Orchid - home care for an unusual beauty! Indoor plant orchid (flower): care, types, photos, growing at home

The orchid is rightfully considered one of the most diverse plants on our planet, numbering about 30 thousand species and types growing in the wild. There is no need to describe in detail the beauty and dignity of this flower. Many flower lovers want to see this plant at home, however, most of them do not fully know how to care for an orchid at home, how to properly transplant and propagate. Despite the variety of these home flowers, there are certain general rules care.

The orchid is considered rather capricious and delicate flower requiring the creation certain conditions. However, caring for orchids at home is not difficult if you know exactly what and when to do it. In order to carry out proper care behind these flowers, it is necessary to have at least the most general idea of ​​their way of life.
The acquisition of these flowers is best done in spring or summer.

You can take your time with a transplant, since an orchid in its substrate can grow for two years. During the period of adaptation to home conditions, the plant needs to be fed regularly. Immediate transplantation is required when the flower, when sold, grew in sphagnum moss.

Starting to care for a plant, it is very important to have the most complete information about its variety, type and features. Before buying, you should carefully examine the roots of the plant, which are very clearly visible through the transparent walls of the pot. If the flower does not sit well in a pot, then it has weak roots. You can check this by gently shaking the stem near the substrate, and if the orchid is firmly held in a pot, you can safely buy it.

One of the features of orchid care at home is its habit of insufficient moisture in the substrate and high humidity air. That's why, root system The flower is able to quickly absorb and retain enough moisture for a long time.

Orchids: care and reproduction at home

These plants are relatively easy to propagate. In order to get a full-fledged flower in the future, you need to know the main ways of propagating orchids artificially:

  • Reproduction by division of the rhizome of the flower. In many cases, this happens on its own. However, you can divide the plant yourself. To do this, the flower is removed from the pot, and its roots are cleaned of the substrate. The rhizome is cut through between the false bulbs. For disinfection, the rhizome must be sprinkled with charcoal. The resulting new plants need to be planted in separate pots.
  • Apical cuttings are suitable for propagating some types of orchids, where the nodes of the shoots are at pronounced distances from each other. For propagation, the shoot is cut off at the height of half the cutting with a disinfected knife. Before the cutting is placed in its own pot, the cutting site must be disinfected with powdered charcoal. This method is used for fast growing orchids, since all other species will develop into a normal plant within a few years and will require special care.
  • Side shoots can also serve as one way to propagate orchids. When such a shoot appears, it must be sprayed intensively so that it grows and forms roots. After that, the plant can be separated and transplanted into a separate container with preliminary disinfection of the incision site.
  • The seed propagation method is quite complicated, since orchid seeds are very small and do not have nutritious tissue. In order for such a seed to germinate, it needs an artificial nutrient medium created under sterile conditions. Seeds germinate from three to nine months, and it takes up to three years for a sprout to develop into a young plant. The first flowering of such orchids occurs after 2-4 years, and in some cases even after 10 years.

Care during the flowering period

In order to properly care for an orchid at home, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the flowering period. In spring and summer, with active growth, the orchid should receive as many direct sun rays. During this period, new growth occurs until the opening of flower buds in the autumn period.

At the same time, it is necessary to ensure sufficient watering, as well as timely fertilization. A humid atmosphere should be maintained around the orchids by spraying the leaves. warm water.

In the presence of aerial roots, they should also be sprayed. The pots themselves are installed on expanded clay or fine gravel, and then, they are filled with water in a small amount. The room must be well ventilated to ensure efficient air circulation. Under favorable conditions, in the summer, the plant can be taken out to Fresh air.

Avoid sudden changes in temperature and drafts. Before the beginning of flowering, watering the plant must be reduced. The flowering period of an orchid can last up to six months. Nevertheless, the time comes for the peduncle to wither, and then the question arises: what to do next? The answer is quite simple - to ensure proper care after flowering.

Flowering is over, what to do?

When the peduncle began to dry out a little, there is no need to rush to cut it off. For some time, it will serve as a source of nourishing juices for the whole flower. Only in the case when the flower turns yellow, it is removed, and a 2-2.5 cm stump is left at the place of removal. Young buds may appear, which bloom over time.

In another case, the tip of the peduncle dries up, and subsequently a baby is formed. In some cases, if necessary, the peduncle is cut off. When cutting an orchid 1-1.5 cm above the dormant buds, re-flowering may occur. However, it should be remembered that the forced development of the old peduncle inhibits the formation and development of a new one.

Orchid: care after flowering

Caring for an orchid after flowering is not particularly difficult. At this time, watering is reduced and top dressing is reduced. If a transplant was made, then flowering may not be during the year. To resume flowering, the orchid pot must be moved to another place. It is possible that the rearrangement will have to be done several times, until the necessary comfortable conditions are created. In this case, constant and regular flowering will be observed.

How to transplant an orchid

Transplanting any flower is one of the most stressful moments in life. life cycle. Most plants have a rather painful reaction to transplantation, this is due to the strong adhesion of the roots to the substrate and dishes, therefore, the risk of damage is very high. Transplanting is recommended in cases where the root system of the orchid begins to overflow the pot.

In general, it is better not to perform a complete flower transplant without the need. It is much easier to move the plant to a larger pot without destroying the clump, or to carry out an unscheduled renewal of the substrate. Damage to the roots at rest is especially unfavorable for the orchid.

Some types of orchids, for example, dendrobiums, have a highly developed root system, which is why they have to be replanted every 1.5-2 years.

