How to transfer tomatoes over a long distance. Tomato seedlings outgrow - what to do. Planting overgrown tomatoes. White clothes for new settlers

Many summer residents are faced with such a problem as transporting seedlings. From a properly executed seasonal work the future harvest is very dependent. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the relocation of seedlings to "summer residences" very competently.
"Pack" seedlings on hastily you can if you have personal transport, and your favorite summer house is no more than an hour on a good road. But if you and your green pets have to go through public transport, and even with a transfer, it’s better to create a simple, but effective protection every root. In the case of public transport, you need to choose lighter packaging, because several boxes are a significant load for a backpack or bag.

What do seedlings need during transportation:
shade and coolness for the entire duration of transportation (overheating, horticultural crops will definitely get hurt).
suitable containers from improvised materials;
familiar microclimate for several hours.

Transportation of seedlings to the site should not be delayed, since overgrown seedlings are much more difficult to transport. Such seedlings can break from careless touches, in which case all efforts can go down the drain. By the time of transportation, the seedlings should have 3-4 leaves, no more.
For the transportation of seedlings, you need to choose a high container, it is desirable that the plant is completely placed in it along with the foliage.
Potless seedlings are best freed from excess land, leaving only the soil on the main root. The roots themselves should be wrapped with a damp cloth or newspaper. You can also dip in a solution of mullein with clay, and then put on its side in wide boxes. As a result, young plants will fit in a simple cardboard box. This method will save space and protect seedlings from damage on the road.
! Tomatoes do not need a lot of liquid at the time of transportation. Moderately saturated with moisture, the tomatoes are slightly wilted, but definitely not damaged.

Arriving at country cottage area, such plants must be immediately poured with warm water, after which they will quickly take shape and after one and a half to two hours the plants can be planted.
If the seedlings are grown in strong light, then the foliage will be denser, which is almost not damaged during transportation.
Pay attention to the weather, choose clear sunny days for transporting seedlings, plant the plant that same evening. With good photosynthesis, a lot of starch accumulates in the leaves, thanks to which the plants take root quickly. To preserve moisture, it is advisable to mulch the soil around the plant with hay or wood shavings.

Transportation of seedlings to the country.
How to put seedlings in boxes? Prepared seedlings of nightshade, pumpkin and vegetable crops you will not be lucky in a package or a country backpack. You need light boxes. It is ideal to choose 3 or 4 of the same. They are easy to arrange, and you will not confuse seedlings in this form. For rigidity, it is better to take unnecessary slats, scraps of cardboard, plywood scraps. Everything that is not useful at home, and also weighs little, will come down as a material for packaging and transportation. It is good to make newspaper pads between the rows of seedlings. Then the plants will not mix and will not be damaged. If you plan to transport in several boxes packed in a column, then you can’t do without a lid. Then the seedlings are not afraid of transplants, crowded buses and trains. Plants are reliably protected, for example, as small postal parcels.

Potted seedlings can be placed in 2 rows: put the first row on the bottom of the container, and the second row on the edges of the pots in the first row.
Another option for transporting seedlings in pots is to wrap each cup in a newspaper, and then put the resulting “pipe” in a bag. In standard plastic bag 15-20 half-liter glasses will fit.
You can put the cups in a cardboard box that is suitable in height. For ease of transfer, it is advisable to attach tape handles to the box. Tomato seedlings can be transported even lying down, but for this it must be tightly packed in a box. In deep boxes, when placed vertically, the seedlings should be separated with a newspaper, then the branches of the plants will not intertwine and will be less damaged by shaking.
It is very convenient to transport low seedlings in plastic boxes, which are used to transport various containers. These drawers can be stacked on top of each other. Such boxes need to be rewound with a rope or wire so that they do not tip over. Also, it is convenient to germinate in these boxes, and then transport seed potatoes to the site.
How to protect young leaves and stems? In this situation, plastic bottles cut under the stem are used. Covered with a homemade "cap", the seedling is insured against injuries, plus plastic creates a greenhouse effect for a while.

Weather conditions for transportation. You can transport seedlings both by car and by public transport on a calm, sunny day. Suitable temperature is at least 15 degrees. Before arrival, it is advisable to prepare the soil in advance to preserve the growing crops.
! Take seedlings as much as will be planted in a day. It’s hard to plant everything at once, and the variety of seeds allows you to stretch the planting period for more than one.

Upon arrival at the dacha, you should not rush to plant plants this second, let them recover from the road and the resulting “stress”. To do this, containers with seedlings are placed in a cool place (a change house, veranda or barn is suitable). A couple of hours is enough for plants to rest. And during this time, you can just prepare the ground.
It happens that some of the plants are still injured, so it is better to remove the damaged leaves, and leave the unsuccessful specimens as fertilizer. As a result, further timely watering and careful tillage by the end of summer will not leave without a good harvest.

