non-traditional lesson. Main characteristics

The main difference between a non-standard lesson and a regular one is not stereotyped, out of stereotyped, to some extent informality. In a non-standard lesson, there are no strict requirements on how specifically to conduct a lesson, an unusual lesson is more creative, liberated, requiring direct involvement from all participants and leading to an emotional attitude to the subject of study, to the participants in the lesson, its actors.

Often an unusual lesson is also distinguished by the fact that the teacher does not clearly declare the learning objectives of the lesson, they are, as it were, hidden, and become clear to children only after the lesson. In such a lesson, marks may not be given in their usual sense.

The benefits of non-standard lessons

  • H non-standard lessons help to get rid of: each student finds himself in a non-standard situation and can prove himself from an unknown side.
  • H non-standard lessons help to increase students' interest in the subject.
  • H non-standard lessons develop thinking, logic, teach children to reason, make decisions and be responsible for their own actions.
  • H non-standard lessons help children find contact with each other, teach them to work in a team, they are good prevention (although conflicts can occur in the lesson), non-standard lessons teach to communicate.

Eight ideas for unusual lessons

  • Debate lesson. A dispute initiated by a teacher on a socially significant and controversial topic. Children express different points of view on the stated topic, it is not necessary to speak with their personal point of view, children can be deliberately given a point of view with which they do not agree, but within the framework of the lesson they must defend it.
  • business game. Played in class life situation or a problem, and within the framework of the lesson, it is “played out” and solved.
  • Lesson conference. This type of lesson is most in demand in high school. The children are informed in advance about the topic of the conference, the class is divided into groups, each of which receives a topic for preparing a report.
  • Lesson-meeting. A third person is invited to the lesson (writer, scientist, veteran, traveler, military man, foreigner, etc.).
  • Lesson-concert, dramatization. Such lessons are most suitable for literature, literary reading, foreign language lessons.
  • Integrated lesson. Lessons taught in two or more subjects at once, often by two teachers (literature and physics, English language and biology - the more unexpected combination, the more interesting). The task of an integrated lesson is to show the connection between various subjects, between the subject and real life.
  • lesson game. A lesson in which children play, for example, analogues of the television games “Own Game”, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” (excellent student), “What? Where? When?" and others. Such lessons are great for consolidating and summarizing knowledge on a subject, like initial or final lessons at the beginning or at the end of a quarter.
  • Lesson study. The difference of this lesson is that at the entrance to the solution of the problem posed in the class, a hypothesis is put forward, and further actions come down to the algorithm. As a result of the work, children must formulate conclusions, interpret the result of their activities.

A non-standard lesson aims not to entertain, but to learn with interest

And what non-standard lessons do you use and do you use at all? We look forward to your feedback in the comments and articles.

Related materials on our website:

Custom Shapes and methods of conducting lessons as one of the ways to increase the cognitive activity of students in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard Everything is in your hands The problem

  • As a rule, all children of 6-7 years old go to school with great desire, they are interested in everything. But interest in learning is gradually fading away, some students do not want to learn at all.
Relevance of the problem
  • How to interest the children in studying subjects, make the lessons loved, exciting?
Relevance of the problem
  • The teacher must make sure that the educational work brings the student satisfaction, joy, arouses the desire to learn new things again and again.
Way to solve the problem:
  • In order to maintain the attention of children in the lesson, it is necessary to organize active and interesting mental activity. And non-traditional lessons play a major role in this.
  • In the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, special importance is attached to the technologies of activity-based learning. It is non-standard forms of conducting lessons that increase the cognitive activity of students and help maintain a stable interest in educational work, as well as better assimilation of program material.
The benefits of non-standard lessons
  • Non-standard lessons help get rid of labels on students: each student finds himself in a non-standard situation and can manifest himself from an unknown side.
  • Non-standard lessons help to increase students' interest in the subject.
  • Non-standard lessons develop thinking, logic, teach children to reason, make decisions and be responsible for their own actions.
  • Non-standard lessons help children find contact with each other, teach to work in a team, are a good prevention of conflicts between children, non-standard lessons teach to communicate.
The non-standard lesson is
  • The non-standard lesson is
  • an impromptu training session that has an unconventional structure.
The main objectives of the non-traditional lesson in the context of the introduction of GEF IEO
  • 1. General cultural development.
  • 2. Personal development.
  • 3. Development of cognitive motives, initiative and interests of students.
  • 4. Formation of the ability to learn.
  • 5. Development of communicative competence.
  • 6. Creation of conditions for an atmosphere of creative search for knowledge.
Signs of an unconventional lesson
  • It carries elements of the new, time frames, venues change.
  • Non-program material is used.
  • Collective activity is organized in combination with individual.
  • People from different professions are involved in the organization of the lesson.
  • Emotional uplift of students is achieved through the design of the office, the use of NIT.
  • Creative tasks are being carried out.
The most common types of non-standard lessons
  • Lessons - business games
  • Lessons - press conferences
  • Lessons-competitions
  • KVN lessons
  • Theatrical lessons
  • Computer lessons
  • Lessons with group forms of work
  • Lessons - auctions
  • Lessons taught by students
  • Lessons-tests
  • Lessons - Doubts
  • Lessons - creative countdowns
  • Lessons-competitions
  • Binary Lessons
  • Lessons - games
  • Lessons - "courts"
  • Lessons in the Search for Truth
  • Lessons - lectures
  • Lessons - concerts
  • Dialogue Lessons
  • Lessons "The investigation is conducted by experts"
  • Lessons - role playing
  • Lessons- conferences
  • Integrated Lessons
  • Lessons seminars
  • Lessons-excursions
  • Lessons - games "Field of Miracles".
  • A few days before the lesson, the roles are distributed: judges, defenders, prosecution, witnesses. Through the prism of the assigned role, the student prepares for this lesson. The course of the lesson reproduces the court session.
  • The class is divided into 3-4 teams according to reading interests, based on what kind of literature they like.
  • Preparation for the lesson takes 2-3 weeks.
  • Each group must protect its reader's form, i.e. the topic in literature that they love.
Lesson - protection of the reader's form.
  • - to make reports about the literature on this topic, to tell what writers it is represented by.
  • - talk about the most striking work.
  • - stage one of the scenes (optional) - read 2 excerpts from the work (against the background of music).
  • - illustrate these works or issue a literary leaflet.
Lessons are mutual learning.
  • The class is divided into crews (in each - commander, navigator, 2 pilots).
  • The teacher explains the new topic in detail.
  • The commander explains the new topic to the crew (strong student)
  • The commander takes credit from the navigator.
  • The commander and navigator take credit from the pilots.
The lesson is a creative report.
  • The topic and date of the lesson are announced in advance.
  • 2. Options for creative tasks are announced (to develop a project, write an essay, interview a specialist, etc.).
  • 3. You can work individually or in groups, completely independently.
The lesson is a creative report.
  • During the classes:
  • Introduction by the teacher.
  • Speech by the student with reports (if the group prepared, one performs).
  • Speakers' answers to questions from classmates, teachers, parents, guests. Members of the group can also participate in the answers.
  • Summarizing.
The lesson is a concert.
  • You can spend it as a generalization lesson. The lesson can work:
  • - a group of readers.
  • - drama group (staging excerpts)
  • - a group of artists (illustrations, posters, cartoons).
  • - a group of vocalists.
Binary Lessons
  • The binary lesson is a non-traditional form of learning. Its structure organically combines the personalities of the teacher and the teacher-specialist, their interaction with each other, as well as with students. The binary learning model is an important means of implementing intra-subject and inter-subject relationships. A binary lesson allows you to identify the connection between various subjects, makes learning holistic and systematic.
Binary Lessons
  • Binary lessons allow you to integrate knowledge from different areas to solve one problem, provide an opportunity to apply the knowledge gained in practice.
  • In such a lesson, skills are transferred to new areas that have not been studied before, which helps students make decisions in creative situations, forming an activity approach to learning.
Lesson study
  • By imitating research activities, students master the elements of scientific analysis. The lesson-research contains elements of a role-playing game. Students act as specialist scientists: botanists, zoologists, ecologists, etc. The role of a researcher allows the child to engage in analytical activities that are rather difficult for him, fill in tables, choose examples, etc. in a playful way.
Lesson - publication of a newspaper or scientific almanac.
  • For him, groups of students and individual students are given tasks of a creative search nature on certain topics. The results of the work constitute the content of the proposed almanac or newspaper.
Lesson is a game.
  • The named type of lesson can be conducted in the form of games “WHAT? Where? When?", "Smarts and smart girls", "Lucky case", "Tic-tac-toe", "Field of miracles", etc.
  • The educational task of these lessons is the generalization and systematization of students' knowledge.
  • The organizational moment, the course of the lesson, and the physical minute can be non-traditional. It depends on the professionalism and creative talent of the teacher.
  • Such forms of conducting classes "remove" the traditional nature of the lesson, enliven the thought. However, too frequent recourse to such forms of organization of the educational process is inappropriate, since non-traditional lessons can quickly become traditional, which ultimately will lead to a drop in students' interest in the subject.
  • All of the above allows us to conclude that the use of non-standard forms of lessons in the educational process is one of the most important ways to increase motivation, cognitive interest in studying the subject, knowledge, and hence student achievement.
  • Non-traditional lessons are a way to achieve the effectiveness of cognitive activity in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.
Confucius saying
  • “He who, turning to the old, is able to discover the new, is worthy of being a teacher.”



INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………….. 3


    1. “For” and “against” non-traditional lesson …………………6

      Signs of an unconventional lesson …………………………. 7

      Principles of non-traditional lesson ………………………… 7

      Periods of preparation and conduct of non-standard lessons. 8

      Non-traditional lessons - as a form of increasing cognitive interest 9 2. METHODOLOGY FOR CONDUCTING NON-STANDARD LESSONS

      Classification of non-standard lessons (types of lessons)..….. 11

      Lesson groups.……………………………………….…….. 11

1.8. Classification of lessons on the basis of not quite ordinary and very unusual methods and forms of their conduct ..........……….. 13

    1. Lessons with Changed Ways of Organizing…………… 14

      Lessons with game competitive basis..………….…….. 15

      Control of different levels of assimilation of educational material in non-traditional lessons.…………………………..……….. 21


LITERATURE ………………………………………


The modern lesson is a democratic lesson. It is not held for the students, but together with the students. There are no stupid children among them, there are just those who are already interested and those who have not yet had time to be interested. The teacher must understand and represent his role in the life of the state, school, in the life of his students, systematize knowledge, skills, learn new technologies that will help him make the learning process interesting, effective, democratic. It is necessary to discard verbal teaching and pass on to teaching by deed.

“The purpose of the school is to introduce to life, to understand it, to find one's place in it,” wrote Sofia Russova.

Interest arises when a person works himself, that is,

AND individual,

H tense,

T creative,

E daily

R work.

E naturally

WITH humor.

The modern school is looking for various ways to implement its functions, one of which is the use of non-traditional forms learning. At present time is running the formation of a new education system focused on entering the world educational space. We must develop in students a new way of thinking, a new approach to life.

Non-traditional lessons develop the thinking and creativity of students.

“Creativity is not a luxury for the elite, but a common biological need sometimes not realized by us.” - G. Ivanov.

Of course, something is given to the child by nature, something from upbringing. But we can develop the student's abilities that he already has. And it all starts from the student's interest (the word "interest" can be perceived with a slightly different connotation: the parents promised to buy a computer - so the student became interested). And to arouse the interest of the student, better way no, as the use of non-standard forms of conducting a lesson. This:

Makes the learning process attractive and interesting;

Teaches how to use knowledge in practical activities;

Develops analytical, logical thinking;

Promotes the creative growth of the teacher;

Helps the student to be active.

Application of non-standard lessons as repetition and generalization

material provides not only time savings, but also the success of training, attracting everyone more students. At such lessons, the assimilation of knowledge

occurs more intensively, the activity of students increases, the educational material is processed faster and mainly in the classroom, and the volume homework decreases.

For this, modern pedagogical literature can be used, where possible topics of non-traditional lessons are recommended, and many ready-made lessons are also offered. For example, Nedbaevskaya L. S., Sushenko S. S. “Development of the creative potential of students in physics lessons. Non-standard physics lessons”, S. Borovik “Methods of conducting non-standard physics lessons”, Lanina “Non-standard forms of organization of physics lessons”, in the book by M. Bravermann “Physics lesson in a modern school. Creative Search for Teachers” used materials from the experience of teachers.

These authors in their works emphasize the high efficiency of non-standard lessons, their ability to activate the cognitive activity of students, and also provide various classifications of lessons and methods for their implementation.

In my work, I will try to show all the pros and cons of a non-traditional lesson, the feasibility of its use, effectiveness, the impact of this form of conducting a lesson on increasing the cognitive interest of students and developing their creative abilities.

Non-traditional lessons are designed for vigorous activity students, are the basis for the assimilation of knowledge.


1.1. "For" and "against" non-traditional lesson

Today, there are a huge number of not quite ordinary teaching methods and whole lessons, but not all of them correspond to generally accepted ideas about non-standard education, about the unusualness of a lesson, and, finally, do not correspond to ideas about either a lesson or a method. Choosing from this array exactly the information that is needed, the teacher, as a rule, relies on his intuition, and not on any scientific grounds.

Such a “choice” leads to significant disadvantages that reduce the pedagogical effectiveness of the educational process:

    spontaneity and unsystematic use. The only exceptions are the lessons of the lecture-seminar system, which came from the practice of higher education and therefore are relatively fully substantiated. But this system is used mainly in the upper grades and does not include a number of new forms of lessons;

    lack of a forecast of positive changes - an increase in the quality of knowledge and skills, shifts in the development of students. Not all teachers can identify main idea lesson, its developing possibilities;

    the predominance of reproductive learning technologies. Attention is drawn mainly to the form of organization of the educational process, and not to its content. This affects the number and content of conclusions and conclusions, final forms of activity;

    overloading some lessons with educational material, often

factual. This is especially true for integrated lessons,

educational conferences, sometimes entertaining forms of lessons. retreat

stages of generalization, work with factual material prevails, not

having special educational value. Attracted facts

interesting to students, however, their educational and developmental load


    Unusual forms are used unmotivated, as single lessons, with no noticeable connection with previously conducted lessons. The final forms prevail (tests, seminars, solutions, crossword puzzles, etc.) Target settings of the lessons do not provide for the growth of new knowledge and skills, the development of students

in any respect.

1.2. Signs of an unconventional lesson

It carries elements of the new, the external framework and venues change.

Extra-curricular material is used, collective activity is organized in combination with individual.

People from different professions are involved in the organization of the lesson.

Emotional uplift of students through the design of the classroom, blackboards, music, the use of video.

Organization and implementation of creative tasks.

Mandatory self-analysis during the period of preparation for the lesson, at the lesson and after it


Be sure to create a temporary initiative group of students to support

cooking lesson.

Mandatory lesson planning in advance.

Be clear 3 didactic tasks.

The creativity of students should be directed to their development.

Each teacher has the right to choose those pedagogical technologies that

Comfortable for him and correspond to the individual characteristics of the trainees:

c) innovative (researchers, experimenters);

d) traditional (do as I do);

e) use non-traditional lessons.

1.3. Principles of non-traditional lesson

Principles are especially "unworthy" of teacher's attention. This category, according to the blessed memory of university pedagogical training, is perceived by teachers as something abstract, having nothing to do with practical activity.

At the same time, if we consider the principles as a guide to a very specific activity, it turns out that their uselessness is the fruit of our lazy imagination. This is evidenced by the same experience of innovative teachers who, in order to generalize their activities, for a more understandable presentation of them, resorted to the principles of cooperation pedagogy.

In general, these are the principles: relationships of mutual understanding with students; exercises without coercion; difficult goal; the principle of support for the student, which can be a guiding thread of a story, a rule, a way to solve a problem; the prince of appreciation, as a respectful attitude not only to children's knowledge, but also ignorance, encouraging a sense of duty and responsibility; principles of introspection, appropriate form, class intellectual background and personal approach.

Crimean teachers have a slightly different idea of ​​creative principles:

    Refusal of the template in the organization of the lesson, from the routine and formalism in conducting.

    The maximum involvement of students in the class in active activities in the classroom.

    Not entertainment, but entertainment and passion as the basis

emotional tone of the lesson.

4. Support for alternativeness, plurality of opinions.

    The development of the function of communication in the classroom as a condition for ensuring mutual understanding, motivation for action, a sense of emotional satisfaction.

"Hidden" (pedagogically expedient), differentiation of students

according to educational opportunities, interests, abilities and inclinations.

    Using assessment as a formative (and not just a resultant) tool.

    Both the first and second groups of principles set the general direction of pedagogical creativity, focusing on a very specific learning activity.

1.4. Periods of preparation and conduct of non-standard lessons

In addition to the principles, the researchers refer to the very significant periods of preparation and conduct of non-standard lessons. There are 3 periods: preparatory, the lesson itself, and its analysis.


Both the teacher and the students take an active part in it. If, in preparation for a traditional lesson, only the teacher shows such activity (writing a plan-outline, making visual aids, handouts, provision, etc.), then in the second case, students are also largely involved. They are divided into groups (teams, crews), receive or recruit certain tasks that must be completed before the lesson: preparing messages on the topic of the upcoming lesson, compiling

questions, crossword puzzles, quizzes, preparation of the necessary didactic material, etc.

2. THE LESSON OWN (3 main stages are distinguished):

First stage.

It is a prerequisite for the formation and development

the motivational sphere of students: problems are posed, the degree of readiness to solve them, to find ways to achieve the goals of the lesson, is clarified. Situations are outlined, participation in which will allow solving cognitive, developmental and educational tasks.

