How to pump up at home. How to quickly and correctly pump up muscles and a beautiful body

Hello! A huge number of people are interested in how to build muscle at home. This question is very relevant, because. saves a lot of time and money, at least for initial stage. Let's talk today about how to pump up at home.

How to build muscle at home. Basic Rules

By the way, in the first year of my studies, I also for a long time trained at home. Without any special knowledge, to be honest, nevertheless, it turned out to achieve at least some, albeit not very pronounced, result.

Our muscles do not care where they get the load. Muscle growth does not start because of the atmosphere in the gym, but if you follow just a few simple rules.

(in order for the muscles to adapt and grow, it is necessary to constantly increase the load).
  • QUALITY RECOVERY(fractional meals 6-12 times a day + 8-10 hours of sleep DAILY).
  • DEVELOPED MUSCLE FEELING(it is necessary to strive to complicate your work by skillfully directing the load exactly to the target muscles).
  • These are the basic rules under which your body will grow.

    There are some more private moments, which we will talk about a little later, but this is the BASIS!

    I have a very cool article on my blog for girls and men about. There you can learn about how to pump up from scratch.

    Let's go over the above rules.

    Let's start, perhaps, with the progression of the load.

    This point is very important, but despite this, for some reason, many athletes (not only beginners) successfully ignore it, and remain unchanged for a long time.

    It must be remembered that muscle growth is an EXTREMELY UNBENEFICIAL process for our body, because. an increase in muscle volume necessarily leads to an increase in energy expenditure.

    That is why, at first the body does not rush to increase muscle. First, it transforms the central nervous system, the endocrine system, the ligamentous apparatus, the nutrient storage system, etc.

    Only when the load continues to grow, and the body can no longer delay muscle growth (all systems are transformed and are not able to “digest” the load themselves), does it begin to give up. In a good way again.

    I mean, that's when muscle growth starts.

    In our body, nothing is done just like that. The body does not do what is unprofitable for it, because. constantly striving for homeostasis (balance).

    To make it beneficial for the body to increase muscle need to be given an ever-increasing load. The body understands that this is beneficial, because. it will be easier for him to digest such a load when it is repeated.

    By the way, in my opinion, it is the progressive load that is the most difficult thing to provide at home.

    Everything is simple in the hall. If you become too light given weight, then you just hang a little more. And that's it.

    At home, everything is not so simple, especially if there is no minimum necessary equipment. About what is better to have at hand at home, we will talk a little later.

    At home, it is difficult to ensure a proper constant progression of the load, but it is possible, at least at the initial stage.

    Quality restoration

    Quality recovery is something that so many people lack, not only training in the gym.

    Muscles do not grow during training, but during RECOVERY! The more complete the recovery is, the more you will grow.

    It often happens that a person trains well, is disciplined, does not miss training, but does not grow, or even becomes smaller and feels worse.

    What could be the problem? 99% in BAD RECOVERY!

    With proper, balanced nutrition, the body receives all necessary materials for the construction of new protein structures.

    This process is called ANABOLISM.

    The fact is that our body can be in several states:

    • Catabolism(nutrition and sleep are not enough, protein and other structures are destroyed). This can also happen during hard training.
    • homeostasis(nutrition and sleep are enough, recovery abilities are enough to stop the destruction during training, the body remains unchanged).
    • Anabolism(nutrition and sleep is enough + growth of protein and other structures occurs).

    It is conditionally IMPOSSIBLE to achieve anabolism and catabolism at the same time (only when using anabolic steroids, restructuring of the hormonal system in adolescence, the return of former achievements).

    Most people, like you and me, need to first understand, or gain mass.

    This article is about the set muscle mass, so let's assume that we are gaining mass. What do we need to do?

    First of all, we should get a little more calories than we spend! Many people wonder why they are not growing, although most of them do not take into account their limited diet (they eat little) and their fast metabolism.

    In order to start growing (entering the state of anabolism), one of the most important conditions is to take into account the quantity and quality of your food.

    There is a very simple way to control nutrition.

    Just start eating almost the same foods in the same amount every day. So you will be sure that you have eaten no less products needed for growth than yesterday.

    "On the mass" it is very important to control exactly the flow complex carbohydrates(and not proteins, as sports nutrition manufacturers shout on every corner).

    I usually prefer buckwheat because of the low content in it.

    Glycemic index(GI) - is a kind of QUANTITATIVE INDICATOR of the absorption of carbohydrates.

    This is a QUANTITATIVE indicator, not a FAST! The speed will be the same for everyone (the peak will be in about 30 minutes for both sugar and buckwheat), and the Amount of glucose will be different !!!

    Simply put, different foods have a DIFFERENT ability to raise sugar levels (the ability to hyperglycemia), so they have a different glycemic index.

