Properly water your home orchid. How to water a phalaenopsis orchid at home. Whims of different varieties of orchids and at the flowering stage


Every lover indoor plants dreams of replenishing his home collection with a blooming orchid, however, as practice shows, few people know how to water an orchid in order to prevent the root system from rotting. After all, overflow for this plant is much more dangerous than drought. You should be careful and follow the individual rules for caring for a capricious flower.

Many mistakenly believe that other indoor plants are necessary after upper layer the soil will be completely dry. However, this indicator can be misleading, because inside the pot the soil may still remain wet. It is much more convenient to determine this when growing an orchid in a transparent pot. A signal of excess moisture and sufficient soil moisture will be the accumulation of condensate, small droplets of liquid on the walls of a transparent glass or plastic pot. In this case, water the plant early. Also take a look at appearance root system. If the roots are bright green tint, then watering the orchid is not worth it. When the roots brighten, you can start moisturizing.

Watering orchids

Owners of orchids with opaque containers are better off guided by other signs. Take a wooden skewer, deepen it into the ground to the very bottom and leave for 10-20 minutes. If after this time the stick remains completely dry, then it's time to water the orchid. You can also determine the degree of saturation of the soil with moisture by checking the weight of the pot. Of course, at first it will be difficult to do this, but over time you will learn to capture this moment.

The main thing to remember is that orchids are epiphytes, that is, plants growing in natural environment on trees and other plant crops that do not need a lot of moisture. More important to them is a constant flow fresh air to the root system. Therefore, choose comfortable and spacious pots for such plants. But you should not “torment” the plant for too long from a lack of water. This can lead to slower growth and flowering.

Water for irrigation should not be cold. A liquid with a temperature of 18-25 degrees is considered optimal. It is also good to saturate the water with oxygen beforehand. To do this, it is enough to pour it in a thin stream from one container to another. Water for orchids is a source of nutrition and self-regulation. If we consider the vital activity of this flower in its natural habitat, then it receives its life-giving moisture thanks to heavy tropical rains. To create similar conditions for an orchid at home, many indoor plant lovers use rainwater to water the flower. However, taking into account harmful emissions in cities and radiation, this method of care cannot be called high-quality. Such water vaguely resembles tropical water and can cause even more harm to your plant.

Peat for water treatment

For successful growth flower an important role is played by the pH level of the water. A pH level of 5 is considered optimal for orchids and can be determined using special indicators. If the hardness of the water is high, then it must be lowered. We do this by adding a few drops to the water for irrigation. lemon juice or oxalic acid at the rate of 2 g of the substance per 5 liters of liquid. The second component can be purchased at any home flower care store. Preliminary settling of water also helps, due to which excess chlorine is vented. A bag of peat - not less than effective remedy. It is enough to immerse it overnight in water, and after a day you can use softened water for irrigation. As for the use of distilled water, it is better to combine it with ordinary settled water, since such a liquid is completely devoid of oxygen and salts.

Watering by sprinkling is very similar to the natural irrigation of a flower. A shower head is ideal for this. If there are different water spray modes, select the " tropical rain", which is present in most modern watering cans. Orchid irrigation is carried out warm water, avoiding moisture on the flowers. We wait until the substrate is saturated, and leave the flower in the bathroom for 10-15 minutes, so that the glass is excess liquid. After an hour (not later), we wipe the remaining moisture on the leaves with a soft cloth, giving Special attention sinuses and core. Otherwise, the socket may rot and endanger further development orchids. If white stains are found on the leaves, we wipe the leaf plates with a health cocktail based on beer and lemon juice, mixed in equal proportions.

One way to water orchids

The second commonly used watering method is to completely submerge the flower pot in water. Prepare a basin or a convenient bucket, pour into it right amount water room temperature and put inside the orchid in a pot for no more than 20-30 minutes. After this time, we take out the pot with the flower and leave it alone for 10-15 minutes so that the excess liquid is glass.