It is very important to properly prepare the substrate. Can be purchased ready mix in the store, but you can cook it yourself. As a rule, the composition of the mixture includes peat, chopped fern roots, fallen leaves (except willow), charcoal and pine bark. At proper preparation the mixture eliminates the need for additional feeding. The substrate must have a low moisture capacity, otherwise, excessive moisture can damage the flower. The most effective drainage should be at least 25% of the height of the dish.

When using a basket, its slots are laid with whole pieces of sphagnum moss. With a direct transplant, the substrate is poured in a slide, at the same time, the roots of the flower are slightly straightened. Voids do not need to be compacted so as not to damage the roots. If the orchid is weak, it is additionally strengthened with wire or synthetic threads. The transplanted plant is not recommended to be watered for 3-5 days until the wounds obtained during transplantation dry out and heal.

It is better to choose new pots for transplanting, there should be holes in their walls. The container must be washed well, and if necessary, boiled to destroy possible pests.

Feeding orchids: pros and cons

Top dressing of the plant is carried out only during its growth, with specially prepared fertilizers. This procedure is very important for flowering and is done about once every 2 or 3 weeks. At the same time, the amount of mineral salts should be minimal so that they do not accumulate in the substrate, it is washed 2 times a month clean water. For a normal effect, a week of feeding should alternate with a week of washing the substrate.

How much light do you need?

Lighting is considered the main factor in the question of how to care for an orchid. It is the light that determines whether the plant will bloom or not.

During the development period, the flower requires the duration of daylight hours, ranging from 12 to 15 hours. IN winter time The lack of natural light is compensated by the artificial light of fluorescent lamps.

Lighting should be bright, but diffused, avoid direct sunlight on the flower. In such cases, the plant needs to be shaded, otherwise it may simply burn out.

Watering the orchid correctly

Any orchid requires watering, especially during the development period, however, there is a widespread belief that overflow should be avoided. Underfilling for the plant is not so terrible and will not harm it. IN summer time watering is done about 2-3 times a week, and in winter, in a calm state, the plant is kept in a slightly dried state. Soft warm water is used for irrigation. room temperature or a little warmer. In any case, in the summer, the orchid requires more moisture than in other seasons and you need to navigate by the degree of dryness of the substrate.

Thus, an orchid is a delicate and capricious plant, difficult enough for a novice grower to care for at home. However, if everything is done correctly and all the recommendations are followed, then the plant is quite capable of responding to the care and care with beautiful flowers.

Orchids are beautiful tropical flowers that add an exotic touch to any space. Given the orchid's natural habitat, you may need to put in some extra effort to not only keep the plant alive, but also start blooming. Your indoor orchids should receive plenty of indirect sunlight and the indoor air should be reasonably warm and humid.


Beginning of work

    Choose the right type of orchid. There are many various kinds orchids, and your choice depends entirely on the conditions that you can provide for this plant. The choice is influenced by factors such as: the temperature in your home, how much light the plant receives, how much attention you can pay to caring for the flower, and which orchids you like best.

    • The most suitable type of orchid for growing at home is the moth orchid (phalaenopsis). These orchids bloom for several months and grow best in medium-sized bark mixtures in warm temperatures and low to medium sunlight. They are good for beginners and can outlive any of your mistakes.
    • If you tend to water the flowers too much, it is better to choose a slipper orchid (for example, Paphiopedilum or Fragmipedium). On the other hand, if you often forget to keep an eye on your plants, Cattleyas, Oncidiums or Dendrobiums will work best for you.
    • If your home does not get a lot of sunlight, then the diamond orchid (paphiopedilum) is the best choice. Mini cattleyas (pleurothallis) or miniature moth orchid are suitable for small window sills.
  1. Choose the right pot. Most often, an orchid is grown in terracotta pots (made of clay or plastic). There are many different kinds. Here are some tips: if you water the plant often - use a clay pot with coarse filler; if your orchids often dry out - use plastic pot and a smaller mixture.

    • Transparent plastic pots are good because the light hits the roots of the plant, and you can watch them grow. They are well suited if you do not have much time for plant care.
    • Pots with an inner mesh insert or two-tiered basket provide good drainage and air circulation, especially if the orchid is overwatered.
    • Wooden baskets are usually made from rot-resistant wood such as teak. If you decide to use a basket, you will first need to put a layer of moss on the bottom, and then - planting mix.
  2. Use the right mixture for flowerpots. Orchid roots need access to air that the soil cannot provide. Therefore, mixtures for planting orchids, as a rule, do not contain earth. The mixture often uses ingredients such as spruce bark, coconut shell, sphagnum moss, wood fibers and perlite. Most often it is a mixture of two or three of these components.

    • A fine mixture is best for small orchid species and varieties that have shallow roots and need to stay moist. These species include the slipper orchid, as well as most varieties of the oncidium and miltonia species. Prepare a mixture of 4 pieces of fine spruce bark, coconut flakes or redwood bark, one part charcoal, one part garden perlite, or medium Aliflor.
    • A medium to coarse mixture is a good option if you are unsure which species to use for your orchid. This mix works well for Cattleya, Phalaenopsis, and most mature orchids. Make a mixture of four parts medium grade fir bark or medium grade coconut husk, one part medium charcoal, and one part garden perlite or medium Aliflor.
    • If you don't feel like making your own mix, you can find a good ready-made alternative at most garden supply stores. There are many universal mixtures that are equally suitable for many types of orchids.
  3. Find the right light source. Orchids need a lot of light. Depending on the species, they need diffused or direct sunlight. Choose a north-facing window with a direct sunlight, which is partially diffused (for example, through a curtain).

