Which heating distribution is preferable for a two-story house? Construction of heating schemes for two-story individual houses. Which heating system is best for a two-story house?

It’s no secret that for comfortable living in a private home, heating is necessary - sometimes it’s impossible to live without heat even in summer time. And if for small house For one room a small “potbelly stove” is quite enough, but for a two-story house something more serious is needed. And the temperature in all rooms needs to be the same. It’s no good if a person languishes from the heat in one room, and freezes in the next room. Today we will try to understand which heating scheme for a 2-story private house is better, whether it is possible to design and install it yourself and what nuances each of them has.

Read in the article:

Heating diagram for a 2-story house: types of systems and general information

Designing and installing heating systems in two-story private houses is a rather complex process, but quite feasible. And no matter which one existing schemes will be applied, installation will not require any special skills. Enough basic rules and careful and strict adherence to instructions. Today we will try to provide this information to our dear reader in as much detail as possible.

Heating in private houses can differ not only in the energy component, but also in the distribution systems - they can be either single-pipe or double-pipe. What advantages one scheme has over another remains to be seen. And how accurate House master will understand the difference, the quality of subsequent design and installation depends, as well as the comfortable temperature in all rooms of the building.

In the meantime, one thing can be said - if you have detailed diagrams in your hands in a private house, it is quite possible to install it yourself. But first, let’s figure out what it can be, based on the energy component.

Energy sources for heating a house, their features, as well as positive and negative qualities

Heat sources in residential buildings can be:

  • electricity– these can be not only various heaters, but also boilers connected to a hydraulic heating system;
  • natural or liquefied gas– again boilers or various heaters (for example, infrared);
  • alternative systems– geothermal heating;
  • using solid fuel– in other words, stove heating.

Previously, houses were heated mainly using stove heating, but now everything more people switch to electricity or gas. The fact is that progress does not stand still and new types have become much cheaper than solid fuel, such as coal or firewood. There is one more advantage of all other types of heating over stove heating - no time or effort is required to transport fuel, prepare it and remove waste combustion products.

So, let’s figure out what this or that type of energy used for heating is.

Heating a private house with electricity - the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution

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How to significantly reduce costs? We will consider the most economical method in more detail in an article on our portal, comparing some types of heating systems.

Nowadays, when many new types of heaters have appeared, such heating has become very economical. But installation in each room of a two-story house infrared heaters or convectors - it’s quite expensive. In addition, it is not a fact that the electrical wiring was installed taking into account such loads. This means that the only option left is to install an electric boiler with. Some homeowners argue that it is cheaper to buy flow heater, which does not require a storage device. However, this is a misconception. Indeed, in this case, the boiler will work constantly, 24 hours a day, and with such operation, all savings from the purchase will be negated in the first months of use.

But we won’t talk about it in too much detail today; there is a separate topic for that. Now it is important to understand that the use of electric heating in a private house, with proper installation and selection of equipment, can become quite convenient and in an economical way heating

Expert opinion

ES, EM, EO design engineer (power supply, electrical equipment, interior lighting) ASP North-West LLC

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“If you plan to purchase an electric boiler, you need to make sure that the wiring in the house is designed for the load that it will consume. The ideal option would be to install a separate line specifically on the boiler with the installation of an automatic circuit breaker and a residual current device.”

Heating a private house with gas and what difficulties are associated with it

A similar system, if it works from natural gas, is also very economical. And yet its installation is quite complicated and impossible to do with your own hands. All work must be carried out by a service organization that has all licenses and permits. And this, as you might guess, is quite a large cost to pay for their labor. Even internal installation using a boiler on its own is strictly prohibited, unlike an electric one.

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As part of this review, we will try to sort it out. How to choose the best option and prioritize ordinary users, what models exist, how to properly carry out installation on your own.

Periodic inspections required during operation, which are also performed only by a licensed company, also become costly. On condition if a private house heated by gas cylinders, costs increase several times. But even despite this, such systems remain in demand due to the fact that they are still more economical than purchasing and using solid fuel.

Heating a private house gas boiler, in the absence of periodic audits and checks, becomes very dangerous. Very small leak liquid fuel indoors may cause an explosion. That is why homeowners try not to skimp on the services of professionals.

Heating a private home with solid fuel is gradually becoming a thing of the past.

Or coal is really gradually disappearing from our lives. Of course, it will never completely disappear, even if it remains in the baths. After all, what would a Russian bathhouse be without the birch smell and smoke. Well, in houses, of course, such heating today is extremely irrational. In addition to the expenditure of effort and time, there is also a fairly significant expense in financial terms - firewood is now very expensive.

Of course, the stoves have not left the houses. Now they are being modernized everywhere for gas. But as heating in a private house without gas and electricity (which is extremely rare), this option is quite good. After all, if compared with imported liquefied gas, there are savings due to the absence of the need to install additional equipment and maintain it. It turns out that, although economical heating You can’t call private houses without gas and electricity, but it also has a right to exist.

The use of alternative heating in private homes and what it is

This type is quite rare for Russia, although in America and Europe almost all private homes are heated with it. The essence of geothermal heating of a private home is to use the heat from the lower layers of the earth. After all, still from the course schooling everyone knows that the deeper, the warmer the soil. The principle of this method is based on this. The main work here is performed by a heat pump, which concentrates high temperatures, subsequently delivering them to a private home.

Positive qualities This kind of heating has quite a lot. Eg:

  • absolute fire safety - there is no need for gas or any other fuel;
  • efficiency - the only cost item is electricity, which requires an insignificant amount to operate the heat pump;
  • noiselessness;
  • operation in two modes - heating in winter and cooling in hot weather;
  • environmental friendliness - there are no harmful emissions into the atmosphere;
  • compactness - the owner does not need to equip a separate room in the house for a boiler room or boiler room.

Of course, most often such systems are laid out at the construction stage. But Russia is not yet accustomed to such heating. Let's hope things change. After all, this is indeed a very profitable option for heating in winter and cooling in summer - after all, there is no need to purchase and install air conditioners and other similar equipment.

Differences between open and closed heating systems: advantages and disadvantages of each of them

Those who have encountered the installation of heating systems know that they can be either closed or open. If not, then now we will try to explain what they are and how they differ.

