Yesenia is an unusual name for an extraordinary woman. The meaning of the name Yesenia for a girl: character and destiny

Yesenia: all about a beautiful female name.

The meaning of the name is as important as the genetics that parents instill in a person. The name influences all areas of a person’s life, guides and opens up special opportunities for a person. Of course, in order to use this type of energy, you need to know what name means what. This is useful both for future parents and for the bearer of the name. This article is devoted to the meaning of the beautiful name Yesenia.

At the mere sound of this name, a beautiful image of the green foliage of birch trees, a delightful rapidly flowing stream and a charming feminine figure appears before your eyes. And not in vain, because the origin of the name is Slavic, Yesenia arose among the Russian steppes, mountains, winds and today, just as many years ago, future parents often choose such a name for their daughter.

What does the name Yesenia mean according to the church calendar?

Our country is Orthodox, and a natural question arises - what does the name Yesenia mean according to the church calendar? Here you may be disappointed - the name is not Orthodox and is not included in Christmastide. But this is not important, since there is a belief that only those people who have two names live a bladeless life - for God, given at baptism, and for life, which they will call him in life.

For baptism, it is best to choose a name according to Christmastide according to the month and day of birth. This name should be known exclusively to a narrow circle of people: the birthday boy himself, parents and godparents.

What does the name Yesenia mean?

As already mentioned, the name Yesenia is not in the Christmastide, therefore Ksenia and Yesenia are considered the patrons of the name. Also, the second patron is the saint in whose honor the child was named at Baptism.

Patron saint named Yesenia

The secret of the name Yesenia

The girls, who were called beautiful Yesenia, become gentle, feminine in nature. Their sensuality and sensitivity were repeatedly sung in ballads and novels. Legends are made about their unique energy. The name inherently conveys complaisance, femininity, a desire to understand the world and an easy approach to life.

What nationality is the name Yesenia?

In the 70s, the romantic film Yesenia, named after the main character, appeared on television screens. A luxurious girl who grew up in a gypsy family. The audience loved the film so much that rare name Yesenia “grew” to the actress, but the people made the mistaken decision that the origin of the name was Gypsy. This people has many beautiful names, but Yesenia is not one of them.

The name is originally Slavic and appeared in the vastness of multifaceted Russia. The name also has a masculine form - Yeseniy.

Name Yesenia: origin and meaning, popularity

The meaning of the name is highly controversial. V. Dahl interpreted the name as “autumn-autumn” and believed that the name is excellent for those born in golden autumn. But other learned philologists argue that, on the contrary, the name is associated with spring.

The name was highly popular among the Slavs in the 18th and 19th centuries, and then briefly fell into oblivion. But after the release of the film of the same name, girls with that name began to be registered again. And again it was forgotten until recently.

Popularity of the name Yesenia by year

Today, many young parents choose a rare, and at the same time euphonious name for their daughter, so that it is combined with the surname and patronymic. The name Yesenia perfectly meets these characteristics.

Yesenia - decoding of the name from Greek

The delightful, tender name could not remain in one territory and gained some popularity all over the world. For example, from Greek it is translated as “foreigner” and “distant” (not surprising, since Slavic women really came from far away), and also thanks to the beauty of the representatives, the name acquired “jasmine flower” and “clear sky”.

Name Yesenia in English, Latin, different languages

We are not sitting still today. In addition to traveling, we also go to live, study and work in different countries. It is not surprising that the question arises - what does a name sound like in a particular language?

  • In English - Yesenia
  • In Latin - Autumni
  • In French - Yesenia
  • In German - Yesenia
  • In Chinese - 葉塞尼亞

How is the name Yesenia written in the passport?

According to the latest international transliteration of names in passports, which is prescribed in the standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) (document No. 9303) dated 06/05/2017, the name Yesenia in the international passport should be written as ESENIIA.

Yesenia: what is an abbreviated short name, diminutive?

When choosing a rare name, the most common objection is what will we affectionately call the child? How can I shorten my name? Yesenia has many endearments and such a list could be the envy of many owners of common names.

  • Yasenka
  • Yasechka
  • Senka
  • Senechka
  • Asya (the famous poetic Turgenev Asechka)
  • Asechka
  • Yesenyushka
  • Yesyusha
  • Yesenka

Please note that the shortened name can be completely modified, but remains just as gentle and melodious.

Yesenia: the meaning of the name character and fate

Depending on the season in which Yesenia was born, the characteristics of the name vary. We provide a description of all seasons:

