Moth in groats what to do. How to quickly get rid of moths with food and household folk remedies forever: ways to fight and preventive measures

Any clean hostess cares about the cleanliness of the premises and the safety of products. But even with a caring attitude towards your home, you may encounter the problem of insect reproduction. Food moth attacks dry food and, despite short term of life, manages to cause irreparable harm to the stocks of caring people. Therefore, as soon as at least one instance of a moth is found in the house, it is necessary to take measures to destroy it.

The food moth looks very similar to the night moth. The color corresponds to cereals and other products where it often lives. The insect is inconspicuous, most often gray or brown with small patches. Interestingly, on the wings there is pollen with a pearly sheen. Moreover, it is difficult to notice it with an external examination. But here it remains on the fingers, if the mole is slammed.

The food moth is able to fly, but the trajectory of its movement is so chaotic that it is quite difficult to catch it. You can make several unsuccessful attempts to catch it and fail.

The insect is most active at night. At this time of day, she is usually not disturbed, and she can lead an active life. However, during the day, moths can also be seen, but they are very cautious and immediately after the appearance of a person, they skillfully disguise themselves. Inconspicuous coloring helps her a lot in this.

Although life cycle food moth is only about three weeks, it can significantly spoil the lives of people in the house. During its existence, the insect brings so many offspring that it is enough to destroy a whole warehouse of products.

not interested in food, prefers only natural fabrics and wool. It has a paler shade, closer to milky. In addition, the clothing insect is much smaller in size.

Where does it live

If a food moth is wound up in an apartment, then all grain products are subject to examination. The main source of its food and habitat is as follows:

  • buckwheat;
  • beans;
  • pasta;
  • sugar;
  • peas;
  • nuts;
  • semolina;
  • oat groats;
  • cookie;
  • dried fruits;
  • dry food for animals;
  • coffee;
  • cocoa.

It is in the packages of the above products that the food moth lives. IN finished products it comes from dry matter stored in cupboards. But the main danger is not adults. The larvae of the food moth cause the greatest harm. During the period of active growth, they leave feces on food, develop cobwebs and shed scales after rebirth. They are also able to eat their dead relatives, leaving shells from them.

It is worth considering that only larvae eat cereals and other dry foods. If it has turned into an adult, then the moth needs access to water. She now uses the products only for laying new eggs.

What else is unpleasant moth? The products of her vital activity clog bags with cereals, they look pretty disgusting. In addition, they are somewhat poisonous.

Where did they come from

If a food moth is found in the apartment, then you should not think that the owners are unclean and do not follow the rules of hygiene. Uninvited guests can be a "legacy" from the previous owners of the apartment or start up if the stock is too large.

However, most often food moth enters the house from the store. It is important to understand that unscrupulous manufacturers could neglect the rules for storing and packaging products. In the store, sellers also make mistakes and, if stored carelessly, contribute to the contamination of products.

Therefore, it is important to always inspect a bag of biscuits, cereals or sugar for the presence of larvae or an adult.

Moth can get into the apartment through the ventilation ducts, through open window or a door. It can be brought by a neighbor along with a pack of cookies. Particularly favorable conditions for the movement of insects are warm, dry and calm weather.

Settling in a new place, the insect is looking for favorite foods and rapidly multiplies in them. It should be noted that plastic bags are not a hindrance for them. If necessary, they easily gnaw through them. Therefore, for the storage of dry cereals, it is recommended to use tin or plastic jars. You can use glass.

Do not rely on cardboard packaging. For moths, this is not an obstacle. If a thin cobweb appeared on the surface of the box, then uninvited guests have already firmly settled in a new place. Alas, such a product is subject to elimination.

Destroy immediately

How to get rid of food moth? This is useful for all housewives to know. Before using radical remedies, you can try temperature method. In this case, exposure to both cold and hot temperatures is suitable:

  1. If frosts are below 10 degrees outside, then bags of cereals are hung outside the window for 2-3 days. In the summer you can use for these purposes freezer. This method is suitable for large cereals like beans, which can be washed afterwards.
  2. Infected products can be calcined in a frying pan or kept in the oven for 1.5 hours. The temperature can be 60 degrees. Often dried fruits are saved in this way.

