagogical analysis.

The form of recording a lesson in the form of a technological map makes it possible to detail it as much as possible even at the preparation stage, to assess the rationality and potential effectiveness of the selected content, methods, means and types of educational activities at each stage of the lesson. The next step is the assessment of each stage, the correctness of the selection of content, the adequacy of the methods and forms of work used in their totality.

slide 4- the technological map will allow the teacher ...

The technological map will allow the teacher to:

  • implement the planned results of the second generation GEF;
  • systematically form universal learning activities among students;
  • design your activities for a quarter, half a year, a year by moving from lesson planning to theme design;
  • in practice to implement interdisciplinary connections;
  • to carry out diagnostics of the achievement of the planned results by students at each stage of mastering the topic.

Slide 5 - lesson settings.

1) The name of the stage of the lesson.

2) The objectives of the lesson stage.

4) The activity of the teacher.

5) Student activities.

6) Forms of work.

7) Result.

It is very important, in our opinion, to carefully develop the characteristics of the activities of the teacher and students and the results of each stage. The new standard for the first time obliged to introduce an activity approach to the organization of the educational process. The teacher is now required to organize in the classroom with the help of modern educational technologies such educational activities that will ensure the achievement of new educational results and allow students to develop their abilities. The student does not listen very carefully. teachers, how many in the course of activity acquires knowledge and skills. Therefore, in the development of each topic, it is important to understand what kind of student activity you specifically organize, and what result you expect to get.

The technological map of the lesson is a modern form of planning the pedagogical interaction between the teacher and students.

Based this definition, we can highlight those positions that can and should be relied upon when constructing a technological map of a lesson:

  1. the need to describe the entire process of activity;
  2. indication of operations, their constituent parts.

In the structure of the technological map of the lesson, it is necessary to provide the following possibilities:

slide 6 – technological map capabilities:

  1. careful planning of each stage of activity;
  2. the most complete reflection of the sequence of all ongoing actions and operations leading to the intended result;
  3. coordination and synchronization of actions of all subjects of pedagogical activity;
  4. the introduction of self-assessment of students at each stage of the lesson.

Self-assessment is one of the components of activity. Self-assessment is not related to grading, but is related to the procedure for evaluating oneself. The benefit of self-assessment is that it allows the student to see their own strengths and weaknesses.

Stages of work on the technological map:

Slide 7 - stages of work on the technological map.

1. Determining the place of the lesson in the topic under study and its type.

2. Formulation of the purpose of the lesson (educational, developing, upbringing).

3. Designation of the stages of the lesson in accordance with its type.

4. Formulation of the goal of each stage of the lesson.

5. Determination of the results of each stage (formed UUD, product).

6. The choice of forms of work in the lesson.

7. Development of characteristics of the activities of the teacher and student.

This material can be used by elementary school teachers working on different teaching materials.

After analyzing (on the basis of open electronic sources of information) a fairly large number of technological maps of the lesson developed by practicing teachers, we came to the conclusion that a unified, well-established form of such a map does not yet exist. We stopped our choice on such a technological map of the lesson:

Slide 8 - the structure of the technological map.

1st stage. “Self-determination to activity. Organizing time". The activity of the teacher: inclusion in the business rhythm. Oral communication from the teacher. Student activities: preparing the class for work.

2nd stage. “Updating knowledge and fixing difficulties in activities”. The activity of the teacher: reveals the level of knowledge, determines typical shortcomings. Student activities: perform a task that trains individual abilities for learning activities, mental operations and learning skills.

3rd stage. "Formulation of the educational problem". The activity of the teacher: activates the knowledge of students, creates a problem situation. Student activities: set goals, formulate (clarify) the topic of the lesson.

4th stage. "Construction of the project of an exit from difficulty". The activity of the teacher: building a project for getting out of the difficulty. Student activities: draw up a plan to achieve the goal and determine the means (algorithm, model, etc.).

5th stage. "Primary fastening". The activity of the teacher: establishes the awareness of perception, organizes the primary generalization. Student activities: solve typical tasks with speaking the algorithm aloud.

6th stage. “Independent work with self-checking according to the standard”. Teacher activity: organizes activities for the application of new knowledge. Student activities: independent work, carry out a self-test, step by step comparing with the standard.

7th stage. “Reflection of activity (the result of the lesson)”. Teacher's activity: organizes reflection. Students' activities: carry out self-assessment of their own educational activities, correlate the goal and results, the degree of their compliance.

How to reduce the time for drawing up a technological map of the lesson

I cannot but agree with the opinion that the preparation for the lesson in accordance with the new requirements of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standards, namely the preparation of a technological map of the lesson, allows organizing a more effective educational process. However, on initial stage planning the lesson “in a new way” took me a lot of time (about 2 hours per lesson!), Until the most convenient form was developed and the possible parameters of the lesson were spelled out.

Yes, I re-read a lot of methodological literature on the Internet, I found many examples of process maps, but not a single specific tutorial on creating a lesson map. So I decided to write about my experience. Having selected and summarized the information I found, I adapted the table, the list of lesson stages, templates for goals, tasks, etc. When compiling the next technological map of the lesson, now I simply copy and transfer the information I need to the following table:

methods, techniques, forms

Formed UUD

The result of cooperation




At the beginning of the technological map, it is necessary to prescribe a "header".

Step 1: Filling the header

Lesson topic:

Basic Tutorial:

Step 2: We determine the place of the lesson in the topic, its goals (the result predicted by the teacher, which should be achieved by the end of the lesson) and tasks.