  • Winter. Girls born in the winter months are usually hot-tempered, impulsive, emotional, self-confident and selfish. Winter Yesenia will always defend her point of view and will be a frequent guest at debates, and she herself will love to raise disputes and debates. At the same time, Yesenia is always ready to discuss external issues that do not concern her personal space. Develops well in the professional sphere. At the same time, winter Yesenia has a huge heart, her sincerity, love for truth and justice creates a special opinion of those around her as a kind and fair person. Because of such contradictions, many will disagree with her, but at the same time respect her point of view. Also often Yesenia, born in winter, become philanthropists;
  • Spring. Born in spring girls grow up to be purposeful, independent and holistic individuals. Openness and friendliness from an early age help to surround yourself with big amount friends and girlfriends. In adolescence, she realizes that she does not need empty fun and is looking for a single companion for life. It is not surprising that the biggest blow in life that Yesenia can experience is betrayal loved one. And often she never recovers from it, remaining lonely. For Yesenia’s parents, it is important from a very early age to convey to their daughter that she is independent and, regardless of people’s sympathies, can be happy, as well as how to understand people correctly;
  • Summer. Yesenia born in summer period airy, sophisticated, fragile, and also dreamy and vulnerable. Yesenia has spent her entire life striving to improve the world around her. Throughout their lives they surround themselves with beautiful and kind people, choose a creative profession, loves collecting and beautiful things. Summer Yesenia is a bright, carefree life, and not of a “puffing butterfly,” but of a wise woman who knows how to get around sharp corners, get up after falling and move forward, towards a dream;
  • Autumn. But autumn Yesenias are distinguished by high morality, exactingness, adherence to principles and punctuality. She has not tolerated excuses, lies, or weakness since childhood. In addition, the gentle name and visual airiness have a core, thanks to which Yesenia always remains unshakable. The slightest evidence of lying and that’s it - you will never again find yourself in this person’s circle of trust. Also, autumn Yesenias are insanely attached to the past, knowledge of themselves and the world around them. They often create a heraldic tree of their ancestors and remember their roots.

The name Yesenia, despite the fact that it is Slavic, gets along well with patronymics of other nationalities. Notice how laconic and beautiful it sounds that Yesenia Ivanovna, that Yesenia Adolfovna, that Yesenia Robertovna. But still, you shouldn’t forget about your last name. In any case, if you are choosing a name for your future daughter, be sure to “match” the name to the surname and patronymic.

What middle name suits a girl’s name Yesenia: compatibility with male names

When is Yesenia’s name day, Angel’s Day, according to the Orthodox calendar?

The name Yesenia is not included in the Orthodox calendar, so it is recommended to celebrate the name day of the name given at baptism.

Congratulations on Angel Yesenia Day: short in verse and prose

Yesenia is a wonderful name, worn by a girl as delightful as spring rain, gentle as morning dew, and refined as a Russian birch tree. So we wish you to remain as beautiful, kind and gentle for many years to come!

Also, during baptism, Yesenias are often given the name Ksenia, which is why the congratulations are in her honor.

Happy Angel Day Ksenia
Beautiful little girl!
Congratulations darling
Let your dreams come true
Let the gardens bloom in your soul,
May love come to you
Happiness, joy will bring.
Let your beloved girlfriends
They will be happy for you.
Let your ears hear
Secrets of the happiness of life!

Video: Song with the name Yesenia

Video: Yesenia's song

Tattoo with the name Yesenia

Tattoo with the name Yesenia

Jewelry workshops offer construction kits, thanks to which you can create a unique gold pendant with the name Yesenia and more. Below we provide a photo of such a layout.

Pendant with the name Yesenia made of gold: photo

Name Yesenia: intuition, intelligence, morality

Since childhood, Yesenias have been curious, observant and have an analytical mind. Thanks to this, they have widely developed intuition and the ability to realize their plans.

Name Yesenia: hobbies, activities, business

By nature, Yesenia is creative and airy on the one hand and purposeful and pedantic on the other. They are good at building a career and business; on the other hand, they do not fully concentrate on this and actively build their personal lives. But Yesenia, disillusioned with family happiness, would seem to have to completely go into business or career, but no. In this case, she chooses charity and patronage.

Name Yesenia: health and psyche

Thanks to her activity and determination in life, Yesenia most often chooses proper nutrition and sports lifestyle. This helps not only to monitor your figure, but also to maintain good condition health until old age.

Name Yesenia: sexuality, marriage

Yesenia gets married once and for all, even if this is not her first marriage. Absurd? Some! Since Yesenia treats choosing a spouse as choosing a part of herself. Once and for all, in sorrow and joy, in happiness and difficulties. If family life subsequently does not go well, Yesenia will not ruin the marriage with divorce, but will build relationships indefinitely. But not in case of treason and betrayal. Here Yesenia is categorical, there is no need to expect forgiveness.

Another feature of Yesenia is that when choosing a husband, she is guided by the character, reliability, prospects and attitude of a potential partner towards herself and the world around her. Passion? No, Yesenia does not have it in choosing a life partner. It would seem that Yesenia has a cold calculation in choosing her husband. Maybe so, but as practice shows, in most cases these marriages are happy and long-lasting.

Yesenia is mysterious and cold, alluring and repulsive by nature. Such an entity attracts many fans, but their presence or absence does not bother Yesenia. Sometimes it just pleases vanity. But temperament, passion, a sparkling flow of feelings can only awaken in her loving man and only when her brain decides what it is ideal partner for life.

What zodiac sign does the name Yesenia go to?

The energy of the name is most optimally revealed in girls born under the zodiac signs of Gemini and Virgo. But the name also gets along well with other signs. Not a single sign has negative indicators, so Yesenia can be called all year round.

It is customary for Yesenias to give agates and emeralds.

For Yesenia, emerald is a door that opens the secret, the unknown, helping to analyze and, with the help of intuition, look into the future. Also emerald drives away bad dreams, prevents depression, resolving difficulties at the initial level, and banishes insomnia. It also drives out evil spirits and prevents the evil eye and bad slander.

