Acrylic paint for what surfaces. Water-based acrylic paint - glossy beauty without cracks and streaks. Acrylic painting for beginners: instructions

As part of the paint acrylic base acrylic is present - this is a polymeric substance for the manufacture of which acrylic acid is split. For these purposes, water or a technical solvent in the form of ethanol, chloroform and ether is used. This substance is distinguished by the absence of color and the presence of a very pungent odor. Acrylic is a synthetic material with a transparent texture. In addition, it has good mechanical characteristics and is resistant to thermal effects.

Among the advantages of products based on acrylic are high strength and lightness. In addition, acrylic is resistant to UV radiation.

In order to make acrylic paint, you will need the presence of acrylic itself, in addition, the paint contains small dispersion parts of plastic and is prone to dissolving in water

After the paint dries, a film is formed that protects the surface to be painted and the coloring pigment from external influences.

What is included in acrylic paints

The composition of any of the acrylic-based paints contains:



Coloring pigments;




With the help of a binder, all the ingredients of the paint are interconnected. In addition, in this way, the degree of adhesion of the paint to the surface to be painted is improved. As a binder, a material is used in the form of a polymer dispersion, for the manufacture of which acrylic resins are used. Namely, strength, duration of operation, resistance to paint abrasion depend on this component. The quality of acrylic paint directly depends on the type of acrylic resin used to make it. With the help of a binder, a structure is provided on which the coloring pigment and other additives are located.


As a filler, a composition is used with which the paint is able to cover the surface that is painted with it. The filler is called larger parts of acrylic inclusions, which increase the viscosity of the paint, its adhesion to the surface, protective characteristics and matting.

Coloring pigment

With the help of pigment, the paint achieves the desired color or shade. As a pigment, a powdery mass of a finely dispersed type is used, which is not able to dissolve in a binder, and gives a certain color.

The following types of pigments are distinguished:

organic origin;

Inorganic origin;

piece origin;

natural pigments.


With the help of a solvent, the viscosity level of the paint decreases.


Additives perform the function of auxiliary components that change its characteristics,

Acrylic paint technology

The technology for the manufacture of acrylic-based paints includes the following processes:

Tank installation acrylic composition and coloring pigment;

The process of mixing all the components into a homogeneous mass, checking the quality of products;

Packing paint in separate containers and preparing it for sale.

Advantages of acrylic paints

Among the undoubted advantages of acrylic paints are the following:

1. Environmental safety.

This advantage is achieved by using substances that are harmless to human health in the paint manufacturing process and do not affect human health in any way.

2. Comfort and ease of operation.

Due to the fact that acrylic-based paints are odorless, they are easy and simple to work with.

3. Fire safety.

Acrylic paints are not prone to fire, as they do not contain flammable substances in their composition.

4. Unlimited color palette.

A wide variety of colors and shades of acrylic paint allows it to be used not only for painting various kinds of structures, but also for creating paintings.

5. Fast drying.

The drying time of acrylic paint is 1-3 hours, depending on the thickness of the layer that has been applied to the surface.

6. The qualities of elasticity, strength, ease of maintenance and abrasion resistance - these advantages make acrylic paints quite popular in the construction industry.

7. In addition, there is no accumulation of dirt on the surface painted with acrylic paint, and the film formed after the paint dries is air-permeable on the one hand, and resistant to moisture on the other.

8. Duration of coating operation.

Some manufacturers claim that acrylic paints can serve their owners for more than ten years without losing their attractiveness.

9. Wide scope of application.

This advantage is primarily due to the resistance of paints to ultraviolet radiation, moisture and mechanical stress. Paints are approved for use in rooms where there is high humidity and outdoors, in direct sunlight.

10. Versatility and versatility.

These characteristics make it possible to use acrylic paints in combination with other building materials for interior and exterior decoration. Acrylic paints are applied to almost any type of surface, with the exception of some varieties of plastic.

Where and how are acrylic paints used?

The use of acrylic paints is associated with both the construction industry and painting. In addition, acrylic paints are applied to the surface of the car, they are even used for painting on nails.

