How to make a stone castle for the garden. Do-it-yourself castle from polyurethane foam. Fairy tale castle made of pipes

Beautiful garden decor makes the site special - it is pleasant to be here for both adults and children, and guests admire skillful hands and the imagination of the owners and take note of ideas in order to embody them in their backyard territory. We offer 25 crafts and decorations for the garden, which are easy to make using improvised materials.

Butterflies - painting on stones

You can write any natural stones, both small and large. They look more spectacular “if the area of ​​​​the painting is large - in this case, several images can be made on the stone. Butterflies in the photo above are an example of this. We first wash and dry the stone surface, then apply a primer on it. When the coating is dry, paint it with a light background paint. So - creative work. If suitable stones can't find it, let's do it

Rainbow butterflies over the flower bed

We cut out such butterflies from plywood - for this you need a jigsaw (or rather a jigsaw). To turn blanks into beautiful butterflies:

  • sanding the edges with sandpaper;
  • we apply impregnation for wood to the blanks on both sides to protect against moisture;
  • apply a primer;
  • paint with wood or acrylic paints;
  • after the paint has dried, we apply varnish for external work;
  • we fix the butterflies on long rods.

In the same way, you can make large fantasy flowers - they will greatly enliven the lawn.

Decorative balls or lamps

Let's make spectacular hanging balls to decorate the garden or lamps with round lampshades. The manufacturing principle is simple:

  • inflate big balloon or take a soft ball;
  • we wrap the ball or ball with twine (twine), fix it with PVA glue.
  • You can paint the twine before processing the workpiece with glue, or when it hardens.
  • We pierce the ball / ball inside, take it out.
  • We cover the ball with varnish.
  • If you use thin and flexible colored wire instead of twine. work will be done even faster, and decorative ball will serve for a long time - despite the winds and rains.

Figurines for the garden from pots

Garden decor from flower pots is a separate direction. What incredible interesting crafts for the garden can be made from inexpensive plastic flowerpots (although ceramic ones are also suitable)! Here, and here - You can fasten the pots into figures for the garden with a rope / twine / wire, which we thread through drainage holes. Then - painting. We choose the paint depending on the type of material of the pots. If the pots are plastic, we take acrylic paint or specifically for plastic. If you are making a figurine from ceramic pots, oil paint or oil enamel will do. Acrylic paint is universal, we also use it.

Cloud on the drainpipe

Such a rain can be arranged if you cut a cloud from a sheet of metal or plastic and attach it to right place.

The first photo is almost a sculpture. For it, you need a panel of cellular concrete - it is easily cut.

In the second photo - a flashlight from a piece of plastic pipe and plugs. We paint it with acrylic paints.

Flowers on pedestals

A luxurious corner in the garden can be organized with high coasters under flower vases. we make them from poles, blocks or even just pipes - you can round, but always have a large diameter. Curly flowers are desirable - we will plant them in wide flowerpots or sulfinia.

Fairy tale castle made of pipes

We fasten several sections of pipes of different heights, in which holes are made (for example, with a crown drill). Roofs for turrets can be made from watering cans.

Plywood Garden Crafts

These figurines peeking out from behind the fence are very funny. But once they were ordinary plywood.

Site of concrete slabs

Decorative paving, in which the slabs are made on site.

  • We prepare the surface - we tear off small pits in the form of plates;
  • lay out a tape along the edges of the recess - it can be made of polyethylene or roofing felt.
  • at the bottom of each pit we pour a little crushed stone with sand;
  • We fill with concrete.
  • Between the plates we sow lawn grass.

spiral lawn

Spectacular spiral of grass and stones:

  • we outline with a shovel a spiral on grass or earth;
  • pull out a spiral groove;
  • we put stones in the ditch;
  • we sow grass between the lines (if it is not there).

Garden of sand and stones

Exotic corner. But only stones and sand of two colors - yellow and white.

flower hose

A watering hose can also serve as a decoration for the garden. We drive hooks into the wall of some building, on which we wind the hose in the form of flower-petals.

Elephant from a tire or from pots

We cut the old tire with a regular hacksaw, if available circular saw cutting will be easier. We paint oil paint or rubber/bitumen.

The elephant in the photo below is from flower pots. For the head we use a ball, plastic or foam ball. The trunk is made of wire, here it is fluffy (chenille).