Schemes of closed heating systems with forced water circulation imply sealed lines. This prevents the pipes located at a higher level from airing. When the water heats up, the valve is activated and the excess flows into the expansion tank. When cooling, the reverse process occurs.

Heating scheme closed type with a circulation pump is implemented in all apartment buildings. Its main advantage is the absence of evaporation and the possibility of using pipes with a smaller diameter.

In such a system, the use of any type of boiler is allowed, regardless of the fuel on which they operate. Heating system diagram open type

The size of the pipes when using an open heating system in a private house is much larger. For this reason, the costs of its installation increase. It is also inconvenient that it is necessary to use as few shaped elements as possible, such as knees. With a large number of turns, the circulation slows down. Electric boilers cannot be used as a heater. After all, the movement of water is quite slow, and therefore there is a danger of it boiling and failure of the heating elements.

And of course, one cannot help but dwell separately on the types of circulation.

Forced or natural - which is better to give preference to and what other types are there?

Natural circulation is the independent circulation of water in the system, without the use of a pump or pump. Used when installing an open heating system. The fact is that when installing a recirculation pump in this case, the water will take too long to warm up due to the large diameter of the pipes.

The heating scheme for a two-story house with natural circulation is quite complex to implement. This applies not only to the size and number of pipes. The main task is to create the necessary uniform slope of the highway along its entire length. And it’s not easy to do this on such a scale.

A heating scheme with forced circulation of a two-story house is free of such problems, and therefore it is much easier to install - water moves through the pipes using a pump. This means that a uniform slope is no longer necessary.

Important! If the circulation is forced, then you should not think that you can install radiators and mount pipes at random. In any case, accuracy is important. Here, all pipes should be located horizontally and vertically, and radiators should be strictly vertical.

It becomes clear that when choosing between a forced and natural (gravity) heating system for a two-story house, you need to make a decision based on your capabilities and desires. But nevertheless, a closed one, according to experts, is more reliable, easier to implement and requires less financial costs.

Features of various wiring, their pros and cons, as well as the nuances of installing various circuits

Before installation, you need to complete the most important part of the work - draw up a wiring diagram for the heating system in a private house. After all, no matter how simple it may seem, you cannot do without a detailed project. Especially if you plan to heat a two-story house with many rooms.

In addition, it contains another useful function (if it is really compiled in detail). It is according to the heating project for two-story houses (as, in fact, any others) that one can calculate the number required material, shaped elements and radiators. And based on this data, it will be possible to determine the upcoming costs. But this is a rather important point.

Many people believe that it is very difficult to do such work as installing heating in a private house on their own and that such work can only be done by professionals. However, this is not true.

And to prove this, we will now present to the attention of our dear reader several various schemes, which can be used to perform similar installation. And after that, everyone will decide for themselves which one is closer to them and which one is easier to do on their own. Although, looking ahead, we would like to say that, having understood the very essence of these schemes, it becomes clear that any of them is quite simple.

Single-pipe systems: how to install them

This is the simplest, and therefore the most common heating installation system. Its name already speaks for itself. For convenience, we will try to explain its essence in simple and accessible language. Let's take a room with 5 radiators installed around the perimeter. Then hot water, leaving the boiler, enters the first radiator, passes it and goes to the second, and so on in a circle.

The output from the last battery is connected to the boiler return. It turns out that one pipe runs around the perimeter. It does not matter how the radiators themselves are mounted to it - whether it will be a parallel connection or a serial one. It also doesn’t matter whether the diagram of a single-pipe heating system will be with bottom wiring or with top wiring (we’ll talk about this a little later).

It is this type of connection that is most often used in houses with a small number of rooms - it allows you to significantly save on the purchase of material. One pipe system heating a private house is quite convenient and unpretentious, but has one drawback. As the number of radiators increases, the temperature of the last one in the chain will be noticeably lower than the first. This is explained by the fact that the water has time to cool down while it passes through all the rooms. This means that the diagram of a single-pipe heating system in two-story house with a large area and many rooms will not work.

This means that other options should be considered.

The design of a two-pipe heating system in a two-story house is also not complicated, but it has its own fundamental differences from the previous version. Taking the same room with 5 radiators around the perimeter, you can build the following “project”. There are two pipes running from the boiler along all the radiators - supply and return. At the last radiator they are connected to form a closed circuit.

The connection is made as follows. Hot water from the boiler enters each of the radiators, and from it it returns to the return line (back to the heater). Thus, we get a system in which each heating device works directly with the boiler. It is in this case that there will be virtually no temperature difference between the radiators, which is what is required for comfortable living.

Installing double-circuit heating in a private house with your own hands is not difficult, but it requires care. In addition, material costs increase. But sometimes there is simply no other option. In addition, with such a device, even if in winter you open a window in one of the rooms, cooling it down to street temperature, even this will not affect the remaining radiators too much - they will be almost as hot.

At the same time, a two-pipe heating system with overhead wiring can be made with both forced circulation and natural circulation. One of the varieties of such a system is the “Tichelman loop”. We will talk about it now.

Tichelman scheme - what it is and why it is better than a conventional two-pipe system

If you look at Tichelman’s diagram for two-story houses, you can see one interesting detail. Hot water is also supplied to the first radiator, but the return flow comes from the last, although both pipes run along the perimeter. Thus, a kind of loop is obtained, which, as it were, combines two connections - one-pipe and two-pipe.

The advantage of installing a Tichelman loop on two floors is that even the slightest difference in the temperatures of the radiators disappears, regardless of which room or room they are located in. Of course, such a system will cost a little more, and therefore it should be used only in cases where large areas and the number of radiators.

Tichelman’s scheme for a two-story house is quite interesting both in terms of design and installation, but it also has its own difficulties. It's much easier to get confused with her. It would be advisable to first stretch one pipe, marking each of its branches to the radiator, and only then take on the second one. Otherwise, there is a chance of mixing up the supply and return.

Leningradka scheme: are there any differences between it and a conventional single-pipe system?

If we turn to a conventional single-pipe system, then Leningradka can be called one of its varieties, and now we will explain why. In fact, taking the same room as an example, with a single-pipe system you can connect radiators in series, which makes it impossible to adjust the temperature of each of them separately. By connecting the heating of a private house with your own hands according to the Leningradka scheme, you can get this opportunity.