Before applying acrylic paint to the surface, you should:

Clean the surface from dirt, dust and grease;

If the material is highly absorbent, then before painting, it is recommended to treat it with a primer;

Before using the paint, carefully check its consistency, dilute it with water or thinner if necessary;

To apply acrylic paint, use a roller, brush or spray gun;

The minimum air temperature for working with paint is ten degrees Celsius;

Use plain water to clean brushes, paint containers and other accessories.

If not all of the acrylic paint has been used up, then it should be stored in a jar with a tightly closed lid, since the ingress of air changes its properties and makes it unsuitable for further use.

(Ending to follow)

Watercolors, pencils, felt-tip pens - all this is familiar to us since childhood. But acrylic paints for drawing appeared on sale relatively recently, and not everyone knows how to draw with them correctly. This article will help you sort out this issue.

A bit about acrylic paints

Acrylic paints for drawing are a universal option: they can be painted on the most various surfaces. Paper, cardboard, glass, wood, plastic, canvas and even metal - all these materials are great for painting and decorative works acrylic paints. Great creative space, the ability to realize their ideas and fantasies - that's why many people fell in love with this type of paint.

For drawing with them, both natural and synthetic brushes are suitable, as well as a palette knife and, if the paints are properly diluted with water, an airbrush. For those who have already painted with gouache or watercolor, painting with acrylic paints will be as easy as shelling pears. If you purchase a set of acrylic paints for drawing, you will get a number of advantages over other types of paints: they do not spread, do not fade, do not crack and dry quickly.

Acrylic painting for beginners: instructions

If you learn to paint with acrylic paints, you can achieve excellent results. For example, if you mix paint with water, you can achieve the effect of watercolor. If you use a palette knife or a rough bristly brush for drawing, then there will be the effect of a picture painted with oil paint. So, let's talk about the process itself in more detail.

Paint working condition

Due to the fact that acrylic paints for painting dry incredibly quickly, you should squeeze them out of the tube very little at a time. And you should definitely buy a spray gun to moisten the paint if you use a regular, non-wet palette.

Wipe your brush

Each time you wash the brushes, wipe them with a cloth or paper towel. In this case, the drops flowing from the brush will not fall on the drawing and leave ugly streaks on it.

Color Transparency

If you paint with acrylic paints in a thick layer directly from the tube or only slightly dilute them with water on the palette, then the color will be saturated and opaque. And if you dilute it with water, then the transparency of the color will be the same as that of watercolors.

Difference between acrylic wash and watercolor wash

Unlike watercolor wash, acrylic wash dries quickly, fixes to the surface and becomes insoluble. And this allows you to apply new layers on the dried layers, without fear of damaging the previous ones.


If glazing is needed in several translucent layers, then the layers must be applied very thinly so that the lower layer is visible. That is, acrylic paint must be applied to the surface very carefully, evenly, thinly.


Fluidity can be improved so that the color intensity does not change, it is possible with a special thinner, but not with water.

Color mixing

Since acrylic paints dry very quickly, the colors need to be mixed quickly. If mixing takes place not on a palette, but on paper, it is worth moistening it first - this will increase the speed.

Edge Sharpness

To make the corners sharp and sharply defined, you can stick a masking mask on the dried paint without harm to the drawing. masking tape. But you need to make sure that the edges fit snugly. Also, don't draw too fast around the edges of the ribbon.

Drawing with acrylic paints on canvas: features

In order to give the canvas a whiteness, it should be coated with an acrylic primer. But if there is a desire to give the work a contrast, then you can use a dark acrylic emulsion. The primer can be applied with a brush in one or two coats. But if the surface is large, then this is not very convenient. In this case, the canvas should be placed horizontally and the primer should be poured onto it, while distributing it with a scraper in a thin layer over the entire area of ​​the canvas.

Proper lighting for working with acrylics

Skillful organization of the workplace has a positive effect on the creative process. It is worth following some rules in order to work more comfortably and faster. Lighting should be even and diffused, the same throughout the entire work process. The light should be to the left of the canvas and in no case should it blind the creator.

Among huge selection finishing materials acrylic paints are in great demand. Their popularity is due to their extreme durability, the ability to use on different surfaces and ease of application. Consumers are also attracted by how long acrylic paint dries and how long it retains its properties. But so that problems do not suddenly arise during the repair process, you should find out which acrylic paints are better and how to choose them correctly.

