When sport is harmful: facts and myths. Wrong diet of an athlete. Sports activities are harmful to the female breast

Unfortunately, this is most likely the case. The fact is that the human body has a certain margin of safety, and some of its systems gradually simply completely develop the resource. When a person goes in for sports professionally, he experiences loads on certain groups of muscles and joints, and the same organs and systems are involved in the process.

It is worth adding to this sports injuries, which are also determined by the specifics of this particular sport. Such factors are responsible for such a short career in professional sports.


This statement is partly true. Pregnant women are contraindicated in strong loads associated with shaking and vibration, intensive training. During intense training, all the blood rushes to the muscles being trained, which is why the fetus in the uterus experiences a lack of oxygen supply.

However, if you exercise moderately, in a special group or on your own, but again, knowing the measure, nothing bad will happen. On the contrary, the body will be better prepared for childbirth, and as a result, the woman will be able to restore her previous shape faster.

Sports are bad for teen health

You may be surprised, but there is such a fact, proven by scientists. However, it should not be taken unequivocally. It is believed that such sports as boxing, wrestling, ballet and the like, which require constant control weight.

In this case, the harm is not at all explained by physical exertion, but by the development of harmful, and often dangerous habits. For example, taking diuretics and laxatives, strict diets, the use of steroids. As you can see, in this context, only the part concerning control methods can be accepted as a fact.

Sports are harmful to the female breast

This has been known for a long time, and sports manufacturers have quite learned how to effectively deal with this. The harm of sports activities for the bust is mainly in the sharp fluctuations of the mammary gland during intense movements (running, jumping, etc.). Sometimes the amplitude of such fluctuations exceeds 20 centimeters, which naturally causes pain and leads to a loss of the shape of the bust.

But, as already mentioned, a solution has long been found - sports underwear. It has been proven that a special bra during sports is 80% more effective than an ordinary one. The conclusion is this: strictly speaking, this statement cannot be classified as a myth, but the fact itself has long lost its relevance.

Cycling is bad for men's health

Another "novelty" from foreign scientists. Researchers in Spain and England decided to investigate the impact of cycling on the reproductive function of male athletes. The results were pretty impressive. Cyclists who cycle 180 miles a week (cumulatively, of course) have been found to have only 4% fertile sperm. The fact of a lack of vitamins B6 and B9 in cyclists has also been established.

However, this statement is more like a myth - just remember the eminent cyclists who have two or more children. It is worth taking into account the fact that cycling and amateur races do not affect the ability to conceive and lack of vitamins. But to be completely boiled, add a complex of vitamins to the diet.

Sports are harmful for certain diseases

No one will argue with this fact, everything is clear and so. Do not exercise during acute periods of illness. They are also excluded in mental illness, developmental pathologies internal organs, congenital deformities of the body, venereal and gynecological diseases.

Moreover, in these cases, a loophole is also provided. If you have fully recovered from an illness or injury, surgery to eliminate the disease, you can start exercising. After consulting a doctor, of course - only the doctor will correctly determine how ready you are for physical activity. Also, a special complex will be selected for you. therapeutic gymnastics in case of long-term remission of a chronic disease.

Sports are harmful for poor eyesight

As far as we could find out, sports are prohibited for those who have incurable pathologies and acquired eye diseases. In the case of farsightedness or nearsightedness, this issue is decided by the doctor. You will definitely not be allowed to practice any sport only with a high degree of visual impairment, for example, with hyperopia of +6 D.

As you can see situations when sport is harmful not so much for health. Most of them simply require a more careful attitude and thoughtful approach. And of course, if you have been playing sports with pleasure since childhood, it is unlikely that something will convince you to quit. Even if you find something on this list that concerns you, it is enough to take adequate measures to prevent possible harm.