Standard Leningradka circuit - the simplest connection

Installation is carried out as follows. The pipe from the boiler also runs along the perimeter of the room, but is not interrupted anywhere. Through such shaped parts as tees, both the supply to the battery and the return from it are connected to it. In this case, by installing the regulator on the radiator, you can freely adjust the temperature, setting it to comfortable - this will be the Leningrad heating system. The scheme for a two-story house is quite simple, which means it can be easily done with your own hands, even by a home craftsman who does not have such experience.

Of course, two-pipe circuits are much more reliable and distribute heat better, but if the area of ​​the house is small, then such a circuit will come in handy. It is also possible to perform top wiring.

Of course, this is a little more complicated, but then there is the option of installing heating with natural circulation. It is due to its simplicity that such a scheme has received quite wide use

among homeowners. If the building area is large enough, then the Leningradka system is unacceptable for heating a two-story house.

Collector heating system - what is its advantage

The use of a collector heating circuit in a two-story house is a fairly rational solution that is suitable for both one-pipe and two-pipe systems. Let's try to explain what it is. It is clear that in a two-story house there is more than one room - there are several of them in one. This means the question arises of distributing the hot water supply from the boiler to different radiators

. To avoid installing many loops, you can do the following. At the outlet of the boiler, a collector is installed, from which as many pipes depart as there are rooms on the floor. For the second, it is better to install a separate one, through a tee.

It is this system that will allow you to get by with only one pump. In the case of connection through tees, you will have to install a second one, because one simply cannot cope with two floors. And for a more complete understanding of this topic, we suggest you look short video about collector heating in two-story houses.

Many people call this home heating radiant, which is also correct. If we consider a conventional two-circuit system, then it is simply impossible to do without the use of such a scheme - after all, a person will not install a two-pipe scheme for 2-3 rooms.

As for installation, the radiant heating system is also at its best - with its use, the implementation of such work is greatly facilitated. In other words, we were unable to find any negative qualities in her, although we tried very hard. If any of our dear readers succeeds, kind request Write about this in the discussions, we will be very grateful.

Now regarding the use of radiant heating systems in private houses with a single-pipe scheme. And here it does not fail, almost perfectly comparing the temperature readings of the first and last radiator in the chain, even without the use of a Tichelman loop. This means that the collector system can be considered a real find.

Thermal engineering calculation of a heating system: why it is needed and how to do it

First, let's try to understand why it is needed and what we can ultimately learn.

Boiler powerIndeed, after spending full calculations We will determine this parameter with precision. This is necessary in order not to purchase a boiler of less power than necessary (there will not be enough heat to heat all the rooms) or more (why overpay for unnecessary excess consumption of fuel or electricity)
Radiators powerThis is necessary to determine whether the heat they generate is enough for the room in which they are located and whether they will have to be kept covered, which again will hit your pocket when purchasing
Monthly heating costsBudget planning is a fairly important component. Knowing how much you will need to spend per month, this process will be much easier.
How to reduce heat lossThis is also very important. After all, in the absence of heat leaks, savings on heating the house increase. We will definitely talk about this today
Will moisture accumulate?This factor is important not only from the point of view of dampness as a component of heat loss, but also as a factor determining the service life of the house itself.

Of course, it is better to hire professional designers for this purpose, but in this case the payment for their services will be quite an impressive amount. If this is unacceptable, it is better to calculate the heating of a private house yourself. But you need to be prepared for the fact that this will be quite difficult. Let's look at the main things you need to know for this.

Calculating the power of a heating boiler based on the area of ​​the house is the simplest step

By generally accepted rules for every 10 m2, 1 kW of power is required. Thus, provided that total area of all heated rooms of the house is 170 m2, a 17 kW boiler is required. But don’t forget about additional coefficients.

  • Too much water (small expansion tank) - water expands when heated and either overflows the top ( open system), or is squeezed out through the emergency valve (closed). Further, the system cools down, there is less water and... see previous.
  • Thus, these calculations are also very important. Typically, the volume of the expansion tank is taken as 10% of the total amount of liquid in the system. We suggest you, again, use an online calculator. After all, it is much simpler and faster.

    Comfortable living in a private two-story house depends entirely on the complex of communications, among which one of the main places is occupied by the heating network. Is not it? It is she who is responsible for maintaining optimal temperature conditions and the safety of the building itself. Agree, room temperature is one of the main components of ensuring comfortable living.

    The choice of heat source and its correct connection directly determines whether you can maintain the temperature necessary for living. Here we will help you understand how the heating system of a two-story house functions, and which wiring diagrams are considered the most effective.

    Here you will find information about the types of coolants, methods and features of their connection. For clarity, the material is accompanied by connection diagrams, as well as videos that will help expand knowledge about heating systems in private houses.

    It is quite difficult to independently select the equipment necessary to assemble a heating system. To do this, you need to have special engineering knowledge, be able to navigate detailed calculations and installation nuances.

    If you have the appropriate education or you already have experience installing heating in a two-story house, you can choose the option heating circuit independently, using useful information and developed skills.

    Selecting a thermal energy source

    The heart of the heating network is the heat generator, which heats the coolant to optimal temperature and, if its technical capabilities allow, maintains the specified parameters around the clock.

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    The choice of heating scheme for a two-story house depends on its area and layout. The most familiar and widespread scheme for dachas and country houses There is still a heating system with natural circulation of coolant, not much different from the heating scheme of one-story houses.

    The only feature of the heating distribution scheme with natural circulation in a two-story house is the choice of location for installing the expansion tank. There is no need to take it out into the attic and you can confine yourself to placing it anywhere on the second floor (of course, at the highest point of the room), ensuring the possibility of discharging the coolant.

    With this method of connecting heating devices, the coolant enters them from above (top wiring), which ensures uniform heating of the radiators and heated rooms. To ensure directional movement of the coolant, pipes must be laid with a slope of 3-5 degrees, remembering that the diameter of the return pipeline should increase as it approaches the boiler.

    The supply pipeline can be laid under the ceiling or under window sills. Examples of connecting radiators are shown in Figure 1.