Such methods will save some of the products that can be processed and only if the infection is not more than 20%. If the coverage area is much larger, and the moth is found in semolina, rice, flour, sugar and other similar products, then it is better to throw them away. But before purchasing a new batch of supplies, it is necessary to clear the kitchen cabinets of eggs, larvae and adults to avoid re-infestation.

We process lockers

How to deal with food moth? This is of interest to many clean housewives. The insect is afraid sunlight and soap. Therefore, after some products are thermally processed and others are discarded, it should be general cleaning in the kitchen. For this, water and ordinary soap are used. It is best to use economic.

It is necessary to wipe all surfaces of cabinets with soapy water. Pay special attention to cracks. They may contain insect larvae and cocoons. Dishes and containers where cereals were stored are also processed. Next, food vinegar is used. They clean cabinet surfaces. After processing, it is necessary to ventilate the room and leave the doors of the headset open for 2-3 hours.

Special traps

To fight insects, a trap for food moths is useful. It is a small pyramid with access from two sides. Inside is special coating with pheromone. The principle of operation of the trap is that males are attracted to the smell, they fly to it and stick to it. Thus, you can get rid of them and their further reproduction. The population is gradually dying out.

However, it should be noted that the trap, although it has a lot of advantages, still has a significant drawback. The smell of the pheromone is so strong and attracts moths that they can flock from the apartments of all the neighbors. Therefore, when using it, it is better to keep windows and doors closed.

stop breeding

To help get rid of food moths in the kitchen, ordinary sticky tapes, which are often used to trap flies. The method significantly reduces the population of adults, gradually reducing it to nothing.

You can also use glue traps, which work on a similar principle. Their advantage is more convenient use and the ability to stick horizontally and vertically. It is recommended to place such traps inside the cabinets on the shelves, on the walls and ceiling.

Means of the chemical industry

In stores you can find a variety of drugs aimed at combating food and clothing moths. Food moth remedy can be divided into repellents and insecticides:

The most famous, popular and effective means chemical industry:

  • "Raptor". The aerosol is sprayed on kitchen surfaces. The validity period is at least one year. It is safe for a person. It is aimed at the destruction of both adults and larvae.
  • "Armol". Instant aerosol against adult bloodworms. It has a prolonged effect on the larvae. The effect of spraying lasts up to six months.
  • "Combat". Able to destroy eggs, larvae and butterflies. Aerosol easily penetrates into cracks and nooks and crannies. The range of action is significantly expanded due to the possibility of getting into the narrowest gaps. It is completely safe for people and animals.

It should be understood that such tools are used away from food products. This means that before processing the lockers, all bags of cereals are removed. Otherwise, if the aerosol gets into them, the food becomes poisonous and can cause significant harm to health.

Additional features

To get rid of food moths, you can use different ways. In addition to aerosols, there are other forms of preparations on sale. Most commonly used:

  • cassettes "Zitol", "Fitocide" and "Arsenal";
  • plates "Prayer";
  • tablets "Antimol".

Such products are laid out inside kitchen cabinets and significantly repel insects. Food moth steadfastly bypasses such premises.

Grandma's methods

If the hostess is not satisfied with the drugs that are offered in the store, you can use folk remedies for food moths. Our grandmothers knew well how to deal with this scourge, because the stocks used to be quite large. The essence of all folk methods comes down to rather pungent odors that the moth does not tolerate:

  • Lavender. The aroma of lavender is not tolerated by any moth, whether food or clothes. The plant extract has been successfully used in industrial means. You can simply arrange fresh flowers in cabinets, as our grandmothers did. But there is an easier way. Flower extract is applied to cotton swabs and laid out inside kitchen set. You can sew small pillows by filling them with a dried plant.

  • Citrus. They have a rather pungent odor that repels adults. Lemon or orange peel and zest should be laid out around the perimeter of the cabinets and updated regularly. You can also use essential oil and a swab dipped in it.
  • Garlic. In the container where the cereal is stored, you can put a couple of cloves. This method reliably repels moths, but is not suitable for sugar, coffee and other products that absorb odors. Can be used in cereals.