The easiest method of moisturizing is watering from a watering can. We pour water in a thin stream over the entire upper layer of soil, avoiding moisture on the growing point and leaf axils. The required amount of moisture is controlled through the drainage holes in the pot. When liquid begins to flow out of them, we stop watering. After about 2-3 minutes, the procedure can be repeated and excess water drained from the pan. It is best to water the orchid in the morning. For growing without substrate orchids on blocks the best option to maintain an optimal level of moisture will be spraying the roots. Conduct this procedure will have to do more often than watering orchids in pots, as root system These colors dry out much faster. As in the case of ordinary watering from a watering can, we spray the roots in the morning so that they have time to dry before evening.

When watering orchids planted in the substrate, remember that in the center of the pot the soil dries out much more slowly than at the edges. Therefore, it is better to navigate by the moisture content of the upper layer, not along the edges of the soil, but in the center. So the chances of rewetting this indoor flower decreases many times. As a rule, watering orchids in pots is carried out no more than once a week, it is worth focusing on temperature conditions, the degree of illumination and humidity in the room. If you want to slightly dampen the substrate, water only around the edges of the pot, without touching the core.

epiphyte orchids

Orchid in baskets are watered more often, as moisture evaporates faster. The optimal watering will be immersion. We dip the basket with the flower for a few minutes in a container of water, after which we take it out and let the excess moisture drain.

Epiphyte orchids planted on blocks need periodic moistening not only of the roots, but also of the air, which is quite easy to provide by spraying a small amount of liquid over the flower with a spray gun. In this way, the most natural growing conditions are created, which allow the flower to grow normally. After all, these flowers receive water in the tropics not from soil or wood, but from moist air. Orchid is more demanding for frequent and abundant watering. Fragmipedium. But other representatives of this plant ( Wanda, Phalaenopsis, Miltoniopsis, Cymbidium and Vuilstekeara) are less capricious, require moderate watering.

More often, an orchid without a substrate can be seen in long glass flowerpots. When watering, pour water to the base of the orchid, immersing only the root system in it, and leave the plant alone for a few minutes. After that, completely pour out the liquid and wipe the vase dry. If particles of moisture or a small amount of liquid remain at the bottom, the roots will begin to rot and gradually die off. In the dry summer period, such watering is recommended to be carried out every 3 days, and in winter time reduce it to once every 5-7 days.

Orchids, especially the Phalaenopsis genus, are popular among flower growers. To make the plant happy abundant flowering all year round you need to take good care of him. It is especially important to properly water the orchid, regardless of the type and variety.

Competent and timely watering will ensure the health of the plant, its development and flowering. The stage of its development affects the timing and volume of watering an orchid growing in a pot: at the stage of flowering, active leaf growth and reproduction, the plant's water needs are different.

Principles of proper irrigation

Often, those who grow an orchid at home are sure that it needs abundant watering and irrigation. Although this plant is native to the tropics, excessive moisture is detrimental to it. The frequency and method of watering, the stage of development of the plant and the quality of the water matter.

What water to water an orchid

The water temperature should not be lower than +18°С, the optimum is +30…35°С. Plain tap water contains impurities harmful to domestic plants: residual chlorine and mineral salts. To make it suitable for watering orchids, it is defended for 3-4 days.

For extra softening tap water can be mixed with distilled water in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:1 if the tap water is of medium hardness. Pure distillate is not suitable for irrigation.

It is even better to use softened, boiled, rain, purified or melted water.

But rainwater is suitable for irrigation only if it was collected outside the metropolis, because, passing through the air, it adsorbs poisonous gases, heavy metals and others. harmful substances. The rainwater collected outside the city is stored in a cool dark place(cellar, refrigerator), so that microorganisms do not develop in it.

Boiling softens tap water. This is the simplest and affordable way preparation of water for irrigation.

If an additional fine filter is installed in the house, which frees tap water from microorganisms, salts, chlorine and other impurities, it can not be boiled or defended before use.


To improve the quality of water, substances such as garlic juice, potassium permanganate, succinic acid.