    Among the advantages of the heating scheme for a two-story house with natural circulation are:

    • Independence from power supply
    • Reliability
    • Ease of operation
    • Quiet operation of the system

    Unfortunately, there are many more disadvantages in a heating system with natural circulation than advantages:

    • Complexity of installation and the need to lay pipes with a mandatory slope
    • Small heated area: the system simply does not have enough pressure to heat a two-story house with an area of ​​more than 130 m2
    • Low efficiency
    • Large temperature difference between supply and return, which negatively affects the operation of the boiler
    • The presence of oxygen in the coolant and, as a result, internal corrosion of the system
    • The need to monitor the level of constantly evaporating coolant and add it. As a result, scale forms on the pipes.
    • For the same reason, antifreeze should not be used.
    • High material consumption of the system

    It is much more efficient to use heating systems with forced circulation of coolant in a two-story house. In this case, the easiest way to implement the following schemes:

    • Single-pipe
    • Two-pipe
    • Collector

    You can do them yourself

    Single-pipe heating scheme for a two-story house

    With a single-pipe connection scheme for heating devices, the movement of the coolant is divided into two branches, one of which goes to the first floor, and the second to the second floor. On each floor, a shut-off valve is installed at the entrance of the heating pipe, which allows heating only half of the rooms.

    After passing through the heating devices, the pipes with the coolant are again combined into one, going to the boiler. The connection of radiators on each floor is the same as for one-story buildings.

    To regulate the heating level of radiators and balance the system, shut-off valves are installed at the inlet of each heating device. A shut-off valve is also installed at the outlet of the radiator, designed to shut it off in the event of replacement or repair. With this connection, heating devices can be replaced without stopping the entire system and draining the water. Also, a valve for releasing air is installed on each radiator in its upper part.

    Radiators are installed with a bypass line, which significantly increases the uniformity of heating of the room. Mount heating devices it is possible without a bypass line, but in this case it is necessary to install heating devices of different thermal power in the house, taking into account the loss of cooling of the coolant: the further from the boiler, the more sections the radiator should have. If you do not follow this rule, then some rooms will be hot, while others, on the contrary, will be cold.

    The heating scheme for a two-story house can be done without shut-off valves, or rather, with fewer of them, but at the same time its maneuverability is significantly reduced. In this case, there will be no need to talk about separate heating of the first and second floors.

    Advantages and disadvantages of a single-pipe heating system

    • Single-pipe heating system is relatively easy to install
    • Its use ensures effective heat transfer
    • A single-pipe heating system for a two-story house allows you to save on materials.

    The disadvantages of this type of heating system include the uneven distribution of heat across heating devices, as well as the need to balance the system.

    The two-pipe heating system of a two-story house with forced circulation of coolant does not have all these disadvantages.

    Heating scheme with forced circulation of a two-story house

    A two-pipe heating system for a two-story house with forced circulation provides uniform distribution heat and is a more efficient system, it is not for nothing that it is often compared to the human circulatory system. In it, the heated coolant is supplied to each heating device separately through a branch from a common supply pipe. A branch is also provided for the return pipeline from each radiator.

    Radiators are installed with air vents and shut-off valves on the supply pipe, which allows you to change the degree of heating of the heating device. For safety reasons and to avoid excess pressure in the heating device, shut-off valves are not installed at the return pipe outlet from the radiator. The supply pipe can be laid under the ceiling or under the windowsill.

    The only drawback of a two-pipe heating system is its high material consumption: pipes are needed in double quantities for supply and return. In addition, pipes are difficult to decorate, and it is not always possible to hide them. The collector heating circuit does not have all these disadvantages.

    Collector heating circuit for a two-story house

    The collector circuit can be used with equal success to heat both a one-story and two-story house. It works only with the forced movement of coolant, which is first supplied to the collector. In this case, each heating device is separately connected to the collector through shut-off valves.

    This connection method allows you to install and dismantle heating devices on a running system, without stopping it and draining the coolant.

    • The system is easy to manage. Each of its circuits is independent and can be connected to a separate automatic control system with a separate circulation pump.
    • You can connect underfloor heating
    • You can hide the pipes in the raised floor by placing the collector in a separate cabinet
    • The heating system is easy to install and can be done “with your own hands”

    What to give preference

    Any of the above heating schemes for a two-story house has been tested in practice and has repeatedly proven its effectiveness. Fundamental difference there is no between them. It is much easier to implement a collector heating circuit in practice.

    User Questions:

    • What diameter of plastic pipes should be used in a two-pipe heating system for a two-story house?
    • With a forced circulation system, how to make wiring on the second floor so that the solid fuel boiler does not boil when there is a power outage
    • What heating system is best to use for a three-story kindergarten?
    • Hello. Please tell me. One-story house with a basement. At the level of the first floor there is a boiler room attached (the boiler is on the first floor, I want to note - NOT in the basement). How to correctly assemble a one-pipe system, where to install a circulation pump
    • In accordance with what regulatory documents the choice of heating system diagram is made (single-pipe, two-pipe, with bottom wiring, with top wiring, dead-end)
    • Hello. Two-storey house. On the ground floor there is an electric boiler and a serial connection diagram for radiators. The ground floor has its own electric boiler, but the connection diagram is a collector one. It is possible to combine them and connect them to one boiler. Both schemes have p
    • Hello! Two-pipe horizontal heating system with forced circulation. The house is two-story. There are 2 radiators on the second floor. Can I power them from two different points on the ground floor?
    • Good afternoon Is it possible to combine a two-pipe and one-pipe system in a heating circuit? Thank you
    • Is a bypass required for the battery? If yes, what SNiP regulates this?
    • Hello, please tell me what pipe diameters should be installed for heating lines for a two-story house
    • Good day! I have a two-story house on the second floor with 10 radiators, on the first floor there are 10 radiators! I bought a Ferroli floor-standing boiler and a pump, I want to make a forced heating system, two-pipe! Please tell me how? Thank you in advance, best regards Geor
    • I have a 2-story house. On the ground floor there is heating without a pump. Second floor without heating. Is it possible to connect the second floor to the existing heating through a pump, and leave the first floor without a pump? All heating is from one boiler. If so, how?
    • Good afternoon! Please tell me! My husband and I built the house ourselves without the involvement of other people. But we can’t decide on the heating. The house is on the 2nd floor, there is a boiler room attached at the level of the 1st floor. We want to get the following from heating: on the 1st floor there is a warm floor and radiators, on the 2nd floor
    • Good day. Mounted boiler, two-pipe polypropylene system 25 mm. Built an attic. On the second floor, the builders put a metal-plastic pipe 20 under the floor. Two batteries, one pipe. The second floor does not heat up at all. HOW CAN IT BE FIXED? THANK YOU.