Tire sun and pipe tower

The sun from the tire - the decor is simple, but bright and pleasant. The complex of turrets is made of pipe segments.

Dogs from bicycle chains

Sometimes you really want to surprise others with something outlandish. A do-it-yourself castle in the country is an image from a fairy tale that conquers with its elegance and at the same time simplicity. The miniature structure creates a romantic mood even for adults, not to mention children.

Figure 1. A decorative stone castle will be a great addition to a rockery or alpine slide.

A small, hand-built castle is now entering the design vision suburban area. Various designs of castles fit perfectly into European style landscaping of private property. A miniature building can become the center of a playground, or it can simply emphasize the romantic nature of the inhabitants of the dacha.

Features of mini locks

From the remains of concrete, putty, paint and boards, you can make a small castle.

The mini-castle in the country is a small architectural form landscaping cottages or other suburban areas. The main tasks of the building are to enhance the aesthetic perception and emphasize a certain design style.

Often such an element serves as a children's attraction. Castles can be made in the form of an exact copy of the famous historical buildings of knightly times or built according to a specially designed plan.

In terms of placement, the mini-castle often becomes a separate design element of the cottage, built on a specially designated site, but more often it is used as an element of the composition, being part of a flower garden, fountain, spring, playground.

Buildings may differ in technical solution- simple (only the building itself) and complex, including special multi-colored lighting (and even light music) with electronic elements.

Construction material

The construction of castles can be made from a variety of building materials, as well as improvised means. Wide use find buildings different size from stones, and both ennobled (marble, granite) and wild ones can be used, natural stones(for example, pebbles). The fixing of such building materials is usually carried out using cement mortar, but sometimes clay, lime or gypsum compounds are used, as well as standard building mixtures.

Lanterns along the sidewalk can be decorated in the form of a tower.

Many decorative locks erected by pouring concrete. For the implementation of such projects, small formworks are mounted. The main advantage of concrete structures is durability, strength, moisture resistance and Fire safety. At small sizes for houses, concrete reinforcement is not necessary, and for large figures, a reinforcing mesh can be used.

It is difficult to do without wood when creating small architecture. wooden details easy to process, they can be given any shape. The need for antiseptic treatment makes it difficult to use. Many locking elements have to be made from sheet metal, giving it a cylindrical or conical shape.

As building material finds the use of foam. This material with a dense structure, when cut, becomes small building blocks or blocks that form an entire wall. You can use plastic different type and size. Various improvised means are widely used - bottles, pipe trimmings, parts of old household appliances etc. It is difficult to list all the materials that are used in construction, it all depends on the imagination of the performer.

Structural elements

Real castles were built in different time and therefore had a slightly different style. Most often, the concept of castle architecture is associated with the Gothic style, characterized by various spiers and pointed roofs. With all the variety of styles, one can distinguish characteristic structural elements locks:

Figure 2. A flower bed can be placed inside the castle walls.

  1. Hill and moat: castles were built using natural protection - hills (hill, mountain) and surrounded by a moat with or without water.
  2. Courtyard: A protected area inside a fortress wall, often with outbuildings and dwellings for guards and servants.
  3. Donjon: the central tower of the castle for the owner to live - a fortress inside the fortress; the shape of the donjon was different - quadrangular (England), round, polygonal, irregular in shape.
  4. Fortress wall: a high wall with battlements at the top for sheltering warriors and with loopholes.
  5. Protective towers: similarly to the wall, they had battlements and loopholes, most often they were round, but square shapes were also used, they were always located at the corners of the wall and in the middle part.
  6. Gates: to strengthen the security, they were equipped with watchtowers, the entrance was usually blocked by an arch, required element- drawbridge.

The layout of the castle territory itself depended on the terrain and had a triangular, rectangular or polygonal shape. In a number of countries (for example, in Germany), a circular layout with a central courtyard without a clearly defined donjon was common.

Required Tools

When building a castle with your own hands, you will need the following tool:

Figure 3. Sketch of the castle-bed.

  • hacksaw;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • metal scissors;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • file;
  • chisel;
  • putty knife;
  • Master OK;
  • hammer;
  • Grinder;
  • plane;
  • sandpaper;
  • ruler;
  • roulette;
  • shovel;
  • vise;
  • electric drill.