    Gradually increase the amount of food you eat. Controlling the process is very simple:

    • If you are growing, but the amount of fat does not stay, then you are on the right track, keep up the good work.
    • If you are growing, but at the same time the amount of fat is increasing (folds have appeared, a second chin, sides), then it's time to reduce the number of calories. You have a strong excess.
    • If you are not growing, then gradually increase the number of calories.

    This is very approximate and figurative, friends. I hope you understand.

    Over time, you will find your working dosage (for example, two glasses of buckwheat, 6 eggs and 400 g of breast per day).

    Recovery also includes the quality and quantity of sleep!

    During sleep, amazing metamorphoses occur in the body (especially in adolescence). The whole system is being recharged.

    The hormones necessary for growth and recovery (testosterone, growth hormone, etc.) are released.

    Try to go to bed no later than 22-23 hours and sleep at least 8-10 hours a day.

    Developed muscle sense

    On this subject, I wrote a whole.

    In short, muscle feeling is the state when you hit the target muscle at each point in the amplitude with a load.

    In other words, you don't "release" the load at any point.

    In order to begin to better understand the technique of exercises and better feel the muscles, you can perform simple, imaginary exercises before going to bed without any weight.

    For example, you lie down on the bed and imagine how you remove an imaginary barbell from the racks and start to press it. While performing fictitious movements, you will be able to understand how your limbs move during the movement of the "barbell".

    It will take some time, and your technique in the gym will become perfect.

    The main problem with home training

    As I said, the main problem with home training of ANY MUSCLES is LOAD PROGRESSION!

    The fact is that it must be constantly increased.

    In the gym, such a problem simply does not exist, because. if the current weight becomes too light for you, then you just hang a couple more small "pancakes" on the bar and you're done. Or take heavier dumbbells.

    At home, this problem is especially acute.

    I remember using water bottles, etc. to increase the load. All this is not very convenient, so I want to advise you on the minimum equipment in order to train you become much more interesting.

    What equipment is better to have at home to train

    The first, and probably the most important thing- This COMBINABLE PAIR OF GENTELS(from 5 to 40 kg each).

    At home I only have dumbbells of 20 kg each. I don’t have enough of this anymore, but from the very beginning it was more than enough for me.

    You will have the opportunity to perform a variety of exercises. We will talk about them later.


    bars! They are extremely inexpensive, and if you have such an opportunity, it is better to buy them. Their effect is amazing.

    With the help of them, you can pump the chest, triceps, abs, back, etc.

    The bars can be replaced with two chairs, between the backs of which you can do push-ups. Just be careful! Don't break yourself this way.

    The third thing is optional, but can make your life much easier - it is HEIGHT ADJUSTABLE BENCH!

    I don’t have one at home, but if I did, it would significantly increase the range of possible exercises.

    So, you need:

    1. Collapsible dumbbells (from 5 to 40 kg)
    2. Bars.
    3. Bench with a variable angle of inclination.

    If it were possible to choose only one item, then I would choose collapsible dumbbells.

    They give us huge selection various exercises that we can do at home.

    How to pump up at home. Basic exercises for home workouts

    I will list just a few exercises that anyone can do at home:

    • Squats.
    • Deadlift with dumbbells.
    • Pull-ups.
    • Dumbbell row with one hand.
    • Shrugs with dumbbells.
    • Dumbbell bench press incline bench or on stools.
    • Push-ups on the uneven bars (between chairs).
    • Lying dumbbell layouts (on a bench or stools).
    • Pullover with a dumbbell.
    • Seated dumbbell press.
    • Dumbbell row to the chin.
    • Mahi with dumbbells in the slope.
    • Extension of arms with dumbbells behind the head.
    • French press.
    • Lifting dumbbells for biceps.
    • Hammers standing.
    • Lifting dumbbells for biceps with a reverse grip.
    • Rise on toes while standing.
    • Twisting on the press.
    • Reverse crunches on the press.

    And this, friends, as you understand, is not full list. This is just the first thing that came to my mind.

    There is nothing new in the technique for performing these exercises, so you can easily read about it in the following articles:

    • Article and then.
    • About that.
    • Pro .

    The above articles have everything about the correct exercise technique.

    Now, let's move on to the most interesting. To the most practical scheme. I think you are wondering in what sequence and how to do this whole thing.

    I, as always, will give more than one typical scheme, because. I know perfectly well that all people are individual, and several schemes are for different people.

    The schemes will be mainly designed for beginners, because. any more or less serious athlete, most likely, after the preparatory period, will still go to the gym.

    How to build muscle at home. PRACTICAL SCHEME

    Variations, as you know, can be very different. I, on the other hand, will not try to be original by coming up with various crazy exercise options, but I will give those that, with a high degree of probability, will work great for you.