Alexandra Panyutina
Women's magazine JustLady

sports activity
can bring both benefit and harm, which depends on how much its volume and intensity correspond to the level of training of the at-le-ta. Sports can bring benefits when the stress created by physical activity falls into the range of optimality for a particular athlete. The harm to physical activity is na-no-sit when its volume and intensity are excessive or not-too-precise. What does it mean? An excessive load can be considered such, which somehow leads to the occurrence of an injury, both immediately and in the process of accumulating do-zi-ro- van-no-go stress. Hence the conclusion: you should follow not only the volume and intensity of the training from del training, but also the entire training program as a whole. Not-dos-that-precise load-coy is the one that leads to gradual a-r-fia of certain muscular and non-muscular systems body themes.

Optimal physical activity is an activity that creates moderate stress, to which the body is able to respond with adaptation. From all this it follows that sport in itself is not harmful and not useful, because sport is a tool, using which you can both benefit yourself and harm yourself! Next, there are a number of rules, following which, you can avoid non-ga-tiv-nyh consequences and improve your mind-but-live positive. But, at the same time, it should be noted that there are a number of for-bo-le-va-nies, some of them can be doing op-re-de-len-nym kind of sport or sports in general. And you need to understand this, and not think that the doctor bought a diploma and does not understand anything in life. This is not so, and such a way of thinking can have very dire consequences! Therefore, all the re-ko-men-da-tions below are from-no-sya to healthy people and do not cancel those in-di-vi-du-al-ny re-ko-men-da- tsy, someone gives you a doctor.

Sports principles

we are talking, first of all, about the athlete’s compliance with the sport and the specific training program that he is going to use. It is forbidden Lie on the couch for 30 years, and then suddenly start practicing according to the professional scheme of a bo-di-bil-de-ra, powerlifter, boxer, football player or any other sports shift. Na-chi-nat na-do always with training programs for beginners , besides that, if you have any diseases, then you need to pre-va-ri-tel-but pro-con-sul-ti-ro-va-sya with the doctor and add to the program co-from-vet-st-vuyu-schi cor-rek-ti-ditch-ki. Secondly, we are also talking about co-op-ra-for-life with the sport that you want for-no-mother-sya. It is forbidden go-ti-tre-no-ro-vat-sya, and then light a cigarette and "roll" 200 grams. If you want to-those for-no-mother dispute, you need to cor-rek-ti-ro-vat lifestyle and diet , what can you do with the help of a trainer or self-toya-tel-but when studying co-from-ve-st-vuu-shche-te-ra-tu-ry.

Cycling: essential principle any sport, since monotonous training not only slows down progress, but also leads to an imbalance in the development of different body systems, which, in turn, leads to injuries. In addition, any exercise is stressful, and intense sports contribute to the accumulation of this stress, so the focus of training programs should be less to understand that the load on this or that system of the body would become either more or less, which would allow it to recover. That is why absolutely any kind of dispute is pre-la-ga-et for-nya-tia for general-fi-zi-ches-coy training, which provides-ne-chi-va-et different ob-ra-zie tre-ni-ro-voch-no-th process. And power sports, in which in-ten-siv-but on-load-m-zh-ut-sya muscle-muscular, articular-ligamentous and other body systems, need tsik-li-ro-va-nii and pro-fil-ny tre-ni-ro-wok.

Safety precautions: we are talking about a number of fundamental principles that must be observed in order to avoid injury. We are not referring to accumulated injuries, some of them gradually arise during wear of the joints, muscles and other things, but about those injuries that happen suddenly. First of all, you need to pay attention to those-no-ku you-half-non-niya of certain exercises, since people who have recently started did not seek the services of a professional trainer, sometimes de-mon-st-ri-ru-yut such chu-de-sa iso-bre-ta-tel-nos-ty that it becomes painful, but yes, nab -lu-giving. Therefore, if you decide to go in for sports, you are obliged to study the correct technique for you-half-non-exercise! Secondly, it is about times-min-ke and for-min-ke, some must be performed at the beginning of the workout and at the end of the co-ot-vet-st-ven-but, since re-gu-lyar neglect of these training elements -ta-mi leads -to grass-moms.

