Fire damper resistance. The device and application of fire dampers for ventilation systems. Test report

Since May 1, 2009, new regulatory requirements have been introduced in Russia for fire damper drives in ventilation and smoke protection systems!

Part 2 Art. 138 "Technical regulation on the requirements fire safety» prohibits the use in ventilation and air conditioning systems of fire-fighting normally open (previously called fire-retarding) dampers with a spring drive and a thermal lock (fusible link), since such a drive cannot be controlled remotely and the thermal lock as part of the drive is the main temperature-sensitive element, and not a backup as required by the regulations.

According to SP 7.13130 executive mechanisms(actuators) of fire-fighting normally closed (including smoke) dampers of supply and exhaust smoke ventilation systems (should maintain the preset position of the damper flap when the drive is turned off. Distinctive feature of these systems, which include several dampers with address control, is the presence of two predetermined damper positions - “open” (for example, on the fire floor) and “closed” (on other floors), which the drive must ensure in any case of power outage, in including emergencies.

This requirement actually prohibits the use of electromechanical actuators with a return spring on fire
normally closed and smoke dampers, since when the voltage is removed from them, only one preset damper position is provided - “open”. The specified requirement is met by fire normally closed (including smoke) dampers with an electromagnetic drive or a reversible electric drive, the control signal for which
is the voltage supply to the drive. These actuators provide the preset “open” and “closed” positions of the damper when the power is turned off.


Section VI. Fire safety requirements for products general purpose

Chapter 31 . Fire safety requirement for building structures and engineering equipment buildings, structures and structures

Article 138. Fire safety requirements for structures and equipment ventilation systems, air conditioning systems and smoke protection.

part 2. Normally open fire dampers must be equipped with automatic and remotely controlled actuators. The use of temperature-sensitive elements in the composition of such drives should be provided only as redundant ones. For normally closed fire dampers and smoke dampers, the use of actuators with temperature sensitive elements is not allowed. Density of adjoining structures of fire and smoke dampers to each other various types must provide the minimum required resistance to smoke and gas penetration.

You can get acquainted with the Federal Law "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements" on the website of the RG

The main regulatory document that establishes the classification and scope of fire dampers of ventilation systems is currently SNiP 41-01-2008 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning". In accordance with this document, for ventilation and smoke protection systems, the following should be provided:

- fire-fighting normally open dampers in air ducts of general ventilation of air conditioning and air heating in order to prevent the penetration of smoke combustion products into the premises during a fire, as well as in supply and exhaust systems premises protected by gas aerosol or powder fire extinguishing installations.
- double-acting fire dampers in the main ventilation systems of premises with gas aerosol or powder fire extinguishing used to remove gases and smoke after a fire.
- smoke dampers for exhaust smoke ventilation.
- normally closed fire dampers in exhaust and supply smoke ventilation systems and systems for removing smoke and gas after a fire from premises protected by gas aerosol or powder fire extinguishing installations.

In accordance with NPB 241-97, the designation of the fire resistance limit of fire dampers includes letters corresponding to the normalized limit states and a number representing the time (min.) to reach one of the normalized limit states, the first in time. Two types of limit states of the valve are taken into account: E - loss of density; I - loss of heat-insulating ability. For example, an entry in the certificate EI 60 means that the fire resistance of the valve is 60 minutes. according to the signs of loss of density and loss of heat-insulating ability, regardless of which of the two signs is achieved earlier.

The loss of thermal insulation capacity I of fire dampers is characterized by an increase in the temperature of the valve body and the body seal assembly in the opening of the structure from the unheated side to a given maximum allowable value, and the loss of density E is a decrease in the resistance of the damper to smoke and gas permeation to the minimum allowable value or the formation of through cracks in the seal assembly of the valve body or openings through which combustion products or flames penetrate.

The test modes of fire normally open (NO), smoke and fire normally closed (NC) dampers differ from each other, therefore, the entry in the certificate about the possibility of using the valve as a smoke or NC is made on the basis of the test results for the corresponding mode. So, for example, an entry in the certificate “Smoke ventilation valve for buildings and structures KDM-2 with a fire resistance limit: in the NC valve mode -EI 30; in smoke damper mode - EI 90, E 90" means that the damper can be used as a normally closed fire damper and a smoke damper in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 41-01-2008, in which the fire resistance limit of these dampers is characterized by the letters EI, and as a smoke in accordance with NPB 241-97, where the fire resistance limit of smoke dampers is characterized by the letter E.

The scope of fire dampers in explosion-proof design is regulated by SNiP 41-01-2008, PUE, GOST R 51330.99, GOST R 51330.13-99, etc. In addition to fire safety certificates, these dampers must have a certificate of compliance with explosion safety requirements.

The company manufactures fire dampers for various functional purposes in accordance with SNiP 41-01-2008:

- fire-fighting normally open BUT.
- smoke
- fire-fighting normally closed NC.

Valves are made of "wall" and "channel" types. Wall dampers KDM-2 (KLAD-2) and KLOP-3 have one connecting flange, they are conveniently installed in the openings of walls, partitions, air ducts, suspended ceilings, enclosing structures of mines, etc. KDM-2 (KLAD-2), KLOP-1 (standard and explosion-proof versions), KLOP-2, KLOP-3 and KOM-1 dampers of the "channel" type with rectangular cross section have two flanges for connection to air ducts on one or both sides . "Duct" KLOP-1 round section of the usual design are made with two flanges (flange valves) and with a nipple connection (nipple valves). Type of climatic version of all fire dampers U3 (valve KLOP-1 "marine" version M2) in accordance with GOST 15150-69. The dampers can be installed indoors with ambient temperatures from -30°С to +40°С in the absence of direct exposure to atmospheric precipitation and moisture condensation on the damper. The environment should not contain aggressive vapors and gases in concentrations that destroy metals, paint coatings and electrical insulation.