    To ensure warmth and comfort in a two-story house, you need to correctly determine the heating scheme for a two-story house. The heating system is essential engineering system life support of any home. Its purpose is to compensate for heat loss and create a certain temperature regime, which is needed primarily for people living in the house, but one should not underestimate the fact that efficient system heating is designed to ensure, among other things, the stability and durability of building structures.

    It is better to entrust the calculation and design to heating engineers who will assess heat loss, give recommendations for insulating the house, and also make a detailed calculation, which will avoid unnecessary expenses on expensive equipment. But the choice of heating scheme for a two-story house can be made by the customer himself, based on many years of operating experience.

    Heating classification

    Types of thermal energy sources - heat generators

    Before choosing one heating scheme or another, it is useful to know existing species and which one is suitable for the specific problem being solved. It is known that the main source of heat is different kinds heat generators, which can be:

    • Stoves and fireplaces. This type of heating was once the main one, but is now used less and less due to the high cost of fuel (wood and coal) and the inability to effectively control the temperature in the house. In some regions where there is no gas supply, this type of heating is the only choice.

    • Various types of heating boilers, which can be: gas, solid fuel, liquid fuel, electric, depending on the availability of access to various energy sources and their cost.
    • Alternative energy sources. This category includes: geothermal energy received, as well as solar energy, which is converted into thermal energy by solar collectors. This type of heating is in a stage of rapid development and is still used quite rarely in our country due to high prices for equipment.

    Future perspective - energy-independent houses
    • Infrared heating. Heat sources are special infrared emitters, which are used in most cases electrical energy. Thermal energy with such heating is delivered directly to the “addressee” by radiation. For heating large rooms or rooms with low frequency of people entering them infrared heating would be a great choice.

    In some situations, it will be wise to combine different types of heat generators for heating. For example, if there is country house, where the family comes only on weekends. In this case, it would be reasonable to have a gas boiler for the main heating and an electric one to prevent the water in the system from freezing in winter and maintain the minimum permissible temperature in the house.

    Types of coolants

    Any heating system must transfer the heat concentrated in the heat generator to the heating device that heats a specific room. This is done using a coolant, which can be:

    • Air that is used for heating by stoves, fireplaces, and various electric heaters. Due to the fact that air has a low density, heat capacity and heat transfer coefficient, it is much inferior to liquid coolants.
    • Water is an almost ideal coolant due to the fact that it has high heat capacity, density, heat transfer coefficient, and chemical inertness. Water heated by the heating boiler is transported to heating appliances using a pipeline system.

    In most modern heating systems, water or various antifreezes, which are aqueous solutions of ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, or their combinations, are used as a coolant. Such a property as resistance to non-freezing at low temperatures can be useful in heating systems of such houses where people are not planned to live permanently in winter. In those houses where heating will work all winter, the use of antifreeze is not economically feasible.

    Various antifreezes do not “get along” well with aluminum radiators, some seals and pipes. In addition, coolants containing ethylene glycol are poisonous. Therefore, such compositions should be used only in cases where you simply cannot do without them.

    Types of heating devices

    Heating appliances can be divided into two main classes:

    • Radiators - translated from Latin they are translated as “emitter”, that is, a device that transmits heat in the form of infrared thermal radiation. However, modern radiators are not purely radiators, but also transfer part of the heat in the form of convection, but they have retained their name.
    • Convectors - the transfer of thermal energy into the room occurs by heating the air, and it already transfers it to all surrounding objects. Such heating devices have copper (less often steel) tubes surrounded by finned heat exchangers. The air entering the heat exchanger is heated by its plates and rises, giving way to cooler air. In order for air exchange to be effective, the entire convector structure is placed in a special casing.

    In modern systems, another heating method such as “warm floor” or “warm floor” is widely used. warm walls”, which are essentially a large radiator that transfers the “lion’s share” of heat in the form of radiation, and this increases comfort and allows you to reduce the air temperature in the room by about 2 degrees, which leads to fuel savings of about 12%.

    Types of heating radiators

    In the heating system of a two-story house, completely different heating systems can be used, depending on the tasks being solved, the area of ​​the room, design data, and preferences. Radiators can be divided into several types:

    • Cast iron sectional radiators- those that we are used to seeing in apartments and houses of old construction. They have a large mass and high thermal inertia, but are undemanding to the quality of the coolant, are not subject to corrosion, and have high heat transfer. Such radiators fit perfectly into any interior, especially classic ones.

    Cast iron sectional radiators - timeless classics
    • Aluminum sectional radiators are an excellent choice for autonomous heating systems, but they are more sensitive to the quality of the coolant and do not tolerate direct contact with copper pipes. Such radiators fit perfectly into any interior.

    • Bimetallic sectional radiators are a combination of steel or copper tubes, through which the coolant circulates and the aluminum surface transfers heat into the room. Such radiators are undemanding to the coolant, can withstand high operating pressure, and are practically indistinguishable from aluminum in appearance.
    • Steel is a one-piece structure made of stamped and welded sheet steel. Such radiators have only two threaded connections to the heating system, which increases their reliability. High heat dissipation, low weight, low inertia, aesthetic appearance, - all this made them the most popular in autonomous closed systems heating houses.

    In addition to the listed models, manufacturers also produce various designer models, which include solid cast iron, tubular steel and even ceramic. High price on these devices is explained by the fact that design ambitions in them prevail over engineering rationality.

    Prices for popular models of heating radiators

    Heating radiators

    Heating schemes for a two-story house

    The number of implementations of a heating system for a two-story house is infinite, since it depends on many factors: the size of the house, the availability of uninterrupted power supply, the constancy of people living in the house, etc. Therefore, it would be reasonable to consider several standard schemes which have proven their effectiveness.