Main characteristics

Painting with acrylic paints is the best method of finishing not only for interiors, but also for the exterior design of houses. Due to their properties, they are used on surfaces such as walls, floors, ceilings, glass and mirrors, house facades and even on furniture. Manufacturers have taken care of their consumers and now you can purchase finishing materials of any color. Moreover, if you mix several of them, you can get a unique, unusual shade.

These paint materials have a uniform, not too thick texture. They lie well on the surface, when applied correctly, they do not create irregularities, do not strip, do not flow, and, most importantly, paint over perfectly. In addition, they dry quickly and do not require the creation of special conditions in the process.

The composition of acrylic paint is safe, so it is often used to decorate children's rooms. In addition, it does not clog the surface, allows air to pass through, but at the same time prevents the penetration of moisture, which is important for preventing the appearance of dampness and the development of fungus.

It should also be noted the duration of the operation of this material. Thanks to the properties of acrylic paints, the durability of staining is maintained for 12 years. The sun's rays do not affect the brightness of the painted surface. This allows you to significantly save on the organization of the next repair.

Environmental friendliness, durability and wide color possibilities distinguish this paint material.

Composition features

The composition of acrylic paints is one of their most significant advantages. It does not contain toxic and harmful components, they do not affect human health and well-being. When working with acrylic paints, there is no need to use additional protection for respiratory tract in the form of a respirator (experts recommend wearing it only when using an aerosol spray).

Depending on the purpose and variety, the composition may vary slightly, but in general it consists of the following components:

  • bonding base is main task is a combination of all substances present in the composition. It is a polymeric material, easily soluble in water, for the production of which acrylic resin is used. It is the base that holds the paint on the coating, ensures color fastness. The quality of the resins used by the manufacturer directly depends general characteristics finished finishing material;
  • acrylic fillers - increase adhesion (adhesion) with the treated surface, improve protective properties. Also, these substances provide color uniformity;
  • pigments - this component provides desired color or shade finished material. It is a finely dispersed substance in the form of a powder, which does not dissolve in the binder base, but only colors it. Depending on the origin, pigments are natural, piece, organic and inorganic;
  • additional additives - necessary to improve the properties of the finished material. For example, they are used to make the paint glossy or matte. Also, these substances are needed for moisture resistance.

When choosing acrylic paint, the composition of which should be indicated on the package, make sure that it does not contain ammonia or other harmful chemical components.


Acrylic paints are universal, they are used for different surfaces as for internal works as well as for outdoor. Among existing varieties In the field of construction and repair, the following are popular:

  • facade;
  • interior;
  • decorative.


Facade acrylic paint for outdoor use is used on concrete, wood and even metal. It evenly covers any surface and provides it with an attractive finish. appearance on long time. Paints for outdoor use have improved light and water resistance properties, they are characterized by a higher degree of adhesion. They also carry easily negative impact weather conditions such as strong winds, snow, rain.

To improve the coating on the facades, experts recommend applying fixatives after painting. They are transparent and do not affect the color, but at the same time significantly extend the life of the treated coating.

The difference in paint quality depending on the price. clearly


For interior work, it is recommended to use acrylic paint on water based. This variety is ideal for creating bright interior. Water-based acrylic paint is used in the design of ceilings, floors, walls with and without wallpaper. It is also used for coloring decorative elements interior, for example, columns, baguettes, plastic or foam skirting boards.

For the ceiling, white water is usually used. matte paint. It lays down on the surface in a dense layer and even helps to hide small irregularities. Apply it to both plaster and drywall sheets.

Acrylic paint for wallpaper is convenient because it evenly paints the surface and does not spoil the coating, does not make it wet. It is important to choose special wallpapers for painting, as they are denser than ordinary ones made of paper or non-woven.

Waterproof and washable acrylic paints are great for kitchens and bathrooms where there is a risk of contamination during cooking and splashes from bathing. It is also used in other rooms with high humidity.


Acrylic interior paint can be decorative. In this case, it is used for registration wall paintings, furniture painting. Manufacturers produce unusual decorative acrylic paints, for example, with mother-of-pearl or sparkles, but the most popular of them is glossy.