  • Bay leaf. simple and reliable way. Laurel sheets are laid out inside the cabinets. You can put them inside a container with cereals.

  • Aromatic oil. There are a lot of smells that repel moths. The most reliable are wild rosemary, basil, geranium, tansy, cloves, rosemary.
  • IN country house you can use wormwood. The plant simply unfolds inside food boxes.
  • Camphor oil will not only allow you to get rid of moths, but also prevent them from approaching your home.

Preventive measures

In order not to wonder how to get rid of food moths, it is better to prevent their appearance altogether. To do this, you should regularly carry out preventive measures:

  1. Maintain order in the kitchen. Clean interior surfaces with vinegar.
  2. Musty and stagnant air is favorable for moths. Therefore, it is necessary to ventilate the dwelling more often.
  3. It is recommended to check the packaging even in the store. It is better if it is transparent, so it is easier to see what is inside. If an infected cereal is found at home, it is better to throw it away.
  4. It is better to store food in tightly closed jars.
  5. In lockers, use bags with fragrant herbs. It is completely safe for humans, but rather unpleasant for insects.
  6. All ventilation ducts it is necessary to close it with a mesh or a lattice with small holes so that insects do not get from neighbors.
  7. Do not make global stocks of cereals. If they become infected with moths, then everything will have to be thrown away.
  8. To prevent moths from starting in containers, you can use the military method. It is necessary to carefully clean an ordinary nail and put it in a jar before filling the grits.

Thanks to prevention, moths can be prevented and products can be protected from contamination.

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There is nothing pleasant about having food moths in your kitchen. These insects always deliver a lot of damage, problems and inconvenience to the owners of the apartment. They can start even in a room that is kept perfectly clean, and fighting them takes a lot of time and effort. However, the kitchen moth can be removed if you use the suggestions below effective advice and means. In this article, we will talk about how to get rid of food moths in the kitchen and how to prevent their occurrence.

Food moth, also called kitchen moth or food moth, is a small butterfly that is gray or brownish in color. On the Internet there are many photos with her image. The body reaches a length of about 10 millimeters. It leads a predominantly nocturnal lifestyle, so its owners rarely notice its appearance in time. Flying fast, has good reaction, knows how to maneuver perfectly, so it will be difficult to slam an insect in the air with a palm, a newspaper or a fly swatter. IN daytime hides in secluded places where direct sunlight does not fall and a person rarely looks in, for example, in the corner of a hanging closet. The life cycle of a moth starts from a few days, but can last up to three weeks. During this seemingly short time, the insect is able to lay many larvae, which will spoil the life of the owners of the house for a long time to come.

The kitchen moth lives and breeds in almost all dry foods. It can be flour, tea, coffee, bulk products (sugar), cereals and cereals (rice, buckwheat, millet, semolina), nuts and even dried fruits. Larvae laid by adults spoil the contents of numerous jars with waste products and particles of integuments that they shed as they grow and develop. It is obvious that food that has been eaten by an adult or a larva of a food moth is unfit for food and irretrievably spoiled.

A kitchen moth can easily live and develop even in a sealed jar without access to oxygen. Lack of constant inflow fresh air does not interfere with the normal life processes of these insects. If the croup has already been infected with larvae, they will definitely grow and continue to ruin your life.

There are several main varieties of food moth:

  • cereal - a variety of cereals seem more nutritious to them;
  • flour - lives and multiplies, for the most part, in flour;
  • fruit - lays eggs on seeds, dried fruits, in some varieties of tea.

Cleanly owners who are faced with a similar problem have the same question: “What are the reasons for the appearance of these unpleasant insects in the kitchen?”. The answer is simple. It's not about the well-groomed condition of the room and not in order in the kitchen. Food moth enters the house along with purchased cereals, flour or fruits. In shops and markets, unfortunately, they do not always follow the necessary rules for transportation and storage. If the product is already infected with eggs or larvae, they will certainly begin to develop in your apartment. Therefore, we advise you to buy ingredients for cooking only in trusted places, as well as carefully inspect products for possible threats.

