Technoelast epp technology. Technoelast: modern materials. Roof quality control. acceptance rules

Comparison of pasting waterproofing TechnoNIKOL EPP with coating waterproofing penetrating type - Maxsil Super

To date, the most common types of waterproofing (in particular those relating to foundations) include two types:

  1. Coating waterproofing which includes the following varieties:
    • Penetrating (cutoff of capillary moisture);
    • Rigid (provides internal or outer part waterproof);
    • Elastic (coating with elasticity and water resistance).
  2. Built-up (pasted) waterproofing, which is a roll of fiberglass, fiberglass or polyester fiber coated with a bitumen-polymer binder.

To compare the advantages and disadvantages of these types of materials for foundation waterproofing, consider the following

  • As coating waterproofing take a penetrating compound for applying a waterproof coating for concrete, brick, cement mortar And brickwork - MAXSEAL SUPER® (MAXSEAL SUPER®), companies DRIZORO S.A. You can also consider more cheap material MAXSEAL
  • As built-up (pasted) waterproofing take waterproofing roll material Technoelast EPP, companies TechnoNIKOL.


MAXSEAL SUPER is a mixture of cements and special additives, as well as carefully selected fillers and special organic and inorganic additives.

The surface must be prepared before application. Application of special primers is not required. The surface only needs to be clean, free of paint, loose particles, grease, traces of stripping agent, dust, gypsum plaster and others. Ideally, flushing with water under pressure with a plant of the "Karcher" type. For application MAXSEAL SUPER full curing of concrete is not required.

The material can be laid both on freshly laid and hardened concrete mix.

Preparing the mixture produced as follows:

  1. In a container containing 6.5-7.5 liters of water, gradually mixing, pour MAXSEAL SUPER in proportion: 1 bag (25kg.) - for approximately 6.5-7.5 liters of water.
  2. Mix with a low speed drill until a smooth, thick, creamy paste is obtained (stirring for about one minute).
  3. To check the consistency, lower the brush to half the length of its bristles. If the brush does not sink and does not fall on its side, but, nevertheless, it can be special efforts move in mass, then the desired consistency is achieved.

When waterproofing, apply the mixture with a nylon bristle brush in two coats. This application allows the material to penetrate into the pore structure of concrete to a depth of 2 to 20 cm (depending on the porosity of the concrete). Apply a thick layer that forms a continuous and uniform coating, do not smear it, as is done with paint, apply only in one direction.

The second layer must be applied in the opposite direction to the first. The total consumption of material for a two-layer coating should be 2-2.5 kg.

But, because we are talking about waterproofing the foundation, we will need to first sprinkle the dry mix on the moistened preparatory screed (lean concrete) just before placing the concrete foundation slab. The expense is the same 2-2.5 kg of dry mix per 1 m2.

This approach will allow the penetrating material MAXSEAL SUPER penetrate, closing the pores of the concrete of both the screed and the foundation slab.

This will allow (over time) to create a kind of single screed-slab construction that is impervious to water.

As you can see, the device for waterproofing the foundation with material MAXSEAL SUPER, technically is not no complications.

And now, for comparison, let's consider the material Technoelast EPP, by TechnoNIKOL, used for the same task - foundation waterproofing.

Technoelast EPP represents the polymer-modified, built-up rolled waterproofing material.

Technoelast is obtained by double-sided application of a bitumen-polymer binder consisting of bitumen, styrene-butadiene thermoplastic elastomer on a glass or polyester base. It has a polyethylene coating on both sides, which performs a protective function and prevents the bitumen composition from sticking together during transportation. As a protective layer, fine-grained dressing and a polymer film are used.

The surface must be thoroughly cleaned and prepared before installation.

Surface preparation consists in cleaning from dirt and dust (dust removal), as well as sealing cracks and potholes with cement mortar.

Also, for high-quality welding, the cleaned surface must be treated with a bituminous primer with a flow rate of from 300 to 500 g. per 1 m2.

Before installation Technoelast, it must be tried on in place and adjusted to size. The material is rolled out over the surface, all excess is removed with a knife, then gently rolled back into a roll.

When installing waterproofing material Technoelast, it is necessary to check the base for moisture. It should not exceed 4% by weight.

After preparing the surface, proceed to the deposition of the material. The laying of the material is carried out by fusing with a propane torch, after the bituminous primer has dried.

Roll, after fitting, slowly unfolding the roll, melt the bottom side, gradually rolling it out. The next roll must be laid at the joint with the next one (at least 300mm), providing a continuous waterproofing membrane.