    Heating scheme for a house with natural circulation

    The name of such a system speaks for itself - the circulation of coolant in the heating system occurs due to natural processes. The operation of such a system can be seen in the figure.

    Water heated in the boiler heat exchanger decreases in density and is displaced by colder and denser water from the return line. It is this difference in the weights of hot and chilled water that ensures circulation in the heating system. At the highest point of the hot water riser it is equipped expansion tank, which allows water to expand when heated, allows you to control the water level in the system and, if necessary, make replenishment. In addition, all the air that will inevitably be present in the system will exit into the expansion tank.

    Distribution pipelines and return lines, also called beds, are always made on slopes to facilitate water circulation: the upper bed is to the radiators, and the bottom is to the boiler. In such a system, the boiler should be at the lowest point. Coolant is supplied to the radiators through hot water risers, and cooled water is discharged through return risers.

    One of the options for implementing a two-pipe heating system for a two-story house with natural circulation is presented in the following diagram.

    In this diagram, attention should be paid to the large number of pipelines and their high nominal diameter - . This is explained by the fact that in gravitational systems, in order to ensure coolant circulation, it is necessary to minimize resistance, and this is only possible in large-diameter pipes.

    Natural circulation systems naturally have advantages:

    • Independence from power supply - the heating system will work both in the complete absence of electricity and in the event of interruptions in its supply.
    • Reliability and simplicity proven over many years of operation.
    • The absence of pumps and the low circulation speed of the coolant make such a system silent.

    Despite all the advantages, such systems are gradually becoming a thing of the past, as they no longer meet modern requirements to heating systems.

    • Gravity systems are extremely material-intensive - large-diameter steel pipes are used for their installation.
    • Installation of heating systems with steel pipes technologically complex and time consuming.
    • Systems with natural circulation have limitations on the area of ​​heated premises. According to experts, the total length of horizontal sections (beds) should not exceed 40 meters, and the total area 150 m2.
    • High inertia - from the moment the system is started until all radiators warm up to the design temperature, it can take several hours.
    • A large difference in supply and return temperatures can have a bad effect on the boiler heat exchanger.
    • The coolant of gravity systems contains a large amount of dissolved oxygen, which affects the corrosion of pipes and radiators, so in such systems only cast iron or bimetallic radiators can be used.

    Forced circulation heating systems

    Almost all modern heating systems use only forced (artificial) coolant circulation, which provides significant advantages:

    • The use of circulation pumps helps to heat any area with any number of floors in a building.
    • The diameter of the pipes can be much smaller, since the pump allows the coolant to be pumped at a higher speed.
    • The use of circulation pumps makes it possible to reduce the temperature in heating systems with the same heat transfer parameters of radiators, and this, in turn, allows the use of cheaper polymer and metal-plastic pipes.
    • Possibility of both general and zonal adjustment in heating systems.

    The disadvantages of forced circulation systems are:

    • Dependence on electricity, which is easily solved by the presence of uninterruptible power supplies or generators.
    • The operating noise of the heating system is higher, but if calculated correctly, it is not audible to the human ear in heated rooms.

    The circulation pump is usually installed into the heating system on the return line in front of the boiler, since in this place the most low temperature coolant.

    For forced circulation to work correctly, the selected pump model must meet the system parameters. There is a special calculation method key characteristics- productivity and generated pressure. In order not to bore the reader with formulas, we suggest using the built-in calculators.

    Pump performance calculator

    Enter the requested values ​​and click the "CALCULATE" button

    Specify the power of the heating boiler

    Convert to watts

    Specify the type of heat exchange devices

    Heat capacity coefficient of water

    Density of water

    Calculator for calculating the generated coolant pressure

    Enter the requested data and click the "CALCULATE" button

    Specify the total length of the circuit pipes (supply + return)

    Specify the type of shut-off and control valves used

    Pipe resistance

    Prices for circulation pumps

    Circulation pump

    Single-pipe heating system for a two-story house

    In single-pipe autonomous heating systems, both natural and forced circulation of the coolant can be used. The coolant from the boiler goes into the supply riser, and then is divided into two floors into beds, to which heating radiators are connected in series.

    Single-pipe heating system - reliable, but outdated

    It is obvious that after each radiator the temperature in the pipeline will decrease, and this must be taken into account in the calculations. The advantages of such a system are:

    • Pipe consumption during installation of such a system is minimal.
    • Possibility of implementing a system with natural circulation. For example, during a power outage, you can close the pump using a bypass jumper, and the system will continue to function, albeit with less efficiency.
    • Installation time and cost are lower than other systems.

    The disadvantages of single-pipe wiring are:

    • Difficulty in adjusting and configuring the system.
    • To remove one individual radiator, you need to stop the entire system.

    Video: Single-pipe heating system, its advantages and disadvantages

    Two-pipe autonomous heating system

    The requirements for modern heating systems require fine adjustment of both the entire system as a whole and each part separately, which allows you to control the microclimate in the premises, as well as save energy resources. And it is the two-pipe heating system that provides this opportunity.

    In such systems there are two separate pipelines: supply and return, and heating radiators are connected to them in parallel. Let's look at the operation of such a system using an example. The coolant heated in the boiler is deaerated automatic valve(2) and enters a vertical riser, which is divided into horizontal sections of the first and second floors. The return pipeline is connected to the corresponding boiler inlet and, similarly to the supply, is divided into two floors.

    On the return line in front of the boiler there are:

    • Safety valve (11) that relieves excess pressure in the system. The operating pressure in closed heating systems is 1-3 bar.
    • Circulation pump (9), maintaining coolant flow at a given speed, with its piping fittings (7, 8).
    • A membrane expansion tank that compensates for the expansion of the coolant and maintains constant pressure in the system.

    Radiators (4) are connected in parallel to the supply and return pipelines, and it is best to make the connection exactly as shown in the figure: make the supply at the top point, and the return at the bottom diagonal - with this scheme, the most uniform heating occurs and, accordingly, better heat transfer.

