Little tricks and tips for the Monaco home handyman. Useful tips for the home handyman. #43 Tool organizer from a bucket

This article, as usual, has a beginning, but by definition it cannot have an end. Advice for the home handyman is a truly inexhaustible topic. Small, simple tips home craftsmen often need more than detailed articles on one topic. I will try to constantly update the material if I have free time and desire, of course.

1. How to drive a nail into the edge of a board

To drive a nail into the edge of the board and not split it, it is enough to first tap the edge of the board from above with a hammer. If the nail is thin, then you can drive it in immediately after this - the board will not split. If the nail is thick enough, then you need to first fill the hole with a thin nail, and then drive in the thick one.

2. How to carefully pour paint

To avoid staining the outside of the paint when pouring paint from one can to another, you need to place the empty can inside a plastic bag, and wrap the edges of the bag inside the can. After the liquid has been poured, the bag is torn from the bottom, removed from the jar and thrown away. The jar remains clean.

3. How to hang a painting or photo evenly on the wall

To hang a picture evenly on the wall, it is advisable to have a level. If you don’t have a level at hand, you can make one at home from an empty transparent plastic bottle: Fill it about halfway with water - now, no matter how you turn the bottle, the surface of the water will always be horizontal.
In order to hang a large item on the wall - for example, a carpet - you can make a more serious water level. To do this we take two medical syringe and a rubber or PVC tube of the required length. We connect the syringes together with a tube and fill the system with water. The water in the syringes will always be at the same level.

4. How to screw a screw into plastic

To securely screw a screw or bolt into plastic, a home craftsman first drills a hole in the part that is smaller than the diameter of the thread. Then the screw is heated well with a soldering iron or on the stove (for a small part, a lighter flame is enough). The screw will easily screw into the part and, melting the plastic, forms a good thread.

5. How to cut plastic

It can be quite difficult to cut thermoplastic plastic with a hacksaw or a jigsaw, since the plastic melts and the blade jams. Apply a little machine oil along the cut line and things will go faster.

6. How to make drop-down pliers

The DIYer often has to work alone, and when working, it can be difficult to open the pliers with one hand. Connect the handles of the pliers with a piece of elastic rubber hose of a suitable diameter, and the pliers will open on their own.

7. How to collect iron filings

The easiest way to collect iron filings or small shavings is, of course, with a magnet. It is difficult to clean the magnet itself from sawdust later. Advice: insert a magnet into the plastic bag, which after finishing work, turn it inside out - and the magnet will remain clean, and the sawdust will remain in the bag.

8. How not to lose a spring

When disassembling or assembling, springs have a nasty property: they jump out of your hands, fly away and get lost. A simple tip for the home craftsman: before starting the process, tie a thread to one of the coils of the spring - now it won’t go anywhere.

9. How to bend duralumin

In order not to break the fragile duralumin when bending, I advise you to heat the bend area gas burner and then lubricate laundry soap. Continue heating the bend until the soap layer is completely blackened - this will be exactly the temperature of maximum plasticity of duralumin.

10. How to increase the temperature of the soldering iron

If the temperature of your soldering iron tip is not enough, then I advise you to wrap the body of the soldering iron with a couple of layers of aluminum foil. By reducing heat loss, you will thereby increase the temperature of the tip.

11. How to remove an old screw

Turn out old screw Hard boards can be problematic: the splines come off. Clamp the blade of the screwdriver with an adjustable wrench and insert the tip into the slots of the screw. Press down on the screwdriver with one hand, and slowly turn the key with the other - the screw will come out like a cute little thing.
The task can be further facilitated by heating the screw - pressing the soldering iron tip to its head.

12. How to cut plywood

The edges of plywood often chip when sawing. To keep the edges even and smooth, wet the plywood with water along the cut line.

13. How to sharpen a tool

A cutting tool is sharpened faster and easier if you soak it in a salt solution for half an hour beforehand and moisten the sharpening stone with kerosene.

14. How to clean copper filings from a file

Move a powerful, well-heated and tinned soldering iron along the notch of the file - the sawdust will gather into large lumps that can be easily removed.

15. How to saw thin metal

To accurately saw a thin piece of metal, clamp it in a vise between two flat pieces of wood and saw through the entire “sandwich.”

16. How to restore an old file

To restore an oily, rusty, worn file, dip it in a sulfuric acid solution for a few minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with a soda solution.