Also, do not forget that if you choose Technoelast as a foundation waterproofing, then, before viscous reinforcement and subsequent pouring of the foundation slab, Necessarily you need to set up a protective shield. Such a measure is necessary to avoid rupture of the laid waterproofing, with various possible risks of mechanical damage.


As can be seen from the above laying technologies MAXSEAL SUPER® And Technoelast EPP, you can definitely make a choice in favor of the first, if we set ourselves the task of waterproofing the foundation.

This conclusion is made up of several factors, namely:

  • There are no special difficulties in surface preparation ( not required sealing cracks; not required primer application)
  • There are no special difficulties in the technology of work (it is enough just to spill the dry mixture MAXSEAL SUPER® on a moistened preparatory screed to enhance penetration into the body of the surface);
  • Not dependent on the weather MAXSEAL SUPER® can be laid in the rain, tk. it is a cement based material; Technoelast EPP however, being a welded material, it is simply afraid of precipitation);
  • No dependence on surface humidity (For application MAXSEAL SUPER®, complete maturation of concrete is not required, while the deposited material cannot be placed on a wet surface);
  • Cements are better "friends" with each other ( MAXSEAL SUPER® cement material with special additives, therefore stringent requirements for the foundation No);
  • And, finally, the economic benefit (even if you roughly estimate the list of work performed using MAXSEAL SUPER® and with the help Technoelast EPP, it will become obvious that due to the simplicity of waterproofing with cement materials, it will come out much more profitable).

Approximate cost of labor and materials MAXSEAL SUPER® ranges from 600 r/m2.

Approximate cost of labor and materials foundation waterproofing material Technoelast EPP ranges from 800 r/m2(whole pie).

Option I
for waterproofing the foundation slab with Maxseal Super

Estimated cost, rub.: 678.03

Total for CP: 678,03

including VAT 18%: 103.43

Option II
for waterproofing the foundation slab with Technoelast EPP material

Estimated cost, rub.: 1,288.40

Name of types of workUnit rev.VolumeUnit cost, rubEstimated cost, rub
1 2 3 4 5 6
Foundation slab waterproofing
1 Leveling screed device 30mm 322,20
Job m 1,0 210,00 210,00
m3 0,033 3400,00 112,20
2 Waterproofing device 644,00
Job m 1,0 250,00 250,00
Primer bituminous TECHNONICOL No. 01 l 0,350 208,00 72,80
Technoelast EPP in two layers m2 2,20 146,00 321,20
3 Safety tie device 30mm 322,20
Job m 1,0 210,00 210,00
Cement sand mortar M150 m3 0,033 3400,00 112,20

Total for CP: 1 288,40

including VAT 18%: 196.54

You can find out the exact cost after consultation with our technical specialists.

In order for the roof to serve for a long time, it is required to technologically correctly perform roofing. Regardless of whether the laying of Technoelast will be carried out by you personally or by a construction company, you will need the following necessary minimum of knowledge

The secret of fast laying Technoelast

Like 60 years ago, the main method of roofing from bitumen-polymer and bituminous materials is the method of fusing. old deposited materials with a heat resistance of 130 ° C significantly complicated roofing, prices on the implementation of which because of this significantly increased. The consumption of such materials and the time for its laying also left much to be desired. Everything changed when the TechnoNIKOL Company released a deposited material which exceeds the price of conventional materials, but its service life is much longer, and installation is simpler, which undoubtedly makes it economically attractive. Thanks to the longitudinal channels with a depth of 1.2 - 1.5 mm, it was possible to increase the simultaneously heated surface of Technoelast by 1.6 - 2 times. This led to a significant reduction in the time of work while maintaining gas consumption and avoided overheating of the material.

Surface preparation

To laying Technoelast was executed qualitatively, it is very important to properly prepare the base. To do this, eliminate all defects of the prepared surface. With the help of cement mortar, cracks, potholes, etc. are closed. Be sure to clean the surface of any debris (including dust).

Improvement of the surface for high-quality deposition

Reinforced concrete, concrete, and surfaces with a cement-sand screed must be primed. As a primer for Technoelast, either BN 90/10 bitumen composition, diluted with gasoline in a ratio of 1 to 3, is used. On square meter such a primer is about 300 - 500 g. Due to its low viscosity, the primer fills the pores and binds the dust. As a result, the best adhesion of the material to the surface is ensured.

Fitting the material on the surface

Before can be directly exercised laying Technoelast, it must be tried on in place and adjusted to size. To do this, the material is rolled out on the surface of the roof, everything superfluous is removed with a knife, then it is carefully rolled back into a roll.