Moderation: this is the most difficult training principle to implement, since people, as a rule, either don’t do anything, or almost “they don’t tear their ass on the German cross.” This is characteristic of everyone, including your obedient servants, but this must be fought. You have to moderate your appetites, your vanity, understand that in one day you won’t jump higher, but the tre-ni-ro-voch-ny process is a long and monotonous work -ta, not a heroic feat. It is extremely difficult to moderate your own ardor, so you need a coach and / or at least a tri-ro-voch-ny partner. The fact is that the coach evaluates the tre-no-ro-voch-ny program from the point of view of rationality, and not “wishlist”, and in the same way -par-no-ka pos-in-la-et to look at the situation more objectively. In addition, the desire to “break the ass-poo” is dualistic, because one day the athlete literally cannot stay, but on the next I blow The guy doesn't want to train at all. Therefore, we need a person who can help you approach the issue of building a tri-ro-voch-no-go process more rationally But.

Measure - useful property things that people often just forget about. Immoderation leads to various disorders in the body, diseases and other troubles. How useful are moderate physical exercise they can be just as harmful if you do not pay attention to the needs of the body. After all, many conditions are important for proper physical activity.

Load load - discord

It is believed that in order to increase muscle mass the athlete needs to overcome overload. Do several approaches to exhaustion, and then even beyond your capabilities.

In some cases, this practice is permissible, but only under medical supervision. However, it is likely that such an approach will only harm health. It is difficult to say for sure, they can be from immoderate loads.

These are damage in muscle tissues, and irreversible damage to bones, sprains, disturbances in the biochemical processes of the body. It is impossible to predict exactly how this or that incorrect load will respond, but in any case, gradualness is important.

An untrained person simply cannot immediately "take weight" beyond their capabilities. His body is not ready for such loads, which will inevitably lead to problems of a temporary or permanent nature.

But the prepared one also needs a warm-up before classes. A small warm-up with obligatory pull-ups, jumps, stretching, light weights make the body more prepared for subsequent exercises. But that's not all.

Rest, food, sleep

Without proper rest, no physical activity will be useful. The mistake of beginners is that they try to exercise every day, preventing the body from recovering and strengthening, getting used to new loads.

It is known that under physical impact, muscle fibers are destroyed at the micro level, and then grow in excess, which leads to an increase in mass. However, this takes time, so professionals do only 2 or 3 times a week.

Nutrition is also extremely important, and full and in sufficient quantities. This question it is best to discuss with a sports doctor or nutritionist, since such things are strictly individual.

Dream - best holiday for all body systems. It is not worth neglecting it due to study or work, especially if a person is subject to systematic serious physical exertion in gym. On average, 8 hours of sleep are required, and in some cases more.

And also, do not forget to consult with doctors before, during and after classes, so as not to lose what you already have, instead of gaining something new.

Athlete's Day in our country has been celebrated for a long time: officially only since 1980, and unofficially since the 1920s and 1930s. Now Athlete's Day is celebrated every second Saturday in August. In honor of this holiday, we decided to figure out which physical activity is good for a person, and which one is better to refrain from.

10 thousand steps

This is perhaps the most famous number in terms of physical activity. In order to keep yourself in good physical form, you need to constantly provide yourself with a certain level of activity, and this level is considered 10 thousand steps a day.

Where did this number come from? In the 1960s, Japan estimated that the average person in the country walked only 3,500-5,000 steps a day, and it was suggested that if the number of steps was increased to 10,000, then people would become healthier. Soon a pedometer called Manpo-kei was invented, which was designed for just 10,000 steps. Simplicity and clarity of purpose conquered the Japanese, and then the whole world.

IN different countries recommendations are different, but if you bring them to a common denominator, then an adult should walk 7-10 thousand steps a day. This is confirmed, in particular, by a 2011 study published in The International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.