Important: Emerald is a stone of amazing purity and radiance. He does not allow lies and insincerity. Therefore, if Yesenia is betrayed by the donor, most often the stone cracks, signaling Yesenia about the betrayal. And here loving heart, giving an emerald will help Yesenia become lucky and happy.

Agate for Yesenia will bring longevity, prosperity and long health. It will also protect you from adversity, lead you away from disasters, and help you achieve victory in sports and love. Agate also relieves insomnia, nightmares, and adds courage when public speaking, helps to achieve heights in material terms, gives special charm and nobility to the body and mind.

Talisman stone for the name Yesenia

But it is important to remember that the agate must be washed together with the owner in order to rid the stone of the heavy energy from which it protects Yesenia.

The plant for the name Yesenia is celery. Yesenia should be surrounded by both living and added to food. Thanks to celery, Yesenia has the opportunity to avoid many obstacles and problems. Give a happy long life.

Flower, plant, tree-talisman for the name Yesenia

The talisman flower bears the same name - Yesenia. Small, snow-white and so vulnerable, they fully reflect the essence of the bearers of this name.

The totem animal of the name Yesenia is a smart, cunning and interesting monkey. This animal has a special energy, and after Yesenia’s contact with the monkeys, she becomes inspired. It is not necessary to have a pet, but it is recommended to have contact with these animals in difficult moments of life.

Totem animal named Yesenia

Totem bird named Yesenia

But the bird is the well-known lark. In France, the lark is a symbol of good omen, news, and change. If a lark descends on Yesenia’s shoulder or hand in life, this is a special sign, a sign of a great change and an unforgettable height that Yesenia can achieve if she dares to take a step.

Totem bird named Yesenia

Numerology of the name Yesenia

Body number - 7

The number of the hidden spirit is 9

Soul number - 7

According to numerology, owners of the name Yesenia are gifted with an analytical mind, good intuition and the ability to process a huge amount of information, thanks to which they can predict the future. In the Middle Ages, such a gift was called prophetic, and Christianity fought against it, calling it witchcraft. But it was actually a good mindset.

Yesenia is good in philosophy, art, religion. Their ability to persuade and justify their thoughts and desires provide great opportunities. But there are also disadvantages. Money matters are not easy for Yesenia, so she can run a business successfully, but only with a good financial director.

Yesenia's color

The real aristocratic names belong to Yesenia: rich red and dark as night black.

Yesenia's colors

Elements and planets named after Yesenia

The patrons of Yesenia are the planets Mercury and Saturn. They have no less, if not more, influence on women with this name. But Yesenia’s element is Air.

Metal totem of Yesenia

Yesenia simply must have a talisman made of iron. It can be a body decoration, a keychain, a figurine, etc. He will give Yesenia courage, fortitude and the desire to win.

Auspicious day for Yesenia

According to the location of the zodiac signs and numerology, Tuesday is a favorable day.

Pseudonym for the name Yesenia

When choosing a pseudonym, you need to know not only the person’s name, but also his hobbies, age, interests and direction. We present just a few options for a general direction:

  • Jammie
  • Manson
  • Jamison
  • Winckler

Famous people, celebrities named Yesenia

The name Yesenia is borne by many famous and talented people, such as:

  • Yesenia Volzhankina - Latvian all-around champion, a promising athlete;
  • Yesenia Butorina is a charming gymnast who shows great promise despite her young age (Born in 2003);
  • Singer Yesenia;
  • Yesenia Shlyapnikova is a young but active athlete. Her achievements are stunning.

Video: The meaning of the name Yesenia

Yesenia’s personality is multifaceted, so those around her do not immediately become acquainted with the secrets of her character. It often remains a mystery to them. When they first meet, people are captivated by the girl’s warmth and friendliness. In her company, her loved ones feel comfortable, communicating with her gives them great pleasure. Thanks to her highly developed intuition, Yesenia has an excellent understanding of people and easily gets along with them. mutual language. This quality in her is especially appreciated by her superiors, who value Yesenia’s work and promote her career ladder. Men are attracted to the girl’s femininity and her subtle mind. She can support any conversation, which delights her fans.

Origin of the name

There is no single version of the origin of the name. There are several options that differ greatly from each other:

  • In Dahl's dictionary the word “esen” appears, which translated means “autumn”. According to the scientist, the name Yesenia was given to girls who were born in the fall.
  • Supporters of an alternative version believe that the name comes from the name “Spring”, which was common among the Slavs. Spring is spring, in tune with “Yesenia”.
  • Yesenia is a derivative of the male name Hassan. The name is translated from Arabic as “beautiful”.
  • The Turks had the name "Isania". From it later a beautiful female name Yesenia. The meaning of the name Yesenia from the Turkic language is “healthy”.

To find out the date of the name day, you need to refer to the church calendar. In the Orthodox calendar, the patroness of the name is Esiya, a disciple of the holy martyr Pankratius. The church celebrates her feast day on June 20.

Yesenia's character

The secret of the name lies in the duality of the girl’s character. Despite her apparent fragility, she is very independent, accustomed to achieving her goals, no matter what the cost. She is not subject to the opinions of others, so it is impossible to impose someone else’s point of view on her. Since childhood, she has been characterized by daydreaming and a love of creativity. It is important for a girl to create a comfortable environment in which she will feel comfortable and be able to reveal her potential. Books, music and drawing attract her more than playing with her peers. Free time She spends her time reading and does not like to be disturbed during this activity. Relatives must understand the child’s wishes and meet him halfway. In this case, Yesenia will be able to develop harmoniously and delight loved ones with her successes.

