Root aerial roots. Monstera: propagation by cuttings, seeds and aerial roots. What to do with aerial roots

- the task is quite simple and doable. This is not the first time I have done this. In this article I want to tell you and give only useful information on the topic "Reproduction of monstera at home."

Hi all! With you Irina Zhukova, the author of the project.

I just LOVE indoor flowers, I have a lot of them. And they love me too, because they grow unpretentiously and do not require big care. One of my favorites is Monstera.

And in this article we will talk about how the reproduction of monstera is carried out. I know that for many monstera breeding is difficult. My friends just grab rooted shoots from me. I will show you step by step how I propagate this vine.

Reproduction of monstera at home

First, I'll tell you a little about the flower itself, if someone does not know. Monstera is a large vine with a thick stem and large leaves with holes. She was called that because when she grows big, she looks like a MONSTER!!! Of course, she is not at all scary, but very beautiful!

Now I’ll tell you directly about the reproduction of the monstera itself, as I do.

  • First step.

I propagate monstera with lateral shoots.

On an adult plant, lateral processes appear from time to time from below. They look like small leaves on the side of the main stem of the vine.

When the lateral process has appeared, I wait for it to grow well, and a small air root will begin to grow on it.

  • Second step

Carefully with a knife I cut off the lateral process with an air root with mother plant and just put it in a jar of water. It is recommended to sprinkle the cut charcoal but I don't do anything like that!

  • Third step

We periodically change the water in a jar with a process and wait for the air root to begin to grow and another additional root to appear.

  • Fourth step

All! Our offspring can be planted in the ground. A few words about soil. I use humus (my husband dug up in a forest belt) + sand + purchased peat. Also in the shops are sold special soil mixture, you can use them. But I don't bother!

We pour drainage into the bottom of the pot - expanded clay, we have a lot left after building the house))) We pour the prepared soil and plant our process so that the earth is a finger higher from the roots, compact it a little, water it.


You can cover the pot with a bag and put it on the window, air it regularly. But I don’t even do that, the shoots take root well and grow quickly.

Several Yet useful tips about the subsequent cultivation of monstera:

  1. The flower loves moisture! You can spray, wipe the leaves with a cloth, make sure that the earth in the pot does not dry out.
  2. An air root grows from each monstera leaf. I advise them to dig in the ground in a pot. Then the vine grows very quickly, strong and large.
  3. Monsterka doesn't like straight lines Sun rays. For her, diffused light, partial shade is better.
  4. Reproduction and transplantation of monstera is best done in the spring, but it can also be done at other times of the year.

We have looked at how to implement breeding monstera at home . I think that the simplest way is to reproduce the monstera with a lateral process, I do this, I succeed. But you can still propagate the monster with seeds, it's long and tedious. Or by dividing the stem of an adult plant and rooting the cuttings, or by rooting the top of the vine. But I am very sorry to spoil my beauty, and I cut off the lateral process and nothing is noticeable.

Here MY VIDEO about growing monstera:

Monstera will decorate any home, it is very unpretentious, unusual, moisturizes the air and gives it oxygen.

But I would not advise putting it in a bedroom or a small room, because, as we all know from school lessons biology, during the day the plant releases oxygen, and at night it absorbs!

Well, in principle, that's all I wanted to tell about the reproduction of the monstera, and about the monster in general.

By the way, there are a lot of rumors and legends about this flower. If you have heard anything about this, please share in the comments.

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Thank you for your attention, I really hope that the article was useful for you! Click on the buttons and tell your friends! Thank you! I wish you good luck and excellent mood!

With love for you,

Irina Zhukova

Monstera, being an exotic southern plant, perfectly adapts to regions with temperate climate and grows in many homes and offices, bringing a unique flavor to the interior.

This evergreen vine grows in wild nature in the forests of South and North America and can reach a very impressive length - up to 100 m. What we see in apartments and official institutions is not the one that grows in the tropics. For growing monstera indoors, several varieties of decorative directions were bred.