Example of furniture decor: color change and aging

Material advantages

Although acrylic paints appeared on the market building materials not so long ago, they managed to earn great popularity and all thanks to their merits:

  • drying speed from 1 to 2 hours;
  • economical consumption due to good distribution over the surface;
  • wear resistance, long service life;
  • resistance to negative influence external factors(wind, rain, snow, sun);
  • ease of use - even an inexperienced specialist will be able to figure out how to work with this material;
  • fire safety - unlike finishing building materials on oil based it does not contain flammable substances, therefore it does not burn and does not provoke the appearance of a large amount of acrid smoke;
  • availability - their cost compares favorably with the prices of other finishing materials;
  • safety - it is not harmful to health. In addition, acrylic paints are odorless, which indicates the absence of toxic volatile substances in the composition;
  • ease of care for tools - brushes and rollers after work can be simply rinsed under running water to clear any remaining material.

The best acrylic paints undergo special tests and certification, so when buying, you should definitely be interested in the availability of relevant documents from the seller.

Material disadvantages

Water-based acrylic paint has far more advantages than disadvantages. If you carefully choose this finishing material at the stage of purchase, then the risk of encountering its disadvantages is minimal. But in general, the following disadvantages can be distinguished:

  • toxicity of components - the production of acrylic paint does not involve the use harmful substances, but some unscrupulous manufacturers may add ammonia or other hazardous ingredients. Therefore, it is important to study the packaging with the composition of the goods before buying;
  • difficulties in choosing a color - if the shade was created during self-breeding bases with a coloring pigment or by mixing two colors, it will be quite difficult to re-make the same color if necessary. Moreover, even in finished paints from different batches, the shade may vary slightly.

Also working with this finishing material be aware that it dries quickly. IN open jar already in 5-6 hours it may somewhat lose its properties. But if the liquid has not had time to completely evaporate, you can revive it by simply adding a little clean cold water.

Basic rules of work

What is acrylic paint and how to work with it, it is better to find out even before the start of the repair, in order to avoid difficulties and mistakes. Specialists in the field of construction and repair recommend following these rules when using this finishing material:

  1. When buying large containers, you should, as necessary, pour the paint into a small container during work to avoid drying out.
  2. For work you need to use comfortable brushes and rollers. It is better to give preference to tools made of cotton or with natural pile.
  3. To dilute the color, make it less concentrated, use special products based on acrylic, not water.
  4. When applying, remember that water-based paints do not mix with each other on the surface, but lay down in the next layer, so to get the desired shade, pre-mix the colors in a jar.
  5. Prepare all auxiliary tools in advance to avoid drying out materials.
  6. The surface for further processing must be clean and free of grease. It can be pre-primed.
  7. At high temperature air accelerates the drying of the material, so it is better to carry out acrylic painting at +5-20 degrees.
  8. All imperfections should be removed before the material dries on the surface.
  9. In general, acrylic painting does not require any special in-depth knowledge, so even a beginner can cope with the task. The main thing is to first understand how to use acrylic paints.

You can get the desired shade using machine or manual tinting.

Application technology

Before applying acrylic paint, carefully prepare the surface. The final result largely depends on this stage of work. To ensure good adhesion, the surface must be level, clean and dry.

Remaining should be removed first. old finish, for example, remove the wallpaper. In stores with building materials, they sell special solutions that greatly facilitate this process. Then you need to level the surface. With the help of plaster, existing flaws (chips, cracks, holes) are eliminated. To ensure high-quality adhesion of the base to the future coating, it is necessary to treat the entire surface with a primer.

To understand whether acrylic paint can already be applied to the surface, attach a paper towel to the surface, if there are no traces of moisture left on it, feel free to get to work.

If you need to paint a large area, it is much more convenient to use a roller. While in small and hard-to-reach areas it is better to work with a brush. To avoid streaks, it is important to monitor the amount of paint on the tool. You can squeeze the roller or brush in a plastic cuvette with a ribbed surface.

Facade and interior paints are recommended to be applied in two layers. The first of them can be rolled out with a roller arbitrarily in different directions. But the second layer is the finishing one and it must be done very carefully. Before painting the surface with acrylic paint, experts recommend determining the direction from which the light falls and applying the material strictly parallel to it.

Do not start painting the top coat until the first coat is completely dry, as this is fraught with stains.

Remember that when applying matte acrylic paint, transitions and borders are not so noticeable, and special care should be taken when working with glossy paint. When light hits the coating, all minor errors are visible, so it is important to carefully grind the surface.