Since childhood, she has demonstrated a predisposition to dance. If you develop this talent in a child, she can achieve great success. Yesenia takes great pleasure in attending extracurricular activities, participating in school Olympiads and intellectual competitions. She is friends only with a narrow circle of people to whom she can trust her secrets. She is sociable, but prefers to spend time not with her peers, but with her family.

Yesenia's weakness lies in her kindness and responsiveness. She cannot refuse a request for help, which is why she often acts to the detriment of her own interests.

Representatives of the name are not afraid of change, they boldly take risks and carry their friends along with them. But this does not mean that Yesenia is prone to committing reckless acts. She thinks through all her actions in advance and takes into account all possible consequences. She is straightforward and sincere with people, lies and hypocrisy are alien to her. Therefore, she is deeply respected by her close friends and work colleagues. Behind the girl’s femininity it is difficult to discern the strength of her character. In life she will have to overcome many obstacles, which she will cope with on her own and will not lose strength of spirit. Yesenia is an example for others. She does not commit immoral acts and dreams of her family being happy. All her actions are dictated good intentions.


Yesenia is smart, so she understands what harm is hidden in herself bad habits. D The girl is an ardent opponent of smoking and drinking alcohol. Yesenia creates a daily routine that she carefully follows. Sports and active image life help her maintain the beauty of her figure and maintain it throughout the day great mood. It is important to mention the predisposition of representatives of the name to diabetes mellitus. For this reason, they should visit a doctor regularly to monitor their health.

Education and career

From childhood, parents tell the girl about the importance of education. Therefore, she dreams of mastering a prestigious and well-paid profession that will bring her pleasure. The girl spends a lot of time studying, reading scientific literature, trying to delve deeper into the subjects she studies at school. Independence is also manifested in the fact that Yesenia begins to work early in order to ensure financial independence from her parents. She achieves career success at a fairly young age, this is facilitated by her subtle mind, determination and hard work.

A woman will become a good boss, thanks to her talent for finding a common language with others. She knows how to diplomatically resolve conflicts in a team and come to a compromise solution with business partners. Will not tolerate flattery from his subordinates. He has a great understanding of people, so he hires real professionals in their field. Under her sensitive and skillful leadership, the business will flourish and generate stable income.

Family and marriage

Yesenia is beautiful not only externally, but also internally, so men give her signs of attention and strive to win her affection. She takes the choice of a life partner seriously; she is not attracted to fleeting romances. She is waiting to meet a person with whom she will connect her destiny and live a long and happy life together. Yesenia is a careerist, so she gets married in mature age. The girl's chosen one will be a man who sincerely loves her. The spouse should not limit the autonomy and independence of his beloved, in this case their union will be strong and happy.

Representatives of the name are wonderful wives. They love to cook, take care of the household, and devote a lot of time to raising children. The wife's sensitivity makes it possible to make all family members happy, especially her husband, whom she cares for reverently. But not every man will become a worthy life partner for Yesenia. A successful marriage will develop with Andrei, Eduard and Pavel. You should avoid relationships with Fedor, Ivan and Oleg.

Without a doubt, the name Yesenia is very sonorous, beautiful, and has a rich history. In Russia, such a female name became popular due to the appearance on the TV screen of a melodrama with Mexican actors with a similar name, which told about the fate of young Yesenia. Today Yesenia, the meaning of whose name will be described, is not so popular.

There are several theories related to the appearance of the name Yesenia. According to Dahl's dictionary, the name “esen” is characterized as “autumn,” in other words, Yesenia was the name given to girls born in the fall. According to the 2nd theory, which is opposite to the 1st, this name is a derivative of the female name Vesna, very popular among the Slavic peoples. Most likely, girls with this name were called “spring”, which is similar to the name Yesenia.

According to historians, the name Yesenia is a modified form of the male Arabic name Hasan, translated as “beautiful.” The following theory states that the name Yesenia is a phonetic type of the ancient Turkic tribal name Isania, translated as “unharmed, healthy.”

There is another, most unusual, bold theory of the appearance of the name, which is associated with the famous poet Soviet Union Yesenin Sergei, from whose surname the name Yesenia was formed. Among famous women who are called by this affectionate, tender name We should highlight the famous track and field athlete from Latvia Volzhankina Yesenia, and the very young rhythmic gymnast from Russia Butorina Yesenia.

Characteristics of the name

Today Yesenia, whose name’s meaning is described, despite the beautiful sound and tenderness of the name, is a very determined and self-sufficient woman in achieving her goals. It is problematic to lead a woman named Yesenia off the path laid out for her, to impose her own interests, since she is a single, strong nature.

Sometimes the people around this woman are capable of abusing Yesenia’s sense of kindness and gentleness. This is explained by the fact that such women are always happy to help others, even to the detriment of their own interests. It should be noted that almost all Women bearing the name Yesenya are believers who strive to live according to the Laws of God.