  1. Watering orchids with garlic water is carried out to stimulate flowering. In addition, garlic, due to its antiseptic properties, disinfects the soil. To prepare the product, 6 medium cloves of garlic are squeezed out in 0.5 liters of settled water, the container is tightly closed and left to infuse for a day. The finished infusion is filtered and diluted in a bucket of warm, settled water, into which the flower will be immersed. The infusion can be applied 2-3 times a month, except for periods of rest and flowering. 2 weeks after stimulation, a new peduncle should appear.
  2. Watering orchids with succinic acid is carried out in order to accelerate the rooting of shoots, stimulate flowering, increase the resistance and adaptogenicity of the plant to changes in conditions. environment. A solution of succinic acid is used for resuscitation of plants affected by temperature changes or other stressful situations. It is best to use the product during a period of intensive growth (spring and summer), but not in winter, when the plant is at rest.
  3. Succinic acid can also be added to the garlic solution. To prepare the remedy, it is easiest to buy succinic acid in a pharmacy in tablets. In 1 l hot water dilute 1 tablet of acid. Ready solution can be stored for no more than 3 days. Use it like a garlic solution.
  4. Weakly pink solution of potassium permanganate is washed with roots during transplantation or during plant disease for disinfection. The tool is in some way a source of potassium.

Before watering, it is important to enrich the water with oxygen. To do this, it is poured from container to container.

How often to water

It is impossible to determine exactly how many times a week you need to irrigate orchids. Watering this plant strictly according to the calendar is fundamentally wrong. The frequency with which orchids are watered is affected by the state of the plant, the stage of its development and the state of the substrate and roots for a given period of time.

The flower cannot be in the conditions high humidity constantly. This leads to root rot and other diseases. To determine that it is time to water the orchid, you need to take into account the following signs:

  1. The substrate is dry. The easiest way to assess its condition is in a transparent pot. If there are no drops of condensate on its walls, and the substrate light color, the plant can be watered. In order for the bark particles, which are often used as filler for orchids, to be moistened, it is best to use the immersion of the flower pot in a container of settled or boiled water.
  2. The roots became light and acquired a silvery hue. Well hydrated roots are bright green in color. As they dry, they lighten up. When all the roots become silvery, the flower can be watered.
  3. If the pot is opaque, you can take into account its weight. After drying, the pot with the substrate becomes significantly lighter. You can make sure that the flower needs to be moistened by sticking a wooden stick into the pot. If it stays dry, it's time to water the plant.

Proper watering Phalaenopsis orchids also depend on the condition of the plant. At rest, it rarely needs to be moistened - 1 time in 2-3 weeks, during the period of active growth of green mass and flowering - more often, 1-2 times a week. In the hot season, the flower is watered more often, as the substrate dries out faster.

After shopping in the store

First of all, after the purchase, you need to make sure that there is enough in the pot drainage holes. If this is not the case, they can be made with a hot nail. For the first time, the flower is watered only 7-10 days after settling in a new place.

Since the phalaenopsis orchid tolerates drying out more easily than waterlogging, such an exposure allows both the substrate and the roots of the plant to dry well. The humidity in the room should be within 75%.

In the store, flowers are watered with water softened and disinfected with special means, so a simple tap orchid may react negatively.

During the flowering period

Irrigation of orchids at home during flowering should be done more often. Although the condition of the roots and substrate is still important, the plant will need to be watered 2-3 times a week, as during this period it prefers moist soil.

In summer, in a room with a humidity of 75-80% and a sufficient amount of light, you need to water orchid phalaenopsis every 5-7 days, in winter, when there is not enough light - every 7-12 days.

At the same time, excessive watering can lead to the death of the buds. Therefore, despite the increase in the frequency of watering, you should not use the immersion method every time. If the substrate is still wet, simply moisten it a little from above. Once a week, potassium-phosphorus fertilizer can be added to the water for irrigation.

in winter

In winter, like most houseplants, orchids go dormant. metabolic processes in the cells slow down, the needs are reduced, so watering the flower more often than 1 time in 2 weeks is not required.

It should be understood: an orchid needs to be watered if it needs water. How to do it in winter - here they use the same methods as described above. But due to the fact that the roots of the plant absorb moisture more slowly in winter, it is better to use the immersion method during this period. It is important to let the water drain well from the roots before returning the flower to the windowsill. In winter, this place is always colder, so the plant should be protected from temperature shock due to temperature changes.

Watering the plant with a shower in winter is best in evening time. The flower should be left in the bath all night to allow the water to drain well. This will help prevent rotting and mold development in the pot.