    • Watch your orchid to determine if it needs more or less sunlight. So you can decide whether to close the window with additional curtains.
    • Use fluorescent lights in addition to natural light. Gardeners claim that a conventional daylight effect lamp can have a positive effect. The light from the window may not be enough, especially on cloudy days, or the orchid may stand near the window, from which it receives little light. Buy a pair of 20 watt fluorescent tubes or similar bulbs to simulate more intense lighting.

    Orchid Care

    1. Maintain the right temperature. Find out if your orchid is growing cold or warm. Each type requires air temperature in different ranges. IN warm conditions grow vanda orchids, phalaenopsis and oncidium. In a cool climate, fragmipedium, miltonia, and cymbidium orchids are grown.

      • At night, the temperature should drop to -9 °C. In nature, orchids grow in those places with a contrasting drop in night air temperature. Therefore, by artificially lowering the temperature in your home, or in the room where the orchid grows, you will stimulate the growth and flowering of this plant.
      • Grow warm-loving orchids at 24 to 29°C. At night, the temperature should drop to the level of 19-24 °C.
      • During the day, keep orchids that like cool climates at temperatures between 19 and 27 °C. At night, the temperature should drop to 10-19 °C.
    2. Maintain good air circulation. This is especially important in warm weather. Open windows in hot, muggy weather, or place a small fan near plants. Stale, stagnant air is not conducive to orchid growth.

    3. Water your orchid properly. The amount of water depends on the variety. In general, it is recommended to water this flower every 5-12 days, depending on the time of year and temperature. In hot weather, more frequent watering may be necessary.

      • Roots should remain evenly moist throughout the year. However, the plant does not need much water during the colder months, when natural growth is slowed down, unlike during the warm and sunny months.
      • Here are some types of orchids that need to be constantly hydrated: Paphiopedilum, Miltonia, Cymbidium, and Odontoglossum.
      • Orchids that should be kept moist during active growth, but almost dry between waterings - Cattleya, Oncidium, Brassia, Dendrobium.
      • Some orchids need to dry out well between waterings. For example, Phalaenopsis, Wanda, Fskocenda.
    4. Fertilize approximately once a month. It's just general recommendations because it really depends on the type of orchid. During the active growth phase, it is advisable to fertilize it once a week or even once every two weeks. However, you should water the orchid with plain water without top dressing at least once a month to wash out excess fertilizer and salt.

      • Don't feed too often. Otherwise, you will destroy the plant and negatively affect its growth, especially during periods of "hibernation".
      • Some orchids do not need to be fertilized at all. In fact, many orchids bloom beautifully year after year without any fertilizer.
    5. Repot your orchid. The best way determine whether the plant needs to be transplanted - observe its growth. If an orchid is not blooming even with the right light, temperature, and humidity, you may need to repot the plant. Do not repot an orchid during flowering.

      • Choose the size of the pot depending on the size of the root tuber, the pot does not have to be large. Orchids like slightly cramped pots and don't produce much foliage or flowers in an oversized pot. Choose a new pot, a new filler and transplant the orchid.
      • Orchids requiring an annual transplant: Dendrobium, Miltonia, Paphiopedilum and Phalaenopsis and their varieties.
      • Orchids requiring transplantation in a year: Cattleya, Dendrobium, Oncidium, Odontoglossum and their varieties.
      • Orchids requiring repotting every third year: Vanda and its varieties, Cymbidium.


    1. Care for orchids that do not bloom. There are several possible causes Why don't orchids bloom? Most common cause is the lack of sufficient lighting, so check this factor first. Look at the color of the leaves. They should be medium green. If the leaves are dark, deep green, then the plant may not be getting enough light. There are several more reasons.

      • The orchid may simply be too young. Plants must be mature enough to flower and this only occurs during their natural cycle.
      • Your orchid may sit too loose in the pot. For best results it is advisable to check that the flower sits tightly in the pot. Pots that are too spacious for a small root can create barriers to the growth or flowering of an orchid.
      • Another problem may be that you are not using the right fertilizer. Orchids usually do not absorb too many substances. One of the problems can be an excess of nitrogen, which inhibits flowering. Try to keep the fertilizer nitrogen ratio at 3:1:3 or 4:1:4.
    2. Orchid care with withered leaves. If you are dealing with sluggish leaves, you should transplant the orchid and check the root system. There are several probable causes softness and lethargy of the roots.

      • This may be the result of over watering. You can safely water your orchid about once a week, depending on the type, but only if the plant is healthy and properly planted. Check to see if the potting mix has dried well before watering the plant.
      • The pot is too big. This can also create problems with the roots, because they will expend too much energy on forming a dense root system, rather than developing new leaves and flowers.
      • The filler in the pot has deteriorated. The filler in the pot retains its beneficial features certain time. After which it needs to be replaced. Check if it's time to replace it.
    3. Destruction of pests. While pests rarely infest indoor orchids, they can still show up in planting mixes out of nowhere. Learn to deal with such troubles, and then you can grow your orchid healthy and unharmed.

      • Aphids most often attack buds and buds. Small holes in these areas may be a sign of aphids. Fortunately, most insecticides help get rid of these little annoyances.
      • Snails and worms can be found in soil mixtures, so test the mixture before transplanting the plant. They can damage roots, leaves or stems. Again, this problem can be solved with insecticides or changing the planting mix.
      • If young leaves lose color and white masses appear on the orchid, then the plant is most likely infected with a flour worm. Use insecticides or products containing certain oils that suffocate pests. After the elimination of the threat, it is desirable to transplant the plant.
      • To prepare a homemade insecticide, mix 9/10 liters warm water, 1/10 liter of alcohol, 1 tsp. light oil (Neem Oil - great option), a few drops of mild dishwashing detergent. Mix everything in a spray bottle and shake well (with the cap on). Spray the orchid.
    • Look for additional lighting fixtures in garden stores. Often there are light amplifiers on sale that will benefit the home orchid.