Let's start fusing Technoelast

The lower layer of material and the prepared base are heated simultaneously. Then the material is overlapped (8-10 cm) and pressed tightly. The material intended for the top layer of the roof cladding (Technoelast K - with coarse-grained dressing, slate) has a special edge for this, on which there is no dressing. In case by various reasons it is not possible to use this edge, then the place of welding is carefully heated with a burner and the dressing is removed. After laying the material, the seams must be checked and if there is the slightest doubt about their tightness, then they must be warmed up again to achieve complete sealing.

Important little things

If the old roofing carpet is being repaired, then it is important to remember that the technological one completely allows it to be laid in one layer after the old roofing is repaired. On device new roof or, if the old roofing carpet is completely replaced with a new one, then Technoelast must be laid in two layers.

In the product line, materials have proven 100% effective in the following cases:

vaulted roofs

Technoelast is a highly reliable roofing and waterproofing polymer-bitumen material. It is in demand among builders of residential and industrial buildings, objects of different scale and complexity.


Pasting waterproofing technoelast EPP consists of several layers:

  1. At the heart - polyester fiber (polyester). It has elasticity and elasticity, which provides good adaptive properties of the waterproofing layer.
  2. Polymer-bitumen binder is an impregnation of polyester on both sides. Additives are added to hydrocarbons (bitumen) that increase the resistance of the web to temperature fluctuations, weather and mechanical influences.
  3. fusible protective film salient feature lining waterproofing technoelast. During installation, the bottom layer is heated and the canvas is glued to the base, then the finishing roof or structures (depending on the place of application) are laid on the top coating. In addition, the film prevents the roll from sticking together during storage and transportation.

The total thickness of EPP technoelast is 4 mm (standard, for different manufacturers may differ).


Today there are many varieties waterproofing materials bituminous families, to which the considered one belongs. All of them differ in individual components: the base, the composition of the polymer binder, the type protective coating. When choosing a material for construction, craftsmen and engineers rely primarily on the performance of the material. The most popular is EPP technoelast from TechnoNIKOL, so we will consider the technical characteristics of this product as the main one:

Specifications technoelast EPP from other factories may differ slightly, for each roll separate documentation must be drawn up, on the basis of which specialists make the choice of materials. Usually the packaging acts as an information sheet.


The direct purpose of the material is waterproofing and the organization of lining layers that prevent the penetration of water under the structure.

Application of EPP type technoelast:

  • Construction of roofs on concrete and stone buildings, including those operated by roofs;
  • Insulation of swimming pool bowls and technical pits;
  • Construction of dams, dams, hydraulic structures;
  • External and internal waterproofing foundations;
  • Arrangement of underground garages and parking lots.

Widespread use is due, among other things, to affordable cost - the price per m² of EPP technoelast produced by TechnoNIKOL from different sellers is 170-200 rubles (on average).


Polymer-bitumen Technoetast requires special storage conditions:

Material Quantity Calculation

The consumption of EPP technoelast per 1 m² of surface is easy to calculate - the values ​​correspond to each other. It is necessary to take into account only the margin for overlap.

Calculation example for a roof 10 meters long and 6 meters wide:

  1. Let's calculate the total number of meters - 6 × 10 = 60 meters.
  2. We take into account the overlay of strips of 8-10 cm. For a roof length of 10 meters, you will need 10 strips of technoelast, between them you will get 9 overlays (1 from each canvas): 9 × 10 = 90 cm or 9 × 8 = 72 cm. It turns out that you need to add more one strip, total - 11 sheets of technoelast.
  3. For allowances on the walls and the parapet, we leave 20 cm on one side. In total, one lane is 6.4 meters. Here we add allowances for connecting strips of different lengths in width, because it turns out that every second strip consists of two segments, and this is 20 cm × 5.
  4. As a result: 6.4 (meters, total strip length) ∙ 11 (width strips) + joint allowances (20 × 5) = 74.1 m². Accordingly, it is necessary to buy 8 rolls of EPP technoetas.

If the calculated value is obtained with a small "tail", you can try to cut some joints, make them smaller. But in this case, you need to be completely confident in the quality of the work performed. We still recommend not to save and do everything according to the standards. The remaining piece of canvas is sure to come in handy in the household and in the construction of other objects.


In order for the waterproofing to serve for a long time, it must be properly laid on the base and fixed.

The technology of laying technoelast type EPP involves the fusing of polymer protective film, which means that a gas burner is needed to carry out the work.