In general, it cannot be said that the monstera is a capricious tropical plant; rather, it is unpretentious, but it requires the necessary conditions so that the plant feels protected and healthy.

  • Monstera perfectly tolerates indoor conditions if it is placed in the corner of the room, and not only because the liana is large. She doesn't like direct sunlight, so the corner of a bright and spacious room will become for her ideal option. Too much a dark room is also not quite what you need, although it is the shadow from tropical trees is a cover for the plant from the scorching sun.
  • It is clear that relatives living in the tropics cannot live without moisture, therefore this decorative tropical plant should be watered well and often. This culture is in dire need of constant moisture, but in no case should it be flooded, otherwise the horses, leaves will rot and the plant will begin to get sick and wither. In warm weather, monstera is abundantly moistened, but in winter the dose of water should be significantly reduced.
  • Very important point is to moisten the foliage and trunk from a spray bottle or with a sponge or wet wipes. But if not high temperatures indoors, this cannot be done, otherwise the leaves and stems of the overseas liana may freeze and dry.
  • Many people ask why the tips of the leaves dry? The answer is very simple: often cold period the plant remains standing by the battery or heating appliances, and the moisture of their capacity evaporates instantly, it becomes difficult for the plant without a normal amount of moisture and the leaves begin to dry out. If the batteries in the room are mercilessly hot, it is best to move the plant pot away from them.
  • The young plant grows quite quickly and does not require any additional feeding. An adult monstera, on the contrary, is quite demanding on fertilizers and responds well to them. Both organic and organic should be applied twice a month. mineral fertilizers, since in their absence the plant grows more slowly.
  • A very rare phenomenon is the flowering of vines at home. In order to wait for this unusual process, it is necessary to create a plant almost ideal conditions. Liana blooms beautiful flowers cream-colored, in the wild this happens annually, but not everyone can see its flowering in office or home conditions.

In general, growing an overseas guest and caring for her is not difficult, she is rather unpretentious and not capricious. It grows quickly, does not require special manipulations and responds well to a good attitude towards it.

How to propagate a monstera: several available methods

You probably could see that the plant has aerial roots, which it throws out in order to find additional moisture and nutrition. So, they are the main planting material for reproduction, of course, along with a process that has at least one leaf.

The shoots and shoots that arise from the sides of the vine, as a rule, appear in spring period. You should take the shoot along with the hanging root and immediately plant it in specially prepared soil. The soil should consist of their sod and leaf ground and sand.

If there is another method of reproduction - cuttings in this case, it is necessary to cut off the top of the vine, on which there are 2-3 leaves and an internode. It makes sense to use the kids, which are located at the bottom of the trunk. They also have one mature leaf and an internode. In this case, in order to get roots, the cuttings are first placed in water.

Some flower growers plant the stalk in the ground, but in this case it is necessary to ensure that it is constantly wet. As soon as one new leaf is formed on the handle, it can be transplanted to a permanent place in a separate pot with the necessary composition of the soil. Cuttings with the beginnings of aerial roots are best suited for rooting and development.

Reproduction of a plant with the help of seeds is not productive enough. This is due to the difficulty in obtaining good planting material, in addition, for seeds, even if they have excellent germination, special conditions are necessary - an abundance of heat, sun and moisture, as well as the fertility of the substrate.

If you want to experiment with planting seeds and get a positive result, you need to:

  • prepare the soil, which should consist of their leafy, soddy layer of earth, peat and sand;
  • moisten it well and shed it with potassium permanganate;
  • sow seeds to a depth of no more than 1-2 cm;
  • cover the container with glass or plastic bag by creating greenhouse conditions;
  • it is necessary to periodically arrange airing, otherwise the seeds will rot;
  • seedlings will appear no earlier than a month and a half;
  • after the young shoots are quite strong, they should be transplanted into other, separate pots;
  • the first leaves of a young plant usually pop up no earlier than after 7 months.