However, Yeseni is characterized by adventurism, she likes everything unknown and new. She is distinguished by her amazing ability to captivate a person with her. This is due to the fact that Yeseni’s actions are always justified, motivated, without any criminal inclinations. A woman bearing the name Yesenia is characterized by the presence of the highest moral traits. Yesenya is honest in all situations, fair not only to her own self, but also to strangers.

The majority of people close to me and acquaintances consider Yesenia to be sincere, sweetest woman, without even realizing the hidden amount of strength, the resilience of her character. Throughout her life, Yesenya practically does not make mistakes, since absolutely all the goals and actions of this woman are decisive and balanced at the same time, and rash, spontaneous actions are not hers.

The name Yesenia is characterized by amazing energy, for this reason, even if she is deprived of her beauty by nature, not a single person will see this, because Yesenia is internally pretty. A woman named Yesenia has a penchant for managing the household, painting, various sciences, and much more. Yesenia knows how to use her talents perfectly, while at the same time regularly improving and developing them.

Child Yesenia

In general, Yesenia, the meaning of the name for the girl whose name is being considered, in childhood is a big fidget, an inventor, who stands out greatly from the rest of the group of children. She is always in the spotlight thanks to her warmth and unusualness, which are felt in Yeseni even at such a young age, and only intensify with age.

Girl Yesenia with her own wise sayings makes both his parents and teachers wonder. The girl attracts her peers, which subsequently makes her the leader of the entire class, everyone’s favorite.

Yesenya is an excellent student and takes an active part in absolutely all school events. Yesenia categorically does not recognize deception, lies, and strives for justice at any cost. It is precisely such categoricalness that can sometimes bring a significant amount of trouble to a teenager, however, such is its nature.

Health, sexuality of Yesenia

Today the name Yesenia, the meaning of the name and the fate of which is described thanks to such character traits as prudence and practicality, ensure good health for a woman named Yesenia. Such individuals never neglect even the most insignificant symptoms of the disease; they take their own health quite seriously, while at the same time accurately following all the advice of the attending physician.

The Yesenya woman leads an active life, which, along with positive thinking, provides her with the opportunity long time keep beautiful body and youth. As for her personal life, Yesenia does not strive to have light novels that are not binding to anything. Yesenya prefers exclusively reliable, serious relationships.

Yesenya is liked by the stronger sex due to his charm, attractiveness, energy and kindness, felt by both other girls and men. Yesenya is not the type of girl who is able to plunge into the pool of love completely, without thinking about possible consequences. She will give her own versatile inner world only to a truly loved one.

The Yesenya woman is gifted by nature with a soft, affectionate character, for this reason she values ​​precisely such character traits in a partner. She does not admit that she needs a tough, strong man who can subjugate Yesenia to herself. This really turns Yesenya on in his intimate life; he prefers the role of the victim. However, this is only available to the partner whom she trusts.

Compatibility, marriage, family

In general, the name Yesenia, the origin and meaning of which is ambiguous, suggests that such a woman will be very careful about everything related to marriage, for this reason early marriage is rare here. Divorces in her family are just as rare; usually the majority of Yesenias live married with their spouse until old age.

In family life Yesenya is characterized by: best side, because he gives his family all his warmth and spiritual power. With your significant other, strive to build relationships on a sense of respect and trust, while trying to be a leader. Her other half can have no doubt about Yesenya’s honesty, who will not allow betrayal even in her thoughts.

However, the husband of a woman named Yesenia will have to accept her powerful, rebellious character, and also with the fact that her career also does not occupy the last place in her life.

Beautiful family life Yeseni is possible with Peter, Sergey, Vsevolod, Pavel, Eduard, Philip, Victor, Andrey. There is no need to connect your life with Yuri, Oleg, Ivan, Konstantin, Fedor, Alexander.

Career, business

A woman who bears the name Yesenia, the meaning of the name, whose character and fate is amazing, is a careerist in the good sense of the word. Even at a young age, she comes to realize the value of receiving higher education. For this reason, when becoming an adult, a woman named Yesenya understands perfectly well that she needs to have an excellent profession, as well as specific goals.

Yesenia is distinguished by her high efficiency, conscientiousness, and responsibility, which makes every profession accessible to her. Such a woman is capable of at a young age become a leader, which will be great to do. The team appreciates Yesenya for his professionalism, honesty, and non-conflict nature.

Thanks to such traits as entrepreneurship, farsightedness, as well as an analytical mind, they provide the opportunity to be an excellent businessman, since this woman gives the material side of life great importance. Business partners trust Yesenia due to her honesty and strong moral principles that do not allow her to earn income through illegal means.


At the end of the article, we can say that Yesenya, despite the fact that today girls are rarely called by it, has strength and significant will, which allow these women to become good businessmen or occupy positions in the future. leadership positions. Thanks to a highly developed sense of justice and honesty, they are highly respected by colleagues.

The child Yesenya is very restless, dreamy, showing his leadership qualities from an early age. Thanks to his natural intelligence, he studies well, which pleases both his parents and teachers. Find in marriage best wife impossible, loving, faithful, but putting career on a par with family life.

Names fill our entire lives, because every person on earth has a name. It determines a person’s motives, passions, and sometimes even external characteristics.

If you treat a person’s name with attention and sensitivity, learning his mysteries and secrets, then you can easily understand what kind of person is in front of you. The more you learn about your name or the names of your friends, the more clear the reasons for any actions become to you.