Work algorithm:

  1. The surface of the structure is thoroughly cleaned of dust, which prevents the canvas from sticking to the base. The base should be thoroughly degreased, potholes and pits should be repaired with cement mortar.
  2. To ensure the adhesion of technoelast, the base must be primed. To do this, you can use a bituminous primer, which is sold ready-made or diluted bituminous mastic gasoline in a ratio of 1: 3 and cover with this composition concrete structure. Easy to apply with a wide brush.
  3. This is followed by raising and cutting the canvas.
  4. When everything is ready, laying the waterproofing begins. The lower film is melted with a burner, pressed to the base. Adjacent sheets are mounted with an overlap of 8-10 cm.
  5. On top of the waterproofing, they are also laid by fusing roofing with protective chip.

Technoelast EPP is a new generation waterproofing that outperforms its predecessors such as roofing felts. The service life of the coating will exceed 10 years if the choice of material and its installation are carried out correctly.

Technoelastmost and Technoelast EPP 4.0 are made of a durable polyester base, on which a polymer-bitumen binder is applied on both sides, modified with SBS (styrene-butadiene-styrene) artificial rubber. From above, the Technoelastmost material is covered with fine-grained sand, from below - with a fusible anti-adhesive film with a pattern. EPP 4.0 is covered with a readily meltable anti-adhesive film on both sides.

The modifier and base properties set the material properties such as:

- flexibility and elasticity: elongation of the material at break more than 30%, elongation at break of the binder by more than 15 times, flexibility on a bar with a radius of 10 mm ("on a finger") -25 ° C;

The heat resistance of the material is + 100 ° C, which is 20-30 ° C higher than that of bituminous materials;

- excellent adhesion: to achieve a cohesive (by material) separation, there is no need to overheat the material or base;

- light, quick styling, comfort at work.

The base must be dried, cleaned of dust and dirt, leveled. The surface must either be cleaned of cement laitance by sandblasting).

Important: Technoelastmost "B" is glued to an unprepared surface, but at the same time, separation occurs along the surface of the base.

Easy to stick to the base. The lower surface of the material is covered with a film with a special indicator pattern: when the “snowflakes have melted” under the influence of the burner flame, the material is ready for installation.

The order of deposition of material on a horizontal base:

1. 5-6 rolls are unrolled on the prepared base, while the rolls are tried on one to the other so as to ensure an overlap: 6-10 cm along the longitudinal side, at least 15 cm at the ends of the rolls.

2. The material is then rolled back into rolls.

3. The material is welded “on itself” with a gas-air burner: one worker heats the material, standing with his back to the direction of gluing, the second one unrolls the material, being on the side opposite to the overlap.

4. Heating is carried out by smooth movements of the burner so that uniform heating of the surface of the material is ensured. It is good practice to move the torch in an "L" pattern with additional heat applied to the area of ​​the material that overlaps.

5. To ensure 100% adhesion of the material to the base and the previous roll, it is necessary to achieve a small roller of polymer-bitumen binder at the point of contact of the material with the surface. A sign of good, correct heating of the material is the presence of a roller of polymer-bitumen that has flowed out from under the edge of the material. This bead is also a guarantee of the tightness of the overlap. When insulating surfaces with a slope of more than 25%, it is necessary to roll the overlap with a roller to ensure its tightness.

6. On junctions (parapets, parts, etc.) of small height, the “heat and stick” laying method can be used: the material is heated, after which the burner is laid down and two or three workers glue the material immediately to the entire surface.

7. For welding materials on vertical surfaces for the convenience of work, it is recommended to cut the rolls into panels 1.5-2 meters long. With a significant height of the insulated surface, the sticker roll material produced in tiers, starting from the bottom.
For fixing waterproofing layers on each tier, it is recommended to provide for the installation of wooden antiseptic rails in height every 1.5-2 m, i.e. by the height of the working grips.

8. Overburning of the material is unacceptable. Its features are:

Boiling and abundant runoff of the polymer-bitumen binder, its outflow;

Strong smoke, polymer-bitumen fire;

Liquefaction of the upper surface of the material, when it "sinks" under its own weight, leaving black spots of bitumen;

- "ripples" on the surface of the material, which is not smoothed out after cooling: in this case, there is already a partial destruction of the polyester base.

In the event of a burn, the defective insulation must be replaced.

Shoe marks that may be left on hot material (immediately after welding, hot sunny day) are not dangerous, as they usually smooth out after cooling. However, you can walk on hot insulation only in soft shoes without heels and metal objects on the sole. It is also undesirable to put on the material gas cylinders and other heavy objects. If necessary, weight-distributing stands with a support of at least 50x50 are used.

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