Its authors revised the set scientific works and found out that it is normal for an adult to walk from 4 to 18 thousand steps daily, and on average - the same 7-10 (more precisely, even 11) thousand, while walking optimally at a speed of about 100 steps per minute. In Russia, it is also recommended to walk exactly 10 thousand steps a day.

10,000 is a great round number, experts say. This indicator is both a test, and at the same time seems more achievable than 150 minutes of physical activity per week - another "classic" recommendation. 150 minutes is too long, people think, but the steps will somehow take their toll. However, it is better to focus on exactly 150 minutes, because "just steps" to maintain health may not be enough.

150 minutes

Where did 150 minutes of physical activity per week come from? They are recommended by the World Health Organization for adults aged 18 to 64. That is how much time a person should devote to moderate-intensity aerobics. Medium is, for example, jogging or step aerobics. Walking is more of a low intensity activity, but it's much better than nothing. High intensity - for example, a bicycle, but, of course, not in a relaxed mode, but in a full one.

Back to the WHO advice:

  • It is useful for children aged 5–17 to dedicate exercise an hour or more per day. Of course, they do not need to plow in the hall for this. Playing catch-up, riding a bike, climbing all that is possible and impossible, doing exercises in the morning - this is already quite a sufficient load. High-intensity activity for children is recommended three times a week.
  • Adults, as mentioned above, need to do 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise a week. Or - 75 minutes a week if the loads are strong. Walking and running for a full load is not enough, you need to do at least twice a week strength training. The duration of the workout should be at least 10 minutes in a row, but in general 150 minutes are perfectly laid out for 30 minutes for each weekday.
  • Older people - over 64 years old - are recommended to exercise in the same way as younger people, but at the same time, for example, those who have joint problems need to do balance exercises at least three times a week. If old man feels bad and gets tired quickly - you can and should also do it, but taking into account your capabilities.

Why is it all necessary

Of course, all these recommendations, all this sport - not for the sake of sports performance, but in order to keep a person in a healthy state as long as possible. Thanks to constant training, absolutely all body systems work better - the heart, lungs, other organs, weight and metabolism are kept normal, depression and other mental disorders develop less often.

Yes indeed, in healthy body- a healthy mind, and this is true even in those situations that you don’t immediately think about. For example, it is also useful for cancer patients to play sports, it improves their condition. Here, of course, it is important without fanaticism, and in order to determine this fine line, we move on to the next point.

Useless sport

Indeed, there are times when sport is harmful. So that this is not about you - do not do anything through force (at least physically, you will have to look for moral strength to “get up and go to the gym”) and through pain if you do not have the goal of self-overcoming.

If you have never walked for more than half an hour - do not rush off the bat to participate in a triathlon, all this will only lead to injuries and anger at yourself. Trite, but true: a gradual increase in load will be much more useful and reduce the likelihood of injury.

Yes, injuries during physical activity also happen, but this is not a reason to refuse them. With almost the same probability, you can fall and break your leg out of the blue. Subject to safety precautions, most of the loads available to the average Russian (not extreme, of course) are no more harmful than a walk in the park. By the way, the same lack of fanaticism also applies to safety.

And you don't have to force your kids to go to the gym. Nothing bad will definitely happen from one pass, and if a child constantly refuses to go to classes, the question arises whether everything is in order in his section and whether it is chosen correctly.

For most people, sport is a means, not an end. And Athlete's Day is not about injuries and overcoming. It's about strong legs, strong arms, a healthy heart and a clear head.

Ksenia Yakushina

Photo depositphotos.com

About 70% of Belarusian schoolchildren who graduate from high school have certain health problems. It is impossible to go in for sports professionally with such problems, but this does not mean at all that you do not need to go in for them at all, Gennady Zagorodny, head of the Department of Sports Medicine and physiotherapy exercises BelMAPO.