Each name is its own unique and mysterious world. Among the many names there are real pearls, rare and completely different from others, such a pearl is the unique female name Yesenia. Today we will try to find out the meaning of the name Yesenia.


The origin of this name is still shrouded in mystery. Disputes among researchers continue: some believe that its origin is connected with the name of the flower, others stubbornly argue that it comes from a man’s name, which means “autumn.”

Some adhere to the idea that the name Yesenia has eastern roots, and its origin originates in the masculine Arabic name, which translated means “beautiful.” In our country it became popular thanks to the film, the main character of which was named Yesenia.

So, as you can see, it is simply impossible to say anything unambiguous about the origin. There is no such name in Orthodoxy, therefore church name Yesenia will sound like Ksenia or Evsenia.

Characteristics of a woman

A person’s character begins to manifest itself already in childhood, so if you decide to name your child Yesenia, then you will have an affectionate, kind, friendly girl. This girl tends to be easy-going; she is inclined to forgive even those who have offended or upset her. To demonstrate your love for young Yesenia, you should call her using a shortened name, for example, Yasya.

From childhood, this child is distinguished by the ability for true and faithful friendship, which means that she is able to help and come to the rescue in Hard time. The girl Yasi is great at creating, creating something new, and also organizing other children.

But things are not so rosy with this child’s studies. For the girl Yasi, it is very difficult to devote a lot of time to study, and all because it is difficult for her to concentrate her attention on one thing for a long time, and even more so to sit in one place.

In their youth, girls named Yesenia show remarkable responsibility and independence. In terms of achieving goals, they have no equal; their tenacity and, in some ways, even stubbornness can be envied.

Yesenia is an incredibly bright girl, and even if she does not have a beautiful appearance, she has charisma and charm that makes everyone around her captive. She puts a lot of effort and time into creativity and is often the “star” of many events.

Fate always turns out to be on her side, since Yasya is incredibly lucky. But the girl herself is inclined to rely only on her own strengths in achieving what she wants.

Adult Yasya manifests herself as a woman with a strong, strong-willed character. She is able to go ahead in order to achieve her goals. Yesenia stubbornly defends her own interests and achieves what she wants.

Yesenia keeps people at a distance, hiding her vulnerable soul. She is active and hardworking, a strong character does not allow her to sit still, and she reaches new and new heights. Independence is Yesenia’s main need and goal.

She is a true leader, because people, sensing her character, follow on her heels. An incredibly exciting fate and life awaits her, during which she will never give up what she wants.

While exploring all the features of Yesenia, it is important to study not only her character, but also other personal characteristics that make her a truly unique person.

Few people can compete with this woman in terms of morality. She is distinguished by purity of thoughts and high moral principles. Yesenia is a woman who strives for the ideal in everything, which is why she has excellent health. This means that she is never lazy about taking care of herself, eating right and exercising.

Yasya is capable of loving deeply, strongly and sincerely, but her desire for power can frighten her future partner. Yesenia will become not only a wonderful life partner, but also an excellent friend if she learns to demonstrate the full depth of her feelings.

Women with the name Yesenia, despite their difficult character, are capable of being excellent housewives in the house. They love children, but they raise them strictly. Scandals and quarrels are not tolerated in the house, so more often than not, harmony and calm reign in their family.

This woman’s mind is not only highly analytical, but also practical, so all her ideas can be easily implemented and put into practice. Of particular importance in her thinking is the creative component, which Yesenia always demonstrates perfectly.

Yesenia is an excellent worker, she knows how to build contacts with clients, approaches issues creatively, and is distinguished by her calmness and prudence. She will choose a profession that will bring her pleasure, and she is capable of doing almost anything. Intuition and observation are Yasya’s faithful companions, which help her succeed in any area of ​​life.

Intertwined destinies

To find out all the features and meaning of the name Yesenia, you should pay attention to the compatibility of this name with male ones. This will allow us to better understand these unusual and extraordinary women.

Dmitry and Yesenia are an incredibly cheerful couple. They will infect all their friends and family with optimism and faith in the best. They are able to create a harmonious and happy family.

Evgeniy and Yesenia are an interesting couple; they are distinguished by their intense passion. Their relationship is filled with emotions and fire. They are drawn to each other with such strength that it is unlikely that anything can separate them.

And Yasya is a stable couple. It's the combination of two people with great ideas and incredible determination.

Vanya and Yasya are a tender and loving couple. They are monogamous, so if fate connects them, they are unlikely to ever separate. They are able to build trusting and warm relationships.

Roman and Yesenia are an extraordinary couple in which life is in full swing. Yasya becomes a real muse for Roma, for whom he is able to move mountains.

Igor and Yesenia are able to build strong relationships based on common goals. Thanks to a serious approach to building a family, they are able to create a truly strong marriage. Every little thing in their life will matter, so both Igor and Yesenia are especially sensitive to any nuances in the relationship.

For those who have the name Yesenia, it will be important to learn useful and important information that can help in life:

  • Yasya can celebrate her name day on the same days that Ksenia celebrates them. According to Orthodox calendar, these are January 31, February 6, March 20, April 16 and September 15.
  • Yesenia can be affectionately and briefly called: Yasya, Asya, Senya, Yesyusha, Yesenka, Yasenka, Asechka.
  • The stones that Yasya can use as talismans are emerald and agate.
  • Animals that can become a totem are the lark and the monkey.
  • The metal that can give Yesenia strength is iron.