Fire-fighting normally open (fire-retardant) dampers
, KLOP-2, KLOP-3 and KOM-1 are designed to prevent the spread of fire and combustion products through air ducts, shafts and channels of ventilation and air conditioning systems of buildings and structures for various purposes. In accordance with clause 5.14 of SNiP 21-01-97*, NO fire dampers are filling openings in fire barriers with a rated fire resistance limit (fire walls, partitions and ceilings). These valves are open under normal conditions (without fire), and in case of fire they must be closed, ensuring the continuity of the fire barrier. The value of the fire resistance limit of NO valves is recommended to be selected taking into account the required fire resistance limit of building structures, regulated by SNiP 21-01-97 *, SNiP 41-01-2008 and other regulatory documents. All types of NO valve actuators, as a rule, have a thermoelement, which is used in electric actuators to duplicate the automatic operation of the valve in the conditions of thermal effects of a fire.

Smoke valves
, KLOP-1, KLOP-2, KLOP-3 and KOM-1 are designed for exhaust smoke ventilation systems. Smoke dampers are normally closed. In the event of a fire, these valves must open to remove smoke from the smoke zone, and in other areas, for example, on other floors of the building, they must remain closed to ensure that regulatory requirements for air leakage into the smoke exhaust duct. Electric actuators without a thermocouple are used to control the smoke damper damper.

Fire dampers normally closed
KDM-2 (KLAD-2), KLOP-1, KLOP-3 are designed for exhaust and supply smoke ventilation systems, as well as for smoke and gas removal systems after a fire in rooms protected by gas, aerosol or powder fire extinguishing installations. Under normal conditions, these valves are closed. In the event of a fire, NC dampers open to ensure smoke removal or air supply to protected volumes, for example, vestibule locks, H2-type smoke-free stairwells, elevator shafts, as well as to remove smoke and gases after extinguishing a fire with gas, aerosol or powder installations. The design of NC dampers and damper control methods are similar to smoke dampers, the difference lies in the scope and certification testing modes of these dampers.

The increase in the density of urban development forces the construction of multi-storey buildings. According to modern regulatory requirements all of them must contain systems fire protection. This applies not only to residential buildings, but also to public and industrial buildings.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that, according to statistics, about 85% of deaths in a fire occur from the effect of combustion products on the body. Their distribution depends on the speed of movement of air masses from one point of the building to another. To reduce smoke in the entire structure during a fire, smoke protection systems are developed and installed, which include fire dampers for ventilation systems.

What are these elements of the ventilation network? Let us consider in more detail what types of valves are, how they are selected and how they are installed.

Purpose of fire dampers

In accordance with regulatory documents, a fire damper for general ventilation, air conditioning and heating systems is a device for preventing combustion products from entering rooms or removing them from a fire.

The fire damper for ventilation in some modifications is used to remove smoke, gas, or combustion products from residential and public buildings, vestibules, corridors, elevator shafts and other places.

In general, according to the technical literature, a fire damper is a remotely or automatically controlled device for blocking ventilation ducts or openings in building envelopes. How are valves classified and what are they?

Classification of fire dampers

Fire dampers which are produced for use in modern systems ventilation are classified into two main categories. Each of which is designed for its scope of application and differs in design and location. Valves are:

  1. NC (normally closed), which include smoke and used in supply and exhaust smoke ventilation systems. Their purpose is to remove smoke and gases after a fire. IN normal condition the valve in them is in the closed position and air does not pass through the valve. After the outbreak of a fire and the operation of anti- fire alarm the valve under the action of a servomotor or any other control devices opens and, with the help of ventilation, smoke is removed through it.
  2. NO (normally open). The fire damper from this group is designed for installation in general ventilation, air heating or air conditioning systems to protect against smoke ingress. In the normal state, the valve in it is open and air moves freely through the ventilation system. After the alarm is triggered, the valve closes, which prevents the possible ingress of smoke from the fire into neighboring rooms. One of the most popular devices of this type is the fire damper KLOP-1.

There are also double acting valves. They combine the characteristics of the two considered groups. The device closes in the event of a fire to prevent smoke from entering neighboring rooms, and automatically opens after a fire. Normally closed valves are also called smoke valves.

One of the characteristics of all valves is the fire resistance limit, which characterizes the time it takes to maintain its integrity when exposed to fire.

Valves are also produced and divided according to climatic modification. For example, there are frost-resistant devices that are designed to operate at low temperatures. There are devices and marine versions, which are designed to function in the conditions of aggressive humid sea air.

Also, valves are classified according to the method of installation on:

  • wall;
  • channel.

The difference is indicated in the name itself: the wall is installed directly in the enclosing structures without being connected to the ventilation network, the channel ones are connected to the air ducts.


Servo drives are now used to regulate the position of the dampers. They are controlled by applying voltage to the device. They are produced in several types with different modifications. Not all of them are suitable for fire and fire-retarding ventilation.

It should be noted that previously a normally closed valve, which was called a fire damper fire-retardant, allowed the use of spring drives with a thermal lock and a fusible link. It worked when the temperature rose, when the fusible link was destroyed and the valve slammed shut. But due to the fact that it cannot be controlled remotely, their use is not allowed in today's current regulatory documents.

Valve selection

There are several characteristics to consider when choosing a valve:

  • type and purpose - smoke damper or fire damper;
  • fire resistance limit, which is the main characteristic that determines the fire and technical properties devices; it can be found in the documentation for a particular product;
  • dimensions that depend on the duct, installation location and air velocity;
  • type of actuator that drives the valve flap;
  • resistance;
  • price.

All characteristics are selected during design based on many factors. Also, do not forget about the resistance on the fire damper, on which pressure losses in the network depend and, as a result, the need to choose more powerful fan. The resistance is calculated according to the same principles as for other devices in the ventilation network.

Each product is distinguished by a coefficient of local resistance, which is used in the calculation. The aerodynamic characteristics of each type of valve is different. This is also one of the factors that influence the choice. All data for each valve is usually indicated in the manufacturer's catalogs, which must be consulted during design.

Where are fire dampers installed in the ventilation system?