Adults can easily enter your home through loose closed door or a window, through air vents or ventilation systems that connect your apartment with the neighbors.

Harm and danger

What is the main danger of food moth? The harm for the person that she inflicts is not critical, but there is little pleasant in such cohabitation. During its short life cycle, an adult is able to lay up to 400 eggs, which, as they develop, will make products unsuitable for consumption, pollute them with excrement and shell residues.

Eating food contaminated with kitchen moth eggs can lead to the following unpleasant consequences:

  • problems with the immune system;
  • disorder digestive system;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • allergic reactions.

General rules for insect control

What to do with the food moth, how to get rid of the invasion of unwanted guests? There are a few general advice and recommendations on how to remove food moth quickly and efficiently:

  1. Throw away all contaminated food. Cereal moth: how to get rid of it? First of all, you should check all dry products for the presence of eggs, larvae or adults. Go through all the banks and all the nooks and crannies. If you are not sure about any of the ingredients, it would be better to get rid of it anyway, just in case.
  2. Soap treatment. The moth is afraid of direct sunlight and soap. Therefore, it is worth walking with a sponge dipped in soapy water all utensils, storage containers and surfaces inside drawers and cupboards where pests can live.
  3. Treatment with vinegar. In addition to light and soap, moths cannot tolerate vinegar. Wipe the inside of cabinets with the solution and leave to dry.
  4. chemicals. Modern technologies allow the manufacture of effective remedies for all types of insects. Buying one of these products will be inexpensive, and the result will be visible instantly. However, be careful with this in the kitchen, do not use chemicals near food.


Aerosol is an option that is not entirely suitable for use in the kitchen, although it is very effective. It is inconvenient in that you cannot apply it directly to the source of infection, since the chemistry in the composition will certainly poison the products. However, it can be sprayed on the inner walls of cabinets and wait a while until the product works. It will be possible to place products back on the shelves only after the caustic aerosol solution has been washed off with soap and water.


The moth trap looks like a small leaf with a sticky surface. It exudes an odor that attracts kitchen moths. The lured insects move to the smell, stick to the surface of the leaf and die. Traps are placed on the inner walls of cabinets. They are usually enough for 3-5 weeks, because after they stop emitting a smell or there is simply no free space left on them.

Folk recipes

Let's say you don't like artificial methods fight against food moth. How to get rid folk remedies without resorting to aggressive chemicals? There are some easy tips:

  1. Place a pot of geraniums on the windowsill. This plant is known for its preventive properties in the fight against many insects.
  2. Lay out on shelves kitchen cabinets one of the following products: garlic cloves - moths do not like the pungent smell; bags of cloves, bay leaves, mint, pepper - spices repel insects; peel of an orange, lemon, grapefruit - the smell of citrus fruits is unbearable for all types of indoor moths.

Prevention of the appearance

In order to avoid the appearance of annoying food moths in your kitchen, you should follow these simple rules:

  1. Ventilate the room regularly, do not let the air stagnate.
  2. Choose glass or metal storage containers.
  3. Store food in the refrigerator low temperatures insects lose their ability to reproduce and die.

Good luck with insects!

Video: how to permanently get rid of moths

Moth in the kitchen is often not as easy to remove as it might seem at first glance, especially inexperienced owners in the fight against this pest. The reason for this is that the main habitat is dry food, and they can be brought out only by getting rid of all the affected stocks, and then without fail having exterminated adult butterflies.

Thus, in order to remove moths in the kitchen, it is necessary to approach this task in a complex manner. It will not be possible to destroy the kitchen moth with quick one-time measures, but with a competent approach, it can be removed quickly and efficiently.

On a note

Often people, seeing the characteristic grayish-yellow butterflies in the kitchen, begin to puzzle over where this moth comes from. The reason for its appearance does not depend on the owner of the apartment in any way - it simply enters the house with purchased contaminated food. As a rule, these are cereals, flour, sugar, dried fruits, nuts, and sometimes even pasta. Moth almost never appears in the kitchen, flying in from the street - only larvae spread in products. As a rule - in expired and untreated from pests.