The use of acrylic paints for decoration in repair work is an opportunity to realize the most daring color solutions. Due to their versatility, durability and availability, they are one of the most sought-after products on the building materials market.

Let's understand what is acrylic paint.
If we take a more complex definition, then this is a water-dispersed paint based on polyacrylate. If you start to understand this, it becomes more and more clear - the composition of the paint contains: pigment, water and acrylic resin. So, due to this acrylic resin, the paint is called acrylic and acquires all its wonderful properties.

In general, acrylic paint is very young, it is only 50 years old. It has not yet passed the test of time, like oil, tempera paints, but over the past 50 years it has won many hearts due to its properties. And now let's look at the pros and cons of acrylic paint, analyze its features.

Cons of acrylic paint

  1. Acrylic does not wash out with water when it dries, that is, it is not possible to wash it out with water and make some smooth transitions, and you have to constantly mix color shades. Some people like the fact that the acrylic dries. Some people don't like that it dries quickly and doesn't allow you to make the necessary washes.
  2. Acrylic becomes darker as it dries. We remember that in gouache there is a minus that when it dries, it whitens and becomes lighter. In acrylic, on the contrary, when it dries, it becomes a little darker. The only paint that doesn't change color when it dries is oil paint. But acrylic is inferior to her in this and becomes a tone darker. This is probably one of the most important disadvantages that interferes with work. You need to take this into account and always make the picture a little lighter, so that when you dry, you see exactly what you wanted to portray.
  3. Acrylic paint is a bit shiny. Due to the acrylic resin, due to its composition, the paint becomes a little glossy. There is, of course, separately glossy acrylic, there is ordinary artistic acrylic and it is less glossy. But, anyway, this gloss remains. And, if we want to create some kind of matte work, then he interferes with us. You have to use a matte varnish on top to remove this shine. It is also possible vice versa, if we are painting in the technique of oil painting, and we need the shine of oil, then the acrylic shine effect only helps us.
All the cons that I listed can be called pluses. It already depends on the person who paints with these paints.

Pros of acrylic paint

You will be surprised how many there are. And, if you have not tried to paint with this paint yet, then after the pluses I have listed, you will definitely get excited and run to the store to purchase these wonderful acrylic paints.
  1. Acrylic does not crack. Acrylic resin, which is part of the paint, makes it very plastic, viscous, and you can compare acrylic with liquid plastic. that is, when dried, the effect of ductility remains and acrylic does not crack, it is very plastic. You can draw with it on any surface: on glass, on wood, on canvas, just on fabric (clothes). That is, any surface, the main thing is that it is degreased and acrylic will never crack.
  2. Acrylic does not fade in the sun. Over time, it does not go out, does not wither, does not change color. Unlike, for example, oil paint, if we dry the underpainting incorrectly, make a layer that is too thick, mix shades and pigments a little incorrectly, then the color may dry out. if we added the wrong thinner, the color may turn yellow. There are many nuances to consider in oil painting. This is not the case with acrylic. That is, when dried, what color was applied, this remains for life. That is, over time, it remains the same bright.
  3. The next plus can be called a minus, but since I use acrylic more in a decorative environment, this is a plus for me. Plus - his palette. The palette of colors is very bright and they are so saturated, deep, a little, of course, unnatural, but this brightness, especially in decorative art, gives super pictures that we look at for hours. Therefore, if you like bright painting, you like bright, and even some neon colors, then acrylic will give you this palette and allow you to create really very bright works.
  4. This plus will please many. Acrylic does not require fixing. It is very durable due to its flexibility. That is, when painting a picture using the oil painting technique, the oil itself needs to be varnished to protect the surface from scratches, from sun rays to keep the color longer. Acrylic does not require this, it does not need to be varnished. It becomes a little glossy and very, very resistant. No need to waste time, no need to additionally coat it with varnish or other fixatives that protect the paint layer.
  5. Acrylic paint does not smell. She has no smell. And those people who are allergic to pungent odors, allergic to the composition oil paints, have the ability to draw even in a room where there are small children. And special thinners with pungent odors are not needed for acrylic, acrylic can be diluted with water. The lack of smell makes acrylic a wonderful paint compared to others. But when diluting with water, one feature must be taken into account! Since acrylic contains acrylic resin, which gives all those excellent properties, when diluted with water, these properties decrease. The more you dilute acrylic with water, the less properties that acrylic resin gives it remain. Therefore, if you are painting in a very thin, glazing technique, or in a watercolor technique, then it is better to add special thinners for acrylic in addition. They are also odorless. But they will allow your work to last for a long time to come. Well, if you draw very thickly, then acrylic is very liquid, like sour cream, and you practically don’t need to dilute it with water, and it leaves all its properties in the work.