There are normative documents and requirements for determining the installation locations of valves. The location of the device depends on its purpose. Normally open dampers that act as fire barriers are usually located in or near the building envelope. Three can be distinguished wiring diagrams fire dampers:

  • directly in the wall or other enclosing structures, while air ducts are connected to the device;
  • at some distance from the enclosing structures, but at the same time, the section of the air duct from the damper to the wall or other element must have a fire resistance limit of at least the damper itself;
  • V building structure without connection to air ducts, such a valve provides air flow between adjacent rooms.

Normally closed (smoke) valves are most often installed in smoke ventilation ducts. They must also have the required level of fire resistance, and the outer part that is visible from the room can be covered with decorative grilles or other elements.

The selection of fire dampers during design is an important part of building safety. Choosing the right and high-quality equipment can save lives and preserve property during fires.

Modern buildings cannot do without a wide network of engineering systems. They are essential for work. a large number electrical appliances. Electrical devices in turn often contribute to the outbreak of fires. Smoke from a fire high speed moves around the building. To prevent poisoning by combustion products, special smoke protection mechanisms are installed, including a fire damper for ventilation.


The fire damper is one of the main components of the ventilation system. The element is designed to limit the spread of fire and the results of its combustion through air ducts. The presence of such a device provides an increase in the level of fire safety, excluding the movement of fire in the building.

In addition to the restrictive function, the valve plays the role of an element that reduces the air flow to increase combustion. Modifications of fire fighting devices are also possible, which are used to remove smoke, gas, and combustion products.

Fire damper device

A fire damper can be called a damper involved in the process of closing or opening ventilation channels and shafts. Fire dampers for ventilation systems consist of:

  • Frame;
  • damper;
  • Drive unit.

The body is the bearing part. It is supplied with one or two flanges for fixing the device in the channel. The case is made in various forms:

  • Round or rectangular - the shape depends on the configuration of the duct for which the valve is to be installed;
  • Contains one or two sections responsible for the fire resistance limit.

The fire damper can have a body made of different materials:

  • Black carbon steel;
  • Stainless steel;
  • Cink Steel.

In relation to the environmental conditions, the body of the product is selected. Under conditions high humidity it is recommended to choose a stainless steel case.

Inside the housing there is a damper, the rotation of which provides opening. The valve models are equipped with a single flap or a flap consisting of several blades. In the case of several shutters, there is a smaller projection of the damper beyond the boundaries of the body. Many valves move simultaneously.

The activation of the valve can be automatic or manual. The automatic mode of operation provides for a signal from the fire alarm system. Manual control is carried out from the remote control or buttons located on the floors.

The damper positions are changed with the following actuators:

  • Electromechanical;
  • Electric reversible;
  • Electromagnetic;
  • Thermal lock.

The use of a thermal lock has recently been prohibited by fire safety standards.


Ventilation fire dampers are divided into varieties:

  • Normally closed - characterized by use in systems responsible for the output of combustion results. On initial stage the damper is closed to ensure that oxygen is blocked from entering the channels. In the event of a fire, the damper opens and smoke is taken from the room in which the fire begins to spread;
  • Normally open - located in classic ventilation systems in the interfloor spaces. The damper is initially open. In the event of a fire, the damper closes the damper, which blocks the channel. As a result, the area of ​​the presence of ignition is excluded;
  • Smoke choke - designed for installation in large rooms where a huge number of people are supposed to be placed (corridor, hall, hall). Functions in case of fire, removing gas mixtures;
  • Double acting valve - is a combination of open and closed device. At the initial stage, the throttle is closed. When a fire occurs, the damper closes to prevent the spread of fire. When the fire ceases, the product in the open state sucks combustion substances out of the room.

With regard to the attachment zone, the fire damper is divided into two categories:

  • Duct - located in the ventilation system and the elevator shaft;
  • Wall - installed on outer walls building.

Separated into a separate category gas device used in a room where there is gas access. Its functioning is carried out by blocking the gas in automatic mode in the event of a fire. The product is equipped with a sensor that is sensitive to temperature increase. When the temperature rises, the flow of gas to such devices as a boiler, gas stove stops. The valve element is placed near the instruments and equipment.

Another known cut-off type of valve, the installation of which is carried out at the intersection of air channels of walls or other structures. The product helps to limit the movement of smoke from the main duct to the periphery.

Valves are classified, also, on a climatic basis. Devices are being made that will be used at low air temperatures. They are considered cold hardy. For operation in marine conditions, marine-type valves are manufactured, operated at high humidity.

Selection rules

When choosing a device, you must consider the following indicators:

  • The purpose of use is to remove smoke or prevent the spread of fire;
  • The degree of fire resistance - characterizes the period of preservation of integrity when exposed to fire;
  • Dimensions - is selected according to the existing channel, the speed of air movement;
  • The type of drive that is responsible for the operation of the device;
  • Resistance - affects the pressure loss in the network;

All characteristics of the device are indicated in the catalogs of the manufacturer. When designing ventilation systems, it is necessary to decide on the choice of valve. After all, the uninterrupted operation of ventilation is ensured by the right choice of component parts.

Installation and application

The installation of fire dampers in the ventilation system is regulated by special regulations. Location zones are selected taking into account the purpose of the device. Normally open valves, which play the role of a fire limiter, are installed in the building envelope or near it. The following arrangements are possible:

  • In a wall or other enclosing structure, involving the connection of a ventilation duct to the device;
  • At some distance from the fence, ensuring the fire resistance of the ventilation duct section from the valve to the wall;
  • In a building structure for the movement of air between adjacent rooms, excluding interaction with air ducts.

Normally closed devices are placed in chimney vents. The main rule of installation is the accessibility of the drive and operating modules for maintenance.

Before the location process, the operability of the mechanism and the tightness of the damper are checked. The frequency of maintenance and inspections is specified in state standards on fire safety.

Ensure the safety of the building in the event of a fire right choice fire damper at the design stage. Installing such a device will prevent the movement of fire and smoke in the room through the ventilation channels.