What is more in professional sports - benefit or harm? We figured this out on the air of TUT.BY-TV.

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Professional sports Is it good or bad, in your opinion?

Any professional activity implies the impact of concomitant factors that can cause health problems, whether it be a professional builder, a journalist or an athlete. It is generally accepted that almost any sports activities at the level up to the candidate for the master of sports are mainly worn health effect. Already after the athlete has reached the level of a master of sports, an athlete of the national level, the risk of developing pathology increases.

Most big problems in athletes arise after the end of a sports career. The accumulated compensated pathology begins to manifest against the background of forced hypokinesia, physical inactivity, we begin to lose the compensation that sports provide. From this point of view, sport can be considered as the main harmful factor. But it is a misconception that sport cripples. Sports can cripple just as much as any other activity: fell in training, at a construction site, stumbled on the stairs. The sport itself is beneficial. Sports are required for all persons who do not have medical contraindications.

My friend wanted to send her child to tennis. The child had problems with the musculoskeletal system since childhood. The doctors said no. Mom was ready to buy not only expensive equipment, but also certificates so that the child was taken to the section. Is this attitude normal?

At the last seminar in April in Monaco, the International Olympic Committee recognized our medical examination system for young athletes as the best. I managed to visit different structures on the territory of Belarus, Russia, Europe. We have a very good approach. During the year, all children must undergo a complete medical examination once or twice. Based on this, indications and contraindications are identified.

Do you mean children who are engaged in sports sections?

Yes. There is Decree No. 47 of the Ministry of Health of May 27, 2011, which regulates admission to sports for medical reasons. Everything is clearly stated there. Now we are creating a new regulation that will unite children, applicants, professional athletes, and athletes. There are cases when a person goes to school in preparatory group and he plays sports. This is nonsense! We are also working with Russian colleagues on the development of national guidelines for cardiac control.

The problem you mentioned is quite common. Parents by hook or by crook get permission to play sports without considering that this or that injury or disease limits the potential of the athlete. Parents invest money, their children grow up to 14-18 years old, and the question of the future fate is being decided. Serious sports involve a loss of education, because it is impossible to be Schwarzenegger and Einstein in one person. A problem of a different kind arises: children undergo a medical examination in our center, they find a disease or abnormalities that limit the prospects of an athlete or are a contraindication. So, what is next?

The man has been working for several years. Huge physical and financial resources were spent…

And moral too.

And then the examinations show that he cannot play sports.

Just recently we had a case. The girl is a candidate for the youth athletics team. She is 16 years old. All this time she was at the dispensary at the place of residence due to the disease. gastrointestinal tract. The parents hid it. She began to study, received a permit. During classes, as a result of a sports-associated injury or high psychophysical stress, she developed a disease. If a person is registered with a dispensary, there can be no question of any professional sports. If there is a hidden or compensated pathology, sooner or later it will come out.

Sport now is not the same as it was 20-30, especially 30-50 years ago. The Olympic champions in swimming in the 70s in Beijing with their results could not even be selected for the final. For 20-30 years, sports, especially women's sports, have greatly increased in terms of sports results. Accordingly, the requirements for the functional state have seriously increased.

I'll give you an example. Recently, I looked at the statistics of the level of medical examinations of first-graders for 2008, 2009, 2010. It turned out to be an interesting situation: in Minsk, 20% of children have posture disorders. In some regions of the Grodno region, this figure is four times less. Understandable: high activity in countryside, children from the age of five know what a rake, a shovel are - and Minsk, where the main children's pastime is the Internet, computer games. And already at the beginning of school, 20% have a broken posture. Another 10% have vision problems. It is clear that schooling, sports loads will exacerbate the compensation that we had. As a result, up to 70% of school graduates have decompensation in their state of health, in other words, they are considered sick. In rural areas, this figure is lower.

But if a child has a desire to engage in a sports section, what should be done first?