    Scheme for the green beginner:

    1. Squats(with own weight): 3 x max
    2. Dumbbell row with one hand: 3 x 10-15 (each hand).
    3. Push ups: 3 x max
    4. Twisting on the press: 3 x max

    Believe me, friends, if you have never practiced before, then this will be more than enough for you to start. According to this training, you should do the first 2-3 weeks, until your muscles start to get used to it a little.

    Do not focus on the weight as such, at this stage the muscle feeling is much more important, namely the EXERCISING TECHNIQUE!

    This is more of a general strengthening workout that will allow you to gently enter the training process.

    Scheme for a beginner:

    1. Squats(with dumbbells): 3-4 x 10-15
    2. Pull-ups: 3 x max
    3. : 3-4 x 10-15
    4. Seated Dumbbell Press: 3-4 x 10-15
    5. bars: 3-4 x 10-15
    6. Lifting dumbbells for biceps: 3-4 x 10-15
    7. Twisting on the press: 3 x max

    This workout involves almost the entire body, giving a good release of anabolic hormones into the blood.

    This workout can be performed for 2-4 months, gradually increasing the load (weight on dumbbells, the number of sets and repetitions).

    According to this scheme, you can train 2-3 times a week.

    The program is good because it makes it possible to train muscle groups not once a week, but several. This allows you to activate protein metabolism (protein synthesis).

    According to the latest scientific data, protein synthesis is reduced by 90% 72 hours after exercise. If after 48-72 hours you train the muscle again, then protein synthesis will increase again, which will allow you to grow new muscle structures.

    Scheme for an advanced beginner:

    DAY 1 (lower body):

    1. Squats(with dumbbells): 4 x 8-15
    2. Deadlift with dumbbells: 4 x 8-15
    3. 4 x 8-15
    4. Lifting on toes while standing: 4 x 8-15
    5. Twisting on the press: 4 x max

    DAY 2 (upper body):

    1. Pull-ups: 4 x 6-12
    2. Dumbbell press on stools (or on a bench): 4 x 6-12
    3. Seated Dumbbell Press: 3-4 x 6-12
    4. Dumbbell row to the chin: 3-4 x 6-12
    5. bars: 4 x 6-12
    6. Lifting dumbbells for biceps: 4 x 6-12
    7. Twisting on the press: 4 x max

    This scheme already allows us to significantly increase the load, because. we split our body into two parts, which we train on different days.

    We can put more emphasis on each specific muscle, which means we can progress the load even more.

    Scheme for a home madman =)

    DAY 1 (lower body):

    1. Squats(with dumbbells): 5 x 8-15
    2. Deadlift with dumbbells: 5 x 8-15
    3. Lunges with dumbbells (or Bulgarian squat): 5 x 8-15
    4. Lifting on toes while standing: 5 x 8-15
    5. One arm dumbbell row
    6. Dumbbell press on stools or bench(50% of working weight NOT TO FAILURE): 4 x 20-30
    7. Twisting on the press: 4 x max
    8. Reverse crunches on the press: 4 x max

    DAY 2 (upper body):

    1. Pull-ups: 5 x 6-12
    2. Dumbbell press on stools (or on a bench): 5 x 6-12
    3. Seated Dumbbell Press: 4 x 6-12
    4. Dumbbell row to the chin: 4 x 6-12
    5. bars: 4 x 6-12
    6. Lifting dumbbells for biceps: 4 x 6-12
    7. Hammers standing: 4 x 6-12
    8. Squats with your own weight: 4 x max
    9. Deadlift(50% of working weight NOT TO FAILURE): 4 x 20-30
    10. Twisting on the press: 4 x max

    This scheme differs from all the previous ones in that it includes the basics of MICROPERIODIZATION!

    We divide our exercises into DEVELOPING and TONING!

    Developmental exercises- these are the exercises that we have done with you up to this point in all other workouts. Load progression + work to failure.

    Toning exercises on the contrary, they give us the opportunity to restart protein synthesis in the muscle resting from the previous workout and not injure the contractile proteins. This is how we accelerate growth even more.

    The essence of toning exercises is that they are performed with 50% of the WORKING weight, and are performed NOT TO FAILURE. Those. we "disperse the blood through the muscles", allow nutrients get into them and provide them with active recovery.


    I can continue to write various training schemes almost indefinitely, constantly increasing the load, but the main thing is to understand one simple thing: GET UP AND GET STARTED!

    This is usually the hardest part of all workouts.

    Just get up and start changing your lifestyle. It's complicated. For most, this is generally impossible, but if you really want to change yourself and your life for the better, then I hope the information in this article will be useful to you.

    Let's recap a little what I said above:

    For muscle growth you need:

  • Quality restoration.
  • Developed muscular sense.
  • Our body can be in one of several states:

    • catabolism.
    • Homeostasis.
    • Anabolism.