GOST R 53301-2013



Fire test method

Fire dampers of ventilation systems. The test method for the fire resistance

OKS 13.220.50
OKP 48454

Introduction date 2014-09-01


1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State budget institution"All-Russian Order" Badge of Honor "Research Institute of Fire Defense" EMERCOM of Russia (FGBU VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia)

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 274 "Fire Safety"

3 APPROVED AND PUT INTO EFFECT by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated December 9, 2013 N 2208-st

4 INSTEAD OF GOST R 53301-2009

The rules for the application of this standard are set out in GOST R 1.0-2012 (section 8). Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual (as of January 1 of the current year) information index "National Standards", and the official text of changes and amendments - in the monthly information index "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, a corresponding notice will be published in the next issue of the monthly information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also placed in the information system common use- on the official website of the national authority Russian Federation on standardization on the Internet (

THE AMENDMENT IS MADE, published in IUS N 3, 2015

Amended by database manufacturer

1 area of ​​use

1 area of ​​use

This International Standard specifies a method for testing the fire resistance of the following structures:

- fire-fighting normally open valves of general and emergency ventilation systems, local exhaust systems and air conditioning;

- fire-fighting normally closed valves of supply and exhaust smoke ventilation systems;

- smoke dampers of exhaust smoke ventilation systems;

- double acting fire dampers;

- smoke hatches (valves) of exhaust smoke ventilation systems with natural induction.

2 Normative references

This standard uses normative references to the following standards:

GOST R 50431-92 Thermocouples. Rated static conversion characteristics
The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST R 8.585-2001 is in force, hereinafter in the text. - Database manufacturer's note.

GOST R 12.1.019-2009 Occupational safety standards system. Electrical safety. General requirements and nomenclature of types of protection

GOST 12.2.003-91 Occupational safety standards system. Production equipment. General safety requirements

GOST 12.3.018-79 System of labor safety standards. Ventilation systems. Aerodynamic test methods

GOST 6616-94 Thermoelectric converters. General specifications

GOST 30247.0-94 Building structures. Test methods for fire resistance. General requirements

GOST 30247.1-94 Building structures. Test methods for fire resistance. Bearing and enclosing structures.

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the effect of reference standards and classifiers in the public information system - on the official website of the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization on the Internet or according to the annually published information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current of the year, and according to the issues of the monthly published information index "National Standards" for the current year. If an undated referenced document has been replaced, it is recommended that the current version of that document be used, taking into account any changes made to that version. If the referenced document is replaced by a dated reference, it is recommended that the version of this document with the year of approval (acceptance) indicated above be used. If, after the approval of this International Standard, a change is made to the referenced document to which a dated reference is given, affecting the provision to which the reference is given, then this provision is recommended to be applied without taking into account this change. If the referenced document is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which there is a link to it applies to the part not affecting this link.

3 Terms and definitions

In this standard, the following terms are used with their respective definitions:

3.1 fire damper: Automatically and remotely controlled device for blocking ventilation ducts or openings of enclosing building structures of buildings, having fire resistance limit states, characterized by loss of density and heat-insulating ability:

- normally open (closed in case of fire);

- normally closed (opened in case of fire);

- double action (closed in case of fire and opened after it).

3.2 smoke damper: Normally closed fire damper, having a fire resistance limit state, characterized only by loss of density, and to be installed directly in the openings of smoke exhaust shafts in protected corridors.

3.3 valve body: A fixed structural element of the damper, installed in the mounting opening of the building envelope or on a branch of the duct.

3.4 valve flap: A movable element of the valve structure, installed in the body and blocking the flow area or part of it.

3.5 valve drive: A mechanism that ensures the transfer of the damper (flaps) in automatic and remote modes to a position corresponding to its functional purpose.

3.6 smoke hatch (valve, lantern or transom): An automatically and remotely controlled device that closes openings in the outer enclosing structures of rooms protected by exhaust smoke ventilation with natural draft induction.

3.7 smoke hatch body (frame or frame): motionless component structure, equipped with seating surfaces and damper suspension elements, mounting and fastening units to the cover or fence of the light or light-aeration lamp of the building (structure).

3.8 smoke hatch damper (lid or flaps): A movable component of the structure attached to the drive and blocking the flow section of the housing or part of it.

3.9 smoke hatch drive: A mechanism that provides automatic and remotely controlled movement of the damper to the position corresponding to the opening of the flow section of the housing, equipped with initiating and power elements, as well as an open position lock.

3.10 TEP: Thermoelectric converter.

4 Criteria for fire resistance

4.1 The fire resistance limit of a fire damper design is determined by the time from the start of heating the test sample to the onset of one of the limit states at a given pressure drop.

4.1.1 Two types of limit states of fire dampers for fire resistance are taken into account:

I - loss of heat-insulating ability;

E - loss of density.

The designation of the fire resistance limit of valves consists of conditional normalized limit states and a number corresponding to the time to reach one of them (the first in time) in minutes, for example:

I 120 - 120 min on the basis of loss of heat-insulating ability;

EI 60 - 60 min in terms of thermal insulation capacity and density loss, whichever of the two is achieved earlier.

When different fire resistance limits for various limit states are normalized (or established) for a structure, their designation consists of two parts separated by a slash, for example:

E 120 / I 60 - the required fire resistance limit on the basis of loss of density is 120 minutes, and on the basis of loss of heat-insulating ability - 60 minutes.

The numerical indicator in the designation of the fire resistance limit must correspond to one of the numbers in the following series: 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180.

4.1.2 Loss of thermal insulation capacity of fire dampers is characterized by an increase in temperature by an average of more than 140 °C or locally by more than 180 °C on the unheated surface of the damper damper, as well as on the outer surfaces of its body at a distance of 0.05 m (not less than at four points of the section at the specified distance) and the valve body seal assembly in the opening of the building envelope.

Regardless of the initial temperature of these surfaces, the value of the local temperature should not exceed 220 ° C at any point (including where local heating is expected - joints, corners, heat-conducting inclusions).