Target (for example):

    organize the activities of students to study and consolidate the structures of greeting / farewell;

    organize the activities of students in the study and primary consolidation of the letters of the alphabet A, B, C, introduce the concept of transcription;

    organize the activities of students to repeat and generalize the material covered, organize a test of knowledge of the alphabet;


    Educational (cognitive, cognitive). Description example: to form general educational skills and abilities (the ability to compare, generalize, draw conclusions, analyze), expand lexicon learning by learning new words...

    Developing. Description example: develop communication skills of cooperation with other students, improve reading skills and pronunciation of the studied words; to promote the development of students' skills to generalize the knowledge gained, to analyze, synthesize, compare, draw the necessary conclusions; provide conditions for the development of skills to establish cause-and-effect relationships, situations that contribute to the development of skills to analyze, conditions for the development of skills and abilities to work with sources of educational and scientific and technical information, highlight the main and characteristic, conditions for the development of mindfulness, observation and the ability to highlight the main thing, assessment of various processes, phenomena and facts; to promote the development of skills to apply the acquired knowledge in non-standard (typical) conditions, to promote the development of volitional qualities of students, the development of skills creativity to the solution of practical problems, the development of technological (abstract, logical, creative) thinking.

    Educational. Description example: create/provide conditions for fostering a sense of humanism, collectivism, respect for elders, mutual assistance, responsiveness, politeness, negative attitude towards bad habits, awareness of the value of physical health, to promote the development of interest in the study foreign language to help increase the level of motivation in the classroom through teaching aids.

Tasks can be repeated from lesson to lesson, and this is normal - after all, we cannot develop attention, improve memory, or motivate study in one lesson.

Lesson type (example): a lesson in learning new things, a lesson in consolidating knowledge, a lesson in the integrated application of knowledge, a lesson in generalizing and systematizing knowledge, a lesson in monitoring and evaluating knowledge (or a lesson in the formation of speech skills, a lesson in improving speech skills, a lesson in the development of speech skills).

Now we proceed directly to filling in the table.

Step 3: Designation of the stages of the lesson in accordance with its type. You can also write down the language aspects (phonetics, vocabulary, grammar) and the types of speech activity (listening, speaking, writing, reading) in order to trace the sequence and logic.

Lesson steps:

    Motivational introductory part (5-10 min).

1.1 Organization of the beginning of the lesson: greeting, warm-up

1.2 Preparation for the main stage of the lesson (Providing motivation for educational activities - goal setting)

1.3 Checking homework

    Operational-cognitive part (30-35 min)

2.1 Assimilation of new knowledge and ways of action

2.2 Initial check of understanding

2.3 Consolidation of knowledge and methods of action

2.4 Generalization and systematization of knowledge

2.5 Control and self-examination of knowledge

    Reflective-evaluative part (5-10 min)

3.1 Summing up the session

3.2 Reflection

3.3 Information about homework

Be sure to include a physical minute (at 20-25 minutes), and preferably two (at 12 and 22 minutes).

Step 4: We write down the goals of each stage, for example: to assimilate, consolidate, generalize, etc.

Step 5: The content of the lesson is the actions of the teacher and the actions of students.

Step 6: The methods used (reproductive, partially search, explanatory and illustrative), as well as techniques, forms of work of students (individual , collective, in pairs).

Step 7: Formed UUD.

    Personal UUD:

    formation of an adequate, positive, conscious self-esteem;

    formation of a motive that realizes the need for socially significant activities;

    development of cognitive interests, educational motives;

    development of goodwill, trust and attentiveness to others;

    formation of readiness for cooperation, assistance.

    Regulatory UUD and activities:

    the ability to organize their activities (independent preparation of a plan for the implementation of tasks);

    the ability to accept, maintain and follow learning goals;

    the ability to act according to a plan (solving a problem, calculating expressions in two or more actions);

    the ability to control the process and results of their activities (checking calculations);

    the ability to adequately perceive marks and assessments (self-assessment and comparison of the results of self-assessment with the mark of the teacher);

    the ability to distinguish between the subjective complexity of the task and the objective difficulty (analysis of the task, determining the type of task);

    readiness to overcome difficulties non-standard tasks, search for new solutions).

    Cognitive (general educational) UUD:

    search and selection of the necessary information (analysis of the task, finding the given information, project activities)

    sign-symbolic modeling (construction of drawings, diagrams, creation of a short note to the task, derivation and recording of formulas)

    the ability to structure knowledge;

    the ability to consciously build speech statements in oral and written form (explain the calculation algorithm, the process of solving the problem, write down explanations for actions);

    selection of the most effective ways solving problems depending on specific conditions (calculation of the most convenient way, solving the problem with several options);

Cognitive (logical) UUD:

    analysis, synthesis, classification, summing up under the concept, establishing cause-and-effect relationships, building a logical chain of reasoning, proof.

    Communicative UUD:

    the ability to formulate one's thoughts orally and in writing (to prove one's point of view)

    the ability to enter into a dialogue (ask questions to the teacher, classmates, answer questions);

    ability to negotiate, find a common solution (work in pairs, groups);

    understanding the possibility of different positions (completion of the task different ways, guess answers),

    respect for another point of view,

    the ability to prove one's position,

    coordination of efforts to achieve common goals (work in groups, groups, project activities).

Step 8: The result of cooperation should be consistent with the objectives of each stage of the lesson.

Step 9: Prescribe learning tools so that you can see at a glance everything that you need on this stage.

Now we save the map layout with empty columns and rows on the computer and fill it with already prepared information. I hope you can significantly reduce the time to prepare for the lesson on the new requirements.

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