    Opportunity self-adjustment each radiator individually is provided with a special thermostatic valve (3), which, depending on the air temperature in the room, can limit or completely shut off the flow of coolant through the radiator. However, this will not affect the operation of the system as a whole. To ensure that the radiators do not interfere with each other’s operation and provide approximately equal resistance to the flow of coolant through them, balancing valves (5) are installed at their outlet, with the help of which the entire heating system is adjusted.

    Two-pipe autonomous system heating has a number of undeniable advantages:

    • The coolant enters each radiator at the same temperature.
    • Lower losses in the system allow the use of less powerful circulation pumps.
    • Completely different connections can be connected to the supply and return pipelines of a two-pipe system. thermal appliances: radiators, convectors, fan coils, “warm floor” system with its own collector and pumping group.
    • Repairing or adjusting each individual unit does not affect the operation as a whole.

    The disadvantages of a two-pipe system are the high consumption of materials, which affects cost and complexity, and this can, if not properly calculated and installed, affect reliability.

    Options for two-pipe systems

    Two-pipe heating systems have many implementation options. The axonometric diagram shows the three most used cases of wiring two-pipe heating systems.

    • Two-pipe dead-end pipe distribution, presented on the conditional first floor of the diagram. In such a system, the forward and return pipelines are mounted side by side, parallel to each other, right up to the last radiator of the branch. The diameters of the supply and return pipes decrease as they approach the dead-end radiator. With this connection method, the system needs to be configured using balancing valves so that radiators located closer to the boiler do not close the coolant flow through themselves.
    • Two-pipe counter piping is presented on the conditional second floor of the diagram. In this connection method, the direct pipeline approaches the radiator on one side, and the reverse on the other. This allows you to stabilize the coolant flow and avoid balancing radiators. This method is also called the “Tichelman loop”. The supply and return pipelines must have the same cross-sections.
    • The collector wiring is presented on the third floor of the diagram. The main forward and return pipelines are connected to the collector, from which pipes of the same diameter are already distributed to all radiators. Such a system requires more pipe flow, but balancing it is very simple. In order for the system to work best, the collector must be located close to the geometric center of the floor, and the lengths of the pipelines will be approximately equal.


    • It is better to entrust the development of a heating system diagram for a two-story house to heating engineers.
    • The most promising and modern are two-pipe heating systems.
    • Proper combination with a warm water floor gives the best results.

    Video: Options for radiator heating systems

    TOP 10 best circulation pumps for heating systems

    Photo Name Rating Price
    The best circulation pumps for heating systems with high resistance

    Wilo TOP-S 30/10 EM PN6/10 ⭐ 99 / 100

    BELAMOS BRS 25/8G (180 mm) ⭐ 98 / 100
    The best circulation pumps for heating systems with medium resistance
    #1 Grundfos UPS 25-40 180 ⭐ 99 / 100

    ⭐ 98 / 100 1 - vote

    Wilo Yonos PICO 25/1-6 ⭐ 97 / 100

    Wilo Star-RS 25/4 ⭐ 96 / 100

    DAB VS 65/150 M ⭐ 95 / 100

    Wilo Star-RS 30/6-180 ⭐ 94 / 100
    The best circulation pumps for hot water supply

    Grundfos COMFORT 15-14 BA PM ⭐ 99 / 100

    Wilo Star-Z 20/1 CircoStar ⭐ 98 / 100

    Which circulation pumps would you choose for your heating system or what would you recommend purchasing?

    Wilo TOP-S 30/10 EM PN6/10

    The circulation pump Wilo-TOP-S 30/10 can be used in various systems heating. The base is made of cast iron with cataphoresis coating. Two types of connection: threaded and flanged, 3 rotation speeds. In 1 hour of operation, the pump pumps up to 12 m3 of coolant, lifting up to a maximum of 10 m. Engine power 410 W. The maximum coolant temperature is up to 140 C, but during operation no more than 2 hours.

    • high-quality and reliable production;
    • high performance.
    • heavy weight.

    BELAMOS BRS 25/8G (180 mm)

    The purpose is to pump coolant in a pipeline system. Used in heating, air conditioning and underfloor heating systems. Maximum productivity is 5.28 cubic meters per hour, maximum pressure is 8 m. The pump operation is almost silent (40 dB(A)), low energy consumption, light weight.

    • presence of overheating protection;
    • the working fluid lubricates the bearings and cools the rotor.
    • the control unit is not sealed;
    • The nuts included in the kit are not of the best quality.

    Grundfos UPS 25-40 180

    Equipment from Grundfos has high performance, long service life and quality. This model is suitable for a heat supply system in the “average” country house. Capacity per hour is no more than 3 cubic meters, the highest pressure is 4 m. Suitable as a coolant: plain water, and propylene glycol antifreeze. The pump has an economical motor (no more than 45W) and 3 regulator positions. The rotor is separated from the stator by a stainless steel sleeve, which is very important to avoid leaks and use water as a coolant. The manufacturers also took care of the little things: you don’t need a screwdriver to access the terminals; there is a flag on the cover that you just need to turn.

    • There is automatic control beyond the water level;
    • front control panel;
    • low noise level;
    • low power consumption
    • low liquid lift height;
    • low productivity.

    The circulation pump with a bronze casing is equipped with a single-phase motor with a wet rotor and a reliably protected stator. The liquid throughput is 11 cubic meters per hour, creates a resistance of up to 7.5 m, the engine power is 135 W, so this model is suitable for the longest heating system in a country house. The pump can be installed either vertically or in horizontal position. The main advantage of the equipment is the adjustment of the rotation speed of its working shaft. The pump has fairly simple controls; you just need to press one button to change its speed.

    Grundfos UPS 32-80

    Properly equipped heating system guarantees the comfort of any home. The heating scheme of a two-story house requires especially careful planning, because it involves the need to raise water in the pipes to an additional height.

    The water supply system (WW) of a residential building with two floors is understood as a complex of elements, including pipelines, a boiler, fittings, temperature control sensors and other components. If they are correctly selected and installed, operating costs for heating your home can be significantly reduced and at the same time enjoy a truly comfortable microclimate.