Manufacturing features

Do-it-yourself castle construction begins with drawing a building plan and its individual details.

The plan can be a reduced copy of a well-known real building or a completely invented author's decision.

Figure 4. Putty and paint can be used to decorate the castle towers.

Then the installation site is cleared, an elevated location (hill) and an imitation of a protective moat are provided.

Stone castle. On fig. 1 shows an example of a simple stone castle of the author's project. For the construction of towers, three pieces of a metal or plastic pipe with a diameter of about 6-7 cm are installed vertically, pebbles are laid around them and connected with cement mortar. Tin cones are installed on top. Inside the towers, after removing the pipes, a brown dark plastic bottle is placed, which decorates the loophole windows.

In the case when the castle architecture fits into the overall design, the characteristic stone elements are combined with others. design solutions. On fig. 2 shows a flower bed castle.

Fortress wall. One of the most simple ways the construction of the fortress wall is the use of sheets of dense foam. On fig. 3 shows a diagram of such a wall with towers. A foam plastic 3-5 cm thick is used, from which the desired shapes with teeth are cut. Towers are formed from additionally fixed pieces of foam. On top of the towers, you can make a roof of flower pots. Similar structures can be made of concrete, having previously installed the formwork.

Towers and donjons. For the construction of towers, you can use foam plastic for pipe insulation, foam pipe insulation with a diameter of 11 cm, plastic pipes, asbestos-cement pipes, etc. Decorating elements are attached with waterproof glue. The teeth and loopholes are carefully cut with a knife.

In the manufacture of towers or donjons of round shape from concrete, plastic bottles can be used as formwork different diameter(outer layer), and inside - any rod. The thickness of the concrete wall must be at least 3 cm.

Castle decoration

To ensure aesthetic perception, the constructed structure should be ennobled as much as possible - painted using bright acrylic paints; fix overhead carved elements, install coats of arms, flags, pennants, and other symbols of chivalry. On fig. 4 shows an example of the design of the towers.

If necessary, the walls of the building are covered with finishing facade plaster.

I, like some of you, had an idea-fix to do something pleasing to the eye against the backdrop of a country landscape. The choice fell on a mini-castle, since it is the easiest to enter it anywhere in the site, taking into account its geological features. Moreover, you can build creatively, adding or changing its elements on the go.

The main material is sand and cement for the longevity of the composition. After experimenting, I settled on a composition of 2 to 1 (i.e. 2 parts sand and 1 part cement). Sand is best dried in the sun, then it is easier to mix with cement, and also sifted for use in elements with fine detail, as debris can ruin the part.

The castle has a fairly decent volume, so building it all at once is unrealistic. To do this, first I make separate parts of the castle, so that later I can build it from cubes in a couple of days. The last, third castle was assembled in two days. Neighbors thought he fell from the sky when they saw him.

So, consider the elements of a typical design.

Let's start with the towers. A cylinder of the desired radius is rolled up from a sheet of iron (I have about 2-30 cm). The cylinder is fixed with wire or self-tapping screws so that it can be easily disassembled later. Anything is placed inside the cylinder - bottles, cans - to reduce the consumption of the solution, but the thickness to the ballast must be at least 5 cm. Fill with a fairly thick solution. We give him several hours to set to such a state that when the formwork is removed, it does not crumble. You can choose the height of the cylindrical formwork yourself. It can be equal to the height of the tower, or less, but then the formwork will have to be disassembled and assembled above the already seized lower part.

We immediately begin to cut the raw, slightly seized solution. The cutting technology is the same as that of the sandboxes. For cutting, I use a set of tools available to everyone. I have these screwdrivers, chisels, a medical scalpel, a hacksaw blade for metal and various strips of tin to form various architectural elements.

A simple cylinder is boring, and this is where the flight of fancy begins. I make various grooves by wrapping a cylinder with a long strip of tin, using this strip as a guide, with a screwdriver or chisel I choose annular recesses. Then, in the lower part, you can imitate masonry, destruction, plaster chips, cracks - after all, the castle is ancient.