It should be based on what the child wants. However, the desire of the child should not dominate, so that it does not turn out that today he likes football, the day after tomorrow - karate, and the next day - hockey. Thus, parents cater to the whims of the child, and such a child will never achieve anything in any sport.

Parents should start with themselves. Be that as it may, the issue of financing sports activities is quite relevant. Hockey and tennis are expensive sports, and if the parents can afford it, please. Swimming and football are a little cheaper. Athletics, running is also a little cheaper. If a person has no medical contraindications, he is obliged to go in for sports, especially if he is a boy. It is clear that if the soul lies in drawing, music, dancing, biology, chemistry - this is a priority. But if we are talking about street education with "beer weights", then sports should come first.

The next step is for parents to assess their own physical development. If the father played football all the time, even at the yard level, the mother is quite active, then why not send the child to football. If the parents are compact, hypersthenic, short, but strong, then why not send the child to power sports, weightlifting, wrestling. If the child is elastic, which is usually transmitted through the maternal line, then he has a direct road to light gymnastics. In China, it is very easy to get into the gymnastics sections: a gymnastics coach comes to the school, puts the children in and makes them jump 5-10 times. Those who jump the highest are taken to the section. In China, there is such an opportunity, they have natural selection. With 9.5 million people in our country, you can’t really accelerate on natural selection, so there is a great potential for the development of the coaching component.

You need to evaluate your physical and financial capabilities. For example, a child must be taken to hockey training by 7 in the morning. To do this, you need to get up at 5 in the morning, mom needs to cook, dress the child, and at 7.30 he is already on the ice. And so it goes for years. Not every mother can afford it, even physically.

The next step is choosing a coach. The skill level of coaches largely determines the future of an athlete in childhood. I say to my cadets, patients, clients: if the coach carefully monitors the warm-up and cool-down (the final part) - this is a really qualified coach. I went through a sports school myself, I know what it is. It happens that instead of giving a stretching exercise, running an easy cross, the coach suggests pushing up a hundred times or lifting the barbell. And the training ends there.

Do we have the opportunity to choose coaches?

I have been in sports medicine for 15 years after graduation. I can say that the number of children involved in sports is increasing year by year. I'm not talking about statistics, but about the real state of affairs. Previously, 10 years ago, I had patients who asked to resolve the issue of non-admission to physical education and sports due to invented diseases. It is clear that with such people the conversation was short. And now among my patients there are a large number of people who ask to get a job in the section. Previously, they tried to distance themselves from playing sports, but now, on the contrary: the patient has an illness, and he obviously will not be an Olympic champion, but his parents insist that he go in for sports.

But the disease will someday manifest itself ...

In our country, this is clear. On average, 95-98% annually undergo UMO (in-depth medical examination). My eldest daughter goes in for sports and undergoes examination independently of me. Just yesterday, I accidentally met her at work. The girl is 15 years old, and she herself undergoes UMO from year to year. I am the doctor of the national hockey team. All my athletes undergo a medical examination at least once a year. To this is added current control and express control. Athletes are under close supervision. If a child has a clear contraindication, no one will break the law. After the incident with Cherepanov, even before him, we even have overdiagnosis and hypersecurity.

All are reinsured.

Yes. There are conditions in which it is not advisable to play sports - for example, progressive myopia or scoliotic posture. Then we simply will not allow such a person to the national team. It makes no sense for a child to spend physical, moral and material resources, because there will be nothing at the end.

Suppose we do not make an Olympic champion out of a child: he has myopia, scoliosis. But what to do with it? Put him at the computer - let him go blind further?

Great question! This is one of the most discussed issues. We have four alternatives: sports, driveway/street, painting/dancing/music and a virtual reality. Once I went to an Internet club: 40-50 computers were occupied by children aged 10 years. Where are the parents looking? After all, where does the regulatory structure look? Okay, money, but what will happen to the eyes of children who constantly play computer games? What is their perspective? If a person has the opportunity to play sports, he should do it.