Moth control is not only and not so much the direct destruction of insects as competent prevention and compliance with food storage rules. But first things first.

Food status monitoring

As a rule, moth larvae enter the house in food, and already here they pupate, turn into butterflies and make themselves felt. That is why, in order to be effective in the kitchen, you must:

At the same time, it is especially important to check all the bins and pantries: usually it is in a long-forgotten package, for example, with buckwheat or dried bird cherry, that the main kitchen moth incubator is present.

In the photo - a moth chrysalis in semolina in the kitchen:

This is interesting

Generally speaking, the kitchen moth is the collective name for several species of butterflies in the moth family. Most often, barn and flour moths are found in the house, but other species can sometimes come across. Distinctive feature barn moth - a light transverse stripe on dark brown wings. Its caterpillars differ little from the caterpillars of the codling moth.

Processing of kitchen furniture

This set of measures is aimed at the destruction of larvae crawling out to pupate. As a rule, caterpillars of all moths leave food and crawl around the room in search of convenient places to create a cocoon. At these moments, they come across in the kitchen on its walls, ceiling, at the junctions of furniture with walls.

Good for processing insecticidal aerosols used in the fight against ants and cockroaches, as well as insecticidal pencils (for example, the well-known Mashenka chalk). At the same time, strong-smelling repellents will not give practically any effect here, but simply scare the butterflies away from the locations of odorous substances.

There are also special ones - for example, Armol, Raptor from moths - but their effectiveness against moths in the kitchen is much lower than against clothes moths.

“Where could the mole come from in the kitchen if we didn’t have it from birth? Butterflies under the ceiling, caterpillars crawl along the walls. In a bag with buckwheat their cocoons. Threw them out of the house, only it did not help. Now I’m going to buy anti-moth products.”

Irina, Odessa

It is important to understand that even after poisoning moth larvae once with a reliable aerosol, sometimes only a temporary effect can be achieved: the exit of caterpillars from food is not coordinated, and already two or three days after processing the kitchen, new caterpillars may appear in it.

There are preparations made according to the principle of microencapsulation, they provide a prolonged action. The most famous of these preparations is Get, which allows but also cockroaches, ants, and even bugs resistant to the removal of various insecticides. Of course, this remedy should only be used against larvae in kitchen furniture, as the drug should not come into contact with food.

It should also be borne in mind that fighting kitchen moths only with the help of special preparations is not effective. Still, the main part of pests is found in food products, and it is with this part that it is necessary first of all to conduct a targeted fight.

Butterfly destruction

Now let's imagine another, also common situation: you have a moth in the kitchen, but all the products were checked and sorted out, the larvae were destroyed and thrown away with the infected products. However, moth butterflies survived and continue to fly around the kitchen, and in large numbers.

In this case, it is imperative to bring the matter to the end and take up the extermination of butterflies. After all, it is they who are able to lay eggs invisible to the eye on food, making it possible for a new generation of pests to appear.

Breeding moth butterflies is quite simple. Usually you don't even have to use chemicals. A fly swatter and a simple slipper are quite enough to slap even a few dozen adults.

“I don’t know where the moth came from in the kitchen, but this infection hurt a lot. Still okay, while the butterflies were flying, but when the worms climbed, I could not stand it at all. But the main thing, no matter how much you push them, they all appear and appear. It turned out they were climbing out of last year's nuts on the balcony. They threw out the nuts, a kilogram of infected cell, passed all the butterflies - and peace and grace became. I really didn’t expect that I would cope with the adversity so quickly. ”

Antonina, Eremeyskoe

In warehouses or kitchens of public catering establishments, insecticidal aerosols are used to kill moth butterflies - professional Tetrix, Diazinon or general use Kombat, Raptor, Raid. The grain moth in the kitchen is usually destroyed on a specially designated day off, and after processing the room, it is thoroughly cleaned.