The development of the motivational sphere is carried out the more effectively, the more effectively the preparatory period is carried out: the quality of the students' fulfillment of the preliminary tasks affects their interest in the work ahead. When conducting a lesson, the teacher takes into account the attitude of students to the original form of the lesson; their level of readiness; age and psychological characteristics.

Second phase.

Communication of new material, the formation of students' knowledge in various

"non-standard" forms of organization of their mental activity.

Third stage.

It is dedicated to the formation of skills and abilities. Control usually does not stand out in time, but "dissolves" in each of the previous stages.

During analysis of these lessons, it is advisable to evaluate both the results of training, education, development of students, and the picture of communication - the emotional tone of the lesson: not only in the communication of the teacher with the students, but also in the communication of students with each other, as well as individual working groups.

    1. Non-traditional lessons - as a form of increasing cognitive interest

Since the mid 70s. in the Patriotic School, a dangerous trend was revealed to reduce the interest of schoolchildren in classes. Educators tried to stop the alienation of students from cognitive work in various ways. Mass practice reacted to the aggravation of the problem with the so-called non-standard lessons, the main goal of which is to excite and retain students' interest in the subject.

A non-standard lesson is an impromptu lesson that has a non-traditional (not established) structure.

The views of teachers on non-standard lessons differ: some see progress in them pedagogical thought, the right step towards the democratization of the school, while others, on the contrary, consider such lessons a dangerous violation of pedagogical principles, a forced retreat of teachers under the pressure of lazy students who do not want and do not know how to work seriously.

So, the effectiveness of the educational process largely depends on the ability of the teacher to organize the lesson correctly and correctly choose one or another form of conducting the lesson.

The development of the child in the classroom occurs in different ways. It all depends on what exactly is meant by development.

If we keep in mind that development is an increase in knowledge, skills and abilities to perform certain actions (add, subtract, analyze, generalize and develop memory, imagination, etc.) - such development is provided precisely by traditional lessons. It can go fast or slow.

If you prefer a quick option, then you need to turn to the non-traditional organization of the lesson.

When conducting open lessons, this form is always advantageous, because. it presents not only game moments, original submission material, the employment of students not only in preparing lessons, but also in conducting the lessons themselves through various forms collective and group work.

The tasks that students receive in non-traditional lessons help them to live in an atmosphere of creative search. Tasks can be completely different.

The organizational moment, the course of the lesson, and the results of the lesson can be non-traditional. It depends on the professionalism and creative talent of the teacher.

The creative abilities of students can develop only in the process creative activity. Since thinking is a creative and productive process, thanks to which new knowledge appears, the unknown is revealed, learning must be organized in such a way that the student discovers subjectively new things for himself in the lesson, although this scientific information may already be known to humanity. In this case, “His Majesty” a non-standard lesson comes to our aid.


2.1. Ordinary and unusual lessons

Lessons with modified ways of organizing: lesson-lecture, lecture-paradox, defense of knowledge, defense of ideas, lesson for two, lesson-meeting.

Lessons based on fantasy: a fairy tale lesson, a creativity lesson: an essay lesson, an invention lesson, a creative report lesson, a complex creative report, an exhibition lesson, an invention lesson, an “amazing nearby” lesson, a fantastic project lesson, a lesson story about scientists: a benefit lesson, a portrait lesson, a surprise lesson, a lesson - a gift from Hotabych.

Lessons that imitate any activities or types of work: an excursion, a correspondence excursion, a walk, a living room, a trip to the past (future), a trip around the country, a train ride, a lesson-expedition, protection of tourism projects.

Lessons with a gaming competitive basis: a game lesson, a “domino” lesson, a test crossword puzzle, a lesson in the form of the “Lotto” game, a lesson like: “Experts are investigating”, a lesson - a business game, a generalization game, a KVN-type lesson, a lesson "What? Where? When? ”, Relay lesson, competition, game, duel, competition, etc.

Lessons for Transformation standard ways organizations: pair survey, express survey, test-lesson, evaluation defense, consultation lesson, workshop lesson, seminar lesson, reader's form protection, TV lesson without television, lesson-public review of knowledge, lesson-consultation, final interview, student conference.

2.2. Classification of non-standard lessons (types of lessons)

There are many classifications of common methods and lessons. But these are well-known, traditional classifications. As for the not quite ordinary ones, there are attempts at classification, but the traditional typology of the lesson is used, supplemented by their non-standard forms. Typology is a distribution by types, i.e. according to various patterns of something, and not on grounds.

IN study guide I. P. Podlasiy “Pedagogy”, dozens of types of non-traditional lessons are identified (36 are listed), including lessons - business games, lessons-games, lessons - role-playing games, lessons-games "Field of Miracles", etc. They are classified as different types, although it is obvious that these are lessons of the same type, in any case they are close to each other. At the same time, the unconventionality of these lessons is very doubtful, since the lesson-game has been known for a very long time.

The “classical” typology for the main didactic goals proceeds not only from the planned learning outcomes, but also from the stages of the process of educational cognition (assimilation of new material - the formation of new knowledge and skills, their consolidation and systematization, control and evaluation of the results obtained).

The development of the theory of problem-based learning led to the division of lessons into problematic and non-problematic ones. In this classification, the nature of the cognitive activity of students is fixed. At the same time, this classification refers mainly to the lessons of learning new material.

Depending on the planned goals, individual forms of lessons can be classified into different types, for example, integrated research lessons. So, in integrated lessons, students can learn new knowledge in different subjects, they are often taught by two or three teachers. However, if they are conducted on the material known to students, then these are more likely lessons of systematization of knowledge, their generalization and repetition. The same can be said about travel lessons, expeditions.

If they end with a description of the territory or components of its nature, then these are lessons in obtaining new knowledge, and if the teacher distributes the roles of students, teaches them to describe natural phenomena, then these are most likely lessons in the formation of new knowledge and skills. It is possible to include such lessons in the combined group.

It is especially difficult to classify the lessons of the game form. Gaming technologies learning is exceptionally diverse. The main motive of the game is not the result, but the process. This enhances their developmental value, but makes the educational effect less obvious. Undoubtedly, game lessons also have educational opportunities, if they are considered not separately, but in a system. It is possible, for example, to move from the assimilation and use of facts to their connections (from solving crossword puzzles to compiling them), from descriptions (travel lessons) to explanation (expedition lessons, research).

Classifications of non-traditional lessons in individual subjects are being actively developed.

N. V. Korotkova proposes a new classification of forms of training, based on - different kinds learning activities:

reconstruction games (the presence of an imaginary situation that took place in the past or present, the distribution of roles);

discussion games (the presence of a situation that simulates various forms of discussion, the creation of a conflict of opinions, analysis of the past by experts from the point of view of modernity);

competition games (presence of fixed rules, lack of plot and roles, the first plan of subjective-objective relations).

Based on discussion activities:

Seminars (individual work);

Structured discussions (group work);

Problem-practical discussions (collective class activity).

Based on research activities:

Practical exercises (collective class activity);

Problem-laboratory classes (group work);

Research lessons (individual work).

The wonderful book “Physics Lesson in a Modern School: Creative Search for Teachers” is devoted to the methodology of conducting non-traditional lessons in physics, which is based on general ideas, the development of lesson systems, descriptions of new types of lessons, individual creative teaching methods and organization of work of students in the lesson.

The desire for publicity was expressed in lessons such as: "Public Review of Knowledge" and "Press Conference"; craving for reflections, discussions and disputes, during which only the correctness of any point of view can be proved - in debate lessons; need for initiative thinking people and the conditions for their manifestation - in lessons based on children's initiative, in invention and writing lessons, creative exhibitions and reports.

A clear understanding of the importance of business partnerships, creative community and the ability to lead them, to which we are still poorly accustomed, is in lessons using group forms of work; the need to respect the case, to be able to competently perform it and to judge a person by his specific accomplishments (and not just by words) - in the organization of lessons - role-playing games.

The turn of society towards a person - his inner world, aspirations, needs - in lessons-consultations and lessons with didactic games that are so well consistent with the characteristics of the nature of a teenager, as well as in the use of various techniques in the lessons, expanding and strengthening human contacts - in those types of organization educational work in the lesson, where mutual assistance of students is widely used (lessons of mutual learning of new material in microgroups - “crews”, activities in the lesson of “ambulance”, student consultants and referents).

2.3. Lesson groups

Teachers distinguish the following groups of lessons:

    Lessons reflecting modern social trends: a lesson. Built on the initiative of students, the lesson is a public review of knowledge, a debate lesson, a lesson using computers.

    Lessons using game situations: lesson - role-playing game, lesson - press conference, lesson-competition, lesson-KVN, lesson-travel, lesson-auction, lesson using didactic game, lesson-theatrical performance.

    Creativity lessons: an essay lesson, a lesson - the release of a "live newspaper", an invention lesson, a complex creative lesson, a lesson - an inspection of an amateur exhibition.

    Traditional lessons with new aspects: lesson-lecture, lesson-seminar, lesson-solving problems, lesson-conference, lesson-excursion, lesson-consultation, lesson-test.