There is another option for breeding monsters, but it is rather difficult and does not always end a positive result. Growing a plant from their leaves is not always justified, as rotting often occurs and the leaf dies. But, for those who want to take the risk, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  • several leaves should be cut and prepared sazu, so out of a dozen, at least one or two can give roots;
  • you will need a container with water, in which all the leaves are placed before the formation of roots;
  • here you should not rush and plant the plant immediately with the first roots, it is better to wait until the moment when root system will grow stronger and grow;
  • only after the formation of several strong and thick threads of roots, the leaf can be planted in the ground.

It is worth saying that the reproduction of the monstera ends in most cases successfully, no matter which method is chosen. Young shoots take root perfectly in the place of their new "housing". Of course, it is best to transplant in warm weather, as it is easier for the shoot to adapt and stress is much easier to tolerate. If you decide to perform manipulations in cold weather, then you should play it safe and cover the shoots with a jar or a bag, so you will create more comfortable conditions for adaptation.

What else you need to know about growing monstera at home

IN comfortable conditions monstera is able to grow up to 2.5 - 3 meters, for this reason it becomes necessary to transplant it into a more spacious container. If this is not done, then the vine will stop growing and will gradually die. How to transplant correctly so as not to damage the plant:

  • for a young plant, transplantation should be carried out 2-3 times over two years. This need is due to rapid and active growth;
  • after 4 years, the flower again needs to “move” to a new place, to a more spacious pot;
  • monstera older than five years of age, should be transplanted every four years;
  • old plant should not be disturbed, the best option will be adding fresh soil over the roots.
  • The soil should consist of soddy soil, humus and sand, some add sphagnum moss. You can also use ready-made soil for palm trees, which is sold in stores. Drainage is a must.

The main thing when transplanting is to follow the rules and not harm the plant. The roots need to be properly covered with soil, to make sure that the flower is well fortified and does not tumble. To do this, use a support or tie the plant with a rope to a wall or ceiling.

Aerial roots are sent to the soil, so the plant has additional nutrition, and fresh shoots may appear. If you follow all the rules, the flower will be lush and very attractive. An old plant can be topped off and rooted, but young monsters are best left uncut.

That's all the basic rules for caring for a monstera indoors. As you can see, she does not require anything supernatural, only to observe generally accepted rules for all indoor plants. It will perfectly decorate an apartment, an office or an official institution, will become distinctive feature and the highlight of any space.

Video clip about breeding monstera at home:

Planting a monster at home is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. You can reproduce monstera even the first time. Let's look at the main ways of breeding this houseplant.

Knowing how to propagate a monstera, you yourself will not have time to come to your senses, how it is tropical plant will turn into a favorite of your indoor flower "collection". But in order for this whole procedure to go smoothly and efficiently, you need to know about the key conditions.

First of all, you are required to prepare the soil for sowing seeds or planting cuttings. Pour drainage into small pots or other containers first, then a mixture of peat and humus, and also sand. Determine in advance where you are going to grow monstera shoots - since this plant is photophilous, you need to take the appropriate site for it.

When you propagate and plant the cuttings, you will need to maintain a humid microclimate. The plant must be constantly sprayed, then the shoots will quickly release roots. Stimulates a similar process and top dressing of the soil.

In addition to providing favorable conditions for the development of a young monstera, you also need to take care of your own safety. The thing is that this tropical plant is considered poisonous. This means that it is advisable to carry out all work with the cuttings with gloves, otherwise the monstera juice will get on clean skin and will not give you the most pleasant sensations.

The main methods of reproduction

How monstera breeds at home needs to be considered in detail. The flower grower is offered several ways to breed this houseplant at once. Each of them has its own advantages, but agricultural techniques will be slightly different.

stem cuttings

Propagation of monstera at home with stem cuttings is a common method. It is used when an old and rather “bald” plant needs to be rejuvenated. Try to cut strong cuttings from the monstera, on which at least one kidney will be present. They are recommended to be placed in sphagnum moss, a mixture of peat and sand, or simply in wet sand.

Mandatory requirement: you need to root the stem processes not in a single container, but individually. Cover them with a transparent film on top or glass jar. From time to time, this shelter is removed so that the cuttings receive Fresh air. Don't forget about regular hydration.