    Glycemic index(GI) - is a kind of QUANTITATIVE INDICATOR of the absorption of carbohydrates. Eat more low GI complex carbohydrates.

    The main problem is ENSURING LOAD PROGRESSION at home.

    Well, that's all, friends. I hope it has become clearer to you how to build muscle at home and now you will discover for yourself the wonderful world of improving your body and life.

    All the best.

    P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. It will only get worse from there.

    With respect and best wishes, !

    Many people are interested in how to build muscle at home. Help to achieve good results proper workouts. If you are just starting to swing, decide on the main goal of the classes. Beginning athletes make many mistakes. They strive to develop strength and build muscle, but training does not bring results.

    A typical mistake is a huge amount of exercises, while training involves small weights. The essence of the error is that this approach does not pump up muscles. Growth is not due to the amount of exercise, but to increasing weights.

    • Constant lifting of heavy loads forces the body to build muscle mass, which allows it to cope with increasing loads.
    • You can use light weight and do a lot of exercises. This approach builds resilience. Muscles in volume increase insignificantly.
    • Increase the working weight correctly. Do not change the technique of exercises and do not train without first warming up.
    • For proper growth muscle mass per muscle group, do several exercises. Perform the first basic exercise with a barbell, doing several sets of 5 repetitions.
    • The second exercise is focused on versatile and deep study muscle fibers and muscle energy training. Perform with dumbbells, no more than 4 sets of 10 reps.

    The right amount of exercise will help to make the body beautiful, along with an increase in working weight, adherence to technique and a good warm-up.

    List of exercises for training at home

    Beginning athletes pump muscles at home. Who reached good results, realizes that it is impossible to stop and go to the gym, because homework is not enough.

    1. chest exercises. Push-ups from the floor - best exercise for pectoral muscles. Perform with arms wide apart. If you do fifteen repetitions in one set, increase the load. On the back, you can wear a backpack filled with heavy things.
    2. Bars are great for chest muscles. If strength performance deserves better, do push-ups on stools with your legs forward. So it will turn out to lose weight and pass preliminary training.
    3. Back and shoulder exercises. You will need a horizontal bar. Pull up with a wide and reverse grip. Pull-ups work the deltoids and biceps.
    4. You can train your shoulders at home with two 20-liter water bottles. Raise them in front of you or spread your arms to the sides. The main advantage of such sports equipment is changing the load level by adding or reducing water.
    5. Such bottles will also help in swinging the biceps. In a standing or sitting position, bend your arms, simulating an exercise using dumbbells.
    6. Triceps and abs exercises. Triceps are trained with regular push-ups with a narrow grip. If the number of repetitions has reached 15 pieces, be sure to increase the load.
    7. Press is easy. Lie on your back and in a supine position raise your legs up. Exercise to perform until the burning of the abdomen.
    8. It is more difficult to pump up legs at home. I offer exercises from the school curriculum - squats and a pistol.

    Do hard workouts twice a month. With each subsequent workout, increase the load.

    Back exercises

    The inflated back looks amazing, protects the spine, makes it easier everyday life, supports correct posture.

    • It is better to train the back separately from the chest. As a result, all the energy will go to the study of the spinal muscles. Such training is more effective.
    • The biceps are actively involved in exercises focused on the back. Download them after the back. Forearms can also be included in the workout. The forearms are characterized by enviable endurance and are involved in all exercises. Therefore, subject them to hard study no more than once a week.
    • Learn to feel the effect of training. Before going to the gym, make sure that the muscles have recovered.
    • If you want to increase strength, pay attention to special sports supplements - arginine, creatine and amino acids. Sports nutrition is enough to include in the diet.

    Be sure to set a goal before the start of the training season. It plays the role of a kind of beacon, to which you are getting closer every day.

    Video tips

    The human hand consists of their forearm, biceps, triceps and many small muscles, each of which is actively involved in the work of the hand.

    1. By doing exercises that involve bending your arms, you train your biceps. It's about about curls with dumbbells or barbells, pull-ups on the horizontal bar and pull-ups focused on the spinal muscles.
    2. If during the training the arms are unbent, the triceps are trained. This effect is achieved by bench press, parallel bars, push-ups from the floor.
    3. Exercises in which you have to hold sports equipment with your hands are focused on the forearms.