4.1.3 The loss of thermal insulation capacity of smoke dampers of exhaust smoke ventilation systems with mechanical draft stimulation and smoke hatches (valves) of exhaust smoke ventilation systems with natural draft stimulation is not regulated.

4.1.4 Density loss is characterized by:

- penetration of combustion products through through cracks or through holes formed in the valve body seal assembly along its outer seating surfaces, leading to ignition of the tampon placed in accordance with 8.1.3 GOST 30247.1;

- penetration of combustion products through the valve body formed in the junction of the damper (flaps) to its body, in the joints of the dampers between themselves, through cracks or through holes leading to ignition of the tampon placed in accordance with 8.1.3 GOST 30247.1;

- reducing the resistance of the damper design to smoke and gas permeability.

The minimum allowable value of the specific resistance of the damper to smoke and gas permeability, reduced to an ambient temperature of 20 ° C, must be at least

where is the minimum allowable reduced specific resistance of the valve to smoke and gas permeability, m/kg.

In this case, the maximum allowable gas flow rate through a closed valve should not exceed

where and are the maximum allowable gas flow rates through a closed valve, respectively, kg/h and m/h;

- excess pressure on the valve, Pa;

- cross-sectional area of ​​the valve, m.

4.1.5 Loss of density of smoke hatches (valves) of exhaust smoke ventilation systems with natural draft induction is not regulated.

5 Essence of the method and test modes

5.1 The essence of the method is to determine the time after which one of the limiting states of the valve design in terms of fire resistance (according to 4.1.1-4.1.5) occurs under thermal exposure with the simultaneous creation of a pressure drop on the test sample.

5.2 The thermal effect on the structures of fire-fighting normally open, normally closed and double-acting valves is carried out in accordance with the temperature regime in the furnace and the permissible temperature deviations in accordance with the requirements of GOST 30247.0.

5.3 Temperature regime when testing smoke dampers of exhaust smoke ventilation systems with mechanical draft induction and smoke hatches (valves) of exhaust smoke ventilation systems with natural draft induction, it must meet the condition:

where is the temperature in the furnace corresponding to the time, °C;

Temperature in the furnace before the start of thermal exposure, °С;

- time from the start of the test, min.

The change in temperature over time during testing, as well as the permissible deviations of the average measured temperature in the furnace as the arithmetic mean of the temperatures measured using thermoelectric converters at a certain point in time, are given in Table 1.

Table 1 - Temperature conditions during testing

Permissible deviations, %

5.4 The negative pressure drop on the test sample during thermal exposure should be (70 ± 5) Pa for normally open fire dampers and double-acting dampers (when tested according to the schemes presented in Appendix A in Figures A.1, A.2), positive differential pressure for fire-fighting normally closed and smoke dampers - (300 ± 6) Pa (when tested according to the schemes presented in Appendix A in Figures A.1, A.2, A.3).

5.5 For double-acting valves, after the end of the thermal exposure, the test of the sample performance (opening of the damper) should be performed by applying a control signal to the drive mechanism.

5.6 The essence of the test method for smoke hatches (valves) of exhaust smoke ventilation with natural draft induction is to evaluate the performance and fire performance characteristics of the sample structure under unilateral thermal exposure according to 5.3 in combination with mechanical and wind loads.

The operability of the smoke hatch is characterized by the failure-free operation and the resistance of the structure to destruction during testing.

5.7 The failure-free operation of the smoke hatch design is determined by the unconditional reproduction of the operating cycle of the controlled movement of its damper (s) to the open position.

5.7.1 Resistance to destruction of the structure of the smoke hatch is characterized by the absence of damage, in which:

the drive latch does not ensure the preservation of the open position of the smoke hatch cover;

the passage section of the smoke hatch body is reduced by more than 10% of the area from the original;

possible internal loss of fragments of the structure of the smoke hatch.

5.8 Fire-technical characteristics smoke hatch designs are determined by response inertia and (if necessary) flow rate.

5.8.1 The inertia of the operation of the smoke hatch design is characterized by the time interval from the start of the drive to the moment of controlled movement of its damper to the open position and should not exceed 90 s. The open position of the sample damper is considered to be its fixation in the position specified by the manufacturer (according to technical documentation) at an angle of at least 90° with respect to the plane corresponding to the initial (closed) position of the damper.

5.8.2 The flow rate of a smoke hatch is determined by the efficiency of using the area of ​​the passage section of its structure.

5.8.3 The external mechanical load on the structure of a horizontal smoke hatch (valve) in the process of thermal exposure should be equivalent to the standard value of snow load established by the code for building coverings.

(Amendment. IUS N 3-2015).

5.8.4 The wind load on the structure of the smoke hatch (valve) in the process of thermal exposure must correspond to the standard wind speed value established for the cold period of the year.

5.9 Taking into account the specifics of the functional purpose of the designs of fire dampers and smoke hatches (valves), the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.8.3 and 5.8.4, temperature conditions, pressure drop values, mechanical and wind loads can be changed in accordance with the technical customer documentation.

6 Bench equipment and measuring equipment

6.1 The stand for testing valves is shown in Figures A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4 (Appendix A) and consists of a furnace with internal dimensions of at least (1.2x1.1x0.7) m, with an opening to install valves, a system for maintaining and regulating excess pressure on the sample and connecting lines for docking the test sample with the specified system.

The overpressure maintenance and regulation system consists of a fan with piping and control dampers, a measuring section with a flow-measuring diaphragm.

The furnace must be equipped with nozzles that provide the required thermal conditions according to 5.2, 5.3.

The technical characteristics of the elements of the overpressure maintenance and regulation system and the connecting lines must be selected taking into account the maximum allowable values ​​of gas flow rates through a closed valve according to 4.1.3 and the pressure drop across the test sample according to 5.4.

6.2 The test bench is equipped with means for measuring temperature, time intervals, gas flow and pressure.

6.2.1 To measure the temperature, a TXA type TEC is used (technical specifications in accordance with GOST 6616), nominal statistical characteristics and limits of permissible deviations of the thermoelectromotive force, which must comply with GOST R 50431 or a TEC with individual graduation.