    • Watch out for pests. Insects and other pests are not a big threat to indoor orchids, but sometimes spider mites, ants and aphids attack orchids. If you notice these pests on the plant, wash them off or treat the flower with insecticidal soap.

Leave someone indifferent, the orchid cannot.

No wonder this plant is dedicated to legends and traditions. The most beautiful, perhaps, is the legend of the goddess Venus, who, during lovemaking, lost her shoe, which turned into a beautiful flower - an orchid, which began to be considered a symbol of sexuality. Using the magical sexuality of the flower, people prepared love potions from its seeds, hoping to win love with its help.

orchids counting more than 35 thousand species and varieties are found naturally in both hemispheres.

All Orchid (Orchidaceae) experts divide into 3 groups: ground orchids, epiphytic and saprophytic orchids. The most numerous group are epiphytes living on trees or other plants. All nutrients and moisture they receive thanks to the developed aerial roots. Saprophytic orchids are not such a common group among orchids. They are distinguished by the fact that they do not have green leaves and are not very interesting for lovers of home floriculture.

The orchid is very interesting. Special attention attracts a flower: petals and sepals alternately arranged around the center of the flower. The lower petal of an orchid in the middle resembles a lip. And in the center of the flower there is a club-column, representing the combined male and female reproductive organ.

On the rhizome of the flower there is a special thickening, called the pseudobulb. The main purpose of the pseudobulb is to create a supply of nutrients and water for the plant.

General Orchid Care

Of the many varieties, only a few types of orchids can be grown at home. And, although each species requires special conditions of detention, there are General requirements for growing indoor orchids.

So, orchids love light, so they should receive bright diffused light for at least 10-15 hours a day, which is impossible in winter without additional artificial lighting.

In summer they should be protected from direct sunlight.

Keeping temperature in summer should not be lower than + 20-25 degrees, and in winter - not lower than +17 degrees. Differences in night and day temperatures should not be more than 2-3 degrees.

To air and soil moisture orchids present special conditions: they love high humidity, but it is important to take into account the air temperature, since high humidity at insufficient temperature can lead to rotting of the rhizome. The best places to grow orchids are terrariums and aquariums.

In general, orchids love fresh air, so the rooms where the plants are located must be ventilate, but at the same time not to arrange drafts, which are detrimental to orchids.

Low pots are suitable for orchids, at the bottom of which you need to place pieces of foam or pebbles. As a substrate, you can use special earth for orchids, which can be purchased at a flower shop.

However, in order to determine the substrate, you need to know in which natural environment habitat grew your flower. And yet, the orchid feels best when placed on a tray of pebbles, in which water is poured. There should be just enough water so that the pot is not immersed in it. For transplanting, you need to take cramped pots, and transplant only when the growth of the plant stops.

The division of the bush - main mode of reproduction orchids. In each part, at least three sprouts from the bush should remain. Sand is taken as the soil for rooting with the addition of earth for flowers and it is necessary to provide such soil moisture so that the sprouts do not rot.

When choosing a phalaenopsis, you must first of all look at the roots, and not at the flowers. It is advisable to purchase a plant that has many roots, it is better that they are light green in color, which will indicate that they have not yet had time to fill it in the store. You can slightly shake the pot with the plant in your hand: if everything is in order with the roots, it will hold firmly in the ground. You also need to carefully examine the plant itself for the presence of rot, its neck, leaves - they should be without black spots, retain elasticity. You need to pay attention to the point of growth. It should be without visible damage and signs of rot.

If you bought an orchid in normal condition let her bloom. At this time, you need to be careful with watering, as the purchased soil is very moisture-intensive. Water the Phalaenopsis only when the roots turn silver.

A sign of excessive dampness is green algae, which multiply in a pot with a plant with excess moisture. In this case, the soil must be dried. To do this, make additional holes in a plastic pot (in those places where there are no roots), for example, with a hot nail or soldering iron. This will allow the orchid to bloom normally, and after flowering, be sure to transplant it into another substrate, because manufacturers do not add anything to the original soil mixture: pieces of foam rubber, and a moss plug, inside which rotten roots are always found ... it is preferable to use pine bark cut into squares for planting , but the so-called orchid substrate, which is sold in stores, is not suitable because it contains a lot of peat, which is not very useful for phalaenopsis. It happens that phalaenopsis grow in the original substrate of the bark. If the orchid is in good condition, it is better not to disturb it once again and leave it in the same pot without transplanting. Unfortunately, this rarely happens.

If you bought a discounted orchid that you "worked" on in the store, you need to do the following:

  1. If the plant has a peduncle, then it is better to cut it off so as not to weaken the orchid at all. Put the peduncle in a vase, and the flowers will delight you for some more time. If there are no flowers left on it, then it even more needs to be cut off. This will benefit the orchid. As soon as she recovers, she will successfully grow a new peduncle.
  2. Next, you need to gently shake the phalaenopsis out of the pot, inspect the roots. If there is rot or suspicious stains, cut them with a sterile noom to a healthy tissue, sprinkle the cuts with cinnamon or crushed charcoal. Examine the leaves. If there are suspicious stains, also cut out to a healthy tissue and powder the sections.
  3. The pot can be used plastic, transparent. Wash it well and make additional holes on the sides so that the roots dry out faster and can breathe.
  4. At the bottom of the pot you need to lay a layer of expanded clay, then lay out large pieces of pine bark. You can put pieces of charcoal. Place the phalaenopsis on the bark, gently spreading the roots or what is left of them after pruning. Sprinkle the bark, placing pieces of a larger fraction in the center.