Apical cuttings

This method is most often used by flower growers. In most cases, it involves cutting the apical processes from a mature plant. They need to be placed in a container with water, wait until the cuttings release roots. Do not rush to root them in the soil. First you need to wait until at least three root branches appear on each green process. Only in this case, the newly-made plant can be determined for a permanent place of growth.


Monstera can propagate not only by cuttings, but also by leaves. This method is not considered as effective as the previous ones, but in some cases it is used (if a leaf suddenly breaks off, they do not throw it away, but try to root it). All you have to do is put the leaf in a glass of water and wait until it takes root. When the root system is more or less formed, the leaf can be planted in the soil.

Do not neglect the presence of a support, otherwise a young plant planted from a leaf will not hold its shape on its own.

aerial roots

Compared to other breeding techniques, monstera aerial roots is not done so easily. However, the efficiency of this method is much higher. You need to find a leaf on a plant from which the strongest grow. Tie moss to them, which will need to be constantly moistened. Gradually, the monstera will increase the tap, which you will later carefully cut off and transplant to a permanent place. It is very difficult for beginners to propagate this tropical plant with aerial shoots. However experienced flower growers are excellent at this task.


How to plant a monstera at home, you ask? Before defining for yourself best way, you need to study the common methods of reproduction in as much detail as possible. For example, root this indoor plant You can also use seeds. However, be prepared for the fact that a lot of efforts will have to be made, and the effectiveness of this method is not always guaranteed.

The first thing to take care of is the availability of fresh seeds. If they lie with you for a long time, then they may simply not ascend. For sprouting seed material it is recommended to use sphagnum moss, which is placed in plastic bags along with monstera seeds. It is recommended to keep them in a room with diffused lighting and a temperature of + 25 ... + 28 ° C. After a month or a half, you can expect the first shoots to appear.

Further care

No matter how you decide to plant a monstera, you need to prepare for the fact that it will grow rather slowly (especially if you sow seeds in the ground). Be patient and do not forget to carefully care for the shoots. If the room where they are kept has an optimal microclimate, moderately bright lighting, and the temperature indicators are stable, you can count on the desired result. At the same time, regular spraying of cuttings and moistening of the soil in which they take root are of great importance. Stick to the key plant care recommendations and your collection will be replenished with new plants.

Video "Cutting and caring for the monstera"

From this video you will learn how to properly propagate the monstera and care for the plant.

Monstera is a rather large plant, the peculiarity of which are dissected leaves and peculiar aerial roots. It comes from the tropical forests of the South American continent, but it can be found even in Asia. The flower takes root well in apartments and houses, and because of its unpretentiousness and beauty, it is very popular.

To properly grow it, you need to know how to care for the monstera at home. This will be discussed in this article, and the presented photo will give an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis luxurious plant.

Features of an exotic flower

There are quite a few various myths associated with this plant, which make some flower growers doubt whether it is worth buying. But you should know that monstera has a large number useful properties, which favorably affect the human body and the microclimate of the room. Happy her large leaves release a lot of oxygen and contribute to the evaporation of moisture, thereby moistening the air. In addition, this tropical plant absorbs harmful electromagnetic waves, absorbs formaldehyde vapors and ionizes the air in the room.

At the energy level, monstera helps people in making any important decisions. It puts thoughts in order, absorbs chaotic vibrations and in the most favorable way affects nervous system bringing the state of mind into harmony. Develops intellectual abilities and strengthens the human immune system. Thanks to this, Monstera is indispensable in the office and office, living room and library. It helps to calm down, focus and tune in to work.

The only place where you should not place it is the bedroom. plant at night no photosynthesis takes place, so it begins to absorb a large amount of oxygen, and this is unacceptable for a bedroom.

Monstera: home care

This plant at home is easy to grow and propagate. In order for it to grow healthy, it is necessary to create certain conditions for the flower.

Lighting and space

In nature, monstera loves shady, but well-lit places. The scorching sun can burn its leaf plate, and too deep a shadow does not allow the flower to grow, even stopping its development completely. From this, he will not die, he will lose his beauty and attractiveness. Foliage in low light loses its decorative, acquiring a monochromatic green color.