6.2.2 To measure the temperature in the furnace, three TECs with electrode diameters from 1, 2 to 3 mm are used. The number and arrangement of TECs relative to the heated surface of the test sample are shown in Figures A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4 (Appendix A).

6.2.3 To measure temperatures on unheated surfaces of fire-fighting normally open, normally closed and double-acting dampers, as well as sealing units in the furnace opening, a thermoelectric probe with an electrode diameter of 0.5 to 0.7 mm is used.

The method of fastening the TEC on the indicated surfaces must ensure the accuracy of temperature measurement within ±5%.

The number of TECs and their installation locations are shown in Figures A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4 (Appendix A).

6.2.4 To measure the temperature in front of the flow orifice, one TEC is used with an electrode diameter of 0.5 to 0.7 mm.

6.2.5 The flow of gases is measured using standard flow orifices in accordance with.

See section Bibliography. - Database manufacturer's note.

It is allowed to use non-standard diaphragms for measuring the flow of gases if they have calibration characteristics obtained in the prescribed manner.

6.2.6 Registration of temperatures is carried out by instruments with a measurement range from 0 °C to 1300 °C with an accuracy class of at least 1.0.

6.2.7 To measure the pressure drop across the flow orifice, differential pressure gauges of at least 1.5 accuracy class are used.

6.2.8 Time recording is carried out with a stopwatch with a measurement range from 0 to 60 minutes, accuracy class not lower than 2.0.

6.3 The stand for testing smoke hatches (valves) of exhaust smoke ventilation systems with natural draft induction, shown in Figures A.5, A.6 (Appendix A), consists of a furnace, mounting elements and devices for loading the sample.

6.3.1 The oven must have inner dimensions not less than (2.0x2.0x2.0) m and be equipped with a smoke exhaust device with draft control, a fuel supply and combustion system. The design of the furnace cover provides the possibility of installing reinforced concrete liners with openings corresponding to the conditions for testing samples of smoke hatch designs of design dimensions. The temperature regime in the furnace must comply with 5.2.5 GOST 30247.0 and the requirements of 5.3.

6.3.2 Mounting elements ensure compliance with the design conditions for mounting the sample, taking into account the features of its design and spatial orientation.

6.3.3 Devices for loading the sample shall comply with the requirements of 5.6, 5.7. The mechanical load should be set evenly distributed over the design of the shutter in the closed position of the sample. For samples of vertical spatial orientation (installation), mechanical loading is not required. The wind load must be evenly distributed over the damper structure in the open position for samples of horizontal spatial orientation, in the open and closed positions - for samples of vertical orientation. The wind load should be reproduced using an axial fan(s).

6.3.4 Bench equipment is equipped with means for measuring temperature, time intervals, pressure and gas flow.

6.3.5 To measure the gas temperature in the furnace (at the sample inlet), as well as in the area where the drive thermoelement is located, it is recommended to use a thermocouple with an electrode diameter of no more than 0.7 mm. Rated static characteristics and limits of permissible deviations of thermoelectromotive force of TEC must comply with GOST R 50431 or individual graduations.

At the same time, the number and installation locations of the TEC correspond to the diagrams given in the mandatory Appendix A (Figures A.5 and A.6): at the entrance to the sample - along the section A-A, in the area of ​​the drive thermoelement - at a distance of 5 to 10 mm from the center of the thermoelement, behind it downstream.

6.3.6 To register the measured temperatures, instruments with an accuracy class of at least 1.0 are used.

6.3.7 The static pressure receiver shall be tubular with an internal diameter of 4 to 10 mm and shall be installed in section A-A according to mandatory Appendix A (Figures A.5 and A.6). The cut center of the tubular static pressure receiver is located at a distance of not more than 20 mm from the geometric center of the specified section.

6.3.8 To measure the gas flow through the sample, use a combined pressure receiver (CPD) in accordance with GOST 12.3.018 with a receiving part diameter not exceeding 8% of the sample passage width. The coordinates of the points of sequential placement of the efficiency in section B-B according to mandatory Appendix A (Figures A.5 and A.6) should be determined according to GOST 12.3.018.

6.3.9 To record the pressure, instruments with an accuracy class of at least 1.0 are used.

6.3.10 Registration of time intervals is carried out with a stopwatch of an accuracy class of at least 2.0.

7 Test preparation

7.1 The fire resistance test is subject to:

two samples of a normally open fire damper of the same size when installed in an opening of a building envelope with a rated fire resistance limit with a possible one-sided thermal effect (test diagrams are shown in Figures A.1, A.4 (Appendix A));

three samples of a normally open fire damper of the same size when installed in an opening of a building envelope with a rated fire resistance limit with a possible two-sided thermal effect (test diagrams are shown in Figures A.1, A.4 (Appendix A));

three samples of a normally open fire damper of the same size when installed in an opening of a building envelope with a rated fire resistance limit or outside it in an air duct section with a rated fire resistance limit (test diagrams are shown in Figures A.1, A.2, A.4 (Appendix A) ));

two samples of a normally closed fire damper of the same size when installed in the opening of the enclosing building structure or outside it in the air duct section with a rated fire resistance limit (test diagrams are shown in Figures A.1, A.2 (Appendix A));

two samples of a double-acting fire damper of the same size when installed in the opening of the enclosing building structure or outside it in the air duct section with a rated fire resistance limit (test diagrams are presented in Figures A.1, A.2 (Appendix A));

one sample of the smoke valve (the test scheme is shown in Figure A.3 (Appendix A)).

Depending on the design features, the number of valves to be tested can be changed.

Note - The number of tested valve samples is not summed up, but is selected according to one of the options, taking into account the purpose and possible way installation.

7.2 Samples of valves supplied for testing must comply with the design documentation. The degree of compliance is determined by the input control, in which:

the completeness of each sample is revealed;

the dimensions of the valve, the gaps between the seating surfaces of the body and the shutter (shutters) of the sample, as well as other dimensions that determine the nature of the behavior of the valve during its testing are measured;

Compliance of component units with the design ones is established, the quality of their condition is visually controlled.