17. How to drill a vertical hole

Place a small mirror on the workpiece close to the drilling point. The tool drill and its reflection in the mirror should form one straight line.

18. How to cut round timber to length

To cut a round stick evenly along the entire length, you can make a template from a metal tube of a suitable cross-section with a cut in the middle. First, make a cut without a template, and when the saw is deep enough, put a template on top and saw the part to the end.

19. How to upgrade a shovel

If you drill a dozen holes in a shovel with a diameter of about 20 millimeters, then wet soil and clay will stick to it less.

20. How to cut rubber smoothly

Lubricate the knife blade with laundry soap and cutting rubber will be much easier, and the edges will be smoother.

21. How to tighten a screw in a hard-to-reach place

Stretch a piece of rubber tube over the tip of the screwdriver and insert a screw or screw into its end.

22. How to remove a broken key from a lock

Insert a jigsaw file into the lock cylinder parallel to the key fragment, then turn the file with its teeth towards the fragment and pull it out.

23. How to protect your hands from calluses

When working with an axe, sledgehammer, shovel and other tools, put foam rubber rings on your palms - and it will be convenient to work and will protect you from calluses.
Wrapping your tool handles in vinyl tape will also help you get rid of calluses to a large extent.

24. How to collect small glass fragments

Make a sausage out of a piece of plasticine and roll it over the place where the glass was broken. This way you will collect everything, even the smallest fragments.

25. How to extend the life of wooden tool handles

Before putting the tool on wooden handles, boil the handles in drying oil - this will protect them from cracking.

26. How to fit a chisel and chisel tightly onto the handle

Pour a mixture of rosin and ash or sand into the hole in the handle, heat the spur of the tool red-hot and quickly insert it into the hole. The tool will be securely fastened in the handle.

27. How to hammer a nail into plaster

To prevent the plaster from crumbling, stick a piece of masking tape over the place where you want to drive the nail.

28. How to hammer a nail into hard wood

Before driving a nail into hard wood, lubricate the nail with soap or paraffin, and the job will go much easier.

29. How to solder a massive part

If the power of the soldering iron is not enough to solder the part, place the part on the sole of a hot iron.

30. How to preserve cement

Cement in paper bags is not stored for a long time and quickly loses its properties. You can preserve it for several years by packing it together with paper packaging in plastic bag, and tying it as tightly as possible.

31. How to find a deeply driven nail

Finding a deeply driven and puttied nail - for example, in floorboards - can sometimes be difficult. Magnetize the needle and move it on a thread along the board at a height of approximately 1 millimeter. It will bend over the nail and accurately indicate the place.

32. How to drill a small hole in glass

Use sandpaper to sharpen a flat file like a sharp chisel. Secure in the chuck hand drill and drill slowly, periodically cooling and sharpening. In about 15 minutes you will drill through glass 6 millimeters thick.

33. How to cut a thin-walled pipe

Place two blades in a hacksaw with the teeth facing each other. The cutting forces will become equal in both directions.

34. How to find a crack in metal

If you cannot find a crack in metal part, paint over its surface with chalk solution and dry. Then add a drop of kerosene to the search area. The crack will immediately appear.

35. How to securely fix the nut

If you don’t have a spring washer at hand, you can securely secure the nut from unwinding by first wrapping the bolt with plastic wrap.

36. How to protect your hands when working with solvents

Before putting on gloves for handling caustic liquids, lubricate your hands with a rich cream and sprinkle with talcum powder or baby powder. Now there will be no burn, even if the glove breaks.

37. How to find holes in the wall after wallpapering

To find the places where the screws you need were previously screwed in after wallpapering, insert broken pieces of matches into the holes in the wall, leaving “stumps” 1.5-2 millimeters high on the surface. They will not interfere with the wallpaper, but you will find the holes later without any problems.

- This folk wisdom, which will help you out in almost any situation when you have a difficult situation: for example, during home renovation, repairing a car, when making the thing you need, you may not always have it at hand the necessary tool or material.

Look around you and you will find a lot of unnecessary things from which you can benefit yourself by showing resourcefulness and ingenuity.

Iron or cast iron grilles on the balcony must be cleaned before painting. old paint and rust with a stiff brush made of thin steel wire, or coarse emery cloth.

The grate should be washed and, when dry, primed. For the primer, it is best to use minium diluted in drying oil. When the primer has dried well, you can paint with oil paint, covering it twice with a thin layer.