We believe that a lesson, as a work of authorship, should be characterized by consistency and integrity, a single logic of joint activities of a teacher and students, subject to common goals and didactic tasks that determine the content of educational material, the choice of means and teaching methods. Only under these conditions, the process of cognitive activity and the behavior of schoolchildren become developing.

2.4. Classification of lessons on the basis of not quite ordinary and quite

unusual methods and forms of their implementation

The not-so-common ones include:

    lessons with modified ways of organizing: lesson-lecture, lesson-paradox, protection of knowledge, protection of ideas, lesson for two, lesson-meeting;

    fantasy-based lessons: a fairy tale lesson, a creativity lesson: an essay lesson, an invention lesson, a creative report lesson, a complex creative report, an exhibition lesson, an invention lesson, an “amazing nearby” lesson, a fantastic project lesson, a story lesson about scientists: a benefit lesson, a portrait lesson, a surprise lesson, a lesson - a gift from Hottabych;

    lessons that imitate any classes or types of work:

excursion, excursion by correspondence, walk, living room, journey into the past (future), travel around the country, train ride, lesson-expedition, protection of tourism projects;

    lessons with a gaming competitive basis: lesson-game: “Think up a project”, lesson - “dominoes”, a test crossword puzzle, a lesson in the form of the game “Lotto”, a lesson like: “Experts are investigating”, a lesson-business game, a generalization game, lesson like KVN, lesson: “What? Where? When? ”, Relay lesson, competition, game, duel, competition: lesson-magazine, lesson-quiz, lesson-football match, lesson-test, lesson-game for parents, lesson-role-playing game: “The family discusses their plans”, lesson-didactic game, a crossword lesson, a generalization game, a lesson-"happy fishing", a lesson-game "Climbing";

    lessons that involve the transformation of standard methods of organization: a paired survey, an express survey, a test-lesson, assessment protection, a consultation lesson, a practical lesson, a seminar-lesson, protection of the reader's form, a television lesson without television, a lesson-generalized review of knowledge, a lesson- consultation, final interview, student conference.

2.5. Lessons with modified ways of organizing


A school lecture involves an oral presentation of educational material, which is more capacious than a story, more complex logical constructions, images, evidence, generalizations, when it is necessary to form a holistic view of the subject.

Basic conditions for organizing a lesson in the form of a lecture.

1. If the educational material is difficult for self-study.

2. In the case of using an enlarged didactic unit.

3.Lessons of generalization and systematization of knowledge both on one topic and on several, as well as final lessons for the entire course.

4. Introduction to the topic.

5. Lessons that discuss new methods for solving problems.

Methodology for conducting a lesson-lecture.

When preparing for a lecture, teachers should have a clear plan for its implementation. When lecturing a lesson, techniques and forms are needed to make students active participants. Therefore, a problematic presentation of the material should be preferred. The problem situation arises as a result of the purposeful activity of the teacher.

Ways to create a problem situation:

Statement of a theoretical problem for students, explanation of external contradictions, observations in facts, evidence obtained on the basis of observations or as a result of measurement;

Creating a problem by presenting the theory of the emergence and development of a concept;

Statement of the problem by analyzing and summarizing previously mastered knowledge and skills;

The emergence of a problem as a result of finding ways and means of solving problems.

The teacher poses problems, solves them himself, revealing all the contradictions of the solution, all its logic and the available system of evidence. Students follow the logic of the presentation, control it, participate in the decision process.

The teacher accompanies the presentation with questions that he answers himself or attracts students. Great importance has a teacher's speech: bright, emotional, logically flawless. Students keep notes in their notebooks. Therefore, the teacher must think over the content, the form of writing on the board and, accordingly, in notebooks.

Various options for organizing work are possible.

For each student, tables can be prepared with an outline of the presentation of the material, with gaps that are filled in during the lecture.

In such tables, there is already secondary text material, students do not waste time reproducing it, but fill out the part that is the topic of this assignment. Such tables are prepared in case of systematization of knowledge and classification of concepts.

When studying certain material, analogies, comparisons, and generalizations become active methods of cognition. On the eve of the lesson, as one of the types of homework, students are invited to divide the page into two parts. On the left side, write down the necessary definitions, theorems, etc., which will be actively used in the lesson.

The right part is filled in the lesson under the guidance of the teacher.

In problem-developing education, the following typology of lectures is proposed.

1. Problem lecture. It models the contradictions of real life through their representation in theoretical concepts. The main goal of such a lecture is the acquisition of knowledge by students, as it were, on their own.

2. Lecture-visualization. The main content of the lecture is presented in a figurative form (in drawings, graphs, diagrams, etc.). Visualization is considered here as a way of information with the help of different sign systems.

3. Lecture together. It is the work of two teachers (teacher and student) lecturing on the same topic and interacting on problem-organized material both among themselves and with students. Problematization occurs both at the expense of form and content.

4. Lecture - press conference. The content is drawn up at the request (on questions) of students with the involvement of several teachers.

5. Lecture-consultation is close in type to lecture-press conference. The difference is that the invited (competent specialist) has a poor command of the methods of pedagogical activity. Counseling through a lecture allows you to activate the attention of students and use their professionalism.

6. Lecture-provocation (or lecture with planned mistakes). Forms the ability of students to quickly analyze, navigate information and evaluate it. Can be used as a "live situation" method.

7. Lecture-dialogue. The content is delivered through a series of questions that the student must answer during the course of the lecture. This type is adjoined by a lecture using the feedback technique, as well as a programmed lecture-consultation.

8. Lecture using game methods (brainstorming methods, methods of specific situations, etc.). Students themselves formulate the problem and try to solve it themselves.


The goal is to repeat the material, develop attention and critical thinking.

Organization of the lesson: based on the basic material of the history of the discipline.

1. The teacher gives a lecture, the content of which includes erroneous information, contradictory statements, inaccuracies.

2. Students discuss the lecture, complete tasks - draw up a plan and find answers to the questions posed by the teacher in the material.

3. Students fix the mistakes "made" by the teacher.

4. Make notes in a notebook in the form of a table:

lecture plan


answers on questions

5. Records are checked by a teacher or laboratory assistant.

6. One of the students names the mistake made, the teacher reproduces the corresponding excerpt from the lecture.

7. Discussing the error and finding out why the marked statement is false.

8. Discussion of the following inaccuracy.

All works are evaluated, including the argumentation of the “error”.

These lessons activate attention, develop analytical skills, change the motivation for learning.

The requirements for a lecture are well known: scientific character, integrity of the disclosure of the topic, connection with life, clarity of argumentation, evidence-based conclusions, emotional presentation.

Lectures-paradoxes are practiced in high school. Their duration is 25-30 minutes, the rest of the lesson is devoted to discussion and evaluation of the work done by the students.


A review lecture is practiced before studying a large topic. Students are given an idea of ​​the future work and its content. At the end of some questions, additional material is presented - this is a list of literature that is desirable to read. Ahead of events, the names of laboratory (practical) work to be done are indicated; speaking about their goals, possible ways of implementation, it is proposed to think and give your own version of their implementation. In addition to program work, home experiments can be recommended.


This lesson is conducted with a guest specialist in some area.

The peculiarity of these lessons is thorough preparation. The lesson is a dialogue between the teacher and the specialist. Sometimes a guest evaluates various situations from life. The final part of the lesson is important (about a third of the time), when students are given the opportunity to ask questions, free communication with the guest.


The goal is to "revive" modern history.

Invited: those who have been abroad or those who are going to.

Conduct options.

    The guest himself, having previously prepared according to a special plan developed jointly with the teacher, talks about his impressions, then answers the students' questions.

    The teacher introduces the guest, talks about the country he has visited, and then the students ask him questions.

2.6 Lessons with game competitive basis

“A significant part of the child’s games is designed to refresh and excite the processes of reproduction in the mind in order to inextinguishly support the sparks of thought ...”I. A. Sikorsky.

“It is necessary to drive the god of sleep Morpheus out of the lessons And invite the god of laughter Momus more often”Sh. A. Amonashvili.

The game forms of the lesson include role-playing, simulation, business, etc. games. In each of them, students perform in different roles.

Game forms are distinguished by the fact that the learning process is as close as possible to practical activities. According to the nature and interests of their role, students should take practical solutions. Most often they have to play their part in conflict situation embedded in the content of the game. Decisions in many games are made collectively, which develops students' thinking, communication skills. During the game, a certain emotional mood arises that activates the learning process.

Educational games are used to develop the skills to use the acquired knowledge in practice. This is a complex form of learning activity that requires a lot of preparation and a lot of time.

The main features of educational games:

Modeling of certain types of practical activities;

Modeling the conditions in which the activity takes place;

The presence of roles, their distribution among the participants in the game;

- the difference in the role goals of the participants in the game;

Lessons based on the game method significantly increase students' interest in the subject, allow them to better remember the wording, definitions, "liberate" the student, his thinking.