Prevention measures

After all contaminated products are thrown out of the house, and the larvae and butterflies are exterminated special means, you should not relax: the mole may appear in the kitchen again. To avoid this, you must:

  • check all products brought into the house
  • maintain cleanliness and remove all spilled products on the floor or at the table (bedside table)
  • throw away or use old stocks of food
  • use special repellents in food storage areas. For this, special anti-moth sections and some folk remedies are suitable, which should be placed in bedside tables and cabinets.

There are several types of food moth, the most common is cocoa fire, who likes to wander around "their" places only at night. It looks like a small butterfly no more than 1 cm in size. Her coloration is inconspicuous, from brown to gray with small dots.

An insect lives for several weeks, but during these days it produces a large offspring. Reproduction occurs only when there is free access to water. Kitchen moth does not eat food because it does not have a developed digestive system. Its larvae eat food.

Development goes through three stages, this is egg laying, intensive development, birth.

What does food moth look like, photo below:

Harm to humans

The main harm caused by kitchen moths is food spoilage. If she "visited" the product, it can no longer be eaten. Also, contaminated groceries are not recommended for sale.

Insect-infested products sometimes enter the secondary market. After such a purchase, a person runs the risk of bringing food moth to his home.

Kitchen causes damage at all stages of its development. Eggs contaminate food after which it can no longer be used. Larvae leave their waste in food while eating them. Adult females, despite the need for food, produce their offspring on cereal goodies.

Among other things, they skillfully jump on tables and spread the infection. If a moth appears, then the dishes that are used for food must be rinsed before each meal. This applies not only to plates and forks, but also to all cutlery that is often used.

An adult in its short life leaves behind offspring, the number of which can be about 400 pieces. Each disguise repeatedly changes skin. For this reason, hundreds of feces and residual effects after larvae are observed on contaminated products.

If you eat such food, intoxication of the body, allergies, food poisoning is quite possible.

What do larvae like?

Larvae harmful insect eat all kinds of grains. Do not disdain pasta, legumes. They can also be found in protected, portioned packets of cereals.

It turns out that the offspring Easily penetrates hard-to-reach places.

Also mole can live inside a nut shell, more often they are found under the "shell" walnut. Strange, but the inconspicuous butterfly eats seasoning and lives in garlic.

It turns out that the kitchen moth is hiding in the most unexpected places, so when the slightest sign her presence in the kitchen is worth checking out every nook and cranny.

grain moth prefers grain and flour products. Fruit moths eat sweets, dried fruits. It turns out a general list, which includes such types of products as:

  • flour;
  • pasta;
  • cereals;
  • all kinds of nuts;
  • cookie;
  • dried fruits;
  • chocolate;
  • bread products;
  • bakery.

How and where to store cereals?

For storage of bulk products not recommended to use plastic bags . You need to store cereals in clean glass or ceramics. Before closing the filled vessel, you need to look at the state of the cereal, for this you can throw it to the bottom of the jar Bay leaf.

Two pieces will be enough for a bottle. It is better to replace the covers with linen rags or two-layer gauze. You can fix them with a rubber flagellum. Every product needs air.

How to store cereals so that moths do not start? Rice should be stored in a ceramic jar with salt in a bag. It will remove all moisture and excess odors. In addition, the bulk product will retain its properties longer.

Flour is sifted before bottling. Store it in a linen bag. In order for the flour to be stored for a long time and carefully, it is recommended to wash the storage bag in a saline solution.

Glass and ceramics can be replaced with a plastic bottle.

If light falls on bulk products, they oxidize. An ideal place to store them is a dry, dark shelf with cool air.

A jar of cereal should be on the bottom of the shelf, and not at the top, as everyone thinks. At the top is moisture and evaporation, which prevent bulk products from staying in usable condition longer. The cold prevents the appearance of insects, so you can store cereals in the refrigerator, but for this you need to adjust the temperature on the lower shelves.

According to the norms, cereal products should be stored at a temperature of about 6 degrees. At 10 and above, pests will make themselves felt. Flour, cereals and pasta will retain their properties if stored in the pantry. Some have special rooms at home for stocking food.