Internet method.
Allows you to compactly transport seedlings to the site. Need 5L bottles from drinking water. The bottles are cut in half. Cups with seedlings are placed in the lower part of the bottle, after which it is carefully covered with the upper half of the bottle and fixed with tape. In this case, the bottle cap must be removed. Can be transported by holding the bottles by the handles, but easier if put in plastic bags.
If the seedlings are stretched out, so that the bottle is too short for it, then you need to take another bottle and, cutting a ring of the desired height in it, fix it between the lower and upper parts of the first bottle with adhesive tape in two places.
So you can transport a small amount of plants
And if there are several dozen or even more?
Then it is necessary to spread a piece of cloth at least 50 cm wide on the table and, in the center from edge to edge, lay a dense row of plants, carefully taken out together with a clod of earth, and previously watered a few hours before. Then the lower edge of the matter must be tucked to the upper edge, roll everything up and put it in the lower part plastic bottle, and secure the upper parts with tape, as already described earlier.
Such a "construction" does not cause any harm to the seedlings and in it they will endure the move well. They can even stand like this for several days, only it will be necessary to water them lightly with water. Such plastic container, in which seedlings were transported, can be washed, dried and left until the next seedling season.

How to transport seedlings from an apartment to a country house?

In my case, this requires boxes and packaging film. If the cups with seedlings are not very tight, then I put crumpled sheets of newspaper in the space between them. When the seedlings of tomatoes or peppers are slightly above the level of the box, then I slightly tilt the tops and put another box on top. It turns out a bookcase of 3-4 boxes, which I put on a stool and wrap with several layers of film. Can tie boxes thin wire, but I don’t advise with a string, it’s not reliable, because there are bumps on the roads and the boxes can jump off each other and the tops of the tomatoes will break.

Three days before the move, the seedlings should be watered a little, this should not be done on the day of departure, because the stems become more fragile and brittle.

On the way, the windows in the car should not be opened, from the wind, in the worst case, the tops will break off, at best, the leaves.

So we are leaving the shelves of an apartment near Moscow for an ecologically clean Valdai district, it will grow and then actively bear fruit!

The picture shows a small part of the boxes. Nothing happens to seedlings overnight, by evening next day all heads will be up!

The sun warms every day more and more, the earth has already warmed up well. And this means that it is time to transport the seedlings to the dacha, to its permanent place of residence. But moving to the country is always stressful for a young, fragile plant. There is a high probability of damaging fragile stems.

Preparing seedlings for transport

It is very important that the seedlings remain safe and sound as a result of transportation. Therefore, one of the main rules of transportation is that seedlings do not need to be watered a few days before transportation. In the absence of watering, the stems of the plant will become more flexible and elastic, therefore, less brittle. But at the same time, the seedlings should not fade much, otherwise it may lose some of the leaves and get sick.

In order not to injure the stems during pitching in transport, seedlings of cucumbers, zucchini, watermelons, melons, tall tomatoes and some ornamental plants it is better to attach to the support. To do this, stick a stick into the pot at a distance of 3-4 cm from the stem and carefully wrap the seedlings around it. The plant must be firmly fixed, but it is important that the fastening does not hurt it. Therefore, for this it is best to use a soft rope or wire covered with a plastic sheath. There are types of tomatoes that form a thick stem, do not require a garter on a support. These varieties include Bonsai, Baskak, Alaska, Pygmy, etc. - all undersized standard tomatoes.

At this time of the year, the weather is still unstable, it often changes, a sharp cold snap and strong winds are possible. And the plants grew in warmth, they are not used to temperature changes, they are easily damaged even with a short-term cold snap. Therefore, it is very important to protect them from temperature fluctuations and stress.

When I transfer my seedlings to the dacha, I always put them in a box. Instead of a box, you can use baskets and any other containers, as long as they are rigid. From above, the seedlings can be covered with gauze or some kind of covering material. This will help protect the stems from damage, preserve the leaves and protect against weather surprises, - shared his knowledge and experience Sergey Alekseevich Peganov, test gardener, viticulturist.

Between pots of seedlings, paper can be stuffed into the box to fill in the voids. Thanks to this, the pots will fit snugly against each other and less frayed along the way. The height of the box is selected according to the height of the seedlings, so that the crowns do not crumple when closing. Keeps for some time in closed boxes warm air, so the plants experience little to no stress.

Some gardeners use another, no less gentle method of transportation.

I rarely use boxes when transporting seedlings. Instead, I just wrap the containers in newspaper. I bend one edge under the bottom, and collect the second from above by 10 - 15 cm from the tops of the plants and fix it with a stapler or tape. Such bags can be freely placed in a bag or bag. Paper protects both from the cold and from damage. In such a package, you can go to the country even by car, even by bus, even by train, - she told about her method Svetlana Arkadievna Popova, experienced gardener.