Game stages include:

    pre-training: the class is divided into teams, approximately equal in ability, homework is given to teams.


    Conclusion on the lesson: conclusions about the work of the participants in the game and grading.

Here are some examples:

I. KVN lessons

Idea: repetition of topics and sections.

Competitions consist of several competitions - stages:

    warm-ups (answers to questions from teams);

    homework checks;

    captains competition.

II. Brainstorming Lessons

Idea: maximum ideas are processed in the minimum time. The method of "brainstorming" is used. To solve the problem, non-ordinary solutions are offered, the choice of an option.

III. Lessons - "gatherings"

Idea: topics are being worked out final lessons in any form. Physical readings based on press materials are possible, the worldview of students is formed through the prism of understanding the subject from the standpoint of science, etc.

I.Y. Lessons – eureka

Idea: lesson is a game. There are two teams - theorists and entrepreneurs.

Y. Role play

Idea: for example, a production meeting to address economic or environmental issues district, city, region, republic.

YI. Press conference lesson

Idea: the most prepared students act as a press center. Other students are “journalists”, “scientists”, “experimenters”. The press center answers questions.

YII. Lesson - auction

Idea: in the classroom there is an "emotional awakening of the mind."

What is for sale? Items made by students. Who is the buyer? The one who answers the questions better.

III. Lesson "Business game", for example "Design Bureau"

Idea: the class is divided into groups of designers, engineers. Heads of groups, VTK are appointed. The customer-teacher uses didactic material on the topic covered and instruction-algorithm for fulfilling orders. After listening to the briefing, the design bureau gets to work.

IX. Lesson-competition

Idea: students participate in various competitions of experts.

X. Integrative Lesson

Idea: intercycle lesson of several subjects.

XI. Debate Lesson

Idea: The class is divided into links of different professions. The material is collected according to its “profile”; the problem is considered from the point of view of the specialty for which it is relevant.

XII. Binary Lesson

Idea: communication principles are implemented theoretical training with practical.

The principles of training are implemented:

    professional orientation;


    relationship between theory and practice;

    the only way to address problems and requirements for learners.

XIII. Block-modular learning lesson

Idea: the content of the topics and sections of the program is “reduced” to the required time intervals, then it is constructed into separate block modules and served to students using specific forms of learning organization. The content of educational material is being optimized:


    interdisciplinary coordination (content-savings);

    highlighting the main, essential.

In any of these lessons, the focus should be on the person. Physics as a means of educating a personality, forming a sense of self-esteem of students, encouraging them to cognitive action. Isn't this a modern item? Learning should go from the "student": from his surprise to interest, from a question to reflection and conclusions that explain the world around him.

2.7. Control of different levels of assimilation of educational material in non-traditional lessons

In non-traditional lessons, you can control different levels of mastering the educational material:

I level the assimilation of knowledge occurs as thinking like “yes-no”, “this is not that”, without establishing internal connections. Elements of the game with such tasks are present in each lesson.

II level - the student must know the essence of the concept, its definition, connection with other concepts (for example: indicate the sequence of an occurring phenomenon). Logical chains in the tasks of non-traditional lessons for students of this level of knowledge. They clearly know their “start and finish”. For them, there are "doses of help."

III level provides the ability to analyze concepts and relationships between them, apply them in non-standard situations within the textbook educational material. The expression "assignments for the average student" refers to this level. That is, active participants in non-traditional lessons are students with a sufficient level of knowledge, because the tasks are mainly designed for them.

Level II - students are able to analyze concepts and connections and apply them in non-standard situations, deviating from the learning of the action program in the lesson.

Children whose level of knowledge is defined as high are extraordinary personalities. They get distracted if they are not interested, they can do other things, or even just not hear anything, immersed in their thoughts. Therefore, they constantly need to be shaken up by putting problems before them. Such children need to be noticed in time, since they are not necessarily excellent students in humanitarian subjects, most likely they are not. They have an unusual way of thinking. Teachers call them "why". In my practice, there were several such students: Dima Kalmykov graduated from the Sevastopol Technical University. He works at the plant as the chief designer, has a state award. Matsievsky Ilya graduated from the ship-mechanics department of the Odessa Maritime University. Berednikov Alexander and Tsisar Sergey are students of KhAI. Kirill Karakulov, 11th grade student, and Pavel Tukhar, 9th grade student, I hope they will make grandiose discoveries in science.

It is an unconventional lesson, in which there is an increased complexity of the task, that develops such students, contributes to their creative thinking, forms them as bright, extraordinary personality, which any university will want to get with pleasure. It is these students who make great discoveries.

Non-traditional lessons contribute to instilling interest in the subject of physics, activate the educational and cognitive activity of students, develop independence in working with various sources knowledge.


IN last years interest in non-traditional lessons has increased significantly. This is due to the various transformations taking place in our country, which have created certain conditions for perestroika processes in the field of education, the creation of new types of lessons, the active introduction of various pedagogical methods and ways of developing interest among schoolchildren, author's programs and textbooks.

The organization of a non-traditional lesson involves the creation of conditions for mastering the methods of mental activity by schoolchildren. Mastering them not only provides a new level of assimilation, but also provides significant changes in mental development.

So, the effectiveness of the educational process largely depends on the ability of the teacher to properly organize the lesson and correctly choose one form or another of the lesson.

Non-traditional forms of conducting lessons make it possible not only to raise students' interest in the subject being studied, but also to develop their creative independence, to teach how to work with various sources of knowledge.

Undoubtedly, the teacher should not encourage learning only by entertaining means. Otherwise, we will be forced to admit that “there is hardly anything more repulsive than that slight buffoonish shade that some teachers try to give to the teaching, seeking to gild the bitter pill of science to the child.”

(K. D. Ushinsky)

Summarizing all the above, we can conclude:the use of non-traditional lessons gives a reliable effect. This is possible when the teacher correctly understands entertainment as a factor that determines mental processes in a decisive way, when he is clearly aware of the purpose of using entertainment at the moment. Naturally, for the successful assimilation of knowledge by students and the development of their cognitive aspirations, non-traditional elements must be used in the classroom in combination with other didactic means.

Active cognitive activity students in the classroom not only makes learning interesting, but also develops inquisitiveness, diligence, willingness to work.

So that children do not lose interest in the subject, I always take into account age characteristics, I think about how to diversify the forms and methods of teaching. The development of the flexibility of the mind, the flexibility of the child's thinking depends on the imagination, the ability to invent new images, unusual conditions to anticipate their consequences.

As a result of many years of practice, I was convinced of the effectiveness of non-traditional lessons. Their main advantage isself-preparation of students (under the guidance of a teacher!), development of mental abilities and imagination.I often use elements of the game in my lessons (quizzes, relay races, physical bingo, physical dominoes, cubes, pictures, etc.), and sometimes I also conduct a full lesson in an unconventional way. I try to make such lessons systematic, so that the characters move from lesson to lesson. This allows you to create a holistic view of the topic.

Such forms of conducting classes “remove” the traditional nature of the lesson, enliven the thought. However, it should be noted that too frequent recourse to such forms of organization of the educational process is not advisable, since non-traditional lessons can quickly become traditional, which ultimately will lead to a drop in students' interest in the subject.


    A.O. Movchan “Physics lessons in questions and answers”, Kh., “Osnova”, 2006

    Davidion A.A. "Vinakhidny tasks in the school course of physics” /Physics at school. -200.-№3-s. 44-45/.

    Kasyanova A.K. Creative tasks / Physics and astronomy-1999. No. 2-s. 49-53/.

    Korobova I. V. Prior to the development of the creative mind of science in the process of solving physical problems / Physics: Problems of teaching. -1998.Vip. 1-2.

    Maksimova S.Yu. Some methods of activating students when testing knowledge / Physics at school, -2007, No. 5-p. 49-54 /.

    Moiseyuk N.E. Pedagogy i rework. –K., 2007. -656 p.

    Tikhomirova L.F. The development of the intellectual abilities of the student. A popular guide for parents and teachers.-Yaroslavl. Academy of Development, 1997.-240p.

    Word about science: Aphorisms. Sayings. Literary quotations. Book. 2nd / Comp., ed. Prefaces and introductions to the chapters by E.S. Linkhteinshtein-M. Knowledge, 1986.- 228 p.

    I.P. Podlasy. One hundred questions and one hundred answers - M. - 1996

    Podlasy I.P. "Pedagogy" - M. - 1997

    Razumovsky V.G. Development of creative abilities of students in the process of teaching physics. - M .: Education, 1975, - 272 p.

    Lanina I.Ya. Formation of cognitive interests of students in physics lessons: A book for teachers. - M .: Education, 1985, - 128s.

    Blinov V.N. Physics tests - Saratov: Lyceum, 1999. - p.44.

    Physics lesson in modern school. Creative search for teachers. Book. for the teacher / Comp. EM. Braverman; Ed. V. G. Razumovsky. - M. Enlightenment, 1993. - 281s.