In the spring, the plant wakes up, the metabolism in the cells accelerates, and the need for moisture increases. Therefore, with the onset of heat, watering is more frequent.

After transplant

In the process of transplanting, the roots of the plant are washed in a light solution of potassium permanganate. Since this whole process is stressful for the plant, it will need a few days of rest. It is not worth watering the orchid abundantly immediately after transplantation. It is enough to put the pot in water for 20-30 minutes.

The first full watering is best postponed for 14 days. If the substrate is too dry, it is enough to irrigate it with a spray bottle. The first watering after transplanting is best done using a pallet or individual pots.

Top dressing of orchids after transplantation is carried out during the first moistening of the soil; it will be possible to repeat the application of fertilizers only after 21 days.

How to water an orchid at home 4 main ways

Consider the most popular and effective ways glaze indoor orchids photo step by step.

Sprinkling showers

It is convenient to water the phalaenopsis orchid at home with the help of simple soul. The water temperature can be quite high: up to +40°C. For irrigation, the temperature is checked at the elbow bend - the water must be tolerable.

Pouring warm water from the shower imitates tropical rain, which orchids cannot but like. With its help, the leaves are cleaned of dust, and the roots - from possible pests. After the shower, the flowers are left in the bathroom to steam under conditions of high humidity and temperature, and the excess liquid is glassed. The growth point of the leaf axils should be dried with a dry cloth.

Once a month during the warm season, it is recommended to arrange a hot shower for orchids. This procedure helps to bring the plant out of a stressful situation, is a good stimulation for the formation of new roots and peduncles, prevents the appearance spider mite. The water temperature should not be higher than +52°C.

As a result of such bathing, there is a large absorption of moisture by the leaves and roots of the flower, which stimulates the formation of new cells and the metabolism in plant tissues. The procedure is carried out as follows: water the flower with warm water, leave for 30 minutes, and then completely irrigate for 30 seconds hot water. Hot showers are used only for stimulation healthy plants, because patients from such a procedure may die.


Watering orchids by immersion allows not only to qualitatively moisten the substrate. This best method for feeding the plant and treating its roots with various stimulants and antiseptics.

Humidification by immersion is carried out as follows: a flower in a pot is placed in a container where warm prepared water is poured. It is important that the neck of the plant remains above water. The orchid can be left in this position for 15 minutes or more.

If you overexpose the plants in water, edema forms on the leaves; affected leaf blades will have to be removed. After the set time has elapsed, the plants are removed from the container, the excess water is allowed to drain completely, and then placed in the usual place.

For watering by immersion, you can use any container, including a planter - an orchid pot without holes with a concave bottom. The cache-pot should be bigger flower pot. For watering, the pots are completely filled with water, after the set time it is drained. The high bottom allows excess moisture to drain off.

Watering with a watering can

Orchids do not tolerate watering from above. This is due to the ingress of moisture into the rosette and leaf axils, which, in turn, leads to decay. Therefore, for top watering, you need to use a watering can with a long narrow spout, which allows you to evenly moisten the substrate under the leaves.

Slowly water the soil and do this until water appears in the pan. Her remains can be left in it. Moisture that has fallen into the axils of the leaves and the growth point is removed with napkins or a cotton pad. This method is not suitable if a large number of roots are in a free state - due to insufficient moisture, they will dry out.


Spray orchids from a spray bottle with distilled water. It does not leave streaks on the leaves. At the same time, moisture should not be allowed to enter the flowers and buds, stagnation in the axils of the leaves and in the outlet. When spraying, the jet is directed either from the bottom up or perpendicular to the trunk.

A wet plant needs to be shaded - water drops will serve as lenses, which will lead to the appearance sunburn on the sheets.

In winter, irrigation is carried out in rooms where, due to the operation of the heating system, the air is dry and the temperature rises to +25°C. If the room is cool, it is better to refuse spraying.

The procedure is carried out in the morning, so that by the evening the leaves are already dry. In summer, if necessary, irrigation can be carried out twice a day.

Watering with fertilizer

In order for orchids to always bloom, they need to be regularly and properly fertilized. Top dressing is carried out only during the period of active growth and flowering; in winter, the plant does not need it. Sick and weakened flowers should not be fertilized.