After transplanting, phalaenopsis cannot be fertilized, give the plant time to adapt to the new substrate. Phalaenopsis require top dressing about 1-2 times a month when they are in the growth phase. It is easy to determine this: the growing tips of the roots are bright green. You can use universal fertilizer for orchids or "Kemiru-lux" (1/3 tsp per 1 liter of water).

It is possible to stimulate the growth of phalaenopsis roots by spraying the plant or watering it with a solution of the Zircon preparation (4 drops per 1 liter of water). Also a good growth stimulator is succinic acid(1 tablet dissolved in 1 liter of water for irrigation). Pharmaceutical vitamin B one in ampoules (1 ml per 1 liter of water) can be added to spray water once a month. After spraying, you need to blot the center of the outlet and the sinuses with a napkin: water can cause the growth point to rot.

Growing orchids at home

Growing an orchid at home is not an easy task.

Since under natural conditions the plant grows most often on trees or other plants, the orchid must be planted in a mixture prepared either independently or purchased in a store.

The main task of the substrate is to keep the plant upright, provide air to the roots and keep a minimum of moisture around the roots.

The substrate for the orchid can be prepared by yourself.

To do this, you need to take dry pine bark, previously boiled and well dried. After drying, the boiling process should be repeated in order to ensure that all insects inside the bark are destroyed. The bark broken into small pieces is mixed with crushed moss.

Best used as a pot transparent or glass pot: in them, the roots of the plant will feel comfortable, because such pots do not overheat in the sun. It is necessary to take care of the hole in the pot: it will facilitate ventilation and is necessary in order to remove the remaining water.

At the bottom of the pot, it is necessary to pour drainage in the form of pieces of foam (a layer of 0.5-1 cm is enough). The substrate should occupy 3/4 of the pot. After the plant takes its place in the pot, it is necessary to add the remaining substrate.

Transplant the plant is needed every 3 years. But, if you are just a beginner grower, then ready-made soil mixture can be purchased at the store.

Lighting for home orchids

For an orchid to bloom, lighting is a fundamental factor.

If the plant is not getting enough light, the leaves will be dark green instead of bright green or reddish, and too much light can cause the leaves to turn yellow or dry spots.

Optimum humidity air for an orchid, the humidity is 60-80%. To provide the plant with such humidity, you can place it on a pallet with water, in which it is necessary to pour a layer of gravel or drainage pebbles, but so that the roots of the orchid do not come into contact with water.

Spraying the plant in hot weather with a spray bottle in the morning and evening, you will create orchids comfortable conditions content.

Optimum temperature plant content is a temperature of +20-25 degrees.

Ventilation without a draft is very necessary for the normal development of the orchid.

Watering orchids at home

Intensity glaze orchids depends on the temperature and dryness of the air, the intensity of lighting, the phase of the seasonal growing season, the size of the pot, as well as the type of orchid that you have purchased. So, Phalaenopsis, Paphiopedilum, Odontoglossum and Cymbidium need a little wet ground all the time, and the substrate for Oncidium, Dendrobium and Cattleya should actually dry out between waterings.

It is best to water as follows: put the plant in a pot for 10-15 minutes in a container with warm water, or pour it with warm water from the shower so that the soil is completely wet, then put the plant on the grate and wait until the water drains completely.

In summer, the plant is watered every 2-3 days, in winter - 1-2 times a week.

Sometimes a plant should be arranged warm shower, but this procedure cannot be done when the plant has entered the flowering phase. With a warm shower, the plant is placed in a bath and gently poured with warm water from the shower for several minutes. After the water is glass and the plant has “cooled down”, the middle of the plant is blotted with a napkin and put in place.

In general, if the orchid does not have enough moisture, then its pseudobulb will wrinkle, and if the soil is waterlogged, the leaves of the orchid will turn yellow, the roots will rot. Enhanced watering is needed for the plant during the growing season. Reduce watering in rest period and in winter.

For normal development, a plant needs top dressing with fertilizers. You can buy them in flower shops. Fertilize should be 1 time per week during growth and flowering, the rest of the time, feed the plant 1 time per month.

Transplanting home orchids

Orchid transplantation should be carried out after the orchid has faded and rested a little, and the signal that the plant needs to be transplanted is the green parts of the plant that have grown beyond the borders of the pot.

Transplantation begins with the fact that the orchid is carefully removed from the pot. The roots are freed from the old soil, then they are carefully examined: they must be freed from dried and rotten roots.

Prepare a pot for transplanting, larger than the previous one by 1-2 sizes. After filling the bottom with drainage, pour in a new substrate, carefully place the orchid and cover with fresh soil so that the growing point of the plant is open. After moistening the soil, place the orchid for several days in a dark room.

The issue of fertilizing with fertilizers is relevant, it is especially important to do this during the flowering period.

As a rule, the orchid blooms in 1.5-2.5 years. Sometimes, in order to bloom, a plant needs to endure the stress received by the plant as a result of a temperature difference, sometimes a reduction in watering can become an impetus for flowering.