Monstera grows very fast and grows strongly. In height, it can reach 5 meters, so it is necessary to find a room for it so that it is not cramped. The plant does not like to be moved from place to place, it may even stop its growth.

Temperature regime

Flower care involves observing the temperature regime, which should be within from +10 to +24 degrees. Monstera tolerates sudden temperature changes quite easily. High rates contribute to its intensive development, the main thing is that the air is sufficiently humidified. Too much low temperature air causes the monstera to stop its growth and will be at rest until the degrees rise to a certain point.

Watering and feeding

Caring for a flower also involves watering and fertilizing it. The plant prefers moist tropical air. Since its leaves are able to evaporate a lot of moisture, they need to be moistened regularly. To do this, wipe the sheet plates with a damp cloth, and in order to glossy surface shone, a little milk is added to the water.

During the growth of a flower, it should watering vigorously enough so that the earth does not dry out. At rest, this process should be minimized.

In order for the monstera to grow well at home and not lose its decorative effect, it should be periodically fed with fertilizers consisting of organic and mineral substances. In summer, top dressing is carried out once a week, and in winter - once every 2 to 3 weeks.

Aerial Root Care

A feature of this plant is its aerial roots, which are necessary for its additional nutrition and hydration. Since they do not look very attractive, they are collected and tied to the trunk or wrapped in wet moss. When watering a flower, the roots should also be moistened. Thanks to this additional nutrition, the plant begins to grow well.

Transplantation and rejuvenation

Until the age of 4, it is recommended that the monster be transplanted every year, with an older flower, this process is carried out once every 2-3 years using the pot every time bigger size. Its roots are quite powerful, requiring a lot of space, so the container must be wide and deep. Close space leads to his death.

The pot is 1/3 covered with high-quality drainage, and for the soil use a mixture of the following components:

  • turf;
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • sand.

You can also use ready-made soil mix.

Since the monstera flower, the photo of which can be seen in this article, begins to lose its former attractiveness with age and drops all the leaves from the lower part of the trunk, it is necessary to rejuvenate it. To do this, in the spring, a top about 30 cm long is cut off from the plant, which gives impetus to the growth of side shoots. The top is dipped in water so that it gives roots. As soon as the container is completely filled with them, it is transplanted into a pot, and in further care carried out as for an ordinary flower.

Monstera breeding

Propagate this plant at home possible in three ways:

  • Seeds. To do this, they are sown in the soil and left in a bright and warm room. In a month they should already sprout. After 2 years, the flower has about 9 leaves.
  • cuttings. For this purpose, stem or lateral processes are taken, the cutting is planted in a pot and covered with glass. It is recommended to water it twice a day. After the flower gives roots, it is transplanted into a larger container.
  • Air layers. This method of reproduction is considered the simplest. To do this, take a layer with a leaf and aerial root, which is planted as an independent plant.

Diseases and pests

Most often this flower at home the following pests affect:

The main diseases of the monstera are associated with excessive humidification of the air and wrong temperature regime . If the leaves begin to dry out, this indicates a lack of fertilizer or moisture. Highly moist soil can spoil the roots of the plant, and the leaves begin to turn yellow. With insufficient lighting, the leaf plates begin to develop weakly and become small.

Thus, we found out what a monster is, a photo of which can be seen in the article. Propagating it at home is quite simple, as well as caring for it. As a result proper care the flower becomes luxurious, delighting the owner with its chic leaves.

Monster care at home

Tropical monstera plant adapted to room conditions, has been successfully grown in our country for a long time. It is characterized by intensive growth, is not demanding for care, is easy to transplant and propagate, which is why domestic flower growers fell in love with it. IN home environment you can get a new monstera using leaves, aerial roots and cuttings. Experts share their experience on how to do it efficiently and quickly. Photo and video recommendations will help beginners to understand the intricacies.