    Important Rules

    • I have never seen an athlete weighing 70 kg, whose arm circumference exceeds 37 cm. Only big people. Therefore, it is necessary to pump the whole body, giving Special attention legs.
    • Pull-ups, deadlifts and bench presses put a titanic load on the hands. Do not overdo it with the number of approaches and the weight of sports equipment. Otherwise, the ligaments will be damaged, which heal for a very long time.
    • If your goal is to make your hands big, achieve decent results in basic exercises. We are talking about push-ups, pull-ups, barbell rows and deadlifts.
    • big hands- an attribute of people with strong forearms.
    • A boxing bag will help strengthen and strengthen your arms. By striking this heavy sports equipment, you will make your hands confident, strong, and dexterous. Working with this projectile involves the use elastic bandages and projectile gloves. Otherwise, you can damage your joints or dislocate your fingers.
    • Shaking your arms, be guided by the physiology of the muscles. Triceps differs from biceps in a large number of white fibers. Therefore, he is trained with large weights that develop strength.
    • When working with a barbell or other projectile, mentally imagine how the biceps increase in size. Thanks to this training secret, some athletes manage to go beyond the average achievement.
    • If during training in the area of ​​​​the carpal joints there are unpleasant sensations, it should be stopped.
    • Perform exercises clearly and accurately. If you work with a barbell, it is your hands that should receive the main load. You can't help them with your body.

    Make a program and train according to it. Develop the habit of keeping a diary to record results and keep track of achievements.

    Leg exercises

    The strongest and largest muscles of the body are the muscles of the legs. Regardless of the place of training, you need to eat right and balanced. Otherwise, all exercises will be ineffective and meaningless.

    1. Daily squats will help to make your legs muscular. At first, squat on two legs, after a month or more, switch to more complex exercises.
    2. When performing the exercise, keep your back straight, do not tear your heels off the floor. For the sake of maintaining balance, it is recommended to hold on to the support with your hand.
    3. After squats, switch to jump rope. This simple projectile develops leg muscles and increases endurance.
    4. pump up internal muscles leg press will help. Sit on the simulator, put your feet shoulder-width apart and slightly spread your socks to the sides. During the exercise, the back should be completely adjacent to the back of the seat.
    5. A good exercise is provided for training the back muscles. Put the barbell on your shoulders and stand with your toes on the bar with it. To start, pull up on your toes, then return to the starting position.
    6. Develops running muscles.
    7. upper muscles the hook-machine and other simulators focused on leg extension will work.

    Videos leg workout

    How to swing your neck

    Everyone needs a strong and inflated neck. First of all, such a neck will improve the appearance of the owner. She can protect the spine from damage.

    If you sign up for a gym, an experienced trainer will suggest competent exercises for the neck, offer a wide range of exercise equipment and many effective methods.

    According to experts, constant exercises with a small load are much more effective than non-systematic exercises with a full calculation. Working with light weight does not exempt from the obligatory warm-up before the main workout.

    Eliminate jerks from classes, and the desire to accelerate is not welcome. Perform each exercise accurately and smoothly. The complex consists of 5 exercises, 15 sets each. Calculate the load so that you have enough strength for everything. Be prepared that the first workouts will seem difficult.

    2 groups of exercises for the neck

    • The first group: exercises on the use of force resistance. Sports equipment and attributes are not needed. A simple exercise: interlace your fingers in the lock and grab the back of your head. Pull your head to the ground, and create resistance with your neck muscles.
    • The second group: exercises using sports equipment. Expanders, kettlebells, pancakes. You will need a special device for placing loads.


    I will describe some popular exercises. You can choose a few convenient options.

    1. Tilts the head against the resistance created by the palms. Tilt forward and backward.
    2. Rest your hands on the jaw and create resistance to the turns carried out by the head.
    3. Perform the exercise in a supine position with a device made of belts and weights. Put it on and make head movements. Select the optimal load by changing the load.
    4. Fix a string bag with a load on your head, sit on a chair or chair with a back. Fasten the belt on the forehead. Tilt your head back and swing it up and down.

    The neck is a fragile part of the body. Train the muscles in this area very carefully.

    You already know what a barbell looks like and what to do on a Scott bench. Now it's time to start a grown-up conversation about what your workout should be like and how to properly shape and build muscle.

    You are no longer new to gym, and you can even tell the difference between a pronated grip and a supinated grip, however, all this is child's play, and it's time for you to learn all about how to pump up the body at any age, even at 20 or 40 years old.

    A complete guide from a professional to compiling an intensive competent training program. You will learn concepts such as training load and volume, learn how to optimize your workouts to achieve maximum results. The training complex for the whole body will be divided into 3 days in a split format:

    How to quickly pump up the muscles of the body

    The initial desire “I want to pump up,” which got you into the gym at all, should grow over time and transform into a desire to pump up properly and avoid unnecessary injuries. Proper muscle development is based on knowledge of technique, load distribution, volume, well-arranged rest intervals and knowledge of body biomechanics.

    When determining the level of intensity for compiling effective program For advanced training, there are three things to think about first. These are volume, load and avoidance of overtraining. Usage different weight and varying the number of sets can be difficult, but it will allow you to overcome the plateau of stagnation, and not just build muscle correctly, but maximize your genetic potential.

    These variations can also change as you train different parts of the body depending on your individual weaknesses.