Paint metal objects located outdoors, it is necessary in good weather so that the paint lays on a dry surface.

The putty can be painted any color during the manufacturing process. If the frames are painted White color, add lead or zinc white to the putty and mix until it reaches working viscosity. If a lot of paint has been added and the putty has become thin, you should add ground chalk to it and knead it in your hands.

On oil and enamel paints, when stored for a long time, a fairly thick film is formed. To prevent it from appearing, after finishing work, place a circle of thick paper, pour a little drying oil on top.

If the lid of the jar where the paint is stored is lost, coat the top edge of the jar around the entire circumference with paint and cover it with a piece of glass so that the paint sticks to it.

Cut a stick of the required size from the linden bark. Steam it in boiling water, dry it thoroughly and carefully break one end with a hammer. The result is a brush for wood glue. Now you won't have to test your patience by cleaning the brush from dried glue: cut off the end and throw it away, and break the tip of the remaining stick with a hammer again to form a new brush.

To frosted glass did not deteriorate, were clean and had beautiful view, they are washed hot water by adding a little vinegar to it.

Hands off oil paint It’s easier to wash if you add mustard to the water.

To temporarily eliminate leaks from rusted pipes or their joints, it is necessary to tightly wrap the faulty area with waterproof material (for example, rubber, insulating tape) and secure it with wire.

Adhesive painting is used only for internal surfaces that are not exposed to moisture, mainly on plaster. For damp rooms it is better to use lime paint.

To beat off part of the wall, coat a thin cord with dry paint chosen for painting the walls, pull it along the pencil marks and, moving it to the side, release it - a mark remains on the wall.

Oil and enamel paints do not allow air to pass through well. Therefore, it is not advisable to use them for painting the walls of living rooms.

To fill the pores of the plaster, it is better to use a wooden spatula.

Grinding is performed with pumice on dry or wet (moistened in water) putty, as well as with sandpaper.

Useful tips home handyman - the topic is truly inexhaustible. Small, simple useful tips for a home craftsman are often more necessary than detailed articles on one topic.

Dear friends, we want to please you with a huge set of tricks for the home that will be of interest to both housewives and experienced craftsmen.

Add to bookmarks and your life will become easier!

#1 How to fix a hole?

To fix a hole in wooden parts You will need a wooden plug that fits tightly into the hole and is cut flush. Then clean it up and you're done.

#2 Wire stand

If there is nothing at hand except copper wire, then you can make a simple stand, as shown in the photo.

#3 Life hack for farsighted people

If you are farsighted and forgot your glasses, then do not despair. With a small hole in the cardboard, you can easily read small print.

#4 How to get rid of dried paint?

By punching holes in the rim of the jar, you will forever get rid of dried paint and difficulties with opening the lid.

#5 How to choose a long-lasting cutting?

It is necessary to select a cutting only with straight parallel lines of fibers. The handle shown in the picture on the left will last you much longer.

#6 Life hack for fishermen

It is a common occurrence for fishermen to drown their glasses. This can be avoided by attaching small pieces of Styrofoam to the temples.

#7 Using an old glove

An old glove can serve good organizer for tools.

#8 Lifehack for a door lock

If you often return home in the dark, such a mount will help you quickly find the keyhole.

#9 How to glue uneven objects?

Use sandbags to glue irregularly shaped objects together.

#10 Wardrobe hack

To prevent clothes from touching each other, wrap an elastic band around the rod.

#11 Transporting sheets building material

Transporting large sheets of building material can be a challenge, but placing wooden beam in the center you can avoid transportation problems.

#12 Lifehack for comfortable work on the stairs

If all your pockets are full and there is no place to place your tools when working at height, then you can use a regular clamp.

#13 Clothespin to the rescue

To avoid losing the drill key, simply attach a clothespin to the wire.

When working with circular saw similar wooden tools, as in the photo, will help you avoid dangerous situations.

#15 How to make screwing screws easier?

Regular soap will help simplify and speed up screwing screws.

#16 Attaching brushes to stairs

Using the metal base from the binder, you can easily attach the brushes to the stairs.

#17 How to get rid of chips on plywood?

When plywood is cut, unwanted chips often appear. You can avoid this problem by using masking tape.

#18 Belt stopper

On an inclined plane, a wheelbarrow with a heavy load may roll back and injure you. To prevent rolling away, use leather or thick fabric belts secured over the wheels.