Which acrylic to choose

There are a lot of firms: Master class, Ladoga, Sonnet (I have just listed those that I have). I like Ladoga most of all due to its affordable price. I like Sonnet less for a set of uncomfortable packaging. If you pay attention, the top cover, after some use of paint, does not always allow you to carefully open it, since the acrylic dries there and tightly glues the cover. In Ladoga, everything is perfect - both the packaging and the lid. The master class is much more expensive due to its pigments. Master class for more professional artists. But, in fact, Ladoga is in no way inferior, acrylic is very good and I recommend it to everyone. Well, if we talk about jars in small sets with acrylic paints, I advise you not to take them, because if you do not work with this paint for a long time, it will dry right in the jars. Acrylic dries upon reaction with air. And, willy-nilly, when you paint with acrylic from cans, air enters there and the paint dries faster. In tubes, this is not the case, that is, you squeezed out the paint, twisted it and the air does not get there. In tubes, acrylic paint will not dry out and you can for a long time to create and create your wonderful works.
It is very interesting to know your opinion about acrylic. If you have something to share, write in the comments to this article.

Acrylic paint has been on the market for half a century. Since its inception, it has rapidly gained popularity and continues to do so to this day. What is this paint made of? Pigment, binder and water are its three main components. Acts as a binder synthetic material, which is referred to as an acrylic polymer emulsion.

Why is acrylic so popular?

Acrylic paints have a wide range of advantages. Combining the advantages of oil and watercolor paints, they also have their own unique characteristics. Firstly, they dry very quickly, and secondly, they have excellent hiding power, and they also have incredible color brightness. The colors of the paints do not fade with time, as oil paints do, and do not fade in the sun, like watercolours.

In the process of drying acrylic paints, the water contained in the composition evaporates from the painted surface, leaving a binder and pigment on it, which form a resistant, elastic coating. This coating is not washed off with water, it can be removed only by applying a sufficiently strong mechanical effect. If we compare acrylic paint with oil paint, then acrylic after drying is more durable and less brittle, does not form cracks and does not crumble over time, it does not wrinkle, as it is not so sensitive to a small difference in temperature and humidity.

Getting started with acrylic paint

Buy acrylic paint can be in tubes or jars of various sizes, in tubes it is usually thicker in consistency, in jars it is more liquid. However, regardless of the density, at the end of the work, the containers with paints must be closed with a lid very tightly, otherwise they may dry out irreversibly. The neck of the jar or tube should be freed from paint residues in order to avoid their strong adhesion to the lid.

Because as part of acrylic paint contains water, then water can also be used as a thinner, as well as for cleaning brushes and other tools. But you need to remember that brushes should be washed immediately after work, otherwise they will simply become unsuitable for further use due to the already mentioned property of the paint not to respond to water after drying.

If dilute acrylic water up to more liquid state, then it will be possible to work with them even in watercolor technique. It is able to reproduce all the properties of watercolor and dries just as quickly.

In addition to water, there are many other thinners for acrylic. On sale you can find various special formulations that affect the "behavior" of paints during operation. For example, there are gloss and matt thinners, which, when dried, form a glossy and matte paint finish, respectively. There are also thinnersthat increase the drying time of acrylic paint, if necessary in the process of work and to create any effects.

Acrylic can be used and as a basis for subsequent work in other techniques. For example, it is possible to prime or create a textured substrate with quick-dry acrylic, and then use oil paints for a classic painting technique. When combining oil and acrylic, you must remember that oil should be applied to acrylic, but not vice versa.

Being unaffected by weather conditions, acrylic-based formulations can be used even outdoors. All kinds of textured acrylic gels and pastes can be used to create three-dimensional relief images. The ability to interact well with almost any surface makes acrylic suitable for painting wood, leather, fabric, ceramics, glass, faience and other materials.

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