    Your goal in building your individual periodization strategy should be to reach an optimal training level, accompanied by a supercompensation effect. At this stage, you can plan no more than 3-4 strength per week with the addition of supportive activities: yoga, cardio, stretching, trekking, swimming, etc. to improve your aerobic and general endurance.

    The structure of strength training can be built in a split format, dividing the study of target muscle groups on different days, or stick to circuit training for the whole body. In our article, we recommend split training. Try this intensive 3-day program for more advanced athletes and women.

    Chest and back muscle training

    We recommend starting each strength training with the study of the abdominal muscles with one or two exercises. Thus, you will perfectly warm up the body and qualitatively load one of the most important muscles - the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles. In the main part of the workout, use 3-4 working sets and 1 warm-up with 8-12 reps. Try to get close to muscle failure in the last 2 by picking up the appropriate weights.

    Day 1 - chest and back

    Shoulder and leg muscle training

    Today is the main day of the week and you are working with some of the most difficult muscles. Starting traditionally with the press, I recommend doing 2-3 exercises on the shoulders at the beginning of the workout. This will allow you to accurately control the trajectory of movement, better feel your body and avoid losing control of your technique. If desired, add a sitting dumbbell press, an army press, or in a Smith machine to the complex for a general study of all the bundles of the shoulder girdle.

    Day 2 - shoulders and legs

    * — The service is under beta testing

    Arm muscle training

    At the end of the week, you will have the most enjoyable training. Your hands have been waiting in reserve and feel great after a few days of break after training the pectoral muscles and back, where their role was high. Start with the abdominal muscles and gradually move from joint to isolation exercises. It is advisable to finish with a forearm workout and a good warm-up.

    Day 3 - hands

    * — The service is under beta testing

    Muscle Recovery

    An obligatory element of a quick pumping of your muscles is stretching after a workout. They never have enough time or energy, and the effect is not visible to the armed eye. But really this addition to your training process alone will take you to the next level. The mere fact that all pros like bodybuilders, lifters or CrossFitters as one emphasize this advice in their interviews should pique your interest in stretching. We offer the following complex.

    next element quick recovery muscle is a personal massage roller. A quality addition to your muscle stretches after training will be a full myofascial massage of the whole body. The theory of "anatomical trains" quite confidently proved the importance of fascia massage for the speedy recovery of the body, and the location of functional lines in the body suggests training which parts of the body it is desirable to combine with each other.

    Finally, your recovery kit should include a relaxing massage for athletes at least once a week.

    How to pump up the muscles of the body

    Having dealt with training, we will consider how methods of varying intensity, alternation of loads form our muscles.

    Increasing the intensity of training

    Exist various ways pump up, but brave and determined guys are only interested in effective techniques. Let's look at how ways to pump muscles with training of varying intensity can lead to the formation of a sculpted body.

    The need to constantly increase the intensity of training is ignored not only by the average gym goers, many experienced bodybuilders and competitors do not understand this either. No matter what level of training you have, all of you must remember one thing: intensity is the key to progress.

    If you do 4 sets of 10 reps squats daily with the same weight for several months or - scary to think - years, without trying to increase the intensity of your workout, then you will not see cool muscles. Just because your body will not make any effort to change the size of the muscles.

    Just because you're slightly bigger after a workout doesn't mean you're stimulating muscle growth. This is especially important for experienced athletes, because after people train consistently for years, extreme measures must be taken to significantly improve performance and build huge muscles.

    When it comes to preparation, the term "intensity" gets a lot of different meanings. When composing a workout, it is necessary to increase and decrease the intensity of the program in all its forms in order to build muscle and avoid overtraining. To do this, monitor the condition of the body daily, do orthostatic tests, especially after hard days. Knowing how your body reacts to different levels of intensity will allow you to use a variety of various methods to increase muscle growth and properly pump the body.

    Load planning

    It is believed that for muscle volume it is better to work with large weights in a small range of repetitions. This type of load will allow you to improve your strength performance, but you can’t expect a huge increase in muscle mass from such training.

    The second option is to work with light weights and high reps. In this case, you increase muscle hypertrophy, leaving strength indicators at the same level.

    It is a mistake to work in only one range using only one type of load. A serious training program for experienced athletes should include heavy, medium and light loads.

    To build muscle over a long period of time with progress, use the progression method. Increasing the maximum weight used for high and low reps should be ultimate goal any training program, because only this is one of the most important factors in pumping up the huge muscles of the body.

    Volume increase

    Volume strength training the sum of the exercises done and the weight of the burden is considered. If your goal is to maximize volume and build yourself huge muscles, use high intensity and high training volume. This will allow one more mechanism to be included in the process - hyperplasia. Unlike hypertrophy, which increases the size of your existing muscle cells, hyperplasia helps increase their number.