Terminal station - dacha

When the journey for young plants is over, you need to remove the seedlings from the packaging and water them. And the leaves that are still damaged should be removed. And you can start planting. But if the beds are not yet ready, then the seedlings can be left in the package and without watering for some more time, and as soon as they are unpacked, plant them immediately. For best effect you can water the transplanted plants warm water, and at night, be sure to cover with something, for example, lutrasin.

Another tip on how to plant elongated tomato seedlings is that it is often recommended to plant it lying down. To do this, you need to break lower leaves and let the plant stand for a couple of days so that the wounds heal and the infection does not penetrate through them. Then trenches are dug and seedlings are laid in them with the tops to the north. Sprinkle with soil. After 4 - 5 days, the crown will rise and take vertical position. But the growth of new leaves will be delayed as it goes active process growing roots along the entire buried stem.

The disadvantage of this method of growing is that there is an imbalance between the root system and the aerial part, this leads to a delay in fruiting for two weeks. But the plus is also obvious - overgrown seedlings can break when normal fit, and so there is at least some chance to save it.

If you follow all the tips and take care of young plants, then you will successfully transport them to their summer cottage. But it’s not enough just to bring a plant to the country house and transplant it into the ground; throughout its development, it needs attention, care and proper care, only then will it be able to thank you with a rich harvest.

Prepared by Natalia Berlizova.

The long-awaited warmth came and the sun warmed the earth properly. This means that it is time to transport the seedlings to the dacha, where everything is prepared for its planting in the ground. Some simple advice will help to properly organize the process and deliver young immature plants safe and sound.

Prepare seedlings for transportation in advance. First of all, watering should be stopped 2-3 days before transportation. Brittle, brittle stems will become more elastic, which will avoid damage. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the seedlings do not fade, since withered plants take root poorly, get sick and lag behind in development.

Crops such as zucchini, cucumbers, melons, watermelons, tall tomatoes, and some types of ornamental plants require additional protection from injury. A support in the form of a peg is installed in the soil 3-4 centimeters from each stem. Seedlings are attached tightly, securely, but very carefully so as not to injure the delicate stems. For these purposes, a soft rope or wire in a plastic sheath is well suited. Standard tomatoes with low growth and a strong stem do not need such a fastening.

Thinking about how to transport tomato seedlings to the dacha without harm to plants, summer residents stock up on tall wooden or cardboard boxes for vegetables and fruits. When buying or purchasing containers for free, you need to pay attention to some points. First, it must be narrow and strong enough to withstand the expected load. Secondly, the height of the box or box must match the height of the plants. Bags, baskets and other packaging with a hard, durable bottom are also suitable for transportation.

Each container with a seedling is wrapped in 2-3 layers of newspaper, giving the shape of a cup. To do this, the pot is wrapped in such a way that the lower edge of the paper forms the bottom, and the upper edge protrudes 10 cm above the top of the plants. Then the newspaper is fixed with a string and in any other way. Neat bouquets are obtained, which are compactly placed in prepared boxes. Seedlings without individual pots should be freed from excess soil and wrap the root part with moistened paper or a cloth.

In order to fearlessly transport seedlings in transport, to protect them from wind and precipitation, the container is closed with lids or covered with gauze and other similar materials.

Now that the transportation of seedlings has been successfully completed, the plants must be freed from packaging and watered immediately. After the plants recover from the resulting stress, you can remove the damaged leaves and start planting.

Delicate plants can easily break in the trunk of a car, not to mention a bus or train ride ... And if you are traveling during rush hour. then one can only imagine in what a deplorable state he will arrive at the dacha " planting material". Let's tell you how to make a suitcase for transporting seedlings from improvised means.

To make a transport box for seedlings, you will need:

  • Two plastic boxes
  • Thin metal cable
  • Two iron clips
  • Drill
  • Pliers
  • Door knob
  • screws
  • Two metal plates
  • Screwdriver or screwdriver
  • Old belt with buckle
  • kraft paper
  • Rope or rubber bands

Do-it-yourself box for transporting seedlings - manufacturing progress

1. We take two plastic boxes, in the upper part of each (along the long side) we make two holes with a drill.

2. Cut off two small pieces of cable. These are the loops for our suitcase. We pass a piece of cable through two holes.

3. Then we thread both ends of it through an iron clip. We clamp the clip with pliers - the loop for the suitcase is ready. In the same way, we make a loop on the other side.

4. Well, what kind of suitcase without a handle?! In the middle of the “lid” of our suitcase, use a screwdriver and screws to fasten the door handle. To do this, on each side door handle laying iron plates.

5. The suitcase is almost ready, only the lock is missing. The lock will be an old belt that will fasten our garden "casket".

6. Now we are preparing seedlings for transportation. Each pot, like a bouquet, is carefully wrapped in craft paper. To prevent the paper bag from turning around on the road, we wrap the pot with a rope or use stationery gum.

Do-it-yourself seedling box - photo


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