As you can see, even the most unusual name has its own history and means a lot. Therefore, it is important to turn to the past and study not only yourself, but also the people close to you. Author: Daria Potykan


Name Yesenia Slavic origin according to the main version. It could come from the male name Yesenya (Yeseniy in modern times), which in turn came from the worldly word “Yesen”. The translation sounds like “autumn”. A literal interpretation can mean “born in the fall.”

The female name Yesenia today is one of the rarest Russian names. But this name has very strong energy, promises its bearers a lot of good things, has good compatibility and is considered one of the oldest Russian names of our time...

Popularity: Today the name Yesenia occupies positions 65 to 67 in the ranking of Russian female names and, according to statistics, accounts for 2-4 girls out of 1000 births.

Conversational options: Enya, Yesya, Yesenka

Modern English analogues : Hesenia, Jessenia, Hessenia

Meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Yesenia promises the bearer a lot good qualities and extremely unusual character. According to the main version, the bearer of this name will be a kind and balanced representative of the gentle half of humanity. She will have amazing beauty character, will become a persistent, calm, wise and reliable woman, and will be endowed with a huge number of advantages.

Regardless of which season she belongs to, she will be sociable and therefore will not lack in terms of communication or friends. She will be surrounded by the care of others.

Advantages and positive features: The main advantage of all girls named after Yesenia is their sociability, eloquence, ability to make friends even there, this would seem impossible. Plus, these girls always radiate positivity and warmth...

Yesenia has a bad attitude towards people with high self-esteem, those who use their own strength to dominate the weak, and those people who do not respect other people's opinions.

In fact, there are quite a few versions of the origin of the female name Yesenia. There is even an opinion that this name came to us from Ancient Greece.

Character of the name Yesenia

The nature of the name is one of the most mysterious factors in existence. But the nature of the name Yesenia is completely complex, because as a parameter, it has been studied by too few specialists. However, there are still several points known to everyone, and one of them indicates that Yesenia’s character is always distinguished by tolerance, goodwill, sociability, unprincipledness, lack of conflict, cheerfulness, kindness, optimism, positive attitude and perseverance. The character of the so-named girl allows her not only to be popular, but also to achieve incredible heights in her career. Yes, of course, she can’t be a boss, but she may well become a leader, at least an unspoken one. However, this is all just a theory...

The nature of the name form itself is a theoretical factor, and in the named variation of Yesenia the girl it completely depends on many different factors, including the zodiac sign, initial upbringing, and the influence of various astrological symbols, and even the time of year of birth.

Early childhood

The early childhood of a girl named Yesenia is the very period when parents really have a lot of reasons to be proud. The girl who is protected by the meaning of the name Yesenia has a completely tolerant nature, especially in early childhood - she is kind, friendly, attentive, eloquent, knows how to communicate and win people over, easily makes contact and is happy to diversify her life. different games and undertakings.

The only thing that the so-named baby lacks is a sense of responsibility and prudence - often, even at such a young age, she commits rash acts, she does not know how to be responsible, and always does what she shouldn’t. At the same time, it should be noted that all her rash actions inherently do not bring harm to anyone - she is not capable of anything bad. It also endows her with incredible curiosity - she can’t sit still, she needs everything around her, everything is interesting, there’s never a minute. So that another idea does not come into her head.

In general, the meaning of plus everything in childhood endows the character of a girl named Yesenia and a bunch of other important advantages, but what is more important is that they all fit perfectly together in her complex nature. Parents will have to constantly be on guard - every new day a new Yesenia will appear before them, and each time in a new guise, she is so unpredictable, fickle...


A teenage girl, whose parents at birth decided to choose the female name Yesenia, has an even more unpredictable and fickle nature. This is a changeable nature, a girl with an excellent sense of humor, optimistic and friendly, cheerful and positive, brave and decisive, but too unplanned. It is almost impossible to guess what her next step will be, because she constantly has a bunch of ideas in her head, and which of them she will once again want to turn into reality is impossible to guess. Efficient, active, energetic, restless, creative, ideological, cheerful - these are the traits for which she will be a respected and desirable person in society, but they will also play a negative role, in particular in her studies. The fact is that all these traits give rise to a complete lack of concentration, which has an extremely negative impact on studies and, as such, relationships with teachers.

But importance can also give her excellent organizational potential - Yesenia is respected in society, desired, and people listen to her opinion, and this will definitely play into her hands. Of course, this will not bring success in your studies, but it will definitely increase the respect of your peers, self-confidence, and determination. True, everything may change in the future, in particular, upon reaching maturity...

Adult woman

If a girl with this name has an excellent, cheerful and optimistic, but very unpredictable character, then in a girl or woman who has reached maturity, he may also be endowed with prudence and responsibility, which was clearly lacking at a young age. The adult Yesenia, over whom the meaning of this name protects, is already a more responsible, executive, obligatory and permanent person.