    However, despite such super effectiveness, a sharp and frequent increase in the number of sets and repetitions can cause overtraining.

    The best option in this case is to maximize muscle growth with high volume training and intermittent low volume training to make sure your body keeps up with the muscle building demands you place on it.

    muscle failure

    In this method of pumping up the body, you can use both large and small weights. The set will simply continue to the point where another rep can no longer be completed correctly without the help of a correcting partner.

    Branched chain amino acids in food additive by Nutrex is the basis for muscle and body support during training. It has anabolic and anti-catabolic effects.

    Olimp Sport Nutrition | Creatine Mega Caps?

    Take 4 capsules 1-2 times daily.

    Strengthened muscular work, requiring maximum release of energy, is accompanied by an increased consumption of creatine phosphate as the most important energy source. muscular system, as a result of which the body's need for creatine during physical exertion increases significantly! In addition to increasing endurance in training, creatine helps increase muscle volume.

    VPLAB Nutrition | FitActive Fitness Drink + Q10 ?

    Dilute 20 g in half a liter of water and drink during the workout.

    Coenzyme Q10 helps reduce high blood pressure, helps the heart, prevents the development coronary disease heart and myocardial infarction, protects the body from viruses and microbes and restores immunity, and also has a positive effect in the utilization of fats.

    Universal Nutrition | Ultra ISO Whey ?

    To prepare a single serving, it is enough to mix 1 scoop of the product per
    150-200 ml of water.

    Universal Nutrition Ultra Iso Whey is a world brand whey protein isolate. Contains up to 100% amino acids in pure form through multiple filtration processes. Allows muscle tissue to regenerate short time after training.

    Universal Nutrition | N1-T?

    • Before workout and before bed.

    The desire to have a beautiful, pumped up and slender body is present in many people, regardless of age. You can turn your dream into reality by regularly visiting gyms or fitness centers., however, for various reasons, not everyone manages to train in gyms. In such cases, the possibility of pumping up muscles at home is considered as an alternative.

    There is no single answer to the question of how effective home workouts can be. Here, much depends on the individual qualities of a person, and, above all, on his willpower - it is one thing to pump muscles in gyms equipped with modern simulators, under the supervision of experienced instructors, in an atmosphere of rivalry, and quite another to perform monotonous exercises in poorly adapted for this conditions. However, if you follow the adage "perseverance and work will grind everything" , the result will not be long in coming.

    Initially, we note that it is impossible to get an ideal muscle relief comparable to what we see in professional bodybuilders by exercising at home. This requires regular training on complex simulators and special nutrition. However, to develop endurance, remove fat folds on the abdomen and it is quite possible to build muscle mass to a certain level and at home. To do this, you should develop a program and training regimen and try to strictly follow them.

    Purpose of training

    To develop an optimal training program, you need to decide on their purpose. To do this, you should be clearly aware of what result you want to get in the end.

    • If you are just looking for lose weight and tone up your body , the emphasis should be on cardio.
    • To improve the condition of the body as a whole , increasing tone, maintaining a figure, you can limit yourself to regular performance of a complex of general strengthening exercises.
    • Increase body endurance aerobic exercise, morning jogging in the fresh air will help.
    • If your goal is the appearance of relief cubes on the torso , the emphasis should be on the implementation of the complex strength exercises. At the same time, it is necessary to pay serious attention to the diet, transferring it to foods that help build muscle mass and dry the body.

    Types of muscles and methods for building them

    Difficulties and disadvantages of home workouts

    The effectiveness of home workouts is hindered by a number of difficulties and shortcomings, which are quite difficult to overcome. Let's list the main ones.

    • Of course, the main and most serious drawback of training at home is Lack of necessary equipment and equipment. There's nothing you can do about it - it makes no sense to buy an expensive overall sports equipment for the home, and you have to be content with improvised means.
    • Doesn't add optimism lack of an experienced instructor, which can give valuable advice to complete the exercises and point out mistakes in a timely manner.
    • Another disadvantage of home workouts is lack of competitive spirit and motivation And. In the gyms, you are surrounded by many competitors, whose success is a kind of stimulating factor for your growth.
    • limited space. When training in a small room, stiffness is felt, it is especially difficult to perform amplitude exercises. Moreover, high physical exercise require inflow fresh air, to provide which in winter conditions not so easy.
    • Well, and, of course, laziness, as without it! Coming to the gym, you are focused on training, and at home you can postpone it indefinitely, and as a result, postpone the lesson for the next day. However, you should not engage in self-deception - everything will happen again tomorrow, and if you have already decided to swing at home, take your will into a fist and do not break the regime under any circumstances.

    Training Features

    The key factors that contribute to the growth of muscle mass, regardless of the training conditions, are regular increase in stress on the body and development of an optimal diet.