Input control data are recorded in the test report.

7.3 Before testing, for each sample, the operation of all components of the structure is monitored.

To check the valve, it is necessary to carry out at least 50 valve operation cycles, during which the damper completely closes (normally open valves) or opens (normally closed, double-acting and smoke valves) its flow area.

7.4 For testing, the sample in the closed position is installed on the stand (mandatory Appendix A, figures A.1, A.2, A.3, A.4).

Density ventilation duct, attached to the test sample, by the amount of leaks and air leaks must be determined in advance and be no more than 10% of the maximum allowable value gas flow rate 3.1.3 of these standards.

7.5 Immediately prior to testing, the air permeability of the sample is determined. In this case, the measured section of the ventilation duct attached to it is connected to the suction pipe of the fan. By throttling the fan, at least five differential pressure values ​​are created on the sample, evenly spaced in the range from 0 to 700 Pa. Samples with a resistance to air penetration not less than specified in 4.1.4 are allowed for fire tests.

The flow measuring device measures the air flow rates corresponding to each value of the pressure drop passing through the leaks of the sample structure. Then, by reversing the thrust created by connecting the measured section to the discharge pipe of the fan, the pressure drop across the valve changes in the opposite direction, and the measurement is repeated in a similar sequence.

7.6 The number of samples of smoke hatches (valves) of the same type of design for testing is determined by the standard size range of their flow sections in accordance with the technical documentation of the manufacturer.

Test specimens must be provided assembled, with a complete set, including drives and installation structural elements.

7.7 For testing, a sample of the smoke hatch must be installed in the mounting opening of the furnace of the test bench in accordance with the technical documentation of the manufacturer.

7.8 Immediately prior to testing, the mechanical and wind loads on the specimen shall be reproduced.

8 Test sequence

8.1 Tests are carried out at a temperature environment from 0 °С to 40 °С, unless other conditions are specified in the technical documentation for the valve.

8.2 The pressure drop on the sample is created by connecting the measured section of the air duct to the fan nozzle, depending on the functional purpose of the test sample. The value of the differential pressure is regulated by throttling the fan with the help of dampers.

When testing fire-fighting normally open dampers and double-acting dampers, the measured section of the ventilation duct of the test bench is connected to the suction branch pipe of the fan, and normally closed (including smoke) dampers - to the discharge branch pipe.

8.3 The start of the test corresponds to the moment when the furnace nozzles are turned on, immediately before which the sample damper must be brought to the closed position.

8.4 During the tests, record:

- temperature in the furnace, and from the unheated side on the outer surfaces of the body and the sample damper, the body seal assembly in the furnace opening and the gas in the outlet section of the valve (only for normally open fire dampers protecting process openings);

- moment of onset and characteristics loss of density (destruction, limiting deformations of the seal assembly of the sample body, including the formation of through cracks, burnouts and delamination of seals, leading to the exit flue gases and the appearance of a flame from the unheated side);

- flow rate and temperature of the gas flow passing through the leaks of the sample structure.

Measurements of temperatures, flow rates and pressures at each control point should be carried out with an interval of no more than 2 minutes.

8.5 Tests are performed until one or two (if necessary) limit states of the valve design occur in accordance with paragraph 4 of this document.

8.6 Testing of smoke hatches (valves) should be carried out at an ambient temperature of 0 °C to 40 °C, unless other conditions are specified in the technical documentation.

8.7 The start of the test corresponds to the moment when the furnace nozzles are turned on, which must be carried out sequentially in three stages.

8.7.1 At the first stage, the thermal effect on the sample is provided in combination with mechanical and wind loading according to 5.3, 5.8.3 and 5.8.4. The damper of a sample equipped with a local thermocouple may be opened arbitrarily. The control signal to open the shutter of a sample equipped with a remote control cabinet is given 120 s after turning on the furnace nozzles. The end of the first stage of testing corresponds to the moment when the temperature in the furnace reaches (400 ± 15) °С. In this case, its nozzles must be turned off.

8.7.2. At the second stage, a wind load is provided on the sample with an open damper. The duration of this stage should be at least 10 minutes.

8.7.3. At the third stage, when the furnace nozzles are turned on and the wind load is removed, the temperature in the furnace reaches (480 ± 10) °С. The duration of this step should be 10 min with the sample gate open.

8.7.4. In the process of testing, the following main indicators and parameters are monitored and measured:

temperature in the furnace (at the first and third stages);

temperature in the installation area of ​​the sample drive thermoelement, equipped in accordance with (at the first stage);

static pressure in the furnace (at the third stage, optional);

differential pressure on the efficiency factor (at the third stage, optional);

response time interval of the sample (at the first stage);

state of the sample structure (completeness of the shutter opening, maintaining its fixed open position, the presence of partial destruction, leading to internal loss of fragments of the sample structure).

8.7.5 Upon completion of the tests by direct measurements, the actual area of ​​the flow section of the specimen shall be determined.

9 Processing and evaluation of test results

9.1 The reduced specific resistance to smoke and gas permeability of a normally closed fire damper and a smoke damper, based on the measurement results, is determined according to the formula

- gas density at a temperature of 20 °C, kg/m.

9.2 The reduced resistivity to smoke and gas transmission of a normally open fire damper and a double-acting damper is determined by averaging the measurement results according to the formula

where is the valve flow area, m;

Pressure difference on the sample in the th dimension, Pa;

is the flow rate of gases passing through the sample, in the th dimension, kg/s;

is the density of the gas filtering through the leaks of the sample in the th dimension, kg/m;

- gas density at a temperature of 20 °C, kg/m;

9.3 The reduced resistance of samples to air penetration is determined by dependencies (5), (6) using the measurement results in accordance with 7.5 of these standards.

9.4 The fire resistance limit of each sample is set in minutes after the onset of one of the limit states.

9.5 The actual fire resistance limit of the valve is taken as the minimum of the values ​​established during the testing of samples.