In early spring, when the flower grows green mass, it especially needs nitrogen, and when budding and flowering, it needs potassium and phosphorus. Top dressing is always combined with watering the plant so as not to burn dry roots.

Root fertilizer is applied as follows. First, the flower is watered by immersion - to evenly moisten the roots. Then, according to the instructions, the fertilizer is diluted in clean prepared water and the orchid is placed in it for 20 minutes. It is important to allow excess solution to drain completely from the pot.

For foliar feeding use special means in the form of a spray. In cloudy weather or in the evening in a room without drafts and at a temperature not lower than room fertilizer spray on leaves from both sides and visible roots. Fertilizer should not accumulate in the sinuses and outlet, fall on the peduncle.

Watering errors

Main possible mistakes when watering orchids:

  1. Overflow. The substrate and roots of the plant should have time to dry completely between waterings.
  2. The accumulation of moisture in the axils of the leaves and the rosette of the flower, which leads to its decay and death.

Attention: An orchid is not a simple home flower that is grown in pots. An orchid is an epiphyte, a plant that lives on a tree due to moisture from the air. However, it is not adapted to absorb nutrients from the substrate.

So she gets her nutrition in most cases from the sun and water. in addition, it should be borne in mind that the roots of the plant after heavy rains are immediately blown by the wind, and are in a dry state for a long time.

When watering at home, you need to take into account a very important factor - sunlight, the more it is, the more abundant the watering. As soon as the activity of the sun and daylight hours decrease, the orchid falls into a dormant period and watering becomes moderate. Do not also forget that epiphytes are able to accumulate moisture in the root system, and then gradually use it. And if at home a wet substrate is constantly in a pot with a plant, the roots will begin to be affected by rot (read how to properly water an orchid in a pot or in a flowerpot).

In addition, there is another factor that should be considered when watering - the type of plant.. For example, Phalaenopsis, Lady's slipper, Miltonia and Cymbidium practically do not tolerate the lack of moisture and drying out. Their roots must be constantly moistened, while they do not tolerate stagnant water.

But Dendrobium, Oncidium, Cattleya and Odontoglossum prefer to be watered only after the substrate is completely dry.

There are a few mistakes beginner growers make that should be considered:

  1. overflow. Despite the fact that the homeland of orchids is the tropics, they do not tolerate waterlogging. For them, soil moisture is not important, rather, you need to pay attention to air humidity.
  2. hard water. Watering the plant with tap water, flower growers ruin it. The orchid is used to eating soil moisture, which is enriched with mineral salts. You need to water only with soft, melted, rain or boiled water.
  3. Watering from above. It is impossible for moisture to stagnate in the axils of the leaves, they can rot, which will lead to the death of the orchid. Therefore, watering must be carried out special.
  4. Untimely watering, which does not take into account the period of active growth of the plant. As soon as the plant goes into hibernation, watering is reduced to a minimum.

Watering frequency

It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, since everything depends on the growing season, air humidity and temperature conditions. During certain periods of growth, the orchid requires more moisture or less. We can only say one thing - it is better to water the orchid rarely, but plentifully.

When growing orchids without experience, you can focus on the recommendations: in the summer 1-3 times a week, during the dormant period 1-2 times a month. Gradually, you can develop your own watering schedule watching your beauty.

About how often you need to water an orchid, it is said in.

How to understand that the plant needs moisture?

There are certain signs that allow you to determine whether it is time to water the orchid or not.

  • The pot became light. Often beginners find this method very difficult, but if you gain some experience, then by weight it will be very easy to recognize whether it is worth watering the orchid.
  • There is no condensation on the inner walls of the pot. This method works well if the orchid grows in a transparent pot.
  • Lightening roots. If the orchid has green roots, then the orchid has enough moisture - if it turns white, then it's time to water.

Advice: A simple moisture test of the substrate can be done. Take a wooden skewer and pierce the soil, if after you pull it out it is dry, you can safely water the plant.

What water to use?

For an orchid, the quality, composition and temperature of the water is very important.. If in nature it feeds on rainwater in which there are practically no salts and acids, then the moisture entering the apartment through pipes contains almost the entire periodic table, which can affect the ability of the orchid to fully bloom. What water to use for irrigation? To avoid unpleasant surprises, only purified, soft water should be used for watering orchids, from which all impurities and heavy metals have been removed.