For me, aging is the most exciting part of the process. At the same time, we do not amuse ourselves with making windows, loopholes, picking out the desired recess with a knife. If there is a desire to make a turret in the upper part of the tower, then we turn off the cylinder with a diameter of a couple of centimeters more and a height of 10-15 cm, insert it inside plastic bottle to save the solution (after complete setting, it will be removed).

We fill the form with a solution and after partial setting, carefully remove the cylinder formwork and make right amount windows, teeth - as fantasy tells. I cut teeth hacksaw blade for metal - I make cuts of the required depth and pick off the excess solution between the cuts.

The roof can be made from tin cones, and you can use this tin cone as a mold for pouring mortar (I do this). After complete setting, carefully knock out our roof from the mold. Do not forget that we are still preparing individual elements of the castle. We'll put it all together later. So we figured out the tower. We have all the elements ready and stacked somewhere in the corner.

Let's start building walls. Our walls will be either fortress (1) or an element of the building (2).

There is no difference in their production. We assemble a rectangle of the required size from boards 5 cm wide. We put it on a flat surface (I have an old kitchen table) having previously placed either a film or a piece of roofing material so that the solution that is then poured in is not absorbed. You can place a metal arch in this frame - this will be a door or gate. Pour the solution into the frame. Where no windows or doors are planned, gravel or broken bricks can be poured to the bottom to save mortar. After the mortar is poured to the desired height, you can take pretty pebbles from gravel and poke them at the base of the foundation so that they protrude with flat edges above common plane solution about 5 mm.

If there is no gravel, then after partial setting sharp knife or with a scalpel to imitate the foundation. You can also mark future windows with pebbles. Thus, your task is to make such flat elements. To speed up, I make 2-3 such rectangles at the same time. Having made such a wall once, you will understand that they are made easily and very quickly. As a rule, we are interested in the outer side of the castle, the inner part does not represent anything, because it is not visible.

So, after a few hours, the solution of our future walls seized very (!) This moment so that it was malleable, but did not collapse, and if it was overexposed, it would be difficult to process. We carefully disassemble the frame and we are left with a flat rectangle on the table. If you are making a wall with teeth, then we make the gaps between the teeth by gradually removing the solution with a flat tool (I use a metal ruler for this). Next, loopholes and windows are made. Draw whatever your fantasy tells you. To remove the remnants of the solution, I use a soft brush (probably seen in the movies how archaeologists work). In the end, you will have something like the following on your table.

Leave the finished walls for about a day on the table. Then they can safely be removed from the table and also put in a corner. When the required number of elements has already been made, we select a sunny day for mounting on suburban area. There is another important point here. The castle looks more beautiful on some kind of elevation, on a pile of stones. So prepare a foundation for it. If you use stones, always place the stones on a small layer of mortar first. If this is not done, then the stones will move over time and destroy your beauty.

When the foundation is prepared, we proceed to the assembly. First install on cement mortar, previously applied to the foundation, for example, tower No. 1. We attach wall No. 1 to the tower for mortar. Then we install the tower number 2.

The castle is already beginning to take shape. You are filled with excitement. Next, add wall No. 2 and finish with the installation of tower No. 3. My towers were heavy, so men need to tinker. Thus on this stage Here is the design (top view)

But wall #2 will be part of the building, so I take some bricks and form a rectangle of this building. In order to prevent the solution from getting into windows or doors from the inside, I close them from the inside with something flat (I use pieces flat slate or fragments of flat tiles).

I have the inside of the castle hidden. But if you want her to have beautiful view- you need to make both wall No. 3 and inner part pour for monolith concrete mortar Or fill it with construction debris.

When this structure grabs, form over the building gable roof. It takes me two or three bricks to do this (a mortar is thrown with a spatula and leveled under a cone).

So from the main basic elements, slightly changing them depending on your imagination (for example, you are tired of round towers - make rectangular formwork and the towers will be square, etc.) you can make a complex castle - like this for example.

A castle made of concrete is not very beautiful. How to decorate it?