The test results are valid for valves of similar design, the hydraulic diameter of which is less than the hydraulic diameter tested (without limitation), or larger than the tested one, while the hydraulic diameter of which satisfies the relationship:

where is the hydraulic diameter of the valve, to which the test results can be extended, mm;

- hydraulic diameter of the tested valve, mm.

The value of the hydraulic diameter is determined by the ratio:

where and are the area and perimeter of the valve, respectively.

Valve test results rectangular section cannot be extended to round valves and vice versa.

(Amendment. IUS N 3-2015).

9.6 In designating the fire rating of a valve, the results of the test result in the nearest lower value from the series of numbers given in 4.1.1.

9.7 Gas flow through the smoke hatch is determined by the ratio:

Where - average speed gas flow, m/s;

Estimated flow area, m;

Initial (design) flow area, m;

- actual flow area, m;

- temperature in the furnace at the th point at the th moment of the test, °С;

- pressure drop across the efficiency at the th point at the th moment of the test, Pa;

- the average value of the flow rate at the th moment of the test, m/s;

- number of measurements during testing.

9.8 The smoke hatch flow rate is determined by the ratio:

Static pressure in the furnace at the th moment of testing, Pa;

- static pressure of the external environment, Pa.

9.9 The test results may be extended to similar design smoke hatches in accordance with 9.5.

9.10 Positive result testing is determined by the revealed compliance of the sample with the established requirements for the inertia of its operation and the preservation of functional ability according to 5.6, 5.8. In this case, the actual value of the sample consumption coefficient according to 9.8 is included in the technical documentation for the product.

10 Test report

1) Name of the organization conducting the tests;

2) Name and address of the manufacturer (customer);

3) Characteristics of the test object;

4) Method;

5) procedure;

6) Test equipment and measuring instruments;

7) Results;

8) Evaluation of test results.

11 Safety

11.1 When testing fire dampers and smoke hatches for fire resistance, safety and industrial hygiene requirements must be observed in accordance with GOST 12.1.019 and GOST 12.2.003.

11.2 Persons familiar with technical description and operating instructions for the test stand.

11.3 Before testing, it is necessary to check the reliability of bench equipment connections.

11.4 All moving parts of the test rig should be guarded.

Annex A (mandatory)

1 - furnace; 2 - valve; 3 - pneumatic chamber; 4 - dimensional section of the duct; 5 - segment diaphragm; 6 - control damper; 7 - fan piping; 8 - fan; 9 - porthole; 10 - nozzle

14 - TEC with a diameter of 0.50.7 mm, installed on the sealing surfaces of the valve body in the furnace opening; 58 - TEC with a diameter of 0.50.7 mm, installed on the surfaces of the valve body; 9 - TEC with a diameter of 0.50.7 mm, installed near the diaphragm; 1012 - TEC with a diameter of 1.23 mm, installed in the furnace; - pressure drop across the valve; - diaphragm pressure drop

Figure A.1 - Scheme of bench equipment for testing the fire resistance of fire dampers of ventilation systems for various purposes

1 - furnace; 2 - valve; 3 - pneumatic chamber; 4 - dimensional section of the duct; 5 - segment diaphragm; 6 - control damper; 7 - fan piping; 8 - fan; 9 - porthole; 10 - nozzle; 11 - connecting element of the air duct

(all dimensions shown in the diagram are in mm)

Figure A.2 - Scheme of bench equipment for testing the fire resistance of fire dampers of ventilation systems for various purposes when installed on the duct section

1 - furnace; 2 - valve; 3 - pneumatic chamber; 4 - dimensional section of the duct; 5 - diaphragm: 6 - control damper; 7 - fan piping; 8 - fan; 9 - porthole; 10 - nozzle; 11 - layout of the TEC in the furnace relative to the valve

13 - TEC with a diameter of 1.23 mm, installed in the furnace; 4 - TEC with a diameter of 0.50.7 mm, installed near the diaphragm; - pressure drop across the valve; - diaphragm pressure drop
(all dimensions shown in the diagram are in mm)

Figure A.3 - Scheme of bench equipment for testing the fire resistance of smoke valves

1 - furnace; 2 - valve; 3 - porthole; 4 - nozzle

13 - TEC with a diameter of 0.50.7 mm, installed on the flap (leaf) of the valve; 46 - TEC with a diameter of 1.23 mm, installed in the furnace.

When TEP 13 hits the junction of leaflets (blinds) of multi-leaf dampers, the placement points are subject to horizontal displacement by 50-100 mm (for TEP 1, 3 towards the axis of the valve)
(all dimensions shown in the diagram are in mm)

Figure A.4 - Scheme of bench equipment for testing the fire resistance of fire dampers of ventilation systems for various purposes

1 - oven with nozzles; 2 - chimney; 3 - gate; 4 - furnace cover insert; 5 - installation element; 6 - smoke valve body; 7 - smoke hatch damper; 8 - drive thermoelement; - TEP; - place of measurement of static pressure; - combined pressure receiver; - wind speed (air flow); - wind load; - mechanical load

Figure A.5 - Scheme of the stand for testing smoke hatches (valves) with horizontal filling of the opening of the coating

1 - oven with nozzles; 2 - chimney; 3 - gate; 4 - furnace cover insert; 5 - installation element; 6 - smoke valve body; 7 - smoke hatch damper; 8 - drive thermoelement; - TEP; - place of measurement of static pressure; - combined pressure receiver; - wind speed (air flow); - wind load

Figure A.6 - Scheme of the stand for testing smoke hatches (valves) in vertical enclosing structures


Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. fire safety requirements

Rules 28-64

Measurement of liquids, gases and vapors with standard orifices and nozzles


The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST 8.586.1-2005 - GOST 8.586.4-2005 are valid. - Database manufacturer's note.

(Amendment. IUS N 3-2015).


UDC 614.841 OKS 13.220.50 OKP 48454

Keywords: fire damper, smoke hatch, test method


Electronic text of the document
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
M.: Standartinform, 2014

Revision of the document, taking into account
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JSC "Kodeks"

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