You can boil water, then:

It should be said right away that upholding cannot give positive result, because it takes a very long time to get rid of impurities. As for the microflora, it will develop on the contrary. Do not use distilled water for irrigation, as it does not contain any nutrients . Such a liquid can be sprayed with plants, diluted in it mineral fertilizers. It will also be useful to heat the water to a temperature of 30 degrees.

Read about what water to water the plant.

Step-by-step instruction

Watering must be carried out strictly according to the instructions, otherwise, due to inexperience, you can destroy the plant. First, let's prepare everything you need:

  • a lot of warm water;
  • grid with holes;
  • transparent dishes, slightly larger in diameter than a flowerpot with an orchid;
  • plant in the pot;
  • a watering can for watering flowers or a mug;
  • old thick towel

Rules for watering orchids by immersion:

  1. Set the flower pot in the prepared, empty dish.
  2. Carefully begin to water the plant from above, trying not to fall on the leaves. In this case, water flows into the container in which the pot is installed.
  3. As soon as the liquid level closes the orchid pot by a third, leave the plant for 5 minutes.
  4. Then we start watering again until the liquid level reaches two thirds, stop and wait another 6 minutes.
  5. Then we add water in such a way that 1 cm remains to the edge of the flowerpot. Leave the plant for 9 minutes.
  6. In total, the orchid pot will stand in water for 20 minutes, this is enough for the substrate to become saturated with moisture.
  7. We take out the flowerpot with the orchid and place it on the grate, under which lies a thick towel. We leave the plant for half an hour - this is enough to glass excess water.
  8. Watering the orchid is finished, you can transfer it to a permanent place.

Important: It is worthwhile to strictly monitor how much time the flower spends in water, and how much is needed for the stack, since moisture stagnation in the substrate will lead to rotting of the roots and death of the orchid.

What watering is considered correct?

Proper watering is very important for the plant. In the case of an orchid, it is better not to add than to overfill.. If at home the orchid is in constant conditions without temperature changes, then you can water it at any time. If it is cool at night, then watering is transferred to the morning. In this case, the frequency of irrigation depends on:

Proper watering means doing so that:

  • water did not stagnate in the substrate;
  • the plant spent more time in dry soil than in wet soil;
  • watering was carried out by placing a flowerpot with an orchid in the water.

Watering is not correct if the orchid is constantly in a wet substrate, and moisture stagnates at the bottom of the pot. It is also wrong to water the flower from above when water stagnates at the point of growth and in the axils of the leaves.

If condensation is visible on the walls of the flowerpot, and the roots are wet, thick and bright green, then the plant should not be watered - it has enough moisture.

Results of improper watering

Disease and root rot result from improper watering.. If the plant is sick, then there is only one way out - a transplant, with the removal of damaged areas.

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Inexperienced flower growers sometimes face such a problem - orchid flowers and buds wither and crumble, or the peduncle simply stops growing. To prevent this from happening, you need to know how to water the orchid during flowering.

Watering orchids during flowering is even more important than at other times in their life. It takes a lot of strength to form and bloom flowers, and this food exotic flower receives only from water and air, and not from fertile soil like the plants of our latitudes. Experts advise watering orchids at home when the substrate is completely dry and the roots turn white.

How often you have to water depends on many reasons - on air temperature, humidity level, degree of illumination, and the life period of the plant. In addition, the rate of moisture absorption, its assimilation by a plant differs in different varieties. There is no exact schedule, an attentive owner will determine it himself while caring for his pet. If this usually happens 1-2 times a week, then a blooming orchid will have to be watered more often, maybe 3-4 times. Irrigation is usually combined with plant nutrition with mineral fertilizers.

A warm shower is arranged if the tap water is rather soft or a watering can is used. The pot is placed in a bath, watered, bypassing the flowers, with water with a temperature of up to +40 degrees, then left until the excess water drains from the pot. The axils of the leaves need to be wetted with a napkin, and the flower can only be returned to the place when the humidity and air temperature in the bathroom are equal to the conditions of the room.