    The constant build-up of loads prevents the body from getting used to them. Muscle mass increases as the intensity of training increases. But for the so-called "drying" of the body, the number of repetitions of the various elements of the exercise performed is important.

    As a rule, at home, the role of the main load is performed by your own weight (squats, push-ups, pull-ups), and it is not possible to regularly increase the load. In order to avoid the effect of addiction, it is recommended to periodically change the set of exercises performed.

    In addition, the effectiveness of training will be facilitated by the availability of elementary sports equipment. At least, get dumbbells , which are sold in every sports store, will not be difficult. Many of the exercises are performed on the horizontal bar or wall bars. . Definitely for installation. wall bars needed in the apartment certain conditions, but mount the crossbar in doorway possible without problems.

    Types of exercises at home

    As noted above, essential condition muscle building is the optimal diet.

    The main building material» for muscle formation is protein foods - fish, poultry, lean meat, cottage cheese, eggs . The lack of proteins during intensive training is unacceptable, such a situation leads to exhaustion of the body, and there is no need to talk about the growth of muscle mass.

    At the same time, it should be taken into account that the body also needs carbohydrates and fats , and they should not be completely excluded from the diet. Highly recommended limit the consumption of sweets, white bread, baking .

    Slow carbohydrates (cereals) may be present in the breakfast diet, but at dinner it is recommended to consume only protein food. During the period of intense training, you should also increase the intake of vitamins.

    An important role is played by the observance of the diet. Meals should be regular. At the same time, the intervals between meals can be reduced, while reducing the portions served on the table at a time.

    When developing a diet, it should be borne in mind that training can be started only two hours after the last meal.

    Home exercise routine

    When carrying out intensive exercises on simulators, the body is subjected to serious increasing loads, and it takes from 2 to 3 days for its full recovery.

    Therefore, the training regimen in the gym is 2-3 sessions per week.

    At home, as noted above, it is impossible to provide increasing loads, as a result of which the body does not need a long-term recovery. Therefore, in order to get the result, home workouts are recommended to be carried out daily .

    At the same time, it is necessary to develop a training schedule that is convenient for yourself and strictly adhere to it, conducting training at a certain time. In addition, it is necessary to provide uniform distribution loads for different muscle groups.

    As for the sets of exercises, they can be found in specialized publications and on the corresponding sites on the Internet. For correct selection the complex of training you need, it is recommended to consult with an experienced instructor.

    Thus, it is possible to stand out with your athletic physique, relief muscles and cubes on the torso even with regular home workouts. It remains only to show willpower, gain patience and strength, and then everything will work out for you!

    If you are wondering which exercises are for which muscles, then I hasten to please you. On this page you will find the most effective exercises on all muscle groups that will help not only harmoniously develop your body, but really pump up muscles. In addition to describing the execution technique, each of the exercises is accompanied by photographs and videos, with which you can master all the subtleties and nuances.

    To pump up the trapezius muscle, you need to work it out in three directions. You need to complete at least three exercises: one for each part. The trapezoid has natural power, and that is why fairly heavy weights should be used.

    Deltas (shoulders)
    The deltoids are located on one of the most fragile joints in the body. So don't overuse heavy weights, the main thing for the progress of deltas is correct technique execution.

    pectoral muscles
    In order to pump up all the bundles of chest muscles equally well, they need to be worked out from different angles. Training should take place with a frequency of 1 - 2 times a week. If you will download pectoral muscles no more than twice a week, using the exercises presented here, you will definitely achieve the results you need.

    back muscles
    The back is a combination of large muscle groups and in order to properly load them, you need to try hard. If you want to build back muscles, then you should use such weights that you can do no more than 8 - 12 repetitions. Pumping up your back is really hard, but with the right approach it is quite possible.

    It consists of two heads: the short one is responsible for the mass and volume, the long head betrays the same “peak” to the biceps. Therefore, in order to qualitatively pump up the biceps, you need to choose several exercises in order to load two heads equally well.

    Most beginners in the gym pay more attention to the biceps, but they should know that it is thanks to the triceps that the arms look more massive even in a relaxed state. And if you want people on the street to say, "Oh, what pumpy arms he has," then you need to pump triceps with no less effort.

    If you want to pump up your arms with high quality, then the muscles of the forearm should be treated with the same attention as other parts of the body. Thanks to well-inflated forearms, outwardly, the hands become more voluminous and proportional.

    Abdominal muscles
    To pump up the press with "cubes" - any man wants, and almost every woman dreams of having a toned, beautiful belly. To achieve a relief press, you need not only to perform countless repetitions, but also to eat right.

    leg muscles
    In order for the legs to be harmoniously developed, it is necessary to train with all responsibility each of its muscle groups: the buttocks, quadriceps (extensors), the muscles of the back of the thigh (flexors) and the muscles of the lower leg (calves).

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