    Perelman Ya.I. Entertaining physics: in 2 books. Moscow: Nauka 1979

The purpose of non-traditional lessons is development of new methods, forms, techniques and teaching aids, which leads to the implementation of the basic law of pedagogy - the law on the activity of learning.

Non-traditional forms of education involve:

  • use of collective forms of work;
  • instilling interest in the subject;
  • development of skills and abilities of independent work;
  • Activation of students' activities;
  • use of auditory and visual aids;
  • adaptation of the material to the age characteristics of students;
  • In preparation for the lesson, students themselves look for interesting material;
  • more complete implementation of the practical, educational, educational and developmental goals of education;
  • activation of mental processes: attention, memorization, perception, thinking;
  • Establishing a new relationship between teacher and students.

Classification of non-traditional lesson forms

The lesson was, is and in the figurative future will remain the main form of organizing the education and upbringing of students. All attempts to find an equivalent to the lesson, to replace it with other forms of organizing training sessions, either in Russia or abroad, were not successful. However, this does not mean that the lesson is something frozen and indestructible.

The search for new forms of lesson organization, the preparation and conduct of such lessons requires a lot of effort, energy, and time.

One of the effective forms of non-traditional forms of education is seminars. Their effectiveness is markedly increased by the use of group work.

Seminar is:

  • - type of student classes, discussion by students under the guidance of a teacher of prepared messages or reports;
  • - a form of the student process, built on the independent study of students on the instructions of the head of individual issues, the problems of topics, followed by the design of the material in the form of a report, abstract and its joint discussion.

Seminar-research - a form, the meaning of which is the acquisition and partial implementation of knowledge with the involvement of components in this process scientific research. The term research means “to subject to scientific consideration for the purpose of knowing, revealing something; study, study."

Seminar - the study includes three stages and often goes beyond the time and content of one or two lessons:

  • Stage 1. Preparatory work:
    • - formulation of the problem;
    • - formulation of the initial problem;
    • - seminar planning;
  • Stage 2. Seminar topic discussion:
    • - implementation of the functions of the seminar (cognitive research, educational, practical, methodological).
  • Stage 3. Final - Orienting:
    • - evaluation of the workshop and participants;
    • - determination of the degree of completion of the study of the topic;
    • - calculation of questions for further research.

Seminar - research can in some aspects be strengthened or weakened, changed. When introducing elements of research into the lesson, it significantly increases students' interest in history, makes them think more, see patterns of development, appreciate historical experience, more purposefully seek answers to complex life questions.

Also in a modern school, such a type of seminar is practiced as a "Round table".

The expression "for round table» is considered as a meeting, meeting:

  • - “on equal rights, conditions”;
  • - forms of public discussion or coverage of any issues, when participants speak in a certain order;
  • - “meeting, discussion of something with equal rights of participants”;

The term allows you to calculate its three components:

  • 1) unresolved issue;
  • 2) equal participation of representatives of all interested parties;
  • 3) development of proposals acceptable to all participants, recommendations on the issue under discussion.

His distinctive feature is a combination of individual and group forms of activity. Some groups work on the questions posed, other groups perform practical tasks: make a crossword puzzle, loto, game, make a plan. At the end of the lesson, students talk about the results of their work.

"Round table" is a seminar, which is deliberately based on several points of view on the same issue, discussion, which leads to positions or solutions acceptable to all participants.

Recently, such an unconventional form of organizing a lesson as " Brainstorming" has been increasingly used.

"Brainstorming" in the classroom is a seminar method that contains a targeted orientation of students to the perception and commented solution of a complex issue based on the maximum mental stress of the participant in the class; expedient, active reflection and discussion of the issue.

Quite often, teachers hold lessons-competitions. This form of organizing a lesson allows you to: test the strength of theoretical knowledge, practical skills for the entire course of study, systematize students' knowledge, form students' conscientious attitude to work, a conscious attitude to the performance of work tasks: cultivate the will to win, develop students' independence of thinking, creative initiative, activity.

Along with the lessons, educational work at the school is carried out in the form of excursions. The word excursion is from Latin origin and translated into Russian means a sortie, a visit to a place or object in order to study it.

An excursion is understood as such a form of organization of learning, in which students perceive knowledge by way of the exit and location of the studied objects (nature, factories, historical monuments) and direct acquaintance with them.

Excursions are a very effective form of organization of educational work. In this regard, they perform the following functions:

  • 1) with the help of excursions, the principle of visualization of education is realized, because in the process of their students, they directly get acquainted with the objects and phenomena being studied.
  • 2) excursions make it possible to increase the scientific nature of education and strengthen its connection with life and practice.
  • 3) excursions contribute to technical education, as they provide an opportunity to acquaint students with production.

In the curricula for each subject, a mandatory list of excursions is established and their content is determined.

Tours are:

  • - local history: organized to study the nature and history of the native land.
  • - complex excursions.

The classification of student excursions depends on what didactic tasks are solved in the process of conducting them. From this point of view, there are two types of excursions. Some of them serve as a means of studying new material for students, others are used to consolidate the material that was previously studied in the classroom.

The main objective of the excursion is the study of new material, which is to visually communicate new knowledge to students.

When carrying out the consolidation of this or that material during the excursion, the most important task of the teacher is to achieve its detailed comprehension. The excursion is preceded by a lecture, which reveals its problems. Before the tour, students receive questions about its content. They will answer them after the excursion at the lesson of the final repetition.

A relatively new form of lesson is the lesson-discussion. The essence of the discussion is that as a result of researching the issue (topic) and identifying difficulties in solving it, students during the dispute outline attempts to exit (favorable outcome) to resolve the problem situation. At the same time, students identify the prerequisites for the emergence of this problem, its origins. This is how projects are born - various hypotheses for its solution. Each group prepares its own solution to the problem, and they are discussed during the discussion.

On present stage development of education, history teachers increasingly began to conduct lessons - presentations. A presentation is a presentation of some information. A presentation (slide movie) on a computer is a series of slides. Slides are designed in a consistent style and contain the information needed to illustrate during the lesson. Competent use presentation enhances the motivation of learning and the effectiveness of students' perception of information. The use of the presentation fills the teaching methodology with new content, as it offers new options for solving pedagogical problems and is considered as a new didactic tool for organizing the student process.

Computer presentations can be used at various stages of the training session to achieve their specific goals:

  • - when updating knowledge, it is advisable to use a computer presentation primarily as a means of illustrating previously studied material, the main definitions of a topic or section of educational material;
  • - in the formation of new knowledge, a computer presentation is used as an illustrative demonstrating tool in explaining new material and as a means for students to independently study the basic definitions of a topic or section;
  • - in the formation of new and development of existing skills - to illustrate, demonstrate how one or another task of the teacher is performed;
  • - when generalizing, systematizing and repeating theoretical material topic, section or previous lesson - to highlight the most important educational information;
  • - when assessing and monitoring students' knowledge, it is possible to use a mini-presentation in which the teacher's tasks are given. A form of control in the form of a written survey is also possible, with an illustration of questions on the monitor screen.

Thus, it can be concluded that it is necessary to introduce pedagogical process non-traditional forms of lessons, since it is they that make the learning process really attractive to students, that is, increase the motivation of knowledge.

Municipal treasury educational institution secondary school №10 Liski

Non-standard forms of conducting lessons

literary reading


teacher primary school,

Gotskina M.V.


Introduction………………………………………………………………. 3

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspects of usenon-standardusing active learning methodsin primary school

      The lesson is the main organizational form of learning………… 4

      Non-standard forms of literary reading lessons………. 6

Chapter 2. Methodological aspects of usenon-standardforms of conducting literary reading lessonsusing active learning methodsin primary school

2.1. Non-standard forms of literary reading lessons………..…. 7
(games organized for the purpose of intellectual development of younger students).

2.2 Fragments of the use of non-standard forms of conducting literary reading lessons using active teaching methods in elementary school……………………………………………………………. 14

Conclusion …………………………………………………………. 16

Bibliography ……………………………………………….. 17


Recently, there has been a dangerous tendency to reduce the interest of schoolchildren in classes. Teachers try to stop the alienation of students from cognitive work in various ways, including using non-standard forms of classes. Non-standard forms of organization of education have the main goal - to increase interest in learning, develop cognitive activity, and ensure the subjective position of students in the educational process.

Currently, elementary school students in the general mass do not have an interest in learning, cannot evaluate themselves and their classmate, communicate with each other, work at school and at home on their own, try to do everything “just like a blueprint” to get a good mark, and not for further development. Children are not interested in school in the classroom and they tend to go outside.

All this suggests that the problem of the formation and development of cognitive interest has been and remains relevant.

Target work - to find out whether the lessons of literary reading in a non-standard form using active teaching methods will develop the cognitive interest of younger students. (slide 2-3)


Consider the lesson as the main organizational form of learning;;

To characterize non-standard forms of literary reading lessons;

Develop literary reading lessons in a non-standard form using active teaching methods.