How to start an orchid collection

If you decide that an orchid must decorate your home, then the best place for the purchase of this beautiful flower, there will be a nursery. An orchid grown in a nursery receives the care it needs. By purchasing an orchid that was grown in a nursery, you can get complete information on how to keep this species plants.

A good option to purchase an orchid would be a flower shop.

When buying a blooming orchid, pay attention to the color of its petals (they should be bright, fresh and elastic), the leaves (they should be healthy, they should have a bright green color, they should not have any spots), and when buying an orchid in transparent pot, note (they should be firm, fleshy, whitish-green in color). An indication that you are purchasing healthy plant, are the roots coming out of the pot.

Take care of the packaging of the plant when transporting it from the store to your premises.

After the plant is delivered from the store to your home, it must be removed from the pot and carefully examine the rhizome. The substrate, if it is dry, should be well watered. After that, it is necessary to transfer the orchid to a shady place, to a well-ventilated room and leave the flower in it for several days. Once the adaptation period has passed, the plant is placed in a permanent place.

But, even before you make a purchase of a beauty, you should know that at home, varieties such as Phalaenopsis and Dendrobium are considered the easiest in terms of maintenance. Phalaenopsis can bloom twice a year for several months.

And one more important condition: hybrids are better for home collections than species orchids. This is because, being more tolerant of change environment, they bloom more often at home.

Types of orchids grown at home + photo

These types of orchids love windows facing west or east, windows that face south will also work, and although these types of orchids love sunlight, direct sunlight should not fall on them.

These orchids do not need very bright light, they grow well on windowsills that are brightly lit for only half of the day.

It seems that orchids in stores are always blooming. Fabulously beautiful white, pink, crimson flowers on tall stems fascinate with their sophistication. And many people decide to buy, although orchids are not cheap. But the plant was brought home. Unfortunately, novice amateur growers sometimes have to endure disappointment. The orchid stops blooming, and even begins to dry. How to turn a window sill into a real greenhouse, the main decoration of which will be orchids? No matter how capricious the orchid is, home care can be provided.

There are certain rules that must be followed in order to capricious flower successfully acclimatized to the new place. Caring for an orchid is not difficult, you just need to master the necessary skills.

Quarantine duration

First of all, the plant is quarantined. What is it for? To identify whether there are pests on the new green tenant that can damage not only the orchid itself, but also other existing indoor plants.

Orchid can be placed on a table, bedside table, shelf. The main thing is away from other colors. It is important that the lighting is sufficient, but at the same time, direct sunlight does not fall on the capricious beauty.

Quarantine lasts for 2-3 weeks. Periodically, the orchid is carefully examined. Watering at this time is moderate. Top dressing recommended in the store can be given.

When is a transplant needed?

In most cases, a plant brought from a store does not require a transplant.

But there are exceptions, for example:

  • an orchid planted in moss;
  • obviously a small and uncomfortable pot - the orchid falls all the time;
  • the soil is covered with white threads of mold, the treatment does not help.

And finally, the owners may have a desire to simply replace the pot with a more beautiful option. In any case, if a decision is made to move the flower, you need to follow the rules for transplanting orchids. About them - below.

Orchid care after purchase

It is important to learn how to properly care for an orchid. Then the flower will only please.

Temperature, humidity and lighting

One of the main factors for the well-being of a plant is proper lighting. The orchid has quite “tough conditions”. She does not tolerate direct sunlight. This plant comes from southern countries, and there is an abundance of greenery, and penumbra always gets to the share of a low orchid. Therefore, if a flower is intended to live on the windowsill of a south-facing window, it can be separated from the glass with thin muslin, gauze, even translucent paper such as tracing paper.

But you should not darken the place where the plant will live. In this case, it will stop blooming, stretch out, the leaves will begin to lose their saturated color, turn pale.

Fine suitable west or east window. During a short daylight period, it is advisable to illuminate the orchid with a fluorescent lamp, bringing the length of the daylight period to 12 hours.

Also, for a flower, the correct temperature regime. During the day, it is desirable that the air in the room be warmed up to 24-26 C, at night the temperature should drop to 14-16 C. In the warm season, the flower can be kept on the loggia or garden plot. There will be temperature fluctuations. In winter, the room where the orchid is located can be ventilated at night.

However, it is undesirable for cold air from the window to fall on the flower.

In nature, orchids grow in tropical rainforests, so it is desirable to create similar conditions for them in the house. True, thanks to the care of the owners, the flowers receive enough moisture, both from the substrate and as a result of watering. Still, more care is needed. Especially in winter, when the air in the rooms becomes too dry due to the steam heating batteries. To achieve the required humidity, the batteries can be covered with a cloth soaked in water - for example, thick towels, bedspreads. You can also purchase special humidifiers.

Watering the plant

It would be a misconception that the soil in an orchid pot should be wet all the time, almost wet. Among the varieties of this plant, there are those that love water more, and those who are less. But all orchids cannot stand moisture stagnation in the soil, their roots begin to rot.

Abundant watering should be in spring and summer, when the plant is gaining color, and directly when it is already blooming. In winter, the orchid is watered 1-2 times a week.

The best option for spring watering is the following: put the orchid pot in a container with warm water for 7-10 minutes. Or you can give the plant a short shower.

Soil requirements and transplant

Today, it is not a problem to provide an orchid with ideal soil for it. The choice in the shops is great. Usually, the composition of the soil for an orchid includes: charcoal, expanded clay, foam plastic, crushed coniferous bark and sphagnum moss.

Then pick up a new pot of sufficient size. In many cases the best option are transparent containers with slots. You should also stock up on activated charcoal, secateurs, settled water.