Caring for "Phalaenopsis" during flowering in room conditions involves all these types of watering, the main thing is that water does not fall on the flowers and does not remain in the axils of the leaves.

Flowers growing on blocks are soaked by immersing the entire plant in water except for the flowers themselves. After 15 minutes, the plant is taken out, slightly shaken off, the axils of the leaves get wet. Suspended varieties are watered by immersing their roots in warm water minutes for 15-20.

Spraying an orchid

When flowering "Phalaenopsis" it can be sprayed to increase the level of humidity. If watered better in the morning, then spraying is usually done during the day. Water should also be used only clean, soft and warm, a couple of degrees warmer than air. Around blooming orchid it is necessary to maintain a sufficient level of humidity, if the substrate does not dry out, and the leaves are wet all the time, then the duration of flowering will be drastically reduced - after all, orchids do not bloom during the rainy season in the tropics. Spraying should simply maintain the right level of moisture in the air. Care must be reasonable.

It is better to use a small nozzle of the sprayer, to direct water - to the leaves or around, the ingress of moisture on the flowers contributes to their destruction.

What threatens improper watering

The orchid loves moisture, especially during the flowering period, but waterlogging the substrate can lead to root rot. If you water the plant when drops of condensate are still collecting on the walls of the transparent pot, the substrate will compact, its ingredients will begin to rot, this will lead to a deterioration in the condition of the roots, and hence the whole plant. This should not be allowed, because the orchid will stop blooming, it may even die if you miss the moment of transplantation, which is possible for salvation.

To insure against decay of the substrate, it is sometimes recommended to water the plants with water with a small amount of potassium permanganate. But it is better to carefully check the condition of the substrate before each watering, its top layer dries out quickly enough, and at the bottom of the pot it can still remain wet, in which case it is better to wait with watering.

One of the most important factors influencing the development of a plant is proper watering. All flower growers should know about this. This is especially true for orchids, since each variety has its own characteristics in terms of watering. Remembering the features of watering all types of orchids is not so difficult, because their differences are insignificant. For example, Dendrobium and Oncidium do not like wet soil, while Cymbidium, Odontoglossum, Paphiopedilum and Phalaenopsis, on the contrary, prefer to bloom in a wet substrate. For the full development of plants, you need to have information about proper watering. More about this and will be discussed in this article.

The plant can bloom several times a year. The process begins with the “sleeping” buds gradually awakening, and then a peduncle is formed. Soon the opening of the buds that have formed on the peduncle occurs, and to sunlight a young flower begins to stretch. As a rule, the latter blooms during the day, after which it can develop for several days. First, those buds that are located near the very edge of the peduncle bloom. The peculiarity of orchids is that they bloom in inflorescences consisting of a large number of flowers, which can be up to 80 pieces (depending on the type of plant).

There are varieties of orchids different colors from bright white to dark purple tint, decorated with various veins and specks. Flowers have a very pleasant and delicate aroma. The orchid will decorate the house, but at the same time it will not annoy its inhabitants with a pungent smell.

Important! Orchids can bloom for 3 months, although sometimes the flowering period is delayed up to 5. In rare cases, the flowering period can be as long as 8 months.

Orchid seed prices

orchid seeds

What determines the duration of flowering

Proper maintenance and care of an orchid can affect how long you can enjoy the sight of lush inflorescences.

Table. Factors on which the duration of flowering will depend.


Orchids, like most indoor plants, love light. With its deficiency, "sleeping" buds will not be able to wake up, although the growth of leaves will not stop. Orchids will not bloom.Place the plant no further than one meter from the window. In this case, you need to protect the orchid from direct sunlight.

Despite the fact that orchids are considered residents of the tropics, extreme heat can affect them in a negative way. The plant will still bloom, but will soon go back to "sleep" mode.It is desirable to withstand temperature regime in the apartment ranging from 1 to 22 degrees. This optimum temperature for plant development.

Low humidity is bad for orchids. This is due to their homeland - the humid tropics.Monitor the level of humidity in the room.

For fertilizing orchids, you need to use only those substances that contain phosphorus and potassium. Give this question a sufficient amount of time when choosing.It is not recommended to fertilize the plant very often, especially during the flowering period. A few times a week will be enough.