About imitation. The boulders at the base of the foundation are made very easily as they are of arbitrary shape. Imitation brick requires more patience. Under the ruler, I scratch a series of horizontal lines and then make vertical notches at characteristic intervals. We brush off the debris with a brush. Where the surface is very rough, it can be smoothed by moistening with water from a spray and ironing with a soft brush. When the assembled castle is completely dry, you can tint it a little. Roof to give the appearance of tiles. I use acrylic paint with the right color, for painting the imitation of brick, I purchased such colors for acrylic - black, red, brown, yellow. Green can be taken to imitate moss. With a soft brush, lightly touching the masonry different colors I color the surface. In this case, only the convex surface is painted, while the recessed part remains gray. The effect is amazing. From half a meter it seems that everything is made of small bricks. In one place of the castle, I even imitated a destroyed brick wall. I did not expect such an effect. For a year the castle survived the winter and the paint is like new.

Can you make parts at home? I work in a garage. But in principle, you can do it at home if you don’t litter too much. In this case, the details can be broken down into even smaller ones. Those. for example, make a wall in two parts - the upper one where the teeth and the lower one where the gate. Similarly, make a tower from two or three cylinders or cubes. Then it's easier to transport. This allows you to prepare the castle even in the winter-spring time, and in the summer to assemble it in a couple of days. This is how I prepare dry mix. I fill half a bucket with dry sand, add cement and it mixes very easily with a small children's spatula. I pour all this into a small tub and do the next batch until I fill it. Thus, the dry solution is always in sufficient quantity.

I wish you all success in your work. And be sure to share your results.

First mini castle

The first castle-flower bed was made about eight years ago. The rest is recent - last year and the year before last. The lighthouse is real - it glows at night.

How to make your site or garden unique is the dream of many owners. Many people love to decorate their own estate, cottage, yard, but not everyone has extra money that could be spent on decorative figurines. But this is not a problem for those who at least know how to do something with their own hands.

It does not even require special costs.

So, for example, a fairy-tale kingdom on a garden site will become a good gift both small and adult dreamers.

Even a mini-castle built in the country will add mystery to the site.

Mini-castles in the yard or for the garden are large enough in volume, and building it completely is a bit difficult.

You can try to make some parts of the castle separately, so that later in any part of the garden, in the country you can assemble it from finished elements like cubes.

An example of a design for building a castle in the country

easy to disassemble. To reduce the consumption of the solution, cans or bottles can be placed inside the cylinder, but the thickness of the solution around the ballast must be at least 5 cm.

The solution for pouring should be thick enough. He needs to be given several hours to grab to such a state that the formwork does not crumble when removed. The height of the cylindrical formwork should be chosen as follows: it should be approximately equal to the height of the tower, with a smaller size, the formwork will need to be disassembled and assembled a little higher than the already seized lower part.

Making a castle for a summer residence is easy if you have a couple of “golden hands” available.

The main material is sand and cement for the longevity of the composition. 2 parts sand and 1 part cement.

Elements of a typical design.

Let's start with the towers.

A cylinder of the desired radius is rolled up from a sheet of iron (I have about 2-30 cm). The cylinder is fixed with wire or self-tapping screws

Anything is placed inside the cylinder - bottles, cans - to reduce the consumption of the solution, but the thickness to the ballast must be at least 5 cm. Fill with a thick solution.

We give him several hours to set to such a state that when the formwork is removed, it does not crumble.

We immediately begin to cut the raw, slightly seized solution.

The cutting technology is the same as that of the sandboxes. For cutting, use a set of tools available to everyone.

Do not forget to make windows, loopholes, picking out the desired recess with a knife.

The mold is poured with mortar and after partial setting, carefully remove the cylinder formwork and make the required number of windows, teeth - as fantasy tells.

The roof can be made from tin cones, and this tin cone can also be used as a mold for pouring mortar. After complete setting, carefully knock out our roof from the mold. Do not forget that we are still preparing individual elements of the castle. We'll put it all together later.

Let's start building walls. Our walls will be either fortress (1) or an element of the building (2).

There is no difference in their production.

We assemble a rectangle of the right size from boards 5 cm wide. We put it on a flat surface, having previously placed either a film or a piece of roofing material so that the solution that is then poured is not absorbed.

You can place a metal arch in this frame - this will be a door or gate. Pour the solution into the frame. Where no windows or doors are planned, gravel or broken bricks can be poured to the bottom to save mortar.

After the mortar is poured to the desired height, you can take pretty pebbles from gravel and poke them at the base of the foundation so that they protrude with flat edges above the general plane of the mortar by about 5 mm.