#19 How to avoid licking postage stamps?

Regular potatoes will help you avoid licking postage stamps.

#20 How to protect the facade from scratches?

By wearing gloves on the stairs you can avoid scratches on the facade.

#21 How to move heavy stones?

You can tow heavy rocks using a tire and two thick boards.

#22 Simple opener

If you don't have a bottle opener handy, you can use a piece of wood with a nail hammered into it.

#23 Door closer

A simple and cheap door closer is a mousetrap.

#24 How to find identical positions on opposite sides walls?

To find the same positions on opposite sides of the wall you will need a compass and a magnet attached to the other side of the wall. The compass accurately indicates the position of the magnet.

#25 How to check if the blade is sharp?

If you run the blade along the nail and it slides, the chisel still needs to be sharpened.

#26 How to measure the diameter of a drill without a caliper?

If you don't have a caliper on hand and you need to drill a hole that will match the diameter of the dowel or bolt, then an adjustable wrench will help you with this.

#27 How to unscrew a bolt without a key?

To unscrew a bolt without a key you will need another bolt and two nuts, as shown in the photo.

#28 How to carefully cut paper from a roll?

To make a neat cut from a roll, start the cut a few centimeters from the top, the paper will not hang down and the cut will be neat.

#29 How to prevent chain rattling

By weaving the rope into the links of the chain, you can avoid its rattling.

#30 Protecting painted walls

To protect the walls when removing nails, use a putty knife under a hammer.

#31 Using an old hose

Using pieces of an old hose you can make wall organizer on the wall.

#32 How to level a surface without a level?

To level the surface you will need a mirror or thick glass on which to place the ball from the bearing. The lowest place will be where the ball rolls.

#33 Scraper on the stairs

Such a scraper will protect your work on the stairs in a dirty yard.

#34 Hanger in the camp

Using a leather strap and wire hooks, you will get a very convenient hanger for dishes or clothes.

#35 Drainage material

If you don't have drainage material for the flowerpot, then you can use regular metal lids.

#36 Lifehack for cleaning dirty windows

Use regular newspaper to clean dirty windows.

#37 Lighting coals

To light the coals, use a milk carton, placing the coals in and around the box.

#38 Stand for women's shoes

Looking for a simple shoe rack for your wife? You will need a sheet of plywood with holes drilled.

#39 Life hack for car enthusiasts

If you find a leak in the radiator, then do not despair. Fill in a raw egg into the radiator neck and you can drive to the nearest workshop.

#40 How to dig out cracks in concrete?

Using a regular shoehorn, you can easily remove weeds from concrete cracks.

#41 Playpen for a child

To create a temporary playpen for a child, you dinner table and fabric. Making such a playpen is very simple.

#42 Canopy over front door

An original canopy over the front door can be made from the hood of a vintage car.

#43 Tool organizer from a bucket

Using a plastic bucket you can make a similar spacious organizer.

#44 Marking using a self-tapping screw

Using a block of wood with a screw attached, you can make a simple marking device.

#45 How to drill a vertical hole

To drill a completely vertical hole, place a mirror near the drill. This will help you guide the drill so it doesn't wander.

#46 Tool stand

A convenient tool stand can be made from foam packaging.

#47 Organizer for tools

You can easily make such an organizer from wooden board and the remains of the hose.

#48 Organizer

Another example of an organizer made from old hoses.

#49 How to restore rusty files?

To restore worn files, it is recommended to place them in an aqueous solution of sulfuric acid for several minutes. The acid will clean the files.

#50 How to protect tools from corrosion?

To protect important tools from corrosion, keep them in a sandbox soaked in machine oil.

#51 Life hack for pliers

The elastic rubber tube on the handles of the pliers will make your work easier.

#52 Handy tool

By adding this simple homemade product to your technical arsenal, you will get rid of wasting time searching for a nut.

#53 Polishing small parts

A round standard eraser, secured with a screw and nut in a chuck, can be used to polish small parts.

#54 Correct sharpening drill

Using this device, made from a wooden block, you can sharpen drills correctly and quickly.

#55 How to drill metal plates correctly?

Drilling a hole in a thin metal plate is not difficult if you hold it in a vice with a wooden block.

#56 How to shorten a bolt?

To shorten the bolt and not damage the thread, a nut screwed onto the bolt shaft will help with this.

#57 How to drill a hole in a round rod?