In Europe, sports are voluntary. Almost half-blind, you can shoot. It is clear that you will not shoot much, and sooner or later you will realize that you have nothing to do there. But abroad there are no serious regulations on admission to sports, except for cardiopathology. For example, a person will not be allowed to fight if he has a developmental pathology. If a child can play sports, he should play. If he has contraindications, he can practice sports dancing. Any kind of physical activity is useful.

In the end, going out on roller skates is also useful.

I live next to the cycle track, not far from the Minsk Arena. In summer, you have to drive carefully there, because the number of cyclists is growing from year to year. And I'm glad to talk about it. There used to be runners, but now there are cyclists, roller skaters. Fortunately, the consumer attitude of parents is becoming less and less: they say, sports are out of the question, at the age of 16-18 we will give you biological supplements, and you will be a genius with us. As a result, this person enters the institute, and the output is a vegetable.

Not so long ago, a friend of mine, having learned that my son was five years old, advised him to buy small dumbbells for the child. He just said to take the child to the coach so that he would show how to deal with them correctly: they say, very often, out of ignorance, parents show incorrect exercises that cripple the child. Is this position correct?

Quite right. The healthiest sports are those that develop general endurance - for example, when an adult runs crosses on a pulse of 120 beats, walks fast. At the moment, there is no better activity than brisk walking, jogging and swimming. The more power loads are in your work, the more time should be given to technique and warm-up. The more you work with barbells, dumbbells, the more you should properly warm up and the better your technique should be. All people are asymmetrical: the right hand is stronger than the left. No matter how you want, but if we take the bar, right hand we will always push harder. As a result, posture is disturbed, because Right side stretches the spinal column. Then because of this there will be serious problems. Therefore, the recommendation of your friend is completely justified.

How then to determine permissible load? For example, a child is engaged, he seems to feel well, but suddenly at some point he falls and cannot raise his arms, move his legs - he is overloaded. How to understand that classes need to be suspended?

To a large extent, these questions are determined by the coach. As one of my friends joked, if the coach brought up only one athlete in his entire career high level, then he did not raise him, but simply did not let him dry out. He did not prevent the athlete from developing what is inherent in him by nature. When a coach has five or ten such athletes, this is already a talent. Everything is determined by the capabilities and skills of the coach.

There are 60 people in hockey teams. It is impossible to immediately assess the functional state of 60 people, the doctor will not measure everyone's pressure or ECG. In this case, there should be good subjective control. The first step is to work with the parents. If a child does not sleep well after training sessions, does not eat well, his behavior changes, then he is physically overheated. I have a number of patients who have school in the morning, music school in the afternoon, and hockey in the evening. Parents are trying to embrace the immensity. It's just not possible, it's different types activities. This greatly affects the nervous system of the child.

There is such a thing as "disabling pathologies" - pathologies that lead to disability in children. Of course, in the first place - normal development. On the second - diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems. Then comes oncology and so on. If on a developing nervous system in our super-developing information society, we impose physical loads, and as a result we can get negative. This is already a secondary issue, what influenced more: playing music or sports, or the fact that the child goes to bed at 12 o'clock at night, and at 6 in the morning he has to go to hockey.

We recently spoke with pediatricians about how to keep schoolchildren healthy. They said that at first the parents do not know how to load the child, and then they do not know how to deal with it.

Quite right. This back side a medal by which we evaluate the need for physical education and sports.

Finally, I would like to ask you to give general recommendations. How to choose the right section for your child?

First, the desire of the child is important. Secondly, your opportunities. Thirdly, the ability to control and work with a coach. And most importantly - a medical permit for physical education and sports, which can be obtained at the Center for Sports Medicine at Sverdlova, 9. In addition, the website belmapo.by has an email address of our department. At any time, you can send a question regarding the admission to sports. We will try to answer as quickly as possible.

The TUT.BY Catalog will help you choose the best sports sections in Minsk.

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