    Water heating system for a 2-story residential building

    A modern heating system for a two-story house comes in different types:

    • two- and one-pipe;
    • with top and bottom wiring;
    • with natural circulation and forced;
    • with risers of horizontal and vertical design;
    • with a main option for moving the coolant and with a dead-end option.

    Heating with a main option for moving coolant

    In each specific case, the owner of the cottage selects the most effective CO, which ensures the maintenance of the set temperature in the home for a certain time, has simple, functional and convenient control, and makes it possible to install a “warm floor” system.

    The optimal heating option is when all the equipment that makes up the heating system of a two-story house operates in automatic mode.

    Let's talk about which CO is best to install in a cottage with two floors.

    The simplest one is considered to be the joint venture called “Leningradka”. She was very popular in Soviet times due to the fact that it made the owner of a country cottage completely independent of the central heating system. “Leningradka” is an economical single-pipe heating scheme that is easy to do with your own hands. This CO works with both electric and brick ovens, where peat briquettes, firewood, and coal are loaded.

    SO "Leningradka" for a private home

    "Leningradka" makes it possible to halve the number of pipes required to organize heating of housing, compared to a two-pipe system. Its other advantages include:

    • low labor intensity of installation (as was said, everything can be done with your own hands) and its “budget”;
    • opportunity simple repair during operation;
    • maintaining an elegant interior in the house (than less pipes, the more invisible they are indoors);
    • possibility of installing a “warm floor” system (subject to certain conditions) and installations under doorways“main” pipe (supplying coolant for steam heating).

    “Leningradka” can be “hidden” under the floor, it is easy to install it above it, installation of pipes for water heating can be done both vertically and horizontally. It would seem that a better system could not be found. Unfortunately, everything is not so rosy. Firstly, “Leningradka” is more suitable for one-story buildings. Heating a two-story house with its help is associated with a number of serious difficulties, which, however, if desired, can be resolved with your own hands at relatively low cost. Secondly, "Leningradka" at horizontal installation does not allow you to create a “warm floor”.

    Installation of pipes for water heating

    Also, the described single-pipe CO requires the use of welding equipment and a mandatory check (very complex and time-consuming) for the tightness of the resulting welded joints and an increase in pressure inside the system. Many people believe that its main disadvantage is that the heat transfer from radiators located in different rooms is uneven. For these reasons, the two-pipe CO is many times better than the Leningradka.

    This heating scheme for a two-story house is devoid of most of the “cons” that a single-pipe design has. True, its installation requires more pipes and other materials. But the organization quality heating a private building is undoubtedly more important.

    A two-pipe system operates according to the following scheme: the coolant goes up along one line, and returns along the other. To perform such a scheme with your own hands, you can use any pipes and types heating batteries. Radiators are connected in different ways. If the pipeline is “hidden” under the floor or both main pipes are located under the battery, the return flow and the coolant itself are connected to the lower radiator pipes.

    Radiator connection diagram

    The heat transfer efficiency of the heating elements in this case may not be very high, since the upper section of the battery does not always warm up. It is not recommended to use such a scheme for connecting water heating pipes if cast iron radiators are installed. It is better in this situation to use more modern panel batteries.

    The second method is that the return is connected from below, and the coolant is connected from above (on one side). With this connection method, two-pipe wiring functions much more efficiently. But it is not suitable for batteries with a large number (over 15) of sections - heat loss with 16 or more sections becomes critical.

    2-pipe connections

    The most popular are projects for heating a private home on two floors, which use a cross (diagonal) method of connecting pipes with your own hands:

    • on one side (top) the coolant approaches the radiator;
    • the return is connected on the other side from below.

    Two-pipe wiring in a private house allows you to shut off CO in one of its sections at any time. At the same time, the remaining rooms in the cottage continue to be heated to the same extent. It is desirable that the two-pipe system be made with forced rather than natural circulation (EC) of hot water. We will talk about the differences between types of circulation further.

    The difference between these two types of circulation is the way water moves through the CO. To implement the forced scheme, it is necessary to install special equipment, in particular circulation pump, for a natural person there is no such need.

    The EC is characterized by a number of advantages:

    • absence of noise and vibration during system operation;
    • simplicity of installation and maintenance;
    • long service life.

    Installation of a natural circulation system

    At the same time, COs with natural circulation start up quite slowly; the water in the pipes of such systems can freeze when sub-zero temperatures on the street. Another disadvantage is the need to install large cross-section pipes (they are more expensive and more difficult to install).

    Nowadays such systems are used quite rarely. Users prefer a more modern and efficient heating scheme. This is forced circulation CO, which has the following important advantages:

    • the possibility of constructing wiring of any length in a private house;
    • independence of heating quality from coolant temperature indicators;
    • simple adjustment of operating modes.

    CO with forced circulation

    In versions with forced circulation, hot water flows through pipes due to the operation of pumping equipment. The water comes from the boiler, in which it is heated, under the action of a special pump (it is called a circulation pump).

    With such a heating scheme, Mayevsky valves and taps are installed on each radiator. The first make it possible to select the heating temperature of a specific battery. Valves can be automatic or manual. And the Mayevsky valve allows you to remove unnecessary air from the system.

    Experts advise installing in two-story cottages CO with a double-circuit boiler and forced circulation. Then it will be very easy for you to make a “warm floor” in your house, install heated towel rails and always control the operation of the heating system, setting for yourself the most comfortable temperature.

    The growing popularity of this heating scheme for private buildings is due to the ease of its management and operation. Collector one- or two-pipe CO is characterized by an independent supply of coolant to each radiator installed in the cottage. Due to this, you can, if necessary, completely disconnect any battery or reduce (increase) the temperature of the water in it. At the same time, in other rooms the radiators will operate in the same modes.

    Collector independent liner

    The collector system has the following scheme:

    • return and supply collectors are installed on the risers of the first and second floors of a residential building;
    • return and supply pipelines are connected to the batteries on the floors (they are placed in the wall or “hidden” under the floor);
    • Air vents that operate automatically or Mayevsky taps must be installed on collectors and radiators.

    Air vent to the manifold

    This wiring is ideal for creating a “warm floor” system. In some cases (relatively small area of ​​the cottage), collector steam heating is installed without radiators. In essence, a “warm floor” replaces a pile of radiators. This reduces the cost of installing a home heating system.

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