Lesson is the main organizational form of learning

The lesson as a form of education belongs to the class-lesson system of education. It is a collective form of organization of learning, which is characterized by a constant composition of students, a certain time frame for classes (40-45 minutes), a firmly established schedule and the organization of educational work on the same material. The structure and methodology of the lesson depends on the didactic goals and objectives that are solved in the process of studying a particular topic.

The main types of lessons that are held in a modern school are the following: (slide 4)

a) mixed lessons, or combined;

b) lessons of communication of new knowledge by the teacher;

c) lessons for consolidating the studied material;

d) lessons of repetition, systematization and generalization of the studied material;

e) lessons of checking and evaluating knowledge.

Of all these types of lessons, the lesson remains the main one, which is a unit of the class-lesson system.

A lesson is a completed, time-limited part of the educational process, during which educational tasks are solved.

In the lesson, in a complex interaction, the goal, content and methods of teaching are presented, the personality and skill of the teacher, the individual and age characteristics of students are manifested, the goals and objectives of training, education, and development are realized.

The lesson uses frontal, group and individual work with students.

With the frontal form of work, the teacher directly manages the entire composition of the class, organizing the cooperation of all students and determining for them a single pace of work. The frontal form allows you to lead students at the same pace of work and towards a single goal. However, it is not designed to account for their individual differences. With it, not all students successfully acquire knowledge, form skills and abilities. Some students lag behind the given pace of work or are not satisfied with it. The pace of the lesson taken may seem fast to a weak student, but slow to a strong student. For this reason, weak students will leave the class without having mastered the educational material, strong students will not expand and deepen their knowledge sufficiently.

In the group form of organization of educational work, the teacher manages the activities of groups of students in the class. Group forms can be divided into cooperative-group, differentiated-group.

The choice of one or another form of work in the lesson depends on the tasks that the teacher sets in a particular lesson.

Working with children of primary school age, a large amount of material can be given in a playful, exciting and accessible form for children. The lesson should not only increase the stock of systematic knowledge of students, but also instill in them the desire and ability to learn. Emotional background The lesson should help children better and deeper learn the content of the material. There is a close relationship between knowledge and cognitive interests. Only educational activity, built with the dominance of elements, forms and rules of gaming activity, with its liveliness, immediacy and emotionality, contributes to the desire to learn with joy and pleasure.

Taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of younger students, the teacher should try to diversify the lesson with games, riddles, puzzles, crossword puzzles, and bright catchy visualization.

Non-standard forms of literary reading lessons (slide 5)

Not all students love reading lessons. After all, the favorites for many are difficult mathematics, the Russian language with its exercises, for others - physical education, drawing. Only a few students in the class will prioritize reading lessons. Reason: children love real work, work. They are not yet fully aware of the need for fruitful work, but the work done brings satisfaction to the student, strengthens self-esteem, self-respect. Always and everyone is busy working on their favorite lesson. The same cannot be said for reading lessons. Let's take a closer look: one reads aloud - the rest, without a sense of responsibility, listen to an already familiar text. There is no such feeling when reading to oneself: the task is easy or, if more difficult, without specific instructions for the correct organization of mental labor for its implementation. With a retelling, at best, 2-3 students will perform. In a conversation, the teacher, we admit, relies more often on the most developed students. And other moments of the lesson do not organize the work of the student enough. Reading lessons are often boring.

Introduce children to the world fiction, to awaken their interest in books and reading, to lay the foundations of a reading culture, the variety of forms of conducting literary reading lessons helps: games, KVN, quizzes, travel, generalization of knowledge, theatrical compositions. Their content is aimed at improving the expressiveness of speech, enriching vocabulary students, the development of reader interest and the activation of the mental activity of younger students.

Chapter 2. Methodological aspects of usenon-standardforms of conducting literary reading lessonsusing active learning methodsin primary school

Literary reading lessons will be uninteresting and boring if you do not include various audio tools in their content. For example, in the Literary Living room lesson, children can listen to recordings of exemplary reading of small works. This teaches expressive reading, the ability to feel the mood, to determine the character of the characters. Reading poetry to a well-chosen soundtrack causes a storm of emotions in the souls of young listeners, a desire to try to evoke the same feelings in others. They increase the creative and intellectual potential of students, expand and consolidate the knowledge gained, such activities as quiz lessons, games encrypted with riddles, crossword puzzles, fraught with great opportunities for developing the child’s creative abilities, memory training (in the classroom, crossword puzzles are not suitable for testing erudition students, but for their better assimilation of factual material).

The tasks that children receive in the lessons of non-standard forms help them live in an atmosphere of creative search that inspires them, and constantly develops their speech. The tasks are varied: fill out a questionnaire (test), answer the letters of the hero of the work, prepare a signature for illustrations from the work, etc.

But lessons with the use of active methods are useful when they are found in the exact place among the usual types of lessons.

Games organized for the purpose of intellectual development of younger students in literary reading lessons (slide 6-15)

Games for the formation of the ability to analyze:

find a pair: for example, for a positive or negative hero;

find the extra: after reading the text, you can invite the guys to choose from the list of events that was not in the work;

riddles: it will be very successful to start work on a work with a riddle about a hero. This will interest the students and set them up for further work in the lesson.

One of the types of gaming active methods is a crossword puzzle, which contains great opportunities for the development of the child's creative abilities, memory training. This is a game-task consisting of filling in words of intersecting rows of cells. The greatest interest among primary school students is caused by crossword puzzles, encrypted not usually, but with the help of riddles that require the child to be quick-witted, poetic fiction. In such a crossword puzzle, the names of the heroes of the work, the names of cities, streets, structures that are mentioned in the work can be encrypted. In addition, while working with a crossword puzzle, students can repeat the spelling of words, i.e. the teacher can carry out interdisciplinary communication with the Russian language.

Working with crossword puzzles is possible at all stages of the lesson, but it is especially effective when consolidating the material. With the help of crossword puzzles, you can also solve some issues of an individual and differentiated approach to students. Usually, well-performing students finish their work in class ahead of schedule. And so that they do not get bored and do not interfere with others, they can be offered small crossword puzzles on the topic being studied.

Compiling crossword puzzles by the students themselves gives no less important didactic effect than solving crossword puzzles. In the process of compiling a crossword puzzle, the logic of thinking, perseverance, the desire to complete the work begun, perseverance, and determination develop.

To train memory, you can use various games aimed at developing a certain type of memory.

The game "Who is more?" trains motor-auditory memory or motor speech.

The teacher pronounces a sentence - one of the events from the read work, and points to one of the guys. He must repeat this sentence and add his event, pointing to the next student. He repeats those sentences that have already been said, and adds his own, etc.

Games like "Proofreading" are aimed at developing attention and visual memory.

The teacher writes several sentences on a piece of paper with the omission of some words in a sentence from the work being studied. The student is allowed to read this text only once, immediately correcting the mistakes with a colored pencil. Then he passes the sheet to the second student, who corrects the remaining errors with a pencil of a different color. Several competing couples play.

The game "Who is faster!" carried out to determine the speed of thought processes.

It is necessary to quickly enter the missing names of objects, things, etc. in the description of any picture from a work of art.

The inclusion of didactic, role-playing games in the lesson significantly activates the cognitive activity of the younger student. Games are used both as a teaching method and as a means of organizing students at all stages of the lesson. Favorite animals, toys, heroes of fairy tales come to class with a variety of tasks (in an envelope, in a pocket, in a bag). During the lesson, children help Pinocchio to get a golden key, help out Kolobok when meeting with different heroes from a fairy tale. By teaching literary heroes, children learn themselves.

The game arouses interest in winning, so children try to clearly complete tasks, observing the rules of the game. At the same time, they have a desire to be fast, collected, resourceful. Discipline, will, character are brought up.

Such methods as “Gallery of portraits”, “Let's smile at each other”, “Say hello with elbows” dynamically help to start a lesson in literary reading. Children, completing the task, should touch, smile, name the names of as many classmates as possible. Such funny games allow you to have a fun start to a lesson in literary reading, warm up before more serious exercises, help establish contact between students within a few minutes.

It is very important for the teacher to include active methods of clarifying goals, expectations, fears in the lesson of literary reading. Methods such as the Tree of Expectations, Glade of Snowflakes, Multicolored Sheets, Orchard”, allow the teacher to better understand the class and each student, and then use the resulting materials to implement a student-centered approach to students. The methods are as follows. Students are given snowflakes, apples, lemons, multi-colored sheets cut out of paper in advance (the objects can be related to the topic of the literary reading lesson) and are invited to try to more clearly define what they expect (would like to receive) from today's literary reading lesson, learning in general and what they are afraid, writing down and attaching to a certain clearing, tree, etc. After the implementation, the formulated goals, wishes, fears are systematized and the results are summed up. In the process of a literary reading lesson, the teacher regularly has to report new material students. Such methods of presentation of educational material as "Inf-guessing", "Cluster", "Brainstorming" allow students to orient themselves in the topic, present them with the main directions of movement for further independent work with new material. The topic of the lesson is written on the board. The rest of the board space is divided into sectors, numbered but not yet filled. Students are encouraged to think about what aspects of the topic will be discussed next. For example, this method works very effectively when studying the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin. In the course of working with the topic, children highlight key points and write them into sectors. A clear division of the general flow of information received contributes to a better perception of the material. After the presentation, it is possible to have a short discussion on the topic and, if the children have questions, the teacher gives answers to them.