Watch a video on how to properly store cereals so that moths and mold do not start:

Do food moths eat clothes?

When grain moth in the kitchen, do not worry that she managed to eat fur coats and sweaters in the closet.

food moth doesn't eat clothes, her menu consists only of cereals, flour and bread products. Fruits and sweets also do not disdain.

There is no need to worry about things, although it is necessary to carry out a check in the cabinets so that it does not start

Food moth in an apartment is a source of many troubles. Moreover, moths in cereals start up even in kitchens where perfect order and cleanliness. For effective fight with pests, you will need minimal knowledge about their life and, suddenly, completely different types of insects have chosen your kitchen?

Food moth - photo, description

An inconspicuous gray or brown butterfly, about a centimeter long, randomly flying around the room, landing on the surface of the ceiling, walls and products, annoyingly circling right before your eyes - this is a food moth. Her life is short only half a month, but the larvae quietly exist for two months, and it is they who pollute the products. An adult moth drinks water (therefore, it can be seen in a container of water or near the sink) and does not eat anything. But the harm from them is colossal, one moth lays up to four hundred eggs, from which the very larvae then appear, crawling in the croup.

Food moth - types:

  • walnut,
  • barn,
  • mill fire,
  • cereal and many others.

But if the moth lives in the kitchen, then it eats only food and is absolutely indifferent to clothes.

Moth in cereals and other products - harm from insects

Food moths can be seen in flour bags, cereal bags, tea, some spices, nuts, and even dog or cat food. Usually she appears in the apartment with products in which larvae have bred. It is not uncommon to buy such products in a store. This is due to poor-quality processing of goods, unfavorable storage conditions and other negative factors. The kitchen is warm and moths multiply at the speed of light, infecting other foods. In some cases, food moths enter the apartment through ventilation from neighbors, but such cases are very rare.

The larvae, in addition to eating food, easily gnaw on the bags in which they are stored, leave their skin and feces in them, and dead larvae remain there. Do not eat contaminated cereals and any other products.

Moth Remedies

How to get rid of food moths in the apartment completely

Getting rid of pests is a difficult process, but independent struggle can give positive results. Means used against food moths are divided into folk methods And chemicals. But before you get rid of food moths in the apartment, you need to identify the source of infection.

Before processing, you first need to find out which of the products caused the appearance of insects. Make an audit, pull out all the contents from cupboards and lockers. At the slightest trace of infection, throw away the products without regret. Pour what the pests have not reached into jars or tightly closed containers, in extreme cases, determine for temporary storage in the refrigerator.

Wash the cupboard and shelves where the moth was found in the croup with soap and water, and then rinse. Carefully go over the surfaces with a sponge dipped in vinegar. Let the cabinet dry completely with the doors open.

How to get rid of food moths in an apartment using folk remedies

  1. In the fight against moths, the first remedy is lavender. Bunches of grass need to be laid out in cabinets.
  2. Cloves and bay leaves - the smell of spices is extremely unpleasant for insects.
  3. The moth is afraid of the aroma of garlic and will leave its habitat if, after removing the husk from the vegetable, the cloves are laid out on shelves and in cabinets.
  4. Another tool that nature gives us is mint. It also needs to be laid out in cabinets.

How to get rid of food moths in an apartment using chemicals

Moths in cereals can be destroyed with insecticides. The efficiency is high, but they need to be used with
extreme caution due to high toxicity and negative impact on health.

Moth Insecticides:

  • "Eslanadez" in liquid form or concentrate
  • "Breeze" emulsion
  • "Armol"
  • "Combat"
  • "Antimol" tablets and aerosol
  • "Raptor" aerosol
  • "Dezmol" tablets
  • "Prayer" records
  • "Gela", "Arsenal", "Zitol", "Phytocide" records.

There are traps whose smell attracts moths, especially males, which reduces the population.

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Minimum wage (minimum wage)
The minimum wage is the minimum wage (SMIC), which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation annually on the basis of the Federal Law "On the Minimum Wage". The minimum wage is calculated for the fully completed monthly work rate.