Propagation of monstera by cuttings. Rooting in water

Cuttings are the easiest way to propagate this crop. planting material obtained from the middle or top of the stem. It is important that there is at least one kidney on the segment. The easiest way is to place the cutting in an opaque container with clean, settled water:

  • treat the branch with a root formation stimulator;
  • immerse it in water by a third and leave it for several days;
  • keep the temperature of the liquid at room temperature or slightly warmer;
  • wait for the formation of at least 3 root processes;
  • transplant the cutting into a pot with soil.

Advice. The optimal composition of the soil for the constant growth of monstera is soddy soil, peat, sand, humus in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 1. The mixture is relevant for any method of plant propagation. Sometimes the proportion of turf is doubled.

It has been proven that monstera roots grow faster and more efficiently in water, in about 2-3 weeks. The disadvantages of this method of propagation by cuttings include an imbalance in the development of a young plant. The seedling will vigorously develop roots. Only when he forms them completely, will he begin to grow shoots and leaves. This problem is solved by feeding the cuttings in the ground with growth stimulants.

Rooting cuttings

Propagation of monstera by cuttings. Rooting in the soil

Another type of grafting is rooting in the ground:

  1. Prepare the substrate, sandy or peat. Pour it into a pot.
  2. The optimum soil temperature for the cutting to take root is +28 ° C or higher. Humidity is high.
  3. To secure conditions for monstera that are closest to its tropical natives, cover the pot with glass or cling film.
  4. Wait 3-4 weeks until the stalk does not just take roots, but grows them in large numbers. The more extensive the root system of the plant, the better it will take root.
  5. Transplant the cutting into another container with soil.

The disadvantage of this breeding option is that as it grows, the stem strengthens and develops, but not at the base. There it remains the same as when landing. Therefore, the new plant will be prone to breakage. In this situation, there are two options. They can be used individually or together:

  • use initially thick cuttings;
  • make a support for the bush.

Another option for rooting a branch in the ground is horizontal. Cut off a stem cutting with at least 2 buds and lay it flat on the soil. The substrate should be light. For example, sphagnum, sand or hydrogel. It is not necessary to sprinkle the twig with soil, the main thing is that one kidney touches the surface:

  • do not forget to water and regularly spray the stalk;
  • cover the pot with foil;
  • after the first root shoots and leaves are formed, plant the cutting in a permanent place.

Cutting preparation

How to root a monstera with a leaf

Reproduction of monstera with the help of leaves is less effective. It is usually resorted to if the leaf is accidentally broken off. It should be placed petiole down in a container of water and wait until the shoots appear. The leaf needs more roots to take root in the ground, so use a large jar.

The difficulties of this rooting method:

  • it will take at least a month to wait for the formation of full-fledged roots;
  • the leaf often fades even before the growth of the roots;
  • a jar of water should be opaque - the roots do not like light.

Advice. After the formation of the roots, the plant should be transplanted into the ground. Its composition is the same as with other methods of reproduction.

Much more effective method- plant a monstera with a leaf, near which aerial roots grow. This natural way plant reproduction. The apartment is not a tropical forest, so moss should be tied to the roots with a film. Leave holes for watering and root growth. Moisten the moss regularly. When the roots are large enough, they should be cut off along with the leaf and transplanted to a permanent place.

leaf rooting

Optimal care for rooting monstera

A tropical guest does not always quickly take root and take root in the soil, but then it grows quickly. mature plant quite large and spreading. Keep this in mind when choosing a pot for him. A small container should not be used even when planting short cuttings. The roots will grow and begin to peek out even from the drainage holes.

Temperature is an important factor in the decorativeness of the monstera. The warmer it is, the larger and more beautiful its leaves grow. Of course, heat must be accompanied by a high degree of humidity. After breeding young plant should be placed in the light, but protected from direct sunlight. This will help the bush to form an original pattern on the foliage and make its color rich green.

Advice. As a culture grows older, it loses its need for an abundance of light. It can be moved to a more shaded place.

Most simple material for rooting monstera are aerial roots. With their help, the plant reproduces in its native habitat. Cuttings are also quite effective method. And it is better to use a sheet for these purposes as a last resort.

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