In addition, she can also become the owner of such qualities as kindness, sincerity, ambition, love of freedom, friendliness, goodwill, integrity, self-will, honesty, eloquence and charm - all this together turns the bearer of the name Yesenia into a unique woman in all respects. As for relationships with people, she easily makes contact, is always ready for new acquaintances, and will never reject the attention and care of a person, even if she doesn’t like him or repels her in some way. In other words, she is a sociable and friendly woman, always surrounded by attention and friends. True, there will probably be few like-minded people among them.

Professional activity - everything is much more complicated here. The meaning endows the adult Yesenia with all the data for successful and rapid career growth, but does not endow her with the most important thing - leadership qualities, without which it is almost impossible to rise to the top of Olympus.

The interaction of Yesenia’s character with the seasons

Summer - if the name form Yesenia is used to name a girl born under the influence of the meaning of summer, she will grow up to have a fragile nature. This is a vulnerable woman, reaching for only one thing - the goal of making the world more beautiful in every sense of the word. Envy and negative thinking are unbecoming, not hypocritical, not deceitful, true and kind.

Winter - she will be raised to be hot-tempered and impulsive, self-confident and self-sufficient. With great pleasure she will start making scandals in order to prove the correctness of her own point of view - she will be deprived of communication with friends. He will easily gain the authority and love of others, but will rarely need it.

Spring - the girl will grow up purposeful, cheerful, friendly and independent in soul and mind, valuing the concepts of friendship and love, a fragile and easy personality, the future highlight of any company. She is lucky in everything that concerns human feelings and relationships, and will never offend a person, even if he deserves it.

Autumn - the newborn will be demanding and moral, principled and stern, responsible and honest. Any cunning on the part of a person can be regarded by her as a betrayal, and family life will become the goal towards which she will go all her life - such is her character.

The fate of the name Yesenia

The fate of the name Yesenia in relations with representatives of the opposite sex is as follows. Which implies a later entry into marriage of a woman named in this way. Fate in in this case, if you believe the facts provided by the researchers, is such that it will not allow the girl named by this name form to build a personal life early, and there are many reasons for this.

One of the reasons is her desire to initially get on her feet, get a job she loves, provide herself with everything she needs and achieve material well-being, so as not to depend on anyone, especially her husband. Only by becoming a full-fledged person, successful lady, she will be able to devote herself to a relationship, and then only if fate meets her with a man who is ready to take the first step and meets all her requirements, of which, by the way, there are also many.

But fate also presupposes that this woman will become a real, true, ideal mother, caring, responsible, attentive. Yes, and such a wife will turn out to be a good one, but only the man who is ready to meet, give in, and show in every possible way how to appreciate Yesenia can appreciate this. Otherwise, Yesenia will quickly break off relations even with that one. Whom he truly loves.

Love and marriage

Yesenia does not waste time on fleeting relationships and feelings; she lives in anticipation of great and bright love. She loves truly, sincerely, reverently, tenderly, to the point of pain in her chest. Having found her soul mate, she will not hesitate to create a happy family with her beloved. However, not every man will be able to receive her love. Yesenia’s chosen one will be a well-mannered, intelligent, reliable, honest and sincere young man with no less strong feelings towards her. Due to the long wait for her ideal, she gets married quite late.

However, a man may be scared off by such features of her character as her desire to be a leader in a relationship or a woman’s inability to correctly show the strength of her feelings. Only the most sensitive man will understand that Yesenia’s modesty is not at all a sign of coldness and indifference. Only with such a man can she build a truly harmonious relationship. For Yesenia, spiritual kinship with her husband is extremely important, but his financial situation and level of income are not important to her. She firmly believes that the main thing in a family is LOVE, and everything else can be achieved together. However, even with a wealthy spouse, she will not want to depend on her husband’s finances; her personal freedom and independence are extremely important to her.

Tender, faithful, caring and loving Yesenia will not only be a wonderful wife, but also an understanding, devoted friend. Loyalty, respect, devotion, attention and patience of her husband are also important and valuable to her. Yesenia is always confident in the correctness of her choice when looking for a husband, so divorce is unlikely.

Yesenia as Mother

A person’s name has a huge influence on his destiny, but his character, life principles and positions depend on a variety of factors. It cannot be guaranteed that people with the same names in all important points will behave the same. However common features The character of a woman named Yesenia and her responsible approach to life allow us to make the assumption that she definitely will not be a bad or unlucky mother.

There is so much affection and warmth in Yesenia’s soul that children will simply bask in her love. As a good housewife and a clean woman, she will carefully ensure that her children always look well-groomed and neat and eat only home-made and fresh food. Ksyusha keeps the house tidy and clean, but she has a weakness that the children will really like. As a rule, she keeps her own children's toys and dolls, so the children have a chance to play with rare toys and learn more about their mother's childhood.

She finds it easily individual approach to raising their children. But she already has clearly established moral and moral principles, according to which she was raised. It is very important for her that children are polite, intelligent, highly moral, kind, honest and responsible people. For educational purposes, she often uses rigor and motivation as the main weapons in the struggle to gain knowledge.

Compatibility with male names

It is believed that the best couple in terms of feelings can be created with Dynasius, Sergei, George, Maximilian, Mikhail.

Sturdy and happy marriage It will only be possible to build with the likes of Timur, Demyan, Danila, Yaroslav, Timofey.

But there is no combination or any connection at all with such people as Luka, Svyatoslav, Denis, Arsen, Mark.