Next, loopholes and windows are made. Draw whatever your fantasy tells you. To remove the remnants of the solution, I use a soft brush (probably seen in the movies how archaeologists work). In the end, you will have something like the following on your table.

Leave the finished walls for about a day on the table. When the foundation is prepared, we proceed to the assembly.

First, we install it on a cement mortar previously applied to the foundation, for example, tower No. 1. We attach wall No. 1 to the tower for mortar. Then we install the tower number 2.

The castle is already beginning to take shape. You are filled with excitement. Next, add wall No. 2 and finish with the installation of tower No. 3.

Assembly diagram:

When this structure grabs, form a gable roof over the building.
So, from the main basic elements, slightly changing them depending on your imagination, you can make a complex castle - like this for example.

Or a very simple one:

Everyone wants to make their site original and special. But how to do it? Here, various decorative figures will come to the rescue, only now they require costs.

Therefore, you can build a castle with your own hands on the site. This will not be a problem for those who do at least something with their own hands. In addition, this does not require special costs.

Decorations for the site

To decorate their territory now exists many options:

  • Entire zoos are literally built from old tires. There are swans, cats, giraffes and elephants.
  • From unsuitable logs and stones, you can arrange flower beds and flower beds.
  • From polyurethane foam and bottles you can create figurines for the garden.
  • And if you use cement and have some skills in working with it, you can create simply magnificent sculptures that will decorate any area.

You can also build a castle with your own hands from improvised materials or even build a whole kingdom that will delight not only kids, but also adults. This building will add mystery to the garden, and in order to make it look more alive, you can make a rockery or rock garden.

For a stronger and more durable building, you should use cement-sand mixture . For the composition, it is better to use 2 parts of sand and 1 part of cement. Before starting, it is desirable to dry the sand - the drier it is, the easier it will be to sift and subsequently use.

Most often, castles are quite large in size, and besides, their construction is slightly challenging task. To deal with this, you can try to build some parts separately, after which they can be easily assembled in the right place, like from cubes. Here's how to make a castle with your own hands.

Structure for building a castle

To build a tower from an iron sheet, you need to roll up a cylinder of the required size and fix it. You need to fix it so that after use it can be easily disassembled. To reduce solution consumption a bottle or jar should be placed inside the cylinder, but keep in mind that the thickness of the solution around the ballast should be about 5 cm.

When pouring the solution inside, make sure that it is thick. After that, he needs to give a few hours to harden, so that when removed, the formwork does not crumble.

The height of the formwork should be chosen in this way: it should be approximately equal to the tower, if it is less, it should be dismantled and assembled above the already set part.

You can cut the solution after it sets. To perform such work, the following tools are used:

  • chisel;
  • screwdriver;
  • scalpel or similar blade;
  • blade from a hacksaw for metal;
  • strips of tin that will help form the elements of the castle.

A castle made of simple cylindrical shapes will look a little boring, in order to avoid this, you should experiment and imitate masonry, chips or cracks at the bottom of the castle with a chisel to give the castle an antique effect. With a knife, you can make windows and loopholes.

The roof is constructed from tin cones, and they can also be used as a mortar mold. The roof should be knocked out of the mold only after the mortar has hardened reliably.

Wall making

For the manufacture of walls, a rectangle of the required size is assembled from boards, after which it is placed on flat surface, which is pre-covered with a piece of film or roofing material. The solution is poured into the resulting frame. To make windows or doors in the wall, the frames should be placed in advance in the right place.

After the solution has been poured to the desired height, stones or gravel can be inserted into the lower part, so that as a result a kind of imitation of the foundation is obtained, or when using a knife, draw grooves - characteristic gaps between the foundation stones.

When the mortar hardens, the frame is removed and, if required, details are added: windows, loopholes, etc. After that, the walls are left to dry for another day.

It is better to choose a sunny day for the construction of the castle. It is best to place it on a hill, it can serve as a bunch of stones. In order for the walls to stand securely, a foundation is erected for them, on which a thin layer of cement is then applied. And only after that it is worth installing walls. And they can also be strengthened in another way, for example, the internal cavity is filled with stone, rubble or mortar.

Since just castles made of concrete look gray and dull, many decorate them. To do this, use acrylic paint. This decorative element will become a real decoration of the garden, besides, both children and adults will be happy with it.

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