In order not to damage the roots during transplantation, it is advisable to put the orchid pot in water - “soak”, and after that carefully remove the plant.

Then you should carefully examine the root system. The rotten areas are cut off, the sections are dried, sprinkled with crushed coal. If pests are noticed, the roots are treated with an insecticide.

Cut off at the root and old leaves - those that have become lethargic, have lost their rich color.

The new pot should not be too large, otherwise the orchid will grow foliage instead of flowering.

First, a part of the substrate is poured onto the bottom of the pot. Then a flower is placed and the soil is filled up to the right amount. You can crush, compact the soil, but only slightly. After a while, the plant itself will "fix" in a new place.

Water the orchid 5-6 days after transplantation.

Top dressing and fertilizer

Naturally, the plant needs top dressing. Eat special additives who will recommend in a flower shop - for example, Bona Forte. Instructions for use are given on the packaging. It is important to remember that it is impossible, out of good intentions, to overfeed a flower.

Fertilize the plant should be in spring and summer, winter is a dormant period.

Reproduction of orchids at home

Reproduction allows you to increase your collection of orchids without extra expenses. This matter is by no means difficult.

Orchids can be propagated by children, layering, division.

kids, or side shoots, growing up, they themselves give roots. Then you can carefully separate them and transplant them into small pots.

For propagation by layering, you should make a “mini-greenhouse”: plastic containers are suitable, even simple bottles for drinks. The greenhouse is placed over the bent part of the stem. It is necessary to ensure that there is sufficient humidity inside. Gradually, small plants with roots will emerge from the buds. They are separated and transplanted. At first, it is also desirable to keep them in greenhouse conditions.

Vegetatively, or by division, orchids are propagated during transplantation. It is necessary that several bulbs are present on each of the detachable parts. When dividing the plant, sections are sprinkled with crushed charcoal. Then the orchids are planted in the ground as usual.

The main problems in growing plants

You can sincerely wish that the novice grower does not encounter them. But if they all appeared, how to deal with them?

Orchid does not bloom, dries

The most upsetting situation for the owner is when the orchid does not want to bloom. First of all, you need to understand - maybe the flowering period has just ended and the plant is in a state of "rest".

Another common reason is lack of light. If the flower is on a north window or the daylight hours are too short, fluorescent lamps can be recommended.

Flowers may be missing due to the fact that the orchid is transplanted too big pot. If its root system is damaged and the plant dries up. And also in the case when the green pet is not provided with a temperature difference: during the day the room should be warm enough, and at night the orchid needs cool air, with a temperature of 14-16 C.

And finally, the plant may still be too young to bloom. In this case, you just have to wait a year.

Leaves turn yellow - causes and remedies

The leaves of orchids turn yellow quite often. This may be due to the preparation for the rest period, that is, you should not worry.

You can understand that the process is natural by the sign that they begin to turn yellow lower leaves closest to the roots. They are the oldest and are dying. Completely dried leaves are removed.

But if young leaves begin to dry, or if this phenomenon occurs in the spring, you should check if you overdo it with watering? Stagnant water leads to rotting of the root system, and the plant may die.

However, excessively dry indoor air can also cause yellowing of the leaves. In this case, spraying from a spray bottle will help the orchid.

Also, you can’t keep a capricious beauty in drafts and put her in a dark place. All this can lead to the fact that the leaves will acquire a yellow tint.

Viral plant diseases

If the shape and color of the orchid has changed, it may be affected by a virus. It is easy to bring it in when processing a flower with infected tools. The virus will be transmitted to other flowers if watering is done in a common container.

The diseased plant is separated from the rest, treated with an antibiotic and followed by a fungicide.

The most common orchid pests

In winter, it almost completely stops its growth, this is the period when the orchid does not need to be disturbed either by excessive watering or top dressing. The temperature in winter is about 18 C.

In spring, the plant starts to grow, the air should be warmed up to 25 C, and the humidity should reach 70-80%.

Lighting must be correlated with watering. With abundant watering and maintenance in an insufficiently lit room, moisture stagnates, the roots rot. When in a well-lit room with dry air, in addition to watering, the orchid needs to be sprayed.

It is advisable not to use tap water without prior settling. You can determine whether moisture is required by sticking a wooden stick into the pot. If it was taken out dry, watering is necessary.

The orchid can rightly be called one of the the most beautiful flowers. Proper care of the plant will allow you to enjoy flowering for many years.

Charming at the moment blooming orchids are a very common gift and a wonderful decoration for any home. But they bloom wonderfully in the store and only for a short period in the apartment, and after flowering they die. As a result, there is an increasing perception that these beautiful flowers incapable of accommodating room conditions and require special care.

Comfort and attention

But avoiding an unsuccessful result when keeping an orchid in the house is quite easy. To do this, you need to create the right care for the orchid after buying it in the store. If you are going to start such a plant, you need to be prepared for the fact that it can give a rather sharp reaction to a change in the microclimate: sometimes the flowers of an orchid fade sharply or the buds dry up.

You should not despair, since this is the normal behavior of the plant when changing its place of residence. Care indoor orchid after the purchase comes down to a few rules. It is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the plant so that it quickly adapts to new conditions.

Orchid adaptation

In order for the orchid to endure stress with minimal losses, perfectly adapt to the unusual environment and not harm other flowers in your house, you need to provide it with a kind of quarantine for about 2 weeks.