Even without a vice, you can easily drill a hole in a rod or pipe. Wrap the pipe with a few magazine pages and then the magazine.

#58 How to avoid damaging a part?

To avoid damaging the coating of the rod, clamp it in a vice together with wooden clothespins.

#59 How to unscrew a rusty nut?

On the edges of the nut, 1-2 notches are made with a depth of 1-2 mm. After moistening the thread with kerosene or WD-40, the nut is not difficult to unscrew.

#60 How to turn a metal rod?

Wrap several skeins of thick rope, folded in half, around the end of the rod. Insert into the resulting loop metal rod and you can easily turn the rod.

#61 Homemade scales

Small scales can be made using paper and wire.

#62 How to get rid of fogging on a bathroom mirror?

An anti-fog aerosol for car windows will help you.

#63 Life hack for screws

If you want the screw to be impossible to unscrew, to do this, use a file to file the slot in the head, as shown in the figure.

#64 How to cut a tin drainpipe?

This can be done using a regular can opener. First, cut the pipe with a hacksaw, and then use the knife.

#65 How to straighten a wire?

We clamp one end in a vice, and the other in a drill chuck. The wire is pulled tight and made several turns.

#66 How to solder a hole in a bucket yourself?

Insert a cone-shaped piece into the hole polyethylene film and set it on fire on both sides. Once melted, the polyethylene will seal the hole.

#67 How to protect material when drilling?

By placing a felt washer on the drill, you will protect the surface of the material.

#68 How to protect wooden tool handles?

A regular metal cover will protect wooden handle tools.

#69 Lifehack for an outdoor shower

Install the float intake. With this design, only water from the upper, sun-warmed layer is used.

#70 Uniform heating of shower water

When making a solar heated shower made from a refrigerator condenser, use the following diagram. The water will warm up evenly.

#71 Carrying lamp

If you don’t have a chopstick (a plastic insert in the hole for a screw) on hand, you can replace it with a piece of polyvinyl chloride insulated wire (preferably double). It is placed in the hole and the screw is screwed in.

If during repair and construction work there was no drill with a large diameter, the hole the right size can be drilled with three thin drills simultaneously clamped into the drill chuck. They are first fastened with several turns of thin wire. You can only drill with this drill soft material(wood, plastic).

Punch a hole in concrete wall- not an easy task. To make the work easier, it is advisable to use a punch made from a drill with a diameter of 6-8 mm. The end is sharpened into a shape swallowtail. The drill is struck with a hammer and constantly turned. It only takes a few minutes to punch a hole with this tool.

To hang a heavy product from the ceiling, such as connecting a chandelier, you can use following method. A threaded metal sleeve is inserted into the hole in the ceiling. 2-4 holes are drilled in it, in which steel fingers move. A pointed bolt is screwed into the sleeve from below. He spreads his fingers, and they forcefully rest against the walls of the hole, due to which the device is firmly fixed in the ceiling.

When adjusting window frames, it is advisable to use carbon paper. It is placed between the doors or the door and the frame, after which the frame is closed. A clear mark will indicate the place that needs to be trimmed.

Making a hole in a concrete wall for hanging a carpet, picture or lamp. However, you don’t have to make holes, but glue the hooks to the concrete with glue. Hooks are made from a 40x50 mm duralumin plate. A piece of wallpaper and a layer of plaster underneath are removed from the wall. Then 6-8 layers of glue are applied to the concrete with breaks for drying. The back side of the hook is degreased with a solvent and also covered with two layers of glue with intermediate drying, after which a piece of cotton fabric is placed on it, glued, and then dried. Finally, both surfaces are covered with glue, allowed to dry for 5-10 minutes and tightly connected. After 24 hours, you can hang a product weighing up to 10 kg on the hook. For this operation, it is best to use “Moment” and “Phoenix” adhesives.

If a film has formed on the paint layer, it is not necessary to filter it. It is enough to dip a piece of nylon stocking into the jar, and the brush can be dipped directly through the stocking. In this case, the paint is used completely, without loss.

Original decorative plinth can be made from rope with a diameter of 50-80 mm, painted with any nitro varnish suitable shade. The rope-plinth is secured with nitro glue.

If a sagging door begins to cling to the floor, it is not necessary to remove it from its hinges and repair it. In order to eliminate this defect without removing the door from its hinges, you need to place a well-spaced hacksaw under its corner, stand on it with your foot and vigorously open and close the door several times. The procedure is continued until the required gap appears between the door and the floor.