In elementary school literary reading classes, independent work, as a rule, involves reading a work or an excerpt from a work with a specific goal that the teacher sets for the students. When organizing independent work, it is important that students are interested in working out new material. How can this be done? Of course, with the help of active methods! To work on the topic of the lesson, the methods “Beehives”, “Business cards” are used for groups of shift or permanent composition. For discussion and decision-making - methods "Traffic light", "On the line of fire". To present the material of independent work of children, such methods as "Info-carousel", "Bus stop", "Creative workshop" are very interesting.

Method "Carpet of ideas". The "carpet of ideas" is one of the methods for solving the problem. It takes place in three stages. Students are divided into 3-4 groups.

The first step is understanding the problem. Participants are invited to answer the question why there is such a problem: the question can be taken either from the textbook after the text or proposed by the teacher. Each group receives colored sheets of paper and small colored sticky notes. Pupils answer the question of the problem, for example, why did the hero of the work act in this way? Did he do the right thing? The group writes down the answers on sheets of colored paper the size of a landscape sheet, then hangs them on the “Carpet of Ideas” poster.

The second stage is the search for solutions. What can be changed in this situation? Each group offers their answers and writes them down on sheets of colored paper.

The third stage is the individualization of activity. What will I personally do to change the current situation.

The fourth stage is the evaluation of ideas. Individual decision making: what can I do to solve the problem and what will I try to do.

The "Creative Workshop" method is used with great success in the general lessons of literary reading. For the lesson, children prepare drawings, illustrations on a given topic, write essays, poems, stories, select proverbs, make notebooks, books at labor lessons unusual shapes. The task is given to divide into groups, create and present a group project on a given topic. First you need to make a plan for placing the material brought to the lesson, designing the title page. 20-25 minutes are allotted for work. After this time, each group or its representative should present their project. In the course of practical activities of students, the study room turns into a real creative workshop. Wonderful creations appear at the end of the lesson. Each solution is unique, expressive. To learn how to work together in groups, to listen to the opinions of comrades, to collectively create wonderful works (pictures, newspapers, books) from materials collected together - the main objective this lesson.

Do not forget about the restorative power of relaxation in the classroom. After all, sometimes a few minutes are enough to shake things up, have fun and actively relax, and restore energy. Active methods - physical minutes: "Earth, air, fire and water", "Bunnies" and many others will allow you to do this without leaving the classroom. If the teacher himself takes part in this exercise, in addition to benefiting himself, he will also help insecure and shy students to participate more actively in the exercise.

Technique 6 x 6 ("Six by six"). The work takes place in two stages.

At the first stage, each group receives a separate task. For example, it can be a creative task (draw the main character), or students can be asked to come up with an end to the story, or continue the fairy tale, etc. As a result of the work, participants in groups acquire new knowledge and skills, while each of them prepares to present the results of the work of his group to members of other groups.

At the second stage, there is a change of groups in such a way that in each of the new groups there are representatives of all groups from the first stage. First, each participant in the new group presents the results of the work of his group from the first stage, and then the whole group performs tasks together, using the knowledge or skills gained at the first stage, i.e. they consider one issue from three positions and develop a common conclusion of trilateral cooperation.

You can complete the literary reading lesson by applying methods such as "Chamomile", "Amanita", "Wise Advice", "Final Circle". Children tear off chamomile petals, pass multi-colored sheets around, etc. and answer the main questions related to the topic of the lesson recorded on reverse side. These methods help to effectively, competently and interestingly sum up the lesson. For the teacher, this stage is very important, because it allows you to find out what the guys have learned well, and what you need to pay attention to in the next lesson. In addition, feedback from students allows the teacher to adjust the lesson for the future.

Literary reading lessons, like any other lesson, using active teaching methods are interesting not only for students, but also for teachers. But their unsystematic, ill-conceived use does not give good results. Therefore, it is very important to actively develop and implement your own game methods in the lesson in accordance with the individual characteristics of your class. The use of active methods strengthens the motivation for learning and develops the best sides student.

It is not necessary to apply these techniques all in one lesson.

In the classroom, quite acceptable working noise is created when discussing problems: sometimes, due to their psychological age characteristics, elementary school children cannot cope with their emotions. Therefore, it is better to introduce these methods gradually, cultivating a culture of discussion and cooperation among students.

Usage snippetsnon-standardforms of conducting literary reading lessonsusing active learning methodsin primary school


You get fairy scrolls with inverted titles of works printed on them. Your task is to guess Andersen's fairy tale.

1. Fiery courtier ("The Snow Queen")

2. Hand ducks ("Wild swans")

3. Old Servant Trousers ("The King's New Dress")

4. Gulliver ("Thumbelina")

5. Alyonushka ("The Little Mermaid")


Imagine this situation: passionate book lovers gathered together who have read a considerable number of fairy tales by H. K. Andersen. It will not be difficult for them to answer interesting questions on these works. You may ask: “What are we doing here?”

And despite the fact that our next contest is a book lovers contest! And now the opposing teams will try to show off their knowledge

1. Which hero of the fairy tale went blind without losing his sight? (Kai from the fairy tale "The Snow Queen")

2. How was Thumbelina born? (From barley grain)

3. What did the Ugly Duckling become? (IN beautiful swan)

4. What price did the mermaids pay the Witch for the opportunity to save the Little Mermaid? (They gave the Witch their hair)

5. In which fairy tale did the heroine sew shirts from nettles? ("Wild Swans")

Exercise Let's play associations.

What human qualities come to mind when you hear the names of these heroes?

1. Thumbelina - small, fragile, beautiful, kind.

2. Ugly duckling - patient, kind, offended, ugly.

3. The naked king is a dandy, fashionista, lazy, arrogant.

4. Eliza - kind, hardworking, selfless, innocent.

Exercise The heroes of the fairy tale are encrypted on fairy scrolls. Name them.

    Fairy tale "Thumbelina"

Answer: mole, mouse, beetle, toad, swallow, elf

    Fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling"

Answer: duck, duckling, cat, chicken, old woman, mistress, rooster.

I will name various fairy tales, if Andersen is the author, you clap your hands, if not, then squat. (Swineherd, Steadfast tin soldier, Little Red Riding Hood, Little Mermaid, Flint, Cinderella, Teremok, Princess and the Pea, Turnip, Snow Queen).

Quest Literary Living Room

Welcome to the literary parlour. Now we will get acquainted with another fairy tale by H.K. Andersen "Darning Needle". Team members will compete in expressive reading.


Our time is a time of change. Now Russia needs people who can accept non-standard solutions able to think creatively. Unfortunately, the modern mass school still retains an uncreative approach to the assimilation of knowledge. Monotonous, patterned repetition of the same actions kills interest in learning. Children are deprived of the joy of discovery and may gradually lose the ability to be creative.

IN last decade significantly increased interest in the literary education of younger students. A new view of the initial link has taken root in the pedagogical community, it is now rightly considered not only as preparatory stage, preceding secondary education, but also as an age that is characterized by meaningful cognitive activity.

Due to the psychological nature, a person is characterized not by a passive (reproductive), but by an active (creative) perception of the text. Therefore, the activation of mental activity, stimulation of the process of children's creativity, inclusion in conscious creativity - the main task standing in front of a primary school teacher. To this end, in contemporary practice and use active learning methods.

Implementation active forms and methods in teaching showed that the reasonable and expedient use of these methods significantly increases the interest of students in the subject, increases the developmental effect of training. Active methods play a guiding, enriching, systematizing role in the mental development of children, contribute to the active comprehension of knowledge, while developing students' speech, and forming the experience of interaction in a team.

REFERENCES (slide 16)

    Baryshnikova G.B. Theory and methods of teaching younger students: a tutorial. - Yaroslavl: Publishing House of YaGPU, 2010. - 313 p.

    Kulakova EL. Development of students' creative abilities in the process of design and teaching and research activities // Research activities of students in the modern educational space: Sat. Art. / Under the total. ed. A.S. Obukhov. M., 2006.

    Lazarev V.S. Management of innovations at school / V.S. Lazarev. - M., 2008.

    Omorokova M.I. Reading in elementary grades: Method. settlement - Tula: Publishing House "Rodnichok"; M .: Publishing house "Astrel", "AST", 2003.

    Petrova I.A. Handbook of primary school teachers / I.A. Petrova and others - M.: Astrel, 2009.

    Podlasy I.P. Pedagogy of elementary school / I.P. Sneaky. - M., 2008.

    Savinova S.V. Non-standard lessons in elementary school. Volgograd. Publishing house "Uchitel", 2002

    federal state educational standard primary education. – M.: Enlightenment, 2010.

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