To do this, it must be placed away from other plants. If there is not enough space for the orchid on the windowsill, it can be placed on a pedestal or in another convenient place. But here you need to understand that a recently acquired flower must be protected from direct sunlight. In addition, it is not worth the adaptation time that sellers often recommend when buying it.

Proper watering

Equally important when caring for an orchid is how to properly water it. It should be clarified that in their natural habitat, most of these flowers never stay in water, so their roots are not able to tolerate stagnant moisture. However, each type of orchid has its own specific watering. Prefers moist soil throughout the entire time the orchid after purchase also comes down to correct regimen glaze. Dendrobiums like drier soil, and they need to be watered only if the soil dries out.

Which is better, overfilling or underfilling

Nevertheless, all orchids are more adapted to the lack of moisture than to waterlogging. The flower needs an excess amount of water only during the period of active growth and flowering. In the case of water deficiency, the orchid shrinks pseudobulbs and leaves. If there is excess moisture, the leaves turn yellowish and soak, and the roots become rotten.

In winter, when there is very little light, it is not worth watering the orchid abundantly. In addition, she does not need a lot of moisture after flowering, that is, during the dormant period.

Care after purchase, watering secrets

Faithful watering home orchid consists in moistening the substrate with soft water. Melt or rain water is perfect for this. You can water the plant and just boiled water. In the summer, it is necessary to water the orchid 2-3 times a week when it dries upper layer soil, and in winter - enough 1-2 times in seven days.

Watering an orchid involves placing the flower in a pot in a container of warm water for about 10 minutes or continuously pouring water from the shower over it. In the second option, the soil will get wet all over, while water will flow from the drain openings. After completing the procedure, it is necessary that the pot with the plant stand on a special grate so that all the liquid can drain. Later, the orchid is moved to a decorative pot.

Top dressing and fertilizer

Caring for an orchid after buying it from the store includes the right fertilizer. Often, when fertilizing a newly acquired flowering plant flowers begin to fade. This is due to the fact that initially the orchid is trying to get used to a new place, while it is in a stressful state. At such a time, even a small amount of fertilizer may be superfluous.

A flower like an orchid needs care after purchase. It also includes top dressing, but only during the growth period. It is recommended to fertilize the plant once every 2-3 weeks. The most important thing here is the observance of proportions, which can be found out by reading a special section on the packaging of the purchased fertilizer. In our time, it will not be difficult to buy a complex mixture, where microelements are selected directly for feeding orchids. This fertilizer is suitable for all stages of plant development, and it is recommended to apply it throughout the year.

Expert opinion

Most experts are opposed to frequent feeding of orchids. They were able to prove that constant fertilization leads to a decrease in the immunity of the plant, which is why it is more susceptible to a variety of diseases. Therefore, it is best not to fertilize the orchid at all, since it receives all the nutrients from the substrate, but this method only works when the substrate is changed every 2 years. Compliance with these rules requires the care of an orchid after buying it in a store.

critical moments

If the orchid blooms and looks quite healthy, that is, there is no rot, there is no blackening of the leaves, then there is no need to deal with transplantation, because the plant spends all its energy on flowering. You can transplant an orchid when this period ends. There are situations in which the orchid must be transplanted after purchase.

The flower cannot stand on its own in a pot. This situation may arise due to the fact that the leaves have formed on one side of the plant and protrude beyond the borders of the pot, the orchid overturns. It happens that the peduncle with support deviated significantly, and the plant loses its balance. In both cases effective method The solution to the problem is transplantation.

A small amount of substrate in a pot. The orchid cannot stand in it. In this case, the support for the peduncle will also begin to bend and turn the flower with the pot. There are two options for correcting the current situation:

  • fill up the substrate;
  • transplant into another, larger pot.

The plant has root problems. For example, you can look at problematic roots through a transparent pot. If a large number of damaged roots are found: about half or more of all visible ones, then the orchid will have to be transplanted. In this case, it is necessary to cut off all damaged roots and plant the flower in another substrate.

It is likely that flowers will have to be sacrificed. It will be necessary to cut the peduncle, but the plant itself will be preserved. If there are few roots left (less than 20%), then they will not be able to stretch the flowering of the orchid. The lower leaves may die off, as the remaining roots are not able to saturate a large number of leaves. But there is no need to panic in this situation. If the roots are preserved, then the leaves of the orchid will grow. Care, transplantation after purchase are also necessary for a flower.

You wish to see your flower in another pot. You can transplant the orchid or place a plastic pot in beautiful planter, which should be transparent or half transparent. Caring for an orchid after buying it from a store also requires compliance with these rules.

Proper orchid transplant

First you need to carefully remove the plant along with the soil from the pot. If you are unable to do this, then you need to cut the pot in such a way as not to hurt the flower. Then the flower and the soil must be put in a container with warm water so that it gets wet there.

Then, with the help of a shower, carefully wash off the remnants of the substrate from the roots. Here it is necessary to examine the flower well and cut off all damage to the roots, and sprinkle the cuts with charcoal. After that, place the orchid on paper towel so that moisture can evaporate from it.

At this time, we lay out a layer of expanded clay or ceramic shards in a pot about 5 cm high from the bottom so that water can freely penetrate down.

After that, you can pour a substrate 5 cm high, we place a dried orchid in it. A stake is driven near it to tie up hanging stems, if any. From above it is necessary to add soil and press it with the palm of your hand so that it settles a little.

The composition of the best includes charcoal, fern root, spruce, pine, birch or oak bark, foam plastic, moss and peat. It is more expedient to acquire it already in finished form.

By following these simple rules, you can be sure that they will be appreciated after the purchase and will pay off handsomely.

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