Parallelepiped-shaped milk cartons can serve as a ready-made mold for making concrete blocks. Dimensions 65x65x240 mm.
Such blocks can be used as curbstone, For decorative finishing and other purposes. To give greater strength, blocks can be reinforced with pieces of wire.

To protect from rotting wooden beams and pillars, they are tarred. This is done as follows: the end of the post is wrapped with 1-2 layers of roofing material, secured thin wire or small nails, and then warmed up blowtorch. The bitumen impregnation of the roofing material melts and it is tightly welded to the wood.

A narrow strip of paper folded in half will help protect your fingers when driving small nails. In addition, it can be used to drive a nail when it is impossible to hold it either with your hand or with any tool, for example, in a narrow gap.

Driving a screw into hard wood is not easy. Poke a hole for the screw with an awl, and rub the screw itself generously with soap. After this, tightening the screw will not be difficult.

You can drill holes in wood, plastic, laminated plastic of small diameter (0.8-1 mm) using a drawing compass, securing the drill in the needle holder. The risk of breaking the drill is significantly reduced.

Removing a bushing from a blind hole is not an easy task. You can solve it this way: pour thick machine oil into the hole, firmly insert a steel rod into the bushing and hit it with a hammer. The impact energy, transmitted through the oil, will knock out the bushing.

When connecting pipelines, you can use it as a sealant. chewing gum. In a softened form, it is applied to the thread and the coupling is screwed on. However, such a connection cannot be used for hot water supply systems, since high temperature The rubber band is too soft.

A paint brush whose bristles do not hold well can be strengthened using Moment or Phoenix glue. Glue is poured at the base of the bristles and firmly bonds it to the handle.

When driving a nail into a deep hole or groove, an intermediate hammer is usually used. And so that the nail goes in the right direction and does not bend, you should place it inside the tube, securing it with crumpled paper or plasticine.

A sheet of roofing iron is quickly and accurately cut with a can opener. Bend the sheet along the cut line and use a mallet to tap the fold so that it becomes rigid. Thanks to this, the knife will not go astray during cutting. A can opener is convenient for cutting and tin pipe. However, before you begin, you need to cut the pipe with a hacksaw.

To ensure that the edges of the plywood do not chip when sawing, but remain smooth, you need to moisten the cutting area with water and use a hacksaw with fine teeth.

Today we will tell you how to make five useful ones with your own hands. homemade instruments for home.
Hi all! In this episode I will show you several interesting ideas some of which you might like.
If you need to cut straight plastic or metal pipe, then the following tool will help you.

Take a metric tape from a tape measure, cut 40-50 cm, evenly folding the ends together, drill two holes and tighten with small screws.

Now you can easily draw a line along which you will make a perfectly even cut.

If on time hard to reach place If you struggle with an open-end wrench, you lose a lot of time or patience, and if you can’t get it with a ratchet, you’ll probably need a screwdriver with a universal joint.
To do this, we need an adapter for screwdriver heads with interchangeable attachments.

Using sandpaper or a grinder, we grind off the nozzle and screwdriver on both sides, and cut about 2.5 centimeters from a bolt of suitable size. There are two holes at both ends, we make two cuts at 90 degrees relative to each other. All we have to do is drill holes in the screwdriver with the adapter and pin them.

Now, when unscrewing a bolt or nut in a difficult place, you will not lose liters of sweat for every millimeter passed with an open-end wrench))

Do you need to pour liquid into a container with a small neck? In this case, you can make a small funnel from the fuel filter. You just need to cut off the outlet part of the filter and the funnel is ready.

You may have noticed inconveniences when changing the drill chuck, namely the teeth of the key slipping. You can upgrade it with a thick blade screwdriver.

Having made a slot in the screwdriver shaft and sharpened the key shaft, we insert it into the slot, and after drilling a hole, tighten it with a screw.

Now you don’t have to worry about the chuck’s teeth breaking off when you change drills in a hurry, and now, thanks to the bright handle, finding the key among the heap will be easier.

If you need to draw a circle of large diameter, and you do not have a large compass, then you need to make holes on the carpenter's square every centimeter.

Now, having installed a drill or nail at the zero mark, you can draw a circle of the diameter we need.

And also, after this modification, it became easier to draw longitudinal lines.

Perhaps the reader did not understand something, in which case you can watch the video.

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