At frequent watering orchids, you can destroy the plant due to the death and festering of the root system. Also, improper watering can lead to bud drop. As a result, the plant will stop flowering.Try not to water the plant too often and follow the recommendations regarding this issue.

There is one rule that every orchid owner must adhere to - it is better to underfill the plant than to flood it. Most of them can tolerate minor droughts well. When flowering, the frequency of watering is slightly different from the usual mode. During this period, you need to water every 3 days. At normal times, the plant is watered 4 times a month, given the soil moisture. This is done as follows: for 6-8 minutes, a pot with a plant is immersed in a small container filled with water.

Soft water should be used, so it is advisable to take care of this in advance. For example, rain or melt water may come in handy. If you did not manage to get one, then you can take boiled one. At the same time, it must be cooled down: water with a temperature not higher than 37 degrees is used for irrigation. You can also use a spray bottle for additional spraying of the plant.

Watering schedule can be affected by air humidity or the season of the year, so perform this procedure more often if the air is too dry. Therefore, you do not need to focus on the exact amount of time between watering the plant, since all recommendations are approximate.

Important! The whitened roots of the plant are a kind of signal for watering. This can only be determined when it "grows" in a transparent container. In other cases, you need to stick a thin wooden stick into the ground to determine soil moisture. If the stick is dry, then you need to water the plant.

For ordinary chlorinated tap water will not work. Need clean and soft water without salts, chlorine and impurities. Rain is perfect, but before use it needs to be further processed. Otherwise, you run the risk of introducing various infections into the soil in addition to the water itself.

About improper watering

First of all, with improper watering, the root system will suffer, as a result of which the leaves will begin to fall off and wither. Let's look at the main reasons.

Too little watering

The main factor that you should consider in the irrigation regime is the dryness of the soil. This is what you need to build on, because there is no strict time interval between waterings. The size of the pot can also affect the frequency. Slower substrate will dry in big pot, therefore, for growing orchids, it is advisable to use only small and narrow containers to prevent root rot. Rare watering can cause the root system to dry out.

Too frequent watering

For optimal growth of an orchid, care must be taken to create the necessary conditions for this. They should be similar to the tropical climate, since the birthplace of orchid plants is just there. Water the orchid so often that the earthen lump has time to dry well before each procedure. Otherwise, if you perform uncontrolled watering, the root of the plant may simply rot.

If there is no flowering

Orchid is very whimsical plant, so sometimes it may not bloom. What needs to be done in such cases to awaken the “basic instincts” of the orchid?

  1. Check the room temperature. If it is too dry and hot there, then the plant will not bloom, as it has gone into a state of "sleep". Adjust the temperature in the house, as mentioned earlier.

  • Check the frequency and process of watering the plant. An orchid can dry out from a lack of water or, conversely, “drown” in its excess. Check the soil for moisture before each watering.
  • Pay attention to fertilizer quality and frequency. It is worth noting that the first time since the purchase of an orchid, you do not need to fertilize it with anything. Otherwise, a large amount of salts will accumulate in the soil, from which the orchid will certainly not be delighted.
  • There is a possibility that to the plant you killed has already bloomed in the store itself, and after the purchase, the period of dropping flowers came. Here you just have to wait.
  • Substitute the orchid under a warm (not hot) shower to create the illusion of a rainstorm in the tropics. In her homeland, flowering begins from the moment the rainy season in the tropics ends. After a shower, be sure to wipe the stems and leaves of the plant with a napkin.
  • An equally important stage in the life of a plant is proper care after the completion of the flowering period. The orchid peduncle will turn black and dry out a little after flowering, so it should be carefully trimmed and removed. It is cut under the very base of the plant. The frequency of fertilizing gradually decreases, as does watering. For example, in winter period you need to water the orchid no more than once a month, but at the same time you need to spray it regularly from a spray bottle.

    Important! A flower may stop blooming when it needs a transplant. In order for the plant to bloom again, it must be rearranged to another window sill. The same must be done if the leaves are wrinkled and turned yellow, or if the peduncle is not produced.

    Now you know how to water an orchid during and after flowering. If you follow our recommendations, you will soon be able to enjoy the beautiful view of blooming orchids.

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